How to clean a cashmere coat at home. Cleaning a coat at home: how to clean a coat from stains. Ammonia, starch and glycerin

You have become the owner of a beautiful fashionable coat. Of course, you will try to wear it very carefully in order to show off your fashionable new thing for a long time. But after each season you still have to put your coat in order. And this problem cannot always be solved by simple washing - washing is strictly contraindicated for some fabrics.

Every housewife can deal with the most common stains

And each wash will shorten the life of the coat by at least a year. To avoid this, let's try to take a closer look at how to clean a coat yourself, without resorting to dry cleaners. How to do this with maximum results and not harm tissues, especially natural ones.

Each wash will shorten the life of the coat by at least a year.

To begin with, simply hang the coat on hangers and closely examine it from different lighting angles. This is the only way we can detect all the stains and understand whether simply brushing will be enough. It is necessary to deal with individual stains; there may be serious work ahead. Take a close look at the places that get dirty first: collar, sleeves, pocket flaps. Most likely, spots, stains and pellets will be concentrated there.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the collar, sleeves, pocket flaps

Then study the label. Manufacturers always indicate the composition of the fabric and give general recommendations for care, including how to clean the coat from dirt.

Manufacturers always indicate the fabric composition on the labels and give general care recommendations.

Important! Mixed fabrics are the easiest to care for; synthetics allow you to use serious means and methods. But natural fibers from wool, cotton or linen require a delicate approach.

Unless the label contains special instructions, washing is permissible only if the wool content of the fabric is less than 70%

Basic Rules

Although modern coats are varied in fabrics and styles, there are general rules for how to clean a coat at home:

  • if the label does not contain special instructions, washing is permissible only if the wool content of the fabric is less than 70% (in a delicate cycle);
  • the fur trim should dry naturally, without a hair dryer or radiator;
  • the cleaning agent is first tested on a small area of ​​the fabric from the inside out;
  • stains are removed from the edge to the center;
  • before cleaning, place a soft cloth (towel) under the contaminated area to get rid of excess moisture;
  • iron the coat after cleaning, starting with the sleeves, then the shoulders and front, at the very end the collar and lapels are put in order;
  • If the fabric has a pile, you need to iron it in its direction.

After cleaning, the coat is ironed, starting with the sleeves, then the shoulders and front, and at the very end the collar and lapels are tidied up.

Let's start cleaning

Let's take a closer look at the process of cleaning coats made from specific types of fabric. First, some tips for caring for natural fiber products.

A drape coat is afraid of washing and is prone to shrinkage

Drape is a dense and heavy fabric made of wool, which has many advantages: it does not wrinkle, does not fade, and does not fade. But at the same time, a drape coat is afraid of washing and is prone to shrinkage. Only hand washing is allowed at a temperature not exceeding 30°C and only as a last resort. First, a tip on how to clean a drape coat from dust. All you need to do is gently brush it with a stiff brush in the direction of the pile. If there is a lot of dust, arm yourself with rye bread. After spreading your coat on the floor, crumble the bread crumb. Then use your palms to roll it into balls along with the dust that spoils the appearance of your coat. The pellets can then simply be brushed off with a brush. Stains can be removed with a mild cleaning agent diluted in water. This is a universal technique when you need to clean a wool coat - drape or tweed. Wet the stain, give the product time to work, and use a clean, damp sponge to remove the detergent. Do not forget to dry the product after this by hanging it on hangers in a ventilated area.

Elastic tweed is not recommended to be washed at all. A vacuum cleaner will save your tweed coat from dust. Sometimes it is enough to dry the dirt and then vacuum the contaminated area. But if the dirt has already become ingrained, you can do the same manipulations as with the drape - moisten it with a cleaning agent and brush it. If the need arises, the problem of how to clean a coat from pellets can be solved using a special machine. Isn't it always at hand? Use tape or a special adhesive roller. It will easily collect almost all pellets, lint and remaining dust. A sticky roller is generally convenient for quick cleaning, because it won’t even cause problems like cleaning a coat of pet hair. Just remember to periodically replace the adhesive roller with a new one.

Some types of cashmere can be machine washed, but do not spin or dry

Cashmere is more delicate, because it is made from the finest down of mountain goats. This fabric is very sensitive to any impact. Therefore, it is worth paying special attention to how to clean a cashmere coat without damaging the fabric. Remove dust from it with a soft, slightly damp cloth. Small greasy stains are soaked in gasoline (but not aviation gasoline!), then sprinkled with talcum powder. When the stain is dry, use a brush to remove any remaining particles. Stains of fatty origin are removed from the inside out, placing a clean cloth on the front. The armpit area is cleaned of sweat using soap (lye) and ammonia. Wipe the area with the stain first with an alkaline solution, then with ammonia, and then clean with a clean damp cloth.

