Entertaining activities in kindergarten. Leisure activities in kindergarten. Holiday scenarios. Entertainment, leisure, matinees - Entertainment script for the holiday Mother's Day "Mom's Beloved"

In this section you can find scripts for matinees in kindergarten, scripts for holidays, entertainment, graduations and other events. Links to a specific scenario are in the menu on the left side of the screen.

Any holidays in kindergarten remain in the memory of children for a long time, so you need to try to approach the organization of these events very responsibly. It is advisable to plan every step and every action well and time it, keeping in mind that there may be some unplanned situations. It is imperative to have “freedom of maneuver”, a small margin of time and be prepared for the fact that something does not go according to plan. A child may be capricious, someone will forget the words, someone will not want to dance - these things, of course, do not have a very positive effect on the general mood, but there is no point in making a tragedy out of this, these things happen regularly and an experienced teacher will always find an opportunity to calm capricious kids and return them to the common holiday.

Preparing for graduation in kindergarten, holiday-entertainment or New Year's party has many similarities that can make this process easier. Scenarios of events in kindergarten that vary in time and nature should be collected and analyzed for the future. There are many little things that seem simple and obvious, but which can seriously affect the matinee. Take, for example, the process of dressing children in costumes. If you don’t find out in advance whose parents will not be able to attend the matinee and help the children change clothes, then you can find yourself in a very unpleasant situation when most of the children get confused in their costumes and lose some parts of them, and you (the teacher and nanny) are not able to able to quickly cope with the complication that has arisen.

Scenario for the holiday “April Fool’s Day is nonsense!”

Presenter. The morning begins with smiles and games.

Don't give in to boredom and stay cheerful!

In our music room there is a cheerful laugh,

On our happy holiday we invited everyone!

There is a knock on the door.

Presenter. Who is knocking on our doors?

We are always glad to have guests!

Children enter the hall to the sound of cheerful music. They sit on chairs. Cheerful music sounds, two buffoons run in with scrolls in their hands.

1 buffoon. Hello kids, girls and boys.

2 buffoons. All of you without exception

Both We invite you to our fun! April Fool's Day.

1 buffoon. Let's dance and play songs

Together. Come, hurry up, and dance with us.

The buffoons begin to dance, inviting the children.


(To the accompaniment of cheerful music, the children move around the hall. When the music ends, the buffoon says how to “say hello” (palms, heels, noses, tails, etc.)

Upon completion.

1 buffoon Come, kids, and listen to me.

2 buffoon And me.

1 buffoon. And me!

Together. For today's sake.

1 buffoon. Why are we dancing?

2 buffoons. I don't know, probably out of joy. The holiday is really good. April Fool's Day. And the guys all around are good, cheerful, joyful!

Together. Happy April Fool's Day!

Children. Thank you.

1 buffoon. When is April Fool's Day celebrated?

The children answer.

Older children sing "Song of Spring".

2 buffoons. Now let’s play some attraction games:

1. “Pass the balloon.”

Children, standing in a circle, pass a balloon from hand to hand to the music. The music suddenly stops. The one who has the ball in his hands completes the task of the Presenter:

  • “Squat as many times as there are fingers on one hand!”;
  • “Turn around as many times as I say now!”;
  • “Jump as many times as there are adults here!”;
  • “Stand on one leg, maintaining your balance, while the children count to 10!”

2. "Jolly Riders"

Participants must ride a “horse” (stick) between the pins like a snake, run around the counter and come back. This attraction can also be carried out in the form of a team relay race

1 buffoon. Wait a minute, here we are talking to the guys, but we didn’t say who they were.

2 buffoons. Yes, they probably guessed it. Right guys?

The children answer.

Buffoons. Of course, heralds. We have come to tell you that the Feast of Laughter has begun, and we invite you to a fun dance "Ducklings"

Children are dancing.

At the end of the dance, the buffoons offer to play a fun game on the spot.

3. “The Elusive Cord”

Two players sit on chairs with their backs to each other, at a distance of 2-3 m. A rope is stretched under the chairs. At the signal, you need to jump up, run around both chairs, making three full circles around them, then sit on your chair, bend over and pull the rope towards you. Whoever grabs the rope faster will win (Fig. 23). Everyone should run to the right. You should not touch chairs while running.

First we need to do a rehearsal. To prevent the players from making a mistake and grabbing the rope ahead of time, the leader counts the turns out loud: “One, two, three!” After the count of three, you can sit on a chair and try to pull the rope.

The competition is held three times. The winner is the one who manages to pull the cord two or three times.

You can make a change to the game: do not run around the chairs, but jump on one leg (only one revolution), then sit down and try to pull the rope.

4.Game. Take right hand left ear, and with your left hand behind the tip of your nose. Clap your hands and quickly change hands: with your left hand - the right ear, with your right - the tip of the nose, etc.

Children play a game.

1 buffoon. Guys, would you like me to show you a trick? /children's answers/. I have a phrase that you will never repeat. Don't believe me? But now you'll see.


They call two children.

2 buffoons. You must repeat after me what I say. You will say two phrases, but you will never repeat the third. Well, what do we start? So, repeat after me three magic phrases.

"We have a lot of fun"the child repeats.

"Boys laugh, but girls don't."The child repeats.

“Well, I was wrong!” The child is perplexed.

2 Buffoon. Why don't you repeat my third phrase? My last phrase was: “Well, I was wrong!” Why didn't you repeat it?

1 buffoon. /Addresses the second child/ Maybe you’re not mistaken? Repeat after me.

"The weather is good today"the child repeats.

“It’s so beautiful all around”the child repeats.

“Repeat louder!”the child shouts loudly: “It’s so beautiful all around!”

1 buffoon. Oddball, my third sentence was:“Repeat louder!I should have said this. What should I do with you? I’m even ready to give a prize to anyone who repeats three magic phrases after me. / Takes out a prize - a chocolate bar / .

The third child is called.

1 buffoon. Repeat after me.

“It’s not easy to repeat a phrase”The child repeats.

“But I still repeated it”The child repeats.

“Now get your prize”The child is trying to take the prize.

1 buffoon. Wait, wait. My third sentence was“Now get your prize.”You should have repeated it. You'll have to go without a prize.

2 buffoons. Don't be upset, you can get a prize if you say it three times without even smiling

“How beautiful I am /a/, how good I am /a/.

Those who wish can participate in the attraction. The winners are given prizes.

6.Then the moving attraction “Fire” is held.

