Lemon as a face mask. Whitening face mask with lemon and honey. ways to prevent unwanted consequences

As part of many expensive cosmetics you can see lemon juice or essential oil lemon. Women who are used to taking care of themselves know many secrets on how not to spend extra money and look great. Any face mask with lemon can be prepared quickly at home. The ingredients are taken as simple as possible. You just need to know what effect this or that composition has on the skin of the face.

The beneficial properties of lemon extend not only to the field of cooking and medicine. It has long been used for cosmetic purposes. This citrus is a powerful whitening, cleansing, disinfectant and rejuvenating agent for facial skin. So is it worth spending money on branded creams, masks, scrubs when you always have the fragrant magician lemon at hand? With its help you can solve unpleasant problems with skin:

Immunostimulating and antibacterial properties acids, which citrus is rich in, can be effectively used in the fight for a clean face. Acids destroy harmful bacteria and germs that cause acne on the face.

Fruit acid Lemon is a powerful exfoliant. During the lemon spa procedure, dead keratinized epidermal cells are removed and the skin is cleansed of fatty film. This stimulates the growth of new young cells and also minimizes the formation of acne on the treated skin.
Lemon juice quickly cleanses pores, reduces redness, evens out the surface of the skin, giving it matte and smoothness.

Lemon effectively whitens the face, lightening freckles and eliminating pigmentation. This happens due to the vitamins A and K contained in it. After just a short course of using homemade lemon masks, your complexion will be stunningly beautiful. They will also relieve any symptoms of skin inflammation.

Vitamin C in the composition of citrus it acts as a rejuvenating agent. Peels, masks, scrubs, lemon-based tonics help cope with sagging facial skin. And due to hesperidin, it will become soft and velvety.

Lemon refreshes tired skin, tones it, normalizes subcutaneous blood circulation, supplying cells with oxygen. And this happens thanks to phytoncides and riboflavin in its composition.

At first glance, it may seem that lemon acts too aggressively on the skin due to its high acid content. However, it contains unique flavonoid - eriocitrin. It delicately softens the effect of acid, making lemon an excellent cosmetic product.

What skin type are lemon masks suitable for?

Lemon masks are designed to solve certain cosmetic problems. Therefore, they work great if your facial skin:

  • Fat. The greasy shine will go away. Enlarged pores will be cleared and will be less noticeable.
  • Problematic. Daily use of lemon masks will relieve acne, the appearance of new pimples, and skin irritations.
  • Normal and combined. Your face will always look beautiful and fresh. The skin will be cleansed of any impurities.
  • Fading. Small wrinkles will be smoothed out, the contour of the face will be slightly tightened and will look clearer, and sagging skin will go away.
  • Pigmented. The spots on your face will disappear. The tone of the face will even out.

Skilfully using lemon to make homemade masks is beneficial for any skin type. But cosmetologists warn that a large number of acids can be harmful. You need to approach this issue especially carefully when your facial skin:

  • Has tumors, even benign ones
  • Has an intolerance to citrus ingredients
  • Characterized by the proximity of small vessels and capillaries to the surface layer
  • Has extensive inflamed areas with boils and ulcers
    injured and has unhealed wounds or stitches

Those with very sensitive skin should use lemon masks with caution.

There are no direct contraindications or indications for this. In order not only to avoid harm, but to get a tangible positive effect, you need to prepare masks competently, strictly following the recommendations of cosmetologists.

Popular lemon face mask recipes

IN home cosmetology Due to its high acid concentration, lemon is rarely used in its pure form. In different masks, crushed pulp or zest is used, as well as lemon juice, usually diluted with water.

Masks affect the skin differently, depending on the composition. IN different situations the result can be immediate or, on the contrary, it will make you talk about yourself only after a course of home spa treatments.

Before you mindlessly and enthusiastically prepare all the masks you have read, you need to conduct a small test to determine the sensitivity of your facial skin to the composition of lemon. Citrus is a strong allergen for some people. To protect yourself, you need to apply a few drops of lemon juice to your elbow or wrist. If after a couple of hours there is no reaction, then you can choose suitable recipes for homemade lemon-based masks.

Rejuvenation. Lemon + Honey


  1. Lemon juice: 2 teaspoons
  2. Natural honey: 1 tablespoon


  • If the honey is caramelized, it should be melted. It is better to do this in a steam bath, without heating it too much.
  • Mix the ingredients thoroughly just before applying to the skin.
  • The resulting composition is applied to cleansed facial skin and left for a quarter of an hour.
  • Wash with warm water.
  • Now you can apply your regular cream to your face.