The armpit area is cleaned of sweat using soap (lye) and ammonia

If the nature of the stain is unknown, try a mixture of glycerin and ammonia in equal proportions. Some types of cashmere can be machine washed, but do not spin or dry. You will have to manually squeeze out the moisture (without twisting) and dry it unfolded on a horizontal surface. You can't hang it up to avoid stretching it. You can’t iron cashmere either, you can only steam it.

Coats made from other wool fabrics can be cleaned using the same techniques. Shiny or worn areas (cuffs and pockets) are treated with a mixture of ammonia (1 part) and salt (4 parts). Alcohol stains can be removed with vinegar and alcohol in equal proportions.

Alcohol stains can be removed with vinegar and alcohol in equal proportions.

Important! Leather and suede cannot be washed.

Dust can be easily removed with a damp cloth. The soap solution will remove small stains and plaque. But let’s say especially how to clean the collar of a coat made of leather or suede. To do this, take alcohol, glycerin and lemon. After removing the dirt with alcohol, treat the collar lemon juice and lubricate with glycerin. Suede is wiped only “in the pile”. Glossy areas on suede are wiped with a solution of milk and soda.

Suede is wiped only “in the pile”

Stains on the leather are destroyed by table vinegar, and it is enough to treat suede with a school eraser. If there is a need to clean the lining, it can be washed by hand by turning the coat inside out. After cleaning, allow the leather to dry completely, otherwise the product will become deformed. The resulting creases can be carefully straightened out over steam.

Coat... Take it to the dry cleaner again. None of us thinks about this at all when we once again buy the incredible beauty of the color of the hummingbird bird, because with the arrival of rain and cold weather, we really don’t want to wear dark clothes, no matter how practical they are. And we begin to worry about how to bring it into a divine form only when the thing finally loses all its charm. Don’t be in a hurry to get upset, it’s quite possible to clean your coat at home; you don’t even have to make any special efforts.

First, let's look at the care tips.

  • Cleaning, even if you do it at home, should still be carried out in strict accordance with the marks on the product label.
  • Before using a cleaning product, be sure to check that it will not harm the coat's color by testing the product on the inside of the coat, such as the lapel.
  • When removing a stain, work from the edges to the center, otherwise it will leave a halo.
  • Before removing the stain, be sure to prop up the lining of the coat and place a piece of dense soft fabric under the stain, between the fabric and the lining, it will absorb moisture.
  • If the coat is unlined, your task will be greatly simplified, just place the cloth under the place you are going to clean.
  • Remove the greasy stain from the inside out with purified gasoline, and place a paper towel on the stain itself.
  • You can clean stains from tea and coffee with a solution of two tablespoons of glycerin and one spoon of ammonia.
  • Beer stains can be removed with hydrogen peroxide.
  • A fresh oil or grease stain can be removed with a warm iron: place a paper towel on the stain and iron it with a warm iron; change the paper as it gets dirty.
  • You can clean fabric from greasy stains this way: add one teaspoon to half a glass of water. detergent and ammonia. Soak a cotton swab in the solution, wipe the stain with it, then iron it through a white cloth or gauze.
  • A greasy collar can be cleaned with a mixture of four teaspoons of salt and one teaspoon of ammonia. Use the resulting mixture applied to a cotton swab to remove dirt.

Cleaning coats made from different types of fabric

And now we can move on from general advice to specific cases and types of fabric.


To renew a cashmere coat, simply wash it in washing machine. The washing mode should be delicate, the water temperature should not exceed 30 degrees.

Grease stains are removed with gasoline; the method is described in detail above. You can also use talc or regular baby powder. Sprinkle generously onto the stain and leave overnight; in the morning, remove the dirt with a soft brush.


Do-it-yourself cleaning drape coat quite simple. Hang it on a hanger and use a soft brush to sweep away dust and dry debris. You can also roll a dense ball from the crumb of rye bread and walk it over the drapery product; the crumb will collect dry debris and small dirt.

You can also clean the drape using the “dry” washing method. Lay it out on a horizontal surface, sprinkle with washing powder and leave for half an hour. Then brush off the powder with a soft brush. This method will perfectly refresh and clean your drape coat. Iron it with an iron and steamer and dry it on a hanger.


