Practices for healing the body. Tibetan practices for longevity and vigor. White crane on the water

Who do you think you are?

Well, you're right.

(John Lennon)

This practice allowed me to prepare myself for the Transition in a short time, and then very quickly bring my health to good condition. Regular performance of individual exercises, and even more so of the entire complex, allows you to quickly cleanse the consciousness and subconscious of everything that interferes with a new life, fill it with new content, create the integrity of consciousness and all bodies, and awaken the human microworld to eternal life.

Many people repeat the phrase: “As we think, so we live.” But even saying this, most often, people do not realize the deep dependence of a person’s health and life on consciousness, on thinking, on those principles that exist in his consciousness and even deeper - in the subconscious.

The “Incorruptible Body” practice allows you to cleanse all human bodies, consciousness and its depths from distorted ideas about the World, that is, from those rubble that have accumulated for thousands of years, and fill it with new, more true content.

Often there is a feeling that a person is being controlled, and often in a difficult situation he does not defuse it, but complicates it to the detriment of himself and those around him. It is beneficial for someone to guide us along a more difficult path. What happens to a person when he is easy to control? When does he not monitor his thoughts and feelings, his energies, when he allows anyone who is not too lazy to use him, to put programs into his consciousness? But today’s state of awareness allows us to understand that the purity of the body is important, but even more important is the purity of the energetic, mental body. Control comes through this energetic dirt. The same applies to the energy of an apartment or house. Therefore, without putting the mental and energy body in order, solving issues of the health of the physical body is ineffective.

Many people can say - I constantly think about my health, but there is no big result. There is a big difference here: think about it, or think So, live So, be this! Various impurities in consciousness, various structures that have their own channels in consciousness, interfere with this process. Consciousness is like a garden: it can be lovingly tended and everything a person needs grows on it, or it can be neglected and any seeds can be planted there. Consequently, anything can grow there, and with great difficulty you can find something valuable.

Therefore, if you want health, clear your consciousness and begin to cultivate the consciousness of health, fill your mental body with appropriate information and energy. And then you will reap a good harvest. The same applies to material wealth, spiritual wealth, and happiness in general.

In life there is constant regeneration of the whole organism. All soft and bone tissues are renewed within a certain time. And they are restored according to programs located in subtle plans.

The mental body contains holograms (matrices) of all cells, organs and systems of the physical body. It is through them that their restoration (regeneration) occurs. The quality of the restored organism depends on the state of these matrices and the mental body as a whole.

Therefore, having put our mental body in order, we lay down programs for the healing and rejuvenation of our physical body.

All these exercises are harmonious and self-sufficient, and also interconnected with each other. Each subsequent exercise naturally follows from the previous one. One step smoothly transitions into another - only then does walking occur. This harmonious transition is also concentration and shows the continuity and eternity of the World. So in life it is necessary to learn to live continuously, harmoniously, not to tear up time and space, not to introduce disharmony.

In addition, each exercise can be taken from the complex and used in a specific situation to solve a specific problem. This affects the development of creativity. This practice is not a constant, it is a field for creativity and constant development.

The main thing that can be achieved by this practice is unity with your Soul, the unification of all human bodies, all planes of Consciousness, that is, Full Consciousness and the general Integrity of a person.

To speed up thoughts and increase the power of thought forms, connect them with feelings such as respect, joy, love. (An example of the highest fulfillment is orgasm.) And then the highest creativity will take place!

Another important task solved with the help of this practice is that the human microworld is filled with the energies of love and light.

This practice is best done in nature, with as much nakedness as possible, so that the body communicates with the world while standing with bare feet on the ground. But it is also effective under other conditions.

Place half a glass of water nearby, let it be charged with all good energies and thoughts.

1st exercise. ENERGY MASSAGE

Performed with the deepest love for yourself! The goal is an even distribution of energy throughout the physical body. This will have a positive effect on all other bodies.

Nowadays people, as a rule, are very busy and quite lazy in working on themselves. The proposed technique is simple, requires only 4-6 minutes, and at the same time, is very effective. The self-massage technique, if used daily, allows you to change your energy and create a different state!

This self-massage is based on ancient Taoist techniques that are several thousand years old. Self-massage is a wonderful preventative measure for maintaining the body in good vital tone, allows you to heal and rejuvenate all organs and systems, and creates a cheerful psychological mood.

Low physical activity, lack of positive emotions, little communication with Nature, large mental and energetic loads lead to stagnant energetic phenomena in all human bodies. The high efficiency of the proposed technique is based on the awakening of the body’s energy accumulators and the uniform distribution of all types of energies through open channels throughout all bodies. Therefore, positive changes occur not only in the physical body, but also in feelings, thoughts and even in a person’s worldview.

It is advisable to perform self-massage in the morning, especially since it takes only 4-6 minutes, as well as during the day when you feel tired, blues, and in the evening to enter a more harmonious sleep. In general, you can perform the exercise many times during the day - it will not harm in any way, but on the contrary, it will contribute to the high quality of the biofield.

First, you need to disconnect from your current worries and tune in to the sensations of your body. Since self-massage is largely energetic, you need to thoroughly massage your fingers, palms and wrists. Then massage your earlobes, ears, back of your head and neck. And the preparatory part ends with massaging the feet. All this allows you to increase energy flows through energy channels and will lead to the awakening and development of the functions of blood circulation, breathing, and digestion.

The effectiveness of massage is increased by simultaneous muscle contraction and relaxation of the abdomen, anus, genitals, as well as a meditative sensation of energy moving through the body.

At the next stage, it is necessary to carry out a thorough breast massage until you feel slightly aroused. Next, you need to massage your lower back, buttocks, thighs, groin and, at the end, a light massage of the genitals. In this way, the batteries are “discharged” and stagnant energy phenomena in the most energy-intensive parts of the body are eliminated.

Then comes the most crucial moment: you need all the awakened energy distribute throughout the body. This can be done mentally, feel the body being filled with warmth, light, help distribute energy by lightly stroking the body with your hands...

This massage stimulates and releases sexual energy, increases its circulation and distributes it throughout the internal organs and bone tissues of the skeleton. In this way, stagnant energy phenomena in the sexual sphere, leading to various diseases, disappear. Sex hormones pass through the circulatory system to very important glands - the pituitary gland and the pineal gland. It is here that, in the absence of appropriate nutrition, the so-called “aging hormone” is born. The energy of eros and hormones, combined with the energy of the heart, concentrated and directed by the mind, produces a truly miracle - HEALING AND REJUVENATION OF THE ORGANISM!

It is advisable for men and women to perform this massage, REGARDLESS OF AGE, and the older the person, the more intense the massage should be. After just a week of daily exercise, you will feel and see significant changes in many ways - from changes in skin structure to good mood and spiritual growth. And after a few months of regular self-massage, chronic diseases also disappear. Don't be complex and don't be lazy! A FULLER ENERGY SOUND WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE.

If you have the time and desire, you can use your energetically awakened hands to perform an additional preventive head massage, which strengthens the nervous system, increases blood circulation and improves nutrition of the skull and hair. The face and neck should be massaged with very light movements, even more energetically, so as not to stretch the facial skin. Particular attention should be paid to massage the eye sockets and the eyes themselves. Both hands and eye movements are used here. Massage, light tapping and patting on the organs and glands of the body helps to shake out the toxins accumulated in them, stimulate internal energy, increase blood flow and energy flows passing through the body. GET HEALTHY, REJUVENIZE YOUR BODY, BE HEALTHY, BEAUTIFUL AND HAPPY!

Concentration: I am a candle flame

For greater effectiveness of the influence of awakened energy on the cells of the body and on the aura, you can imagine yourself in the form of a bright source of light or a candle flame. Then the distribution of energy throughout the body will be most harmonious.

Imagine yourself as a candle flame and distribute all the awakened energy throughout every cell of the body. Kindly, lovingly communicate with every organ of your body.

This concentration can be either an integral part of the 1st exercise or a separate exercise that can be repeated many times a day, maintaining your biofield in a clean and energy-saturated state.

The word "Concentration" here replaces the word "Meditation". This is a fundamental point.

Meditation is to some extent identical to contemplation, and concentration of consciousness means increasing the density of information per unit of volume, accelerating its processing, that is, accelerating thought.

And the stronger the concentration, the greater the volume of the World a person covers with his consciousness, the better he controls it. This does not mean that concentration replaces meditation - concentration complements and further develops the possibilities of meditation. These are two complementary tools that promote the development of consciousness and spirituality.

