Methodical week in kindergarten. Plan for the methodological week. What results can a methodological week help you achieve?

To solve the tasks of the kindergarten’s annual plan, the senior teacher organizes various forms of methodological work with teachers. At MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 1” in Murom, this form became a methodological week, or a workshop for pedagogical success. Events that teachers attend during the week allow them to improve their professional skills and solve educational problems that are relevant to them. We offer and, which will help organize a methodological week in your kindergarten.

Master class on making mirilok boxes

How to choose a topic for a methodological week

The topics of methodological weeks should be selected taking into account the objectives of the kindergarten’s annual plan. For example, if the teaching staff has set itself the task of improving professional skills in the use of information technology during the school year in order to improve work on the speech development of preschoolers, a methodological week can be devoted to ICT in educational activities DOO.

MBDOU “Kindergarten No. 1” annually hosts a methodological week on the introduction of ICT into the work practice of teachers and two weeks that are aimed at solving other annual tasks.

The table shows options for the topics of methodological weeks, taking into account the annual tasks of preschool educational institutions using the example of one academic year. The topic of the week may be narrower than the annual goal. But at the same time, it should reflect the content of the annual task and be aimed at solving it.

Presentation of a personal exhibition of a preschool student

How many times a year and how to conduct a methodological week

The methodological week should be planned taking into account when the meeting of the pedagogical council takes place in the kindergarten. For example, if the teachers’ council in a preschool educational institution is in August, November, January, March, May, then three methodological weeks can be organized - in October, December, April.

Work on organizing the methodological week is based on the algorithm (). At the beginning of the school year, you should conduct an interview with teachers and make a forecast of the methodological activity of each of them (). This will help further distribute responsibilities during the methodological week.

The methodological week is organized by a creative group, which the senior teacher forms from among the kindergarten teachers. A month before the events, the head of the preschool educational institution issues an order on its creation () and a separate order on holding a methodological week (). Each methodological week is organized and conducted by a new creative group.

Each member of the creative team performs its own function. One of the experienced teachers leads the creative group, teachers with experience from 5 to 15 years conduct master classes, open classes, novice teachers prepare material for consultations, draw up presentations.

Thus, during the school year, each teacher can take part in a methodological week and demonstrate their skills.

Goals of the methodological week: systematize teachers’ knowledge on the topic of the week and involve them in working on it, broadcast successful teaching experience.


Identify problems that arise for experienced and novice teachers and provide them with methodological assistance;

To develop teachers’ desire for cooperation and co-creation;

Increase the level of activity and independence;

Develop skills of analysis and reflection of teaching activities;

Stimulate interest and motivation for self-education

What activities should be included in the methodological week plan?

The content of the methodological week is selected by the creative group in accordance with the topic. In order for teachers to be able to immerse themselves as much as possible in the topic of the week, the creative team plans theoretical and practical events, determines forms of work with teachers based on the principle thematic planning, and also thinks over the opening day and end of the methodological week.

A methodical week allows you to organize several different forms work. These can be traditional and innovative forms. The main goal of each event is to involve the maximum number of teachers and get the result in the form of draft decisions.

At the beginning of the week, theoretical classes, seminars, consultations should be conducted, and the teaching experience of colleagues from other kindergartens who are working on the same problem should be studied.

After teachers are immersed in the topic of the methodological week, it is necessary to provide them with the opportunity to expand their knowledge and improve practical skills and abilities. To do this, in the middle of the week the creative group organizes round tables and problem-based seminars.

At the end of the methodological week, experienced teachers organize master classes for colleagues, conduct open screenings classes, present creative projects. At the same stage, the head of the creative group sums up the results of the professional skills competition, if it took place during the methodological week. Examples of plans for methodological weeks are in the appendices , , .

Based on the results of the methodological week, the head of the creative group, together with the senior teacher, prepares a certificate-report. For a more qualitative analysis, they use route sheets that are filled out by teachers who participate in the methodological week. In them, teachers indicate the date, day of the week and name of the event, make a note about participation (participated, did not participate, or conducted it personally), write a brief review of the event and rate it on a 5-point scale ().

Thus, the success of the methodological week depends on a competent approach to its preparation. If the week’s events correspond to the theme and have theoretical and practical components, then teachers make the most of their creative and innovative potential, activate and systematize knowledge on current issues in the development and upbringing of children preschool age, will improve professional skills.

Options for topics for the methodological week, taking into account the annual tasks of the preschool educational institution(based on the example of one academic year)

Presentation of game aids Reflection on the results of the methodological week

What results can a methodological week help you achieve?

The methodological week allows you to take into account the requests of the teaching staff and the resources of the kindergarten, promotes the development and implementation of modern educational technologies in practical activities. Thus, this form of methodological work increases the motivation of teachers to work and the quality of education in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, which is the leading idea of ​​the professional standard of a teacher.

Results of work
with teachers within
methodological weeks in preschool educational institutions:

95% teachers – have a qualification category;
100% teachers - participants in methodological events held at the kindergarten level;
89% teachers - participants in methodological events at the district level,
regional level;
68% teachers - take an active part in competitions at various levels;
32% teachers – winners and prize-winners of professional skills competitions;
79% teachers – use innovative technologies when organizing interaction with children and parents

According to the results of a survey of teachers of MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 1", the methodological week was included in the top events in the 2015–2016 and 2016–2017 academic years. At events that took place during the methodological week, teachers consolidated the skills of analysis and reflection of their activities. Thanks to participation in the pedagogical success workshop, teachers exchanged experiences, got acquainted with innovations, and jointly solved annual problems.