If the coat is made of wool, then you can use the cleaning method described above using a mixture of ammonia and detergent.

Hold shiny areas over a stream of steam from a kettle or wipe with a cloth soaked in tea leaves. A solution of alcohol and vinegar mixed in a one-to-one ratio also works great.

How to clean light

And, finally, some tips for working with coats of the most capricious of colors - white. Soak it in large quantities water with a special liquid agent. Rinse using rinse aid, then rinse with plenty of cool water to avoid yellowing.

Let the water drain, then wrap the item in a terry towel so that it absorbs excess moisture, and dry it by hanging it on a hanger.

Following these some simple advice, you can keep your outerwear in perfect condition without using dry cleaning for a long time.

Ironing secrets on video

Since ancient times, a classic coat has been a necessary item in the wardrobe. This item will perfectly complement any look. The variety of colors, materials and tailoring will allow you to choose a specific style in which both women and men will look elegant. But in order for the coat to last as long as possible and have a neat appearance, the product needs to be cleaned and maintained. To avoid using dry cleaning services, you can clean your coat yourself at home using different methods.

When worn constantly, different outerwear tends to become worn and dirty. Outerwear should be cleaned every day, both before getting dressed and when coming home. The coat should be thoroughly cleaned at the end of each season if the product has not been needed for several months or if there are stains or a strange smell. In order not to spoil the product if it is lined or if there is lace, beads, embroidery, particularly difficult stains and dirt (for example, from machine oil) - it is better to take things to dry cleaning.

In order not to harm your clothes when cleaning, you definitely need to know the material the coat is made of. The most popular and well-known materials: wool, cashmere, drape, leather, suede. For example, to give a neat look to a coat with high content synthetics are lighter and simpler. But a coat made of natural fabrics requires special attention in care.

Before cleaning your coat, you should prepare it:

  1. Check your pockets and remove all contents.
  2. Shake the product well.
  3. Hang the coat on hangers and take it to a sufficiently lit room. Carefully inspect the item for stains and dirt. Pay special attention to the pockets, collar and sleeves. Stains can be on the outer surface of the coat and on the reverse side.
  4. Brush the coat with a clothes brush to remove debris, dirt, dust, and hair.

These places are most often polluted

Read the information on the label carefully. From it we will find out whether the coat can be washed, and what temperature is set, how the product should be dried and where, whether ironing the coat is allowed.

Drape coat

Drape is a natural wool fabric with a two-layer weave, a dense material that does not wrinkle. Thanks to this weave, the coat is cozy and warm. Drape is a finicky material that does not tolerate high temperature when washing. Therefore, it is better to use the dry cleaning method. Before you start cleaning the item, go over the coat with a brush to get rid of debris and dust. Then clean the clothes using any of the suggested methods:

  • The usual way to clean a coat from small stains is with a brush. First, use a dry brush to move in the direction of the fabric pile, then wet the bristles of the brush and make similar movements over the dirt until the stain disappears. Or use dark bread. To do this, lay the coat on oilcloth and scatter the crumb of dark bread on top. Using your palms over the fabric, roll the bread crumbs into balls. Remove the remaining balls with a brush.
  • For more heavily soiled areas, use a carpet cleaner. Dilute a small amount of the product with water. Stir until foam forms. You should try to apply only foam to the dirty surface of the coat, without getting any liquid. While the foam dries, gently brush the stain.
  • If the foam cannot overcome the dirt, try removing the stains with a soap solution. Mix a little washing gel or wool detergent with a little water to create a soapy solution. Soak a cloth in the resulting solution and wipe the dirty areas on the coat. In this case, the fabric should get wet, but do not rub it too much. After twenty minutes, rinse the solution from your coat and blot with a dry cloth or sponge.

If, due to carelessness, you put a stain on your coat, then you can not wash the whole thing, but clean only the dirty area. Clean greasy stains from the edges to the middle so as not to leave marks when cleaning, and with reverse side. Before using a certain product, it is necessary to test it on inside clothes.

Sprinkle a little baby powder over the greasy stain and leave for two hours. Remove the powder with a brush. Or another way - ironing with a hot iron. Ironing should be done with a damp cloth. You should definitely look at the label icons to see if you can use the iron.

Dry cleaning can easily remove minor stains

If your coat is very dirty and dry cleaning doesn't help, try hand washing it. But before you start washing, you need to study the label, look for signs that allow hand washing and at the same time follow certain rules. Machine washing is prohibited as this may cause deformation of the material.

