Introduction of a regional component into the dhow. Regional component in the educational process of preschool educational institutions. project on. Game "My Home Address"

Regional component in the work system of a preschool teacher

Preschool age- a favorable period for the potential development of higher moral and patriotic feelings. The Federal State Educational Standard considers taking into account the regional component as a necessary condition for variability preschool education. The basis for instilling civic feelings in preschoolers is the children’s accumulation of social experience of life in their Fatherland. And, first of all, it is necessary to give children an understanding that a great country begins with a small Motherland - from the place where you were born and live.
Modern requirements for the organization of the educational process in a preschool educational institution, taking into account regional characteristics, necessitate the creation by teachers of preschool educational institutions of additional educational programs that help teachers and parents carry out the moral and patriotic development of preschoolers.
Among the focused educational program of a preschool institution, the regional component occupies an important place.
Regional component– this is a part that includes materials about the region.
National-regional component(native nature, cultural heritage - monuments of architecture, art, decorative and applied arts, artistic and craft traditions, language, rituals, folklore, folk games, etc.) in preschool education helps children feel and recognize their belonging to their “Small Motherland” , to their home, perceiving the fullness of their immediate environment, while assimilating universal and national values ​​in spiritual, material and moral-aesthetic terms.
The basis for instilling spiritual and moral principles in preschoolers is a number of principles that ensure the construction of the educational process taking into account the specific social and natural characteristics of the region. At the same time, the “immersion” of children in local history material occurs gradually, from what is close, understandable to children, to distant: from family to village and further to the region, country. At the same time, they are “immersed” in the history of their village, to the origins of its origins. Thus, children gradually develop complete picture the surrounding world.
The main objectives of the regional component are:
-creation of pedagogical conditions for successful socialization of the individual in the region, professional self-determination and continuous education;
- ensuring the unity of the educational space.
For the effective implementation of the cultural orientation of the regional
component of preschool education, the following pedagogical conditions were identified and justified:

1. Integration involves planning (reflection of topics in plans. We have weekly topics about the city and the world of animals and plants here, and you can include a regional component and a priority area of ​​the preschool educational institution)
2. formation of the cultural orientation of the preschooler’s personality, based on updating the content of the regional component of preschool education, taking into account the socio-ethnic environment of the group;
3. preparation of the teaching staff for the implementation of the cultural orientation of the regional component of preschool education;
4. creation of a cultural and developmental environment for the preschool group;
5. organizing effective interaction between preschool educational institution and families.
At determining the pedagogical conditions for the implementation of cultural orientation regional component of preschool education were taken into account the following provisions:
- determination of the social order for the integration of the individual into national and world culture,
- identifying the specifics of the implementation of the national-regional component of preschool education
-use of the principle of culturalism in the educational process of preschool institutions.
The use of the regional component as one of the means of socialization of preschool children assumes the following:
1. Acquaintance with the native land is included in the educational process, built on the basis of the dominant goals of the basic program, into which local history material fits harmoniously.
2. Introduction of regional content, taking into account the principle of a gradual transition from what is closer to the child, personally significant (home, family, to less close - cultural and historical facts).
3. An activity-based approach to introducing children to the history, culture, and nature of their native land: children themselves choose the activities in which they would like to participate in order to reflect their feelings and ideas about what they saw and heard (creative play, writing stories, making crafts, writing riddles , appliqué, modeling, drawing, landscaping and environmental protection).
4. Conscious choice of methods for getting to know their hometown, increasing the cognitive and emotional activity of children.
The more diverse the ways, forms and techniques of understanding the world and its reflection, the higher the level of not only awareness, but also curiosity and passion. Introducing children to regional culture is associated with the concept of “interest”. It is this that underlies the effective solution of many pedagogical problems.
There is a two-way connection between interest and activity: interest develops in activity and is realized in it. In addition, interest changes the nature of activity and increases its productivity.
To support a child’s curiosity and interest, objective and subjective conditions are necessary.
Objective conditions include:
a) Internal motivating forces that set in motion the spiritual and mental capabilities of children.
b) This is satisfaction corresponding to aesthetic tastes, the significance of the activity.
c) Individual characteristics of the child, impressions and susceptibility.
Subjective conditions include:
a) Personality of the teacher.
b) Subject development environment.
All this is taken into account in the development of the regional program and its implementation.
Preschool age– the most important period in the formation of personality, during which the prerequisites for civic qualities, an idea of ​​a person, society, and culture are formed.
The task of modern preschool education is to lay moral principles in children, which will make them more resistant to unwanted influence, sow and cultivate in the child’s soul the seeds of love for their home, for the history of their native land, created by the work of relatives and friends, those who are called compatriots.
It is necessary to work to develop in a child a feeling of love for the Motherland, to develop in him an emotionally positive attitude towards the places where he was born and lives; develop the ability to see and understand the beauty of life around us; a desire to learn more about the features of nature and the history of their native land. And therefore, the implementation of the regional component is the most important component of modern education.
Practice shows that local history is of great importance in instilling patriotic feelings in preschool children, in developing their intellectual and creative potential, and in broadening their horizons.
It is the introduction of the regional component, that is, such a direction as “Local Studies”, that will determine the content of the variable part of the Educational Program of the Preschool Educational Institution, formed by participants in the educational process. The relevance of the development and inclusion of this direction in the educational process of preschool educational institutions lies in the fact that during the period of renewal of preschool education, the role of folk culture as a source of development of the creative potential of children and adults, their moral- patriotic education.
Work on the implementation of the regional component began with the enrichment of the development environment(Stage 1)
At the five-minute meeting, a decision was made to collect material on the regional component. Each group drew a forfeit with a task (fossils, animals, plants, etc.). The teachers collected and organized the material in mobile folders, albums and presentations. Teachers have the opportunity to use the developments of their colleagues. All material is available in electronic form.
For working with children, the necessary fiction has been selected (fairy tales, riddles, collections of poems, magazines, books and paintings telling about the life of ancestors, scientific and journalistic literature, there are illustrations depicting plants and animals, landscapes, collections of musical works.
Each group should have local history corners.
Working with family(stage 2)
An important condition for the effective implementation of local history education for preschoolers is, in our opinion, a close relationship with the families of the students. It is necessary that the process of nurturing love for small homeland was two-sided, so in preschool institution work is carried out with parents. We are deeply convinced that family is a source of strength for spiritual development child, helping him adapt to society and find himself in life. For a child to successfully enter the world of social relations, it is necessary to integrate efforts kindergarten and families in this direction and significantly increase the role of the family as a conductor of socialization.
In our kindergarten, various forms of cooperation with families are implemented: surveys, parent meetings, consultations, design of poster information, joint celebrations, production of booklets, leaflets, exhibitions of folk arts and crafts, joint events, etc. Parents, in turn, help collect exhibits for corners, provide photographic materials, participate in folk festivals, sew folk costumes, design the developmental environment and are active participants in competitions and exhibitions held in kindergarten.

Part 1

Implementation of the regional component

in the educational process of MDOU “Kindergarten No. 3 “Forget-me-not”,

Kotlas, Arkhangelsk region.

Head Nikitina L.Yu.

