Sketch for Children's Day (June 1) - “Childhood Holiday”. Scenario for the entertainment holiday "June 1st!" The scenario is good by June 1


(Scenario, dedicated to the Day child protection)

(On stage, Kesha the clown plays with a wind-up toy. Gosha the clown comes out.)

GOSHA: Kesha, why are you spoiled like a little kid?

Cache: Gosha, try it yourself, you know how interesting it is!

(They play together. Gypsy Aza comes on stage.)

AZA: Guard, trouble! There is so much chaos all around, and the good wizard - the old Dwarf - is still sleeping. But time doesn’t wait – summer has come!

Cache: How is summer? GOSHA: Already?

AZA: Yes, today is the first of June - the first day of summer.
Children Protection Day
The whole Earth celebrates this day.
Live forever without war
To the children of our country,
And let the peaceful sky shine.
Get ready quickly, let's go into the forest to wake up the Dwarf.

KESHA AND GOSH: Hooray! Let's go to the forest!

(They walk and sing.)

Everyone knows here and there
Everyone knows this:
The children are waiting impatiently
Day of the beginning of summer.

(The soundtrack sounds: birdsong. There is a forest clearing in the sienna.)

Cache: Aw! Gosh!

GOSHA: Kesha, where are you?

AZA: Gosha, Kesha, come here! Do you hear what echo lives in the forest? Let's play Echo.

(They play the game “Echo” with the children from the audience)

AZA: Well, where is the Gnome? Kesha, Gosha, let's look for him quickly! Guys, if you see the Gnome, tell us.

(The heroes are looking for the Gnome with the words: “Maybe under this tree?”, “Or near this stump?” The children actively suggest. Aza finds the Gnome.)

AZA: Hey, Uncle Dwarf, get up quickly, look - the sun is shining brightly, the birds are singing - summer has come.

(The gnome grumbles and turns over on the other side.)

Cache: Uncle Gnome! Look how many children came to visit us, because today is the best holiday - the holiday of childhood.

DWARF: What kind of holiday? What children? Actually, what date is today?

DWARF: June 1st? The trouble is, I overslept everything! After all, today is the first day of summer, and my forests, gardens and parks are still such a mess! We need to get down to business urgently! Firstly, check how the birds that returned from warmer climes settled into their houses. Secondly, find out how the berry bushes are doing, are they not frozen or wilted? Well, thirdly, and this is the most important thing - to wake up the Queen of Flowers, otherwise the meadows, fields and gardens will remain faded, colorless, and ugly. You don't want this, do you?
Then let's say together:
“Red sun, smile.
Queen of flowers, wake up!

(Everyone repeats. The Queen appears on the stage, surrounded by flowers. They dance a waltz.)

DWARF: I completed my task - I woke up the Queen of Flowers. And you make sure that the guys remember this day for a long time.

(The gnome leaves.)

AZA: Kesha, Gosha, how are we going to relax and have fun? Here you are, Gosha, how do you relax during the holidays?

GOSHA: Very good: I sleep almost until lunch, then turn on the TV and watch everything until the night. And at this time I eat delicious things: cakes, sweets, gingerbread. This is how I rest! Great? Only after such holidays, for some reason, my head hurts and my stomach hurts too. Do you guys happen to know why?

(Children answer.)

AZA: You, Gosha, are doing everything wrong, even the guys noticed it. On weekends, you need to get up early, eat according to a schedule, and in order to feel energetic all day, you need to start it with exercise.

(The game “Funny Starts” is taking place.)

GOSHA: Since we have a holiday today, it means there must be a festive concert.

AZA: Now not only beautiful and charming children will perform in front of you, they also sing and dance beautifully. Our stars will show their talents on this stage.

(Festive concert.)

Cache: Now I was looking not only at the stage, but also at the little spectators. I think they are all talented and can sing and dance. Really, guys?

(Children answer. Kesha and Gosha go down to the hall with a microphone. Those who wish perform verses from their favorite songs.)

GOSHA: Looking at the guys, I remembered a cartoon in which one girl, tearing a petal from a magic flower, wished for many, many toys. And toy cars, strollers with dolls, bears, hares moved towards her from all over the world...

Cache: There were so many toys that the girl could not hide from them even on the roof of the house. Guys, what was this girl's name? That's right, Zhenya. What is the name of this fairy tale? Well done, guys, this fairy tale is called “The Flower of Seven Flowers.” Do you remember what Zhenya’s first wish was? What about the next one? Which decision was the most correct?

QUEEN: Now imagine that the magic happened in reality. Each of you can make only one wish.

(A large seven-flowered flower is brought onto the stage.)

QUEEN: Guys, let's repeat the spell from the fairy tale together:
"Fly, fly petal
Through west to east,
Through the north, through the south,
Come back after making a circle.
As soon as you touch the ground,
It’s my order.”

(Children make a wish by tearing off the petals.)

QUEEN: And let Kesha and Gosha tear off the last two petals. Do you agree?

GOSHA (tearing off a petal): I want our planet to have many flowers and the sun to shine brightly.

CACHE (tearing off a petal): May there always be peace and never war.

(All characters enter the stage.)

DWARF: You were born into the world
To live joyfully.

KESHA AND GOSH: To play together
To be friends together.

AZA: To smile at each other
Give flowers too.

QUEEN: To be fulfilled in life
All your dreams.

(Scenario for a children's party).

Stage decoration: wall fabulous city with a large beautiful city gate in its center and an inscription above the gate: “Magic Country.”

The holiday is hosted by:

(The number of fairy-tale characters can be increased or decreased, and also replaced with any others, except for Aibolit and the Princess).

The musical intro for the television competition “Golden Key” plays. The Leader enters.

LEADING: Hello, Dear friends! Good afternoon, dear mothers and fathers, grandparents, and, of course, children - the main heroes of our celebration today! Yes, yes, dear boys and girls, today is our holiday - CHILDHOOD'S HOLIDAY! How beautiful is this kind, cheerful, fairy-tale country - the Land of Childhood! How we, adults, envy you, children, that you live in this wonderful country! And you know, we all sometimes want to return to the world of childhood again, at least for an hour or even half an hour. What if today, on this extraordinary day full of magic, this miracle happens? What if you try to open this treasured door and enter it? (Opens the door slightly and then quickly slams it). Oh, no, it’s scary to be the first... Maybe some of you, our adult guests, are ready to be the first to enter the magical Land of Childhood?

LEADING: Who said that? Please go on stage!

(A solemnly sad melody sounds, and an old woman in a cap, with white curls, in an elegant dress with a cape thrown over it and with a stick in her hand walks through the hall towards the stage.)

OLD WOMAN (getting up on stage):I want to go to the Land of Childhood! I have to get there, but not for half an hour, but for years... (counts on fingers) by five... no, by seven.

LEADING: Dear granny, why do you need to go to the Land of Childhood, and for so long? After all, you are probably no less than 90 years old!

OLD WOMAN: What are you talking about, uncle! I'm only 10 years old, and I'm not a granny... I'm a Princess from a neighboring kingdom - the country of "Boring".

LEADING: But why, dear Princess, do you look like an ancient old woman?