4 people play. At the signal, the players must run to the chairs on which the sweaters are lying, turned inside out. You need to quickly turn the sweater out and put it on yourself.

Buffoon. Our holiday continues

7. Game "Snail".

Children line up in a line 1 buffoon at the beginning, 2 buffoons at the end of the chain. The first one begins to twist the “snail”, and the second one unwinds it.

2 buffoons. Children, sit down quickly, let's sing a funny song for ourselves and the guests!

Children perform a song"Frogs are musicians."

Buffoons together:Thanks everyone for the fun,

For a good mood!

Now clap(children clap)

Stomp your feet(children stomp)!

Wave your hands(children wave)

Tell us goodbye!

Children. Goodbye!!!


A cheerful clown appears on the stage.

Let's start, let's start
We are opening our holiday!
Today is not an easy holiday,
Not some prankster.
And the holiday of the first of September,
Knowledge Day - cheers to everyone!

The children answer.

That's right - September 1 is the day of knowledge, when all children go to school. Why didn't you go to school? That's right, you are still small and it is too early for you to go to school. When you grow up, then you’ll go! Now let's start our holiday!

Deuce comes out.

Oh, they decided to hold the holiday without me again?! Not good! Maybe I want to celebrate this day too?!

You? Celebrate? What do you have to do with the Day of Knowledge?

The most direct! I have something!

Shows proof of attendance at school.

So this is a certificate. And not a certificate, and especially not a diploma. Do you want to deceive us again?

Since you don’t want to take me to celebrate, then I’ll ruin the whole holiday for you. Look!

Teachers and nannies come out, dressed as small children. They have pacifiers in their mouths, drinking bottles and rattles in their hands.

That's it, you no longer have any teachers. No nannies!

Come on, give us adults back!

But if you play my games with me, then I will break the spell on your adults!

Children, let's play with Deuce so that she can cast a spell on our teachers?

Children scream - yes!

That's a different conversation! Then let's play!

Deuce : Guys, raise your hands, who is the most attentive? (Children raise their hands) Who is the smartest? (Children raise their hands) Who wants to learn everything? (Children raise their hands). Now I’ll check which of you is the most attentive.

Clown: Guys, let's listen very carefully to everything that Deuce asks and answer her questions correctly.

Deuce : Who likes to smile? (children's answers)

Who likes to exercise? (children's answers)

Who is honest and obedient? (children's answers)

And who doesn't like to eat? (children's answers)

Who is bad and rude? (children's answers)

Who brushes their teeth in the morning? (children's answers)

Who washes their ears clean? (children's answers)

Who likes to listen to songs? (children's answers)

Who sweeps up the trash? (children's answers)

Who throws candy wrappers? (children's answers)

Who is clean and beautiful? (children's answers)

Which one of you is lazy? (children's answers)

Who is kind and cheerful? (children's answers)

Clown: You see, Deuce , our guys want to learn everything and find out everything.

Deuce : Do you like fairy tales?

Children: Yes!

Clown: Yes, all of us guys are smart. Listen, children carefully!

The deuce will say half the name of the fairy-tale hero, and you will say the end of the name, and like this:

Two: - Baba (Yaga)

Deuce: - Winnie (Pooh)

Two: -Santa (Frost)

Deuce : -Doctor (Aibolit)

Two: -Snake (Gorynych)

Deuce : -Cat (Leopold, in boots, Matroskin)

Deuce : -Postman (Pechkin)

Deuce : -Old woman (Shapoklyak)

Deuce : -Turtle... (Tortilla)

Deuce : –Fly (Tsokotukha)

Deuce : –Red (Cap)

Deuce : –Crocodile (Gena).

Deuce : Well, since you are so smart, I want to play the game with you again.

(The rules of the game are explained to the children. After the game, everyone sits on chairs).

First competition. Children compete with teachers.

Two teams face each other, their task is to run the distance faster than the other. But it's not that simple. There are hoops on their way: the first hoop lies on the chair, the second on the floor, the third on the chair, the fourth on the floor. The first team members run and the hoops that lie on the chairs are threaded from top to bottom, that is, through the head to the feet. And the hoops that lie on the floor, on the contrary, are threaded from the bottom up, that is, through the legs to the head. After the fourth hoop, they run up to the table, take the bell and ring it. This is the signal for the second participant to start. And so on. Until one team finishes first.

Second competition. Children compete with teachers.

There are balls of two colors scattered on the floor - white and blue. All balls are different sizes, and the more balls the better. On command, children collect white balls, and adults collect blue ones. And they don’t just collect them, but put them on their side so that they lie in order from small to large. Whichever team completes everything first wins.

Third competition. Children compete with teachers.

It is necessary that all the cubes are of different sizes. Each team has cubes on the table in a chaotic order. And you need to arrange the cubes like this: from the largest to the smallest. One person from each team runs to his table in turn, and he can only move one cube. After he has moved one cube, he returns back and passes the baton to the second. And the second one also moves one cube. And so on. Whichever team is the first to place all the cubes correctly wins.


Game "What color is what". I will throw the ball to the guys, and they will catch it and name what color this object is. (throws the ball and says: lemon, carrot, cucumber, orange, frog, fox, crocodile, apricot)

Game “Fold the letter”: take three children, give them three sticks. Children must correctly form the letter “N”, “A”, “P”, etc.

Game “Raindrops”: A pair of umbrellas scatters raindrops, drawn and cut out, and the children collect them back into the umbrella while listening to music.

Wow, I’ve played enough and had fun!

Well, have we fulfilled your request? Bring the teachers back to us!

You want to get everything too quickly. Solve the riddles first. For every correct answer I will cast a spell on the teachers.

The leaves have turned yellow
They fly from the tree.
Autumn has spun
In the golden... (leaf fall)

In this narrow box you will find pencils,

Pens, paper clips, even buttons, whatever your heart desires. (pencil case)

With this thing you can bring pencils to life. (sharpener)

Now in a cage, now in a line, be able to write in me.

You can also draw. What am I? (notebook)

That's it, you have solved all the riddles and your teachers have lost their spell. Go ahead and hug.

Children run to their teachers, who have taken off their “children’s masks.”

And you, Deuce, don’t be upset. The kids liked you so much that they invite you to their next holiday. So come, let's welcome autumn.

Goodbye guys.

And now a fun dance awaits you.


2nd junior group.



1. Presenter - adult

2. Matryoshka – adult

3. Matryoshka dolls – girls of the younger group


Flower with magic petals

Large colored scarf

Music is playing. Children enter the hall in pairs.

Presenter – Why has everything changed?

