Oils in folk medicine. Essential oils. What is linseed oil

Even a child knows that if something hurts, you need to go to the doctor. The foundations of medicine, which originated thousands of years ago, have been supplemented and improved throughout its existence. New treatment methods, the latest medical equipment, non-standard principles and subtleties in the treatment of diseases are appearing, and it is difficult to even imagine how many discoveries in this area still await a person.

But medical institutions, personnel and treatment standards did not always exist, but people began to get sick almost from the moment they appeared on Earth. What should people do to maintain their health and many, many years of life left? It was then that traditional medicine began to emerge.

Just a couple of decades ago, in every home, be it a village house or city ​​apartment, one could easily find dried herbs, tinctures, infusions and oils that were intended to treat a wide variety of ailments, and in some homes such remedies remain to this day.

Our grandmothers and great-grandmothers knew exactly when and how best to harvest herbs, how to prepare tinctures and infusions, what oils can cure what diseases.

Traditional treatment with oils has always been of particular importance among alternative methods. Oils have a wide range of applications - this is because they can be used both externally and internally. The main thing is to choose the right and high-quality oil, especially when it comes to ingestion.

Castor oil in folk medicine

Popularly, castor oil is simply called castor oil. It is obtained from parts of the castor bean plant using cold pressing. The oil has a thick viscous consistency and a faint odor. The taste is considered to be quite unpleasant, although some people like it. The oil and its derivatives were used as engine lubricants during the heyday of aviation, and are also used in aircraft modeling to this day.

Castor oil is used for medical purposes as a laxative. Once in the body, the oil is exposed to small intestinal lipase, resulting in the formation of ricinoleic acid. This substance promotes stimulation and irritation of receptors, which leads to a reflex increase in peristalsis. Recommended for use for constipation of various etiologies, except for intestinal obstruction - in this case, treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Many products for external use have been created based on castor oil or with the addition of it as one of the main components. The most famous of these means, of course, is Vishnevsky’s liniment. Due to the property of the oil not to form an airtight film, but to protect the skin, it is used in the treatment of burn surfaces, bedsores, wounds, abrasions and scratches.

For cosmetic purposes, the oil is used to enhance hair growth, as well as to strengthen hair follicles during periods of intense hair loss. To do this, warmed castor oil is rubbed into the scalp several hours before washing, after which the head is wrapped in a warm towel. The oil is not washed off the first time, so get ready to rinse your hair twice or even three times.

The national product of several countries, including Greece and Italy, has recently become a completely common product on the tables of many Russian families. Various grades and types of olive oil can be easily found not only in large supermarkets, but also in fairly small retail outlets. Only cold-pressed oil that has not been subjected to heat treatment during the extraction process is suitable for food.

If, during processing of fruits, the temperature was allowed to rise above 28 degrees, changes may occur in the oil at the structural level, and it will not be suitable for long-term storage and consumption, of course, unless a fair amount of preservatives are added to it, which will not have a positive effect on the health of that person. who will consume the oil.

The composition of high-quality oil is such that its use helps solve the problem of high cholesterol, called “bad” cholesterol. Thus, regular consumption of olive oil, which has not been subjected to heat treatment, will help reduce the risk of diseases associated with the cardiovascular system.

Of course, olive oil cannot be called the healthiest, but we can confidently say that conscientious producers care about the quality of their product, since the demand for olive oil is not yet constant.

In cosmetology, olive oil is used as a nourishing and moisturizing agent. It is applied to the skin, including the skin of the face, although it is not suitable for everyone for this purpose. When applied to the hair, it gives a lamination effect, restoring healthy shine and softness to the hair.

Truly miraculous is folk remedy butter and honey. If you apply this mixture for 2-3 hours every second time before washing your hair, your hair will become soft and manageable, and will stop breaking and falling out.

Flax has long been recognized as a strong protector of the human body in many respects regarding diseases of the gastrointestinal tract and in particular the liver. Consuming two tablespoons of oil daily helps restore liver cells and also has a positive effect on cholesterol levels. Many people don't like linseed oil for its bitter taste, but this does not reduce the effect of the oil - it really works.

In addition to its effect on the digestive organs and blood vessels, flax seed oil, when used internally, has a healing effect on the skin and hair. Along with internal use, it can be applied to the hair several hours before washing the hair.

Flaxseed oil is suitable for application both to the roots and to the lengths - it does not clog skin pores and does not dry out the ends of the hair. For use on the skin, it is not suitable for everyone, as it can aggravate the condition of oily skin and skin prone to rashes and suppurations.

Oils have long helped a person cope with various ailments; the main thing here is to choose the right oil that is suitable for solving a specific problem, and if you decide to take the oil internally, take care of buying high-quality oil.

Treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system Svetlana Anatolyevna Miroshnichenko

Essential oils

Essential oils

Even doctors of Ancient Egypt widely used the antiseptic properties of essential oils prepared from various plants. When Greek warriors went on a campaign, they took with them an ointment made from myrrh, which they used to treat wounds. Essential oils have been used to combat With epidemics, infectious diseases. In medieval manuscripts there is information that in noble houses it was customary to have balls or bouquets with aromatic oils that protected against infectious diseases.

Modern research has confirmed the high antiseptic activity of essential oils. Thus, a mixture of essential oils of pine, thyme, mint, lavender, rosemary, when sprayed indoors, kills all staphylococci and mold, and out of 200 microbial colonies identified initially, only 4 remain.

When evaporated, essential oils almost completely destroy pathogenic microflora in rooms and provide a therapeutic and prophylactic effect. The most effective essential oils are lemon, lavender, coriander, pine, fir, eucalyptus, etc.

Essential oils are volatile liquids of complex composition. They are produced by plants and determine their smell. The main component of essential oils is terpenes. Essential oils are obtained mainly by steam distillation of plant parts rich in these substances. They are used, in particular, in perfumery (jasmine, rose), food industry (anise, dill), medicine (eucalyptus, mint). The biological role of essential oils in plants has not been fully established.

Cypress oil

In ancient times, cypress trees were planted around temples. Entire groves of cypress trees surrounded ancient cities, protecting them from evil spirits. The wood of the plant was considered eternal, not subject to rotting. Noble Romans were buried in cypress coffins.

Essential oil is used for hemorrhoids, varicose veins, urinary incontinence, colds, sweating, various menstrual disorders, etc.

2-3 times a day with honey, take 2-4 drops of cypress oil orally. Indications for use: violation menstrual cycle, urinary incontinence, hemorrhoids, varicose veins.

