Decoration for the New Year in the dhow. Decorating a kindergarten for the New Year. Drawing New Year's posters

Every coming year is a fabulous time for children. It's time when all wishes come true, miracles happen. Teachers in preschool institutions try to maintain this mood in children and take a responsible approach to decorating the kindergarten group for the New Year. Each holiday is distinguished by memorable ideas and interesting surprises.

Decorations for New Year's events should be bright, colorful, attract children's attention, but not distract from daily activities and meet safety measures.

Ideas for teachers on how to decorate a group

Clothes cabinets can be decorated with boots or wreaths.

Every year, teachers take a creative approach to organizing holidays in the kindergarten. The team does the decorating of the groups independently, without the help of designers or the services of special companies. To do this, they turn to Internet resources and combine the old with the new.

Decorating a group for the New Year begins with the front door and children's clothing compartments. To do this, you can use homemade or purchased Christmas tree wreaths. It is worth involving children in the process of making them. Each child has the opportunity to make a wreath for their own locker.

Among the materials you will need:

  • wire frame;
  • green decorative paper;
  • toys;
  • tinsel.

Is your child expecting a gift from Santa Claus on New Year's Eve?


New Year's attributes such as snowflakes, decorative goodies, and bags with gifts can be added to the composition. These elements are used to decorate cabinet doors separately.

Drawings of New Year's characters will look organic on the walls: Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden, deer, snowmen, etc. A good idea is to decorate in the form of children's photographs and homemade Christmas decorations.

For the New Year 2019, a children's institution can organize a competition to design the best mini-Christmas tree. The main thing here is not victory, but participation. The prepared products will serve as decoration for the group.

You can attach unbreakable balls to the ceiling and paper figures. Helium balloons will add a festive atmosphere.

Important! The design of premises in kindergartens will also not be complete without a large, lush Christmas tree, but you should avoid decorations in the form of glass toys and sparkling lights. Such items pose a danger among children.

Features of the New Year's decoration of the music hall

The place where children's parties are held should cause special delight in children and adults. The design of the group for the New Year 2019 can be thematic and tied to a specific cartoon, children's play: “The Nutcracker”, “The Snow Queen”, “Twelve Months”, “The Polar Express”, etc. Decor in the form of figures of cartoon characters and plot pictures will help create the appropriate atmosphere.

For the New Year 2019, a children's institution can organize a competition to design the best mini-Christmas tree.

Since the music room is a room for a public event, its design in a kindergarten should take into account the specific zoning features. In the quiet zone are musical instruments and chairs where the guys sit. Here you can place figurines of toy characters.

In the active zone, children dance and perform rhythmic movements, so when decorating the hall you should avoid breakable objects. In this part of the room, emphasis should be placed on the walls using drawings, photographs and applications.

Examples of New Year's decorations for the assembly hall in kindergarten.

When deciding how to decorate a kindergarten for the coming New Year, do not forget about the color scheme.

For children, it is important to maintain discreet, calm shades that will inspire the creative process.

At the New Year's holiday, the combination of light and dark colors. However, it is important to consider the age of the children. Up to 5 years of age, the psyche is less stable than that of older preschoolers. Suitable shades at this age would be: pink, yellow, green, blue, orange.

At the New Year's holiday, the combination of light and dark colors looks original.

How to decorate the windows, stairs and yard in a kindergarten yourself?

The decor of windows, stairs and courtyards is no less important for the overall picture. From the street, the decorated façade of the building looks beautiful. Garlands are usually used for this. In the 21st century, flickering lights have been replaced by LEDs, which are safer for use among children. If there is a Christmas tree growing on the territory of the kindergarten, then it would be a good idea to decorate it with toys and festive tinsel.

Kindergarten decoration for New Year does not ignore such interior elements as the staircase. Thematic wall newspapers prepared by children are often hung on the walls. The steps are decorated with rain, and toys, festive socks and wreaths made of fir branches are hung on the railings.

You need to decorate the premises depending on the chosen style. Among the child-safe materials for decorating stairs are also suitable:

  • ribbons;
  • bows;
  • gift bags;
  • multi-colored tinsel.

