How to start a protein diet correctly. Protein diet for weight loss - her menu for the week. What are the dangers of a protein diet?

Beauty standards dictate what to have excess weight– it’s unfashionable and ugly, doctors say that excess weight threatens your health. Therefore, many strive to achieve the cherished parameters of body volume and, for this purpose, resort to a wide variety of diets.

Among others, the protein diet stands out: it really helps to lose weight, the lost kilograms have every chance of never coming back, and sticking to this diet is not difficult, especially for meat lovers.

The peculiarity of the protein diet is that when consuming foods with high content The body receives practically no protein or products that contribute to the accumulation of fat in small quantities. At the same time, protein digestion is a long process, so the feeling of hunger will not constantly haunt a person striving for slimness.

So, let’s consider in detail protein nutrition for weight loss, a detailed menu, and also pay attention to contraindications to the use of this diet.

Find out how easy it is lose 10 kg in a week on the watermelon diet!

A protein diet for weight loss provides the following rules:

  • Proteins are the basis of food during this diet.
  • Minimum fat intake, the norm per day is no more than 30 grams. (by volume this can be equal to 2 tablespoons).
  • Before 14:00, it is allowed to consume complex carbohydrates, for example, various cereals, but their volume should not exceed 6 tbsp. spoons
  • When on a weight loss diet, protein foods may include vegetables that contain little or no starch, such as cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, and so on (recommended servings can be seen in the detailed menu). Potatoes are prohibited at this time!
Potatoes are strictly prohibited during a protein diet
  • You should also be careful with fruits; the most beneficial for your diet will be citrus fruits and unsweetened apples (the recommended amount per day is a maximum of 2 pieces).
  • Meals should be fractional, up to 7 meals per day, at equal intervals, preferably at the same time. You should not eat late in the evening, it will not benefit a person who is losing weight.
  • A protein diet helps remove water from the body. Therefore, to prevent dehydration, you need to drink more water - up to 2 liters. in a day. It is recommended to drink a glass of water before meals.
  • To add flavor to food, you can use seasonings in the form of herbs, garlic, lemon juice or soy sauce.
  • During the diet, alcohol and sweets are prohibited.
  • The duration of the protein diet is no longer than 2 weeks.
  • The results of a protein diet will be much better when combined with physical activity. This diet goes well with running, aerobics and other active sports. Even ordinary ones evening walks will improve the result.

Note! The most difficult days for those who want to lose weight there will be days 3 - 5, and the last 2 days. This is due to the fact that these days the body burns fat deposits more actively. Therefore, during such periods you should be patient and, if possible, distracted.

There are several options for a detailed menu of protein nutrition for weight loss.

Read the popular article in the category: Watermelon diet: minus 10 kg per week

Sample menu for the day

The daily calorie intake should be approximately 1200 kilocalories.

For breakfast on a protein diet, cottage cheese is ideal, but with a minimum percentage of fat content or low-fat


This meal must be filling(about 30% of the daily diet).

As mentioned above, you need to drink water beforehand. After about 15 min. The main morning meal will take place, including: a cup of coffee, to which you can add milk if desired. You can drink tea instead of coffee.

In addition, it is advisable to eat low-fat cottage cheese or low-calorie yogurt in the morning. In the first days, when it is quite difficult to adhere to new dietary principles, you can eat a double portion of dairy products, gradually increasing the amount of food to the recommended amount.

Important! If you're feeling really hungry, this should help. green tea, especially with the addition of mint.

For second breakfast (about 3 hours later), it is suggested to eat 1 of the fruits recommended above.


Lunch is much more varied than breakfast. Don't forget to drink water!

Lunch option 1: a small plate of fish soup and 2 small pieces of bread, 2 tomatoes, 1 tangerine, some dried fruit and green tea.

Lunch option 2: a small portion of veal or beef (about 150 grams), baked without oil or salt, and wild rice, cucumber, lettuce. If the meat tastes too bland, use the seasonings recommended above.

Lunch option 3: fish cooked in a double boiler with any of the previously recommended side dishes.

For lunch you can cook fish (boiled or steamed)

An apple or fresh vegetables are suitable for an afternoon snack, or you can drink low-fat kefir. If the feeling of hunger returns, it is worth remembering tea with mint.


Remember to drink water before meals.

Dinner option 1: salad of squid (about 100 g), corn and eggs, with a dressing of lemon juice, olive oil and garlic or onion

Dinner option 2: unsalted boiled shrimp (about.5 kg) with the addition of bay leaf, and wild rice. You can use the same dressing as in option 1, without garlic and onions.

Dinner option 3: Baked chicken breast and grapefruit (this is one of the healthiest fruits for weight loss).

Dinner option 4: Baked veal with garlic, and broccoli and cauliflower fried in olive oil and soy sauce (half a pack), at the end of cooking you can add an egg.

For dinner, you can supplement the menu options given by eating a small piece of bread, preferably opting for black bread.

For dessert, you can treat yourself to several (up to 3 pieces!) mugs of pineapple.

Do you want to lose weight quickly? Read the entry: How to lose weight by eating low-calorie meals from the simplest foods.

Sample protein menu for weight loss for a week

Below is protein nutrition for weight loss detailed menu for a seven-day course as an example:

Boiled beef with sauerkraut
  • Monday. Boiled beef – 300 gr. (2 times), sauerkraut with canned peas - 100 g, a small piece of bread, cabbage salad with pepper and herbs - 100 g, boiled fish - 150 g, tea, beet salad - 100 g.
  • Tuesday. Boiled beef - 100 gr., carrot salad - 100 gr., tea - a glass, boiled fish - 300 gr. (for 2 times), apple, bread - one piece, salad - 100 g., apple juice - a glass.
  • Wednesday. Boiled fish - 100 gr., legumes - 200 gr., lean pork and vegetables - 150 gr., apple, sauerkraut with canned peas - 150 gr., tea.
  • Thursday. Cottage cheese – 100 gr., green tea, stewed beef with carrots – 150 gr., tomatoes with onions, seasoned with oil – 150 gr.
  • Friday. Boiled fish - 200 gr., lean pork - 200 gr., apple, biscuits - 2 pieces, kefir and apple juice - a glass each.
  • Saturday. Boiled fish - 150 g, legumes, low-fat cottage cheese, carrots with mayonnaise and vinaigrette - 100 g each, green tea.
  • Sunday. A little meat soup cooked with vegetables, boiled lamb – 300 gr. (divide 2 times), vegetable salad - 100 g, bread - a small piece, biscuits - 2 pieces, a glass of milk.

