Meaning of the name Egor for a boy and interpretation. Name Egor. Negative sides of Egor

    Oddly enough, I don’t have a single friend named Yegor. But I think I would like to meet you. After all, now it is so rare to meet people with analytical thinking and perseverance in relation to the goal in life. But every (or almost every) Yegor is exactly like that. And the fact that he’s hot-tempered is nonsense)

    And I also don’t have a single friend named Yegor. Apparently the name has become very rare, that’s why it’s not. I’ll have to revive it later, when I’m older)

    The child was named Egorka, also called a monkey) Energetic, active, really loves sports and often takes prizes. He is very good at any kind of sports; teachers say he has great potential. But he loves to brag about his achievements in front of us, his parents and grandmothers. Outsiders don't know about it. He leaves this for dessert, and if he really needs it, he can impress a person. This is our son)

    My boss Yegor Valentinovich has very good business qualities and knows how to find a way out of any situation. Reliable owner, does not stop there. Sometimes he goes too far, but common sense helps him out. It is easy to move up the career ladder. Colleagues value his dedication, commitment and integrity. A wonderful family man, an exemplary owner. I respect this man very much!

    Egor is my ex-boyfriend, I’ll say right away that he is incredibly hot-tempered. We constantly had some kind of dispute with him, and each time he was ready to break off the relationship. In the end, I couldn’t stand the swing and broke up with him. I hope with age he will learn to control himself. And as for everything else, everything is true. Excellent business qualities.

    write why the kids were named that way, why you like the name, what kind of characters our Egors have.
    I recently read in some book that “the main feature of this name is isolation.” So far it doesn’t look like us at all! What about you?

    My husband and I just liked the pronunciation of the name, although it was a bit harsh, but really very courageous. I read the characteristics of the name, but didn’t get hung up on them. The main thing still depends on the person, and not on the name

    I can say about our Egorkin that his traits are clearly expressed today - assertive, demanding what he wants, a little cunning, at the same time very serious and thoughtful, but if you cheer him up, he will laugh for a long time and is very contagious

    The name Egor seems ancient to me. I have no friends or acquaintances with that name. Now there is a fashion for old names; among my friends there are children with the names Plato, Arkhip, Ilya, etc. In any case, call it whatever you want, the most important thing is that it has meaning and a positive meaning

    My husband is Egor. He is a very strong-willed person, he is purposeful and hardworking. He prefers to achieve his goals only through his own labor, otherwise he does not feel satisfied with what he has achieved. He is also a caring father and good husband, sincere

    My parents named me after my grandfather. I won’t say that I’m delighted with my name, it seems simple to me. But whatever it is, that’s the least of my worries. I know many people with the same names and different destinies. The name does not always determine fate

    We have a son, Yegor. He is very energetic and active - he does not miss the opportunity to join sports games at fresh air, loves to walk and travel. He is boastful and tends to tell everyone about his achievements, loves to demonstrate his skills and show others what he has learned or achieved.

    Son Egor is 10 years old. There is not a single similarity.

According to Higir

Russian folk form of the name Georgiy is a farmer. Little Egorka has an analytical mind. If a neighbor’s dog brings three puppies, then there is no way to explain to him why last time there were only two of them! In addition, Yegor is very stubborn and distrustful. A person who deceives him at least once risks losing the boy’s favor forever. He studies well, is diligent and hardworking. If you come across a “bad” teacher, it is better to immediately transfer him to another school: he will no longer study here. He has good business qualities and knows how to find a way out of any situation. His character is somewhat spoiled by his temper and grumpiness. If he occupies a leadership position (and this often happens), then his subordinates will have to get used to his manner of reprimanding him for a long time, even for minor violations. He achieves success in his professional career, his colleagues value him for his integrity, pedantry, purposefulness and... they are somewhat afraid of him.

In women, Egor values ​​modesty most of all. He does not tolerate it when a woman is boastful and flirtatious, and gets irritated if she tries to attract attention to herself with flashy clothes or defiant behavior. Yegor is a straightforward and somewhat simple-minded person; in relationships with women he is devoid of deceit; his declarations of love and proposals are, as a rule, sincere and serious. A respectable family man, a strong owner, somewhat strict with children. He sees his wife’s claims to leadership as a manifestation of female weakness, does not contradict little things, and shows firmness in serious matters.

