What can you give a girl for the New Year? What to give a girl for the New Year: a loved one, an acquaintance, an ex. Top best gifts! New Year's gift for a girl

Every young person asks himself this question on the eve of December 31... On this wonderful holiday, most people surprise their loved ones. I would like to surprise and give something useful... If you still don’t know what you can give to your beloved girl on New Year 2020 inexpensive and original, so you like it 100%? This article contains some useful information and a classification of gifts that can help you decide which is the best gift to buy for New Year 2020. After reading it, making a choice will be much easier.

What are the best gifts to give a girl for New Year 2020?

Romantic - those that create a romantic atmosphere and instill feelings... For example, a chic bouquet of flowers with a postcard (just don’t forget about the language of flowers, this is important when choosing a bouquet: for example, a white rose is a symbol of tenderness, and a red one is love), and the best gift for a girl is a ring, not necessarily with a diamond and immediately propose, but the very fact that you gave the ring deserves great respect.

  1. Intellectual – everything related to development, knowledge, intelligence. Books, CDs, a subscription to an interesting magazine, an art or music album, an instrument for practicing.
  2. Cosmetic - perfumes - creams, gels, salts, perfumes, etc. (here you need to be very knowledgeable about the tastes and preferences of the loved one for whom all this is planned), because this is suitable for a young couple or loved ones of a mother, father, sister, brother.
  3. Culinary – who loves to eat delicious food? Everything... You can buy a cake, a bottle of an elite drink or a box of chocolates. And it is best not to neglect information about the diet and lifestyle of the person for whom the gift is being selected.
  4. Practical – those that a person can 100% apply and benefit from. For example: pajamas, gloves, scarf, umbrella. Attention, it is important to remember that underwear is given only to relatives or close people.
  5. Household items - Among them are a blender, a kettle, a kitchen scale, a set of spices, salad bowls, a tablecloth with napkins, a toaster, a cake spatula, a tea or small coffee set, pillows for the sofa, an egg stand, flower vases, etc.
  6. Developing and encouraging - here it is necessary to have information about the interests and hobbies of a person. Sled, ball, set of brushes, fabric for embroidery, paints, roller skates, camera, dumbbells, chess, drumsticks, spinning rod, fins, hockey stick, skis, etc. Just don’t try to force a hobby on someone with your gift. So, it is useless to give a man who is interested in motorcycles a saxophone or a hunting rifle.
  7. Souvenirs - there's plenty to go around with! They can be original, funny, with a twist, with a riddle, with a hint. A soft toy is perfect for this role. The souvenir may correspond to the upcoming New Year 2020 yellow metal rat, you can buy a figurine or a soft toy of a snake, souvenir gifts also include paintings, icons, unique crafts made of wood, glass, metal.
  8. Classic - they can be given on various holidays, except for the New Year - birthdays, February 23, March 8, May 9 and other holidays. Here is a short list of them: belt, watch, e-book, player, money, gift coupon...
  9. Choosing a souvenir is a creative and interesting process that requires knowledge and money. It must be chosen from good mood and you can, with a friend or girlfriend, a gift and presenting it is a pleasant and memorable process, and the gift itself is a long-lasting memory! Therefore, do not skimp on it and choose with your soul.
  10. Gifts hide a lot of information about the giver. People who constantly count their income and expenses, or those who have a caring nature, usually prefer to buy useful, functional things. Lovers most often make extraordinary and unexpected surprises, which they think about for a very long time and select, traveling through many stores and scouring the Internet. There is a special type that, first of all, makes the giver incredibly happy - these are those that your loved ones wanted, but you doubted taking this or that, and when you see the joyful face of a person, inside you you shout “Hurray, I guessed right.”

Giving and exchanging gifts on New Year's Eve is ancient tradition, and you shouldn’t create torment and problems out of it for yourself. Perfect option– choose one that brings joy and warms the soul, that’s what’s really important! There is no need to struggle with searching at all - it should always be a pleasure. There are gifts that a girl will be delighted with, even if you have met or lived together for a long time, they will be very relevant.

Top inexpensive gifts for a girl for the New Year 2020

When you don’t have enough money to buy an expensive gift, but you want to really please your loved one with something, then we have for you a list of inexpensive but good gifts that will become a reminder for the girl of you and how much you love her.

  • Plush toys (here the first place is occupied by a bear cub, 2nd place by a bunny, 3rd place by a heart)
  • A tea set will be an excellent option for your loved one. This personalized set includes twelve servings of tea, it includes tea with rose and vanilla.
  • Romantic and unusual chocolate sweets - every city already has chocolate crafts self made(suitable for those with a sweet tooth)
  • A cosmetic bag or small beauty item.
  • A heart-shaped pillow with a photo of you together.