You might be interested in an article about: Fractional meals for weight loss. Menu for the month

By adhering to the specified diet and doing simple exercises every day physical exercise for weight loss, you can lose excess weight quite quickly. This is how a properly formulated protein diet will help you lose weight. For weight loss, such a detailed menu is approximate.

To achieve the goal of reducing body weight, strict adherence to just such a diet is not necessary. Products can be swapped around a little, but you need to stick to the menu as a whole.

How to vary your food

Protein nutrition for weight loss prohibits the consumption of many foods, as can be seen from the detailed menu. This makes you wonder, what can you eat while losing weight this way?

Meat remains the main product in a protein diet, shows both animal meat (you should choose lean meat) and poultry (preference for turkey and chicken, it is better to remove the skin).

Also, a significant part of the diet of those losing weight should be fish. You can diversify the menu with boiled sausage, ham, veal liver; mushrooms are good.

Protein foods can be varied with mushrooms

You can also consume many dairy products, but you should monitor their calorie and fat content. For example, yoghurts, even low-fat ones, often have a high calorie content and are therefore not recommended for a protein diet.

Drinking regime: you can occasionally drink juices - tomato, apple and celery juice.

To achieve the best effect, Foods are best eaten boiled or steamed, sometimes it is allowed to eat small portions of fried foods, which are best fried using olive oil.

To diversify your diet menu, you can find a lot of interesting recipes on the Internet from the allowed products.

Duration of the protein diet

The duration of protein nutrition can usually be 7, 10 or 14 days, which is associated with a rather monotonous menu (just look at the detailed menu for weight loss proposed above, where the same products are very often repeated). This is a relatively short diet.

If you lose weight for 14 days, then repeat the diet of the first 7 days in the second week, only the sequence of the diet will be reversed - from day 7 to day one.

Losing weight on a protein diet: photos before, after a week and after 2 weeks

Note! In order not to harm the body, you should repeat the protein diet no more than once every six months.

By the way, there is an article on the site about: The desired body in 2 weeks: diet. Reviews

Contraindications to protein nutrition

Protein nutrition is not recommended for weight loss for everyone who wants to follow it, so you need to carefully consider the contraindications to following such a diet. Before using it, the most sensible option would be to consult a doctor., who, taking into account the patient’s health characteristics, recommends or prohibits him from this diet.

A protein diet is not indicated:

  • older people due to an increased risk of blood clots;
  • people with diseases internal organs, such as the kidneys, heart, liver, as well as those with gastrointestinal disorders, because with such a diet the load on these organs increases or fermentation will appear in the intestines;
  • people with gout;
  • Pregnant and lactating women need to be careful - before starting a diet, be sure to consult a doctor.

A protein diet has significant advantages over mono-diets, however, a limited and unbalanced diet can negatively affect health. First of all, the condition of hair and nails may worsen. Therefore, to avoid such problems, during dietary restrictions it is worth taking vitamin complexes .

A protein diet, based on the consumption of lean meats, fish, dairy products and other foods containing proteins, helps to lose excess weight

It must be added that a protein diet is not the best choice for those who love flour and sweets. Firstly, it will be quite difficult to comply with it. Secondly, after short-term weight loss and stopping the diet, the weight will quickly return if the love for sweets turns out to be stronger than the desire to look slim.

So, having considered protein nutrition for weight loss: a detailed menu, it is possible to come to the following conclusions: such nutrition will help adjust weight by quickly removing fat deposits. In this case, the lost weight usually does not return or returns very slowly.

However, like all other diets, protein diets have contraindications that must be taken into account before starting to follow them. Following all recommendations will serve as a guarantee of gaining harmony and maintaining health at the same time.

I wish you beauty and success in achieving your desired shape.

How to lose 5 kg in a week - a protein diet will help with this:

The following video suggests a protein diet menu for the week:

How to lose weight with a protein diet - watch this video:

Every representative of the fair sex dreams of being beautiful and slim. If nature has not rewarded you with graceful forms, do not despair. Any young lady can correct her figure in the desired direction. However, some girls find it unbearable to go on strict diets while starving. If you can’t imagine your life without meat, and generally like to eat to your heart’s content, then protein diet for weight loss will be a great solution for you. With its help, you will lose those hated pounds without stressing your body. What is the essence of such a diet, how to adhere to it correctly and what results can be achieved, read on.

Today, the protein diet is used for weight loss very often and is rightfully recognized as one of the most effective, because you feel active and cheerful, without suffering from hunger. So, the essence of the course is to eat protein-rich foods that saturate the body and give it the necessary strength and energy. During this diet, you can safely continue training or start doing physical exercises. With a lack of carbohydrates received, the body will begin to use hidden glycogen reserves from adipose tissue and muscle mass.

Losing weight on a protein diet is considered healthier than on mono-diets, when you are forced to consume the same product for several days in a row. The protein diet pleases with its variety. The disadvantage of the presented diet is that you still have to give up flour, sweets and fatty foods. Deprived of carbohydrates and fats, the body uses its own reserves, due to which weight loss occurs.

It is important! The diet should be followed for no more than two weeks, and preferably 7-10 days. You can repeat the course no earlier than six months to a year later.

If you neglect this rule, then due to the large amount of protein entering the body, an important element - calcium - is washed out of it, which is fraught with increased fatigue, brittle hair and nails, dry skin and dull complexion. In addition, long-term adherence to a diet with a passive lifestyle leads to swelling of the kidneys and even contributes to the development urolithiasis. To avoid this and reduce the stress on your kidneys, you should consume enough fluids and fiber in the form of certain fruits and vegetables.

Protein diet rules

In order for the results of the diet to be positive, you need to remember some important rules:

  • During your weight loss course, you should drink enough water, about 2 liters. Best suited for restoring mineral balance in the body. mineral water.
  • The number of calories consumed per day should not exceed 1200.
  • It is advisable to take a complex of multivitamins and microelements.
  • Food should be taken 4-6 times a day. In this case, the first meal is no earlier than half an hour after waking up, and the last one 2-3 hours before bedtime.
  • The diet is made up only of permitted foods, with 30 g of fat allowed (for example, 1-2 tablespoons of flaxseed oil) per day.

Authorized Products

  • lean fish;
  • poultry meat without skin (turkey, chicken);
  • veal, beef;
  • egg whites;
  • offal (heart, liver, tongue);
  • seafood;
  • cereals;
  • whole wheat bread;
  • low-fat dairy products (cheese, cottage cheese, milk, kefir, unsweetened yogurt);
  • vegetables (cucumbers, tomatoes, cabbage, celery, bell peppers, zucchini and eggplant);
  • fruits (apples, citrus fruits);
  • nuts;
  • drinks (mineral water, coffee and tea without added sugar).