Also available on the Internet a large number of master class “how to decorate a group for the new year 2019.” Video clips inspire new ideas and allow you to combine the proposed decor variations, creating something new.

To decorate mirrors and windows, you can resort to stained glass technology. For this you will need paper templates New Year's figures, which are fixed with water. Windows are decorated in an original way by spraying paint and glitter. The result is discreet but beautiful pictures.

Bottom line

New Year's decoration of a group in kindergarten is a labor-intensive and responsible process. When decorating rooms, it is necessary to take into account several factors: children's interest, safety and creativity.

You can make materials for decoration with your own hands and involve children in the work process. Creative activities will help young craftsmen to express themselves, as well as to have a hand in the design of the group, which cannot but inspire and cause a sense of pride in parents.

The early twilight and cold are nothing to the children, who are looking forward to the most important holiday. After all, everyone knows that magical transformations happen at night!

All parents can feel like magicians if they order an original design for their kindergarten for the New Year. By choosing the models you like from our catalog, you will really create for the guys festive mood. And our aero designers will demonstrate all the miracles they are capable of:

  • Build light and durable decorations necessary for children's performances (thematic, fairy tales);
  • Literally out of thin air and foil, latex, create your favorite characters from fairy tales, cartoons (Luntik, Fixies, Masha, Bear), films;
  • Create wonderful decorations from paper and paper (pompoms, flowers, forfeits, lanterns) that will transform the ceiling and walls beyond recognition.

For all its incredible beauty and splendor, this New Year’s decoration for a group in a kindergarten has a very reasonable cost, which will satisfy absolutely all parents.

Creating a fairy tale is our purpose! The territory of the playground, illuminated with garlands and wicker figures of Grandfather Frost, Snowman, and sweet Snow Maiden placed at the entrance, will delight children and adults. Even the sleepiest little ones, who usually don't enjoy going to their preschool, will want to walk through the colorful arches. And wreaths made of dried twigs, bunches of rowan berries, pine cones and shiny beads and ribbons attached to the doors will create the feeling of a fairy-tale house. To make the group's decoration look appropriate for the New Year, you can use unusual decor for windows and walls. Snowflakes cut out of paper and felt, suspended on a fishing line from the ceiling, will sway with the blow of air. Older students always enjoy cutting and making them.

These traditional, but well-loved decorations can compete with protruding ones in popularity. Snow-white plot pictures, which only adults can do, look on the glass like frosty paintings.
Many people like the Western tradition of creating an advent calendar. Every boy and girl will eagerly wait for their turn to open a window or box with the treasured number counting down the days until the holiday.

Christmas socks are another one New Year's decoration in kindergarten, borrowed from Europe. Attach them to clothes lockers so that children can put postcards and small toys there for their friends.
Sewn from checkered fabric or knitted, shiny or decorated with fur, stockings for gifts are a great idea to implement.

When creating a festive atmosphere for children, you can use a variety of materials. Everyone's favorite balloons, crafts made from cardboard, colored paper, fabrics. And it doesn’t matter whether they are made with your own hands or purchased in a store, the main thing is that they give joy. To create it, we offer New Year's balls:

At the end of the year everything preschool institutions They are preparing the most grandiose matinee. Therefore, the decoration of the music hall for the New Year is kept secret from everyone. It should amaze not only the invited parents and grandparents, but also the young artists themselves. Our ideas and the work of aerodesign masters convincingly prove that we can create unique decor for children.

It is customary to decorate not only your houses and apartments, but also all public spaces and even city streets. The atmosphere of holiday anticipation covers the entire city, and every day becomes truly magical. All preschool and general education institutions are also supported. How to decorate a group for the New Year in kindergarten is a question that worries any teacher and responsible parent.

Safety first

When decorating premises in a kindergarten, it is important to follow the most important rule - the younger the children, the less decor, and vice versa. Pupils of older groups can take an active part in preparing for the holiday. If you are decorating a room for children, the decorations should be placed higher than their height. Parents can help decorate a children's group for the New Year. The teacher should not hesitate to ask moms and dads with this request and invite each family to contribute to the preparations for the holiday. Follow safety rules; do not place flammable decorations near electrical appliances. When attaching the decor, do not use pins or buttons. Pay attention to the choice of jewelry. They must be unbreakable, lightweight, and free from sharp corners and sharp elements.