Top original gifts for a girl for 2020

Sometimes it is better for a girl to give an original gift that will not only be useful, but will also surprise her. Our list will help you quickly make your choice.

  • Erotic underwear - many girls love sex as much as we do, but this is not always shown (for passionate girls)
  • Hollywood star Funny (ceramic) with her name will delight the girl.
  • Pet - kitten, parrot, dog (for girls who are often at home and waiting for their boyfriends, husbands)
  • A gift coupon for a shopping center where your girlfriend often shops.

The best gifts for a girl for the New Year

It is best to give the girl something cool and creative that will be useful for her in the future. Everyday life. Our list of the best gifts will help you choose the gift you really need.

  • Ring - (a super gift for a beloved girl, which she will always appreciate, the only reminder the ring should be gold, because gold is the metal of love and wealth, and silver is friendship)
  • Chain or earrings
  • Luxury perfumes - expensive perfumes from such manufacturers (Dior, Versace, Chanel, Gucci Guilty, Nina Ricci, COCO) you just need to know the taste of your beloved girl
  • A romantic trip to Paris - I don’t think it’s worth explaining why :)

DIY gifts for a girl for New Year 2020

An equally beautiful and pleasant gift is one that is made with your own hands; for a girl, such a souvenir seems very sweet and sincere. And making such a gift does not cost a lot of money and does not take a large number of time, below are detailed video instructions on how to make a New Year's gift for a girl with your own hands, and here's what we have prepared for you:

  1. But it’s best not to be lazy and publish your own magazine, which will be dedicated to your to a loved one. Today on the Internet there are many templates for magazine covers, on the first page of which you need to display all the main events in the life of the person whom you decided to glorify with your glossy issue. But you need to make sure that on New Year’s Eve your loved one accidentally stumbles upon this miracle in their mailbox and appreciates all your efforts.
  2. Can donate a personalized website With beautiful template in the form of a heart or a photo, where you can do whatever you want: upload photos, videos, communicate with the whole world.
  3. You can record a CD for a loved one, selecting only those songs that can evoke positive associations and good memories. But for this you need to be as knowledgeable as possible about the tastes of the recipient. And for the disc you can also make a personalized box with your best wishes with your own hands.
  4. As an option, you can bake pizza with whatever ingredients you like and show your imagination with the inscription “To the most beloved, the most best mom in the world"; Buy a simple cookie and cover it with chocolate icing so that it is clear that this is your work. Everything here will depend on the tastes of the person you are planning to surprise.

cash gift


A list of the most unusual and original gifts for your girlfriend for New Year 2019. Don’t know what to give your girlfriend for the New Year? We will give you the most cool ideas, which will make your girlfriend squeal with happiness!

What to give a girl for New Year 2019? - this question interests most guys who spend hours racking their brains over the choice of original and unusual gift. At such moments, fantasy burns with a bright flame, banal ideas that no one needs are born, which sometimes make you sick. But our selection of gifts for your loved one for the New Year will help you decide on a surprise and make the holiday truly unforgettable.

What gift to give a girl for New Year 2019: TOP-60 ideas

Original gifts for a girl for the New Year

To ensure that your gift does not turn out to be a banality in the girl’s eyes, we strongly recommend that you find something interesting and original. As a rule, it should be a practical thing, presented in an original design. Or something beautiful...

  • — a personalized gadget for cleansing the skin. This is a bright gift for the New Year to show care and attention. The brush is suitable for all skin types and is available in 6 colors. You can also buy it at a special price during Black Friday, whichusually takes place from November 23 to 26.”
  • Eternal rose in a glass flask. This is not a gift, but a real bomb for every connoisseur of beauty. The rose will not wither in a week, like an ordinary flower, but will remain in its original form for 5 years. Manufacturers combined new technologies and the idea from the cartoon “Beauty and the Beast”.

  • - a personalized brush for facial cleansing and anti-aging massage, designed to reduce visible skin imperfections and effectively target the causes of skin aging. Such a gift will delight girls of any age and demonstrate care and attention. LUNA 2 is available in four variants.

  • Instax mini 9. This is a miniature camera with instant printing of pictures. Essentially, Instax mini is the perfect way to capture your emotions. Instagram is fashionable and popular. But it will never compare to a photograph that you can touch with your hands. Bright miniature photos will be ideal tools for emotional sets.

  • Paradise Emotions. These are handmade craft coupons with wishes from your significant other that you will need to fulfill. “A day without cheating”, “I walk all day with my friends”, “Foot massage”, “ Delicious dinner"... You can give a bunch of coupons that you agree to fulfill if she wants in the future. A very romantic and bonding gift!