As a result of regular meditation and concentration, a fundamental change in the functioning of the brain occurs: gradually more and more of its areas begin to work in harmony. And when a person deeply masters these practices, the whole brain begins to work in concert (coherently). This is confirmed by scientific research. The effect of laser radiation occurs when the phenomenon of coherence occurs. A person receives the same powerful tool when his brain begins to work coherently. A person opens up new opportunities and abilities.

In addition, not only the brain, but the whole body, every cell of it begins to sound differently - in harmony with everyone else. And the stronger this coherence, the more powerful the chord of all human bodies, and then miracles happen.


It is necessary to cleanse and activate energy centers. Fill the mental with thought forms, and thought forms with the deepest feeling of respect and love, joy and happiness!

It is advisable to act globally immediately!

Man is a huge, powerful generator of energy. Most often, it uses only a millionth of its energy. And now you are directing your energy to a wonderful cause - helping the whole Earth! We need to start from the global - by helping the World, you help yourself. By joining the global process, a person becomes a Man of the Planet, it suits him planetary help and thus he interacts with the energies of the Earth and Space.

In this case, the global approach can be implemented as follows. Imagine the Earth as you see it from Space. And working with each energy center, you can imagine a ring of the corresponding color around the Earth: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. (Remember from your school physics course: “ TO every ABOUT hunter AND wants Z nah, G de WITH goes F azan"). Thus, after completing this exercise, you can see a Rainbow around the Earth. Those who have an open vision can visually achieve the purity and transparency of the colors of the Rainbow around the planet.

You can simultaneously sing 7 notes corresponding to 7 centers, starting from the bottom: do, re, mi, fa, salt, la, si.

The color scheme of energy centers differs between men and women. Rarely does anyone pay attention to this, but it is important. Today, when the issue of manifestation of femininity and masculinity is especially acute, attention should be paid to the color of energy centers. Women have a different distribution of colors: red at the top, in the fontanelle, and purple at the bottom, in the coccyx.

It is advisable to present the work of the centers - this will increase the efficiency of working with them. Knowledge of energy centers, their capabilities and tasks, the ability to manage them - all this facilitates the solution of many issues, not only physical and mental health, but also a person’s relationships in the family, with the people around him, with the World.

These centers (seven main and many secondary) perform an important role: they energetically connect all human bodies. You can use a pendulum, frame, or other methods to determine the efficiency (efficiency factor) of each of the centers and monitor changes in them monthly.

Energy centers often attract entities of various planes, including people, to “profit” from energy. This is the so-called “vampirism”. Of course, this happens with the consent of the person himself, expressed in grievances, attachments, selfishness, feelings of possessiveness, jealousy, and an incorrect worldview. Mentally, visually, by “clicking” or other methods, and most importantly, by realizing your mistakes and misconceptions, cleanse the centers and give mental settings of the appropriate content. One of the most effective installations: “Complete freedom of each individual is a natural, spiritual path of development!”

Now let's talk in more detail about the centers.

1. Coccyx (Muladhara). Center (chakra) for receiving vital energy. This energy center connects a person with the Earth. Through it, earthly energies flow and there is a connection with the physical world. Issues of survival, safety, strength, endurance, stability in the material world - all this goes mainly through this center. Its main purpose is the connection of man with earthly energies and the realization of man on Earth.

When this center is unbalanced and insufficiently active, a person develops a feeling of danger and insecurity. A constant feeling of fear forces one to lead the life of a victim. When this center works poorly, a person takes a defensive position, fences himself off from the outside world - it becomes hostile to him. Internal imbalance leads to disorder in the outside world. In this case, it is difficult for a person to realize himself in life.

It is important to mentally imagine yourself standing with your bare feet on the ground, and even better, do this regularly in practice. It’s not for nothing that Porfiry Korneevich Ivanov included walking barefoot on the ground in his “Baby”.

The statements contain the word “Love” - the strongest energy of attraction! The mental settings for this center are as follows:

"I love the earth!"

"I love nature!"

"I like money!"

Some may disagree with this statement. Don't force yourself - if you don't accept it, don't say it. I believe that if we deprive something or someone of our love, this is what brings us problems. It was not for nothing that Daniil Andreev wrote in “Rose of the World”: “When a person falls in love with the devil, he will disappear from the Earth!” Yes, money has brought a lot of evil to Earth, but let's be wise - it is only a tool, and a person uses this tool, and it depends on him how he uses it. And here consciousness played a cruel joke on a person - to look for the enemy not in himself, but in money.

“I love prosperity!” And there should be no misconceptions here. A person always has enough to live! But consciousness says: “I also need this!”, “I want that!” etc. To love the wealth that exists is already a significant expansion of consciousness.

Imagine red ring around the earth(for men) and purple ring(for women).

2. Groin (Svadhisthana). Center (chakra) for receiving sexual and creative energies. This is one of the centers of human interaction with other people. The driving force of this center is sensual and sexual activity. This is the main center for connecting the energies of the physical body with the subtle bodies. The main purpose of the center is to increase sensuality, increase sexuality, and enjoy life. With its help, various energies are transferred into the area of ​​pleasures, pleasures, and the joy of life.

This center gives pleasure, softness, pliability, femininity and brings a person, with sufficient disclosure, sexuality, attractiveness, youth, charm, beauty, contact, joy, idealization. It awakens interest in life.

The undisclosed center will demand from a person more and more new artificial pleasures. Its underdevelopment contributes to the craving for smoking, alcohol, and drugs. Sexual fantasies and jealousy are born, which also becomes an object of pleasure. But in general - susceptibility to instincts, dissatisfaction and lack of positive emotions.

To activate the center and mental body, you can use an erotic mood towards a loved one, a man (woman) and the following affirmation:

"I love sex!"

For many people, the issue of sexual relations “does not exist,” as they say themselves. That is, they closed this topic for themselves. But this is the deepest delusion of an undisclosed consciousness, which leads to big problems in family relationships, in health and in creative realization. Therefore, voicing this affirmation for many will be a breakthrough in consciousness, liberation from blocks and access to a different state of life!

“I love pleasure!”

And these words can also “harm the ears” for some. Addressing them, I say: “Think! Maybe it’s enough to go through life through the word “should”? As past experience has shown, this path does not give anything good. The earth is meant for joy and happiness! Let’s get true pleasure from work, communication with loved ones, and relaxation!”

“I love well-being!”

Receiving benefits is natural for a person on Earth if he lives in harmony with his soul and the World!

“I enjoy life!”

Imagine orange ring around the earth(for men) and blue(for women).

3. Solar plexus (Manipura). Center (chakra) for receiving will energy. A developed center gives self-confidence, awareness of one’s own strength and dignity. A person simultaneously influences the world and becomes, as it were, independent of it.

The energies of the center participate in the formation of the following qualities: willpower, conviction, activity, activity, endurance, nobility, authority, enterprise, heroism. The center's task is to help a person make the right choice.

An undisclosed center creates an underestimation of one’s own will and importance, leads to the desire to excessively use the will and the desire to assert oneself. This gives rise to disharmony and conflict.

"I love me!"

In recent years, people have been paying more and more attention to showing self-love. And this is important and necessary if a person does not rise above people. In this case, selfishness manifests itself. Truly loving yourself is a great art!

"I love power!"

Most often, the concept of “power” includes managing people. If this is the only way a person understands power, then this affirmation should not be used. But people, without realizing it, create huge problems for themselves and society by cursing and denying authority. Everything said about money also applies to power. These are the tests that test true spirituality.

"I love success!"

"I'm happy!"

Imagine yellow ring around the earth(for men) and blue(for women).

4. Heart (Anahata). Center (chakra) for receiving the energy of feelings. The task of the center is to create a connection between divine and earthly love, to fill the physical body and psyche with love.

A developed center ensures a calm, harmonious flow of energy of kindness, compassion, warmth, reverence, selflessness, sincerity, openness, patience, love.

An undisclosed center leads to a person replacing love-giving with love-need. He does good things in order to receive a good attitude towards himself in return. That is love is a state turns into love vector. Worry about loved one, which is often mistaken for love, is actually an unsatisfied feeling of security.