PRINCESS: I don't know, I don't know anything. I woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and... oh, horror! Instead of my wonderful golden curls, I saw gray curls, instead of elastic pink cheeks - terrible wrinkles all over my face... And my back... my back was hunched over and no longer straightened. I want, I want to be the first to enter this door! (Runs up, tries to open the door and cannot). How is it closed? So open it for me! Quicker!

LEADING: Strange, it just opened. It's like someone's evil magic. (He further speaks against the background of an emerging “fairy-tale” melody, this could be the introduction to the staged fairy tale by H.H. Andersen “The Swineherd” - recording). And if so... then you and I have already found ourselves in a fairy tale... And only kind, cheerful, sympathetic friends - the heroes of our favorite fairy tales - can help us. Let's call them for help, they will certainly tell us what we should do for our poor Princess! One two Three!

(The melody changes, a march from P. Tchaikovsky’s opera “The Nutcracker” sounds. The fairy-tale gates swing open, and one after another they come out onto the stage, bow and stand in a semicircle fairy-tale heroes).

CINDERELLA: Hello guys! Hello, dear grandmother... oh, dear Princess!

Thumbelina: We are happy to help you return to the Land of Childhood!

AIBOLIT: But first, let me ask you a few questions - this is necessary to clarify the diagnosis of such a strange disease.

GERDA: Dear grandmother... that is, dear girl, tell me how you lived in your dad’s kingdom.

PRINCESS: Scucinius II!

GERDA: Yes, yes, Scucinius II.

PRINCESS: Well, she lived and lived... Like everyone else...

SCHEHERAZADE: What fairy tales did you love most?

PRINCESS: Fairy tales? Nobody told me fairy tales. My teachers told me only terrible, bloody stories about the struggle for power in our kingdom.

Pinocchio: How often have you eaten caramels, chocolate, marmalade, ice cream, and cake?

PRINCESS: I do not know what it is. My tutors did not feed me this. I was served only eggnog and oatmeal.

PRINCESS: My nanny sang one song to me all the time, and I learned it:
"Ah, my dear Augustine, Augustine, Augustine,
It’s all gone, gone.”

PEPPY: Yes, the song is not a funny one... What games did you like to play? Classics? Catching up? Or maybe into Cossack robbers?

PRINCESS: I didn’t play... I listened to the reports of the ministers all day long, together with the Pope-King.

PEPPY: Well, did you have any favorite pranks and pranks?

PRINCESS: Unless you eavesdrop on what the ladies of the court are gossiping about in the king’s reception room...

AIBOLIT: All clear! The diagnosis is beyond doubt. The disease has a complex Latin name, which I will not bore you with, but will only tell you how to cure the Princess. She needs to finally, for the first time in her life, feel like an ordinary girl, just a child, and then the doors to Wonderland will open for her too.

Pinocchio: But not a single fairy door will open by itself. Only a magic key can open it. Believe me, I know this better than anyone else.

FIRE-JOKING: Just what is this key and how to find it?

Thumbelina: I know who will help us! Sun! Let's all say the magic words together:
Sun, extend a ray to us,
Flash the magic key!

(Children repeat these words in chorus. The melody sounds - the introduction to the “Song of the Bells” from the TV movie “The Adventures of Electronics”, and a golden treble clef appears in the spotlight).

LEADING: Yes, this is a musical key! Thank you, Sun! Now everything is clear to us: an amazing sorceress - music - will help us return the Princess to the Land of Childhood. Let's have a fun musical carnival! Let songs and dances take our Princess back to the Land of Childhood.

PEPPY: Are there any musicians, singers, or dancers among us? For example, everyone says about me that a bear stepped on my ear.

LEADING: Maybe there are only a few such talents among you, but look how many guys are in the hall! They will help us, and a magical musical key will open the door to the fabulous Land of Childhood. Really, guys, can you help?

HALL: Let's help!


LEADING: So, we invite young artists to the stage!

PRINCESS: Where should I go now?

LEADING: To you - to the guys. This is an auditorium, there are spectators in it - children and adults, and you will also be a spectator. It is very interesting.

PRINCESS: What should the viewer do?

LEADING: Listen, watch, clap your hands, tap your feet to the beat of the music and have fun with everyone.

PRINCESS: I agree to be a spectator.

(The march from “The Nutcracker” sounds again, to which the guest descends into the hall and sits in the first row. Fairy-tale characters go through the magic door).

LEADING: Well, friends, let's begin our fabulous musical carnival!

(Children’s performances begin. Fairy-tale characters invite them to the stage, introducing the Princess to the performer of the act with a cheerful, witty monologue related to the theme of the performance. Therefore, songs and dances on the themes of childhood, fairy tales, games, and fun will be especially appropriate in the concert.)

Examples of such presentation of stage numbers:

FIRE GUN: I am Fire-Jumping. I jumped out to you from the wonderful Ural tales - straight from the fire. I thought I was the only one here, and suddenly I saw such a fiery dance, as if my own bright flame had suddenly flared up. I want you all, and our guest Princess, to feel how fun it is when you see a dashing gypsy dance!

SCHEHERAZADE: IN magical land Since childhood, children from different nations live nearby and are very close friends. And now I, the daughter of the East, greet you! I know so many wonderful oriental tales that I could tell them to you, Princess, for a thousand and one nights. Well, you must admit, during this time you will have time again, if not to grow old, then certainly to grow up. And that’s why I’ll tell you only one phrase about my homeland: “The East is a delicate matter,” and our oriental dance will tell you the rest.

CINDERELLA: Guys, you are probably thinking now: “Well, our Princess will visit the magical Land of Childhood, well, she will become a child again... So what? After all, she will have to return to her boring kingdom, and there she will again turn into a sad old woman.” Nothing like this! I just visited this kingdom and ended up... where do you think? Straight to the ball, where everyone sings, has fun, and dances. It turns out that one cheerful person has already been there - our man! - and what happened is what he will sing to you about now (represents the performer) in "The Song and the Evil King".

(2-3 numbers after the start of the concert, to the sounds of a shrill, chaotic melody, a new guest unexpectedly bursts onto the stage - the old woman Shapoklyak).

SHAPOKLYAK: Wait a minute! Just a minute! Hello, my dear! Is this where rejuvenation sessions are held?

LEADING: Gee! What kind of miracle is this?

SHAPOKLYAK: I'm no miracle. Allow me to introduce myself – Madame Shapoklyak! My rat Lariska brought me news about your extraordinary event. And because I, and because I... Well, don’t you see that I too, despite my blooming age and appearance, wouldn’t it hurt to look a little younger? What do you have there? Hypnosis? Extrasensory perception? Black or white magic? But I don't care. Start, I'm ready!

LEADING: Why, excuse me, do you need to go to the Land of Childhood?

SHAPOKLYAK: I don’t need to go to the Land of Childhood. What did I forget there? I’ll explain to you in Russian: I need a little more attractiveness, a little more strength and agility, and then... And then all these blotter Cheburashkas and Hooligan Genes won’t recognize me in the first minute, and in the second they’ll fly upside down!


