1 year after the wedding, what a wedding. What are weddings like? Taking it to the next level

The sounds of Mendelssohn's wedding and the congratulations of the guests faded away, the dress and veil were packed and put away for storage. But young spouses can celebrate this day again, because the wedding has its own names and meanings based on the years of marriage, which helps to beat the celebration, celebrating it on an equally large scale.

How to celebrate a wedding anniversary

Each spouse celebrates this day as they wish. One couple will organize a magnificent banquet, while the other will prefer to spend the holiday in a narrow family circle.

What kind of weddings are there by year (table with description)

The first date that newlyweds celebrate is their wedding day. It is called "Green". Guests come to the holiday with huge bouquets, which are presented to lovers. It was flowers that became the symbol of this date. What other weddings happen, see the table below:

Number of years lived Date name Interpretation
1 Calico (gauze) Chintz is not a durable material, but suitable for sewing. Behind such a comparison lies the grinding of the spouses. By building a common life, they get to know their character and mutual habits better. The marriage is not yet strong - it is “calico”, but everything is in the hands of the spouses.
2 Paper The date has this name for a reason. More often, a baby is born in the second year of married life. Many new dads are not prepared for the inevitable hassle that will arise. This is a difficult period, so it is compared to paper that tears easily.
3 Leather Durable material that can withstand heavy loads. The name of the anniversary says - you have overcome the difficulties of grinding in, you have become like soft, well-treated leather.
4 Linen By this year, the couple had a lot of household belongings and tablecloths, which were considered a sign of prosperity. Gifts – linen products.
5 Wooden Wood is a strong material, but careless handling of fire can destroy it completely. Spouses should remember this.
6 Cast iron This wedding date was called metal for a reason. The relationship between the spouses is strong, but the cast iron is broken with one blow, and therefore this is not the time for the couple to relax.
7 Copper Copper is a beautiful and expensive metal. Although it is not precious, it deserves recognition. Living together for seven years is an achievement: the children have grown up, life is organized.
8 Tin Such a name cannot cause negativity. After all, tin is a material that shines amazingly brightly in the sun’s rays. An eight-year marriage gets a new shine and is transformed.
9 Earthenware This wedding name has a dual interpretation. The first characterizes the relationship between the spouses: they have become strong and beautiful, like tea poured into earthenware cups. It acts as a symbol of spiritual intimacy. The second indicates the onset of a critical period: the spouses have become bored with everything, have become fed up with it, and the relationship has acquired the fragility of earthenware.
10 Tin The first anniversary date, if you don't count the wooden wedding. The metal is highly flexible. So it is with marital relationships: they are strong, but the husband and wife have learned to make mutual concessions (bend in). This date is also called pink, linking the ten-year anniversary with that very first wedding and the bride’s bouquet.
11 Steel The marriage has been tempered by life and has become strong. The couple turned into a single whole, having thoroughly studied their character and habits. This metal can be polished to a mirror shine, and over the years of marriage the “newlyweds” have turned into a reflection of each other.
12 Nickel The relationship between husband and wife has been hardened, becoming reliable as nickel.
13 Lace Family life after 13 years of marriage becomes airy, like lace.
14 Agate First precious anniversary. The stone comes in a variety of colors and patterns. This is how married life can be characterized. The relationship has become strong, but still contains many mysteries.
15 Glass Glass can be strong and withstand heavy loads, but remains transparent in all situations. This is what the love of spouses looks like, whose marital experience has reached the 15-year mark.
16 Topazovaya A beautiful, durable stone. The date received this name because of the strength and transparency of the relationship. People who have spent so many years together have nothing to hide.
18 Turquoise The stone marks the beginning of a new period in the life of the family. The children have become adults, and life has become smoother. The time has come for a second youth, the blossoming of love.
20 Porcelain 20 years is a long time. The sets presented for the green wedding are worn out, it’s time to replace the cups and saucers.
21 Opal Why the celebration is named after this stone is unclear. But it is assumed that the life of the spouses after 21 years of joint farming has become as charming and multifaceted as a varied opal.
22 Bronze This metal is as durable as the love of spouses.
23 beryl A sparkling stone is a symbol of sparkle in the eyes of a husband and wife.
24 Satin By this year, the spouses cannot imagine existing without each other. The road of life is smooth, like the surface of flowing satin.
25 Silver A grand anniversary for the family. Not everyone can boast of 25 years together. Husband and wife give each other silver rings.
26 Jade Jade is a durable stone, as is the relationship between spouses. The union became indestructible.
29 Velvet It is not for nothing that this fabric has received the status of a symbol. She is beautiful and refined, like the union of two loving friend people's friend.
30 Pearl Pearls are both an attractive and durable stone that does not lose their shine over time. And this makes it more valuable. The characteristics also apply to a married couple approaching the 30-year mark.
31 Stone Married life is strong, like a rock: no wind or bad weather can destroy it.
34 Amber Expensive amber acts as a symbol of life's path. The stone passes through a large number of transformations before becoming a jewel from resin. The spouses went through the same long and difficult path before they achieved complete agreement.
35 Coral Coral reefs are formed from a miniature polyp and symbolize the love of spouses, intensifying from year to year.
37 Muslin It's darling and amazing beautiful fabric. This is exactly the kind of relationship the “newlyweds” have built over 37 years of marriage.
39 Crepe The material has a special weave of threads, which makes it very durable. Married life becomes the same.
40 Ruby The charm of this precious stone, scarlet as the rays rising sun, is present in the relationship between husband and wife. The couple became one with one soul and a destiny for both.
45 Sapphire The gemstone represents happiness and prosperity. So the spouses who have reached this day protect each other’s peace.
50 Golden A significant date in married life. People come to her whose love is endless. This year it is customary to purchase a new pair of rings and wear them along with the first “engagement rings”.
55 Emerald A stone with an unusual green color is considered the personification of youth and beauty. In this context, it is worth considering the relationship between spouses.
60 Diamond There is nothing stronger than a diamond in the world. Nothing can separate a couple who have lived together for so many years.
65 Iron Such a simple name symbolizes the inviolability of relationships.
70 Blagodatnaya Love that lasts for such a long time is a real gift from God. True grace.
75 Crown The anniversary is unique and worthy of a royal crown.
80 Oak A long-lasting and friendly union, like a tree personifying an event.
90 Granite The name of the anniversary represents the strength and beauty of the relationship at the same time.
100 Red The centennial anniversary is an incredible date, which only a few people are destined to celebrate.

