There is a lot of blood flowing from the nose. Why the nosebleeds won't stop and what to do if you have a nosebleed

Bleeding from the nose (in medical parlance - epistaxis) can occur in every person, what to do if the bleeding from the nose does not stop for a long time? The causes of nosebleeds have completely different origins. This may depend on the humidity in the room, but it can also indicate some serious pathologies. Bleeding is divided into anterior and posterior, it all depends on the physiological characteristics of the blood supply to the nasal cavity. What to do if your nose bleeds? There is no need to panic, you just need to assess the extent of the bleeding and try to determine the cause. By the way, in older people, nosebleeds are much more common, this is due to the fact that the nasal mucosa dries out and becomes thinner.

Types of nosebleeds

There are several types of nosebleeds, these include:

  1. Anterior, most common. Blood flows out of the nasal passage. The usual cause of anterior bleeding is the Kisselbach plexus. This is a huge accumulation of vessels located under the nasal mucosa. With normal coagulation, the blood soon stops on its own.
  2. The posterior one is rare and poses a danger to humans. If blood flows down the nasopharynx into the inside, this type of bleeding requires medical attention. This type blood loss occurs from large arteries located in the posterior part of the nose. Blood flows out in large enough volumes into the stomach, which provokes vomiting. It flows down in a continuous stream and does not stop on its own.

Depending on the volume of blood lost, the following degrees are distinguished:

  1. Mild degree. Blood loss is up to 12%. Signs of this degree are dizziness, pallor of the mucous membranes, and weakness.
  2. Average degree. Blood loss can be up to one and a half liters, and clinical picture more pronounced than with a mild degree. The clinical picture is caused by severe dizziness, tinnitus, severe thirst, and migraine.
  3. Severe degree. Blood loss is more than 20%. The symptom complex is described by hemorrhagic shock, a sharp decrease in pressure, clouding of consciousness and fainting.

In this case, the patient’s condition is extremely serious and requires immediate medical attention, as it can lead to death.

Causes of nosebleeds

What reasons can cause nosebleeds? There are certain risk factors, which, in turn, are divided into local and systemic.

Local ones include:

  • mechanical injuries of the nose;
  • inflammatory processes, such as influenza, sinusitis, etc.
  • foreign bodies located in the nasal passages;
  • dryness of inhaled air;
  • neoplasms;
  • surgical intervention;
  • barotrauma;
  • incorrect use of the inhaler.

In addition, system factors are determined:

  • allergic reactions;
  • chronic diseases, for example, sinusitis;
  • high pressure;
  • various blood diseases;
  • diseases in which blood coagulation is impaired.

It is worth noting that this pathology is preceded by some signs. Usually intensifies headache, there is pulsation in the temples, tinnitus and itching in the nose. Accordingly, these actions directly depend on the reasons causing epistaxis.

First aid

If pathology occurs, you should not give in to panic; you need to sensibly assess the scale of blood loss. In many cases, you can cope with this on your own or with the help of loved ones. But there are cases in which you need to call an ambulance.

To stop bleeding yourself, you need to do the following:

  1. Take a comfortable position and move your head back, but do not throw it back.
  2. A container is placed under the patient's nose to control blood loss.
  3. Next, take measures to prevent bleeding. The wings of the nose are pressed against the septum, then vasoconstrictor drops are instilled into each nasal passage.
  4. Then drip 8 drops of hydrogen peroxide into each nostril.

Such measures are applied comprehensively, and the bleeding will stop faster.

Another effective way stop bleeding - cold compress. You can use an ice pack or an ordinary towel soaked in cold water. Apply a cold compress to the bridge of the nose for 10-15 minutes, then remove it for a few minutes and apply again.

Epistaxis is a pathology, so if you experience frequent nosebleeds, you should consult a qualified doctor and undergo a full examination. Since this anomaly can indicate serious diseases occurring in the human body.

Nosebleeds are usually caused by a recent injury or a severe cold. However, it often happens that bleeding begins abruptly when nothing has happened to you. And the reasons why the blood started flowing are not clear.


The nose is an important sensory organ that not only prevents infection from entering the body. The nose contains many nerve endings and blood vessels. This is why any injury can cause severe bleeding. Doctors divide nosebleeds into two types:

  1. Bleeding arising from local causes that exclusively affect the nose.
  2. Bleeding that begins for internal reasons, with an effect on the entire body.

