Congratulations on February 23 to serious men. Funny congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day with humor

Very soon Defender of the Fatherland Day, and for this reason the entire female half is extremely puzzled: how to congratulate men on February 23. It just so happened in our country that this day is holiday for all men, despite their age and attitude towards the army.

How to congratulate your loved one on February 23?

You can congratulate a man on February 23 in a romantic style. For example, early on a holiday morning you may wake up long before your beloved defender of the Fatherland, serve breakfast in bed, cook romantic dinner with his favorite dish and give a gift. It all depends on your imagination and capabilities.

And if you have a growing generation in your family, then can be presented in the form of collective holiday congratulations, playing a small scene.

What can you give to men on February 23?

Let's talk a little about what give to men on February 23. After all, they also love to receive gifts, and therefore we recommend that you treat this issue with the utmost care and attention.

Everyone can surprise with gifts, related to hunting and fishing, such as camping barbecue kits, picnic accessories (thermos and mugs). A gift for him on Defender of the Fatherland Day maybe a souvenir weapon - they really love it. Also can serve as a gift beautiful carved chess or backgammon.

Knowing your capabilities, can be given as a gift on February 23 and more useful things such as mobile phones, cufflinks, watches and so on. It would be appropriate to gift an item from his favorite collection.

When choosing gifts clothes or accessories, it is very important to understand: the older a person gets, the more inclined he is to the classic style. For example, men especially appreciate belts, elegant wrist watch with a strap made of genuine leather. Such gifts should not contain anything superfluous, and the details should exactly match tastes and individual preferences.

If you think what to give to classmates on February 23 or classmates, in this case as a present There may be original pens, flash cards and other items that may be required for study.

If you are planning congratulate your work colleagues corporately, we recommend organizing interesting scenario holiday with competitions, and as prizes: small poems on postcards, original souvenirs. It is also known that “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.” Show your own culinary skills, and men will appreciate you!

Congratulations on February 23 to men at work

Traditionally on this day women congratulations to all men, regardless of whether they defended their Fatherland or served in the army. That's why before the holiday the fair sex is really concerned about how congratulate men on February 23, their family and relatives, friends and colleagues. Particular difficulties arise in how organize this holiday for colleagues. In the office We celebrate this holiday like this so as not to offend anyone, but at the same time not to spend so much, because it is necessary buy gifts also to the husband, father, brother, son, etc., to combine these conditions, you can congratulate men on February 23 in every possible way.

Congratulations to colleagues on February 23: budget option

In most cases budget option organizing a holiday is congratulations from colleagues cards with congratulations on February 23 in pictures and poems. In addition to standard phrases, there may also be short, funny poems personally composed, addressed to each colleague individually. If you don't have a talent for poetry, then find something suitable on the Internet. Select ready congratulations with photos or images and create personalized Greeting Cards.

Congratulations on February 23 in pictures:

Alternative, more cost effective option for congratulating men on February 23 there may be postcards where you can list the names of all your colleagues and their best quality and words of congratulations.

When the team is in good relations, congratulations to colleagues on February 23 can be humorous. Photos of male colleagues can be processed in Photoshop in a variety of ways and made on one poster. This gift can be placed in such a way as to attract the attention of others, then everyone’s mood for the whole day is simply guaranteed! Just don’t get too carried away with banter - remember: after all, soon March 8th.

Options for congratulating men on February 23

If your finances allow give gifts to all male colleagues, then you can use the following tips. The choice of gifts is varied and depends only on your imagination and finances.

For example, gifts for colleagues can be lighters, perfumes, sets of accessories for mobile phones and computers. A valuable gift can also serve gift Certificate at an auto parts or office equipment store. Your colleagues will probably appreciate it tickets for everything entertainment activities such as a boxing tournament, football match or hockey.

Collective congratulations to men on February 23

Option #1. Collective gift can be creative or even a little racy. In offices distinguished by their free policy, it has become fashionable to order strippers as congratulations to men on Defender of the Fatherland Day(just not during work).

Option #2. If it is customary for your team to celebrate all events at one table, then, if possible, try to secretly organize the delivery of ready-made dishes to the office, or let everyone bring their own signature homemade dish. Decorate the place where will you be celebrate February 23, balloons, posters with congratulations.

Under each napkin on the table, hide a surprise for your colleagues: these could be lottery tickets or a small personal card.

  • 1. — holiday screensaver for your computer;
  • 2. – festive wall newspaper;
  • 3. - meat pies, caviar, pancakes, chopped vegetables;
  • 4. - gifts.

Of course, everything depends on budgetary opportunities and relationships between colleagues in the team. Can original congratulations to men on February 23, even if you are the only woman among a male team. On the eve of the holiday Stay in your office and wait for your colleagues to leave, then put images with this theme on their computer work screensavers.

Make a wall newspaper with your own hands, on it place photographs of men from your team with words of congratulations in verse, you can also print photos on a printer, attach them to Whatman paper, and write by hand Poems of congratulations to men on February 23.

One of the most important events is considered laid festive table. The main thing is not to confuse anything: leave the cakes and sweets for March 8, let men better give them to you. The best option for the strong half of humanity will meat dishes: prepare homemade delicious meat pies, buy a jar of caviar and bake pancakes for them, cut vegetables. It will be the perfect gift for men. If possible, put alcohol on the table so you don't have to worry about who will have to run to the store later.

Present- This important element congratulations to men on February 23. So if you don’t know your colleagues very well, in order to give everyone personalized gifts, then just give preference to gifts that suitable for most men. These could be hats, towels, T-shirts with original inscriptions . You can also purchase a bottle of cognac or other alcoholic drink and attach a photo of the celebrants to them, listing best qualities colleagues at each. If there are few women in the team, you can limit yourself festive table – colleagues will appreciate your attention and efforts.

If there are informal relationships in the team, then you can arrange funny competitions, sing patriotic songs for colleagues. You can even act out a skit in front of men have a parade: get together as a group of women and change into elements of military uniform and vests. Men will undoubtedly appreciate your efforts and will mutually please you on March 8th.

