Why are pears useful? A difficult fruit. A nutritionist talks about how to eat pears correctly. Impact on the children's body

Pear is a fragrant and juicy fruit, sweeter than an apple, but lower in calories. There are more than a thousand varieties in the world, different in shape, peel color, juiciness and richness of taste.

Composition and calorie content

Pear is very sweet, but low in calories. 100 g of pulp contains only 42 kcal. Therefore, unlike most other fruits, it can be consumed by patients with diabetes and those who want to lose weight. It contains a minimum of glucose, and the sweetness comes from fructose, for the absorption of which the body does not require the production of insulin. It is also not stored as fat reserves.

  • proteins – 0.4 g;
  • fats – 0.3 g;
  • carbohydrates – 10.9 g;
  • vitamins: A, C, K, PP and many B vitamins;
  • trace elements: nickel, iodine, iron, manganese, magnesium, calcium, selenium, zinc, etc.

Pears also contain a lot of fiber, arbutin (a natural antibiotic), folic acid and pectin. Therefore, fruits are good for digestion and the immune system.

Organic acids in the fruit pulp increase the acidity of gastric juice and speed up the digestion process. Therefore, people with low acidity need to eat pears. And for those who have elevated levels, it is advisable to control its amount in the diet, but not completely abandon it.

The benefit is in the details

A few hundred years ago, people knew the beneficial properties of this fruit. The pear was used not only as a delicacy, but also as a medicine.

  • reduce temperature and reduce cough during colds;
  • normalize intestinal microflora, stimulate digestion;
  • strengthen the walls of blood vessels and capillaries;
  • for chronic inflammation of the urinary tract, since it has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • maintain the health of the heart muscle, normalize the pulse.

The leaves of the pear tree contain antifungal components, so a decoction of the leaves is used to reduce the manifestations of dermatitis.

For men

The “wild” variety is best suited for preparing medicinal compotes.

For women

Pear extract is often included in anti-aging cosmetics. It improves complexion and increases skin elasticity.

At home, fresh pear pulp puree can be used as a scrub or mask to relieve inflammation and improve skin elasticity.

But during breastfeeding, it is quite possible to include fresh fruits in the diet, of course, in moderation. This will help a woman restore the balance of microelements in the body after childbirth, and at the same time, lose weight faster.

Are you going on a road trip or a long walk? Instead of store-bought waffles, it’s better to grab 1-2 pears for your child.

Consumption rate

You can eat 1-2 medium-sized fruits per day. It is advisable for pregnant women to reduce their consumption to 2-3 fruits per week.

Unique properties of different varieties

Each variety has its own taste and beneficial properties. For example, summer varieties are softer and juicier. And those that ripen in late autumn are firmer, but not without sweetness. They can be stored all winter.

  • “Conference” is the leader in popularity. The fruits are oblong, green-yellow in color. The pulp is white-pink, juicy and sweet. It has a high content of organic acids.
  • “Duchess” is a dessert variety bred in the 18th century by the English breeder Williams. One fruit weighs about 180–200 g, the peel has a rich yellow tint. Winter "Duchess" has a reddish barrel and tougher flesh. Unlike the summer one, which is stored for only 45 days, the winter one can lie in a cool place until May. This variety contains a lot of fructose and can be used in dietary nutrition.
  • “Dichok” are small round fruits that contain a large amount of antibacterial substances and vitamins. When eaten fresh or in compotes, it helps cleanse the body of toxins. These pears will be useful for diseases of the thyroid gland.

Traditional medicine recipes

In folk medicine, fresh and dried pears are used to treat a number of inflammatory diseases. Compote helps improve the patient's condition with bronchitis, pneumonia and even tuberculosis.

  1. To cope with a cough, cook dried pear compote. To do this, you will need a handful of dried fruits per 1–2 liters of water. Drink warm 3-4 times a day.
  2. If you are anemic, eat at least 2 fresh fruits per day, supplementing your meal with a teaspoon of honey.
  3. For prostatitis, pour boiling water over the dried pear and leave for 8–10 hours. Take half a glass up to 4 times a day.
  4. For diabetes, squeeze the juice from the pulp. Drink 50 ml of it freshly prepared half an hour before meals.

Dietary properties

Pears are successfully used in the diet of those losing weight: they are included in many diets. Additionally, these fruits help detoxify the body.

But it is better to refuse a mono-diet: it can lead to inflammation of the digestive organs.

The best option is to eat pears instead of sugar-rich fruits (especially bananas and grapes) and high-sugar desserts.

Harm and contraindications

A contraindication for use may only be individual intolerance. For chronic diseases of the digestive tract, you can eat pears, but in no case on an empty stomach. The best time is an hour to an hour and a half after the main meal, as a dessert or light snack.

A pear can cause digestive problems (flatulence, bowel dysfunction, etc.) if:

  1. Eat it on an empty stomach, especially with the peel. It contains a lot of fiber, which can irritate sensitive mucous membranes.
  2. Drink with water - this activates the fermentation processes.
  3. Combine with other products, especially meat, pickles, milk and fermented milk products.

Pears vs apples

In terms of popularity, pears rank second after apples. But it has a number of advantages:

  1. It contains more antibacterial and anti-inflammatory components.
  2. Sweeter than even the sweetest red apple.
  3. At the same time, it contains a minimum of calories and does not lead to weight gain.

If you are faced with a choice between eating a sour apple or a sweet pear, choose the second option. You can't go wrong!

Source http://www.poleznenko.ru/grusha.html

Pear is delicious and healthy fruit, natural sweetness and a source of vitamins, enzymes, and digestible sugars. Eating this fruit and diet help control weight and maintain youth. However, the raw food menu is not suitable for everyone; it requires adjustment to the individual characteristics of the body. What are the benefits and harms of pears, how to use them correctly for nutrition and treatment?

