Gives peace of mind. How to find peace of mind and harmony with yourself. Selected quotes and aphorisms about calmness

One of the serious problems of our society is its nervousness and poor resistance to stress.

Such symptoms are easily explained: modern life does not look like a spa resort, but more like a wild jungle where only the strongest can survive.

Naturally, existing in such a state does not have the best effect on both our health and appearance, and on the situation in the family, and on success at work.

If you don’t want to “burn out” by age 40, then you just need to find out.

Moreover, it is not so difficult, especially if you develop immunity to stress, depression and neuroses.

Why do some manage to find peace of mind while others do not?

If you travel to work or school by public transport, try observing passengers in a minibus or subway car for several days in a row.

Look at their facial expressions, gestures, how they behave in the morning crush, etc.

You will see that many people are lost in their sad thoughts.

This can be seen in the way they frown, bite their lower lip, and fidget with the handles of their bags and the ends of their scarves.

And if some unfortunate person steps on the foot or accidentally pushes such a person, then his reaction can be completely unpredictable: from tears to swearing.

This indicates that a person cannot find peace of mind and therefore every little thing can throw him off balance.

But, fortunately, not everyone is like a maniac, capable of tearing apart a victim just because she dared to accidentally touch their sleeve.

If you look closely, you will see that the faces of some passengers express complete serenity.

They dream of something beautiful, enjoy their favorite music on their iPod, and respond to the guy who stepped on their foot with a slight smile and the phrases: “It’s no big deal,” “Don’t worry,” “It happens,” etc.

This small category today no longer needs to be recognized, how to find peace of mind, they have become close friends with him for a long time.

So why is it that some lucky people can maintain a serenity that even a lotus flower would envy, while others constantly resemble an angry bear that has been bitten by a swarm of bees?

“When you feel bad, listen to nature. The silence of the world is more soothing than millions of unnecessary words.”

Those who don’t like and don’t want to work on themselves explain everything in a primitive way: he was born so calm.

Yes, indeed, it is much easier for people with strong nerves and a restrained character to live, but even the most violent choleric person can experience Zen after a little effort.

How to Find Peace of Mind: 10 Steps

Without work, nothing can be achieved in this life.

And no one will hand you spiritual harmony on a silver platter.

However, there are a number of rules, following which, find peace of mind it will be much easier.

    Resist the negativity.

    Our world is imperfect and cruel!

    Hunger, war, cold, poverty, epidemics, natural disasters, dictators, maniacs - there is no end to these misfortunes.

    Are you able to change all this?

    And from the fact that you drive yourself into suicidal depression, worrying that children in Africa are starving, will you really help these very children?

    Learn to filter negative information, especially where you cannot change anything.

    Think positively.

    Despite all the failures and difficulties, you must learn to see in the little things.

    Conclusions “I am the most beautiful”, “Everything will be fine”, “I will solve this problem”, “I will be happy” and similar ones should become permanent residents in your head.

    Move from aimless worries to action.

    If you really take all the problems of humanity to heart, then you can find peace of mind only by eliminating them.

    Likes and shares on Facebook, crying over a photo of a homeless kitten have never brought anyone any benefit.

    Instead of whining and fluttering in front of the computer or TV, it’s better to go volunteer - fortunately, today choosing a suitable organization is not a problem.

    If you cannot devote enough time to this matter, then financial assistance to charitable foundations is also a good solution.

    Don't take more than you can carry.

    You can already use existing methods (breathing exercises, count to ten, wash your face cold water, listen to music, etc.) or - invent your own.

    The main thing is that you can always pull yourself together.

I offer for viewing an excerpt from the film “Kung Fu Panda”,

where master Shifu teaches his unfortunate ward,

how to find inner peace :)

Let's look, smile and take note!

Well, do you really want to tell me that the proposed methods, how to find peace of mind, so complicated?

We bring ourselves to hysterics, insomnia, neuroses and other “pleasures”.

While no one is stopping us from strengthening our stress resistance.

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Anxiety is familiar to everyone. You get a job new job or you have to straight Talk with your family, a neighbor comes to meet you halfway bad mood or you are late for an event.