Gifts for February 23rd for men photo

Very soon the holiday of our men will come - February 23. On this day, everyone wants to congratulate their dear ones, friends and colleagues in an original, fun, and humorous way. To make this task easier for you, we have selected cool congratulations to men on February 23 in verse and prose: long and short, universal (suitable for any man), for colleagues and loved ones.

Happy February 23 – funny congratulations to men in verse

The 23rd has come unnoticed...
Well, the month is February, whose holiday is it, guess?
We will hasten to congratulate our dear men,
Without hesitation, let's say frankly: they are madly in love with you.

Who, if not a man, will support us in difficult times?
He will take pity, take a deep breath and give his wise advice.
We cannot even imagine how life would be without men,
All the faucets in the world would leak and so many cars would break down!

You are skilled workers, it’s simple and light with you,
Work for the sake of peace, so that there is goodness around.
So that your families do not know fear, hunger, war.
So that children can only read about them in books!

You plant trees, okay, build houses,
You are raising a generation, you are crazy about children!
This means that it is not for nothing that we call you now
Real fighters, for the country, for life, for us!

February 23 is the day of the hero!
On this day we remember that it is difficult for us to live without men.
Who saves women in everyday life, who will help us drive a nail?
Who will protect, save, and love our weaker sex?

Our glorious men, we want to wish you:
Be happy, loved and don’t dare to lose heart!
Let your health not fail you, let the spark burn in your eyes,
Let this spark of goodness always burn in your heart!

So that every work moves deftly in your hands,
So that your eyes glow with happiness, so that you do not know fear.
Even if you are depressed, this is, in a word, nothing.
Real men are not weaklings!

On Defender's Day we wish weak women protect,
Both children and animals, do not offend anyone!
You are men for a reason, you are all kings for us!
We have been waiting for this day for a long time to confess our love to you.

Congratulations on February 23!
We wish you happiness and joy,
So that luck smiles more often,
And the currency took root,

Don't lose weight and don't gain weight
Have slim shapes.
For friends to idolize
And my relatives didn’t scold me,

On vacation in the Canaries every year,
Eat pineapples.
You can also taste hazel grouse,
Yes, wash it down with wine...

For a house, a car, a dacha
Were not a task for you,
And they appeared without difficulty
With the power of only magic words.

Cool congratulations to the boys

Our dear boys,
Today is a difficult day.
We promise you chewing gum
Do not place it on the table

For you, contrary to habit,
We must be knights
Don't pull our pigtails
And don't hit them with briefcases.

And let's forget all the insults
We are on a special day,
We will congratulate you today
Our knight boys.

Dear classmates,
All the guys are cool,
We sincerely congratulate you,
We wish you all courage.
Conquer hearts wisely
Don't let your head be upside down!
With ease, so that everything is given
And you didn’t know fatigue.
Protect us always
Bring your bag to the house,
And carry our books,
The rest is nonsense
The rest is as you wish.
Happy Defender's Day, boys!

We all love holidays very much,
And in this special moment of February,
Congratulations, boys,
The earth is spinning around you today.

You are future defenders and warriors,
Always be brave and strong
Deal with difficulties with dignity
Never be sad over trifles!

Congratulations to the night wrote:
We thought and decided for a long time,
What can men wish?
When will we congratulate?

In general - happiness and health,
In particular - love and strength,
So as not to glare from under your brows,
May the Almighty protect you!

To be sure to know -
You can't live without us.
Happy holiday to the men of the Universe!
We all congratulate you!

Well what can I say? You are a cool defender!
Such strength, courage - a hero!
Can't hold a candle to you
Neither Seagal, nor Stallone, nor Van Damme.
You are the best defense for the country,
There are no obstacles for you.
Let it be so from now on and always.
Congratulations on the twenty-third of February!

Twenty third of February.
It was not in vain that the country came up with this idea,
After all, only today men
Get new socks.
And strong coffee straight to bed,
And don't get up early in the morning.
All wishes - now,
But only once a year!

On this February day, at men's hour
I sincerely wish you
So that success becomes akin to you for centuries,
And the dollars rustled in my pocket.
May all your secret dreams come true,
Let life be filled with bright colors.
Let them not give you razors and socks,
And houses, apartments and convertibles.

On this glorious winter day,
Overcoming laziness,
Every man looks like a cheetah,
Even if he himself is a seal.
To our dear men
We wish you forever:
Strength, vigilance, courage
And a tight wallet!

Are you familiar with military training?
And you can assemble the machine gun without looking.
You drive a car and “on horseback”
You won’t get confused even at a big parade.
May the holiday of February 23 be yours
It will give you everything you dream of.
Let problems give way to kindness
And everything you wish will come true.

On the day of all defenders, men
We want to wish you all:
Success walked nearby, like an officer,
For all problems, there must be an armored personnel carrier.
And so, of course, on the personal front
Everything was super and great for you!

Hip-hip-hurray for such a defender
Let the whole country scream today.
And it’s no different here,
After all, you are worthy of this goodness!
Let the division of smiles
Walks next to you.
Let there be no mistakes in anything,
Let success command destiny.

Funny congratulations on February 23 to men: with humor, short

The roach cake on the table is not without reason.
And by the time the beer arrived, the mountain of shrimp had already cooled down.
Happy holiday, beloved men!
You've been lucky today.

Congratulations to a friend

Happy February 23rd I want to congratulate you
And put a decanter of vodka with sandwiches on the table.
Let's drink a little: two liters, maybe five.
After all, you and I are men and we need to celebrate the holiday.

Today, on Men's Day, you can do everything -
Drink beer, go for a walk with friends,
But still do it extremely carefully:
I will meet you with a rolling pin in the evening.

Let success, like a fighter,
It will get rid of problems and obstacles.
And on February 23rd in life a jacket
Let him hang many awards.

We celebrate February 23 together.
And we will give the men everything they need for life.
A bag of socks, a set of panties and shaving foam.
May your beloved husbands be completely happy.

Let February 23rd swirl
Your head is bright with joy.
May success serve you zealously
And life will be as if in paradise.

The best defender
The best man on earth
This opinion is unanimous.
We wish you all the best!

Let it thunder and let it sparkle
The holiday is only in honor of you!
Let the ladies surround you with attention.
Congratulations on February 23!