A face mask with honey and lemon performs several important tasks at once: removes fine wrinkles, acts as a nourishing, whitening and tonic agent.


  1. Lemon juice: 1 tbsp
  2. Natural honey: 1 tbsp. spoon
  3. Baking soda: 1 tbsp. spoon


  • If the honey is thick, you need to keep it in a steam bath until it becomes liquid.
  • Mix all ingredients until a homogeneous mass is obtained.
  • Apply the composition to a cleansed face using smooth circular movements.
  • After 10 minutes, rinse off the cosmetic composition with warm water.

This simple, but at the same time unique, composition perfectly removes toxins from the skin, nourishes and softens it. Acting as a peeling, it cleanses the upper layers of the epidermis from keratinized dead cells, allowing new growth.


  1. Lemon juice: 2 teaspoons
  2. Egg white from 1 egg


  • Take a fresh homemade egg and separate the white from the yolk.
  • Whisk the egg whites with the juice.
  • Apply the product to your face and leave for 10 minutes.
  • Wash with warm water.
  • Treat the skin with moisturizing cream.

The composition removes the fatty film on the face, cleanses and tightens pores. This face mask does not take long to prepare. Egg and lemon can be combined to solve other skin problems.


  1. Lemon juice: 1 tbsp. spoon
  2. Natural honey: 1 tbsp. spoon
  3. Olive oil: 1 tbsp. spoon
  4. Yolk from 1 egg


  • If the honey is very thick, it should be kept in a steam bath until it becomes liquid.
  • Choose a fresh homemade egg and separate the yolk.
  • Remove all components of the future mask from the refrigerator in advance so that they are not cold. Mix them until smooth.
  • Apply the product to the face and décolleté area. The procedure time is 20 minutes.
  • Wash with cool water.
  • Treat the skin with nourishing cream.

The product does an excellent job of moisturizing dry skin and removing fine wrinkles.


  1. Lemon: 2 slices
  2. Cold water: 1 small basin
  3. Hot water: 1 small basin


  • Prepare two small basins, in one of which there will be cold water, in the other - hot, 40 - 45 degrees.
  • Cut the lemon or cut a couple of pieces from it.
  • Prepare your face for a spa treatment by removing makeup.
  • Rinse your face hot water and hold for about 30 seconds.
  • Rinse your face cold water and again hold for 30 seconds.
  • Thoroughly wipe your face and décolleté with citrus slices and sit there for another minute.
  • Repeat the procedure two or three more times.
  • At the end of the procedure, rinse your face with cool water, after which you can apply your usual cream and do makeup.

This mixture copes well with skin fatigue, tones it, tightens it, and refreshes the color. No one at work will guess stormy night, and vice versa, friends at the party will not suspect that you had a hard day at work.

Cucumber-lemon mask with brightening effect


  1. Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon
  2. Grinded cucumber: 1 tablespoon
  3. Natural honey: 1 tablespoon


  • Honey should be liquid. The thick product should be kept in a steam bath without heating.
  • Grind the cucumber using a blender or finely grate it.
  • Mix the components together.
  • Clean your face and apply the mixture evenly for a quarter of an hour.
  • Wash with water at a comfortable temperature.

Cucumber and lemon are each famous for their whitening properties. The effect is only enhanced by the interaction of these two components. And thanks to honey, the skin is moisturized and smoothed.


  1. Lemon juice: 1 tablespoon
  2. Full-fat sour cream: 1 tablespoon


  • When preparing the mask, you should give preference to fresh homemade sour cream. It has high fat content and does not contain preservatives.
  • Mix the ingredients well with each other.
  • Distribute the composition onto previously cleansed skin and leave for a quarter of an hour.
  • Wash with warm water. It is not necessary to apply the cream if there is no need to go outside.
  • This mask is recommended to be used a couple of times every 10 days for those with combination skin.
  • It perfectly nourishes, cleanses, brightens and refreshes the face.

Home cosmetology is a fascinating activity. However, it is worth remembering to be careful when using rather aggressive components, one of which is lemon. If you have allergies, thin and sensitive skin, it is better not to use it. And in the summer, you should completely abandon masks based on this citrus, since the skin is already dried out by active ultraviolet radiation.