  • Kigurumi pajamas. Cool pajamas in the shape of a cute little animal. This is exactly what your girlfriend dreams of on a cold autumn evening. By the way, this gift will come in handy for a pajama party!

  • Florarium. This is a kind of aquarium with vegetation and a specially created microclimate, which allows you to pay minimal attention to plants. This handmade composition of delicious plants will not leave any nature lover indifferent.

  • Salted caramel. Are you salivating already? Salted caramel in a glass jar is not only an ideal addition to your favorite baked goods, but also an original dessert in its own right that will please any sweet tooth.

  • A gift of fate. Write on small pieces of paper as many gifts as you can think of. One per piece. Place all the leaves in a container or gift bag and let the girl choose her own gift of fate. An interesting, romantic and fun way to decide on a gift.

  • World Scratch Map. It will be an indispensable gift for an avid traveler or a girl who passionately wants to conquer the world.

  • Cupcakes with photos. Handmade cupcakes with photos of you together are a fun and delicious gift. If you want to catch 2 birds with one stone: give your girl an unforgettable experience and please her stomach, then go for a gift!

  • Fitness bottle. A bottle with a holder-case for a mobile device will certainly appeal to a lady who cannot imagine her life without daily jogging.

  • Notebook with a unique design. It will be an indispensable gift for a girl who prefers to plan her time.

  • Handmade jewelry. An original gift that is suitable for a lady who wants to look bright, irresistible and impressive.

  • Solution Ball. Any notorious adventurer will be truly surprised by such an unusual gift.

  • Cookies with good wishes and pleasant fateful predictions.

  • Cushions . If you put your own design on them (for example, photos of you together), you will get a gorgeous gift that she will be absolutely delighted with.

  • 3D lamp. An accessory in the shape of a heart, flower, bird, teddy bear or any other cute animal will 100% please any sensitive person.

  • Sweet blow. Pack your favorite sweets into a box for your significant other. Or order a box of donuts from Dunkin Donats.

  • Portrait of a girl. One of the original gifts for the New Year is a portrait painted from her photo.

Attention! If you want to surprise her more, to complement one of these original gifts, you can write a poem or song and then perform your creation.

Having a good time

A truly good present does not necessarily have to be something material. As a rule, many girls bring great joy to exciting adventures and entertainment. In other words, a great time. Such unusual surprises will 100% surprise your soulmate. If you choose something really worthwhile for her.

  • VR attraction. Immerse the girl in the atmosphere virtual reality using 3D modeling. Complete an exciting quest, or plunge into the world of post-apocalypse and fight off zombies! Unfortunately, only residents of big cities can use this attraction.

  • Cooking master class.

  • New Year's photo shoot.

  • Latin dance lesson.

  • Ticket to a concert of your favorite artist.

  • Going to the SPA.

  • Dinner on the roof of a high-rise building. Give the girl maximum attention. Let her feel like a beautiful princess. Do everything possible to make this evening an unforgettable adventure for her. In case of cold weather, many companies offer indoor spaces with panoramic views on the upper floors of high-rise buildings.

  • Romantic trip. There is no need to buy an expensive tour to exotic places. A short trip to picturesque and interesting places will be a great pastime.

  • Wind tunnel flight. Little adventure, which will capture the breath of absolutely every lover of driving sensations. Just check it out and see for yourself.

  • Horseback ride. No girl would refuse such a romantic walk. Unusual and really cool!

  • Master class on clay modeling. If your girl is a needlewoman, then she will probably enjoy attending any event that is somehow related to her hobby.

Practical gifts for girls

Giving a girl a useful and original gift that will remind her of you is a great idea. However, you need to approach the choice of such a gift wisely and carefully. For example, give kitchen accessories to those who are interested in cooking a wide variety of dishes, and give a book to those who prefer to cook free time read.

  • Women's multitool.

  • Impenetrable thermal mug.

  • Fashionable handbag. Choose an original branded bag from any manufacturer. Avoid fakes and low-quality products - such a gift may offend your girlfriend.

  • Chic lingerie. This gift is worth giving if you and your girlfriend have a fairly close relationship.

  • Set for making sushi (rolls). This set will be an excellent gift for a true gourmet who prefers not only to feast on real delicacies, but also to prepare them with her own hands.

  • Stylish leather wallet. Almost all girls love money bank cards were in one place. Thus, a stylish leather wallet will definitely come in handy and will appeal to your beloved.

Computer accessories

Most girls use computers. Therefore, gifts that are somehow related to the PC will be useful for them.

  • Computer mouse. Since most modern girls love to spend time not only with a young man, but also with a computer, a beautiful heart-shaped computer mouse, decorated bright rhinestones, will become quite an original gift for the New Year.

