Leg and foot massage at 10 months. Foot massage for children. Massage relaxing oil for feet

Foot massage for children is a very important procedure for a growing body. It is not only useful, but also pleasant. Babies love it when adults touch their feet. It is recommended to present such manipulations in the form of a game or displays of affection. After all, the more positive emotions children experience during classes, the better the effect of touch.

Why do children's foot massage?

The benefits of touching babies' feet have been proven by pediatricians and are indisputable. Medical procedures are considered one of the leading methods of combating (and sometimes the only) diseases diagnosed in children such as:

  • Flat feet.

If the baby has such problems with the feet, then only an experienced specialist should massage the child’s feet. The set of exercises is selected depending on the degree of development of the pathology and individual characteristics baby.

Parents can successfully perform preventive foot massage for children themselves. To do this, you need to learn simple movements from a pediatrician and perform the first session under his guidance. Preventive manipulations are recommended without fail for all children under one year of age. They are helping:

  • Increase the tone of the muscles of the feet.
  • Strengthen the baby's musculoskeletal system.
  • Prevent the appearance and development of foot deformities.
  • Improve blood circulation.

In addition, children's foot massage is useful for work. internal organs and crumb systems. After all, there are many different points and nerve endings located on the soles of the feet. When such zones are exposed, different parts of the baby’s body are stimulated.

How to massage a child’s foot: features of performing the procedure for children of different ages

When performing manipulations with the feet of infants, it is necessary to remember that their legs, like the body as a whole, have not yet become stronger and have not fully developed. Therefore, all touches should be extremely careful and light.

You can start massaging your baby’s feet from the second month of your baby’s life. At first, the movements consist only of weak stroking of the feet. During this time, children get used to the procedure. Do not forget that the manipulations must please the baby and bring him pleasure. Under no circumstances should you give a foot massage to a baby who is crying. The lesson itself should only last a few minutes.

At 4-5 months, light pressure and rubbing of the feet can be added to the stroking. They help activate blood circulation in children's bodies. Foot massage for a newborn at this age becomes longer, it can take up to 7 minutes. During manipulations with the feet, it is recommended to talk with infants; they already respond well to the voice of their parents and their facial expressions. You can tell a story or sing a song.

When performing a foot massage for children aged 8-9 months, toe twirling is added to the previously used movements. This technique should be performed very carefully. Children at this age are prepared for the fact that they will soon begin to stand on their feet, so the time of exposure to the feet is increased by a few more minutes.

As the baby approaches one year of age, the baby’s foot massage takes even longer. By this age, children’s legs are already growing, so it becomes convenient to work on it not all as a whole, but in separate zones. The impact is on the heel, arch of the foot, and toes. You can now safely tap your feet and work out your tendons through kneading and rubbing.

It must be remembered that at any age, a massage on a child’s foot begins and ends with stroking. However, manipulations should never be carried out if the baby has a fever or is ill.

How to massage a child’s feet: procedure technique

Preventive treatment of children’s feet should begin with the simplest movements, gradually increasing their complexity and increasing their duration. The age of the children must be taken into account. It is recommended to use the following set of exercises:

  1. Stroke the soles of the feet and their surface with the pads of your fingers.
  2. Rub your feet with light, almost imperceptible touches directed from heel to toe and back.
  3. Draw the number “8” on the sole with your finger. To do this, children's foot massage is performed using a spiral movement, covering the entire area of ​​the foot and crossing in the area of ​​its arch.
  4. Make circular rubbing clockwise and counterclockwise.
  5. Draw the number "7". A line is drawn under the toes under their pads, and then the touch goes down diagonally to the heel.
  6. Rotate your foot clockwise and vice versa.
  7. Bend your foot and straighten it.
  8. Rub each finger separately. Work from the nail to the base and vice versa.
  9. Carefully rotate and bend your fingers.
  10. Finish the session with light stroking from the toes to the ankle joint.

