How to avoid falling under the influence of the evil eye. Do not fall under the influence of other people's emotions How not to fall under the influence of others

Don't share your energy!

In contact with


Every day we come across people who, although they don’t put their hand in our pocket, are setting their sights on something that no amount of money can buy. Our life energy is constantly being stolen, but why this happens and how to cut short a presumptuous vampire - alas, we were not taught in schools.

You - for me, I - for you

It’s no longer a secret that a person is not only a material body, but also a sum of energies, many of which have been known to scientists for a long time: these are electrical radiation from the brain, neutrons and neutrinos that make up atoms, and, of course, bioenergy or bioplasma .

Bioenergetics experts claim that people always exchange energy, even when they sleep or are silent. We feel the interaction of our energy field with someone else’s subconsciously and react by changing either our mood or physical state.

If it’s easy and pleasant for you to be with a person, if you have something to keep silent about, then energy metabolism Your relationship is set up perfectly, you “feed” each other, and both benefit from it.

But if you feel irritated, sudden loss strength, anxiety or even sudden pain, it means that there is an energy eater next to you. Bioenergy is necessary for everyone, like blood and lymph. But sometimes it is sorely lacking. There may be several reasons for such a shortage.

These are: serious illness, old age, severe fatigue.

However, nothing exhausts people more than negative emotions: irritation, anger, greed, anger, guilt, jealousy.

It is they who create “holes” in our energy field, and it is through them that power “leaks out.” And having lost a lot of their energy, people inevitably begin to look for how to replenish its reserves.

Voluntary assistance to a vampire

Notice how exhausting a simple morning bus ride can be. Dozens of the same aggressive and tortured citizens, standing next to you, are just waiting for someone to take out their irritation on and from whom to “intercept” the missing energy.

The more susceptible you are to the general mood, the more you risk being “eaten up” by your fellow sufferers. In calm, joyful people, the biofield is balanced and resembles a golden egg - it is difficult to break through such a “shell”.

But this is precisely where the hungry “vampire” sees his task. Therefore, he will try to unbalance the potential victim.

The recipe is simple: They will try to make you angry. In a fit of anger, you yourself will throw out your emotions and with them most of your energy. You can also get the desired “treat” through fear: fear creates “holes” in a person’s aura.

Penetrating through them, the energy glutton begins its feast. Often we lie down on the sacrificial altar voluntarily! “I have no one to turn to except you,” “I’m so unhappy,” - which of us, seeing the tears of our friends, did not rush to offer consolations?

And now you have opened up, and your energy leaves you, like from a broken gas cylinder. After working as a “vest” you always feel terribly tired and indifference to everything.

However, you can find an unwitting vampire in even closer surroundings. If you fall for accusations that you are a bad mother or an unworthy daughter, then you lose the strength to self-flagellate.

This opens the way for a vampire relative. None of your loved ones sets the goal of taking away more energy from you and harming you. This happens on a subconscious level.

The positive thing life together is that the family automatically “feeds” us energy when necessary.

Is there something wrong

No matter how harmonious the energy balance of a married couple may be, no one is immune from unexpected disruptions.

Anxious wives feel that something is wrong with their husband, but they cannot understand what it is. In most cases, seeing that a man has begun to invest less personal energy in the relationship, the wife “makes a diagnosis”: he has fallen out of love.

Do not rush to sound the alarm and make claims. Think about what these changes may be connected with: perhaps the husband began to get tired at work or gets sick, the reason could be a crisis situation at work, or problems with relatives.

Often a man just needs rest, psychological comfort or solitude. So help him. But a scandal is the most reliable way to pump more vital energy out of a person.

The emptiness that you subsequently experience is not caused by the exchange of offensive words, but by the loss of a significant amount of strength that went into fueling the screaming.

And if you are the regular instigator of scandals, then we can safely say that you “feed” at the expense of your husband, son, father, etc. In many families, scandals become a frequent occurrence due to the fact that spouses do not know any other way to exchange energy.

And yet he is in a simple conversation, in making love, in walking together...

Flowers of life

Children under 3-4 years old can be identified as a special risk group: they have weak energy protection, so they are highly dependent on the mood of their parents. True, they restore their energy balance faster than adults.

And if a child begins to be unreasonably capricious, weakens and turns pale, the reason may be the vampire nearby.

Sex heals!

In order not to be either a robber or a victim, you need to monitor your energy potential: replenish it regularly, control emotions and stress, make sure that you constantly have at least small positive impressions.

There are several ways to maintain the correct energy balance. For example, through relaxation, yoga, meditation. Prayer and other techniques of self-absorption or turning to higher powers are very powerful means.

Let us remember that sex is one of the most ancient ways to exchange energy: the fusion of yin and yang creates a completely special being - self-sufficient and happy, who does not seek anything, does not strive for anything and is in bliss.

