Formation of correct posture and prevention of its violations in preschool children. How correct posture is formed in preschool children Formation of correct posture in children briefly

Hello, dear parents! We try to pay special attention to the development of the mental abilities of our children, forgetting about the physical ones. But by taking care of the spine, we make a significant contribution to their well-being. I decided to raise the issue of developing correct posture in children. preschool age.

According to statistics, 15-17% of preschoolers have poor posture, every third child aged 7 to 9 years, and 80% of middle and high school students. Osteochondrosis, flat feet, headaches, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract - this is an incomplete list of diseases that are indispensable companions to its disorders.

Spine of a preschooler

The process of developing correct posture begins in the womb and continues when the baby learns to hold his head up, crawl and walk. During the first four years of life, rapid growth of the spine and nervous system is observed.

The main thing to remember is that posture is a habit. Most often, the poses we take are a bunch of muscle habits that have developed over the course of our lives. Forming the skills of correct posture in the preschool years is of great importance - its foundations are laid while the spine is growing at such a rapid pace.

Think of it as the frame of a house. If we have a building built on a poor foundation, it will lack strength. It will not be resistant to bad weather, and if something goes wrong, there is a high chance of damage.

Poor posture in early childhood negatively affect the development of the musculoskeletal system and the general condition of the body. First of all, the respiratory organs suffer: the vital capacity of the lungs decreases, breathing becomes shallow - all this leads to diseases of the upper respiratory tract.

Deterioration of the shock-absorbing function of the spine negatively affects the central nervous, cardiovascular systems, digestive organs and muscular system.

Benefits of correct back position:

  1. Correct breathing.
  2. Increasing the body's resistance to diseases.
  3. Helps avoid future back problems.
  4. Prevents scoliosis.
  5. Improves blood circulation.
  6. Prevents muscle fatigue.
  7. Evens out the silhouette.
  8. Confident appearance.

How to independently identify posture problems?

To do this, use a tailor's tape to determine the distance from the seventh vertebra (it can be easily felt) to the bottom of each shoulder blade. Normally it should be the same. Also measure your shoulder width from the front and back. Then divide the first result by the second. If it is within 90-100%, then there is no problem.

I already wrote. But in young children, any deviation from the norm requires special attention from parents. A flabby back is one of the first signs of a child developing poor posture. From the outside it may seem as if he is tired, but this is already the “first bell” that needs to be paid attention to.

Just a couple of generations ago, people had a more active and dynamic lifestyle than they do today. Modern children, slouched, sit in front of the TV or play computer games, and we spend hours on end working in front of the computer. Is there a difference between us sitting motionless on office chairs and old people in a nursing home?

Another reason could be improperly selected shoes or too heavy clothes. They aggravate its condition in a growing organism.

How can I help my child develop and maintain good posture?

The method of forming correct posture consists of systematically strengthening the muscle corset. This is easier to do than you think. Pay attention to yourself first, as young children unconsciously copy our habits.

In addition, there are the following prevention methods:

  1. Most effective means are systematic physical exercise for the formation of posture. Movement is life! Encourage sports and exercise such as dancing, gymnastics, yoga, martial arts or swimming - whatever he likes and wants to learn. When was the last time you saw a gymnast or dancer slouch? Exactly! Each of these sports promotes body awareness, motor development and self-confidence.
  2. During long-term teaching classes in kindergartens, it is recommended to perform physical education and recreational minutes every 45-60 minutes.
  3. During classes, children should be reminded of the correct working posture when eating and studying at the table.
  4. Protect from unbearable loads.
  5. Look for ergonomic furniture, mattresses, etc.

During runtime morning exercises I propose to perform the following complex to form posture:

By developing good posture habits in yourself and your children, you will enjoy years of happiness and healthy life no back pain.

As the newborn's spine acquires physiological contours, the child's posture begins to form - his ability to maintain different body positions.

Sometimes “deviations” are noted in the formation of posture, then you can teach your child to keep his back straight by using a posture corrector for children.

With proper prevention of postural disorders, the child will have an ideal back

However, effective prevention of postural disorders is always comprehensive. Let's talk about her.

Let's consider what the rules for the formation of correct posture in children prescribe, which must be followed daily, from the first months of life?

The formation of posture in children begins with the establishment and strict adherence to a daily routine (meals, walks, rest, outdoor games, etc.), excluding any indulgences like “sitting in front of the TV/game console” even on weekends.