The skill of a modern teacher


Methodical operative note on the problem


Psychological and pedagogical seminar on the topic “Components of pedagogical mastery”


Scientific and practical conference “Pedagogical skills of innovative teachers”


Organizational and activity game “Dialogue”


Pedagogical Excellence Competition

Methodological week plan on the topic:
Creativity in teaching work


Pedagogical colloquium “The creativity of a teacher is everyone’s business”


Kaleidoscope of methodological ideas


Day of creative discoveries in educational work


Panorama of creative activities


Pedagogical council on the topic “Role creative activity teacher in the organization of the educational process"

Methodological week plan on the topic:
Culture of communication between educators


Methodological consultation on the topic “Structure of pedagogical communication”


Psychological and pedagogical seminar on the topic “Teacher’s Communication Style”


Organizational and activity game on the topic “Management style of a modern teacher”


“Round table” on the topic “Democratization of society - humanization of relations in preschool educational institutions”


Day open classes


Pedagogical KVN

Methodical monthly plan


1. Literature review (new developments in educational games).

2. Methodological colloquium on the topic: “Elements of business games for organizing educational games with children.”

3. Workshop: “Educational games in age groups, analysis of ongoing games":

a) compiling photographs of games, scenarios, theatrical games;

b) design of cards with didactic, active, theatrical games.

4. ODI “Dialogue” for the purpose of analyzing the work done.

Issues for discussion:

a) why do they say that play is disappearing from children’s lives?

c) can a game where the roles of partners are played by inanimate objects teach children to navigate relationships between people?

Methodical monthly plan


I. Consultations:

1) How to describe the portrait of the group and each child individually?

2) On the compilation of characteristics of children by subject teachers (leaders of circles, sections).

II. Workshop “For educators about personal communication.”

III. Open day for parents “Day of Joy”, “Day of Health”, “Welcome to the Choreographic Hall!”

IV. Open viewing of classes: “Psycho-gymnastics exercises”.

V. Pedagogical council “Diagnostic results psychological characteristics child."

Methodical monthly plan



I. Information report:

1) Comparative analysis of morbidity in natural health group No. 8 and in the nursery-kindergarten as a whole;

2) On attracting new children to dousing according to P.K. Ivanov’s system through propaganda work among parents.

II. Methodical operative “Hygienic and hardening procedures in groups” (brushing teeth, rinsing mouth, walking along a salt path).

III. Open Day (showing the work of sports sections) .

IV. Open viewing for parents of other groups and the population “Dousing children cold water according to the system of P.K. Ivanov".

V. Competition for the best program of the winter “Ecology Week”.

VI. Pedagogical advice: “Results of work on improving children’s health for the first half of the year.”

Methodical monthly plan


Instructions on conducting summer recreational activities.

Methodical operative: “Educational games on the site” (during summer).

Competition "Best Summer Vacation Program".

Mutual site visits.

Water Festival (with the participation of employees, parents, all the wet children).

Teachers' Council "Analysis of work over the past year."

Adjustment of the plan based on the work done and diagnostics or surveys performed.

Increasing the level of professional excellence

In order to provide methodological assistance to teachers of preschool educational institutions in the field of gaming technologies, namely “Quest game - modern gaming technology in preschool institutions"(based on a study of the requests and needs of teachers), on February 6, a meeting of the School of Excellence was held at the Solnyshko MBDOU in the village of Golubinka.

As part of the SHPO, participants:

We watched a quest - a game (physical education entertainment) with the children of the preparatory group, where the children, overcoming obstacles, together with the teacher, looked for the sports cup that “Unwanted” hid;

We watched a video of a quest game, the middle group, “Journey through Fairy Tales,” where during the game the children helped out “Vasilisa the Beautiful” and tried with great interest to complete all the tasks of the fairy-tale characters.

We got acquainted with the experience of working on the problem of “Organizing the effective work of teachers using quest technology in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education,” which was presented by the senior teacher of the MBDOU “Solnyshko” Naumenko S.V.

During the discussions, participants assessed the work of the administration and teachers of the preschool institution in preparing and conducting all events. They noted the good knowledge and skills of the children and the professionalism of the teachers.

All participants received a selection of material for further use in work.

Methodist RMK Z.S.Drozhzhina

Pedagogical Excellence Relay Race

According to the plan of work with preschool educational institutions, January methodological weeks were held from January 22 to January 31, 2019 on the topic “Achieving a new quality of education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

The purpose of the weeks was:


The week's events were carried out in accordance with the developed and approved work plan of district methodological associations with different categories of preschool workers.

Over the course of weeks, teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of preschool institutions: No. 8; villages - Kholmovka, Tabachnoye, Uglovoye, Dolinnoye, Skalistoye; village Kuibyshevo.

The program of the methodological week reflected various shapes and methods of educational activities. Participants were offered variousin content, theme and structure. Open events were marked by a variety of techniques, teaching methods and forms of organization: using mnemonic tables when memorizing a poem; quest games and elements of research activities; project method in teaching preschoolers, dominant activities and story-based entertainment. Successfully combined

During the discussion of the events, participants in methodological associations noted the professionalism of teachers, good level organization and coordinated work of all teams of preschool institutions.

Based on the results of the Ministry of Defense, it can be noted that these activities are are aimed at comprehensively improving the competence and professional skills of each teacher, and also develop and enhance the creative potential of the teaching staff as a whole.

Methodist RMK Z.S.Drozhzhina

Methodical week

The best way to achieve high results in teaching activities is the exchange of professional experience and mutual training. One of the forms of mutual learning, the connecting link of methodological work and one of the components of the system of advanced training for teachers is the methodological week. It is intended to ensure the creative work of teachers, self-education and improvement of pedagogical skills, as well as to analyze and generalize the work experience accumulated in the team of teachers.

The methodological week took place from May 14 to 18 on the topic “Achieving a new quality of education in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard.”

The purpose of the week was:

- replenishment of teachers’ “methodological box” with knowledge about innovative technologies, forms and methods of working with preschoolers;

Promotion creative activity teachers and the quality of training sessions based on the introduction of modern educational technologies;

Mastering the methods of sequence of actions for designing classes within the framework of the Federal State Educational Standard;

Identification, generalization and dissemination of the experience of creative teachers.

The week's events were carried out in accordance with the developed and approved work plan of district methodological associations with different categories of preschool workers. The program of the methodological week reflected various forms and methods of educational activities. Collective and individual forms of work based on differentiation were successfully combined.