There are many chances to be happy in a marriage with Aurora, Ada, Vera, Evgenia, Nadezhda, Nina, Rimma, Serafima, Tatyana, Yana. Luck in marriage with Agnia, Valeria, Varvara, Galina, Louise, Lyudmila, Maya is problematic.

By D. and N. Zima

Meaning and origin of the name: Russian form of the Greek name George, “Tiller of the Earth” (one of the names of Zeus)

Energy of the name and character: Egor is a rather unexpected name, it surprises with its sharp integrity and at the same time some isolation. It feels like it was carved out of a whole piece of stone. In addition, today this is not the most common name, and therefore its energy has a significant impact on Yegor’s psyche. Most often, people with this name are indeed quite withdrawn; usually their dissatisfaction or irritation does not appear outwardly and, remaining inside, gradually accumulates until it finds a way out. At a young age, this often results in conflicts with others, but over the years, Yegor begins to find release in some activities. The fact is that, unlike other names that can accumulate tension, this name does not have plasticity, and the conflict usually leaves too deep a mark in Yegor’s soul.

In a word, willy-nilly, Yegor has to look for safer exits. He can find satisfaction in caustic irony, in the rapture of work, and in sports. Alcohol poses many dangers for him, in the use of which Egor can easily lose control, because he will always have many reasons to “relieve tension” in this way.

Egor often smooths out the situation by starting to play some chosen life role, hiding his real problems behind it, while at the same time he sometimes devotes most of his energy to this game, receiving the necessary release. Of course, a huge number of people wear such a mask, but few people know how to play their game with gusto like he does. This is a great opportunity for him to relax. It also happens that he captivates people with this role and maybe even becomes the ideologist of some movement, but usually his main goal is not the realization of his ideas, but the realization of himself.

And of course, he needs a person next to him, to whom he can appear as he really is and who can understand him. Therefore, Egor can look for himself for a long time good wife, and when he finds what he was looking for, he may no longer need other ways to relax. Most likely, in this case, he will make a wonderful husband and an excellent owner, not a trace of tension will remain, and Yegor’s gentle character will provide him with many friends and success in his career.

However, all this can come to Yegor much earlier, because if his tension is primarily to blame for his pride, then when Yegor gets used to smoothing out this quality with the help of a sense of humor, he frees himself from a good half of the problems.

Secrets of communication: Be careful if you are carried away by any of Yegor’s projects or ideas, do not forget that for him this may be just a game that he is able to quit at one fine moment. Most often, only close friends know about his real views. If one day Yegor decides to open his soul to you, rest assured, he has included you in his list of friends. In general, for normal communication with Yegor, it is best to smooth out his irony, which is not always light, with kind humor.

The name's trace in history:

Egor Kovalevsky

When a memo was submitted to Nicholas I about the allegedly unlawful actions of the engineer Yegor Kovalevsky (1811–1868) in Montenegro, the emperor, having familiarized himself with the case, laconically wrote in the margins of the memo: “Captain Kovalevsky acted like a true Russian.” That Montenegrin incident was that Kovalevsky had to take part in border battles with the Austrians - however, the royal review is equally applicable to all the actions of this interesting person.

In general, fate decreed that all his life Yegor Kovalevsky was at the center of all kinds of events - economic, political, military. Perhaps he himself in some way provoked many situations, experiencing a craving for adventure. Here are just some facts from his biography: during the Khiva expedition, this man, together with several comrades, withstood a long siege of nomads, during which the brave men ate only horse meat. Having carried out geological research in North Africa, he was the first to give correct description the mysterious country of Abyssinia for Europeans. In addition, it was Yegor Kovalevsky who was an active participant in the conclusion of the most important agreement that ensured Russia’s trade with China...

It is difficult to list all the exploits and merits of this adventurer and traveler; suffice it to say that at the age of fifty he rose to the rank of lieutenant general and was appointed senator and member of the Council of Foreign Ministers. But even while occupying the most important positions, Kovalevsky remained, first of all, a creative and compassionate person; He did a lot of charity work, and his books, telling about amazing adventures, were extremely popular in their time.