  • Flash drive. The flash drive, which is presented in an unusual design, will not only interest your girlfriend, but will also be useful for study or work.

  • Flexible keyboard. One of the outlandish devices that every girl dreams of.

  • Column from Yandex "Alice". A smart interactive speaker will not only help your girlfriend listen to music, but also play with her, help her find the information she needs, and just chat with her when she’s bored.

  • Laptop keyboard backlight. A practical gift that will undoubtedly be useful to both a student and a business woman.

Inexpensive (budget) gifts for a girl for the New Year

If you don’t have money for a gorgeous gift for your loved one, don’t despair, because truly loving girl loves you, not your wallet. Therefore, she will be happy with absolutely any gift. The main thing is that it is both pleasant and useful.

  • Hair accessory. For example, a hairpin in the shape of a flower or a heart will be an excellent decoration for your friend.

  • Mug with photo. Absolutely any image can be applied to the surface of the vessel. The girl will be surprised by such an amazing present.

  • Umbrella. An accessory with its own print or an unusual shape will 100% surprise any lady.

  • Keychain in the shape of a heart and personalized engraving. The girl will attach this accessory to her keys. And when he takes out the keys, he will certainly remember you.

  • Touch screen gloves. Sometimes in winter you need to use your smartphone. And my hands are cold. Touch screen gloves will solve this problem. And the girl will undoubtedly be completely happy with this gift.

  • Selfie stick. If your crush is an avid selfie-taker, then a monopod would be a great, practical gift that she will use again and again.

  • Magnetic board or chalk board. If a girl likes everything to be in a visible place, then this gift is exactly what she needs!

  • Beach mat. A rug with an unusual picture (pizza, shawarma, magazine cover, etc.) will truly surprise your lady love. Of course, if she likes to sunbathe on the beach.

28 votes

There are only a few days left before the New Year, and this evening everyone expects a gift from their relatives that will be remembered for many years. Of course, every girl wants to receive something special as a gift from her beloved man. In this article we will tell you in more detail about what to give a girl for New Year 2018, and what gifts it is better not to use as a gift, so as not to offend your loved one.


Every man can give an unforgettable gift to his beloved, you just need to know a little more about the girl.

It is not at all necessary to spend a large amount on buying a present; you can use cute and romantic surprises that will evoke more emotions than an expensive phone or jewelry.

It is worth remembering that when buying a gift, you must take into account the girl’s wishes, her tastes and hobbies. In addition, there is a certain list of those gifts that should not be given at all, so as not to offend your beloved.

What gifts can you give on New Year's Eve?

In the last few days before the New Year, men begin to look for gifts for their beloved girls that would please them and be remembered for a long time. There are certain criteria for selecting a gift so that the girl likes it, these criteria must be observed.

Gift options for a girl

Basic selection rules:

  1. The chosen surprise should definitely please the girl, which means that when choosing a souvenir, a man should take into account the desires and hobbies of his beloved. Each girl is individual, therefore the gift should be special.
  2. If a girl is practical, then the gift should be such that it turns out to be useful. Some girls may even hint at what they would like to receive on New Year's Eve. In this case, you can choose high-quality cosmetics, kitchen utensils, home textiles and more.
  3. In the case when the beloved has a romantic character, she will be pleased to receive even the simplest trinket, which carries a certain meaning. Such girls will definitely not be happy with a new frying pan or baking dish. But the girl will like it beautiful decoration, soft toy and other romantic surprises.
  4. The level of relationships plays an important role. When a couple has just started dating, and the man still doesn’t know anything about his companion, it’s worth choosing a box of delicious chocolates or another simpler gift as a gift. When a couple has been dating for a long time, the young man knows about the interests and tastes of his beloved, so he can choose exactly the souvenir that she would like to receive.
  5. Well, the last thing worth mentioning is the budget; it will determine what to give a girl for New Year 2018. If you don’t have a lot of money, you will have to think through the surprise in more detail so that your companion will like even the simplest gift.

What gifts are prohibited?

There are certain rules that should be taken into account when buying gifts for your girlfriend. To give a nice gift, you should remember that:

Cosmetics should be given with care to please a girl
  1. You shouldn’t buy cosmetics for a girl without knowing her beloved’s preferences. If you really want to give cosmetical tools, then it is best to give a certificate for a certain amount so that your beloved can purchase the necessary cosmetics for herself.
  2. Lingerie is not always a suitable gift; for some girls it will be a hint of a closer relationship. In addition, a man cannot always correctly guess the size of his underwear, which will ultimately offend his beloved. It is not possible to return the gift to the store, as underwear cannot be returned.
  3. A soft toy is not always a relevant gift. Of course, the cute bear will look beautiful and romantic, but the present will be absolutely useless. Such a gift can only be given if the girl is young and loves collecting soft toys.
  4. You should not give any counterfeit as a gift, passing it off as an original. When the truth is revealed, the impression will be spoiled not only about the gift, but also about the man. You will also have to refuse to buy such gifts that may hint at women's shortcomings. Such gifts include an epilator or a set of shapewear.