Prohibited Products

  • semi-finished products;
  • fatty fish and meat;
  • butter;
  • fatty dairy products;
  • any canned food;
  • sweet;
  • flour;
  • mayonnaise and any fatty sauces;
  • sweet and carbonated drinks;
  • vegetables containing starch (potatoes, all legumes), as well as carrots and beets;
  • sugar and its substitutes;
  • alcohol.

It is important! Food can be steamed, in a slow cooker or baked. The dishes are seasoned to taste with soy sauce, balsamic vinegar, herbs, lemon juice, salt and pepper. Frying food is strictly prohibited!

Protein express diet menu for a week

Based on all of the above, we have compiled a detailed menu for a week on a protein diet in the form of a table. Let’s say right away that the diet is only approximate; you can change some things based on the list of allowed high-protein foods.

Day Eating Menu for the day
Monday Breakfast boiled chicken (150 g); grain bread (1 slice); glass of green tea
Snack 1 apple
Dinner boiled beef (200 g); vegetable salad (200 g)
Afternoon snack 100 g yogurt
Dinner mozzarella cheese (50 g); tomato (1 piece)
Tuesday Breakfast cottage cheese with honey (200 g); tea
Snack 1 orange
Dinner beef stew with vegetables (200 g)
Afternoon snack kiwi (2 pcs)
Dinner steamed fish (100 g); fresh vegetables (200 g)
Wednesday Breakfast chicken fillet (150 g); 1 orange
Snack 1 fruit (any)
Dinner stewed beans with vegetables (300 g);
Afternoon snack 1% kefir; blueberry
Dinner beef stew with cabbage (300 g)
Thursday Breakfast 1% kefir (1 glass); low-calorie cookies (2 pcs)
Snack 1 apple
Dinner turkey fillet (200 g); grapefruit (1 piece)
Afternoon snack yogurt (1 glass); orange (1 piece)
Dinner steamed fish with vegetables (300 g)
Friday Breakfast cold boiled veal (200 g); apple (1 piece)
Snack 4 tangerines
Dinner boiled fish (200 g); toast
Afternoon snack berries with kefir (1 glass)
Dinner steamed fish (150 g); vegetable salad (200 g)
Saturday Breakfast low-fat curd cheese (200 g); tea
Snack 1 orange
Dinner stewed cabbage (300 g); fresh vegetables (150 g)
Afternoon snack tangerine (2 pcs); apple (1 piece)
Dinner vegetable salad (200 g); boiled fish (150 g)
Sunday Breakfast low-calorie baked goods (100 g); 1% milk (1 glass)
Snack 1 fruit (any)
Dinner minestrone soup; grain bread (2 pieces); boiled beef (150 g)
Afternoon snack low fat cottage cheese (150 g); honey (5 g)
Dinner cup of fruit salad (citrus and apples (300 g))

Such a menu for every day with a protein diet will allow you to quickly feel the effect. The great thing is that the list of foods that you can eat is quite extensive. This means that there is room for your imagination to run wild and you can prepare quite a variety of dishes.

It is important! A protein diet should be combined with exercise and in a healthy way life, spend more time in nature, pamper your body with massages and other procedures, then the effect of losing weight will multiply and last for a long time, and you will look and feel healthier and younger.

The results of a protein diet for weight loss are truly impressive - in about a week you can lose up to 5 kg of weight (depending on the initial parameters and your activity). For maximum effect, it is recommended to combine the diet with training and a healthy lifestyle. Take a walk, get enough sleep, say goodbye to bad habits. However, such a protein menu is not suitable for everyone due to individual characteristics body. There are reviews both positive and negative, but weight loss is observed in almost every follower of this diet.

Expert opinion

Egorova Natalya Sergeevna
Dietitian, Nizhny Novgorod

Personally, I am not a supporter of protein diets, as they are quite “aggressive”. I think most of my colleagues agree with me on this.

I recommend that my patients lose weight using diets based on the principles healthy eating. When drawing up a weight loss plan, I always calculate the recommended daily calorie intake. And I give recommendations on the ratio of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the diet. I explain to patients what the glycemic index and “fast” carbohydrates are. All this needs to be taken into account when losing weight. And at the same time, the body needs to be given physical activity. Yes, physical activity, exercise and going to the gym are an important part of the weight loss process.

Of course, protein diets have a right to exist. But they should be resorted to only in extreme cases, when it is not possible to lose weight by other methods. At the same time, you need to be extremely careful with protein diets. You should “sit down” on them only after consulting a nutritionist. And pay attention to one more point. The amount of protein in the diet should be strictly dosed. After all, their excess can cause serious harm to the body.

How to get out of a weight loss diet?

After completing a weight loss course, it does not mean that the next day you can eat whatever and as much as you want. To properly exit this diet and maintain the results obtained, you need to do it gradually. Accustom yourself to drink coffee and tea without sugar, do not indulge in sweets, fatty foods and baked goods. Before breakfast, it is recommended to drink a glass of plain water. In the morning, it is very advisable to eat oatmeal or low-fat cottage cheese. For lunch, an excellent solution would be low-fat soups, meat and fish, steamed, grilled or in the oven. Avoid fried foods. Load up on vegetables, enjoy fruits - tasty and healthy! In the first days, avoid potatoes - they contain too much starch. Introduce familiar foods into your diet gradually. Eat often, 3-5 times a day, but in small portions.

Diet contraindications

It must be remembered that even such a nutritious diet for weight loss has its own nuances. Of course, it is contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. It is also undesirable for older people to follow such a diet. The fact is that eating exclusively as part of a protein diet increases blood clotting, which in turn can lead to the formation of blood clots in the vessels.

In addition, strict contraindications are:

  • kidney diseases;
  • liver diseases;
  • gastrointestinal diseases;
  • cardiovascular system problems;
  • oncology.

Types of protein diet

There are different variations of the protein diet, let's look at the most popular ones:

  • Protein-carbohydrate. The essence of this diet is that you should alternate days of consuming proteins and complex carbohydrates. Today there is one thing, and tomorrow there is another. This option is considered more balanced, and is even allowed to be followed for more than 14 days.
  • Protein-vegetable. Very effective method lose weight - eat protein foods in combination with vegetables. Don't forget to drink plenty of fluids throughout the day!
  • Protein-vitamin. Great for those who are wary of various types of dietary restrictions. The main rule of this course is an indispensable combination of protein and vitamins, for example, fruit for breakfast and meat for lunch. Any fruits and vegetables are suitable for consumption. This protein diet does not have a strict menu, and its basic principles are the same as we discussed above.
  • . Its second name is Hollywood, beloved by many celebrities. Dr. Atkins advises eating mostly protein and even fatty foods, but there is a taboo on carbohydrate-containing foods.
  • . In essence, this is a healthy nutrition system that it is advisable to adhere to throughout your life. The emphasis is on eating protein foods and limiting fats and carbohydrates.

