The most unusual congratulations on February 23

On February 23, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, women congratulate all the men they know on this holiday: they admire the masculinity of the stronger sex, wish them success in all areas of life and present them with pleasant surprises. But if there are a lot of ways to congratulate a loved one and relatives, and every woman knows the preferences and desires of her close men, then the question of how to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original and beautiful way puts many of the fair sex in a difficult position . It is especially difficult to come up with scenes and scenarios for congratulating male colleagues in the office if there are more of them or if there is only one woman in the team. But in fact, there are many ways to unusually congratulate colleagues on February 23 and make sure that this holiday leaves them with only good memories: act out interesting skits, hold a themed corporate party, read original and beautiful congratulations in poetry or prose, or simply congratulate beautifully in your own words.

Ideas on how to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original way

In the old days, at all enterprises on February 23, male employees were gathered in the assembly hall or in another spacious room, then the director read them a standard text of congratulations from a piece of paper and handed symbolic gifts to everyone. Of course, this method of congratulations could only cause men to become bored and unwilling to waste their time on the official part of the event, so it is better not to adopt the methods of Soviet party organizers, but to come up with something more interesting and original.

There are actually many ways to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way. And when choosing one method or another, several factors must be taken into account:

  • possibility/impossibility of decorating the room
  • number of women participating in the congratulations
  • number of male colleagues
  • time allotted for congratulating colleagues on February 23
  • specifics of the enterprise/company's work
  • budget allocated for congratulating male colleagues on February 23, etc.

Depending on these factors, the female half of the work team needs to choose where and how the congratulations will take place, as well as select original and unusual gifts. You can congratulate colleagues both in the office and in a banquet hall rented for the event. But even if a corporate party is planned for the evening on the occasion of Defender of the Fatherland Day, it is better to congratulate the men in the morning in the office, and in the evening the whole team goes to a festive event - the stronger half of the team will definitely appreciate such attention.

To congratulate men on February 23 in an original way in the office, you don’t have to have a very large budget. The main thing is to come up with a good and unusual idea to surprise and at the same time please the stronger half of the team. For example, the following methods of congratulating men on February 23 at work are successful:

  1. Office decoration in a specific thematic style/it is not necessary to decorate your office in a military style on February 23rd - you can choose any original style, starting with cowboy and ending with pirate/
  2. Organizing a festive lunch during the lunch break/to congratulate men in an original way, it is advisable to put on the table not ordinary dishes, but something more interesting, from food sets that replicate army rations, to a cake in the shape of a tank or airplane/
  3. Creating an original photo collage or video greeting for male colleagues/there will probably be photographs of all employees in the office that can be used to create a creative surprise/
  4. Games and entertainment/paintball, airsoft, shooting range and others Interesting games will be a great surprise for men on February 23/
  5. Beautiful and sincere congratulations/to congratulate men on February 23 in an original way, you can act out an interesting scene or read out a beautiful congratulation, composed in such a way that each of your colleagues of the stronger sex would be pleased to hear it/.

Original congratulations for men on February 23 at a festive corporate party

At a festive corporate party in honor of February 23, men should also be congratulated in an original and unusual way. The entire holiday can be held in any specific style, and entertainment, competitions and gifts can be selected to match this style. For example, if a military style was chosen for a corporate event, then you can give the men personalized army mugs or caps as a gift.

If the celebration takes place outside of any specific theme, you can congratulate the men in a beautiful and original way by playing interesting scenes in front of them or showing a pre-prepared video with their photos and congratulations. But at the same time, you need to remember that words of congratulations must be sincere and warm.

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work: scenarios for congratulations in the office in 2018

The most proven and simplest way to congratulate men on February 23 at work is with interesting congratulation scenarios that can be played out both in the office and at corporate events. Both the employees themselves and hired animators can act as hosts of the festive event. The script for the celebration of February 23 can be found on the Internet, or you can create it yourself. The main thing is that everything turns out interesting, fun and unusual.

Finding a ready-made script on the Internet is the simplest solution to the question of how to congratulate men on February 23 in an original way. And here we have posted the script “The Real Colonel” for celebrating February 23 in a small office. This scenario can also be used if there are many men in the team (there are more of them than women).

Start the holiday with congratulations. Let men feel warmth and respect from your words.

You can start competitive program as soon as the men sit down at the table. And start with the “Real Colonel” competition. For him, you will prepare cards with various inscriptions (Conqueror of women's hearts, Goonie, Experienced, Ideal husband...) And all evening, you can call them with these comic nicknames. This will work if your colleagues have a great sense of humor and there will be no offense. If you are not sure, then just write funny inscriptions without any jokes.

Give your men a real test. You must know which of them is the most dexterous, strong, brave, etc.

So start holding competitions. Men are like children, so the passion for sports is always present in them. Start with the “Most Accurate Shooter” competition. This competition requires the use of darts. He who throws darts best is also the most accurate.

Continue the competitions. You can find out who is the strongest of men. And arrange competitions, for example with dumbbells. And of course, the competition for erudition and knowledge “The Most clever man" Make up a few questions and read them to the men. You can ask anything from men's and women's topics (cars, football, racing, cosmetics and perfumes).

After you have held competitions, be sure to award the man with diplomas. And after that, start the dance program.

The most original and unusual congratulations from colleagues on February 23

The holiday Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in each company in its own way. And employees of a number of organizations in past years managed to come up with very original and interesting congratulations. These congratulations can be seen in the videos below, and perhaps you can learn a few things from them interesting idea for your own holiday scenario on February 23, 2018 in the office.

How to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original way: interesting scenes and unusual gifts

Of course, all women want to congratulate the stronger half of the team in an unusual and original way, but in many companies management does not devote too much working time to congratulations. Therefore, there may simply not be enough time to implement a long and interesting scenario. And the way out in such a situation is how to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original way - scenes acted out by female employees.

Short and funny skits with congratulations to each colleague will defuse the working atmosphere and lift the spirits of the entire team. And at the end of the original short congratulations You can give pleasant and unusual gifts to all men. Interesting gifts will definitely please male colleagues and provide them with good mood before the end of the working day and the holiday corporate party.

Ideas for scenes with congratulations on February 23, 2018

Ideas for scenes to congratulate men on February 23 must be thought up based on the theme of the celebration of Defender of the Fatherland Day. If the holiday is not themed, you can use standard ideas:

  • When congratulating, act out scenes from army life
  • Give each man an honorary title, simulating a military rank
  • Act out mini-scenes from famous patriotic films
  • Organize a quest to find gifts, etc.

Ways to congratulate men on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 at work, originally in verse

One of the simplest and beautiful ways to congratulate male colleagues, if there is only one woman in the team, is a congratulation in verse. Read out beautiful poem with warm and heartfelt congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day, and then invite all representatives of the stronger half of humanity to the table or give them pleasant gifts - a good way to congratulate male colleagues, if there are more of them.

Beautiful and original poems for colleagues on February 23, 2018

To make it easier for women to find an answer to the question of how to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in an original way in verse, we have posted here a selection of beautiful thematic poems. If desired, women can supplement them with a couple of lines addressed to each of their colleagues.

On the men's holiday, we wish you, friends,

For better health, an easier path.

And joy longer, sadness for a moment,

Serious achievements, masculine achievements.

So that your family would be proud of you,

Every man was smart and handsome.

And the title was proudly worn throughout life,

It sounds simple - Defender of the Fatherland!

Twenty third of February

Colleagues, let's relax!

It's not in vain that we have a day off

We know the history!

For Russia and soldiers,

For brave men,

Today everyone is happy to drink,

And many twice!

Honor and glory to the army,

Salute to all defenders!