Paradoxical as it may seem, they can also charge you with energy. physical exercise(running, exercise equipment, swimming, etc.). The main thing is not to overdo it.

If possible, walk barefoot on the grass, contemplate fire or flowing water, and do not deny yourself trips to nature. Communication with trees and flowers restores your mental balance.

Football, sauna, beer...

An old, proven way to make up for a constant lack of energy is to get an animal or decorate your home with flowers. Any plants (with the exception of vines, orchids and many “swamp” species), pets not only delight the eye, but also heal the soul.

The energy invested in communicating with friends will not be lost either. Fields of like-minded people work in the same rhythm, calming and complementing each other.

This means that gatherings with friends are necessary for your health in the same way that your husband needs football, a bathhouse and beer. Don’t forget about cute little hobbies and your own corner in the house, where everything is saturated only with your energy and there are no extraneous influences: even if this tiny saving paradise fits only in a chair.

Kolobok, Kolobok, I will eat you!

But what to do when you have already become the target of an attack and a hungry “vampire” is chattering its teeth at your nose?

First of all, try to put a barrier between you. A chair, a tree, a fence or a dog on a leash will inevitably cool the “glutton’s” ardor. If unsuccessful, increase the distance separating you.

If you were unable to face the danger while standing, and the adversary took the next chair or sat down at your table, cross your arms in front of your chest, intertwine your legs, or show this person the muzzle (so as not to inflame passions - behind your back or in your pocket).

Grandma's old methods work flawlessly. If there is no way to stop the energy drain immediately (for example, it is caused by a parent's illness or a child's growth difficulties), make this process conscious.

Mentally send your loved ones not irritation, but love. Think about your mother or angry husband, mentally repeating “I love you and wish only the best.”

Oddly enough, the grumbling will immediately stop, the anger will subside. And by sharing your love, you will not lose anything: the one who gives love receives it strengthened many times over.

By the way:

Bioenergetics claims that our shortcomings are rings and loops through which the vampire, throwing his tentacles, pulls our energy. And if there is nothing to cling to, it won’t hook.

So being good, kind, sweet means ensuring your own safety.

Probably, many of us have had to deal with such situations when you do something, but at the same time there is a strong feeling that it is not worth doing. But you still force yourself because you are afraid that you will look at best stupid in front of others. This situation can happen in a store when you are forced to buy an unnecessary thing; this could be a situation at work, when you seem to have taken on the duties of someone else, you understand that you shouldn’t do this, but it’s still some kind of unknown inner strength makes you do it. If you remember that a similar phenomenon took place in your life, then it is most likely that you have encountered manipulators on your life’s path.

We will call manipulators those people who often use hidden forms of psychological influence in their lives, forcing them to make some decision that is beneficial to them against the will of the executor himself. Psychological science describes many types of manipulators who, in one way or another, try to change the behavior of another person. It should be noted right away that there is another part of people who are also capable of forcing another to perform this or that action, but their internal motive will be that they act in the interests of the other. These people are called catalysts. The main difference between a manipulator is that he always - or almost always - acts only in his own interests, often hiding behind noble motives. It is not so easy to calculate it. Without special training and knowledge about the psychology of manipulation, it almost always goes unnoticed.

The first thing we should pay attention to is that the manipulator always strives to achieve his own goals by using other people. For him, the people around him are nothing more than a means of achieving certain benefits. This alone largely determines his inner world, the fact that he is not sincere in his own affairs. A truly believing person will value another, his essence will manifest itself in the fact that he will wish for another the same thing that he wishes for himself. From this we can see the special difference between a sincere person and an insincere person. Of course, such people can also be found among Muslims, and this may serve, albeit not directly, but as an indirect manifestation of the insincerity of such a person in matters of worship.

The second thing that interests us is the general classification of people who use hidden influence on others. It should be noted that the spectrum of manipulative influence is very wide, and all manipulators can be divided into two large groups: active and passive. Active are those who always use active methods of influence, who in one way or another try to predict the reactions of another, to calculate the likelihood of one or another reaction desired by the manipulator. Such people always need complete information about the object of manipulation. Precisely the object, since other people are not perceived differently by them.

Probably, many of us are familiar with the unpleasant feeling when you buy something, knowing in advance that you don’t need it, but you can’t help but buy it. This usually happens when you end up with a seller who actively uses methods of hidden influence. For example, when you ask about the price of something you like, but don’t particularly need, such a seller will not tell you its price, no, he will behave differently. Namely, he will answer you with something like: “Oh, this thing is expensive for you, it’s not with your ability to purchase it.” Naturally, such a phrase will offend you, cause bewilderment, and more importantly, it will make you want to prove to this unfortunate saleswoman that you are the one whose capabilities allow you to purchase it. This is exactly the reaction that the manipulator is counting on; it is important for him to hurt your feelings, to make you want to prove something. Remember how awkward you felt as a child when someone told you the time-tested phrase: “What, weak? Prove that you are not a weakling." Many people fell for this manipulator's bait. They proved to someone that they were not weaklings, that they were the ones who could answer the Challenge.