The best options for original gifts

If a man doesn’t know what to give a girl for New Year 2018, then gift ideas can be found below. Here we will collect the most popular and unusual gifts that a girl might like. But you shouldn’t take the first gift you come across; you should consider whether your beloved will really like the surprise.

Expensive gifts for your loved one

Top gifts:

  • jewelry is the best option a present, since every girl would like to receive beautiful earrings, a pendant, a bracelet, or even a ring for the holiday;
  • electronics is an equally simple and winning option; here you should use a computer mouse, an unusual flash drive, e-book, player or phone;
  • sweet gifts always remain at the peak of popularity; as a gift, you can put together a bag of sweets yourself, or buy one already ready set with sweets;
  • A portrait on canvas is very popular today; you won’t be able to make it yourself, but you can order it from a workshop.

The best options for unusual gifts

If a man doesn’t know what to give a girl for New Year 2018 so that the gift turns out to be very unusual and memorable, then you should pay attention to the list presented below. Such surprises will appeal not only to the romantic, but also to the practical lover.

Gift options:

  • Quite budget gifts include paired cups, pendants or identical T-shirts; such a gift will remain as a keepsake and will look original;
  • Another one interesting option, this can be used as a gift of experience, in this case a certificate for a dancing or sewing lesson, a ticket to a concert, or a hot air balloon flight is suitable;
  • Don't forget about tea ceremonies.

Gift Baskets For a girl

Creative presents

These gift options are perfect for those girls who are adventurous and often spend their free time actively. Such gifts include:

  1. A custom-made calendar in which photographs of the girl will be placed. You can make such a present yourself using a special program on your computer. Then you just need to print out the finished calendar.
  2. You can make a memorable New Year's Eve. To do this, buy several beautiful gifts for your beloved, and they are laid out in different places. After this, the beloved is given a map on which the location of the gifts is marked; it is even more interesting to give the girl riddles that will serve as clues.
  3. In some cities, special quests are held, of course, on New Year's Eve their price will be inflated, but if finances allow you to invite your loved one to such a holiday, then it will be excellent entertainment.

Budget gift options

When a man is looking for what to give a girl for New Year 2018, the task may be complicated by a lack of finances, but this is not a big problem, since there are various surprises, the cost of which will be low. These include:

You can give your beloved girl a box of delicious chocolates and flowers.
  • small plush toy;
  • a box of delicious chocolates;
  • chocolate, which is made by hand by confectioners;
  • stylish mittens and hat;
  • a T-shirt with a picture of the girl’s favorite actor or singer;
  • the standard option remains a cup with an inscription;
  • a backlit bookmark that allows you to read books in the dark;
  • case for phone;
  • a set of different types tea;
  • beautiful table mirror.

You can use red accessories as a present; it could be a scarf or stole; such a product will help highlight the girl’s image and make it brighter.

But it’s worth remembering that the accessory must match your lover’s coat or jacket.

Win-win gift options

Every girl will be glad to receive something expensive and exquisite as a gift, and if a man wants to show his sincere feelings, he should not skimp on a gift for his beloved. You can look at various clothes or jewelry in stores, or go online. It is worth thinking about what thing can cause a lot of positive emotions in a girl. Below is a list of what to give a girl for New Year 2018.

Such gifts include:

  • a bracelet made of gold is an excellent gift option, every girl will be glad to receive jewelry made of real gold;
  • earrings made of expensive material with cubic zirconia, this is another very chic and sophisticated surprise, such a gift can be used as an additional accessory to a festive dress;
  • a mink coat is exactly the gift that every girl will like, but here you should take into account the size of the clothing so as not to make a mistake with the choice;
  • a set of expensive and beautiful underwear, but such a purchase is only suitable if the man has been dating a girl for a long time and also knows her size;
  • a certificate to one of the stores, this could be high-quality cosmetics or stylish clothes;
  • high quality perfume, such a gift will be expensive and chic, but you should take into account the girl’s tastes.

Jewelry can be given as a gift

Romantic gifts

In the case when a man wants to give the best gift for his beloved, he should think better about what to give a girl for the New Year 2018; a list of gifts for such an occasion will be presented below. In this case, you can pay attention to tickets to the theater or other interesting performance.

It’s no less romantic to spend New Year’s Eve on a city tour, visiting the most interesting places cities. You can consider spending New Year's Eve in a restaurant or cafe, booking a table for two in advance.

