Packing for a trip: what to take with you on a trip. What to take with you on a business trip: necessary things on a business trip What to take with you for 2 days

Imagine that you got a new job interesting job, which provides for the possibility of business trips. If you have never encountered such business trips before, then it will be useful for you to familiarize yourself with the items listed below that are necessary for a comfortable stay.

  1. The most important thing, as in any other trip, is documentation. Prepare your passport and travel tickets. It’s better to keep all the company’s working papers in one place - contracts, reports, travel certificates. Discuss at work in advance whether you have a hotel room booked, whether an escort will meet you, and other similar nuances. If you are planning a business trip to another country, then you will need to additionally take a foreign passport, possibly a visa, and a car license if available.
  2. Money. Withdraw some money from the card for the trip. It is better not to carry large sums of money with you, because scammers do not sleep and cases of extortion and theft are not uncommon when traveling.
  3. You shouldn’t pack a lot of things for a business trip, but there are some items of clothing that you can’t do without. Business suit for both sexes will be needed during negotiations in offices. Men will also need a few spare shirts and a tie. But there are business trips to factories, and to agricultural lands, and to a bunch of other places where formal clothes will not be appropriate. In such places you need to take weather-appropriate items that protect from rain, cold, wind, and strong and comfortable shoes. For a comfortable stay at the hotel, you will need a change of cozy clothes, slippers, several sets of underwear, and socks. If evening negotiations over dinner or social events are planned, then women will need to wear evening attire. Regardless of the time of year, according to the rules business etiquette, a lady should always wear flesh-colored stockings or tights, even if it is 30 degrees outside.
  4. Personal care products and cosmetics . Irreplaceable things are soap, shampoo, toothbrush and toothpaste, shower gel, wet and regular disposable wipes. For women, cream, tonic, cosmetics. Men's shaving accessories and shaving products.
  5. Perfume. In any company, people who smell pleasantly and tastefully evoke positive emotions; your interlocutor will enjoy being in your company.
  6. Medicines . On any trip, not excluding business, trouble may occur in the form of illness or the manifestation of individual symptoms, so put a plate of aspirin, paracetamol, drops for the runny nose and lozenges for a sore throat in your bag. Painkillers, disinfectants and anti-diarrhea medications will also help.
  7. Most likely, during the time spent on the road, you will want to eat, so take it with you some food. A plastic bottle with juice, tea, water, a couple of sandwiches, cookies, chocolate will quench your appetite. Lunch is usually served on the plane, and there are places to eat on the trains, so there's no point in packing a bunch of food.
  8. Buy yourself a good one for business trips quality suitcase . Not only will it not fall apart or become distorted when loaded onto a plane, bus or train, but it will also complement your business image.

So, you are going on a trip for 3 days. What to take with you on the road? This will be discussed in our article.

Brief digression

Prepare for a trip, especially a long one, in advance. There are things that should not be done the day before departure:

  • registration of documents, international bank cards;
  • purchase of medicines, currency, tickets;
  • copying documents;
  • hotel reservation.

Make a short plan and act strictly on it. Then you won't forget anything.

Create two lists on your laptop: one for a summer trip and one for a winter trip. It will take a few minutes to fill out the fields of the special program. Separate things into categories. Once compiled, the list will be useful to you for each subsequent trip.

What to take on a trip

Category No. 1. Cash, documents, road maps

If you are going, include a road map in your list of things - it will definitely come in handy.

Documentation, bank cards, cash is best placed in a backpack or bag. Always carry them with you.

So, the most important list for the road:

  1. International passport and its copies. Necessary if you are going on vacation abroad. To travel to your native places, do not forget your regular passport. Make virtual copies on a flash drive, email, phone. Play it safe. If you suddenly lose the originals, copies will come in handy.
  2. Airline and railway tickets or printout of their electronic versions.
  3. Printout of electronic hotel room reservations.
  4. International medical insurance policies, their copies.
  5. Driver's license, car documents, if you are traveling by personal transport, a copy of them.
  6. Bank cards.
  7. Cash in the national currency of the country where you are traveling. Divide into 3-5 parts, put in different places.
  8. A small notebook with personal notes. Enter your travel route, addresses, and phone numbers.

