Baby vomits after feeding. Causes of vomiting in a newborn baby after feeding: formula, breast milk. Causes of vomiting

When a baby starts vomiting, it causes panic among parents. But this symptom is not always fraught with danger. This can happen as a result of overeating. But sometimes this is a serious signal that must be responded to. It is important to remember that vomiting is always dehydration. If the baby loses about 10% of fluid, it can be fatal. Let's look at the main reasons that can lead to vomiting.

Causes of vomiting in infants

  • Large amount of food.
  • Failure to comply with hygiene standards by the mother.
  • Nutrition for a young mother.
  • Transition from one type of mixture to another.
  • Start of complementary feeding.
  • Food poisoning or infection.
  • More serious causes include appendicitis and concussion.

If vomiting is accompanied by lethargy and fever, be sure to call an ambulance!


This is the most harmless vomiting. It is also called regurgitation. When a baby eats more food than his body can digest, he simply regurgitates the excess. To distinguish it, watch how the liquid comes out. When burping, it will not be pushed out by force, but will simply flow out. To avoid this, you should not give your child large amounts of food at a time. After eating, he should not be bathed or shaken immediately. He should be calm for at least half an hour.

Mom's diet and hygiene

When a mother is breastfeeding her baby, she should be as careful as possible about her hygiene. As a result, an infectious disease may develop. A young nursing mother must wash her breasts both before and after feeding.

Very important point During this period, the woman’s nutrition is also important. After all, the quality of her milk directly depends on how a mother eats. This means that the child’s health depends on its nutrition. To ensure that the baby’s digestion is not disturbed and he does not vomit, the mother should not eat too fatty or salty foods during the feeding period. And also hotly seasoned. While an adult body can digest this, a child’s body is not yet adapted to it.

Even if the baby does not have allergies and digests milk normally, the mother must still follow the nutritional rules developed for women during the breastfeeding period.

Changing the mixture

If the child less than a year, his digestive system is still very weak. Therefore, due to a change in the type of mixture, he may begin to vomit. The body simply gets used to one product, but it is still difficult for it to get used to another. If you notice such a reaction, then you should not change the mixture often. Otherwise, it can cause even more severe consequences. Intestinal function may be disrupted, dysbiosis and allergies may develop.

What to do in this case?

  • You need to choose a mixture that the baby will like and that he will digest normally.
  • Try not to change the mixture just like that. There must be a reason for this. If the child consumes and digests well this type mixture, then if possible do not change it to another.
  • Before changing the mixture, consult a specialist.


Vomiting may also begin at the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods. If this is a one-time incident, then there is nothing to worry about. This is how the body reacts to new food. But if this is a frequent occurrence, you need to follow the recommendations:

  • Follow the complementary feeding rules developed by your pediatrician.
  • The first products should be one-component. For example, applesauce. In this way, you can monitor exactly how the baby’s body reacts to a particular product.
  • Open a new package or jar of food each time you feed.
  • Always keep an eye on the expiration date of food.
  • Choose only those products that meet all requirements and standards.
  • Feed your baby little by little, even if he can eat everything at once.


This is a very dangerous reason. If poor-quality food enters the body, it will immediately try to remove it in order to prevent the absorption of various harmful substances.

How should parents act in this case?

  • First of all, you need to call an ambulance. The main thing is that the body does not lose water. Therefore, before the doctor arrives, you need to give the baby a spoonful of water every 15 minutes. It must be boiled. If the body cannot retain it, then the amount of water should not be increased. But you can’t stop giving it either. When the stomach stops reacting to water intake by vomiting, you can increase its amount to 15-20 ml.
  • Poisoning also causes diarrhea. You can give your child Smecta. To do this, the product is diluted in 50 ml of water and given in a bottle or given to the baby from a spoon. This is a good adsorbent that will not harm. If Smecta is not available, you can give Activated carbon, having previously dissolved the product tablet in water. This is everything that can be done before the doctor arrives.

The baby begins to have diarrhea and vomiting. This leaves a lot of liquid.