Romantic gifts include:

  1. Extreme vacation. This is the option that a girl will like if her beloved prefers to spend her free time actively and cheerfully. As a gift, you can choose to drive a car on ice under the supervision of an instructor, ride on an inflatable ring in the snow, or drive a snowmobile.
  2. No less popular is a certificate for visiting a beauty salon; not a single girl will refuse such a gift. But the procedure should be chosen correctly; it is better to pay attention to a relaxing massage, eyelash extensions and other beauty services.
  3. Photo session in the snow. A wonderful gift option that a girl will definitely like. In addition, photographs can be left as long-lasting memories. In this case, a photo shoot can be carried out together, or the girl can be given the opportunity to be a model.

Kitchenware for your loved one

There are a lot of other gifts that can be useful for your beloved; you should pay attention to a stylish wallet or handbag.

If a girl prefers to spend a lot of time reading books, it is worth choosing a suitable copy of the book that she has long wanted to buy. When buying a gift, it is very important to take into account not only your financial capabilities, but also the wishes of your beloved girl.


The list of recommendations that allow you to decide on the desired New Year's surprise gift has long since crossed the hundred mark. Only the problem of what to give a girl for New Year on the eve of 2016 has not become less relevant. Let's try to direct the imagination of boyfriends, husbands and young lady friends in the right direction in order to turn the New Year's holiday into an extraordinary and memorable event.

Studying girls' priorities

When asked whether representatives of the fair sex can expect pleasant surprises under the Christmas tree, the answer is unequivocal: yes. Women love gifts - there are no exceptions. But the background, successful design, and the ability to present a “token of attention and love” are no less important for them than the content of the gift. There is no place for hackneyed topics, ordinary things (even expensive ones), and inappropriate offerings on New Year's Eve.

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What does a girl want

  • A gift that is not simple, but “with meaning”, corresponding to the stage of the relationship with the young man;
  • something in which a taste for beauty, a sense of proportion and an understanding of the usefulness of an object are visible;
  • dear evidence of sincere interest in her, her habits and inclinations, character, values;
  • situation fairy tale, a “little miracle” from the world of childhood dreams, the fulfillment of innermost desires and hopes.

That's why a guy who wants to capture a woman's imagination is better off finding out more about the girl in advance. How - let your ingenuity and “research” skills tell you. You can ask your loved ones (friends, fellow students, colleagues) about the girl’s preferences in the field of cosmetics, jewelry and other accessories important for a woman’s existence. Your own powers of observation are your best adviser.

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Rating of desired gifts

According to statistics from surveys and tests, the female audience is interested in:

  • in the jewelry group of products;
  • in bouquets-baskets with flowers;
  • in goods from the field of technology and gadgets;
  • on trips, trips and creative recreation;
  • in luxury cosmetics/perfumes;
  • in gift subscriptions-tickets-certificates;
  • in paraphernalia and details related to hobbies and sports.

There are lovers of exclusively monetary gifts, but they are a minority: banknotes and checks are more often expected from relatives and “bosses,” but not from a young man who is truly liked.

Great gift - great joy

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Unwanted “presents”

Whatever type of pleasant “surprises” the beauty’s soul is in, fans are not advised to give:

  • perfume (there is a high probability that you will not like the scent);
  • watches - as a harbinger of separation (according to superstitions);
  • money (banal and hints at a reluctance to fantasize);
  • handkerchiefs, towels, napkins (according to signs, this is for separation);
  • household/household supplies (boring and too “grounded”);
  • books (your choice may greatly diverge from the interests of the recipient).
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What to give a girl for New Year 2016

Considering the eccentric disposition of the symbolic Fire Monkey, who is not indifferent to glamor and luxurious details, in the pre-Christmas period men will have to surprise their beloved girlfriends and wives. If not by the thickness of the wallet and generosity, then at least by ingenuity and an unconventional approach to business. A bold decision and a joke are welcome - without compromising the content of the gift, of course.

You can view and purchase a gift for a girl at a great price at the First Moscow Customs Goods Store.

