Goodbye kindergarten FCCM. Detailed comprehensive thematic planning “Goodbye, kindergarten! Hello school! Artistic and aesthetic development

Work plan from 05/29/17 to 05/31/17 TOPIC OF THE WEEK. “Goodbye, kindergarten!” GOAL: to organize all types of children’s activities (playing, communicative, labor, cognitive research, productive, musical, artistic, reading) around the theme of farewell to kindergarten and entering school. Form an emotionally positive attitude towards the upcoming entry into 1st grade. . Result Graduation party. Work with parents: 1. Introduce information material “Soon to school”, “What and how we carry on our backs” into the parent corner. 2.Wall newspaper “Invitation to prom", "So we've become big", " Good word about everyone." Complex of morning exercises No. 30 Complex of invigorating exercises after sleep No. 30 Organization of a subject-oriented development environment in the group: 1 Organize an exhibition of books “We want to learn”; 2.Various material for creative activities; 3.Attributes for role-playing games: “School”, “Kindergarten”. 4. Material for repairing books; 5. Cards with verbal, graphic proverbs, sayings and riddles on the topic, selection of poems; Objectives of ECD Educational activities of a teacher with children TOPIC OF THE WEEK: Goodbye, kindergarten! MONDAY 9.009.30 Cognitive development. Subject and social environment; “Examining school supplies.” Ya. Zatulina. p.161..Purpose: To introduce children to school supplies. Teach them to compare, generalize objects and highlight characteristic features. Teach children to use different types of sentences in speech. Teach children to understand the hidden meaning of riddles and develop logical thinking. Cultivate a caring attitude towards objects and follow the rules for using them. children 9.4010.10 He development.drawing. “My first letter.” Goal: to strengthen children’s ability to draw large and neatly. To teach how to make a decorative pattern from a variety of elements. To train children in choosing beautiful color combinations. To develop children’s creative abilities, observation, sense of color, and independence. 10.2010.50 plan music director. He development.Music.In the Morning: 1.KGN to consolidate the skills of culture of behavior at the table: sit straight, do not put your elbows on the table,.2.Duty in the dining room setting the table (independently under the supervision of an adult); accommodation paper napkins in napkin holders (rolling into tubes, cutting, folding); 3. Conversation “Be kind.” Goal: to teach children to self-control their behavior. 4. P/game “Wider circle”. Purpose: to teach children to run at speed; to develop children’s speed of movement.. 5. Labor. "Cleaning in a corner of nature." Goal: To consolidate the skills and abilities of caring for plants. Cultivate a desire to work, a sense of responsibility for the assigned work. 6. Did. game “Guess the fairy tale from the description” Goal: development thought processes generalizations, highlighting essential features.. 7. Phonopedic exercise “Let's warm ourselves up”, “Capricy” Goal: Development of diaphragmatic, phonation and speech breathing. Development of articulatory and general motor skills. Walk. Sparrow observation. Goals: to continue to consolidate, clarify and systematize children’s knowledge about the familiar bird - the sparrow; enrich vocabulary an artistic word about a sparrow; activate attention and memory; teach to see changes in the behavior of birds with the arrival of spring. Labor activity. Clearing the area of ​​debris.. Goal: to cultivate hard work, the desire to help adults. Outdoor game “Birds Migration”. Goal: to teach to run around the entire site. “Mice in the pantry.” Goal: to train in climbing under an arc or rope. Individual working development of movement. Goal: to improve the skills of rolling a hoop in any direction (Sonya, Kostya, Savely) Evening: 1 Reading proverbs and riddles about kindergarten and school..Goal: to develop attention, logical thinking, develop voluntary attention, the ability to clearly follow instructions and integrate into the general rhythm of the group. 3. Conversation “My friends”. Goal: to consolidate the concept of “friends”, teach to understand the meaning of the words “acquaintances” ", "Friends"; teach to appreciate 2. Graphic dictation.. Purpose: Independent activity of children Morning: Design of the book exhibition “We want to learn.” Day: Organize an exhibition of children's creativity on the topic. . Evening: Offer “Spring” coloring pages. friendship, take care of it; cultivate a sense of mutual assistance and mutual assistance; to instill love and respect for all living things 4. Under/game “Whose bun.” Goal: to teach children to run at speed; 5.Ind/work on composing riddles about kindergarten and school..(Vika, Veronica, Nikita) Goal: Intellectual and creative development V T O R N I K 9.00930 Cognitive development. Mathematical concepts. Veraxa.Cinderella..Goal: Consolidation of knowledge about states of aggregation water. Formation of ideas about the evaporation of liquids. Developing transformational capabilities. : 9.4010.10 Socially Comprehensive Development. Formation of the foundations of safety. Avdeeva. Attitude towards a sick person. Purpose: If possible, do not protect children from knowledge about severe, chronic diseases, disabilities. Try to awaken in them a sense of compassion, a desire to help the sick, lonely, and elderly people. Morning 1.KGN to consolidate table manners skills: drink quietly and chew food, 2. Dining duty, setting the table (independently under the supervision of an adult); cleaning dirty dishes and used napkins 3. Conversation “Kindergarten is my second family.” Goal to evoke positive emotions in a conversation about the family, about kindergarten, to develop logical thinking, the ability to express one’s feelings, to develop coherent speech.. 4. A educational game for the development of speech breathing “Dandelion”. Goal: Development of diaphragmatic, phonation and speech breathing 5. Caring for plants Goal : Strengthen the skills and abilities of caring for plants. Cultivate a desire to work, a sense of responsibility for the assigned work. 6. Outdoor game “Traps” (with ribbons) Purpose: to teach children to run in all directions without bumping into each other, to act quickly on a signal. Develop orientation in space, the ability to change direction. 7. Reading a story. "Philippok." L.N. Tolstoy. Purpose: To expand the understanding of the life of children in ancient times, to encourage comparison of modern and old schools, to give children an idea of ​​what knowledge is needed for; cultivate love for the Motherland, teach to talk about the subject according to a plan and model. Walk Observation of pigeons. Goals: to continue to consolidate knowledge about the bird world; Research activity Compare the pigeon and woodpecker. Labor activity: hanging feeders on the territory of the kindergarten. Goals: to teach how to perform labor actions. Outdoor game “Fly, jump, swim.” Goals: to train children in running; to consolidate the names of fish, birds, animals. Individual work “Knock down the pin.” Goals: learn to throw the ball at a target; develop accuracy and attention. Evening 1. Game of invention. Joint “remembering” (retelling) of the story “Filippok”. Goal:. Strengthen the skill of retelling a text based on a series of plot pictures. Form the skill of speech self-control. Develop Morning: Organize an exhibition of portraits of kindergarten staff... Afternoon: Find the differences in the drawings Evening: independent games activities. In employment centers. activities of the art center “My gift to kindergarten” 10.2010.50. Physical development Complex No. 21, page 362. ,Veraksa Goal: To teach children to perform familiar tasks using visual aids (cards).. To develop motor memory, psychophysical qualities: strength, agility, flexibility, coordination, endurance, speech-auditory memory, to activate mental activity. 2. Conversation “Who teaches us at school” , “How we will go to school,” “How does school differ from kindergarten.” Goal: Systematize and expand children’s ideas about school. To form a positive attitude towards learning at school, respectful, friendly relations between children. Develop connected speech (intensify the use of complex sentences in speech, expand vocabulary, practice writing stories). 3. Sub/game “Conversation with hands.” Goal: teach children to control their actions. 4. Teacher’s story “What is the bell for?” .Watching the cartoon “The Little Goat Who Could Count to 10.” Purpose: to help schoolchildren in mastering general moral norms and norms of behavior, according to which they should base their behavior in a specific situation, evaluate their own and their comrades’ experience, 5. S/r game “Kindergarten.” Goal: to expand and consolidate children’s understanding of the content of the work activities of kindergarten employees. To cultivate friendly relationships during the game. WEDNESDAY 9.00930 Speech development. Preparation for literacy. Zhurova. Repetition. Goal: consolidation of the material covered, training children in fluent reading. 9.4010.10 Khudestet.Drawing “My favorite kindergarten”. Goal: remember the ways of depicting simple objects, drawing different straight lines (short, long, wavy, straight). Morning 1.KGN consolidate table manners skills: correctly use a knife, fork, napkin; thank adults. 2. Dining duty, table setting. Goal: to create order on the table, to provide everyone with the necessary items 3. Individual work and game according to REMI. “Funny Dwarves” Goal: to consolidate the names of the days of the week and the order of occurrence, to consolidate the concepts: yesterday, today, tomorrow. (Kostya, Sonya, Matvey V). 4. Board game Cuisenaire's sticks "Measuring with a measuring stick." Goal: to teach children to measure objects. To familiarize themselves with the conditions of measurements. To consolidate the composition of numbers. The ability to count. 5Verbal game “What do I need at school.” Goal: to develop speech activity, the ability to correlate an action with a word, to ensure that they understand the meaning of words and their correct pronunciation. 6.Pod/game. “Shoemaker.” Goal: to teach children to run across the loose ground from one side of the site to the other, to act on a signal. To consolidate the side run. 7. Labor “We wipe the window sills with a damp rag in the group room and bedroom.” Goal: to teach children to follow the following rules when working with water: roll up their sleeves, wet a cloth and wring it dry, and rinse it in water when it gets dirty. . 8. Finger game “Gloves and Little Mice” Goal: switching Morning: Offer children the album “One day in the group “Star Country””. Day: Replenish the book corner with new books about school... 10.2010.50. Khudastat.Music according to the music director's plan. attention, improved coordination and fine motor skills, correct sound pronunciation is formed, the ability to speak quickly and clearly, memory, and the ability to coordinate movements and speech are improved. Walk Observation of freight transport. Purpose: to teach to distinguish freight transport, to know its purpose and application. Evening: 1.Did. environmental management. Ball game “I know...” Goal: To develop the ability to name several objects of the same type. 3.Logogymnastics, finger game “Robot”, Goal: to work on clear coordinated movements in conjunction with speech. To develop general and fine motor skills and facial expressions.: 4. “Graduation Ball” holiday. Goal: to create a festive atmosphere, give children pleasure, stimulate activity every child. Evening: In the corner of fine arts, independent artistic activity... MORNING EXERCISES COMPLEX No. 30 (with flags). Introductory part. Walking. Walking with high knees. Running. Running with a whip of the shin of the foot. Main part. 1. I.p.: o.s., flags below. 1 right hand up, left to the side; 2return to i.p. The same, with the other hand. = 8 times. 2. I.p.: o.s., flags below. 1 flags to the sides, step forward with the right foot; 2 return to i.p. Same with the left foot. = 8 times. 3. I.p.: feet shoulder-width apart, flags at the shoulders. 12sit down, bring the flags forward: 34 pp. =8 times. 4. I.P.: Kneeling, flags at the shoulders. 1 turn to the right, arm straight with flag to the right; 2 return to i.p. Also to the left. =8 times. The final part. Formation from threes to a column. Walking. Running. Walking, exercise on breathing COMPLEX OF GYMNASTICS AFTER SLEEP No. 30 “Heroes of fairy tales” (with elements of corrective and breathing exercises). 1. 2. 3. “Baba Yaga”. Frown like Baba Yaga. At the same time, the facial muscles tense. Then relax. = 3 times. “Pinocchio” I.P. - lying on your back. 1 – simultaneously raise your arms and legs in front of you. With your fingers right hand touch your left toes. Use the fingers of your left hand to touch the toes of your right foot. 2 – return to IP. =6 times. "Malvina" I.p. – sitting on the bed, arms down. 1 – bring both hands to your mouth. 2 – arms to the sides, simultaneously say “ah!” 3 3 bring both hands to your mouth. 4 – lower your hands, simultaneously say “oh!” 4 times.