“Love for the native land, native culture,

native speech begins with small things - love for

to your family, to your home, to your children's

garden. Gradually expanding, this love

turns into love for his native country, for her

history, past and present. Everything


D.S. Likhachev

Based on order No. 655 dated November 23, 2009. “On the approval and implementation of Federal state requirements for the structure of the basic general education program of preschool education” determines the orientation of the educational field “Socialization” towards achieving the goals of mastering initial ideas of a social nature through the implementation of the task: the formation of citizenship and patriotic feelings. One of the means to solve these problems is to introduce a regional component into the educational process.

To work in this area, our preschool institution has developed conditions, necessary for organizing innovative activities in the local history development of children :

  • Software and methodological support: a combination of a comprehensive educational program N.E. Veraxes “From birth to school”, with the program “Look how good the region you live in” by S.N. Bryzgunova and new effective technologies.

  • Long-term planning.

  • A developing environment as a condition for the successful implementation of the program “Look how good the region you live in”, the project “What an old photograph will tell you about”.

  • Interaction with parents.

  • Establishing connections with society and institutions of additional education and culture.

Recently, the view of the regional component as the most important value, integrating not only social, but also spiritual, moral, ideological, cultural and historical, and other components, has become increasingly widespread.

In the program “From birth to school”, edited by N.E. Veraksa, based on expanding knowledge about the environment, the task is to cultivate patriotic and international feelings, love for the native land, the Motherland, through the field of “Socialization”, in the field of “Cognition” - introduce you to your hometown, and through the section “Cultural and leisure activities” - expand ideas about state, national and Orthodox holidays. Therefore we present Part 2 of the OO Program, formed by participants in the educational process, which reflects: the specifics of the national-cultural, demographic, climatic conditions in which the educational process is carried out, which takes place as integration through other areas.

Fostering love for the Motherland in a child begins through emotional perception of the world around him, direct interaction with it and the accumulation of certain social experience in the very place where he was born and grows up. This is the basis for the formation of citizenship and patriotic feelings.

Therefore, the problem of regionalization of education must be solved from preschool childhood, carrying out educational work with children taking into account the following principles:

  • the principle of gradualism , the implementation of which involves a gradual transition from something closer (home, family) to something less close (cultural and historical material);

  • operating principle , thanks to which the child must be in a constant process of learning, discovering new knowledge and consolidating what has already been acquired;

  • the principle of developmental education , through which the tasks of regional content are implemented through the activities of each child, in the zone of his proximal development;

  • principle of historicism , is implemented by maintaining the chronological order of the described phenomena and is reduced to historical concepts: the past/a long time ago/ and the present/in our days/. This is due to the lack of formation of historical consciousness among preschoolers.

  • principle of harmonious education , which involves the child’s interaction with various areas of activity: play, native language, fine arts, music, etc.;

  • principle of integration , which allows you to integrate educational content when solving educational problems and which is fundamental in FGT, since without it a full-fledged organization of children’s educational activities is impossible.
The education of patriotic feelings begins with love for one’s family, one’s small Motherland, the house in which a person was born and lives, that is, one’s immediate environment.

According to many sociologists, at the present stage there is a gap between generations, the loss of family traditions, stagnation of folk culture and folk art. These factors negatively affect the formation of patriotic feelings in children, a sense of pride for their Motherland, for their people, for their small homeland. That's why

The goal of our preschool institution in implementing the regional component is: development cognitive interest to the history of the Native land and fostering a feeling of love for one’s small homeland.


  1. To introduce children to the traditions of the Northern Territory, to form ideas about the history of their native city, the Kotlash heroes, the sights of the city of Kotlas, famous people and teams working at the enterprises of our city.

  2. To develop the ability to navigate the immediate natural and social environment, to promote children’s interest in the history and culture of their native land.

  3. To develop in children an emotional and value-based attitude towards their family, home, kindergarten, street, city, nature.
For many years, our preschool institution has been working on the implementation of a regional component in educational DOW process. The work is carried out sequentially, in a specific system. After analyzing the annual planning, we came to the following results: in the period from 2009 to 2012 academic year, the following events (episode) were planned and carried out



Forms of work

Working with parents


1.Improve the system of work in preschool educational institutions to implement the regional component in the educational process.

Teachers' Council« Implementation of the regional component in the educational process of preschool educational institutions"

Consultation“Educating preschoolers about the culture of folk traditions”

Workshop"Northern paintings"

Exhibition works of children, teachers, parents “Look how good the region you live in”"

Exhibition of Russian felt boots
Participation in the city competition “Native Side”.

Parent survey.

Parent meeting"Family Hobbies"

Food competition with tasting"Grandma's recipes

Questioning parents

2012 Annual participation in the tourist game “Dad, Mom, I am a tourist family”, participation in the city competition “Tourist Experts” - 3rd place,

WITH 2012-15. The preschool institution is working on a single methodological topic “Implementation of the regional component in the educational process of MDOU No. 3 “Forget-me-not”.

Developed in a preschool long-term plan on the implementation of the regional component in all age groups.(Episode of perspective plan)

Calendar and thematic planning 2nd junior group.



Day of Knowledge

  • “You are welcome, dear guests”

  • Children's first visit to a Russian hut. Meet her owner. Introduce children to the house and household items, furniture, and household appliances. Give first ideas about your native country. Introduces your hometown (name, its attractions) Introduces types of transport and rules of conduct. Form ideas about traffic rules.

“We treat everyone to tea” tea party with parents.

Excursion around the kindergarten


  • Expand children's ideas about autumn (seasonal changes in nature, people's clothing, agricultural land), about harvesting in gardens and fields. Familiarity with the rules of behavior in nature. Notice the beauty of nature. Expand your understanding of domestic and forest animals and birds. Getting to know the chest that contains riddles about vegetables.

  • "Sun"(Leshukonsky district, Arkhangelsk region).

  • "Wonderful chest."


“What does autumn have in its basket?”
Russian folk game


With kids senior group The project “What an old photograph will tell you about” is being implemented

Objective of the project: Introducing preschoolers to the history and culture of their hometown, local attractions, nurturing love and affection for their native land.

Project objectives:

  • To provide knowledge about the historical past and cultural appearance of the native land.

  • To familiarize children with the historical, cultural, geographical, natural and ecological uniqueness of their native land.

  • Develop a caring attitude towards our native nature.

  • To cultivate a sense of pride for one’s fellow countrymen, an emotional and value-based attitude towards one’s native land .
The objectives of the project “What an old photograph will tell you about” are implemented through the NOD: Excursions to the museum “How people lived in the old days”, “How a shirt grew in a field”, “Countrymen - war heroes”, “What will a steam locomotive tell you about?”, an excursion to the editorial office newspapers “Evening Kotlas”, play activities “Games of Antiquity”, “Games of the Peoples of the North”, master class at the DDT “Northern Doll”, entertainment “Gatherings with Grandma Agafya”, “Traditions and Rituals of the Northern Region”

Episode of calendar and thematic planning for the project,

senior group.

Area section

Contents of the regional component




City `s history

  • Carry out familiarization
children with the historical, cultural, geographical, natural and environmental uniqueness of their native land.

  • Develop a caring attitude
to native nature.

  • Cultivate a sense of pride
for their fellow countrymen, an emotional and value-based attitude towards their native land .