Meaning of the name: Egor is considered to be the Russian form of the ancient Greek name Georgiy, which means “farmer”.

Origin of the name: The name Egor has Greek roots. In Rus', villagers were called Yegor, while only nobles were called Georgy. Egor belongs to the common people's names, which by nature endow their owner with hard work, dedication and reliability.
Other forms: Egory, Gora, Gosha, Goga.

May – 6th;

December – 9th.

Characteristics of the name

Purposefulness, honesty, integrity- these are the main character traits of Yegor, who has an analytical mind and good intuition. The energetic properties of the name are combined with a variety of character traits. Egor is soft and kind, balanced and calm, but at the same time he can turn into a hard, selfish and tyrannical person.

As a child, Egor is a little spoiled; he requires increased attention from his parents. He studies well at school and is often among the best students. Since childhood, little Yegor cannot stand criticism of himself; he is touchy and stubborn. If he has conflicts with classmates or teachers, it is difficult to convince him of his guilt. If he feels that he is being treated unfairly, then you may want to consider transferring him to another school. Yegor cannot be deceived; if he suspects someone of lying, he will no longer be able to trust this person.

Adult Egor is a business person, he is purposeful and smart, he always finds a way out of the current situation. A man with this name is one of the lucky ones, luck often smiles on him, he is gambling, and is always ready to take risks. Defeats and failures never stop Yegor; he is stubborn and always confident in his victory. The owners of this rare name sincere, kind and hardworking. They are always ready to help their neighbors, are not afraid of work and are always confident that they are doing the right thing.

Character of the name

Egor values ​​openness, honesty and sincerity in people. He cannot stand lies and betrayal, he always tries to show interest in other people's problems, but he prefers to solve his own. He has many friends, but is extremely careful in choosing them. Egor's character is characterized by resourcefulness and perseverance, people are drawn to him, he easily finds a way out of a difficult situation and never regrets what was lost. In addition to the positive qualities in Yegor’s character, he can be hot-tempered, grumpy, and selfish. He will never tolerate insults, he is always ready to stand up for himself and his loved ones.

“Winter” Egor – successful, purposeful;

“Autumn” - persistent, grumpy, hardworking;

“Spring” Georgy - arrogant, responsive, smart;

“Summer” - charming, honest, powerful.

Fate of the name

Since childhood, Egor has had an analytical mind; he is cheerful, smart and active, but very distrustful. He studies well at school and often pleases his parents with good grades. In life, Yegor is a successful and self-confident man, he is persistent and correct, he loves comfort and coziness. Values ​​integrity and honesty in people. Egor's character is often marked by selfishness, which is combined with a great desire and craving for work, a good and stable life. This desire makes Yegor a serious and powerful man in the house and work collective.

Egor is a great careerist, he has well-developed work qualities, he can easily move up the career ladder. The team appreciates and respects him, but they are a little afraid of him. Egor has well-developed pedagogical qualities; he can easily work as a teacher, psychologist, or lawyer.
Egor is sure that he needs financial success to be completely happy, so he always strives for material well-being. He works a lot, he tends to think outside the box and think smartly, for which his superiors always appreciate him. Yegor will make a good businessman, politician, and engineer. In addition to the main labor activity In his spare time, Yegor can work at another job, or spend time with friends.

Egor's family life is going well, he is a respectable family man, a wonderful owner, loves children madly, but tries to raise his children in strictness. In a woman, Egor values ​​sincerity, hard work, honesty, and modesty. Often choosing a wife with a strong character, there is a struggle for leadership in Yegor’s family. Egor is often irritated by the flirtatiousness and provocative appearance in women, so by choosing the one, he can directly declare his preferences and intentions.

Yegor's health is not very good, he can often suffer from viral diseases, he gets tired easily, and has a weak immune system. He is highly discouraged from abusing alcohol.

Positive traits of the name

Egor - responsible, decent, always strives for self-affirmation. He is responsible and values ​​relationships with friends. By nature, he is gentle and kind, but only when he is not interfered with in achieving his goals.