An insufficiently active heart center can create the following difficulty. When idealizing a partner, they often love him because who he can become, who you want him to be. And in this case, you can invest a lot of effort in your partner, adapting him to your idea of ​​him. But he cannot become what you want him to be; your fictional ideal is different from him. Often on this basis compassion turns into suffering. Heartache speaks of internal disharmony and imbalance. To avoid pain for the love shown, for misunderstanding on the part of the partner, you need to put the heart center in order and activate it.

After which joy and happiness comes into life. And compassion will not be your suffering, but will be an effective action to help the suffering.

The activation of the center and the mental body through this center is facilitated by the following thoughts:

"I like people!"

"I love nature!"

“I love the whole Universe!”

Imagine green ring around the earth. It is symbolic, but it is in the area of ​​the heart center that the colors for men and women coincide!

5. Throat (Vishuddha). Center (chakra) for receiving form energy. This center provides its own view of the world, the ability to express the truth, show creativity, artistry, romanticism, and lyricism. The center helps to be a real, not a fake romantic, gives a feeling of authenticity, helps develop intuition, promotes the manifestation of one’s individuality, one’s true freedom, and becoming a balanced creative person.

A closed center deprives a person of inspiration and lulls intuition. There is an opposition to the world and a zealous defense of one’s rights. A rebel who opposes himself to society, as a rule, has problems with this center.

The following statements can be used to activate the center:

"I love success!"

"I love fame!"

He who has accepted the manifestation of love for money, for power, for well-being, for sex, for prosperity, will react wisely to love and fame. Fame is understood as delight and joy from one’s own realization, the opportunity to “infect” the people around him with joy and happiness.

"I love freedom!"

Imagine blue ring around the earth(for men) and yellow(for women).

6. Third eye (Ajna). Center (chakra) for receiving mental energy. The center helps to develop and correctly direct imagination and intuition. It promotes the development of knowledge, including knowledge that goes beyond the physical world. A person perceives the world three-dimensionally, taking into account subtle plans.

When the center is not developed, the imagination is not connected with life. A person goes into the world of fantasies and illusions. A distorted idea of ​​reality arises; people often bathe in illusory images.

To strengthen the mental body through this center, you can use the statement:

“I love to know: how and why!”

For many people this is an important affirmation, because not everyone has a constant interest in Life. And it's simple vital! As we have seen in previous chapters, expanded consciousness, especially today, is a necessary condition for a happy and eternal life.

Imagine blue ring around the earth(for men) and orange(for women).

7. Fontana (Sahasrara). Center (chakra) for receiving Cosmic energy. Center for communication with God.

Effective work the center is promoted by the following statements:

"I love Space!"

"I love God!"

Everyone understands love for God in their own way, and this is natural, because everyone has their own worldview. It is very important not to separate yourself from God and not to place him outside of yourself. In this case, a person automatically builds a hierarchy and begins to separate the World and people, placing everyone in steps. Realize your divinity and the divinity of the entire world around you without separating anything or anyone from this divinity- this is true love for God.

Imagine purple ring around the earth(for men) and red(for women).

When the efficiency indicators of centers approach 100, you should not focus on them, only occasionally check whether the indicator has dropped. But affirmations should be repeated until you see dramatic changes in your health and life. I suggest doing them as a separate prayer-concentration (see exercise 6).

3rd exercise. Concentration: LIGHT POST

All energy centers, main and auxiliary, become a single energy column covering the entire human body. Imagine how harmoniously the interaction of your energy body with the whole World occurs. There is a harmonious distribution of energy throughout all organs and systems of the body.

Realizing that man is a cosmos and contains a huge number of living and intelligent worlds, one must imagine how they are filled with the energies of love and light, joy and happiness. At such moments, the messenger of love - Christ - comes to them, into their worlds.

To realize one's cosmism, the presence of living and intelligent civilizations within oneself, the interconnection of the Microcosmos and the Macrocosmos is a great breakthrough in human consciousness, this is the formation of the consciousness of God-man!

4th exercise. COSMIC BREATH

(Breathing Prana, Psychic Energy).

The Atlanteans and Hyperboreans possessed Cosmic Breath, and this allowed them to solve amazing problems.

Prana is the life force energy in our Universe. This breathing is actually much more important for human life than breathing air or physical food. This method of breathing radically changes a person’s consciousness.

Standing, sitting, lying down, inhale Cosmic energy through the fontanel. During inhalation, fill every cell of the body with this energy, bring prana to all the universes located in the body. Exhale through the legs, arms, phallus (for women - through the breasts) the energies of Love, Joy, Light, filling Mother Earth, nature, your loved ones, all people with these energies.

It is better to make breathing full, to include the diaphragm in your work.

During this breathing, move on to the 5th and 6th exercises and perform them simultaneously.

5th exercise. "THE HOLY TRINITY"

The goal is the unity of the inner Trinity of man: Mind, Heart, Eros. This develops self-love and creates inner harmony.

Awareness of the importance of each part of this Trinity and their equality is already a step towards their unification. (You can read more about the Trinity in the book “Egregors”).

Meditations are possible here: “Trinity”, “Sexual Experience” (From the book “1000 and one way to be yourself”). Remember your most vivid and powerful sexual experience, include the entire Trinity in this process, turn it into a single energy flow, feel it as much as possible, right up to orgasm.

In orgasm, the highest harmony of the Trinity and all human bodies is achieved. The highest goal is to live in a state of constant orgasm!

6th exercise. "BEACON OF LOVE"

Create your own Beacon of Love. Love is beyond time and beyond space. Therefore, the Beacon of Love will shine on you everywhere and everywhere and will not let you get lost in any life situation. When it’s difficult for you, look at your Lighthouse, and you will feel warm and light, peace and confidence will come, and you will know “where to sail,” what to do, how to act, because your heart will be filled with Love and everything will fall into place.

When you are at ease and joyful, look at your Lighthouse and add more warmth, light and Love there, and the Lighthouse will shine even stronger.

How to create a Beacon of Love? Imagine somewhere up ahead there is a bright, glowing, warm, calm image. This could be a point, a sphere, or another shape. In this form is the Love of the soul, of God, all the Love you have accumulated in all past and future lives, the whole experience of earthly Love. This is falling in love, and passion, and love for a child, and for parents, and for nature, and between a man and a woman. And this Love shines for you always and everywhere!

Feel this Lighthouse as often as possible, let it become brighter and warmer, constantly interact with it - let its beam be in constant communication with your heart, let it fill your heart with Love, and let it distribute it throughout your body, into the space surrounding you, for all your relationships and affairs. And everything grows and develops in Love. This is God working through you. It is you who become God!

The Lighthouse of Love helps in healing and rejuvenation, building good relationships with people, and successfully resolving business. This technique has a particularly strong effect on the heart, blood and blood vessels, that is, on what receives and distributes Love throughout the body.

And as a verbal expression of the light of the Beacon of Love you can say:


These words contain the highest form of self-awareness. These words contain everything: Love, God, Man and Life (I manifest).

With these words, I affirm that I have the great quality and right to make visible out of the invisible - to manifest God.


This is my life force.


Only by filling myself with love can I give it to others.


This is my material strength.


Not over people, but divided with people.


It manifests the Glory of God. It is a means of attracting others and awakening their aspirations.


To please yourself and others.


So that I can give to others.


To live better than yesterday.


This is my aspiration to know God.


In all His diversity: from a leaf to the stars, from a person close to me to all of humanity, from the lowest planes to the highest.


After some time, you will feel that the Lighthouse of Love merges with you and you become the Lighthouse of Love on the planet!


The unity of four hearts: the Heart of Man, the Heart of the Soul, the Heart of God, the Heart of the Earth.

With the help of this exercise, a person interacts with the Cosmos. Concentration on creating a pillar of light connecting Space and Earth.

Each person has his own mission on Earth, his own special calling, and it would be nice to know this. But there are few who are aware of their mission. How can you recognize her? You can start with an awareness of the universal mission. Not everyone knows her either. Development! Everyone here on Earth is in order to find contact with their Soul and realize its plans in life - this is the path to Self. But what are the plans of a particular Soul, how does it plan to develop, what kind of experience to gain - this is everyone’s personal mission.

The better the contact with the Soul, the greater the agreement between the Soul and the inner Trinity of a person, the more accurately a person’s mission and his calling will be realized.

The Tibetan in the “Mirror of the Student” gives a technique that allows you to build a harmonious relationship between the Soul and the inner Trinity of a person. Here I present a revised, simplified, but quite effective version.