“The history of Kotlas in stories for children”

Creating a photo album:“Past and present of the city of Kotlas”

Entertainment:“Gatherings with Grandma Agafya” (old games), “Our Northern Land”

Master Class: doll-amulet

Excursions to the museum: City tour “What an old photograph will tell you about”, “How a shirt grew in a field”, “What a steam locomotive will tell you about”, “Countrymen - war heroes”

Didactic games: “Whose portrait?”, “My city”

Exhibitions: “Look how good the region you live in is”

Video library“Creating a slide film about the old and modern city”

Presentation"Hometown of Kotlas"

Working with parents: “Design of a travel folder on the theme “Native, Beloved Land”

Expected results for the work for the project “What an old photograph will tell you about”:

    The result will be a final tour of the city, where children will show their knowledge on the topic.

  • Active participation and interest of children in various activities.

  • Moral and patriotic feelings towards the history, culture, nature of the native land.

  • Development of coherent speech, enrichment of vocabulary.
Since 2003 in the preschool institution there is a “Backpack” club, which children attend preparatory group, implementing the program “Look how good the region you live in” by S.N. Bryzgunova

Purpose of circle work: formation of the beginnings of local history and tourism activities for older children preschool age.All work is based on cycles and seasons. In each cycle, exits are planned, both into the natural and social environment

Regional component: introduce children to their native land according to the sections of the program:

Section “We are Kotlashans”. Topics for study: Genealogy. Natural heritage. History of the city of Kotlas today.

Section “Beginnings of tourist technology”. Topics: Fundamentals of topography. Orientation.

ABC of tourist and everyday skills.

Section "Lessons of Aibolit". Topics: Medicinal plants of our area.

Introducing preschoolers to regional content can be successful if teachers provide active cognitive, playful, communicative and artistic activity children . (Slide)

Forms of organizing local history and tourism activities of the “Backpack” circle:

  • Educationalactivity, its forms:educational activities cycle - to get acquainted with the life and history of the Northern Territory, as well as thematic walks, excursions, “hiking”...

  • Game activity: this is plot- role-playing games, reflecting the work of the people of our city, social, everyday, patriotic themes, didactic games .

  • Visual activities: creation of creative works based on impressions of the natural and social environment, design of seasonal exhibitions, participation in citywide exhibitions

  • Communication activities: conversations, conversations, situations, interviews, exchange of information, word games, reading fiction, viewing albums, illustrations, looking at paintings by artists of the city of Kotlas, television programs with local history and tourism content.

  • Cognitive and research: observations in different time years, getting to know the forest, field, park, river, stream, excursions, experimenting, collecting.

  • Cognitive and constructive activities: production of models of city microdistricts, city streets, landscapes: forest, tundra,

  • Tourist activities: orientation according to the plan of the group, site, tourist games, meetings with tourists from TsDYUTEK, participation in city competitions “Dad, Mom, I am a tourist family”
Musical activities: holidays folk calendar, theatrical entertainment (Slide)

A variety of activities naturally connects local history and tourism activities with all processes of personal development small child. Directly educational activities is aimed at developing children's observation, curiosity, and creative activity. Each cycle ends with a holiday according to the section of the program.

Episode of calendar-thematic planning, “Backpack” circle, preparatory group.



Contents of the regional component

Forms of working with children



« We are Kotlashans"

  • To introduce children to the traditions of the Northern Territory, to form ideas about the history of the city, the Kotlash heroes, and the attractions of their hometown.

Reading fairy tales: S. Pisakhov, stories by B.V. Shergin;

Creating a photo album: “Get to know my city” (photos with views of old and new Kotlas"

Quiz: based on the works of S. Pisakhov.

Dramatization of a fairy tale“Loud fashion” From Pisakhov.

Master Class: “Angel”, “Twisted doll”

Excursions to the museum: “How people lived in the old days”, “Northern Hut”

Didactic games: “Famous fellow countrymen”, “Find out from the model”, “Assemble the building”.

Exhibitions: “Old album”, “My native land”

Working with parents: design of the photo exhibition “Native Land, Our Northern Land”

Expected results and ways to test them for mastering the program “Look how good the region you live in” is. Basic knowledge.

*The social competence of children of senior preschool age by the end of the year is determined by the formation of ideas: about the history of the city of Kotlas; about the life, clothing, crafts, toys of northerners in the old days; about Kotlashan heroes; about the industries of the city of Kotlas, about the addresses of public buildings in the city, about the “rules of tourists”, tourist equipment, about the organization of a halt, about methods of transporting victims; about the benefits of medicinal plants in our area.

*Independence can be traced in the ability: equip yourself with camping equipment; provide first aid for minor injuries during the hike; navigate the map using conventional signs; model the plan of a group or microdistrict using a diagram and from memory.

Methods for testing the knowledge and skills of preschool children are carried out using monitoring at the beginning and end school year In addition, at the end of the year, final classes and educational games on local history and tourism activities are held.

Along with traditional forms of work, in the implementation of the regional component we useinnovative methods and technologies:

  • Project method: project “What an old photograph will tell you about”, author-educator, Bryzgunova S.N.; “Hello, it’s me,” author-educator, Vyatkina N.I.; “The city of Kotlas is my native land”, author-head of the MDOU, Nikitina L.Yu..

  • Corner of the Russian hut, mini-museums “Three Heroes”, “Clocks”, “Dolls of Different Times”, “Lukoshko”, “Russian Birch”;

  • Vernissage - an exhibition of paintings by city artists.
photo exhibition of parents and children: “Look how good the land you live in”, “Old Album”.

  • Artistic creativity using murals of the Northern Dvina
Tea sets “Permogorsk pattern”, Papier-mâché “Mezen service”

  • Usage computer technology in working with children

  • Using the technique integrated learning preschool children.
The integration of regional content carried out in the educational process of a preschool educational institution can be presented as follows using the example of some forms of work (episode)

Model of the subject-developmental environment of a preschool educational institution:

Mini museums

subject development environment of preschool educational institution


Center for Local History and Tourism

Photo exhibitions

Traveling exhibitions of artists




Corner "Russian Hut"

  • Mobile corner “Russian hut”.

  • Mini-museums “Three Heroes”, “Clocks”, “Dolls of All Times”, “Lukoshko”, “Museum of Russian Birch”.

  • Mobile photo exhibitions: “Look how beautiful the region you live in”, “Old Album”, “Our Travels”, “This is What Our Summer Is Like”.

  • Vernissage is a traveling exhibition of paintings by urban artists.

  • Group corners on local history.

  • Center for Local History and Tourism "Backpack" (Slide)
Work in local history is impossible without interaction with society :

MDOU "Kindergarten No. 3 "Forget-me-not"

  • Folk Art and Crafts Center

  • CDYUTEK is a tourism center.

  • The House for arts and crafts for children.

  • Children's Library named after A.A. Ostrovsky.

  • Kotlas Museum of Local Lore.

  • Museums of the Kotlas region.

  • Exhibition hall of the House of Culture of Railway Workers.

  • Leisure center "Tausen", drama theater.