Depending on the mood of the children, the procedure time can be shortened or increased. Experts insist on the need to carry out manipulations daily. To enhance the positive effect, it is recommended to periodically combine lower leg and foot massage for children. It is also very useful to use various simulators and available tools.

Children's foot massage mat

Impact on the feet of children, as well as the prevention of various diseases of the feet, can be carried out using special floor devices. Children's foot massage mats are designed specifically for this purpose. Of course, they are suitable for use by little people who can already walk. Therefore, they are worth buying when the baby has already grown up and began to move independently.

How to massage children's feet using a mat? The procedure is simple. The restless person just needs to walk on the floor exercise machine, which has a beneficial effect on the foot due to the difference in relief heights. Such products are made in the form:

  • Animals.
  • Seashells, stars.
  • Fruit.
  • Corals.

The procedure is not perceived by children as a tedious, obligatory process. It turns into a kind of game, entertainment. You can lay a massage mat in front of the entrance to the children's room. The baby will step on the exercise machine several times a day, just running around the house.

Although doctors insist on mandatory massage for children under one year of age, this does not mean that older children do not need the procedure. The health of little people must be constantly taken care of, and their feet are a very important area, preventive treatment of which will help avoid the occurrence of many diseases and pathological conditions, as well as strengthen the immune system.

It can be done when there is no time for a full massage of the baby’s whole body. Below in this article, sequential manipulations are described on how to do foot massage for babies. The vast majority of them are quite suitable for children up to the third month of life, and for older ones. They are designed so that they can be done at any time - when you have easy access to a selected part of the baby's body, for example, during bathing, changing diapers or simply when you are sitting holding the baby in your arms. Before performing a massage, you must perform a series of steps.
Since young children have a strong need for physical contact, the proposed positions in which massage is performed satisfy this need as much as possible.

Massage of the child's lower extremities

Strengthening the muscles and improving the coordination of the child’s movements occurs gradually, along with his development, as if from the top, from the head, neck, to the bottom. Thus, the lower limbs of the child's body are the last to reach full development.
Young children are typically capable of a very wide range of movement possibilities. From sucking your toes to standing on all fours with your head touching the floor. These are skills that greatly exceed the capabilities of an adult. High mobility in the joints is directly related to the elasticity of the muscles: calves, thighs, buttocks.
In infants, the legs are bent and pinched downwards, as is the case with other parts of the body. Do not straighten them by force. IN right time the baby will do it himself. During bathing, massage or changing clothes, the baby's knees should be directed outward. Massage of the thighs, calf muscles and buttocks improves their flexibility, as well as coordination of movements, which always helps the child achieve correct posture. It is also worth paying special attention to the baby’s feet.

  1. Sit up straight, bend your knees slightly. Leaning your back against something, place the child lying on his back on your lap. His face should be returned to you so that his head rests on our laps. Take the baby by the shins and gently press him into the tummy with your knee. At the moment when he begins to push off with his legs, you should make it easier for him to move and give him the opportunity to straighten them. But don't delay. The movement must be repeated several times.
  2. Let your baby place his feet shoulder-width apart. Hold them by their shins and bring the soles of their feet closer to each other so that they meet approximately above the pubic bone. Gently pressing on one or the other of your baby's legs, gently rock them from side to side. Repeat the movement several times.
  3. Lubricate your palms with oil, clasp the baby's hips with their inside. Move them around your hips in a continuous, circular motion. Return to the starting position. The movement must be repeated approximately six to seven times.
  4. Lubricate the oil with your hands, and then cover the baby's legs under his knees. After this, slide your hands down along your calves right up to your ankles. The movement should be repeated a couple of times.

