Why do men lie about what they love? Why men lie - reasons and methods of influencing a liar. Types of husbands who like to lie

How to recognize a man's lies? What are the signs of deception on the part of a man? It is female nature to doubt men. And this is not surprising. After all, guys often win women’s hearts in a not entirely honest way: they exaggerate their merits, keep silent about their shortcomings, have affairs with several women at the same time, give flattering but dishonest compliments, charm and bewitch ladies with their charms - in general, they do everything just to achieve their goal .

Agree, girls usually do not spend 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year with their loved ones. And since you can’t be with him 24/7, how can you be 100% confident in him? It's normal to sometimes doubt your boyfriend's honesty and loyalty. Especially if he gives good reasons for this.

So, how do you understand what you are dealing with - male lies or truthfulness? How to determine whether your husband is lying or is as pure as a baby in front of you?

A man lies: 5 signs of a man's lies

Visual signs when a man is lying:

  • an exaggerated, widened look, slightly raised eyebrows, as if in surprise, and the mouth is always slightly open, the lower jaw is slightly lowered (a state of defense and readiness for a retaliatory attack).

What to do in such a situation? You can ask him why he is lying to you - they say, even without his false excuses, you know perfectly well that he is being deceitful and dishonest with you, that you can see from his eyes that he is lying - and does not blush. This tactic may work - or it may not.

Of course, the easiest way is to ask the guy if he is honest? But it is a rare liar who admits to his lies, and if he does, it is only to hide an even greater deception.

Most often, men admit to lying when they are usually honest - then they are disgusted by the situation of deliberate deception and they try to quickly tell everything as it is, even if it is unprofitable for them.

And an inveterate liar, even lying on another naked woman, will never admit to his wife that he is cheating on her - he will always deny any insinuations addressed to him. Moreover, in response he will fume, get angry and accuse the woman of all mortal sins, incl. something for which he himself is to blame, for example, treason.

If your husband often deceives other people in your presence, cheats, or did this according to him only in the past, but you feel that he continues to play now, then you should seriously think about the need to separate from him.

If your loved one simply decorates reality from time to time for no apparent reason, have a heart-to-heart talk with him, find out why he does this, and only then decide what to do.

But you shouldn’t suffer from paranoia for no reason - read the following 5 signs of the most common and common male lies, which in their totality and in case of frequent repetition are sure symptoms of male deception and dishonesty with you.

  1. His stories don't match. Ask the guy about the situation you are interested in and listen carefully to the details. After a while, ask a couple of clarifying questions. Then return to this situation again and unobtrusively ask him to tell you everything about it again in order. If at first he said that he spent the evening with classmates, and in another of his stories his work colleagues appear, and in the third - a businessman he knows, then this should raise red flags. Chronic liars usually tell little each time new story— his stories change in some details every time. If the husband is lying, then he can be monitored to find out the truth. Or you can call several of his friends and colleagues with whom you personally know to clarify the inconsistencies. But be prepared that they may be prepared in advance by your man for this interrogation and will also lie.
  2. Does not look directly into the eyes or looks too long or too intently. Psychologists assure that if a person does not look his interlocutor in the eyes, then he is hiding something. Of course, this can also happen from great modesty, for example, this is often found in teenagers. But still, if a man does not look him in the eyes when he explains this or that event, then he is most likely “making an excuse,” i.e. tries to deceive a woman. But self-confident gigolos and womanizers know this secret very well - and when they lie, they usually look into the girl’s eyes, but at the same time their eyes are too wide, because they have to make some psychological efforts to lie and look their interlocutor in the eyes. That's why they have an overly open and intent gaze - such an overcompensation for men's lies.
  3. Omits details. Experienced deceivers know that the easiest way to catch them is in details, small inconsistencies in the story. Therefore, they deliberately do not report the nuances of the incident, but talk about what happened in the most general terms. When a man is honest, he usually provides many different specific details that explain a particular event. And when a guy lies and deliberately deceives, he can generally talk about everything at the top, and only mention 1-2 bright details in order to give credibility to his story and avoid deeper questioning. How to deal with this behavior? Ask more questions that will clarify the picture somewhat and force him to move from generalizations to nuances.
  4. The man has lied before or is lying to other people. If a guy deceived another girl before you, cheated on her, then the same fate most likely awaits you. If a man in your presence deceives other people, deliberately misleads his partners, is dishonest in relationships with colleagues, and intrigues at work, then expect a similar attitude towards yourself. You may not pay attention to the fact that he tells his partner that he has already left for another city to solve the problem, although he himself is in bed with you and has not gone anywhere, but it is precisely such “little” lies of a man that are an indicator of his general deceitfulness and dishonesty : if he is deceitful in small things, then in large matters he will lie in a black way.
  5. Your feminine intuition tells you that the guy is lying. If your sixth sense tells you that your beloved husband is lying, that he is deceiving you, then this is very bad. After all, most likely, intuition does not lie - this time. And secondly, even if your intuition is wrong, it means that you don’t trust this man... and that means you don’t love him. That is, if you don’t want to part with him, but don’t trust him, then you don’t feel love for him, but... love addiction. What to do? Have a heart-to-heart talk with a man, try to eliminate the cause of mistrust, delve into yourself, identify the problem, do everything possible to solve it - and consider all possible options further development events.