Protein diet recipes

To prevent your protein diet from being boring, we offer a selection of simple and healthy dishes.

  • Protein salad. Boil the eggs, chop them, add boiled chicken breast and squid, season with sauce to taste.
  • Okroshka with kefir. Grate the radishes, finely chop chicken or lean ham. Also chop boiled eggs, pickled cucumber, green onions and parsley or dill. Pour the mixture with kefir and add vinegar to taste.
  • Omelette with tomatoes. Simmer the chopped tomatoes in a frying pan without peeling for a couple of minutes, then pour beaten eggs over them, salt and pepper to taste, and after 5 minutes you can remove the pan from the heat. Sprinkle the top of the dish with herbs.
  • Beef with eggplant. Cut the eggplants into rings and leave in salted water for 15 minutes to remove the bitterness. Chop a couple of tomatoes, then put them in a saucepan, sprinkle with herbs and garlic, and bring to a boil. Then add the eggplants and simmer everything for about 30 minutes. Next, place the vegetables on a dish, top with chopped meat and bake for about 15 minutes.
  • Curd dessert. A simple, delicious and nutritious dessert. Mix low-fat cottage cheese with pieces of apples and oranges, beat everything with a mixer, place in molds and freeze. When finished, the dessert looks like ice cream.
  • Meatball soup. Put meatballs into the broth cooked on a chicken bone (they need to be made from chicken meat, previously passed through a meat grinder), add chopped bell peppers, green beans, herbs and bring the soup to readiness.

Conclusions about the protein diet

According to the consensus of nutritionists, the best diet is the one in which you feel comfortable, without suffering from weakness, hunger and calorie counting. Unfortunately, it doesn't exist universal recipe fast weight loss. However, in all the variety of options available today, everyone will be able to choose the best option for themselves. What’s good about a protein diet is that it allows you to lose extra pounds without the threat of starvation or a nervous breakdown and gives you energy for exercise. To acquire the desired shape, do not forget to strictly follow the rules outlined above and adhere to the dietary program, then the result will not be long in coming.

Healthy weight loss is usually from 0.5 to 1 kg per week, but everything is individual, it all depends on the initial condition. Before losing weight at a faster pace, you need to talk to your doctor and nutritionist. Sometimes you can lose about 10 kg in 30 days without losing your health. A protein diet for a month can help with this.

Menu: choosing the right calories

It is no longer a secret that in order to lose weight, you need to eat. The only question is what exactly and in what quantities. It is important to follow a specific nutrition plan and eat foods that are relatively low in calories, but at the same time, the body must receive the necessary vitamins and nutrients. Therefore, the food must certainly be of high quality. A protein-rich diet for the month consists of small amounts of whole grains and healthy fats, low-fat dairy products, lean protein, and plenty of fruits or vegetables.

The regime will save you from overeating

You need to eat every 4 hours to support your metabolism and also prevent such unpleasant phenomena as overeating. It is highly undesirable to skip one of the meals. As a rule, there are five meals: three main ones (breakfast, lunch and dinner) and two additional snacks, also called second breakfast and afternoon snack. A protein diet for a month involves certain restrictions, but giving up some foods or reducing their quantities can bring very tangible benefits to the body.


As you've heard before, breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and this is not the time to skimp on calories. It should include slow carbohydrates and definitely proteins to maintain energy levels throughout the day and keep your appetite under control. This can be done by choosing one of the following breakfast options:

  • a vegetarian egg omelette and a piece of whole wheat toast;
  • half a medium banana, several small buckwheat pancakes with berries and low-fat yogurt.


The main purpose of snacking is to maintain energy levels until lunch. Fruits do this job well. Healthy carbohydrates and natural sugars will continue to fuel your metabolism. Low-fat yogurt or cheese and a hard-boiled egg are also suitable, but it is better not to choose foods that you have already eaten for breakfast. Meals should be varied.


A protein diet for a month involves consuming high-quality protein, the loading dose of which occurs at lunch. Otherwise, this meal should be fairly light. This could be a piece of whole grain bread, stewed or baked vegetables and lean meat (turkey). Or, alternatively, a mixed green salad with salmon or grilled chicken.

Afternoon snack

A nutritious afternoon snack would be carrots, other raw vegetables, a small handful of nuts, or a protein bar.


Your dinner should be free of fast and whole grain carbohydrates and consist of lean protein (fish or white meat) and plenty of fresh or steamed vegetables.


For dessert, you should choose products containing less than 100 calories per 100 grams, this could be fruit, low-fat pudding or jelly. It is worth remembering that eating sweets and meat is extremely undesirable; this combination slows down digestion and causes fermentation. Therefore, it is best to eat dessert as an independent dish, and not eat it for lunch or dinner. If after a meal you want something sweet, then a good tip would be to drink mint green tea; this drink miraculously dulls this harmful desire.

Menu: week one

A high diet is not based on one fixed menu. Its great advantage lies in the variety of products. However, for convenience, you can use approximately the same diet for the first week.

DaysBreakfast2nd breakfastDinnerAfternoon snackDinner
1 100 g cottage cheese 2%, unsweetened teaEgg, slice of cheeseBoiled chicken breast (150 g), 1 piece of whole grain bread.Green appleFried fish with lettuce (200 g)
2 Egg, cucumber and celery saladLow-fat cottage cheese (200 g)Beef stewed with vegetables (150 g)CarrotBoiled chicken with herbs
3 Cucumber and tomato salad, sour cream, egg10 hazelnutsChicken fillet chops (150 g), asparagus (200 g)Kefir (200g)

Fish, stewed vegetables

4 Glass of milk, omeletteZucchini stewed with chicken breastStewed fish (200g), a piece of whole grain bread, cucumberOrangeTurkey, carrot salad
5 Oatmeal with water or low-fat milkEgg, slice of cheeseVegetable soup, boiled beef (150 g), green saladCottage cheese (100g)Boiled chicken breast, broccoli
6 Beans (100 g), piece of stewed turkey (100 g)Cottage cheese with a spoon of honeyBaked fish with vegetables (300 g)Grapefruit2 eggs, cucumber and tomato salad
7 Scrambled eggs with tomatoes and herbsAppleBoiled chicken (150 g) with cucumber salad (150 g)(100 g)Buckwheat porridge (100 g), beef stew

This option is approximate, snacks and types of meat and fish can be varied as desired, the remaining 3 weeks will look about the same. Following your feelings, you can add a spoonful of rice, buckwheat, pearl barley or any other porridge or one or two boiled potatoes during lunch, also gradually adding more fruits and a variety of vegetables to your diet.