If your baby is very young and you can't get him to drink, you will likely have to give water intravenously. But this procedure can only be prescribed by a doctor, so you should seek help immediately. For a baby, fluid loss is a very serious problem. The infection can only be treated in a hospital. Antibacterial drugs are used in treatment.


A concussion can also be a serious cause of vomiting. How should parents act in this case to help the baby?

If a baby falls even from a small height, for example, from a bed, changing table or chair, call immediately ambulance. Monitor your baby's condition carefully. He may lose consciousness, cry loudly, and lose coordination. All these are signs of a concussion. There is an opinion that falling from the height of your height and below does not pose any threat, but this is not so. The main thing is that help is provided as early as possible, and the child is examined. Most likely, an ultrasound and x-ray will be prescribed. The doctor will want to make sure that no organs are damaged. Even if there are no bad symptoms after a fall, you should still see a doctor. After all, they can appear even after a few days. You need to play it safe to avoid unpleasant consequences.

Vomiting can also begin due to various diseases of the internal organs. This could be pneumonia, hernia, appendicitis and other diseases. If you have any suspicions, call an ambulance immediately. After all, the child himself cannot say what exactly hurts him, so he needs to be examined very well.


It can also cause vomiting. In addition, the stomach hurts on the right side, the temperature changes. The child is weak. If you notice these symptoms, seek help immediately.

Young parents should very closely monitor the health of the baby. After all, they bear all the responsibility for it.

What to do if a newborn baby is vomiting (video)

Vomiting in infants is an uncommon occurrence. That is why it is strictly not recommended to leave it without attention. Only a doctor can correctly assess the situation. The situation becomes especially dangerous if the child is vomiting and has a fever, increasing the risk of dehydration. The situation indicates serious pathologies and disturbances in the functioning of the digestive system.

In medical practice, vomiting in a newborn is a symptom large quantity serious diseases. Thanks to this reflex, the body prevents the development of intoxication. Vomiting is quite common in cases of serious intestinal infections. Thanks to the symptom, the body tries to get rid of harmful microorganisms.

Experts do not recommend giving babies antiemetic drugs right away. If the baby’s health is additionally aggravated by fever and diarrhea, then inflammation in the digestive system is suspected. In this case, gastritis, colitis or pancreatitis may be diagnosed. It is also impossible to exclude congenital pathologies or neurological abnormalities.

Pathological causes of vomiting

Most often in newborns this symptom is not associated with dangerous diseases. However, there are more serious situations that require immediate medical attention.

Features of the manifestation of acute appendicitis

Vomiting in an infant without fever is one of the symptoms of this disease. It is extremely rare in infancy. During this period, the diet is balanced, so the appendix cannot become inflamed. Additional symptoms include diarrhea, colic, bloating, apathy, irritability and various attacks of pain. Children under one year old begin to pull their legs towards their tummy and cry constantly. When palpating the pelvic area, the baby begins to react negatively. With appendicitis in infants, doctors face diagnostic problems. This requires an X-ray examination of the abdominal area. Unfortunately, the statistics are sad - 80% of newborns die if they have inflammation of appendicitis.

Negative effects of foreign objects

Vomiting can be caused by severe irritation of the esophagus. A foreign object can get stuck in any part of it. In this case, the muscles begin to contract reflexively.

The vomit may also contain blood or mucus. It is important to remove the object from the throat in time. The child should be closely monitored. If he behaves calmly and is not capricious, then there is no reason to worry. However, an emergency ambulance should be called if the baby has breathing problems.

Features of the manifestation of intestinal obstruction

This disease can be congenital or acquired. The causes of vomiting in infants lie in infectious diseases. Obstruction in the intestine can be complete or partial. Suspicion of the presence of the disease is recorded in the first days of vomiting. Additionally, the baby may have bloating. In this case, the vomit mass contains meconium or bile. The manifestation threatens the baby’s life, so immediate treatment is required. The mother should stop feeding the baby. In the future, the process will be carried out through a dropper.

Disturbances in the functioning of the gastric sphincter

The sphincter is a special organ that closes the opening between the esophagus and the stomach. Due to its expansion, food is forced to rise back up. The gag reflex overtakes the baby in a position on the tummy or back. You can avoid negative manifestations if you transfer the baby to a vertical state. Additionally, it is recommended to switch the baby to formula feeding. Food intake is carried out only in small portions.