Dear women! Trust your men - and let them never give you a reason to doubt their fidelity and honesty.

Lying is a cross-gender concept. If a person is lying, he is lying regardless of gender. But in this article we will look at the reasons for men’s lies. Each sex has its own hormonal characteristics, which certainly affect the characteristics of the psyche, and therefore the characteristics of manifestations of lies.

What kind of male lies are there?

By and large, there are very few reasons for men’s lies. All of them can be grouped and classified, the only question is the criteria for classification.

Let's start with the largest one:

  1. Conventionally “good” lie.
  2. Conventionally “bad” lie.

The reason and psychology of “good” lies

“Good” lies include lies for good, lies for salvation, and similar types. Let us immediately take into account that men lie not only to women, they lie to each other too. And even earlier they lied to their parents, and when they became fathers, they lie to their own children. Not all and not always, but many.

Increasing a woman's self-esteem

If we do not touch upon very serious reasons: reassurance in a serious illness or before death, consolation in suffering, hiding a really bitter truth - a completely harmless and even necessary lie is aimed at maintaining high self-esteem in its object, at protecting against unnecessary disorders, at reducing the level of anxiety .

For example, if we are talking about why a man lies to a woman, then in a “good” case it could be:

  • embellishing her appearance,
  • somewhat flattering compliments,
  • exaltation of her personal qualities,
  • Comparisons with other women that are flattering for her (not in their favor).

What can I say, it’s very pleasant to hear this. And here, male liars are most likely right in their tricks: to chop off the truth about other people, no matter what gender, means to be branded a boor and a psychopath.

And if you direct your unrestrained love of truth at women, they will begin to shy away from such a “gentleman” as if he were plagued.

Causes and psychology of “bad” lies

Fear of punishment and responsibility

Now about the “bad” lies. Its first reason is fear. If your man has a need to lie out of fear, you can safely blame his parents, especially his mother, for the development of this need.

Most likely, since childhood, he lied to both parents or his mother separately, protecting his boundaries and his privacy from their strict control. And, of course, escaping punishment.

When parents establish strict supervision over their son, do not give him the right to make mistakes, and punish him for the slightest offense - the boy develops the need to get out, to deceive, and a psychology of lying is established, which is consolidated in adulthood.

If in childhood a man was afraid of both parents, then, out of habit of getting out, in the future he will lie to everyone, including a woman. If the mother kept her son in fear, then it would be his future girlfriend, fiancee or wife who would suffer from the lies: she would become the involuntary successor of the tyrant mother.