And sometimes, even seemingly for no reason, you feel a gnawing anxiety in the background, as if something bad is about to happen or has perhaps already happened without your knowledge.

How much energy you waste trying to cope with anxiety. And how many ways have you already tried in vain attempts to free yourself from the shackles of anxiety.

Learn how to prevent anxious thoughts and find peace of mind. When the “intruder” of the inner world is recognized, it is much easier to bypass it, which means it is easier to remain in peace and quiet.

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I bring to your attention this simple algorithm that will eliminate anxiety and bring more harmony into your life.

How to find peace and eliminate anxiety

1. Find peace and quiet

During the day notice moments when you sense peace and quiet.

You are cooking and hear birds singing outside the window. You walk down the street and feel the touch of the sun's warmth. Note each such experience, or better yet, write it down.

Get a Quiet Moments notebook and write it down every day. Notice that these moments become more numerous because you loved them and paid attention to them.

Don't forget - the space of serenity is available to you around the clock. Detect it as often as possible.

Pass that will help you anchor in new reality with full inclusion in life.

2. Recognize the “intruder”

Imagine how you are doing business and at the same time thinking about life. Whether positive or negative, there is noise in your head.

Suddenly the thoughts disappear, you feel clear and just enjoy what you are doing. And suddenly you start thinking and worrying again.

Yours habit of thinking non-stop- the main “disturber” of peace. The space of silence does not disappear, but is eclipsed by an uncontrolled flow of reasoning.

Such clouding of consciousness occurs out of habit. Learn to recognize such eclipses. Bring awareness.

3. Help yourself with questions

Do you know that peace disturbers - thoughts. Protect your inner silence from obsessive thoughts. Be carefull.

From time to time ask yourself: Where am I now? What's going on around you? What's happening to my body? What am I thinking? How long do I think? I am breathing? Am I in this moment?

Know that peace is here, and return to it immediately as soon as you catch yourself stuck in your thoughts.

Help yourself with mindfulness. Make your list of questions that bring you out of your thoughts.

Use it to find peace and balance in a world of opposites.

4. Rise above thoughts

Thoughts will pull you back. The inner voice will say:

  • “You have so many problems, what a pleasure, look for a way out! Think!”
  • “Why did you stop, solve the problem - think, think, think!”
  • “There’s no time for that now! Relax on vacation! Think what to do!

Immediately turn to your breathing. Feel how inhalation turns into exhalation, exhalation into inhalation... Naturally, easily, without control. Everything is fine. Life is here. The sky is in place. The earth is in place. The body is in place.

Transcend the obsessive thinking habit through mindfulness and breathing.

Take this free introductory course to help you stay upright, balanced, and open-hearted.

5. Stay in tune

Life throws a challenge, and you want to answer it - make money more money, travel to more countries, build more joyful relationships. It `s naturally. And it is also natural that all this is not a condition for your peace of mind.

And even vice versa! Chasing all this is what causes anxiety.

Do not give in to thoughts that take you to the distant future, where everything is bad or, on the contrary, there is everything you dreamed of, and now, only now, you can feel peace. It is not true. The joy of being is always with you.

Modern people live in a hurry and bustle. Few people can maintain calm and peace in their hearts. The wrong approach to life and to oneself results in a person losing a sense of control over his life and wandering around in search of happiness and a sense of satisfaction. But, there is another option. You can live with peace of mind. How to do it? Let's look at 7 tips.

1. It all starts with forgiveness. First of all, you need to forgive yourself. For what? For the mistakes of the past, lost opportunities, for your shortcomings. To do this, you just need to realize that you are yesterday and you are today - this is 2 different personalities. Yesterday's you acted as your level of consciousness allowed, but today's you has already gained experience and become wiser. Don't blame yourself for your past - it's pointless. Just forgive and thank life for allowing you to realize and understand your mistakes. Let them go and don't look back.

2. Gain freedom from addictions that weigh down your soul. Some people can’t cope with smoking, others love it social media, and there are those who have developed dependence on people. Don't be afraid to break away from these controlling addictions and you will find the ease and freedom that are the foundation of peace of mind.