Why did everything sparkle?

Laughed and sang...

Well, tell me, what's the matter?

It's so easy to understand!

Spring has come to us again!

On this bright spring day

Mothers came to visit us -

And beautiful, and handsome, and kind, and cheerful!

We sincerely congratulate you,

We wish you to be happy!

1st child - My dear mother

I will kiss you deeply.

I won't upset you

Never dear!

2nd child - I'll let the doll play -

I don't feel sorry at all!

Mom will be swaddling

Doll in a blanket!

3rd child - I am a beautiful car

I'll give it to my dear mother,

I will listen to my mother -

I'm telling you honestly!

4th child - I brought a book for mom

I'll give her a bear for the holiday

And also your drum -

Let him play: tram-tam-tam!

5th child - Congratulations to all mothers today

And let's start the concert now.

Our dear mothers,

We'll sing you a song!!!

Song “Only for you, my mom!”

Presenter - Today we have many guests,

But someone else is in a hurry.

Clap your hands louder -

Matryoshka is coming to visit us!

02. Matryoshka enters.( Walks around in a circle and stops in the center.)

Presenter - All rosy,

Very nice

Red cheeks,

The eyes are clear,

Boots stomp briskly.

Hello, dear Matryoshka!

Matryoshka - Hello!

Well, what's not good?

Small in stature,

So cheerful

A little rosy,

This is what kind of Matryoshka I am.

I was going to see you for a holiday,

I spent a long time dressing up,

And I want to know, guys.

Can you sing songs?

Children answer - Yes!

Song "Mommy, darling."

Matryoshka - Oh, what great fellows! How well everyone sang for their mothers! And I also brought your mothers a gift, because on such a wonderful holiday all women are given flowers, so I decided to give you one beautiful flower, but it is not simple...

Tear off a petal

Sing songs, play games!

Presenter - Let's ask our mothers to tear off the first petal. Please!

Mothers tear off a petal and give it to the presenter.

Presenter - And the petal will tell us:

Invite your mothers,

Start the game quickly.

03.Game with moms

Matryoshka - Let's continue the holiday, I suggest your mothers play.

And we’ll play the game “Get to know your child”: children stand in a circle, and blindfolded mothers look for their child.

Matryoshka - Let's ask our grandmothers

Tear off a petal

And our kids

They will continue to perform!

They approach any grandmother, the grandmother tears off a petal and gives it to her Leading.

Presenter - Yes, at grandma's light hand, she drew out congratulations for herself.

Well, everyone in our hall is happy to congratulate grandma. After all, dear granny - best friend for all grandchildren!

Child - For you, dear grandmothers,

Just for you

A funny song

We'll sing now.

Song about grandma “That’s what a grandma is!”

Matryoshka - Oh, I'm a little tired

I want to rest.

I'll tear off a petal

Let him call my assistants!

04. Sounds music. The Matryoshkas come out.

1 Matryoshka - I am a smart Matryoshka.

Everyone was bored at the window.

But where is this good?

I want to have fun!

2 Matryoshka - We are funny sisters

We are Matryoshkas - mischievous girls!

One, two, three, four, five -

Let's start dancing!

05. Dance "Matryoshka"

Matryoshka - Well, now let the petal

Mom will tear you away again!

Presenter - The petal will tell us:

Invite your mothers,

Start the game quickly.

Presenter - Matryoshka, what a beautiful scarf you have, big!

Matryoshka - Do you want to play with him?

"Game with a handkerchief"

Presenter - The scarf rises - the children gather.

Children run under the scarf they are holding


06. Matryoshka - Come on, let's start Russian more fun! ( They dance.)

Presenter - The scarf comes down

And the kids run away. (Children run to their chairs. The game is repeated 2-3 times.)

Matryoshka - Well done, how we played together! Guys, are you friends in the group, don’t you quarrel?

Boy - I got angry today

Yes, I stamped my foot

But I won't be offended

Dance with me quickly!

Girl - We'll tear off a petal

And let's start dancing together!

07. Dance “We quarreled and made up”

Matryoshka - And we’ll tear off the last petal,

Together with mom we will start a round dance!

Presenter - Guys, invite your mother and grandmother to dance!

08. “Round dance with mothers and grandmothers”

Matryoshka - And the flower is not simple,

But the flower is not empty!

Everyone needs to sit down quickly -

And let's see what's here?

And in the flower, children,

Hid... sweets!

Child - Let's treat mom -

And themselves - ah! - let's eat!

Matryoshka - Our holiday has come to an end,

What else can I say?

I want you goodbye

We wish everyone good health!

Hug your mothers

Kiss them hard!

Presenter - We take mom by the hand,

We'll take you to our group.



01. Children run into the hall to the music and stand in a semicircle.


Spring has come again,

Again she brought a holiday,

The holiday is joyful, bright and gentle,

A holiday for all our dear women.

So that you all always smile,

Your children did their best for you.

Please accept our congratulations,

Watch the children's performance.


This is what our mothers are like!

We are always proud of you

Smart and cute

Kind, beautiful.


Why on the eighth of March

Is the sun shining brighter?

Because our mothers

The best in the world.


A song about mom

We'll sing now.

Mom dear

Loves us deeply.

02. Children sit on chairs


Today we invited you,

To say loudly and amicably:

“Beloved mothers! We congratulate you.

And we want to wish you happiness!”

Without a wonderful dance

The holiday is not bright.

We will give you

Dance as a gift.

03. Dance


Why has everything changed?

Why did everything sparkle?

Laughed and sang...

Well, tell me, what's the matter?


It's so easy to understand!

Spring has come to us again!

On this bright spring day

Mothers came to visit us -

Both beautiful and comely,

Both kind and cheerful.


Now, guys, listen to the riddle.

Who will tell a fairy tale to his granddaughter,

He will sew a new dress,

Will treat you with sweet cookies

And he will sing ditties,

He will play “ladushki” and bake pancakes.

Who is this? Answer!

Well, of course... (grandmothers)


To our dear grandmothers

We also say hello

We wish them good health

For many, many years!


A song about grandma

We'll sing now.

Most Favorite

Grandma is with us!

Song " These are our grandmothers»

04.Game: “Scullions”

(2 teams of 4 people (vegetables and fruits are mixed in a basket. At a signal, they put on aprons and caps, one collects vegetables for soup in a pan, and the other collects fruits for compote in a pan).

05. Music is playing


Who's singing the song there? Who's coming to our party?

Matroskin enters with cans of milk, on skis, with a backpack

And he sings: ...If only there were no winter... Falls.