The main beloved woman of her entire life punished for childhood mistakes - how then will another beloved punish for adult mistakes?! It is better, according to the old scheme, to immediately block any possibility of punishment: invent all sorts of fables, replace real events with fictitious ones, even if there is no real basis for this. To avoid. Because he’s used to it: if he finds out the truth, he will punish him.

Selfishness or narcissism

The second reason for “bad” lies is male egoism, or, to an extreme extent, narcissism. There are two options: either “thank you” to the mother for her excessive care. Or, on the contrary, she or both parents, for some reason, did not take part in the upbringing at all. And this way and that it turns out bad.

Excessive guardianship

Overly caring mothers who blindly adore their “sons” often raise them as the only light in the window and simply cannot breathe in them. Whatever the child does, everything is beautiful and wonderful. And in general, all people in this world exist in order to please the “son”, to ensure his life, so that he eats sweeter and sleeps more gently. And whoever thinks differently is bad, he has nothing to do near his “son”.

It’s both funny and sad, but there are a lot of such examples. It is not surprising that such a boy grows up to be an egoist who seriously believes that everyone around him owes him. Including the woman who happened to be nearby. And another woman. And maybe even a third. And if you can’t snatch everything everywhere for free, that is, for nothing, you have to lie.

You really want to get something you want, right out of the blue, but the woman’s feelings will suffer and she can declare them - it’s easier to deceive. Another woman may also be a very desirable object. Treason looms, in general.

“A real man needs at least two women - a wife, the mother of his children, and a lover, for soul and body. This is a necessary and sufficient condition,” one of the representatives of the described group of egoists assured me. What does this mean? Only about the personal inability to be an adult and responsible person in relation to the woman with whom he is already married and with whom he is raising children.

Absence of parents or their non-participation in upbringing

Another source of selfishness that turns into narcissism is the absence of parents at all. Or their early death, or abandonment of the child, or simply unwillingness to participate in his life and upbringing - in general, everything that forced the boy to survive with all his might from an early age.

By the way, in such a situation, even the absence of one of the parents is enough, when the other is unable to give enough love and provide a sense of basic security.

The flip side of this forced childish survival can be narcissism - a personal characteristic cultivated in oneself that strives for a man to use other people, their resources and their opportunities to improve his own life.

The most convenient source of resource becomes a woman (if the narcissistic man is heterosexual). A monstrous web of lies is woven in which the victim is entangled. Men are selfish and narcissistic - chronic manipulators, they lie to women all their lives.

First - to catch her with all the available benefits in her net, then - to retain these benefits, while managing to snatch even more on the side.

Pathological lying syndrome

And the last reason for “bad” male lies is pathological lying syndrome. It is also inherent in women, since it is a consequence of the mental characteristics of the individual, regardless of gender. Pathological liars, also known as “mythomaniacs,” tend to make up fantastic stories and provide false information in order to increase their own importance in the eyes of others.

They were even studied at the University of Southern California, as a result of which scientists came to the conclusion that pathological liars differ from “normal” people in the structural composition of the brain: they have less gray matter - neurons, but more white matter - nerve fibers.

By the way, such knowledge may no longer allow us to classify the described lie as “bad”: ethically this is wrong, because a pathological liar actually does not know what he is doing, he simply “lies as he breathes.”

What does this lie give to a man?

The answer to this question depends on why men lie, that is, on the reason for their lies. We have just looked at these reasons.

Good attitude, no scandals

So, “white lie”, “white lie” - these phraseological units themselves provide the answer. Mental relief, your own or the object of the lie, emotional benefit, maybe even a spiritual feat.

A harmless lie aimed at increasing the target’s self-esteem gives peace of mind and a good relationship With a woman. And really, why answer the question: “Have I gained weight?” honestly answer: “Yes, dear, it’s time for you to lose a couple of kilograms”?!


This is what lies out of fear gives a man, it is difficult to understand rationally. These invisible bonuses were born in deep childhood and hide in the hidden corners of an adult male soul. For, no matter how you look at it from all sides, lying out of fear only causes a lot of unnecessary troubles, first of all, to the liar himself.