We will find control over the enemy,

If somewhere our people are being beaten!

Happy Men's Day to everyone

(And better to wish for, no doubt) -

Who is with us every day

Consistently works hard.

On the famous February holiday

Accept the lines of wishes

And gratitude: not in vain

All your feats are efforts!

Forever as noble

Stay strong and smart!

Be healthy and free

Achieve new successes!

Our team celebrates the date today,

We congratulate all defenders of the country.

Well, we dote on our men,

And on a day like this, they are filled with special pride.

We give gifts to our colleagues,

We wish you all the best, love, warmth.

Let it get a little hot in February,

At our holiday at a friendly table!

It's a holiday for men today!

We want to congratulate you!

Wish you love and happiness,

Many thousands of times!

We wish you good luck,

Energy and strength,

So that every day in the world

Bringing pleasure!

And we wish you health,

And harmony with yourself,

And financial success,

And mischievous smiles!

Congratulating men on February 23 at work in your own words is beautiful and fun - it’s easy

Sincerely congratulating men on February 23 at work in a beautiful way, in your own words, is another idea for how to bring congratulations to male colleagues if there are more of them in the team than women. Depending on the corporate culture and the specifics of relationships with colleagues, the text of the congratulations can be composed in both a formal and informal style. For example, if you have developed friendly relations with your colleagues, it would be a good idea to insert jokes and good jokes into your congratulations.

Video with a beautiful congratulations to male colleagues

So that readers of our site can better understand how to compose a beautiful congratulations for men at work on February 23, we have selected suitable videos on the Internet. From these videos you can get ideas for composing your own congratulatory texts.

Ways to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in prose: the best congratulatory texts

Those women who have a technical rather than a humanitarian mindset sometimes find it difficult to compose beautiful texts of congratulations. And especially for them, we have collected the best, in our opinion, texts to congratulate colleagues on February 23, 2018 in the office in prose. To these texts you can add a few phrases about each of your colleagues and wish each of them what he wants.

Dear men! On behalf of the female half of our team, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you good spirits, excellent health, warmth and comfort in your families! You are our reliable rear: brave, selfless, faithful! I wish that your fighting qualities will never come in handy in your life, and that we - women - will be proud of you in peacetime!

Dear men, colleagues, happy February 23! Be invincible, strong, lucky, healthy. Let any obstacles submit to you, difficulties recede, and matters are resolved easily. Energy to you, patience, family well-being and financial heights.

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you to be surrounded by peace and tranquility. Prosperity, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. Best wishes to you!

Dear colleagues, I congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day and on this holiday I wish you to always remain brave defenders of your families and loved ones, strive for your goals and achieve high results, do beautiful and kind deeds, remain real and faithful men.

Our courageous people, congratulations! Even within the walls of our peaceful office, we feel under your protection, care and patronage. Let your battles be only for increasing efficiency, battles with competitors, and the trophy be an increased salary. Happy Defender's Day, dear colleagues!

How to congratulate men in a team so that they will definitely like it?

Thematic corporate events, interesting scenarios, funny scenes, congratulations for men in verse, prose or in your own words - these are just some of the ways to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work in a beautiful and original way. And whichever of these methods is chosen, it is important, first of all, to congratulate colleagues of the stronger sex sincerely and from the heart, and then they will definitely like the congratulations, regardless of the holiday budget and the cost of gifts.

Pens and notepads on Defender of the Fatherland Day are already quite boring, deodorant or shower gel are too personal gifts, and alcoholic drinks are not in fashion now... Our tips will tell you how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23, 2018 and not go overboard with extravagance. To begin with, let’s clarify for ourselves which congratulations will be more in demand in the team. Some companies make do with simply giving gifts without violating corporate etiquette. Somewhere creativity is valued, and the entire female cast comes up with original scenes and draws beautiful collages with poems, draws up holiday scripts, and prepares speeches. There are offices where it is not customary to celebrate noisily and congratulations in prose in your own words are quite enough.

How to originally congratulate men at work on Defender of the Fatherland Day February 23, 2018

Any female employee who, by profession, deals with issues of corporate culture, sooner or later asks the question - how to originally congratulate men at work on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23. We offer several non-standard ideas that men will definitely like, regardless of their status, age or marital status. If there are more of them than women in the team, such a congratulation would be just right.

Ideas for original congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day for men in the office

  • A trip to nature. Of course, holidays are much more interesting in an informal setting. And if you also organize competitions, like fun starts or lightning games, your colleagues will be delighted!
  • Portrait of a real man. All male colleagues are photographed, then parts of their faces are cut out - based on one of the photographs of the men. If there are a lot of them, you can glue together not only the face, but also the torso of a real man. Each of the parts is somehow characterized. For example, a high forehead means leadership, straight eyebrows mean courage, strong nose- endurance...Men guess which part in the portrait belongs to whom. In the introduction to the congratulations, the presenter says that a real man- everyone’s dream, but, unfortunately, unrealistic. You can find good traits and characteristics in every man.
  • Crossword. The female part of the team comes up with poems that characterize each of the male employees in the form of questions for a crossword puzzle. Then the crossword puzzle itself is compiled from the surnames.
  • Funny rallies in the office. For the entire male team, they buy several children's radio-controlled cars. A track is organized indoors and competitions are held. The winners get cars.
  • Collage. Employees are photographed and framed in the form of ancient Greek gods or other heroes symbolizing strength and courage.
  • Cake with portraits. You can make it to order at a confectionery shop by asking them to hand-draw portraits of men from photographs using cream. The success of the congratulation depends on the artistic skills of the pastry chef. If there is only one woman in the team, you can get by with just tea and cake.

By organizing a non-standard congratulations on February 23 at work, you don’t have to rack your brains over the originality of the gifts. After all, your attention and creativity are more important to men on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work - holiday scenarios 2018

If your team at work approaches the holidays creatively, we can only congratulate you. This means that you work in a close-knit team in which all problems are solved together. When the entire female team is wondering how to congratulate men on February 23, 2018 at work, holiday scenarios with ready-made plots can inspire an unusual congratulation. We present the most striking of them below.

Cool scenarios for congratulating men at work on February 23

  • In field style. The office is decorated in advance with brown and green balls and stars. Instead of a tablecloth, the table is covered with old newspapers and cut glasses are placed. They prepare field porridge, uzvar, and lard. Men are given summonses that indicate the time and place of the event. They give you food rations: vodka, knitted socks, cigarettes, stewed meat, bread, black tea. The parcel must be decorated accordingly: wrapped in old paper and tied with twine. During the feast, military songs should be played and competitions organized. You can compete in the speed of tying a sea knot, assembling weapons, play sea ​​battle. During the toasts, congratulatory poems are read out, after each one the command is heard: “Pour it!”
  • IN oriental style. Women dress up in oriental outfits, hookahs and dishes are placed on the table: delicacies, pilaf, fruits. Oriental fairy tales are taken as the basis for congratulations; with the help of stories, the good qualities of each of the men present are praised. You can organize a master class on making sweet rolls.
  • Historical theme. The plot needs to be based on some feat or event. Suitable examples include the storming of the Bastille, Indian wars, and even the victory of knights over the dragon. The costumes are appropriate - musketeer cloaks, Indian costumes, armor. It is important to join forces male cast against a common enemy. By the way, during the feast you can organize a competition for the best knightly armor made of paper and a stapler and award themed prizes.
  • Body check. Women dress up as nurses, weight, height, blood pressure are measured in each office, and drinks are poured.

In order to interestingly congratulate colleagues at work on the holiday of February 23rd according to the script, you yourself need to be in a good mood.