  • Municipal Educational Institution of Education "School of Arts "Gamma". Important place in work of preschool educational institution assigned to interaction with parents and their involvement in the educational process:

  • Study and generalization of the experience of preschool educational institutions working with families on patriotic education of children: “Hobbies of children’s families”, “Personal exhibitions of parents”, “Family traditions”

  • Pedagogical propaganda through the media: “Everything that is not known is interesting to our children.” “The Backpack” Calls for the Road”, “Birthday of the Brownie”.

  • Pedagogical education: parent meetings, surveys, open days.

  • Folklore festivals, competitions and quizzes.

  • Joint events between parents and children: thematic, integrated node; competitions of drawings, photographs and crafts; visiting personal exhibitions; excursions to museums of the city and region.
Thus, the work on the implementation of the regional component within the framework of the educational program allows us to draw two main conclusions: firstly, during the preschool period, the child’s personality is formed, the development of which can be modeled on the basis of the material of the regional culture; secondly, maintaining interest in the traditions of the culture of the native land through various types of activities allows one to reveal the spiritual and moral potential of a preschooler. (Movie).

“A small Motherland is still big, because it is the only one” J. Renard (Slide)
Part 1

Workshop on the topic: “Implementation of the regional component in the educational process of preschool educational institutions on the social and communicative development of pupils”

Slide 2

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In accordance with paragraph 2.6 of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education, the content of the educational field “Social and communicative development” is aimed at:

Assimilation of norms and values ​​accepted in society, including moral and moral values development of communication and interaction of the child with adults and peers; - formation of independence, purposefulness and self-regulation of one’s own actions, development of social and emotional intelligence, emotional responsiveness, empathy, formation of readiness for joint activities with peers; - formation of a respectful attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s family and to the community of children and adults in the Organization; -formation of positive attitudes towards various types of work and creativity; formation of foundations in everyday life, society, nature.

Slide 4

The use of the regional component as one of the means of socialization of preschool children assumes the following:

1. Familiarization of preschoolers with their native land during the implementation of the educational program of the preschool educational institution. 2. The introduction of a regional component, taking into account the principle of a gradual transition from what is closer to the child, personally significant (home, family) to what is less close - cultural and historical facts. 3. An activity-based approach to introducing children to the history, culture, and nature of their hometown, when children themselves choose the activities in which they would like to participate in order to reflect their feelings and ideas about what they saw and heard. 4. Interaction with parents. 5.Professional development of all participants in the educational process (educators, specialists); 6. Generalization of experience in teaching activities, study of the effectiveness of innovative activities and its results in the main areas of work with children, teachers, and parents.

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Goal: to form preschoolers’ initial ideas about the features of their hometown.

Objectives: - introduce children to the features and traditions of the city of Makhachkala; - form ideas about your hometown: history, streets, professions; - introduce the names of famous fellow countrymen; - to develop knowledge about the living and inanimate nature of the city; - lay the foundations of a moral personality, national pride and national identity.

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Effective formation of the foundations of cultural and historical heritage in children is possible if the following factors are observed:

use of local history programs and technologies; a complex combination of various types of child activities; creating conditions for self-realization of each child, taking into account his accumulated experience, especially the cognitive and emotional sphere; taking into account the specifics of the organization and construction of the pedagogical process; the use of forms and methods aimed at developing emotions and feelings.

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The educational process aimed at mastering the norms and values ​​accepted in society and introducing children to the history, culture, and nature of their native land will be successful if the following principles are observed:

the principle of supporting children's initiative in various types of activities; the principle of assistance and cooperation between children and adults, recognizing the child as a full participant in educational relations; the principle of constructing educational activities based on individual characteristics every child; the principle of a child’s full enjoyment of all stages of childhood, enrichment (amplification) of child development; the principle of introducing children to sociocultural norms, family traditions of society and the state; the principle of age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics); the principle of taking into account the ethnocultural situation of children's development.

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For the effective implementation of the regional component, a number of pedagogical conditions are necessary:

Creating a cultural and developmental environment in preschool educational institutions Preparing the teaching staff for the implementation of the regional component of preschool education Organizing effective interaction between a preschool educational institution and society Integrating the regional component into educational activities Organizing effective interaction between a preschool educational institution and the family.

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Age-related characteristics of the assimilation of program material by preschoolers in the educational field of “social and communicative development” (regional component)

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Preparing the teaching staff for the implementation of the regional component of preschool education

When starting work on the regional component, the teacher himself must know the cultural, historical, natural, ethnographic features of the region where he lives in order to instill in preschoolers a love and respect for folk traditions your region.

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Organization of effective interaction between a preschool educational institution and society A modern preschool educational institution cannot successfully implement its activities and develop without broad cooperation with society at the level of social partnership (museums, theaters, folklore groups, etc.)

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Integration of the regional component An important place in introducing preschool children to the culture of their native land is played by folk holidays and traditions that are studied during preparation for calendar and ritual holidays: Navruz Bayram, Uraza Bayram, Bird Day, Water Day, etc.

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Organization of effective interaction between preschool educational institutions and families. Parental support is important. It is necessary that the process of nurturing love for one’s small homeland be two-way.

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Comprehensive thematic planning, which includes 5 blocks:


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    To ensure the implementation of the regional component, it is important to create an aesthetically attractive educational and cultural environment, aimed, first of all, at ensuring the spiritual and moral development and education of children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education.

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    Children from MBDOU No. 56 regularly visit the Dagestan Museum of Fine Arts named after. P.S. Gamzatova

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    Viewing performances, participating in folklore holidays allow children to develop knowledge about their hometown, creative people and groups.

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    Lezgin fairy tale “The Cheerful Carpet”

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    When studying the local history traditions of the Republic of Dagestan, we try to more effectively organize communication with parents so that the family and kindergarten carry out a single set of educational influences aimed at familiarizing children with their native land.

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    The effectiveness of the work on the implementation of the regional component assumes that in the process of forming the foundations of local history, the child:

    acquires a certain system of knowledge about the connection and interdependence of humans, animals, flora and the world of people of their native land, about the peculiarities of human communication with the outside world and the impact of this interaction on him; masters ideas about himself, his family, his belonging to a certain nation, the elementary history of his family; determines its social role; has a basic understanding of the history of his native city and its attractions; enriches lexicon, develops memory, thinking, imagination; learns to rationally use skills in independent activities; acquires goodwill, sensitivity, and cooperation skills in the process of communicating with each other; develops independence, creativity, initiative;

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    Conclusion: the implementation of the regional component in the social and communicative development of preschool children, built in the system, will contribute to the achievement of the following targets of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education:

    The child masters a positive attitude towards the world, towards different types of work, other people and himself, and has a sense of self-esteem; - distinguishes between conditional and real situations, knows how to obey different rules and social norms; -has basic knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world in which he lives.