Category No. 2. Travel first aid kit

Another important point about what to take on vacation. Going on a trip without medication means risking your health. Many drugs are not sold abroad without a prescription. And the same cream for burns at a resort costs many times more. Therefore, it is necessary to take medications on the road..

It is convenient to divide the preparations into two parts. In the first place necessary funds, such as an allergy medicine, a medicine for motion sickness, or a medicine you take regularly. Carry them with you. All other drugs belong to the second part. They can be folded into a travel first aid kit and placed in a suitcase. It's better to know in advance and prepare them.

What to take with you on a trip:

  1. Medicines for diarrhea.
  2. Antipyretic and painkillers.
  3. Allergy pills.
  4. Antiviral agents.
  5. Antibiotics.
  6. Cream for burns, stretch marks, bruises.
  7. Medicines you take regularly.
  8. Pills for motion sickness.
  9. Ointment for insect bites.
  10. Bandages, cotton wool, iodine, plaster, hydrogen peroxide.

Category No. 3. What to take with you on a trip from personal hygiene items and cosmetics

In this category, add only the minimum set of what you will need. Women often take their entire arsenal with them when traveling decorative cosmetics. As a result, most of the space in your suitcase is taken up by completely useless items. Take with you only the personal care products you really need!

What to take on the road:

  1. Toothbrush, toothpaste.
  2. Shaving accessories.
  3. Comb.
  4. Solid deodorant.
  5. Liquid soap.
  6. Washcloth.
  7. Shampoo-conditioner in samples.
  8. Roll of toilet paper.
  9. Packaging of dry wipes.
  10. Packaging of wet wipes.
  11. Cotton swabs for ears.
  12. Disposable plastic bags (10-15 pieces).

Addition for women:

  1. 5-10 sponges.
  2. A small mirror.
  3. A couple of hair ties or barrettes.
  4. Moisturizing cream.
  5. Tweezers.
  6. Makeup remover.
  7. Pads, tampons.
  8. Mascara, a small package of eye shadow, lipstick.
  9. Foundation or powder.

The last two points are only needed if you cannot imagine your life without applying makeup. If you are going on a beach holiday, then you only need to put on makeup in the evening, if you go somewhere. It is not recommended to do this on the beach. Therefore, you don’t need 10 types of eye shadow and the same amount of lipstick and lip gloss. One mascara, lipstick, a pack of two types of eye shadow and Foundation, evens out the complexion - here required list items for travel from decorative cosmetics.

Category No. 4. What to take with you on the road from things and shoes

One of the most important items on the list of things that will come in handy while traveling. Think carefully about your wardrobe.

Take things according to the climate of the place you are going to. Check the weather forecast for your holiday days.

Do not take a lot of the same clothes and shoes. Statistics say that half of the things on the list are never worn while traveling.

Take with you things that can be combined with each other.

Give preference to comfortable clothes made from natural materials. Do not take with you new shoes that have not yet been worn in and chafe your feet.

What to take on vacation:

  1. Trousers or jeans. For hot climates, lightweight linen ones are suitable, for cold climates - made of natural wool or jersey, thick knitwear.
  2. Breeches or shorts.
  3. Two T-shirts.
  4. One blouse.
  5. Sweater.
  6. Pajamas, nightgown - what you are used to sleeping in at home.
  7. A light jacket, such as a windbreaker.
  8. Sneakers, fabric sneakers. Wear them on the go.
  9. 3 changes of underwear (based on what you eat for 3 days).
  10. Shales.
  11. Swimsuit (swimming trunks), pareo for a trip to the sea.
  12. Two pairs of socks.
  13. One dress for going out and shoes (sandals) to go with it.
  14. Sunglasses.
  15. Headgear – hat or cap.

Category No. 5. What to take with you on a trip from technology

It all depends on personal preference. Someone takes one mobile phone, another - a dozen items.