Another equally common trick among merchants is to interact with the item you like as if it had already been sold to you, as if you were already its owner. For example, you want to buy a jacket and start looking at it. At this time, the seller invites you to try it on, unpacks it (at the same time making it seem as if it will be impossible to pack it back), puts it on you, fastens all the buttons, etc. The essence of this technique is to evoke the buyer feels guilty for the inconvenience, that he made these multiple sacrifices for your sake. As a result, he expects you to feel extremely uncomfortable in front of him, and this feeling would not allow you to refuse the purchase. The most important thing is to understand that everything you saw and heard is nothing more than a well-acted performance by one actor. Remember that you do not owe anything to the seller, his main goal is to sell the product as quickly as possible; you have a different goal: to buy the thing that you not only like, but also fits your budget.

Similar situations may arise in the meat market. Some sellers, seeing that you have shown interest in a particular piece of meat, immediately begin to weigh it for you, some even begin to chop it, while asking you what pieces, small or large. Everything is arranged as if you have already agreed to purchase his product. If you find yourself in a similar situation, then you should not take this or that product unless you have your consent. Let him chop it, unpack it, or perform any other manipulations; this in no way obliges you to take what is offered to you.

In general, the range of actions of active manipulators is very wide; it is difficult to describe all possible psychological tricks is not possible within the framework of one article. The only one the right way to recognize it is our own feelings. If you understand with your mind that you shouldn’t do something, but hurt pride or any other feeling forces you to do it, then you can conclude with a high degree of confidence that you have come under the influence of psychological manipulation.

All of the above concerned the actions of active manipulators, but there are also so-called passive manipulators. Don't let the word "passive" fool you into thinking that this is a weak type and will be easy to deal with. In fact, a passive manipulator will be more active than any active manipulator and in a clash with an active one will definitely gain the upper hand. This is an even more dangerous type.

The only way to exert this type of psychological influence is to demonstrate your complete helplessness. Yes, it is feigned helplessness that is his universal key to influencing others. This is due to the fact that all his activities are aimed at influencing the altruistic feelings of others, their desire to be useful to someone, their sense of self-worth.

The most famous of the passive manipulators is conventionally designated as the “Helpless Personality.” This type always shows their increased dependence on others, moderately underestimates their own importance, and demonstrates the inability to act or make decisions independently. All his actions are aimed at making the object of manipulation show a desire to take custody of him and do something for him. In the end, he always wins, gets what he wants, not from one, but from the other. The psychological literature describes a type of manipulation called “Monkey on the neck.” Its essence is demonstrated by the following example. The boss instructs his subordinate to contact one institution with an application for any service. After some time, the boss asks this same subordinate about what stage his assignment is at now. In response, the subordinate tells him that he is very insignificant for resolving such complex issues, and emphasizes that if he himself, that is, the boss, with his authority would contact that institution, the issue would be resolved immediately. In response, the boss replies: “Okay, we’ll figure it out.” Time passes, and the subordinate looks into the boss’s office and asks: “Well, how’s it going, haven’t you sorted it out yet?” As a result, we see that now it is not the boss, but the subordinate himself who is interested in how the work entrusted to him is progressing. There are many such examples; the repertoire of hidden influence is wide and multifaceted.

Naturally, one gets the impression that being a manipulator is beneficial because you achieve your goal. Yes, with good practice, a manipulator almost always wins, but when he wins, he always loses. As a result, he remains lonely, because one does not stay with such a person for long. After all, if he himself sees in all people only objects of manipulation, then, in the end, he himself becomes an object, but not a person.

This article required to read for those who are in relationships with the most dangerous type of men - narcissists. Studies have shown that 10% of girls already at the age of 20 had contact with a narcissist. Both men and women are narcissists and they have certain characteristics.

Knight in shining armor Duke Narcissus.

A narcissist is an easy person to love because they will appear confident, stable and ready to support us at any time. However, they often themselves create the situation from which you need to be “rescued.” This type of man is not uncommon, but they disguise themselves.

Daffodils artfully break all your usual supports that saved you before meeting them, so you have no choice but to turn to them for help. This is how you fall into their trap.

You're slowly but surely getting tight dependent from a narcissist. There is a feeling that you are not you can take care of yourself yourself, thereby strengthening your attachment.

The narcissist loves not you, but himself in the reflection of your eyes

You start to feel like it's just the two of you against the world.

The first step in the game of alienation is to create a Romeo and Juliet prototype connection with you, you begin feel, that it's you two against the world. Gradually, you become paranoid, thinking that others want to make you unhappy, trying to harm you and separate you from your loved one.