    Slide 33


    1. Bure R.S. Social and moral education of preschool children. Methodological manual / R.S. Bure - M.: Mozaika-Sintez, 2011. - 80 p. 2. V. Koltakov “From the history of the Lipetsk region.” - Voronezh: Central Black Earth Book Publishing House, 1965. 3. A.S. Morgachev "Lipetsk. Pages of history." - Lipetsk: Central Chernozem Book Publishing House, 1991. 4. A. Berezen "Our Lipetsk Land." - Voronezh: Central Chernozem Book Publishing House, 1974. 5. "The Art of the Native Land." - Lipetsk: LIRO, 2008. 6. Astakhov V.V., Dyukarev Yu.V., Sarychev V.S. Reserved nature of the Lipetsk region. - Lipetsk: LLC “Foto-Prof-TASS”, 2000. 7. Shalnev B.M., Shakhov V.V. The world of childhood. Native culture: a textbook on local history of the Lipetsk region for preschool and primary school age. Ryazan - Lipetsk: GELION, 1996. 8. Shalnev B.M., Shakhov V.V. Lipetsk Encyclopedia: in 3 volumes - Lipetsk, 1999. 9. Baradulin V.A. Fundamentals of artistic craft: in 2 hours - M., Education, 2010.

    View all slides

    “Implementation of the regional component in the activities of preschool educational institutions”

    Agisheva N.A. -

    MBDOU teacher

    "Zubovo-Polyansky children's

    Garden No. 3 "Stream" of a combined type"

    Education created by the people themselves,

    based on popular principles,

    has that educational power

    which is not in the best

    systems based on abstract

    N. K. Ushinsky

    Dear Colleagues!!!

    The implementation of the regional component is now very relevant in preschool educational institutions.

    After all, we continue ourselves in children. And we want them to be better, more perfect than us. In general, we want to raise a citizen. But a high sense of citizenship is not born on its own. It must be awakened in a growing person as early as possible. Literally from the first glimpses of consciousness, cultivate in a child a love for his native land on which he was born and lives.

    The formation of a child’s personality occurs with early years: the first ideas about the surrounding world are developed, and, above all, through familiarization with the traditions of “one’s own”, native, cultural environment - local historical and cultural, national, geographical, natural features of the region. It is known that preschool age is the most important period of personality development, when the prerequisites for civic qualities are laid, when interest in the culture, national customs, and traditions of the peoples living in the territory of Mordovia are formed. It is very important to instill in children a sense of love and affection for the natural and cultural values ​​of their native land, to cultivate pride in the achievements of their fellow countrymen in the field of culture, these include G. Petelin, A.A. Bychkov, in the field of sports G.V. Pekin, local historian A.A. Prokhorov, for exploits during the Great Patriotic, Afghan and Chechen wars, since it is on this basis that patriotism is brought up.

    In our preschool institution, an exemplary module of the regional preschool education program “We live in Mordovia” was adopted for implementation, therefore the ethnocultural education of preschool children acts in our kindergarten as a system of education and training, educational work with children is carried out in accordance with an approximate comprehensive thematic planning; in all age groups we have compiled forward planning to get acquainted with his native land.

    Education today is focused on the ethnocultural needs and educational interests of various nationalities, which presupposes the appropriate familiarization of the younger generation with the history, art, and traditions of the peoples inhabiting our Republic. In this regard, one of the tasks of the modern education system is the integration of traditional (folk, national, ethnic) cultures with modern educational systems, ideas, technologies that create an educational environment. We, the teachers of kindergarten No. 3 “Rucheyok”, in the process of education, try to include in the child’s environment the maximum number of ethno-specific objects, play equipment that have different purposes. For this purpose, our group has created a corner of a local history mini-museum, where we expand our understanding of the history of Mordovia and the Mordovian people, who have long lived in this territory, and give children a general idea of ​​the way of life of the Mordovian people. In our mini-museum there is a stove decorated in Mordovian flavor. A grandfather is sleeping on the stove, apparently tired from hard work in the field. Bast shoes hang on the stove, which are a symbol of Mordovian footwear.

    In the room there is a table on which we see typical objects inherent and characteristic of the Mordovian people. This is a samovar, an antique iron, jugs for various purposes. Near the stove there is a poker, a grab handle, and pots of different sizes. In the local history corner we have dolls in costumes of the Erzi and Moksha peoples. Here we introduce preschoolers to parts of national clothing: shirt - panar (moksh), apron - saponya (moksh), belt-karks (moksh), headdress - panga, chest decoration - sulgam (moksh).

    There are also thematic albums about Mordovia, the city of Saransk, the village of Zubova Polyana, albums with reproductions of paintings by F. Sychkov and contemporary Mordovian artists, photographs of sculptures by S.D. Erzya.

    In the corner of local history there are also Russian and Mordovian flags, Russian and Mordovian nesting dolls, photographs of the sights of the Zubovo-Polyansky region, books on relevant topics - in order to visually familiarize children with their native village, form ideas about its sights and about the Mordovian national culture.

    At the same time, we give an idea that there are many countries on earth in which people of different nationalities live. They speak their own languages, have their own culture, their own customs and traditions. We explain in an accessible form how important it is to live in peace with all peoples, to know and respect their culture. We give children basic ideas about the Finno-Ugric peoples, which include the Mordovians (in Russia - Udmurts, Karelians, Maris, Komi, Khanty, Mansi; in the world - Finns, Estonians, Hungarians). By organizing work with children in our kindergarten, we aim to familiarize preschoolers with various national cultures and form a tolerant attitude towards their bearers. Such systematic work with children in this area contributes to the creation of an ethnocultural environment in a preschool institution and children’s acceptance of the world in all its diversity.

    Turning to the folk art of the Mordovian people provides invaluable material for the development of preschool children.

    In accordance with the FGT, the implementation of the exemplary regional module of the preschool education program “We live in Mordovia” takes place in all main areas: physical development (educational area “Health”, “ Physical Culture"), social and personal development (educational areas "Socialization", « Safety”, “Labor”), cognitive and speech development (educational areas “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading Fiction”), artistic and aesthetic development (educational area “Artistic Creativity”, “Music”).

    OO “Socialization” is carried out through familiarization with the native village, its name, which is realized by showing reproductions with views of the village, stories about it. We also conduct excursions into nature and to places of interest in the village.

    The educational area “Reading fiction” is a direct familiarization of children with melodious works of Mordovian national folklore. Works of Mordovian folklore contain images that convey the traditions and character of the Mordovian people; they are accessible to children, include a variety of means of artistic expression, and have an emotional impact on children.

    Oral folk art has long been an important means of educating preschool children. Children's folklore is an inexhaustible source of expressiveness of children's speech and carries cognitive, moral and aesthetic aspects. We continue to introduce children to Mordovian folklore (myths, legends, fairy tales, epics, as folk culture lays the foundation interpersonal relationships, conveys the norms and rules of social communication in an acceptable form, stimulates the manifestation of initial social emotions.

    We continue to introduce children to Mordovian songs and dances and develop their performance skills.

    We also work with parents in this direction - we expand our understanding of family history together with the history of our native land, and also advise using works of national folklore (Russian and Mordovian); the joke “Numolnya yalgakai”, the carol “Usi, tavusi”, the song by V. Korceganov “I sing about Mordovia” and many other works of the Mordovian and Russian people.

    With the help of folklore works and works of Mordovian writers, we introduce children to rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the environment and form elementary ideas about the right ways interaction with plants and animals surrounding the child: the Mordovian folk tale “Mouse”, the fairy tale by Y. Pinyasov “Twig”, V. Korceganov’s “Fish like a Bast Shoe”, Y. Pinyasov’s “Berezkin’s Song” and many other works that introduce children to nature Mordovia. And we introduce parents to the environmental situation in Mordovia and inform them how to protect their children from environmental factors harmful to health. We talk about the rules of behavior that is safe for humans and the natural world around us.