There are so many things you want to say on this day.
Give, hug, congratulate and of course wish.
But I will pull myself together and say only one thought:
Always be an exemplary husband and love your wife.

I wish to be big and strong,
And so that the income is stable.
So that women love you
And there was happiness in abundance!

The general has stripes,
The ensign has a whole warehouse,
And I have only phrases,
To wish all men:
Think about the good more often,
To the ball - less often from the ship,
And in general – more of everything!
And - happy twenty-third of February!

Today women are for you,
Let them prepare a whole basin:
Favorite fried cutlets,
The most delicious omelette of eggs,
A large container of shish kebab,
Bull horn gravy.
Let them roll the beer keg,
Although it may not be enough!
Let them congratulate you on Men's Day,
This is a top class gift!

Let the women entertain you with warmth,
After all, it will come in handy in February,
Today is Men's Day, which means it's yours.
I wish you to sing and have fun forever!

Congratulations, friends,
Happy February 23rd!
And we wish you good health
Only heroic!
From all women - admiration!
From the boss - honor!
From children - love and inspiration!
And may you always be lucky in life!

“Happy February 23rd!
Blah-blah-blah and tra-la-la..."
Repeat to you on this day,
There will be everyone who is not too lazy.
I want to distinguish myself
Drink a lot - but don't get drunk,
And don’t make mistakes in the future,
Live, love and prosper!

Congratulations to our beloved men
We are here from February 23rd!
And on this day we wish you
Always be at the helm in life,
Solve all problems brilliantly,
And in any situation
Don't miss your luck
And live in harmony with yourself!

Cool congratulations on February 23 in your own words (in prose)

Congratulations on February 23! I wish you in life to be strong like a bear. On the road - fast as a cheetah. At work - as hardy as a camel. In a family, being a king is like a lion. Just please don't turn into an ass in any situation! Happy holiday!

Happy holiday to you, real men! We wish you to perform feats like Hercules. So that all earthly goddesses admire you, and other men sigh enviously on the sidelines. And you would sit at the top of life’s Olympus and bask in the rays of your magnificent glory!

Congratulations to the best defenders on your holiday! Without you, we would simply be lost. Every apartment would have a leaking kitchen faucet. No one would change a light bulb that burned out in the hallway. The shelves would lie on the floor, and the women would walk because there would be no one to fix the car. Our dear men, please live long and happily, and please us with your skills!

Great man! I wish you to build such a house that all your neighbors will be jealous. Plant enough trees so that a whole regiment of soldiers can hide under their crowns in the heat. Raise a son, grandson and great-grandson. May heaven be with you in any hut. And so that with age you do not turn sour, like beer, but only get stronger, like good wine!

Congratulations, my hero, on Defender of the Fatherland Day! I wish you to drink as much beer as you want, snack on chips and nuts, and look like a bodybuilding champion. I wish I could watch my favorite movies or play games until late, and look like a young Brad Pitt the next morning. Work two days a week and rest five days, and at the same time earn money like Bill Gates!

Our dear defenders! We wish you to lie on the couch all day today with a bottle of beer in one hand and a piece of meat in the other. And may your favorite films and programs be shown on all channels. And you relax, don’t think about problems and matters. After all, tomorrow the holiday will end, and the harsh everyday life of men will come again!

Our dear defenders! We wish you that all the standard gifts that are usually given on February 23 will serve faithfully and for a long time. The socks did not smell or wear out for a whole year. The razor did not get dull, the foam did not run out. The shower gel and shampoo lathered perfectly and washed off even the most stubborn dirt. And in addition to these usual little things, we want to get something really worthwhile and pleasant!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues: funny, with humor

How wonderful it is for us to work with you,
Solve global problems together
And your beautiful, kind faces
They can always cheer us up!

We congratulate you, our defenders!
We wish you success, luck in love,
Health and vigor to those who are older,
May all your plans come true!

You took the lead in all nominations,
Your experience and knowledge are very necessary,
In our eyes, you have all passed the certification,
To continue working for the good of the country!

We always wish you safe work,
So that your spouses can sleep peacefully,
And so that the machine gun and tarpaulin boots
Never had to put it on again!

In our youth we learned sine and tangent,
And they picked cornflowers in the field.
And you were wandering around the barracks then,
Puffing, they made their forced marches!

Did you know how to brilliantly assemble machine guns?
And put on your uniform while the match is burning.
Didn't you think, didn't you guess, guys?
That we have to work together here!

You and I have become like sisters and brothers here,
And we already understand many without words.
And how not to congratulate, not to hug
Do we need those with whom we work for eight hours?

You and I spend a third of our lives here,
And we are very proud of each of you.
Dear defenders of our Fatherland,
We sincerely congratulate you now!

Dear and respected colleague,
Happy twenty-third of February!
I wish you great progress in your career,
Be the first in everything and always at the helm!

We didn't prepare for long
The holiday did not come to us in vain.
With a sense of duty
We invite you to the table!

Even the boss was inspired by the date,
I ordered the break to be extended!
So, office soldiers,
Happy February 23rd!

Happy Men's Day today
Congratulations to my colleague,
The rank will be promoted -
I predict this for you.

Let the salary make you happy
The work is successful
A bright fountain over the edge
Let good luck flow!

If our work were monotonous,
Every day is a melancholy routine,
If only in the women's "battalion"
There was no place for men.

We congratulate you on this holiday!
Best wishes to you and your families.
May God protect you
Will give you health, strength, patience.

I wish you laughter, luck, money,
Have a great, bright weekend.
Let the authorities honor and appreciate
Rewards you royally!

We congratulate men on February 23!
Let them add to your salary
Minimum two zeros.
May bliss await everyone at home,
Wives will respect
In the meantime, let's have a drink
And let's continue to celebrate!

To the entire male team
We wish you peace and warmth!
And we congratulate you from the bottom of our hearts
We are here from February 23rd!

May life be favorable to you,
We wish you love and victories!
Health, joy, good luck
And many blessed years to come!