The correct posture of preschool children depends directly on how developed the muscular and skeletal systems of the growing child will be. A growing baby constantly needs nutritional components, so it is necessary to continuously saturate the body with calcium, phosphorus and other “building materials” from a variety of food sources.

Physical activity has a significant impact on the formation of correct posture in preschool children. But forcing your child to do boring exercises is hardly a success! Therefore, exercises for posture, shown to preschool children, need to be converted into a game.

To make exercise enjoyable for your baby, you need to do it in the form of a game.

For example:

  • exercises for developing correct posture in children under six months are extremely simple: lay the baby on his tummy, run your fingers along the long muscles of the back, from bottom to top along the spine.

    By arching its back, the toddler develops muscles;

  • Form the correct posture of 1.5-2 year old children into a game: try to “chop wood” together, arch your back like a cat; let him walk, like an acrobat, along the drawn line; or, with his arms outstretched, he will depict a bird spreading its wings;
  • the child runs around the room, and at the command “Stand up like a soldier,” he freezes and stretches out in the correct stance;
  • “give” your child a ride by placing a ball under his back;
  • tell them that posture is the basis of a beautiful gait, but the conversation for children should be supported by a clear example. Compete with your growing baby to see which of you can better cope with the role of a ballerina or a model - parade around the room, balancing with a light book on your head.

Remember what not to do:

  • keep a newborn under 3 months in an upright position for a long time;
  • for a baby up to six months old – sit for a long time;
  • a child under 9 months old must stand for a long time;
  • lifting and carrying weights weighing no more than 2 kg is possible only from 5 years.

Be meticulous in equipping your children's room. Its environment should also be conducive to the development of correct posture in the child.

How to do it:

  1. Choose a bed for your child with a hard base, a flat pillow, and a mattress that is flat and does not sag. From the age of two, a child can sleep on a children's orthopedic pillow.

  2. The development of correct posture in children largely depends on the lighting of the nursery: high-quality lighting of the desk, even on cloudy winter days, will save the future student from the forced measure of “curving” his back and squeezing his shoulders while looking at a notebook with words or drawings - illuminate the work area with lamps and sconces.
  3. At the age of 5-6 years, active preparation for school begins, and at the same time the question arises: how to keep the baby’s back “straight”?

    Correct posture of a child while working is unthinkable if the table is littered with toys, his legs dangle under an overly high chair, and his elbows “float” above the high table.

    The correct posture of a child when reading and writing is that the back rests on the back of the chair, the head is slightly bent forward, and the elbows do not hang off the table. There should be a gap between the baby’s body and the table into which a palm turned edgewise can easily fit. The height of the table intended for scientific research is 2-3 cm above elbow level (with arms down).

    Correct workplace helps the baby to form beautiful posture

    A chair for correct posture is no less important; for children it is chosen as follows: the back follows the physiological curves of the body, the height of the chair is equal to the height of the shin, and the child’s feet are on the floor when sitting down.

  4. Don’t be surprised, but the choice of clothes also affects your posture. Being narrow, it restricts movement, makes you slouch, suppressing the desire to straighten your shoulders.

    In wide clothes, especially winter ones, which are 1.5-2 sizes too big, the child finds it difficult to coordinate movements, his posture is “lost” due to inconvenience.

  5. As for the attempts of young fashionistas aged 12-13 to “wear heels”, they should be stopped. A constant shift in the center of gravity due to prolonged walking in high thin heels leads to a forward tilt of the spine and pelvis, which, in addition to poor posture, threatens in the future the development of a narrow pelvis and difficult childbirth.

These are just the basic measures that need to be taken into account when raising and developing the correct posture of a child. If there are any deviations from preventive measures, you should move on to therapeutic ones.

Why does the spine “deviate from its axis”?

You often have to watch how a young, inexperienced mother carries her little one, supporting the fragile back with one hand, or, while walking with a growing child, pulls his hand up. The baby’s unformed spine and shoulders are literally “skewed.” And how often the exciting moment of getting ready for first grade continues with hours of vigil over lessons at the “wrong” table!

Exercising for hours in the wrong position causes poor posture.

It is possible that if there are disturbances in the child’s posture, the reasons for this are due to incorrect working posture.

So, having caught a preschooler by surprise, who is accustomed to drawing while standing on one leg, explain what the risk of a “skewed” back will be in the future.