    We implement the educational area “Cognition” again through acquaintance with the native village (immediate environment: nearest streets and houses, kindergarten, school, store); acquaintance with native nature - animals and plants (also in the immediate environment and in pictures).

    We teach children the ability to communicate, develop vocabulary in accordance with age characteristics, we develop children’s speech and at the same time we are helped by conversations on the topic: “Tell me where and with whom you live,” “Who are your friends,” “Tell me about your favorite village.” “Tell me about the most interesting place for you in Zubova Polyana,” etc.

    To form preschoolers’ initial ideas about healthy lifestyle We try to ensure optimal physical activity throughout the day, using Mordovian outdoor games with simple content: “In the cabbage”, “Keys”, “Kite and chickens”, “In the pots”, “In the scarves”, “Paradise-Paradise”, “In chickens”, “Into bunnies”, “Into squirrels”. We hold folklore events “Harvest Festival”, “Larks”, “Maslenitsa”, “Easter”, “Spring Fair”, “Fedul-windy”, “Village Day”, which also introduce children to the traditions of the peoples inhabiting Mordovia, with the music of composers Mordovia.

    The educational field “Labor” involves the formation of a primary idea of ​​​​the work of adults, its role in society and the life of each person, which is facilitated by reading to children the works of F. Bobylev “Who is lazier?” and P. Mashkantsev “Vegetable Gardener”, as well as observation and work in a corner of wildlife, observation of the work of adults in the garden, flowerbed, and possible participation in helping adults.

    Artistic and aesthetic development We carry out this through the NGO “Artistic Creativity” by introducing children to the national Mordovian costume, works of Mordovian decorative and applied art, Mordovian folk toys (whistle bird, Mordovian nesting doll), illustrations for works of Mordovian children's literature. At GCD applique we try to evoke in children emotional response on the brightness of color images and the originality of the shapes of these products; With children we cut out and decorate tableware, mittens, scarves with Mordovian patterns; during drawing we also introduce children to the technique of drawing Mordovian patterns, etc.

    At preschool age, a process of familiarization and mastery of the language of one’s people takes place, which is amazing in its significance for the development of a child. The feeling of the Motherland... It begins in a small child towards the closest people - father, mother, grandfather, grandmother. The child first discovers such concepts as “work”, “duty”, “honor”, ​​“Motherland” in the family. The upbringing of the younger generation in Russia has historically been carried out in the process of familiarization with national treasures: language, song, fairy tales, poetry, etc. Taken together, this is the basis that invariably shapes the civic feelings of the younger generation today.

    Children is our future. It is very important to promptly instill in them the correct vision of the world, to teach them to love their small Motherland.

    All the work we do on ethnocultural education is aimed at developing in the child a sense of wonderful, tolerant attitude and respect for people living nearby. A child will love and truly appreciate his region if we, teachers, teach him this.

    MBDOU "Zubovo - Polyansky kindergarten No. 3 "Rucheyok" combined type"

    Report on the topic:

    “Implementation of the regional component in the activities of a preschool educational institution”

    Prepared and conducted by teacher 1 junior group Agisheva N.A.

    A priority area of ​​work for preschool groups at the MDOU Development Center child - children's Garden No. 41 in Sochi is:

    • study and maximum use of the favorable climatic, natural and cultural features of the southern region when carrying out sports, health, educational and educational work, development of physical qualities through preschool tourist training, participation of older preschoolers in the sports life of the city, in regional, city, all-Russian competitions, competitions, festivals, promotions; organization of intellectual, emotional and physical activity as the best option for moral, patriotic and spiritual education of preschool children

    The work program includes a regional component in all types of children's activities:

    By means of using regional, municipal programs, authorized programs and the work experience of pre-school teachers in the city of Sochi to familiarize children with the national and cultural characteristics of the Krasnodar Territory, city, district and the formation of spiritual and moral culture;

    Through the study and maximum use of the favorable climatic, natural and cultural features of the southern region when carrying out physical education, recreational and educational work

    The implementation of the regional component is carried out in senior groups in educational activities in special moments

    The regional component provides:

    • building a program on local (Krasnodar Territory, Sochi, districts of Sochi) material with the aim of instilling respect for one’s small homeland;
    • introducing the child to the national cultural heritage: folk arts and crafts, national cultural traditions, works of local writers, poets, composers, artists. Children, together with adults, learn the traditions and customs of the peoples of Sochi. Get acquainted with the geographical features of the city, with the sights of the city and regions;
    • development of physical qualities through preschool tourism training. Children of senior preschool age participate in the sports life of the city, in regional, city, all-Russian competitions, competitions, festivals, and promotions.

    The educational process is carried out according to the author’s programs “Composition studies for kids”, “Preschool tourist training” (review by the director of the Center for Youth and Education R.R. Iskakov, Deputy Director for Water Resources Ya.A. Kukava, veteran of Kuban tourism, full member of the Geographical Society of Russia, winner of the Semenov-Tianshansky silver medal, winner of the 1st city competition of author’s programs E.N.

    The purpose of program implementation is a process that involves:

    Organization of intellectual, emotional and physical activity as the optimal option for moral, patriotic and spiritual education of preschool children

    – using the example of the immediate natural and social environment to familiarize preschoolers with the world around them, to help them understand their place in it through tourism and local history activities

    In this regard, the main tasks are:

    In the field of education:

    Expanding and deepening students’ knowledge of local history, city attractions, and social skills;

    Acquiring skills and abilities in working with the map;

    Acquisition special knowledge on issues of tourism and local history activities, provision of first aid;

    Development of the child’s intellect, formation of visual and figurative thinking, improvement of the qualities of spiritual, moral, patriotic education of the younger generation;

    Familiarity with the problems of ecology and nature conservation, protection of historical and cultural monuments.

    In the field of education:

    the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to one’s home, family, kindergarten, city;

    the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude and a sense of belonging to the cultural heritage of one’s people;

    the formation of a spiritual and moral attitude towards the nature of the native land and a sense of belonging to it;

    nurturing love, respect for one’s nation, understanding one’s national characteristics, self-esteem as a representative of one’s people, and a tolerant attitude towards representatives of other nationalities (peers and their parents, neighbors and other people.)

    In the field of physical training:

    Physical improvement of preschool children - development of strength, endurance, coordination of movements in accordance with their age and physical capabilities;

    contribute physical development and health improvement

    Compliance with relevant standards during the academic year, participation in tourism and orienteering competitions within the city, participation in hikes, including multi-day ones)

    Learn to navigate the natural and social environment.

    These tasks are solved in all types of children's activities: in classes, in games, in work, in everyday life - as they instill in the child not only patriotic feelings, but also form his relationships with adults and peers. Thus, when solving the problems of moral and patriotic education, each teacher must build his work in accordance with local conditions and characteristics of children, taking into account the following principles:

    “positive centrism” (selection of knowledge that is most relevant for a child of a given age);

    continuity and succession of the pedagogical process;

    differentiated approach to each child, maximum consideration of his psychological characteristics, opportunities and interests;

    rational combination different types activities, age-appropriate balance of intellectual, emotional and motor stress;

    an activity-based approach that develops the nature of learning based on children's activity.