High-quality skin care can be performed not only with expensive products and salon procedures. They will help monitor the condition of the epidermis natural products. For these purposes, you can use almost any components of natural origin. For example: a face mask with lemon is considered effective if additional ingredients are added taking into account the characteristics of the skin.

How is lemon good for our skin?

The fruit from the citrus family is rich in vitamins (C, B, A, E, P, K) and microelements (calcium, magnesium, potassium, sodium, zinc, iron, phosphorus). It also contains essential oils and organic acids (malic and citric).

Fresh juice can solve oily skin problems, reduce inflammation, and cleanse pores. With its help, a whitening and toning effect is achieved, dead cells are removed, fine wrinkles are smoothed out, and metabolic processes are accelerated.

Egg whites are often added to a lemon face mask. This allows you to get the following results:

  • tighten and cleanse pores;
  • lighten red and age spots, freckles;
  • normalize the formation of sebum;
  • get rid of oily shine;
  • level the terrain;
  • increase elasticity;
  • saturate cells with useful substances and vitamins.

What components can be combined with?

Citrus face masks are prepared at home using various ingredients. Their choice is influenced by the type of skin.

  • Puree from apples, pears, apricots and other seasonal fruits.
  • White and yolk of a chicken egg.
  • Vegetable and essential oils.
  • Cucumber.
  • Cereals.
  • Potato starch.
  • Wheat, rice, oat flour.
  • Sour cream, kefir, milk, cream, natural yogurt.
  • Aloe juice.
  • Cosmetic clay.
  • Sea salt.
  • Baking soda.

Are there any contraindications for use?

A lemon face mask is considered universal. However, there are a number of conditions in which you should pay attention to more gentle formulations. These include:

  • increased sensitivity to citrus products;
  • any damage to the epidermis, even minor;
  • fresh postoperative scars;
  • neoplasms of various types;
  • too dry and delicate skin.

Before first use, be sure to test for absence allergic reaction.

It is important to follow several simple rules using lemon juice as a component of the mask.

  • Do not exceed permissible formulation to avoid irritation.
  • The procedure is completed when redness appears. Do not keep the composition until you feel a burning sensation.
  • In the summer, it is better to refrain from using products with yellow citrus juice, as the risk of burns from intense solar radiation increases. If you do whiten your facial skin with a mask with lemon, be sure to use a protective cream with a high SPF.
  • It is better not to prepare the composition for future use, since the concentration of nutrients during storage decreases sharply.
  • Store-bought juice from a package is not suitable for cosmetic procedures.
  • A face mask made from protein and lemon will be more effective if you first steam the skin over a steam bath with herbal infusion.
  • During the session, take a horizontal position, try not to talk.
  • After about 20 minutes (the exact time will be determined by personal feelings), the residues are washed off with cool water and washed with a decoction. medicinal herbs, blot your face with a soft cloth and finally apply moisturizer.
  • The course usually consists of 10-12 procedures, after which it is recommended to take a break for 1-2 months.
  • To mix the components, you should choose glass or ceramic dishes.

The benefits of lemon for the face are discussed in the video:

The best mask recipes using lemon

There are many skin care products that contain lemon juice. Therefore, it will not be difficult to find a mask designed to eliminate individual problems in each specific case.


Women who have already experienced withering and fatigue of the dermis will appreciate the recipe. Mix 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey with juice from half a medium-sized lemon. Can be used 1-2 times a day for a month. The reward will be elastic, toned, matte skin without the slightest hint of inflammation.

Those with dry dermis should supplement the recipe with a third component. His role will be played different oils of plant origin:

  • olive;
  • almond;
  • jojoba;
  • grape seeds, etc.


A classic is a face mask with protein and lemon. It provides a lifting effect. Beat the white of one egg into a strong foam, add a teaspoon of juice, mix again. The mixture is applied with a brush in several (3-4) layers, each time waiting for the previous one to dry. Don't be afraid of the feeling of tightness. When the composition takes the form of a film, it is simply removed from the face.

Can be used up to 3 times a week.


If your epidermis type is normal or dry, then you should choose the option with the yolk or add the whole egg. This composition is less irritating to the skin, but provides nutrition and smoothing of wrinkles.


