Presentation on the topic of family and life. Family and life. Like a small group

Municipal state educational institution

"Nizhnemamonskaya secondary school No. 2

Verkhnemamonsky municipal district

Voronezh region»

Methodological development lesson

in social studies in 10th grade on the topic:

Family and life

Prepared and conducted:

history teacher and

social studies

Lukyanchikova E.V.

2011/2012 academic year.

Explanatory letter: This lesson is conducted in accordance with the social studies program (Social studies. Grades 10-11. Basic level. Information and methodological materials. Thematic planning. Authors: L.N. Bogolyubov, N.I. Gorodetskaya, L.F. Ivanova, A.I. Matveev - Voronezh, VOIPKiPRO, 2007. - pp. 33-34); textbook (Social studies. 10th grade. Basic level / edited by L.N. Bogolyubov. - M.: “Education”, 2010).

The topic of the lesson “Family and Life” is designed for 2 class hours. This lesson is the first in the topic.

Lesson objectives:


Give an idea of ​​the main stages in the formation of family and marital relations;

Find out what the main purpose of the family as a social institution is; why among the main social functions of the family, reproductive and educational are primarily distinguished;

Determine how society influences the family and what evolutionary changes occur with the family in modern society.


Develop skills in analysis, synthesis and generalization of concepts and information using the example of compiling a syncwine;

Continue the formation of creative activity, the ability to transfer known analogies to a new situation;

Continue teaching schoolchildren general educational skills: reasoning, storytelling from emotional and personal positions, solving cognitive problems;

Develop the ability to work in pairs, in groups, and lead a discussion.


Promote the development of a culture of intra-family relationships;

Continue to develop a value-based attitude towards the world around us and the desire to adjust our own personal qualities.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: multimedia projector, electronic presentation, worksheets, documents: an excerpt from the German medieval epic “The Song of the Nibelungs”, an excerpt from “Domostroy”, excerpts from the works of modern scientists A. Lazebnikova, J. Gippenreiter.

The family is the crystal of society.

During the classes.

  • Organizing time:
  • The readiness of students for the lesson is checked;

    The teacher asks the question: “Guess what we will do today”? Possible answers: study family problems, study basic concepts, work with documents. The teacher summarizes the students' answers and tells them the objectives of the lesson.

    II.Learning new material.

  • What is family.
  • Teacher's word: Perhaps the most important thing a person has is a family.

    Scientists and researchers consider the family to be the basis for the self-preservation of society. The family is a kind of barometer of the state of society.

    The family is the subject of study of many sciences - demography, social psychology, history, pedagogy, economics, jurisprudence, sociology.

    The family is studied in 2 aspects:

  • A family is a small social group based on marriage, consanguinity or adoption, connected by a common life, mutual assistance, and mutual responsibility.
  • The family is the most important social institution, performing a number of basic functions in society.
  • Family functions.
  • "Brainstorm"Determine the main functions of the family? Students in groups determine the main functions of the family, then voice them. The teacher ranks the answers, after which the “Family Functions” slide appears on the board:




    Spiritual communication and leisure


    Primary socialization

    Social status

    Primary social control

    Support physical health parents and children

    Student Post: Parenting Styles. Questions about the message:

    What approaches to raising children have been named?

    Which one do you think is preferable and why?

    Each family is a unique world based on continuity, traditions, emotions, feelings, and certain values. Family plays a huge role in social progress. The family makes a wife and mother out of a girl, and a father and husband out of a boy.

  • Stages of formation of marriage and family relations.
  • Diagram on the slide: Stages of formation of marriage and family relations (according to L. Morgan):

    Primitive state (disordered sexual intercourse);

    Consanguineous family (marital relations were excluded only between ancestors and descendants, parents and children);

    Paired (monogamous) family (monogamy was established):

    1. patriarchal (traditional)

    2. democratic (partnership)

    4. Patriarchal family.

    Working with sourcesQuestions for documents:

    -What are the main features of a patriarchal family?