Only with Romeo you can be happy, and he saves you from these evil people who are trying to hurt you. The narcissist's main goal is for you stayed only with him, therefore, if you hear from your man a good reason for phrases in style, then this is the first bell:

“Don’t talk to her, she’s not your friend, spend more time with me and not with your friends”

No, this is the ringing of bells, which means that you have met. The manipulator creates such an atmosphere that you begin to feel that he is the only one you can truly trust. Actually this is not true.

We've all been in relationships where we start to neglect old friendships, but if you're in a relationship with a narcissist... you may lose not only friends, but also family. One of the goals that a narcissistic man has is deprive you all so that you have time only for him, he will not spare even your family. By isolating you from everyone, they take away your resources and support, making you more dependent. They may even tell others that you are crazy or unstable.

The narcissist knows your weaknesses and keeps you in in limbo

Narcissus knows your weaknesses therefore, he uses against you what will hurt you as much as possible, in order to destroy everything that you value. For example, you hear phrases such as “If people knew you as well as I do, they would never communicate with you. You would be disgusted by them” or “If you do this, then I will take your children away from you”, “These people don’t like you, they are good, but you are not”, “Only I treat you well, others will wipe their feet on you "

Narcissists love to keep in limbo, and always give you an aggravating feeling of guilt. Do you know what you are good man, but you always do something wrong, for which you are constantly reprimanded. Just give the narcissist a reason to criticize you, believe me, he will not miss it.

The narcissistic personality is absorbed in contemplation own beauty, self-importance or own suffering and, with the help of a psychoanalyst, rapturously savors it, sitting comfortably on a bed of sadness.

Confusion and self-doubt

All these manipulations start small and get worse and worse. A narcissistic man does everything to make you think that everything is fine, to tire out your self-preservation instincts and you will not see that there really is a problem. You start to notice that Is there something wrong, but the narcissist does everything to make you think what you think.

If you make accusations against a narcissist, they will shift the blame onto you. As a result, you will have thoughts: “It’s not he who is bad, but me,” “I was the first to start the conflict, he was only defending himself.” When this happens, it means gone process of internal destruction. The purpose of this game is to confuse you so that you start doubting yourself. When this happens, you have lost and lost yourself.

You won’t be able to find any logical explanation for some of your partner’s actions - yesterday he said that you have a beautiful new dress that fit you like a glove, and the next day he declares that it makes you look fat, and it didn’t stop you from losing weight so that against its background it will not look like a gray mouse. You will be kept in limbo so that you will completely lose your way.

Narcissists distract your attention

The final and most skillful element of the narcissist's manipulation is abstraction. They intelligently direct your attention in the direction that is beneficial to them. They act as skillfully as magicians.

Narcissus distracts you from important problems and leads you astray, directing your attention in the direction that it benefits him. Such actions lead to the feeling that your conversations and problems have no meaning.

How to recognize and break free from the influence of a narcissist

Take care of yourself, develop your personality.This is important in any relationship - develop your personality, do not lose close friends, no matter what, do what you love and do not deviate from your goals.

Do what makes you feel you stronger, conquer the peaks, even if they tell you that you can’t handle it, and when you succeed, be sure to praise yourself. If you become a strong personality, then you will be able to resist the narcissist at an early stage and even not allow such a person to approach you at the dating stage.

If you have already fallen under the influence of such a person, then fight, you will be led astray, humiliated and manipulated, but you can handle it.

Analyze your partner's strange actions

To fully understand the situation, you need to keep in mind all the points that have been described above. Analyze your partner’s strange actions if, while reading the article, you found out your partner or friend, then you need to save yourself.

Pay close attention to your safety and emotional and physical health. Trust in this matter is an important factor, listen to yourself, which will help you recognize a narcissist.

How to break free from the influence of a narcissist

If you recognize a narcissist, then it is not enough to just take care of yourself. It is necessary to fight it. He will leave and then return (they always come back), manipulating you, blaming you for all your troubles, threatening you, feeling that they are losing control over you.

You are dependent in this relationship, you need to admit this, as soon as you accept this, then your treatment will begin from this stage. Read, which will tell you how to realize and get rid of codependency. There is also a situation when your partner is not only a narcissist, but also

If you can't cope on your own, then there is no shame in ask for help. If your boyfriend/girlfriend finds himself in this situation, then you can save him and isolate him from the narcissist, but this will not be easy. The narcissist will do whatever it takes to get rid of you, to deal with him you will have to really want to help.

The Myth of Narcissus

Even the ancients had a story about a narcissistic young man. The instructive story tells about a pretty young man - Narcissus, who was in search of love. He had such a high opinion of his beauty that he even refused the beautiful nymph Echo. Soon after this, Narcissus accidentally noticed his reflection on the water. Unable to take his eyes off the picturesque face, he remained frozen in one place. Subsequently, a flower of the same name grew there, reminiscent of excessive self-love.