  1. Place your baby on his back on a soft surface facing you. Holding both of the baby's legs with one hand, you should gradually move them up towards the abdomen, so that the knees are shoulder-width apart. If the baby feels good in this position, stay for a while. At this moment, with your other hand, massage the baby’s buttocks, as well as the back of his thigh in the direction from the buttock to the knee joint. After this, you should change hands and repeat the movement on the other side of the child’s body.
  2. Place the baby on his tummy. Press his leg against his buttock. If the child is comfortable, it is necessary to hold it for a while, while gently massaging the knee of this leg and the front side of the shin with the other hand. The movement must be repeated for the other leg.
  3. Lay the baby on his back and, spreading the oil on his palms, carefully grasp the baby's leg so that one hand is under his thigh, the other on the ankle. Move one hand along the ankle, down, and then grab with the other hand. The movement should be repeated in a steady rhythm. Afterwards it should be repeated on the other limb.

Massage is beneficial for a child because of its complex effect on the entire body. Massage movements strengthen the muscle frame, improve blood circulation, and develop the sense of touch. A separate foot massage is carried out to form posture and improve joint mobility. Before starting home sessions, you should consult with your pediatrician to determine the presence of contraindications and determine the number of procedures.

They begin massaging the feet of infants when the baby is 2-2.5 months old, and be sure to take into account the peculiarities of the child’s foot. Newborns have very fragile bones and there is no fat layer on the foot, so it is forbidden to apply force to the legs.

Light relaxing movements are useful for babies: they evoke positive emotions, relax, and enhance tactile contact with parents.

The purpose and effect of the massage changes with the age of the child: the first three months of work are aimed at relaxing the flexor muscles. The next three months are about normalizing muscle tone and strengthening muscle tissue, then coordinating the work of different muscle groups. From 9 months to one year, the purpose of massage is to prepare the musculoskeletal system for walking.

The beneficial effects of massage are manifested in:

  • Development of movement coordination;
  • Improving brain function;
  • Formation of correct posture;
  • Improving breathing and blood circulation, metabolic processes;
  • Improving the functioning of the nervous system;
  • Reducing the risk of developing rickets;
  • Relaxation of the nervous system.

After regular foot massage sessions, babies get up faster and start walking.

There are many nerve endings and biologically active points on the feet, and working them out improves the child’s health. During massaging, the digestion process improves, the immune system is strengthened, and blood circulation is activated. Mechanical impact forms the correct silhouette of the foot.

Children continue to receive foot massage even after one year. Daily procedures strengthen the immune system, improve metabolic processes, and prevent curvature of the legs. 4-5 year old children are active and mobile, they need general strengthening procedures. Massage for a five-year-old child is aimed at preventing flat feet, scoliosis, and diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Massage for hallux valgus

Some children under the age of 3 have leg deformities. Valgus deformity is a change in the shape of the knee joint, which deforms the shape of the lower extremities. You can notice it when the baby stands so that his heels and knees are connected. When a child’s legs are deformed, the ankles are separated, and if they are close, the knees overlap each other. Simultaneously with the deformation, rickets can also affect the baby. Hypovitaminosis D leads to the development of rickets, which also affects metabolic disorders.

With X-shaped legs, the child is prescribed a course therapeutic massage. Its goal is to strengthen the muscle tissue of the thighs and inner legs, relax outside legs. During the workout, the back, lower back and buttocks are also involved. Regular sessions allow you to return your knee joints to their normal position.

Leg defects - X- and O-shaped deformation

Indications and contraindications

Massage is an active physiotherapy procedure that is used to prevent orthopedic problems, rickets, diseases of the nervous system, and strengthen the immune system. Procedures are prescribed not only for children infancy. For children over 1 year of age, home sessions are recommended for:

  • Flat feet;
  • Improper development of the musculoskeletal system;
  • Clubfoot;
  • Hypertonicity and hypotonicity of muscle tissue;
  • Curvature of the legs and spine;
  • High arch of the foot.

Procedures are also carried out for diseases that arise as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes and lack of movement.

Massaging children's feet is contraindicated if:

  • Skin diseases and hypersensitivity;
  • Acute stage of rickets;
  • Brittle bones;
  • High temperature;
  • Vomiting;
  • Diseases of the blood, kidneys, liver and digestive organs;
  • Tuberculosis and diathesis;
  • Acute forms of arthritis;
  • Diathesis;
  • Heart disease;
  • Hernias.