During the week, teachers had the opportunity to get acquainted with the experience of preschool institutions: No. 8; villages - Fragrant, Tenistoe, Chestnuts; villages - Kuibyshevo and Pochtovoye. Participants were offered various models of methodological support for the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, open events of different content, theme, structure, which were marked by a variety of techniques, teaching methods and forms of organization. All the teachers who conducted them showed their professional skills and shared their experience. The events carried out testify to the professionalism of the teachers and the direct educational activities carried out in the system with preschoolers.

To exchange experiences in preschool institutions, exhibitions of methodological and didactic material and presentations from the work experience of other teachers were organized.

Based on the results of the methodological week, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Teachers use technical teaching aids in their work.

They use elements of modern pedagogical technologies and teaching methods in the classroom: interactive, group work methods, various techniques.

In the classroom, preschoolers showed a good level of knowledge, a high level of fulfillment of teachers’ requirements, and a sufficient level of proficiency in universal educational activities.

During the methodological week, all teachers showed good organizational skills and created a festive creative atmosphere.

The results of the methodological week were:

teaching materials (photo materials, computer presentations, lesson plans, event scenarios, etc.);

The materials are planned to be used in the work of other preschool institutions.

Methodist RMK Z.S.Drozhzhina

District methodological associations of preschool educational institutions workers

Regional methodological associations for all categories of teaching staff have been held on the basis of preschool educational institutions.

At meetings in the form of discussions and round tables, the following issues were considered and discussed:

1. Organization of the activities of preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education in the 2016 -2017 academic year.

2. An integrated thematic approach to the organization of educational activities, taking into account the integration of educational areas.

3.Integrated teaching methods in the development of children of primary and senior preschool age.

4.Methods and forms of organizing work with children of primary and senior preschool age;

5. Requirements for the results of mastering the general education program.

The leaders of methodological associations prepared presentations:

- “Organization of the activities of preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education in the 2016-2017 academic year.”

-“Organized and independent activity children in a preschool educational institution."

To develop practical skills in building the educational process of preschool educational institutions in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, workshops were held:

Improving drafting skills calendar plan according to regime moments;

The structure and forms of organizing classes of various types: complex, thematic, plot-game, plot-dynamic, dominant, mini-lessons organized using the “mosaic method”.

Working in groups, teachers improved their skills in drawing up a calendar plan for routine moments and drawing up lesson plans of various types.

The teachers received a positive charge and activated their skills in the business game for knowledge of the program requirements “Own Game”.

VIII Festival of Pedagogical Excellence for Workers of Preschool Educational Institutions

In accordance with the work plan of the district education department and on the basis of the order of the education department of the Bakhchisaray district administration dated 06/02/2016 No. 378 « On holding the VIII Festival of Pedagogical Excellence of Employees of Preschool Educational Institutions”, in order to identify creative teaching workers who have a high professional rating, on June 10, 2016, on the basis of the MKDOU “DS No. 12 “Berezka”” the VIII Festival of Pedagogical Excellence of Employees of Preschool Educational Institutions was held ( hereinafter referred to as the festival).

The festival is held in one stage. Pedagogical workers of preschool educational institutions in the city of Bakhchisaray and the Bakhchisaray region took part in the festival.

Public presentations by teachers of their own pedagogical experience in the form of presentations of new forms and methods of work were presented in a panorama of methodological findings by teaching staff from eight preschool institutions in the city: No. 8 and No. 14; districts - Golubinka (2 presentations), Dolinnoe, Tobacco, Skalistoe, Bryanskoe.

20 teams from preschool institutions took part in the exhibition-panorama of pedagogical skills.

The exhibits presented at the exhibition were varied in content, theme and execution techniques, made together with children and demonstrating the results of the teachers’ activities.

These are works from satin ribbons using the Kanzashi technique, beads, floristry, voluminous origami, embroidery, various panels from natural and waste material and other.

The works of the MKDOU groups of the city were beautiful and varied in genre: No. 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14; districts: Kuibyshevo, Golubinka, Kholmovka and Vilino. Collectives from 4 preschool institutions did not take part: No. 6, Nauchnoye, Dolinnoye, Turgenevka.

In order to expand the experience the best teachers An auction of pedagogical ideas and finds was held, in which teams from 14 preschool institutions took part: No. 5, 8, 9, 11, 12, 14, Golubinka, Dolinnoye, Uglovoye, Kuibyshevo, Pochtovoye, Vilino, Aromatnoye, Bryanskoye, who prepared 67 lots.

Based on the results of the Festival, the following were awarded diplomas from the Education Department and gifts were given to the winners:

In the presentation “Panorama of Methodological Findings” to teachers:

Malysheva Natalya Alekseevna, teacher of MKDOU “DS No. 8 “Nest”;

Venera Aiderovna Khalikova, teacher of MKDOU “DS No. 14 “Cherry”;

Lesonena Tatyana Viktorovna, teacher of the MKDOU "DS" combined type"Beryozka" village Bryansk.

In the exhibition-panorama of pedagogical skills the teams:

MKDOU DS No. 5 “Little Red Riding Hood”;

MKDOU "DS combined type "Fairy Tale" town. Kuibyshevo;

MKDOU "DS "Solnyshko" s. Kholmovka.

Diplomas were awarded to teachers who took part in the presentation of methodological findings.

Gratitude was expressed to the administration and staff of the MKDOU “DS No. 12 “Beryozka” for creating the conditions for the festival.

RMO of teachers of preparatory groups

On April 26, in the municipal government preschool educational institution “Kindergarten “Cherry”” p. Dolinnoye, a meeting of the regional methodological association of teachers of preparatory groups was held. The guests were cordially greeted by the head of the preschool educational institution Nadezhda Anatolyevna Sosnina and the senior teacher Elzara Saidzhalilovna Ablaeva.

In the practical part, educators were presented with the organization of direct educational activities using a developing subject-spatial environment. The “Wheel of Knowledge” introduction to the history of our native land was conducted by the teacher of the preparatory group, Yana Olegovna Udovik.

Senior teacher Ablaeva E.S. prepared a presentation “Requirements for a developing subject-spatial environment in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education”, at the end of which the participants of the educational organization were asked to solve the crossword puzzle “Do we know everything about the developing environment?”

