Early childhood development program for children from 1 year old. Early development of a child up to one year: a brief overview of known techniques

Tatiana Beschastnaya
Working educational program for children from 1.5 to 2 years old in a group early development"Together with Mom"

Working educational program for children from 1.5 to 2 years

IN early development group« Together with mom»

Developed by educators:

Beschastnaya Tatyana Vasilievna

Sadovnikova Svetlana Leonidovna

2015-2016 academic year

Explanatory note

Children from 1 to 3 years old attend group« Together with mom» .

Classes last 45 minutes. Unlike groups older children, the educational process is organized in the presence of parents, and we would like to focus on this fundamental point. Taking your child to the studio early development, many parents expect not only to give their child a basic education, but also to gain new knowledge about methods, methods, materials preschooler development. It often happens that mothers, having the opportunity to work with their baby, complain about a lack of imagination. We will help provide you and your baby with rich, interesting activities.

Mothers, grandmothers, fathers, grandmothers are present at every lesson. But don’t think that your presence is necessary only to show quality the work of our teachers. First of all, we are based on the conviction that no one, even the most qualified teacher, is capable of independently giving a child a full range of knowledge and skills. Anyone who spends the most time with him needs to understand that, in addition to organized group of classes, you need to repeat the proposed games and exercises at home, walk, and if the game allows - on the way to the dacha, to the doctor... And also - no one except the mother can literally understand the slightest movement of the child, and even during classes the teacher-psychologist serves as a kind of « role model» , which should be followed by adults accompanying the child. We are always glad to see those parents who together with their babies they are ready to crawl around the carpet, throw balls into baskets, feed the doll and smear watercolors with their fingers on whatman paper. After all, common activities will bring you closer to your own child!

And a little more about the content of the classes.

Since the baby’s attention is still very unstable, we do not have the right to force him to engage in the same type of activity for more than 5 minutes. But isn't it Can you imagine a 5-10 minute productive session? Children who are awake for several hours at a time already require full-fledged life every minute, and life for them consists of constant action with objects and interactions with people.

Therefore, each lesson, lasting 45 minutes, includes as many types of activities: these include outdoor games, crafts, speech exercises, activities with toys, and music games. For children of age groups 2-3 years many classes are organized according to the plot principle: each topic is presented by a specific puppet character, and his adventures are accompanied by specific tasks for kids.

The frequency of classes for children 1-3 years old is 2 times a week.

Common for the youngest preschool age are tasks:

development fine and gross motor skills (walking, crawling, jumping, grabbing, swinging, throwing, moving, etc.);

Communication skills ( turn to an adult, demonstrate, share emotions, provide information, ask, etc.);

Formation of correct and competent speech and enrichment of vocabulary (we understand someone else’s speech, pronounce words, formulate a sentence, etc.);

Aesthetic development(we understand beauty, strive to create beauty, observe and admire or are horrified, perceive music, plastic form, movement, artistic expression);

Intellectual development(orienting ourselves in space, counting, reading, sorting, handling objects, etc.).

Let's study:

Walk and bounce (with the help of an adult);

Distinguish primary colors;

Understand and comply with adult requests;

Name objects;


handle the toy(comb a doll, rock a bear, feed a tumbler, roll a car, cook dinner in a toy dish, etc.);

Throw the ball;

Making (smearing paints on a sheet of paper, gluing prepared templates, etc.).

1.5 - 2 years

Let's study:

Distinguish primary colors and their shades;

Understand and comply with two- and three-syllable requests from an adult (take the doll, sit it at the table and give it a cup);

Distinguish between the size and shape of an object;

Name objects with full words ( "car", but not "hee");


handle toys(give a doll a drink from a cup, ride a passenger in a car or carry a load, stack cubes);

Throw the ball;

Sing simple songs, say nursery rhymes;

Distinguish between some letters and numbers;

Craft (paint with paints - handle the brush, "scribble" felt-tip pens and pencils, make applique from pre-prepared templates, imitating an adult).

Sample lesson plan in group« Together with mom»


Introduction to toys

Assembling and disassembling the pyramid

Colored tracks (move objects)

drawing on semolina (path for kolobok)

find a house (we recognize a car, a train, an airplane, a bus)

modeling (introduction to plasticine)

cups (put the balls into glasses and recognize the color)

"Feed the bird"

Board games educational toys

Wooden abacus

Wooden houses (car, train, telephones)

Catch a fish with a fishing rod

Cups with multi-colored pyramid rings. Assembling and disassembling the pyramid

S.R. game “Rock, feed, pity the doll”

Matryoshka dolls on the path (build a path from cubes) Arrange the little nesting dolls

feed the chicken (plasticine, tear it off, glue it to the picture)

Drawing - feed the cockerel with peas (with cotton swabs)

"We are kittens"

Tabletop educational games(abacus. Paths, wooden houses)

Soft modules (we are building a house for a kitten)

Hide and seek with a kitten (who said meow)

Roll up a ball (the kitten unwound the balls)

Collect the balls in a basket (a game)

Draw balls for a kitten (felt pens)

Playing a musical instrument


Developing fine motor skills"Grains"(choose peas from semolina)

board game "Fishing", "Houses", "Hammers"

Application "Aquarium"

Water games:

get the fish

catch it with a spoon

blow on the fish (the paper floats)

learning to dry your hands after playing with water

Finger painting "Gold fish"

Puppet show “like a ball looking for friends”

"My bear"

Surprise moment: IN group The house was built from soft modules. There is a bear sitting in it.