    Why does this type of family appear earlier?

  • In the German "Songs of the Nibelungs" the heroine, in response to Gunther’s statement that he has betrothed her to a certain knight, declares: “You don’t need to ask me: as you order, so I will do. Whomever you, sir, give me as a husband, I will willingly become engaged to.”
  • Fragment from Russian "Domostroya":“Pull your son from his youth, and he will give beauty to your soul. And do not weaken, beating the baby: If you beat him with a rod, he will not die, but he will be healthier... Whether imash’s daughter: lay your thunder on them.” “The wives of their husbands ask about every well-being... And whatever the husband punishes, accept with love, listen with fear and do according to his punishment.”
  • An example of a patriarchal family from Russian history:

    Family of the last Russian Emperor Nicholas II(student's short message).

    5.Modern family.

    Completing task 1 in worksheet: working with the text “Fragment of the work of A.Yu. Lazebnikova"Question to the text:

    - What features of a modern family does the author name?

    After listening to the answers, the slide “Features of a modern family” appears on the board:

    Separate living of parents and children;

    Reducing the number of children compared to a patriarchal family;

    Weakening ties with relatives;

    Increased social activity of women.

    "Brainstorm":work in groups:

    - Indicate the positive consequences of increasing social activity of women;

    - Indicate the negative consequences of increasing social activity of women.

    After listening to the answers, a slide appears on the board “Increasing social activity of women”

    Positive consequences:

    Economic independence;

    Satisfying the need for individual development and self-realization;

    Many sectors are unthinkable without women's labor (education, medicine, services);

    An educated and professionally accomplished woman is highly respected by her loved ones.

    Negative consequences:

    Few children;

    Weakening of intra-family ties;

    Combining professional and social activities with family responsibilities can result in a double burden for a woman;

    Some men perceive a woman's increased activity as undermining their own position in the family and society; this can cause conflicts in the family.

    Problematic question:

    - Do you think a woman should work or be a housewife?

    6. The crisis of the modern family.

    Modern civilization has advanced far along the path of developing the personal freedom of the individual; freedom is often given preference over mutual responsibility and family cohesion.

    Problematic issues:

    - Many scientists believe that the modern family is going through a crisis. How do you think it can manifest itself?

    - Out of every 10 children in orphanages, only 2 do not have parents. What do these numbers indicate?

    The teacher systematizes the answers: The family crisis is as follows:

    Rising number of divorces;

    Increase in number single-parent families;

    Increase in the number of premarital and illegitimate children;

    Mutual alienation of family members;

    Weakening the educational influence of parents on children;

    Increase in the number of “civil marriages” (cohabitation).

    Results of a sociological survey: Cohabitation: pros and cons represented by students who received a preliminary assignment.

    Question: What is your personal attitude to a “civil marriage”?

    Unofficial family relationships often give rise to complex psychological problems. The story of Pablo Picasso and Francoise Gilot.

    At the same time, the family is the highest value, and in order to strengthen it, the governments of many countries are taking measures to support the family.

    Student message: “Government support for families in modern Russia: what needs to be done in this direction and what is already being done.”


    The future of the Russian people largely depends on how many children appear in each young family and how they grow up. Your family will probably be among these young families in a few years. And you personally will be able to contribute to the future generation of the country, its moral character.

    Try to understand the fact that you are responsible for the connection between generations. To what is family value, is destined to live exclusively with your caring attitude, which will later be passed on to your children. In their personality, in their future families, your life and the life of your parents will continue.

    III. Summing up the lesson:


  • Determine the functions of the family based on the reproduction of F.P. Reshetnikov’s painting “Deuce Again”
  • Determine the type of family based on the reproduction of the painting “Unequal Marriage” by V.V. Pukirev.
  • Complete tasks 2-6 in the worksheets.
  • Peer review and grading.
  • D/z: writing a syncwine for the concept of “family”; in the next lesson, syncwines are used to activate knowledge; paragraph 18 in the textbook, working with the document in the textbook on pages 205-206.