During the business game “Modeling a Comfortable Developmental Subject-Spatial Environment,” preschool teachers had the opportunity to consolidate their knowledge and determine ways to improve work in this area in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education.

RMO participants noted the creative approach, the interesting storyline of the integrated lesson, the developmental environment, which made it possible to more broadly realize the goal of the lesson and show the level of children’s knowledge in accordance with the regional “Crimean Wreath” program. They expressed their impressions of what they saw and wished them further creative success in their work!

Meeting of the “School of Creative Educators” at MKDOU No. 8

04/15/2016 At the MKDOU “Kindergarten No. 8 “Gnezdyshko”” a meeting of the “School of Creative Educators” was held for preschool teachers of the Bakhchisarai region on the topic “Bright Easter”.

The head of the “school,” Olga Aleksandrovna Mekenzina, showed the event participants an exhibition of crafts made from scrap materials and paper works, and also conducted a master class on making Easter cards and three-dimensional crafts.

All event participants not only expanded their knowledge of working with paper in different techniques, but also took away finished handmade products.

School of Excellence

Currently, one of the most important and global problems is the health of children. Grow healthy child- this is the most important thing that we, preschool teachers, need to do. Based on the principle “a healthy child is a successful child,” it is impossible to solve the problem of raising a socially adapted individual without implementing a system of measures to health work and physical education of children. Therefore, at present, the use of health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions is highlighted as one of the priority areas of pedagogical activity.

It was this problem that was devoted to the meeting of the “School of Advanced Pedagogical Experience”, which took place on March 24 at the MKDOU “DS “Solnyshko” in the village of Golubinka.

Teacher Svetlana Vasilievna Naumenko shared her experience in using health-saving technologies in pedagogical work with colleagues.

Teachers watched an integrated lesson in senior group"Look with all your eyes." During the workshop, teachers were able to consolidate their knowledge about health-saving technologies in practice.

The relaxed atmosphere of the meeting was created by a musical break with the participation of teachers and pupils of the preschool institution.

The meeting was summed up over a cup of aromatic tea made from mountain herbs.

Methodological week is one of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions

“Methodological week is one of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions”

on this problem, according to the work plan of the district methodological office for 2015-2016 academic year, a regional methodological association for heads and senior teachers was prepared and conducted on the basis of a preschool educational institution in the village of Tenistoe on March 1, 2016.

Heads and senior teachers were introduced to the experience of conducting “Methodological Week”, which are held in preschool educational institutions every quarter, and were introduced to the implementation plan.

Methodological week plan

Monday - review of methodological literature. In the process of analyzing the literature, we set tasks for further work, strong and weak areas of teachers’ knowledge are identified and goals for further self-education are outlined.

Tuesday - consultation “Updating educational educational process taking into account the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Educational Education."

Wednesday - work with parents “Let's find out together”

Thursday - Master class in senior and preparatory groups “Innovative forms of working with children”

Friday - Summing up the results of the methodological week. Intellectual game “What? Where? Code?

At the meeting:

A presentation was given from the experience of the “Methodological Week” on the topic “Introduction and implementation of the Federal State Educational Standards in preschool educational institutions”;

The intellectual game “What? Where? When?";

A workshop was held to draw up a plan for the “Methodological Week”;

Recommendations are given for conducting a “Methodological Week”, the main goal of which is to systematize teachers’ knowledge on a specific topic, transfer teaching experience, and involve all specialists in work on a single topic.

Regional seminar of heads and teachers-methodologists of preschool educational institutions

Danilova Ekaterina Olegovna
Job title: senior teacher
Educational institution: MBDOU DSKV No. 18, Yeisk, Yeisk district
Locality: Yeysk
Name of material: Methodological development
Subject:"Methodological week as one of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions"
Publication date: 30.04.2016
Chapter: preschool education