SHAPOKLYAK: Yes, that's it! By the way, I, of course, understand that all this will not be free and pay according to the exchange rate... I don’t engage in deception, except in the most exceptional cases. Well, that’s how it is today... However, I started talking. Get to the point! Where should I go?

LEADING: To the auditorium.

SHAPOKLYAK: And what should I do there?

LEADING: Sit, look at the children on stage, clap your hands with pleasure, sing along, dance and rejoice with the children.

SHAPOKLYAK: I don't know how to rejoice together. If I am happy, then children, as a rule, cry. And if they are happy, anger begins to choke me, I want to do something dirty to them.

LEADING: Well, I don’t know, Madame Shapoklyak, what to do with you? We have only one treatment method, and if it doesn’t suit you... I don’t dare delay any longer.

SHAPOKLYAK: No, why? I wouldn't mind trying. Show me my place.

LEADING (points): Here you are.

SHAPOKLYAK: Ugh, with these imaginaries next to us? And with this pouty crybaby? Sitting in such bad company... Fi!

LEADING: Well, I’m not forcing ours on you...

SHAPOKLYAK: That's it, I'm going to the place! So, I'm ready. You can continue the session!

(The children’s performances on stage continue, during which Shapoklyak throws out various remarks from the audience about this or that number. Sometimes, inspired by a song or dance, she tries to jump on stage and perform herself, “improving”, from her point of view, this or that concert number. She is politely seated and returned to her place. The fairy-tale characters continue to introduce the child performers to the Princess).

1 fragment.

AIBOLIT: Dear Princess! As a doctor, I must prescribe you another wonderful remedy for your illness. This is a healing dream. Fairy tales come to children in their dreams. You need to drink 10 spoons of this “Fairytale” syrup at night, and then you will dream about what the young singer sings about in her song “Amazing Dreams” (………………..), and what the dance “Dreams” tells about choreographic group (………………).

(The doctor puts the “Fairytale” syrup on the edge of the stage and leaves. After the announced numbers are performed, Shapoklyak jumps onto the stage and grabs a bottle of syrup).

SHAPOKLYAK: Wonderful dreams! Let me give this syrup to the Princess! Ha-ha-ha, look, she wanted “Fairytale” syrup! I'll give her fabulous dreams! Doesn't she want nightmares? (Replaces the vessel). In! Nightmare syrup.

AIBOLIT (leaving): Just stop, my dear! Give me your nasty potion and march to your place! And we will give the medicine to the Princess ourselves, from hand to hand. (transmits).

PRINCESS: I am very grateful to you, dear doctor, and I will drink this syrup every evening with the largest spoons.

AIBOLIT: You don’t need to be big, otherwise you’ll be like one fat, fat man named Carlson.

PRINCESS: Carlson? I've never heard of such a thing.

AIBOLIT: Well, now you will hear. He is so funny, so cheerful and mischievous! Everyone in the Land of Childhood loves him. And now (…………..) will sing us a song called “Funny Man”.

2 fragment.

PEPPY: How nice and decent everything here is, how wonderful everything is... Oh, these roses, fairy tales, Thumbelina... This is, of course, interesting, but in moderation. Sometimes... sometimes you just want... to behave like a hooligan. Have you never been overcome by such an irresistible desire? Oh, then you have nothing to do in the Land of Childhood! But maybe there is here, among you, at least one, even the smallest, but a real hooligan?

SHAPOKLYAK: If you need a bully, it's me. I am ready to demonstrate my art even now.

PEPPIE (looking behind the scenes): Alas, Madame Shapoklyak, you are late. We already have an excellent bully. Look, look how nicely he bullies the girl! Well, let's see how this ends? (………………….) in the dance number “Hooligan”!

(Young artists involve the Princess in their dance, and she ends up on stage).

LEADING: Well, how are you feeling, Princess?

PRINCESS: Magnificent! I no longer want to be sad or cry. I want to sing, dance, laugh and enjoy the sun, summer, flowers, and moths with you. Thank you, my dear friends, for your help to me! And now I also want to help some sad, unhappy person become cheerful, young and happy.

SHAPOKLYAK (getting up on stage): So help me. Otherwise, everyone seemed to have forgotten something about me. And maybe I also want to feel a “great” mood. By the way, the mood is in the mood, but for some reason you, my dear, don’t look younger than your decrepit one hundred and fifty years. And you obviously can’t do without your stick. So why the hell do I need this mood of yours if it doesn’t add strength, agility, or youth?!

LEADING: But for this you still need to go through the magic door leading to the Land of Childhood.

PRINCESS: But we still don’t have the magic key in our hands! There he is: high, high...

SHAPOKLYAK: My key! My! C'mon, I'm first! (She rushes to catch the key, but it is not given to her. Shapoklyak jumps to the appropriate music, trying to get it, chases around the stage after the key slipping from her hands and, finally, exhausted, falls, crawls to the side, cursing and groaning).

LEADING: Princess, now try to take the key!

(Music sounds. This could be the introduction to H.H. Andersen’s fairy tale “The Swineherd” from a gramophone record. The princess comes to the center of the stage and raises her hands. The key falls directly into her palms).

LEADING: Now be brave, Princess! Open the treasured door!

(The chorus of the theme song for the TV show “The Golden Key” sounds. The princess approaches the treasured door, puts the key to it - and the door swings open. The princess waves her hand to the audience and disappears behind it.
And after a short pause, the song begins to sound again, and fairy-tale characters again emerge onto the stage one after another from the magic door. Standing in a semicircle, they applaud along with the audience. To the last solemn chords of the song, the door swings open again, and the Princess appears from it - a girl in fluffy dress, with a golden crown on his head. In her hands is a cape - what remains of the old princess).

LEADING: Guys, it seems we have a new guest at our party.

PRINCESS GIRL: New guest? Who is this, me? Yes I am former Princess... no, the former old lady... Oh, I’m completely confused! Who am I?

LEADING (hands her a mirror): Look, maybe you recognize yourself?

PRINCESS: Oh, it’s me again! My curls, my rosy cheeks—everything is my old self. Hurray, I'm a girl again! Thank you so much to all of you guys! I'm back to the Land of Childhood again! I really like it here: I want to jump, spin, sing!

LEADING: So sing, what's the matter?

PRINCESS: Can i? Then I will give you my favorite song.

(Sings a happy song)

SHAPOKLYAK (after the song): Stop! You forgot about me! I haven’t rejuvenated yet... Hey, little ones, move over! Now I’ll come out of this door like this, like this…. - no match for you, little bastard!

(He solemnly enters the magic door, then, to the song of the wind-up monkey from the TV movie “The Adventures of Electronics”, she emerges from there, happy, confident that she has rejuvenated, and performs a funny dance. At the end of the dance, a mirror comes across her hand). Damn it! What's happened? The door is faulty, or what? Well, I’ll run away again...
(Runs in and out of the door again to the mirror, simultaneously doing intricate dance steps. A suitable musical background here could be the music for “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda” (recording). Finally, looking in the mirror for the last time, the old woman lets out a cry of indignation and begins to whimper quietly).