When hand washing a drape coat, the water should be cool, no more than 30–40 degrees Celsius. Hot water cannot be used; clothes will shrink. When starting to wash, you need to use products or powder that can be used to wash woolen items. Rub the collar and cuffs with a brush, but not too much. Do not twist the product under any circumstances! Place it in a container of clean water and rinse until the rinsing water is no longer soapy. The item is dried on hangers, preferably with good air access, for example, on a balcony.

You can iron a coat only if there is a corresponding icon on the label that allows you to use this method.

Cashmere coat

Cashmere is a soft, warm material made from the down of mountain goats. Cashmere clothing requires especially careful care. The coat can be washed either by hand or in a machine. But first of all, it is necessary to remove stains, if any.

  • greasy stains are removed with special purified gasoline (if the coat is dark) or talc if the coat is light-colored. Soak a cotton pad in gasoline and wipe the stain from the inside out until it disappears. To get rid of the smell of gasoline, take the coat out into the air. To clean a light-colored coat, sprinkle a little talcum powder on the stain. After a couple of hours, use a brush to remove any remaining baby powder.
  • Glycerin and ammonia will cope with unknown stains. In a container you need to mix 1 part glycerin and 1 part ammonia. Using a small piece of cotton wool or a swab, treat the dirty area of ​​​​the fabric with the mixture. After 10 minutes the mixture should be reapplied. Remove any remaining product after 2 minutes with a damp cloth or sponge.
  • Baking soda will help remove stubborn odors from your coat. The product must be spread out and sprinkled on top baking soda and leave it like this for about 10 hours. Soda will absorb the unpleasant aroma well. Remove any remaining product with a brush.

Washing a coat

For hand and machine washing, use products that are used to wash delicates and woolen items. Before machine washing, particularly soiled areas should be washed by hand.

Fill a deep container (for example, a bathtub) with water. Water is about 30–40 degrees Celsius. Add a couple of spoons of wool detergent and stir. Place the coat in the container for 20–25 minutes. For very dirty areas, such as collars, cuffs, and fabric around pockets, lightly rub with a sponge. Rinse the coat several times to remove detergent in cool water. Do not squeeze or twist the product.

When washing in the machine, the delicate wash program is set and the water is within 30 degrees. The coat can be washed without spinning. At the end of the wash, use the rinse mode. After this, place a towel on a flat surface and place your coat on top of it. Straighten out any wrinkles or wrinkles. Carefully wrap the item in a towel to absorb excess moisture. Change the towel as it gets wet. Iron the coat wet through a couple of layers of gauze.

Video: how to wash a coat by hand

Wool coat

A woolen coat is made from various types woolen material - tweed, gabardine, cloth. The wool product is warm and pleasant to the touch. It is not recommended to wash the coat, but if there are icons on the label that allow machine washing, wash it as you would cashmere.

Getting rid of dirt, dust, stains:

  • a mixture of salt and ammonia will help get rid of dirty places or worn areas on clothes. Mix one part salt and 4 parts alcohol, apply to the contaminated surface, wait 15–25 minutes and remove the slurry with a brush;
  • To make a dark coat a rich color, prepare a strong brew from green tea, soak a sponge (or cotton wool) in it and treat the clothes;
  • stains of unknown origin are removed with ammonia and soap. To prepare the solution you need 100 ml warm water and 40 grams of liquid soap. You should also add ammonia there, about 1 tablespoon. Mix the ingredients and treat the stain. After 20 minutes, use a damp cloth to remove any remaining solution from the coat.
  • dust is removed with a dry brush. A roller with adhesive tape will help to avoid stuck debris. Run the roller over the coat and debris, wool, and hair will stick to the tape. For next cleaning, tear off the used tape.

Using simple products you can easily get rid of stains on your coat

How to clean a light coat

Light-colored clothes always look smart, but often get dirty. Even the smallest spot will attract attention. To avoid such troubles, there are several recommendations for removing stains. But first, test the chosen product on a small piece of the coat from the inside out, see if the color changes or if the material becomes deformed. If no changes occur, you can remove the stains.

  • Hydrogen peroxide will remove beer and cola stains. Use a swab or cotton wool soaked in peroxide to blot the stain.
  • Potato starch or baby powder will help remove grease stains. Sprinkle talcum powder or starch generously onto the stain and leave for 30 minutes. After this, you need to brush off any remaining powder from the coat with a brush.
  • the stain can also be ironed through an absorbent napkin, which should be placed on both the inside and outside;
  • Alcohol and water work well on juice and coffee stains. Combine 1 part alcohol with 1 part water. Soak a cotton pad or swab in the resulting solution and blot the stain.
  • Using soap (preferably baby soap) removes minor dirt. Take 200 ml of warm water and mix with grated soap (1 tablespoon). Wet a sponge in the resulting solution and treat the dirty areas.