A game "Find the bear" (hide and seek)

Let's build houses for the bear's friends - (little fox, bunny)

Poem "Teddy Bear" with motion simulation

Song "The bear made friends"

Finger play “Finger, finger – knock, knock”

Drawing "Treat for a Bear" (berries on bushes)

Treats from the bear (surprise in the backpack)

Thanked the bear for the treat (thanks bear)

Say goodbye to the bear (bye, bye, bear)

"I love my horse"

Surprise moment - horse (rocking chair)

Poem- "I love my horse" imitation of movements

A game "Sun and Rain"

Little horses and cubes (we are building a fence for a horse)

Drawing "Fence"- felt-tip pens

Feed the horse paints and leaves

The horses are dirty and need to be washed. We wash our horses with a sponge and soap. Dry with a towel.

Physical minute Let's walk along the paths


Rolling car. Examination of wheels, cabin, body

Let's ride in cars

Riding small amartizats. Typewriters

Drawing Track for cars with felt-tip pen

We scatter a truck with bricks and collect them

Application "Collecting bricks" Paste it into the body

Situation - the machine is broken - we will fix it with tools

Application: fix the car - glue the wheels

Musical pause: round dance with ribbons, games with ribbons, musical movement exercises.

puppet show "Kolobok with friends"

"Moms and Babies"

Hello (Hello eyes, hello nose... -children show)

Massage balls - roll in your hands

Sprinkle the cereal with spoons

Looking at the picture "Pets"

As the animals say

Cutting pictures (in two parts)

Drawing grass for a cow

Plastic toys:Mother, father. I- (hen, cockerel. Chicks)

Let's feed the chicken - make a plate, press in the grains

Lost kids - play with pictures

Application - mother is looking for children


Greetings "Hello little eyes..."

Doll Anya brought a lot of mittens. Different. Consider, try on

Poetry “Masha put on a mitten”

The mittens are mixed up. A game "Find a Pair"

Puppet show "Teremok"

Anya brought snowballs "Let's play in the snow"

Hands are frozen “Let’s rub our palms. Warm breath.

Application "Mittens for hands"

A game “Hide the foam rubber in your fist”

Game "Hand to Hand" "We move small objects"

Drawing with stamps "decorate the mittens"

A game "Hide your hands" (Behind the back)

Exercise "Take off your mitten" (wipe off the paint from the laminated picture with a damp cloth)

Let's say goodbye to Anya



Magic box with toys (tumbler, ball, pyramid, rattle)

We take it out of the box, look at it, call it

Listen to a song about a tumbler

The toys are tired and want to rest. Application "find a chair"

Exercise "Big small" (different boxes, sorted by size)

find the balls in the dough

Poetry "My funny ringing ball"

Roll the balls with your palm on the table

Drawing Balls" (we paint with paints)

Collecting toys in a box


Hello (call by name)

An audio recording is playing (train noise, horn)

Let's play train (stand one after another, voice the movements)

A box with trains and carriages on magnets, we assemble the train and ride it)

Looking at the picture of a train (name the parts)

We build a path for a train from bricks - we fix the names of the colors, the concept of long and short.

Application "The trailers are lost" We learn to use glue.

Drawing with a felt-tip pen "Rails, rails."

A cat with kittens came running. "Let's take kittens on a train ride"-glue on kitten stickers.

Playing with water: "Fishing"(use a slotted spoon to catch the fish from the basin)

"Beauty Christmas Tree"


Looking at a small Christmas tree with toys

Exercise "Who's there?" (who came to us at holiday: meow cat)

Treat for friends (modeling "Candies")

Drawing "Snowflakes" hard brush

Development fine motor skills- exercise " Untie bow - children find bows tied on different objects

Our beautiful Christmas tree Applique

"Hats and scarves"


By group Multi-colored pompoms are scattered. Exercise “Gather the pompoms into a tube”

Drawing “multi-colored sponge pompoms, gouache

Exercise “Match scarves to your hats”

We walk along the paths to the music

It started snowing (cotton wool, blow the snow off the table

Let's go home. We remove the hats from the dolls and hang them to dry.

Drawing on semolina “Snowflakes 2”

Pyramid games

"We play"

Lots of boxes

Exercise "Big and small" (1 box)

Exercise: hide the lids (by color - 2 boxes)

Exercise "Make a Hedgehog" (insert cotton buds in a colander)

Exercise "over the bumps" 9we walk on pillows and paths

Exercise "Beads" Cardboard rings - painted in different colors, hung on a string

Exercise "Find toys" small toys in dough

"I am a mother"

We look at a basket of berries and fruits – color

Making jam for dolls

We treat the doll

Bathing a doll

Washing clothes

Putting the doll to sleep

Cooking compote for the doll. Application – paste a picture onto a jar

"Mother's day"

Collecting flowers (laid out in the room)

Board game "Lotto"- mother-baby, nesting dolls, pyramid

Clearing with flowers. Breathing exercise

Collecting flowers in a vase (applique)

A game "rain and sunshine"

Happy holiday to mom "mimosa"- draw with pokes

Exercise "Sun" with clothespins

Surprise- Balloons. Ball games


Surprise Moment. Toy sun. (Sings a song)

Exercise "Hello, little eyes..."

Application "Sun"

P. and. "Sun and Rain"

Drawing "Rays"

Fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Matryoshka dolls (find the baby) assemble and disassemble

We say goodbye

"Cockerel and his family"

S. M. Cockerel came with his family

We are considering. How he sings (loud quiet)

Nursery rhyme about a cockerel

Base a game "Hen with Chicks"

Exercise for mmr (choose beans) We treat guests

Modeling "Golden Egg"

Count - one, two, many


reading the fairy tale Kolobok

With. M. Cockerel under a handkerchief. Who's there?