How to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way - scenes for congratulations in the office

If the female part of the team at work has a good sense of humor and acting skills, you can congratulate men on February 23 with the help of original skits right in the office. The most popular are sketches about what would happen if women served in the army. Themes about female thinking, refusal of cosmetics, and shopping are played out. For a theatrical congratulation, you can choose a topic about calling “your husband for an hour” or play with humor on questions about why it is more difficult for a woman to live in the world than for a man. How to congratulate men on February 23 at work in an original way - you can watch the video for congratulations in the office.

Cool scenes from February 23 to congratulate men on February 23 at work

How to originally congratulate men on the holiday of February 23, 2018 at work in verse

Congratulations in verse are the easiest to perceive; it can be made original if you dedicate a quatrain to every man at work on the holiday of February 23. Rhymed lines are easy to remember, so such congratulations can be read out by the entire female cast. You need to dedicate poems to the kindest masculine qualities, and also read them sincerely, from the heart. You can read below how to originally congratulate men on February 23 at work in verse.

Options for congratulations with beautiful poems on Defender of the Fatherland Day for men at work

If our work were monotonous,

Every day is a melancholy routine,

If only in the women's "battalion"

There was no place for men.

We congratulate you on this holiday!

Best wishes to you and your families.

May God protect you

Will give you health, strength, patience.

I wish you laughter, luck, money,

Have a great, bright weekend.

Let the authorities honor and appreciate

Rewards you royally!

On Defender of the Fatherland Day,

On the day of all true men,

Congratulations, colleagues,

I'm from the female half!

Strength, courage, bravery

You haven’t borrowed for a long time.

Today we wish you

Never lose heart!

Happy men's holiday to you, colleagues,

I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart.

I wish you all success,

So that everything is within your reach!

So that in the family and at work

Everything was just super class!

And so that no troubles, no worries

Never bothered you!

Ah, men, you are men,

The heart freezes for a reason

Your wondrous beauty

And amazing height!

So these eyes are bottomless,

And inspired by love,

That we can't resist

So as not to walk with you.

Congratulations on the twenty-third,

We wish you personal happiness.

On the men's holiday, we wish you, friends,
For better health and an easier path.
And joy longer, sadness for a moment,
Serious achievements, masculine achievements.

So that your family would be proud of you,
Every man was smart and handsome.
And the title was proudly worn throughout life,
It sounds simple - Defender of the Fatherland!

How to congratulate men on February 23 in a team at work beautifully in your own words

There are several tricks on how to make congratulations in your own words at work for men on February 23 beautiful and pleasant. Ordinary standard wishes sound boring and ordinary. Therefore, firstly, in the congratulation you need to list the merits and positive traits of the person. For example, a sales manager can be praised for his communication skills and resourcefulness, a lawyer for flexibility, an art director for originality. If all employees are friends with each other, praise character traits. Secondly, it would be a good idea to list the achievements and indicate the employee’s importance to the company. The personal congratulations list the skills that were learned from the colleague and his importance to us. Any employee will be pleased to hear such a congratulation. Read below on how to congratulate men on February 23 in a team at work in your own words.

Ideas for beautiful congratulations in your own words for men in the office on February 23rd

I sincerely congratulate you, dear colleagues, on Defender of the Fatherland Day. I wish each of you not to lose courage and fortitude, to remain a reliable and brave man in any situation, to believe in yourself and achieve all your goals, to keep love in your heart and happiness in your soul.

Dear colleagues, congratulations on February 23! We wish your families to have comfort, warmth and harmony. Be true defenders of your hearth. Peaceful sky, cloudless, clean and clear. In any circumstances, remain true to your convictions, strong in spirit and strong in body!

Congratulations to you, colleagues, on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Let there be a place in life for real exploits and great goals, let our life activities consist not only of work, life and family, let our hearts rejoice in loud victories, let there be many holidays and bright events for the soul, let respect and real honor be won by honest and worthy actions of each of the real men.

Dear colleague, I would like to congratulate you on the holiday of February 23rd. With all my heart I wish you success in your work and great creative flights. You are a true professional in your field, you are responsive and understanding. Happy holiday to you!

How fun it is to congratulate colleagues on February 23 in the office in prose

February 23rd is coming soon, and many female employees are puzzled by the question of how to congratulate colleagues on February 23rd in prose in the office. Of course, everyone wants to say beautiful toast during a feast and it is unusual to congratulate your boss. Everyone is already tired of congratulations in an official tone, so I want to say something cool to my colleagues on February 23 to cheer up the whole office. Read below on how to make your wish memorable.

Options for funny congratulations in prose for male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day

Today we sincerely and with all our hearts congratulate all our men on this holiday. We wish you great and pure love, always be warm in your hearts, let the fire of passion burn in your souls. Delight our admiring glances with your posture, smile, happy eyes. May you always feel enthusiasm and greed for life. Let the energy of the entire universe live in you, so that you have enough to bestow happiness and attention on all women on earth. Remember that you are our true love, our pride, our hope and support. You are our main weakness and our passion. Without you, our world would become completely lonely and meaningless, there would be no dream in it for the magic of love. We wish you that the sun will always shine on you and that there will never be war in our country. So that you have to fight only for your principles, interests and for the honor of your ladies.

Defender of the Fatherland - accept the sincere wishes of an invincible spirit and an inexhaustible supply of health.

February 23rd is a holiday for real men, so I wish you to celebrate it to the fullest, because it’s your day! Have a great mood- and not only today! Good company, grateful and interesting friends! Travel, adrenaline, excitement for life!

Defenders of our team - take care of yourself and your work colleagues! Be an example for your children and the subject of close admiring attention fair half our team and the whole country. In general, be yourself! May your most global dreams come true and may your far-reaching plans turn into reality!

Dear colleagues, we appreciate you for your courage, intelligence and resourcefulness in dealing with the crisis, resilience and determination in dealing with problems. You are our hope and support. While you are with us, every working day is like a holiday for us. Happy holiday to you too, our dear men.

How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23, 2018 - a question that concerns all women working in offices. The most creative female teams come up with funny scenes, make up an original holiday script. But, even if your company does not practice noisy celebrations, you can congratulate beautifully using poetry or simply say an unusual toast in your own words in prose.

Dear women! Don’t think that you have plenty of time to prepare before the men’s holiday arrives. I suggest you think in advance about how to congratulate your colleagues on February 23 in the office in an original way.

I assure you, in the pre-New Year and post-holiday bustle, you won’t even notice how time flies, and you will unexpectedly find yourself face to face with the problem of organization. So, leave the “burning huts” for a while, hobble the galloping horses and engage in calmer and more creative activities.

How to originally congratulate colleagues on February 23 in verse

Classics of the congratulatory genre - poetry. Rhymed lines can be inserted into a verbal greeting even at the entrance, written on a postcard or sent to the recipient using any electronic messenger.

Let there be no abs under your clothes,
And ladies’ biceps cause mockery,
I don’t believe that you dropped out of the process,
We just slept through training in the morning.
A protector lives in every body,
He stands up to the enemy's intrigue.
At home he keeps a machine gun in the closet,
And on the siding there is an armored train.

Today is the day
When there's no need to talk
Women are sweeping away from the shelves
Piles of razors,
When racing each other
They buy T-shirts and socks in stores.
What's the reason for the hype?
Increased sales exponentially?
Yes, just despite the cold weather
The defenders of the people celebrate their holiday.
Strong armor and fast tanks,
The infantry is strong, the fleet is invincible,
All rears and flanks are covered with heroic shoulders,
With your hands we will repel any enemies!