Negative traits of the name

Men with this name are very dreamy, ambitious, and arrogant. For others, he often seems too strict, and can sometimes be rude and angry. He is restrained in his statements, but will never tolerate betrayal or deception.

Name compatibility Egor

Yegor will have a successful marriage with Varvara, Vera, Galina, Natalya, Svetlana. Difficult relationships with Anna, Larisa, Marina, Raisa.

Egor very often has several marriages, but at the same time supports a good relationship with their former wives and their children.

The name Egor comes from the Greek name George. Accordingly, this name is also translated - “farmer”. The name Egor appeared in Rus' due to the fact that it was difficult for the Russian people to pronounce the letter “G” and they moved it. The original name sounded like Yegoriy, but later it was shortened. Most often, commoners were called by this name, in contrast to another derivative of George - Yuri. Only representatives of the nobility were called this way.

Character of the name Egor

First of all, to determine the meaning of the name Egor, it is necessary to take into account what time of year he was born. If it was winter, then he will have determination, perseverance and practicality. He knows what he wants from life, so he always has a plan. An analytical mind helps him achieve success in his professional field. Egor, born in spring, is quite emotional. He is characterized by such qualities as vanity, selfishness and pride. He is a very creative person, tries to create a holiday around himself and approaches life with ease. Spring Egor chooses friends who are the same light ones. Summer Egor is characterized by activity, energy and the desire for a goal. He is always confident and easily copes with any task. He is also very positive and charges everyone around with his positivity. But Egor, born in autumn, is pragmatic and rational. He does not listen to the opinions of others and for him there are no authorities. The entire life of autumn Egor is planned down to the smallest detail, so no accidents happen to him.

As an adult, Yegor is quite principled and pedantic. He lives according to his plan and gradually achieves all his goals. Only his hot temper can hinder him. There must be order in everything connected with Yegor, be it work or family relationships. For him, such orderliness is the foundation on which he can build a successful career and a strong family. Egor is lucky in life. Combined with an analytical mindset, it contributes to Yegor’s advancement in life. He is also characterized by riskiness. Sometimes the end does not justify the means, but he still takes risks. Failures do not upset Yegor, but force him to move forward. Egor chooses honest, responsible, principled and open people as his friends. But he will not tolerate hypocrites and liars in his social circle. He has enough friends. What attracts friends to him is that he is sincere, kind and cheerful. Among Yegor's shortcomings is his addiction to high-quality alcohol and luxurious women. It would seem that there is nothing wrong with this, but both components can incapacitate him for a long time and ruin all plans.

Egor can be both a subordinate and a boss. The manager will appreciate his hard work, responsibility and desire for goals. Due to these qualities, Yegor will quickly move up the career ladder. Yegor will make a strict but fair boss. Since Egor is able to get out of any situation, working as a policeman, rescuer, doctor or lawyer is best suited for him. Egor understands people very well and is a wonderful psychologist who easily fits into any team. He will never choose a job in which there is no prospect of career advancement. Egor values ​​himself too highly to stay in the position of an ordinary employee for too long. He will do a great job running his own business. He has all the qualities necessary for a successful businessman, or rather, business acumen and the ability to plan. Unconventional thinking helps Egor promote his business. Thanks to his pedantry and accuracy, he thinks through the business down to the smallest detail before opening his own business.

Egor is a very responsive man. He always helps those in need and does not expect gratitude in return. Egor will not tolerate lies and betrayal. He never forgives his offenders, and sometimes even takes revenge on them. Among Yegor's negative traits one can highlight excessive emotionality and obstinacy. He himself is confident that these qualities are his advantages, as they help him achieve his goals. He also has a well-developed “sixth sense” that never deceives him.

Name Egor for a boy

As a child, Egor was very thoughtful and hardworking. If he has a hobby, then everything will be devoted to this matter free time boy. He is practical and rational, but at the same time very vulnerable. Little Yegor often worries, but tries not to show it to others. It’s difficult to call Yegor a calm boy. He is quite naughty and cocky, which is why he often gets into fights. A boy named Yegor is characterized by a heightened sense of justice. He will not tolerate deception or ridicule in his direction. Egor will deal with the offender with his fists. Despite his eccentricity, he is an excellent student. However, Yegor’s conflict concerns not only his peers, but also his teachers, with whom he often gets into arguments. It is very difficult for Yegor to gain trust. For this reason, he has few friends. The most difficult thing for Yegor’s comrades is not to gain trust, but to maintain it, because the boy does not forgive even the most minor offenses.