What to give for a wedding anniversary

Gifts and congratulations on this day will be different. It is allowed to present a symbolic item, emphasizing the name of the celebration, or to choose equipment that is useful in everyday life.

Just recently you celebrated an important event - the birth of a family. A year of marriage flew by like the wind. An equally significant event has arrived - the first anniversary. Since ancient times, this event has been called -.

It was not for nothing that our ancestors identified this anniversary with a not very durable natural material. After all, the newlyweds, in essence, have not yet understood all the delights and problems of living together. The newlyweds' relationship, although vibrant, can be damaged at any moment. Therefore they must be thoroughly protected.

"Chintz of Relationships"- this is how the beginning of the life journey of married couples is sometimes called. With the correct course of the family and the chosen path, the “chintz of relationships” changes to “paper”, then “leather”, “wood”, “glass”, “silver”, “pearls” and “gold”. The couple, having lived together for 60 years, celebrate their diamond wedding.

The passing of years strengthens relationships or destroys them. Therefore, it is important to treat each family anniversary carefully, with honor and respect. A correctly marked first year of life is the key to a correctly chosen movement of a married couple along the path of life.

We propose to understand in detail the traditions, rules and rules that exist among the people about the calico anniversary. Well, the couple’s upcoming wedding anniversary will be “excellent”!

Let's talk about wedding symbols

As noted above, the result of the first year of life is called a calico wedding. In some literary sources you can find the concept of a gauze or cotton anniversary. Indeed, in the symbolism lies some ambiguity of concepts.

On the one hand, chintz is seen as a lightweight cotton material that symbolizes fragile and fragile strong relationships spouses. On the other hand, a different meaning is considered. There is a popular belief that the first year of life is marked by extremely active actions of newlyweds in bed. This leads to the wear and tear of cotton linen to the point of gauze.

And of course, chintz is identified with the brightness, richness, airiness and activity of young couples who have lived through their first carefree family milestone.

On this day, the couple drinks champagne left on their wedding day as a symbol of their wedding anniversary. You can prepare and designate a new bottle, putting it aside until the next anniversary.

Desired gifts for the chintz anniversary

The main gift for each other will be cotton handkerchiefs. These can be nasal, neck and head. A cultural ritual action will be tying knots on the corners.

There are special lamentations that accompany this magical action.

Example 1. Just as the knots we tied today are strong, so are our words and actions. Our relationship will remain just as strong.

Example 2. Just as the wind wakes up a reveler in a field, so happiness and joy will be with us forever!
The clergy advise young couples to go to church on this day and light a candle for each other “for good health”, order a magpie and a prayer service. A good day for a wedding. It is believed that in this way the couple binds their relationship forever.

From wife to husband

1. The most classic gift on this day will be calico (satin) family panties. It will be great if the young wife sews them herself. Let's add a small element - a pocket for money. Choose material with hearts or angels.

2. A good and suitable gift from your wife is a light shirt (you don’t even need a cotton shirt).

3. T-shirt with the inscription: “He’s mine!”, “To my beloved from my beloved,” “I’m always there!”

4. House robe and slippers.
5. Bath set: Skirt, hat, mitten, etc.
6. Cool gifts type: medal, pennant, figurine, talisman, certificate, diploma, badge, badge.

The inscriptions can be very diverse:

  • “To the best husband!”;
  • “In gratitude for a great year of marriage”;
  • “I want our love to be eternal!”;
  • “You are the best”;
  • “Oh God, what a man, I want a son from you”;
  • “May the nights with you remain as hot!”….

7. Creative gift: recording a song for your loved one in your own performance. To do this, you need to contact the nearest sound recording and arrange a surprise. You can give a disc with a written wish.

8. If you have talents in writing poetry or stories, we write a thematic surprise just for your husband. You can decorate your gift at any printing studio.

9. Gift for husband's interests. If a fisherman - a fishing rod and tackle, if a collector - some kind of collectible item. Athlete - sportswear, shoes, equipment.

10. Gift yourself. One of the desired gifts for men remains a gift with erotic content.

You can fantasize about this topic.

Option #1. Long before the event, you visit a choreographic class or studio and learn pole dancing, East Dance Or something like that. Prepare a suitable suit. In the morning, give it in the form of a certificate, which indicates what time and where the surprise can be seen or received. Giving a gift in private is sure to end in a hot night!

Option #2. you give romantic night. Prepare candles, rose petals, champagne, fruits. Tie yourself with a red satin ribbon and give yourself in the full sense of the word. Let everything be unusual and extraordinary this evening: costumes, words, actions...

From husband to wife

1. Flowers. Flowers and more flowers!
2. A nightgown made of cambric or other lightweight material. You can give pajamas.
3. A set of expensive linen will be a welcome and useful gift.
4. You can give jewelry from semi-precious stones. On this anniversary jewelry from silver, cupronickel, etc. will be very useful. The husband can give a jewelry box and put his first gift inside.
5. A light dress or other item of clothing.
6. One of the most desired gifts will be a trip to some kind of trip.
7. A certificate for a certain amount to the desired store.
8. Favorite perfume.

9. A creative gift in the form of a souvenir, made with your own hands or in personal presence. For example: a wrought iron rose, a wooden figurine, a wicker item, a portrait of a loved one, etc.

10. Cool gifts. For example: A pillow with the inscription “Can’t sleep without me!”, a T-shirt “She’s mine!”, a medal “ To the best wife"(When handing over, be sure to specify its validity period. Perhaps 12 months until the next anniversary), etc.

From friends and family

1. The most popular gifts for this anniversary- bed linen, blankets, bedspreads, pillows, blankets, curtains, curtains, tablecloths.

It is believed that over the course of a year, with the active pastel mode, the family has “used up” all its reserves, so they need to be replenished with new ones. And we didn’t have time to stock up on household little things during the fleeting year of family life.