Dear men!
It's hard to think of a more important reason
To surround you with my attention
And give your admiration.
Men's holiday is a wonderful occasion
Thank you for your hourly work
For the benefit of the family, production, country,
For being strong, smart and modest!
Under your protection, we want to confess,
We work quietly, we raise children,
No matter how insidious and cunning the enemy is,
He will always receive adequate resistance.
We are confident in your reliable hands,
In strong natures, warm hearts,
We know, inertia and office work
They will not kill the fighting spirit in you.
Although there are no rifles and checkers in the arsenal,
And machine guns don’t hang on your shoulders,
Drain your enemies from the coolers,
Shoot them with staplers, the foes!

Congratulations for colleagues on February 23 in prose

Girls, do not forget that men are adult children. What can make a child happy? Praise and favorite toy. Let it be that with toys everything is not as simple as we would like, especially in groups where the stronger sex makes up the overwhelming majority. It is unlikely that satisfaction of desires is affordable for the small female faction. But praise is the secret weapon of the weak half of humanity, and it’s free. A woman is born with an insidious smile and praises to a man on her lips; some people simply forget about it later. But we remember! Therefore, we do not skimp on laudatory speeches and congratulations on February 23.

Your congratulatory speech can be not only in poetry, but also in prose. Express your attitude in simple and sincere words coming from the heart. The heroes of the occasion will appreciate your attention.

Dear men! You are the most important and irreplaceable parts in a complex and multifaceted mechanism called “the work collective (name of the enterprise).” It is thanks to your work and perseverance that we achieve the highest results. Please accept our warmest, most my sincere congratulations Happy Defender of the Fatherland! Although several generations have been living under a peaceful sky, not knowing the horrors of war, the title of warrior and defender of our Motherland has not devalued for us. We are confident that each of you, at the first call, will fulfill the holy mission and protect your land from enemy attacks. We wish you never have to prove this in practice! Be faithful and reliable defenders of your home, family, and carefully guard your own hearth. Let respect, mutual understanding and material well-being settle within your walls forever! Be happy, loved and dearly love your loved ones!

We sincerely congratulate the combat, armor-piercing, secret sabotage and secret intelligence part of our team - you, dear men! Let your career successes be ensured by the most modern fighters, let the greatest peaks of business and entrepreneurship submit to the onslaught of your talent and perseverance, let your unsinkable destroyers plow the ocean of finance, and let your impenetrable armored personnel carriers safely overcome any obstacles and obstacles. Let there be no place for failures and defeats in your life, only victories and conquests measure out your destiny with memorable milestones! You are our pride and support, our heroes, warriors and defenders! Happy holiday!

There is a significant date on the calendar, February 23, which means that the holiday is celebrated by our most strong-willed, most indestructible men! Dear colleagues and friends, we wish you to relentlessly and uncompromisingly pursue your goals and not give up, no matter what. May good luck accompany you in all your endeavors, and may your prosperity steadily increase. May your life be prosperous and serene, full of attention from your beloved women and respect from your children.

On this harsh winter day, a strong and courageous part of our workforce celebrates its holiday. Dear men! Thanks to you and your predecessors, Defender of the Fatherland Day is not just a red date on the calendar, it is a day that symbolizes the heroic relay of generations of soldiers who fulfill their sacred duty to the Motherland with honor and valor. And it doesn’t matter at all at what time and under what circumstances you had to fulfill it: shedding blood during the hard times of war or performing military service in peacetime - your courage, perseverance and dedication evoke immeasurable pride and respect in our hearts. We are grateful to you for the peaceful sky above our heads, for the peace of our family and friends, for the confidence in the coming day. May your reliable shoulders never weaken under the weight of the responsibility you have taken, may the smile of a winner never leave your faces, and may fate give only rewards and encouragement. You are the defenders, keepers of peace and tranquility in our land!

We heartily congratulate our dear and beloved colleagues on the men's holiday! Today is an excellent opportunity to thank you for your immeasurable patience, nobility and generosity. We wish you excellent physical shape, unshakable spiritual harmony, financial stability and family well-being. May your every day be successful, every action worthy, every idea fruitful, your promise firm, and your step confident. Dream and go towards your goal, love and be loved, young and always confident in your abilities!

How to congratulate colleagues on February 23, if there are few women in the team

Let's consider a common situation: several women in a friendly male team. As a rule, this is a secretary and an accountant, although there may be other options. Nothing tones up a woman more than being in the spotlight every day! But not February 23... This date is a difficult test that you need to go through. The volume and quality of dividends for Women's Day depends on how you deal with it. Therefore, you should not use the small number of fighters in your ranks as an excuse. Active and creative women (which we all are), on the advice of the wise strategist Alexander Suvorov, win “not by numbers, but by skill.” So, what can be organized to congratulate men in the office “in bulk”?

1. The simplest and least labor-intensive option is congratulations through the media. Standing in a traffic jam on the way to work, your co-workers will be pleased to hear warm words addressed to them from Autoradio presenters and enjoy their favorite music. For reliability, send an SMS to your colleagues the day before with the time and frequency of the radio broadcast, so that not a single defender of the Fatherland avoids public musical congratulations.

2. If there is a local network in the office, you can install it for all employees congratulatory desktop wallpapers. It’s good if the theme of the holiday is framed with humor.

3. Photo collage or wall newspaper can be made with my own hands, or you can print it in a printing house according to your layout. There are absolutely no limits to your imagination here! In each of the men, highlight some good quality, write a short quatrain about it. On a piece of whatman paper, place photographs of the heroes with poetic praises in their honor. Or conduct a survey (questionnaire) in advance among the male part of the team. For example, find out about your colleagues' non-work hobbies or their childhood dreams. Play with the information received in cartoons, add rhyming comments, and you will get an original and funny poster for the central wall of your office. If your company is visited by clients, such a poster will also play a marketing role:

  • firstly, it characterizes the team and the relationships within it from the best side;
  • secondly, it will introduce visitors to the office staff;
  • thirdly, it will advertise their positive personal qualities.

If a large number of employees preclude such an individual approach, order a wall calendar from a printing house with a general photo of the workforce or pocket calendars for each employee.

4. Take the time to create something original. congratulatory video. You can use a specialized website for this, or you can get creative and independently develop a script, shoot and edit a video sequence. For example, during filming, ask your colleagues to answer some questions, and during editing, change them to others. It can turn out to be a funny interview with specific points that are close and understandable to a circle of people limited by your staffing schedule. Send the video to men via email or corporate mail. Emotional discussion is guaranteed until March 8!

5. If office conditions allow, organize tea party or banquet with baked goods and homemade dishes. When else will there be an opportunity to show yourself not only as a conscientious worker, but also as a skillful housewife! By the way, as a rule, men are grateful for any efforts of their “fighting friends” and, seeing from them a sincere desire to diversify the holiday menu, they are happy to bear the cost of purchasing alcohol for the banquet.

6. A creative person is talented in any manifestation. This means that almost every woman can perform some kind of performance for men. amateur performance: sing acapella or with a guitar, dance or recite poetry. Public speaking not for you? Ask someone who loves and knows how to do it. Isn't asking enough? A good purpose will redeem even light bribery and harmless blackmail.

7. Physical inactivity, an inevitable companion of office work, has a detrimental effect on human body. To get your co-workers out of harm's way, give them a volleyball hoop or darts. During lunch breaks it will be possible to organize gambling battles right in the office. Organize a trial immediately after the presentation, dedicating it to a men's holiday. Award the winners with certificates and diplomas printed on a printer. Come up with funny wording for them and decorate them with cool illustrations.

8. Paintball or laser tag can be an excellent alternative to computer shooters. Organize a battle for your colleagues, let them plunge into the exciting world of shooters and combat confrontations in reality.