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For serious people - objects of art

Those who know a lot about jewelry gifts have a direct route to the art and jewelry departments. The popular “presentation” list will include:

  • rings - “For her” and “For him” with inscriptions on the outer rim like a pair of phrases “I love (adore) you” and “I know” (“I believe”);
  • a crystal bush, a rose with a bud, an iridescent heart with the words “With love”, “For you”, the initials of the beloved;
  • paintings, portraits and mosaic panels (with and without Swarovski crystals) with text, ordered based on your individual and joint photos;
  • velvet, leather or faceted plastic/glass/crystal box, mini chest of drawers for jewelry, costume jewelry;
  • a transparent polyhedron florarium or an elegant metal-plastic jar-box in the shape of a heart with a flowering bush inside.
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Useful things for practical young ladies

The range of offerings for girls, focused on gifts with benefits for everyday life and health, is solid:

  • a cozy sofa robe made of velor, microfiber with sleeves;
  • rug-bedspread for the sofa and home fitness classes;
  • fur headphones paired with mittens/gloves to match them;
  • a set of pillows from the “Love is...” series of different sizes and purposes;
  • personalized kitchen apron complete with a “fun” scarf;
  • original folding umbrella stick in a “banana” case;
  • compact exercise machine - suspended, wall-mounted or in the form of a chair;
  • floor projector-night light “Ocean Waves”, “Starry Sky”;
  • desktop gadget or notepad board with backlight;
  • foldable or backlit keyboard for the tablet;
  • laptop, tablet, cell phone, photo case or handbag for similar devices.

From what is listed in the last position, you acquire what corresponds to finances and what your passion really does not have.

Bouquets of toys, sweets, hearts - a touching and wonderful New Year's surprise

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For car lovers - car accessories

Mademoiselle behind the wheel will be delighted with the useful paraphernalia that increases the comfort of the car showroom. In demand:

  • convenient mini coffee maker for the car;
  • rug pad for women's shoes;
  • seat-mounted organizer;
  • mobile phone stand;
  • set “notebook + pen” with Velcro;
  • Ladies' interior cleaning and repair kit;
  • car clothes hanger or mini pillow.

If your fairy does not have a DVR or car theft equipment, and you can afford such a purchase, there will be no limit to the gratitude of the car lady...

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For romantics - a gentle-sublime mix

The following can win the heart of an enthusiastic dreamer:

  • an electronic moth in a jar that imitates the movements of a living butterfly;
  • a pair of crystal musical glasses on which you can play a melody;
  • designer gel candle or aroma lamp complete with blooming orchids;
  • designer doll, touching bouquet of soft toys, intercepted by tape;
  • an elegant vase lamp with a gently shimmering armful of glass bells;
  • tiny personal planetarium ball with musical accompaniment;
  • an embroidered bag with “Cinderella” nuts stuffed with notes;
  • flip photo calendar with photographs of faces and memorable events;
  • ceramic coffee/tea mug with a fiery heart covering the bottom;
  • “Diploma” or “Certificate” in a frame with a rhymed declaration of love;
  • bottle pendant with scarlet hearts and a silver key for them.

Give your loved one a fairy tale - you will love it yourself!

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Funny gifts for funny girlfriends

  • A funny hat in the shape of a cartoon character’s big-eyed face, hand-knitted;
  • personalized box with cookies, arranged with napkins-notes with fortunes;
  • an apron decorated with drawings “Fireman”, “Erotic Snow Maiden” and the like;
  • dispenser container for liquid soap “Nose” with holes-nostrils emitting streams;
  • a loudly screaming “crazy chicken” that relieves stress with ridiculous clucking;
  • a ruddy pendant donut that laughs boisterously at the slightest pressure on the body;
  • plastic chameleon glasses with rotating eye sockets - for parties and practical jokes.
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Universal gift options

The group of super-pleasant gifts welcomed by all representatives of the fairer sex will include:

  • exquisite leather gloves or their “insulated” analogue - mink mittens;
  • an expensive wallet, a branded cosmetic bag or a multi-purpose sling bag;
  • curling iron, thermal brush, hair dryer with attachments, hair straightener;
  • slippers with a monkey face, bright socks with this New Year's talisman;
  • remote control/monopod for selfies, folding table-carrying table for a laptop;
  • cute soft toy souvenir - bear, lion cub, monkey.

And so as not to make a mistake in choosing eau de toilette, skin care products, artistic and design works, give your beloved a certificate to the appropriate store, a subscription to a beauty salon, or a spa. It is advisable to choose jewelry, clothing accessories and household/computer equipment in the company of their future owner.

The company of New Year's monkeys will cheer anyone up

We are glad that the presented types of congratulation gifts made your search easier. The foundation has been laid - further fantasize yourself. We hope you haven’t forgotten about sweets and “golden” time together? Unless, of course, in the first case, the girl is not obsessed with diet, and in the second, you have enough money to organize a fireworks show or an exotic trip. Good luck and happiness!

When thinking about what to give your beloved girl for the New Year, focus on her age, activities, and hobbies. So, a soft toy would be appropriate for a young lady, especially if you met her recently and still don’t know her well. This is a universal sign of sympathy, such as flowers and sweets. An older lady who already has life experience and works will most likely prefer something more practical to a toy.

