Booklets for parents on children's health. Booklet for parents "10 tips for strengthening the physical health of children." "Healthy children - in a healthy family!"

Summer is a wonderful time of year! You can take full advantage of the inexhaustible possibilities of natural factors: fresh air, sunlight and water. The hardening is excellent and accessible remedy disease prevention and health promotion. It has a general strengthening effect on the body, increases the tone of the central nervous system, resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions, improves blood circulation, and normalizes metabolism. Hardening does not cure, but prevents illness, and this is its most important preventive role. A hardened person easily tolerates not only heat and cold, but also sudden changes in external temperature, which can weaken the body's defenses. Hardening your child means not only giving him the opportunity to avoid future colds, but also significantly strengthen the immune system. The most important assistants in this matter are natural environmental factors - water, air and sunlight.

In this regard, in the summer, the following hardening procedures are distinguished:


Water procedures;

Air baths;


In summer, the effect of the sun is expressed not only in beautiful tan, which, by the way, especially children do not need, but to replenish the body with vitamin D. It is then that it naturally enters the body, accumulating for months to come. At the same time, the hemoglobin level is replenished. Sunbathing is beneficial for children, starting from birth. But they need to be carried out with caution, starting from five minutes, gradually increasing to an hour for older children.

Staying in the sun will be beneficial in the morning before 11.00 and in the evening, when the sun is not so active - after 16.00, but in the midday heat it is dangerous to be in direct rays.

While sunbathing, it is advisable to cover the child's head with a hat and regularly offer water, because dehydration on hot days occurs very quickly due to active sweating.


Summer hardening of children, both school and preschool age especially true with the help of water procedures. A gradual decrease in water temperature strengthens the immune system of a child of any age, and he will survive the next season much better in terms of colds.

The rules for hardening children with water in summer are approximately the same as in winter period. The temperature of the water for dousing is lowered by two degrees every day, gradually reaching cool. Children in the garden every day pour cool water on their feet or splash in outdoor pool on the site.

If possible, it would be nice to purchase a small pool for the yard so that the child has a constant opportunity to splash around to his heart's content. The skin gets used to the temperature difference, which is very good for health.Playing with water is one of children's favorite pastimes and it is not surprising, because playing with water is useful not only for the development of tactile sensations and fine motor skills. Water develops various receptors, calms, and gives positive emotions. And what could be better than the happy face of a child!


As such, hardening from being in the air cannot be felt, but, of course, it exists. Carry out on fresh air at this time of year the child should at least 4 hours. If possible, this time should be maximized, which will undoubtedly have a beneficial effect on the child’s health at any age.

The use of air for health purposes begins with good ventilation of the room in which children are located.

The best time to take air procedures is in the morning, after sleep in combination with morning exercises and before lunch. Parks, gardens, and public gardens are great places to walk with your baby. And it is very good if parents perform gymnastic exercises with their child every morning, giving them the character of a game.

When hardening with air, under no circumstances should you bring the body to the point of chills. One of effective means hardening – nap in the fresh air.

Try to let your child, especially in summer, spend as much time as possible outdoors. Cool weather and rain should not be an obstacle to walking. Remember that a day without a walk is a lost day!

Health to you and your children!

Municipal autonomous preschool educational institution kindergarten combined type“Cornflower” No. 11 Municipal formation of the Belorechensky district.


Compiled by:


Svetlana Sergeevna Selezneva

Memo for parents

“Games to improve the health of children”

« Nothing weakens like this

children's body, How

physical inactivity».

We want to advise To you games that will help your children ingenerally strengthen your body and make it less susceptible to riskvarious diseases.

Breathing development games.

Proper breathing is the basis. Improper breathing can affect the general condition of the body, because it is oxygen that nourishes all human systems and organs and puts them into action. The best way breathing development for a child is a game.

Game "Orchestra"

Equipment: toy musical instruments

How to play: invite your child to try on the role of a musician! To do this, you need to select a wind “instrument” (trumpet, flute, pipe) and try to imitate the yoke on it. We clench our hands into fists, press them to our lips, placing one in front of the other, and blow! You need to exhale to some kind of hissing sound, for example, “s” or “sh”. In addition, you can use the letter combinations “pF” and “pr”. The baby’s task is to make the exit as long and smooth as possible.

Game "Who has the highest ball"

Purpose of the game: improve breathing functions, increase tone.

Equipment: balloon

Rules: an air balloon hangs at a short distance from the child’s head.

Ball. The child should come up and jump up and blow on the ball.