Author: Ekaterina Olegovna Danilova, Senior teacher, MBDOU DSKV No. 18, Yeisk, Yeisk district.
Methodological week as one of the forms of methodological work in preschool educational institutions
When planning methodological work with teachers at our institution, we use well-known group forms of work: pedagogical councils, seminars, consultations, methodological exhibitions, etc. One of the forms we use in methodological work in recent years, there has been a methodological week, the main goal of which is to systematize teachers’ knowledge on a certain topic, transfer teaching experience, and involve all specialists in work on a single topic. This form allows you to carry out several forms of work at once: a workshop, a teachers' council, open events, interaction with parents, etc. In our preschool educational institution, we conduct a methodological week on the annual task and on the priority area. Approximate plan for a methodological week. Annual task “Development of children’s speech in family and kindergarten settings.” Methodological week plan Topic: “Speech development in a family and kindergarten” Goal: to systematize teachers’ knowledge on this topic; involving parents in the educational process. Days of the week Content and format Responsible Participants Monday - Round table Theoretical part - “Development of children's speech in a family and kindergarten”; - Test tasks on the theory and methodology of speech development. Art. teacher Teachers Tuesday - Open viewing of classes in the middle and preparatory groups; - Business game“Organization and methodology for conducting vocabulary work Teachers of secondary and preparatory groups Teachers 1
Wednesday - seminar-workshop“Workshop on pronunciation development”; - Collective work of children on the topic “Winter fun” and writing a story on this topic. Speech therapist teacher St. teacher Teachers children Thursday - Interaction with parents: Open day: – attending classes; - joint activities of teachers with parents (games, conversation); Art. teacher Group teachers Parents Teachers Friday - Summing up; - tea party. Art. educator Teachers Methodological week Methodological week Monday January 26 Round table topic: “Speech development of preschool children in family and preschool settings” goal: to systematize teachers’ knowledge on this topic. material: sheets with statements, sheets - conditions for the successful development of children's speech. (Appendix 1) preliminary work: repeat the methodology for developing children's speech Plan  Relevance of the problem speech development preschool children;  Conditions for successful speech development of children;  Children's speech development in conditions of the preschool educational institution and families. 1. Relevance of the problem of speech development Almost everyone can speak, but only a few of us can speak correctly. When talking with others, we use speech as a means of conveying our thoughts. Speech for us is one of the main needs and functions of a person. It is speech that distinguishes humans from other representatives of the animal world. It is through communication with other people that a person realizes himself as an individual. 2
It is impossible to judge the beginning of the personality development of a preschool child without assessing his speech development. IN mental development a child's speech is of exceptional importance. The development of speech is associated with the formation of both the personality as a whole and all basic mental processes. The problem of speech development is one of the most pressing. The learning process at school largely depends on the level of development of oral speech. A high level of speech development in children of the preparatory group for school, if the children:  master the literary norms and rules of their native language, freely use vocabulary and grammar when expressing their thoughts and composing any type of statement;  know how to interact with adults and peers: listen, ask, answer, express, explain;  They know the norms and rules of speech etiquette and know how to use them depending on the situation;  can read. Reasons for a low level of development Reasons for a low level of development 1. Incompetence of teachers in the problems of speech development. The teacher knows the methodology, but not the technology. During the lesson, he sees himself and the techniques, but does not see the child. Does not know the level of speech development. 2. Speech development is considered as an isolated psychological process in isolation from thinking, imagination, and emotions. 3. They consider the development of speech as imitation and forget about the formation of linguistic generalizations; 4. When teaching, educators focus on average level child development and use frontal methods; 5. The work on speech development is painstaking, every minute, the result is not immediately visible and the teacher does not want to do it; 6. Parents do not understand their function - communication with the child should begin from birth and before his birth, in the prenatal period. Discussion by teachers 2. Conditions for successful speech development  It is interesting to organize the life of a child; 3
 Constantly encourage the child to speak;  Create an appropriate environment, environment. Parents who speak well do not always have children who speak well;  Don’t forget about gifted children; through speech we determine the child’s fate. Of all the talents, the most important talent is communication.  Give children the same starting opportunities. Discussion by teachers Speech development of a child in a preschool educational institution  In a preschool educational institution, conditions must be created for the development of children’s speech in communication with adults and peers: - encourage children to turn to adults with questions, judgments, statements.  Teachers give children examples of correct literary speech (speech is clear, clear, colorful, complete, grammatically correct);  Employees ensure the development of sound culture of speech on the part of children in accordance with their age characteristics (monitor correct pronunciation, organize onomatopoeic games, use tongue twisters, tongue twisters, riddles, poems);  Teachers provide children with conditions to enrich their vocabulary, taking into account age characteristics(games and object-based activities help children master the names of objects and phenomena, their properties, talk about them, develop the figurative side of speech, introduce synonyms, antonyms, homonyms);  Teachers develop the grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech;  Educators create conditions for the development of the planning and regulating function of children’s speech in accordance with their age characteristics;  Introduce children to the culture of reading fiction;  Encourage children's word creativity. Discussion by teachers Speech development in preschool and family settings Recently, due to the widespread use of technical means of communication (telephone, television, Internet, etc.), parents’ high employment with everyday (usually financial) family problems 4
There is a tendency for the quality of communication between a child and an adult to decrease. This entails the emergence of problems of varying severity in the formation of communicative behavior of the younger generation. Therefore, systemic disorders are becoming increasingly common among preschool children, requiring complex, systematic speech therapy work to overcome them. Working with children who have speech pathology, should include correctional and educational influence on the part of the preschool educational institution and parents, many of whom often do not even have a basic idea of ​​what and how they can help in this situation. Not all parents are able to competently, consciously and thoroughly perform the functions assigned to them and bear responsibility for their actions in the process of speech therapy correction. Therefore, the problem of developing correctional and speech therapy competence of parents of preschool children with speech pathology remains one of the most pressing. Parents play a huge role in the development of a child’s personality and education. Parents play a large role in correctional work; it is the family that gives the child an emotionally positive attitude towards correctional work. Family members become partners in automating the supplied sounds. Their interest is passed on to the children. Unfortunately, most parents do not strive to provide all possible assistance in correctional work. Systematic and targeted assistance from the family to a child with speech disorders, combined with adequate use of speech therapist’s recommendations at various stages of education, contributes to more effective speech development of a preschooler. The parents' attitude towards a speech defect is naturally reflected in the child's attitude towards his speech, since the parent is an authority. In order for parents’ attitudes to be adequate, it is necessary to conduct educational work with them. Such work may include: 1) introductory conversations; 2) messages on stands; 3) individual conversations with parents on issues of the state of speech development of their children; 4) workshops, etc. (teachers add) 5
Nowadays, great importance is also attached to involving parents in their child's education. It has been shown that with appropriate training, the effectiveness of their work as teachers of their children can be exceptionally high and extremely beneficial both for the child and for the parents themselves. Speech development in preschool educational institutions Functions of speech: 1. Speech as a means of communication.  Occurs when joint activities child and adult: - objective activity in infancy - emotional - personal communication; - situational – personal communication; - situational – business (cognitive) communication;  Communication with peers Difference from communication with adults: - vivid emotional intensity (10 times more facial expressions); - non-standard children's statements - speech creativity, because the child does not adhere to the norms of communication.  Predominance of proactive statements over responses - they talk about their own things without listening to their partner. Enrichment of speech - fantasize, pretend. 2. Cognitive function of speech. With the help of language, the child receives information about the world around him. rice. 1. knowledge of the world through types of children's activities 6 nature man-made world society I
3. Speech as a regulator of behavior and activity. This is guidance through words and actions (“Now we’ll eat”, “Bring me a toy” - this is regulation on the part of an adult). Self-regulation (“I’ll bring you water”) – the desire for independence. Types of speech Internal What we say in our thoughts without saying it out loud External Dialogue Monological Egocentric Written Teachers give the meaning of types of speech The main task of the speech development of a preschool child is mastering the norms and rules of the native language, determined for each age stage, and the development of their communicative skills abilities. IN Preschool development speech is carried out in the following areas:
development of coherent speech (dialogue, monologue);  monologue speech (description, narration, reasoning);