Lavender oil

In ancient times, there was a belief that lavender oil could protect a person from plague, cholera and other infectious diseases.

Lavender inflorescence contains up to 1.2% essential oil, which has a specific pungent and pleasant aroma. It is the inflorescences of the plant that serve as a source of valuable medicinal product.

Lavender oil is used as an antispasmodic, analgesic, sedative, diuretic, diaphoretic, as an antidote for bites of poisonous snakes and insects, etc.

The most valuable, however, is the pronounced antiseptic effect of the oil. Lavender essential oil kills Staphylococcus aureus, streptococci, Escherichia coli and Pseudomonas aeruginosa, etc.

Lavender oil is an excellent remedy for the treatment of burns, slow-healing wounds and ulcers, fistulas, and gangrene. When used internally, it is effective in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastric and duodenal ulcers, chronic gastritis. Lavender oil is also used to treat diseases of the kidneys and urinary tract, and diseases of the respiratory system. The product is indicated for use in a number of skin diseases, as well as in gynecology.

Take 3-5 drops of lavender oil orally 2-3 times a day with honey. The product is recommended for bronchial asthma, inflammatory diseases of the kidneys and bladder.

Fir oil

Essential fir oil is obtained from the green fir tree. The pharmaceutical industry processes the product into medicinal camphor.

In folk medicine, this oil is used for diseases of the peripheral nervous system and for cleansing the kidneys. The product has high antimicrobial activity against yeast fungi, streptococci, pneumococci, etc. Therefore, the use of fir oil for tonsillitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, and rhinitis is very effective.

Kidney cleansing using fir essential oil. For a week, you should take an infusion of medicinal herbs: oregano herb, sage leaves, lemon balm herb, knotweed herb, St. John's wort herb, cinnamon rose hips (crushed) in equal proportions. 2 tbsp. spoons of the mixture, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave for 3 hours, strain, take 100-150 ml of infusion with 1 tbsp. a spoonful of honey before each meal.

From the 8th to the 12th day inclusive, 4–5 drops of fir oil should be added to each portion of the infusion. Then, after a two-week break, the cleansing course must be repeated.

Pine oil

It has a bactericidal effect, inhibiting a number of microorganisms, including Koch's bacillus, the causative agent of tuberculosis. It is part of the drugs pinabin and ravatinex, which are used in the treatment of urolithiasis, as well as various inhalation mixtures used for diseases of the respiratory system. Pine essential oil is also indicated for cancer of the female genital area, multiple sclerosis, damage to the kidneys and cardiovascular system, periodontal disease, etc.

As part of the drugs pinabin and ravatinex, it is used for the treatment of urolithiasis according to the attached instructions.

Dill and fennel oils

Ripe dried fruits of plants are used to obtain essential oils.

Dill and fennel oils are indicated for spasms of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract, coronary vessels, hypertension, cardiac disorders due to atherosclerosis, increased gas formation in the intestines, etc. Dill and fennel oils are recommended for inflammation of the urinary tract, gout, scanty menstruation , lack of milk in nursing mothers, etc.

To relieve inflammation of the urinary tract, during scanty menstruation, dill and fennel essential oils are taken 1-5 drops 2-3 times a day.

Vegetable oils

Vegetable oils are vegetable fats obtained from seeds or fruits of plants by pressing or extraction. Density - from 0>9 to 0.98 g/cm 3, color - from light yellow to dark brown. Vegetable oils are distinguished: drying out(flaxseed, hemp), semi-drying(cotton, sunflower) and non-drying(coconut, castor). Many vegetable oils are essential food products. The main nutritional value of vegetable oils is determined by their high content of triglycerides of higher fatty acids (up to 90% in flaxseed, up to 50% in sunflower), phosphatides (up to 3000 mg% in soybean, up to 1400 mg% in sunflower), sterols (up to 1000 mg% - in corn, up to 300 mg% - in sunflower), tocopherols (100 mg% or more - in soybean and corn, up to 60 mg% - in sunflower). Vegetable oils are used to produce soap, varnishes, drying oils, etc.

For the preparation of extraction oils, the most suitable plant materials are those containing fat-soluble, biologically active compounds: resins, tocopherols, carotenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols, essential oils, aromatic acids.

The completeness of extraction of natural compounds from plant materials is significantly influenced by the nature of the extractant, the degree of grinding, extraction time and temperature.

High quality fatty oils (corn, olive, peach, soybean, sunflower, etc.) are used as extractants.

The temperature during the production of balms should not exceed 60–70 °C (destruction of thermolabile carotenoids is possible), and the duration of extraction should not exceed 4–5 hours. Periodic mixing of plant materials and oil (5–7 times for each hour of infusion) increases the yield extracted substances into a solution, which is then left for 2-3 days, filtered, and packaged in dark bottles. Store in a cool, dark place.

The resulting extraction oils are transparent, yellow-brown to brown-greenish colored liquids that retain the aroma of plant materials. The content of carotenoids (in terms of (3-carotene) is in the range of 95-210 mg%, the amount of flavonoids (in terms of quercetin or rutin) is 0.5–3.5%.

To increase the stability of the prepared oil, additional dehydration of the product is carried out by mixing with dried (calcined) sodium sulfate or other known dehydrating agents. Clear, dehydrated extraction oil can be stored in tightly sealed containers for up to 2 years without adding a stabilizer.

Bay oil

To prepare the balm, 30 g of dried crushed leaves of the plant are poured into 200 g of vegetable oil heated to 60 ° C and left for 1 week in a thermos. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 2-3 times a day after meals to regulate the menstrual cycle.

Castor oil

Castor oil is obtained from the seeds of the castor bean, a perennial tree plant of the spurge family, which contains about 50% castor oil.

Castor oil is the basis of various creams and ointments, including traditional medicine has long been used as a laxative. Also used in the treatment of skin diseases, wounds, hemorrhoids, etc.

Cervical erosion

Take 1 teaspoon of castor oil, 1 teaspoon of bee honey, 1–2 teaspoons of aloe juice or the contents of 23 ampoules of aloe extract for injection. Mix the components before use, soak a cotton swab with the resulting mixture and insert it into the vagina until the morning. After removing the tampon, it is advisable to lubricate the cervix with sea buckthorn oil. The duration of the treatment course is 10 days.

To consolidate the achieved effect, you can begin a repeat course after a couple of weeks.

Corn oil

Corn oil is obtained from corn kernels. In addition to fatty acids, it contains vitamin E(tocopherol), which prevents the aging process of the body, biologically active substances, including those that reduce cholesterol levels in the blood.