Reading a rhyme "Cockerel"

Treat for the cockerel (choose nuts from semolina)

Who's there? Cow. Find one like this, but small

Treat for a cow (Tear off the napkin and stick it on an adhesive strip)

Who's there? bear (repeat) A game “Make beads from caps”

Treat for the bear. Modeling "Berry"

Pyramid (assembling – disassembling)

Pyramid applique

We put away the toys. We say goodbye.


Toy houses. Examination - roof, walls, windows, door.

Collective application. "Teremok"

Who lived in the little house. We remember the selection of paintings

Applique Glue animals

Housewarming. Pies. Imprint.

We wash our hands and say goodbye

"Small Birds"

Warm-up "You clap together with us»

Looking at paintings "Birds"

Exercise "big small"

Exercise feed the bird (large – small grains, plates)

Finger drawing. "Seeds for birds"

re-enactment "Geese-geese"

Application "Bird on the branches"

A game "Sparrows and the car"


Looking at pictures "Insects"

Exercise “find your soul mate” (butterflies)

Drawing: "Decorate the butterfly" (felt-tip pen)

Looking at ladybugs Exercise. Put them in order.

Drawing "Patches"

Song ladybug

Applique – Figures – selection by color and shape

Collective Job"In the Sun"

"Lei, water, water"

Meeting children

Games with semolina Who is hiding? (chick and duckling)

Fairy tale "Chick and Duckling"

Family of ducks and geese - one and many

Bottles - pour water - a lot - half, a little

We pour water from a basin into a bottle using different objects - a spoon, a glass, a funnel

Magic foam (food coloring, paints, sponges)

Launching foam boats, blowing through a tube, setting them in motion.

25. Flower meadow

S. M. little train with a kitten. Looking at the flowers on the train - one or many

Exercise "gather flowers" big-small

Drawing Flowers and rain – stem and rain

Find toys in the semolina (leaves and flowers)

Exercise "find the same one"

Find the figure

Application "flowers for the butterfly"

Base A game "Catch a Butterfly"

Saying goodbye to the kitten and the butterfly.


Fairy tale "Kolobok" Considering the heroes

Drawing "kolobok" crayons

Modeling "path of pebbles"

Bear and bees. Onomatopoeia w-w-w

Berries for a bear (mosaic)

Beads for a fox" Applique. We fix the colors.

Good afternoon, dear readers! You and I all wish happiness and success to our children. So that they grow up strong, healthy, happy and smart. Most parents think about the upbringing and development of a child even before his birth. A striking example of this is the fact that many pregnant women begin to listen classical music, accustoming the baby to beauty and promoting the harmonious development of the child. Many teachers and psychologists believe that the early development of a child up to one year old contributes to his more successful adaptation and development in the future.

Early development of children no longer sounds like some kind of innovation, but as a necessity for the further favorable development of the baby. But there are so many different methods around. What to choose? Studying according to the Montessori system? Or choose the principles of Waldorf pedagogy? In this article I will tell you about the most popular early development systems used up to a year, their pros and cons. Let's find out!

Let's start with the most popular early physical development.

For babies who have just been born, the aquatic environment remains more familiar. After all, he spent 9 months in the water element in his mother’s belly, so it is recommended to start exercising immediately after birth, until children’s innate reflexes disappear.

At first, classes can be held at home in the bathtub, and after 2-3 months in the pool, as infant swimming instructors say, “in big water.”

It is better to start classes under the guidance of an experienced instructor, who will tell you how best to hold your baby, what exercises you can do with him and schedule classes for you by month. The main task of an adult is to instill a love of water so that the baby enjoys bathing and swimming.

Swimming develops almost all muscle groups, improves the functioning of the respiratory system and cardiovascular system. By swimming with a baby, we also harden the child and strengthen his immunity.

Such activities can help relieve excess tone, help relax, and even reduce the likelihood that children so often worry. But most importantly, they lift the child’s spirits and bring bright positive emotions to you and your baby. After all, at this time the mother is next to the baby in close bodily contact. What could be better for a newborn?

The main disadvantages of this technique:

  • Pool water is still often chlorinated, which can irritate your baby's delicate skin.
  • Despite the fact that the water and premises are thoroughly disinfected, the pool is a public place, and the possibility of contracting an infection increases accordingly.

If you are interested in this technique, I suggest you read the book “ Swim before you walk » by V. Skripalev

Dynamic gymnastics for kids: Kitaev and Trunov

This technique differs from conventional massage. It is more dynamic, emotional, you could even call it acrobatic gymnastics. Various dynamic exercises are performed with the child, including throwing up, the baby is twisted and turned in different directions. Most grandmothers, of course, will not be able to look at this calmly, especially since previously it was customary to swaddle children up to almost 6 months.

The authors of this development system propose to combine hardening, massage, exercises on the ball and in the air, thereby providing the child with a lot of opportunities for the development of motor activity. Every month the baby learns new skills - he learns to coordinate the movements of his hands, and the adult’s task is to be a little ahead of the curve, showing the child all the capabilities of his body.


  • The baby is better oriented in space.
  • Strengthens the immune system.
  • Develops muscle tone.


  • If performed incorrectly, exercises can be traumatic! And parents cannot always independently at home correctly calculate the load offered to the baby.

Early development of a child up to one year: systems of general early development

Glen Doman Method

Glen Doman is a neurophysiologist. His method focuses on the intensive physical development of children from the very moment of birth and the active development of their intellect.

Doman believes that, taking as a basis the beautiful visual memory newborns, you can quickly teach them new words and concepts. It is proposed to use special cards on which words or dots (synonyms for numbers) are written large.

These pictures should be shown almost from the first days of the baby’s life, gradually increasing their number and complicating the content every month. You can start with images of toys, fruits, then move on to more complex categories.

You can buy Doman cards at MyToys online store .