Local causes include various injuries. For example, a blow to the nose or foreign objects entering it. Acute sinusitis and rhinitis are considered secondary causes. At the time of these diseases, a crust appears inside the nose, due to which the nasal mucosa is injured.

During an allergy, blood flow to the nose increases significantly, and the vessels, in turn, simply cannot cope with the pressure. This is why allergy sufferers complain a lot about nosebleeds. Various implants and operations in the nasal area are considered common causes of this problem. During the period when the nose is healing, some adaptation of the blood vessels usually occurs, so bleeding appears quite often. If you have had nose surgery, it is better to check with your doctor in advance what will be normal for you in the future and what to worry about

Unfortunately, internal causes of nosebleeds are not as easily determined as local ones. Bleeding is often a symptom of other diseases, such as the cardiovascular system. Blood from the nose often occurs in hypertensive and hypotensive patients, who are characterized by increased sensitivity to pressure changes.

Common causes that cause nosebleeds:

  • dysfunction of blood clotting;
  • vitamin deficiency (PP and C);
  • inappropriate use of medications that affect blood pressure or blood clotting;
  • various thermal effects, for example, overheating in the sun;
  • change in pressure (for divers);
  • fever in severe viral infections;
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • recent birth or current pregnancy.


When you are concerned about a nosebleed, you must not only try to determine the cause of the process, but also be able to provide competent first aid. Next, you need to figure out whether you should visit a doctor.

Usually, as soon as a nose bleeds, a person immediately throws his head back and pinches his nose with a napkin. Only this action is defined by experts as the most common misconception, which has already become automatic. You need to know that during a nosebleed you should not throw your head up at all.

If there is significant bleeding, throwing your head back can lead to swallowing blood, thereby causing nausea and even vomiting. As soon as your nose starts bleeding, you just need to sit on the flattest surface that is next to you and lower your face down. At the same time, you should look at the floor (ground) and spread your legs so that the blood can flow forward and not fall on you and back into the nasal cavity.

There is absolutely no need to panic when bleeding. You need to behave calmly. You can press a piece of ice or just a cold object to your nose. This will help the blood vessels narrow and the bleeding should stop faster. If the bleeding does not stop for a long time, then you should press the nostril to the nasal septum for about seven to ten minutes. Such conditions ensure the formation of a blood clot, which will definitely stop the nosebleed. When this does not help, apply any remedy for the common cold (for example, naphthyzine) to a cotton swab and insert the swab into the nose as deeply as possible.

When bleeding causes overheating, the person urgently needs to be moved to the shade, and then put something cold on the nasal area and call a doctor.

Medical help is necessary when the nose bleeds, but the process is also accompanied by a number of other unpleasant symptoms diseases. Consultation with a doctor is also necessary if you suspect a nasal fracture, if you think the cause of bleeding is medicines, or when the bleeding is caused by a severe headache.

If the bleeding lasts longer than fifteen minutes, you should urgently call an ambulance.

When bleeding is accompanied by numbness of the limbs or a feeling of extreme cold, this means that you need to call doctors immediately, or take the victim to the hospital.

Strengthening the blood vessels of the nose. Weak blood vessels in the nose. Treatment. Folk remedies.

During his life, a person at least once encounters such an unpleasant phenomenon as a nosebleed. For many, the sight of blood pouring from the nose simply leads to wild horror. According to statistical studies, almost every fiftieth inhabitant of the Earth suffers from such regular “waterfalls”. There are many reasons for this. But, most importantly, this is one of the important signals sent by our body, indicating the beginning of disruptions in its work. This phenomenon, if it is of a regular nature, should under no circumstances be ignored.

The nose is one of the weakest points of our face. It is extremely sensitive and this is due to the anatomical structure, it stands out on the face, the nose takes all the main blows. Covered with a wide network of capillaries, which are very thin and easily damaged, this organ reacts very actively to any environmental changes, shocks and loads. It’s not for nothing that from childhood our parents teach us worldly wisdom: “don’t pick your nose,” “don’t shake your head too much,” “don’t put foreign objects in your nose,” etc. Statistics provide us with interesting data to confirm this: about 65% of bleeding is caused by banal nose picking.

Bleeding from the nose. Bleeding. Causes.