3. Another component of our life that destroys peace of mind is haste.. Dealing with this phenomenon is a little more difficult because it will take time to form new habits. Planning, saying no, monitoring your promises, and understanding the value of time will help you master time management skills. When you manage your time without allowing anyone or anything to steal it from you, you will forget about rushing and the stress it causes.

4. What we fill our soul and mind with determines our inner state. If you expose yourself to excessive information loads, do not monitor what you read, watch and listen to, you will always have a “mess in your head” and a “cocktail of complex emotions.” Start today to control the flow of information by keeping things out of your mind that are not useful, and your mind will always be clear and your emotions controlled.

5. We all need rest to restore our mental balance, energy, and strength. Its deficiency negatively affects all areas of our lives, but our soul suffers first of all. Loss of harmony and tranquility due to overwork is simply inevitable. Find time to restore your mental and physical strength.

6. You need to learn to see positive perspectives in everything, making the best out of every situation. No matter how negative a situation is, there is always something good to take out of it. Therefore, restructure your thinking to look for positive moments, and when this becomes your habit, you will always remain calm and joyful in your soul.

7. Remember the most important thing - our state of mind influenced by the people with whom we become close and spend a lot of time.

Therefore, reconsider your social circle and try to distance yourself from those people who are trying in every possible way to disturb your peace of mind, undermine your faith in success and your own strength! Replace them with those who help you, charge you with positive energy and fill you with joy.

The true secret to achieving peace of mind is that it is determined not by external circumstances, but by your choices. Choosing a way to look at situations and a way of thinking.
1. live in the present. You cannot return the past, and the future depends on what you think and do at the moment. So pay attention to the present, focus on doing everything you do, the best way

, and just live. Don't let life pass you by because you live in the past or the future.
2. meditate.

Meditation teaches you mental and physical discipline, as well as emotional self-control. It's easy and enjoyable, and this is one of the most powerful self-development tools that you can use right now!
3. express gratitude.

Express gratitude for all the “Good” and all the “bad”, for all that you experience, learn and adopt. Express gratitude for everything that the future holds for you. Let yourself be enveloped in the warmth and light of gratitude.

4. let go of your usual way of looking at things, look at the world from a different angle. Your point of view is not “the Law”, but only one of many points of view. The way you view things may be causing you stress. Look at the world with an unrestricted view.
5. know that “this too shall pass.” Change is a part of life. Be calm and patient - let everything happen naturally and organically. Develop the courage that allows you to focus on desired results

, not on the problem.
6. simplify your life.

Simplicity brings inner peace - thanks to the fact that you direct your energy correctly. Get rid of everything you don't need, including connections and friendships that don't bring you anything good. Focus on what's important to you. Don't overload yourself with too many things, tasks and information. Keep one or two goals that are most important to you.
A smile has the power to open doors, turn a “no” into a “yes” and instantly change the mood (both yours and those around you. Smile in the mirror. Smile at family members, co-workers, everyone who catches your eye. A smile radiates the energy of love - and What you send is what you receive. It is impossible to smile sincerely and at the same time feel anger, sadness, fear or envy. When you smile, you can only feel happiness and peace.

8. Bring the work you start to its logical end.
Complete the circle. Unfinished business (unforgiveness, unspoken words, unfinished projects and tasks) is a heavy burden on your mind, whether you feel it or not. Every unfinished task takes energy away from the present.

9. Be true to yourself.
Love yourself. Make your dreams come true and express yourself. Find your purpose and fulfill it.

10. don't worry.
How much time do you spend worrying about what "could happen"? And what actually happened (and ruined your life? Little, if not nothing at all... right? Focus on what you want, not what you don't want.

11. take care of your health.
Take care of your body: do physical exercise, play sports, eat right and get enough sleep. Increase your energy with daily exercise and monitor your well-being.

12. morning is wiser than evening.
Sometimes, when you are overwhelmed with problems, falling asleep is not possible. First of all, do your best to physically fix the problem. Only if nothing can be done, turn to an energy solution to the problem. Visualize the ideal state of things (in which the problem does not exist) until the problem disappears on its own or until a solution comes to you.