2. Household appliances have always been a welcome guest in the house. These are both vacuum cleaners and washing machines(from family and friends), TVs, fans, microwave ovens, electric kettles, steamers, freezers, etc.
3. Bathrobes for two.
4. Sushi sets.
5. Sets of dishes and cutlery.
6. Tea and coffee sets.
7. A gift from young people to visit the Bali salon. Present a paid invitation to a massage and relaxation for two.
8. Coffee grinder, coffee maker and coffee.
9. Set of various teas, tea pair.
10. Books (gift editions) on the topic “Family”, “Relationships”, “Holidays”, “Aphorisms”, etc.
11. A portrait drawn by an artist, or a portrait made in a photo studio. A collage of photographs will also be a wonderful gift for a chintz anniversary.
12. A good gift there will be a video from friends cool congratulations. A film, video, slide show will always lift your spirits and will be appreciated by the newlyweds.
13. Gift Certificate for manicure and pedicure for both spouses.

14. Comic gifts type:

  • aprons for men and women, T-shirts with inscriptions:“When we are together, no one is cooler!”, “Two halves of the same destiny”, “We feel good together”, “We are connected by heaven!”, “Family”, “King and Queen. The princes are in the plans!”, “The chintz wedding has passed... the course for gold!”
  • You can also give a cup for first place. When giving gifts, emphasize that you should strive to receive a cup with the number “50”.
  • Diplomas and certificates, medals “For courage and bravery”, “For swan fidelity”, “For heroism shown in decision-making”, etc. When presenting these awards, we make an amendment that the validity of the gift extends only for one year. Subsequently, such awards must be earned again.

15. Kozin with fruit, and in it are elite bottles of alcohol. You can organize a collection basket with flowers, fruits, and alcohol.

16. Gifts - certificates. This area of ​​surprises can be aimed at joint visits to fitness, swimming pool, billiards, bowling, bathhouse, horse riding, etc. Tickets to the theater, concert, or cinema would be an excellent gift.

17. DIY gifts. An excellent themed gift would be a panel made from pieces of chintz, sewn potholders, or teapot warmers. The family's amulets in the form of dolls - herbalists, dolls - bag holders will surprise and delight.
A photo album decorated with chintz (possibly with attached photos) would also be appropriate surprises.

18. Parents give rompers if there are no children in the family yet. In this case, soft toys are not given.

What to wear to celebrate your anniversary

Traditionally, on this day, newlyweds wear light outfits: a cotton shirt for the husband, a dress or sundress for the wife. Guests (especially young people) dress up in colorful summer dresses and shirts.

You can take care in advance and “cover” all guests with handkerchiefs. Everyone decides for himself where he will place it: on the arm, head, neck... Depending on what scenario it will develop. gala event, you need to choose the appropriate outfit.

For example:

1. It has become popular to celebrate a chintz wedding in “country” style. The outfit will be selected according to the stated theme. The husband is in a cowboy outfit, the wife is in a matching farmer outfit ( long skirt, jacket, apron).

On the eve of the holiday, guests are informed of the thematic direction of the chintz wedding. Everyone prepares their own outfit. With this approach, at the moment of celebration, it is necessary to award awards for costumes and efforts.

2. Russian-folk theme. Everything is clear here. The husband is a prince, the wife is a princess. Royal outfits. You can leave the peasant version.

He wears a wide shirt, harem pants, and a woven belt. For her - an embroidered shirt, a sundress, an apron, a belt. There is a scarf on the head. He has a cap with a flower.

3. . The wife is wearing a light pea-colored dress (the skirt is a cliché). He has a 60's style shirt like that color scheme that the wife has. On the head - a bouffant, bright lipstick (my wife's).

4. Theme - robbers. The destination is popular among active young couples who love risks and the production of adrenaline. Let's look at the costumes from the cartoons "The Town Musicians of Bremen".

The wife is dressed - in a cotton tunic and pants (leggings are possible). There are beads around the neck and the hair is gathered in a bun. There is a money bag on the side. Husband - white shirt, black pants, light boots, wide belt made of soft material.

5. Gypsy camp. Dresses like gypsies. She has a jacket with wide sleeves, a floor-length skirt, beads on her chest, and a scarf on her head. He is a red shirt, belt, pants.

Guests dress up in their own way. With such outfits, gypsy songs and dances are a must! And of course, gypsy theft... (meaning a wife or husband, maybe a horse)


Speaking about preparing dishes for calico celebrations, I would like to say that there are no special preferences among the people. The main thing is that the dishes are tasty and look beautiful.

There is no need to complicate the issue of preparing food for the holiday. Since the wedding is chintz (simple, yakaya), then the dishes should be simple and colorful.

We use recipes for all kinds of colored salads, cuts, and appetizers. If the holiday is celebrated outdoors, okroshka and barbecue will work well. You can cook millet porridge with meat in a pot.

For example:

  • "Family Kiss";
  • "Cintz Portrait";
  • "Halves of a whole";
  • “Prospects for family life”;
  • “Our chintz”, etc.



“My dear husband! I am proud to call you with this family word. You are a worthy person with whom I have already experienced happiness. I really want our bright chintz relationship to last a lifetime. I want our home to be filled with children's voices. May my wishes come true. I love you and I will try to carry this love throughout our entire life together.”

“My dear (name). I am glad to congratulate you on our very first family anniversary. Have a good mood, prosperity and only sunny relationships! My love for you will not fade even for a minute. Happy chintz wedding, darling!”

"(Name)! It seems like just yesterday we signed and became husband and wife. Time flies like a bird. Today you and I are newlyweds again, only in chintz. May our love survive all distances and obstacles and never fade away. And you and I will carefully preserve it. Congratulations, my love!

“I congratulate my husband on his anniversary.
An anniversary has come out of chintz today.
May you and I never regret
We are a couple from God! Believe it!

I wish you peace and health,
Love, hope, peace and beauty,
Let good always live at the head of the bed,
And may the family reach fiery heights!”


“My dear (name). Thank you for meeting me on my life’s journey. I loved you immediately and forever. I will try to be the best husband in the world, and then the best father. Let our children be born soon. Happy holiday!”

“This is already the first anniversary of our family! I am truly happy about our joint union. I hope that we will be the happiest couple and surprise the world with the talents of our future children. I wish you the beauty, tenderness, affection and care with which you charmed me not to be lost in this stormy stream of life. I will always be there and will do my best to make sure it is exactly like this! Your husband (name).”

“My dear wife! Congratulations Auntie on our first anniversary. I wish us good luck, peace, stability and prosperity. May children (name) be born into our family as soon as possible. Be happy with me, and I will do my best for this! Your loving husband."