In general, age-related reasons can also be identified. In children, problems may be associated with changes in facial features, the bulk of the vessels are located in the lower part of the nasal septum, the mucous membrane is even more delicate, therefore, its drying out leads to slight damage to the capillaries, and children’s addiction to picking their nose should not be ignored.

Why does my nose often bleed heavily? - In adults, fragility of blood vessels can be associated with a lack of vitamins, in particular vitamin C, or more serious problems: various diseases of the organs (liver, spleen), blood, bacterial infections, excessive physical and mental stress and a number of other reasons (long exposure to the sun, which provokes sunstroke, etc.).

In old age, one of the main reasons is high blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and with age, the walls of blood vessels thin out and become more fragile.

In principle, the causes, characteristic of almost any age, can be acute and chronic runny nose, deviated nasal septum, as well as severe nose blowing, coughing and sneezing. Due to the dustiness of the premises, excessive dryness of the air, and its pollution, the nasal mucosa becomes thinner, formations appear in the form of crusts, the touching of which causes bleeding. Also when allergic reactions the mucous membrane reacts very strongly, it swells, the permeability of blood vessels increases, and they dilate. The nose seems to be swollen.

The most dangerous are sudden, short-term bleeding with heavy blood loss, characteristic of a rupture in the nasal cavity or the bones of the skull of a large vessel, as well as an aneurysm. Most often, the anterior nasal septum bleeds, not the turbinates.

What to do? Force majeure, the nose began to bleed heavily and began to bleed. What to do right?

When such a “force majeure” circumstance occurs, you should first calm down. Many people simply panic when they see drops of blood dripping onto their clothes or other things. But this only leads to rise blood pressure, which further increases the flow, and therefore the loss of blood.

Necessary: keep calm, take a vertical position as much as possible and tilt your head slightly forward; it will be easier to determine which nostril is bleeding from. Do not throw your head back under any circumstances! It is important to ensure fresh air enters the room.

On the bridge of the nose a cold compress is applied (this can be an ice pack or a handkerchief soaked in cold water): the blood circulates less efficiently and the bleeding stops. Sometimes it is enough, for people with good clotting ability, to simply press firmly on the nostril (in which a cotton swab may or may not be placed) on the bleeding side, then a blood clot will form, stopping the loss. This can be done using a cotton swab, which should be soaked in a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution.

Another way- squeeze a large blood vessel passing to the lower part of the nose. A cotton swab is placed in the space between the gum and part of the upper lip, which compresses this vessel.

If the above measures do not help, and the blood continues to flow heavily, it is necessary to urgently call an ambulance.

The hospital conducts an initial examination. If a problem is identified in the anterior part of the nasal septum, the bleeding is stopped by cauterizing the damaged canal. If the source is somewhere in the posterior region (blood flows down the back wall of the throat) or it could not be found, a tamponation procedure is performed using hemostatic drugs. It is almost impossible to do this procedure correctly yourself, so it is better to entrust it to professionals. This is not something to joke about. In case of heavy blood loss, even a blood transfusion is indicated.

After stopping the bleeding, rest is recommended; if the person feels well, then a short walk. It is important not to forget to moisturize the mucous membrane. To do this, you can use saline solutions, easily purchased at any pharmacy, or Vaseline gel. In this case, care should be taken not to allow the product to enter the respiratory tract, which can lead to the development of pneumonia. It is recommended to drink plenty of fluids - no less than one and a half liters per day.

Frequent nosebleeds? In case of frequently recurring bleeding, it is necessary to check with an otolaryngologist. He, at his discretion, can prescribe spot cauterization of the damaged vessel, rinsing the nose with a solution of steroid drugs, do a blood test and x-ray examination of the nasal sinuses (if polyps are suspected).

Bleeding from the nose. Weak blood vessels in the nose. Treatment. Folk remedies.

There are many folk recipes to stop bleeding.

For example, take orally an infusion of medicinal cap (2-3 pinches per 1 glass of boiling water), yarrow (use 3 tablespoons per 3 glasses of boiling water, drink the composition three times a day, consume an hour before meals). In general, yarrow juice or decoction was used to stop nosebleeds back in the 15th century.