First you need to accept that the Heart is the central point of a person. Not as a material organ, but as a spiritual energy body, which gives life to the physical heart and the entire body and also carries a number of important spiritual functions.

This central point of a person, his Heart, needs to be connected to the center of the Soul, which is located above the head at a distance of about twenty centimeters. Mentally or with the help of visualization, you need to open this channel between the Soul and the Heart. The head is in this channel of Light and Love and is also filled with love. And a mind filled with love is wisdom!

The second step is to connect the Heart through the support points (legs) with the Earth. This is an important part of the methodology - in this way an earthly foundation is created, without which the implementation of the mission on Earth will be difficult. This connection is also made mentally or visually. With this action, a person thanks Mother Earth for his birth, for the Space of Love created by the Earth for his life.

The third step is to create a channel of Light and Love from Space to Earth through yourself, including your body and energy centers in it. It’s not for nothing that they say that man is a walking antenna connecting the Earth and Space!

Step four is to create an energy Sphere around this channel, spreading horizontally and covering the entire space of human life.

In this case, there is a unification of the macrocosm, the world of man and his inner microcosm in a single evolutionary stream.

Thus, what the Soul has been waiting for a long time happens - it becomes a full-fledged mistress of the Sphere of human life! Light and Love enter a person's life. In this case, he consciously begins to fulfill his mission.

8th exercise. COLLECTION OF ALL "I"

From time to time you need to collect all your “I”s, scattered in time and space. Most people live on 30% of their “I”, and they give the remaining 70% to anyone who wants to take advantage of their energy. Most often these are parents, the company and the state for whom the person works, religions and various spiritual teachings, numerous earthly and cosmic egregors... Many “I”s are scattered across various situations and unresolved problems of this and other lives.

Of course, all these “I”s are “walking” somewhere by the good will of the person himself - he consciously or unconsciously allowed them to be there. The time has come to return them to the “here and now” in order to start a new, full life. Expanded consciousness allows you to look around all spaces, all times and call on your “I”!

Having completed the previous exercises, you can, in the mood, say:

- From today I start a new life!(A new life begins every day and every hour!) I take responsibility for my life! I live in love and joy! I invite all my selves, scattered voluntarily or involuntarily in space and time, to unite here and now in order to solve the problems of the Soul together!

The text may be different, the main thing is to understand the ongoing process and begin to consciously manage it.


The unification of all planes of Consciousness into a Single, Complete Consciousness of Man.

Man is created in the image and likeness of God. Not only the physical body, but the One Essence of all bodies - all this is the image and likeness of God.

Realize yourself as the image and likeness of God. To unite the subconscious, consciousness, superconsciousness, superconsciousness into a Single Consciousness. To embrace all your bodies with this One Consciousness. This is the image and likeness of God.

This is meditation and concentration at the same time.

There was a feeling of internal expansion. Feel big! You have grown and embraced the entire space of your life. You are the creator of this space! You are Man and God at the same time.

10th exercise. "LET'S CLEAN THE RIVER BED"

Disband remote and super-remote objects of your Consciousness, containing a distorted idea of ​​the World.

Extend this exercise to all of humanity, that is, act globally. Imagine that you are removing these misconceptions from the depths of humanity’s consciousness. To increase efficiency, try to see these misconceptions in yourself, albeit very subtly, but they often exist. And this is really true, even if you don’t realize it, since every person is an inseparable part of humanity. Thus, by changing yourself, you change the World.

Honesty helps both you and others. By telling the truth about yourself, you free yourself and others from many problems. Be honest and, having found this or that delusion in yourself, declare it honestly and call it by your name “this is a delusion!” and then you will be able to remove it from yourself and help others with this. Honesty allows you to get out of illusion.

Let's remember that we came into this world to save it from our false ideas about ourselves!

The book “Living Thoughts” contains a detailed explanation of the main misconceptions.

1. The first and main misconception: There is a need. This is the deepest misconception. It manifests itself in different forms, and serves as the ancestor of all other misconceptions in a person, including the idea that he needs someone’s love. Don't let any desire develop into a need.

Statements that can displace this misconception: God has no programs, and therefore no need. There is enough of everything in the World, and, therefore, there is no shortage of anything. Just as I love myself, the World loves me.

2. Also an equally common misconception: There is failure.

Statements that help you get away from misconception: The outcome of life is always positive and therefore there is no failure.

Always look for a positive experience, otherwise there will be repetitions until you find it in any situation.

3. The third group of misconceptions: Judging yourself. Guilt. Judging others. Demandingness.

Statements that should be used to replace condemnation and guilt: At every moment of time, the most perfect event occurs! Judge not, and you will not be judged. No one owes nothing to nobody! Be demanding only of yourself, and then within reasonable limits.

On the other hand, you need to be aware of the entire interconnection of events and your involvement in everything that happens in the World.

4. Another large group of misconceptions: Fear of illness and death. Other fears.

Man is a divine creation, and he was originally created eternal! Eternal, harmonious life on Earth! I remember the law of the First Origins about Eternal Life. The earth was created for man, for his eternal life.

5. Specific but common misconceptions: Fear of men, of women.

The unity of a man and a woman gives birth to the main energy of life. Man and woman, Couple - the greatest value of the World! Relationships in a Couple are dynamic, constantly developing, then it can exist forever. There is a huge variety of forms of Couple relationships in the World, and they can complement and develop it. The deepest aspects of freedom are revealed in the Couple.

6. Subtle, but therefore very deep, delusion: There is superiority.

There is no superiority of anyone over anyone! A person can be friends with God too!

7. Most often, these are misconceptions of older people: Call of Duty.

No one owes nothing to nobody! Especially no one owes anyone love. Duty and love are opposites. I feel deep gratitude to God and the whole World.

8. A deep misconception, especially acutely in conflict with the advent of the era of Unity: There is separation. The desire to separate, to close. “My house is on the edge.”

Nothing can be separated from God, and therefore there is no separation. We are all one. Everything is one. Any separation violates the harmony of the World and returns the created tension to the violator.

9. These misconceptions are a burden from the past: There are rules, norms, principles, morals.

Complete freedom of each individual is a natural and spiritual principle of development! Rules, norms, morality - all this is a substitute for love. The highest morality is love!

10. The delusion of a mind backed to the wall: There is ignorance. I don't know, I don't understand, I don't know how.

Everything is God. Each particle contains all the information about the entire Universe. Man carries within himself all the knowledge, all the skills of the World! The natural state of a person as a rational being is complete awareness of all thoughts, feelings, emotions, and actions.

To increase the effectiveness of this exercise, you can re-read the chapter “Illusion” in the book “Living Thoughts” every few months. This allows you to effectively expand consciousness.

11th exercise. Fill remote and super-remote objects of the mental body with Light, Joy, Love

The essence of the exercise is this: the more remote parts of your consciousness you place information, the more fully it is realized in life.

In this way, it is possible to defocus destructive information in remote and ultra-remote areas of consciousness, as if it did not exist at all.

Super-remote areas of consciousness produce ultra-fast processing of large volumes of information.

12th exercise. Manifestation in Consciousness of the basic principles of the evolution of life

We need to come to the point that these principles form the basis of consciousness, become its foundation.

1. Joy, Light and Love are the main way of understanding the world.

2. It all starts with me!

3. My consciousness perceives as reality what exists in it. I myself create this World in which I live. Therefore, I can change this world by changing my consciousness. By changing myself and the World for the better, I do good.

4. I awaken the Instinct of Preserving Life.

5. An active life position is service to humanity, the preservation of Life in all its manifestations. An active life position means a large amount of good done in a unit of time!

6. Each element of Reality stores all information about everything. Everything that comes before me is also me. Everything after me is also me. Everything is me!

7. Spirit is the action of the Soul. Spirituality is unity with the Soul and the implementation of its plans.

8. I treat everyone the way I want them to treat me.

9. The principle of divinity: the incorruptibility of the body, the eternity of life, the truth of consciousness. My body shines with the Light, Love, Joy of God.

10. There is no bad or good. There are things that work and things that don't. There is only useful and pleasant.

11. The true status of the World in eternal life.

12. Everything has only the meaning that we give it.

13. Man is created in the image and likeness of God. Man is God for those universes that are contained in him.

14. I become who I am.

15. You can only receive from the World what you give to the World.

16. Love is Life. Life is Love. And it always exists from the beginning. I am its creator! I reveal all facets of Love.

17. Love is energy, Freedom is space. They exist only together - creating the Space of Love.

18. The interaction between a man and a woman is the basis of Life.

19. The only one is diversity.

20. Sexuality is the glorification of Love, the glorification of Life, the glorification of God.

21. Thank you all for Life, for Love, for Joy, for Bliss in every moment!

After all this, you should hold the water in your hands and drink.