LEADING: Honorable Madame Shapoklyak, calm down! You will never be rejuvenated by this magical door to the Land of Childhood.

SHAPOKLYAK: Well, why, why?

LEADING: Because the world of childhood is not only a world of songs and fairy tales, fun and smiles, it is also a world of human love and kindness, care and mercy.

SHAPOKLYAK: What filthy words - “kindness”, “mercy”... Oh, I can’t!

LEADING: That is why, dear, you will never get into this world of childhood.

SHAPOKLYAK: Never ever.

LEADING: Well, maybe when you stop doing harm and mischief, and start helping people.

SHAPOKLYAK: Hm... How can I, for example, help you all now?

LEADING: I want to ask you one favor... please step aside!

SHAPOKLYAK: What, what? Okay... I'll leave...

LEADING: Let all the guys in the hall see once again what miracles they can perform if they really want to help each other. Where are you, Princess?

PRINCESS (comes out): Here I am! Thank you guys, everyone! For bringing me back to the kind and joyful world of childhood! My dad is the king (now his name is Veselius the First) sent for you in these elegant baskets the best chocolate that was found in his kingdom. But I just can’t figure it out – who should I treat with what? Maybe my adult friends will help me with this?

(Members of the jury who evaluated the children’s performances in the competition show come on stage and first award the best performers, and then all other artists are invited to the stage, and the Princess gives them all chocolates. At the end, a common song sounds.)

  • To form in children the concepts of “Right to rest”, “Right to education”;
  • Give to children preschool age basic knowledge and ideas about the international holiday “Children’s Day”;
  • To foster a desire to show creative initiative, providing equal opportunities for this to all children.


Lying Bully
Clown Smeshinkin
(Performed by adults).

The holiday is held outside, on the playground of the kindergarten.
To the sound of cheerful music, children take seats around the perimeter.

Hello guys! I'm very glad to see you again.

Hello, Hello, Hello!
We are happy to greet you!
So many bright smiles
We see it on their faces now.
Today the holiday brought us together:
Not a fair, not a carnival!
First summer day of the year
He won't let his children get into trouble.

Today you and I fun party, dedicated to Children's Day. We will sing, play, dance and, of course, wonderful guests will come to us. And I suggest starting the holiday with the song “Circle of the Sun”

Sounds "Solar Circle", music by A. Ostrovsky.
Rubbing his palms, with his back to the children, the Bully Liar enters. He speaks in a sarcastic voice.


Well, I successfully did one more nasty thing: I poured salt into the compote. Now let them drink some salty compote! Ha ha ha!

He turns and sees a room full of children.

Liar-Bully. Yeah! This is where I need it!

Leading. Where does this “here” go?

Liar-Bully. Where, where... Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Liar-Bully. I am Vrakochka-Zabiyakochka. You can simply - Liar-Bully. I heard you are having some kind of holiday here?

Leading. Not just any holiday, but a holiday for all children who have grown up, wiser, and grown up during the school year. We came to have fun.

Liar-Bully. Are these short little kids big?! Oh, they made me laugh! (Laughs). I just want to give them a pacifier to suck. (Gives the children a pacifier.)

Leading. Wait, wait, Lying Bully, to find out whether our guys have really matured, we need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Liar-Bully. Check it out, right? Please! (Takes out the ball). Here's the ball. Whoever doesn’t catch him hasn’t grown up, but remains a short child.

He starts randomly, deceiving the children, throwing the ball to them.

Leading. Oh no! This will not work! If you're going to play, then for real.

Liar-Bully. How is this for real?

Leading. This means according to the rules. Look, we'll show you the game "How are you living?" If you want, we will teach you too.

Liar-Bully. Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Well, I don’t know such a game or something.

The game "How are you living?" is being played.
Children use their movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (expose thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.
The Lying Bully plays incorrectly, the presenter asks her to see how to play.

Leading. Guys, I know who I need to introduce Vraka-Ruffnut to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh loudly and heartily. Let's laugh together!

Children laugh. The bully liar hides to the side and covers his ears.
Clown Smeshinkin enters to the sound of cheerful music (possibly with soap bubbles).
Children surround him, catching bubbles.

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really, guys?

Smeshinkin. Are you having a holiday or fun? How I love all this!

Leading. Yes, Smeshinkin, we all met together today and decided to have fun..

Liar-Bully. Yes, of course! Shorty kids!

Smeshinkin. Ah, Lying Bully, are you already here and being mischievous again?

Leading. Imagine, Smeshinkin, the Vraka-Bully claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and cannot do anything.

(The Liar-Bully laughs maliciously).

Smeshinkin. But I think quite the opposite. Guys in academic year We didn't waste any time. For example, do you know, Lying Bully, what you need to do in the morning?

Liar-Bully. Of course I know! They still ask. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Smeshinkin. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

Clown performs comic exercises accompanied by cheerful music

Liar-Bully. It’s you who are so grown up in kindergarten, but in the summer you can’t do without me, what will you do without me, so pretty and mean?

Leading. And how many impressions await everyone in the summer! Many of you will travel, swim, walk in the forest, sunbathe on the beach, relax in the village.

Liar-Bully. Eh, you! You didn't turn out to be my assistants. Why am I so unlucky?! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me?! (Crying).

Smeshinkin. And you still ask?! Just look at yourself: is it possible to find friends with such a harmful face, on which there is never a smile?

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Other people are only drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Listen to what a kind, good song our guys will sing for you. Maybe this song will ignite a spark of warmth and kindness in you, Liar-Bully.

Children of older groups perform “The Wonderful Song” (music by M. Protasov)

Lying Bully (claps his hands). What a wonderful song! I've never heard this before!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! The bully liar told the truth for the first time! Liar-Bully. How? This can't be true! What's wrong with me?! Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whines).

Leading. With us you will become good, kind and cheerful. We will give you a new name. Want?

Liar-Bully (embarrassed). Well, I don’t know... Will I be able to?..

Smeshinkin. You can do it, you can! And the guys and I will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's come up with something new for the Bully Vrake good name. (Consults with children). Right! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughter. We think you'll like it.

Smeshinkin. But from now on you must do only good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Liar-Bully. How to do these good deeds? I don't know.

Smeshinkin. Here's one of them to start with. I picked up different flowers along the way. But they are unusual. Each of them contains a riddle. Here are the flowers for you, and these for me. Now we will take turns asking the kids summer riddles. Agreed?

Liar-Bully. I will try.


Not a bird, but with wings,
Not a bee, but flying over the flowers. (Butterfly).

The gates rose
There is beauty all over the world.
The sun ordered: "Stop,
The Seven Color Bridge is cool."
A cloud hid the light of the sun,
The bridge collapsed, but there were no chips. (Rainbow).

From the branch to the path,
From grass to blade of grass
The spring jumps
Green back. (Grasshopper).

Alenka grows in the grass
In a red shirt.
Whoever passes
Everyone gives a bow. (Strawberry).

A cap and a leg -
That's all Ermoshka. (Mushroom).

The sisters are standing in the field:
Dresses are white, hats are green. (Birches).

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! And you said (addressing the Bully Liar) that our children don’t know anything. How could kids solve such difficult riddles?