Cowardly psychology forces a man to lie all the time, and this is difficult. For example, why not just tell your wife the truth that you went for a beer with friends? No, it’s better to lie that your boss kept you at work on an urgent matter, while reeking of beer fumes.

The wife becomes furious at such an obvious lie... Here is the answer! A man who lies out of fear secretly receives what he seems to be trying to avoid: punishment! I'm telling you, these bonuses have very deep and secret roots. Such a Freud.

Satisfying personal needs

Well, why egoists and narcissists lie seems to be already clear. So that everything would be, and there would be nothing for it. Only the driving force here is not fear, but pleasure, personal needs, selfish interests, insatiable desires, the desire to get a better life in life at the expense of others. Whose account is someone else's? The one nearby.

Such men also lie to women all the time, from the very beginning of their acquaintance: if the object matches the various resources she has, from material to psychological, lies about love begin.

Further, if the fish bites, it is persuaded to share its resources as much as possible - housing, money, things, status, emotions, the birth of children. If the dependence is established sufficiently strong, the subject goes to catch his new resource jackpot on the side, while holding the dependent victim wife with her resources with another lie...

Moral satisfaction

Well, pathological liars are pathological. Their lies give them pathological happiness. They really lie like they breathe. They, as we found out, even have a different brain.

What to do if a man is lying?

Let’s immediately decide about the case of egoists and narcissists: the best thing is to run away. The short, illusory joys during the period of seduction will quickly end and turn into daily painful doubts.

However, among women there are ideal victims of male narcissists; they themselves try their best to attract their attention. Here, truly, the saying “to the catcher and the beast runs” applies.

If you know your man has a penchant for harmless lies or understand that he is afraid of upsetting you, not realizing that lying upsets you much more, it is important to find a certain balance: try to come to an agreement with him, outline the boundaries of what is permitted.

If he likes to go fishing or sometimes meets with friends for a drink or two, let him know that you really aren't angry about it. You yourself don’t mind sometimes going somewhere with your friends or sitting in your old company.

Then he won’t have to figure out why he has to stay late at work again, why he is urgently sent on a business trip over the weekend, and so on and so forth. Again, balance is important here: these fishing trips and get-togethers with friends should not completely replace your overall time and push you into the background.

If the family finds itself on its own, and the man is everything free time resting or having fun separately, he is probably running away from responsibility. And this is the same selfishness, and such lies are very offensive, without the prefix without-.

Video: how to understand that a man or guy is lying and what to do?

I'm already lying when I say this. You know yourself - a person who always tells the truth will not convince anyone of this. It simply won't occur to him. The reason why I tell you that I will never lie is because sooner or later you will notice the differences between my words and actions. Puzzling over why I suddenly acted so cruelly, you will remember how I assured that I was an honest person and always controlled myself. I am incapable of doing anything like that.

You will be completely confused and want to believe in the person I imagined you to be, and not in who I really am.

2. “It’s crazy how much you and I have in common!”

There is no need to go crazy - I have already managed to study you and now I reflect you as if in a mirror. While we were talking with you, I managed to find out your most secret dreams and weaknesses. From the very first date, I tried to gradually find out what you were missing in your life.

Now I will “take the form” of your ideal, the person you always wanted to be with - at least for the time being until I get everything I want. Then I will take off the mask from time to time, and soon you will not be able to recognize the person you fell in love with at first.

3. “I’m writing to you just to say I miss you.”

I want to know that I still have control over you and your life.

This is a test I will do occasionally after I disappear for a few days. Or after I suddenly behave rudely. Or I’ll make you jealous by showing up with my newest victim. I send these short messages to make sure that I am still important to you, that you are still waiting for me. I'm sure you remember me.

4. “I'm very sorry, I'm sorry. I was not myself"

This is exactly me, as I really am. My actions should have already hinted this to you. Of course, I will apologize from time to time to stop talking about my behavior or to make you think that it was an accident. I hope you buy it. If you forgive me again and let me into your life, I promise you one hell of a ride - the journey will be unforgettable.