Integration educational areas

Educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Independent activity children

Relationships with parents



September 3 - Monday


Physical training



Morning hygiene


Finger gymnastics “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”

Look at the pictures depicting autumn. Give initial ideas about autumn. About the fact that children go to school in the fall. September 1 – Day of Knowledge.

Teach Olya Ch. and Nikita N. to say hello when entering the group.

Thematic conversation about the Day of Knowledge. Give initial ideas about the day of knowledge.

Offer children games as desired. Meet the group.


Tour of the kindergarten. Introduce the kindergarten.


Physical training





Weather observation.

Develop observation skills and speaking skills.

P\i “On a Level Path”, Cat and Mice” - to develop motor activity and agility.

Individual physical work: walking along a narrow path to teach Rustam, Seryozha B. to maintain balance.

Thematic conversation about autumn.

Help the teachers collect dry twigs and take them to the container.

Work before bed


Tell the fairy tale "Teremok". Learn to undress yourself. Carefully place things on the chair.


One minute - wake up call

Play the attentiveness game “Who’s missing?” - develop attentiveness.

c\r game "Masha went to kindergarten." Goal: to develop the ability to consistently perform actions, name objects and actions with them, and cultivate positive emotions for kindergarten.


Weather observation. Develop observation skills. P\i “crows and dog” - to teach to act on a signal, to develop motor activity.

Theme of the week: “Goodbye, summer, hello, kindergarten!” Goal: To introduce children to kindergarten and to each other. Make you want to visit it.




Educational activities

Relationships with parents



September 4 – Tuesday.


7 00 - 9 00

Physical training




Morning hygiene


Observe the work of a junior teacher. Introduce the profession of a nanny.

Teach children to say hello when entering a group.

Thematic conversation “Who works with you.”

Offer a large mosaic for the game. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Directly educational activities

9 00 - 9 30

Physical culture

Artistic creativity

According to plan.
Modeling. Topic: “Getting to know plasticine.” Purpose: To give an idea of ​​plasticine and its properties. Cultivate a desire to sculpt. Develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Recommend that parents consolidate knowledge about plasticine and its properties with their children.


9 30 - 11 30


Physical training



Take a tour of the kindergarten territory for familiarization purposes. P\i "Sparrows and the car." Bring joy, develop speed and motor activity.

Individual physical work: practice jumping over a stream (stick) Masha, Olya.

Thematic conversation about kindergarten.

Offer to collect the sand with scoops back into the sandbox. Foster a desire to work.

Work before bed

11 30 - 12 30


d\i “Doll Masha is getting ready to sleep.” Continue to learn how to undress yourself. Carefully place things on the chair.

Sing a lullaby to fall asleep peacefully.


12 30 - 15 00



15 00 - 16 30

physical training

One minute - wake up call

Puppet theater show based on the fairy tale “Teremok” Purpose: to provide pleasure, to develop interest in fiction.

d\i "geometric cube". fix the name of the main geometric shapes(circle, square, triangle)

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Consultation on the prevention of ARI.


16 30 - 17 30

Games on the territory of the kindergarten. Create conditions for comfortable stay children in kindergarten.

Theme of the week: “Goodbye, summer, hello, kindergarten!” Goal: To introduce children to kindergarten and to each other. Make you want to visit it.




Integration of educational areas

Educational activities

Educational activities in special moments

Independent activities of children

Relationships with parents



September 5 - Wednesday


Physical training





Morning hygiene


Encourage them to calmly go to the group and listen to the instructions of adults. Taking advantage of the surprise moment of the arrival of the Masha doll.

Teach Dasha B., Angelina, Zakhar and Kirill table manners.

Reading: S. Mikhalkov “Song of Friends.”

The teacher's story about each child. Promote the establishment of friendly relationships between children.

Suggest “inset games” for games - studying shape and size.

Talk with parents about the well-being of their children.

Direct educational activities

physical training

Topic: Getting to know each other. The teacher's story about each child, the names of the teachers and the junior teacher. Introduce children to each other and to teachers.