Crafts exhibition

Creative tasks are an integral part aesthetic education. Create Christmas mood in a group you can invite children to make themed crafts. If you don’t know how to decorate the group, invite the children to make snowmen, Christmas trees, or Santa Claus figures. The complexity of crafts and the technique of their implementation depend on the age of the children. If space allows, exhibition finished works can be organized directly in the group. Place a separate table or select a couple of shelves. A great idea is to theme the space for placing crafts. You can draw a winter landscape on whatman paper, and decorate the tabletop or shelf with white fabric or “snow” made of cotton wool.

Decorating walls in a group

In the room where kindergarten students spend most of their time, it is most convenient to decorate the walls. Parents can be involved in the production of wall newspapers. There are many themes for holiday posters: “Winter Fun”, “Holiday Traditions”, “New Year in different countries", "Rules of conduct during winter walk"and everything that your imagination suggests.

How to decorate a group for the New Year if you have enough tinsel? From shiny elements you can lay out various simple shapes and short inscriptions on the walls. For fastening, use regular transparent or double-sided tape. Form a Christmas tree, a New Year’s ball from tinsel, “write” a holiday greeting or numbers for the coming year.

Festive mood from the very entrance

The locker room is a room in which parents help children undress and dress every day; all children and teachers begin their day here. Decorate the door leading to the group. You can hang a traditional one on it, which, if desired, can be easily made with your own hands from tinsel and Christmas tree decorations. In the locker room you can also hang a holiday poster or put a themed folder. Clothes lockers also deserve attention. You can put a small New Year's sticker on each one. A great idea for educators is to make the following announcement to parents in advance: “We are decorating the group, waiting for ideas, materials and crafts.” Surely many mothers and fathers will offer original ideas decor, they will bring homemade decorations, as well as tinsel and balls not used in home decor.

Window decor

If there are many windows in a group, they should also be decorated for the holiday. The easiest option is to cut out snowflakes from white paper; pupils from older groups can also be involved in this creativity. Remember: if we decorate a group for the New Year with our own hands together with the children, then we trust them to glue window decorations only at the bottom of the glass. But the top of the glass, which children cannot reach, should be decorated personally by the teacher. An alternative option for window decoration is to paint the glass with gouache or draw patterns with artificial snow. You can hang balls on ribbons or decorative pendants made of cardboard on the curtains. How to decorate a group for the New Year in an unusual way without extra effort? Try to do volumetric snowflakes made of paper and hang them on a garland. You can also cut out more interesting figures and shapes instead of traditional snowflakes and glue them to the glass. Use special stencils for this or take the time to carefully draw the template on a sheet of paper before cutting it out.

Is a Christmas tree necessary in kindergarten?

The main symbol of the holiday - the Christmas tree - is traditionally installed in the assembly hall, where all matinees and other events are held. It turns out that if we decorate a kindergarten group for the New Year, we can do without installing a Christmas tree? It all depends on the age of the children and the availability of free space in the room. If the group is already quite crowded, it is indeed better to refuse a personal Christmas tree or choose a mini-option and install it on the teacher’s table or a free shelf. If the space allows and the children are old enough not to disassemble or break the New Year’s beauty, you can put your own tree in the group. Invite your students to make toys for decoration with their own hands, but if you decide to buy ready-made balls and tinsel, choose ones that are unbreakable and safe in all respects.

As you can see, there are many options. Many teachers especially love winter holidays. "We decorate the group in the garden for the New Year together with the children, try to make crafts in some new unusual techniques, and it’s even more pleasant and interesting to come to work like this,” say educators. Don’t be afraid of the possible difficulties, in fact, create a festive atmosphere in the institution preschool education It’s not difficult at all, the main thing is to approach this task with humor and optimism.

New Year in kindergarten is a special event. Kids still believe in the existence of Santa Claus and fairy-tale characters and expect gifts and miracles. Decorating a kindergarten for the New Year is a troublesome and pleasant task at the same time. The main burden falls on educators, but the help of parents and their children can be very significant and will allow you to immerse yourself in a magical atmosphere long before the holiday. There is a lot of work - you need to decorate the group, the hall, the stairwells, the music room, the outdoor area. The decorations should be bright and colorful, but not distract children from daily activities and comply with all safety measures.

