Relaxation exercises for children of middle and older preschool age. Relaxation exercises before and after naps Relaxation for preschoolers exercises for water

Valentina Yurievna Ivantsova
Ways to relax with children kindergarten

Breathing relaxation exercises.

Exercises help you quickly calm down and pull yourself together.

Breathing exercise

Inhale, exhale slowly, then slowly take a deep breath.

Hold your breath for four seconds.

Exhale slowly again and slowly take a deep breath.

Hold your breath for four seconds and exhale.

Repeat this 6 times and you will find yourself calmer and calmer.

Exercise “Blow out the candle”

Take a deep breath, drawing as much air into your lungs as possible.

Extending your lips with a tube, exhale slowly, as if blowing on a candle, while pronouncing the sound “oo-oo-oo” for a long time. Repeat the exercise 5-6 times.

Exercise “Lazy cat”

Raise your arms up, then extend them forward, stretching like a cat. Feel the body stretch.

Sharply lower your arms down, while exhaling while pronouncing the sound “ah!”. Repeat the exercise several times.

The effect of these exercises is to calm and relieve tension.

Muscle relaxation exercises.

With regular exercise, tension is relieved and stress does not accumulate, sleep, mood and performance improve. Exercises to relax the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms are suitable for children. Exercises are repeated 5-6 times.

Exercise “Shake the water off your fingers”

The arms are bent at the elbows, palms down, and the hands hang passively. Shake your brushes with a quick and continuous movement, like rags (5-10 seconds).

Before exercises, it is useful for children to tightly clench their hands into a fist so that the difference in the tense and relaxed state of the muscles can be more clearly felt.

Exercise "Lemon"

Lower your hands down and imagine that in your right hand there is a lemon from which you need to squeeze the juice.

Squeeze slowly as hard as possible right hand into a fist. Feel how tense your right arm is.

Then drop the lemon and relax your hand.

Do the same exercise with your left hand.

Performing the exercise with children can be accompanied by the following instruction poem:

I will take a lemon in my palm.

I feel like it's round.

I squeeze it slightly -

I squeeze out lemon juice.

Everything is fine, the juice is ready.

I throw in the lemon and relax my hand.


You bask on a fluffy cloud that softly envelops your body

You rock on the waves and your body feels calm and weightless

You lie on the heated sand - on the shore of the sea or ocean, hear the light sound of the waves and feel the light and warmth of the sun's rays

You are a snowflake flying over a snowy forest.

Muscle relaxation exercises

(using visual images).

Exercise “Bird spreading its wings”

Imagine that you are a bird whose wings are tightly clenched. Bring your shoulder blades together and tighten your back as hard as you can. You feel tense. Now slowly, slowly, release your muscles. Your wings spread, become strong and light, weightless. You feel relaxed. Repeat the exercise 5-7 times.

Exercise “Inflating Ball”

Imagine that you have a tightly inflated balloon. You are holding it in your hands. Feel its elastic surface. The ball continues to inflate, you can hardly hold it, because it is rushing into the sky. Your fingers are tense. You are holding it with all your might. Imagine that this ball is your problem. Let him go and let him fly. Place your hands on your knees. Close your eyes and take a deep breath and exhale long. And once again inhale and exhale long. Breathe easily and calmly. Now stretch your whole body and open your eyes.

Exercises with mental images.

Favorite place.

Close your eyes. Focus on your breathing, breathe calmly and evenly, try to disconnect from the outside world. Imagine a place where you felt calm and comfortable (a clearing in a summer forest, a beach, your favorite room). Try to see it in detail. Gradually try to make the picture brighter, closer, larger and watch the changes in your feelings, trying to achieve maximum relaxation and inner comfort. Remember this image. Each time it will become easier for you to evoke it, so you can quickly enter a state of relaxation.

Meeting the sun.