Healthy recipes

You can diversify your menu a little and prepare dishes that are pleasant not only to eat, but also to look at:

  • Veal steak. You will need: veal (400 g), black pepper and salt to taste, one teaspoon of olive oil. Preparation: Rinse the meat thoroughly, remove any films and pat dry with a paper towel. Then cut into palm-sized pieces, the thickness of the steak should not exceed 2-2.5 cm. Mix pepper, salt and olive oil, grate the meat and leave for 1-1.5 hours to soak. After this time, fry the steaks without adding oil over high heat for 2 minutes. on each side until a crust appears, then you need to wrap individual pieces in foil and leave for 45 minutes. into a preheated oven. Bake at 200 degrees.

  • Salad “A la Caesar”. You will need three hard-boiled eggs, one boiled medium chicken breast, fresh cucumber, Chinese cabbage or lettuce (about 400 g), low-fat yogurt, a little salt and mustard. Cut the meat into cubes. Chop the cabbage and cucumber randomly. For dressing you need to mix 100 g of yogurt, one teaspoon of mustard and a small pinch of salt. After mixing the ingredients, the salad can be served, after sprinkling it with lemon juice.

If you had the desire, then you can prepare delicious and delicious dishes from the most seemingly simple and banal products.

Is a protein diet only for bodybuilders?

It is a misconception that a high protein diet is only beneficial for bodybuilders or marathon runners. It helps not only with building muscle mass. When choosing between waffles and eggs, why is it better to choose the egg? Is it really the most effective diet for weight loss - is it protein? This is true. Proteins help curb hunger, increase feelings of fullness, and promote not only weight loss but also weight maintenance.

How to lose weight?

There are two main ways to burn subcutaneous fat by optimizing any of these factors, which work even better when they are combined. These are physical exercises and a protein diet. For a month, you should change the menu and your diet in favor of healthy and quality products. Better yet, do it proper nutrition your good habit.

Golden rules

There are a number of rules and tips that will help you lose weight and improve your body health; reviews from those losing weight confirm their effectiveness. Here are some of them:

  1. Avoid “white” carbohydrates (bread, rice, grains, potatoes, pasta), as well as fried, breaded foods.
  2. Eat the same foods. The most successful diets, whether the goal is muscle gain or fat loss, rely on eating the same foods. The main thing is to combine them correctly.
  3. Eat more protein. Most people who subject themselves to low-carb diets complain of low energy levels because they are simply not consuming enough calories for the body to function properly. In comparison, a half cup of rice contains 300 calories, while 1/2 cup of spinach has only 15 calories! You won't be satisfied with vegetables alone. Therefore, it is very important to add protein and legumes for a calorie boost.
  4. Choose the right side dish. Pasta and potatoes are best replaced with vegetables.
  5. Don't drink calories. This does not apply to water and unsweetened green tea, which can be consumed with virtually no restrictions. But you should be careful with sweet carbonated drinks and juices, as well as alcohol, as these are also hidden calories.
  6. Give yourself a belly holiday once a week or a so-called day off from dieting. Let, for example, it be Saturday. On this day, allow yourself to eat something that is not usually included in your usual healthy diet: ice cream, a chocolate bar, or something like that. In a week of proper nutrition, your metabolism accelerates so much that such a trifle as one cake a week cannot ruin everything.

Protein diet: reviews and results

A high-protein diet can help reduce your risk of obesity, diabetes and heart disease. Conducted studies confirm numerous positive reviews those who managed to lose weight, for example, on the Dukan and Atkins diet. With proteins, losing weight is much more pleasant and easier; there is no feeling of fatigue and loss of strength and energy as with low-carb diets. People who use protein diet recipes for weight loss note that they achieve their desired goals much faster than those who sit on cucumbers alone.

How much protein do you need to be completely happy?

To lose excess weight and fat while maintaining lean muscle mass, you need to eat 0.5 to 1 gram of protein per kilogram of weight. If you weigh about 60 kg, then one meal should contain about 20 grams of quality protein.

Ducan's diet

The essence of the protein diet from the French nutritionist Dukan consists of four different nutrition programs, following one after another. A distinctive feature is that at the initial stage you cannot eat anything other than proteins (meat, fish, eggs and low-fat dairy products) and drink a lot of water (up to 3 liters per day). It starts with rapid weight loss, and leads to a gradual, structured, long-term eating regimen that ensures that the lost weight never comes back. Another secret ingredient of the Dukan diet is oats, or more specifically oat bran, which absorbs water in the intestines, creates a feeling of fullness, is good for heart health and relieves constipation. Weight loss is inevitable and rapid.

Weight loss must be approached wisely

One of the first keys to successfully losing pounds is setting a goal weight that is right for your body and that you can maintain without special effort until the end of life. Taking into account gender, age (with each decade a woman’s stable weight increases), family history problems with excess body weight, your own range, you need to build your way to ideal weight. This means that you should not set unrealistic goals for yourself. You need to approach everything wisely, including your own health.

List of delicious high protein foods

If you have chosen a protein diet, what can you eat? Here is a list of the most delicious permitted foods:

  • Eggs. It is one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet.
  • Almond. It contains many important nutrients, including vitamin E, manganese and magnesium.
  • Skinless chicken breast. It is one of the most popular protein-rich foods. It is easy to prepare, and the taste does not become boring.
  • Oats. This is probably one of the healthiest grains on the planet, containing beneficial fiber, magnesium, manganese, thiamine (vitamin B1) and several other nutrients.
  • Cottage cheese. Low in calories and low in fat, this product contains calcium, phosphorus, selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin (vitamin B2) and various other nutrients.
  • Greek yogurt without sugar. Tasty, healthy and nutritious, it contains more protein than kefir or any other low-fat yogurt.
  • Milk. An excellent source of high-quality protein, one cup contains about 8 grams of pure protein.