Physical training



Didactic exercise“What is on our site.” Clarify ideas about a group area for a walk, rules of behavior on the street. P\i “On a level path”, develop motor activity.

Teach Alina and Yana to jump on their toes moving forward.

A targeted walk around the kindergarten site. Make children want to attend kindergarten.

Invite the children to collect sand in the sandbox.

Work before bed


Telling the fairy tale "Turnip". Create a calm atmosphere before bed.

Learn to undress yourself. Turning things around is obvious.

Sing a lullaby to fall asleep peacefully.


One minute - wake up

Show the fairy tale “The Ryaba Hen” (table theater). Cultivate interest in a fairy tale, respond emotionally to what is happening in it.

Offer plasticine for children to do independently.

Individual conversations and consultations on parenting issues.

Consultation on the prevention of ARI.


Watching for bugs. Development of observation skills. Games at the request of children. Bring joy.

Approximate structure for planning educational activities for the first week of September

Topic: “Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!”


^ Final event: “Trip to Play Town” - a day of games and toys, entertainment (responsible: educators of all age groups, music director, physical education instructor).

^ Date __________________.

Scheduling works on the topic “Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!” in the second younger group

^ Day of the week








Physical culture





Reading literature


Communication game "Let's get to know each other."

Situation of activating communication “How did you spend your summer?”, looking at photographs and pictures about summer holidays.

General game “Guys are walking.”

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “How I rested in the summer”, activation personal experience children (children's names).

Reading the nursery rhyme “Water, water, wash my face”, situational conversation about the rules of hand washing, exercise “Soapy gloves”.

Introducing the “Vegetable Garden” layout, selecting the appropriate attributes - independent games with the layout, toys.

Individual conversations with parents about the daily routine in kindergarten, about the need to comply with it (names).


Excursion “This is what our group is like”: introduce the group room, talk about toys, rules of behavior in the group.


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Observing the games of older preschoolers.

P.i. "We're fun guys."

Ind. work on the development of movements: walking on a limited plane - p.i. “On a level path” (names).

Situational conversation about summer: weather, summer natural phenomena, life of plants and animals in summer period, human activities.


Work in the book corner: getting acquainted with the exhibition of books “Summer in poems, stories, fairy tales” - looking at illustrations, reading passages chosen by children, discussion.

A moment of pranks “Dance of names” - dance improvisations.

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “How I rested in the summer”, drawing illustrations for the stories (children’s names).

Situational conversation about the rules of careful handling of books, toys, and things.

Did. game “What is where?” - continue to get acquainted with the group, with the location of objects and toys in it.

Application printed board game: lotto “Toys”.

Enrichment with materials from the s/r game “Summer Journey”.


Games-experiments with sand: what kind of sand you can build from, why. Independent games with sand, situational conversations about children’s games (plot, design, etc.), observation of children’s relationships during the game. Riddles about summer. P.i. "We're fun guys."

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity

Morning exercises“Kids are tough.”

A moment of silence - poems about summer flowers, work with ecology. window - summer flowers.

Plot-did. games “Let's help the dolls set the table for breakfast”, “Let's treat the dolls to tea”.

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “How I rested in the summer,” drawing illustrations for stories, making homemade books (children’s names).

Observation of the nanny’s work (setting the table, distributing food), situational conversation “Who takes care of us in kindergarten?”

Reading “The Dirty Girl” by A. Barto, talking about the benefits of washing.

Independent examination of books, photographs and thematic albums about summer in the book corner - creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Enrichment of the “Vegetable Garden” layout with materials, independent games with the layout.

Invite parents to take part in book publishing activities - jointly with children making homemade books “How I Relaxed in the Summer”, designing an exhibition.

Individual consultation upon request.

^ Direct educational activities

Communication Thurs. thin lit., socialization

Communicative activities, reading: looking at the painting “We Play”, reading N. Kalinin “Is this how they play?”, conversation on the topic “How we play in kindergarten”.

Motor activity: physical education “It’s fun to walk together!”


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity

The purpose of a walk around the territory of the kindergarten is a visit to the flower garden: looking at flowers, talking about the work of people who took care of the beauty in the kindergarten, poetry.

Did. game "Guess the flower by description."

Labor: collecting flower seeds, natural material for creativity.

P.i. “I walk around the houses.”

Ind. work on developing movements: rolling the ball to each other - games in pairs (names).

Consolidating the sequence of dressing and undressing, solving problem situations “Help a friend”, situational conversation about mutual assistance.

Takeaway sports equipment: balls, hoops, jump ropes, etc. – activation of pair interaction, creation of conditions for the emergence of independent games in pairs: “Roll the Ball”, “Horses”, “Taxi”, etc.

Enrichment with materials from s/r games such as “Travel” (to the country, to the village, to the sea, etc.).


Hardening, etc.

Staging and discussion of problem situations “How a bear and a bunny shared toys”, “ New toy", a conversation about how to play without arguing.

Round dance game “Let's go through the raspberries into the garden”, tasting raspberries, getting to know their qualities, talking about the gifts of summer.

Compiling and recording stories about summer, drawing illustrations for stories, making homemade books (children's names).

Remind children that toys need to be kept in order. Monitor how children put away toys, put things in order in activity centers, provide the necessary assistance and encouragement.

Enrichment with materials from the educational games “Mothers and Daughters”, “Kindergarten”.

Independent games in activity centers, creating conditions for the emergence of pair and subgroup interaction - introducing tabletop constructors, attributes for dramatization games, board games like lotto.


Observation of the work of a janitor, situational conversation “Who takes care of us in kindergarten?” Carrying out the “Clean Site” campaign. Pairs games - with sports equipment.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Reading literature

Hood. creation

Morning exercises “Kids are strong.”

Did. game " Wonderful pouch" (toys).

General game "Gifts".

Situational conversation about the rules of hand washing, the need to wipe them dry, exercise “Fold the towel.”

Enrichment with materials from the s/r game “Toy Store” - activation of pair and subgroup interaction, creation of conditions for the emergence of role-playing dialogue.

Design of the screen “What toys do children need.”

Individual conversations with parents about the development of self-service skills in children, the importance of their formation for the child’s personal development and his successful self-realization in everyday activities (names).

Interaction with social media partners: visiting theater - screening of the play “How a Dog Was Looking for a Friend.”

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive activity: FEMP - “Let’s count all the toys” (familiarity with the concepts one, many, none; compiling a set from individual elements).

Artistic creativity, labor

Productive activity: painting with paints “Dandelion in a summer meadow.”

Phys. culture, health

Motor activity: outdoor physical education “On forest paths.”


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Solving a problem situation and experimenting with A. Barto’s poem “Our Tanya is crying loudly” (how to help a girl and get the ball out of the water without getting wet?).

P.i. “My cheerful, ringing ball.”

Communicative ball game “Name yourself affectionately.”

Labor: game exercise “One, two, three - collect the toys!”

Ind. work on developing movements: rolling the ball into the goal (children's names).

Reinforcing the sequence of dressing and undressing, the order of folding clothes in the closet, solving problem situations “Help a friend” - to create a desire to provide all possible help to comrades.

Independent games with balls, dolls, and transport toys - observing children’s relationships and their ability to build paired interactions.


Simulation of the situation “The incompetent girl is visiting the guys” (disorder in the group), the campaign “Every toy has its place!”

Reading G. Tsyferov “When there are not enough toys.”

Children's creativity workshop - making crafts from natural materials, designing the overall composition “In a sunny clearing”.

Memorizing poems by A. Barto from the “Toys” cycle (children’s names).

Making homemade books with children’s stories “How I rested in the summer.”

Conversation about the culture of behavior during meals.

Independent educational games “Guests”, “Mothers and Daughters”, “Summer Journey”, “Shop” - observation of children’s relationships, the ability to build pair and subgroup interaction.

Introducing natural material to enrich the plots of games (using it as substitute objects).