Liar-Bully. Now I really see that the guys have grown up and become wiser. Do you know why? Because I’m slowly turning into a Merry Laugher. I want to cheer you all up and invite you to the “Little Ducklings” dance.

Children and teachers perform a dance.

Smeshinkin. Well, Veselushka-Laughter, did you like our holiday?

Liar-Bully. Still would! After all, I have become completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Liar-Bully. I want to thank them for this. I'll treat them to a fly agaric!

Smeshinkin. Here's your time! You go again? Can you eat fly agarics?

Liar-Bully. Have you forgotten? I was re-educated, I became good. And this fly agaric is not simple, but sweet, sweet!

Lying Bully and Smeshinkin bring in a large fly agaric with candy inside. Distributed to children.

Leading. Guys, let's say thank you to our cheerful guests for the treat.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for Veselushka-Laughter and me to go to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your cheerful, friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Smeshinkin and Vraka-Zabiyaka. Bye!

The heroes leave to the sound of cheerful music.

Our holiday has come to an end. But we will meet again more than once.

Now take the crayons
And draw, write on the asphalt,
What is needed for happiness.
Let your drawings contain:
Happiness, sun, friendship.

Children go to the polling stations accompanied by cheerful music.

Used Books:

  1. T.N. Lipatnikova. The holiday begins. – Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 2006.
  2. Holidays in kindergarten: For younger children. – Mn.: Harvest, 2002.
  3. Internet resources:

Hello, Hello, Hello!

We are happy to greet you!

So many bright smiles

We see it on their faces now.

Today the holiday brought us together:

Not a fair, not a carnival!

First summer day of the year

Won't give it back children in trouble.

June came, June, June-

Birds are chirping in the garden,

Just blow on a dandelion

And it will all fly apart!

Sun Festival! How many of you,

Dandelions in summer!

Childhood is a gold reserve

For our big planet!

Children read poetry:

1. We meet summer holiday,

Sun Festival, holiday of light.

Come visit us.

We are always glad to have guests.

2. They will fly to bird festival

Woodpeckers, swallows, tits.

They will click and whistle

Sing songs with us.

3. Dragonflies will buzz around,

Smile poppies, roses.

And a tulip will dress

In the brightest sundress.

4. We meet summer holiday

Sun Festival, holiday of light

Sun, sun, brighter gray

Will the holiday is more fun.

5. First day of summer, become even brighter!

Meet the first June everywhere!

After all, this is All Children's Day,

It’s not for nothing that people celebrate it!

6. First color summer day

He brought us together, friends.

Sun Festival, holiday of light,

Holiday of happiness and goodness!

7. It’s fun today, we’re happy!

This is for children holiday, congratulations!

Let it ring, ring everywhere

Our cheerful, ringing laughter!

We have stored up a pile of songs,

Have fun without interruptions!

8. Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams.

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

9. Today children's holiday.

Meets summer kindergarten.

What is summer? - This is a sea of ​​light.

This field, this forest, these are thousands of miracles!

These are clouds in the sky, this is a fast river,

These are thousands of roads for children's feet!

Presenter: Today is the first summer day. This day dedicated International Day child protection and maintaining peace on earth. This the day is dedicated to you, Dear Guys. Today we have a fun holiday. We will sing, play, dance. And start holiday I propose with a friendly round dance.

The children start a round dance. There's a song playing "Big round dance".

Rubbing his palms, with his back to the children, Ruffnut enters. Speaks in a sarcastic voice: "Here you go, I successfully did another nasty thing: poured salt into the compote. Now let them drink some salty compote! Ha-ha-ha!"

Turns and sees a full hall children.

Bully. Yeah! This is where I need it!

Leading. Where does this “here” go?

Bully. Where where. Yes, here, where there are many children. I will make my assistants out of them.

Leading. Who are you?

Bully. I am Ruffnut. I heard you have here some kind of holiday?

Leading. Not just any one, but holiday for all children who during the school year have matured, become wiser, and become big. We came to have fun.

Bully. These are these little kids - big little shorties! Oh, they made me laugh! (Laughs). I just want to give them a pacifier to suck. (Gives the children a pacifier).

Leading. Wait, wait, Ruffnut, to find out whether our guys have really matured, we need to test them in games, in dances, in songs.

Bully. Check it out, right? Please! (Takes out the ball). Here's the ball. Whoever doesn’t catch him hasn’t grown up, but remains a short child.

Starts out randomly, deceiving children, throw them the ball.

Leading. Oh no! This will not work! If you're going to play, then for real.

Bully. How is this for real?

Leading. This means according to the rules. Look, we'll show you the game "How are you living?" If you want, we will teach you too.

Bully. Well, we'll see who will teach whom. Well, I don’t know such a game or something.

The game is being played "How are you?" (junior group)

Children use their movements to show what the text says.

How are you? - Like this! (thumb forward)

How are you going? - Like this! (walk in place)

How are you swimming? - Like this! (imitate swimming)

How are you running? - Like this! (running on the spot)

How sad are you? - Like this! (sad)

Are you naughty? - Like this! (make faces)

Are you threatening? - Like this! (they shake their fingers at each other)

The game is repeated 3-4 times, each time the pace becomes faster.

Leading. Guys, I know who I need to introduce Ruffnut to so that she stops playing pranks and becomes kind and cheerful. With the clown Smeshinkin. But in order for him to appear here, you need to laugh loudly and heartily. Let's laugh together! (A soundtrack of children's laughter sounds).

Children laugh. The bully hides to the side, covers his ears.

The clown Smeshinkin with soap bubbles enters to the sound of cheerful music.

Children surround him, catching bubbles.

Smeshinkin. Here I am! I heard laughter and realized that they were waiting for me here. Really, guys?

Smeshinkin. You holiday, fun? How I love all this!

Bully. Yes, of course! Shorty kids!

Smeshinkin. Ah, Bully, are you already here and being mischievous again?

Leading. Imagine, Smeshinkin, Ruffnut claims that our boys and girls have not learned anything and cannot do anything.

(Bully laughs maliciously).

Smeshinkin. But I think quite the opposite. The guys didn’t waste any time during the school year. For example, do you know, Ruffnut, what you need to do in the morning?

Bully. Of course I know! They still ask. You get up in the morning and immediately start doing all sorts of nasty things, lying and playing pranks.

Smeshinkin. But no! We will now teach you what to do in the morning.

A clown conducts a “little stars” flash mob to cheerful music

Bully. It’s you who are so grown up in kindergarten, but in the summer you can’t do without me, what should you do without me, so pretty and mean? you will?

Leading. And how many impressions await everyone in the summer! And now I suggest you have a little fun.

1. Station "At Moidodyr".

Leading. The children receive a letter from Moidodyr: "Dear Guys! I want to come visit you in kindergarten and find out if you follow the rules of personal hygiene? Do you wash your hands, wash your face, because I love neat, washed, combed children. I also want to know why it is necessary to wash your hands, wash your face, and clean your room. Get ready, see you soon!”

Leading. Children, have you washed your face today? Did you wash your hands? (Answers children)

Let's play now.