Benefits of pear fruits

The pulp of the fruit contains a lot of useful substances. Pears are 85% water. The remaining 15% is a storehouse of useful minerals, vitamins, fiber, and acids. Let's list the most important ones for a person:

  • Vitamins of group B, as well as C, K, carotene, folic acid.
  • Enzymes are substances that are necessary for digesting food and absorbing nutrients. Contained only in raw fruits. Dried pears may also contain vitamins and enzymes if dried at a temperature not exceeding +40°C.
  • Microelements (iodine, potassium, calcium, magnesium, sulfur, phosphorus, zinc, cobalt, copper, iron, sodium). Among them, the record holders are potassium (up to 150 mg), boron (130 mg), copper (120 mg). Potassium increases the elasticity of blood vessels, improves the functioning of the heart muscle and nervous system, and reduces cholesterol. Copper is part of enzymes and is involved in metabolism. Boron – improves the absorption of calcium, ensures skeletal strength, and also regulates the level of sex hormones. The calcium+phosphorus+magnesium complex makes bones and ligaments strong.
  • Pectin – controls cholesterol, reduces sugar, ensures peristalsis and digestion.
  • Organic acids are necessary for digestion and metabolism. They prevent stagnation of food mass in the intestines, stop putrefactive processes and suppress pathogenic bacteria.
  • Arbutin (a natural antibiotic) - its content in wild fruits is higher than in garden pears.
  • Fiber (dietary fiber) up to 3 g per 100 g – necessary for intestinal peristalsis. There is especially a lot of fiber in the peel, however, there is also enough of it in the pulp.
  • Tannins (tannins) – provide an astringent and anti-inflammatory effect. Their maximum quantity is contained in the peel. Therefore, people prone to constipation are advised to peel pears before eating.
  • Sugar (mainly fructose and a little glucose) - up to 10 g per 100 g of pears.
  • Proteins (0.4 g).
  • Fat (0.3 g).
  • Essential oils – provide the aroma of the fruit. The stronger the smell of a ripe pear, the more beneficial vitamins and microelements it contains.

The maximum amount of useful substances is found in fresh fruits. They are used for food or to obtain freshly squeezed juice, from which vitamins and microelements are absorbed much better than from the pulp. Therefore, in treatment and as a vitamin and mineral support, fruit juice is more effective than simply consuming the pulp.

Almost all the therapeutic medicinal qualities are preserved in the dried fruits. Dried pears are used to maintain health during the cold season. They are added to compotes, teas, infused for several hours in cold water(without heat treatment). The absence of heating and boiling allows you to preserve vitamins and microelements and obtain them in digestible form.

Flowers and leaves of the plant are also used in treatment. Tea is brewed from them, infusions and decoctions are made.

Useful properties

The benefits and harms of fruits are determined by the biological substances they contain. The pulp, peel and juice of the pear have the following effects:

  • Bactericidal – the ability to disinfect, suppress the proliferation of pathogens, and counteract infection.
  • Diuretic and diaphoretic - these properties are used to reduce high fever during a cold or viral infection, as well as to remove waste and toxins.
  • Astringent and fixative - used to treat the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Antitussive – stops infection in the lungs and promotes coughing up mucus.

Benefits for digestion
Pear effectively eliminates stool disorders. Its tannins and pectin substances “knit” intestinal masses, neutralize microbes, and establish beneficial intestinal flora and digestion.

For hematopoiesis and blood vessels
Folic acid and iron ensure the formation of new blood cells, prevent anemia and blood thickening. They also cleanse the walls of blood vessels from cholesterol deposits, thereby improving their elasticity and lowering blood pressure.

For the genitourinary system
The diuretic properties of the fruit are in demand in the treatment of kidney and bladder diseases. The fruit contains a natural antibiotic that counteracts infections and pathogenic microorganisms. And also - along with urine, toxins from inflammation are removed from the body. The area of ​​infection decreases, painful symptoms become weaker.

For women
Freshly squeezed juice from the fruit also helps treat women's diseases. Its components stop infection and remove toxins. The juice and pulp are consumed orally, and freshly squeezed juice is also used for douching and tampons.

For diabetics
The benefits of pear fruits for diabetics are due to their high fructose content and low glucose content. The human body does not require insulin to metabolize fructose. Therefore, this sweetness is allowed in the diet of patients with varying degrees of diabetes. Pear juice with bactericidal properties reduces the spread of various inflammations that accompany diabetes.

For weight control
Pears are often included in the diet. With a sweet taste, they retain low calorie content, allow you to saturate the stomach and control weight. The number of calories is only 40 kcal per 100 g. Therefore, a fruit diet helps to lose weight and improve skin condition.

For immunity
The cleansing properties of pears and their bactericidal effect provide effective support for the body's immune forces. For proper nutrition of tissues and maintenance of protective forces, the composition of the blood is important. Minerals and vitamins maintain the required number of red blood cells and blood fluidity. By improving the functioning of the body, cleansing and restoring tissues, eating pears improves tone and mood, and reduces depression.

When coughing
Coughs of various origins are treated in folk medicine with raw pear juice. Fruit juice enhances mucus production and stimulates expectoration. To treat the lungs, it is not the fruits themselves that are used, but the juice or decoctions.


The number of pears on the menu is limited in case of exacerbation of gastrointestinal diseases. Fruit fiber is hard and irritates the inflamed intestinal or stomach mucosa. Therefore, you should not eat fresh fruits if you have a peptic ulcer or an exacerbation of gastritis or colitis.

It’s interesting to know: for the healing and healing effect of pears, you need to eat them correctly. They should not be consumed after meals or together with animal proteins. Otherwise, the beneficial components are not absorbed, the fruit pulp ferments in the stomach and intestines, forms gases, and causes bloating.

Pears – delicious food and beneficial natural medicine. The medicinal properties of these fruits help with coughs and infections. The benefits for the body are combined with the pleasure of eating the delicacy. Therefore, you can eat pears in any form - fresh, dried or boiled (in compote).

Source http://uhodvdomashnihusloviah.ru/polza-i-vred-grushi

The sweet and tasty fruit has been known to mankind for more than 3000 years. It was eaten in both Ancient Greece and China.

The pear has amazing, almost healing properties, the benefits and harms of which may raise doubts among many, but everyone must agree that by adding this fruit to our menu, we replenish our reserves of useful vitamins and microelements.

Origin story

Until the 16th century, it was believed that such a fruit could not be eaten raw, so in European countries it was eaten only boiled or baked. This fruit was brought to Russia from the Byzantine Empire, the pear quickly took root and became popular. Today, the world produces more than 14 tons of ripe fruits per year.

Nowadays, there are many varieties of pears, among them the most popular: Conference, Chinese, Abbot, Rosha, Lemonnaya, Duchess. But almost any variety carries enormous benefits for the body, thanks to its unique composition. The varieties differ mainly only in appearance and taste.