It is important to make sure there is no pain in the tummy area

As a rule, the functioning of the sphincter returns to normal as the child grows older. However, if vomiting recurs regularly and the baby is not gaining weight well, it is recommended to see a pediatrician. With some manifestations of the disease, it is also impossible to do without consulting a surgeon. After diagnosing this pathology, infants are prescribed antireflux mixtures. They have a thicker consistency. This replacement is considered temporary. It will be possible to return to normal nutrition after the functioning of the digestive system has been restored. Additionally, you will need to take medications that will reduce muscle tone for the gastrointestinal tract.

Neurological abnormalities in a child

Diseases of this group are diagnosed at the stage of intrauterine development. They appear in the background oxygen starvation or fetal asphyxia during childbirth. Nausea shows the child's increased excitability. The manifestation may be aggravated by strabismus, seizures, lethargy or tremors. Neurological disorders are quite common in premature infants who are underweight. They are treated by a neurologist in a hospital setting.

Pyloric stenosis: features and nature of the disease manifestation

The disease is diagnosed when the canal between the stomach and the entrance to the duodenum is narrowed. Vomiting infant is considered one of the main symptoms of congenital pathology. The contents of the intestines cannot move, so they come out in the opposite way. Diseases are diagnosed in one month old baby. Vomit in this case is characterized by a thick consistency. If treatment is not started in time, the baby suffers from hunger and does not gain weight. Only surgical intervention will help eliminate the pathology.

Features and nature of manifestation of pylorospasm

The disease is also associated with narrowing of the muscles at the entrance to the duodenum. It is classified as functional. The pathology occurs quite often in children in the first months of life. It goes away on its own before reaching four months of age. An infant is characterized by an increase in gastrin. This hormone is responsible for the tone of the muscles of the gastrointestinal tract. Fountain vomiting is the main symptom of the disease, which cannot be ignored. As the child gets older, the muscles relax, so the reflex disappears. Depending on the nature of the manifestation of the disease, the need for nutrition through an antireflux mixture is considered.

Brain disorders

Any head injury can cause vomiting. It is impossible to insure small children against it. The symptom develops against the background of a tumor, meningitis, encephalitis and infections of a dangerous nature. It appears suddenly after eating. Additionally, the child has a lethargic state, poor pulse and pale skin.

During seizures, the child should be turned on his tummy

Additional symptoms

Parents are interested in the question of why vomiting is always worsened by other symptoms. Most often, the baby additionally develops vomiting and diarrhea. By analyzing them, you can correctly diagnose:

  • During food poisoning, the baby's well-being can be aggravated by diarrhea. This situation occurs quite often after the baby begins to eat adult food. The symptom indicates food poisoning or improper functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. The situation can be aggravated by an increase in body temperature. The reaction can be not only due to complementary feeding, but also due to mother's milk. In this case, individual intolerance to a component of the mixture or medication is diagnosed.
  • Body temperature increases in case of severe intoxication of the body. Vomiting in this case is considered as an individual reaction of the body to external negative changes. The symptom accompanies acute forms of poisoning and infection that develops in the intestines. A noticeable increase in body temperature is recorded at the moment of eruption of the first milk teeth.
  • However, vomit does not always look the same. It can occur against the background of immaturity of the digestive system. The symptom appears in case of problems in the field of neurology or allergies, lactase deficiency or the inability to digest cow protein. Vomiting may occur against the background of functional disorders. For example, excessive amounts of liquid may enter the stomach. In this case, the baby develops a cough, which can cause a gag reflex.
  • Vomiting also occurs due to the penetration of a large amount of liquid into the stomach. The child might choke on it. The reflex can work against the backdrop of too active games. After them, it is not recommended to move on to active games.

How to distinguish vomiting from regurgitation?

These two conditions have many similarities. That is why their symptoms are easy to confuse with each other.