“The ABCs of Safety”: a conversation about safe behavior while walking, a socially oriented game “Does and Don’ts” (what can and cannot be done while walking). Independent games with toys.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Reading literature

Morning exercises “Kids are strong.”

Work in the book corner: getting acquainted with the exhibition of books “It’s so nice in our garden!” - looking at, reading, communicating

Tour of the kindergarten: mini-blocks “Who cooks us lunch?”, “Who treats us?”, “Work in the laundry.”

General game “Erasing...”

Ind. work on developing gaming skills - games in pairs (children's names).

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about observing speech etiquette - polite words when meeting, enriching and activating the vocabulary.

Enrichment with materials from the games “Kindergarten”, “Kitchen”, “Laundry”, “Doctor”.

Independent activity in activity centers – creating conditions for meaningful communication and interaction.

Invite parents to take part in the day of games and toys “Journey to Play Town”, design a poster for the event, please bring toys for the mini-museum.

Consulting on the topic " Safe road to kindergarten”, distribution of leaflets “Know and follow the rules traffic»

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive and research (constructive) activity: constructing from the tabletop builder “Room for a nesting doll”, playing with it.

Musical activities– theme “Give a smile to a friend.”


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


A targeted walk around the territory of the kindergarten - a conversation about vegetables, about the work of people who grow them in the summer.

Did. game “What grows in the garden?”; round dance game “We have a vegetable garden.”

Labor: all possible help in collecting vegetables (to whom will we give it?)

Ind. work on the development of movements: climbing a gymnastic ladder (children's names).

Talking about clothes - developing self-service skills, nurturing a caring attitude towards things, neatness, neatness; strengthening the ability to fold clothes in a closet - ex. “Every thing has its place.”

Enrichment with materials from the s/r games “Summer in the Village”, “Gardeners”.

Carrying out sports equipment: balls, hoops, jump ropes, etc. – activation of pair games “Roll the Ball”, “Horses”, “Taxi”, etc.


“Guest of the group” - meeting with a kindergarten carpenter, talking about his profession, repairing a high chair in front of the children.

Trying a turnip, getting to know its qualities, sharing a story. sk. "Turnip" showing movements.

Ind. work on developing gaming skills - a dramatization game based on the fairy tale “Turnip”, developing the ability to build role-playing dialogue (children’s names).

A situational conversation about the culture of communication, about observing speech etiquette - polite words after a meal, when saying goodbye, enriching and activating the vocabulary.

Enrichment with materials from the educational games “Kindergarten”, “Kitchen”, “Laundry”, “Doctor”, and the plot-building game “Group Room”.

Independent games with layouts “Vegetable Garden”, “Road” - replenishment of attributes.

Independent visual activity.


Simulation of the traffic situation “Crossing the road” on a transport site (zebra crossing, traffic light).

P.i. "Drivers and pedestrians." Independent games with transport toys.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Artistic creativity

Morning exercises “Kids are strong.”

Viewing the exhibition of the mini-museum “My Favorite Toy”.

General game “What will we go on?”

Problematic situation in the process of washing, experimenting with “Cube - Soap” - discussion, search for a solution.

Replenishing the attributes of the s/r games “Travel”, “Guests”, “Toy Store” - activating children’s independent play activities, creating conditions for self-realization.

Open Day “Travel to Play Town” - participation in the day of games and toys, leisure activities, joint play activities with children.

Master classes (optional): “Do-it-yourself toys”, “Games for health” (physical instructor), “Learning to play” (educators),

^ Direct educational activities


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Game-experimentation “Sinking - floating”, conversation about the properties of objects, about materials; fun games with

Ind. work on developing movements: exercise running,

Situation of activating communication: about a holiday - to evoke desire

“Let’s go for a visit” - mutual visits, creation of children’s play communities of different ages, activation

wind-up floating toys.

Joke games “It flies - it doesn’t fly”, “Grandfather Matvey”, “Let’s do everything like I do”.

jumping “Who is faster to the flag”, “Frogs” (in pairs).

share impressions, enrich children’s communication experience, teach them to observe basic rules of communication.

and enriching children’s gaming experience, developing communication abilities and independence.

“Playing with fingers” (educators), “Games for the mind” (educators), “Folk games” (music director).


Hardening, gymnastics after sleep, walking along the “health paths”.

Design of the exhibition “Ringing Summer”: homemade books, collection, photographs, creative works (drawings, crafts) - viewing, communication, activation of personal experience.

Leisure evening in the group “Goodbye, summer!”

Compiling stories on the topic “My favorite toy” (names).

Game situation“Let’s restore order in the group.”

Independent activity in game centers, activation of pair and subgroup interaction.


A dramatization game together with parents “Song of Friends” (S. Marshak). Cooperative games of choice.

^ Calendar planning of work on the topic “Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!” V middle group

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Thurs. thin lit.

Hood. creation


Communication game “Let’s get to know each other better.”

A situation of activating communication “What do you remember about this summer?”, looking at photographs and pictures about summer holidays, summer landscapes.

A moment of pranks “Dance of names.”

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “What I remember this summer”, activating the personal experience of children (children’s names).

Reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” (excerpts), situational conversation about the rules of washing. “Lessons from Moidodyr”: exercises “Soapy gloves”, “Wipe yourself dry”, “Fold the towel”.

Entering the “Farm” layout, selecting the appropriate attributes - independent games with the layout, toys.

Independent visual activity (theme – summer).

Talk to parents about collecting materials for a Summer Finds collection.

Ask to bring photographs of family summer vacations for the “Sounding Summer” exhibition.

Participation in the joint child-parent project “Friendly Guys”: interviewing “What is Friendship”, the task is to make a “Friendship” poster together with the child, a badge emblem “I am a good friend”.

^ Direct educational activities

Music, cognition, communication

Musical and educational activity: holiday “Day of Knowledge”.

Cognition, safety, communication, socialization

Toys and games, about the rules of behavior in a group.


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Targeted walk around the site: introduce the territory of the site and the rules of safe behavior while walking.

Reading poems about summer, u.n.t.

P.i. "We're fun guys."

Work “We need to put away toys together in a fun and friendly way!”

Ind. work on the development of movements: walking on a log - a game exercise. “Walk - don’t fall” (names).

Situational conversation about what we do on a walk, how we walk.

Conversation “We are almost big now.”

Enrichment with materials from the s/r game “Summer Journey”.

Taking out toys for playing with sand, crayons for drawing on the asphalt.


Project “Friendly Guys” (beginning): dramatization of a problem situation “A little hare and a little fox quarreled”, situational conversation “If you quarrel, if you fight” - statement of the problem.

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “What I remember this summer”, drawing illustrations for the stories (children’s names).

Situational conversation about the rules of careful handling of things.

Did. game “Every thing has its place” - continue to get acquainted with the group, with the location of objects and toys in it.

Reading by L. Voronkov “Masha is confused.”

Enrichment with materials from the s/r game “Summer Journey”.


^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Thurs. thin lit.


Morning exercises “Strong and agile.”

Observation of the nanny’s work: table setting, situational conversation “How will we be on duty”, did. game "Trick-Trac, not like that!"

Work on the “Friendly Guys” project - discussing proverbs and sayings about friendship, listening to songs.

Communication game “What is the name, guess and pass on the object”

Compiling and recording stories on the topic “What I remember this summer”, drawing illustrations for stories, making homemade books (children’s names).

“Lessons from Moidodyr”: solving problem situations, experiments “Cube - Soap”, “Dry Soap”.

Thematic selection of books “How good it is in our garden” - looking at illustrations, communicating.

Introducing the “Kindergarten” layout with attributes - independent games.

Entering the “Professions” lotto.

Invite parents to take part in book publishing activities - jointly with children making homemade books “What I remember this summer”, designing an exhibition.

Project work: selection of material about friendship for compiling a “Literary Box”.

Consulting on the topic “Safe road to kindergarten”, distribution of leaflets “Know and follow the rules of the road.”