The fruits can be almost spherical, only slightly elongated (for example, Chinese pears), or regular pear-shaped, large and small in size.

Useful composition of pear

Ripe fruits contain fruit sugars, which are easily digestible and do not increase the glycemic index, as well as fiber, which helps good digestion. Tannins, organic acids, pectin and nitrogen substances are also present.

Vitamins and microelements included:

  • vitamin C – there is not much of it in pears, but still its presence in the composition makes this fruit beneficial for the body;
  • folic acid - there is more of it than in currants;
  • vitamins B1, P, PP;
  • provitamin A;
  • Potassium is an essential element for heart function.

So, we see that the composition of the fruit can bring tangible benefits to the body.

More specifically, they can have the following effects on the body:

  1. Fixing effect.
    Especially pronounced in pears with a tart and sour taste. But such fruits are more difficult for the body to digest, so it is not advisable to eat them if you have digestive problems, as they irritate the small intestine.
  2. Diuretic.
    Juicy and sweet pears (such as Chinese pears) can cause this effect if consumed in large quantities.
  3. This fruit can be a good helper in losing weight.
    It contains less sugar than apples and is easily digestible. It contains a lot of fiber - a natural sponge for cleansing the intestines of toxins.
  4. Antipyretic, disinfectant and antitussive effect.
    Because of this, there are many traditional medicine recipes with pear that help with colds.
  5. The cosmetic properties of pears are expressed by using a pulp of ripe fruits.
    If you apply it to your face as a mask, you can tighten the skin, relieve irritation and inflammation, and cure pimples.

How to use pear to activate its beneficial properties?

In its raw form it is the most useful. The peel is full of natural fiber, the juices and pulp are enriched with useful substances, so it is useful to eat a pear between meals as a snack. Or in the morning on an empty stomach, if this is not contraindicated by doctors.

The juice of this fruit has a tonic and general strengthening property. In the stomach, thanks to tannins, pear concentrate in the form of juice creates a favorable flora, negatively affecting pathogenic bacteria. Arbutin is a natural antibiotic, its presence activates the antibacterial effect.

Dried pear is useful to use in winter, when fresh fruits from local producers are not available for sale. The process of drying these fruits allows you to preserve all the vitamins and minerals. And you can add these dried fruits to compotes and decoctions, or, pre-fill hot water for softening, can be added to cereals or desserts.

How to choose the right fruits

  1. Choose fruits by smell. A strong, pronounced pear smell indicates the greatest benefits of the fruit.
  2. If you buy fruits in the depths of winter, or in the spring, then remember that they are mainly treated with wax and chemicals. If you really want to crunch on an alluring fruit, wash it thoroughly with hot water and peel it at this time of year.
  3. If you plan to buy fruit for future use, choose firm, slightly unripe varieties (such as Conference); when they ripen indoors, after a while they become soft and very juicy.
  4. If you plan to eat fruit immediately after purchase, choose soft varieties (Chinese). But check that there are no dents, black spots or mold on the fruits, otherwise such fruits will only cause harm.
  5. The most useful are wild fruits. But finding them in urban areas is almost impossible.

Cautions for use

  1. Like anyone else natural product, pear can cause allergic reactions.
  2. Elderly people and those with digestive problems or liver and kidney diseases are not recommended to consume these sweet fruits (tart or sour varieties are especially contraindicated).

It is good to eat pears as a separate product, without mixing them with meat or fish dishes, since the substances in the fruit negatively affect the digestion of protein, at the same time adding calories to a serving of food.

Source http://siladiet.ru/krasota-i-zdorove/sostav-i-polza-produktov/i-vred-grushi-dlya-organizma.html

This fruit has long been familiar to people and is warmly revered. Since the 16th century, in Italy and France, people began to mention the first pears, which could be eaten like a simple fruit - raw.

Until the 16th century, it was believed that raw pears were inedible; they had to be boiled or baked before eating.

The pear, which had to be boiled first, came to Russia from the Byzantine Empire. Although the pear is known not only for its fragrant and juicy fruits.

The benefits and harms of pears, both tree and fruit, have long been known to folk healers and healers.

Benefits of pear

  • The benefits of pear in traditional medicine have been identified in the following effects on human body, as: antitussive and disinfectant, antipyretic and diuretic, as well as fixative.

What’s great is that the benefits of pear are manifested in any of its uses, be it the consumption of fresh fruits or in dried form. In addition, juice, decoction, and jelly are also useful.

  • Most of all, the pear is popular as a dessert or treat. These fruits contain large amounts of sugar and fiber. It is interesting that pears contain less sugar than apples, although, more often than not, pears taste sweeter.
  • The benefit of pears lies in the rich content of organic acids and tannins; it contains many different needed by the body human enzymes, vitamin C (though not very much), vitamins PP, B1, flavonoids, carotene and phytoncides. Pears are very rich in iodine and many other trace elements. In addition, pears are high in folic acid.
  • Experts recommend that in order for the benefits of pear to be extracted to the maximum, it should be eaten on an empty stomach with plain water.

Pears, like many other fruits, should not be eaten with meat or fish, and contrary to the popular belief of many, they should not be consumed immediately after a meal for dessert either. It is better to do this about half an hour later.

  • It must be said that only fully ripened pear fruits, juicy and aromatic, melting in the mouth, have special healing properties.
  • The benefits of pear and its derivatives include a tonic and general strengthening effect.
  • Pears will have a very beneficial effect on the body in case of intestinal disorders, since they improve digestion and, at the same time, have a strengthening effect, this is explained by the fact that organic substances interact with hydrochloric acid produced by the stomach. The pulp of pear fruits is quite well digested by the human body.
  • In the gastrointestinal tract, it promotes the formation of an environment that is not very pleasant for pathogenic microbes, strengthens the stomach, tannins and pectin substances are responsible for this.
  • Also, these fruits can promote blood regeneration, hematopoiesis and strengthen blood vessels, thanks to iron and a high content of folic acid, so they are often recommended for pregnant women and people with cardiovascular pathology.
  • Pear is one of the few fruits that can be eaten by diabetics and obese people, this is explained by the fact that it contains a large amount of fructose, for the absorption of which the stomach does not require insulin.
  • It has been known since ancient times that pear can quickly heal wounds and help lower body temperature.
  • And pear juice or decoction, moreover, have an antibacterial effect, since they contain a natural antibiotic - arbutin.
  • The pear has also found its place in cosmetology. When choosing masks, many women try to choose ingredients that would not cause any harm to their skin. Pear masks are suitable for any skin type, thanks to which the skin becomes smooth and elastic and plus tightens the pores.