Corn oil is used for diseases of the liver and biliary tract, kidney stones, hypertension, atherosclerosis, allergic diseases, bronchial asthma, skin diseases, etc.

Take equal parts of corn oil, aloe juice, black radish, 70% ethyl alcohol. Mix the ingredients and leave in a cool, dark place for 7 days. Take 1 tbsp orally. spoon 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals. The mixture promotes the resorption of tumor formations. The product is especially effective for benign tumors of the female genital area.

Internal intake of corn oil (2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals) is indicated for kidney stones.

Sea buckthorn oil

Sea buckthorn oil is obtained from the fruits of sea buckthorn - a shrub or tree of the sucker family. Sea buckthorn oil is superior to many other vegetable oils in terms of ascorbic acid and vitamin content E.

There are two known ways to obtain it.

1. The fruits are crushed, ground and the juice is squeezed out. When the latter settles, an orange-red (sometimes orange-yellow) oil floats up, which is collected in a separate vessel. The pulp is washed with water and dried at room temperature (possibly on a central heating radiator), passed through a meat grinder or large coffee mill and filled with refined sunflower or other vegetable oil(1:5), heated to a temperature of 60 °C, mix well with a wooden spatula or stainless steel spoon and leave to infuse, stirring from time to time. The next day, the oil is poured into another vessel with a new portion of dry pulp and left to infuse. This operation is repeated 3–4 times. Sea buckthorn oil is filtered through gauze or nylon mesh into a dark glass bottle, which is tightly sealed and stored in the refrigerator.

2. Frozen sea buckthorn fruits (1 kg) and the same amount of vegetable oil are placed in a pan with intact enamel, which, covered with a lid, is placed in a large vessel with boiling water (water bath), kept for 30 minutes, the mass is filtered through gauze or a nylon bag, the oil is drained, and the pomace is again filled with a fresh portion of sunflower oil and heated again. A similar operation is repeated one more time. Thus, one portion of pulp is extracted with three portions of vegetable oil. The oil obtained as a result of three extractions is poured into one dark glass container, which is left at room temperature for one day. When settling, the oil floats to the surface (the juice remains at the bottom), it is carefully poured into a dark glass container, sealed well and stored in the refrigerator.

Used similarly to the industrially produced drug.


Sea buckthorn oil is part of a medicinal product that is used to treat prostate disease. To prepare a medicinal mixture, combine the following components: sea buckthorn oil - 4 ml; Vishnevsky ointment - 2 ml; fish fat -

8 ml. The components are mixed with slight heating. The dosage is given per procedure.

The therapeutic mixture is injected into the rectum for 20-30 minutes. This time is enough for a fatty film to form on the mucous membrane, the therapeutic effect of which lasts more than a day. To complete one treatment course, you need to do 10–12 procedures performed daily.

Uterine fibroids

Any method of treating a disease will be more effective if it is combined with taking sea buckthorn oil orally. You can eat a piece of bread sprinkled with butter every day for 2 weeks. Douching with an oil extract from sea buckthorn fruits is also used: add 15 drops of sea buckthorn oil to 1 liter of boiled and cooled water.

Cervical erosion, colpitis.

Treatment consists of inserting a tampon with sea buckthorn oil into the vagina, which is left overnight. The treatment course consists of 10–15 procedures performed daily.

Olive oil

Olive oil is obtained from the pulp of olives; the best varieties are called Provençal oil.

Expressed medicinal properties possesses oil that has been stored for more than one year. It is used in the treatment of urolithiasis.

To remove stones from the renal pelvis, the following method is recommended. You can’t eat anything the day before the procedure; Use low-mineralized water for drinking.

Prepare the medicinal mixture: 1 liter of cabbage brine, juice of 4 lemons, 400 ml of olive oil. Take 100 ml of the mixture every 30 minutes. After 4–6 hours, kidney stones will begin to pass out along with the stool. Pain, nausea, and loose stools may occur. This method can only be used if the stones have not yet reached large sizes, otherwise complications cannot be excluded, for example, blockage of the ureter, hydronephrosis, etc.

Sunflower oil

Sunflower oil is obtained from sunflower seeds. The product is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, sugars, vitamins and other beneficial substances.

Sunflower oil is rarely used as an independent remedy. It is more often used as a base for the preparation of medicinal oils. Externally, in a mixture with other substances, the oil is used to treat burns, head lice, as well as for preparing compresses, lotions, etc.

Gynecological diseases of inflammatory nature

Mix equal amounts of sunflower oil and bee honey. After a short boil, the mixture is ready for use: it is cooled and used to soak a tampon, which is inserted intravaginally at night.

Burr oil

Burdock oil is obtained by infusing burdock root (burdock - a biennial plant of the Asteraceae family) in vegetable oil. The product has long been used in cosmetology, as well as for the treatment of skin diseases. Burdock oil is effective for mastopathy, urinary tract diseases and some other diseases.

The product is indicated for use for dermatitis, eczema, baldness - in the form of lubricants or oil dressings.

Preparation of burdock oil: Pour 400 g of crushed burdock root into 100 ml of olive or almond oil, leave for 10-12 days, then place on low heat, bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes, strain.

For mastopathy, burdock oil is used as a lubricant, prepared according to the following recipe: grind 100 g of dry burdock root in a coffee grinder, pour in 250 ml of refined sunflower oil, leave in a dark place for 14–16 days, strain.

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Many skin diseases are often the result of general intoxication of the body, hormonal imbalances, prolonged emotional imbalance (Lawless 1995) and unbalanced nutrition (Ryman 1991). Essential oils can significantly speed up the healing process because they have a very broad spectrum of action. Essential oils can, along with cleansing the body of toxins, have a positive effect on the central nervous system. The antibacterial properties of oils make them indispensable in the treatment of many skin diseases. The beneficial effects of essential oils are especially evident in the treatment of complex diseases such as eczema, lichen, acne, and fungal skin lesions (Buckle 2003).

To prove the effectiveness of the use of essential oils in the treatment of a number of skin diseases, the methods of several well-known specialists in this field were studied. Similar points were tracked in the treatment of completely different diseases. Along with this, the characteristics of the main components of essential oils - terpenes (a group of hydrocarbon organic compounds) and alcohols - were analyzed. The purpose of the research was to determine whether the effectiveness of the results would change if, instead of the officially recommended oil, another oil was used, but with a similar chemical composition. All conclusions were based on clinical trials. The data was recorded in tables (see below). Table 1 presents traditionally recommended essential oils and their constituent components. Table 2 includes a list of essential oils and their components used in clinical trials.