For a real man
Can handle all tasks!
To all of you valiant and strong
Now I want to wish:

Let the boss be kind
And the wife is not capricious,
And the mood is dashing and cheerful!
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, I congratulate my colleagues!
You won’t find more beautiful men, you are the best forever!
I want to wish you courage, courage, mental strength,
So that each of our employees lives as if in a wonderful fairy tale!

Let everyone be given the attention of beauties,
Let the vacation at the cool resort be extended.
Let the money flow into your pockets and never melt away.
I sincerely wish you a wonderful life!

Colleagues, congratulations,
Happy February 23rd to you!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish everyone,
Have an amazing day!

We will cheer you up
And we'll treat you to vodka and beer.
We'll give you socks with jam
And we will wait for reciprocity.

Happy Defender's Day, men!
Don't let wrinkles scare you,
And gray hair only makes you look better,
And a demon in the rib is sometimes dangerous.

We wish you to love our office,
Value your work
And remain our shield,
We are just waiting for this!

Twenty third of February -
Good reason!
The table is already set for you,
Male colleagues.

You are our defenders,
We do everything for you
We paint your lips for you
And arrows at the eyes.

We torture your legs for you
On thin heels,
And the rings are gold
For you on your fingers.

We are ready to do anything for you,
Just tell us
We will move mountains for you,
You only love us.

You are part of an extraordinary team,
You are part of an incomparable team.
You have something to talk about
It’s fun for us to have some tea at lunchtime.

Let your qualities multiply
And millions are added to the account.
Please accept congratulations on February day
And don’t let a migraine torment you tomorrow morning!

Dear colleagues,
We cannot work without you.
You are all strong, you are all so brave,
Happy February 23rd everyone!

We wish you not to know sorrows,
We wish you not to be discouraged,
And also big bonuses
We wish you to receive!

We wish you success, peace,
And let everything be within your reach.
We wish you goodness and happiness,
Save the company and the country!

Happy February 23 – funny congratulations to your loved one

From February 23rd.
I congratulate you.
Take a bag of gifts,
A bunch of hot kisses,
A jar of red caviar,
A pile of chips on a plate,
A box of beer, vodka, by the way,
This will probably be enough.

My beloved protector,
All congratulations to you,
Smiles to you, joy
And all the luck everywhere!

I wish you optimism
Love and magnetism,
Health and wealth,
Don't give up on your dream
Be mobile, active,
Fit, athletic,
You are my best!
Darling, happy February 23rd!

Woke up early in the morning
My beloved, I love you,
I'm covering the clearing
On the twenty-third of February!
I wish with impatience
I want you quickly:
Happiness, power of inspiration,
Best of all in destiny!

My favorite defender,
I want to congratulate you!
I want to be weak today
Snuggle up to your shoulder.
I want to see you soon
Hug and kiss for a long time,
Well, who else will warm me?
Will he call you beloved?

February 23 is a respectable men's holiday,
Bouquet, beloved, accept from different wishes.
I wish you great achievements in life,
And also – joyful victories, successes and accomplishments.

I wish that you had no reason to be sad,
And, of course, so that you will always be my man.
I wish you good health and lots and lots of strength,
My dear, carry me in your arms day and night.

Darling, blizzard of February
We are not afraid - after all, it’s just the two of us.
I want to congratulate you,
From the Defender of the Fatherland during the day.
May there be happiness on the way,
Luck and success are with you.
And never be sad
You are a protector, my dear.

Happy February 23rd, I congratulate you!
And with all my heart I wish you happiness and goodness
Be beautiful, brave, strong, be kind!
Don't forget to smile in the morning too!

A humorous ode to my beloved husband on February 23

Today is the twenty-third of February.
All men are celebrated, which means
I must tell you, my beloved
I'm telling the truth... nothing else.

You are a wonderful protector, dear!
You take on everything with zeal and efficiency,
That's why I'm not afraid of you
Not a leaky faucet, not a broken shelf.

In conditions of field repair
You always act successfully.
There are usually no losses
You achieve your goals inevitably.

Neighborhood attacks are for you too
They do not pose any threat.
And even my mother never
Doesn't cause you any problems.

Children, like privates on the parade ground,
Your orders are carried out nicely.
The uniform probably suits you,
I would give you orders:

“For courage!”, “For courage!”, “For love!”,
"For endless patience!"
Because you are always ready to help everyone
No fuss, no delay.

And in driving a car
I'll say it straight: it doesn't compare.
With you, my beloved, no one,
Any route will obey you.

And as for the enemy's socks,
Scattered throughout the apartment,
This is the machinations of enemies,
They're out of the closet like deserters

They're probably running away to
To get you a little dirty.
But that's okay, honey.
I won't be strict about this.

You don't care, my love,
Both husband and dad are perfect.
I'm immensely proud of you
And this is all important!

Several options for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day in verse and prose.

The title of a real man must be constantly proven by his actions. One of the men's holidays is February 23, on this day representatives of the stronger sex need affection and care. You should not forget about congratulations, the best of which are written in poetic form.

Congratulations on February 23 with short humor

During the celebration, give the men an “oath of allegiance” to the women's team. You can give funny gifts while reading funny poems. They will cheer you up and are suitable for congratulating employees and colleagues.

Men's affairs are different,
Both amorous and military.
We only wish for victories,
And on the roads the right color.

So that the heart glows tremblingly,
Love always warms.
Well, to complete the picture,
So that everything in the wallet is in order.
I wish to become like Claude Van Damme
Agile, brave, persistent
And charm all the ladies
With your brisk blow!
Be chic like Johnny Depp
And follow your dream
Play with fate like the queen of clubs,
Don't retreat without a fight!
Well, what more could you wish for?
Of course, there is a lot of happiness,
Love me and honor me
And avoid adversity!

“Happy February 23rd!
Blah-blah-blah and tra-la-la..."
Repeat to you on this day,
There will be everyone who is not too lazy.
I want to distinguish myself
Drink a lot - but don't get drunk,
And don’t make mistakes in the future,
Live, love and prosper!

SMS congratulations on February 23 with humor

If you want to congratulate a friend or employee, it is not always necessary to call or meet. You can simply send an SMS, and you will not distract the man from the celebration, but will show your respect and care. It is advisable that the message be short and rhyme well.