Oh guys - so many


Who came to us?


I am a cat, and my last name is Matroskin. Why are you having a holiday here? New Year? So I was going to visit my grandmother on skis, but they weren’t going.


Matroskin, your skis aren’t working because it’s spring outside. And we really have a holiday, just not the New Year, but March 8, the holiday of all mothers and grandmothers.


Yes, I also have a grandmother, I was just going to see her, bringing milk. This is milk from my cow Murka. She gives such delicious milk, and do you like milk?(children's answers)

How about we draw a portrait of my cow?

06. Game “Draw a portrait of Murka the cow”


Now let's collect a bouquet for Murka.

07. Game “Pick up a bouquet for Murka”

1 child.

There's a song behind the windows
I can hear you all day
Who came up with the song-
Sun and spring.

2 child.

Sings a song
Our cheerful choir
And the sun laughs
Chief conductor.

Song "Mom's Holiday"


I will kiss my mother deeply,

Mom is my sunshine!

I'll hug her dear one,

I love her very much!


Let the songs ring everywhere

About our beloved mothers!

We are for everything, for all relatives

Let's talk...


Thank you!

08.Dance: “Dance of the little ducklings” (together with mothers)

09. Children go to the group with their mothers.


Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Senior and preparatory groups.

Leading: Hello, dear guests, children. Today we and our country celebrate February 23, Defender of the Fatherland Day. This holiday is dedicated to the men who defend our Motherland, to those who served or are serving in the Army, and of course to you, boys. And today we have gathered here not by chance. Our boys (and dads) will demonstrate their strength, speed and resourcefulness. And mothers and girls will congratulate our heroes on the upcoming holiday.

(Children from the preparatory group come out and read poetry.)

1st child:

So that under the sun there is peace

We lived with you

The dear army protects peace.

Planes in the sky, ships in the sea

They guard the borders of our entire land.

2nd child:

We are still preschoolers,

And we walk like soldiers!

One, two! One, two!

We will serve in the Army,

We will protect the Motherland,

So that we always have

It's good to live in the world.

3rd child:

The years will fly by quickly

We will serve in the Army.

We will be like our dads

Wear a new uniform.

Leading: Let's greet our defenders of the Motherland, who have already served in the Army and guarded our peace. Let's clap for our dads and grandfathers!

(Those present applaud fathers and grandfathers and all guests)

Now let’s greet and introduce our teams who came to the celebration:

1. Team of the Senior Group - “Sea Wolves”, our motto: “When we are united, we are invincible!”

2. Team of the Preparatory Group - “Brave Soldiers”, our motto is “One for all and all for one”.

Leading: Now we will begin our tests!

  • The first competition is intellectual.We will ask questions to each team in turn. 1 point is awarded for a correct answer.
  1. What do wood and a rifle have in common? (trunk)
  2. What is pocket artillery? (grenade)
  3. What can't you build a house without? (no corner)
  4. Where can you not find a dry stone? (in the river)
  5. Under what bush did the hare sit during the rain? (under wet)
  6. What is the name of the beginning of the relay race and its end? (start and finish)
  7. Who is called a fighter of the invisible front? (scout)
  8. Who do they say makes one mistake? (about the sapper)
  9. A turtle crawling - a steel shirt? (tank)
  10. Not a god, not a king, but you can’t disobey? (general)
  • The second competition is Crossing.Crossing, crossing, left bank, right bank. Let's imagine that this hoop is a boat. And on this small boat we need to cross as much as possible more people. The first one runs in the hoop to the mark, returns, takes the other, runs with him to the mark, returns, takes the next one, and so whoever transports everyone the fastest and does not lose anyone. Team of 4 people.
  • And now, after the combat test, there’s a halt, and our fighting friends, the girls, will perform ditties for their dads.

Girls from the preparatory group perform ditties.

Sing along, my friend,

I'll sing along for you too.

We are with a cheerful ditty

Inseparable friends.

I love daddy

Like sweet candy.

I won't replace it with anything,

Even chocolate.

If dad is sad,

I look sad.

Well, if he smiles,

The heart will beat joyfully.

And my dad is the kindest of all,

Loves all my friends.

He will cook semolina porridge for us,

It won't force you to wash the dishes.

Better than dad's man

You can't find it in the whole world.

He can hammer a nail

And rinse the laundry.

And my dad is smarter than everyone else

And my dad is stronger than everyone.

Knows how much five plus five is

Can lift the barbell.

And my dad is just awesome!

KamAZ will soon buy it,

He will give me a ride

And teach you how to manage.

And my dad is the coolest -

Business is booming.

And that's why my mother and I

He gives gifts.

(In unison.)

Dear daddies,

Our darlings!

We sincerely congratulate you,

We wish you all the best!

  • And now we will check whether our future soldiers know how to hit the target. Third competition: “Throw the enemy with shells.”

The players stand in two lines. Opposite them are baskets and soft balls on the floor. It is necessary to throw as many balls as possible into the opponent’s basket within a certain time. For each ball the team receives 1 point.

  • What would a military exercise be without a field kitchen? Now our soldiers will have to prepare lunch - boil potatoes. Fourth competition: “Move the potatoes.”Each one has a spoon in his hand, the first one has a potato in his spoon. He runs to a landmark with a potato in a spoon, returns, carefully transfers the potato to the next person’s spoon, and so on, until everyone has passed. 5 people each.
  • Another stop awaits us after the competition. Children of the older group will sing the wonderful song “Under a Paper Sail.”
  • During hostilities, unfortunately, there are wounded. Fifth competition “Move the Wounded”.Boys and girls nurses stand at the start, the wounded lie on the battlefield (carpet). The guys run to the wounded man, bandage him and, taking him by the arms, return.
  • Another stop awaits us after the competition. Children from the preparatory group will sing the song “Boys”.
  • Always, at all times, morale in the army was maintained thanks to humor. And now we will hold the Sixth “Funny Relay Race” competition.Let's see how guys (dads?) can disguise themselves and transform to carry out complex combat missions behind enemy lines. Before running to the mark, put on a wig and a skirt. Having come running back, they pass the clothes to the next participant.
  • And now, after all the tests, we sit down near the fire and listen to poems about dads that the children have prepared.Give poems to the child whose dad will definitely be at the holiday.

Senior group

You are strong and brave
And the biggest one
You scold - to the point,
And you praise – with all your heart!

You are the best friend
You will always protect
Where necessary - you will teach,
You'll forgive me for the prank.