Optimal packing list for travel:

  1. Mobile phone;
  2. MP3 player.
  3. A laptop if you can't imagine your life without it.
  4. Flash drive, external hard drive.
  5. To travel by personal transport, a navigator is useful.
  6. Camera or video camera.

The last point can easily be replaced by a mobile phone with a good camera. If this is not the case, then take a camera - you need to bring beautiful pictures from your vacation.

Pack equipment in a separate bag. Don't forget a charger for each one. If you're flying on an airplane, take a bag with you in case your luggage gets lost.

It is not safe to connect to a public network while traveling. Use a VPN.

Category No. 6. What to take with you from food and other important little things

If the route to your holiday destination is not close, and you do not eat, for example, on an airplane where there is food, be sure to take snacks with you. It is not advisable to have a meal in road cafes - the quality of the products there is difficult to check.

Take 1.5 liters of water for each person on the road. From food: dried fruits, apples and pears, peeled nuts, vegetables (carrots, bell peppers, cucumbers). Wash all this first, cut it and put it first in foil or parchment and only then in a bag.

If you travel for a long time, for example a day, the following will come in handy:

  • boiled eggs;
  • chopped loaf, bread, thin pita bread;
  • boiled or fried chicken fillet;
  • hard cheese;
  • baked goods with raisins, prunes;
  • crackers, bagels, biscuits.

Don't forget tea bags, coffee, sugar.

Important details:

  • jackknife;
  • matches, lighter;
  • flashlight;
  • tee, extension cord for those who take a lot of equipment on a trip;
  • toothpicks;
  • cling film;
  • boiler;
  • plastic mugs;
  • set of disposable tableware.

Category No. 7. What to take with you on a trip with a child

If you are traveling with a child, the number of necessary items on the road increases. Take care of what to do with your baby on the way, what to feed him, choose clothes and personal hygiene products.

List of things to pack for a trip with a child:

  1. Documentation. The child’s photo is pasted into the parent’s passport or he has his own passport. A visa and medical insurance are issued for him. You will need permission from the other parent if you are traveling with one mom or dad. These documents are needed to travel abroad.
  2. Cloth. Take the same things for a child as for an adult. Just double the amount of hiking clothing in case your baby gets dirty.
  3. Medicines for a child with chronic diseases.
  4. Food and drink. For babies, stock up on fruit and vegetable purees, baby food, juices, water, cut fruit and cookies.
  5. Personal hygiene items: diapers, wet wipes, paper towels.
  6. A pillow under your head and a small blanket.
  7. Toys. On the road, organize interesting leisure activities for your child. Take with you a couple of books, a coloring book with pencils, and 2-3 favorite toys. Some people take a tablet or download cartoons to their phone.
  8. A folding stroller or kangaroo backpack for very young travelers.
  9. A bottle, a pacifier.
  10. Collapsible pot.

What not to take with you on the road

I want to take with me things that are dear to my heart and that have little use. In order for the suitcase to be liftable and not cause trouble, it is necessary to discard items that will not be useful on the road. Approach the list with a cool head. Think about what you can easily do without.

There is no room in your suitcase for the following items:

  1. Hair dryer. It is available in any decent hotel, and there is no point in bringing it from home. For independent travel cut your hair so that you don’t need styling, or just put your hair in a braid (ponytail, bun).
  2. Books. They are heavy and take up a lot of space. Will be useful for those who like to read eBook. Download several works to your mobile phone at home.
  3. Decorations. Wear the bare minimum: a gold chain, a couple of rings. It is better to leave the bracelet and earrings at home, especially if you are going to the sea. They are easy to lose in water. Gold watch with precious stones, brooch and others Jewelry not needed when traveling.
  4. Travel iron. Take things with you that don't wrinkle. In case the item is very wrinkled, you can sprinkle it with water and hang it on a rope. Or pick up an iron at the hotel reception. But an iron is a completely unnecessary item when traveling.
  5. Scissors, wire cutters, corkscrew, screwdriver and other sharp objects. The only exception is a small folding knife.
  6. Women's bags. You won't need a clutch when traveling. One small bag or backpack containing essentials is enough.