5. “I’m just really busy right now.”

You're a stopover. I need you to make me feel important. I'm really busy - I don't have time for you while I continue to communicate with many others. But I'll be happy to keep you in limbo. I will send messages and then disappear for several days, making you wait until I pay attention to you again. And who knows, maybe one or two victims will fall off and you'll take a new position in my weekly rotation.

6. “I’ve moved many times - I generally love to travel.”

I like to leave the places where I was found out and start all over again. Every time I arrive at a new place, I start new life With clean slate. What a relief not to have to deal with the consequences of past adventures! When the supplies of gullible love seekers are depleted, the time comes to pack their bags again and go to new town. I leave a trail of deceived hearts behind me wherever I go.

7. “They all mean nothing to me. You're my only one"

That's what I said! How wonderful it is to create various love triangles and see how passions boil around me and fight for me. I feed off this adoration and attention from fans. I don't really plan on picking any of them - I'm just enjoying the game.

8. “I didn’t come because I was late with friends.”

Every time I disappear without warning, you can bet I'm bombarding one of these female friends with love. But don't worry, you can be my friend too.

9. “Changing is mean and low”

This is low, but with one caveat: if you do it. For me there are other standards. I expect complete transparency and loyalty from you, while at the same time I am free for various adventures and quests.

We will continue to be connected to you by an invisible thread - for sex, money, communication and support. In short, everything you can offer me.

10. “My ex-girlfriend was terrible, she lied to me.”

In fact, it was me who was dishonest and lied. I betrayed her and she didn't want to take it anymore. She saw what I was hiding under the mask. But while we barely know each other, it’s hard to guess. And that's why I tell you these stories about how I was wounded. Hold me, have pity, heal the wounds. Give me back again peace of mind and faith in humanity...

11. “I couldn’t get rid of her, she was just crazy about me.”

Ex-girlfriends may know a lot more about me than you do. Sometimes one of them may be trying to warn you about something. For example, that I am prone to violence or deception. Of course, you won’t pay attention to their words, because I will have time to convince you that they are all passionately in love with me and are jealous of our happiness. They want me back, and their words have nothing to do with the pain I managed to cause them.

12. “I used to play at love, but now I want a serious relationship for life.”

Are you ready to fall for this nonsense? Hope so. I'm going to be in the same bed with you very soon and do this from time to time so that you think that one day we will end up in serious relationship. I have an inexhaustible imagination, I have accepted the most different shapes and guises for those who have been hurt in the past. The only truth is that I never change.

Why do men lie to women?? Why, in principle, do people lie to each other? And is it really that terrible? How do “male lies” differ from “girlish little deceits” that many women’s trainings so diligently teach? What so tempting do men get for their sophisticated lies?

First of all, we still need to understand how men’s lies differ from women’s lies. The man is lying as close as possible to the truth (what he personally believes to be true), and never piles up unnecessary details. That is: we came up with it ourselves, believed it in ourselves, and then we bring the idea we’ve created to the masses as the ultimate truth. To all doubters - in the face. Those who don’t appreciate it and giggle – it’s not even worth proving anything, let alone making excuses. A woman, on her own tiny lie, will pile up a bunch of unnecessary details, will get confused, doubt, get lost, fuss and, in the end, will attract a lot of attention to her untruth. If he gets caught, of course, he will confess, repent and continue to complicate his life. By this time, the man is already confident in his own rightness, and in the fact that “everything is exactly as it is.”

Why does a man lie to a woman, what does it give?