Game "Bubble Burst"

Purpose of the game: formation of deep breathing.

Rules: The child “inflates the balloon”, spreading his arms wide to the sides,

Taking a deep breath, he exhales it into an imaginary ball through his mouth “f-f-f”,

Slowly bringing your hands together. When an adult claps, the balloon bursts - children

clap their hands. Air comes out of the ball, children make a sound

"sh-sh-sh." Inflate the balloon 2-3 times.

Game “One is a step, two is a step...”

Equipment: ladder

Purpose of the game: strengthening the functioning of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system.

How to play: Place one end of the ladder on the ground and the other on a low rise. And now - forward, stepping over the crossbars. With each new step you need to raise your leg higher and higher - this is not easy, but it develops dexterity. When your baby overcomes this obstacle with ease, make the task more difficult. Suggest not to step over the rungs, but to jump over, leaning on the ladder with both hands

Games to prevent flat feet.

Flat feet most often occur in physically developed children.not enough. Often the load on the arches of the feet of such children is excessive. The ligaments and muscles of the foot become overstrained, stretched, and lose their springy properties. The arches of the feet flatten, droop, and flat feet occur. Therefore, games should be selected in such a way that the exercises strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the lower leg and foot and contribute to the overall health of the body.

Game "Let's remove the toys"

Purpose of the game: strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the feet.

Equipment: small toys from Kinder Surprises
Rules: use your toes to collect toys in a certain place, the one who collects the most wins.

Game "Tower".

development of dexterity.

Equipment: cubes.

Rules: You need to hold the cube with your legs closed and build a tower. The one who builds the turret faster and more evenly wins.

Game "Let's cook compote for Dasha's doll."

Purpose of the game: strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the feet,

development of dexterity and reaction speed.

Equipment : low bowls, acorns, plum pits.
Rules: Children use their toes to move objects from the floor into a bowl. The one who completes the task faster wins.

Games for developing correct posture.

The basis for the prevention and treatment of poor posture is general training of the child’s body. The objectives of the games include: strengthening the musculoskeletal system, strengthening the muscular “corset” of the spine.

Game "Swing-carousel"

Purpose of the game: relaxation of the trunk muscles, improvement of the vestibular apparatus.

Rules: Parents lift the child in a supine position to the level of their waist. One holds the child under the arms, the other - by both legs, and swings him in an upright position with the words: “Swing, swing, swing.” Then one of the adults continues to hold the child under the arms(the other one lets go) and spins with him left and right(you get carousels) with the words: “The carousels flew away.” It is advisable to play the game with rhythmic music. The game is played in the final phase of classes, when the child feels tired.

Game "Trees Grow"

Purpose of the game: strengthen the spine.

Rules: the child depicts a tree. Palm tree - arms raised up, palms down, gently swinging your arms. Herringbone - arms down and to the sides, tense, palms raised up. Large oak tree - we spread our legs wider, raise our arms up, bending at the elbows. But first a treesmall - we sit down on the cards. But here it grows higher and higher -we rise up and stretch on our toes.

Prepared by:

Head of Physical Education

Korenyuk I.V.

Ageeva Oksana Aleksandrovna
Job title: teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 101" Cheboksary
Locality: Cheboksary
Name of material: working with parents
Subject: Booklet for parents on the topic: "Play sports with the whole family"
Publication date: 24.08.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Play sports with the whole family Completed by: Teacher of the preparatory school group “Kapitoshka” Ageeva O.A. Today, there is probably not a person on Earth who would remain indifferent to sports. Everyone understands the role of sports, but for some reason they remain away from physical education. One lacks time, the other lacks patience. They get involved in sports in front of TV screens, for example: the Olympics in Sochi. “Fanning” for your favorite teams: biathletes, hockey players, figure skaters, and so on... If we lived several centuries ago, we would have to spend most of our lives in motion. You need to get food, build a house or prepare clothes, in addition, you would have to actively participate in the life of your settlement, and many other activities that require good physical fitness. Now we don’t have to spend a lot of effort on providing ourselves with everything we need, but we still need physical exercise. Why do you need to play sports?  An important reason why you should go in for sports is the need to improve your health, strengthen your heart function, and control high blood pressure. Regular classes