A mask made from oatmeal(2 tbsp), milk (50 cm 3), lemon juice (5 cm 3) and aloe (5 cm 3). First, pour boiling milk over the cereal and leave to swell. When the mixture has cooled to a pleasant temperature, add the remaining ingredients. Distribute the product onto the face, neck and décolleté area. After a quarter of an hour, you should wash your face with warm water.

This recipe gives the skin softness, purity, freshness, and increases elasticity.

With olive oil

The charge of vitamins and microelements will be provided by a mask made from olive oil and lemon juice. The components are taken in equal quantities (15 cm 3 each) and mixed thoroughly. The procedure involves taking a horizontal position and relaxing the muscles for 20 minutes. After washing your face with alternating hot and cold water, you can enjoy the result. The skin becomes soft and velvety, and acne gradually disappears.


An effective whitening face mask at home is prepared with lemon and cucumber. Juice is extracted from half the sour fruit, the medium-sized vegetable is peeled and chopped. Combine both products, mix, leave on the skin for 30 minutes. The effect is noticeable after just one use.


A combination of lemon juice and yeast will help you cope with pimples, acne, and get a fresh complexion. Squeeze the liquid out of half the citrus and mix with yeast to a creamy consistency. The procedure takes only 10 minutes. After washing, it is advisable to treat the skin with an ice cube or apply a cold compress.


A two-component composition has the ability to enhance the properties of another ingredient. Mix the products in equal quantities (1 tablespoon each) and immediately distribute over the skin. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour; the residue is removed with warm water. This simple recipe is ideal for combination skin, provides it with nutrients, vitamins, and has a strong whitening effect.

With white clay

A mixture of parsley juice (5 cm3) and lemon juice (15 cm3), and kefir (30 cm3) will help lighten freckles and age spots. The liquid ingredients are mixed and used to dilute white clay (a volume equal to a tablespoon). To achieve desired result You should make this mask 2 times a week and leave it on for a quarter of an hour.

With sea salt

A three-component mask is designed to carry out gentle cleansing, remove the layer of dead cells, relieve inflammation, and make wrinkles less noticeable. It contains:

After mixing, distribute the mixture over your face and leave for 10 minutes. Chamomile decoction is used for washing.

The lemon mask is described in the video:


Lemon face mask is affordable and effective way in solving many problems. The composition is especially recommended for oily skin. However, if you combine sour fruit juice with other products, you can prepare a less aggressive remedy that will suit all women without exception.

Gray skin tone is a problem that even those who devote a lot of time to facial care face. Unfavorable environmental conditions, aggressive environmental factors and ineffective methods of cleansing the dermis lead to the fact that the pores begin to become clogged and the functioning of the sebaceous glands is disrupted. The result of this is a darkening of the dermis, which can be dealt with by means such as lemon-based masks. Their main advantage is their natural composition and the ability to prepare them at home.

Beneficial features

Most people associate it exclusively with ascorbic acid, but this fruit has a richer composition. Each component contained in citrus fruit has its own positive effect on the dermis:

  • Vitamin C. Struggling with age-related changes and returns youth and freshness to the dermis.
  • Retinol. Resists and stops inflammatory processes occurring in the upper and middle layers of the skin.
  • Vitamin K Helps reduce pigmentation and make freckles less noticeable.
  • Potassium. Restores the normal function of the sebaceous glands, eliminating oily shine on the face.
  • Organic acids. They cleanse clogged pores and have a slight peeling effect, ridding the skin of dead cells.

Including lemon-based masks in your facial skin care ritual allows you to slow down the aging process, get rid of wrinkles, and provide gentle cleansing. In addition, lemon juice opens clogged pores and narrows enlarged pores, normalizing the production of sebaceous secretions. Thus, the effect of the product is not only aesthetic in nature, but also makes the dermis healthy.

Indications and contraindications

A face mask with lemon can solve the following problems:

  • excess fat content;
  • acne -;
  • pigmentation;
  • gray tint of the dermis.

This product especially helps with dull skin, restoring a healthy and beautiful tone to the dermis, as well as freshness and elasticity.

The positive properties of lemon fruits do not negate the fact that its pulp and juice have some restrictions on use:

  • individual intolerance;
  • unhealed wounds on the skin;
  • swellings and tumors of a malignant and benign nature on the face;
  • fresh scars.

To eliminate the possibility of an allergic reaction, a small amount of the mask should be applied to the temple area. If no discomfort or redness does not appear after 5-10 minutes, you can safely carry out the whitening procedure.