“I would like to congratulate my beloved as soon as possible.
On one of the most important dates.
After all, I really couldn’t imagine
How incredibly fabulously rich!

My wealth is you, dear,
The moment when we began to live together.
Together we will be happy, I know
Let's not worry about our fate!

Today is a chintz wedding!
We are together! And we are so warm together.
We will build our own super estate,
In which we will live comfortably.”

From parents

“Dear children! We are celebrating one year of marriage. It flew by quickly and easily. So let all the next years fly by with ease. May you never get tired of each other. Let your family be replenished with children's voices, and you will understand that you are incredibly happy. Love each other. Give in to each other!”

“On this wedding day, we wish to preserve the chintz of our relationship for the rest of our lives. Overcome all adversity with courage and share the joys. And we, for our part, will try our best to strengthen your marriage. (Names) congratulations on your first, very important anniversary. Be happy!"

From guests

(names). “You are so cool today: cheerful and beautiful. It is immediately obvious that love lives in your relationship. It’s immediately obvious that you can’t live without each other. So let it always be! Don’t lose your bright calico relationship, love and appreciate each other. May you soon have children: a boy who looks like his mother and a girl who looks exactly like his father. Bitterly!"

The first anniversary of family life is a chintz wedding. In the old days, chintz was valued for its thinness and lightness, while at the same time being considered an everyday and inexpensive material. So the young family has not yet gained strength, but the romance in the relationship has already begun to be replaced by everyday life.

2 years after the wedding, a paper wedding is celebrated. The union is still considered not very strong, and family relationships are compared to paper that is easily torn. According to tradition, spouses must write declarations of love to each other on beautiful postcard or colorful notepaper.

Three years of marriage is a leather wedding. A family that has successfully overcome the “paper” period is considered to be quite strong. Husband and wife feel each other through their skin.

Four years - linen or rope wedding. Sometimes on the day of her celebration, a married couple was seated on adjacent chairs and tied tightly. If they could not get out, their union was considered strong and long-term.

The first (5-year) anniversary of married life is called a wooden wedding. In her honor, it is recommended to plant a tree, which was considered a symbol of a strong family hearth. As a rule, by this time the family had acquired its own home and furniture, and a child was already growing up in it.

Six years - cast iron wedding. The family union is already acquiring the strength of metal. However, cast iron is quite fragile and can break from a strong impact. But the next date is celebrated in six months and is called zinc.

Seven years is a copper wedding. Copper is already quite valuable, but not yet a noble or precious metal. Previously, on this anniversary, spouses were supposed to exchange copper coins, which were considered a symbol of wealth and prosperity.

The eighth anniversary of family life is a tin wedding. It marks a renewal family relations, which have become strong and durable, like tin.

Nine years - a faience wedding. At the same time, faience can be associated both with a successful union and with the beginning of a rather fragile period in a marital relationship.

The tenth anniversary of family life is a pink or tin wedding. They try to invite the same guests who were present at the wedding day to celebrate this anniversary. On this day, the husband must present his wife with 11 roses: 10 red - as a sign of love and 1 white - in the hope of the next 10 happy years.

Eleven years is a steel wedding. It is believed that the family union has already acquired the strength of steel. And here next date It is customary to celebrate only after a year and a half. It's called nickel wedding.

Although the number 13 is considered unlucky, the 13th anniversary of marriage is associated with love and harmony in relationships. It is not for nothing that it has a beautiful and romantic name - a lily of the valley or lace wedding.

Starting from 14 years of marriage, some anniversaries are given the name of gemstones. The first of the “precious” dates is the agate wedding.

Fifteen years of family life - a glass wedding. At this time, the relationship between spouses becomes pure and transparent, like glass. The 18th anniversary is just as pure and beautiful - a turquoise wedding.

20 families – porcelain wedding. A happy union at this time is as beautiful, harmonious and mysterious as real Chinese porcelain. This is followed by opal (21 years), bronze (22 years), (23 years) and satin (24 years) weddings.

One of the most solemn dates in family life is the silver wedding - the 25th anniversary. Spouses traditionally exchange silver rings for it, which can be worn as an addition to their wedding rings over the next year.

Between the silver wedding and the 30th anniversary of married life, the jade wedding (26 years), mahogany wedding (27 years), nickel (28 years) and velvet (29 years) weddings are celebrated.

If the spouses have lived together for 30 years, their union has already turned into a real treasure. That’s why they celebrate at this time. Following her are celebrated dark (31 years), copper (32 years), stone (33 years), amber (34 years), coral (35 years), muslin (37 years), aluminum (37.5 years), mercury ( 38 years old) and crepe (39 years old) weddings.

The fortieth anniversary of family life is called the ruby ​​wedding. The red color of ruby ​​is a symbol of love and fire. Ruby is one of the most durable stones, and such a long-term union cannot be destroyed by anything.

Particularly important is the golden anniversary - 50 years of marriage. A husband and wife who have managed to maintain their family home for so many years exchange new wedding rings and give the old ones to their grandchildren.

The golden wedding is preceded by topaz (44 years), sapphire (45 years), lavender (46 years), cashmere (47 years), amethyst (48 years) and cedar (49 years).

The next, 55th anniversary, is called the emerald wedding. Several more wonderful dates follow. 60 years of marriage is a platinum or diamond wedding, 65 years is an iron wedding, and 67.5 years is a stone wedding. The seventieth anniversary of marriage is a blessed wedding, the 75th anniversary is a crown wedding, the 80th anniversary is an oak wedding.

A century of marriage is a red wedding. True, only one family had a chance to celebrate such an anniversary - the long-lived Ageevs.

. Green wedding
Wedding day. This is the very first anniversary. It is the wedding day itself and the starting point for new anniversaries. The green wedding is celebrated during the first year after the conclusion of the marital union every month on the wedding day. Usually only flowers are given as a gift, especially paying attention to how long they will last. The symbol of this anniversary is the myrtle leaves in the wedding wreath, which the bride weaves for herself on her wedding day.

. 1 year -
First anniversary of family life. On this day, the young wife puts on a chintz dress and the spouses give each other chintz handkerchiefs. Also on this day they drink one bottle of champagne, left specially from the wedding.