promote the resorption of dangerous blood clots, and also slow down the aging process. B  And also any physical exercise has a healing and preventive effect. This must be remembered, because modern people move little and have minimal physical activity. For example, a schoolchild spends his entire day in a sitting position (lessons at school, doing homework, time at the computer, TV). As a result of this lifestyle, the muscles atrophy and do not work to their full potential. By playing sports, you tone your muscles, making them strong and resilient. They become more elastic, and you become attractive, fit, sexy and flexible. The joints become stronger and gain a greater range of motion.  Everyone wants to be Elanna! The way you look also plays a role. And a nice bonus of sports is a beautiful body. That is physical exercise help control appetite because the amount of endorphins that our brain releases increases. Endorphins protect our body from hunger until it actually needs food. Exercise also helps you achieve your ideal weight, which cannot be achieved with diet alone.  Exercise helps prevent depression and insomnia due to a decrease in the body's adrenaline and hormones that contribute to stress. . E  mood also plays an important role for a person! Also, playing sports is necessary in order to relax and N
improve your mood. By running just for yourself, and not because it is useful, you can achieve enormous results. Tests conducted by M. Carmack and R. Martens show that people who run for this reason get a much greater emotional charge from exercise than those who exercise only because someone told them how useful it is  Important: regular physical exercise helps to get rid of chronic fatigue, increasing your vitality and increasing the energy level of your body. Making you more active and energetic throughout the day. B  e Strength of will, a strong character develops (it is easier to achieve your goals and fight difficulties, endure hardships and pain). Sport disciplines and develops willpower. And you don’t have to have clean lungs to do the simplest exercises: exercise at home or on horizontal bars, for example. Therefore, do not wait until you give up all your bad habits, it will not happen by itself, if you cannot do it now, why should it happen later, if no changes occur in you? Therefore, do not delay, go in for sports, and get rid of all your weaknesses later, when, thanks to training, you develop the will.  -e! Good physical shape helps a person recover more quickly after suffering injuries, illnesses or surgical operations. Strong, trained muscles have greater recovery potential. Also, if a person regularly exercises, he can avoid many diseases, primarily colds. E  active sports can stimulate metabolism. Playing sports makes it easier to quit smoking. Because harmful substances leave the body faster and improve its condition. M
Very interesting:
 Some researchers argue that systematic moderate-intensity physical exercise promotes a kind of immunity to stress. It has been proven that physically active people more stable to nervous breakdowns than people leading a sedentary lifestyle.  Researchers have proven that sports exercises normalize our blood circulation and blood pressure, as a result of which we stop suffering from headaches, sports give vigor and good mood.  Another study not only confirmed that physical activity protects against the development of type 2 diabetes, but also made it possible to determine how often and in what quantities one should exercise in order to feel the effect.
Bottom line: If you want to be healthy, strong,

slim and beautiful, go in for sports.
This strengthens muscles and bones, hardens, develops coordination of movements, forms correct posture, makes the figure slim, and improves immunity. In addition, playing sports makes a person internally strong, purposeful, persistent, that is, they form character...
I am convinced that if you do

physical education and

sport is part of your life,

this will become long term

investment in health,

overall appearance and well-being

You guys should know

Everyone needs to sleep more.
Well, don’t be lazy in the morning -
Get ready to exercise!

Brush your teeth, wash your face,
And smile more often
Temper yourself, and then
You're not afraid of the blues.

Health has enemies
Don't make friends with them!
Among them is quiet laziness,
You fight it every day.

So that not a single microbe
I didn't accidentally get it in my mouth,
Wash your hands before eating
Need soap and water.

Eat vegetables and fruits
Fish, dairy products -
Here's some healthy food
Full of vitamins!

Go out for a walk
Breathe fresh air.
Just remember when leaving:
Dress for the weather!

Well, what if it happened:
I got sick,
Know that it's time for you to see a doctor.
He will always help us!

These are the good tips
Secrets are hidden in them,
How to maintain health.
Learn to appreciate it!

Booklet for parents



to improve physical health


Prepared by: Ingelevich E.Yu.

Tip 1. Try to actively participate in your child's health. Not only tell him what to do in order not to get sick, but also show by personal example the health benefits of following the rules of personal hygiene, morning exercises, hardening, proper nutrition.

Tip 2. Teach your child to strictly observe hygienic requirements for cleanliness of the body, linen, clothing, and home.

Tip 3 . Teach your child to structure his day, alternating work and rest. Nothing harms a child’s nervous system more than a lack of daily routine. The rhythm of life, which includes physical exercise and sports, walks and games in the fresh air, as well as good nutrition and good sleep, is the best prevention of fatigue and illness.