It's warm and cloudy outside,
(or It’s bitterly cold outside),
Horseradish is worth it just in case,
And not a ruble in my pocket,
Happy February 23!!!

May it be on the Army and Navy holiday
Bac is sure to be loved by someone,
and let the wrinkles straighten out
on every man's penis!

Let you not go on the attack,
Don't let you sit in a trench,
But business is the same fight,
I know that you will win!!!
I wish you a whole heap of happiness,
And so that your gunpowder does not become damp.

All men whose brains are not dry,
Black, blond, red, bald,
Bearded and mustachioed, lop-eared, hairy,
Rough, strong, gentle, difficult,
Soft, affectionate, boring
congratulations on your day -
Happy February 23rd!

Congratulations on February 23 to colleagues and employees with humor

From the very morning on this day, a festive atmosphere is in the air at work. Women are quick to say beautiful words to your employees. This can be done without words by preparing comic postcards or summons to the army. In such messages, write a few congratulatory lines.

I would like to congratulate my colleagues as soon as possible -
Today is February 23rd!
May good luck warm each of you!
Health, happiness in life and goodness!

May all wishes come true,
Dreams and goals will come into your life!
And never experience disappointment in life,
And let all sorrows go away!

The office glows festively
The sun is shining through our window:
Congratulations to everyone today -
The twenty-third has arrived!

To everyone, colleagues, happiness, faith
I want to wish you again
To lead your career upward
And everything was within my reach!

Light, friendship and fun,
Peace, warmth, kindness,
On this day you definitely need to!
And a postcard from me.

SMS congratulations on February 23 to men

Nice words and congratulations always bring a smile. Please your friends and loved ones, prepare a poem for Defender of the Fatherland Day. If you can't call, send an SMS.

I am happy about this men's holiday,
February, congratulations!
To be on a horse in life, dashing,
Well, I wish to be an angel in my soul!
What does a man need to be happy?
Very beautiful wife
After all, life without love and without passion
Sometimes she’s not nice.

I wish you good work
I'm on the day of real men,
Today let's leave our worries behind -
After all, there is only one holiday like this.
Let your dreams come true
Today every man
Stay happy
After all, there are good reasons for this,

Everyone deserves to have everything
And achieve a lot in life,
I want to sing with happiness,
And have fun with all your heart!
We congratulate you today
The most, most expensive,
The most, most awesome,
The very best ones.

We are very proud of you
And we want to wish you
As always anytime
Never lose heart!

Congratulations on February 23 to boys from girls

Defender of the Fatherland Day is celebrated not only at work and at home. Even in children's groups, girls try to congratulate the boys. Short quatrains and small congratulatory poems will help with this. You can write them on a postcard. A good gift is a book, at the very beginning of the publication write a few beautiful lines.

Our young men
We hasten to congratulate you.
We want to wish you good health,
Strong friendship, a lot of strength.

So that in sports and studies
We were always the best.
And in all matters from now on
It was a well-deserved success.

We wish you luck
And wishes come true.
All girls without hesitation
They send you their congratulations.

Happy Defender's Day, guys!
Be strong always.
Like brave soldiers
You go through the years.

May you have more fun
Every moment, every day.
There are no braver guys in the world
May you be lucky in everything.

May good luck accompany you
May success come to you.
In every day, let it be no different,
There will be happiness, joy, laughter!

Children's congratulations on February 23

Children delight with their sincerity and spontaneity. Usually girls congratulate boys who sympathize with them on Defender of the Fatherland Day. Below are a few children's congratulations.

From February 23
I congratulate you.
Here are sweets and flowers,
Let your dreams come true

Let the sun be radiant
Forever at your window,
Let them only go into the distance
Dullness, boredom and sadness.

Lots of money and sweets
And live two hundred years.
I congratulate you, my love,
Happy Defender's Day to you!

You are already big and strong
Grow up a little more -
You will become invincible
Breasts will be all the rewards.

And of course many times
You will protect the world and your mother.
The beauty of brave eyes
You will conquer all the girls.

We want you to become
A very valiant hero,
To win all the time
And he was awarded medals.

Congratulations on February 23 in kindergarten

IN kindergarten Defender of the Fatherland Day is also not ignored. Usually, teachers prepare a festive matinee. Mothers of girls should try to ensure that their princesses learn short quatrains for the celebration and are able to congratulate the boys.

February 23 is a holiday for boys,
The girls give many, many books,
There's a big wagon of sweets,
This is such a funny poem.

February 23 - flags are raised.
Mom congratulates dad on the holiday today.
I'll celebrate too, for a reason
After all, I’m not little anymore, because I’m already a man!

There's a mark on the door, by the day and by the hour,
I'm trying to grow up. I want to do everything myself.
It won't be long before I grow up again,
And we, together with dad, will protect mom!

Twenty third of February!
I got out of bed for a reason.
No alarm clock, at lunchtime,
It was as if the whole world froze.

But the solution is obvious
Look, you can see mom in the kitchen.
Standing by the stove in the morning,
He's in a hurry to get everything ready.

So I'm not falling behind,
I take it out from behind the closet
Your gift for your father
It contains facial lotion!

Congratulations on February 23 in verse

The main advantage of congratulations in verse is brevity. In just a few lines you can write a congratulatory speech and lift the spirits of a loved one. Such works can be sent as SMS.

From February 23
Congratulations, men!
This calendar day is
A holiday of courage and strength.
We wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Happiness, joy, good luck,
Favors of fate
And a lot of love to boot!

Accept congratulations in verse
Happy Defender of the Fatherland Day, men!
We wish you feats of arms in business,
Only tenderness is more important to us than your strength.
May there be victories and success in life,
And the decisions are wise and fair.
Congratulations on this holiday to all of you!
Be happy, desired and loved!

We hasten to congratulate you with poems!
Today is your holiday, men!
Let joy sparkle in the sparkle of your eyes,
There are reasons for this!
Without you we are nowhere, without you we will be lost,
You are our reliable rear, support.
And this, mind you, we all admit.
Love to you, good luck, cheers!