How does learning happen? The child is shown a card, then the adult loudly says the word written on it. Classes should be daily, in several approaches of several seconds, where for each second there is one word.

The basics of the technique are outlined in the book “ Glen Doman's Early Development Methodology. From 0 to 4 years »

Here are the main ones:

  • The main and best teacher for the early development of a child is the parent himself.
  • The sooner training begins, the better!
  • Children at an early age can absorb a huge amount of information.

Glen Doman attaches great importance to early physical development! It promotes the idea that a child's physical activity promotes mental development.

The baby, having just been born, already reflexively knows and can crawl and swim. Therefore, it is necessary to try to develop these skills from the very beginning before the child forgets them.

Doman suggested using a special track at home on which a child can practice crawling.
You can place it at a slight angle, thereby making the task a little more difficult. The more active and faster your baby develops physically, the faster he develops intellectually.

Dear readers, my partner is the company Step forward - upon purchase, the Doman track will be delivered to you absolutely free. To do this, you need to name the code word - “Svetlana Beloshenko’s Blog.” When placing an order, tell the operator these magic words - and the track will come to you free of charge).

Glen Doman's ideas are very infectious, they seem simple and accessible, because with the help of daily activities you can very quickly develop the baby's potential and his innate abilities.

But there are many controversial issues:

  • A child's learning mainly involves only vision and hearing.
  • A large amount of information can tire a child, and he will lose interest in classes.
  • None game moments leading at this age. Development occurs only through passive learning.

Maria Montessori system

Learning occurs only through the child’s imitation of the actions of an adult. This methodology is based on raising children based on spirituality and traditions.

For babies up to one year old, only natural materials are used. Classes include learning how to sculpt, getting acquainted with daily household rituals (how to wash, how to use a towel, etc.).

Actively used folklore. Using nursery rhymes (mostly fairy tales), drawing, dancing. Teachers of this system exclude tasks for the development of memory and thinking. Until the age of 7, teachers do not teach children reading and counting, believing that abstract concepts such as letters and numbers are not clear and unnecessary at an early age.

Waldorf educators claim that until the age of 3, children learn most intensively. Children acquire a huge amount of knowledge and skills through play. No special tasks or exercises, but only communication with parents, brothers/sisters, and peers.

Observing what is happening around, children imitate an adult, for example, his speech, and thereby learn. The goal of Waldorf pedagogy is to develop the child’s innate talents and abilities.

Lack of “training”, rejection of various technical innovations and inventions. It is believed that watching TV, various videos, even specially selected ones for children, overloads the child’s nervous system. Supporters of this method believe that all kinds of technical innovations and toys do not allow the development of imagination, fantasy and children's ingenuity. Harmonious development occurs through reading, drawing, and imitation of adults.

The main advantages of Waldorf pedagogy:

  • Friendly educational atmosphere.
  • Individual pace of development for each child.
  • Independence from ratings.
  • Variety of forms of gaming activity.

Disadvantages of Waldorf pedagogy:

  • Education takes place in isolation from the achievements of civilization.
  • Not enough attention is paid to the development of intellectual activity.
  • There may be difficulties in further adaptation to a regular school (since children are not taught reading and arithmetic).

Cecile Lupan developed her own system of early childhood development, using Glen Doman's methodology as a basis. She moved away from the rigid framework of Doman. Added more emotion and creativity. Cecile described her experience raising two daughters in the book “ Believe in your child ».

This technique is based on following principles:

  • The best teacher is a parent.
  • Supporting the child’s interests and desires to learn new things.
  • Training must be completed before the child gets tired.
  • If your baby's interest wanes, change the type of activity.

The first year of life is of great importance! During his first year, the baby learns a huge amount of new knowledge and skills. During this period of time, Lupan invites parents to solve four main problems:

  1. Teach your child to love himself. Show him that he is desired! It is very important to show your love for the baby in every possible way, smile at him more often, caress him, show care, and rejoice at his achievements. If your baby is crying, be sure to go to him! After all, children under one year old cannot manipulate yet. And if your baby cries, it means he needs your attention.
  2. Stimulate and develop all five main channels of perception:
    Development of vision. Make faces at him, show him bright pictures, decorate his crib with a beautiful bed linen, place toys around the house, etc.
    Hearing development. Hum a variety of melodies and songs; when talking to your baby, change your intonation; Listen to different music and fairy tales with your baby. Remember that your speech is a role model, speak clearly and correctly.
    Development of touch. Use different fabrics, give your baby smooth, prickly and soft objects, introduce the concepts of hot and cold.
    Smell and taste. Introduce your child to different scents. For classes, you can make special bags filled with different aromatic herbs. Also encourage your baby to explore different taste sensations. Since small children under one year old learn the properties of objects by pulling them into their mouths, you can choose different safe toys that he could gnaw and chew.
  3. Encourage any physical activity baby. Immediately after the birth of the child, Lupan suggests performing various gymnastic exercises with the baby, bending arms and legs. As soon as the baby tries to sit on all fours, encourage him to crawl, etc.
  4. Speech development. Speech develops from the moment the baby is born. So talk to him often. Voice your actions, name the objects surrounding your baby, change your child's clothes, name parts of the body. Read fairy tales, poems, write stories. Onomatopoeia occupies a special place in the development of speech. Your baby sneezed, repeat it, he said the first “Aha”, say it again with a smile.

Lupan suggests using illustrated cards. See picture below:

This technique recommends making sure to draw up a schedule of classes for a week in advance, or better yet, by month. Yes, you may not be able to do everything exactly as you planned, but you will at least be able to figure out what you have mastered and what you haven’t tried yet.

It is very important, according to Lupan, when actively developing intelligence, to remember the child’s personality, his desires and needs. And the main thing is not the content, but the atmosphere. The main thing is that your baby finds it interesting.