Tip 4. Help your child master self-monitoring skills, especially when doing physical exercise. To do this, keep an observation diary and write down with your child data on his physical condition: weight (body weight), height, pulse rate, well-being (sleep, appetite, etc.).

Tip 5. Teach your child to properly use natural healing factors - sun, air and water. Cultivate in your child the desire and habit of strengthening the body.

Tip 6. Remember that life is in motion. Play sports with your child, take more walks, and play in the fresh air. A healthy lifestyle cultivated in the family is the key to a child’s health.

Tip 7. Organize for your child proper nutrition and foster positive attitudes toward dietary adherence. The child should know which foods are healthy and which are harmful to health.

Tip 8. Teach your child basic rules of prevention infectious diseases: stay away from those who cough and sneeze; do not use someone else’s dishes or toothbrush; Do not put on other children's shoes or hats. If a child is sick himself, sneezing and coughing, he should know that he must cover his mouth and nose with a mask or scarf, not play with friends, and follow the doctor’s orders.

Tip 9. Introduce your child to the rules of safe behavior at home, on the street, and on vacation, and teach him to follow these rules in order to avoid life-threatening situations.

Tip 10. Read popular science literature about age and individual characteristics child development, how to teach him to improve his health.

Memo for parents “Games to improve the health of children”

Smirnova Ekaterina Valerievna, teacher
MADOOU No. 106 “Zabava”, Naberezhnye Chelny

The memo for parents I proposed was made with the aim of involving families in preparing to improve the pedagogical culture of parents in matters of healthy lifestyle, familiarization with games and exercises to improve the health of children, and dissemination of family experience in managing healthy image life.

Games for developing correct posture.

The basis for the prevention and treatment of poor posture is general training of the child’s body. The objectives of the games include: strengthening the musculoskeletal system, strengthening the muscular “corset” of the spine, improving respiratory functions and the cardiovascular system.

Game "Visiting the Bear"

Having placed the bear toy on a high cube and made a slide from a long board placed on the gymnastics wall, the presenter says:

Masha (child's name) and Egorka

They often go down the hill to see the bear.

A child enters the slide (you can use a slide on the playground in the yard, but you just need to be careful and help the child climb to a height of about a meter), then runs away from her and runs up to the bear, strokes it and sits down to rest. The presenter needs to carefully monitor the child’s posture.

Purpose of the game: development of dexterity, speed of reaction and movement, sense of balance, coordination of visual and auditory analyzers, sustained attention.

Game "Swing-carousel"

Parents lift the child in a supine position to the level of their waist. One holds the child under the arms, the other - by both legs, and swings him in an upright position with the words: “Swing, swing, swing.” Then one of the adults continues to hold the child under the arms (the other one lets go) and spins with him left and right (you get carousels) with the words: “The carousels flew away.” It is advisable to play the game with rhythmic music. The game is played in the final phase of classes, when the child feels tired.

Purpose of the game: relaxation of the trunk muscles, improvement of the vestibular apparatus.

Health games for diseases of the nose and throat.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, it is necessary to restore nasal breathing. With rhythmic, full exhalation, nasal breathing, the respiratory muscles are better relaxed and the smooth muscles of the bronchi are reflexively relaxed. When playing games with children, it is necessary to simultaneously monitor the correct posture and lip closure.

Game Owl-Owl"

Children sit in a semicircle in front of the leader. At the signal from the “day” leader, the “owl” children slowly turn their heads left to right. At the signal of night, the children look forward and flap their arms - “wings”. Lowering them down, they say protractedly, without tension: “U-ufff.” Repeat two to four times.

Purpose of the game: development of hand correction with breathing movements chest, improvement of respiratory functions (deep exhalation).

Games for flat feet.

Flat feet most often occur in weak, physically poorly developed children. Often the load on the arches of the feet of such children is excessive. The ligaments and muscles of the foot become overstrained, stretched, and lose their springy properties. The arches of the feet flatten, droop, and flat feet occur. Therefore, games should be selected in such a way that the exercises strengthen the ligamentous-muscular apparatus of the lower leg and foot, contribute to the overall health of the body and develop the skill of proper walking.

Game “Bring it, don’t drop it”

The players sit on chairs. Everyone has a sheet under their feet. You need to grab the sheet with your toes and drag it in any way (jumping on one leg or all fours) to the opposite end of the hall. Repeat the same with the other leg. The one who does it faster without dropping the sheets wins.

Purpose of the game: strengthening the muscular-ligamentous apparatus of the feet, developing dexterity.

Equipment: chairs, sheets.