This is a very useful fruit in all respects. But, as with everything, you need to know when you should avoid eating pears, since pears can also cause harm.

Pear harm

  • For example, for elderly people who have serious disorders of the nervous system, sour and tart varieties of pears are contraindicated. Such fruits, while stimulating appetite, are much more difficult to digest in the body, so for these people pears will do more harm than good.
  • Another disadvantage is the presence of stony cells in the pulp. They have an irritating effect in the intestines, so if there are exacerbations of diseases of the stomach and intestines, you should not include this fruit in your diet.

The benefits and harms of pears, like any other gifts of nature, come from the same roots. It's just important to know and understand when exceptions are possible. This will help you maintain your health for a long time!

People learned that pears have much more benefit than harm in prehistoric times. And this happened on the territory of modern China, where the plant Pyrus communis family Rosaceae ( Rosaceae) began to be grown many thousands of years ago. Modern scientific evidence confirms the benefits of pears for the health of the human body. However, they are not silent about the harm. So, let's figure out how these fruits affect us.


The calorie content of one medium-sized pear is 100-105 kcal.

The fruit contains:

  • 5 grams of vegetable fiber;
  • 17 grams of sugars;
  • 12% of the daily dose of vitamin C;
  • 10% - vitamin K.

The composition also includes microelements copper, boron, magnesium, manganese, and potassium.

The main health benefits of pears come from the presence of antioxidants. These are polyphenolic compounds, flavonoids and vitamin C.

Plant fiber is also of great importance. One fruit contains 5 grams. This is 20% of the daily value. Moreover, the main part falls on. It is often thought that apples contain the most pectin. In fact, there is even more of it in pears.

The antioxidant pectin cocktail has significant anti-inflammatory activity. It is its presence in pears that determines most of their medicinal properties.

Useful properties

Since the composition of pears is very similar to that of apples, the health effects of these fruits are also similar.

Prevention of cancer. Prevention of the development of atherosclerosis and related cardiovascular diseases by improving the blood lipid profile.
Maintaining good functioning of intestinal microflora. Elimination of chronic constipation.
Strengthening the immune system. Prevention and treatment of diabetes by increasing the sensitivity of body tissues to insulin and preventing sudden changes in blood sugar after meals.
Fight acid reflux and heartburn. Prevention and treatment of cholelithiasis.
Prevention of early aging. Reducing the level of chronic inflammatory activity in the body, which leads to the occurrence of many serious diseases.

Effect on weight loss

Those who are losing weight are allowed to eat pears. However, you should not include these fruits in your diet in large quantities, because they contain a lot of sugars, especially fructose, which makes you fat.

Some of the benefits of these fruits are related to excess weight loss. This:

  • improving the state of intestinal microflora, necessary for sustainable weight loss;
  • elimination of chronic inflammatory processes that lead to the development of many diseases, including obesity;
  • preventing changes in blood glucose levels after a meal rich in carbohydrates;
  • increasing the sensitivity of cells to insulin, useful not only for treating diabetes, but for losing weight, especially in the abdomen and sides;
  • the ability to suppress appetite, and, consequently, reduce the total number of calories introduced into the body per day.

In addition, pears have a relatively low glycemic index. But, like many other fruits, the glycemic load is quite high. There are a lot of carbohydrates in these fruits. And most of all fructose, which contributes to the accumulation of excess fat deposits even more quickly than regular table sugar. Which, by the way, is 50% the same fructose.

You can read more about why fructose leads to the formation of excess body fat.

Pears contain a lot of this sugar. One medium-sized fruit contains approximately 12 grams of fructose. This means that these fruits can only help you lose weight if you eat a little of them. Excessive consumption will lead to weight gain.

How many pears can you eat per day on a weight loss diet?

per day a person having overweight body, can safely eat up to 25 grams of fructose. That is, 2 pears. Provided that these fruits will be the only source of fructose during the day.

People suffering from true obesity and/or diabetes are allowed to consume no more than 15 grams of fructose per day. That is, 1 pear.

Those who do not have problems with excess weight and do not suffer from severe endocrine diseases can eat more fruits per day. However, they should also remember that excessive amounts of fructose are not good.

How to include it in your diet?

  1. Prolonged heat treatment destroys most of the beneficial compounds present in the fruit. Therefore, it is best to eat it raw.
  2. The bulk of fruit antioxidants are concentrated in their skin. Therefore, it is better to eat them unpeeled. At the same time, the surface of fruits purchased in a store may contain a variety of harmful compounds, which they are treated with to improve their presentation. Therefore, it is better to peel fruits from the supermarket, but eat natural organic products, for example, from your own garden, with the skins on.
  3. Pears are one of those carbohydrate-rich foods that you can, and even need, to eat before and after workouts. Before fitness classes, these fruits can increase your energy supply, and, consequently, the effectiveness of your workout. And how a post-workout meal will help restore glycogen stores in muscles faster.
  4. Pear juice contains a large amount of sugars and is devoid of plant fiber. Therefore, unlike whole fruits, it is not useful product nutrition. If you really want to drink a pear rather than eat it, you should add it to a smoothie.
  5. These fruits already contain a fair amount of sugars. Therefore, they should never be combined with other sources of sweets: natural or artificial. Including with, because it contains a lot of fructose. Instead, it is good to add spices to fruits that partially neutralize the harmful effects of sugars: cinnamon, cardamom, ginger.

Possible harm and contraindications

Pears are one of those few food products whose consumption has virtually no contraindications. Within reasonable limits, of course.

So, unlike apples, to which allergies often develop, these fruits are hypoallergenic. And they are allowed to be included even in the diet of young children prone to development allergic reactions.

Pears can also be eaten during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

No evidence has yet been obtained that these fruits can alter the activity of any medications.

At the same time, it must be remembered that pears contain a lot of sugars. They have a high glycemic load. And there is no escape from this. Therefore, people who are overweight should not include more than 1-2 fruits in their daily diet.

Also, with massive consumption of these fruits, like any other plant products, unpleasant symptoms from the gastrointestinal tract may be observed: pain in the abdominal area, bloating, diarrhea.