Developmental benefits from 0 to one year

Today, many enrichment programs incorporate the best of basic early development techniques. There are many different educational aids available in the market for children right from birth.

For example, benefits " 7 Dwarfs Schools " Almost every mother has probably heard about him. The annual set consists of several brightly illustrated notebooks. With their help, every parent can easily and naturally introduce their baby to the first poems and jokes, introduce the concepts of day and night, illustrate primary colors, and introduce the concept of “shape.” Although, of course, the School of the Seven Dwarfs does not affect the sphere of the child’s physical development.

You can purchase other sets or individual manuals at link .

All our children are different. And the approach to the development of each child should be individual. Whatever development method you choose for your baby, the main thing is love and respect!

You can choose the best, in your opinion, from the proposed methods and create your own program for your baby. Do things with your baby that you like, and then your baby will love it. Find time for your activities only when you are with your baby good mood and success will be visible very soon.

In this article:

The birth of a child is a great joy and an important event for every family. In the first months after birth, parents monitor the development of the baby, focusing on his mastering new skills, introducing complementary foods, training simple rules hygiene.

In the second year of a baby’s life, most parents begin to think about how to develop their baby and what methods to use for this. Let's talk about what the baby has achieved by the age of one year, what skills he has mastered and what ways can be used to stimulate his development in the future.

Physical and intellectual development: what has the baby learned?

Sitting in one place without changing position for a long time is impossible for a one-year-old child. The baby is constantly moving, getting acquainted with the world around him, practicing the skills he has mastered. Some children only by this time try to walk without support, continuing to move quickly on all fours, exploring everything that comes their way.

A one-year-old baby enjoys doing the following:

  • manipulates toys and improvised objects;
  • puts toys and objects in different containers;
  • throws toys or objects, knocks them, drags or pushes them;
  • climbs stairs and climbs onto low furniture;
  • plays with the ball (catches, kicks, throws);
  • opens door handles;
  • screws caps on bottles, etc.

A baby at this age has a fairly high level of development of fine motor skills, so he can cope with many actions where it is necessary to use his fingers.

Cognitive activity in a one-year-old child is also at a high level. He enjoys experimenting with various objects that come to his hand, and shows a keen interest in moving objects and mechanisms. At this age, the baby is able to:

  • combine items;
  • build towers from cubes;
  • assemble simple puzzles from two or three pictures;
  • collect insert toys;
  • conduct a comparative analysis of items;
  • group objects;
  • play with water and sand;
  • try to draw;
  • know the meaning of many words that he does not yet pronounce;
  • understand the prohibitions;
  • follow instructions;
  • look for hidden objects;
  • copy the actions of adults when playing with toys.

After a year, the baby can also notice the active development of speech. The baby enjoys communicating with his parents, tries to repeat words, finishing poems, songs, fairy tales, listens when they read to him.

It is important for parents at this age to devote enough time to the child, to stimulate his early development through games, exercises, and applied creativity, thus developing his potential.

The role of early child development

When planning the early development of a child, not all parents understand what tasks should be set for the baby and what materials to use for this. Experts insist that early development should be based on improving the child’s motor skills (and therefore speech),
enriching his vocabulary.

To develop fine motor skills, that is, sensitivity of the fingertips and manual dexterity, you can use special purchased or homemade toys. This could be a large mosaic, lacing games, puzzles, or a logic cube. Containers with bulk cereals, kinetic sand, buttons, beads, and pasta are also suitable, from which a child, together with adults, can make designer beads.

But to develop a child’s thinking and logic, parents are recommended to choose games that correspond to the Montessori method. Suitable natural materials, fabric
shreds, again buttons and laces, with which the baby can play.

During games, you can tell your child about geometric shapes, colors, textures of materials, offering to compare tactile sensations. After a year, the child will be able to distinguish objects not only by color, but also by shape and size, if he is regularly trained, unobtrusively paying attention to external signs items and toys.

Creative potential: is it time to develop it?

Early development of creative potential stimulates the development of memory, intelligence, attention, and also helps the formation of speech skills. Children who are taught this way find it easier to connect with
peers, know how to follow the rules of team play.

During games aimed at developing the child’s creative potential, you can use finger paints, crayons, salty dough, clay, colored cardboard and paper, old magazines, books and toys.

Every day for 10-15 minutes the baby can be hydrated take on a new creative task. For example, you can start with a series of crafts made from salt dough, clay, plasticine, which can be decorated with shells, buttons, beans, or simply painted with paints.

When your child gets tired of modeling, you can introduce him to appliqué, offering to create compositions from ready-made paper parts, as well as natural materials: pine cones, dry leaves and flowers, chestnuts. You can use both glue and plasticine in the process.

Creative activities in the company of adults bring great pleasure to children. They feel responsible and try to earn the praise of mom, dad, grandma or grandpa.

Why develop your child's design skills?

Speaking about how important the early development of a baby after one year is, it is worth noting the special role of modeling and design skills in this process. One-year-old children are already capable of carrying out such actions, despite their apparent complexity. During the simulation and Through construction, the child develops attention, logic, patience and imagination.

Kids learn to compare objects, analyze their shape, size, and select the right ones. In the process of such games and exercises, the child manages to complete the process, moving towards the goal - this is very important at this age.

Your child can be taught to design and model using ordinary blocks or construction set parts. Over time, the baby will learn to play with these objects on his own, building entire cities, grouping cubes and construction set parts by color, shape and size.

It is important for parents to understand that each child develops according to his own schedule, so you need to continue studying even with those kids who still have difficulty completing even simple tasks.
Patience, diligence, attentiveness and support will definitely do their job, and over time the baby will cope with the exercises to the delight of himself and the adults.