If your child has breathing problems, you should consult a doctor before the session.

Mechanism of influence on the body

Massage affects skin receptors, which leads to cutaneous-visceral reflexes. Their essence is that irritation of an area leads to a reflex increase in the activity of internal organs associated with this area. Activation of the nervous system stimulates the activity of the main functions and systems of the child’s body.

By improving blood circulation, the flow of oxygen, blood and nutrients to organs and tissues increases. Accelerating the movement of lymph leads to a natural and rapid removal of metabolic products from the body.

Mechanical impact on the skin provokes the active production of endorphins and growth hormones. The body relaxes, frees itself from muscle spasms and blocks. Working on the feet also stimulates the development of speech centers.

Massage techniques and techniques

When carrying out massage procedures for the legs, you should remember that the baby’s skeleton is not yet formed and consists of cartilage tissue. Rough, forceful and sudden movements can cause pain and lead to injury.

The massage begins and ends with stroking with the palms. This technique prepares the skin for more intense treatment and helps relax the muscles. Rubbing is carried out more intensively to work out the deep subcutaneous layers. When performing this technique, the tissues are shifted clockwise. Rubbing is aimed at reducing muscle tone, improving blood flow and warming up the tendons.

Kneading consists of exciting movements, squeezing and slight displacement of tissue. It is carried out with three fingers. This technique stimulates blood flow, reduces swelling and improves the functioning of the respiratory system. The next technique is vibrations. Rapid and oscillating movements cause tissue vibration, which calms the nervous system. Used in the treatment of leg diseases and injuries.

Rules for massage

The technique and features of massage depend on the age of the baby. In the first months of a child’s life, it is recommended to refrain from vibration movements. Over time, a light massage is replaced by a more intense one, its duration and variety of techniques increases.

How to do a massage correctly:

  • All techniques are performed in a supine position;
  • The massage is done with one hand, with the other hand holding the baby’s leg all the time;
  • All movements are carried out in the direction from the foot to the thigh;
  • Massage begins from the back surface;
  • The Achilles tendons, lower leg and thigh are worked on.

When working with the foot, first knead the baby’s toes, then the entire surface. Movements are circular and spiral, direction is from heel to toes and back. For foot diseases, children are given massage sessions with paraffin. Its use helps to warm up tissues, relax muscles, dilate capillaries and relieve pain.

Massage for deformed limbs is carried out as follows:

  • The lower back is massaged from the spine down and to the sides;
  • The buttocks and kneecaps are worked clockwise;
  • The back of the thighs and lower legs - from bottom to top;
  • Feet - on the back side of the toes.

How often should I use it?

The regularity and timing of the procedure depend on the age of the child and individual indications. If there are no negative reactions and special recommendations from the doctor, then sessions can be performed daily.

The first sessions should last no more than 5 minutes, and by 6 months the massage time along with gymnastic exercises reaches 20-25 minutes. The session begins an hour after a meal and 30 minutes before a meal.

Children's foot massage is a means of preventing the occurrence of many diseases of the musculoskeletal system, nervous system and digestion. Before giving a child a foot massage, you should consult a pediatrician to identify contraindications and possible restrictions. It must be remembered that children's bones are fragile, and careless movement can lead to injury. You can perform a massage yourself every day if there are no negative reactions. The main movements are in a circle, in straight lines, zigzag and wavy. The procedure should be performed with increasing intensity and always end with soft stroking movements.

Persistent deformation of the foot, which is expressed in flexion of its plantar side and an increase in its longitudinal internal arch. In other words, these are several elements of abnormal foot position that arise during intrauterine development and are present from birth.

The causes of clubfoot have not yet been fully studied, but most expert opinions agree on one thing: the most likely cause is possible intrauterine disorders in the formation of the soft tissues of the lower leg and foot.