. 2 year -
The second year is a test of patience and tolerance in a young family. Very often a baby appears in the family around the second anniversary, and it is very important to be kinder friend to a friend to build friendly and strong family. Paper is a symbol of fragility, so it depends only on the husband and wife whether they can maintain the fragile balance of the marriage. Guests give homemade cards, origami, books with tips or recipes, beautiful paintings, photo albums as keepsakes, etc.

. 3 years -
The family seems to be strong, but changes are still taking place in it, relationships continue to change like skin. Try to give products from genuine leather that would serve young people for a long time: bags, wallets, folders, belts, gloves. Relatives can give the married couple useful and symbolic gifts: two pairs of leather slippers as a symbol of home comfort; the skin of some animal or its imitation as a symbol of wealth.

. 4 years -
On festive table Linen tablecloths and beautiful candles are a must. The custom of giving a small bouquet of blooming flax or a dried sheaf on this day has survived to this day. On their fourth wedding anniversary, spouses can give each other clothes made from linen: a suit, a shirt, a skirt. Friends and relatives can donate everything related to linen: bed linen, towels, bed sheets, linen tablecloths and a set of napkins. It is also good to give paired candles, which are lit and placed in the spouses’ room so that they burn as long as possible.

. 5 years -
The tree symbolizes the strength of family relationships; it is no longer chintz, paper or even leather. On this day, guests bring wooden dishes, spoons, mugs, cutting boards, photo frames, paintings carved from wood, boxes, small pieces of furniture, etc. to the spouses. By presenting spouses with objects made of wood, guests thus wish their marriage strength and reliability, warmth and comfort. The spouse himself must make some kind of wooden craft for the house to prove that he has not forgotten how to work with his hands. And the wife, in turn, will cover this craft with varnish as proof of her feminine compliance.

. 6 years -
Another crisis in marital relations. Cast iron, despite its external strength and weight, is a very fragile metal that can crack from any blow. The relationship between young people, despite a considerable period of time, must be maintained, just like the fire of the family hearth. Guests can donate cast iron pots, frying pans, interior items (boxes, vases, candlesticks, photo frames), beautiful wrought iron furniture (tables, chairs). The wife must bake some family specialty in a cast-iron dish to prove her worth as the mistress of the house.

. 6.5 years -
This anniversary reminds us that marriage, like galvanized cookware, needs to be polished over time. The crises are already behind us, so the main task of the family becomes home improvement. Guests give the newlyweds sets of dishes, pots, and some useful kitchen sets.

. 7 years -
The first noble and confident anniversary. The seven-year anniversary of married life is characterized by two materials - copper. Copper is a soft, ductile, malleable metal, an excellent conductor of heat and electricity, second only to silver in this regard. Spouses exchange copper coins to make happiness ringing. Any souvenirs, interior or household items, jewelry, clothing are suitable. Following the custom, you can give the spouses copper rings, copper horseshoes that can be hung over the door, and copper coins that are showered on the husband and wife “for good luck.”

. 8 years - Tin wedding
The strength of the family increases over the years, so the symbol becomes tin - a strong but flexible structure. On this anniversary, it is customary to give: tin products, such as trays, baking trays, baking dishes, as well as kitchen utensils and household electrical appliances. You can also give gifts related to tin cans, barrels, and canned food. This could be a week's supply of beer or stew.
A less common name for this anniversary is a bed wedding. It is customary to buy on an anniversary new bed, as a symbol of home renewal.

. 9 years - Faience wedding
Nobody argues about the strength of the family anymore. She's stronger than ever. The best gift for spouses on this day is earthenware. Traditionally, on this holiday, spouses break their old earthenware. At the same time, with each broken object, past quarrels, discords and troubles are broken. It is believed that this ancient ritual helps to renew a marriage and make it stronger. The process of breaking dishes is very interesting and fun, so you can also involve your friends and guests in this action.

. 10 years - Pink wedding
This is the first significant wedding anniversary - 10 years. According to tradition, on the day of a pink wedding it is customary to give bouquets of roses. It is customary to serve fried poultry with pink sauce at the festive table, and the newlyweds should spend their wedding night, which is not their first, on a bed strewn with pink petals.

. 11 years - Steel wedding
The countdown to the new decade of family life shows that relationships have hardened, become stronger and stronger. It is customary to give souvenirs made of steel, as well as various power tools. Also on this holiday, the wife and husband give each other bouquets of 11 flowers, which should decorate the house for 11 days.

. 12.5 years - Nickel wedding
In some ways, this anniversary is reminiscent of a zinc wedding, and the meaning of the celebration is to renew marital relations and remind them to maintain the shine of family relationships. Celebrated by a narrow family circle. Jewelry can be given as gifts. According to a custom that has come down to us from time immemorial, on the day of the anniversary nickel wedding, spouses visit places that are memorable for both of them, and visit the church in which the wedding took place.

. 13 years - Lace wedding or Lily of the valley wedding
Life goes on as usual and weaves its own laces. On this day, spouses are given lace napkins, tablecloths, and openwork items knitted from fine wool. On this anniversary, you can give each other lilies of the valley, as light and tender as your love. The festive table should be decorated with a lace tablecloth.

. 14 years - Agate wedding
Every year, relationships acquire new colors, the family hearth acquires more and more new colors, like the agate stone itself, known for its various forms. It is customary for spouses to give items made of agate: for a wife it can be agate earrings, a ring or beads, and for a man it can be agate cufflinks or a tie pin. Since an agate wedding involves a large number of decorations, guests can give a box or chests for storing jewelry.

. 15 years - Glass wedding or Crystal wedding
This anniversary is the personification of the purity and clarity of family relationships, the cloudless happiness of two loving people, which is so fragile that it can break at any moment. Traditionally, crystal and glassware should prevail on the festive table of crystal anniversaries. It is necessary to drink to the health and happiness of the spouses only from crystal. On their 15th anniversary, spouses exchange items made of crystal or glass with each other. Such gifts can include tea sets, wine glasses, glasses, vases, and salad bowls. Small figurines depicting human figures, animals, flowers or other objects will look very original.

. 18 years - Turquoise wedding
The brightness of turquoise symbolizes the end of all difficult and crisis situations that tormented families in the second decade of its existence. On this anniversary, people give turquoise jewelry or things inlaid with turquoise.