“I want to wish men”
I want to wish men
I have only happiness in this life,
Respect your loved ones
And be cheerful, real,

I want to sincerely tell you -
Deserve happiness and success.
And you shouldn’t give up -
Obstacles are not a hindrance to happiness!

Congratulations on February 23 in prose

Despite the popularity of congratulatory speeches in poetry, many want to respect men with their own words. This is why there are congratulations in prose. Learn a few lines and cheer up the stronger sex.

Men, colleagues!
On this holiday - Defenders of the Fatherland Day - we would like to wish you health, no matter how banal it may sound, it is so important, and no amount of wealth can replace it for you! Be healthy, our beloved ones, in body and soul! And the rest will follow!

Today, on Defender of the Fatherland Day, I praise you for your courage and courage, willingness to go only forward - to victory and at the same time, know the boundaries! Let me wish you peaceful, but no less worthy and wonderful victories, dizzying achievements at work, at home and on the personal front!

In a warrior, not only the power of muscles has always been valued, but also strength of mind, kindness and honor! You have all this, you are just the perfect collection of the values ​​of a real man! Please accept my congratulations on February 23 and may luck always smile on you and your dreams come true!

I congratulate all men on Defender of the Fatherland Day!
I wish you to be strong and kind, gentle and loving! Health and happiness to you!

Congratulations on February 23 by name

Gifts for men are usually purchased in advance. But most women remember congratulatory words at the last moment. An excellent option for congratulations are personalized poems. Mentioning your name in a greeting will make it unique.

Happy men's holiday, Andrey!
Come to me quickly
I want to tell you -
Worth living and thriving
Only strive for the best
And let your dream come true.
Let luck come
And it will bring luck!

Tolya, on the holiday of all men,
I will say that you are the only one -
You are an amazing person
For me, actually, the best.
Today I want to wish
So that you don’t even think about being discouraged.
Always be the happiest one,
And forget about the bad forever!

Happy February 23rd
Congratulations, Ilya.
And I want to wish you well,
Never be discouraged
Every day my love
It only gets stronger again and again.
You know this for sure
And don't offend me!

Petya, I congratulate you,
I wish you happiness and peace,
Stay like this forever
And don't be afraid of anything.
May all good things happen
Don't let them judge you, dear.
As a person - ideal,
This, believe me, is commendable!

Denis, I love you madly,
And on February 23
I wish you to remain smart
And the most tender for me.
I want everything to always come true,
So that everything about life works out,
May you always be lucky
And may you find happiness in life!

Congratulations on February 23 to your loved one

On February 23, special attention should be paid to your beloved man. On this day you should not skimp on smiles and pleasant words. Don't forget about a small gift and supplement it with poetic congratulations.

I want to congratulate my beloved
I'm happy February 23rd,
I can't leave you -
You are my best.
Let your salary grow
I wish you not to be sad at all.
I don’t need much in life -
I just want to be nearby!

You are my protector not only today,
I'm behind you like behind a stone wall!
You are very strong, noble,
My dearest and favorite hero!
My beloved, I know
You are a wall for me!
I congratulate you with hope,
May you always be with me!
My most beloved defender,
I kiss you and congratulate you on the 23rd,
You are the best and unique,
I wish you to remain the same!

Congratulations on February 23 to classmates

This day is eagerly awaited at school. In this way, you can attract the attention of the boy you have liked for a long time. Usually boys are given pleasant little things that can be supplemented with beautiful words.

I ask my sister
I should braid my hair tighter.
Because I know in advance
Who will undo my braid?

In revenge for a classmate
I don't give answers based on tests.
But in honor of the men's holiday
I'm ready to let you write it off.
Classmate, happy holiday!

On February men's day
I want to become a boss
As you grow big.
Be healthy and work hard
Without resting your hands,
Inquisitively and carefully
Gnaw the granite of science!

Congratulations to classmates
Happy February 23rd!
We wish to live in truth,
Keeping kindness in my heart.
To be true to your word,
And honest in their deeds.
They could protect anyone.
Take care of your loved ones!

Funny congratulations on February 23

You need to take this day seriously and do not forget to congratulate your beloved men and colleagues. Don't forget about good mood and fun. Cool poems will help you with this.

Stop working today
Leave everything for tomorrow,
And prepare your body for flight -
February offered us a holiday.

Now we don’t need to listen to the ladies,
They still have everything ahead
And the 23rd day is a reward
Because we are all men!

On February 23
We are not going to the table in vain,
How to celebrate the holiday
It's better if you raise your glass.

May everything always be wonderful
And let there be no wasted spending,
And let your health shine with light,
And let the wife give bouquets!

Our holiday evening was decorated
Twenty third of February.
Wish men happiness
It was not in vain that we decided...
May happiness be with them,
Everything is going like clockwork
Let them buy themselves gifts,
The era of men will come!

Twenty third of February
It became a day off for good reason -
Celebrated for a reason
Real men.

Courage, health, strength,
To last for a whole century,
So that along the road of life
Success would go hand in hand with you.

So that army skills
We couldn’t wait for the incarnation
And in our country there is a big
There was always peace and quiet.

There are a lot of options for congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day. You can use congratulations in prose or poetry, the main thing is that they are sincere.

Cool congratulations on February 23 for women

Without women, men will all be lost,
They won’t find their socks in the apartment,
They will flaunt themselves in wrinkled shirts
And for lunch I only chew noodles.

They will barely survive
Temperature 37.2.
And the Earth is not nice to them without women.
So, girls, happy February 23rd!

On this day we are accustomed to praise
Mostly men
But to congratulate a woman,
There are also hundreds of reasons.

Cooks, steams, cleans
For your dashing soldiers,
Protects the family hearth,
Well, just a mommy battalion commander!

To the family of your threat
She can smell it a mile away
In the heat and severe frosts -
Like at a combat post.

Nekrasov wrote about these
And it was not in vain that he wrote.
Women, persistent and beautiful, -
Happy February 23rd!

VIDEO: Congratulations on February 23

On Defender of the Fatherland Day, I would like to say words of gratitude to our dear men who protect not only their homeland, but also their own families and all civilians. You can compose your congratulations on February 23 yourself or find beautiful words on the Internet. The main thing is that they come from the heart, and your defender feels how much you value him.