    The national-cultural component is implemented by topic and makes up 20% of the main general educational program of preschool education at the child development center - kindergarten No. 41 in Sochi:

    IN thematic plan programs include the following topics:

    Geographical characteristics:

    Introductory lesson - what is interesting about local history travel (introduction to the course of study); what and how they will do, watching videos, photographs, slides about the activities of the Caucasian Geographical Society, about the history of the city, its districts, about flora and fauna, etc...) Districts of Greater Sochi. Climate in Sochi. Population of the city of Sochi. Sochi City is a resort and the capital of the Winter Olympic Games.

    Scheme map of the city of Sochi(study of topographic signs, depiction of relief and its elements on schematic maps, topographic maps, reading maps and working with them; using a compass on hikes; participation in qualifying orienteering competitions). Rivers and mountains in Sochi, lakes, waterfalls, caves of Sochi. Settlements. Sights of Sochi and its regions.

    Relief of Sochi and rocks.

    Characteristics of relief and rocks (study of relief and rocks at outdoor events, museum pedagogy)

    -History of Khosta and Sochi

    Acquaintance with the historical events of the region and city, where the names Khosta, Sochi, Kudepsta, Matsesta came from. Legends. Sochi and Sochi residents during the Great Patriotic War. Organization and holding of anniversary events, dedicated to the Day Victory. Sights of Khosta and Sochi. Visiting attractions - excursion sites and museums with the involvement of parents. Participation in the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”, competitions “I am a Sochi resident!”, “Sochi and Sochi residents during the Second World War”, participation in the “Tuning Fork” song festivals, ethnic festivals, holding folk and Cossack holidays Vvedensky fairs, Christmas, Maslenitsa , Easter, etc. Meetings with famous residents of Khosta and Sochi. Staging performances and theatrical games aimed at historical events.) Business events

    Our region

    Familiarization with the Krasnodar region. What is the Krasnodar region famous for? City and coat of arms of Sochi, Krasnodar; participation in city local history competitions, excursions, promotions, creating an album and photo exhibition about your favorite city; problems of protecting and preserving natural unity in recreation and tourism areas, etc. Staging performances based on legends, “My native land, beloved land”, “We live in Kuban”.

    My family and clan.

    Family presentation. Family tree. Creation of a personal album “Me and my family”. Traditions of the peoples who inhabited Khosta and Sochi. Traditional Russian religions. Meetings with representatives of the Orthodox Church. Tales of peoples. Folklore. Theatrical performances. Participation in family festivals, fairs and competitions. Excursions to ethnic museums and temples. Visiting families by families with the aim of introducing family traditions.

    Black Sea.

    Geographical characteristics. Riches of the Black Sea. Legends of the Black Sea. Flora and fauna of the Black Sea. Environmental problems of the Black Sea.

    Participation in the city competition “Black Sea”. Celebrating Black Sea Day. Staging performances and theatrical games. Charity events.

    Flora of Sochi.

    Vegetation features of Sochi. Plants are exotic. Plants are relics. Tiers of the forest. Plants are endemic. Poisonous and dangerous plants. Medicinal plants. The ability to distinguish between medicinal and poisonous plants and mushrooms of the Sochi region in the herbarium, in drawings, and on walks and trips; " Green pharmacy» - use of medicinal and edible plants, etc. Visit to the Museum of Nature, Arboretum Park, “Southern Cultures” Photo exhibition. Staging performances and theatrical games. Planting trees on the territory of preschool educational institutions and courtyards.

    Animal world .

    Features of the animal world of Sochi. What animals can be found in the forest. Visit to the Museum of Nature and the Laura Aviary Complex, Aquariums, and Dolphinarium. Protected animals. Photo exhibition. Meetings with representatives of the Reserve and the “Refuge”. Participation in promotions and competitions. Staging performances and theatrical games. Business events to protect nature.

    Protection of Nature

    Protection of Nature. Ecology and nature conservation. Protected nature - Red Book of the Krasnodar Territory and Sochi. Rules of behavior in nature. Helping nature. Environmental actions. Participation in competitions “Bird Day”, “Earth Day”, “Water Day”, “I am a researcher”, “Black Sea Day”, March of Parks, “Our Home is the Earth”, etc. Staging performances and theatrical games.

    - Study and protection of historical, cultural, and natural monuments.

    Acquaintance with the monuments to the partisans, "Eternal Flame", "Feat of Mercy", Stele, Matsesta, Anchor - Cannon, N. Ostrovsky, Lighthouse, People's House, Library named after. Pushkin, yew-boxwood grove, etc. Laying flowers, participating in security measures with the involvement of parents. Photo exhibition and exhibition of drawings. Meetings with WWII veterans and local historians, residents of Khosta and Sochi. Staging performances and theatrical games aimed at historical events.

    - Museum pedagogy.

    Creating a mini-museum in a preschool institution. Collection of exhibits with the participation of parents and conversations in the mini-museum on the topics “History of Khosta”, “My city is the best!”, “People’s life”, “Natural resources of Sochi”, “Sochi and Sochi residents during the Second World War”, “Sochi - hospital city", "Sochi Olympic". Compilation of stories about the city, region, region. Excursions to museums of history, local history, sports glory, Cossacks, nature museums with the participation of parents. Photo exhibitions. An art gallery on the theme of a mini-museum.

    Repetition of material.

    Repetition of topics at competitions, quizzes, environmental holidays. Participation in the family festival “My city is the best!”, “Let’s join hands, friends!”

    Based on the goals and objectives formulated in the program, the following methods and forms of work:

    Joint activities with children: direct educational and educational activities in restricted moments;

    Independent activities with children;

    Interaction with families of pupils to implement the tasks of the national-cultural component;

    Creation of a subject-development environment for the implementation of assigned tasks

    Search and research method ( independent work children with fulfillment various tasks on excursions and hikes),

    A method of self-realization through various creative activities, participation in competitions, hikes, excursions;

    Method of control: medical, self-control, quality control of program assimilation, growth in the dynamics of sports performance;

    Method integrated approach to education and upbringing, presupposing the unity of moral, physical, aesthetic and other forms of education.

    To implement the program, a variety of forms work: various games (sports relay races for overcoming obstacles - “tourist strip”, role-playing games for orienteering “Find the treasure”, “Orienteering according to a legend”, etc.), quizzes, competitions, holding health days, excursion trips, weekend hikes.

    Forms and types of control: contests, quizzes, games, competitions.

    Intermediate results of mastering thematic blocks

    6 years

    Curious, active

    Asks exploratory questions. Interested in new unknowns in the world around him. Names and shows the city of Sochi, the Black Sea on the map, notes their uniqueness, names the qualities of sea water (clean, salty, transparent, healing).

    Names by presentation or with the help of pictures some of the inhabitants of the Black Sea. Guess and compose descriptive riddles about objects and objects of nature. Recognizes and names endemic plants in pictures, primroses, plants listed in the Red Book.