Interaction with social media partners: watching an educational cartoon on traffic rules in the House of Culture

^ Direct educational activities

Physical culture, health

Motor activity: physical education “Hello to all friends, physical education!” (within the project).

Cognition, work, communication, socialization


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


“The ABCs of Safety: Traffic Rules” - a tour of nearby streets, developing knowledge of traffic rules, familiarization with the “Crossroads - Kindergarten” route.

Enrichment with materials from s/r games such as “Travel” (to the city, to the sea, etc.), “Road”.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

“The ABCs of Safety: Traffic Rules” - communication on the topic “On the way to kindergarten”, plotting a safe route using the “Road” layout

General game “Guys are walking.”

Children's creativity workshop - “Portrait as a gift to a friend”: work with cardboard, plasticine (as part of the project).

Ind. assignment “Lay the table” (preparing for duty), ind. conversation “How did you take care of your comrades” (names).

Situational conversation about the work of adults in kindergarten, did. games “Who needs what?”, “Who does what?”, “Who cares about us?”

Enrichment with materials from the educational games “Family on Vacation”, “Kindergarten”, “Travel”.

A selection of books and pictures about friendship for independent consideration - creating conditions for the emergence of meaningful communication, the development of friendly relationships.


P.i. "Drivers and pedestrians." Independent games on the transport site.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Thurs. thin lit.

Hood. creation

Morning exercises “Strong and agile.”

Compiling and viewing the “Summer Finds” collection (a shelf of obscure knowledge), communication, stories from personal experience.

“Guest of the group” - meeting with the kindergarten laundress, conversation about her profession.

General game “Erasing...”.

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about observing speech etiquette - did. game “Learning to say hello in different ways.”

Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, reproductions of paintings about summer in a book corner - creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Role-playing games of children's choice, games with a large builder.

Project work:

joint production of wall newspapers “Our friendly family».

Design of the screen “Adults and children are friends”, ind. conversations about forming friendly relationships in preschool age.

Participation in the environmental campaign “Clean Site” is the joint work of children, parents and teachers to clean the site.

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive activity: FEMP “Toy Store” (counting within 5, compiling and comparing sets, orientation in the group space - educational game “Find a Toy”).

Hood. creativity, labor

Productive activity: creating a collage “What is summer?” - collective application from ready-made forms.

Phys. culture, health, safety

Motor activity: outdoor physical education “We are tourists.”


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity

Continuation of the excursion “What is a kindergarten” - getting to know the territory of the kindergarten, observing the work of adults on the street.

P.i. “Tea, tea - help out”, “We are funny guys.”

Competition game “Who can collect the toys faster” (boys or girls).

Ind. work on developing movements: practice jumping with forward movement - p.i. “From bump to bump” (names).

Enrichment of materials from the s/r game “Toy Store” - development of skills in constructing role-playing dialogue.

work before bed

Reading by E. Uspensky “The House of Friendship” (a chapter from the book “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends”), activating communication on the topic “Squirrels and bunnies are friends, girls and boys are friends,” songs about friendship (within the framework of the project).


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

The situation of activating communication “If you are polite” - looking at pictures, reading, staging a problem situation “Ask or take away?”, discussion, socially oriented game “Polite request”.

Labor “The soap is foaming in the washtub, we are washing - look!” (washing doll clothes).

Memorizing rhymes and myrils (children's names).

Making homemade books with children’s stories “What I remember this summer” (names).

General game "Hostyushka".

Enrichment with materials of plot-building games “Guests have come to us”, “House of Friendship”, “Kindergarten” - development of the game concept, role-playing skills, constructive ways of interaction.

Independent activity in activity centers: looking at collections, books, visual arts, playing with models.


^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Thurs. thin lit.

Hood. creation


Morning exercises “Strong and agile.”

Did. game “Magic Chest” - joint composing and dramatization of fairy tales about friendship (modeling using toys based on familiar fairy tales) - as part of the “Friendly Guys” project.

General game "Teremok".

Learning songs about friendship.

Memorizing rhymes, little rhymes, discussing proverbs about friendship (children's names).

“The ABC of Cleanliness”: situational conversation about the need to wash, reading S. Byalkovskaya’s “Yulya the Clean”, K. Kuznetsova’s “Dirty.”

The introduction of theaters for dramatization games based on the fairy tales “Teremok”, “The Wolf and the Seven Little Goats”, etc. is the development of role-playing interaction.

Introducing board games such as lotto and dominoes - creating conditions for subgroup interaction, developing the ability to negotiate, and follow the rules of the games.

Design of a wall newspaper " Interesting summer in kindergarten!

Invite parents to take part in the day of games and toys “Journey to Play Town”, summing up the results project activities Design a poster for the event, please bring toys for the mini-museum.

Instruct the parent committee to bake a “Friendship Pie” and prepare a treat for a tea party (as part of the project).

^ Direct educational activities

Music, communication, socialization

Musical activity - the theme “Give a friend a smile” (as part of the project).

Communication, reading art. literature, socialization

Reading, communicative activities: reading A. Kuznetsov “We ​​quarreled with a friend”, discussion of a problematic situation “How to play without quarreling?”, socially oriented game “Know how to apologize, know how to make peace, know how to agree” - learn to use in everyday life worlds, counting rhymes; communication on the topic “We are friendly guys, we don’t quarrel at all!” (within the project).


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


“The ABCs of Safety”: observation of the games of junior and senior preschoolers, situational conversation “To avoid trouble, do the right thing too”, games in a circle with a ball “Dangerous - safe”, “It is possible - it is not possible.”

Labor: collecting flower seeds.

Ind. work on the development of movements: practice throwing into the distance - p.i. “Who will throw further” (names).

Consolidating the sequence of dressing and undressing, solving problem situations “Help a friend”, “Ask a friend with a request”, situational conversation about mutual assistance.

Taking out toys for games-experiments with the wind - intensifying cognitive and research activities, creating situations for meaningful communication on educational topics.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Ind. work to prepare for duty - did. game “Set the table for the dolls” (names).

Remind children that toys need to be kept in order, reading Z. Alexandrov’s “What you took, put it back in its place,” the game “1, 2, 3 - put away the toys!”

Introducing materials and toys for independent experimentation in the “Sand - Water” center - intensification of research activities, development cognitive interests, creating conditions for cognitive communication.


General game "Hostyushka". Joint gaming activities: s/r games “Family”, “Guests”, “Shop” - learn to connect games with a single plot, distribute roles, build role-playing dialogues, use substitute items.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments

^ Friday is a day of games and toys


Physical culture





Artistic creativity

Morning exercises “Strong and agile.”

Viewing the exhibition of the mini-museum “My Favorite Toy” - viewing, communicating.

A surprise moment: “buffoons” come to visit the children with an invitation to Play Town.

General game “What will we go on?”

Compiling stories on the topic “My favorite toy” (names).

Work to prepare for duty - did. game "Backgammon - not so", observation of table setting, situational conversation.

“Games for health” (physical fitness instructor), “Learning to play” (educators), “Playing with fingers”, “Games for the mind”, “Folk games” (music director).

Distribution of booklets “Game is the leading activity of a preschooler” (senior teacher).

^ Direct educational activities

Music, physical culture, socialization, communication

Entertainment “Travel to Play Town”: musical and theatrical activities, motor activities - continuation of entertainment on the street: “Games on the asphalt.”


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Game “Guess the riddle - find the answer” (about toys).


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Decorating the group for a sweet evening - setting tables, an exhibition of joint creative works within the framework of the “Friendly Guys” project.

Sweet evening “Strong friendship never ends” - the result of the project: concert, presentation of wall newspapers “Our Friendly Family”, gifts for friends (portraits), socially oriented game “Friendship Pie”, tea party.

Compiling stories on the topic “My favorite toy” (names).

Remember proverbs, sayings, poems and songs about friendship.

Independent activity in activity centers - examination of the collection, thematic selections of books about summer, kindergarten, friendship, exhibition displays, mini-museum, artistic activities - creating conditions for meaningful communication, to reflect impressions in productive activities.