Imagine that you are on the ocean. Quite recently, a storm raged here, but now the wind has died down, the ocean has calmed down, and only a slight swell on its surface reminds of what happened. With every moment the water surface becomes calmer. The clouds dissolve and the pure and calm appears blue sky. You see the edge of an orange ball peeking out from behind the horizon - this is the sun. Then this ball rises higher and higher. It illuminates with its rays all of nature, all living beings - people, animals, plants. Even the smallest creatures, invisible to our eyes, are illuminated by sunlight. The sun illuminates millions of people and sends its ray to everyone. You feel the sun's rays penetrating directly into your chest, into your heart - the center of your living Self. The sun shines brighter and you are literally bathed in its golden glow. Visually imagine how its power permeates and fills every cell of your body, renewing and strengthening it and giving you health and peace. Imagine that you will be completely saturated with gold solar energy. The sun is rising higher in the sky. Imagine how its rays diverge with greatness and power to bestow their light and warmth on all humanity, all living things, including you. When the sunlight gets very bright, protect your eyes by closing them slightly. Imagine people literally bathing in sunlight, filled with harmony and happiness.

Flight of a white bird.

Imagine that you are lying on warm yellow sand, with a calm, clear, blue sky above you. A white bird flies smoothly in the sky. You rise and fly next to her. You yourself are a white bird. You are flying in the blue sky, below you is a calm blue sea. A yellow sandy shore appeared in the distance and was approaching. You fly up, land on the warm yellow sand, turn into a human again and lie down on your back. You are lying on the warm yellow sand, there is a calm blue sky above you, you are relaxed, resting. A pleasant coolness touched the soles of your feet, it filled the muscles of your legs. Muscles are light and vigorous. Pleasant coolness filled the stomach and back muscles. Muscles are light and vigorous. A pleasant coolness filled my chest and arms. It's easier for you to breathe. A pleasant coolness filled my neck and head. The head is clear and clean. Muscles are light and vigorous. Three deep breaths, you open your eyes and stand up. You are rested!”

Amber Castle.

Today we will see the amber castle. With this thought we rush to the blue sea. Already from afar we see a goldfish. She jumps out of the water and glows in the sun. The goldfish invites us to sink to the seabed. This is what we wanted most today. We take a deep breath and exhale slowly. Inhale, exhale, inhale, exhale. A few moments later - we are already in the sea kingdom, and not just anywhere, but on seabed. We are interested in everything that surrounds us. Below us is white, white sand. It most likely looks like chalk. The fish explains to us that the sand turns white in honor of the most honorable guests, and we understand that she means us, and we break into a smile. The smile is not only on our lips, but everything inside us smiles. Our body relaxes, and we are filled with an extraordinary feeling of warmth and love. You can breathe easily, evenly deeply... We are surrounded by unprecedented pink and lilac plants: their stems and leaves are so flexible that they move at the slightest movement of water. White and turquoise coral reefs are located to our left. These are peculiar sea mountains, of such a bizarre configuration that it is difficult to take your eyes off them. We float over them, looking at them from above. Ahead of us is a brightly lit space. This is the amber castle. It glows like thousands of little suns. And it’s a pleasure to look at him. This glow is directed towards us. Mysterious rays gently penetrate us and fill us with light. And we become little suns. Breathe easily, evenly, deeply. We return from the castle and give the warmth of the little sun to the surrounding people, flowers...

Create the sun within yourself.

There is sun in nature. It shines and loves and warms everyone. Let's create the sun within ourselves. Close your eyes and imagine a small star in your heart. Mentally we direct a ray of love towards her. We feel how the star has grown. We send a ray of goodness, the star has become even larger. I direct rays to the star that bring health, joy, warmth, light, tenderness, affection. Now the star becomes as big as the sun. It brings warmth to everyone, everyone, everyone (arms to the sides).

Magic flower of goodness.

Place the flower of Goodness and good mood on both palms. Feel how it warms you: your hands, your body, your soul. It emits an amazing smell and pleasant music. And you want to listen to it. Mentally place all the goodness and good mood this flower inside, into your heart. Feel how goodness enters you and gives you joy. You have new powers: the powers of health, happiness and joy. You feel your body filled with pleasure and joy. How pleasant your face is, how good and joyful your soul becomes. A warm, gentle breeze blows around you. You have a good, soul-warming mood. I want you to remember what you feel now and take it with you when you leave this room. Warm feelings and good mood will continue to be with you. Open your eyes.. Look around... Send good thoughts to each other... All the best to you!

Traveling on a cloud.