    Emotionally responsive

    Expresses delight, surprise, admiration when studying the inhabitants of the sea. Expresses positive feelings when viewing the nature of the city of Sochi in albums, when viewing slides, and videos. Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends, empathizes with the characters of legends, stories, stories. Reacts emotionally to works of fine art, music and art, and the natural world. He motivates his attitude towards the Khostinsky district, the city of Sochi, and the Black Sea.

    Composes simple stories about the flora and fauna of Sochi and the Black Sea. The child adequately uses verbal and nonverbal means of communication, has dialogical speech and constructive ways of interacting with children. Composes simple stories using illustrations.

    Able to solve intellectual and personal problems appropriate for age

    Establishes connections between flora and fauna (forest tiers) using a visual model. Conducts experiments with sea and river water. The child is able to propose his own idea and translate it into a drawing, construction, or story.

    Having primary ideas about oneself, family, society, the world and nature

    The child has an idea of ​​the flora and fauna of the Black Sea, the city of Sochi, water and air temperature; honorary residents of Sochi, parents' professions.

    Having mastered the universal prerequisites for educational activities/

    Performs independently step by step instructions an adult, in case of difficulty, turns to an adult for help.

    Final results of mastering thematic blocks

    7 years

    Curious, active

    Asks exploratory questions. Interested in new unknowns in the world around him. Names and shows the city of Sochi, the Black Sea on the map, notes their uniqueness

    (the sea is two-layered, the lower layer is saturated with hydrogen sulfide, the upper layer is saturated with oxygen; the city of Sochi is protected from strong winds by mountains and a warm sea, the Winter Olympic Games will be held here), names the qualities of sea water (clean, salty, transparent, healing, stormy, calm) .

    Names by presentation or with the help of pictures some of the inhabitants of the Black Sea. Guess and compose descriptive riddles about objects and objects of nature. Recognizes in pictures and names endemic plants, relict plants, primroses, plants listed in the Red Book. Participates in environmental events, city and all-Russian competitions and competitions, festivals, hiking trips, summer camps.

    Emotionally responsive

    Shows a steady interest in understanding the unique ecosystem of the city of Sochi and the Black Sea. Knows poems, legends about the sights of Sochi, about the inhabitants of the sea. Respects the work of adults of different professions in nature conservation.

    Together with adults, she performs accessible environmental tasks.

    Responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends, empathizes with the characters of legends, stories, stories. Motivates his attitude towards the city and its regions.

    Mastered the means of communication and ways of interacting with adults and peers

    Reflects knowledge about the city of Sochi, the inhabitants of the Black Sea in small coherent stories, in expressive, musical and theatrical activities.

    Composes simple stories using illustrations.

    Able to solve intellectual and personal tasks appropriate for age

    Establishes connections between flora and fauna (forest tiers) using a visual model. Conducts experiments with sea and river water.

    The child is able to propose his own idea and translate it into a drawing, construction, or story.

    Has primary ideas about himself, family, society, and nature

    The child has an idea of ​​life in the Black Sea and knows its inhabitants. Has an idea of ​​the sights of Sochi and its regions, and together with his parents participates in environmental events, city and all-Russian competitions and competitions, festivals, hiking trips, and summer camps.

    Having mastered the universal prerequisites of educational activities, he is able to model the “floors” (layers) of the water of the Black Sea, the flora and fauna of Sochi and place plants and animals on them, according to their way of life.

    Can make simple “discoveries” in the process of learning about the flora and fauna of his native city, region, and sea. Independently follows step-by-step instructions from an adult and, if in difficulty, seeks help from an adult.

    Predicted results:

    Students' acquisition of knowledge about the criteria healthy image life;

    Formation of a child’s positive attitude towards a healthy lifestyle and active recreation;

    Children's acquisition of experience of independent social action.

    By the end of training, students should know:

    Criteria for a healthy lifestyle;

    Name of the region and regional center;

    What is the Krasnodar region famous for?

    The name of the city you live in, the name of the districts,

    Sights: railway and sea, bus stations, St. Michael the Archangel Cathedral, Festival Hall, Winter Theatre, Art Museum, Central Children's and Youth Theatre, circus, stadium, parks "Arboretum", "Riviera", "Southern Cultures", monument "Anchor-gun" , stele “Feat of Mercy”;

    The name of the area in which you live, its streets, attractions of the area, microdistrict;

    Rules for arranging a bivouac (find convenient and safe overnight places away from villages, where it is more convenient to put up a tent, where to make a fire, is there firewood and water);

    A variety of travel conditions (roads, forests, uneven terrain – descent, ascent);

    Topographical signs: highway, path, garden, buildings, mountain pass, tall grass, well, hole, impassable swamp, river, barbed wire, cliff, pile of stones, river, spring, lake, bush, meadow;

    Safety requirements while hiking, safety rules on the street; fire safety, road and transport safety; safety on water and in nature;

    Features of the flora and fauna of the city;

    be able to:

    - distinguish and build a fire (taiga, well, star, hut, signal);

    Proficient in hiking techniques (descent, uphill, bumps, pendulum, log, parallel and suspended crossing);

    Free to set up and assemble the tent;

    Choose healthy foods wisely;

    Take care of yourself on a hike or at a tourist rally;

    Follow the hygiene rules for young tourists;

    Find your way around unfamiliar areas using a map;

    Use a first aid kit (iodine, brilliant green, bandage, painkiller, adhesive plaster);

    Use 3-5 medicinal plants as needed;

    Fulfill general rules and responsibilities of the hike participant;

    Distribute responsibilities in the group (detachment commander, deputy, supply manager, medic, commandant, photographer, fireman, responsible for equipment)

    Show personal responsibility for the work started, the word given;

    Conduct simple research to develop mini projects.

    The conditions for the implementation of these tasks are:

    Availability of qualified teachers of additional education who have the title “Instructor of children’s and youth tourism” or “Organizer of tourism and local history work”;

    The relationship between theory and practical work;

    Availability of sufficient camping equipment.

    The idea of ​​a small homeland is a meaningful basis for the implementation of a variety of children's activities. Therefore, this content can be successfully integrated with almost all educational areas and consists of the following:

    Inclusion of regional material to educational fields Programs implemented in preschool educational institutions, integration of the regional component into the educational process:

    Educational area

    Methodical techniques


    Introducing preschool children to nature:

    • Acquaintance with the flora and fauna of the Krasnodar region; with folk signs.
    • Getting to know the flora and fauna of the Black Sea
    • Herbarium collection; experimental work.

    Getting to know the world around you:

    • Excursions: around the kindergarten, around the territory of the kindergarten, to get acquainted with the sights of the city, walking tours around the city, trips to the forest and park area, theater, park, square, museum, circus, etc.
    • Conversations: “Where people live”, “The house in which we live”, “Streets of our microdistrict, city”, “My city is the best”, “Black Sea”, “Sochi - the capital of the Winter Olympic Games “Sochi 2014” , “Sochi – resort city”, “Sochi-city hospital”, etc.
    • Signs, symbols, flag, coat of arms, badges, postcards.

    Getting to know the past of your native land:

    • meetings with parents: organizing an evening with tasting of national dishes, conversations with residents of Khosta, Sochi, who have lived since the founding of our city, are familiar with their historical moments.
    • consultations for parents