13th exercise. Concentration on healing and rejuvenation at the cellular level

All cells, organs and systems of my body become more and more wise, awaken and take an active position in life. They remember the Law of Origins about eternal life!

After the Macroworld, the World of man and his inner Microworld have united and filled with light and love, an impulse is born to awaken eternal life.

To give an impulse to awaken the consciousness of every cell, every organ and merge without any interference into the One, Eternal Consciousness of Man.

14th exercise. PROJECTION

The body always has the healthiest organ. Project health, energy, strength, wisdom, youth the healthiest organ on all other organs, on the entire body.

Another projection option:

Take a photo of yourself at the age you want to be. You can enlarge it and hang it in front of your eyes above the bed, in your permanent location. And every time your gaze falls on a photograph, project that state of health, youth, joy onto today’s.

If there are tasks for healing, rejuvenation or restoration of specific organs and systems, then this practice should be supplemented with the following part:

15th exercise. MOVE

Since the World is eternal, information about each person, about each of his cells always exists somewhere in the World. Therefore, you can take information about a healthy organ (this could be in the past or in the future, or somewhere else) and transfer it here.

You move from any point in space where there is information about the corresponding healthy organ, its hologram (matrix) into your mental body. Now the regeneration process will occur according to this hologram (matrix).


We address the organ, which needs special attention and healing, as a rational and living being (it is!) with great respect and gratitude for its tireless creative, patient work over many years. Ask for forgiveness for making him sick, for not paying attention to his signals, pain, requests for help. Imagine how warmly and tenderly you treat a sick child, how you want to help him get better. THIS is exactly the message of love your organ needs!

Now imagine a state of purity, lightness, invisibility of its work, usual for a healthy organ - that is, give your body the image that you ultimately strive for in sensations (materialize the state of health). Feel how pleasant sensations of release, warmth, pulsation, movement of energy arise here in response to your long-awaited attention - you receive a positive response from your body.

And now, from this state of joyful, positive dialogue, give an impulse of confidence that the organ is being restored, try to create a state of uplift, vigor, and success. To shiver, to goosebumps! Try to feel it more vividly! And there should be no doubt about recovery, restoration - you are the master of your space, your body! And another wave of this rise and confidence! And further!

Then consolidate the new state of your favorite organ by praising it and yourself, and return to a calm, satisfied state.

The same work can be done with the organ system (digestive, circulatory, respiratory, etc.), and with the entire body as a whole.


Make up your own statements, affirmations, visualizations that reflect 10 of your best qualities and use them throughout the day. In this way you will feed them with good energies and contribute to their development. And these statements will allow you to change a lot in life.

18th exercise. JOY!

Joy is an amazing quality that transforms life! Use different interesting ideas and methods that create a feeling of joy.

For example, imagine sunny weather. River. Early spring. Ice floes are floating along the river. Bright sunlight reflected in all colors from water, from ice floes, from individual ice crystals - an amazing play of colors, light, color! Joyful mood! Spring in the soul! Awakening of life!

19th exercise. HAPPINESS!

Scientists examining the brain have discovered a zone that registers pleasure. In right-handers it is located in the frontal part above the left eyebrow, and in left-handers it is above the right eyebrow. People who consider themselves happy have increased activity in this zone. Such people are ready to rejoice over the most insignificant occasion. By meditating and concentrating on this part of the brain, tuning into pleasure, the feeling of joy, you can increase the perception of happiness in your life. And a more effective way - in parallel with this, it is necessary to change consciousness, build a happy worldview.

To these exercises you need to add the following. Every day share good news with someone, tell someone something nice. For 20 minutes a day, to produce endorphins, do physical exercise. Smile at yourself for 2 minutes a day in front of the mirror to train your “happiness muscles.” Spend 10 minutes a day in relaxation, tuning in to maximum satisfaction with life. Half an hour a day to do what you love. Once a week, arrange a “festival of the soul” - visiting a cafe, a good performance, watching a comedy film, a dance program... Twice a month, visiting a sauna or bathhouse in a good campaign. After three months of such activities, a stable state of joy in life will arise.

This is the implementation of the principle “Be - Act - Have”! By acting like a happy person, you trigger the “mechanisms of happiness” in yourself, and this becomes your usual state.

Consciousness must always be in action. The mental body, like the physical body, needs to be constantly trained, cared for, and nourished with pure energies. And this, in turn, will create a positive, life-affirming mood. Many have read Vladimir Megre’s books about Anastasia. She constantly thought, created thought forms, tried not to be distracted even by food. For Homo sapiens, working with consciousness is the most important part of his life!

How we think is how we live!

Let me give you the example of Larisa Fedorovna Sukhorukova. After giving birth, she gained a lot of weight: after weighing 48 kg, she began to weigh 90 kg - almost twice as much! And I couldn't help it. Then she decided to repeat the experiment with the work of thought. She drew a portrait of herself the way she wanted to see herself, like when she weighed 48 kg, and hung it on the wall, above the bed, right before her eyes. Both going to bed and getting up, she mentally communicated with this portrait, imagining herself running, jumping, swimming, etc. Six months later, she began to weigh 55 kg, and has remained practically at this weight to this day, 40 years later! Moreover, I didn’t follow any diets, I ate everything!

Next, it is advisable to move on to physical exercises, which will help to quickly project new programs of the mental body into the physical body. Katsuzo Nishi's health system works well. 15-20 minutes a day will give a huge boost to your health. It is very important to pay attention and care to the body!

It is advisable to say affirmations during physical exercise. For example:

Gratitude. Organized. Love. Joy.

All exercises are performed under these keys. During physical exercise, it is useful to repeat the list of your wonderful qualities and enjoy their sound, rejoice in this state. For example: I am an interesting, sexy, gentle woman! I am talented, and in some areas I am simply brilliant! And there can be several such characteristics, up to a dozen. To make it easy to remember, it is advisable to keep them short, no more than five words.

Grigory Grabovoi’s number series work well. They help structure space and change a lot in life for the better.

All these exercises will undoubtedly give results depending on the intensity of the training, the depth and sincerity of living. Once every six months I suggest testing for balance of qualities. In fact, this is not even a test, but also an exercise and a very effective one.

Even in Ancient Egypt, people knew about the importance of a balance of qualities. When initiating neophytes, the priests considered it very important to master twelve pairs of twin qualities. Now, when the energy intensity of the Earth and each person is very large, when every word, thought and feeling has great power, the ability to maintain a balance of qualities is especially important.


A careful reading of the characteristics of qualities will in itself bring the necessary information into consciousness. And awareness of the task gives them movement and growth. Life will begin to create situations in which you can develop them even more. Below are methods to enhance the manifestation of qualities in a person.

In the book, the qualities include modesty, pity, boredom, envy, jealousy, resentment, and fear. It would be more accurate to call them properties. After all, we are accustomed to associate the word “quality” with quality, with something good. These are also your energies, and you do not need to get rid of them, but rather transform them into other, higher-quality energies. In addition, you can apply special methods that will further enhance the dynamics of quality improvement.

“Origins” does not indicate all the qualities and properties by which you can test yourself. You can additionally add: masculinity, femininity, meekness(a forgotten quality, but it plays a huge role in the development of femininity, and this is not submissiveness), patience, humility, determination, hard work, diligence, modesty, falling in love, wisdom, luck, etc. There is a large field for creativity here. And as a final indicator of the balance of qualities - equilibrium.

Methods of working with qualities and properties may be different. And even with some of them you can come up with original methods. Get creative! For example, working with jealousy. The image of a free bird can help convert the energy of jealousy into other energies. Imagine the person you are jealous of as a beautiful bird. Help her fly high, fly freely, without boundaries. Try to feel the freedom of flight and independence yourself! Translate the energies of jealousy into the energy of gaining new heights! Such images will help you change your consciousness, understand yourself more deeply and experience more joy in life.

You can use the following method to convert properties. Imagine that a given property, for example, fear, is soil. This soil needs to be cultivated and sown with flowers or planted cedars or other trees, whatever you like. Considering that many properties already have energy accumulations (egregors) in mental space, as well as the fact that for greater efficiency it is desirable to work globally, you need to imagine this entire egregor as fertile soil and do the appropriate “agricultural work”.