    Used Books:

    Social science. Textbook for 10th grade students of general education institutions. Basic level / edited by L.N. Bogolyubov. – M.: “Enlightenment”, 2010.

    Korneva T.A. Social science. 10-11 grades. Lessons in teaching skills. - Volgograd: “Teacher”, 2007.

    Lazebnikova A.Yu. and others. Unified State Examination 2009. Social studies. - M.: “Enlightenment”, 2010

    Lukyanchikova Elena Vasilievna

    Family and life

    Performed by 10th grade student Nadiya Ildusovna Bashirova


    Murashkin E.A.

    • Family as a social institution
    • Family functions
    • Family in modern society
    • Household relations
    • The house we live in

    Family as a social institution

    The family is one of the most ancient social institutions. It arose in the conditions of primitive society and took on different forms at different stages of social development.

    Another social institution is closely related to the institution of family - the institution of marriage. Marriage - a socially recognized form of relationship between a man and a woman with the purpose of creating a family. The institution of marriage regulates the relationship between spouses and determines their rights and obligations in relation to all family members.

    Each family is a unique world based on continuity, traditions, emotions, feelings, and certain values.

    Family plays a huge role in social progress. Thanks to her, direct succession is carried out generations . The family prepares a future wife and mother from a girl, and a father and husband from a boy.

    • The family always performs a number of social functions, among which primarily reproductive And educational.
    • The reproductive function (from the Latin productio - to produce) is determined by the need to continue the human race.
    • Raising children in a family is a lot of daily work, both physical (for example, when caring for babies) and mental (when, taking care of the child’s spiritual development, they talk with him and encourage the manifestation and development of certain moral qualities). Thanks to the family, the child receives his first labor and moral skills: he learns to help around the house, engage in self-care, behave according to certain rules, and take care of parents and older family members.

    • The world of the family is influenced by a number of factors coming from society. These primarily include law, religion, social consciousness, traditions, as well as the nature of social support for the family by society and the state. The state of the family is determined by social development. Therefore, it is no coincidence that the family is often represented as a unit of society.
    • In modern society, the family is experiencing qualitative changes. They are connected to global social processes industrialization, urbanization, unusual for pre-industrial (traditional, agricultural) society. Traditions, norms of behavior, the nature of relationships between spouses, parents and children are tested by life, sweeping away what is outdated and inappropriate to social development.

    • In progress Everyday life people develop everyday relationships. Household relations are a stable system of everyday non-productive connections between people regarding the satisfaction of their primary needs (food, clothing, housing, maintenance health , child care, as well as communication, recreation, entertainment, physical and cultural development).

    One of the aspects of the scientific study of everyday life is the study of time spent on meeting everyday needs.

    On average per home cooking One person needs about 300 hours of food per year. For women, this activity takes up 40% of the time spent on housekeeping. The time spent on washing and ironing (on average 58 hours per year) and on purchasing goods for the family (about 500 hours per year) is high.

    Another aspect of studying everyday life is the responsibilities of spouses. Among young married couples, 17% of husbands cook dinner (none of them did this 20 years ago), 55% wash clothes, 35% walk with children, 16% accompany children on vacations. kindergarten or a nursery, 80% buy groceries, 58% wash dishes, 9% attend school and check children’s lessons. This indicates an emerging trend towards more active participation of men in household chores. At the same time, the average duration of women's domestic work is incomparably higher than that of men. Women devote 36 hours a week to housework and only 13 hours for men. Every third of young husbands and every fifth of middle-aged spouses does not do household chores. These numbers make you think. After all, a fair distribution of household responsibilities between spouses and mutual assistance in everyday life is one of the most important moral principles existence of a modern family.