Thanks to the myth, self-centeredness, which is destructive for humans, received a sonorous name. The collective image of a narcissistic and arrogant personality was ideally embodied in an ancient legend. A short parable was able to convey the essence - the pretentious and distorted self-perception characteristic of all narcissists. Let us consider the phenomenon of narcissism in more detail.

Is narcissism a syndrome?

First of all, this is a complex mental disorder that causes harm not only to the “carrier”, but also to others. The matter is not limited to just inflated self-esteem and an inadequate need for people’s admiration. A person really thinks that he is superior to others (even relatives and partners). A narcissist demands special attention and royal privileges. He behaves arrogantly in society and treats its participants with contempt. Beginning in adolescence, the self-adoration of such people subsequently goes beyond all boundaries. A person develops obsessive fantasies about imaginary greatness. And high self-esteem does not justify this. For narcissists, it is rather inflated, not necessarily based on specific achievements in life.

The spectrum of mental disorder is quite large: from a “normal” narcissist to a pathological disease. The phenomenon can be classified as follows:

1. Constructive narcissism

This type of disorder is classified as so-called “healthy” manifestations. The need for dominance, communication and attention, one way or another, is characteristic of many of us. And it is not at all necessary to accuse all public people (athletes, politicians or actors) of excessive narcissism in advance. It is quite possible that a person simply wants to reveal his talent, help society, and realize healthy ambitions. The only exceptions are those people who achieve a high position in society in order to dominate others. By the way, this is the most common type of narcissism.

2. Vulnerable narcissism

This type of disorder is somewhat less studied because its representatives are difficult to identify. Behind a social mask and ostentatious bravado, they hide low self-esteem and mental vulnerability. Unlike the constructive type, vulnerable narcissists are afraid to show themselves in public: their sensitivity to criticism is too high. However, like the self-obsession of loved ones. Even phlegmatic and inconspicuous guys believe in their uniqueness and do not allow any doubts about it. However, they are easier to upset than public narcissists. Their self-esteem is shaky.

3. Narcissistic personality disorder

The extreme degree of development of narcissism is its pathological form (NPD). In this case, a person’s egoism goes off scale beyond all moral boundaries. The behavior of a narcissist is akin to the habits of some wild animal. He easily makes reckless and immoral decisions, reacts aggressively to fair comments, and distorts even obvious facts in his favor. Such self-affirmation at the expense of others brings a lot of suffering to the loved ones and partners of the narcissist.

Narcissism and its symptoms

You can put together a number of factors that in one way or another influence the formation of a narcissistic personality:

1. Genetic factors (heredity really matters);

2. Biological (in individuals with NPD, scientists have discovered a lack of gray matter in the area of ​​the brain responsible for emotional behavior);

3. Social (if a strict parenting style can give impetus to the development of hidden narcissism, then constant praise is a constructive type of illness).

Excessive sensitivity, experiences of violence, family problems or permissiveness can also cause the development of the disorder. The onset of the disease can be determined by characteristic signs:

Grandiose conceit and the illusion of one’s own exclusivity;

A sense of superiority and, as a result, a tendency to exploit others;

Absence of the slightest sense of guilt for the heinous acts committed.

The narcissist skillfully devalues ​​others, and at the same time idealizes himself. This brings him some peace of mind. He is really concerned about his own image in the eyes of others, and does not allow criticism of it. He is in constant search of values ​​and status things that confirm his reputation as an exceptionally highly developed person. This is a supporter of bohemians, the elite class. A priori, a narcissist must be able to break any rules. All orders of a powerful person must be carried out unquestioningly, and motives must not be questioned. This is his credo.

At the same time, a person’s self-esteem may be unstable and fragile. The protective redoubts of the grandiose Ego sometimes so obscure the real personality that a person himself cannot understand himself.

Perverse narcissism and its treatment

Not every narcissist will cause outrage if he is somehow offended. Many people with signs of NPD try to fight their disease. However, there is also a category of people who are truly dangerous to society. They are called perverted narcissists. A feature of the psyche of such children is a tendency to moral violence in all its forms. Abuse is often accompanied by a distortion of the present state of affairs. By constantly turning a partner's words and arguments inside out, a perverted narcissist can easily drive him to suicide.

At the same time, they do not choose weak or inherently complex people as victims. Perverted narcissists are interested in successful representatives of the human race, full of health and strength. They squeeze their juices out so much that victims still have to heal psychological trauma for many years. Despite good camouflage skills, a perverted maniac can be identified by the following signs:

Negative attitude towards former partners, shifting responsibility for the breakup onto their shoulders;

Inability to admit one's mistakes, as well as a tendency to judge and criticize others;

The narcissist’s persistent desire to live together, to tie a partner to himself;

Visible deterioration in well-being, problems with psychosomatics after the start of a relationship with a perverted vampire;

Skillful imitation of human emotions along with the manifestation of reactions more likely to be characteristic of an animal or a psychopath;

Pathological envy coupled with a thirst for appropriation;

Taking pleasure in the suffering of others;

Conscious position of the victim to develop a guilt complex in the partner;

Denial of reality, avoidance of responsibility.