I'm walking next to you
I'm holding your hand!
I imitate you
I'm proud of you

Preparatory group.
Can he play football?
Maybe I should read a book,
Can you heat up the soup for me?
Maybe watch a cartoon

Can he play checkers?
Maybe even wash the cups,
Can draw cars
Can collect pictures

Maybe take me for a ride
Instead of a fast horse.
Can he catch fish?
Fix the faucet in the kitchen.

For me there is always a hero -
Most best DAD my!

  • And now the boys of the preparatory group will show the “Hussars” dance.

Leading : Dear friends! The holiday dedicated to our Defenders has come to an end!

Children from the older group come out and read poetry:

1 child:

We held a competition

And we wish you goodbye

Strengthen everyone's health,

Pump up your muscles stronger.

2nd child:

Don't watch TV

Sweat more with weights.

Don't lie on the sofa

Jump rope.

3rd child:

We wish all dads

Don't grow old and don't get sick,

Do more sports

Have a sense of humor!

We will end our holiday with a cheerful song! Everyone sings "My Dad is an Officer"



Preparatory group

To the music, children run into the hall and form a circle.

Leading. Hello, dear guests! We are glad to welcome you to the most wonderful of all holidays - New Year's Eve!

She's been coming to us for a holiday all year

Green beauty of the forests.

Then I quietly dressed up in this room,

And now her outfit is ready.

Children read poetry.

1. We are all admiring the Christmas tree today,

She gives us a delicate aroma,

And the best New Year's holiday

He comes with her to kindergarten.

2. When the sparklers are shining

When the firecrackers thunder,

Happy New Year everyone,

Congratulations on new happiness,

And we will sing at the Christmas tree at the holiday.

Song "________________________________"

3. The snows came and covered the earth,

The snowstorm and cold winds howled,

But let the bad weather rage and get angry,

We will have fun at the holiday.

4. At the festival we will dance with all our hearts,

Let's sing our favorite songs.

Let's do a little magic with Santa Claus

And we will find ourselves in his fairy tale.

5. In that fairy tale, a New Year's miracle awaits us,

There we will meet new friends,

And a good wizard will come out of nowhere,

Will fulfill children's wishes.

Leading. You're right guys. Everything is ready for the New Year's fairy tale, only its main characters are missing. Who do you think? (children's answers)

But it seems to me that they are already very, very close...

Quiet music is playing. A breathless Snowman appears with a large envelope.

Snowman. Greetings, friends,

I was flying towards you on a sled.

I was in such a hurry

That I almost crashed.

Leading. Snowman, we are very glad to see you at our holiday. Where are Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden? Didn't they come with you?

Snowman. Santa Claus couldn't come.

I brought a letter from him.

Don't be afraid, grief didn't happen.

Grandfather has a lot of work to do.

He told me to give you the letter,

And come back to me again.

Leading. Well, let's read what Santa Claus writes to us.

(Takes out a letter and reads it.)

“Dear guys! Happy New Year! Excuse me, but I won’t be able to come to your kindergarten for the holiday. I have a lot of things to do: I prepare gifts for all the children, I cover the fields, forests and mountains with fluffy snow. I have a lot of worries now. And come to me for your gifts. There is a magic snowflake in the envelope for you. Blow on it 3 times and you will find yourself at my house. I'm waiting for you in my Northern country. Father Frost".

Snowman. Guys, I’m going to see Santa Claus on a sleigh. And you - with the help of a magic snowflake.

Leading. We are not saying goodbye to you. See you at Santa Claus! Have a nice trip, Snowman!

The snowman leaves.

Leading. Well, guys, do you want to go visit Santa Claus?

Children. Yes!

Leading. Don't forget a gift for Santa Claus. Stand all around me. I will put a magic snowflake on my palm. Let's not rush: let's blow 3 times slowly but strongly.

Children blow slowly. The presenter counts. Suddenly, after the second blow, Baba Yaga runs in with a roar and whistle. Baba Yaga scatters children with a broom and dances a “scary dance.” The presenter stands in the middle of the hall, “enchanted” with a snowflake.

Baba Yaga. Well, did the killer whales get to Santa Claus? No matter how it is! They wanted to go to the North!.. Children should never be in the Northern land! They shouldn’t see Santa Claus’s mansion!

(takes in air and blows noisily on the snowflake)

Find yourself... in hot Africa!!!

Baba Yaga disappears to the music.

For a moment the lights go out, the scenery of Africa is installed (palm trees, vines, etc.).

Leading. Oh! Oh! Oh! What's going on? (light flashes: 1-2-3) It's hot... Very hot!

(with horror) Is this really...Africa?

The music intensifies. Barmaley appears.

Barmaley. Yes, this is Africa, Africa. (Evil and dissatisfied). Who else did this bring here?

(Yawns, stretches, rubs eyes).

Oh! Kids! How nice that you came straight to me for lunch.

Leading . Who are you, dear man? That's how it goes! What should we do now?

Barmaley. I? I? Who am I?! Sings: I am the most insidious...Barmaley.

Leading. That's how it goes! What should we do now?

Barmaley. What to do, what to do... Get ready, I’m going to eat you now.

Leading. Well, no, dear Barmaley, things won’t work that way. We have a holiday, New Year, and you are going to eat us.

Barmaley. What kind of New Year? This is the first time I've heard about this. And in general, let's not get distracted. I went to make a fire, and in the meantime, you guys agree on which of you I’ll roast first at the fire.

(Counts the children, checks if they are plump. Then goes behind the curtain.)

Leading. Guys, we need to do something. We cannot be Barmaley's lunch. We will definitely find some way out. Let's think together: what to do? (children's answers)

And I think I came up with something too. Come closer...

(Whispers with the guys).

Let's arrange a Barmaleya New Year's holiday! Agreed? (children's answers)

Barmaley enters.

Barmaley.Well, who's first? Come...

Leading. Wait, Barmaley. We suggest you hold off on lunch. We want to celebrate the New Year here in Africa as well. Agree?

Barmaley.New Year... New Year... What is it and what do you eat it with?

Leading.They don't eat it at all. And New Year is...

Together:The snow is fluffy.

The Christmas tree is fragrant.

Songs, dances, jokes.

Games, jokes.

Santa Claus with Snow Maiden.

And a whole cart of gifts.

Barmaley.What jokers you are! Where does snow, Christmas trees, and Santa Claus come from in Africa?..

Leading.It's no problem. Instead of a Christmas tree, you can dress up... a palm tree. Guys, we have toys for Santa Claus. I think he won’t be offended if we give it to Barmaley.