In every property, even the farthest from Love - in fear, there is still Love, a little, but there is. Therefore, there is always a springboard, an opportunity to rely on this good grain and transform the entire property.

You can use the Hourglass (Figure Eight) method. The number "8" means eternity. In the upper ring of the number there is a silver-white light of the teaching about the salvation of the Earth and eternal life and harmonious development. This quality or property is placed in the lower ring of the number. From the upper ring, like in an hourglass, silvery-white light flows into the lower one and fills it, transforming the property, developing quality. As a result, the entire eight begins to glow brightly.

Numeric codes can be used to develop qualities and transform properties. They are individual for each person, so they need to be selected accordingly.

To increase the efficiency of working with qualities and properties, you can use appropriate mottos (slogans). For example, when working with a sense of ownership - “Use, but not own!”; with jealousy - “The motive of relationships is to give, not to receive!”

The given exercises are just some tips for your own creativity. Many people are already using various practices. I think that for them, too, there will be something in the proposed exercises that can increase the efficiency of working on themselves. Get creative! Take a more active position in life - do more good and start with yourself!

The relevance of health in modern life

In the value priorities of humanity, health today ranks fourth after money, power, and sex. And this is gratifying. After all, just a few decades ago, health was in the top ten priorities. However, it is obvious that neither money, nor power, nor sex are needed and will not be without health.

All more people understands that health is a necessary condition, the basis for a happy, prosperous life. Until now, humanity has been building a building called the individual, family, collective, society, state, without having a foundation. Such a building always turned out to be unstable, prone to falling and destruction. And instead of building a foundation, people spent their entire lives building various supports, trying to keep the building from falling.

Even when humanity paid attention and was engaged in health, until recently health was viewed through the prism of secondary (science, religion, magic, art, medicine) and tertiary (everyday, everyday) knowledge, which forced the use of long, borrowed, complex ( everything is false), ineffective ways and means of healing. Physical education, sports, fitness, and medicinal medicine came to us from the West. From the East - yoga, qigong, wushu, oriental martial arts. People do both without much health benefit. This often disappoints both those who have been involved in health and those who have not yet started their recovery. Both of them do not differ qualitatively in life expectancy, which is limited to a short period of 100 years.

Meanwhile, the development of technocratic civilization increases the number of risks and pathogenic effects of various kinds on health every day. A particular threat to health today is posed by information expansion, which has taken on the character of a chaotic, aggressive information impact. Aggressive information chaos directly damages the holy of holies of a person - genetically determined potential with the development from the beginning of conception of a wide variety of disorders, diseases, premature aging and death.

From generation to generation, genetic disorders accumulate, so that today we have a total pathological gene pool as a huge burden on the life of every person and society as a whole. At the same time, modern man is plunged into the abyss of controlled social chaos, when, with declared freedoms, the value of human life, human rights, the priority of the individual, and democratic principles, a person is artificially and purposefully molded into a specialist of various kinds, that is, a person who spends his entire life fulfilling special goals and tasks, according to Essentially, a biorobot on a human, biological basis. Such a person with a narrow consciousness naturally does not attach due importance to health, does not realize and does not realize the true meaning of life, and is busy only with private, special tasks and goals.

Deprived of higher knowledge (about the fundamental principles of life, the meaning of life), proper guidelines in life, a person naturally develops various disorders and illnesses at the level of spiritual, social, mental, and physical spheres of life. In Russia, in recent decades, there has been a rapid decline in health levels, rejuvenation and progression of chronic diseases, degradation and degeneration in all segments of the population. Given current trends in health, there is a real danger of Russia disappearing as a sovereign state in the near future. But people, society, the state are still busy with more “important” matters, plans, modernizations.

Meanwhile, there are countries that traditionally use population health (China, Japan, India). Today, these countries demonstrate the highest rates of development in all spheres of life. There is no doubt that the success of these countries is primarily due to mass traditional healing associated with the use of spiritual and healing practices. The modern state and political elite of Russia increasingly advocates the modernization of all spheres of life of the state and society. The time has come to realize that Russia will only become a world leader when the real recovery of the people begins. Russia still does not have its own national practice of health improvement, and Russia borrows foreign, ineffective, and sometimes dangerous and harmful health methods from the West and East. The time has come for Russia to find its own national practice of healing, as a necessary condition for building a prosperous country.

New health methodology

From the standpoint of modern science, a person is an open, nonlinear, non-equilibrium, costly, self-regulating, living system. A scientific model that reflects this definition of a person is a vortex, a spindle, a top. In order for a spinning top to continuously spin and not fall, that is, to live without disorders, illnesses, injuries, and not die prematurely, his top must be periodically and systematically twisted from the outside throughout his life. These twisting-stimulations can have a different character, similar to the trinity of being-life, with which a person interacts as an open system. The hierarchical, objectively existing trinity of being-life is: information - measure - matter. At the level of human consciousness, the triune hierarchy of being-life is reflected in the trinity of knowledge (information) - time, meaning, love (measure) - energy (matter). At the level of the physical body, the triune hierarchy of being-life is reflected in three parts of the body: head-brain (information), chest-heart (measure), stomach (matter-energy). The triune hierarchy of being-life builds a hierarchy of higher health-improving means (spinning the top) in the form of:

1. information-knowledge of an extremely capacious meaning (Higher Knowledge), measured, rhythmically, and lovingly illuminating a person’s entire life. Higher Knowledge is knowledge that carries the largest amount of information in a unit of information, which has the highest organizing and controlling effect, which should be considered as the highest healing tool, proper information software. The quintessence of the Highest Knowledge is the words: Glory to God - information that is extremely capacious in meaning, words that are keys to the universal information code (universal information matrix-hologram), the basis of a person’s genetically determined potential. For key words to work, you need to be able to use them correctly. We offer healing practices in which key words are spoken lovingly, in sync with the basic rhythms of the body and the Universe.

2. measured, rhythmically filled with lovingly spoken words of the highest meaning (Glory to God), with which a person tries to consciously precede every moment of his life, becoming a co-creator of life. A measured life of the deepest meaning, filled with unconditional love in the Word, leads to the correct deployment in time and space of software (information), that is, genetically determined potential. Only such a life is truly healthy in all respects and brings happiness to a person.

3. the material world, which makes it possible to have excess energy and free circulation of energy, all fluid environments of the body - a condition for the effective deployment of software, a healthy, happy life. The entire material world is different forms of manifested energy. Any form of the material world emits energy and can be a source of energy. A person can consciously increase his energy intensity through proper development and training of the muscular system, which provides harmonious interaction with the surrounding material world and his own body.

Taking into account the proposed rationale, we have created three universal psychophysical, health-improving practices, which have a number of specific differences, which suggests their daily combined use to obtain the maximum health-improving effect. At a minimum, healthy bear walking is recommended as a morning exercise, diaphragmatic breathing and the practice of listening to the heart are desirable as preparation for bed.

The proposed health practices are distinguished and united by their impact on the information level of human organization and the pathogenesis of diseases. Man, as an open system, requires nutrition not only and not so much in the form of material (energy) food (food, water, air, energy of the surrounding space), but in the form of information support. Words of the highest meaning are needed by man as a spiritual being no less than air is needed by animal man. A person gets sick, first of all, due to a lack of correct information support. Modern aggressive information chaos in the most disorderly way stimulates the deployment of genetic potential, which manifests itself in metabolic and energy disorders, premature aging and the development of diseases. Correct information programming consists of systematic, rhythmic “processing” of genetic potential with information that is extremely meaningful. Complete renewal of body cells is carried out in 7 years. Therefore, complete reprogramming to healthy life Under the most ideal conditions, it should take seven years. However, no one can create ideal conditions (zero information background of life) for the rapid reprogramming of a person. There is only one way out: the use of proper information support in the form of health practices throughout life and in the continuity of generations. In practice, this means adopting one health-improving technique as the basic national health-improving practice. An analysis of all universal human knowledge has singled out words of the highest meaning from the entire information diversity. In our opinion, such words are the words: Glory to God, Glory to the Family! Man, losing these words as spiritual food, can only live as a social, animal being, which is what modern humanity demonstrates. Information manifests its organizing, controlling properties through a systematic, rhythmic, monotonous, that is, temporary nature of the influence. Matter, the physical plane of existence, is created and transformed in time by organized information under the condition of an excess of energy. The proposed healing practices should be applied systematically throughout life by healthy people, and even more so, accompany the treatment of any disease as a background.