The goal of a perverted narcissist is to make others love him more than himself. Like a leech, it attaches itself to a person’s energy. At the first stage of the relationship, he uses the tactics of the “candy-flower period.” Treats you to your favorite dishes and gives valuable gifts. However, the feeling of inner insignificance, desperate envy and the illusion of one’s own greatness take their toll over time. Negative feelings spill out like an icy shower onto the “beloved” person. Communication becomes terrible, respect for the personality of the other disappears somewhere, and behavior becomes inexplicable from the point of view of ordinary logic. Instead of a loving partner, a ruthless monster appears.

Such a drastic change is necessary for the narcissist to make his victim feel guilty about what is happening. The methodical destruction of a partner's self-esteem, his humiliation and declassification are only occasionally replaced by outbursts of a complacent mood. These short-term “honeymoon” revivals are needed only to keep the partner close, to form codependency.

Then comes the second stage of unhealthy relationships: the narcissist actively uses mental blocks and insidious tactics. Coldness in relationships, irrational attacks of anger, torture by silence, threats of separation, ridicule of the partner's sensitivity, demonstrative non-compliance with one's obligations, accusations of dramatization - all this is in the arsenal of a perverted maniac. He seeks to depersonalize a previously healthy human personality in order to completely subjugate it to himself.

Narcissism in women

The excessive ambition of women with NPD is immediately noticeable. They spend an enormous amount of time and money on caring for themselves and treat their partners with conscientiousness. They try to choose caring and sensitive men for themselves, so that they can then mercilessly exploit them. They have absolutely no respect for them, they almost directly call them rags. At the same time, they don’t consider it necessary to earn their own living; they look for sponsors. One more distinctive feature Female narcissism can be considered problems in relationships with their own children. There is no relationship between mother and child true love. Women often demand too much and do not rest on their laurels. Parental narcissism does not bring joy to children in life. Men, at first, admire their arrogant ladies.

Narcissism in men

If you look at the statistics, NPD is more often observed in men. It all starts in adolescence and then progresses slowly and surely. The peak of the disorder usually occurs after 35, when a person achieves high status in society. He gets the opportunity to assert himself and prove his exclusivity to everyone around him. Male narcissists openly use their women to climb the social ladder. In borderline forms of the disease, they become domestic tyrants and moral abusers. However, by doing so, the two-faced guys only bring the moment of their loneliness closer. Not every woman can withstand their regime.

Narcissism and forms of its treatment

Since we have already dealt with the behavioral patterns and key symptoms of NPD, we will now present ways to treat it. The difficulty of the latter lies in the fact that narcissists rarely turn to professional psychologists. They have difficulty admitting that they have problems. Most often, these guys come to the appointment because of a conflict with their partner. An experienced clinician will quickly recognize the behavior of a narcissist while observing their interactions.

Another reality that psychologists have to put up with is the impossibility of radical personality change. In the process of therapy, it is only possible to change a person’s attitude towards his own behavior, to open his eyes to the damage being done to all parties. Treatment can be considered successful if the client begins to better understand his meager emotions and discuss them with others. Learns to take responsibility, abandons exorbitant and unrealistic goals. Tolerant of other people's and own mistakes, and adequately perceives criticism. However, bypassing the narcissist's defensive posture is very difficult to achieve. Sometimes you have to play giveaway - demonstrate your respect in every possible way to regulate a person’s self-esteem.

Treatment should take both individual and group forms. During group therapy, the patient learns to perceive and respect human dignity.

Narcissism and personality transformation

Freud wrote about pathological self-love in a negative aspect at the beginning of the century. Narcissism in psychoanalysis was viewed exclusively pejoratively: the patient was denied the opportunity for successful therapy due to his emotional impenetrability. In other words, they put an end to the person’s personality and rejected the person. Narcissism, according to Freud, has long served as a fundamental basis for psychological research, but further practice has shown the master’s judgments to be erroneous. Scientists have identified key disturbances in the interaction between the ego and the true personality, and have been able to classify mental disorders more structurally. Narcissism began to be considered not only in clinical psychiatry, but also in ordinary psychoanalytic offices.

Professionals have begun to recognize the objective reactions of a person with NPD who has gone through a specific traumatic experience. Determining a person's true identity allowed therapists to talk about the possibility of personality transformation. Moreover, the modern world initially sets unrealistic standards that undermine the human psyche. Nowadays you need to be smart, rich, forever young, etc. to keep up with the times. The inability to be perfect undermines self-esteem and provokes mental problems in a person. Social media They may not directly cause narcissism, but they contribute in every possible way to its development. The narcissist, like any other person, gets an excellent opportunity for self-expression. At the same time, the level of his protection on the Internet increases many times: he can erase a negative comment or remove an unwanted interlocutor at any time. Low empathy finds its justification in virtual etiquette. And the show is exclusively positive aspects contributes to the consolidation of the disease.