The correct posture of school-age children often suffers because of the TV and computer, which have replaced them without playing outside, and here is the result - 4 out of 5 children note:

  • Poor muscle development and “sluggish” posture. It is difficult for a child to remain in a static position; he shifts from one foot to another, looking for support;
  • Excessive convexity of thoracic kyphosis - stooping. A common consequence of the habit of sitting incorrectly when working at a desk or incorrect posture while sleeping;
  • Rapid bone growth, accompanied by retarded development of the muscular system. The physiological curves of the spine are flattened - the back looks flat;
  • – lateral curvature of the spine.

When should you worry?

It is possible to correct defects and form the correct posture of a child before the onset of puberty. Examining the child will help you not to miss the right moment. Let the baby, stripped down to his panties, stand, leaning on both legs, connecting his heels and spreading his socks, with his arms along his body. Check the symmetry of the location of the shoulder blades, waist, shoulder height, and head position. Look, are your chest and stomach sticking out?

You can examine your child right at home

Sometimes correcting a child’s posture requires the help of an orthopedist, a visit to whom is urgent if:

  • the baby's neck constantly deviates towards one shoulder;
  • the child gets tired quickly and slouches his back;
  • his hands go numb;
  • , move stiffly or become swollen;
  • the baby has congenital pathologies of the supporting organs (dislocation of the hip, knee, etc.).

What to do?

Having determined the seriousness of the defects, the doctor will probably advise correcting them using special structures. What is a posture corrector for children and how to choose it:

  • A reclinator, or posture fixator for children, aligns the spine in the initial stages of postural disorders by moving the shoulders back and fixing them at the same level with soft tapes;
  • A corset for correct posture is necessary for children at any stage of spinal curvature.

    By fixing the spine in an anatomically correct position, the elastic corset relieves the load from the lower back and thoracic region, or, being rigid, helps to redistribute the excessive lateral load characteristic of scoliosis, and corrects the problem area of ​​curvature.

Special exercises for developing correct posture in children are required! Their complex is formed taking into account the cause, severity of changes, and the age of the child. Exercises to correct posture for young children are fun; for teenagers - a textbook. Corrective gymnastics for posture should take about 20 minutes for children under 7 years of age and about 45 minutes for schoolchildren. The set of exercises is always individual, and their implementation is regularly checked by both parents and an orthopedist.

For a set of exercises for developing correct posture in children 6-7 years old, watch the video:

In conclusion, we present a small set of exercises for correcting and developing correct posture in children.

  1. Lying on his back, child:
    • Raises legs;
    • Depicts riding a bicycle;
    • Works with his feet, pretending to be scissors.
  2. Standing:
    • Depicts walking on a log;
    • Bends to the sides, holding the hoop behind his back;
    • Standing on his toes, he squats, holding a gymnastic stick;
    • Holding the ends of a gymnastic stick, he raises his arms, places the stick behind his back, and bends in different directions.
  3. Other exercises:
    • The kid improvises, imitating a bear cub moving on all fours;
    • It is advisable to equip the children's room with a horizontal bar or wall bars and periodically “hang”, bending your legs at a right angle.

We wish your children health!

Posture in preschool children/toddlers. All parents want their child to have slim figure, good health, graceful movements.

However, you need to know that the beauty and slimness of the body depends on posture.

And it is formed precisely during the period of growth and development of the baby.

Correct posture in children of age very important. After all, the respiratory, digestive and cardiovascular systems work well.

Posture in preschool children

But if there are any violations, then the child may have:

  1. Difficulty breathing
  2. Headaches and muscle pain as a result of insufficient blood flow and oxygen to the body's cells
  3. Increased fatigue, tiredness, bad mood.

During the year, parents need to examine their child 3–4 times. This is done while swimming, and it’s not scary that the examination is not entirely qualified. After all, parents are the first to notice the slightest changes. Doctors recommend carrying out such an examination from a distance of approximately 1.5 m - from the front, side and back.

Front. When the child is facing you, pay attention to:

  • contours and level of the shoulders (perhaps one slightly higher);
  • form chest. Ideally, it should be wide, “expanded”;
  • arching or thickening of one side of the body;
  • correct foot position. Put them together internal surfaces they must be in complete contact.