    • A home in the life of every family means more than just a roof over their head. A home is a relationship between the people living in it. These are traditions, habits. These are events, incidents, meetings, partings. Home is a special area culture .
    • Everyday life is the sphere most hidden from social control. Most often, we are responsible for our actions only to our conscience. It is this circumstance that can give rise to dual morality: a person behaves differently in a production or educational group and at home, in a store, or on vacation. And no one will force you to stop and evaluate your behavior except yourself.

    • 1 Future of the Russian people largely depends on how many children appear in each new young family and how they grow up. Your family will probably be among these young families in a few years. And you personally will be able to contribute to the future generation of the country, its moral character.
    • 2 Try to understand the fact that you are responsible for the connection between generations. What is a family value is destined to live exclusively with your careful attitude, which is subsequently passed on to your children. In their personality, in their future families, your life and the life of your parents will continue.
    • 3 The world around us can become better if each of us takes care of its beauty and moral purity. And this starts with small things: creating order and comfort in the entrance, elevator, landscaping your yard, caring for the new playground, tables and benches placed near the house... You can notice many more important things that need caring hands and warm hearts.

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    Social studies, 10

    Lesson No. 39-40


    Marriage is the first stage of human society.


    D.Z.: § 18, ?? (p.206), tasks (p.207) Make a table “Functions

    families "

    © ed. A.I. Kolmakov

    Lesson Objectives

    • To promote an understanding of the values ​​of the family, as a small group, a social institution, as the closest factor of socialization;
    • develop skills of competent social behavior in the family;
    • Foster a caring attitude towards the values ​​of family and marriage, childhood and parenthood.

    Concepts, terms

    • family;
    • marriage;
    • social institution;
    • family functions;
    • types of family;
    • everyday life;
    • everyday relationships;
    • topos

    Know and be able to

    • Know what is a family with
    • from a sociological point of view, what families can be like.
    • Be able to:
    • describe the life cycle of a family;
    • analyze the motives and causes of family breakdown;
    • analyze family relationships and find competent ways out of conflicting life situations.

    Learning new material

    • Family and life.
    • Family as a social institution.
    • Family in modern society.
    • Household relations.
    • Topos culture.

    Updating the problem

    • Why do people live in families?
    • Who is the head of the family?
    • What legacy do we leave to our children?
    • Where are the boundaries of our home?

    1. Family and life

    Family as a social institution is an association that is characterized by a set of social norms, sanctions and patterns of behavior,


    regulating relationships between spouses, parents, children, and other relatives.

    Family as a small group is an association of people based on marriage, consanguinity or adoption, connected by a common life, mutual assistance and mutual responsibility.

    Social sciences that study FAMILY issues: demography, social Psychology, history, social anthropology, economics, jurisprudence, pedagogy, sociology.

    1. Family and life


    How social


    Like a small group

    Uniting people

    connected by a set of

    social norms, sanctions,

    patterns of behavior,


    relationship between

    spouses, parents,

    children, others


    Based on marriage

    kinship or adoption,

    bringing people together

    with a common life,

    mutual assistance and

    mutual responsibility

    The continuity of generations

    • traditions
    • emotions
    • feelings
    • values
    • norms, etc.

    “The family is the crystal of society.”

    V. Hugo

    2.Family as a social institution

    Social institution of family

    Social institution of marriage

    • historical;
    • economic;
    • political;
    • social;
    • spiritual

    Marriage - a socially recognized form of relationship between a man and a woman for the purpose of creating a family.

    Society development

    - Regulates relationships

    family members;

    • Defines their rights

    and responsibilities

    Society's need for

    physical and spiritual reproduction

    A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into a union, do not know each other’s morals, habits and characters perfectly.



    a) reproductive - the need to continue the human race.

    b) economic-economic - housekeeping and financial support for the family.

    c) regenerative - inheritance of status, surname, property, social status, transfer of family jewelry.

    d) educational- satisfaction of needs for fatherhood and motherhood, contacts with children, their upbringing, self-realization in children.

    e) sphere of initial social control - determination of norms of behavior of family members in various spheres of life.

    e) recreational - rest, organization of leisure, care for the health and well-being of family members.

    g) spiritual communication - development of personalities, family members, spiritual mutual enrichment

    h) social status - a certain social status of family members, reproduction of the social structure;

    i) psychotherapeutic- satisfaction of the need for sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support, psychological protection.