Despite the fact that doctors now allow the treatment of mental disorders, internal self-improvement and transformation of a person is often an overwhelming task for him. A conscious and strong desire of the narcissist himself is necessary in order to achieve significant success in this direction.

Lately, people are increasingly wondering what the evil eye is, what its effect is, and how to protect itself from it. This growth of interest in these issues is dictated by the fact that in modern world became increasingly interested in extrasensory perception in principle and black magic in particular.

Without going into details, the evil eye is the negative energy of another person that violates the integrity of the biofield. This greatly undermines the normal functioning of the body as a whole: a person quickly gets tired, he physically does not have the strength to fight life’s circumstances. This is expressed both in the psychological state and in the physical state.

The whole insidiousness of the evil eye (as the evil eye is often called) lies in the fact that the person from whom the negative energy comes may not at all want to harm another, often this does not depend on him. The danger of incurring the evil eye more often lies in wait for women and small children, since, as a rule, they are looked at with admiration and involuntary envy.

Young mothers need to remember that babies in the first year of life have absolutely no biofield of their own, and accordingly, there is simply nothing to protect it from the negative energy around. Only mommy acts as such protection. However, it happens that the baby also lacks her biofield. Previously, small children were carefully protected from prying eyes and until the age of one year only the closest and most loving people could see him.

How to find out if you have been jinxed

In general, the influence of the evil eye can be expressed in different ways. However, some of them are much more common than others. Among them: sudden, causeless changes in mood, disturbance of psycho-emotional mood. Often such a person begins to be irritated and enraged by everything, he begins to react inadequately to what is happening - either he shouts at everyone without objective reasons, or he simply begins to cry with or without reason, although previously he had not been noticed to be excessively tearful.

It is very important to remember that negative energy is much more dangerous than it might seem at first glance. In addition to the fact that it can destroy the biofield of other people, it can also be directed against the person himself who radiates negativity. You need to carefully monitor not only your words and actions, but even your thoughts.

If a person who emits negative energy has a strong biofield, then the influence of his evil eye can even have a physical manifestation. As a result, the target may experience a sharp rise in temperature, diarrhea, severe headaches, hypertension, heart disease and other health problems.

In addition to women and children at risk of receiving unpleasant consequences public people enter from the evil eye. Among them are artists, teachers, doctors and representatives of other professions who, due to their duties, are forced to communicate with a large number of strangers.

Also unprotected are, paradoxically, successful, healthy and beautiful people. Since other people's luck and success, one way or another, always give rise to envy, it can even be involuntary.

If a person who has always previously been lucky and everything worked out suddenly begins to experience failures in all areas of life (work, family, home, etc.), for no apparent reason everything just falls out of hand, most likely, there was someone else involved. then the evil eye. People far from magic call this period a black streak in life. However, you should always remember the everyday saying: there is no smoke without fire. There is always an explanation for such a turn of events.

Methods of protection against the evil eye

It should be noted that the evil eye, despite the seriousness of the influence it can have, is considered a rather elementary type of negative impact. This means that absolutely any person, having certain knowledge, can independently protect himself from the negative energy of others.

To do this, there is no need at all to run to psychics, magicians, and healers. However, before carrying out protective rituals, it is necessary to make sure that the biofield is no longer disturbed by any influence of the evil eye or damage.

It must be taken into account that the evil eye can have different strengths of influence, and its strength can also be reduced by the own internal energy of the person at whom the negativity is directed. However, it would not be an exaggeration to say that every resident of a large populated area, at least to some extent, bears someone’s negative energy.

For the time being, she may not show herself in any way. But over time, the concentration of such negativity will reach its peak and external manifestations will not keep you waiting.

It follows from this that before protecting yourself from the evil eye, you must carry out a diagnostic ritual that will show how pure the biofield is at the moment. Then all accumulated negative energy must be cleared. There are also many rituals for this. And only when you have absolute confidence in the integrity of your energy, can you carry out protection for the future.

It must be said that it is much easier for religious people to cope with the evil eye than for atheists. It doesn’t matter what kind of faith it is, the main thing is that it brings peace and consolation to a person, so that prayers give strength. This, in fact, is the main protection against the influence of the evil eye. For those who have not yet found a suitable faith for themselves and are at some crossroads, certain rituals and talismans will help.

First of all, in order to reduce the likelihood of sending a negative message towards yourself, you need to minimize contact with those people who can send it in your direction. To do this, you need to carefully listen to your state after communicating with the people around you.