Behind. Pay attention to:

  • vertical position of the head (earlobes should be at the same level);
  • lines of the neck, shoulders and back. If everything is good, then the shoulders should be slightly pulled back, the shoulder blades protrude slightly back and at the same time fit snugly to the spine. The line of the spine is clearly visible when bending forward.

Side. Pay attention to the contours of the abdomen.

  • A bulging or saggy belly means the child has weak abdominal muscles.

Among the initial defects of posture in preschool children, there are such as stoop, round back, concave back and scoliosis. Let's look at each of them. Slouch

  • Occurs in many preschool children.
  • In this case, the spine is slightly curved only in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, while the shoulders are raised.
  • Physical exercises and outdoor games quickly eliminate this defect.

Round back(kyphotic posture)

  • Weak neck and back muscles cannot hold the head and shoulders in the correct position.
  • And the habit of sitting bent over and walking with your head down can lead to stooping and a round back.
  • At the same time, the shoulders drop down and forward, the head and neck bend forward, the chest sinks slightly, the stomach is protruded forward, the legs are slightly bent at the knees.

Concave back (lordotic posture)

  • It's rare, but it does happen.
  • At the same time, the chest and pelvis move backward.
  • The abdomen becomes bulging
  • The curvature of the spine in the lumbar region is very pronounced.

Eliminated by physical exercise.


  • This is a lateral curvature that resembles the letter “S”. In this case, one shoulder is raised, one shoulder blade is higher and further from the spinal column, and the second is lower and closer to it. One side of the body is convex, and the other is sunken; the vertebrae twist around their axis, as a result of which the ribs protrude or a hump is formed.
  • Scoliosis of the first degree is eliminated if you engage in physical therapy. But sometimes treatment takes a lot of time and effort, so if the first signs are detected, immediately consult an orthopedist.
  • In severe forms, you need to wear special corsets for a long time. It's better not to let this happen.

But in addition to the listed signs, there are other “signals” that parents should pay attention to:

  • if the child complains of pain in the legs, does not want to play outdoor games, is lethargic;
  • but most importantly, when the baby slouches, parents should consult a doctor.

Everyone understands that preventing a disease is much easier than treating it. Means such as physical exercise and outdoor games contribute to the formation of correct posture. Throughout preschool period The child needs to be taught:

  1. sit correctly on a chair and at a table;
  2. walk correctly;
  3. sleep in an appropriate position.

Let's look at what it means « sit correctly at the table».

  • The baby needs to be taught to hold his head vertically or slightly tilted forward, his shoulders straight, his elbows placed freely on the table, his torso vertical, his feet placed on the floor.
  • The distance from the surface of the table to the eyes is 40 - 50 cm. When the child eats, draws, looks at pictures in a book, do not allow the baby to lean on it with his chest, turn his body sideways, bend his leg or both legs under him while sitting at the table.
  • It is advisable for the child to have his own “working” place (table, chair, shelf) where he can study. The lighting should fall on the work surface from the left side. Place a desk lamp on the table.

In many families, children can watch TV for a long time while sitting in an uncomfortable position. Parents need to monitor this and limit their TV viewing. Sleep in an appropriate position.

  • A soft bed, a high pillow, and the habit of sleeping constantly on one side can lead to a curvature of the spine, and sleeping “in a ball” can lead to a round back.
  • Doctors recommend that children sleep on beds with a flat, firm, elastic mattress and a low pillow.
  • According to doctors, the ideal position for maintaining posture is to fall asleep on your back with your hands on top of the blanket.
  • If the child likes to sleep on his side, doctors advise young parents to be very careful, make sure that the baby does not pull his legs up to his stomach, does not bend over or cover his head with a blanket, and often turn him over in the crib. But we note that in most cases this task, unfortunately, is difficult to accomplish.

Posture in preschool children strengthened by simple physical exercises and outdoor games. We will talk about them in the next article.

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Education of correct posture in children is included in the general system of physical education, as well as vision protection and the development of motor qualities, which were discussed in the article “The physical readiness of a child for school.”

Posture in preschool children

What does it mean to educate posture in preschool children? This is, first of all, the ability of children to maintain the correct body position when walking, standing, sitting, and running. In children 6 years old, functional defects of the shoulder girdle, position of the shoulder blades, cervico-brachial lines, excessive forward contraction of the shoulders, and stooping are often encountered. All these disorders can be corrected by physical exercise.