. 19 years - Krypton wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 20 years - Porcelain wedding
Porcelain is a valuable material, but very fragile. Therefore, the twenty-year wedding anniversary is a reminder that marriage should be treated with care. The main tradition that is followed when celebrating a porcelain wedding is setting the table with porcelain dishes, which shows the increased (compared to a faience wedding) family wealth. It is customary for guests to serve treats only on new porcelain. Porcelain products are usually presented to spouses as gifts: dishes, vases, figurines.

. 21 years old - Opal wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 22 years - Bronze wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 23 years - Beryl wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 24 years - Satin wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 25 years - Silver wedding
Having lived together for a quarter of a century is already a lot! Silver as a noble metal is a symbol of a beautiful and strong family union. Silver wedding It is customary to celebrate with all relatives and friends. The couple exchange silver rings and subsequently wear them along with their wedding rings throughout the anniversary year. Guests bring gifts related specifically to silver. This can be jewelry (chains, rings, earrings, bracelets), interior items (trays, vases), cutlery. These items are beautiful and durable, just like the life of the couple.

. 26 years - Jade wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 27 years - Mahogany wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 29 years - Velvet wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 30 years - Pearl wedding
Pearls are a symbol of impeccable family relationships, as real pearls never tarnish. And 30 years are like 30 pearls strung on a thread of time. On this day, the husband presents his wife with a pearl necklace. This gift is a kind of reminder of the tears that were shed by the wife during family troubles; the husband seems to be asking for forgiveness for his unfortunate words and actions. And, of course, when celebrating your 30th anniversary, you can invite all your friends and relatives and have a grand feast. Birthday celebrants are usually given various decorations made of pearls. However, gifts that are in one way or another connected with the personalities of the spouses are also quite suitable: their family portrait, a photo album with their unusual photographs, and so on. Always respected and expensive gifts, for example, a new TV, or some antique interior items. On this day you should not skimp, because 30 years is a very significant date.

. 31 years old - Dark wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 34 years - Amber wedding
Amber - magic stone, it must lie for several centuries to become what it is. So the family becomes exemplary for this anniversary. Almost perfect. Anniversary gifts can be jewelry or products made from amber.

. 35 years - Linen wedding or Coral wedding
The symbol of this anniversary is a linen tablecloth, representing peace, prosperity and homeliness. This anniversary is a glorification of the mistress of the house, who managed to maintain the warmth of the hearth all these years. Linen tablecloths, napkins, bedspreads, towels and sheets are presented as gifts. And also, since the anniversary has another name, they give products made from corals, for example, coral beads. Children can give their parents real red wine, which can say a lot about the power of passion and love between spouses.

. 37 years - Muslin wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 37.5 years - Aluminum wedding
This half anniversary testifies to strong marital happiness and the fact that such a strong family is ready to celebrate the holidays always and in a large and friendly company. It is customary to give household products made of aluminum and other metals, as well as souvenirs.

. 38 years - Mercury wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 39 years - Crepe wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 40 years - Ruby wedding
Ruby is a symbol of fiery love. It is intended to remind spouses of the feelings that they experienced when they decided to become one family. In addition, this anniversary suggests that the intimacy of the spouses has become blood, since the color of the ruby ​​is so similar to blood. On this day, a wonderful gift for your wife will be a ruby ​​ring from loving husband. The color red should predominate in the design of the room where the anniversary will take place. Naturally, the main gifts for a ruby ​​wedding should be jewelry and crafts with rubies. Ruby earrings, rings, bracelets, beads, brooches, necklaces, pendants, cufflinks, keychains are magnificent, especially if the rubies imitate flowers and bunches of berries. Rubies can be used to decorate boxes, caskets, watches, vases and bowls. And remember that a ruby ​​is also an amulet that can protect its owners.

. 42 years - Mother of Pearl wedding (practically not celebrated)
43 years - Flannel wedding (practically not celebrated)
. 44 years - Topaz wedding (practically not celebrated)

. 45 years - Sapphire wedding
The symbol of this anniversary is the fidelity stone - sapphire. It is believed that this stone not only relieves heavy thoughts, but also refreshes feelings and gives strength to fight adversity and illness. On this day, spouses are given jewelry with sapphire. Sapphire is a stone that has the ability to eliminate the effects of stress. Of course, this will not be superfluous for people of advanced age. The main tradition followed on this anniversary is decorating wedding rings with sapphire. In addition, this anniversary is celebrated with friends who have been with their spouses all these years.

. 46 years - Lavender wedding
Lavender is a mountain plant that can withstand even the most difficult natural disasters. Usually they give a bouquet of lavender, whose delicate and strong scent will last for a very, very long time.

. 47 years - Cashmere wedding, or Wool wedding
Give your spouses clothes made of wool or cashmere, cozy, warm and reliable, like their love.

. 48 years - Amethyst wedding
The husband gives his wife amethyst jewelry as a sign of marital fidelity. This stone symbolizes honesty and clarity of intentions, which over 48 years of marriage should have been finally determined.

. 49 years - Cedar wedding
This tree is as strong, reliable and warm as your relationship. It is customary to give fans made of wood, as well as various carved boxes.

. 50th Anniversary - Golden Wedding
Perhaps the most significant date of married life. We already have half a century of marriage behind us. A huge period of time, one might say a whole life. And gold is the most suitable material to commemorate this anniversary. Relatives and friends are invited, always children, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, friends and colleagues. The main gift for a golden wedding is new wedding rings to replace those that were donated 50 years ago. After all, gold could wear out over the years, so old rings are passed on as family value unmarried grandchildren and great-grandchildren. On the day of the 50th wedding anniversary, you can arrange a second wedding ceremony and celebrate it solemnly and magnificently. The evening can end with the throwing of the bride's bouquet. If a young woman catches him, she will soon get married, and if she is married, she will live in marriage as long as the anniversary spouses.

. 55 years - Emerald wedding
May the brightness of feelings not be lost over the years! A bright green emerald stone should confirm that the spouses still have strong emotions for each other. On this anniversary, it is customary to give emerald jewelry to spouses. When planning a holiday, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of the heroes of the occasion, because people at such a respectable age have a very hard time enduring such noisy and crowded celebrations. It is much better if the holiday is eventful according to the program, but takes place in a close circle with your closest and dearest. It will be very good if this holiday becomes a real surprise for the heroes of the day. After all, after a golden—half-century—wedding, such anniversaries are not often celebrated.