development of a preschooler's vocabulary. Enrichment, expansion and activation of vocabulary is the main task. It is carried out through work:  with a thematic range or using a semantic field. Here one word acts as a core to which words “grow”: the word needle, like a core - needle - tree - trunk - green - falls - needles;  synonymous series;  antonymous pairs; 7
 polysemous words.
Formation of the grammatical structure of speech. This is the formation of educational skills and the use of grammatical forms:  morphology - parts of speech and changes in words by gender, number and case;  word formation – the formation of words by analogy using prefixes, suffixes, endings;  syntax - combining words into phrases, sentences of different types and their emotional coloring (narrative, incentive, interrogative).
Development of sound culture of speech Ability to hear, recognize phonological means of language:  familiarity with linear sound units: sound - syllable - word - phrase - text;  prosodic units: stress, intonation (melody of speech, strength of voice, tempo and timbre of speech). The formation of these complex speech skills requires repetition of phonetic exercises and coherent speech.
Development of figurative speech. This is an integral part of developing a culture of speech in the broad sense of the word. Test tasks on the theory and methodology of speech development (Appendix 2). Tuesday January 27 Open viewing of events (quizzes, evening of fairy tales, lesson - teacher-speech therapist) of teachers on the development of children's speech. Teachers' council in the form of a business game
Teachers' Council
topic: “Organization and methods of conducting vocabulary work with preschoolers in the classroom and outside.” 1 part. Warm up. Solving crossword puzzles. PROCEDURE Solving crossword puzzles. Having guessed it, we will read the keyword. 8
Vertically. 1. the science of the general laws of the structure and functioning of language - Linguistics 2. a section of literary theory dealing with the study of the peculiarities of the language of works of fiction, 2) in linguistics - a section devoted to the study of the expressive means of language - Stylistics
1) vocabulary, vocabulary of the language, dialect of k.l. social group, the vocabulary of an individual. 2) a reference publication containing a collection of words arranged and interpreted according to a certain principle - a dictionary What kind of dictionary is there? An active dictionary is part of the vocabulary of a modern language that is freely used in real life. everyday communication in all spheres of life of human society; the active vocabulary of an individual native speaker is part of the vocabulary of the language that is freely used in everyday life by a specific person; depends on age, mental development. Passive dictionary - 1) part of the vocabulary of a language, understandable to all speakers of a given language, but little used in everyday communication; 2) a passive dictionary of words of an individual native speaker - a part of the dictionary language that is understandable to a specific person; depends on age, mental development. Part 2. Theoretical. Vocabulary work in kindergarten is the systematic expansion of children’s active vocabulary using words that are unfamiliar or difficult for them. Much attention in vocabulary work is paid to the accumulation and enrichment of an active vocabulary based on the child’s knowledge and ideas about the life around him. The formation of the lexical system of the native language occurs gradually, because not all children are equally successful in mastering semantic units and relations. Active vocabulary is words that the speaker not only understands, but also uses. An active vocabulary largely determines the richness and culture of speech. Principles of vocabulary work: 1. work on the word is carried out while introducing children to the world around them on the basis of active cognitive activity; 2. the formation of vocabulary occurs simultaneously with the development of mental processes and mental abilities, with the education of children’s feelings, attitudes and behavior; 3. all tasks of vocabulary work are solved in unity and in a certain sequence. Question: Why is it important to start vocabulary work from a toddler? Tasks of dictionary work: 1. enrichment of the dictionary, i.e. learning new words previously unknown to children; 9
2. clarification of the dictionary, i.e. vocabulary and stylistic work, mastering the accuracy and expressiveness of language (filling with content words known to children, mastering polysemy, synonyms); 3. activation of the dictionary, i.e. transferring as many as possible from the passive to the active vocabulary, including words in sentences, phrases; 4. elimination of non-literary words, their translation into a passive dictionary (colloquial, dialect, slang). The complication of the content of vocabulary work is observed in each age group, it goes in the following directions:  mastery of the dictionary in unity with the perception of objects and phenomena in general;  growth of vocabulary due to understanding words. Denoting qualities of properties, details of objects and phenomena. Their relationship. This process requires the ability to uncouple perception, mastery of such mental operations. Like analysis, comparison.  Introduction to the lexicon of words denoting elementary concepts. This process presupposes that children have the ability to generalize objects and phenomena according to essential features. Part 3. Discussion. Vocabulary formation primarily occurs in special classes. During classes, the teacher uses specific teaching techniques. Question: what are the techniques for working with dictionaries? Dictionary work techniques:  naming – (pronunciation sample) of a new or difficult word. The teacher must pronounce the intended word in such a way that the children pay attention to it and perceive it without distortion. Naming is accompanied by showing the object.  Including words in a sentence, showing its combinations with other words.  Repetition of the word by the teacher himself repeatedly during the lesson, by individual children from the spot, as well as repetition in choir.  Explanation of the origin of the word. This technique is most appropriate to use in older groups to deepen the understanding of words, develop curiosity, and a flair for language.  Preschoolers should be asked not only direct questions, but also prompt ones.  Didactic games and exercises “Who will see and name more” games for classifying objects.  Riddles, comparison of objects. 10
The child visually becomes familiar with the object itself and its properties and, at the same time, remembers words that name both the object and its qualities and characteristics. Question: what are the methods of vocabulary work?  The method of direct observation is used in a number of activities: inspections of residential premises, excursions, examination of objects, observation of some process. Perception is accompanied by the work of the child’s thinking: a judgment is created about the object, essential features are identified, the object is compared with other objects.  Showing a picture that is not very familiar to children in content. Its specificity lies in the fact that the predominant place is occupied by the teacher’s speech - explanation, interpretation of new words, comparison of their meaning with those already known to the children.  Showing films and filmstrips.  Reading works of fiction.  Looking at toys.  Examination of pictures of plot and subject matter. (technique - question)  Didactic games.  Vocabulary and logical exercises Question: What is the methodology for working on a new word? When caring about expanding children's vocabulary, we must strive to expand this vocabulary through a word-representation, and not a word-sound. The child visually becomes familiar with the object itself and its properties and, at the same time, remembers words that name both the object and its qualities and characteristics. The sequence of assimilation is as follows: acquaintance with the subject, formation of an idea, reflection of the latter in the word. Syllabic pronunciation violates the norms of literary pronunciation; it is not characteristic of oral speech. You need to pronounce the word slowly, but spelling correctly. You can attract children's attention to the desired word by using logical stress, intonation, changing the strength of the voice, or pausing before the word. And also with verbal instructions: “Listen again to this difficult word.” Question: What is included in preparing a teacher for vocabulary work? What is a thematic dictionary? Part 4 Practical - Analyze a work of art. Talk about the proposed work on the word. - give examples of didactic games, proverbs, sayings, riddles used in vocabulary work. Part 5 Crossword solution. Let's continue solving the crossword puzzle. 11 – allegorical expression of something. Distraction from some thought. Ideas 11
in a specific image - allegory 12 shade a subtle transition in color, sound, as well as a generally subtle difference in something - nuance 6 a word or expression containing the likening of one object to another, one situation to another - Comparison 5 in poetics figurative, artistic definition - epithet 9 a joke based on the comic use of words that sound similar but have different meanings, a play on words - a pun 10 transferring the properties of one object of a phenomenon to another based on a feature common to both compared members - metaphor 7 words of the same part of speech that have completely or partially coinciding lexical meaning - synonyms. 8 words that have opposite meanings are antonyms 9 in poetics, a word or an expression. Containing exaggeration to create an artistic image into a general exaggeration - hyperbole Give examples. Part 6 theoretical (Appendix 3) - requirement for the teacher’s speech. - Contents of vocabulary work outside of class. - Is it necessary to work with parents on this issue? What exactly can it be expressed in? TASK: prepare thematic dictionaries for the whole year on all topics. Wednesday January 28 Seminar-workshop “Workshop on the development of sound pronunciation” (for educators)
To increase the competence of educators in the development of sound pronunciation.
1. Provide theoretical knowledge to educators on the development of sound pronunciation. 2. Apply acquired knowledge in practice.
Articulation gymnastics ( visual material), games for producing an air stream, didactic games, visual illustrations. The work of a teacher in developing correct pronunciation in children, as well as in implementing an individual approach to children with speech impediments, is a preventive area of ​​speech therapy. 12
Both when forming and when correcting sound pronunciation, work on sounds consists of three main stages: preparatory, the stage of sound appearance, and the stage of assimilation of sound in speech. The work of a teacher and the work of a speech therapist are different in organization, techniques, duration and require different knowledge, skills and abilities. Let's look at the main differences:
Speech therapist
corrects speech disorders.
under the guidance of a speech therapist, actively participates in correctional work.
Preparatory stage