Also good remedy A decoction of viburnum bark is considered (use 10 grams of viburnum bark per 200 milliliters of boiling water - take 1 tablespoon) or nettle (at the rate of 2 tablespoons per 1 glass of boiling water - take the composition three times a day). However, hemostatic plants must be used very carefully; their abuse leads to the formation of thrombosis.

Strengthening the blood vessels of the nose. In general, to avoid and minimize the risk of nosebleeds, you should be attentive to your health: walk more fresh air, and at home humidify the air using indoor plants or humidifiers, go to bed on time, watch your diet, include more fruits and vegetables in your diet, especially those containing vitamin C and A.

Nosebleeds, which can bother both adults and children, are called epistaxis in medicine. To understand why the nose may bleed frequently, you need to understand how the blood supply to this area occurs.

Anterior (local) bleeding

To perform its main functions - to warm and purify the air, the nose must receive blood. The nasal cavity is fed from two very large arteries - external and internal.

In the lower part of the nasal cavity, these arteries diverge into small vessels. In some places they form nodules. A lot of these “blood nodules” are located in the Kisselbach area – the most vulnerable part of the nasal cavity, located in the anterior cavity. The nodules are easily damaged as they are located close to the mucosa. Bleeding occurs, which most often worries children.

What can cause them?

If a child often has nosebleeds, most likely the reasons are related to damage to the integrity of the blood nodules in the Kisselbach area.

It also cannot be ruled out that in children the vessels in the nose are thin and small; they are located very close to the mucous membrane and are easily damaged.

  • Blood begins to flow from the nose when there is a mechanical injury - he bumps, hurts, falls.
  • You can also damage the mucous membrane by carelessly removing crusts in the nasal cavity - picking your nose with a pen, finger and nails, cotton swab. This is also one of the reasons why blood may come from the nose.
  • Children can also push foreign objects into their nose, which can also cause bleeding. Objects that get into the nose begin to injure the walls of the nose, the mucous membrane becomes inflamed, and bleeding begins. It is not recommended to remove a foreign object from the nasal cavity yourself.. It's better to have a doctor do it.
  • Also, the reasons why both adults and children often bleed can be neoplasms in the nose - polyps, angiomas, hemangiomas.
  • A deviated nasal septum is also a factor that causes frequent nosebleeds.
  • Infectious diseases (ARVI, rhinitis, sinusitis), which are accompanied by, are also classified as causes of nosebleeds.
Please note that the use of steroid sprays for treatment can also be a reason that explains why the nose began to bleed frequently.
  • During the heating season, when there is not enough humidity in the room, or during the hot season, the walls of blood vessels may dry out and burst.
  • Blood can come from the nose due to changes in atmospheric pressure (during diving, taking off an airplane, high in the mountains). Barotrauma of the nasal mucosa occurs.
  • On a frosty day with low air humidity, bleeding may also occur.
  • In pregnant women, blood may come from the nose due to hormonal changes in the body.

Once again, we draw your attention to the fact that anterior bleeding caused by local irritants in most cases not dangerous, They only introduce inconvenience into the usual rhythm of life. In 90% of such cases, blood stops coming from the nose within 5-8 minutes. During this time, a small amount of blood flows out, and this does not harm the overall well-being.

But if your nose bleeds very often, you need to look for the cause in order to choose a treatment.

When is it dangerous?

If you begin to notice that blood is bleeding for no apparent reason, this is a reason to consult a doctor and take a blood test to determine your platelet level. It is these blood cells that are responsible for the coagulation and stickiness of blood. A decrease in their level indicates serious illness, and frequent nosebleeds are one of the symptoms of the disease.

What diseases can cause bleeding?

  1. Firstly, these are diseases that are associated with blood clotting disorders. Such diseases include hemophilia, thrombopenia, thrombopathy and hemorrhagic disease.
  2. Secondly, these are diseases in which the integrity of blood vessels is impaired and their permeability is increased - vasculitis.
  3. Weakness of blood vessels is also classified as a disease that often results in nosebleeds - treatment is prescribed by a doctor. With weak blood vessels, in addition to nosebleeds, bruises form on the body.
  4. Let us remember that blood enters the nasal cavity from two arteries. Therefore, adults often bleed with high blood pressure.
  5. Also, nosebleeds are a symptom of blood disease - leukemia, anemia, etc.
  6. With kidney disease, patients often encounter this problem.

What to do if your child has frequent nosebleeds?