Store-bought vs home-made

The effectiveness of lemon as a whitening, cleansing, and rejuvenating agent has been known for a long time. Citrus fruit is included in many cosmetic products. On sale you can find many masks, among the ingredients of which is lemon juice.

The results of using both store-bought and home-made products are almost identical. The only difference is the cost. Ready-made masks for the face with lemon will cost more than the one you do yourself. Therefore, the choice depends solely on individual preferences.

In addition, regardless of whether you buy or make a mask at home, you need to choose the right composition. The product must match your skin type. Otherwise, the efficiency will decrease significantly.

Popular recipes

They include not only lemon, but also other components that must be natural and fresh.

For oily skin

It is prepared from chilled and whipped egg whites, to which freshly squeezed lemon juice is added. 5 drops are enough. The mask is applied to the face, with the exception of the wings of the nose and eyelids. Make yourself comfortable and try to minimize facial movements. Wash off the mixture with water after 20 minutes.

For dry dermis

Grind a quarter of a medium lemon in a blender. There is no need to remove the peel. Add a teaspoon of glycerin and non-acidic sour cream and raw yolk to the lemon mass. The mixture is thoroughly mixed. The mask is applied to the face, but does not affect the area around the eyes and nose. Remove the mass with a damp swab.

For sensitive skin

Lemon juice and honey, taken in equal proportions, are mixed with each other. Add a tablespoon of oatmeal flakes (pre-cooked). You can keep this mask for 10 to 15 minutes. You shouldn't use it anymore because it dries quickly and is difficult to remove. For rinsing, use regular warm water.

Universal with sour cream

Mix lemon juice and sour cream in a 1:2 ratio. They are thoroughly mixed. Keep this mask for a quarter of an hour, and then simply wash with cool water. Thanks to the addition of sour cream, this product is perfect for any skin type.


Option 1

Fresh peeled cucumber is cut into round pieces and soaked in lemon juice. Place the circles on the face in one layer and hold for 10 to 15 minutes. Remove the cucumbers and wash them.

Option 2

Mix natural and freshly squeezed lemon juice in equal proportions. In the resulting mixture, moisten gauze or a napkin in which holes are cut for the eyes and wings of the nose. Keep the mask on for no more than 20 minutes and wash your face with cool water.

Citrus has no side effects, but it is not recommended to abuse products based on it. The reason for the limitation is the ability of lemon juice to dry out the skin. If you apply the mask too often, along with the positive effect, you will begin to feel tightness and peeling.

To avoid adverse consequences and receive exceptional benefits from the procedure, you should focus on individual characteristics. When the skin tends to be oily, 2 to 3 procedures can be done per week. Those with derma should limit themselves to one mask.


Lemon-based masks are an excellent skin whitening and cleansing product. They can be prepared at home or purchased ready-made. The effectiveness of both products will be the same, but you will have to pay more for a store-bought mask.

Most of you always buy fresh lemons, because this wonderful fruit is so useful for improving human health.

Today I will tell you about one more of its unique properties - skin care, you will learn how to use lemon and lemon juice on your face.

It is worth noting that skin care with lemon is quite simple and can be easily used whenever the desire arises; to do this, you just need to wipe your face with a slice of lemon.

Lemon for the face - beneficial properties for the skin

Lemon juice has natural disinfectant properties, making it good for treating skin scars and acne.

It's safe to say that lemon is an excellent product that can be used for skin care.

Unique in its composition, juicy and aromatic lemon will allow us to carry out rejuvenating and cleansing skin care without extra financial costs.

  • Lemon juice - has natural whitening properties. It lightens freckles, acne spots and pimples, promotes perfect color skin;
  • Natural acids contained in lemon have a strong antibacterial and immunostimulating effect. breaks down harmful microbes that cause acne and pimples;
  • The main active ingredient that lemon juice contains is hydroxy acid - L-absorbic acid. It does a good job of exfoliating dead, old skin cells and promoting the growth of new and healthy cells;
  • The acid's exfoliating process works as a natural astringent that dries on the surface to remove excess oil, minimizing the potential appearance of acne;
  • Lemon juice is a good peeling for the facial skin, it perfectly cleanses dead and old cells, makes the face beautiful, young, and the skin soft and elastic;
  • Lemon is a source of vitamin C - an antioxidant that slows down cell aging, rejuvenates the skin and makes it more elastic.
  • In addition, lemon contains the following vitamins: B, K, B1 B2, B3, A, E, and microelements such as iron, potassium, fluorine, sodium;
  • Vitamins A, vitamin K will help get rid of excessive skin pigmentation, and Potassium restores the normal functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • Vitamin A will help relieve inflammatory processes on the skin, and the fruit acids contained in lemon and its juice will whiten and cleanse the face of freckles, uneven tanning or pigmentation.