A dramatization game together with parents “Song of Friends” (S. Marshak). Joint games of choice, drawing with crayons on the asphalt on the theme “Mom, Dad, I are best friends.”

^ Calendar planning of work on the topic “Goodbye, summer - hello, kindergarten!” V senior group

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Thurs. thin lit.

Hood. creation


Communication game “Call yourself by different names.”

Situation of activating communication “Wonderful summer”, looking at photographs and pictures about summer holidays, summer landscapes.

Speech game “Kuzovok” (summer words).

A moment of pranks “Dance of names.”

Compiling and recording stories on the theme “Wonderful Summer”, making homemade books, activating the personal experience of children (children’s names).

Reading by Y. Tuvim “Letter to Children”, situational conversation about the need and benefits of washing.

Observing the work of the canteen attendants, talking on the topic “How the attendants took care of us.”

Visual arts (theme: summer, illustrations for a homemade book).

Talk to parents about collecting materials for a Summer Finds collection.

Ask to bring photographs of family summer vacations for the “Sounding Summer” exhibition.

Participation in the joint child-parent project “We are all so different, we are all so the same”: together with children, making personalized posters “What I know about myself”, “Daisies of names”.

^ Direct educational activities

Music, cognition, commune

Musical and educational activity: holiday “Day of Knowledge”.

Cognition, security, communication, social.

Excursion “This is what our group is like”: introduce the group room, talk about new

Toys and games, about the rules of behavior in a group, did. game “What has changed in the group?”


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


A targeted walk around the site and territory of the village: familiarization with the territory, with the rules of safe behavior while walking.

Reading poems about summer, u.n.t.

P.i. “Traps and dashes” (words about summer).

Work “We need to put away toys together in a fun and friendly way!”

Ind. work on developing movements: throwing at a target - ex. “Don’t miss” (names).

Situational conversation about maintaining order in the closet, did. ex. “Every thing has its place.”

Enrichment with materials from the s/r games “Sea Voyage”, “Summer in the Village”.

Taking out toys for playing with sand, crayons for drawing on the asphalt.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Work in the book corner: getting acquainted with the exhibition of books “Summer in poems, stories, fairy tales” - looking at illustrations, reading, communicating.

Project “We are all so different, we are all so the same” (beginning): a situation of activating communication “What do we know about ourselves? What do we want to know?”, problem statement, creation of information. project fields

Compiling and recording stories on the theme “Wonderful Summer”, drawings, making homemade books, activating the personal experience of children (children’s names).

Continue the conversation about independence, about what older preschoolers can do, what they can learn: teaching how to make the bed after sleep, encouraging them to put away toys on their own - the motto is “When you play, put it back in its place.”

Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, reproductions of paintings about summer in a book corner - creating situations for meaningful thematic communication.

Enrichment with materials from the s/r games “Summer Journey”, “Family on Vacation”.


Experimental games and construction games with sand: properties of sand, what kind of sand can be used to build, why, what.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Hood. creation


Morning gymnastics “On the ship”.

Communication on the topics “What…are our boys made of?”, “What…are our girls made of?” - formation of a positive image of “I”, a positive attitude towards oneself and others, similarities and differences, see. portraits, photographs, name posters, “daisies of names”.

Social orientation game "Bragging Hare".

A situational conversation about the benefits of water, how it should be used and conserved.

A situational conversation about the culture of communication, about observing speech etiquette - the communicative game “Greeting”.

Thematic selection of books “How good it is in our garden” - looking at illustrations, communicating.

Games with layouts “Kindergarten”, “Doll house and residents in it”.

Present games “Professions in kindergarten”, “What we do in kindergarten”.

Invite parents to take part in book publishing activities - jointly with children making homemade books “Wonderful Summer”, designing an exhibition.

Project work: selection of literary, informational and illustrated material about different people to create an encyclopedia.

Consulting on the topic “Safe road to kindergarten”, distribution of leaflets “Know and follow the rules of the road” (senior teacher).

Interaction with social media partners: watching an educational cartoon on traffic rules.

Design of a portrait gallery.

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, labor, socialization, communication

Cognitive activity: tour of the kindergarten “What is a kindergarten?” - getting to know the premises of the kindergarten, the rules of conduct there, the difficulties of people in the kindergarten, developing a respectful attitude towards the employees of the kindergarten.


Musical activity - the theme “A smile makes everyone brighter” (within the framework of the project).

Productive activity: “Self-portrait” - different ways images, design of a portrait gallery (within the project).


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


“The ABCs of Safety: Traffic Rules” - a tour of the microdistrict, developing knowledge of traffic rules, familiarization with the route “Stop - kindergarten”.

Games on the transport site: modeling traffic situations, developing skills for safely crossing the road.

Ind. work on developing movements: standing long jump - ex. “Who will jump further” (names).

A situational conversation about the culture of behavior at the table, the culture of communication, and the observance of speech etiquette - did. game "Words of gratitude".

Enrichment with materials from s/r games such as “Travel” (to the country, to the village, to the sea, etc.), “Road”.

Taking out transport toys, bicycles, scooters is an independent activity.

Carrying out equipment for self-help labor activity for cleaning the area.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

“The ABCs of Safety: Traffic Rules” - communication on the topic “On the way to kindergarten”, plotting a safe route using the “Road” layout, according to the diagram - marking dangerous driving areas.

I.m.p. "Best Pedestrian"

Compiling and recording “Wonderful Summer” stories, drawings, making homemade books, activating the personal experiences of children (children’s names).

Situational conversation about the work of adults in kindergarten “People of different professions”, dissertation. And. "Who cares about us?" .

Enrichment with materials from the s/r games “Family on Vacation”, “Kindergarten”, “Travel”, “Guests”.

Independent games with the “Road” layout.

A selection of books on the topic “Adults and Children” for independent consideration - creating conditions for the emergence of meaningful communication.


P.i. “Drivers and pedestrians”, “Traffic light”. Independent games on the transport site.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Thurs. thin lit.

Hood. creation

Morning gymnastics “On the ship”.

Compiling and viewing the “Summer Finds” collection (a shelf of obscure knowledge), communication, stories from personal experience.

“Guest of the group” - meeting with the kindergarten cook, conversation about her profession, sit. conversation "My favorite dish."

P.i. "Edible - not edible"

Ind. working with those on duty to serve the table (names).

“The ABC of Cleanliness”: a situational conversation about dirty people and neat people, reading K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr” (excerpts), did. game "Toiletries".

Enrichment of materials for the games “Kindergarten”, “Kitchen”, “Family”, “Guests”, “Children’s Cafe”, children’s production of missing attributes - provide material for creativity.

Design of the screen “The Art of Communication”, ind. conversations about the formation of constructive ways of interaction in preschool age.

Participation in the environmental campaign “Clean Site” is the joint work of children, parents and teachers to clean the site.

^ Direct educational activities

Cognition, communication

Cognitive activity: FEMP “Merry Men” (counting within 10, compiling and comparing sets, measuring, modeling from geometric shapes) - project.

Hood. creation

Cont. activity: creating a cookbook “Our Favorite Dishes” (magazine clippings - collage).

Phys. culture, health, knowledge, safety.

Motor activity: hiking trip “At the end of summer”.


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Continuation of the tourist trip “At the end of summer”: a walk in the forest, an educational conversation about summer, poems, riddles, signs.

P.i. “Traps with a tail”, “Blind Man’s Bluff”, “Hide and Seek”, etc.

Collecting natural material to replenish the “Summer Finds” collection.

Obstacle course.

Ind. work on the development of movements: running at speed - p.i. “Race together” (names).

Situational conversation about the rules of safe behavior during a hike, about the rules of behavior in nature, did. game "You can - you can't."

Independent motor activity: games and exercises on the obstacle course, outdoor games, football.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Traveling along the map “Different children live on the planet” - getting to know the lives of children of different nationalities and races.