13. In your speech, adhere to the principles of Sufism.
This ancient tradition stipulates that you should only say something if: 1) it is true 2) it is necessary and 3 it is good words. Attention! Just in case anything you have to say doesn't meet these criteria, don't say it.

14. Use the power off button.
Avoid information and sensory overload. Turn off the TV, smartphone, tablet, laptop, computer, mp3 player (unless you are listening to audio recordings for meditation or relaxation. Learn to simply “Be” without necessarily “doing” anything).

15. don't do everything at the same time.
Do one thing and do it well. Take a holistic approach in everything and do your best.

16. start with the most difficult.
Don't put things off until later. A large number of mental and emotional energy is wasted due to fear of doing things we don't want to do - tiring, unpleasant, difficult or scary. Deal with them - only properly, in the best possible way. And then move on to simple things.

17. maintain balance.
Promote success and inner peace by maintaining balance in your life.

18. Cross money off your list of priorities. Strive to be a person who is rich in the sense of relationships, not material wealth.

19. If you drive more quietly, you will go further.
Enjoy this journey called Life. Everything will happen when the time comes. Pay attention to every moment of life and appreciate it. What's the hurry? Once you reach your goal, new tasks and problems will certainly appear.

20. use your imagination. Building the life of your dreams begins in your imagination. This is where you take the canvas and paints and paint the life you want most!

In this bustle of life, we often simply lack peace. Someone is simply very impressionable and nervous all the time, someone is overcome by problems and difficulties, bad thoughts.

Stop, take a breath, look around, it's time to gain awareness in this race of life.

I dare to give you some tips on how to find peace in your soul, all of them are quite simple and easy to follow.

1. Give - receive!

If any difficulties have appeared in your life and it seems to you that the whole world is against you, do not cry and do not suffer. Find another person who needs help and do what you can to solve their problems.

2. Don’t demand and learn to forgive!

Don’t get angry, forget about all your complaints, try not to get involved in quarrels and disputes.

3. Don't get upset over trifles!

Life is largely determined by the internal state of a person. If his soul is dark and empty, then it will be sad, if it is good and clear, then it will be rosy and full of prospects.

4. Look at life differently!

Don't snap, don't get defensive, don't turn into modern "zombies" or "robots" who only think about how bad their life is. Remember that all your thoughts are material. Make only good wishes, and this will certainly affect your mood and your reality.

5. Don't make yourself a victim!

Finally, free yourself from the illusion that you are driven into a corner by some unfavorable circumstances or the aggression of others. Your life is in your hands!

6. Don't judge!

At least for a day or two, don’t criticize anyone.

7. Live in the moment!

Rejoice in what is happening to you right now. Are you sitting at the computer? Great! Would you like some tea? Wonderful! Pour and drink. Don't project your negative thoughts into the future.

8. Stop playing and pretending!

There is no need to deceive anyone. Cry when you feel like crying and laugh when you really feel funny. Finally, take off your mask and show yourself to others as the person you really are.

9. Do what you want, not others

Stop acting on someone else's orders, listen to yourself and understand what you really want.

10. Know and love yourself!

Communicate alone with yourself, look for the motives of your actions and desires. Don't judge or criticize yourself. After all, you are the person you are, and that’s wonderful.

11. Do exercises!

  • Inhale, count to 4 and exhale smoothly.
  • Write down your thoughts and 3 best life events on paper.
  • Sit on the porch or on a bench and just relax, contemplate and look for positive and beautiful moments in the space around you.
  • Imagine yourself floating above the ground in a transparent protective bubble.
  • Talk to your inner self.
  • Give your head a massage.

Even these simple exercises will help you take your mind off your problems, calm down and think positively.

12. Meditate!
Solitude and silence, contemplation of nature is one of the best ways to find peace of mind and harmony, use it.

13. Don’t let bad thoughts “come”!

Get rid of anything that might upset you. Use the principle of substitution. Do you have a bad thought? Urgently find something positive that will crowd out your bad thoughts. Fill the space around you with joy and positivity.