They can be caused by various factors, ranging from mechanical and neuroimpulse effects, to heredity and ecology. Clubfoot is a very common problem and, according to statistics, boys are more susceptible to it than girls.

The primary signs of single-plane clubfoot are obvious and noticeable immediately after the birth of the child: the foot is turned inward, turned upward on the inside and, as it were, extended forward.

With a multiplanar foot deformity, the heel is noticeably pulled up, the foot is arched and also turned upward on the inside. In both cases, it is impossible to move the foot to its normal position. This fact is the main distinguishing feature of congenital clubfoot from foot deformity in neuromuscular diseases (where the foot is most often brought into the correct position).

Clubfoot is usually accompanied by changes in the muscles, ligaments, joints and bones of the foot, therefore secondary signs of congenital clubfoot include: twisting of the bones of the lower leg towards the lateral edge (torsion), transverse bending of the sole (inflexion) and varus deformation of the toes. The consequences of such an incorrect position of the foot are disappointing: during standing and walking, the pressure of the body's gravity on the foot is distributed unevenly, as a result of which one side is overloaded (shortened), while the other remains unworked (stretched).

Her ability to move freely is lost, mobility in the ankle joint is impaired, and the foot’s ability to absorb walking and jumping impacts decreases. If you leave everything to chance, the baby’s gait will be incorrect, with his toes inward, and because of this, coordination of movements will also suffer. It is difficult for such a child to compete with healthy children in outdoor games, participate in fun starts and other children's fun. Ultimately, in addition to physiological disorders, clubfoot can lead to psychological problems at the baby's.

We will definitely treat you!

Treatment of congenital clubfoot is carried out under the strict supervision of an orthopedist. With early diagnosis, corrective and therapeutic massage techniques, plus outpatient physiotherapeutic procedures, are used to correct the position of the foot. Doctors often prescribe special plaster casts and rigid splints that fix the foot and lower leg in the position achieved through treatment. At home, you can also practice elements of physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises and massage, classes.

In some cases, with severe forms of foot deformation, surgical treatment is used, especially in cases of “advanced” clubfoot in older children, since the problem usually worsens over time. As a rule, treatment begins immediately after discharge from the hospital.

As a subsequent preventive measure, children are recommended to wear special orthopedic shoes and continue to perform health-improving and therapeutic exercises in accordance with the age and physical capabilities of the child.


Due to the unequal condition of the muscle fibers on the back and front surfaces of the lower leg, as well as the back and plantar side of the foot, a special therapeutic massage is performed. The purpose of this massage will be to stretch and soften tense and contracted muscles - the inner head of the calf muscle, the Achilles tendon and the medial arch of the foot. At the same time, a tonic massage is performed on the stretched muscles: the outer head of the calf muscle and the lateral arch of the foot.

Preparatory health stage

Baby lying on his stomach

1. Massage of the lumbar region of the back - stroking, rubbing and sawing.

2. Massage of the buttocks - stroking, vigorous rubbing, kneading, pinching and patting.

3. Massage of the back of the thighs - stroking (from bottom to top, from the popliteal fossa to the buttocks), vigorous rubbing, light kneading and shaking.

Baby lying on his back

4. - performed clockwise, without affecting the area of ​​the right hypochondrium.

5. Massage of the front surface of the thighs - stroking (from bottom to top, from the kneecap to the groin area), vigorous rubbing, light kneading and shaking. In this case, the area of ​​the patella itself and the groin area are not massaged.

Wellness and treatment stage

1. Massage of the legs.

Baby lying on his stomach

Start the massage with regular stroking, performing soft movements in the direction from the heel to the popliteal fossa. Then massage the back of the lower leg (mainly the calf muscle). On the inside of the lower leg, that is, on the side of the curvature, the following relaxing techniques are used during the massage - light stroking and rubbing with the fingertips, gentle shaking and kneading, stretching and vibration. On the external side, during the massage, mainly tonic techniques are used - intense rubbing, slight sawing, vigorous kneading, light tapping.