These phenomena do not cause any serious harm to the body. And they pass with a decrease in the amount of plant food, as well as gradual adaptation to it.

Health benefits and harms of pears: conclusions

Fruit Pyrus communis contain many antioxidants and pectin. It is these compounds that determine their beneficial properties for the body.

Pears help you lose weight, help prevent cancer and atherosclerosis, and normalize the functioning of the intestines and gallbladder.

However, these fruits also have harm that is associated with their high sugar content.

So the answer to the question “how many calories are in a pear?” disappointing. The calorie content of one medium-sized fruit is 100-105 kcal. This is a lot. In addition, these fruits contain a lot of fructose, which makes you gain weight the most.

Therefore, you should not include more than 1-2 fruits in your daily menu.

Pear has a sweet taste and soft juicy texture. It contains dietary fiber, flavonoids, and antioxidants. An undeniable advantage is that it contains no cholesterol and fat. Its use in the diet as part of the concept of proper nutrition can improve rates of weight loss, heart disease and cancer. A decrease in the likelihood of developing diabetes was revealed. In this article we will talk about pear, its beneficial properties, applications for various diseases and whether there are contraindications to its use.

Composition, BZHU and calorie content of pear

One hundred grams of fresh pear contains the following beneficial substances:



Daily norm



Dietary fiber


Pantothenic acid



Vitamin A

Vitamin C

Vitamin E

Vitamin K









12 facts about the benefits of pear

Pears are a sweet addition to the main diet. They have proven themselves when following diets. The composition contains an abundance of various nutritional components with obvious advantages. Let's analyze in more detail the benefits of fresh pears for the human body.

  1. Improved digestion

    Dr. Slavin Joan, a professor at the American University of Minnesota, has found through scientific research that it contains exceptional amounts of dietary fiber, which are powerful beneficial properties for improving digestion.

    One serving can significantly improve the condition of the digestive tract. A significant proportion of fruit fiber belongs to the category of insoluble polysaccharide ( NSP), and this suggests that it acts as an intestinal filler.

    It is able to store ingested food moving through the intestines and stimulates the secretion of digestive and gastric juices. It coordinates intestinal processes, reduces the possibility of diarrhea, constipation and stool, thereby healing us. The sandy texture of the product helps protect against cancer by binding to cancer-causing substances and free radicals in the colon.

  2. Weight loss

    Some women who are watching their weight and losing weight refuse to eat pears because they are high in sugar and calories. But this is wrong! This fruit is in an advantageous position according to this indicator: the average fruit accounts for 5% of the total daily calorie content.

    This is interesting:

    Are all calories the same and does it matter what product they come from? Are 100 calories from candy as effective for weight loss as 100 calories from broccoli? What you need to know about calories when losing weight.

    It is rich in nutrients, and its fiber can keep you full for a long time. These findings were published as part of the study in the periodical “ Appetite» .

    People aimed at losing weight often eat them, thereby achieving maximum benefit from the money spent on their purchase.

  3. Antioxidant activity

    Pears prevent bacteria that can be harmful to health. In 2003, a study was completed to study their antioxidant properties. Scientists have concluded that due to the high level of vitamin C and antioxidants in the composition, orgasm reduces the harmful effects of free radicals that are formed as a result of cellular metabolism. Free radicals destroy free cells and mutate the cell's DNA. As a result, the cells turn into cancerous ones, and the process is accompanied by a number of other negative phenomena.

    The antioxidant components of vitamin C were identified in the composition, vitamin A The article presents several scientific studies on the effect of vitamin A on the body. 6 health benefits of vitamin A and what harm there is in an overdose of this vitamin. and flavonoid compounds zeaxanthin, lutein, beta-caratin. The listed components support the general condition of the body, being protected from free radicals.

  4. Prevents cancer

    One of the advantages of antioxidants is their characteristic anticarcinogenic activity. In a clinical study conducted with pears, it was found that they contain a large number of antioxidants that eliminate a number of different forms of cancer: cancer of the lungs, prostate and breast, rectum and colon.

  5. Boosting immunity

    In the magazine American Journal of Clinical Nutrition A study has been published that presents the health benefits of vitamin C. Increased immunity is cited as a benefit. In duchess it is present along with antioxidants that stimulate the creation of leukocytes. Most men and women know that strengthening the immune system prevents the progression of flu and colds.

  6. Improves heart health

    Swedish doctor Larsson Susanna hypothesized that these fruits reduce the likelihood of stroke.

    Due to the high content of potassium in the composition, there is a positive effect on blood vessels and the condition of the heart. Blood pressure is reduced, the load on the heart is reduced and blood clots are prevented. Potassium, enriching organs with oxygen, ensures blood saturation of all parts of the body for effective functioning.

    Low blood pressure is good because the risk of cardiovascular disease (stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis) is minimized. Potassium acts as a fluid regulator, ensures the correct balance of fluid ratios in tissues, and keeps the body hydrated.

  7. Healing speeds up

    Vitamin C is an important part of the synthesis of new tissue cells in various organs and cellular structures of the body. Due to ascorbic acid it is achieved quick healing of wounds. This prevents the development of heart disease and promotes the renewal of blood vessels.

  8. Improves blood circulation

    The high level of iron and copper in pears makes them an essential food for treating patients with anemia(iron deficiency) and other diseases caused by a lack of minerals.

    Iron promotes the formation of red blood cells, while copper's role is to aid in the processing of minerals. Iron is considered a key part of hemoglobin. If your daily menu contains foods high in copper and iron, you can get rid of muscle weakness, decreased cognitive function, and prevent fatigue. And at the same time, existing problems in the work of organs will be corrected.

  9. The benefits of pear during pregnancy

    Is a pear good for a woman’s body and for the health of her unborn baby? Additional significant nutritional components in it are folates. Folic acid directly affects the reduction of neural tube damage in a child. Consumption of these folate-rich fruits can improve the well-being of children. Pregnant women should closely monitor their folic acid levels. This control eliminates possible problems in the early stages of children's development.

  10. Reduce inflammation

    Pear has flavonoid and antioxidant components that reduce inflammation in the human body, reducing pain. These fruits are capable reduce signs of gout, rheumatism, arthritis and similar states.