There are several of the most effective methods that are used today by adults for the early development of children after one year. Let's look at the most popular of them.

Makato Shichida technique

The original technique of the Japanese Makato Shichida is widely used both in Japan and in other countries of the world. The author claims that every child is born a brilliant person, and you can help him stay that way
early development in close connection with parents. The author is confident that all the information a child receives from adults should be systematized and repeated many times in a certain sequence.

To simplify the task, Makato Shichid suggests using flash cards with different images, which you can start showing to your baby as early as three months after birth. In this way, the baby’s photographic memory will be trained, and the right hemisphere of the brain will actively develop. You need to work with your baby every day - morning and evening.

The baby will need to show pictures at a minimum interval - up to 1 second. The technique received a positive assessment from both parents and teachers. The main problem preventing its implementation is the lack of didactic material for parents to conduct lessons. However, those who wish can make them with their own hands from cardboard and pictures cut out from old books.

Voskobovich's technique: principles and fundamentals

The early development of children after one year in the 90s was difficult to imagine without the use of Vyacheslav Voskobovich’s methodology. Main principle this technique for children is the use of functional didactic material that promotes the development of logic, imagination,
mathematical abilities of the child, as well as stimulating modeling and design skills.

According to the methodology, kids find themselves in a “fairytale forest”, where each of its inhabitants needs help, which consists in jointly performing some creative task. Children are most delighted with the “geokont” material - a board with nails and colored rubber bands, with which you can carry out a variety of manipulations, thus stimulating the development of creative modeling.

After a year, it will no longer be difficult for children to come up with different geometric shapes, provide assistance to fairy-tale characters.

An excellent option for exercises within the framework of the technique is the Voskobovich square, which is a square base with triangles on it. One side of the square is red, the other is green. While playing with a square, children get the opportunity to develop logical thinking and imagination, putting together figures, searching for figures hidden in the house.

Another technique of the author is the “Splash-Splash” boat, which helps develop mathematics abilities in children after a year. With such a boat, the child will be able to have fun for a long time, building the decks according to the arrangement of the colors of the rainbow, changing their direction, arranging flags by color and size. The disadvantage of the method is that it is expensive teaching material, which is not so easy to buy and impossible to make with your own hands.

Basics of Gmoszynska's technique

With kids who already know how to sit, you can start painting with finger paints, smearing them on paper, squeezing them in your fists.

As the baby grows, the exercises will become more complex and, what is important, regular, without a break for holidays.

“Seven Dwarfs” - a method for early learning of children at home

This technique is suitable for children who are on homeschooling from one year to seven years. You will need to work with children
special manuals, which will contain instructions for parents regarding conducting classes with children, depending on their age and training.

The pages of each manual are removable, so as you study, they can be hung around the house to reinforce the material. Working with children according to the method will need to start with 5 minutes, gradually increasing this time.

“Good Tales” from Lopatina and Skrebtsova

As part of the methodology, children from one year of age work with a collection of poems and fairy tales that will develop good feelings and moral concepts in children.

Adults will have to work with kids, making sure to pay attention to discussing what they read, pushing
the child to evaluate the actions of the heroes, albeit at the most primitive level. During such classes, the baby will have the opportunity to improve speech skills, develop patience, memory, attention and, of course, creativity.

Summarizing all of the above, we note that among the many methods it is not at all necessary to choose one and work only according to it.

The early development of children can be carried out using several methods at once, experimenting, combining, adding something of your own. The main thing is to pay attention to the child, encouraging and praising him for his first, even minor successes.

Hello, dear readers and blog guests!

The modern world provides many opportunities for implementation and parents are provided with various programs that are designed to help in the upbringing and unlocking of the potential inherent in the child.

The concept of “early development” implies that it will begin to be used before the age of one, almost from birth. Activities with babies give parents mixed feelings, and you shouldn’t expect concrete results at this stage; the foundation is being laid.

From 1 year to 3 years, of course, it becomes easier. The dedication and interest of the “student” is visible, or, conversely, his lack of initiative, which indicates the need for a change in activity or direction.

Author's methods of general development

Original programs that have been successfully used for many years come to the aid of parents and teachers. Let's consider the most popular and relevant in our time.

1. G. Doman and his methods are known all over the world. Its main emphasis is on the ability of children to absorb a huge amount of information from infancy.

For classes, pre-prepared cards of different categories and difficulty levels are used. Doman focuses on the connection between physical and mental development, and therefore pays special attention to gymnastics and sports.

The results shown by the participating children are really good. The main disadvantage of the system is the passivity of the process. The child observes, but does not practice.

2.Father and daughter Zheleznov , authors of a popular development program. Classes are held under musical accompaniment, V game form.

At the same time, motor skills are activated. Speech and hearing develop, coordination is honed during exercises. The connection with the mother is strengthened or active interaction with other children occurs, since the system can also be used with a group of children.

3. Inspired by the work of G. Doman, S. Lupan becomes the author of another popular technique. Cecile believes that the main thing in the successful development of a child is the sincere interest of parents in communicating with him.

In her book “Believe in Your Child,” she encourages parents to engage with their child without reference to a specific time, but regularly and having prepared in advance.

Learning does not take place according to a standard scheme, but with the help of warehouses or combinations of letters. In this case, the school curriculum will be difficult; problems arise with the division into letters and sounds.

The material used is cubes, which you can purchase or make and glue together yourself.

8. Methodology E. Chaplygina designed for children from 3 years old. With her help, the children a short time are learning to read. In this process, they are helped by cubes of a unique design, and the dominoes he developed are suitable for learning to count.

9.J. Cuisiner offers to teach counting to children as young as one year old. Special materials in the form of multi-colored sticks different lengths help kids not only begin to count, but also to design, think logically, and creatively. The system comes with a manual with possible games.