1. "Stomp - slam". Stomp if I name something what is good for health: wash, fight, do exercises, wash your hands, walk in dirty clothes, forget to cut your nails, take a shower, wipe off dust, walk with dirty ears, vacuum, etc.

Clap if I name things that help people take care of themselves and keep their home clean: soap, garbage, shampoo, towel, dirt, broom, toothbrush, puddle, key, scissors, pencil, comb, mop, etc.

2. Let's play differently. I will name the words, and you will show the actions, which they represent: brush your teeth, wash your hands, do laundry, dry yourself with a towel, rinse your laundry, comb your hair, etc. (Children imitate actions).

3. Traffic light

The presenter shows flags of different colors. Children guess which color is allowed to cross the road and which color is prohibited.

4. "Firefighting" (senior group)

In the hands in front standing child each team a bucket with "water"(blue and blue tinsel is glued inside the bucket as water white flowers). He must run between the pins, climb into "window"(hoop, cover distance by stepping over objects, "pour out the water" and run back. The next player performs the same actions.

5. "Two of a Kind" (senior group)

Feet tied (left foot of one player, right foot of another). Holding hands, jump to the finish line. During a fire, the ability to work together and work together is very important.

Smeshinkin. Well done boys! We completed the tasks! And you said (addresses Ruffnut that our children don’t know anything. How could kids cope with such difficult tasks!

Bully. Eh, you! You didn't turn out to be my assistants. Why am I so unlucky! Why doesn't anyone want to be friends with me! (Crying).

Smeshinkin. And you still ask! Yeah, look at yourself: Is it possible to find friends with such a harmful face that never smiles?

Leading. But Smeshinkin is right. Other people are only drawn to a kind, cheerful person. Listen to what a kind, good song our guys will sing for you. Maybe this song will ignite a spark of warmth and kindness in you, Ruffnut.

Children and adults perform a song "Little country".

Bully (claps his hands). What a wonderful song! I've never heard this before!

Smeshinkin. Friends, a miracle happened! Ruffnut told the truth for the first time!

Bully. How? This can't be true! What's wrong with me? Who will I be now if I forget how to lie? (Whines).

Leading. With us you will become good, kind and cheerful. We will give you a new name. Want?

Bully (embarrassed). Well, I do not know. Will I be able to?

Smeshinkin. You can do it, you can! And the guys and I will help you.

Leading. Guys, let's come up with a new good name for Ruffnut. (Consults with children). Right! The guys and I consulted and decided to give you the name Veselushka-Laughter. We think you'll like it.

Smeshinkin. But from now on you must do only good deeds and always smile. Agree?

Bully. Agree. Now I really see that the guys have grown up and become wiser. Do you know why? Because I’m slowly turning into a Merry Laugher. I want to cheer you all up and invite you to a fun musical game"Tuki-Tuki the engine." Children, together with their teachers, play a musical game, performing movements according to the text of the song.

Smeshinkin. Well, Veselushka-Laughter, did you like our holiday?

Bully. Still would! After all, I have become completely different!

Leading. And our guys helped you with this.

Bully. I want to thank them for this. I'll treat them to a fly agaric!

Smeshinkin. Here's your time! You go again? Can you eat fly agarics?

Bully. Have you forgotten? I was re-educated, I became good. And this fly agaric is not simple, but sweet, sweet!

Bully and Smeshinkin bring in a large fly agaric with candy inside. Distributed to children.

Leading. Guys, let's say thank you to our cheerful guests for the treat.

Smeshinkin. And it’s time for Veselushka-Laughter and me to go to our fairy-tale country of Laughter. And as soon as we hear your cheerful, friendly laughter, we will always be guests in your kindergarten.

Smeshinkin and Zabiyaka. Bye!

The heroes leave to the sound of cheerful music.

Presenter. Why is there so much light?

Why are we so warm?

Because it's summer

The whole summer is upon us!

And children's songs fly to the skies.

The fragrant meadows are full of flowers,

Happy summer, you are dear to everyone!

Summer. Here I am!

I brought it for you guys

Fun summer riddles.

Presenter. Time for the box to open

And the mystery appears!

There are riddles in the box, on back side- picture answer.

Summer: 1. The smallest bug,

Black speckled flank. (Ladybug.)

2. Very light, like a blade of grass,

I'm as green as a blade of grass,

In meadows, forests, rivers

Hiding in the grass. (Grasshopper.)

3. Who washed away the litter and dirt from the path,

I watered the leaves, blades of grass,

The hedgehog guessed the riddle

He snorts:. Spilled. (Rain.)

4. The sisters are standing in the field,

Yellow eye, white eyelashes. (Chamomile.)

5. Hey, bells, blue color,

With the tongue, but no ringing. (Bell.)

6. Game "Fold the flower" -

Chamomile and cornflower.

Relay races:

1.Guess the riddle:

What are champion masters at?

Have they been jumping since the morning?

Both on the run and on the spot,

And two feet together.

Lena and Natalka compete in the morning,

Without end in all yards

They are spinning. (jump ropes.)

Who can jump rope the longest? (Those who wish.)

2.Guess the next riddle:

Who is this, who is this galloping along the path,

This is our mischievous and cheerful one. (ball.)

There are two columns. The presenter is given a ball. You need to pass the ball in the column on the right, and return it back to the left.

3. The next competition is called "Tunnel"

Climb into the tunnel, return to the next team member, touch the hand.

Presenter. Well done to us guys

Strong, skillful,

Friendly, cheerful,

Fast and brave.

So as not to deal with diseases -

You need to play sports.


We are not afraid of colds,

We don’t even care about a runny nose,

Because we are friends together

With a jump rope and a ball.

It's not good for us to be lazy,

We will always remember:

Useful for health

Sun, air and water.

To the soundtrack of a song "Sunny Circle" children sing a song

Leading: And now I propose to remember the fairy-tale heroes

4. Baron Munchausen Core

The core is an ordinary balloon, on which it is written large: "Core". The relay participant must "ride the core", holding it between your knees and holding it with your hands. Thus, he must travel to the turning mark and back, pass the ball to the next player.

5. Puss in Boots

The props for this relay race are boots that are very big size(as many teams, as many pairs, a wide-brimmed hat for each team. On command, the participants put on boots and a hat, run to the turning mark, bow there and return, passing the baton to the next participant.

6. Passage of the swamp

Each team is given 2 hoops. With their help it is necessary to overcome the “swamp”. Groups from three people. At the signal, one of the participants in the first group throws the hoop to the ground, all three players jump into it. They throw the second hoop at such a distance from the first that they can jump into it, and then, without leaving the space of the second hoop, reach the first with their hand. So, by jumping and throwing hoops, the group gets to the turning point. You can get back to the starting line using a “bridge”, that is, simply roll the hoops along the ground. And at the starting line, the hoops are passed to the next three. It is strictly forbidden to step your foot outside the hoop - you can “drown”.

7. Relay race "Sack running"

Children are lined up in two columns, the distance between the columns is 3 steps. Holding the bags with their hands near their belts, they jump to the designated place (flag, stick, or other object). Having run around him, the children return to their columns, climb out of the bags, and pass them on to the next ones. This continues until all the children have run through the bags. The team whose players complete the task faster wins.