  • These same women. We are all familiar with the very convenient idea of ​​polygamy, the need to leave as many offspring as possible, etc. Perhaps nature meant a fair fight between male and male, so that the strongest would survive? And gave corresponding offspring? For what? People came up with the glorious word “I love” (we won’t say who came up with it, but, mind you, it’s customary for a man to explain...). Women filled these five letters with high content: care, fidelity, etc., they believed and agreed to everything. And that’s it, the battle between the males is over, but no one has canceled polygamy yet. Can you imagine what Don Quixote looked like and thought? One fight with a mill will make any psychiatrist think. Can you imagine how healthy he produced offspring? Exactly. But how he persuaded!
  • The feeling of being of a higher order. It’s nice, damn it, to understand that you are the smartest, very successful, almost successful, achieved a lot, achieved everything. And further, down the list. These are not the times now and there are some difficulties. And what achievements there were! It's a pity that you, dear, were not around then. You would have seen everything (an additional bonus is that “dear” cannot check anything, takes your word for it, supports, sympathizes, washes, cleans, pours, and so on, along the list).
  • Household amenities. Let's proceed from what exactly a woman can give to the man of her dreams. Starting from childhood. A kind grandmother can be deceived and appeased and go fishing with the boys: she herself will invent something for the angry father. Sometimes you think about mothers in general with a shudder: they believe everything without exception, doubt and the slightest sign of criticism. It’s simply impossible for them not to lie! It’s not advisable to tell the truth: if a mother has a heart attack from the terrible news that her twenty-five-year-old son was seduced (of course!) by a neighbor-graduate, there will be no one to cook dinner. Wives and lovers are a separate category that deserves special discussion.
  • Faithful wife. As we have already said, women are not capable of lying competently. They have been trying, of course, for many centuries. But they are stupid and not particularly talented, having earned the reputation of being deceitful and hopelessly corrupt. Yes, yes, read the statements of the Church Fathers! These people definitely don’t lie, neither to women nor men, they say what they think. So, our girl, incapable of anything more than forced good manners and makeup (by the way, also a little lie!) gets into the tenacious clutches of a guy who says everything from point No. 2. His mother, with heartfelt drops, believes that our girl is the heroine of point No. 3, and his grandmother at this time is twisting his angry father (the only one who distinguishes the truth!). And at this moment the guy says a variant of the text from point No. 1 (actually, he just wanted sex, but since it’s so accepted...)! The moment turns out to be historical, she finally receives the status of a wife with all the ensuing consequences, but is this really the case? He continues to lie, he is respectable, he is a family man. But no one has yet canceled the theory of polygamy!

Of course, these are not all the reasons why men lie to women. As the great Disraeli said: “There are three kinds of lies: lies, damn lies and statistics.” Statistics, by the way, show that men’s favorite types of lies are:

  • hide sympathy for another woman - 51%;
  • reduce the amount “taken on the breast”;
  • 26%; - hide betrayal;
  • 21% (sympathy is apparently a worse sin!);
  • Every sixth person likes to exaggerate the cost of a purchase, and he, apparently, prefers to leave his chosen one in suspense and inform her about his complex and important matters before going to have fun.

And you still don’t understand why a man lies to a woman?!

From childhood we are taught that it is wrong to lie. But absolutely everyone lies, but with different motives, under different circumstances and with different frequencies. Men lie more often - this is a proven fact. And it would be good for girls to be prepared for this and not widen their eyes after the wedding, not understanding why their husband is lying. The reasons may be different, and there is no single answer to the question: “why do men lie?” In this article we will try to figure this out and understand who is to blame and what to do.