Useful additions to the author's methods

10. Boards E. Seguin became the basis for the emergence of a large number of educational toys that have gained enormous popularity among mothers and children.

A board with holes of different shapes into which the child is invited to insert cubes or figures (geometric, images of animals, vegetables, fruits, etc.)

At the moment of use, logic, attentiveness and motor skills are involved. Actions are accompanied by an explanation from an adult that stimulates speech. The boards themselves have varying degrees of complexity and shape.

11. Creator of exciting games V. Voskobovich I believed that learning should be relaxed and interesting. A fairy tale plot helps to absorb knowledge when performing various tasks.

Multi-level games for children are offered of different ages. During classes, creative potential and intellectual capabilities are revealed.

12. Blocks Dienesha - another way to keep the kids usefully occupied. Different shape and color gives “expanse” to imagination, logic and analytical abilities.

The appendix to the game describes in detail the possible options for activities, but imagination is a limitless concept, so parents can make their own suggestions.

Having examined several methods and tried to understand their essence, it can be noted that following one of them may be difficult and, in fact, there is no point. Each, in addition to its undeniable advantages, has a number of disadvantages.

By appealing to the child’s individuality, combine activities from different systems. Using educational toys and techniques will be a fun and useful way to spend your leisure time.

Develop wisely!

All the best! See you again!

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After celebrating their child's first birthday, parents begin to think about how quickly time flies. And many of them get the idea that they shouldn’t miss precious moments. What mom and dad don’t give to their baby at an early age will be very difficult, and sometimes impossible, to make up for in the future. But how to develop a child at 1 year old? What needs to be done at this age so that the baby grows up not only smart, but also happy and carefree? How to maintain harmony and not go too far in the early development of a child? Let's try to understand this complex and important issue.

Psychological characteristics of children of the second year of life

After a year, the baby is no longer that peacefully sleeping (or constantly crying) bundle in the crib. During the first twelve months of life, a child has mastered a huge number of skills, but even more discoveries await him. Various educational activities for 1-year-old children will be excellent helpers in this regard.

At this age, children, along with independence and an irrepressible desire to constantly study their surroundings, exhibit fears and doubts. It is very important that parents help their child cope with the first difficulties; this will help him not be afraid to make new discoveries, which means that the answer to the question of how to develop a child at 1 year old will come on its own. Kids are very wise; they naturally have a real thirst for knowledge. They try to imitate their parents in everything, and this feature is an excellent opportunity to use their example to encourage the child to learn new things.

Physiology of children 1-2 years old

Provided proper development, by the age of one year the baby begins to walk independently. Much to the amazement of his parents, a month after his first steps he can walk quite confidently without assistance, and after another two months he begins to run. The growth rate during this period slows down somewhat; the body spends enormous resources on developing all the baby’s systems. Including his dexterity, coordination of movements. Sports can help with this:

  • ball games;
  • classes for sports complex or ;
  • exercises and simple gymnastic exercises;
  • swimming in a large bathtub or pool.

At this age, it is very important not to limit the child’s physical activity. Walking on fresh air- in the park and on special playgrounds - an excellent opportunity to let your child run around and show his spirit of exploration. How to develop a child at 1 year old, if not through communication with the outside world?

Early child development

There are a huge number of myths and legends surrounding this topic. Opponents and supporters of early development have diametrically opposed points of view. Some believe that the child should learn everything himself when the right time comes. Others sincerely believe that it is possible and necessary to teach a child almost from birth (in support of this theory, teachers create special didactic materials for their little charges, educational games for children from 1 year old).

Scientists are clear in their opinion: a child is Blank sheet paper. Until the age of 4-5 years, his brain is able to remember and assimilate huge amounts of information, so why not take advantage of this, and along with the knowledge necessary for self-care, help the child quickly master speech, teach him to distinguish colors, shapes and animals?

Montessori school

One of the most popular areas in early pedagogy is the Montessori system, which teaches parents how to develop a child at 1 year old. Created by the Italian Maria Montessori in the first half of the 20th century, this system found supporters in many countries. What is it? Initially, Maria Montessori worked with children who had various developmental delays. Over time, her methods began to be used to raise absolutely healthy children.

In this technique, teachers and psychologists teach the child to make decisions, to be independent in his judgments and actions, but at the same time obey generally accepted rules and norms. It is noteworthy that there are no toys as such in the groups where children study according to this system. It is impossible to find a car, a gun or a doll there; on the contrary, children are engaged and studying. Educational toys for children 1-2 years old help them with this:

  • cubes;
  • pyramids;
  • sorters;
  • puzzles;
  • musical instruments.

Classes according to the Montessori system involve the development of self-service, that is, the child must learn to play, eat, and drink independently. If parents and at home systematically adhere to these principles, then the child grows up to be a self-sufficient person, who has been instilled with the norms of communication in society since childhood. Such a child is able to cope with conflict situations and come out of them with dignity.

In Moscow, special developmental centers have also been created for children from 1 year old, based on Montessori pedagogy: “Steps”, “Montessori Garden”, “Early Development Club” on the street. Trofimova and many others.

Is it necessary to torture a baby?

Early child development is not an easy process for both the baby and his parents. Having chosen one tactic of behavior and created certain rules and norms, you should not succumb to temptation and deviate from the given course.

When parents decide for themselves important question regarding the future of their child: “We are developing a child at home, 1 year is the right age,” - it is very important that mom and dad work together with him. In no case should you go too far, otherwise you can achieve the opposite effect - the child will withdraw into himself. At this age, a little person learns many things through the prism of comparison, imitation, and only in a playful way. Therefore, even educational games for children 1-2 years old should be interesting for the baby.