9. For a small male team, you can organize a joint going to the sauna or bathhouse.

10. Holiday photo shoot with a beautiful girl in military uniform will be remembered by all men, not only because of the beautiful photographs that remain as souvenirs. No less vivid sensations and emotions will not allow them to forget the few seconds allotted for shooting. Moreover, the model does not have to expose various parts of her body in order to achieve the desired effect. For greater harmony, also prepare some of the soldier’s equipment for your colleagues, for example, a cap or cap.

11. And, finally, an idea for those who have a large enough budget to implement such large-scale event, How themed beer party. You can decorate it in a military theme, or you can stylize it as a man’s favorite pastime - a bathhouse. Place beer on the tables (don’t forget about the non-alcoholic version so that no one feels deprived of the holiday and good mood) and an appropriate snack (crackers, nuts, chips, dried fish, dried squid, etc.) At the entrance, hand out brooms or bath caps with funny inscriptions (they are also gifts for February 23). Instead of a stylized party, you can give each employee a beer bouquet. Detailed instructions You can easily find information on how to make it on the Internet.

Numbers for a concert in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day

One of the options for congratulating male colleagues is worth dwelling on in more detail. By preparing a festive concert for this significant day, you can not only celebrate February 23rd on a budget, but also get closer to colleagues and strengthen friendly relations in work collective. First of all, joint rehearsals will contribute to this, and the final result demonstrated at the corporate event will, without a doubt, raise the status of the performers in the eyes of men to unattainable heights. Everyone is pleased to hear dedications addressed to them from the stage!


Only a few women can successfully act out a small comic skit based on a popular children's poem by Sergei Mikhalkov.

Who was sitting on the computer?
Who looked at a smartphone in the morning,
Kostya posted his Instagram,
Boris is stuck on Odnoklassniki,
Nikolayka liked the photos.
It was in the evening
There was nothing to do...
Discharged battery,
The traffic has also dried up,
Then Borya told the guys
And my account is blocked.
And you?
And I’m shocked by the signature.
And you?
And our screen went dark, this time,
On Livejournal blog in firewood, these are two,
And fourthly, on the content
All rights reserved,
Defender's Day will be celebrated
All main users of the country.
Suddenly Nata said quietly:
And my dad was a soldier
I didn’t mow because of emergency service,
He wore a pea coat and padded jackets.
Super fashion arguments
Military style is in trend now! —
Max exclaimed, looking out the window,
Rolling up my jeans higher.
I'll put on ankle boots with camouflage,
I'll shine in a military setting.
Let everyone see finally
What a fit fighter I am!
Vitaly raised his head:
In the past are times of battles,
There is a tendency among the people -
These are not the kind of dads in fashion.
He is now flashing in the TOPs,
Who buys real estate?
The career path is not so thorny
If you are an IT specialist or a lawyer.
Deniska reassured everyone:
What should you buy if you haven’t built it?
Do not grow wheat on the Internet,
There is no meat or poultry to be found,
Yes, and illnesses, no matter how you cry,
It is not a lawyer who will treat you, but a doctor.
Any father: scientist, carpenter,
Installer, cook, paramedic,
Accountant, manager, taxi driver,
Yes, at least the most glamorous stylist,
When enemies come to their home
They will stand as an impregnable wall.
We are all united in our gratitude to you,
Congratulations on the holiday, men!

Songs-remakes for February 23

Comic adaptations of modern songs invariably enjoy great popularity at corporate concerts. Using a familiar melody, you can perform a congratulatory ode for your colleagues. The number of singers, however, as well as the quality of their vocal abilities, is not of fundamental importance. The main thing is to do it loudly and from the heart!

To the tune of the song "A Soldier's Day Off"

This February day
There are a thousand reasons
Not under plywood, but alive
Congratulate all men.
Let them sleep on curlers,
There's a rush in the kitchen,
To a song about colleagues and friends
Half a day left, half a day left.

Today we confess
That we admire you
With such gentlemen
It's easy to work together!
May your best efforts
Leads to prosperity
Help in career
Rise high!
Dressed up for this day
You're in an expensive suit,
Exudes aroma
Exquisite perfume,
Shoes with shoe polish
Cleaned up in the morning
They shine so much that your eyes go blind
Looking at this shine, looking at this shine.

Today we confess
That we admire you
With such gentlemen
It's easy to work together!
May your best efforts
Leads to prosperity
Help in career
Rise high!

To the tune of the song “To that highway, to the crossroads”

Screw in the screw
Not that difficult.
And it’s very easy to drive a nail into a wall.
Live without men
Skillful ones can

Well, how to lie
Are you godless?
And how can you earn forgiveness later?
Live without men
Reasonable ones can
But how in the world can we live without them?!
Hide the stash
Where is it safe?
So that we can give ourselves gifts?
Live without men
Girls, you can
But how in the world can we live without them?!
Without them in my heart
So worrying.
We are ready to love them or be friends.
Live without men
Loved ones can be
But how in the world can we live without them?!
To the tune of the crocodile Gena’s song “Let them run clumsily...”
Maybe not singers, but still,
Luck will help us
Sing for our beloved men,
On a frosty February day,
With this serious date,
We congratulate you with a short verse!

All the salads have spoons stuck in them,
I won't get home on time,

We have a weakness for men,
And we'll drink to you,
Throwing sausage on the loaf,
We wish you health
We subtly hint to you:
Women's Day is just around the corner!

All the salads have spoons stuck in them,
I won't get home on time,
It's good that there is no accordion,
And this holiday is only once a year!
To the tune of "The Pilots' Song"
Tonight, tonight, tonight
Without you, men, let's face it, there is nothing to do!
We'll gather around the table
Let's pour the glasses full
And for the men we love, we’ll sing a song.

It's time for us to admit

Always lean on
We want your right shoulder!

There will be a lot of luck

You guys are brave, brave, brave!
So slim, beautiful, curly!
We'll drink once, we'll drink two
For your glorious deeds,
But so that you don’t have a headache tomorrow!

It's time for us to admit
That we love you dearly, we love you, we love you dearly!
Always lean on
We want your right shoulder!
Let fate be cruel to us at times, let it be!
Never allow despondency in your heart!
There will be a lot of luck
Everything will change, you know that!

Comic ditties for Defender of the Fatherland Day

Well, how can we get by? folk holiday without originally folk art! Mischievous ditties will become a real “highlight” of the concert program, or, in extreme cases, they will dilute the cheerful festive feast.

February 23
We'll inflate the balloons
Let's all stock up on lipstick
We'll kiss you too!

I kept looking for gifts,
I touched my head
Even shaving foam
The stores are out of stock!

We wish that at sea
Rest more often
Well, gifts for us too
We bought more!

On such a day for you today
We will fulfill any whim,
If you are very lucky,
Then we'll dance and striptease!

I'll cook it today
The dishes are very tasty,
I'll definitely get it in March
I'm a French perfume!

From February 23
We congratulate you, lovingly,
Although we are not gifts at all,
But our hugs are sweet!

Today you are a sight for sore eyes,
The guys are great
We will be for you today
Very indecent!

On February 23
I'll give you a gift
I'll give you panties, socks,
I know you will be happy!

I saved money for a month,
And I didn’t eat, I didn’t drink,
I gave you a fur coat
Oh, yes, this is for me!

Let's have a dance on the table,
So that it doesn't hurt,
We won't take you with us,
You can see better from below!

We dressed up today
As chic as they could be
So that when we appeared,
Your mouth is watering!