You just need to remember that there should be no trifles in the formation of posture in preschoolers. Everything is important: how your child sleeps, sits, maintains his posture when walking, dancing, performs various exercises, works, walks along the road, path, plank, etc. An adult should always remind him that his back should be kept straight. In the process of children performing any exercises, work assignments, games, children should be able to relax, change their posture, movements, and body position. Adults need to know and remember that the child’s musculoskeletal system has not yet become stronger and even correct posture if it persists for a long time, it can lead to poor posture, so you need to monitor the changes in the child’s body position even during his favorite activities.

Correct posture in preschool children

Particularly bad for your posture is improper sitting at a table when doing drawing, writing, designing, watching TV, or reading. There are well-known rules for sitting at the table that a future first-grader must follow:

  1. Your feet should be on the floor at right angles.
  2. Hands should not hang over the table.
  3. The head should be kept at a height from the table at a distance no lower than from the elbow to the fingertips that touch the temple.
  4. The light should fall from the left side for right-handed people and from the right side for left-handed people.

There are many reasons for poor posture, including:

  • Physical inactivity, which leads to insufficient development various groups muscles.
  • Walking with your head down.
  • Uncomfortable clothes and shoes, furniture size
  • Infectious and respiratory diseases.
  • Incorrect posture when writing, drawing, designing, etc.
  • Incorrect lifestyle for a child.
  • Lack of outdoor walks.

Formation of correct posture in preschool children

The main means for developing correct posture in preschoolers are a rational daily routine, well-chosen furniture for sitting at the table, comfortable clothes and shoes, as well as physical exercises for different groups muscles. All physical exercises can be carried out from the starting position, sitting, standing, lying down, and you can use ribbons, hoops, sticks, balls, jump ropes, sandbags, etc.

Exercises to develop correct posture

I note that in order to develop correct posture in preschool children, it is recommended to start doing exercises with the muscles of the shoulder girdle, then move on to doing exercises for the abdominal and back muscles, then for the leg muscles. Exercises in pulling up, swinging and rotating the arms, for coordination of movements (standing on one leg, walking on a bench, across a “river” on a bridge, various turns with and without objects in hands, etc.). Exercises with objects on the head are effective (the object is placed on the crown area closer to the forehead), types of walking on toes, heels, inner and outside feet, etc. They help the child maintain the correct position of the body and head. It is very useful to carry out all these exercises in front of a mirror, where the child will see himself and can learn to hold his body correctly.

Taking into account the rapid fatigue of preschool children, after difficult exercises it is necessary to give a short rest (30-50 seconds) with breathing exercises. When selecting exercises and their dosage, you should take into account the level physical development your child.

Posture games for preschoolers

Despite sufficient motor experience, older preschoolers need the help and supervision of adults when organizing children's games. When playing any games, children should pay attention not only to their compliance with the rules of the game, but also to the ability to hold their back correctly, and to monitor the consistency in the coordination of movements of the arms, legs, hands and eyes. To develop correct posture in preschoolers, riding a bicycle, playing hopscotch, jumping rope, jumping with a hoop, spinning a hoop around the waist, throwing and catching a ball are useful. All these games are best played in the form of competitions like: “Who’s next? Higher? Who is the most accurate? and so on. Games for rolling the ball between objects with various tasks, with a stick and a ball, basketball, football, a ball and a racket, etc. They are notable for their alternation various types movements, which contributes to the development of correct posture in preschool children.

Strengthen your preschoolers' posture and you will keep them healthy!

“Formation of correct posture in preschool children»

Preschool age is the period of posture formation. At this age, the formation of bone structure is not yet complete. The child’s skeleton consists largely of cartilaginous tissue, the bones are not strong enough, and they have few mineral salts. The extensor muscles are not sufficiently developed, so the unstable posture of children of this age is easily disturbed under the influence of incorrect body position.

Correct postureit is customary to call the habitual pose casual standing man, the ability to hold the torso and head straight without tension (with slight natural curves of the spine: in the cervical and lumbar regions - forward, in the thoracic and sacral regions - backward).

With incorrect postureThe natural curves of the spine are noticeably increased. In addition, lateral curvatures of the spine - scoliosis - can develop.

Many curvature of the spinecan be prevented, and in the initial stage - corrected. Therefore, one cannot ignore incorrect posture, uneven position of the shoulders and shoulder blades, pelvic displacement, etc. Children with postural disorders should be shown to an orthopedic doctor andspecialist By physical culture. To prevent incorrect posture, you need to do gymnastics daily.
In preschool and junior school age posture is not yet fully formed, so unfavorable factors most strongly affect children during the period of their rapid growth (at 6 - 7 and at 11 - 15 years).