During independent studies, you should not press on the child; if he is not interested, he feels bad or is busy with something else that is important to him, you need to let him play enough. Learning will bear fruit only when it occurs in an atmosphere of mutual disposition of both the student (child) and his teacher (mother). Then the process will bring pleasure and, of course, a result that will not take long to arrive! Many parents are confused by the question of whether children at this age can watch cartoons? As practice shows, it is almost impossible to completely protect a child from the benefits of modern civilization, but if you approach the issue wisely, give your child the opportunity to watch educational cartoons for children 1-3 years old, but not for long and only those that are age-appropriate, nothing bad will happen .

What shall we play?

After a year, children begin to take the first steps towards their socialization. They learn to play together with their mother, brother or sister. The older the baby gets, the wider his social circle becomes. He makes new friends on the playground, he looks at them with pleasure, listens and tries not only to watch other children play, but also to participate in the process.

During this period, educational games for children from 1 year old can be varied. It is very important to give your child the opportunity to develop motor skills; for this you can create a few simple activities (under parental supervision!):

  • Sorting various small items - for this you can take large beads, natural material(chestnuts, nuts), pom-poms. They can be of different colors or textures; the child must arrange the items in separate trays or cells.
  • Transfusion, oversleeping is a very important aspect in the development of a child. Playing with water, kinetic sand, cereals is exciting and useful, develops perseverance and
  • Drawing - you shouldn’t expect your child to create a masterpiece, but the process itself will bring him and his parents pleasure. You can draw with anything - chalk, pencils, paints (finger paints, gouache, watercolors).

Such developmental activities for 1-year-old children will help show the child the difference between big and small, he will learn to recognize his tactile sensations, this also contributes to speech development.

Don't forget about outdoor games. You can learn to do simple physical exercises with your child: show him how to squat, walk in place, play with balls of different sizes.

What to play?

Often, parents, in search of the perfect toy, get lost and buy everything. Giving such freedom of choice to a child is inappropriate. Due to his age, he is not yet able to do it and stop at one thing, especially on his own. Educational toys for children over 1 year old should be at home, but their compliance with the age and level of development, as well as the preferences of the child himself, is a prerequisite. What can you offer:

  • cubes, “Town” constructor;
  • various pyramids;
  • wooden puzzles, insert frames;
  • sorters of various modifications - with geometric shapes, animals, fruits and vegetables;
  • construction set with large elements;
  • large mosaic (plastic, magnetic or wooden);
  • dolls, baby dolls;
  • reliable machines, including pushers.

Sometimes educational cartoons for children from 1 year old provide a useful idea of ​​what to play with for parents and their baby. Their characters, as well as an unobtrusive form of teaching, help the child understand what to do with the toys.

Learning to talk

At one year of age, many babies have a sufficient vocabulary, which makes it possible to maintain communication with their mother. He knows who is who in his environment, he can ask for food, drink, express approval or displeasure. The whole next year is significant - lexicon The child will grow by leaps and bounds; this largely depends on the parents themselves. You need to talk to the child, comment on all the processes, but do it in accessible and simple language.

Educational cartoons for children aged 1 year and older with short songs and rhymes are great helpers in this regard. Their simple rhymes and simple words are easy to hear, and the combination of sound and image allows the child to quickly learn the names of the characters and their actions.

A book is your best friend from the first days of life!

Instill a complete love of reading small child much easier than at an older age. Modern publishing houses print excellent literature for children early age. Thick cardboard pages, large drawings with clear images and no small details - these are the requirements that books for children must meet. Well, the list of authors is very extensive:

  • Elena Blaginina.
  • Boris Zakhoder.
  • Korney Chukovsky.
  • Agnia Barto and many other wonderful children's writers.

Educational cartoons for kids

As mentioned above, watching cartoons at such an early age is possible only in limited quantities. In order for cartoons to not only become a pleasure for a child, but also bring benefits, they need to be selected wisely. There are a huge number of them in modern rentals for every taste and age, but what educational cartoons for children 1-3 years old will really be useful?

Among the most popular are short stories: “Lev’s Truck”, “Auntie Owl”, “Turtle Aha-Aha”, “Tini Love”. In addition, cartoons will be useful to help you learn letters, colors, shapes, animals and the names of objects.


At the time the baby learned to sit, a wonderful world opened up before him. He was able to look at his environment from a new angle, even more interesting for a child became when he went. A mother needs to constantly look for new sources of knowledge for her child, and creativity is an excellent help for this.

With a young child, you can also draw, sculpt, make appliqués and assemble construction sets, teach him how to compose images from mosaics and encourage his creative impulses in every possible way.

Developmental centers for children from 1 year old practice similar activities. Among those recognized by mothers are: “Rainbow”, “Mosaic”, “Anthill”. It is very important what has been created now a large number of materials for completely unintelligent kids include non-toxic kinetic sand and safe plasticine. Many development groups practice modeling from salted dough colored with food coloring.

Baby to the masses

Yes, yes, the harmonious development of a baby is impossible without communication. By locking a child in an apartment and limiting his communication, it is impossible to expect great achievements from him. Of course, you can achieve intellectual development on your own; the child simply will have no choice but to do what his parents offer him.

However, the process of cognition occurs much faster and more naturally when the child is in society. This way he will be able to learn something useful not only from his beloved parents, but also from relatives and other children on the playground, in playrooms and early development centers.

Childhood is a holiday!

When raising a child prodigy and a future genius, parents must remember that they are primarily doing this for themselves. A child, especially at such a young age, does not need world recognition; he does not need to know the alphabet and multiplication tables. No matter how much mom and dad want their baby to succeed in life, it is unlikely that he will succeed without a happy, carefree and cloudless childhood.