I want to invite you on a journey on a cloud. Jump onto a white fluffy cloud that looks like a soft mountain of plump pillows. Feel how your legs, back, butt are comfortably located on this large cloudy pillow. Now the journey begins. Our cloud slowly rises into the blue sky. Do you feel the wind blowing across your face? Here, high in the sky, everything is calm and quiet. Let the cloud take us now to a place where we will be happy. Try to mentally “see” this place as accurately as possible. Something wonderful and magical can happen here (Pause 30 seconds) Now you are again on your cloud, and it is taking everyone back. For your place in the kindergarten group. Get off the cloud and thank it for giving everyone such a good ride. Now watch it slowly melt into the air. Stretch, straighten up and be cheerful, fresh and attentive again.

Relaxation methods used when working with children preschool age, are based on the game. Breathing exercises can be done at any time, if you feel that the child cannot calm down after active play, and a relaxing massage can be done immediately before quiet time, helping to extinguish physical activity.


Emotional overexcitation leads to muscle tone, and muscle tension prevents full mental activity. These patterns were described in detail by the American doctor E. Jacobson. The technique he developed is quite simple and is based on anatomical features: the obligatory change of muscle tension with relaxation. The practice is still actively used for preschoolers, since the exercises are simple, accessible and do not require additional conditions or equipment.

Muscle relaxation exercises involve the muscles of the arms, legs, abs, chest and back. For 10-15 minutes, the child is asked to clench his fists or tense his stomach, and then “let go” of this state and feel it. If possible, the child should be in a comfortable reclining position, but if necessary, a short lesson can be carried out in any environment.


Breathing exercises not only cause changes emotional state, but also influence chemical composition blood. Focusing on the process of breathing allows you to switch from the object of excitement occupying the mind, while taking a deep breath saturates the blood with oxygen. The decrease in adrenaline levels that occurs in this way allows you to relax and calm down.

You do not have to choose a specific time or place to practice breathing relaxation techniques. Naturally, a pedestrian path along a busy highway will not be suitable for doing exercises, but an alley in a city park will be enough. At home, you can take a comfortable position on the sofa or in a soft chair and relax as much as possible. A ten-minute block of breathing exercises will restore mental clarity and the ability to perceive new information. The same relaxation for children will speed up falling asleep in the evening and during quiet times.


Sound or acoustic relaxation is used subconsciously by adults. Favorite tracks calm you down, improve your mood and productivity. Physicists explain the influence of a certain set of frequencies by adjusting the body's cells to sound waves.

Preschoolers are not recommended to listen to electronic music. This even applies to toys. The natural sounds produced by a metallophone or whistle are not aggressive towards the child’s psyche, which cannot be said about most battery-powered toys. Acoustic compositions that imitate the sounds of nature are ideal as music for relaxation of preschool children:

  1. rain;
  2. the sound of the forest with bird trills;
  3. tidal bore.


The basis of the auto-training method is self-hypnosis. “Trying on” the image of a calm person, we unwittingly become one. Mentally commanding the skin to feel the touch of soft grass or warm sand evokes the emotions experienced during real sensations. Children who actively support any game are able to quickly get used to the character.

The main condition for the success of auto-training for preschool children is the use of associations that are understandable to the child. The task is to present sea ​​beach will cause bewilderment in a child who has not seen the sea, and the proposal to mentally swim may even frighten a child who is afraid of water.

Art therapy

Drawing, modeling, and designing with children perform several tasks at once. In addition to instilling a group of skills, art therapy also has an impact on stabilizing the nervous system. Even a child who initially refuses to study is immersed in creativity after a few minutes. Both the contemplation of the objects offered for reproduction and the tactile sensations from the materials used have an impact on the psyche.

In pursuit of the goal of calming the child, it is enough to correctly select objects and colors. From the proposed sets of pencils, it is worth removing black, burgundy, and scarlet. Optimal subjects: seabed, winter and forest landscapes that do not involve the use of aggressive shades.

Relaxation exercises

The choice of relaxation technique for a specific age should take into account the child’s capabilities and inclinations.

From birth to one year

Acoustic relaxation is recommended for mothers even before the birth of the baby. The same techniques can be used for infants. Acoustic melodies of children's songs and sounds of nature will help you fall asleep and attract the attention of a capricious little one.

The color scheme of the nursery should be soothing, pastel shades and blue-green colors have a calming effect. Before going to bed, bright and loud toys are carefully removed from the child.