Packing your suitcase correctly

The list of things you need on a trip is impressive. But proper packing will allow you to pack everything into a 45-liter suitcase.

First, arrange your travel items in front of you in separate piles by category. Place your shoes at the bottom of your suitcase. On top of it are warm clothes, thick jeans. Here's the equipment. Place knitted items in rollers. Place a first aid kit, personal hygiene products, and cosmetics in separate compartments. They are easy to get if you suddenly need them.

In your hand luggage, take documents, money, house keys, phone, vital medicine, and a notebook with notes. Road map and put all documents for the car in the glove compartment.

Don't forget a separate bag of food and drink. If you are traveling with a child, you should have diapers, wet wipes and items for interesting leisure activities with you.

Do not stuff the suitcase all the way. Many airlines have weight standards (20 kg for one piece of luggage). Leave room for souvenirs.

Pack liquids in a tight bag. Separately fold shoes, clothes and other items and distribute them evenly throughout the suitcase. Place your underwear in a special pocket. In another pocket, pack cosmetics and various small items.

Place a foldable bag on top of your folded items. If there is an excess, put some things in it. This same bag is convenient to use when traveling for shopping or excursions.

A cover or film will help protect your suitcase from dirt. Pack the suitcase itself, and it will be visible from afar on the luggage belt.

If you are traveling abroad, take a phrasebook with you. The road to your destination is an excellent opportunity to practice foreign language. Or download audiobooks to your MP3 player.

While you're on the road, there's plenty of time. Download a movie you’ve been wanting to see to your phone or laptop, read a book, make a plan to improve your performance. In a word, do something useful that you don’t have time for in normal life. You can just get some sleep. As a rule, this takes time to Everyday life also no.

To travel to new country Bring a guidebook with you. You have time to explore the culture, local cuisine, attractions, laws and rules of the new society.

Bring items that provide individual comfort. Some people are used to sleeping on one single pillow, while others are fatally disturbed by mosquitoes. Stock up on insect repellent. Many children are accustomed to sleeping with their favorite toy. The items will not take up much space, but with them you will feel more comfortable on the road.

Take with you a maximum of 2 pairs of shoes: flip-flops for regular walks, going to the beach, and shoes (sandals) for going to a restaurant or disco. Wear closed shoes (sneakers or sneakers). They will come in handy in case cool weather or rain. As practice shows, shoes take up a lot of space in a suitcase, and most of it is not used.


For many, packing a suitcase for a trip of several days turns into an ordeal. Don’t take two or three pairs of jeans with you - they definitely won’t be useful. Several types of the same clothing are permissible only with underwear, T-shirts and socks. One skirt, one shorts, one dress - this is enough for 3 days for sure.

The same goes for personal hygiene items. Take shampoo in disposable bags, gel, shower foam is replaced with liquid soap and a washcloth. Remember that this can be easily purchased at any store. The exception is a trip to the forest, where there are no benefits of civilization.

Take some snacks with you, it’s better to find out in advance.

Main! Do not forget:

  • documentation;
  • cash and bank cards;
  • house keys;
  • medications that support vital functions (insulin, for example);
  • mobile phone and charger. Check your bill in advance and find out about the tariff. Do I need to activate an additional service for calls abroad, for example?

These are the items you really need for a successful trip.

The decision about what to take with you on a business trip should be well thought out. On a business trip, every little thing can play an important role, and necessary things forgotten at home will definitely be needed, which will cause unwanted discomfort. The decision about what to take on a business trip for a week or a month should be approached with special attention and responsibility.


It doesn’t matter whether you’re making a list for a month-long business trip or deciding what to take on a business trip for 3 days - you will need documents in any case. In addition to work papers and a travel certificate, there are personal documents that are necessary both during vacation and on a business trip.

You should always take your passport with you - the main document confirming your identity. A photocopy of the first page of the passport will not be superfluous - in case of accidental loss of the document, it will help to avoid unpleasant situations.

On long-distance business trips, you will certainly need train or plane tickets, and a driver’s license will also come in handy - with its help, if necessary, you can use car rental services. Don’t forget about documents confirming your hotel room reservation.