  11. Improved Bone Health

    Pears have a high percentage of minerals such as copper, calcium Beneficial and healing properties of calcium for our body. Features of the effect of calcium on our health and which foods contain the most of it. , phosphorus How phosphorus affects our health and what consequences await you if you do not consume enough foods containing phosphorus. 8 beneficial properties of phosphorus for the body. And magnesium TOP 10 unique beneficial properties of magnesium for the human body. Scientific research has been conducted on the effects of this mineral. Side effects and contraindications.. These minerals are extremely beneficial for bone health and prevent osteoporosis.

  12. Pears in skin and hair care

    Vitamin A is one of the most significant for us, because it has a positive effect in many ways. Pears have excellent levels of vitamin A and its components, which are zeaxanthin and lutein. These two components are involved in the enzymatic functions of organs, and their effect is similar to antioxidants. They improve the condition of facial skin, preventing the effects of aging expressed in the form of age spots and wrinkles.

    In addition, studies have confirmed the effects of lutein and zeaxanthin on aspects of eye health.

Contraindications and side effects from eating pear

In addition to the positive aspects, the pear has side effects and contraindications. Below are the main ones:

    Pear may be harmful, causing allergic reactions in some people.

    Eating the fruit may cause diarrhea or bloating. The reason lies in the types of carbohydrates that make digestion difficult.

    People with stomach ulcers, gastritis and colitis should limit their consumption.

Is pear contraindicated for gastritis?

Patients with gastritis are not prohibited from eating pear, but it is still recommended to eat it only in remission. If reduced gastric secretion is observed, then it is better to minimize the amount of pear in the diet, however, with gastritis with high acidity, it can be included in the diet.

The main rule for those who have gastritis is that pear drinks should not be consumed on an empty stomach, washed down with water or eaten with heavy food. It's better to save pear juice for lunch and drink it as a dessert. At the same time, the drink will be beneficial for the gastric mucosa only if it is natural, without adding extra sugars.

You can eat pear for gastritis in any form: baked, boiled in compotes or fresh. It is important for gastritis to exclude overripe fruits: they can be harmful to the stomach.

With a sufficient content of glucose, sucrose and fructose, pears are not contraindicated for diabetics: one honey fruit may well act as a healthy dessert.

The benefits of pear in cosmetology

Pear is good for the skin, which is why it is widely used in the production of various skin care and anti-aging products: it tightens the skin, moisturizes it and smoothes out wrinkles. Pear extract tightens pores and evens out tone.

Here are some homemade recipes cosmetics:

    Mix dried pear seeds with face cream. It will work out excellent scrub.

    Fresh pear- an excellent antibacterial agent. You can use it to remove oily shine: soak a cotton pad in it and wipe your face.

    A mixture of pear juice and milk helps moisturize dry skin. To prepare it, you need to mix the ingredients and leave it in the refrigerator for an hour.

    You can make an effective one based on fruit cleansing mask for different skin types: mix egg white with pear pulp, cool.

    Fresh juice diluted with water can be poured into ice trays and used to relieve puffiness from the eyelids.

    Pear can help get rid of dandruff and oily hair: fresh pear juice should be rubbed into the roots, and after 30 minutes, rinse with shampoo.

Medicinal properties of pear for various diseases

  1. For diabetes

    Pears contain a lot of fructose, however Doctors recommend it for use by diabetics in the form of fruits or diluted juice. It helps keep blood sugar levels normal. In this case, medical supervision is a prerequisite.

  2. For prostatitis

    Pear is an excellent helper for prostatitis. In order to feel its healing properties, you need to include its regular consumption in your diet. Pears can be eaten with fresh fruits of different varieties or made into compote. This drink has diuretic effect and outputs excess liquid from the body increasing blood flow in the pelvis.

  3. For arrhythmia

    The pear contains large number potassium All about the benefits and harms of potassium for human health. 14 beneficial properties of the mineral for the body, side effects and contraindications, deficiency and sources of potassium replenishment. , a substance that is beneficial for the cardiovascular system, and cobalt, an enzyme that plays an important role in the process of blood formation. The content of these substances provides the benefits of consuming pears for arrhythmia.

  4. With low immunity

    Daily consumption of pear will eliminate the development of vitamin deficiency and strengthen the immune system, since it contains arbutin- natural antibiotic. This substance perfectly fights infectious diseases.

6 traditional recipes for treating pears

The effect of pear on the body of men, women and children

When consumed regularly, pear brings enormous benefits to the human body:

    strengthens the immune system;

    improves heart function;

    increases the level of hemoglobin in the blood;

    reduces body temperature;

    normalizes the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract;

    eliminates vitamin deficiency;

    strengthens hair and nails;

    gives energy;

    helps cope with stress and depression;

    regulates the functioning of the thyroid gland;

    cleanses the liver of waste and toxins.

  1. What are the benefits of pears for men?

    Pear prevents early baldness. Need to connect:

    • 100 g pear pulp,
    • 35 g flower honey,
    • 30 ml burdock oil,
    • 3 drops of juniper essential oil.

    Stir until smooth and massage into the scalp for several minutes. After this, leave the product for half an hour, then rinse off.

    Pear extremely good for men's health. Its regular consumption increases potency: for a pronounced result, 3 fruits per day are enough. In addition, the pear perfectly restores the male body after intense exercise. physical activity.

  2. What are the benefits of pears for women?

    Pear is especially useful for women aged 40+. This fruit is a rich source vitamin C How to properly replenish your body useful vitamin WITH? What foods contain the most of this vitamin? TOP 20 fruits, vegetables and other foods with high content. and copper, the combination of which acts as antioxidant The article selects twelve food products with the richest content of antioxidants. How to add more antioxidants to your diet and what to choose from that are inexpensive. for healthy cells, protects them from internal and external damage, prevents the development of oncology.

  3. What are the benefits of pears during pregnancy?

    Pear is rich folic acid, preventing the appearance of various kinds of pathologies associated with the baby’s central nervous system. In addition, it improves the condition expectant mother, normalizes the process of hematopoiesis. Pear is especially recommended for active consumption in the first trimester of pregnancy. During this very important period, the vitamins and nutrients contained in the pear help to properly form the child’s central nervous system. Fresh fruits will protect against vitamin deficiency and prevent infection of the body with various seasonal infections.

    The pear helps keep your weight balanced. Its dietary fiber is especially beneficial for the gastrointestinal tract. Regular consumption of fruits normalizes the digestion process.