If a child or adult is worried that blood often starts coming from the nose, the first thing to do is find out the reason.

  • If frequent bleeding is associated with a low platelet count, your doctor will order tests to determine the diagnosis.
  • If the causes for you or your child are related to local factors - for example, the vessels are located close to the mucous membrane, the doctor may suggest coagulation- cauterization of the nasal mucosa. This can be done different ways: use liquid nitrogen, cauterize with a laser or perform electrocoagulation. But to carry out these procedures, strict indications are required.
  • If the nose bleeds frequently and there is significant blood loss, surgery is recommended. During this operation, vessels and arteries are ligated (thrombosed), which leads to the formation of blood clots - new nodules (clots).

First aid

Bleeding may be short-lived and stop on its own. But sometimes blood flows heavily from the nose - what to do in this case? How to provide first aid?

  1. Calm down. Fear causes an increase in adrenaline in the blood, increased heart rate, and increased blood flow.
  2. Sometimes, in order to stop nosebleeds, it is enough to press the wings of the nose against the nasal septum. (Remember that this area contains blood nodules that will burst, causing bleeding). Within 10 minutes a blood clot will form and the bleeding will stop.
  3. Take a vertical position. To prevent blood from entering the larynx, the head should not be thrown back. It is necessary to bend her forward so that the blood drains from the nose. Throwing your head back can make the situation worse– provoke vomiting and coughing, thereby increasing blood flow.
  4. It is also necessary to loosen tight clothing to allow free breathing. If possible, you should inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
  5. You should put something cold on the bridge of your nose and warm your feet. This will reduce blood flow and reduce or stop bleeding.
  6. If the bleeding does not stop, you need to make a cotton swab, twist it, soak it in peroxide and push it into the nostrils. Press the wings of your nose. Instead of peroxide, you can take any nasal drops.
  7. After stopping the bleeding from the nose, lubricate the nostrils with Vaseline oil. This will moisturize the mucous membrane and prevent the crust on the blood clot from breaking off.

To stop non-dangerous bleeding, the measures described above and up to 10 minutes of time are sufficient. If the bleeding does not stop, rush to call an ambulance. You should also seek help from specialists if the blood flows without clots.

As a rule, you can stop bleeding at home, but if you have doubts about why your nose bleeds often or for a long time, contact your ENT specialist.

The other day we came across a rather interesting survey in which people were asked how to stop nosebleeds. Of the 25 people surveyed, only 2 gave a more or less correct answer. As it turned out, both of these people were medical students. The most negative thing about this is that many of those surveyed answered incorrectly without thinking, believing that their actions would be completely correct. Sometimes, this kind of ignorance can cause complications and other negative consequences. In view of this, we will tell you about why nosebleeds come from the nose and how to stop it.

Why does my nose bleed?

Surely many of you have often experienced nosebleeds. Nosebleeds can occur suddenly, especially in the morning after sleep or even neither. This situation often occurs in children. Let's look at the reasons why a nose may bleed.

Nosebleeds can be divided into local and general. Local are those that cause bleeding when the nose is damaged locally, and general are those that cause bleeding in general.

Local causes of nosebleeds

Most often, nosebleeds occur due to damage to the nose. In most cases, nosebleeds in children are caused by damage to the nose, such as when they stick a finger into the nose and thereby damage the mucous membrane, or when small children put an object into the nose. Also, local causes of nosebleeds include injuries when you hit your nose, especially the bridge of the nose.

Another reason is acute rhinitis and sinusitis, when crusts form in the nose, which injure the mucous membrane. Inflammation in the nose caused by various factors leads to blood flow to the vessels, because of this the vessels simply cannot withstand the pressure, and blood begins to flow. The most likely example of this is allergies.

A nosebleed can also occur during a cold, when the walls of the nose become thinner and become quite brittle, causing the blood vessels to bleed.

Common Causes of Nosebleeds

Common causes of nosebleeds include: high blood pressure. When pressure increases, the walls of blood vessels become overstrained and cannot withstand this, which is why they begin to bleed. It is for this reason that many of us have nosebleeds in the morning, especially children. This happens due to the fact that early in the morning intracranial pressure increases, which causes such bleeding.

Drying of the mucous membranes can also cause nosebleeds, as the capillaries become fragile. Drying of the nasal mucosa can be the result of prolonged exposure to dry air or frost.