8. Relay race "Stubbed Egg"

Form teams of 6 people each. Divide the teams into pairs. Pair problem: Carry the egg between your foreheads to the indicated marker and back. After this, the egg is passed on to the next couple. Competitors may only support the egg with their hands beyond the starting line. The fall of the egg means the team is out of the fight. The team that completes this task the fastest wins.

9. Relay race "Jumpers"

Children are divided into two teams and line up in columns one after the other. Following the leader’s signal, the participants of each team perform a jump, pushing off with both feet. The first jumps, the second stands at the place to which the first jumped, and jumps further. When all players have jumped, the leader measures the entire length of the jumps of the first and second teams. The team that jumped further wins.

10. Pass the ball relay

Children are divided into two teams. The players of each team line up one after another in a column. The first participants hold a ball in their hands. Following the leader's signal, the first player in each team passes the ball to the one behind him, above his head. The last person on the team, having received the ball, runs to the beginning of the column, stands first and passes the ball to the next person behind him, also over his head. And so on until the first one returns to its place. The team that finishes the game first wins.

11. Relay race "Climb through hoops"

All players are divided into two teams and lined up in columns one at a time. At a distance of 3 and 5 meters opposite each column there are two hoops one after the other, and at a distance of 7 meters there is a ball. Following the leader’s signal, the first players of each team run to the first hoop, stop in front of it, take it with both hands, lift it above their heads, put the hoop on themselves, squat down, put the hoop on the floor, run to the second hoop, stand in the center of it, take it with their hands , raised above your head and lowered to the floor. After this, the players run around the ball and return to their place. The game continues next child. The team that completes the task first wins.

12. Potatoes in a spoon

You need to run a certain distance, holding a spoon with a large potato in your outstretched hand. They run in turns. The running time is recorded. If the potato falls, they put it back and continue running. You can't run without potatoes! The one with the best time wins. Team competition is even more exciting.

13. Get into the cart

Participants are divided into two teams. Two baskets are placed at equal distances from them. Each team is given a large ball. Participants, in order, begin to throw the ball into the basket. The team with the most hits in the basket wins.

14. Ball race over heads and under feet

The participants of the game line up in columns one at a time. The distance between players is 1 meter. The first numbers are given balls. At the leader’s signal, the first player passes the ball back over his head. The player who received the ball passes it further, but between his legs, the third - again over his head, the fourth - between his legs, and so on. The last player runs with the ball to the beginning of the column and passes it over his head back. So each player passes the ball once over his head and once between his legs. The player standing first in the column always passes the ball over his head. The team whose first player returns to his place first wins.

15. Siamese twins

Two participants stand with their backs to each other and clasp their hands tightly. They run sideways. The backs of the players should be pressed tightly against each other.

Summer: Well done boys. We haven't had this much fun for a long time. Now take some crayons and draw, write on the asphalt,

What is needed for happiness.

Let your drawings contain:

Happiness, sun, friendship.

IV. Final part. Summarizing.

May there never be war

Let the cities sleep peacefully,

Let the sirens howl piercingly

Doesn't sound over my head.

Let no shell explode,

No one is writing a machine gun,

Let our forests ring out,

And may the years pass peacefully

Every year, June 1 is Children's Day. This is an international holiday that is celebrated in many countries.

International Children's Day is one of the oldest international holidays. The decision to hold it was made in 1925 at the World Conference on the Welfare of Children in Geneva.

History is silent about why this children's party It was decided to celebrate June 1st. But since such a holiday exists, you should prepare for it well.


Today is a special holiday -
Today we think about those
Who is in kindness, in our protection
Needs it the most.
After all, the true miracle is children -
It was given to us by nature itself!
May everyone be happier in the world
They are growing as they are destined to!


Hello, dear guys, dear guests, colleagues! The long-awaited holiday has come for us. It is dedicated to International Children's Day and the preservation of peace on earth. This day is dedicated to you, dear guys.

And today is the first day of the longest holiday - the Sunny Summer Festival! Every day of this joyful big holiday will open up like a new page of an interesting and bright, colorful book.

This is a book that will contain songs, pictures, games, fairy tales, riddles, hikes, and adventures! And the most important thing is the peaceful sky above us!

Today the holiday has brought us together

Not a fair, not a carnival,

First summer day of the year

Will not let children get into trouble!

And with the warmth of June the whole earth is warmed

Defense Day in the world of young children!

1 child.

There are many holidays in the world

Loved by adults and children

Meet them together!

But today is children's day

Celebrates the whole world

From Paris to Hong Kong

The news is on the air!

2nd child.

Childhood is a golden time

And magical dreams

Childhood is you and me,

Childhood is me and you!

Song "Summer"

Presenter: We want all your deepest desires to come true today and always.

(Vovka Morkovkin comes in)

Vovka: Oh, how I want all my wishes to come true. And adults say that in order to get or achieve something, you need to make an effort. If only it were like this: once and... everything is simple.

Ved.: Hello. Let's get acquainted.

Vovka: Hello, hello. I am Vovka Morkovkin. Why are you all so dressed up? Are you going to visit?

Ved.: Today is a holiday. Childhood holiday. With the guys and me good mood and we wished that all our wishes would come true.

Vovka: So I made a wish. I have a lot of them! I want... I want... Will you do it? Then listen: mo-ro-zhe-nykh, p-ro-zhe-nykh!

Ved.: Let me remind you: to get something, you need to work hard, but in your case, you need to learn!

Vovka: Do this, do that... But you won’t understand anything in the textbooks! But if you do something wrong, you’ll get a bad mark! No, there is nothing to do at school! And everything will work out for me. You just need to really want it and...

(music plays. Old Man Khattabych appears)

Hottabych: (singing)

The art of transformation
Having owned for three thousand years,
I'll embarrass you
Any sorcerer.
I can with my skillful hand
Reach the moon from the sky
I'll make an elephant out of a molehill
And I won't blink an eye.

Up-up, shari-vari,
Shari-vari, up-up (2 times)

All your wishes
I'm ready to do it right away
I really like it here
I'm happy at this moment.
Ask for whatever you want
The old man will do everything.

Up-up, shari-vari,
Shari-vari, up-up (2 times)

And if suddenly you feel sad
And something is bothering you -
The old man has a beard
She will always help!

May there be peace to this house!
Hello, the most educated of the educated and the loveliest of the loveliest! Children and dear guests!

Oh guys! Did you find out who it is? Why, this is old Khattabych! Ghassan Abdurahman Khadtab!
Right! Oh, wisest of the wisest teachers! You recognized my name. Where did I end up? Whose house is this so beautiful, where there are so many children?

Ved.: You came to our house, where the guys are celebrating a holiday today - Children's Day. Khattabych, we know you as a good wizard. Tell me, can you help us?

With great pleasure, dear!
I'm old for years, I won't lie.
But I am not weak-willed.
I'll help you in no time,
If I weren't Hasan Khadtab!
Order, incomparable one! How can I help you?