(Hang pre-prepared paper toys on a palm tree).

And you can become Santa Claus too.

Barmaley.What kind of Santa Claus am I? I don’t even know how to freeze.

Leading.And don't! Be cheerful, mischievous, kind, and we won’t let you get bored.

Barmaley.Eh, it was not! You persuaded me.

(The presenter puts tinsel on Barmaley’s neck and a decorated hat).

Well, are we having fun, kids?


Barmaley.Dance for me!

"____________________________________". (Barmaley dances with the children)

Barmaley.Great! But you know, guys, Africa is a very mysterious country. There are a lot of wild animals in it, and danger lurks at every step.

Leading.Yes, we know, Barmaley. But even wild animals are afraid of, you know who?



Barmaley.Oh, what kind of animals are these?

Leading. These are not animals at all. Look carefully and you will understand everything.

Game "Wild Beast Tamers"

Children are given hats or animal masks. Chairs are placed in a circle, one less than the number of children. Children occupy chairs; one of the players is the “tamer”. He slowly walks in a circle to the music and names all the animals in a row. The one whose animal is named gets up and follows the “tamer”. As soon as the “tamer” says: “Attention, hunters!”, all the players, including the “tamer,” try to take empty chairs. Anyone who does not have enough space becomes a “tamer”.

Leading.And now a New Year's song for Barmaley!

Song to the tune of "Jingle Bells"

Happy New Year

It's already coming here!

And the bell ringing

Sounds from all sides!

Let him stand in a round dance

All our friendly people.

Everybody run here

We are always glad to see you!

Chorus: One, step, two, step,

Don't be bored my friend!

Jump, one, jump, two,

My head is spinning!

Put it on your shoulder

Hand, dear friend!

Join our round dance!

Have fun! Let's!

Barmaley.And, really, guys, it’s so good to have a holiday. Thank you for arranging it for me.

Leading.And thank you, Barmaley, for making friends with us and having fun from the heart.

And the guys and I really liked your Africa. Yes, guys?

Barmaley.And I liked it with you! Thank you for showing me what New Year is all about.

Leading.Now it's time for us to go. After all, we are rushing to the North, to visit Santa Claus.

Barmaley.Well, goodbye, happy New Year to you!

Barmaley leaves, humming the New Year's melody "Jingle Bens".

The presenter takes out the snowflake again, and the children surround it. They manage to blow twice, Baba Yaga sneaks up again and, just like the first time, scatters the children with a broom, then blows on the snowflake. Evil laughs.

Baba Yaga.Wow, how quick! To the North, to the North... Do you want to cool off?

Well, chill out. Ha ha ha! Not in the North, but at the bottom of the sea!

(Laughs, runs away).

Music sounds with the sound of waves. Scenery of the underwater world.

Leading.Oh guys! Where are we? (children's answers) Look, we found ourselves at the bottom of the sea.

How beautiful it is here! How many strange fish and plants!

The Sea King appears and yawns.

Sea king. Who's muddying the waters here? Doesn’t he allow me, the King of the Sea, to rest?

Leading.Excuse me, please, Sea King. We are children from kindergarten. We didn’t want to disturb you, we just admired the beauty of your sea.

Sea king.Nothing, nothing. I see you are good guys. I just can’t figure it out, how did you get here?

Leading.You see, the guys and I are having a New Year’s holiday. Father Frost invited us to visit him for this holiday. And Baba Yaga constantly interferes with our journey, with the help of her witchcraft she sends us either to Africa or to the bottom of the sea.

Sea king.Yes, I know this evil old woman. And how can she not get tired of acting up? And since you’ve entered my kingdom, be guests.

Leading.Thank you!

Sea king.And I heard about the New Year. Apparently, this is a wonderful holiday, since everyone loves it so much?

Leading.Sea king, do you want there to be fun in your sea kingdom?

Sea king.Certainly! I will be very happy!

Leading.Then the Round Dance about the New Year is for you.

Round dance

Sea king.There are many miracles in my kingdom, but I have never seen such a miracle! And a rumor reached my bottom of the sea that everyone receives gifts for the New Year. But no one has ever given me gifts, especially for New Year...

Leading. What would you like to receive as a gift?

Sea king.I have a dream. I have lived at the bottom of the sea for 300 years and have never seen snowflakes dancing on New Year’s Eve.

Leading.So now our snowflake girls will make your dream come true.

Sea king.Is it true? Such miracles!

Dance of Snowflakes.

Sea king.Thank you guys for respecting me. Because you are cheerful, kind and friendly, I will not leave you in trouble, and I will help you in any way I can. I have a magical means to get to the North, to Santa Claus. And here Baba Yaga is powerless. Here is a magic shell for you, hold it in your hands and you will find yourself on earth, in the Kingdom of Santa Claus. And now goodbye! Good luck to you!

The sea king leaves.

Leading.Guys, stand in a circle. Let's pass the magic shell from hand to hand and find ourselves on earth.

Game "Tell it to your neighbor"

The children begin to pass the shell, but Baba Yaga appears again and tries to take the shell away from the children, but she fails.

Baba Yaga(waves a broom). Well, wait a minute! You will meet me again! (Runs away screaming indignantly).

The lights go down, the scenery changes. All room lighting turns on. Solemn music sounds, the Christmas tree is lit; Father Frost and Snow Maiden appear from behind the curtain.

Father Frost.And here come my dear guests. Hello guys!

Children.Hello, Santa Claus!

Father Frost.We've been waiting for you and Snegurochka.

Leading.Oh, Santa Claus, where have we been to get to you!

Santa Claus asks the guys how they got to visit him. Children talk.

Father Frost.Well, well done, guys. You have proven that you are brave, friendly and cheerful.

We coped with all the difficulties, well done! And in my kingdom fun awaits you. I want to ask you, are you cold here?


Leading.The guys and I like winter-winter, Santa Claus. Listen to a song about this.

Song "Crystal Winter".

Father Frost.I want to play with you and tell you riddles. Listen to me carefully and answer the question: “What grows on a Christmas tree?” If you agree with me, raise your hands up and answer: “Yes!”, and if you don’t agree, remain silent and do not raise your hands.

What grows on the Christmas tree? Cotton wool bunnies? - Yes!

- Chocolate bars? - Yes!

- Candies, marmalades? - Yes!

- Cribs? - No!

- What grows on the Christmas tree? Beads? - Yes!

- Firecrackers? - Yes!

- Old pillows? - No!