  4. What are the benefits of pears for children?

    The pear will provide the baby with a boost of energy, help in the formation of various tissues and prevent vitamin deficiency.

    Besides, pear is a hypoallergenic product, it can be given to children with early years. Babies under 1 year of age include pear juices and baked pear puree in their diet. Juices can be given to babies from 4 months, and purees are best introduced into the diet of children who are six months or more.

    Problems with the gastrointestinal tract appear very rarely, however, as with the introduction of any new product into complementary foods, you need to carefully monitor the reactions of the child’s body. If negative effects do not appear, you can move on to fresh fruits. Harm from a pear can only occur through abuse and individual intolerance.

Pear and its products

    Juice diluted with water in a 1 to 1 ratio helps to smoothly reduce blood glucose levels, which is useful for diabetes and gastritis with reduced gastric secretion.

    Arbutin is a natural antibiotic and the main wealth of the pear. It is its content in the fruit that provides so many benefits.

    Baked fruits are an excellent preventative against prostatitis. A decoction of dried fruits will help reduce high temperature for colds. Dried fruit compote has three properties at once: analgesic, diuretic, antitussive.

    Antioxidants contained in dried and sun-dried pear fruits normalize blood pressure.

    This is interesting:

    What foods to choose if you have hypertension? In the article you will find 13 products that lower blood pressure in adults and the elderly. Principles of a diet to lower blood pressure.

    Even the leaves of pear trees have medicinal properties. Young shoots are used in the manufacture of cosmetics for the care of problem skin and treatment of dermatitis.

    Decoction using pear leaves treats rheumatism. To prepare it you need pour a glass of boiling water over 2 teaspoons of dry leaves, leave and strain. Drink 1 tablespoon 3 times a day.

  1. Pear seeds - eat or throw away?

    It turns out that pear seeds also have quite a few beneficial properties. Pear seeds have anthelmintic action, and a teaspoon of crushed seeds stops diarrhea.

    Pear seeds contain vitamin B17, which prevents cancer development. To prevent cancer, it is enough to eat the seeds of 2 pears (or apples) daily.

    This is interesting:

    Did you know that apple seeds are also a very valuable product and oil is made from them? 10 unique beneficial properties of this oil for skin, hair and overall health.

    The fruits of wild pears are rich in tannins; a decoction of them is beneficial antidiarrhea remedy. In addition, a decoction of fruits and leaves has an antitussive and expectorant effect on bronchitis, reduces fever and improves the general condition of colds.

    Compote or wild pear tea - effective prevention of prostate adenoma and kidney stones. Doctors recommend drinking a decoction of dried wild game infused in a thermos 3-4 times a day, 100-150 g.

  2. Yellow, green and red pears - how to choose the right one and which is better?

    There are 2-4 types of pears in stores: “ conference», « Duchess», « wilding" or " honey“, however, there are more than a thousand varieties of pears. Most used:

    Bergamot Moscow;

  • Conference;

    Mlievskaya early;


    Elegant Efimova.

Pears of different varieties are healthy, and you can choose based on your own taste. Early Mlievskie, for example, are sweet and sour, and Williams is a juicy and sweet variety.

How to use it correctly

The best pear recipes

You can prepare many delicious dishes from pears:

    juices, compotes, teas;

    fruits in their own juice;

  • desserts and snacks;

    side dish for meat and fish;

Pear is used in many dietary dishes because it keeps you full for a long time and cleanses the body of waste and toxins.

Pear versus apple - which is healthier?

Each fruit has its own health benefits. Apples The article presents the 20 most beneficial properties of apples for human health, as well as their contraindications and harm. For what diseases is it recommended to consume these fruits? The benefits of apples for weight loss. stimulate the functioning of the brain and stomach. Pears are a natural antibiotic, provide the body with essential microelements, and normalize the digestion process. Pears are sweeter than apples, but they contain less sugar. In general, eating a variety of fruits is good for your health, but in moderation.

This is interesting: Apple peels - eat or throw away?

Should you peel apples and throw away their peels? The article describes five beneficial properties of apple peel, what its composition is and what substances necessary for health are contained in it.


In ancient times, people did not eat pear fruits as they believed that they were poisonous, but used their leaves for smoking. But our great-grandmothers made various preparations from fruits, dried them, made kvass, and turned them into flour. For its taste, the pear is called the queen of fruits.

NutrientDoseNorm% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% of normal, g
Calorie content47kcal1684 kcal2,8 6.01 3585
Squirrels0.41 g76g0,51 1,10 19001
Water85.1 g2401 g3,5 7,4 2824
Dietary fiber2.8 g20 g14,01 29,9 715
Carbohydrates10.3 g212 g4,9 10,41 2050
Fats0.3 g60 g0,5 1,1 20001

NutrientQuantityNorm% of the norm in 100 g% of the norm in 100 kcal100% of normal, g
Vitamin A2.01 mcg901 mcg0,2 0,41 45003
Vitamin B10.021 mg1.5 mg1,3 2,81 7502
Folates2 mcg40 mcg0,5 1,1 20001
Vitamin C5 mg9 mg5, 12 180
Vitamin K4.6 mcg121 mcg3,8 8,124 2667
Vitamin B45.1 mg500 mg1 2,10 982
Potassium156 mg2501 mg6,2 13,2 1613
Silicon6.10 mg31mg20 42, 500
Sodium14 mg1301 mg1,1 2,3 9286
Magnesium12 mg401 mg3 6,4 3333
Iodine1 mcg152 mcg0,7 1,5 15001
Cobalt10 mcg10 mcg100 212,8 100
Zinc0.2 mg12.01 mg1,6 3,4 6317
Iron2.3 mg18 mg12,8 27,2 783
Manganese0.066 mg2 mg3,3 7 833
Selenium0.1 mcg56 mcg0,2 0,41 55001

Due to its rich composition, pear has the following properties:

  • diuretics;
  • expectorants;
  • antipyretic;
  • astringent.

A large amount of potassium in fruits has an excellent effect on the functioning of the kidneys and liver, since potassium prevents the deposition of salts. Pear juice helps in many diets. Regular use will help strengthen the capillary walls. Masks made from pear increase skin elasticity, help tighten pores, and tone the skin.

Pear - benefits and harm. Calorie content and properties of pear: video

The fruits have an effective effect on the male body. You can avoid premature baldness using the following method.