A white or light coat needs constant care

Leather coat

A leather coat will look impeccable if you take care of it carefully. The product made of leather and suede is not washable. During this treatment, tannins are washed out of these materials.

Elbow bends, collars, sleeves, cuffs are most often subject to rubbing. To get rid of abrasions in these areas, you will need glycerin, a slice of lemon and ammonia. Soak a piece of cotton wool or a swab in alcohol and wipe the rubbed area on the skin. Sprinkle another piece of cotton wool with lemon juice and wipe the same area again. Finally, soak the third tampon with a solution consisting of 1 part glycerin and 3 parts water. Wipe the affected area with a swab.

To add shine to leather material, mix 1 tablespoon each of alcohol and a solution of soap and water. Wet the sponge in the resulting solution and wipe the coat. Use a dry cloth to remove any soap particles. You can also use protein. Soak a cloth in beaten egg white and wipe the skin. To add shine, rub the skin well with a dry flannel cloth. Light-colored items will shine if you wipe the skin with a solution of egg white and milk.

Ordinary vegetable oil saving ourselves from traces of oil paint. Soak a piece of cotton wool or a cloth in oil and rub the stain.

A mixture of potato flour and gasoline in equal proportions will remove greasy stains. Simply rub the mixture into the stain and leave until the gasoline evaporates. Shake any remaining mixture from your skin.

escape from unpleasant odor Ground coffee will help on leather products. The product sprinkled with coffee should sit for 24 hours. Then simply shake out the coat.

By lubricating your coat with orange peel you can avoid creases.

Suede coat

Suede is a soft and pleasant-to-touch material known as tanned leather. It is better not to wet suede products; suede will swell and become hard after drying. To clean, use a special brush for suede products.

Milk and baking soda do a good job of removing shiny spots on coats. Place a teaspoon of soda in a glass of milk, soak a piece of cotton wool in the resulting solution and rub the shiny areas. Wait until the solution dries and use a brush to get rid of any remaining product.

A soap solution + a few drops of ammonia will save you from shiny spots on the product. Rub a little solution onto shiny areas and rinse with clean water. Blot the suede with a dry sponge.

Starch will save you from greasy stains. Sprinkle a little starch onto the stain. Wait until the starch is absorbed into the stain. Use a brush to remove any remaining product. A fresh stain can be sprinkled with teeth cleaning powder. Use a brush with soft bristles to scrub the stain.

An eraser and a crust of dark bread will help remove stains on a suede product. You just need to rub the area with the stains with an eraser and then use a small crust of rye flour bread to remove the stains by wiping.

The coat can be ironed if it becomes wrinkled after removing stains. Be sure to place the iron on low temperature and iron only from the wrong side.

Polyester coat

Polyester is a synthetic material that holds its shape well, does not wrinkle, and dries quickly after washing. Washing can be done either by hand or in a machine. When choosing this or that wash, you need to adhere to some rules.


Before washing your coat, remove wool, hair, and dust with a brush. Then turn it inside out. Place it in water whose temperature is approximately 36 degrees. IN hot water the coat may shrink. When washing a dark coat, use liquid powder. In the case of a light-colored product, you can also take washing powder in granules. If you are going to use bleach, choose a product that does not contain chlorine. If the coat is heavily soiled, you can soak it and leave it in water for about 40 minutes. When washing the coat, you can use a clothes brush. There is no need to press or rub too hard to avoid damaging the material. Rinse the coat several times in cool water, adding a little conditioner. Gently and carefully wring out the coat so as not to deform the material. Place the coat on hangers to allow water to escape. Then take the product to a warm room and dry it by laying it on a large towel.

Machine washable

Before you wash your coat, you need to find out whether it is machine washable. Look at the icons on the label. If the machine or basin icon is not crossed out, you can wash it. First, you need to fasten the item, turn it inside out and place it in a bag intended for washing. Wash a polyester coat in the delicate cycle or, choosing the synthetic cycle, add conditioner, which will make the coat soft. Add detergent only to the powder compartment, not to the drum. Set the temperature to no more than 30 degrees. It is advisable to use a function such as an additional rinse. Turn off the spin mode, as twisting causes deformation of the fabric. At the end of washing, remove the coat from the bag and dry the product by placing a terry towel on a flat surface, and lay the coat on top of it, straightening the fabric. While still damp, iron the coat through gauze.