14. Listen to calm music!

It will help you relax and slow down your thoughts.

15. Look at the fire of candles or fireplace!

He gives you an inner smile and the energy of magical warmth; it is simply mesmerizing.

In addition to all of the above, you can listen to birdsong and the sounds of rain, smell fresh flowers, contemplate the starry sky and falling snow, relax, do yoga, take a bath with incense, share smiles and love.

Remember that the great Samurai always won thanks to their inner peace and the ability to see beauty in their surroundings. According to them, only those who are looking for it in panic and running around will not be able to find a way out of the labyrinth. Those who are internally calm will always see from above both the labyrinth itself and the exit from it.

I wish you happiness and peace of mind!

With love to you, In search of yourself.

Nowadays, people live very unsettled lives, which is due to various negative realities of a political, economic and social nature. Added to this is a powerful flow of negative information that falls on people from television screens, from Internet news sites and newspaper pages.

Modern medicine is often unable to relieve stress. She is not able to cope with mental and physical disorders, various diseases that are caused by disturbances in mental balance due to negative emotions, anxiety, restlessness, fear, despair, etc.

Such emotions have a destructive effect on human body at the cellular level, deplete his vitality, leading to premature aging.

Insomnia and loss of strength, hypertension and diabetes, heart and stomach diseases, cancer - this is not a complete list of those serious ailments, the main cause of which can be stressful conditions in the body that arise as a result of such harmful emotions.

Plato once said: “The greatest mistake of doctors is that they try to cure a man’s body without trying to cure his soul; however, the soul and body are one and cannot be treated separately!”

Centuries, even millennia, have passed, but this saying of the great philosopher of antiquity remains true today. In modern living conditions, the problem of psychological support for people, protecting their psyche from negative emotions has become extremely relevant.

How to achieve inner harmony and peace of mind

  1. Recognize your NOT perfection and the right to make mistakes. Excessive ambition and self-demandingness not only disturbs mental balance, but also forces a person to be in constant stress. Take mistakes you make as life lessons and an opportunity to gain valuable experience.
  2. Live here and now. This will help get rid of imaginary fears associated with the future. Often a person worries about what might happen and forgets that it may NOT happen. Focus your attention on the present and solve problems as they arise.
  3. Learn to say NO. Stop shifting other people's problems onto yourself, and your life will become much simpler and more harmonious.
  4. Build internal boundaries. The loss of your peace of mind may be associated with worries about another person, or taking on his responsibilities. Don’t let others impose the rules of the game on you, and let’s clearly understand the boundaries of what is permitted in communicating with you.
  5. Don't keep all your experiences to yourself. Great psychological technique To get rid of loss of calm is to say out loud what is bothering you. By putting your feelings into words, you will come to the conclusion that things are not as bad as you thought. Don't be alone with your experiences and problems. Share them with a loved one who will understand and help.
  6. Give vent to your emotions regularly. Don't keep everything that has accumulated to yourself. Throw out the negativity and you will feel much better. Find out the 5 best ways to deal with stress and use them.
  7. Learn to forgive and forget. Sometimes this is not as easy to do as it seems at first glance. If you are unable to cope with the offense on your own, seek help from a psychologist.
  8. Focus on the end result, and perceive temporary difficulties as steps towards realizing your goal.

And no matter what happens to you, don’t take anything to heart. Few things in the world remain important for long.

Erich Maria Remarque "Arc de Triomphe" ---

If you get caught in the rain, you can learn a useful lesson from it. If it starts raining unexpectedly, you don't want to get wet, so you run down the street towards your house. But when you reach home, you notice that you are still wet. If you decide from the very beginning not to speed up your pace, you will get wet, but you will not fuss. The same should be done in other similar circumstances.

Yamamoto Tsunetomo - Hagakure. Samurai Book

Tomorrow will be what it should be

and nothing will happen that should not happen -

don't fuss.

If there is no peace within us, it is useless to look for it outside.