Regurgitation is the natural process by which leftover food moves from the stomach into the mouth. This physiological state can be observed just a few minutes after eating. Vomiting occurs at least half an hour after a meal. Regurgitation is not dangerous and is a normal physiological process that can occur due to overeating, active games, or a large amount of air entering the stomach. In this case, nothing needs to be done, because the manifestation will pass after the digestive system has fully matured. Parents should not take any measures to stop the process.

Vomiting is the result of a reflex that leads to the ejection of a small part of the stomach contents into the oral cavity. This causes additional tension in all muscles. abdominal cavity and diaphragm. This process is controlled by a special center in the brain. Additionally, the child experiences nausea, pale skin, excessive salivation and excessive breathing. The baby begins to get irritated and behave extremely restlessly. In the vomit it will be possible to additionally find impurities of gastric juice.

Rehydron is used to restore water-salt balance in the body

Regurgitation is a completely different process that does not have the following signs:

  • regular urge to vomit;
  • not isolated cases of manifestation;
  • a large amount of fluid comes out of the stomach;
  • there is a pronounced yellow color in the vomit;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • The baby begins to behave extremely restlessly.

Urgent medical need

Consultation with a pediatrician is necessary in the following cases:

  • the child experiences severe cramps in the tummy, which make him behave extremely restlessly;
  • complete absence of stool;
  • profuse vomiting, which repeats every half hour;
  • observed obvious signs dehydration;
  • the baby just recently fell from a great height and hit his head;
  • an increase in body temperature, which occurs against a background of general weakness and drowsiness;
  • There are clear signs of blood streaks in the vomit.

Until the ambulance arrives, parents should be with the child at all times. It should be kept in an upright position. It is not recommended to feed the baby or give him anti-vomiting medications. Parents are also not allowed to try to rinse the stomach on their own. After the next attack, you should remove all bowel movements and rinse your mouth. Vomit should not remain on the baby's delicate skin for a long time.

If the symptom manifests itself over a long period, then the baby must be given glucose-saline solutions. Among them, Regidron is very popular. It is sold in pharmacies without a prescription. It is advisable to purchase it in advance and always keep it on hand.

If a baby vomits, you cannot ignore it, even if there is no high fever! The consequences of negligence in this matter can be very dire. After all, vomiting can be a symptom of a terrible disease. And regurgitation is a physiological condition of newborns and infants. But, let's figure out what it means to “vomit” and what it means to “regurgitate.”

Why does a newborn spit up?

The baby burps when he has eaten too much and excess mother’s milk “pouring out” out. Also, the baby does not vomit, but burps if he has eaten normally, but a lot of air has entered the stomach along with the food, and when the air is burped, it can push out part of the milk or formula eaten. I’ll say right away that this is not a problem and does not pose a danger, of course, if there is no fever. Probably everyone knows that after feeding you need to hold the baby in a column so that the air floats in the ventricle and burps out.

The baby is vomiting

It's a completely different matter if it's vomiting. When a baby vomits, the contents of the vomit are copious and may be partially digested, that is, curdled; may be with mucus. It is especially dangerous when a child vomits “coffee grounds.” This symptom indicates that the baby has started bleeding from the stomach. And this is a reason to immediately consult a doctor.

Food addiction

If your child vomits about an hour after eating. In addition, the baby has not pooped for a long time - perhaps he has problems with intestinal patency. With such symptoms, it is advisable to contact a pediatric surgeon. The surgeon will first try to help the child with medication or an enema. This method generally brings positive results. If everything is bad, then surgery is possible.

If, on the contrary, the baby is vomiting and has diarrhea, and even with an elevated body temperature, then an infection has probably occurred. In this case, you also need to consult a pediatrician or infectious disease specialist. Delay threatens dehydration of tender child's body. This is why metabolic disorders can begin very quickly. From which the brain and everything will suffer internal organs baby.

Eating does not affect the occurrence of vomiting

If the baby vomits frequently, regardless of food intake, without fever, the cause may be a neurological disorder. This could be a birth injury, asphyxia during childbirth, subluxation of the cervical vertebrae, or brain disease.

For neurological symptoms, first aid for a baby can be a Shants collar, which is sold in pharmacies and is selected according to size. The Shants collar is placed around the child’s neck in order to fix it in one position.