Speech therapist
depending on the nature of the sound disturbance, it develops and trains movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus that were incorrect or completely absent.
on instructions from a speech therapist in game form reinforces the movements and positions of the articulatory apparatus in children.
Sound appearance stage

Speech therapist
puts sounds, developing the articulation of the desired sound, using special techniques and movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus worked out at the previous stage.
reinforces the pronunciation of the sound set by the speech therapist, fixing the child’s attention on its sound and articulation, using pictures-symbols and onomatopoeia.
Stage of sound acquisition (correct pronunciation of sound in speech)

Speech therapist
automates sound, sequentially introducing it into speech: syllable, word, sentence, nursery rhymes, poem, stories.
on the instructions of the speech therapist, with individual children, reinforces the sound set by the speech therapist, selecting appropriate program material. Thus, the speech therapist and the teacher must clearly understand the nature and characteristics of not only their work, but also the work of their colleague, in order, by helping each other, to achieve a common goal - to educate the child in the correct pronunciation of all sounds and prepare him for successful learning at school. 13

Teacher classes on pronunciation development
The main form of work with children to educate correct pronunciation is classes: frontal, subgroup, individual. Frontal work is carried out regularly with the entire group of children according to the speech therapist’s work plans. When planning it, you should proceed from the time allocated by the program for classes in your native language. Certain sections of work on the education of the pronunciation side of speech (development of auditory attention, speech breathing, tempo, rhythm of speech) can also be included in musical classes. Work in subgroups is carried out with children with a similar structure of the defect. The composition of the subgroup (no more than 4 children) may change during the correctional education process due to the emergence of various difficulties in children. Some find the preparatory exercises difficult for correct pronunciation sound, others - clarifying an isolated sound or pronouncing it in words. Individual work is carried out at a time convenient for the teacher with those children who do not master the material on sound pronunciation provided by the speech therapist. Work with children should be carried out according to an individual plan drawn up by a speech therapist. Parents should take an active part in it, completing tasks at home given by the speech therapist. For each age group, there are specific tasks:
Second junior group
1. Prepare the articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, training its basic movements during articulatory gymnastics and when working on sounds that are easy to pronounce
: a, y, o, i, e, p, b, m, f, c.
2. Develop auditory attention, speech breathing, strength and pitch of voice. 3. Develop clear pronunciation of words and sentences, a calm pace of speech
Middle group
1. Prepare the articulatory apparatus for the correct pronunciation of all sounds of the native language, training its basic movements during articulatory gymnastics and when working on sounds
t, d, n, k, g, x, s.
2. Call out and consolidate or clarify the pronunciation of whistling sounds:

s’, z, z’, c.
3. Develop phonemic awareness, speech breathing, voice strength or pitch. 4. Develop clear pronunciation of words, sentences, calm tempo and measured tempo.
Senior group
1. Train the clarity of movements of the articulatory apparatus when conducting articulatory gymnastics and working on sounds
y, w, w, h, sch, l, l’,