Protein Power

It takes more effort for the body to digest and absorb protein. This means you burn more calories. Another huge benefit is that protein dieters who eat about 30 percent protein in their diet eat almost 450 fewer calories per day than those who don't. The success of this diet is that you lose fat, not muscle. The body uses the amino acids in protein to build muscle, which not only makes you stronger, but also helps you burn calories even when you're not active.

What are the dangers of protein deficiency?

Protein is used by every cell in our body and is critical for building muscle mass, supporting neurological function, aiding digestion, as well as naturally balancing hormones and keeping your mood high. Without enough varied protein sources in your diet, you risk becoming deficient in certain amino acids. The result is low energy levels, problems building muscle, poor concentration and memory, mood swings, unstable blood sugar levels, and problems maintaining or losing weight. Proteins are used every day and take care of every part of the body - from skin and hair to digestive enzymes and the immune system as a whole, as they are constantly being broken down and need to be replaced.

The protein diet (reviews and results confirm its effectiveness) really works. The main benefits are taming hunger, losing weight and building muscle mass. Firstly, it is worth determining best sources squirrel. These are foods low in saturated fat and calories - seafood, beans, soy, low-fat dairy, eggs, nuts and seeds. Be sure to include vegetables in your diet for fiber and other important nutrients.

When choosing meat, you should pay attention to its low-fat varieties. As for fish, the fattier the better. Eggs are an excellent inexpensive source of protein. Beans help you feel fuller longer by lowering bad cholesterol levels. It is also important to add low-fat dairy products such as milk, cheese and yogurt. They not only provide essential protein, but also calcium for a healthy heart and strong bones.

What about carbohydrates?

Does a protein diet include carbohydrate days? When planning your high-protein menu, you need to limit foods high in carbohydrates such as cereals, grains, fruits and some vegetables. Reducing your consumption of these foods can lead to dramatic weight loss as a lot of water will be lost. The most effective diet for weight loss involves limiting the consumption of cereals, but not completely abstaining from them.

As for fruits, you should not abuse them either. However, a protein diet may also include carbohydrate days, when you can afford not to eat in the morning or afternoon. a large number of porridge, pasta or potatoes, but this is only after the first results have been achieved. Gradually you can add more and more new foods to your diet. A planned protein diet for a month, a menu, if it is properly balanced, will certainly give results.

This article describes in detail the protein diet, the menu for the week by day, and what you can eat on a protein diet for weight loss.

Looking for ideal diet everyone is stubbornly trying to keep up with three birds with one stone:

  • Fast, visible results;
  • No hunger;
  • Benefit to the body.

Miracles, of course, do not happen, but there is one effective and simple way to get in shape - a protein diet for weight loss.

Before moving on to a detailed description, I will highlight two positive points:

  • By following a protein diet, you will never be hungry;
  • The extra pounds will not come back after a diet. Why? – Read on.

The principle of such a diet is banal and simple. Our body constantly requires glucose. Glucose comes from carbohydrates. The problem is that when we eat these carbohydrates, the level of glucose in the body rises just as sharply as it falls. And then we want to eat again. As a result, your appetite grows and your fat goes along with it!

The main rule of a protein diet is to eliminate ALL carbohydrates from the diet. For what? Without carbohydrates, the body will have to look for glucose reserves in its own fat. Fat is broken down, the body gets its fuel, you get your beautiful, renewed body - everyone is happy!

The protein diet is the achievement of one very talented American cardiologist (which makes it even more reliable) named Atkins. As a result, the protein diet acquired its own name - the Atkins diet. In 1963, Atkins tested this diet on himself and managed to lose about 5-6 kg in 14 days.

Well, now, to the specifics. Basic rules of a protein diet:

  • We eat 7-8 times a day (otherwise there is no other way);
  • The serving size should visually fit into your palm;
  • Eliminate any seasonings, salt, ketchups, sauces, dressings and mayonnaise from your diet;
  • Breakfast – half an hour after you wake up;
  • Dinner (forget about stupid myths about “after six”) a couple of hours before bedtime;
  • Before meals, every time we drink a glass of water (preferably mineral, ideally slightly warmed) - we help your stomach “start up” before eating. Lemonade, beer, alcohol, sweet juices are completely excluded;
  • We exclude apricots, bananas, grapes, persimmons and potatoes - they contain too many carbohydrates, and we remember that a protein diet implies their absence;
  • We drink calcium and restorative vitamins - you shouldn’t offend your body and limit it in minerals and vitamins during the diet.

So what can you eat?

We tried to reflect everything that you can eat on a protein diet for weight loss in the list of products. But in fact, the list can be much longer, taking into account the fact that you need to consume fiber in sufficient quantities, as well as healthy fats and some carbohydrates.

  • Lean pork, lamb, rabbit and beef;
  • Low-fat cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt, milk, cheese, low-fat sour cream;
  • Eggs;
  • Boiled or steamed white and red fish, pink salmon, tuna, salmon;
  • Boiled beans;
  • Vegetables include sauerkraut, broccoli, bell peppers, onions and some tomatoes. Don't forget about greens;
  • A couple of pieces of black bread a day;
  • All salads are dressed exclusively with lemon juice and olive oil;
  • We drink water, natural, boiled coffee and green tea.

Sample menu for the day:

We figured out what you can eat on a protein diet for weight loss; you can create a menu from the described products yourself. Or use the example of a diet that we compiled. Below you will find a protein diet menu for a week, that is, an example of a diet for weight loss for 7 days. You can change foods depending on your taste preferences and tolerance to certain foods.

  • BREAKFAST: 150 grams of beef, 100 grams of salad (sauerkraut and peas), green tea (no sugar);
  • LUNCH: 200 grams of white fish, cooked in a double boiler, a piece of black bread, a glass of natural apple juice and one green apple;
  • DINNER: 200 grams of vegetable soup with meat broth, 100 grams of lamb and a piece of black bread.

And these are just the main meals. In between, snack on low-fat dairy products, boiled eggs, vitamin-rich fruits - pomegranates, oranges, green apples, pineapples.

The first on the list of those for whom any diet is prohibited are pregnant women. But miracles happen! A protein diet is direct proof of this. She will allow the young mother to leave the maternity hospital with the same magnificent figure that she had before pregnancy. The only thing is that a small set of certain carbohydrates and grains is still necessary for the development of the fetus, but this is a topic for a separate article.

Protein diet menu for a week by day

The diet is designed for a week; if you are overweight, the number of days can be increased (maximum 2 weeks).

Monday, 1 day

  • Breakfast: 150 g of low-fat cottage cheese, tea or coffee.
  • Snack: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 150 g boiled chicken breast, 1 slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: 100 g yogurt.
  • Dinner: 200 g steamed fish, vegetable salad.