If your baby vomits frequently, you can wrap the collar in a clean napkin and change it when it gets dirty. Usually children tolerate the Shants collar well, because the neck muscles of infants are still weak, the head is heavy for them, and the collar helps the neck support the child’s head. Good fixation of the baby's neck with a Shants collar can relieve pain and calm a baby with neurological problems. The baby should be shown to a pediatrician or a pediatric neurologist immediately, of course, telling all the complaints.

Vomiting from fever

It happens that a child vomits when high temperature. In this case, antipyretics are better in injections; suppositories are also suitable. If the baby is not yet a year old, and you are not a doctor, then you should not try to treat it yourself - call an ambulance! In addition to vomiting, high temperatures may cause convulsions or heart problems. Save your little one!

If your baby vomits for no apparent reason, you should still consult your pediatrician. Maybe the child was poisoned. Or he has intolerance to some foods. The child may be vomiting due to a cough. The pediatrician will interview you, draw conclusions and prescribe treatment. You should not self-medicate, because there is only one symptom - the baby is vomiting, but the reasons may be different. This means that the treatment is different.

Help with vomiting

It is important to monitor when your baby is vomiting so that he does not choke on the vomit. To do this, the baby must be placed on its side, with a pad of diapers placed under the back. After vomiting, wash, change soiled clothes, and, if possible, rinse your mouth. To prevent dehydration, give your child water often. In case of persistent vomiting in the hospital, droppers are prescribed for this purpose.

Video: what to do if a child vomits.

Hello. I am the author of this blog, Elena Gennadieva, nurse 1st category. My children are an adult son and a little daughter. When I started writing articles here, my daughter was only 4 months old. I was on leave to care for her. Often I had to face some problems that I dealt with competently and successfully. What I regularly wrote about on my blog. I am sure that my articles will help many parents solve similar problems just as easily.

Vomiting in a newborn after feeding causes panic and horror in inexperienced parents. They try to call an ambulance as quickly as possible or take the baby to an appointment with a pediatrician. However, you should first find out how justified such precaution is. Perhaps mommy simply confused vomiting and regurgitation. Pathological fountain vomiting is characterized by the presence of other signs. Parents should be extremely attentive to the health of their baby. Urgent Care is needed only if there are additional symptoms and a deterioration in the general health of the small patient.

Causes of the symptom

The first month for a baby is filled with a lot of changes. He still has to get used to the new environment. A number of changes also occur in the body: the gastrointestinal tract is populated by bacteria, and the remaining systems complete their formation. For parents of an infant, any change in his condition is considered a tragedy. They consider all problems serious, so they immediately seek medical help. Vomiting in a baby after feeding does not always indicate the presence of a serious illness. This manifestation is not considered a separate ailment. Rather, it is a symptom that indicates a problem in the digestive system. The cause of the negative manifestation can be stopped only after a detailed examination and passing all necessary tests.

For infants, vomiting once is considered normal. In this case, it is caused by a negative reaction of the body to food or any other external stimuli. Its appearance cannot be predicted, and it also goes away without intervention.

If other negative symptoms additionally appear during vomiting, and the baby’s general condition is constantly deteriorating, then delay in this case is considered unacceptable. Repeated manifestation of the symptom is dangerous and can lead to complete dehydration of the body.

In medical practice, there are a large number of diseases, among the main symptoms of which is vomiting. If a nursing mother suspects one of them, she should immediately consult a specialist in the hospital.

Quite often, vomiting develops against the background of:

  • lactose deficiency;
  • infectious disease;
  • lung diseases;
  • inflammation of the middle ear;
  • receiving a traumatic brain injury;
  • improper metabolism;
  • poisoning food products;
  • the presence of obstruction in the intestine;
  • negative changes in pressure;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • meningitis;
  • concussions;
  • other diseases dangerous to the baby's health.

Key differences between vomiting and regurgitation

Regurgitation for newborns is considered a completely normal physiological process.

It is characterized by the following features:

  • no urge to vomit;
  • a small amount of food comes out from the stomach;
  • the frequency of the process is no more than three times a day;
  • the baby is developing well and gaining weight;
  • Regurgitation is a process that should not be treated.