. 60 years - Diamond wedding or Diamond wedding
The diamond is the symbol of this anniversary and is the hardest of all precious stones. It symbolizes the strength of the marriage union. On this day, children and grandchildren give spouses jewelry with diamonds. The form of the holiday is something between a solemn celebration of anniversaries and a fun concert for them. The celebrants themselves do not take part in organizing the holiday; everything is done by younger relatives, in particular, children and grandchildren. The biggest gift for the celebrants will be the very holding of their wedding: since their relatives remember the day of their anniversary, it means they are loved and respected. If your parents or grandparents live in another area, then bring them to your place, and if they don’t want or can’t, then have a party with them.

. 65 years - Iron wedding
This anniversary is a rather rare event, which testifies to the strength of family ties that over such a period of time have become as hard as iron. Usually on this day openwork iron stands or iron souvenirs are given as gifts.

. 67.5 years - Stone wedding
The stone lives for a very long time, but it is also subject to destruction. But love that has lived for so many years cannot be destroyed by anything.

. 70th Anniversary - Wedding of Grace
On this day the whole family gets together: with children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. Looking back, the spouses understand that such faithful and long-lasting love was sent from heaven. And this is grace and true happiness.

. 75 years - Crown Wedding or Second Diamond Wedding
This anniversary crowns a long and happy life two loving spouses. Celebrated by a wide circle of relatives, children and grandchildren.

. 80 years - Oak wedding
Yours family life as strong as oak branches and lives as long as an oak tree lives. On this day, spouses are given oak rosaries.

. 90 years - Granite wedding
Granite is the basis of the hardness of our planet. Love is the basis of family strength. Unfortunately, not many people manage to live to this age. This is the only reason why it is necessary to arrange a celebration of their almost century-old love for our beloved heroes of the day! When a couple has been living together for ninety years, the best gift they will receive the attention of loved ones and relatives. Let the spouses feel like the kings of the ball on this day, take care of them, prepare their favorite dishes and let a happy smile never leave their faces all day long!

. 100 years - Red Wedding
To date, only one case of celebrating this anniversary is known. The long-living Agayevs from Azerbaijan have lived together for a century. They gave the name to this anniversary. At the time of the 100-year celebration, the husband was 126 years old, and the wife was 116. They lived together for a whole century.
The Red Wedding means beautiful feelings, a beautiful life. Probably, celebrating such a round wedding date, the spouses truly understand that they did not live their lives in vain, that they did everything right and were not mistaken in choosing each other. Their children and their children's children should be proud of them.
This incredible date makes you really think that the choice of your life partner determines your destiny for the rest of your life. This is a whole life dedicated to one person. This is even more than life, this is an entire eternity!

Best wishes to you, spouses.
The main wealth in life is love!


Creation new family- a reason for a grand celebration. But both a year and 10 years after marriage, weddings are celebrated in the family. Only they are called differently.

A wedding is one of the most happy days in the lives of newlyweds, a symbol of their love, fidelity and the key to a strong and long-lasting relationship. Of course, life can turn out differently, but popular rumor believes in the best: it’s not for nothing that there is a red wedding, celebrating a whole century of life together.

A wedding is just the beginning of a long journey

“Is there life after marriage?”

This is exactly what one of the most popular aphorisms related to marriage sounds like. Jokes are jokes, but there is some truth in them. A wedding is not only a day when the bride flaunts herself in a snow-white dress, smiles happily at photographers and throws a bouquet to her unmarried friends, and the groom, excitedly, pronounces an oath in front of the altar and kisses his now-legal wife. It doesn’t end there, and every year a young and not so young couple traditionally celebrates the day of their union by gathering guests or having a romantic dinner.

Each year has its own name and traditions designed to remind spouses of the time spent together and strengthen their union. They also make it much easier for invited guests to choose gifts. Previously, each such anniversary was needed so that the family could replenish their supplies.

For example, a linen wedding, which tells the story of the end of 4 years together, requires giving gifts made of linen: tablecloths, bedspreads or towels. Previously, linen was an expensive material, durable and strong. The linen wedding both emphasized the coherence and strength of the family and called for help by giving the necessary and useful thing. Our ancestors were cunning, oh, cunning!

And although now a young family can buy everything they need themselves, the traditions have survived and been preserved to this day, more than once helping out in difficult choices. Of course, no one will be offended if you give your spouse something else. After all, rules are there to be broken.

First 10 years of life

In Europe, there used to be an interesting tradition: on the birthday of his daughter, the father planted a myrtle tree, which was given to the groom on the wedding day along with the bride. This is where the name came from green wedding. This is the first year of life for the young. They love each other tenderly, try to get used to living together, and learn to build a real family. Happiness overwhelms them and they do not resist it.

You can celebrate a green wedding at least every month or even week. Purity and freshness of feelings will help newlyweds prolong the charm of the wedding for as long as they themselves want.

The first "official" wedding anniversary is called calico. This fragile, easily torn material, according to some people, symbolizes the fragile relationship of young people who have just begun to properly get to know each other. Although some believe that this is more due to the fact that in the first year of spending nights together, the husband and wife wear out the bedding a lot.

Gifts are also associated with this: cotton bed linen, aprons, potholders, handkerchiefs.

On the first anniversary of their marriage, the newlyweds are presented with items made from chintz.

The next, second, year is already more durable, but it still tears and wrinkles just as easily - this paper wedding. You shouldn’t immediately think about money, although such a gift will always be welcome. Books, albums, calendars, paintings, photographs - the choice of gifts is unlimited.

The third year is very important for the family. The young people managed to overcome the love-struck first year, the difficult second year when they got used to each other, and entered the third year. Leather wedding - this is a symbol of a strong family that has already spent enough time together and got to know each other from different sides. The choice of gifts is huge: from leather furniture to bags, wallets and jewelry.

4 year - linen wedding, which was written about above.

The first “serious” anniversary comes within a year. Wooden wedding is associated with a wooden log house - a durable structure that can survive centuries and maintain warmth and comfort inside the house. There is a sign that if you plant a tree on your 5th wedding anniversary, it will live for many years and remain a memory for descendants - this is how the ancestors hinted in a veiled way. friendly family, which will not break from life's adversities. The choice of gifts remains very extensive: wooden crafts, carved boxes, dishes or interior items.