Poor postureoften accompanied by activity disorders internal organs: the excursion of the chest and diaphragm, fluctuations in intrathoracic pressure decrease, and the vital capacity of the lungs decreases. These changes adversely affect the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, leading to decreasedphysiological reserves of the child's body.

Why can posture be impaired?

Here are some of the many reasons:

1. Furniture that is not age appropriate, especially when the child spends a long time in a forced position. Therefore, you either need to always remember about the appropriateness of chairs and tables, both in kindergarten and at home, or not to prevent the child from spending more time in a free position, as is customary in many foreign countries. preschool institutions and schools.

2. Constantly holding the child by the same hand when walking.

3. The child’s habit of standing with support on one and the same leg.

Correct walking is one in which body weight is evenly distributed on both legs (check: put the child on different floor scales, so that one leg is on one scale, the other on another, and check the readings).

We can talk about uniform distribution of body weight when the feet are parallel when walking. That is why teaching correct walking means placing the child in a situation where his legs are parallel, for example, walking along narrow paths or boards.

Incorrect posture during sleep, if the child sleeps with his legs tucked to his stomach (curled up), etc. Incorrect posture when sitting (leaning forward, throwing his arms behind the back of the chair, tucking his leg under him). You need to sleep on a hard bed, on which the child will rest with bony protrusions, but the muscles should not be in a state of constant tension, so you also need a soft mattress andpillow . It is best if the pillow is located between the cheek and shoulder; it can even be quite soft, but small. Best pose for sleeping - on your back, with your arms spread to the sides, bent at the elbow joints.

Poor posture most often develops in sedentary, weakened children with poorly developed muscles, so gymnastic exercises are necessary to qualitatively strengthen those muscles that ensure good posture.

Deviations in posture are not only not aesthetically pleasing, but also adversely affect the position of internal organs. A hunched back makes it difficult to move the chest normally, weak abdominal muscles also do not contribute to deepening breathing. The consequence is less oxygen supply to the tissues. Good posture is even more important for a girl as a future woman.

Sitting is not rest, but an act of static tension. When sitting, children, unlike adults, produce significant work (muscular). Extensor muscles (especially if they have not been strengthened before) are still weak. Children quickly get tired of sitting and try to quickly change their position or go for a run. We adults often do not understand this and scold children for restlessness.

How to make sitting easier? What does correct landing mean?

At correct landing The hips are at right angles to the spine and legs, the soles touch the floor with the entire surface. It’s bad if your feet don’t reach the floor or the seat is so low that your shins rise above the level of your hip joints. Your back should be parallel to the back of the chair. If she leans forward, she may develop a stoop; if she leans too much on the back of the chair, this will contribute to the formation of a round back.

Hands and forearms should lie freely on the table. With this position, the shoulder blades are well fixed, and the child can breathe freely and deeply. A very high table causes the elbows to rise and a compensatory curvature of the spine; with a low table, the child slouches and bends the torso forward. So incorrect sitting at the table is a factor not only of incorrect posture, but also of increased morbidity in all internal organs (acute respiratory infections, intestinal atony).

What does standing mean to a preschooler?

Standing, especially in a certain position, is very tiring for a child, as the back muscles quickly relax, unable to withstand the static load. Therefore, the baby begins to step over, trying to lean against something.


By punishing your child by standing in the corner, you are physically punishing him.

How to avoid missing posture problems?

Prevention is always easier than cure!

At first, the violations are transient. If a child, despite all the correct preventive measures, prefers incorrect postures and positions, you need to consult a doctor or physical therapy doctor and strictly follow his recommendations. Constant reminders of how to walk correctly will not do anything, since a child at this age needs to repeat one exercise from 33 to 68 times in order to understand and reproduce this movement exactly.

Therefore, it will come to the rescue here gymnastics - special training exercises that promote proper walking, development of sense, balance, coordination of movements, formation of the foot and strengthening of the muscular corset of the back.

To develop proper walking and a sense of balanceteach your child to walk with parallel feet. This can be done on paths, benches, steps, hewn logs, winding paths drawn with chalk. The sidewalk edge is a great tool for this.

To educate postureteach your child to crawl under something (chair, table, etc.).