Indications and contraindications for the use of lemon

Despite all its benefits and the presence of many vitamins, lemon is an allergen, so it must be used with great caution so as not to cause allergies or irritation to the skin.

Let's take a closer look at the question of who can use lemon for facial skin care, and for whom these procedures are contraindicated?

Indications for use:

  • Normal to oily skin.
  • Pigmentation, skin spots, freckles;
  • Acne, acne, pimples;
  • Aging, tired, aging skin.

Contraindications for use:

  • Allergy, individual intolerance;
  • Open wounds on the skin, tumors.


To avoid allergies, you must definitely test your reaction to lemon juice or masks with lemon. The test is convenient to do on the wrist. If there is no redness or discomfort, then you can use lemon for home cosmetic procedures.

Masks with lemon are kept on the face for no more than 10 - 15 minutes, the same applies to lemon juice: wipe the face, leave for a short time and rinse with water.

In addition to water, you can wash your face with a warm chamomile decoction.

For masks, all ingredients must be absolutely fresh and natural, lemons must be fresh, this is an important condition for a high-quality cosmetic procedure.

How to properly use lemon on your face?

Now that you have learned how lemon can benefit your face, it's time to learn how to use it correctly in your skin care routine.

Method No. 1

To whiten age spots and freckles, if you have normal or oily skin, wipe your face with a slice of lemon up to 4 - 5 times a day, leave the juice on the skin for 5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

This procedure should be done no more than three days in a row.

Method number 2

For oily and sagging skin with enlarged pores, you need to make a refreshing lotion from equal parts of lemon juice and mineral water.

You should wipe your face with lemon lotion every day, do not rinse it off with water and let it dry.


If you have tender, thin and sensitive skin then you need to dilute lemon juice with water in half to avoid an allergic reaction.

Lemon ice for face

An excellent skin care product is lemon ice cubes. They cleanse and whiten the skin, tighten pores and disinfect the skin.

Preparing lemon cubes is very simple:

  1. Cut the lemon into two halves and squeeze out the juice.
  2. Strain the juice through a strainer and pour into ice cube trays.
  3. We freeze the molds with juice in the freezer.

How to use:

  1. We wash ourselves, take one lemon ice cube and wipe our faces with it.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, then wash again and lubricate your face with your favorite cream.

How else can you use lemon on your face?

There are two simple ways: wipe your face with a slice of lemon or lemon juice, which you need to moisten a cotton pad with.

  1. For cosmetic procedures, use only ripe and fresh lemon.
  2. For slicing, you need to use a sharp knife and a wooden cutting board.
  3. Carefully cut the lemon into two halves for easy squeezing out the juice.
  4. With clean hands, squeeze lemon juice onto a cotton pad.
  5. We cleanse the face and apply the juice to the affected areas of the skin with a cotton pad, avoiding the area around the eyes.
  6. Leave the juice for a few minutes and then wash your face with warm water.
  7. After the procedure, we apply a nourishing cream to the skin so that there is no feeling of tightness and flaking of the skin.

By using lemon and lemon juice on your face twice a week, you will soon notice clearer, healthier and younger-looking skin.

Benefits of use in home cosmetics lemon is that you can use it to prepare brightening face masks with lemon. Such procedures are especially relevant in the summer and will help with unsuccessful tanning, freckles, skin pigmentation and other problems.

How to whiten your face with lemon?

  1. Fresh lemon good quality wash, cut into two halves and squeeze out the juice. We can simply cut off one small piece and wipe the skin with it.
  2. Cleanse the skin and wipe the entire face or individual areas with a lemon wedge.
  3. You can carry out this procedure with a cotton wool disc soaked in lemon juice.
  4. Leave the juice on the skin for 10 minutes, and then wash with water or chamomile decoction and apply cream.

We carry out the facial lightening procedure once a day, for three days, until the desired result is achieved.

Lemon for face against acne

For acne and skin rashes, you can wipe the areas where there are rashes with a cotton pad soaked in lemon juice.