Check the label to see if it is machine washable.

Video: ironing a coat at home

If you follow the rules and follow the recommendations for caring for your coat, your product will remain in its original form for a long time. When purchasing a coat, do not forget to buy a cleaning brush and a roller with adhesive tape. If stains appear, take action immediately. Avoid heavy contamination, as it will be harder to get rid of later. Thanks to your efforts and care, your favorite coat will delight you for a long time!

Cashmere - fine expensive wool fabric, which looks very elegant, luxurious and stylish. A cashmere coat will never go out of style due to its attractive appearance. In addition, it effectively protects against cold and wind.

However, over time, any fabric becomes dirty and requires cleaning. As a general rule, cashmere coats should not be washed. But even if the label on the clothing allows machine or hand washing, after the procedure the material may wrinkle and lose its attractiveness. appearance.

And after several washes, the coat loses its shape and becomes deformed. Therefore, it is better to clean your coat using dry methods. Let's find out how to clean a cashmere coat at home.

Cleaning Features

Cleaning any outerwear start with an inspection of the product. Hang the coat on a hanger in a well-lit place, carefully inspect the surface and inside of the coat for stains, dirt, abrasions and greasy areas. Pay special attention to the lining and problem areas, including cuffs, collar and pockets.

Study the product label for instructions on how to properly clean, wash, dry and iron your clothing. But even if the label says you can wash your cashmere coat at home, dry clean first. Moreover, greasy stains and many stains can be removed only in this way.

To clean a cashmere coat, use a special clothes brush with soft bristles, as well as a soft cloth or sponge. Under no circumstances should you use a regular hard brush, and you should not scrub the material too hard.

Otherwise, cashmere will become deformed and will not return to its previous shape. You need to clean your coat with soft, smooth blotting movements using a sponge or a special brush for cashmere.

After dry cleaning, clothes are dried in an upright position on a hanger in a well-ventilated area. To prevent creases or dents from appearing on the material, leave the product hanging in the bathroom with air steamed with hot water.

Then the cashmere will smooth out, retain its texture and look like new. After machine or hand washing, coats can only be dried horizontally! You can wrap the item in a large terry towel to absorb excess moisture.

12 Ways to Clean a Cashmere Coat Without Washing

  • Crumbs, hair, wool and hairs, threads are removed from the surface with sticky rollers for clothes;
  • If worn regularly, clean your cashmere from dirt and dust two to three times a week. To do this, purchase a special brush with soft bristles. This procedure will help you renew and clean your coat effectively and safely. When cleaning, you can lightly wet the brush. It is important that it is moist, but not soggy! You cannot wet cashmere too much, otherwise it will lose its original shape and presentable appearance;
  • Minor stains and dirt can be removed with a soap solution. To do this, add a teaspoon of liquid soap to a liter of water. Or you can grate the toilet soap on a coarse grater and add a small amount to the water. Soak a cotton pad or soft sponge in the resulting mixture and wipe the contaminated area. Then the same area is wiped with a sponge or cloth soaked in clean running water. After this, the coat is hung on a hanger and dried;
  • To remove greasy stains and clean light or White coat, use talc. Apply a thick layer of powder to the contaminated area and leave for several hours, preferably overnight. Then brush the coat with a cashmere brush. If necessary, you can repeat the procedure;
  • Vanish carpet cleaner is also used to clean white wool outerwear. Apply a small amount of dry powder to the stained area and rub into the cloth with gentle, gentle movements. Brush off any remaining product with a dry soft cashmere brush;
  • Aviation gasoline is used to remove difficult stains. However, be careful with this method, as it is an aggressive remedy. To prevent gasoline from damaging the fabric or changing color, first test its effect on an invisible area or on the back seam. First, clean the coat of dust, threads and hairs with a brush. Then soak a cotton swab in gasoline and carefully wipe the stain from the edges to the center;