    3. Family in modern society


    Nuclear (nuclear) family , where married spouses and their children live together.

    Multigenerational (extended) family , where more than two generations of relatives live together.

    The family is childless.

    Family with children.

    Full family - presence of both parents.

    Incomplete family -presence of one of the parents.

    Patriarchal family- the man is in charge. The man makes all the decisions; nothing is done in the house without his knowledge. In a patriarchal type of family, it is the husband who manages the finances, regardless of his and his wife’s income. The woman in this family is the classic keeper of the hearth.

    Family partner- relationships are built on complete equality and mutual trust. The family budget is drawn up through joint efforts, and household responsibilities are also divided in half.

    3. Family in modern society

    Key changes:

    • Changing the status of women (moving away from the patriarchal family).
    • Development of a partner-type family.
    • Destruction of the multigenerational family system and creation of a nuclear one.
    • Separation of the institutions of marriage and family.
    • Insufficient attention spiritual development.
    • Deterioration of health.
    • Increase in the number of divorces.
    • The number of legally unregistered “free” family unions and children born in them is growing.
    • Adults have little contact with children.

    3. Family in modern society

    State support for families in Russia:

    • additional leave for the birth of a child, for care up to 4.5 years, and for sick children;
    • cash benefits for pregnancy and childbirth;
    • benefits for pregnant women and those with children under 3 years of age;
    • maternal capital;
    • allocation of loans, mortgages for young families (up to 35 years);
    • preferential allocation of land plots for housing construction;
    • Tax benefits for workers with children under 18 years of age (before receiving primary vocational education)

    4. Household relations

    A sustainable system of everyday non-productive connections between people to satisfy their primary needs (food, clothing, housing, health maintenance, child care, communication, recreation, entertainment, physical and cultural development).

    Fair division of labor

    between all family members -

    one of the most important moral

    the basics of family existence

    Responsibilities of spouses (survey)

    • 17% cook
    • 55% wash
    • 35% go for walks with children
    • 16% are accompanied to kindergarten
    • 80% buy groceries
    • 58% wash dishes
    • 9% attend school, check lessons
    • technologies

    at home;

    • extension


    household services


    time for



    5. Topos culture

    Topos - location.

    Life - This is the area most hidden from social control.

    House is the relationship between the people living in it. These are traditions, habits. These are events, incidents, meetings, partings.

    House - This is a special sphere of culture.

    When is it comfortable and cozy?!

    family →apartment →site →entrance →house →street →settlement: what is your place of residence, where do you live, in what condition?

    Control questions

    • What is the main purpose of the family as a social institution?
    • How does society influence the family?
    • List the functions of the family. Explain what they are.
    • Why among the social functions of the family are reproductive and educational primarily distinguished?
    • What evolutionary changes are happening to the family in modern society?
    • How does a patriarchal family differ from a partner-type family?
    • What is the meaning of the concept of “topos culture”?
    • How, in your opinion, are family and everyday life interconnected?
    • Why is the development of the everyday life an important social task in strengthening the family?

    • Today I found out...
    • It was interesting…
    • It was difficult…
    • I learned…
    • I was able...
    • I was surprised...
    • I wanted…

    Slide 1

    Family and life Morozova Daria 10 "A" Municipal educational institution "Lyceum No. 18" Teacher - M.P. Ofyorkina Social studies: textbook. For 10th grade students. L.N. Bogolyubov, Yu.I. Averyanov, N.I. Gorodetskaya and others; Enlightenment, 2008.