Muscles are the only truly active element of the body, and if a person wants to change something in the body and in his own life, then this can only be done through muscles. Muscles according to their importance for health are distributed as follows: 1. diaphragm, 2. heart, 3. muscles of the power belt, 4. motor muscles, 5. respiratory muscles. Articulatory muscles (AM) have a special, key importance for health. They are “fine” muscles in the sense of the complexity and coordination of the movements performed. On the one hand, they express in sound the activity of the entire muscular system, requiring coordinated work of all muscles. In this sense, AMs are the fruit of the muscular system. On the other hand, their movement when spoken mentally is likened to information captured by the brain, creating the basis for thinking. By “reigning” monotonous information of deep meaning in the consciousness, by pronouncing and singing it in the rhythm of breathing, heartbeat, walking, mentally and out loud while inhaling and exhaling, a person effectively realizes the genetically determined potential with the correct information support (stimulation). The main energy information carrier in the body is blood. Red blood cells, charging in the lungs with energy and information, must convey them to every cell of the body so that the information circulates vigorously in an autowave mode at the level of the cell membrane for a long time, inducing a corresponding effect on the genetic potential of the cell nucleus. It is clear that the condition for access of charged red blood cells to each cell is free and vigorous blood circulation throughout the body. This, in turn, can only be achieved through proper training and use of the muscular system.

The proposed health practices are designed to properly train muscles in accordance with their different importance for health, focusing on training articulatory muscles, the diaphragm, healing the heart, giving an appropriate load on the muscles of the power belt, muscles of the lower extremities, relaxing and stretching the muscles of the upper extremities and upper shoulder girdle. These health practices were created on the basis of a generalization of universal human experience (science, religion, magic, art) in the field of health. They take into account the peculiarities of the Russian mentality, the traditional cultural and historical roots of Russia. They are easy to understand and easy to perform, accessible to the population of all age groups and people of different health levels, and attractive in form and content. The practices are effective, restore and strengthen health and affect all parts of the pathological nonspecific and specific syndrome. The practices have been tested on dozens of people with a consistent healing effect, confirmed subjectively and using evidence-based medicine (medical monitoring, pulse measurement, blood pressure, computer diagnostics "Varicard"). We do not describe the many healing effects caused by these practices. They are obvious already when describing the technique of the proposed practices.

Diaphragmatic breathing at rest

Lying on your back, completely relax, inhale and exhale through your nose, as you inhale, the stomach protrudes, and as you exhale, it retracts. As you inhale, mentally say “Glory,” and as you exhale, “To God.” The breathing is calm, without tension, natural, pleasant, the duration is unlimited. The goal is to achieve automaticity of diaphragmatic breathing at rest, so that during sleep a person breathes like a baby and sleep turns into the best rest and medicine. Use at any time of the day, preferably before bed, after which the practice of listening to the heart is performed. To quickly achieve automaticity of diaphragmatic breathing at rest, you need to train a lot of time and systematically. This allows you to effectively involve the lower parts of the lungs in the gas exchange process and increase the level of gas exchange and metabolism and energy, and obtain a lot of other healing effects. Therefore, belly breathing in the East was considered as a breath of power and was considered the basis of any healing practice.

Practice listening to the heart

It is better to start mastering this practice while lying down, try to relax, take a few breaths with your stomach, while inhaling mentally saying: “Glory”, while exhaling - “To God”, then freeze, do not pay attention to your breathing, but listen to your heartbeats and say in the rhythm of your heart mentally: “Thank God,” for as long as concentration allows. The double rhythm of heartbeats (knock-knock, knock-knock) synchronizes well with the pronunciation of words of two syllables (Glory to God, Glory to the Nation). Concentration on the center of the sternum, on the heartbeat, on words of the highest meaning allows you to direct vital energy and blood to the center of the chest, as a result of which the heart and lungs receive an additional portion of nutrition, oxygen, energy, and information support. The cardiac bioenergetic center and the heart are the organizers (control) of all energy and the body as a whole, respectively. The longer the focus of consciousness is held in the heart, the greater the organizing influence on the entire body; life becomes meaningful and filled with love. In this case, the words: Glory to God come not from the head - the intellect, but from the heart, with love, reaching the nucleus of every cell of the body and effectively stimulating the development of a person’s genetically determined potential..

Healthy walking “bear style”

You need to walk in place or forward, shifting from foot to foot, stomping with each step so that the whole body shakes, relaxing the upper body and arms, using breathing with the combined work of the respiratory muscles, taking a sniffing breath for two steps, saying mentally: “Glory "And inflating your stomach, exhale in two steps, saying in a whisper: "To God." Walking speed 55-65 per minute. It is advisable to walk barefoot in summer or on a massage mat in winter. Increase the walking duration to 20-30 minutes or longer. The practice mobilizes all skeletal muscles, focusing on the muscles of the power belt, respiratory muscles, which allows for improved energetic grounding while simultaneously relaxing and passive movement of the upper torso, neck and head, facilitating the perception of the informational component of existence. Due to the rhythm of walking, the heart rushes to a healthy rhythm that coincides with the basic rhythm of the Universe. This is the practice of consciously twisting the energy-informational top (base) of a person.

We hope that the progressive medical community and the country's leadership will appreciate the relevance and legitimacy of raising the question posed in the title of the article, express their opinion on this issue and contribute to the development of society in this direction.

Our health begins within us, so it is very important to take care of the harmonious state of our body. Otherwise, all the dissonance will result in various diseases.

Therefore, I propose to restore order at least once a week using this practice.

Sit in a comfortable position, breathe slowly, calmly and measuredly. Close your eyes. Direct your attention to your fingers. Focus on the feeling of the blood moving and you will begin to feel the pulsation. Then bring your attention to your toes and also feel the blood pulsating there. Take your time. If you don’t succeed right away, focus on the sensation of blood flow for as long as necessary. The feeling of pulsation in your hands and feet will give you the feeling that energy is moving and spreading in your body. Bring your attention to the solar plexus area. Imagine that there is a pleasant warmth spreading there. It gradually spreads to the whole body.

Bring your attention to your chest. Take a few deeper breaths and exhale freely. Feel your chest opening up. You can breathe easier. The heart beats evenly, strongly, calmly.

A feeling of peace spreads throughout your entire body. You feel pleasant peace and warmth. Bring your attention to your face. Imagine how energy flows from within straighten your skin and relax your muscles. Tension goes away, wrinkles on the face are smoothed out. A slight smile appears on the lips. You feel warm and comfortable, only your forehead remains cool, as if a light breeze is blowing across it. You feel calm, comfortable, relaxed. Think of it as a healing state. Your body begins to normalize itself. Mechanisms of self-regulation and self-healing are activated. You don't need to do anything. Just rest. The body itself will take care of doing the work of self-healing. The main thing is that you have created the necessary conditions for this by entering a healing state.

After a few minutes, direct your attention to the organ that most needs healing. Express your intention to heal. Imagine that together with your attention you are directing healing energy to this organ, which washes it with pleasant soft currents.

Then do the same with other organs that require special attention and care.

You can stay in this state as long as you want.

I wish you health and a harmonious state.

I realized for myself that health is in our hands. The way we treat it causes various diseases, poor health, and shortens our lifespan. Before you stuff yourself with various medications that cure one thing and cripple another. It is also not a way out of the situation to run to doctors who do not always have good knowledge; you need to use your own healing practice, it heals the body, helps it function fully.

What is my wellness practice?

I am fully aware of my body and pay as much attention to it as possible. If, for example, something worries me, I concentrate and imagine this part of the body as completely healthy. I believe that I can always count on this organ, it will never let me down. I figuratively heal him, fill him with strength. When I feel this part of the body, I imagine it looking like something musical instrument, I listen to the sound it makes, while the melody spreads hot energy throughout the body. When I hear this sound, I can inhale it, say how sweet, bitter, or fruity it is, I taste this feeling of energy. Then I begin to see the light that comes from this part of the body, to feel how the warmth spreads throughout the body. Energy begins to bubble inside me, as if massaging my whole body. And I immediately felt better, I let go of the pain, felt that the disease was gone. My body has gained strength, ready for new life challenges, and nothing can stop it from maintaining calm and harmony. This is how I get rid of headaches, kidney pain, joint and muscle pain, and other unpleasant sensations. When I gave birth, I concentrated the pain using this method, my mother thought that I was sleeping between contractions, but this was not so, on the contrary, I was filled with strength and it helped me a lot. I gave birth to a healthy baby, without harming myself. Such health practice helps me get rid of negative emotions and thoughts, which often become the first reason due to which some kind of disease develops. The practice of healing cleanses my body, removes everything unnecessary, leaving only light and warmth.