Official congratulations on February 23

On this solemn day, words of congratulations are addressed to fathers, grandfathers, sons, brothers, and husbands. The bosses congratulate their subordinates, but it is especially important to hear congratulatory words to those who serve for the good of our Motherland: the military, employees of internal affairs bodies, the Navy, rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. Regardless of whether the man served or not, women try to say pleasant words and thank them for everything that the stronger sex does for their families and homeland. But not only men are congratulated on February 23, as has been customary for many years. Many women serve for the good of our country, protect, help, and often risk their lives for the peace of civilians.

Congratulatory words in official prose may sound like this:

Every man considers it his duty to defend his homeland, as well as his family and loved ones. I would like to wish you a peaceful sky above your head, success in all your endeavors, a reliable rear and good health.

Men stand guard over peace in our country, for which I bow to them. You are our support and support, so we want to wish you fortitude, self-confidence, personal happiness and the fulfillment of your most incredible desires.

You are brave fighters who are ready to rush into battle, not sparing their lives. We appreciate your courage and heroism, courage and courage. Always stay close, protect and protect us, so that everyone can live in a calm, peaceful country.

Let me congratulate you on February 23,
Talk about your strength and courage without hiding.
You are always ready to fight, to stand up for our defense,
For your valor and courage, there is something to respect you for.
We wish you health, numerous victories,
Live many joyful, happy years.

Happy Defender of the Fatherland
We will congratulate you,
Peaceful, wonderful happiness
Allow me to wish you.
Let your wishes come true
In all matters you only have victories,
Love, good luck, prosperity
And many, many long years.

The holiday of courage and strength has come to us today,
We wish you good luck in everything,
To resolve quickly and easily
All the most difficult tasks.
So that dreams come true again and again,
And the circle of friends became wider over the years,
May care and love surround you,
May there be peace in your world.

Wishes for boys in kindergarten, school, technical school, university

In preschool and school institutions, as well as in universities, girls prepare gifts and congratulations for boys on February 23. Regardless of the fact that this holiday is a day of honoring those who serve and protect the Motherland, men at any age are considered protectors, so they are congratulated, they say good wishes, bring surprises.

Kindergartens hold holiday matinees, and here are the poems children can read on February 23:

I want to be a soldier
To protect my mother,
Be strong like dad
Don't hurt kids.
Congratulations to everyone today
Happy February 23rd!
I wish you happiness, joy,
The sun is peaceful and kind.

We'll grow up soon
And we will all go to serve.
We will protect you
Let's not let anyone offend!

Congratulations to all the boys
And of course our daddies.
Protect us little ones
And also beloved mothers.
Don't offend us,
Protect from harm.
Happy holiday to all of you, cheers!
We wish you peace and goodness.

Congratulatory poems for students of schools, technical schools, universities:

February 23 is a wonderful holiday,
We will definitely congratulate men of all ages.
We wish you health, success and good luck,
And also a peaceful sky and sun to boot.

Courage and valor are your strong point as a man,
Today we hurried to class with congratulations.
We want to wish you strength, good luck and luck,
Good health, vigor, patience.

Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers, without sparing their lives, went to defend the Motherland, took risks for the sake of the peaceful sky under which we now live. Dear boys, we hope that you will continue the work of our ancestors and will always show valor, honor and courage. We wish you health, fulfillment of desires and strength to always protect us, fragile girls, from various troubles.

On behalf of the female half of our team, we would like to congratulate you on February 23 and wish you peace, kindness, and good deeds. Be brave, honest, take the side of the weak, help as much as possible so that we can be proud of you!

Congratulations on February 23 for defenders of the Fatherland

Not only men protect the Motherland and come to the defense of civilians. Beautiful girls often risk their lives to do their job. They do it bravely, boldly and decisively.

How can you congratulate the defenders of the Fatherland in prose:

A beautiful, but at the same time, a strong half of humanity! Congratulations on your holiday! Along with men, you defend our Motherland, without fear of difficulties. With your fragile shoulders you pave the way for us to a bright future. Let your beauty become the most powerful weapon against troubles and enemies, and you be our salvation! Love, kindness and happiness!

The most beautiful part of our valiant army, our dear ladies! Let me congratulate you on the holiday of February 23rd. Despite the difficult profession you have chosen, always remain as beautiful, delightful and sensitive. We wish you to always feel the support of your loved ones, career growth and sincerity that always lives in your hearts.

Women, regardless of shoulder straps and ranks, love to receive flowers from men and hear beautiful words addressed to them. Surprise them and read a touching poem for the holiday:

Let your beautiful eyes not be clouded by tears,
We wish summer warmth in the soul, even in the cold.
Shine with light so that we can warm ourselves in it,
And despite the hardships, let there be lightness in your heart.

You hide kind hearts under a strict uniform
And you will stand in the war until the end.
We believe in you, our dear women,
Let me congratulate you, dear ones.
We wish you to always be beautiful,
And most importantly - happy.

Congratulations on February 23 by name

If you want to congratulate men in an unusual and original way, pay attention to personalized congratulations on February 23:

The name "Alexander" protector means
Always protects from troubles and misfortunes.
Live, Alexander, and know no sorrow,
Protect your family in every possible way.

Artem, your name means “healthy”,
May it remain so for many years to come.
I wish life is harsh
You never saw it.
I also wish only victories
Happy, long, long years.

“Anton” means “entering into battle”
You are strong and brave, just a hero.
Beloved defender, brave fighter,
A wonderful man, a beloved father.
On Defenders of the Fatherland Day, at the end of February
I want to congratulate you, I love you, Anton!

Beautiful congratulations on February 23

New touching congratulations Happy February 23rd can be in prose or poetry. The main thing is that the words touch the soul and penetrate into the very heart of those to whom they are addressed.

Such admirable human qualities as valor, honor, courage and bravery will always come first. Men who are ready to help at the first call deserve respect and admiration. Let those who possess these qualities not become an exception, and then our lives will be cloudless and happy.

Thank you to our men for admiring us and always lending a strong, reliable shoulder in difficult moments. Thank you for your courage, loving hearts, empathy and support. We wish you happiness, that you are surrounded by reliable people, and that your friends always come to your aid in difficult times.