Kindergarten teachers are inventive people; as a rule, they decorate the group for the New Year on their own, without resorting to the expensive services of designers. Here are a few ideas to help them. Someone will find something new for themselves, and someone will remember the well-forgotten old.

The theater begins with a hanger, and the kindergarten group begins with the front door and lockers for clothes. The door can be decorated with a wreath, the basis of which is a wire frame and green paper or tinsel. The New Year's composition will be complemented by purchased or fairy-tale figurines, decorative candies, and small “gift bags.” You can decorate cabinet doors with the same items, attaching them to the top so that children are not tempted to rip them off.

You can put up a small Christmas tree in a group, provided that it does not interfere with activities and games, and does not risk being knocked over. It is better to do without garlands and glass toys. The kids are curious. Such decorations can be dangerous for them, and sparkling lights will not allow them to fully rest during the daytime nap.

You can draw a Christmas tree on a piece of whatman paper and attach it to the wall. Original decoration For this beauty there will be photographs of children or toys made by them themselves. Another option is a competition among parents for the best miniature Christmas tree. What is important here is not victory, but participation. A parade of a wide variety of Christmas trees will make the group look amazing for the New Year.

You can also involve parents in decorating walls and ceilings. A fairy tale can be easily created using improvised means. The walls can be painted with special paints or gouache, and decorated with crafts made from fabric, paper, and foil. Light paper figures or balls - hang from the ceiling.

Garlands and snowflakes are also attached there, which children are happy to make themselves. Have them actively carve decorations () and take part in decorating their group.

New Year's decoration of the music hall

An assembly or music hall is a place where a meeting with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden will take place. Gifts, miracles await there, many secrets lie behind this door. So you need to show special diligence in decorating so as not to disappoint little dreamers on their favorite holiday - New Year.

In this place, the Christmas tree and window openings can shine with a wide variety of lights and garlands, of course, taking into account fire safety. It is better to decorate the lower tiers of the forest (artificial) beauty with unbreakable toys, and raise the glass ones higher.

Gifts can be placed in advance under the tree or in a corner designated for them. In this place there can be a fairy-tale hut, a cheerful snowman, small “copies” of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and any New Year’s characters. Drapery or lighting will add mystery and mystery to this composition.

You also need to drape one of the walls to highlight the stage for performances by big and small artists. Any flowing, shiny fabric is suitable for this, but best choice There will be a unique material - polysilk. It can be used to create a stunning holiday effect and can even be used in outdoor decorations due to its durability and moisture resistance.

Children's "works" are not very suitable for decorating the assembly hall. It’s better to let adults cut out New Year’s figures from paper and other improvised materials. You can decorate the room with purchased snowflakes, foil streamers or a variety of shaped paper balls, which are also easy to buy.

We decorate windows, stairs, yard with our own hands

Decorating a kindergarten for the New Year means not missing a single corner. It is better to leave the flights of stairs on the side of the railings alone, but New Year's drawings and place the compositions on the wall along the stairs.

Mirrors and windows can be decorated using stencils and stained glass or other washable paint. The technique is simple. Figures are cut out of paper according to a template or a drawn outline and glued to the mirror using ordinary water. Excess moisture is removed and paint is lightly “sprayed” onto the surface. Then the stencil is removed - the painting is ready.

Of course, there should be a Christmas tree in the yard. A suitable growing tree can fulfill its role. It doesn’t matter that without needles, it can be created using green lighting.

Special garlands and LED strips can be used to decorate a fence, building facade, gazebo for games, trees, and shrubs. You shouldn't do this yourself. It is better to entrust such work to specialists for safety reasons.

But there is another part of the work that requires not so much special training, so much imagination, enthusiasm and fun. Snow figures will turn any New Year into a fairy tale. Parents, especially active dads, will help here. The exception is the case when there is no snow at all.

The New Year holiday comes to us every year. But every time the children wait for him with impatience and anticipation of a miracle. Try not to repeat yourself. May there be new decorations, new joy, and new dreams every year.