Regurgitation breast milk Any parent can tell the difference from vomiting. The action occurs immediately after eating. It is also characterized by one-time delivery and the release of exclusively milk and water.

Vomiting occurs several times in a row. The mixture may contain various impurities, which most often have a yellow color.

Regurgitation releases excess air from the stomach. The process indicates the normal development of the gastrointestinal tract. At the same time, the baby does not experience discomfort, plays well and communicates with peers. When vomiting, the child becomes irritable, constantly cries and behaves restlessly.

To burp the baby, place it in an upright position and lightly pat it on the back.

Features of pathological vomiting

When breastfeeding, moms should always listen to their instincts. Thanks to them, they will be able to recognize the development of the disease at an early stage. Vomiting during lactation in a baby can occur quite often. However, you should definitely consult your doctor in the following cases:

  • Lack of positive dynamics in baby's weight gain.
  • Vomiting lasts more than three hours.
  • The baby begins to feel sick, although there are no obvious reasons for this situation.
  • During vomiting, the baby also experiences a strong cough.

Dangerous symptoms for an infant are considered to be increased body temperature and pale skin. In this case, the child becomes too lethargic and constantly refuses to eat. In this case, you should immediately seek emergency medical help.

Pathological vomiting after eating in a child is observed in several cases.

Increase in body temperature to a high level. This symptom indicates the development of a viral infection. It is also characteristic of a cold or poisoning. Vomiting tends to occur suddenly. Additionally, the baby loses appetite and feels very weak. Only a doctor can correctly assess the severity of the situation. He will select the correct course of treatment aimed at normalizing body temperature and replenishing the lack of fluid in the body. During this period, the child should be given only light meals.

It is sometimes difficult to determine the nature of vomiting that occurs when body temperature rises. The situation often accompanies the use of antibiotics. Attacks occur when there is an allergy to a drug prescribed by a doctor. You should definitely report any side effects to your doctor. He will replace it with an analogue or completely abandon therapy.

Quite often, vomiting is aggravated by diarrhea. The situation is typical for poisoning or a viral infection. Mothers may face a situation if early complementary feeding is introduced. If the symptoms are very intense, you should immediately call an ambulance. Parents should not forget that babies lose fluid much faster than adults. Rehydration will help prevent the development of a negative situation. Antibiotics are prescribed only in the most severe cases. Most often, you can get by with conventional antimicrobial agents.

If a child constantly vomits like a fountain, then he is suspected of having aerophagia. The disease develops in the case of nervous swallowing of air. In this case, regurgitation may be caused by an abnormal condition of the digestive system. The vomit may be much larger than what the child ate before. If there are additional whims and crying, the baby should be immediately sent to the doctor.

Repeated vomiting is dangerous due to dehydration

Features of eliminating vomiting

Every woman should know what to do in case of sudden vomiting. Experienced parents advise doing the following:

The baby needs to calm down. Mommy should also not panic, because the child immediately senses such a mood. It is best to place the baby on his tummy or stroke him clockwise. It is also important to pay attention to the area around the navel.

You can breastfeed your baby only if his head is constantly tilted back. It is important that the nose is always clean, because at this moment the breathing process takes place through it.

The baby must latch onto mommy's breast correctly. In his mouth there is always not only a nipple, but also part of the aureole. In the correct position, the upper lip is characterized by a slight inversion.

For artificial feeding, you can use special bottles that contain a mechanism that prevents the swallowing of excess air. The function is useful and will prevent the situation from developing in a negative way.

Feeding the baby should not be accompanied by active actions. After the procedure is completed, he is raised to a vertical position and lightly patted on the back. Thanks to this simple manipulation, excess air is released from the stomach.

Regurgitation occurs due to overfeeding. That is why mommy should carefully monitor the baby’s diet.

The regurgitation process can be normalized at home. Vomiting needs to consult a doctor, especially if it lasts more than two days. In this case, the risk of developing dehydration increases. Special formulations that can be purchased at any pharmacy will help prevent the situation.