Creation and review of the encyclopedia " Different people" - activating communication, reading lit. works.

Playing in a circle with a ball “How are we similar and how are we different?”

Ind. painting work - drawing, sculpting a person (names).

Situational conversation about the culture of communication, about observing speech etiquette - did. game "How can you say goodbye."

Application different types designers, natural and waste material– modeling “Merry Men”, playing with crafts.

Story-building game “My favorite vacation spot.”

S/r game "Kindergarten".


Observation of the work of a janitor, situational conversation “Who takes care of us in kindergarten?” Carrying out the “Clean Site” campaign. Games with sports equipment.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments



Physical culture





Hood. creation


Morning gymnastics “On the ship”.

Creation of a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important”, joint selection of illustrated material, art. words. Communication games“Report”, “Interview”, “Journalists” - interviewing group children, kindergarten staff on the topic, writing stories, inventing headings.

Ind. assignments to survey employees of the daily police department for the newspaper (names).

Learning songs about friendship.

Situational conversation on the topic “How a person works: our assistants”, games for the development of senses, sensations - “Guess by taste, smell, sound, voice, touch”, did. game “I can, I can.”

Introducing tabletop theaters based on familiar fairy tales about friendship - independent dramatization games.

Independent examination of books, photographs, thematic albums, encyclopedias about summer, kindergarten, people - creating situations for communication.


Continue work on creating a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important” - a survey of parents.

Design of the wall newspaper “Interesting summer in kindergarten!”

Participation in leisure activities “Goodbye, summer!”

Invite parents to take part in the day of games and toys “Journey to Play Town”. Design a poster for the event, please bring toys for the mini-museum.

Instruct the parent committee to bake a “Friendship Pie” and prepare a treat for a tea party.

^ Direct educational activities

Reading literature, communication

Reading, communicative activities: V. Mayakovsky “What is good, what is bad”, conversation on the topic “Our actions, habits, character”, compiling stories based on proverbs and sayings about a person (his character, actions, habits), playing in a circle with the ball "What does it mean to be good person? (project).

Phys. culture

Motor activity: physical education “Agility Zigzags”.

Hood. creativity, socialization

Productive activity: sculpting “Boys and Girls in Kindergarten”, creating a collective composition “Our Kindergarten” (project).


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Continue work on creating a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important” - survey children and teachers of other groups on the topic, compilation of short stories.

Entertaining and research activities: games to develop the senses, sensations - “Guess by smell, sound, voice, touch.”

Ind. work assignments (names).

Ind. work on developing movements: practicing accuracy - the game “Knock down the pins” (names).

Situational conversation on the topic “How to become a Little Girl” - who takes care of our health in kindergarten? How can we take care of our own health?

Taking out toys, natural and waste materials for playing with sand - building a city out of sand, playing with it.

Enrichment with materials from the s/r games “Kindergarten”, “Family” - development of game interaction skills.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Design of the exhibition “Sounding Summer”: homemade books, collection, photographs, creative works (drawings, crafts) - examination, cognitive activity, communication, activation of personal experience.

Leisure time in the group “Goodbye, summer!”

Ind. work on composing stories using proverbs and sayings about a person (names).

Learning songs about friendship.

Situational conversation on the topic “Who are polite people", speech game "Kuzovok" (polite words and expressions).

Games with layouts “Kindergarten”, “Doll house and inhabitants in it”, “Sea coast”, “Road”.

Introducing a globe, a map - creating situations for meaningful communication about people living on Earth.


Joint gaming activities: s/r games “Family”, “Guests”, “Journey” - learn to connect games with a single plot, distribute roles, build role-playing dialogues, use substitute items.

^ Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

^ Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities (activity centers, all group rooms)

Interaction with parents/social partners




Educational activities in special moments

^ Friday is a day of games and toys


Physical culture





Artistic creativity

Morning gymnastics “On the ship”.

Viewing the exhibition of the mini-museum “My Favorite Toy” - viewing, communicating, playing.

A surprise moment: “buffoons” come to visit the children with an invitation to Play Town.

General game “What will we go on?”

Compiling stories on the topic “My favorite toy” (names).

Situational conversation on the topic “What determines our mood (our feelings and emotions)”, the game “Continue the phrase” (I am happy when... I am sad when... I am offended when...); problem situation “How to feel sorry for a comrade.”

Finish the work on creating a wall newspaper “Different people are needed, different people are important” - design; provide material for creativity.

Enrichment with attributes of s/r games “Family”, “Kindergarten”, “Toy Store” - activation of independent play activities of children, creation of conditions for self-realization.

The work of cleaning up toys.

Open Day “Travel to Play Town” - participation in a day of games and toys, a sweet evening (results of the project), joint play activities with children.

Master classes (optional): “Do-it-yourself toys” (educators), “Games for health” (physical instructor), “Learning to play” (educators), “Playing with fingers” (educators), “Games for the mind” (educators), “Folk Games” (music director).

Distribution of booklets “Game is the leading activity of a preschooler” (senior teacher).

^ Direct educational activities

Music, physical culture, socialization, communication

Entertainment “Travel to Play Town”: musical and theatrical activities, motor activities - continuation of entertainment on the street: “Games on the asphalt.”


Physical culture





Reading literature

Artistic creativity


Joke games “Flies - doesn’t fly”, “Grandfather Matvey”, “Let’s do everything like I do”, “Edible - not edible”.

Game “Guess the riddle - find the answer” (about toys).

Joint games-experiments with wind, water, sand, launch soap bubbles– enrichment of research activities, development of cognitive interests.

Ind. work on developing movements: practicing climbing a gymnastic ladder - a game exercise. "Monkeys" (names).

Situation of activating communication: about the holiday - to create a desire to share impressions, enrich children’s communication experience, teach them to follow the basic rules of communication.

“Let’s go for a visit” - mutual visits, the creation of children’s play communities of different ages, the activation and enrichment of children’s play experience, the development of communication skills and independence.


Hardening, health. gymnastics.

Decorating the group for a sweet evening - table setting, exhibition of joint creative works within the framework of the project.

Sweet evening “And we are all friends together, we can’t live without each other” - the result of the project: concert, wall newspaper presentation, socially oriented game “Friendship Pie”, tea party.

Compiling stories on the topic “My favorite toy” (names).

Remember proverbs, sayings, poems and songs about friendship and people.

Independent activity in activity centers - examining the collection, thematic selections of books about summer, kindergarten, people, exhibitions, mini-museums, artistic activities - creating conditions for meaningful communication, to reflect impressions in productive activities.


A dramatization game together with parents “Song of Friends” (S. Marshak). Joint games, drawing with crayons on the asphalt “Different people”.
Subject: “Goodbye, kindergarten. Hello school"

Direct educational activities in educational areas:

"Physical Education", "Health"

a set of general developmental exercises “Summer is coming.”
"Socialization", "Security"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to:

Experimentation “Soon we will become first graders.” Teach children to be interested in their growth and development, to observe anthropometric changes in the body (height, weight, head circumference, chest); understand how best to compare muscle strength (dynamometry “We have become stronger”), what items are needed to accurately measure height and weight (working with scales and a stadiometer).
“Cognition” (development of sensory culture, construction)

Construction of the “School Building”. Continue to develop the ability to establish a connection between the buildings being created and what children see in the life around them, to develop the ability to create structures of different sizes and designs of the same school building object. Continue to develop the ability to work in small groups, combine your buildings in accordance with a common plan, agree on who will do what part of the work; help each other when necessary.
“Cognition” (development of horizons)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:
Conversation “How first-graders learn.” Take a tour of the school. To teach children - future schoolchildren - to take initiative in order to gain new knowledge. Improve speech as a means of communication. Find out what children would like to see with their own eyes, what they would like to know about. Continue to expand and clarify children’s ideas about subjects that make learning easier at school (school environment, school supplies). Deepen your understanding of the essential characteristics of objects, the properties and qualities of various materials.
"Labor" (man-made world)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to propose:

Collage “Favorite fairy tales of our group.” Improve children's ability to make a collage using a synthesis of different types visual arts: drawing, appliqué, paper-making. Strengthen the ability to select material to create a fairy-tale image, develop the ability to participate in team work, negotiate, plan work, and provide assistance if necessary.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Collective storytelling “What do I remember about kindergarten?” Continue to develop the ability to meaningfully and emotionally tell peers about interesting facts and events. To teach children to make independent judgments. Improve the monologue form of speech, practice intonation expressiveness of speech.
"Reading fiction"

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Reading the story “Childhood Friend” by V. Dragunsky. To introduce children to the world of human feelings through works of literature. Learn to follow the rules of communication and interaction with peers and adults. Improve the ability to analyze a work of art from the perspective of genre, expressiveness and figurative language.
“Artistic creativity” (decorative and applied arts)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Make gifts for kindergarten employees “Pendants and medallions.” Teach children to create miniature hanging decorations as gifts for loved ones. Improve methods of modeling from colored dough. Show design features products - pendants, to reveal the functional connection between form and purpose. Develop a sense of form, eye, fine motor skills. To cultivate a desire to take care of dear people, to bring them joy with your attention.
“Artistic creativity” (drawing)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Installation "Miracle Tree". Continue learning to create collective composition based on a literary work. Improve cardboard template decorating skills. Develop a sense of rhythm and composition. Develop cooperation skills when creating a collective composition (agree, discuss ideas, consult, placing products on a common composition).
“Artistic creativity” (modeling)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Modeling of functional products “Vases, napkin holders, boxes”. Teach children to create beautiful and at the same time functional interior items (vases, napkin holders, pencil holders, boxes). Introduce the frame method of modeling. Improve the ability to plan work, determining the quantity and quality of materials, the choice of tools, and techniques. Develop a sense of form and composition. To cultivate a desire to create hand-made beauty for the everyday life of a kindergarten.
“Artistic creativity” (applique)

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to offer children:

Collective application “Our group”. Continue to teach how to create a collective composition (image of a kindergarten building) from separately prepared parts (windows with photographs of children). Improve the ability to construct an image depending on the intended composition, paste windows rhythmically, in order (in accordance with the children’s birthday). Develop skills of cooperation and co-creation with peers.

In order to implement the program content of the topic, it is advisable to use:

  • for listening (“What they teach at school” by music by V. Shainsky, “Twice two is four” by music by V. Shainsky, “First-grader” by music by V. Shainsky);

  • for singing (“We are now students” music by G. Struve, “Let’s not forget kindergarten” music by E. Tumanyan, “Goodbye kindergarten” music by A. Filippenko);

  • for musical-rhythmic movements (“ Great mood» music L. Starchenko, “Oh, how good life is in kindergarten!” music S. Nasaulenko, “Tease” music. S. Nasaulenko);

  • for playing on children's musical instruments(“Our favorite kindergarten”, music by I. Yakushina, song-game);

  • for the development of dance and playful creativity (“Festive Waltz with Colored Ribbons”, music by Y. Nikolaev);

  • didactic game “Say the name of the composer”;

  • entertainment “Journey to the Land of Knowledge” - a musical quiz.

In the content of a subject-specific development environment on the topic for independent educational activities It is advisable to include children:

  • exhibition of school supplies;

  • illustrations depicting the professions of people working in kindergarten;

  • illustrations depicting a school, students, teachers.

  • photo exhibition “We have become so big” and provide children with the opportunity to independently look at photographs and share their impressions with peers;

  • equipment for overcoming obstacles, throwing;

  • Lego;

  • sets of small toys;

  • placement of materials for book repairs.
Joint educational activities on the topic at special moments:


  • listening to school-themed songs;

  • preparing the background for teamwork"Our group";

  • conversation “The morning in kindergarten begins with very ordinary, necessary and familiar things - with exercises, washing”;

  • conversation “What have I learned?”;

  • role-playing games: “Home”, “Kindergarten”, “School”;

  • looking at illustrations in books about the structure of the human body;

  • situational conversation "If you're home alone";

  • conversation “Dangerous objects at home” - form a conversation “Do not play with matches!” - give an idea of ​​the danger that matches pose;

  • didactic game “Dangerous-not dangerous”;

  • compiling a story about the work of rescue services “01”, “02”, “03”;

  • reading the poem by Y. Akim “The Incompetent”, A. Krestinsky, N. Polyakov “The Enchanted Girl”, V. Mayakovsky “What is good and what is bad?”;

  • reading poems by A. Barto “How Vovka helped out the grandmothers”, “How Vovka became an older brother”;

  • didactic game “Let’s collect a school bag” to consolidate knowledge about school supplies;

  • Drawing with dots for the development of fine motor skills.
Hygiene procedures:

  • situational conversation “We know how to wash our hands clean”;

  • situational conversation “I can’t stand dirty people”, “If you toughen up, then illnesses are not terrible”;

  • table setting: familiarization with the menu; selection of cutlery; attracting children's attention to the aesthetic design of tables.

Breakfast, lunch, afternoon snack, dinner:

  • situational conversations “We know the rules about the rules of cultural behavior at the table”;

  • situational conversation “We know how to set tables.”


  • observing spring changes in nature (blooming leaves on trees, primroses, insects and birds on the site...);

  • outdoor games: “Who will throw the furthest”, “Fun relay races with flags”, “Be dexterous”, “Hit the hoop”. “Relay in pairs”, “Knock down the pin”, “Ball for the captain”, “Find yourself a partner”;
- individual work on the development of physical qualities;

Work on the site (feeding the birds, helping to water the plants on the site, looking at the diagram for caring for plants in the spring, looking at the illustrations “Work in the field in the spring”, preparing the soil for sowing seeds);

Independent activities of children's choice;

  • role-playing games “Family”; "Kindergarten", "School".


  • reading the stories of E. Permyak “The Worst Thing”, L. Tolstoy “Filipok”, K. Ushinsky “Might is not Right”;

  • conversation “My favorite toy in kindergarten”;

  • conversation “Yesterday we were kids, and tomorrow we will be schoolchildren”;

  • Domino "School Supplies";

  • placement in the book corner of an exhibition of books (poems and stories about school) “The school is waiting for us”;

  • reading stories about L. Voronkov’s school “Girlfriends Go to School”;

  • designing exhibitions in a group, kindergarten, organizing play corners, arranging materials for independent creative activities, etc.;

  • holding a game - competition “Pack a school bag”;

  • designing the album “My Favorite Kindergarten” together with children, using photographs, children’s drawings and stories;

  • reading the story by E. Permyak “How Masha became big”, the poem by Y. Akim “The Incompetent”, A. Krestinsky, N. Polyakova “The Enchanted Girl”;

  • registration with children for independent examination of albums with drawings, photographs with scenes from the life of the group for the year.

    1. task “Draw a cat from triangles” to consolidate knowledge about geometric shapes;

    2. game task “Let's find the shortest path” to develop the ability to measure with a ruler and determine the results of measurements in centimeters;

  • compiling a story from your own experience “How my brother, sister, friend was getting ready for school”;

  • inventing riddles about school supplies;

  • looking at illustrations and talking about “Who works for us in kindergarten”;

  • conversation on the topic “Do you know how to be friends?”, continue to form the concept of friendship, cultivate friendly relationships among children;

  • reading poems by M. Plyatskovsky “A Lesson in Friendship”, “True Friend”;

  • reading the poem by A. Barto “Friends, here is a poem about a boy, just in case”;

  • reading L. Tolstoy's story “Two Comrades”.

Evening walk :

  • outdoor games: “Hit the target”, “We are funny guys”, “Empty space”, “Who will make the least jumps”, “Knock down the pin”, “Carry objects”, “Who is the most accurate”, “Who is the fastest”, “ Fun competition."

  • observing the sunset, the evening sky, the clouds, people’s clothes in the spring;

  • independent activities of children's choice.