To combat acne, use a mixture of sea salt and lemon juice in a 1:1 ratio. Apply this mixture onto the pimples with a cotton swab, leave for 10 minutes, and then wash off.

Lemon relieves inflammation, disinfects and dries and reduces oily skin, cleanses from blackheads.

Honey with lemon for face

One of the best anti-aging remedies for aging, fading, sagging and wrinkled skin is a mask made from natural bee honey and lemon.

  1. Mix honey with lemon juice - 1 tbsp honey. spoon, juice - 2 teaspoons.
  2. If the honey is candied, melt it in a water bath, but do not heat it too much. We prepare the mask just before using it.
  3. Apply the mask to clean skin in a thin and even layer, leave for 15 minutes, and then wash with warm water.
  4. After the mask, apply cream to the skin of the face.

Honey-lemon mask tones the skin, perfectly nourishes, moisturizes, rejuvenates, and relieves inflammation. In addition, it smooths out wrinkles and brightens the face.

Baking soda in combination with lemon removes toxins, cleanses and nourishes the skin, gently removes the upper stratum corneum on the skin, acting as a peeling. If you add honey to this mask, then the effect will be even better.

Test a mask of baking soda and lemon on your wrist before applying to avoid redness and allergies.

You need to prepare the mask just before using it so that it is fresh. You should also use fresh soda; do not use one that has expired.

  1. Mix a spoonful of natural liquid honey (if the honey is thick, melt it in a water bath) with a spoonful of soda and a spoonful of lemon juice.
  2. Mix everything until mushy and homogeneous.
  3. Apply the paste onto the skin using circular movements.
  4. Leave for 10 minutes and wash off with lukewarm water.

Lemon and soda will remove excess fat and dirt, dry out acne and get rid of rashes, which is very important for people suffering from this problem.

Protein with lemon for face

This mask is one of the best, which removes oily shine and closes enlarged pores. It is recommended to do it after cleansing the face of blackheads.

Preparing this miracle product will take very little time.

  1. Beat one egg white with two teaspoons of lemon juice and apply to cleansed face.
  2. Leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with water and moisturize the skin with cream.

Lemon face mask with sour cream

  • It is advisable to take fresh and homemade sour cream for the mask so that it is of good quality and without harmful preservatives. And, of course, a good lemon.
  • Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with a tablespoon of sour cream.
  • Apply the mask to the skin of the face. Leave for 15 minutes, then rinse with water and apply cream. This mask should be done once a week.

The skin after this mask becomes youthful, fresh and cleansed.

Cucumber and lemon mask

To prepare it, mix equal proportions of honey, lemon juice and finely grated gruel of fresh, peeled cucumber.

Apply the resulting mask to a cleansed face and leave for 15 minutes, and then rinse with water.

I suggest watching a video that tells you how to prepare a mask of honey, cucumber and lemon.

Be healthy and beautiful!

Lemon face mask - how to make at home

First of all, lemon is a bleaching agent. Very often we are faced with facial skin pigmentation. It is in this case that lemon can become an indispensable assistant. Also, masks with lemon have disinfecting properties. Lemon juice is known to be used in the fight against the first wrinkles.

A lemon mask can be prepared for all skin types. We will give you several examples of preparing the corresponding product.

Precautionary measures

However, it is necessary to remember precautions: it is not advisable to apply lemon juice in its pure form to the skin of the face. You can also initially try each of the proposed masks with lemon on your hand to determine whether this mask is right for you and whether it causes allergies (redness of the skin, itching, swelling).

The compositions of face masks using lemon are varied, and you should choose masks that suit your skin type.

There are a number of different recipes for making masks with lemon. Each of them has its own specific properties. It won’t be difficult for you to choose a suitable option for preparing this product.

The interesting thing is that this fruit can be used for masks of various age categories and owners of all skin types. The main thing is to choose the right composition of the lemon mask. Find yours and be beautiful!