Mommy should know that breastfeeding should be continued in any case. However, it is necessary to significantly reduce portions. If vomiting is severe, then you can give only one spoon of milk at a time. If symptoms recur, the process repeats.

You can treat vomiting at home if it occurs once. If the manifestation of the disease is systemic, it is necessary to consult a doctor. If parents do not notice improvements in the general well-being of the baby, then delaying a visit to the doctor is also not recommended. Otherwise, the risk of developing serious complications of this condition increases.

Even if parents know medical methods for eliminating vomiting, they can only be used after consulting a doctor. He will be able to correctly assess the condition of a small patient and identify the main reasons for his deterioration. If necessary, additional medications are prescribed. Parents are required to have attention, love and strict adherence to all doctor's instructions. Mommy should remain calm and not panic in any case.

Vomiting is a situation in which the contents of the stomach and, sometimes, intestines leave the body through the oral cavity. It occurs in people regardless of gender and age; vomiting often appears in a child, which makes parents seriously worry.

There are many reasons why a baby may vomit. It may be caused by the following factors:

  • Binge eating
  • Child illness or teething syndrome
  • Problems in the gastrointestinal tract
  • Air entering the stomach while eating
  • Large pieces of food

In some cases, vomiting in a baby does not cause concern - the regular rejection of a small part of food back into the oral cavity is called regurgitation. It is considered normal until a certain age and in the absence of other warning symptoms.

Vomiting in response to overeating

Feeding a child is a responsible task that requires care, especially if it concerns the baby in the first months of life. The norm of food consumption is individual for each child, with artificial feeding The age-appropriate amount of formula may be too large for a particular baby. If the baby is fed with mother's milk, it is almost impossible to control the amount of food eaten. In response to exceeding the required volume of milk or formula, the infant vomits.

It is enough to simply determine that the contents of the stomach have left it due to overeating:

  • Vomiting occurs immediately after eating
  • Before this, the child bends over, screams non-stop, sticks out his tongue
  • There are no symptoms of the disease
  • Vomiting occurs once, with a maximum of one repetition

If part of the food is rejected, you should reduce the portions of food for the baby and monitor the further condition. If, when portions are reduced, the child continues to vomit after eating, there are serious reasons to inform the doctor about this.

Pathologies in the development of the gastrointestinal tract

If an infant vomits like a fountain, high probability this may be caused by problems with the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, they begin to appear closer to the second month of the baby’s life. These problems consist of regular vomiting about a couple of hours after feeding the baby. The amount of liquid released is usually greater than the amount eaten. Some of the milk is curdled and digested, this is explained by the retention of food in the stomach and its untimely entry into the baby’s intestines.

The consequences of congenital pathologies may be a lack of weight gain or weight loss, which requires careful monitoring by specialists and hospitalization if necessary.

Diseases of the central nervous system

If the central nervous system is damaged, infants may vomit regularly. Usually it manifests itself in the form of small but frequent regurgitation, less often - rejection of large amounts of food. Diseases that can cause this problem are the following:

  • Poor blood circulation in the brain
  • Various injuries, including concussion
  • High intracranial pressure
  • Brain tumors

Contacting a neurologist in case of frequent food rejection is necessary, because the neurological causes of this phenomenon must be treated as early as possible in order to achieve the desired result. As a rule, vomiting in infants with neurological diseases is accompanied by other signs of the disease:

  • Hypertonicity of muscles or, on the contrary, decreased tone
  • Tremor - trembling of the baby's hands, the chin may also tremble
  • Restless and interrupted sleep in the baby
  • Increased excitability of the baby or lethargy and lack of interest in what is happening around

It is important to identify a neurological disease at an early stage for a child’s future full life.

Vomiting in infectious diseases

Unlike other causes, infectious diseases cause vomiting and fever in the infant. All diseases caused by infection are divided into 2 groups:

  • Intestinal infections
  • Acute infectious diseases

Depending on the cause, your child may have additional problems.