Script for congratulating colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day

We bring to your attention a script for a festive event in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can adjust it depending on the number of people being congratulated and the number of congratulators, and supplement it with funny scenes and musical numbers of your choice. The main thing is that the heroes of the occasion do not feel like “wedding generals”, but actively participate in the process, demonstrating in practice their dexterity, sense of humor and limitless horizons.

First presenter:

On February 23, without saying too much, we
We would like to congratulate the men.
So that everyone is strong and healthy,
So that you sleep sweetly and eat deliciously,
I had what I wanted.
Fishing, sauna, football
Male to please the gender.
Let life consist of victories,
Let the soldier stand at his post,
To be behind a man's back
We are like behind a stone wall!

Second presenter:

How often are we unfair to men?
Even though they themselves are capricious, jealous, talkative,
And only once a year we are kind.
Forgetting about grievances, we wish men:
Unconquered mountains, impassable forests,
Friends who are worthy, girlfriends who are reliable,
Smart bosses, all sorts of enemies,
But it’s better - weakened and safe.

First presenter:

Happy 23rd, my colleagues!
We wish you more patience,
Happiness, joy, peace, love,
Promotions to all of you at work!
We wish you to become bosses
Or deputies, at least
So that we can raise our salaries as soon as possible
And help in our humble career!

Second presenter:

And now the female group “Cardinal’s Favorites” will perform the song “It’s time, it’s time, let’s rejoice in our lifetime...”
It's February again, and the number is red,
Which means Defender’s Day is as planned!
And we were carried onto the stage again,
I can't afford to hire a band yet!

It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In my lifetime
Because there are men
Have a free day!

Men need money, c'est la vie!
And women need them even more!
But most importantly, we wish you love,
And may good luck accompany you!

It's time, it's time, let's rejoice
In my lifetime
Because there are men
Have a free day!
Bye-bye-bye our defenders are like this,
We will whisper to fate more than once: “Mercy to your side!”


Today is not just a men's holiday, we celebrate Defender of the Fatherland Day. Dear Colleagues! With all our goodwill towards you, do not think that you will be able to sit out in the trench. I propose to take a young fighter course and take part in a fun competition that will reveal the best and most skillful warriors.
The male team is divided into teams, so-called military units, each of which in turn undergoes the proposed tests.

  1. Competition "Sharp Shooter". Darts are hung on the wall, and participants receive the same amount of “ammunition.” The winner is chosen by counting the total number of arrows that miss the target. You can take a more pedantic approach by calculating the amount of points for hitting a certain target area.
  2. Competition "Walk the Gangway". The players are blindfolded and asked to walk along a rope stretched on the floor. The one who does not stumble wins. If more than one person has completed the task, the conditions can be complicated by changing the trajectory of the rope. The fighters are tested until one winner remains.
  3. Competition "Obstacle Course". Barriers made of chairs, tables or boxes are installed in the room. Additionally, targets are hung in the form balloons or the same cardboard boxes. You can use tennis or table tennis balls as projectiles. The players' task is to overcome a route with obstacles in a given time, while hitting the maximum number of targets.
  4. Competition "Dig in!" Finely chopped paper or confetti is poured into the boxes, and tablespoons are given to participants. Using a cutlery, the player must transfer the contents of the box to another container, while beating his opponents.
  5. Competition "Night Formation". By order of the leader: “Stand up for the night geometric construction! Listen to my command! Form a circle!” players of each division, pre-blindfolded, try to line up in a given form geometric figure. The team that did it better than others wins.
  6. Competition "Aerial Bombing". At the start, team members line up with erasers, boxes of paper clips, or other small objects held between their knees. At the finish line, three-liter cans await them, symbolizing “military targets” awaiting “shelling.” Players must reach the finish line and, unclenching their knees, throw “air bombs” into the cans. The team that accumulates the fastest amount of money in their bank wins. greatest number items.
  7. Contest "Cryptographer". All teams are given envelopes containing pieces of text cut out from a magazine or newspaper. You need to collect the initial text faster than others.


We clearly appreciated the combat prowess of our colleagues. However, it’s no secret that a real soldier must also be smart and quick-witted. This is what we will check now. I suggest you answer the following questions:

  • a big star, but not in the sky, but in pursuit (major);
  • Which team wakes up the soldiers faster than others, choose from three options: “At the start, attention, march!”, “Company, half-under!”, “Company, rise!” (Soldiers get up!);
  • what the general wears on his head, choose from several options: Panama hat, papakha, protective helmet, cap, baseball cap, etc. (papakha);
  • which car wheel does not rotate when the commander in chief drives up to headquarters? (spare);
  • why does a soldier carry a rifle? (behind the shoulder);
  • What kind of dishes can’t even the most skilled soldier eat from? (from empty);
  • What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk);
  • popular male name adopted during the Civil War machine gun (Maxim);
  • a military stake is... (choose from the options: a deposit in a dispute over who will win the war, the location of a military leader, an elite part of the troops,
    winning position in battle (location of the military leader);
  • a ceremonial review of troops is... (choose from the options: disco, parade, holiday, presentation (parade).

Based on the results of all tests, a winner is selected. He is awarded a comic prize, for example, a T-shirt with the inscription “Room General” or a mug with cool picture“What a defender you need!” There may be several winners, you just need to provide appropriate prizes for each nomination. Supplement material rewards with fun homemade certificates, for example, the right to sleep during your lunch break, receive a kiss from the most beautiful girl once a week, or a scolding from the director.


In conclusion, I would like to once again congratulate our dear men, beloved and respected colleagues on their holiday, Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Congratulations to you, colleagues.
From February 23
And, of course, we wish
On this calendar day
Strength, courage, health,
So that in the future, as now,
You went to the heights without blood,
And to victories - without losses.
So that a stable salary
Bringing you joy
So as not to be afraid of spending
On trips to the islands.
Let work inspire
For progress and personal growth.
Don't let your boss scold you
You are neither joking nor serious!

How to congratulate men in the office inexpensively

If the name of your company includes the words “oil” or “gas,” order a professional organizer for your corporate event and the group “Brilliant” for backing vocals. For all other women, the problem of congratulating colleagues on February 23 is quite acute. But don’t give up even if a strong part of the team overwhelms you with its numbers. As they say, “the need for invention is cunning.”

When preparing this article, I had the opportunity to visit more than one forum with similar topics. Their participants are divided into two groups: “recruits”, in confusion and panic, asking for advice on how interesting, original, and most importantly, inexpensively to congratulate their male colleagues on February 23, and calm, self-confident gurus, who have already gone through “ crucible” of congratulatory events. They are the ones who inspire us with confidence that the men’s holiday is not as scary as we “paint it” to ourselves. Let me give you a few original ideas for budget congratulations to men in the office, found on thematic forums.

1. Army rations. Such a gift corresponds to the spirit of the holiday, both in meaning and content. A glass of vodka, canned food, chocolate and a pair of socks will remind men of army service (even those who did not serve), especially if the food package is accompanied by a printed, personalized summons about the need to report to the assembly point on such and such a date.

2. Room decoration. On the eve of the holiday, decorate your office with balloons, prepare funny posters and hang them on the walls. For example, “Men’s holiday on February 23 – dress rehearsal women's day March 8!”, “Congratulations to our defenders! We wish that there would be no reason to defend us!”, “If you achieved it yourself, finish off your comrade!” Place envelopes or soldier triangles with the inscription “Letter from home” on the desks of all male employees. Inside each message, include a personalized greeting card, maybe even in verse.

3. Date-appropriate gifts. On the men's holiday, gifts from the field of military paraphernalia (flasks, leather belts, camouflage T-shirts) or souvenirs with military symbols (felt hats for the steam room in the shape of a budenovka, lighters in the form of weapons, dishes with army emblems or comic inscriptions) are relevant.