- What grows on the Christmas tree? Bright pictures? - Yes!

- White snowflakes? - Yes!

- Torn shoes? - No!

Father Frost.Well, fun game? Now it's time to dance!

Any general dance.

After the dance, the children sit on chairs.

Father Frost.I saw just a miracle

I will never forget you.

You danced beautifully

They just didn’t read poetry to me.

They put a throne on Grandfather Frost, he sits down, and the Snow Maiden stands next to him.

Those who wish can read poetry. Santa Claus praises the children.

Father Frost.Thank you! Respect the old man! It's time to please you with gifts.

Let me call my magic bag. (Knocks with staff).

Why isn't the bag coming to us in a hurry?

Maybe he's sleeping under the tree?

I'd better go get him myself

If he's sleeping, I'll wake you up.

Santa Claus leaves behind the curtain, at which time a surprise bag appears from the door.

Bag.I'm really tired of waiting for you,

So I went and took a walk.

You tell me, friends,

Maybe I'm not needed?

Snow Maiden.We've been waiting for you all holiday,

And now they just called.

You didn’t come to our call,

Frost followed you.

I'll put you here.

And I'll go get my grandfather.

The Snow Maiden leaves the Bag in the middle of the hall. She herself goes behind the curtain behind Santa Claus.

Baba Yaga tiptoes towards the bag from behind the door.

Baba Yaga.A! Is the bag already here? (Touches him.)

Leading.Oh, don't touch him, he'll run away!

Baba Yaga.Don't wag your tongue!

Bag. You can't handle the Sack.

Santa Claus conjured

So that no one takes me.

Baba Yaga.Don't contradict me, you impudent one!

Bag.Well, then I ran. Hee hee hee!

Game “Catch-up” The bag runs out the door.

Baba Yaga.Stop! Where?! Stop! They're telling you!

The voice of Santa Claus can be heard behind the curtain.

Father Frost.A! There you are, you prankster!

Father Frost, Snow Maiden and the presenter bring in a bag of gifts.

Father Frost.And you, old villainess, why did you come here?

Baba Yaga.I! How why?! Have fun: play, sing... What else is there (scratching the back of his head).

A! Dance...

Father Frost.Oh, you liar! Have you prepared some kind of trouble again?

Baba Yaga. What are you saying, Frost! I'm telling you, I wanted to have fun. Sorry!

Father Frost.Well, guys, let's forgive Baba Yaga?


Father Frost.Well, okay, Baba Yaga, since the guys forgive you, I won’t punish you. Listen to what good song they know.

Song “Happy New Year, super kindergarten!”

They give out gifts.

Father Frost.We'll say goodbye to each other

And again we will part for a whole year,

And in a year the blizzard will howl again,

And Grandfather Frost will come with winter.

Snow Maiden.Just don't forget us at all,

You wait for us, grandpa and I will come.

And welcome us again with songs and dances,

And we to you best gifts We'll bring it.

Then the heroes leave the hall to the music



Oh, how many times in the spacious hall
We celebrated the holidays with you!
But we've been waiting for this one for so many years -
And now the solemn moment has come...

Music is playing. On the screen is a presentation of the stages of children growing up. The guys enter the hall. The last to enter is the group teacher.

Dance "Waltz"


- The day is cloudless, clear and clean,
There are many dressed-up guests in the hall!
Our kids have grown up so quickly
We are escorting the children to school!

I remember the first tears,
Like peas are rolling down,
And millions more questions,
If you don’t know something, hold on!

We lived with children's worries,
Our kids grew up,
Every day they hurried to meet them,
Giving away a piece of your soul!

1 child:

- Well, that’s all, the time has come,
The one we've all been waiting for!
We gathered for the last time
In our cozy room!

2nd child:

- Brightly decorated hall
Live bouquets.
We came to the kindergarten for the ball
With friends and family.

3rd child:

- We lived here so much fun,
We sang and danced...
And they didn't even notice
How suddenly they became big.

4th child:

- We’re standing dressed up now,
We say the words, worryingly,
How sad it is to leave our garden,
But we have already been given a start to school.

Song "Kindergarten - a magical country"

Presenter:- Dear guys! How fun and friendly you lived in kindergarten: you played, sang, drew, sculpted, danced and became strong friends. What can you think of, what can you do so that you don’t forget each other? Maybe you will exchange addresses and write letters to each other?

Child:- We will not learn to write quickly and competently very soon, and in general, this is a little not modern!

Presenter:- Then maybe you can exchange phone numbers and call back?

Child:- Phones change and get lost. No, not interesting!

Presenter:- Guys, I don’t even know what to offer you!

Child:I know! You need to create your own children's website for meetings, like the adults' "Odnoklassniki", and call it "Preschoolers - dot - ru".

Child:There we will meet and communicate with each other.
My best friend is the computer, everything is super duper for me!
In the morning I’ll go online and tell all my friends: “Hello!”

All:- Great!

Presenter:So - the first page of our site -"Initial".Let's remember how it all began...

Children reading poetry line up facing the audience.

- Now we have grown up, and we
Waiting for the very first class at school.
Do you remember, five years ago,
How did we go to kindergarten?

- Why don’t you go!
They carried us in wheelchairs.
We often sat on our arms,
They didn’t want to stomp their feet.

- I remember crying every day,
I was waiting for my mother, looking out the window.
And someone walked around with a pacifier
And he even wore diapers.

- And I did this:
At lunchtime I fell asleep over soup.
Sometimes I ate poorly,
They spoon-fed me.

- And if we didn’t sleep,
They rocked us on our arms.
After listening to “Bayushki-Baya”,
We closed our eyes.

Children of the 2nd junior group come out to the music and stand facing the graduates.

1 child:

We put on our dresses and washed our cheeks,
They became beautiful and hurried to you.

2nd child:

- We are funny, funny,
You were like that too,
We'll grow up a little -
We will also come to your school.

3rd child:

- We promise you guys,
What would it be like in my native garden without you?
We won't break flowers
We'll save all the toys!

Teacher of the 2nd junior group:

- We also wish you that you study with A’s!
And today, as a farewell, we’ll invite you to dance!

Dance with kids “Matryoshka”.

Teacher 2 youngest:

- And the little ones say goodbye
they will tell you together


Children from the 2nd junior group go to the music.

Presenter:- So, the second page of our site -"Grown-up."

- Days and months go by, the children are growing and growing.
They grew big - that's how big they are!
They began to dream out loud,
What would you like to become in life?

Music is playing. Children stand on dots.