Tibetan practices for healing the body, my own experience

This practice is very difficult, because at first glance these are simple physical exercises, but in fact, when I started practicing, I realized that the basis of all exercises are psychoenergetic principles. Purely physical ones are just a waste of energy, but here the effect is completely opposite. I noticed positive changes after 2 weeks. To begin with, I learned the following rule: Tibetan practices of healing the body correct disorders of any energetic part of the body, then physical recovery occurs.
I perform a set of Tibetan practices in the morning, on an empty stomach. Tested on personal experience that you should not do this at night, the body receives a large charge of energy, therefore the nervous system is excited. After classes I take a warm shower, but I can’t take a cold one.
I started doing it with 3 exercises, in the correct sequence, after a week I added 2 repetitions and reached 21. I don’t overdo it, I do it softly, calmly, smoothly, I throw away unnecessary extraneous thoughts, I concentrate on the point in the lower abdomen, below the navel.
I really like the inner smile exercise, when I imagine that all the organs are smiling, then I feel that they are charged with the energy of love, they calm down, relax, some kind of tickling effect is noticeable inside, it immediately becomes cheerful and better. In this way I harmonize their condition with a smile, and this has a beneficial effect on their overall well-being. I also realized that negative emotions are the aging of the body, so you need to lighten your body with positivity. The state of stress and fear blocks all organs. Also, while doing a certain job, I constantly try to smile so that everything works out. Smiling at my feelings, I open them to light and joy. To present, I use metaphors when, for example, I water flowers, talk to them on a level, and, indeed, they are filled with my energy. I talk to my body, I say that I value it, I treat it with all the love.
Also, Tibetan healing practices organism opened my eyes to some of my problems. When I was studying, it was hard for me to remember what they said. This is due to a disruption in the main source of hearing energy. I have chronic cystitis, it is the kidneys and bladder that are responsible for hearing acuity and facilitate a person’s perception of certain information. That's why I'm working on this source of energy now, healing my bladder.
The Tibetan practice of healing the body has introduced the following principles into my life:

  • Think what to say.
  • Remember that when I cry, my organs secrete poisons, when I rejoice, honey.
  • Don't dwell on problems.
  • Constantly smile, relax, enjoy life.
  • Worry less, act more.
  • Help yourself with the power of your mind.
  • I keep my feet warm, rub them, and do special exercises.
  • I reconsidered my diet.
  • I keep a moderate daily routine.

Also, I really liked the six healing sounds technique, which helps heal a specific organ. It combines physical exercises with appropriate sound. I perform this technique in a warm place, away from bustle and loud sounds, focusing only on myself.
I really like the Tibetan healing practice for its unique, interesting techniques that have a positive effect on our energy field, help our body get rid of various diseases, and help our mind learn to think only optimistically, to get rid of all unnecessary worries and impressions. After practice, I felt bright and a good man with a capital letter, which radiates joy!

Life is a priceless gift given to man by the Lord. This gift is so beautiful that for thousands of years people have been trying to find not only ways to prolong life, but also ways to achieve immortality. But, dreaming of a long life, a person understands perfectly well that life will be a joy if he manages to maintain health and vigor.
For centuries, people have struggled in search of the philosopher's stone, the elixir eternal youth. And the greatest success in this quest was achieved by the monks of Tibet, who devoted their lives to the study of Buddhism and the search for the path to immortality.

About Tibetan practices.

There is a legend that Tibetan monks, during long hours of meditation, discovered the existence of energy channels, through which a person receives the energy of the Earth and the Sun. During their practices, they discovered that performing certain exercises helps enrich the body with natural energy.

For 5,000 years, the monks studied, systematized their experience and embodied it in a system of health-improving and rejuvenating exercises for the body. They achieved the point that many of them lived 120 years, maintaining health, youth, and good spirits.

When the Chinese emperor found out about this, he called the monks to him, wanting to learn about the secrets of their eternal youth. And the monks created a set of health practices for Chinese empresses who dreamed of eternal youth and beauty.

According to the same legend, Tibetan monks were forbidden, on pain of death, to pass on their experience and knowledge to commoners. But “the ways of the Lord are inscrutable,” therefore this storehouse of Tibetan wisdom has reached us and is the main treasure of medicine in the Celestial Empire.

This is how movements, without any chemicals, improve a person’s health and return him to a full life.

These exercises are very simple and accessible. Their healing power lies in the fact that hand movements activate acupuncture points, which stimulate the meridians, clearing them of blockages that disrupt the flow of Qi.

Tibetan masters have also developed methodological recommendations, compliance with which allows you to get the greatest effect from the classes.

They recommend performing the exercises slowly, smoothly, without jerking, early in the morning or before bed, choosing a permanent place for exercise, and not changing it unless clearly necessary. During exercises, be sure to monitor proper breathing. After completing one exercise, you must restore your breathing, and then proceed to the next one.

A set of exercises.

Dragon Swimming.

  1. Starting position – arms in front of the chest, palms together.
  2. Moving your joined palms to the left and up, describe them in a semicircle above your head, and then from your chest in a semicircle at the bottom of your abdomen, describing a vertical triple “figure eight” in the air. Repeat 3 times.
  3. Then describe the same 3 “eights”, starting to move to the right.
  4. Repeat the entire cycle 8 times.

White Crane.

  1. Slowly lower yourself into a half-squat and at the same time raise your arms up to face level, palms in a ladle shape, fingers pointing down, inhale.
  2. Then also slowly rise to a stand on your toes, lower your hands, palms forward, down to the level of the lower tan tien, exhale.
  3. Repeat 9-12 times.

White crane on the water.

  1. Starting position – kneeling, hands on the lower tan-tian.
  2. Slowly lowering yourself, sit on your heels and at the same time raise your arms up, palms in the shape of a ladle, fingers pointing down, inhale.
  3. Then slowly return to a kneeling position, lower your hands, palms forward, and place them on your hips, exhale.
  4. Repeat 9-12 times.

The roc bird is flying.

  1. Starting position - horseman's stance, hands at the level of the middle tan-tian (in front of the chest), palms like a ladle, right on top, left on bottom.
  2. As you inhale, transfer your body weight to your left leg, slowly turn to the left, at the same time perform large opposite circular movements with your hands (the right one moves left-up-right-down to the chest, and the left moves right-down-left-up-to the chest), describing big eight.
  3. As you exhale, return to horseman's stance, hands in front of your chest, left on top and right below, palms cupped.
  4. Do the same to the right.
  5. Repeat 8 times.

Bow to the Sky and the Sun.

  1. Starting position - horseman's stance, hands on the lower tan-tian.
  2. Slowly raise your arms up in arcs across your sides, palms forward. Stretch up. Inhale.
  3. Slowly lowering your arms down and bending over, touch the floor if possible. Head down. Exhalation.
  4. Holding your breath and relaxing your upper body, remain in the tilted position for 6-8 seconds. If your physical condition allows, place your palms on the floor.
  5. Slowly return to the starting position, moving your arms along your legs and torso, lift them up. Inhale.
  6. Rest 5 seconds. and repeat the exercise.
  7. Repeat 5 times.

Bow to the Earth and Water. Video lesson.

  1. Stand in,
  2. Slowly rise on your toes, raise your arms up, stretch your arms, look at the sky. Inhale. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds.
  3. Then lower yourself onto your entire foot, lower your arms in arcs across your sides to shoulder level, palms up. Exhalation.
  4. Turn your hands palms down. Inhale.
  5. Slowly bending down, lower your hands, touch the ground and imitate the movement as if you are collecting water from a spring in your palms. Exhalation.
  6. Next, slowly straighten up, as if carrying water in your palms. Rise on your toes, raise your arms up, as if pouring spring water on yourself. Stretch your hands, look to the sky. Stay in this position for 2-3 seconds. Inhale.
  7. Repeat the exercise 6-9-12 times depending on how you feel.