Exercises with a large ball will help improve muscle tone. Imitating swimming and jumping will cause muscle contractions necessary for subsequent relaxation. Massaging your feet and hands will help you relax faster.

From 1 to 5 years

This age group able to perceive any relaxation methods. Their symbiosis will enhance the effect of the procedure. Drawing to music or auto-training to the sound of the surf will help you get rid of stress faster, as will alternating physical exercise with respiratory A relaxation block might look like this:

  • The child is asked to imagine a quarrel and scare the opponent with a scary pose: grin, clenched fists and tense legs. After a minute, you need to “forgive” your opponent and wave your hand at him with a smile. Repeated 3-4 times.
  • After a fight you need to rest. The child should imagine a camping trip with a campfire and barbecue. In a lying position with eyes closed he breathes deeply through his nose, imagining the aromas of pine needles, a river or delicious food. Before lunch, this exercise will be especially important.

Senior preschool age

It is necessary to teach a child to control his psycho-emotional state before entering school. By first grade he should be able to calm down after recess on his own. Most relevant breathing exercises and auto-training.

Focus and switch to thinking process Taking a deep, slow breath in through your nose and exhaling through your mouth will help. A mental parachute descent will help you switch from physical activity. You need to imagine jumping, hovering and slowly approaching the ground. At the moment the child mentally touches the ground, the child is almost ready for classes.


  1. The ability to relax is an important condition for the full development of a child. You shouldn’t expect this skill to appear quickly; a one-time exercise will have virtually no effect. The key to success in relaxation classes in everyday work;
  2. By allocating 10-15 minutes several times a day for exercises with a preschooler, you can eliminate many problems typical of this age.

Relaxation in the kinesiology system for young and old children younger age at preschool educational institution

Relaxation is a health-saving technology. This technique allows you to identify the child’s hidden abilities and expand the possible boundaries of the brain. Many exercises are aimed at developing physical and psychophysiological qualities, maintaining health and preventing deviations in their development. Bodily movements – develop interhemispheric interaction, relieve involuntary, unintentional movements and muscle tension.
Relaxation exercises help to relax, relieve tension, promote emotional well-being and strengthen the child’s nervous system.
Kinesiological exercises can be used both in correctional and developmental classes themselves, as dynamic pauses (rest breaks, and before classes, as an organizing link, tuning children's body for fruitful work during classes, during the adaptation period, with sleep disturbances and hyperactivity.
This development can serve as a practical guide for educators and can be used as a card index.
Relaxation exercises for young children
1. Path.
We walk along the path
And we hit our palms: clap-clap-clap!
Now let's go home
And let's rest a little.
Walking in different directions with clapping gives way to peace. Children sit on chairs and sit quietly for 1-2 minutes.

2. Carrot
Here's a carrot, red head.
Here is a turnip, yellow and strong.
Here's a zucchini - a round barrel!
Children stand in a circle, bend forward, and when they hear the word “here,” they stretch their arms forward. They lie down on the carpet, the teacher strokes the “zucchini”, the children rest for 1-2 minutes.

3. Rain
Rain, rain, more fun,
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!
Just don't kill us,
Knock on our window.
Children clench their fists, then open their palms, make a “house” over their heads, then sit on chairs and hide from the rain.

4. Fungus
We'll go to the woods
We'll find the fungus!
He's so small
It will grow big soon!
Children walk around the group, accompanying the words with movements, squat down, straighten up at the last words, stand on their tiptoes and raise their arms up. Perform 2-3 times.

5. Cat
Like our cat
The fur coat is very good
Soft, fluffy,
White, clean.
Children look at the bear, dance with it, then pass it to each other and stroke its fur coat.

6. Hands and feet
Clap-clap, where are our hands?
Top top, where are our legs?
Clap-clap, here are our hands!
Top, top, here are our legs!
Children stand in a circle, perform movements, at the end of the exercise, drop their hands down
and pat your knees.

7. Doll
I'll put the doll to bed,
I'll start humming a song.
Bye bye, bye bye!
Doll, close your eyes!
Children take the dolls, walk around the room with them, sing and put the dolls to sleep.