Tuesday, day 2

  • Breakfast: 150 g of unsweetened yogurt, tea or coffee.
  • Snack: 1 orange.
  • Lunch: 150 g stewed beef with vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: 200 g baked fish, 200 g fresh vegetables.

Wednesday, day 3

  • Breakfast: 3 egg whites, coffee or tea.
  • Snack: 1 fruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g turkey, 4-6 tbsp. l. brown rice.
  • Afternoon snack: unsweetened curd cheese.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled beef, 150 g cabbage salad.

Thursday, day 4

  • Breakfast: a glass of low-fat kefir with 2 oatmeal cookies.
  • Snack: 1 grapefruit.
  • Lunch: 200 g chicken fillet, 200 g asparagus.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir or fermented baked milk.
  • Dinner: 200 g boiled fish, 150 g vegetables.

Friday, day 5

  • Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese, coffee or tea.
  • Snack: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: 200 g of boiled fish, 1 slice of whole grain bread.
  • Plodnik: 100 g of natural yogurt without sugar.
  • Dinner: 200 g steamed beef, 150 g vegetable salad.

Saturday, 6th day

  • Breakfast: omelet of 2 egg whites, tea or coffee.
  • Snack: any citrus fruit.
  • Lunch: stewed beans - 200 g, 150 g of vegetables.
  • Afternoon snack: a glass of kefir.
  • Dinner: 150 g boiled fish, 100 g salad.

Sunday, day 7

  • Breakfast: 150 g of cottage cheese, tea or coffee.
  • Snack: 1 apple.
  • Lunch: a plate of soup with vegetables, cooked in lean beef broth, 100 g of boiled beef, 1 slice of whole grain bread.
  • Afternoon snack: 1 cottage cheese without sugar.
  • Dinner: 100 g boiled beef, 100 g salad.

Well, now, after the most important thing has been said, you still haven’t decided that everything is so magical? Oh yes, nothing ideal exists, so let’s move on to the sad:

Negative effects of a protein diet

  1. Unbalanced diet. Due to the lack of carbohydrates, fiber and fats, your body experiences a serious deficiency of vitamins and essential microelements, which affects your beautiful appearance. Result: dry skin, dull hair, pale complexion.
  2. Load on the kidneys. Protein in large volumes makes our kidneys work actively. So active that the body begins to lose too much fluid. So a protein diet involves consuming a large amount of liquid, primarily mineral water.
  3. Causes calcium deficiency. The result is that the blood clots faster and blood clots form.
  4. In addition to calcium, the body will lack sugar. Low blood sugar levels will have a detrimental effect on your concentration and performance. Headaches and even nervous breakdowns are possible.

Who is the protein diet contraindicated for?

  1. Elderly people – due to calcium deficiency;
  2. Children under 18 years of age require a full set of microelements for full growth, and a protein diet cannot provide this;
  3. Girls and women with critical body weight. No, this is certainly stupid, but among your friends there are ladies who, with a height of 170 cm and a weight of 50 kg, consider themselves fat. So, if they eat nothing but protein, they will soon come to extreme exhaustion, constipation, gastritis and nervous breakdowns;
  4. For those who have problems with the kidneys, heart and stomach

Well, and one more thing...

The protein diet is incredibly popular among actors and bodybuilders. Why? This diet is ideal in combination with regular physical activity. At the same time, there is an almost instantaneous burning of fat and the building of beautiful muscle relief on your body. So, if you are an active young man, then a protein diet is ideal for you!

Moreover, the larger the portion of protein food, the more will be required physical activity. The more physical activity, the longer the results and muscle tone will be maintained. This is an opportunity to lose weight and not lose muscle mass at the same time!

That is, a protein diet necessarily requires jogging, swimming, going to the gym, cycling, or at least frequent walking. Try going without a car for a couple of weeks and running for the bus!

And in conclusion...

  • You can go on a protein diet no more often than once a year and no longer than 2 weeks;
  • With a protein diet, regular physical activity is necessary so that excess protein in the body is not stored as fat, but maintains muscle tone;
  • In addition to the above, without further physical activity (even small ones) and with a sudden switch to junk food, your weight will return back, as with any diet;
  • When returning to a normal diet, you should not think that in the future only prohibitions await you. You just need to limit yourself to flour, sweets, and exercise. And the main thing is to find something to do that you like, so that you don’t have time and energy to run to the refrigerator!

And don’t think that the light in the refrigerator was invented specifically for climbing into it at night! Your body's friends are proper nutrition, at least a little exercise and a positive attitude!

In the article we discuss a protein diet for weight loss. We talk about the diet, dietary features, and permitted foods. You will learn 2 menu options for the week, the advantages and disadvantages of the diet, and the presence of contraindications to following it.

Recently, the protein diet has gained great popularity among those who want to quickly get in shape without experiencing a painful feeling of hunger, as well as among people who are actively involved in sports. The miraculous result is achieved by almost completely eliminating carbohydrates and preventing lipid deposition.

A protein diet for weight loss for a week includes exclusively protein foods (including fish, meat, eggs), while the consumption of carbohydrates is kept to a minimum. This diet causes a restructuring of metabolic processes.

Replacing foods that are quickly converted into energy with foods that are difficult to digest leads to the consumption of your own fat reserves.

One of the most effective varieties of this method of losing weight is, which includes several stages:

  1. Attack or stage of rapid weight loss. For 3 to 10 days, eat only proteins (in large quantities) and lose from 7 to 25 kg, due to saturation of cells with proteins, intensive removal of excess fluid and breakdown of lipid reserves, which consumes many kilocalories.
  2. Cruise or alternating protein and carbohydrate days. For 2–4 days, eat proteins; for the next 2–4 days, dilute protein dishes with low-calorie vegetables. The length of the period depends on desired result, usually within a week you can lose about a kilogram.
  3. Consolidation (merger). Gradually enter into the menu various products, pasta, fruits (except grapes) and berries, cereals, bread, etc. Follow a protein fasting day once a week.
  4. Stabilization or consolidation of the result. To save results achieved When switching to a regular diet, follow some rules. Every morning, eat oat bran (3 tablespoons), drink enough liquid, do not betray. Once every 7 days, eat meals containing a lot of proteins.

When following a protein diet, you can use a list of protein products for weight loss, which includes about 70 items. A rare food system can boast such diversity. You need to eat at least 5-6 times a day at the same time, dinner no later than 2 hours before bedtime.

Important! You should not eat only proteins for more than 14 days, as this can lead to kidney failure. When starting a diet, be sure to consult your doctor to rule out possible contraindications.