On our list there are things that are original and traditional, fabulous and funny, cheap and not so - it’s up to you to choose.

  1. Beautiful candles or aroma lamp. IN new year holidays even a not very romantic person will want to decorate the house and table. Buy a set with a dish and floating lights in it, or a candle in a glass that changes color.

    A young man once gave me a round alarm clock-aroma lamp with a USB cable: when you connect it, it shimmers in different colors, and essential oil in the container on top it heats up and aromatizes the room. It also shows time - a cool thing!

  2. A ball for the Christmas tree with a picture of a girl or the two of you. Made to order.

    The alternative is beautiful Christmas decorations from a regular store.

  3. A transparent ball with a house, fir trees, and falling snowflakes inside. A jar with a hovering electronic moth or a flowering bush (or an eternal rose that does not wither for 5 years).

  4. A star projector lamp that creates a magical atmosphere.

  5. Mink mittens, a scarf or warm socks with New Year's symbols - warm and beautiful. You can choose a funny animal hat.

    Fur headphones - if a young lady likes to show off without a headdress, you will also take care of her health.

  6. Bag or backpack. Leather is not budget-friendly, but a Krishnaite, a hippie follower, or a lover of ethnic style can find an interesting fabric item.

  7. Jewelry box, ring stand, cosmetics case.

  8. A plaid robe with sleeves is a must-have item in winter. A heart pillow or just a pillow with a picture of the two of you on it.

  9. Calendar for 2020 with your photos together. If you order, provide the designer with high-quality material with good resolution.

    Other souvenir options are a T-shirt, bandana, keychain, dishes. In principle, the image can be applied anywhere.

  10. Paired items: a pendant, one half of which she wears and you wear the other; T-shirts with complementary inscriptions, etc. If a girl is not embarrassed to publicly demonstrate her feelings, she will appreciate such a romantic gesture.

  11. A mug with a design that appears when you pour it. hot water, - it’s magical in a New Year’s way!

    Make a sketch yourself or bring a flash drive with a photo to a souvenir company. The designer will add a New Year's background to the photo, and the image will be applied to the mug.

  12. Singing glasses are an unusual and cool gift. There is a scale on the glass to determine the water level for each note.
  13. A touching bouquet of soft toys. Handmade doll (interior doll). Or order a miniature of your loved one from a craftswoman.

  14. Skates are a good New Year's gift for an active girl. And be prepared to keep her company on the ice.
  15. Book or CD. You can present something magical like Harry Potter, but be consistent with her tastes.
  16. Wallet, passport cover, clutch, business card holder, cosmetic bag - if you are a student, choose a cool, inexpensive option.

  17. A beautiful notepad or notebook.

    If the object of adoration is already working, perhaps a solid diary, a stylish pen and other items with which she will appear at planning meetings, press conferences, etc. will not hurt her.

  18. A set of makeup brushes, a professional palette with eye shadow, blush - if you know the color scheme. Although, in my opinion, it is more pleasant to receive it from relatives or friends.
  19. Shower gel, bubble bath, handmade soap - not new, but always necessary.
  20. Wristwatch - let him give you a ruble if he believes in omens. Monopod + selfie remote.

  21. Jewelry - silver, gold, ethnic, romantic and luxurious... A pendant bottle with hearts and a key to them, or discreet but expensive diamonds... Give only if you know your friend well and have studied her taste.
  22. A paid photo shoot - the result of a professional’s work will please any woman! And “likes” on social networks are guaranteed.
  23. Gift certificate - to a cosmetics, lingerie, handmade (handicraft) store, to a beauty salon or for a massage. And there is no need to rack your brains in thought.

  24. Tickets to the theater, to an organ concert or to her favorite performer.
  25. For those of a creative nature (writes poetry, stories, weaves flowers and beaded jewelry, designs, photographs, etc.), create a website to keep a blog or post works for sale.
  26. Tea in a beautiful package, maybe personalized; candies, painted gingerbread cookies are a great addition to the main gift.

PocketBook reader (from 6,900 rubles)

We create a magical atmosphere

Figuring out what gift to give a girl for New Year is still half the battle. Everything is determined by the mood, because - Organize a fabulous New Year's Eve.

Stock up on sparklers, take care of the interior, background music, games, and other fun - bring joy to the masses!

If funds allow, buy fireworks and Chinese lanterns. After the chimes strike, launch them into the sky with your beloved.

Imagine how to present the treasured package

  • Prepare and write compliments and confessions on them: “I love you!”, “You are the most feminine,” “I want to celebrate every New Year with you,” etc. Lay out the path to the gift with snowflakes. The young lady will collect and read your tender words - a pleasant process! At the end you will discover a hidden surprise. You can use our snowflake templates, just print them out and cut them out!