8. Pussy
Pussy, pussy, here's your bowl!
Pussy, don't get on the table
I put the bowl under the table!
Children stand in a circle, stand on their toes, stretch out their arms, flexing their fingers with tension, like pussy claws; at the end of the exercise, relax their arms and lower them down.

9. Birds
The birds have arrived
Small birds!
Let's fly with the birds
And we'll sleep on the branch!
The movements are performed to the music. Children run and, imitating birds, wave their arms, then sit on chairs, holding their legs up, trying not to touch the floor.

10. Snowflakes.
We are white snowflakes
Like light fluffs,
We spin, we fly,
We rejoice and melt...
Children dance to the music, at the end of the exercise they slowly lower themselves onto the carpet and continue listening to the music for 2-3 minutes with their eyes closed.

11. Horses
We are funny horses
All the kids are jumping with us,
Now let's go home
And let's rest a little.
Children run, imitate horses, then start walking calmly and sit on the carpet or on chairs. The teacher strokes the “obedient horse.”

12. Bunny
The bunny jumps under the bush,
Got wet, poor thing, in the rain.
Look how wet you are!
Hide, bunny, under the stump!
Children jump like bunnies, then squat down and cover their heads with their hands. Tension gives way to relaxation.

13. Round dance
Our merry round dance
Gathers all the people.
Run with us, don't yawn,
Jump, clap, squat!
The exercise is performed to music. Children walk in a circle, run in place, jump, clap, ending with exercise squats, then children listen to music while sitting on the carpet.

14. Sledge
It's winter. All around is white,
There was a lot of snow.
There is a mountain in our yard,
Everyone has been riding since the morning.
The sled is rolling down!
Anyone on the hill, beware!
Children run after each other in a circle. On the last lines, the children run away and sit on chairs. Performed 2-3 times.

15. Knock Knock
Knock-knock, tok-tok,
Hit the hammer harder.
Children are building a new house
So that the dolls could live in it.
Children rhythmically knock their fists, then everyone joins hands and raises their hands up. Repeated 2-3 times.

16. Airplane
We'll build the plane ourselves
Let's fly over the forests.
Let's fly over the forests,
And then we'll go back to mom.
The exercise is performed on the carpet, arms to the sides, tension will be replaced by relaxation.

17. Machine porridge
Eat, Masha, delicious porridge,
For your feet to stomp,
To make the hands clap.
For a fun walk,
So that Masha can sleep better!
Words are accompanied by movements. At the end of the exercise, the children sit on chairs, put their palms on their cheeks, and calm down.

18. Cloud
I'll fly above the clouds
Above the ground, above the ground.
I will see a house from the sky,
Your own kindergarten, your own kindergarten.
The exercise is performed on the carpet. Children lie with their eyes closed, listening to the teacher. Continue listening to quiet, calm music for 3-5 minutes.

19. What hurts?
We need to treat Misha,
Bunny and Petya.
Very kind doctors
They come to the children!
The teacher plays the role of a doctor and asks: What hurts? The children show their arms or legs, the teacher strokes them and everything goes through.

20. Salute
Children sing songs
They play and dance.
And for daddy there are fireworks
Today they will draw!
When children hear the word “fireworks,” they wave colored ribbons; the exercise develops attention, coordination, and range of motion. Conducted before the start of the lesson.

21. Sunny
The sun looks out the window,
Straight to our room.
We will clap our hands -
Very happy about the sun!
Children stand in a circle or sit on chairs, stretch their arms forward with their fingers apart, then clap their hands, smile and stroke their cheeks.

22. Ball
Girls and boys
They bounce like balls.
Jump-jump, jump-jump!
Pop, pop and silence!
Children jump, then stop, squat or sit on chairs.

23. Fish
There is clean water in the jar,
Let's put the fish there.
There will be fish playing there,
Swim, wag your tail.
Children imitate the movements of fish fins, moving around the room smoothly and quietly. 2-3 min.

24. Cockerel
Cockerel, cockerel, golden comb!
Oil head, silk beard!
Why do you get up early and don’t let the kids sleep?
Children stroke their heads, chests, and repeat the words after the teacher.

25. Bear
A clubfooted bear is walking through the forest,
He collects cones and sings songs.
Children imitate the movements of the bear, alternate walking with bending, and repeat words.