Healthy skin and appearance

This is the most general category and, at the same time, the most susceptible to the influence of factors such as nutritional culture, mental state, and hygiene. In this case, the traditional aromatherapy approach includes the following steps: antimicrobial therapy, sebum control, cleansing and nourishing of the skin.

In this paper we will look at acne, hair loss and eczema.


In most cases, acne is a result of excess sebum production. Calendula, chamomile, lavender, mint, myrrh, neroli, palmarosa, patchouli and tea tree have a positive effect on acne-prone skin (Ryman 1991). Experts recommend caution when using so-called carrier oils (base oils) in their pure form as an independent product. They should not be too heavy so as not to aggravate the problem. Schnaubelt (1999) recommends taking peppermint orally rather than using it topically as an essential oil. This will help cleanse the liver of toxins. Essential oils of lavender, manuka and tea tree, used externally, will help cleanse the skin and have a beneficial effect on the formation of new, healthy skin. This treatment must be accompanied by adequate nutrition. Strictly exclude products containing hormones or pesticides.


Baldness (alopecia) can be a consequence of many factors: physiological aging, autoimmune diseases and others. For all types of alopecia, the following essential oils are recommended: clary sage (Ryman 1991), thyme, rosemary, lavender, carrot and clary sage (Worwood 1991). Most of these essential oils contain esters, which promote cell regeneration and nervous system repair (Watson). These oils have a very mild effect. In a special clinical trial, 86 patients suffering from alopecia areata were divided into two groups. The control group was asked to massage their scalp with carrier oils. The active group used carrier oils only as a base for a composition containing thyme, rosemary, lavender and cedar. Therapists recorded a significant improvement (44% of patients in the active group versus 15% in the control group). Conclusions were based on the assessments and opinions of third-party observers who were provided with photographs (Hay, I.C., M.Jamieson and A.D. Ormerod.1998). All subjects chose essential oils based on their personal experience and reviews of the oils in more than 100 years of practice in their use. An experienced aromatherapist was one of the subjects and this experiment was one of the most revealing in practice.

Eczema (Dermatitis)

For eczema, it is recommended to use oils of benzoin, chamomile, geranium, cedar, orange, oregano, patchouli, rose, juniper, sage and sandalwood. These oils also affect stress and fatigue (Ryman 1991). Chamomile reduces inflammation, and lavender oil promotes skin regeneration (Buckle 2003).

A scientific experiment involving patients with atopic dermatitis was conducted to clarify the results of the effects of randomly selected oils.

Eight children suffering from atopic dermatitis and their mothers were selected to participate in the experiment. The therapy included massage using essential oils in combination with traditional prescribed treatments. Massage was provided by a therapist once a week in addition to daily massage provided by the mothers themselves. Mothers were asked to choose random oils for massage. The women chose oils of marjoram, frankincense, chamomile, benzoin, myrrh and thyme. Their choice was dictated by personal preferences and the fact that these oils are widely used in aromatherapy in general. The first group of subjects received a massage course without the use of oils, while the children of the second group used oils chosen by their mothers. After 2 weeks, the first results were summed up. Data on the anxiety caused by eczema during the day and at night, as well as observations of the mother, therapist and the patient were taken into account. The health status of children in both groups did not differ significantly. However, there was a possibility of side effects occurring in the oil group. This experiment once again confirmed the importance scientific approach to aromatherapy and the need for a thorough study of all the chemical components of a particular oil.

Skin lesions and damage

When the integrity of the skin is compromised, it is very important to prevent wound infection, relieve pain, stop bleeding and avoid scarring. The best way For such cases, those oils that can be applied directly to the skin or to the wound itself are suitable. For ulcers and hematomas, oils containing alcohols or compounds of alcohols and esters are used. Alcohols, having an analgesic, antibiotic and soothing effect, soften the effect of essential oils on the skin. Shnobelt recommends using Italian immortelle immediately after an accident and in the future to speed up the healing process. Lavender is the most famous and effective remedy for burns. Chamomile is often recommended as an excellent anti-inflammatory agent. Other recommended essential oils not only reduce the risk of infection, but also stimulate tissue regeneration and healing (see Table 1).

Similar essential oils can also be used in the treatment of wounds, the effect of which should not be underestimated. Most recommendations are aimed at reducing infection, speeding up the healing process, and preventing scarring. Shnobelt recommends using immortelle Italiana directly on the wound. Riemann recommends rose essential oil.

When studying the effectiveness of using essential oils, the following clinical experiment was conducted. Cancer patients treated their skin twice daily with a mixture of eucalyptus-based oils to treat foul-smelling necrotic ulcers. The choice of oils was dictated by their potential antibacterial properties. Along with this, the presence of a pleasant smell and anti-inflammatory properties of the selected oils was very important (see Table 2). The patients received standard antibiotic treatment, but also had their wounds washed with antibacterial essential oils twice a day. On the fourth day of treatment, a noticeable decrease in the foci of inflammation was observed, up to the complete healing of small ulcers. But the doctors were struck by something else. In all patients, the foul odor emanating from the ulcers and which could not be eliminated for a long time completely disappeared. Moreover, doctors concluded that with such a positive result, debilitating therapy with large doses of antibiotics can be significantly reduced.

Infectious agents

Undoubtedly, one of the most famous characteristics of essential oils is their action against infectious agents. Several essential oils have been identified that have a beneficial effect on the treatment of lichen: essential oils of geranium, lavender, myrtle and rosemary. Geranium and lavender contain alcohols and esters, which have an antiviral effect and also have a beneficial effect on the nervous system. General recommendations for virus control include the use of phenols and terpene alcohols (Schnaubelt 1999). In this case, antibacterial essential oils have the same effect as oils with antibiotic properties.

Traditional recommendations in the treatment of fungal diseases (candidiasis, mycosis, etc.) include the use of lavender, tea tree, myrrh, patchouli and marjoram. Most of the above essential oils contain a special type of terpenes, which are strong antibiotics. Tea tree has pronounced antimicrobial properties and, according to many experts in this field, can successfully replace artificial (chemical) analogues of antimicrobial agents.

In another clinical trial, scientists used peppermint oil to combat herpes virus types 1 and 2. A one percent solution of oil, applied topically, reduced the manifestations of ulceration in patients with type 1 herpes by 82% and reduced inflammation in patients with type 2 herpes by 92%. When using a higher concentration of oil, the improvements were more than 90%. The authors recommend using this oil topically for recurrent herpes infections.