4. Organization theme day . Let the holiday working day become the most fun and unpredictable of the year for your colleagues. For example, organize a conscript day for them. Let them be greeted at the entrance to the office by a “military registration and enlistment office employee” and, accompanied by the song “Border” performed by “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels,” hand out summonses calling for military service. What event at the military registration and enlistment office precedes the sending of conscripts to their place of service? That's right, medical examination. This comic procedure can be organized in the form of a costume performance with props and mandatory competitions. For example, at an appointment with an ophthalmologist, “conscripts” try to examine with their left and right eyes tiny letters written on the body of a naked girl. It is not at all necessary to expose employees; it is enough to use the appropriate poster. The cardiologist will have a difficult test for men: beautiful girl must roll a ping pong ball from one pant leg to the other (or any other erotic competition). The doctor will carefully measure your blood pressure before and after this process. During an examination by a neurologist, you can ask the “conscripts” to stand on one leg for as long as possible, blindfolded, or drink from a glass, while twirling a hoop around their waist. Each doctor writes down his verdict on the “conscript’s” name card, trying to do this with humor and imagination. Based on the results of the medical commission, the heroes of the occasion receive memorable prizes and gifts.

As you can see, even such a boring (for us) holiday as February 23 can be spent cheerfully and cheerfully, so that March 8 would not be “excruciatingly painful” for missed chances to receive adequate congratulations on Women's Day. Go for it! And may your imagination and creativity be with you!

Surprising a man with an unusual and, at the same time, necessary gift is not an easy task. We decided to help you and collected 20 ways to congratulate your defenders on February 23rd!

Surely every male representative will be pleasantly surprised to receive a bottle of Soviet vodka, a cut glass and a sandwich with sprats and cucumbers as a gift! Although, let’s reveal the secret right away, it’s actually soap self made, imitating all three objects with stunning realism!

2. For the chef:
A butcher's apron is not a gift for the faint of heart! Do you want to have fun or prank your friends? An impressively expressive bloody butcher apron will help you make the desired impression!

3. For the traveler:
Are you looking for a gift for a tourist, geologist, archaeologist, or just someone who loves an active lifestyle? Then an individual set of equipment “For a Real Man” is exactly what you need! There is everything for survival in the harsh conditions of the wild.

4. For the gamer:
We are happy to present you a real find for gamers – a collection of World of Tanks mugs, created for true connoisseurs of the legendary game.

5. For neat people:
An impressive gift for a true representative of the strong half of humanity - handmade soap “100% man”.

6. For the military:
Unusual foot wraps in a tube are a great gift for every military man, or who once served in the army!

7. For the party animal:
If this Friday you are going to decisively challenge breathalyzers and public morality, then the drinking game “Party in a Square” may be very useful for you.

8. For a real man:
The Nepalese kukri knife from Afghanistan is the ideal handy tool for a real man.

9. For the gourmet:
A light on the mug with a temperature indicator will “light up” as soon as you fill it hot water. Such an accessory cannot but arouse the interest of everyone who sees it!

10. For the wizard:
At first glance, these glasses for whiskey (or any other alcoholic drink) are quite ordinary, but in fact they are magical! Yes Yes! Just one touch of your hand will turn a transparent glass into a brightly illuminated vessel.

11. For the patriot:
T-shirt “Putin is my personal trainer” is an accessory for all Russian patriots!

12. For the book lover:
A book-safe will be a necessary gift for those who are used to storing their stash in books. Although, as you know, this method of storing money is far from the most reliable, the home minimum will definitely help you save.

13. For the winner:
Do you want to reward loved one to the fullest? The Hollywood Oscar statuette is exactly what you need. With the help of this souvenir, you can play up the presentation of a gift in an interesting way and show the hero of the occasion how dear he is to you.

14. For the emperor:
A talented person is talented in everything, even in cooking! Napoleon, without a doubt, was unusually gifted, but you can see what he was like in the kitchen by being practically in his shoes - in an excellent apron with the original print of the great emperor’s uniform.

15. For the photographer:
If you are looking for the most best gift to a photographer friend, then a ceramic lens mug will help you solve this problem. It will definitely appeal to photography enthusiasts and everyone who knows how to appreciate stylish and beautiful things.

Now with such a pistol umbrella you won’t be afraid of any rain! You can protect yourself from heavenly torrents of water with just one pull of the trigger.

The last month of winter is the shortest month of the year, flying by almost unnoticed. However, even in February there are several significant dates, celebrating which has long become a good tradition. In addition to the relatively “young” Valentine’s Day, February marks the main holiday for all men - Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, the history of February 23 begins back in 1922, when the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army was created. Since then, this important date has been called Red Army Day and Navy, and since 1946 the holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. However, after the collapse of the USSR, February 23 finally lost its ideological color and turned into a “general” holiday for men of all ages, ranks and professions. Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, representatives of the stronger sex accept the most sincere words of congratulations from women - in kindergartens and schools, in the family circle and in their native work collective. In 2018, February 23 falls on a Friday and is officially a day off, so men can safely celebrate the holiday with colleagues and at home. So, how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? We will be happy to share video ideas on creating a scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office, and will also learn how to beautifully and originally congratulate men on the holiday if there are more of them in the team than women. In addition, here you will find cool congratulations in poetry and prose - they can be said in the form of toasts or written into a beautiful postcard.

How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 – original ideas for the holiday

Defender of the Fatherland Day is an excellent occasion to please those with whom we share office workdays and on whose strong shoulder we can lean in difficult times. Indeed, our men deserve the most sincere words of gratitude, respect and appreciation. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? We offer a selection of original ideas for congratulating you on the most important men's holiday - we are sure that your colleagues will be pleasantly surprised by such imagination and creativity.

A selection of ideas for original congratulations to men in the office on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

  • If there are a lot of men in the team, it is best to prepare cute souvenir gifts for each defender - a personalized army badge, a cool T-shirt, Greeting Cards in the form of a soldier's triangle letter.
  • On the eve of February 23, you can stay at the office to give your male colleagues a holiday surprise. For example, make a colorful wall newspaper or poster with photos of employees, poems and funny congratulations in prose. Don't forget to decorate your classrooms with balloons in different shades of yellow and green.
  • Every man wants to feel like the “hero of the day” - a protector, a rescuer and “the very best.” On February 23, arrange a lottery for all male employees with comic prizes, to which a piece of paper is attached. Having unfolded such a note, the man will read a comic verse or congratulation in his own words - they need to be prepared in advance. We select inexpensive but funny symbolic gifts for men as prizes.

How fun it is to congratulate men on February 23 at work - scenarios for Defender of the Fatherland Day - 2018

Today, the management of many companies organizes festive corporate parties on February 23 - in restaurants, cafes, and country clubs. However, not everyone can afford such events, so most often they choose their home office as the venue for the holiday. According to established tradition, drawing up the script, as well as organizing the “unofficial” part of the celebration, falls on the fragile shoulders of women. If you are wondering how to congratulate men on February 23 at work in a fun way, our scripts for Defender of the Fatherland Day will definitely come in handy. So, let's start preparing for February 23rd with our family!