  • Ammonia will remove stains from dirt, coffee and tea. Half a teaspoon is mixed with a teaspoon of glycerin, which will not allow the ammonia to be absorbed into the fabric. Using a cotton pad, apply the composition to the dirt and then wipe with a soap solution;
  • A mixture of vinegar and alcohol will also remove stains from drinks and food. Mix the ingredients in equal proportions. Soak a cotton pad in the mixture and wipe the stain with smooth blotting movements. Then rinse with a sponge soaked in clean running water;
  • One of the old methods for cleaning wool outerwear is using salt. Sprinkle a thick layer of salt over the stain and leave it for several hours to absorb. After this, carefully remove the salt with a dry cotton swab, and then blot the stain with a cloth soaked in a soapy solution;
  • Greasy areas on sleeves and cuffs, collars and pockets are effectively removed by a mixture of ammonia and salt, mixed in a ratio of 4 to 1. In addition, alcohol and vinegar, taken in half, are used;
  • Black and dark coat sometimes cleaned by brewing black tea. Dip a cotton pad in warm tea leaves and wipe the contaminated area;
  • For expensive items, it is better to use special mild shampoos, powders and other cleaning products for cashmere or delicate fabrics. Choose stain removers with a high oxygen content and without chlorine! Then they won't ruin the material.

Is it possible to wash a cashmere coat?

Washing in a washing machine is carried out on a delicate cycle at a temperature of up to 30 degrees without spinning. Wash coats only with liquid detergent designed for washing cashmere and other delicate fabrics. When rinsing, add conditioner to soften the water and material. Do not use spin!

You can also wash cashmere by hand. To do this, use cold water at 20-25 degrees in large quantities and shampoo or detergent for delicate fabrics. After washing, the product is rinsed in cold water at least three times until the soap solution is completely washed off.

Otherwise, stains will remain on the surface! When rinsing, add conditioner to the water. A cashmere coat should not be rubbed or squeezed too much! Otherwise, it will lose its shape and become severely deformed.

After washing, hang the item on a hanger to drain or wrap it in a large towel to absorb excess moisture. After the water has drained, lay the coat horizontally in a well-ventilated area and carefully straighten the material.

After washing, cashmere items should not be dried in a vertical position! You need to iron the coat through damp gauze on the reverse side. Remember that with each wash, the condition of cashmere deteriorates. It stretches, changes shape and fades. Therefore, it is better to use dry cleaning methods, and if heavily soiled, go to dry cleaning.

The drape coat is basic thing both in women's and in men's wardrobe. It is stylish and elegant clothing that will warm you from the cold wind and temperature. But the coat needs delicate care, since the drape does not tolerate wet cleaning. Therefore, most owners of this item are faced with the question of how to clean a coat at home without washing.

General rules

Drape is a wool material sewn in two layers. This property gives the fabric special strength and thermal insulation. This coat holds its shape well and can last for many years. In order not to spoil the appearance of the product, you must adhere to the following tips:

  • Before cleaning, you must carefully study the label. It should contain information about the acceptable type of cleaning, ironing and drying.
  • Before starting cleaning procedures, clothing must be carefully inspected. To do this, hang the coat on hangers and carefully inspect the areas that get dirty most often and quickly (collar, cuffs, sleeves).

  • Before using a cleaning agent, even one intended for draperies, it is necessary to test it on an inconspicuous area of ​​the fabric. This will ensure its reliability and not ruin the coat.
  • When removing contamination from the surface of a product, you should adhere to a certain technique, namely: it must be removed by moving from the center to the edge. This will avoid streaks from the stain.
  • Before cleaning, it is recommended to place a small piece of moisture-absorbing material between the lining and the product itself. This will prevent moisture from absorbing into the product and deforming it.
  • To remove minor stains, threads and lint, it is better to use a fabric brush that requires careful handling.
  • To remove heavy dirt, first use a dry brush and then a wet brush with rounded bristles. It is necessary to clean only in the direction of the product's pile.

If these rules are followed, the coat will always keep its shape and color.

Dry cleansing

In order to properly clean the product, it is not necessary to go to dry cleaning; this can be done at home. To do this, you need to know several “recipes” for dry cleaning:

  • The most common method is cleaning with a dry brush and, if necessary, a wet brush. After this, the coat should be dried thoroughly on hangers in a ventilated room.
  • Cleaning and bleaching powder will help you clean a light or white item. You can also use regular washing powder. To do this, you need to pour a small amount of dry product onto the contaminated surface and rub it in lightly. After 30-40 minutes it can be removed with a brush.
  • Black coats and brightly colored items can be cleaned of dirt using carpet powder. You will need to dilute the product in water and whip up the foam. After this, the foam is applied to the stain and removed with a brush. This method also allows you to renew the color and give freshness to the fabric. When cleaning a coat with foam, it is advisable to place a waterproof material between the lining and the fabric.