Insect bites and repellents

In 2002, Oyedele (A.O. 2002) tested lemongrass oil for its use as a persistent repellent. We managed to find the ideal formula (15% concentrate), which was effective for 2-3 hours. The active component in lemongrass is believed to be citral. Scientists have concluded that such a repellent is no worse than its industrial chemical analogue. For maximum effect, they recommend using a hydrophilic base.

Lice, mosquitoes, ants, moths and ticks do not tolerate components containing alcohols, aldehydes, terpenes and eugenol. It is likely that over many years plants have developed components that repel insects. Thus, verbena tea essential oil ( Lippia multiflora) has proven to be more effective against scabies than benzyl benzonate emulsion and is less irritating to the skin (Oladimeji et al.).


An analysis of the ingredients of various essential oils recommended for the treatment of skin diseases revealed some similarities in their chemical compositions. One of the main characteristics of essential oils is the complexity of their composition. However, many oils have one or two dominant ingredients—alcohols or terpenes. In this study, we used those essential oils in which the content of individual components is more concentrated than in others. The most important groups of organic molecules in essential oils are thought to be alcohols, monoterpenes, sesquiterpenes, and esters. The concentration of these components is quite high in the content of 36 of the 44 oils offered by popular sources. Most of these appear in Singeria, such as lavender, geranium and clary sage. Monoterpenes are found in most essential oils, but their concentrations are usually low. It is worth noting that high concentrations of monoterpenes can cause skin irritation. Sesquiterpenes have pronounced anti-inflammatory, softening and bactericidal properties. Alcohol, as mentioned above, can act as the main ingredient, but it often appears in combination with other components and sometimes weakens (softens) the effect of other active ingredients. Alcohols are bactericidal, antiviral, antiseptic and antifungal organic compounds. Esters, having a soothing, antifungal and anti-inflammatory effect, are excellent stimulators of cell regeneration (Watson, Caddy 1997).

Clinical trials have confirmed the high effectiveness of using traditionally recommended essential oils, and also proven the possibility of using other oils with a similar chemical composition.

Table 2.
Essential oils used in clinical trials

Anderson, C., M. Lis-Balcin and M. Kirk-Smith. 2000. Evaluation of Massage with Essential Oils on Childhood Atopic Eczema. Phytotherapy Research. 14: 452-456.
Buckle, Jane 2003. Clinical Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Practice. Churchill Livingstone, London.
Caddy, Rosemary 1997. Aromatherapy: Essential Oils in Color. Ambassador Litho Ltd., Bristol, Great Britain.
Carson, C.F., K.A. Hammer, and T.V. Riley 2006. Melaleuca alternifolia(Tea Tree) Oil: a Review of Antimicrobial and Other Medicinal Properties. Clinical Microbiology Reviews June 2006: 50-62.
Hay, I.C., M.Jamieson and A.D. Ormerod. 1998. Randomized Trial of Aromatherapy: Successful Treatment for Alopecia Areata. Arch. Dermatol. 134: 1349-1352.
Lawless, Julia 1995. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Essential Oils. Thorsons, London, England.
Long, L., A. Huntley, E. Ernst 2001. Which complementary and alternative therapies benefit which conditions? A survey of the opinions of 223 professional organizations. Complementary Therapies in Medicine 2001: 178-185.
Oladimeji, F.A., L.O. Orafidiya, T.A.B. Ogunniyi, T.A. Adewunmi, and O. Onayemi. 2005. A comparative study of the scabicidal activities of formulations of essential oil of Lippia multiflora Moldenke and Benzyl benzoate emulsion BP. The International Journal of Aromatherapy 2005: 15: 87-93.
Oyedele, A.O., A.A. Gbolade, M.B. Sosan, F.B. Adewoyin, O.L. Soyelu and O.O. Orafidiya. 2002. Formulations of an effective mosquito-repellent topical product from Lemongrass Oil. Phytomedicine 9: 259-262.
Pearlstine, Leonard 2006. Aromatherapy Science. Aromascents 35: 17–24.
Ryman, Danielle 1991. Aromatherapy: The Complete Guide to Plant and Flower Essences for Health and Beauty. Bantam Books, New York, NY.
Schnaubelt, Kurt 1995. Advanced Aromatherapy: The Science of Essential Oil Therapy. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, VT.
Schnaubelt, Kurt 1999. Medical Aromatherapy: Healing with Essential Oils. Frog, Ltd. Berkeley, CA.
Schuhmacher, A., J. Reichling, and P. Schnizler 2004. Virucidal effect of peppermint oil on the enveloped viruses herpes simplex virus type 1 and type 2 in vitro. Phytomedicine 10: 504-510.
Tisserand, Robert B. 1977. The Art of Aromatherapy: The Healing and Beautifying Properties of the Essential Oils of Flowers and Herbs. Healing Arts Press, Rochester, Vermont.
Warnke, P.H., E. Sherry, P.A.J. Russo, Y. Acil, J. Wiltfang, S. Sivananthan, M. Sprengel, J.C. Roldan, S. Schubert, J.P. Bredee, and I.N.G. Springer. Phytomedicine -------
Worwood, Valerie Ann 1991. The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy New World Library, Novato, CA

Obtained from seeds Watermelon. Contains a significant amount of healing minerals - zinc and selenium, carotene, tocopherols, which determines its high biological value. The oil has anti-inflammatory properties, promotes the dissolution of liver and kidney stones, has a positive effect on cholesterol metabolism, activates the healing of wounds and burns, counteracts cancer processes, and enhances hair growth in case of baldness. Used for helminthiasis.

Watermelon oil food grade, compatible with all products and all types of therapy.

Attention! Do not drink with water! Don't drink alcohol!

Melon seed oil

Oil is obtained from seeds Melons ordinary.

Its composition is dominated by polyunsaturated fatty acids, which regulate the level of lipemia, the activity of hemostasis, activate metabolic processes, and affect the membrane formations of the central nervous system and visual apparatus.

Taking 2 teaspoons of oil helps prevent cardiovascular diseases. The oil softens and improves skin trophism, is used in cosmetics

, in particular, to eliminate age spots. Included in exclusively elite creams and cosmetic ointments.

An ancient recipe for the softening “Mask of the Virgin Mary” The facial skin is cleaned with a cotton swab soaked in Melon oil . Then again lubricate the skin with oil, put the egg yolk on top and beat it with your fingers dipped in hot water. Moisten your fingers several times hot water

until a creamy mass forms. This mask is applied for 15-30 minutes 1-2 times a week. Remove the mask with a cotton or gauze swab.

Apricot kernel oil Grains are used to prepare this oil..