Cool scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office to congratulate men on February 23

  • "Oscar winners - 23." This scenario, in the best “Hollywood” traditions, is based on the idea of ​​awarding an Oscar to all male work colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day. So, before the start of a special event, we decorate the office space beautifully with balloons, flags, St. George's ribbons and other paraphernalia on a military theme. To the sounds of a bravura march, men enter the room, and the presenter makes a welcoming speech. Then the Oscar ceremony begins - each of the nominees is invited to the “red carpet” to receive an award for “personal achievements to the team.” Of course, we come up with humorous, but tactful nominations - “Collective polymath”, “Best comedian of the year”, “Mr. Tactfulness”. After the presentation of awards in honor of the men, a comic song is played, an adaptation of well-known melodies.
  • In the style of "Military". This scenario is simply ideal for a small office consisting of small separate rooms. We paste signs on the doors of each office with the inscriptions - “Barracks”, “Penal Battalion”, “Nurse”. We decorate the door to the director’s office with the “Headquarters” sign, and the wall in the hall with the “Military Commissariat” sign. In addition to the festive table with refreshments and “combat status”, male colleagues will receive a “military medical examination”. The role of nurses will be played by women dressed as nurses - the scenario can be supplemented with fun competitions. As a result, each “conscript” receives a military ID - he is fit for military service!

How to congratulate men at work on February 23 in an original way - funny scenes with humor, video

Defender of the Fatherland Day is one of the most beloved holidays, which are celebrated with pleasure both at home and at work. As a rule, funny comic poems or words of prose are selected to congratulate male colleagues. How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 in an original way? We offer to diversify the usual scenario by preparing skits for Defender of the Fatherland Day - original and with a touch of humor! The video presents ideas for scenes in the office that can be used for a holiday scenario for February 23rd.

Video with original scenes for congratulating male colleagues on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23

How to congratulate male colleagues on February 23 at work - originally in verse

Every year February brings with it not only bitter frosts and snowdrifts, but also the main holiday of the male part of the population - Defender of the Fatherland Day. On the eve of this significant day, women show real miracles of imagination in order to surprise and delight their beloved protectors. If you don’t know how to congratulate your male colleagues at work on February 23 in an original way, we recommend that you pay attention to poems - cool comic works. Having selected several congratulations in verse, you can pronounce them in the form of a toast to festive table, adding original words in your own words best wishes men on February 23.

Poems of congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23 to male colleagues at work

Happy February 23, colleagues,
Veterans of virtual battles,
Computer strategy experts -
You can't build muscles from screens!

In war it’s like in war, guys,
Well, life, as we know, is an eternal battle,
To live freely and richly,
Work hard on the front lines!

Working with you is great

It’s so good that you all exist!

Even if our service is dangerous -

It would be an honor, it would be an honor!

Stay calm, my colleagues!

Happy twenty-third of February!

I wish that in our century

Your work was not in vain!

Colleagues, attention – February is just around the corner:
Twenty-third - oh! - inevitably:
Let's banquet again in the spring,
Despite the fact that winter is exciting!
Let's raise a glass to the brave guys,
That they bravely “fight” the photocopier,
For those who “work hard” for a just cause
And in offices they boast about their courage...
Irony - away! Sarcasm is appropriate here:
Where are the brave, friendly warriors?!
They, as before, are worried about us,
They stand at the post of our homeland.

Twenty third of February…
Finally with us
Congratulations, colleagues!
A tsunami has arrived!

This holiday will overwhelm us,
really wants us to
Everyone was healthy!

To laugh from the heart,
To have fun
So that champagne and cognac
We got rich again!

This good time has come,
When can I congratulate you?
After all, the twenty-third of February
We've all been waiting for a long time and it's not in vain:

Hold on tight, it's going to be fun!
Everyone who has been ready for it for a long time.
To protect yourself from... infections of the almighty
Get ready to give the wine its due.

How to beautifully congratulate men on February 23 at work - in your own words

For many, February 23 is an excellent opportunity to meet with relatives and friends at a generously laid table, enjoying the “extra” day off. On this wonderful holiday, every man receives sincere congratulations from loved ones, work colleagues and classmates. According to tradition, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, special events, wreaths are laid at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, as well as monuments to war heroes. Today it is extremely popular to celebrate the main men's holiday with work colleagues by going with the whole team to a bowling alley or paintball club. How to beautifully congratulate men on February 23 at work? It is best to express in your own words the most sincere and warm wishes to our strong and courageous defenders. In honor of the holiday, we have selected beautiful congratulations in our own words - they can be prepared for Defender of the Fatherland Day on February 23rd for colleagues, adding a few personal phrases. Congratulations to all men on their holiday!

Beautiful congratulations in your own words on February 23 to colleagues in the office

Our dear men! Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day! This is a holiday of real men: those who build our future not only on the battlefield, but also in everyday life. Everyday life; those who give us confidence in the future; those who take on solving problems, allowing us to remain women! May your life be filled with bright events, successes and achievements, and may your heart be warmed by the attention, love and care of your family and friends!

This is the day of brave and strong-willed men who have someone and something to defend: their Fatherland, their business, their home and their loved ones, their future. We sincerely wish you good health, happiness, mutual understanding, peace and great success! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

Dear Colleagues! We are pleased to work next to real men and start every morning in front of the mirror. After all, I want to look like you the best way to stimulate you to new achievements and increase the status of our company in the business world! Happy holiday!

Colleagues! Let your legitimate men's holiday bring only positive emotions. Always be confident in the future and continue your confident path to the top of the career ladder. Do not lose faith in your strength and spirit of patriotism! Not only we, but the whole country needs you!

Congratulations on Defenders of the Fatherland Day, Dear colleagues! You are strong individuals, competent specialists and wonderful people. Next to you, we cannot leave the feeling of security and reliability. Your support is invaluable. Know that we appreciate it and respect you from the bottom of our hearts!

How to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23 in the office - in prose from a team of women

Currently, Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated in many countries of the post-Soviet space. So, on February 23, women prepare gifts and congratulations to their beloved men - fathers and brothers, boyfriends and husbands. In addition, since 2002, there has been a “legal” opportunity on this wonderful day to relax at home, meet with loved ones, friends and old comrades. In addition, many companies organize corporate parties and other collective events, not leaving the defenders of the Fatherland unattended. When thinking about how to congratulate male colleagues on February 23 at work, office ladies try to think through the holiday scenario in advance. Even if there is only one woman in the team, congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day can be organized in a truly original and memorable way. To do this, it is enough to select a few cool congratulations in prose from our collection to express wishes to men in their own words - career achievements, good luck and happiness in their personal lives. Such congratulatory prose will melt the heart of the sternest man, and on March 8, female colleagues will definitely receive a return surprise.

A collection of congratulations in prose on February 23rd to work colleagues

Dear colleagues, we congratulate you on Defender of the Fatherland Day! We wish you to be surrounded by peace and tranquility. Prosperity, development, achievements, prospects and growth! May there always be strength and desire, opportunities and goals. Best wishes to you!

I would like to congratulate our men on the valiant holiday - February 23rd. Always be our support and protection, succeed in business and climb the career ladder. We wish you human happiness, goodness and peace, a warm home and the fulfillment of your dreams.

Our courageous people, congratulations! Even within the walls of our peaceful office, we feel under your protection, care and patronage. Let your battles be only for increasing efficiency, battles with competitors, and the trophy be an increased salary. Happy Defender's Day, dear colleagues!

My dear colleagues, I sincerely congratulate you on February 23, on the holiday of the honor and dignity of a real man. I wish you all limitless opportunities and brave strength to create a happy atmosphere in your homes, a sense of peace and pride in your hearts, successful plans and promising ideas in your business.

Our dear men! Congratulations on February 23! Thank you for being you, so wonderful and beautiful. We wish prosperity, happiness and goodness to your families. May all endeavors have a worthy continuation in everything. You are our support, good luck to you!

So, how to congratulate male colleagues at work on February 23? On our pages you will find many original ideas for a festive scenario for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the office - cool funny scenes on video, beautiful congratulations in verse and in your own words in prose on behalf of the entire team of women. Happy February 23, dear men!