Baby lying on his back

When massaging the front surface of the shin, all the techniques of tonic massage are used - vigorous rubbing, kneading, light pressure and finger tapping.

2. Massage of the ankle joint.

Consists of rubbing the joint area and circular rubbing of the ankles. A massage is also used that combines acupressure techniques on the area of ​​the junction of the ankle joint and the back of the foot with simultaneous dorsal flexion of the foot. In this case, it is necessary to hold the foot in the correct position, slightly turning its outer edge in the opposite direction of the curvature.

3. Massage the Achilles tendon.

To stretch and soften ligaments, stroking, kneading, sawing, stretching and vibration are most often used. acupressure thumb and forefinger.

4. Foot massage.

Baby lying on his stomach

Grasping the lower leg with one hand, bend the baby’s leg at the knee joint. Then, holding your foot, begin massaging its plantar side. During the massage, it is necessary to stretch the inner edge (tight muscles) and tone the outer edge of the foot (strained muscles). Remember that during such a massage it is necessary to give the foot the correct position, that is, fixing the foot on the back side, raising its outer edge.

Baby lying on his back

When performing a massage on the back of the foot, especially along its outer edge, tonic techniques are used - vigorous kneading, sawing, sliding, pinching, effleurage. At the same time, carefully place your foot in the correct position and bend it to a right angle in relation to the shin.

And again physical education

Therapeutic exercise is inseparable from corrective gymnastics and is carried out in combination with massage and thermal procedures.

Performing these exercises helps stretch the heel tendon and eliminate plantar flexion of the foot, and also helps to minimize the effects of curvature - elevation and abduction of the inside of the foot. In the first year of a child’s life, physical therapy most often includes performing only passive exercises and reflex exercises.

Passive exercises

1. The baby lies on his stomach. With one hand, grab the child's shin and bend his leg at the knee joint. Then, while continuing to hold the shin, with the straight palm of your other hand, perform pressing movements on the baby’s foot, bending it towards the floor, with the toe facing the back.

2. The baby lies on his stomach. While continuing to hold the child's lower leg in a flexed position, use your free hand to perform small rotational movements of the foot, carefully and smoothly lowering the inner edge and raising the outer edge of the foot.

3. The baby lies on his back or sits with his legs straight. With one hand, grab and press the child's shin to the table surface, fixing it with your fingers in the shape of a ring in the ankle joint area. With your other hand, grab your foot so that the plantar side rests on your palm. Gently bend the foot upward towards the back, while simultaneously pressing on its outer edge, turning it slightly inward.

4. The baby lies on his back or sits with his legs straight. Grasp the child's lower leg with your entire palm, fixing it and the foot at the ankle joint. With your other hand, grab your baby's foot so that the plantar side rests against your palm. Then carefully and very carefully perform unfolding movements, trying to move the foot outward, in the opposite direction of the curvature.

5. Continuing to fix the baby’s lower leg, repeat the unfolding movements of the foot to the outside, gradually lowering its inner edge and raising the outer edge.

6. The baby is lying or sitting. With one hand, grab the baby's shin from below and secure it in the ankle and heel area. Use your other hand to apply gentle pressure, pressing against the sole of your child's foot with your straight palm. Using your fingers, carefully bend the foot away from you to the back and at the same time turn its outer edge in the direction opposite to the curvature.

Pediatricians often recommend that parents massage their children's feet. Foot massage for children is a very pleasant procedure, one of the ways to learn about the world through new tactile sensations. It is also carried out with therapeutic purpose. In this case, massage helps the child get rid of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

The benefits of foot massage in childhood

Massage techniques affect not only the skin and muscles, but also the nerve endings. Massage helps relax the nervous system. The child calms down, stops being capricious and falls asleep easier.