Ved.: It’s fun to celebrate the holiday. Invite dear guests. And also explain to Vovka that nothing in life is given for nothing. And to be happy you need to enjoy every minute of your life, the summer breeze, the singing of birds and the peaceful sky above your head. And also have many friends!

Vovka: Better help me. You say you fulfill wishes. So do it. Today everything is for children.

Khattabych: What do you want?

Vovka: Ice cream, cakes.

Ved.: You need this in the distant kingdom!

Vovka: I want!!!

Khattabych: Fuck-tibidoh (casts a spell).

Vovka “disappears” (leaves)

Ved.: Eh, it’s a pity. They didn't teach me any sense. So we were left without a guest.

Hutt: Don’t be upset, dear! I figured it out fun game. Now I'll cheer you up.

Vovka appears, with a casket near him.

Vovka: Yes, yes. Is the bottle opener cooler here?

(Two appear from the casket)

Two (together): We are two from the casket, identical in appearance.

Vovka: Hello.

Two (together): Hello!

Vovka: Hello! Well, are you really going to do everything for me?

Two (together): Yeah! (bow)

Vovka: Well, then that’s it! I want there to be a lot of sweets: firstly, chocolate, secondly, sweets, thirdly, ice cream! And quickly!

Two (together): It will be done!

The two begin tossing sweets to each other, all passing by Vovka.

Vovka: Hey-hey-hey! Hello! Stop! Stop!

What are you, and will you eat candy for me?

Two (together): Yeah!

Vovka: Well, no! Then get back to the casket!

Khattabych casts a spell, Vovka appears in the hall.

Vovka: You have so much fun. I heard from a fairy tale how children laughed. But I didn’t get along with them, they even ate candy for me.

Ved.: Don’t be upset, Vovka. The guys have prepared a fun dance for you.

Vovka: Khattabych, let’s do magic again. It seems to me that if I had a car... I could live...

Khattabych casts a spell. A stove appears, Emelyan is on it.

Look, children, guests, here I come to you,
Cast aside all doubts, I arrived at the stove myself!
Have you read a fairy tale, children? There is Emelyushka in the world!
So Emelya is me, look at me!
I am Emelya, I am an eccentric, but I am not a fool at all!
Hello my friend!
You called me, what happened to you, friends.

Vovka: What is this? Car?!?

Ved.: Yes, Khattabych, you’re somehow absent-minded today!

Emelya: The car is not a car, but it can drive.

By the way, I am Emelya.

The one who was friends with the pike

My stove has died!

Vovka: He blocked everything behind us!

Oh, the water is running like a stream,
No snow, no ice...
Oh, let Emelya into the hall,
I really need to go there!

Well, who ordered me?

Vovka: I didn’t order you, but a racing car, a Ferrari. Khattabych made a mistake and ruined the holiday.

Emelya: Why did you ruin it? Since I came to visit, we will have fun. Let's play with you.

Playing with children.

Emelya: We had fun. Oh! and my spirits lifted. I feel like a happy person! I see it’s a happy day for you guys!

Ved.: Of course, joyful. And our girls sing a song for everyone.

Emelya: I really love songs

Sometimes I sing myself!

...Because of Buyan Island...! But no, you’re better off. Let's listen to your song!

Ved.: Well, Vovka, have we convinced you that happiness does not lie in gifts?

Vovka: Yes, not in gifts... Everything is not right, but everything turns out wrong. If only I had chests of money! This is happiness!!! Khattabych, help me, last, third wish?

Khattabych: Vovka, I’m really absent-minded today. You need to train your attention and memory, get in the mood, so to speak.

Ved.: This is very easy to do. The guys and I were just about to play a game for attention. We'll take you too. It will be more fun together!

Vovka: Are you sure you’ll take it?

Ved.: Of course.

Playing with children.

Khattabych: Now I'm ready to create magic!

Khattabych casts a spell. Koschey the Immortal appears. Sings.

Day and night, day and night
I'm counting money
Day and night, day and night
I don't know rest
Over your wealth
I'm slowly wasting away,
I'll look into the chests -
And I’ll gasp with happiness!
Oh, what grace! What happiness!

Vovka: Did you hear? Happiness! What did I tell you! Happiness lies in money.

Koschey: Did you call?
Vovka: (scared) They called! Called!
Koschey: Why?

Vovka: I want to be rich...

Koschey: How am I?

Vovka: Yes.

These boys and girls
Money will be pulled out of the barrel:
Either candy or an outfit -
Koshchei will be ruined in no time!
Children are capable of finishing
And Immortal to death.
Why Koschey the Immortal -
Almighty ruler?
His treasured chest
Neither daughter nor son will be found.

Vovka: I wish I had chests of gold and silver like these!

Koschey: Come live with me. You will be a security guard. All day long we will count the gold, hide it, lock it behind seven locks. Let's live! You are on duty during the day, I am at night. And then we'll switch. For a change.

Although, why do we need diversity when we only have wealth on our minds? And don't waste it! We will live with you for a thousand years! You will become like me! Do you like me?

Vovka: Something’s not very good... What a prospect!

Koschey: Agree! You wanted to become rich!

(Koschei and Vovka freeze in place over the chest). The action continues in the foreground.

Ved.: In the meantime, Vovka and Koshchei are coming to an agreement, we continue to have fun.

(Children sing. Koschey remains motionless, Vovka comes closer to the children, sighs, longing in his eyes).

Ved.: I see you, Vovka, have returned.

Vovka: Do you know what I understood?

Happiness is not a chest of rubles,
Happiness is a circle of friends
The sound of the sea and the singing of birds,
Splashes of morning lightning!
Stop hoarding gold
Stop living in a dungeon!

Ved.: Are you sure that’s what you decided, Vovka? After all, you have to go to school!

Vovka: Of course. Now I want to do everything myself! And the school is very good!

In the far corner of the hall, Koschey is “dying away.”

Koschey: Well, no. I won't leave you that easily. Otherwise, they considered me unnecessary, not humane. I need a friend too. I'm taking Vovka.

Ved.: We will not give you our Vovka. He only now understood what happiness is and how you can become happy!

Koschey: Try to win back! If you win back, I’ll return it. If you don’t win back, you’ll have to live with me, in a dungeon.

Game with Koschei and children. (Koschei loses)

Ved.: You’d better stay with us, Koschey. We're having fun. And then you will return to your castle. If you want…

Ved.: And we continue our holiday with a lyrical song with a guitar.

Teachers (stand up from the hall one by one, read the lines and line up for the final song)

1 teacher

Today is your holiday, guys!
All the children of the vast Earth
They rush to each other with congratulations,
Wishing you health and love!

2 teacher

And we, dear ones, wish you,
Grow and make us happy,
May your wishes come true
And the world will be kind to you!

3 teacher

Much has been written about this day,
After all, children are angels from heaven.
For you, everything in the world is just the beginning,
You have an endless forest of possibilities.

4 teacher

You warm hearts with your breath,
You drive away trouble with a smile,
And illuminate with your charm
The bleakest day of the year.

5 teacher

Keep our wishes tight,
Strive upward and help your loved ones,
Appreciate goodness and those who give you knowledge,
To become a real Man.

The final common song of teachers and children.