26. Warm - cold.
Like a thin snowball
A little white snow fell.
So that our feet don't get cold,
We'll stomp around a little.
The movements are performed alternately: children rub their palms and stomp their feet.

27. Walk
The bear was walking through the forest
And I collected flowers.
Mishenka walked for a long time,
Mishutka sat down and dozed off.
Children walk around the room, then sit on chairs, calm down and close their eyes.

28. Flower
Here the flower grows,
Grows up, blossoms,
Opens the petals
The sun greets you in the morning!
Children imitate an opening flower; at the end of the exercise, their palms are open towards the sun.

29. Family
This finger is grandpa
This finger is grandma
This finger is daddy
This finger is mommy
This finger is me
This is all my family!
The fingers of one hand are clenched into a fist. The cam opens gradually. At the end of the exercise, the palms are open and relaxed.

30. Water
Water, water, wash my face!
To make your eyes sparkle, to make your cheeks blush,
So that the tooth bites, so that the mouth laughs!
The words are accompanied by movements: children perform stroking movements, at the end of the exercise everyone smiles, the muscles relax.

31. Mosquito
A mosquito has arrived
On a balloon.
Fly away, mosquito,
So that the balloon doesn't burst!
Children “catch” a mosquito, chase it away, wave their arms and show how big our ball is. Repeated 2-3 times.

32. Butterfly
On the green on the meadow
Butterflies fly
And from flower to flower
They flutter merrily.
Children run around flapping their arms like wings. They squat periodically, then continue the exercise again.

Article. Relaxation for children in kindergarten

Children come to kindergarten and work like adults all day long. Educational activities and big children's group often leads to the fact that the child’s body begins to get tired and the child’s need to relax and relieve tension appears.
Most The best way Relieve tension, fatigue, take your mind off the irritant - this is relaxation. Relaxation is one of the non-traditional ways to improve the health of preschoolers. After all, systematic overexertion, fatigue, and irritation greatly affect the nervous system, the psychological state of the child and his health in general.
For relaxation in kindergarten, it is advisable to use games and exercises to relax both individual parts of the body and the child’s entire body.
Playing with sand and cereals is very relaxing. When a child picks up sand and slowly releases it through his fingers or carefully draws with his finger on a loose surface, small particles of sand are exposed to the surface of the palms. And as you know, human skin has a large number of points responsible for the nervous and psychological state of the body. This results in relaxation and transmission of a signal to the brain that everything is fine and the child is distracted, fatigue and irritability are reduced.
Another relaxation method suitable for use by preschool children is music therapy. The sounds of nature, gentle melodic motifs bring us into a state of calm, the body begins to relax. It is advisable to use relaxation exercises with music when the child is in a comfortable position and there are no distractions. This exercise is very good to use when preparing for bed. The child, having settled down in his crib, closes his eyes and is transported with the sounds of music to the shore of the lake, where birds are chirping and a light breeze is blowing, the sun gently hugs his shoulders and it becomes so good... that the child involuntarily falls into sleep, during which the body will consolidate the healing that has begun.
Currently, the “Corner of Solitude” has become very widely used in groups. This is a limited space where a child can come to sit with his favorite toy and take a break from the hustle and bustle, look through his favorite book or photo album of the families of the pupils or group. In this corner the child feels protected from the outside world, relaxation occurs there.
In addition to the above, I would also like to highlight games with water and air. Flushing occurs in the water negative energy and charge a new one. When a child makes visual contact with water, its streams, and splashes, he is charged with positive emotions, which is several times stronger than negative manifestations.
You can play with air anywhere - at home, in bed, on the street... To do this, you just need to use your imagination a little. Children love unusual effects, such as launching into the sky balloons, traveling on a carpeted airplane and more. And at the same time, the child just needs to be directed to the correct breathing rhythm. You need to breathe smoothly, slowly, you can exhale a stream of air for a long time onto objects, inhale exclusively through your nose. With proper breathing, there is an influx of oxygen to the brain cells, which helps eliminate irritation impulses and the body relaxes.
Children also get tired and want to rest, the only problem is that they don’t know how to act in this state. The adult’s task is to provide all possible assistance in relaxing the child.
The health of our children is, first of all, the health of our nation. Let's not neglect it and do everything possible and impossible to improve the health of children.