Yegor's temper continues into adolescence. However, he is trying to moderate his ardor in order to establish communication with his peers. There also remains stubbornness, which helps him achieve his goals. In order for a boy to develop in the right direction, parents need to show their feelings and support him. Otherwise, he may take the wrong path. Egor loves to get involved in various adventures and drag those around him into them. Even if the adventure is very risky, Yegor knows how to get out of any situation and avoids trouble, which cannot be said about his accomplices. Yegor's friends know about this and do not participate in dubious adventures with him.

Marriage and compatibility of the name Egor

Egor can hardly be called a man of high moral principles. He often has one-night stands, especially when he drinks alcohol. Yegor's chosen one should look gorgeous and attract attention. However for Serious relationships He chooses a girl not by external, but by internal qualities. His companion must have modesty, decency, femininity, good nature and thrift. She should also be very soft and non-conflicting, since he does not like to swear.

Egor never tries to seem like someone else. He is always sincere with his chosen one and she reciprocates his feelings. Girls feel comfortable next to Yegor and feel protected. Despite his frivolity, he faithful man. If Yegor falls in love with a girl, he will not cheat on her. Yegor is in no hurry to get married. He carefully chooses the woman with whom he is ready to connect his fate and thinks for a long time about all the pros and cons. Although sometimes it can be the other way around. If Yegor met a girl with whom he literally lost his head, then he will try to marry her as quickly as possible. However, such relationships usually do not last long and the marriage quickly falls apart.

Essentially, Yegor is a family man. He is a wonderful father who raises his children in strictness. Egor tries to control everything that happens in his family. He does not like to argue with his wife and can easily allow her to make some minor decision. However, Yegor decides all important matters himself. He has no secrets from his wife. He is honest with her about everything, so they maintain a relationship built on love and trust. Household chores are not a strict taboo for Yegor and he will easily come to the aid of his wife. In general, he will try to do everything possible to make all members of his family feel comfortable.

Famous personalities

  • Egor Kankrin-Russian count, member of the Ministry of Finance. He carried out reforms, on the basis of which the silver ruble was introduced into circulation. He managed to ensure that there was no deficit in the state budget and strengthened its financial position.
  • Egor Grishunov- officer from the times of the Great Patriotic War. He led the regiment and helped break through the defenses on the Molochnaya River. After his death he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union.
  • Egor Orlov- Russian chemist of the USSR Academy of Sciences. Studied the kinetics and technology of production of products from inorganic substances. First synthesized ethylene. Based on his research, the first formaldehyde plant was built in Russia.
  • Egor Druzhinin- famous Russian choreographer. He is also an actor and film director. His acting career began when he was 12 years old. He immediately gained popularity by playing the role of Petya Vasechkin.

Even people who are not too superstitious believe with good reason that a name can not only influence the future, but also radically change it. Usually for this reason, adults with such trepidation choose a name for their offspring that can influence many events in the future. What kind of incidents will the future be replete with if you name your little one Egor, the meaning of the name, character and fate for boys?

The meaning of the name Egor for a boy is brief

Almost every ancient country has many names that have survived to this day and enjoy considerable success among parents who choose the most consonant name for their child. Most adults try to study the meanings because they believe that this will have a positive impact on the future. Should you worry if the child is named Yegor, the meaning of the name, character and fate - all this must be studied in advance.

The meaning of the name Egor for a boy is briefly “farmer.” It originated from Ancient Greece, where these people were always held in high esteem and enjoyed universal respect. In many ways, this name will certainly help in choosing a profession - a boy can prepare for a specialty related to agriculture, he will certainly achieve considerable success as a farmer or even a tenant.

What does the name Egor mean for a boy according to the church calendar?