Motives for male lies

  1. To be chosen. Remember why deputies promise so much during the election race? They talk about their best qualities, they promise us good life. They want us to choose them. The same thing happens in relationship psychology. Men lie to make themselves seem better to us, so that we will pay attention to them, so that we will single them out.
  2. They don't want to offend. If you have already chosen him, the next reason for deception is the fear of offending you. For example, on initial stage relationship, the man comes home tired. It was an exhausting day at work, you want to sink into your favorite chair, turn on the TV, turn off your head and not think about anything. And then the phone rings: “Darling, hello! Let's meet?". It’s easier for a guy to say that he’s still at work than to try to convey to a lady that he’s just tired. She will think that he doesn’t need her, since he doesn’t want to meet. And he will be offended! This behavior provokes a guy to lie.
  3. They want to avoid conflict. Another motive for deception, which is most often provoked by women themselves. A man lies to a woman that her boss asked her to go to work on her day off just to go fishing. He knows that you will cause a scandal for this innocent hobby, and he wants to avoid this in this deceitful way.
  4. They are afraid to lose. A banal situation with a mistress. If the wife has not done anything bad to her husband, he is not going to leave her, but for some reason he has taken on a temporary mistress, he will definitely lie about it.
  5. He's not lying, he's dreaming. How often do women cry, talking about how much their husband promised them at the beginning of the relationship and how little he did. If he just sits and imagines a big house outside the city, where you and your three children are, and there are two cars in the garage, he is simply fantasizing. And he has the right to do so. Don't take other people's dreams as promises.
  6. They lie about little things. It happens that there is nothing special to hide, no scandal will follow for telling the truth, but the man still deceives. For what? He just doesn’t want to answer any questions because he’s closed off. Sometimes it is triggered by problems at work or conflicts with friends and family. Representatives of the stronger sex are usually in no hurry to share their problems and pretend that they do not need female help.

Now do you understand why men lie to women? It turns out that all the reasons came down to the fact that men want what’s best? Exactly. And we do not advise persistent pursuit of the truth if you are not ready to hear it.

What to do?

If you do find out that you live with a lying person, we will figure out what to do if your husband constantly lies. It all depends on the reason, try to figure it out. And then decide whether you need the truth. Be prepared for it to be bitter.

If you are still determined to bring him to clean water, stock up on valerian and start asking questions. Clear and straight.

It is unlikely that you will be able to receive the whole portion of the truth at once; be prepared for a whole series of such offerings.

What to do if your husband cheats on you and lies? Since you have already found out about your mistress, the question before you is completely different: do you want to be with this man? If yes, then fight and forgive, if not, then leave. But most likely, if you love your chosen one, you will be glad to be deceived and will give him a chance to justify himself, to hear what you want to hear.

If you intend to stop any lies, you will have to define your boundaries. Clearly state that you don’t like it, that it is unpleasant and offensive to realize that your loved one is deceiving.

And warn him that if he gets caught in a lie again, you will do something that he won’t like. What exactly, choose for yourself, the main thing is to be ready to fulfill your promise, and not just shout.

If they said that you will leave after learning about the deception, then be prepared to pack your things and leave. If there is nowhere to go, it is better to come up with another punishment. For example, you won’t cook for a month or you won’t talk all week. It should be something that will deprive him of comfort and at the same time, not make you suffer.

How to recognize a man's lies?

There are many ways in which a lie can be detected. Moreover, it doesn’t matter whether you live with a professional pathological liar or your husband doesn’t know how to lie at all. How to understand that a man is lying to you?

  1. Pay attention to his speech. When a man lies, his speech is accompanied by a nervous cough, intermittent heavy breathing, and frequent blinking. The rush of adrenaline even causes beads of sweat to appear.
  2. Gesturing gives away. Whatever one may say, deception is stress, and our body always reacts to it. If you notice unusual fussiness in his movements or, conversely, uncertainty and limitation; if he nervously taps his feet on the floor, constantly rubs his nose and hands, and does not look into your eyes, most likely they are trying to hide the truth from you.

There is another difficult question: how to understand that a guy is lying via SMS? If speech is not heard and gestures are not visible. Most likely, he will be confused in his readings. If you suspect a lie, do not focus on this immediately; it is better to ask clarifying questions during active correspondence in a couple of weeks. If suddenly a guy doesn’t respond to messages for a long time, it means he’s leafing through your old correspondence to remember how he lied. Or the readings will be different.

We found out why a man lies all the time and what to do about it. But now you shouldn’t be offended by the entire male gender. Talk to your partner, find out the reason for the lack of trust in you, analyze your behavior, make sure that you yourself are not pushing your loved one to cheat. In general, remember what Pierre Reverdy said: “ To love is to agree to be deceived". Remember, if a man never lies to you, it means he doesn’t care about your feelings.