In newborns, physiological muscle hypertonicity is observed. While awake, children behave restlessly, waving their arms and legs. Children's foot massage brings muscles to normal tone and eliminates muscle tension. It also helps prepare young children for walking and new activities.

Carrying out a massage for babies older than one year affects the formation of the correct arch of the foot and the prevention of the development of flat feet and other orthopedic diseases

Indications and contraindications for foot massage

Before the age of one year, foot massage is performed on all children. The procedure is prescribed for infants as a preventive measure, and for children over one and a half years old, more often for therapeutic purposes. The main indications for massage are:

  • pathological muscle hypertonicity,
  • flat feet,
  • clubfoot,
  • hallux valgus deformity of the foot,
  • hip dysplasia.

Children's orthopedic massage is carried out according to a certain technique. But at the same time, the technique for performing various diseases has its own nuances.

No matter how much positive aspects Despite massage, this procedure still has contraindications. It is not performed in such pathological conditions as:

  • high fever and infectious diseases;
  • rickets;
  • diseases accompanied by increased bone fragility;
  • skin diseases;
  • injuries and burns;
  • severe form of malnutrition;
  • restlessness and crying of the child, negative reaction to the procedure.

Features of foot massage for children of different ages

Children's massage is certainly different from an adult's, and it is very important to know how to properly massage children's feet. In the early childhood the musculoskeletal system is still unformed. And so as not to harm the baby, everything massage movements should be done easily and without force.

Massage for children includes the use of such basic techniques as stroking, rubbing, kneading, tapping and vibration. The session always begins with stroking, which helps to establish contact and prepare the child for further exercises. The massage ends with the same technique.

From the first months of life, the child is given the most basic massage techniques. Gradually, the massage technique becomes more complicated, new techniques are added, and the duration of the session increases.

Foot massage is performed for children starting from the age of two months. During this period of life, the child experiences physiological muscle hypertonicity. Massage helps balance the tone of the flexor and extensor muscles of the arms and legs.

At this age, you need to do the simplest massage techniques - stroking. The child is placed on his back. The masseur takes in left hand baby's shin. Thumb right hand light stroking movements are made from the heel to the toes (five to ten times).

Foot massage for infants may also include reflex exercises. With the thumb, quickly press on the child's sole at the base of the toes - in response to the stimulus, the child bends the foot. At the next stage, the thumb is drawn with force along the outer edge of the foot from the little toe to the heel bone - the baby reflexively straightens the toes. After kneading, the soles are moved to the back of the foot and the entire leg is stroked in the direction from the toes to the groin.

From the age of four months, physiological hypertonicity disappears. The child tries to make precise, directed movements with his legs. During this period, massage is performed to strengthen the leg muscles.

Begin the session with the usual stroking. After this, they begin rubbing, which is carried out with more intense circular movements of the hands. Next they add one more technique - beating. It is done this way: with the back surface of the straightened index and middle fingers you need to lightly hit the sole (eight to ten times). The technique is carried out in the direction from the heel to the toes and back.

At the age of five to six months, a new technique is added - kneading the lower leg and thigh. With the fingers of his right hand, the massage therapist clasps the muscles of the outer surface of the lower leg and, moving them upward, makes progressive kneading circular movements.

Kneading begins from the foot and towards the groin, then returning back. This massage can be done to a baby up to one year old. The procedure will help prepare the child to walk independently.

Massage treatments for children from one to three years old

Massage for children over one year of age is performed to strengthen muscles, ligaments and joints. This procedure helps the best way prepare the child’s imperfect muscular-ligamentous system for new loads and prevent the development of flat feet and other orthopedic diseases.

To strengthen the legs, massage a 1-year-old child is best done in the afternoon, when the baby is less active. First you need to treat the back surface of each limb.

Have your baby lie on his stomach. Start stroking from the foot to the thigh. Next, they begin to actively rub the skin of the thigh with the back surface of the fingers. When the skin turns a little red, they begin to knead the thigh muscles. Then they move to the lower leg and repeat stroking, rubbing and kneading.