Apricot kernels Apricot kernel oil

It is recommended to use for skin care of children; it perfectly treats diaper rash and dermatitis in newborns. The oil is suitable for all skin types. It is especially effective for tired, sagging skin, as it smooths out wrinkles and increases the elasticity and tone of the skin.

Avocado oil The oil is obtained by cold pressing from the dried pulp of the fruit. When first pressed, the oil has a greenish and sometimes brown tint. This avocado oil is very expensive and quite difficult to obtain. After refining, the oil loses some of its free fatty acids and acquires a light yellow tint. Avocado oil

The oil is obtained by cold pressing from the dried pulp of the fruit. When first pressed, the oil has a greenish and sometimes brown tint. This avocado oil is very expensive and quite difficult to obtain. After refining, the oil loses some of its free fatty acids and acquires a light yellow tint. thick. It has a subtle, barely perceptible nutty odor and tastes like nut butter. Rich in lecithin, vitamins A, B, D, E, K, PP contains stearic, linolenic, linoleic, and other fatty acids. The oil is obtained by cold pressing from the dried pulp of the fruit. When first pressed, the oil has a greenish and sometimes brown tint. This avocado oil is very expensive and quite difficult to obtain. After refining, the oil loses some of its free fatty acids and acquires a light yellow tint. is able to penetrate deep into the skin, moisturizes and nourishes it well. Indispensable for dry and normal skin, as well as for aging facial skin. Indicated for the treatment of burns and irritated skin. Relieves symptoms of eczema, heals wounds perfectly. May reflect ultraviolet radiation.

Brazil nut oil

Fruits of the tree Brazil nut contains more than 60% oils. Brazilian nut is a good exportable product.

Brazil nut oil It is a pale yellow, transparent, viscous liquid with a characteristic odor. It contains natural fat-soluble vitamins, fatty acids, tocopherols and triterpene alcohols.

Brazil nut oil– excellent moisturizing and nutrient for skin and hair. It is recommended to enrich skin and hair care products with this oil, adding it from 3 to 10% to the composition. Penetrating into the skin, the oil forms a protective layer that prevents the evaporation of water from the skin. The oil heals wounds well and is also used to treat inflammation and skin ulcers.

Borage oil (borage)

Obtained from a plant characterized by a cucumber aroma. It has a transparent yellow color and a slight odor. Contains vitamins A, E, F, B, tannins, minerals, gamma-linoleic acid. It is used in cosmetics as a component that strengthens the epidermal barrier, improves the skin's moisture-holding capacity, increases its elasticity and protective properties.

The oil is very suitable for aging skin. Used for psoriasis and eczema. When used internally, it helps improve metabolism, stimulates the body's immunological defense system, supports adrenal function, promotes faster treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers, and improves blood microcirculation.

Grape seed oil

To get this Grapeseed oils dried and pressed. The result is a very dark, thick, bitter oil that is unsuitable for use. The oil is refined to produce a light yellow liquid, soft to the touch, with a faint nutty flavor. Highly valued due to its unique composition of fatty acids (68% linoleic), rich in natural antioxidants (vitamins A and E).

This oil is recommended for people with oily skin y. It is perfectly absorbed, does not leave an oily sheen, and does not clog pores. For people with aging skin, it will help restore skin turgor, transform complexion, and smooth out wrinkles. Perfect for caring for the neck and skin around the eyes.

Walnut oil

The oil has a beautiful dark amber color, with a slight nutty flavor. Walnut oil It has a rather strong odor, so it is not suitable for creating exquisite aromatic compositions. Contains B vitamins, macro- and microelements, rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Walnut oil contains unsaturated fatty acids, carotenoids, vitamins A, E, C, as well as minerals (zinc, copper, iodine, calcium, magnesium, iron, phosphorus, cobalt), and biologically active substances.

In terms of its performance, walnut oil surpasses many. This is oil to everyone. It is used in the treatment of inflammatory processes of the mucous membranes, reduces cholesterol, increases the activity of the immune system, promotes rejuvenation of the body, increases the body's resistance to radiation exposure, removes radionuclides from the body, and has an antitumor effect. This oil is suitable for all skin types. Especially recommended for sensitive and irritation-prone skin due to its cooling and soothing properties. Walnut oil is absorbed very quickly and makes the skin silky. Has a high wound healing rate.

This oil is of great importance in the treatment and prevention of atherosclerosis, cardiovascular diseases, liver diseases and metabolic disorders. It is also recommended to use walnut oil for chronic arthritis, for healing wounds, burns, for inflammatory skin lesions, chronic colitis, constipation, diabetes, and for the treatment of intestinal and stomach ulcers.

The oil is recommended for pregnant women and nursing mothers. Walnut oil contains the plant enzyme enthymirase, which increases blood circulation in the genitals and stimulates spermatogenesis. Walnut oil increases the body's resistance to radiation exposure, removes radionuclides from the body, and has an antitumor effect.

Walnut oil normalizes metabolism, promotes weight loss and rejuvenation of the body. The oil is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, furunculosis, eczema, psoriasis, varicose veins veins

Walnut oil It is successfully used for chronic hepatitis, increased acidity of gastric juice, as a laxative and anthelmintic, and for hyperfunction of the thyroid gland.

Burr oil

It is believed that the Egyptian queen, the beautiful Cleopatra, also used Burdock oil. Burr oil has the property of enhancing capillary blood circulation and restoring the metabolism of the skin due to the fact that burdock roots contain large quantities of the polysaccharide inulin, proteins, essential oil, palmitic and stearic acids, sitosterol and stigmasterol.

Practice shows that this is an effective remedy for strengthening and enhancing hair growth. In folk medicine Burr oil used to treat trophic ulcers, eczema, psoriasis, and also for radiculitis. The oil is useful for any age as a preventative, cleansing and rejuvenating agent.

Burr oil has a beneficial effect on the scalp and hair, eliminates dandruff, makes hair roots stronger, and hair healthy and beautiful. They say that this is Cleopatra's first secret.

The second secret is this: Burr oil good for the skin and used before taking a bath. The whole body is rubbed, especially places with rough, keratinized skin, for example, elbows, feet.

Milk thistle oil

Milk thistle- an annual or biennial plant with an erect stem up to 150 cm tall, covered with a powdery coating. The leaves are pinnately lobed or pinnately dissected, leathery, dark green, mottled with shiny white transverse interrupted stripes, spinous along the edge of the blade and veins on the underside, the lower ones are petiolate, the upper ones are sessile, stem-enclosing. The baskets are apical, single, oblong or spherical, on thin peduncles. The involucre leaves are green, imbricate, outer and middle - with a protruding deciduous, spiny hard appendage. The flowers are tubular, pink, purple or white. Achenes are elliptical, glabrous, about 7 mm long, dark brown or black with longitudinal, light lines, the pappus is 2-3 times longer than the achenes. It blooms in July and bears fruit in August–September. Propagated by seeds.