Business trips, as a rule, involve long trips to unfamiliar cities and even countries. A map and guidebook, packed in advance in your travel suitcase, will help you avoid many problems in an unfamiliar place. A list of required phone numbers and email addresses will also be useful.


When deciding what to take on a business trip, it's unlikely that anyone will forget about money.

Both cash and credit card funds will come in handy when traveling. It is better to store the bulk of your funds on a card - this way it is easier to protect them from thieves. But cash should also be on the list of what to take with you on a business trip in case of unforeseen situations or force majeure.


When planning what to take on a business trip for a month or 3 days, you need to carefully consider the necessary wardrobe. The list of things will largely depend on the nature of the work, the climate of the city or country to which the worker is sent, and often also on local customs and traditions.

On a trip, it is best to take the minimum necessary things. Ideal option There will be wrinkle-resistant clothing, the elements of which are harmoniously combined into complete sets and looks.

On a work trip, a business suit will, of course, be an important part of your wardrobe. And it’s better to take with you not one, but several suits at once if we are talking about a week-long or longer business trip. Free time on a business trip may require the employee to have several sets casual wear: for walking around the city and visiting local attractions.

On any trip, including a business trip, both men and women will need underwear. And also several pairs of socks or nylon tights (depending on the gender of the employee).

When packing suitcases, special attention is paid to a business trip and must meet several criteria:

  • shoes or boots should not cause discomfort to their owner, they should be comfortable even if they have to spend the whole day on their feet;
  • shoes must be selected according to the theme of the proposed events;
  • compatibility of shoes with a business suit is an important condition of the business dress code.


When collecting a travel first aid kit, you should take special care, carefully considering the list of medications that may be useful. On a long trip you may need:

  • medicines for different types so-called everyday pains: headaches, muscle or joint pain, sore throat, etc.;
  • remedies for gastrointestinal disorders;
  • remedies for colds;
  • medications prescribed for various diseases (if necessary);
  • painkillers and disinfectants.

Hygiene supplies

When planning what to take with you on a business trip, you definitely need to remember the necessary hygiene supplies. These include:

  • Toothbrush;
  • personal comb;
  • deodorant;
  • stock of contact lenses;
  • caring and decorative cosmetics.

Many hotels provide necessary personal hygiene items for the use of their clients. Therefore, when going on a business trip, you don’t have to worry about soap and shower gel.

Necessary equipment and electronics

A business trip may require an employee to have electronic tools and gadgets, and small household appliances will make living away from home much easier.

No employee, going on a business trip, can do without a phone or smartphone. A smartphone will allow you to always stay in touch and solve business issues as quickly as possible. a short time. Don’t forget about a phone charger, as well as an external battery, which will help you stay connected even in cases where it is not possible to charge the device in the usual way.

Depending on the nature of the job and business trip, an employee may need a laptop and a flash card. A small travel hairdryer will definitely come in handy for female employees if there is no hairdryer in the hotel.

It doesn't matter how often you have to travel for work purposes. You will still have to carefully pack your things for a business trip, thinking through all the possible little things that may happen to you on the way or upon arrival at your destination.

Experienced travelers who often travel for work probably have their own list of things to take with them on a business trip. If you are not one of them, be sure to read our article. It will make the process of packing for the trip much easier.

Let's start with the most important

And the most important thing is documents. To avoid forgetting anything, start with them. In a separate briefcase or small bag, put:

  • Passport
  • Travel certificate
  • Powers of attorney or other working documents
  • Office supplies (eg pen and notepad). They, of course, have no material value, but they will save you time searching for them in an unfamiliar city.

Care products

Pack yourself a small travel first aid kit, because even the healthiest person is not immune from unexpected illness. Nowadays there are special travel kits on sale with all the necessary medications, but assembling a first aid kit on your own will also not be difficult.

  • Bandage, iodine and patch
  • Antipyretics (paracetamol)
  • Painkiller pills
  • Heart drops
  • Medicines for stomach disorders
  • Allergy medications

Don't forget about personal hygiene products. We are talking not only about a toothbrush, but also about other delights of the chemical industry. Of course, you can also buy everything you need in a new city, but it’s much more pleasant not to run around shopping, but to take a shower immediately upon arrival.