Before you start choosing a name, you should definitely study the information that can be found in church calendar or Saints. This will help not only to find out the features that will distinguish the baby, but also to choose a saint who will accompany Yegor throughout his life. What does the name Egor mean for a boy according to the church calendar? In the calendar, the interpretation remains virtually unchanged - it is also indicated here that this name is associated with agriculture.

Egor, the meaning of the name, character and fate - in the church calendar you can find a lot of interesting and promising things about him. The boy will have two patron saints, one of whom is the Victorious, patronizing warriors and distinguished by his kind attitude towards ordinary people. He will certainly protect the child from all adversity and difficulties, help in making important decisions, and support him in difficult times.

Another patron, distinguished by an equally generous attitude towards his wards, is the great martyr who suffered from Turkish soldiers many years ago. The reason for his death was his unshakable faith in the Lord God.

The boy will be able to celebrate his name day twice a year. Holidays on which the memory of the holy martyrs is honored take place in May (6th) and December (9th). It is imperative to inform the child about this, tell him exactly why these saints died and, together with him, honor the memory of the patrons.

The secret of the name Egor - beliefs and signs

Many years ago, superstitious people believed that the secret of the name Yegor was hidden in powerful saints who bore this particular name. One of them is the Victorious, who usually takes patronage over warriors. If you ask this great martyr for help in military affairs, he will certainly help, save and allow you to return with victory.

Victorious is also distinguished by his attitude towards young girls. He will certainly help you find a good betrothed, arrange a cozy family nest, and raise children. The main thing is not to forget to ask the saint for mercy.

It is believed that the holy great martyr bearing this name is the patron saint of shepherds. On the day when the memory of the Victorious is venerated, one should not offend animals, otherwise one may greatly regret it, and the saint will certainly turn away and will no longer help. Even prayers will not help to return the highest patronage.

On spring Egor, grains usually already rise high, and people are accustomed to determining the future harvest on this day. If the wheat rises above the knee, the ears will certainly be filled with selected grain. If it falls short a little, the grains will be small.

Origin of the name Egor and its meaning for children

How important can such features be, such as the origin of the name Egor and its meaning for children? This name owes its origin, like most others, to Ancient Greece. From here to almost every corner globe names have spread that many countries consider their heritage. Parents do not have to worry - the origin of the name does not in any way affect the child.

The meaning of the name is of considerable importance, and you can feel it almost from the very baptism of the baby. It will be enough for the baby’s relatives to turn to the patron saint so that he can help cope with the problems that the parents will encounter many on their way.

What interesting features will distinguish the baby who was christened with this beautiful old name? Parents will certainly be pleased with the following advantages of the baby:

  1. good health;
  2. curiosity;
  3. interest in the surrounding world;
  4. desire to learn;
  5. interest in creativity;
  6. love of reading.

When your child is several years old, you can begin to teach him to read - he will happily learn the letters and very soon begin to independently comprehend information from books. He will certainly clarify unclear points from close people, so you need to prepare for numerous questions.

Character of a boy named Egor

How much will the character of a boy named Egor please his family and friends? Their beloved child will have many advantages:

  1. diligence;
  2. hard work;
  3. desire for order;
  4. truthfulness;
  5. slight short temper;
  6. honesty.

At the same time, there are also negative features, which are not so few. One of the most unpleasant is grumpiness. Often it develops into boringness; his peers are reluctant to communicate with him, since he loves to teach everyone, not paying attention to whether anyone needs moral teaching. Parents need to try to get rid of this trait in their son from childhood, otherwise this character trait can bring trouble in adulthood.

Another unpleasant trait that Egor is distinguished by is excessive violence, which is usually characteristic only in adolescence. Over the years, it will certainly pass, so parents should not worry about this. At the same time, a teenager must be treated with extreme care - he is capable of the most reckless and reckless actions.

The fate of a boy named Egor

What awaits the child, and how harsh or benign will the fate of the boy named Yegor turn out to be? The first thing an adult should try to do is help him decide on a profession. Already from adolescence, he will definitely have an oratorical talent, so we can advise him to choose the profession of a diplomat. Egor has excellent organizational skills, easily attracts people to him and knows how to captivate them with his idea.