    Slide 2

    Plan What is a family? Functions of the family Family in modern society Household relations The house in which we live Conclusion

    Slide 3

    Family Traditions Emotions Feelings Values ​​Norms, etc. Small group Social institution An association of people based on marriage, kinship or adoption with a common way of life Mutual assistance and mutual responsibility Continuity of generations

    Slide 4

    Social institution of the family Development of society historical economic political Marriage Society's need for physical and spiritual reproduction A socially recognized form of relationship between a man and a woman with the goal of creating a family. Regulates the relationships of family members Determines their rights and responsibilities

    Slide 5

    Functions of the family Reproductive Educational The population of Russia is decreasing annually by 750 thousand. It is necessary for 50% of families to have three children. Social value of family Spiritual education Integration into society Physical labor Mental labor Personal example

    Slide 6

    Family functions Economic Economic Emotional Social status Primary self-control Spiritual communication and leisure

    Slide 7

    Family in modern society Society Law Religion Social consciousness Traditions The nature of social support by society and the state Family is a unit of society

    Slide 8

    Key changes Changing the status of women (moving away from the patriarchal family) Development of the partner-type family Destruction of the multi-generation family system and the creation of a nuclear family Separation of the institutions of marriage and family Little attention to spiritual development Deterioration of health Increase in the number of divorces

    Slide 9

    Household relations A stable system of everyday non-productive connections between people to satisfy their primary needs 17% cook 55% do laundry 35% walk with children 16% accompany children to kindergarten 80% buy groceries 58% wash dishes 9% attend school, check lessons Responsibilities of spouses (survey ) A fair division of labor between all family members is one of the most important moral foundations for the existence of a family Technologies in everyday life Expanding the scope of household services Freeing up time for cultural development

    1 slide

    2 slide

    A family as a small group is an association of people based on marriage, consanguinity or adoption, connected by a common life, mutual assistance and mutual responsibility. The family as a social institution is an association that is characterized by a set of social norms, sanctions and patterns of behavior that regulate the relationships between spouses, parents, children, and other relatives.

    3 slide

    Marriage is a socially recognized form of relationship between a man and a woman with the goal of creating a family. The institution of marriage regulates the relationship between spouses and determines their rights and obligations in relation to all family members. A marriage cannot be happy if the spouses, before entering into a union, do not know each other’s morals, habits and characters perfectly. O.Balzac

    4 slide

    a) reproductive - due to the need to continue the human race. b) economic-economic - housekeeping and financial support for the family. c) regenerative - means inheritance of status, surname, property, social status. This also includes the transfer of some family jewelry. d) educational and upbringing - consists of satisfying the needs for fatherhood and motherhood, contacts with children, their upbringing, self-realization in children.

    5 slide

    e) the sphere of initial social control - determining the norms of behavior of family members in various spheres of life. f) recreational - associated with rest, organization of leisure, care for the health and well-being of family members. g) spiritual communication - personal development of family members, spiritual mutual enrichment h) social-status - providing a certain social status to family members, reproduction of the social structure; i) psychotherapeutic - allows family members to satisfy the needs for sympathy, respect, recognition, emotional support, psychological protection.

    6 slide

    Nuclear (nuclear) family, where married spouses and their children live together; Multigenerational (extended) family, where more than two generations of relatives live together. Childless family Family with children Complete family - the presence of both parents Incomplete family - the presence of one of the parents Patriarchal family - The man is in charge. The man makes all the decisions; nothing is done in the house without his knowledge. In a patriarchal type of family, it is the husband who manages the finances, regardless of his and his wife’s income. The woman in this family is the classic keeper of the hearth. Family affiliate-Relationships are built on complete equality and mutual trust. The family budget is drawn up through joint efforts, and household responsibilities are also divided in half.

    7 slide

    Household relations are a stable system of everyday non-productive connections between people regarding the satisfaction of their primary needs. Everyday life is the sphere most hidden from social control. A home is a relationship between the people living in it. These are traditions, habits. These are events, incidents, meetings, partings. Home is a special sphere of culture. Houses, like people, have their own soul and their own face, which reflects their inner essence. A. Dumas There is no place sweeter than home. Cicero