Unburdened with worries -
enjoys life.
He is not happy when he finds it,
when losing he is not sad, because he knows
that fate is not constant.
When we are not bound by things,
Serenity is fully experienced.
If the body does not rest from tension,
it wears out.
If the spirit is always in worries,
he fades.

Chuang Tzu ---

If you throw a stick to a dog, it will look at the stick. And if you throw a stick to a lion, he will, without looking up, look at the thrower. This is a formal phrase that was said during debates in ancient China if the interlocutor began to cling to words and stopped seeing the main thing.

As I breathe in, I calm my body and mind.
As I exhale, I smile.
Being in the present moment, I know that this moment is amazing!

Allow yourself to breathe deeply and don’t force yourself into limits.

Strength belongs to those who believe in their own strength.

Develop the habit of monitoring your mental-emotional state through self-observation. It’s good to regularly ask yourself: “Am I calm in currently" is a question that is useful to regularly ask yourself. You can also ask: “What is going on inside me at the moment?”

Eckhart Tolle

Freedom is freedom from worry. Once you understand that you cannot influence the results, ignore your desires and fears. Let them come and go. Don't feed them with interest and attention. In reality, things are done to you, not by you.

Nisargadatta Maharaj

The calmer and more balanced a person is, the more powerful his potential and the greater will be his success in good and worthy deeds. Equanimity of mind is one of the greatest treasures of wisdom.

1. Don’t interfere in other people’s problems

Many women create a lot of problems for themselves when they interfere in other people's affairs. At such moments, they are convinced that they are doing the right thing by trying to help and advise. They can often criticize and try to guide others on the right path. But such communication is a denial of individuality, that is, God. After all, He created each of us unique. It must be remembered that all people act as their divine essence tells them. Don't worry about others - love yourself and take care of yourself!

2. You need to be able to forget and forgive

The most effective way To achieve a woman's peace of mind is the ability to forget grievances and forgive them. Often women carry within themselves negative feelings towards people who once offended them. Constant dissatisfaction only fuels such grievances, which leads to repetition of people's bad attitudes. You need to believe in God's justice by allowing him to judge the actions of people who have hurt you. You shouldn't waste your life on trifles. Learn to forgive and look only forward!

3. Don't seek public recognition

There is no need to show your selfishness in everything, pursuing only personal gain. There is no one perfect in this world. Don't expect recognition from others. Better believe in yourself. Other people's recognition and encouragement do not last long. Always remember sincerity and morality when performing your duties. Everything else is the will of God.

4. When changing the world, start with yourself

Don't try to change it alone the world. No one has ever succeeded in doing this. Changes need to start with yourself, with self-knowledge and self-development. In this case, the unfriendly environment will become harmonious and pleasant for you.

5. What cannot be changed must be accepted

The best way to turn disadvantages into strengths is acceptance. Every day a woman faces irritation, inconvenience and negative circumstances that are beyond her control. You need to learn to accept such manifestations in your address. If God willed it this way, then this is how it should be. Divine logic is beyond our understanding. You need to believe in it and become stronger and more tolerant.

6. You need to practice meditation regularly

Meditations are the best way to free the mind from thoughts. This gives the highest state of peace of mind. Daily meditation for 30 minutes allows you to maintain calm throughout the rest of the day. This increases productivity and allows you to fully enjoy life.

The main troublemakers

1) Take a deep breath for one-two-three-four, hold your breath for the same period, then exhale just as smoothly.
2) Take a pen and write down your thoughts on paper.
3) Recognize that life is complicated.
4) Write down three of your most successful events in life.
5) Tell a friend or loved one what he or she means to you.
6) Sit on the porch and do nothing. Promise yourself to do this more often.
7) Give yourself permission to just be lazy for a while.
8) Look at the clouds for a few minutes.
9) Fly over your life in your imagination.
10) Unfocus your gaze and simply notice with your peripheral vision everything that is happening around you for a few minutes.
11) Give a few coins to charity.
12) Imagine that you are inside a transparent protective bubble that protects you.
13) Place your hand on your heart and feel how it beats. This is cool.
14) Promise yourself that no matter what you will maintain a positive attitude until the end of the day.
15) Be grateful that you don't always get what you want.