Next year will put guests accustomed to following traditions in a difficult position. Cast iron wedding, symbolizing 6 years of marriage, suggests that gifts should be cast iron items, namely frying pans and pots. Today these things are not only useless - they are almost impossible to get. At the same time, a cast iron wedding in America and Western Europe is called a candy wedding, and in Latvia - a rowan wedding, which gives more room for imagination.

Between 6 and 7 years there is a so-called zinc wedding– 6.5 years. It does not have any historical reference and, most likely, was created as an additional reason to celebrate life together.

The 7th wedding year passes under the sign of copper. Copper wedding invites spouses to exchange coins as a gift, and guests to choose metal gifts.

Tin wedding celebrates the 8th anniversary of the family. Sparkling, brand new metal symbolizes the renewal achieved in life, so it is better to give appropriate things: kitchen and household utensils, funds for repairs or updating the furnishings.

9 years and faience wedding are waiting for you further. Finally, you don’t have to rack your brains over a gift, but rather choose a beautiful tea or coffee set.

Faience wedding - 9 years of marriage

The first round date (10 whole years) is called pink or tin wedding and is celebrated in full: all friends who were present at the wedding itself are invited. The holiday should highlight the beauty of the spouses and their union. Among the gifts, roses are most often called: every guest should bring them. It would also be nice to choose something Pink colour- the most romantic of the entire spectrum.

Exchange the second ten

11 years old meet spouses steel wedding A strong, strong, indestructible family has already proven to itself and the world that it will withstand all adversity. They can expect stainless gifts from guests for the whole family, mainly kitchen utensils.

Having lived together for another year, the husband and wife celebrate their 12th anniversary as nickel wedding A dozen years lived sparkle like polished metal, from which the gifts will be made.

The Devil's Dozen has a romantic name lily of the valley or lace wedding. The main theme here will be love and loyalty to your soulmate, and gifts should emphasize this.

Folk tradition ascribes to 14 years the status of stone or agate The family grows stronger, relationships become deeper, and love becomes more precious.

Interpret the meaning of 15 years of marriage, glass wedding, very simple: it is the purity and clarity that reigns in the family. In the old days, the celebration continued until one of the guests broke a glass or saucer. This time it will be very easy to choose gifts: glass and crystal objects will help out many.

The ages of 16 and 17 do not have their own names, but this does not prevent the spouses from coming up with something of their own, individual.

18 years - turquoise wedding. A solid cell of society is ready to shine with new colors and is not going to hang its head under adversity.

19 years also remained without a name.

20 years is an important anniversary, indicating that the spouses have rallied around their hearth and are ready to spend time in comfort and warmth with a cup of tea. Therefore, it would be best for guests to give them a porcelain set - it’s not called a wedding for nothing porcelain.

Further more

Apparently, the imagination of our ancestors was rather exhausted on previous anniversaries, so the following weddings come only with names, but without recommendations. Only round dates have their own traditions and recommendations.

The 21st anniversary is called opal wedding.

22nd anniversary is bronze wedding.

23rd wedding - beryl

24 year - satin.

24 years old - the relationship is tender and strong, like satin

Finally, a quarter of a century has approached since the couple exchanged rings and vows. They experienced a lot, gained a lot, they learned to understand each other perfectly. The advanced age of marriage is also justified by the choice of precious metal. Previously on s silver wedding husband and wife exchanged a pair of silver rings, which they wore along with their wedding rings. This symbolized the long journey of life that they had already overcome together.

26 years old is called jade wedding

She is followed, at 27 years old, by mahogany wedding.

The 28th anniversary doesn’t even have a name, but the 29th is considered velvet wedding.

And now the family is approaching the next holiday. A whole 30 years together - a real pearl in modern life. The clean, smooth stone gave the event its name - pearl wedding. According to tradition, on this day the husband must give his wife a necklace of 30 grains - according to the number of years they lived together. Guests can limit themselves to gifts decorated with artificial pearls.

Let's cross the third decade

Before the couple had time to look back, half of their lives had already passed together. Special names for anniversaries are becoming less and less, but love and tenderness are only becoming more and more. Next we have to celebrate only 31 years - dark wedding, and 34 years old - it will be amber wedding.

Coral wedding or linen, coming next, cuts off 35 years of marriage. Noble coral has always been a symbol of health and longevity. This is what folk wisdom emphasizes, calling for gifts of coral crafts and linen tablecloths and napkins.

37 years - muslin wedding.

The next date is worth highlighting. Despite the fact that it is celebrated on the 37.5th year of marriage, aluminum wedding has always been very popular among the people. An easy and strong relationship binds a couple, which no one can destroy.

38 years - mercury wedding.

39 years - crepe wedding.

The stone of love and passion, the noble ruby ​​will become a symbol of 40 years. Ruby wedding notes that the spouses have become so close to each other that their relationship can be compared to a precious stone, which is not inferior in hardness to a diamond.

The most precious years

So many years have passed - and the spouses still love each other as much as on their wedding day. Exquisite names taken from stones and plants best tell about their relationship.

44 years old - topaz wedding.

45 years - sapphire wedding. Sparkling sapphire has long been considered a healing stone, giving strength and health to those who wear it. He always helped fight fatigue, which is what folk legends emphasize in the name of the anniversary.

The 55th anniversary is associated with emerald - a symbol of longevity.

And here it is diamond wedding on the way. A whole 60 years together - not everyone can boast of such an achievement. In honor of the significant date, the husband gives his wife jewelry with this stone, and guests bring gifts made of crystal.

The 65th anniversary is called iron wedding - the meaning is clear without words.

67.5 years is celebrated as stone wedding Solid experience gives spouses every right to once again celebrate their love, comparing it to a rock.

A family celebrating 70 years of life celebrates a gracious or grateful wedding. To live together for so many years, carefully preserving love and hearth - isn't it a miracle? On this holiday, children and grandchildren give the heroes of the day everything they want.

75 years old - crown wedding, crowning married life.

80 years - oak wedding, a wedding of longevity and firmness.

Red wedding - a rarely celebrated holiday. Exactly a century ago, young people appeared before the whole world as husband and wife. For exactly 100 years they lived together, worked, raised children and grandchildren, laughed, cried and rejoiced at their successes, supported each other in everything. And everything worked out for them, like in a fairy tale: they lived happily ever after.