  1. Toothbrush and toothpaste
  2. Shower gel, shampoo and toilet soap
  3. Shaving products (for men)
  4. Hair styling products (for women)

Note: all personal hygiene products are now on sale in small packages. If your business trip lasts about a week, then the contents of all these tubes should be enough for this period.

It will be useful to take a needle, thread, small scissors and a couple of buttons.


The clothes you need to take on a business trip directly depend on the purpose of the trip and its duration.

  1. Think about what and when you will wear and, based on these considerations, create a small “travel” wardrobe. It is better to take one suit and several blouses or shirts in addition to it as a basis.
  2. Sleepwear. It is also recommended to take a set of home clothes (robe and slippers) with you on a business trip. Believe me, sit in business suit It won't be very pleasant at the hotel in the evening.
  3. You should only take shoes that you have already worn. Calluses from new shoes will certainly bring a lot of unpleasant moments.
  4. In cold weather, be sure to take a hat and gloves, even if you don’t wear them in your city. Don't forget about a small umbrella.

A few more useful things

We have already listed all the most important things on which the success of your trip will depend. But in addition to medications, documents and care products, it is important not to forget one more thing.

  • Money. It is better to put large bills in a separate secret pocket, and distribute smaller ones evenly across different compartments of the bag or pockets.
  • Equipment, or rather chargers for it (for a mobile phone, laptop or tablet). You can take a portable travel iron. But if you are going abroad, then most hotels already have it. It is also recommended to take a special adapter for sockets.
  • Light snack. We are not talking about homemade preparations, stewed meat and potatoes. Just pour tea into a thermos and make a few sandwiches.
  • Hotel reservation number from the previous day.

And don't forget to take good mood! Not only the success of the business trip, but also positive memories from an unfamiliar city will depend on this.

The list of things you will need on a business trip always depends on your specific circumstances. In order to provide for everything and not forget anything, give more time and attention to getting ready. Don't rush to collect everything at once. Sit down, relax and don't worry. Close your eyes and try to imagine every step of your future trip. After all, the more thoroughly you prepare, the more comfortable and enjoyable your business trip will be.


The most necessary thing during a business trip is documents. First of all, put your passport, powers of attorney and travel certificate in a folder or briefcase. Don't forget about office supplies. Bring a notepad and two pens with you.

Health care

Just in case, take a small travel first aid kit with you. In an unfamiliar city, anything can happen. Put in it a minimum set of medications based on your individual characteristics and doctor's recommendations. On the road, you may need painkillers, such as aspirin, also take bandages, brilliant green and Activated carbon. Just in case, take some kind of fermenting agent for the stomach. Unusual food and excitement during a trip can cause pain and heaviness in the stomach.

Take only what you need with you

Depending on the duration of the business trip and the time of year, the number of things in the suitcase and clothes in particular will depend. If you need to stay at a hotel for a week or more, take home clothes, a robe and slippers with you. It is unlikely that you will be comfortable sitting in a business suit all the time.

In any journey, money is the most important thing. In addition to cash, you may need a plastic card. In some cases, it is much more convenient for her to pay. In addition, put your phone, charger, laptop or tablet and camera in your bag.

What else may be useful to you:
Mini iron. Not all hotels have an iron in the room, so you often have to contact the reception desk or housekeeping staff, and this is not always convenient, especially if you need to go somewhere early in the morning or late in the evening.
Formal suit or Cocktail Dress.
Hygiene products for women.
Cosmetic bag. Do not take a lot of cosmetics with you, this is a business trip. Take a few basic skin care products and some makeup. You may need makeup remover, nail polish remover, dry shampoo, and hand cleanser. Take all the products in small travel formats, so your suitcase will be lighter.
Small hairdryer. Sometimes it is not available in hotels.
Manicure scissors and nail file.
Lightweight foldable bag.
Vitamin C and cold remedies.
Universal adapter.
Laptop battery.