r, r'.
2. Call out and consolidate, and for some children only clarify the pronunciation of iotated vowels:
I, e, e, yu
; hissing sounds:
w, f, h, sch
and sonorous sounds:
l, l', r, r'.
3. Continue work on developing phonemic hearing, speech breathing, voice strength and pitch. 4. Continue to work on clear pronunciation of words, highlighting individual sounds in the voice, on a calm pace and measured rhythm of speech.
Preparatory group
1. Continue to work on a clear, clear pronunciation of all sounds in various combinations. 2. Develop sound analysis of words. Develop the ability to differentiate sounds that are similar in sound or articulation. When working on sound pronunciation, the following must be taken into account: 1. During the lesson, children should stand or sit so that they can clearly see the teacher’s face. 15
2. When conducting a lesson, the teacher must monitor the clarity of his diction, the clarity of the presentation of the material, the fascination and accessibility of the assignment. 3. When conducting games for the development of speech breathing, it is necessary to remember that each child can participate in them for no more than 10 seconds, with a break, since prolonged blowing and prolonged fixed exhalation can cause dizziness. 4. When conducting all types of classes, it is necessary to achieve the active participation of children. To do this, you should select such forms and types of work so as to be able to attract each child and, if possible, check how the children have learned the material. 5. In the process of conducting sound pronunciation classes, it is necessary from the second junior group to educate children to have calm, smooth, fairly loud speech. 6. When introducing sound into a child’s speech, correcting incorrect pronunciation in each word is unacceptable. This prevents the child from speaking, will make him nervous, and can sometimes lead to a refusal to introduce the correct sounds into speech or even to a refusal to speak. 7. Poems, nursery rhymes, riddles, tongue twisters, and stories are offered as additional material that can be used to reinforce the pronunciation of sounds in the speech of those children who need to introduce them into their active vocabulary. 8. When independently selecting material for the desired sound, the teacher should take into account that the sound being reinforced should occur as often as possible, and those sounds that have not yet been mastered should be as few as possible. 9. When introducing sound into phrasal speech, one of the working methods is for children to repeat sentences compiled from subject or plot pictures. These sentences gradually (from group to group) need to be lengthened and complicated. This technique, teaching children to correctly perceive and convey a sentence, develops their attention, memory and will further facilitate the analysis and synthesis of sentences. Teachers and children perform collective work

Municipal preschool educational institution“Kindergarten of a general developmental type with priority implementation of the artistic and aesthetic development of children No. 31 “Rucheyok” p. Alexandrovsky Stavropol Territory

Methodological week at the preschool educational institution.

Topic: “Organization of motor health regime in preschool educational institutions”

Location: MDOU "Kindergarten No. 31 "Rucheyok"

Dates : from December 12 to December 16, 2016

Target: To systematize the work of preschool educational institutions in organizing a motor health regime in preschool educational institutions.

Tasks :

    Providing theoretical, methodological support for teachers of preschool educational institutions in organizing a motor health regime;

    Improving work to protect and promote children's health;

    Creating health-saving conditions for children to stay in preschool educational institutions.

Forms of work: open events (GCD, morning exercises, walks, etc.), lectures, workshop, exhibition of methodological literature, consultations, lectures.

Work with children : conversations, organized and independent educational activities.

December, 2016


    determine the level of pedagogical competence of educators on the organization of physical education and health work with children;

    conduct a survey of parents in order to determine the pedagogical needs in the field of physical education of children.

Morning exercises.

FC instructor


Working with teachers

Theoretical seminar.

Test survey.

Topic: Physical activity as a means of promoting the health of preschool children (presentation).

    What is “motor activity”?

    Optimality YES.

    Model of motor mode in preschool educational institutions.

    Planning of physical education and health activities in preschool educational institutions.

    Basic requirements for the motor mode.

    Prof. self-esteem competence.

Art. teacher

Working with parents

Questioning of parents: “Conditions and lifestyle of families of pupils”

Social teacher

Methodological week “Organization of a motor health regime in preschool educational institutions”


    increasing the professional competence of teachers in organizing children’s motor activity;

    replenish teachers’ knowledge about the forms of physical activity during the day;

    develop a card index of gymnastics complexes after sleep by age groups;


Contents of the activity


Open Views

Gymnastics after sleep.

Middle group

Preparatory group

Educators middle group

Working with teachers


    Morning exercises as a component of the motor regime.

    Motor warm-up - physical education.

    Dynamic hour.

    Invigorating gymnastics after a nap.

    Card file of gymnastics after sleep by age.

Art. teacher

Working with parents

Consultation for parents “The meaning of morning exercises for children's health"


Methodological week “Organization of a motor health regime in preschool educational institutions”

Topic: Forms of physical activity in the daily routine.


    increasing the professional competence of teachers in organizing children’s motor activity;

    introduce educators to methodological recommendations for conducting walks with increased physical activity;

    develop a card index of outdoor games by age group for use in working with children;


Contents of the activity


Open Views


    Senior group

    Junior group


Working with teachers

Subject:Forms of physical activity in the daily routine.

    Main activities physical culture.

    The role of the teacher in organizing educational activities for physical education.

    Organizing and conducting walks with children in preschool educational institutions.

    Outdoor play as a form of YES for children.

    Card index of p/i in age groups of preschool educational institutions.

Senior teacher

Working with parents

Memo or booklet for parents “Motor activity and child health”


Methodological week “Organization of a motor health regime in preschool educational institutions”

Topic: 1.



    increasing the professional competence of teachers in organizing children’s motor activity;

    systematize the knowledge of educators on organizing interaction with parents of pupils;

    analysis of the work of preschool educational institutions to improve the health of children, according to the parents of pupils.


Contents of the activity


Open Views

GCD for physical education in the senior group.

FC instructor

Working with teachers

Subject:Independent motor activity of children.

Interaction with parents on organizing children's education.

    Independent motor activity of children.

    Physical education corner in the group.

    Interaction with parents on organizing children's education.

Analysis of parent surveys.

Senior teacher

Social teacher

Working with parents


Methodological week “Organization of a motor health regime in preschool educational institutions”

Topic: Organization active rest for children in pre-school education.


    increasing the professional competence of teachers in organizing active recreation for children in different age groups:


Physical education holiday;

Health days, holidays.


Contents of the activity


Open views Working with parents

Physical education in groups.

Having fun with children

FC instructor



Working with teachers

Subject:Organization of active recreation in preschool institutions

Art. teacher

Art. teacher