The same techniques are performed on the other leg. Then they ask the child to turn over on his back and massage the front surface of the leg using the same principle.

The foot is stroked and rubbed using a comb-like technique, for which you need to spread your fingers and bend them slightly. All movements should be directed from the heel bone to the toes.

During rubbing, pay special attention to the Achilles tendon. Then they move on to kneading the inner and outer edges of the sole. In addition, you can carefully work on each toe. It is especially good to do this foot massage if the child walks on tiptoes.

The need for massage for muscle hypertonicity

Increased muscle tone in an infant may indicate both normal development and pathology of the nervous system. In children under three months of age, physiological muscle hypertonicity is observed. By six months of age, muscle tone returns to normal.

However, during the examination, the pediatrician is able to determine pathological tone, which may be a manifestation of a neurological disease. Parents also need to show the child to a neurologist if hypertonicity persists after six months.

Pathological hypertonicity can negatively affect the development of the baby and provoke the occurrence of orthopedic problems in the future.

Massage to tone the legs of a child should be careful and smooth. The session begins with light strokes from the foot up the leg, which cause muscle relaxation (eight for each leg). At the next stage, the legs are rubbed.

Then they begin to massage the feet, performing stroking, rubbing and reflex exercises. Finish the session with light stroking.

Features of massage for clubfoot

Treatment of clubfoot begins in the first weeks of a child’s life, since the bones during this period are still very soft and the foot can be brought into the correct position without surgery.

Massage is the first stage of treatment. The doctor stretches the leg with his hands and gradually corrects the position of the foot. After the procedure, the foot is fixed in the corrected (corrected) position and wrapped with a soft bandage. In case of severe degrees of deformation, a plaster bandage-boot is applied to the leg from the toes to the knee, which is changed every week until correction of the foot is achieved.

Features of massage for hallux valgus

Parents can identify hallux valgus in their baby by turning the toes and heel outward. This position of the feet leads to improper distribution of the load on the legs, causing the muscles to become tense.

The massage begins with kneading the lower back and sacral area, moving down to the back of the leg. Then they move to the anterior surface of the limb. Particular attention is paid to foot massage.

The procedure begins with stroking and rubbing the entire sole. Then carefully knead the inner edges of the foot and ankle.

Massage technique for flat feet

Massage for flat feet is carried out in order to form the correct arch of the foot and reduce tension in the leg muscles. First, massage the gluteal region and thigh. Then knead the shin, especially carefully inner surface. Next they move to the ankle, Achilles tendon, and from there to the sole.

When kneading the sole, the emphasis is on working out the inside of the foot and base thumb. It is also necessary to carry out exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles of the arch of the foot (rolling a ball, walking on toes and the outer surface of the foot).

Carrying out massage at home

Parents can give their children a hygienic massage on their own. This will help establish contact with the child and improve his health.

To carry out the procedure, you need to prepare a hard surface, for example, a table and lay a sheet on top. Make sure that the room is not cold or hot. It is also worth remembering that massage procedures are not carried out immediately after eating.

You need to perform massage movements smoothly. And even more so, you should not apply force or try to correct the position of the foot.

To consolidate the positive results of a massage with your baby, you need to do gymnastics. Remember, if a child has health problems, the massage should be performed by a specialist.

How to choose a good massage therapist

Orthopedic diseases in early childhood can be corrected very well with conservative treatment. A specialist who knows massage techniques for various diseases will help the child get rid of pathology. In addition, a competent children's orthopedic massage therapist will always teach parents the techniques of therapeutic massage, which they can do at home.

When you first meet a massage therapist, pay attention to his appearance. Hands should be well-groomed and nails trimmed. Wearing rings is also not allowed, as accessories can harm the client’s skin.

A good specialist knows how to find an approach to children. He performs movements smoothly, consistently. If the massage therapist makes sharp and rough movements, and the child cries, you need to stop the session and find another specialist.

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