Thank you for continuing to defend our Motherland with dignity, as your grandfathers and great-grandfathers did. We wish you confidence, physical and mental strength, faith and good luck in everything.

Original and funny congratulations on February 23 in verse

If a man has a good sense of humor and values ​​creativity and originality, he will surely like unusual congratulations in verse. Laughter, as you know, prolongs life, so please your man with funny congratulatory poems to cheer him up on the holiday.

Congratulations, men,
From February 23,
We know that on this great holiday
You can't give socks as a gift.
We wish you a lot of money
And good luck in everything,
Let the road lead fate
To a warm and cozy home.

I wish you a lot of money in your wallet,
Walk through life lightly.
And it’s better to drive a Porsche,
Good, happy marriage.
For the wife to be a supermodel,
I cooked borscht, stew, jelly.
I always met you with a smile,
I didn’t scold you for meeting friends.
Live, buddy, without troubles,
I send you my greetings, my friend.

May everything be fine with you
Both in work and in personal life.
I wish you luck ocean,
To travel to many countries.
Let all the bad things be forgotten,
There is only luck along the way.

Wishes from children

Sons and daughters sincerely congratulate their dads on February 23, on Soviet Army Day and Navy. Men are doubly pleased to receive congratulations from their children, no matter how old they are.

Dad, dear, dear,
I'm always proud of you.
I'll give you candy
I send you my greetings.

I wish the gentle sun
The light was always shining through your window.
Let them go into the distance
Boredom and sadness.

Grandfather, beloved, dearest,
We, grandchildren, congratulate and are proud of you.
We wish you good health, never get sick,
Always be cheerful, make us children happy.
We want to say “thank you” to you,
Let me hug you quickly, grandpa.

Toasts for February 23

All family members usually gather around a large table for a holiday. Everyone raises their glasses and says solemn words of congratulations and sincere wishes to the men who are present at the family feast.

  1. I propose to drink to the Airborne Forces - inspiration, kindness and loyalty!
  2. Today is a holiday for all defenders of the Motherland and their families. It doesn’t matter whether you served or not, the main thing is that in difficult times, everyone sitting at this table comes to the rescue, supports and lends a shoulder. Let's raise a glass to our defenders!
  3. On this day, men accept congratulations, bathe in love, and hear pleasant words addressed to them. I would like to wish you never have to fight, live in a peaceful country under the warm, gentle sun. IN family life May you be surrounded by care and respected and appreciated at work.

Short congratulations script

You can surprise a man on a holiday if you don’t just give him a gift, but do it in an original and unusual way. For example, arrange a congratulation party in the style of Soviet times. Dress in military uniform and give your loved one a box with a set of soap in the shape of a bottle of vodka with a cut glass, a jar of pickles, sprats, a piece of lard. Accompany the presentation of the surprise with these words: “You are my protector, support and support. Always stay close, because only with you I feel under reliable protection.”

You can have an Oscar-style awards ceremony. Roll out the red carpet before your loved one arrives, change into luxurious Evening Dress and meet your man with a figurine in your hands and a glass of champagne.

Every defender of the Motherland and his family deserves sincere congratulations February 23. Try to choose words that will make the man feel how much you need him and how much you value him. Don't forget to congratulate dads, grandfathers, sons, colleagues and everyone who protects and protects us every day.

We sincerely congratulate you
Happy Twenty-third of February!
And on Defender's Day we wish
Always be the pride of the country.

We want to be an example for everyone,
We wish you good luck in your business,
Be the first at work
And be picky about your friends.

Let worries not touch you,
Everything is smooth in the family, laughter in the house.
We wish you good health,
May success accompany you.

You men are our pride,
Our strength, power and become.
On Defender's Day we want
I sincerely wish you
Strategic decisions
And the most reliable rear,
Only victories without defeats,
At home so that love awaits,
The spirit was strong, the body was strong,
The friend was faithful for centuries.
Peace over your beloved country,
There is a spark of happiness in the heart.

Congratulations on Defender of the Fatherland Day and I want to wish you strength, courage and bravery! Let every day be successful, every action worthy, every idea excellent, every word firm, and every action confident. I wish you to be healthy, loved and invincible!

Happy holiday of courage, glory and strength!
We honor you, dear men!
And from the bottom of our hearts we wish you with love,
May you have good health.

Clear skies, only peaceful battles,
Career growth and achievements.
May life be generous with all the blessings.
Joy, happiness, love, goodness to you.

Health, peace, light, happiness,
Days of bright, light, without bad weather,
Cloudless love, big,
Always happy to be fate!

So that everything comes true, succeeds,
Only joy happened in life.
Fun, endless laughter
On the day of February 23!

Happy February 23rd
We congratulate you, friends!
We wish you eternal peace
And endless happiness.

Health, fortitude, will,
Love, prosperity in your home,
In matters of success and goodness.
Today we shout to you: “Hurray!”

For a real man
I wish you valor and strength!
Glorious achievements and victories,
Great success in all matters.

May your health be good,
The mind is alive and the grip is tenacious.
Let everything be with you,
Happy Twenty-third of February!

Be strong, irresistible,
The bravest and most beloved.
Be young at heart.
Let your dreams come true!

On a calendar sheet
February 23,
Which means there are many reasons
Congratulate dear men.
They are strong, they are brave,
They are the defenders of the country!
We wish them strength of spirit,
There is no feather or fluff in the work.
Only positive things in life,
And most importantly - kindness and peace!

Congratulations to the Defender today!
Be brave and decisive in everything.
I wish you health, happiness, joy,
So that all misfortunes don’t matter.

So that everything you have in mind comes true,
So that happiness does not leave your home.
So that everything you dream about comes true,
And may success accompany everything!

Greetings to the defenders of the Fatherland!
You are a stronghold of peace. And today humanity
Thank you all for my peace
Yes, respect for you is carefully preserved.
Let us resolutely repel the enemy,
And when necessary, stand up for the country.
You, only you alone, are our protection.
Today we will openly say about you:
Cool guys and handsome men everywhere.
Be equal, everyone calm down! Regardless of the years,
May you be successful today and always.