Poor blood clotting is also one of the factors that causes frequent nosebleeds.

Frequent bleeding may occur in people with a deviated nasal septum, which is either congenital or caused by injury.

Severe overwork, improper sleep, vitamin deficiency and bad habits, oddly enough, are also causes of bleeding.

This is the most common reasons which result from nosebleeds. It is important to note that bleeding can be caused not by one factor, but by several, and one factor can result from another. This is why it is important to see a doctor to determine the real reason or the causes of this problem.

How to stop nosebleeds

As you understand, the majority of people surveyed, when asked how to stop nosebleeds, said that it is necessary first of all to tilt your head back or even lie down. In fact, all these actions are categorically wrong. You should especially not blow your nose during a nosebleed.

In order to stop nosebleeds, you need to sit down, but do not tilt your head back, but rather forward. Under no circumstances should you allow blood to enter your respiratory tract.

Be sure to calm down and rest. Open the window to ventilate the room you are in and cool it down if it is stuffy and hot. Place something cool, but not too cold, on the bridge of your nose.

If the bleeding is intense or does not stop, use tampons. For this, cotton swabs soaked in hydrogen peroxide are suitable; they need to be inserted into the nose, but not too deep, and sit for 10-15 minutes. If there is no tampon and hydrogen peroxide, then insert a bandage into the nostril from which the blood is coming, leaving at least 10 centimeters outside so that it can be freely removed from the nostril. This is done to prevent blood from coming out of the nose.

If the bleeding is not severe, then you can stop it by pressing the area of ​​the nose below the bridge of the nose with your thumb and forefinger. Breathe through your mouth at this time. After a few minutes the bleeding should stop flowing. Release your nose, sit for a few more minutes, breathing through your mouth, then gently rinse or clear your nose so as not to cause re-bleeding.

There are also folk way quickly stop the bleeding. To do this, wind the thread or pass it with an elastic band. thumb hands, in the middle of the nail. This area is connected to the nose, so this procedure will help with nosebleeds.

If you have vasoconstrictor medications for nasal instillation, then apply a few drops to a tampon and insert it into your nose. Vasoconstrictor drops will help close the damaged vessel that caused the bleeding.

If the bleeding does not stop within 15 minutes, call an ambulance.

How to get rid of frequent nosebleeds

To get rid of frequent nosebleeds, be sure to visit a doctor who will examine you; perhaps the doctor will prescribe tests and then determine the cause of frequent bleeding. When the cause is established, the doctor prescribes a course of treatment, and, if necessary, a set of additional measures.

If the vessels are located too close and are very susceptible to damage, then, as a rule, they are cauterized, and this bleeding problem is solved.

If the cause of bleeding is drying of the nasal mucosa, then use special air humidifiers in the apartment, ventilate the room, and also do wet cleaning.

It is definitely recommended to strengthen blood vessels. To do this, you need to consume ascorutin and calcium. Also, daily hardening and contrast showers will have a beneficial effect not only on blood vessels, but also on the immune system. In addition to the vitamin preparations mentioned, try to eat more fruits to strengthen the immune system, especially if you have a vitamin deficiency in your body.

Take herbal teas that increase blood clotting. These are teas from: nettle, millennial, leaves and fruits of sea buckthorn. By the way, you can put sea buckthorn oil in your nose to combat dryness in it, for example, when you leave a humidified room.

Analyze your lifestyle. It's possible that seemingly ordinary factors can cause nosebleeds. Poor and improper sleep, severe fatigue, use large quantity coffee, alcohol, smoking - all this also provokes frequent nosebleeds. If the cause of a nosebleed is improper sleep, be sure to reconsider your daily routine, otherwise the bleeding will only be the beginning of serious consequences. The problem of overwork can also be solved by revising your own daily routine. If you are experiencing stress and anxiety, try to calm down. And, of course, try to reduce bad habits to a minimum: drinking alcohol, smoking, etc.

Well, another factor that causes drying of the nasal mucosa is the excessive use of vasoconstrictor drugs. At the same time, not only drugs with direct effects on the mucous membrane, but also indirect ones can provoke drying out. Most often, drying is caused by drops that we put in our nose excessively to get rid of a runny nose.

Don't be careless about your health. Frequent nosebleeds are not normal—the causes need to be identified and treated.

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