Homemade face masks with lemon - recipes for different skin types

Lemon face mask for oily skin: recipe

  • Beat egg yolk + 1 teaspoon lemon juice + 1 teaspoon crushed lemon peel. Stir, then add oatmeal to the mixture with lemon to form a thick mass. Apply an even layer to the face. After 10 minutes, wash off.
  • 1 teaspoon lemon juice + 1 egg yolk + 100 grams of low-fat sour cream. Apply a homogeneous mass to the face, after 20 minutes rinse with cool water.
  • Mix protein with lemon juice in a 4:1 ratio. Beat the egg white until foamy and gradually add lemon juice. The mask is applied in several layers, each new layer after 5 minutes. After 15 minutes, remove with a cotton swab dipped in tea.
  • Grind the lemon peel into powder and mix with the yolk, which must first be beaten. Pour a teaspoon of lemon juice into the resulting mixture and add oatmeal until a homogeneous thick mixture is obtained. Then apply the resulting mask evenly to the skin and leave for 10 minutes, then rinse with warm water.

Face mask with lemon and honey: personal experience

Lemon face mask: recipe for dry skin

  • The pulp of half a lemon, grated + 1 tablespoon of honey. The face should first be cleaned and a layer of rich cream applied. Then apply the resulting mixture with lemon in an even layer. After 15 minutes, remove the remaining mask with a cotton swab and rinse your face with cool water.
  • Juice from half a large lemon + a quarter glass of boiled water + 1 teaspoon of glycerin. We rinse our face morning and evening.

Lemon mask for age spots

  • 1 tbsp. l. honey, ¼ each, a teaspoon of lemon juice and oatmeal. All ingredients are mixed and applied for 15 minutes to previously cleansed facial skin. Rinse off the mask with cool water.
  • It should be noted that if you have dry skin, a mask with lemon can be used no more than 2 times a week. To prepare the mask, you need to mix a tablespoon of honey with half the lemon pulp, which, accordingly, must first be ground. After that, a rich cream is applied to the face and the prepared mixture is evenly applied to it. After 15 minutes, remove the mask with lemon with a cotton swab or remove with warm water.

Face masks with lemon juice and oil

Anti-aging mask with lemon juice

Mix 200 grams of unsalted mashed potatoes with the juice of 1 lemon. Mix and apply to face and neck for 30 minutes and then rinse with cold water.

Lemon ice for skin toning

A good tonic is lemon ice: mix lemon juice with 500 ml of water and freeze in ice cube trays. Wipe your face with this ice and lemon. Lemon juice will help you lighten freckles and age spots; for this, mix 1 tablespoon of nourishing cream with 1 teaspoon of lemon juice.

Use the mixture regularly and the results will not be long in coming. As you can see for yourself, lemon for facial skin is an excellent remedy, affordable and harmless.

Rubbing your face with lemon juice: tips

How to use lemon oil on your face?

Lemon oil can stop the action of elastase, which in turn breaks down elastin and collagen fibers. Everyone knows that the destruction of these fibers leads to the skin losing its firmness and elasticity. As a result, wrinkles form and the skin begins to age. Lemon oil significantly slows down the process of skin aging.

In addition, lemon essential oil can stimulate the growth of new skin cells, and elements of lemon oil smooth out existing wrinkles, improve the tone of sluggish, aging facial skin, which is why lemon essential oil is used in many masks and face creams.

In addition, lemon oil is an excellent component for skin care products. oily skin face, because it can normalize the process of sebum secretion, as well as cleanse and tighten pores. Despite these properties, lemon oil does not dry out the skin, so it can also be used in the care of other skin types.

Leading cosmetologists use recipes with lemon to get rid of blackheads, and they know that the oil can significantly soften rough areas of the skin, increase tone, and exfoliate dead skin cells.

Another advantage of lemon oil is that it has a whitening effect, which results in the effect of getting rid of age spots and freckles.

Brightening mask - facial peeling with lemon

How to peel with lemon for oily skin

You need to take low-fat kefir as the basis for this peeling. Add mashed cranberries and a small amount of sugar to it. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon into this mixture. The zest will also come in handy. Grind it well and also add to the peeling. Apply the composition to the skin, massage a little and rinse thoroughly with cool and lukewarm water. You can leave it on as a mask, but for no more than 10 minutes.

Peeling with lemon - mask for dry skin

Take two teaspoons of natural ground coffee and add the juice of half a lemon and a tablespoon of heated olive oil. Mix all this thoroughly and apply to your face. Massage very carefully, so rinse with warm water.

Grape peeling with lemon - mask for normal skin

This recipe requires a little more work, but it's worth it. Take a fairly large number of grape seeds and grind them, for example, in a coffee grinder, but so that the grains are of medium abrasiveness. Add grape juice and the juice of half a lemon. Apply to facial skin and massage.