Table of permitted protein products for weight loss:

  1. Meat, lean varieties, thoroughly cleaned of fat. Chops, stews, cutlets made from veal, rabbit, horse meat, beef.
  2. Offal. Liver, kidneys of beef, rabbit and poultry; lamb or veal tongue.
  3. Various types of fish, including smoked, canned, salted, dried, boiled, baked.
  4. All types of seafood, shrimp, mussels, squid, crabs, etc.
  5. Turkey and skinless chicken.
  6. Lean ham.
  7. Eggs, in the form of scrambled eggs, omelet, and also boiled.
  8. Low-fat dairy products (including cheese, cottage cheese, kefir, sour cream, feta cheese, yogurt).
  9. Sugar-free drinks, various types of tea, coffee, water, tomato juice.
  10. Wheat and soy proteins (tofu, seitan).
  11. Oat bran.
  12. Sweets: dried apples and pears, sugar-free candies, citrus fruits.
  13. Sweeteners and sweeteners (honey, stevia, sorbitol, mannitol, aspartame, etc.)
  14. Sauces: wine or balsamic vinegar, adjika, soy, mustard, lemon juice.
  15. Herbs and seasonings: ginger, cumin, garlic, onion, pepper.
  16. The amount of salt is limited.
  17. Cucumbers, lettuce, tomatoes, cabbage.
  18. Cereals: buckwheat, brown rice, oatmeal (not cereal).
  19. Crisps or bread made from unrefined grains.

Menu options for the week

Taking into account the basic principles of a protein diet, we present an approximate menu for 7 days.

First option:


8.00 - boiled calf tongue, a slice of whole grain bread, coffee;

11.00 - apple;

14.00 – boiled chicken, cucumber and tomato, herbal tea;

17.00 – cottage cheese with kefir;

20.00 – baked carp and cabbage, tea.


8.00 – cottage cheese casserole, coffee;

11.00 - grapefruit;

14.00 – beef cutlets with vegetables, tea;

17.00 – kefir, diet bread;

20.00 - shrimp, fresh vegetables, tea.


8.00 – boiled chicken fillet, coffee;

11.00 - pear;

14.00 – stewed liver, vegetable salad, tea;

17.00 - yogurt;

20.00 – fish cutlets, shredded carrots and cabbage, tea.


8.00 veal chop, rice, coffee;

11.00 - orange;

14.00 - skinless chicken thigh, squash caviar, apple juice;

17.00 - omelet;

20.00 – canned tuna, green peas, tea.


8.00 – turkey fillet, buckwheat, coffee;

11.00 - pear;

14.00 – fish soup with pieces of fish, a piece of whole grain bread;

17.00 - milk;

20.00 – beef tongue aspic, tomato, tea.


8.00 – scrambled eggs with ham, cucumber, tea;

11.00 - orange;

14.00 – bean soup, boiled beef;

17.00 - kefir;

20.00 – boiled fish, salad, cranberry juice.


8.00 - oatmeal with milk, coffee;

11.00 - apple;

14.00 – rabbit stewed in sour cream, seaweed, tea;

17.00 - cottage cheese;

20.00 – sea cocktail, tea.

Second option:

Monday (attack)

8.00 – omelet of 2 eggs and kefir, boiled chicken, tea;

12.00 – broth with pieces of chicken fillet, tea;

16.00 – cheesecakes;

18.00 - cheese, ham, tea;

20.00 – kefir.

Tuesday (attack)

8.00 – chicken chop, coffee;

12.00 – fish soup with pieces of salmon, tea;

16.00 – cheese, tea;

18.00 - liver stewed in sour cream, tea;

20.00 – kefir.

Wednesday (attack)

8.00 – boiled egg, mackerel, coffee;

12.00 – beef baked with cheese, tea;

16.00 – yogurt;

18.00 - kebab of mussels and shrimp, tea;

20.00 – kefir.

Thursday (attack)

8.00 – baked trout, coffee;

12.00 – boiled beans, turkey fillet, tea;

16.00 – cottage cheese with sour cream;

18.00 - scrambled eggs, ham, tea;

20.00 – yogurt.

Friday (cruise, protein-vegetable day)

8.00 – omelette, tomato, tea;

12.00 – vegetable soup with pieces of beef, bread, herbal tea;

16.00 – cheesecakes with carrots;

18.00 - hard cheese and ham zucchini casserole, tea;

20.00 – kefir.

Saturday (cruise, protein-vegetable day)

8.00 – stewed cabbage with chicken, coffee;

12.00 – borscht, chop, bread, tea;

16.00 – yogurt;

18.00 - stew, tea;

20.00 – cottage cheese casserole.

Sunday (cruise, protein day)

8.00 – 2 boiled eggs, boiled rabbit, coffee;

12.00 – baked chicken fillet, herbal tea;

16.00 – cottage cheese with yogurt;

18.00 - steamed bream, tea;

20.00 – kefir.

Pros and cons of the diet

Benefits of a protein diet:

  1. It gives quick results, allows you to reduce weight in the first week up to 25 kg, and subsequently bring your BMI back to normal.
  2. A variety of products makes it possible to prepare a large number of original dishes, which prevents the desire to eat what you shouldn’t.
  3. The long process of protein digestion eliminates the feeling of hunger between main meals and prevents the desire to snack.
  4. Guarantees preservation of the obtained result, there is no “yo-yo” effect.
  5. If all recommendations are followed, this applies to safe diets(if not used for more than 2 weeks, do not skip meals, drink enough fluids, etc.).

Disadvantages of this power system:

  1. A large load on the kidneys, caused by the need to excrete an increased amount of proteins, if the diet rules are not followed, renal failure may develop.
  2. Due to the limited intake of vegetables, fruits, fats of plant and animal origin, hypovitaminosis and mineral deficiency may develop, which can lead to decreased performance, deterioration of well-being, and problems with the condition of the skin, nails and hair. To eliminate these symptoms, after initial stage diet, you need to add vitamin and mineral food supplements to your diet.
  3. Due to the limited intake of fiber, constipation may occur; if necessary, it is recommended to drink laxative teas.

Contraindications for all types of protein diets:

  • increased blood clotting and tendency to thrombosis;
  • the presence of serious diseases of the kidneys, liver, heart;
  • some ailments of the digestive tract (including colitis, pancreatitis, irritable bowel syndrome);
  • disturbance of the intestinal bacterial balance;
  • gout;
  • period of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

You can also familiarize yourself with it, it also helps you lose weight.