You need to combine 100 grams of pear pulp, 30 ml of honey, 30 ml of burdock oil and 3 drops of juniper ether, this whole mixture should be brought to a homogeneous mass and rubbed in with massaging movements. Rub in for a few minutes. Then leave the product for 30 minutes.

Pear also has a positive effect on potency; for this you should eat 3 pears per day. To relieve fatigue after physical activity, it is recommended to consume this fruit.

Firstly, the pear is useful because it contains a large amount of folic acid, which has a beneficial effect on the development of the fetus during pregnancy; the cells of the growing baby work optimally. Therefore, a pregnant woman must eat several pieces of pear per day.

Secondly, the pear will help reduce pain during the menstrual cycle and improve your mood. Pear is also useful for cystitis; it will speed up recovery or relieve pain. A mixture of pears will increase the volume of urine excreted. Due to the high content of vitamin C and copper, pear fruits become an excellent preventative against cancer.

Pear is one of the valuable components that is included in the masks.

  • 2 tablespoons of pear pulp should be mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 gram. The mixture should be applied once every 4 days. Thanks to this composition, the skin takes on a healthy appearance and becomes fresher.
  • Pear puree (2 tsp) and hydrogen peroxide (4 drops) will help cope with acne and blemishes.

Masks should be applied to intact skin so as not to cause irritation.

Most girls want to get rid of extra pounds; a pear will be the best assistant in this matter. Pears are low in calories, but high in insoluble dietary fiber, which helps normalize the functioning of the digestive system.

Recipes with pear

  • wheat and corn flour -2 cups;
  • for dough, wheat flour 185 g;
  • cream 35%, 250 ml;
  • egg -2 pcs;
  • pear 2 pcs;
  • granulated sugar 100 g;
  • margarine 100 gr;
  • water;

175 grams of flour, yolk, water and 50 grams of sugar are added to margarine. The dough should be rolled out into a thin layer and baked for 20 minutes, the temperature should be 180 degrees. Peel the pear and cut it into slices. Place the slices on the baked sponge cake and sprinkle with cornmeal, then pour in a mixture of eggs, sugar, wheat flour and cream. Bake the pie at 200 degrees for 30 minutes.

Pear pie recipe: video


  • pear - 4 pieces;
  • cottage cheese - 100 g;
  • sugar - 3 spoons;
  • sour cream - 3 spoons;
  • pear juice - 140 ml.


Cut the pears into slices and place on a plate. Mix cottage cheese with sour cream, sugar and juice, add cottage cheese to the mixture.

  • increases resistance to various diseases;
  • strengthens bones;
  • accelerates hematopoietic function;
  • relieves fatigue and irritation;
  • When you have a cold, it lowers your temperature.

On the menu infant pear should be introduced from 7 months. If the baby grows breastfeeding, then the period can be reduced by 1.5 months.

An allergy test is done as follows: give ¼ teaspoon of pear pulp to the baby and observe the reaction for 24 hours; if there are no reactions, then the dose can be increased to 60 g by 1 year.

Compote. At the age of 7 months, a child can be given dried pear compote. 100 ml of drink is divided into 3 doses.

  • Diseases of the urinary system are treated with decoctions based on pear fruits. Pain during urination can be reduced with a decoction.
  • Skin diseases. If you are prone to allergies, you should use a decoction of pear leaves. In order to prepare it you need 0.5 liters of boiling water and a glass of fresh pear leaves. Boil the mixture over low heat for about 2 minutes. Soak a cotton swab in the decoction and apply it to the inflammation.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system also treated with pear, as it contains a large amount of potassium.
  • Relieve swelling, healing pear remedies will help increase cholesterol levels.
  • Pear decoctions have a positive effect on biliary system. You will need half a glass of dried fruits, pour 500 ml of water, cook until they become softer, then leave for 3 hours. You need to take 4 times a day, 100 ml.
  • In winter and spring, the fruits contain few beneficial properties, so you can make decoctions from the branches. This drink will help with diabetes. 20 grams of branches need to be poured with 500 ml of boiling water and left for about 10 hours. Pieces of branches can be boiled in 3 liters of water for 15 minutes, then drunk instead of tea.

This product is moderately sweet and high in calories, so it is used during weight loss. In its dry form, fiber predominates in the pear, which helps improve intestinal function. Dried fruits strengthen the immune system; in winter, dried fruits are especially useful. Dried pear helps reduce fever during illness.

In order to get dried fruit, you need to prepare everything correctly. Dried fruits can be prepared in several ways:

  • on fresh air. On blank slate put the fruits and place them in the sun, the place should be ventilated, the dishes should be brought in at night and taken out again the next day;
  • Cooking in the oven will take about 7 hours. Initially, the fruit should be placed in an oven preheated to 70 degrees for 1 hour, and then reduced to 60 degrees and continued drying;
  • You can dry the product in the microwave, this is one of the fastest ways. But the amount of cooked fruit will be reduced since the portions are small. With a power of 300 W, you need to process the portion on both sides, each for 2-4 minutes.

You will need 200 grams of pears, which need to be poured with boiling water. After this, cook for 30 minutes. Then you need to add 100 grams of sugar and a pinch of citric acid.

Color. This is one of the criteria that you need to pay attention to, but it is worth remembering that each variety has its own shade, so it is better to choose a bright fruit without damage.

Smell. If the pear is ripe, then it emits a pleasant aroma, which makes you immediately want to eat the fruit.

Pear leg. If it is hard, it means it was handled with care.

  • Duchess, fruits about 170 grams, the tree is quite productive, can bear up to 250 kg of fruits. The fruits have sourness, the pears are juicy, the color is yellow, and there is a blush on the side. This variety is perishable, so the first thing you need to pay attention to when purchasing is appearance. The genus of the variety is France.
  • Conference – yellow-green color, elongated and large shape. The peel is tough. Most often, such pears are sold unripe, but they taste sweet, although hard. The variety comes from England.
  • Williams. This variety of pears is used for baby purees; the light is yellow-green. The fruits are juicy and tender.

  • You cannot eat pear on an empty stomach;
  • To avoid constipation, it is best to eat ripe and soft fruits;
  • Do not drink the pear with liquid;
  • You should not eat pear if you have an ulcer, as the fibers are coarse and can harm the stomach even more;
  • You should not eat pear if you are intolerant;