After meeting an energy vampire, a person experiences a sharp change in mood, not for the better, and a loss of strength. This may not yet be the evil eye, but in this state the chances of getting it significantly increase

If you have to communicate with stranger, especially with a large audience, it is necessary to take certain poses that will protect the biofield. This could be crossing your arms over your chest, or in a sitting position, cross your legs.

If you suspect who exactly may be experiencing unpleasant feelings towards you, avoid eye contact with him, but under no circumstances turn away from him completely. You should clench your fists tightly and try to direct your gaze downward.

As for various protective rituals, the key to their successful implementation primarily depends on faith in their action. If there is even the slightest bit of doubt, the event will not have the desired result.

You shouldn’t choose the first ritual you come across. It’s better to study as many of them as possible, since there are plenty to choose from. And, listening to your intuition, choose the one that will inspire maximum confidence and calm.

If you have already performed a certain number of rituals, but still have not felt any relief, it makes sense to find a professional magician who inspires trust.

Remedies against the evil eye

Preventing the influence of negative energy is quite simple, you just need to know how. For example, while walking down the street, you felt an unkind gaze on you from behind. You need to quickly turn towards him, while holding your hand behind your back with your thumb, middle and ring fingers bent.

A fairly popular remedy for the evil eye is a safety pin, which is pinned to clothing closer to the heart so that it is not visible to strangers.

If you believe in the power of wearable symbols, then even bracelets made of red threads, which need to be changed periodically, can protect you, since they are the ones that collect all the negativity.

There are certain ways to protect not only oneself personally, but also the space in which a person lives. For example, above the entrance to the house you can hang a small sachet with herbs, among which there must certainly be bay leaf, dandelion, St. John's wort, thistle, onion, and garlic.

These are methods of preliminary protection against the evil eye. If the release of negative energy in your direction does occur, you need to carry out cleansing rituals. The most effective rituals are those performed with salt.

You can pour a small amount of it into a glass container, light any candle, and move it clockwise over this container to read the spell 12 times. Its text can be found in any specialized source. After the plot is read for the last time, you need to spit over your left shoulder three times, throw the salt out the open window and immediately close it.

Prevention of extremist manifestations among youth.

According to the provisions of the Federal Law “On Combating Extremist Activities” No. 114-FZ of July 25, 2002, extremist activity (extremism) is, among other manifestations:

Inciting social, racial, national or religious hatred;

Propaganda of the exclusivity, superiority or inferiority of a person on the basis of his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

Violation of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of a person and citizen, depending on his social, racial, national, religious or linguistic affiliation or attitude to religion;

Public calls for the implementation of these acts or mass distribution of obviously extremist materials, as well as their production or storage for the purpose of mass distribution;

Financing of these acts or other assistance in their organization, preparation and implementation, including through the provision of educational, printing and material and technical base, telephone and other types of communications or the provision of information services;

Unfortunately, the threat of extremist and terrorist manifestations still remains relevant, the range of illegal manifestations is expanding, and the involvement of new members in associations of a destructive nature is being carried out with increased activity.

Often, ideas propagated by members of destructive organizations and associations are presented in such a way that even a mature person finds it difficult to understand their essence. This is especially difficult when the idea is supported by freely interpreted or taken out of context quotes from the scriptures, videos that justify violence motivated by hatred against persons of a different nationality, religion, or social status.

The majority of registered extremist crimes are related to the spread of ideology (materials on the Internet, leaflets, printed publications, graffiti, oral public statements).

The main trends currently are:

Increased efforts by individuals whose actions are aimed at attracting new participants in organizations of an Islamist (not related to traditional Islam, but using the substitution of traditional concepts of this religion) orientation (including those prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation).

Thus, in 2016, the activities of extremist community, operating on the basis of a local religious organization of Muslims, distributing prohibited literature, as well as electronic versions of books via the Internet, and conducting sermons. According to the court verdict that entered into legal force, 2 members of the community were found guilty of committing crimes under Art. 282, 282.1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.

In addition, organizations that use the distorted ideology of other religions (for example, pseudo-Christian ones) also take active steps to involve new members in destructive activities by organizing lectures, seminars, and distributing various manuals and materials.

The problem of the spread of nationalist ideology is still relevant. As a rule, groups of aggressive youth are formed on a territorial basis or through social networks.

In addition, in modern society, groups have formed that fight social problems of society using illegal methods. The position of law enforcement agencies on this matter is clear: it is necessary to combat socially dangerous phenomena using legal means. By committing violent crimes, even with good intentions, a person becomes on a par with criminals.

In order not to become a victim of various dubious preachers or unscrupulous political figures, it is necessary to study your history, culture, religion, know your rights and respect the rights of other people. If you know, you cannot be misled.

In all difficult situations, it is necessary to think critically, consult with loved ones, read literature, not give in to calls to participate in illegal activities, study different points of view on events, and not make rash decisions.

Photo: photos from free sources