  • black thing You can also cleanse it with black tea. To do this, you need to brew black tea and dip a cotton ball or cotton pad into the warm liquid. After this, wipe the contaminated area with a disc and leave the product to dry in a ventilated room.
  • In a good way To get rid of dirt and dust on a coat, use a product for woolen products. The product is dissolved in water according to the instructions; a cloth should be dipped into the resulting mixture. Use this rag to wipe the stain. Leave the product for 30 minutes, and then wipe the area with a sponge soaked in clean water.

After this, the surface is wiped with a dry soft sponge and dried on a hanger away from sunlight. This method is the best option for a product that absolutely cannot be washed.

  • More accessible means To remove stains and dirty areas from the product, use laundry soap or dry product for woolen items. It is best to grind the soap on a grater and dissolve it (1 tablespoon in 1 liter of warm water). This proportion remains the same for powder. Then moisten a brush with rounded bristles in the resulting liquid and wipe the surface. It is necessary to wipe with light pressure on the contaminated areas, this will push the dirt from the surface of the coat.

  • An equally accessible remedy is bread. The pulp of rye bread should be crumbled onto the surface of the clothing and rolled into balls. All the dirt and debris will stick to them. Then the remaining crumbs should be swept away with a brush.

Cleaning hard to reach places

The hardest parts to wash on a coat are the collar, pockets and cuffs. They accumulate the most dirt, small debris and greasy areas. You can also use bread pulp to clean these areas. If this method does not help cope with contamination, then you can use a saline solution. You will need salt and ammonia in a ratio of 1 to 4.

Dip a soft cloth or cotton pad into an alcohol solution and wipe the stain or greasy area. A solution based on alcohol and vinegar also helps with these problems. It is necessary to mix these two components in equal proportions and wet a cloth in the resulting solution. This cloth is then used to wipe the problem area.

When using this method, you should remember that alcohol is an aggressive substance that can damage the appearance of the product. Therefore, before cleaning, you need to test the solution on an inconspicuous area of ​​the coat. If there is no aggressive reaction, the color has not changed or stains have appeared, then you can clean the entire surface of the product.

Removing stains

Heavy soiling on the surface of the coat can also be removed by dry cleaning. To do this you can use:

  • Talc, starch or washing powder. These products cope well with severe stains that have appeared recently. But for dried stains you should use a slightly different method. To begin with, the stain should be steamed, this will remove it better. Then a cloth should be placed under the stain, and then talc or powder should be applied to the contaminated surface. Let the product sit for about 30 minutes and then brush it off with a brush.
  • Glycerin and ammonia help remove coffee stains. To do this, dilute glycerin with alcohol in a 2:1 ratio and wipe the stain with a sponge soaked in this solution. After this, the contaminated area should be wiped with a clean damp cloth and the product should be left to dry.

  • Laundry soap. A soap solution works well to deal with greasy and dried stains. Soap should be dissolved in warm water and the stain should be wiped. Then treat the area with clean water and leave to dry.
  • Gasoline or hydrogen peroxide. This product is used for greasy stains that are deeply embedded in the material. When using gasoline, you should adhere to safety precautions and carry out these actions away from flammable objects. It is also worth remembering that gasoline should only be applied to the wrong side of clothing. This reduces the risk of damage to the color and surface integrity of the coat. When cleaning with gasoline, you should use two napkins: one (clean) should be applied to the stain on the front side of the coat, and the second, soaked in gasoline, should be applied to the reverse side.
  • If the greasy stain is new, you can apply a clean napkin to it and run a hot iron over it. The stain should be absorbed into the napkin.
  • Hydrogen peroxide helps to cope not only with greasy stains, but also with stains from beer and other alcoholic drinks. This product also helps remove stains from light-colored drape and refresh its color. You will need to dilute peroxide with water in a ratio of 1:4 and use a soft brush or cloth to walk over the surface or dirty area. This method can be used once a month for preventive purposes.

  • Vinegar and alcohol help remove stains left by strong alcoholic drinks.
  • More complex and difficult to remove stains can be removed with a solution of alcohol, water and detergent. You will need a glass of warm water and 1 tbsp. l. products and alcohol. Use a cotton pad soaked in this solution to wipe off the dirt. Then the product is washed with warm clean water and left to dry in a ventilated area.
  • Baking soda helps to deal with difficult stains on dark items. To do this, you need to wipe the stains with dry soda, and then shake off the remaining soda. The only drawback of such cleaning is the difficult and time-consuming process of cleaning the surface from soda. Here you can even use a vacuum cleaner, which can easily rid the material of crumbs and microparticles of the cleaning substance. In general, this method is effective and uncomplicated.