It grows in the central and southern zone of the European part, in the Caucasus, in the southern part of Western Siberia, and in Central Asia. It usually grows along roads, in abandoned fields, sometimes on very dry and saline soils.

Milk thistle seeds contain up to 32% edible fatty oil. The fruits are used to treat diseases of the liver and biliary tract. This is a beautiful ornamental plant.

In world herbal medicine Milk thistle has long and rightfully occupied one of the places of honor as a plant with universal pharmacological properties.

In official medicine, drugs created on the basis of a sum of biologically active substances are widely used. Milk thistle(karsil, legalon, silybor, hepabene, hepatofalk planta, etc.) with the main hepatoprotective effect.

In folk medicine, almost all parts of the plant (fruits, leaves, roots), as well as their processed products (fruit juice, fruit oil and leaf juice) are used. Truly unique is honey collected from plantations Milk thistle. Flowers, leaves and roots of milk thistle are part of many herbal compositions widely used in gastroenterology and endocrinology. The juice of the leaves is used for anemia, hypovitaminosis, asthenia, chronic diseases of the digestive system, and the musculoskeletal system.

Milk thistle oil used for diseases of the cardiovascular system, burns, dermatitis, gynecological diseases, radiation therapy as a therapeutic agent. Recommended for people living in environmentally unfavorable regions, workers in industries with hazardous working conditions, for liver diseases, toxicosis of pregnancy, poisoning.

Herbal clove oil

Part of the crushed fresh herb, herbal cloves, is poured with 5 parts of hot vegetable oil. Infuse in a warm place, shaking occasionally, for 2 weeks, filter, squeeze out the remainder. Take 10 drops 3 times a day after meals for uterine and hemorrhoidal bleeding.

St. John's wort oil

Half a glass of crushed fresh flowers and leaves of St. John's wort is poured with a glass of vegetable oil, left for 40 days, shaking the contents periodically, then squeezed out and the resulting oil is filtered.

Used externally for burns, even with extensive lesions reaching 2/3 of the body surface. Oil compresses are applied to the affected area for long-term non-healing wounds, ulcers, abscesses, ulcers, inflammation, erosions of the mucous membranes of the mouth, wounds after animal bites, and herpes. In the form of vaginal tampons moistened with oil, for uterine fibroids with bleeding.

1-2 teaspoons 2-3 times a day St. John's wort oil taken an hour before meals for gastric and duodenal ulcers, stomatitis, periodontal disease, pharyngitis, bile duct diseases, kidney stones, as an analgesic and anthelmintic.

Strawberry oil

1 tbsp. pour a spoonful of strawberries into 100 ml of vegetable oil, boil in a water bath for 30 minutes, leave in a closed container in a warm place for 4 hours, filter.

It is best to use the prepared oil at night, moisturizing and soaking the skin for 20 minutes; remove the remaining oil with a dry paper towel before going to bed.

For dry skin, it is good to add aloe juice to strawberry juice. For normal and oily skin, add juice from raspberry leaves, parsley or 1 teaspoon of hop cone powder. Boil the mixture and lubricate your face with it, preferably overnight.

Castor oil

Castor oil obtained from the fruits of the castor bean, which is cultivated as an oilseed and ornamental plant. The homeland of the plant is Africa.

Castor oil is a classic laxative. Although there are many other indications and ways to use it in medical practice. Let's look at this data.

Castor oil used to treat ulcers, lubricate the navel of a newborn, lubricate the nipples of the mammary glands to increase milk secretion.

For conjunctivitis, drop 1 drop into the eye Castor oil.

If young children have poor hair growth, carefully rub the oil into the scalp at night. In the morning they wash their hair. This procedure is done twice a week until the hair condition improves, which can then be maintained by using this method once every 2 weeks or a month.

For bronchitis, rub the chest with a mixture of 1 tbsp. spoons of turpentine and 2 tbsp. spoons of castor oil. The procedure is used at night.

Castor oil You can moisten hemorrhoids, thereby reducing inflammation.

Castor oil considered a specific remedy for soft calluses.

When castor oil is taken orally, a reflex contraction of the uterine muscles occurs, which is why it is used to stimulate labor.

Locally Castor oil used for diseases of the vagina and cervix.

Sesame oil

Sesame is an annual herbaceous plant native to Africa. Grown in the south of Ukraine. The seeds of the plant are used, from which the oil is obtained.

Sesame oil helps increase the number of blood platelets and enhances their deposition. Used for the treatment of hemorrhagic diathesis. In pharmaceutical practice, the oil is used to prepare ointments, liniments, plasters, oil emulsions and solutions for fat-soluble drugs.

Sesame oil taken orally for bronchitis, bronchial asthma, itchy dermatoses.

In folk medicine, sesame seed powder is used as a tonic, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent.

Sesame seeds are also used for making halva, confectionery, and used in baking.

Sesame oil in an amount of 20-30 ml is prescribed orally for ulcerative colitis, chronic gastritis, cholecystitis, cholangitis.

It is recommended to take 1 tbsp of oil. spoon in the morning for acute colds, chronic bronchitis, runny nose, intestinal colic, hepatitis, kidney stones, as a laxative and anthelmintic.

Bird cherry oil

Get fat Bird cherry seed oil ordinary. The drug is used for deep forms of trichophytosis and microsporia in adults and children. The oil has pronounced bactericidal properties, kills Staphylococcus aureus, hemolytic streptococcus, typhoid and dysentery bacilli, and E. coli.

Oleander oil

Obtained from the leaves and flowers of the common oleander, which is grown as a bush or low tree as an ornamental or indoor plant in the conditions of our country. The plant is thermophilic and is native to the Mediterranean. Cultivated in Crimea.

The oil is obtained by infusing crushed flowers and leaves in sunflower or olive oil within 2 weeks.

Oleander oil It is useful to lubricate hemorrhoidal cones, eczematous areas of the skin, for dermatitis, psoriasis.

The oil should not be taken internally - it is poisonous!

Rose oil

Made from rose petals. This is how I wrote about Rose oil Odo of Mena:

They make oil from roses, and the oil is called “rose”,

If you drink, your stomach will soften and the esophagus will immediately subside.

The heat is exorbitant, and if you warm it up with a poultice -

Headache and fever are cured by this medicine.