Acute intestinal infections

The disease occurs due to pathogens entering the child’s gastrointestinal tract - bacteria and viruses that penetrate the oral cavity when the child tries to eat something dirty or suck on unwashed hands. In addition to vomiting during intestinal infections, the following signs of the disease are present:

  • Diarrhea
  • Sharp pain in the abdomen, due to which the baby bends his legs to his stomach and screams
  • Increased body temperature

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance. Frequent vomiting and loose stools in an infant can cause dehydration, which requires immediate fluid replacement using droppers.

Acute infectious diseases

Vomiting is common when a child is ill and is caused by various infections. It occurs with sore throat, ARVI, pneumonia and otitis media. As a rule, with these diseases, vomiting occurs in response to food intake. In addition, the baby experiences an increase in temperature, general weakness, drowsiness, capricious mood and lack of appetite. During the examination, the doctor pays attention to inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose and throat. A cough appears.

More serious diseases, the first signs of which may be vomiting, are meningitis and encephalitis. With these diseases, vomiting is regular and the amount of food rejected is large. The baby screams loudly and continuously, hides from bright light, and convulsions may occur.

If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call an ambulance, as the disease can be fatal.

Poisoning in a baby and vomiting in response to complementary foods

Often parents strive to introduce new foods into their baby’s diet as quickly as possible. The age at which a baby is ready to eat new food is different for everyone, the inscriptions on jars of puree and grandmother’s advice are not the main criterion for the need to introduce adult foods. When introducing new foods to your baby, you should carefully monitor his reaction. If vomiting occurs immediately after eating or after some time, you should postpone the time of complementary feeding and continue to feed the baby with breast milk or formula.

A child who already actively consumes pureed food various products, may also be susceptible to vomiting. It can be caused by poor quality nutrition or violation of storage conditions. It should be noted that small deviations from perfect quality products to cause poisoning. It is determined by the following symptoms:

  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Sharp pain in the abdomen
  • Temperature increase
  • Weakness and increased sweating

For frequent vomiting, diarrhea and elevated temperature You should call a doctor to decide on hospitalization; there is a risk of dehydration, which is very dangerous for the baby.

Treatment of vomiting in a child

As a rule, when they talk about treating vomiting, they mean ways to stop it. It makes no sense to treat vomiting, because it is not a disease, but just a sign of some disease. You can alleviate your baby’s condition and protect him from serious consequences in the following ways:

  • Replenishing fluid in the body. In no case should you give your child a lot to drink immediately after vomiting; there is a risk of repeated and even greater rejection of the fluid by the body. You should often give your child a spoonful of water every 5-10 minutes. Formula and breastfeeding also need to be given to the child very carefully, little by little, and only in cases where the baby categorically refuses water.
  • Keeping your baby upright even while sleeping. If this is not possible (the child refuses to sleep in this position), it is necessary to place the baby on his side and constantly monitor him. This is necessary to prevent vomit from entering the baby’s respiratory tract, which can cause respiratory arrest.
  • Do not give your baby a pacifier during active vomiting. When the baby is feeling unwell, it tries to calm down by sucking it and is not always able to throw it away at the right time. The consequence is the ingestion of vomit, which aggravates the situation, or its entry into the respiratory tract, which can lead to a tragic outcome.

Ways to prevent feeding-related vomiting

Vomiting is often referred to as periodic regurgitation caused by air entering the stomach. If this happens infrequently, and the volume of vomit is very small, this is not a pathology and is considered a normal phenomenon, which is typical for most babies. You can reduce the amount of regurgitation by doing the following:

  • Laying the baby on his tummy for 15-20 minutes before feeding
  • Ensure proper latching on the breast when feeding your mother's milk
  • Select a suitable nipple for the bottle when feeding infant formula
  • After eating, hold the child upright for a while, so the air from the stomach will come out faster and easier, leaving everything eaten inside

Sometimes vomiting occurs during a sudden transition from breastfeeding to artificial or when replacing one mixture for baby food to another. In this case, you should cancel the power replacement and make it gradually and carefully.

Regardless of the causes of vomiting in an infant, you should report it to your pediatrician to exclude pathologies of the gastrointestinal tract and infectious diseases. If necessary, the doctor will advise you to visit a neurologist to rule out problems with the child’s central nervous system.