If you somehow mix oil with vinegar,

He will cleanse a dirty wound and fill the hollow of the wound;

And it helps excellently when burned by fire,

Staying in the mouth for a long time, it heals toothache,

As they say, it will grant centuries their former softness,

If you apply it, the itching that is hidden in the depths will stop,

And it helps perfectly with various sufferings of the uterus.

Cooking method Rose oil: fill a container with fresh flower petals and fill it with vegetable oil heated to 60°C. Place the container in the sun and hold it until the petals lose their red color and turn white. After this, they are carefully squeezed out of the oil and thrown away, and instead of them, a new portion of petals is placed in a container and filled with oil infused with the petals. This is done up to seven times, changing the petals.

The oil is used to lubricate poorly healing and weakly granulating wounds.

When rinsing the mouth Rose oil toothache is eliminated. Also Rose oil used for ear pain. Take the oil internally for insomnia, headaches, constipation, gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

Chamomile oil

Odo from Mena wrote: “Boil chamomile in oil - you will warm the patient with fever, you will drive away the chill, and often the whole fever.”

Chamomile oil used for ear pain, for compresses for paralysis and neuritis. Chamomile oil has a diaphoretic effect, reduces bone pain, heals malignant ulcers, treats hemorrhoids, helps with colds, and inflammatory processes in the gynecological area.

Chamomile oil

The oil is used for ear pain, poor hair growth, and inflammation in the external genitalia.

Saffron oil

“There is an opinion that saffron gives both joy and vigor; He infuses strength into our members and renews our liver,” wrote Odo of Mena.

Saffron oil softens nerves, eliminates spasms, helps with uterine fibroids, improves complexion.

Flaxseed oil, as a remedy, has been known since ancient times. The famous healer Hippocrates recommended the use of flaxseed oil in the treatment of stomach (inflammation of the mucous membrane), heart disease, and genitourinary system; in addition, the oil was widely used in the treatment of burns and cuts.

In Ancient Rus', according to the chronicles, linseed oil was used more than a thousand years ago; it was later in importance, even ahead of sunflower oil, which Peter the Great brought to Russia.

Many people know that flaxseed oil is very useful, but it is worth paying attention to its contraindications. For example, oil is prohibited for use by those who have urolithiasis disease or there is chronic and cholecystitis. If antiviral drugs or antidepressants are used, flaxseed oil is also contraindicated. If you don’t want to give up using oil, then you can use no more than 1 tbsp. l. per day, but it is better to consult a doctor first. Well, forewarned is forearmed! We can move on.

Composition of flax oil

If we talk about the composition of flaxseed oil, it is worth highlighting the content of acids, such as Alpha-linolenic acid, or better known to us as Omega-3, which is up to 61% in the oil.

Linoleic acid (Omega-6), the content of which reaches 30%. When introduced into the body, these acids affect the activity of cells, improving the functioning of the brain, heart, making the skin more elastic, in general, affecting the functioning of almost all systems of our body. Flaxseed oil contains even more of these fatty acids than fish oil. The most important thing to know is that these acids are not produced in the human body; they come to us through food.

In addition, flaxseed oil contains vitamin F, B vitamins, as well as vitamin K, which is so necessary for protein synthesis and affects blood clotting. It is also known to contain retinol (it is called a synthetic clone of vitamin A), which slows down the aging process, and tocopherol, in other words, vitamin E. Flaxseed oil contains many microelements, such as zinc, potassium, magnesium, protein and fiber.

Use in folk medicine

The most in a simple way treatment, we can consider taking the oil internally, the daily dose of which should not exceed 30 g, which is approximately 2 tablespoons, best added to salads or cold dishes. It is not recommended to immediately consume a tablespoon; the body must get used to it, so the initial dose should be no more than 1 tsp. in one go. Since ancient times, people have treated various diseases with oil. Let's look at a few recipes.

It has been proven that flaxseed oil has a beneficial effect on the heart, thanks to its Omega-3 content, which prevents blood clots and reduces stress. If you regularly take the oil, then diseases such as ischemia, stroke, heart attack, atherosclerosis can be forgotten, because the oil reduces blood viscosity and increases the elasticity of blood vessels.

It is known that flaxseed oil was used for eyelash loss. Before going to bed, you need to take flaxseed oil, grape and almond oil (all in equal parts) and lubricate your eyelashes. Flaxseed oil is rubbed into the hair roots, which stops hair loss.

If you add 6 drops of essential oil, such as rosemary or neroli, to flaxseed oil (about 2-3 tablespoons), you can get rid of stretch marks by lubricating these areas with the mixture. This method of getting rid of stretch marks will be more effective if you combine flaxseed oil with a cosmetic wrap.

Due to the fact that flaxseed oil contains phytoestrogens - lignans, it helps maintain normal hormonal levels in women during menstrual periods. Some scientists believe that by consuming flax seed oil, you can avoid breast, colorectal, and skin cancer. Lignans help protect the body from premature aging by slowing down the process.

External treatment is also widely used, for example, for burns, various pustules on the skin and wounds. Flaxseed oil is part of medicinal ointments and emulsions, which accelerate the healing and regeneration process of the skin. Here are some recipes:

For healing wounds. You will need 100 ml of oil and 50 ml of sea buckthorn oil. Stir the mixture of oils thoroughly, moisten a sterile napkin with the mixture and apply to the wound

And exacerbation of peptic ulcer disease. Flaxseed oil – 50 ml, sea buckthorn oil – 70 ml, St. John’s wort oil – 30 ml. Shake the mixture well and drink 1 tbsp. immediately before starting a meal. By the way, the same mixture can also be used for burns.

At allergic rash. Flax seed oil - 30 ml, calendula ointment - 100 g, grind to obtain an emulsion and apply to the affected areas.

A lot can be said about flaxseed oil, for example, it will bring invaluable benefits to the body when a person goes on a diet in order to. It can be combined with other oils, with honey, added to yoghurts, kefir, salads, and seasoned with potatoes and porridges. And if you add butter to baked goods, it will give it an extraordinary aroma and a special shade.

Summarize. Flaxseed oil is a real storehouse that human nature bestows. The benefits of this product are invaluable, but before you decide to use it, you must initially check the reaction on a certain area of ​​the skin if the oil is used externally, and in order to avoid any side effects, it is best to get detailed advice from a doctor, this is a primary task. You need to know that small children and pregnant women can take the oil only after such consultation or under the supervision of a doctor. To get the most out of this product, it's worth making sure it's fresh and natural product. All the best!