Child 1:

- How can we find the truest, best path in this life?
How can I not stumble anywhere and get out of it?
Who will tell us, who will teach us who is better for us to work with?
To receive money and become a support in the family.

2nd child (wearing glasses):

- I dream of becoming a great geneticist in order to solve the problems of old age!
And in this 21st century, give immortality to a person.

All:- But why?

2nd child:

- But because since childhood I want to know:
Is it true or a lie that parrots live for 200 years?

3rd child:

- I dream of becoming an architect, of building a city without corners.
Now I’m making my dream come true: I’m drawing houses out of circles.
My house is completed, there is not a corner in it. Mom, a dream has come true!
You will no longer be able to put me in a corner, as before, lovingly!..

4 child (adjusting his tie, coming out important):

- Maybe I should become a deputy? Anyone can be this.
I will drive with a flashing light and divide the budget among everyone.

5th child:

- And I want to sing like Galkin!
I can, I can handle it!
Maybe Alla Pugacheva
I'll like you too!

6th child:

- Oh, don’t think about her,
You're wasting your time.
You are for Alla Pugacheva
Already very old!…

7 child in sunglasses:

- Once again I ask myself a question:

“How about singing some calm old blues?”

Song "Granny Blues"

Presenter:- Next page of the site –"Governor's".

The phonogram “Mary Poppins, goodbye!” plays. Mary enters the hall wearing a hat, an umbrella, and a large bag.

Mary Poppins:- Hello again, my name is......

Children:Mary Poppins!

Mary Poppins:How nice that you haven't forgotten me. I'm the most best nanny in the world. Of course, all children know about this.

Presenter:- Do you accept our offer to become our children’s nanny? Amazing! You will see that they are very smart, kind, well-mannered and obedient children.

Mary Poppins:- Yes, I agree. I'll stay with you until the wind changes. Well, it's time to start studying. Are you ready? So, friends, let's start with grammar.

The game “Add the Word” is played.

Mary Poppins:- Well done, guys! And now I will arrange an exam for your parents, asking questions to test your wits.

  • What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons.)
  • Which hand is better to stir tea? (Better with a spoon.)
  • What baby is born with a mustache? (Kitty.)
  • Locators that are always with you? (Ears.)
  • Which tail sticks out of the water? (Wet.)

Mary Poppins:- You have coped with the questions, and I hope that you will help your children at school. And for this you must take an oath. You must say loudly and clearly: “We swear!”

Parents take an oath.

Whether I am a mother or a father to a child, I undertake to always say: “Well done!”

I swear!

I swear not to interfere with my child’s education, I swear to learn foreign languages ​​together with him.

I swear!

For bad marks, I swear not to scold him and to help him with his homework.

I swear!

And if I break my oath, I promise to feed the child boiled condensed milk every day.

I swear!

I will be an ideal parent and I will never forget my vow.

I swear!

Mary Poppins:- Don’t forget your oath, help your children with their studies.

The noise of an approaching car is heard.

Presenter:- Someone else came to us.

Miss Andrew enters with a suitcase on wheels.

Miss Andrew:- Out of the way, please, out of the way, I'm coming in! I hope this taxi driver took me where I needed to go. This preschool No. 39? Wonderful! Are highly qualified teachers with experience required? I hope you know who I am? No?? My name is Miss Andrew. (Suitable for any girl.) What’s your name? (Answer.) I never approved of such a name. Your dress is too loud. Wow, what manners! In my time, all the girls wore the same gray dresses. (Looks at Mary.) So, punish, deprive of sweets and toys.

Mary Poppins:- Thank you, madam, but I raise children in my own way and do not ask anyone for advice.

Miss Andrew:- Young lady, you are forgetting yourself! How dare you answer me like that?! I am forced to take measures to have you removed from this institution. Can I talk to the manager of this kindergarten?

Presenter:- Yes, please.

Miss Andrew (addressing the manager):- There is an outrageous mess on the territory of your institution: flowers, flower beds. This is a breeding ground for allergies! Take my advice: uproot all these flowers and bushes. Much less worries. Better yet, fill everything with concrete. At least there will be a decent yard.

Manager:- But we love flowers very much.

Miss Andrew:- Nonsense! Nonsense and nonsense! Ladies' nonsense. And your children need a new nanny. However, I will take care of their education myself. As for this young lady, you must fire her.

Manager:- You are mistaken, Miss Andrew, I assure you! We think Lady Mary is a real treasure.

Miss Andrew:- You don’t understand anything! I'm never wrong! Calculate it! (Looks around.) Yes, you have a kindergarten... Who paints the walls in light colors now? Dark brown is what you need: it’s cheaper and the dirt is not so noticeable. (Paints attention to the parents.) So, why are there strangers in kindergarten? Get everyone out the door immediately! What is the reason for all of you gathered here?

Presenter:- Our children have grown up and will soon go to school. We have a holiday today.

Miss Andrew:- Do you think these children are ready for school? So I arrived on time. Now I’ll check how ready they are for school.

Sits on a chair, puts a sign next to it"Admissions Committee"

There is a game with numbers.

Miss Andrew:- Let's test your knowledge in mathematics. Are you ready? Then I ask the first question: the miller came to the mill, there are 4 corners in the mill, in each corner there are 4 bags, on each bag there are 4 cats, each cat has 4 kittens. How many legs are there in total?


Miss Andrew:How about two? Consider it better!

Child:What can we count, only the miller has legs. And cats have paws!

Miss Andrew:If 12 men working 8 hours a day have to dig a hole 10 km away, how long will it be, counting Sundays, before they put down their shovels? Well, how much?

Mary Poppins:Miss Andrew, I believe it will be three seconds before they put down their shovels.

Miss Andrew:Three seconds? Are you crazy? Tell me, how old are you?

Mary Poppins:I repeat, three seconds. During this time they, of course, They will understand that they will never dig such a hole, and there is no reason to.

Miss Andrew:As far as I understand, with people like you, they will never learn to count.

Presenter:Well, did you like it, Miss Andrew?

Miss Andrew:- This is not enough. Now I want to arrange a singing test.

Song "Droplets"

Mary Poppins:This is not an easy thing - the science of music!

To sing and to play, you need to study sounds!

Child:There are different sounds: high and low,

Jerky, smooth, sometimes loud, sometimes quiet.

Child:We love to listen to music, sit and dream.

We can determine the pace, character, mood.

Child:This is all you need to know to perform the plays.

After all, we love to play children's instruments.

Child:To make it more interesting, we will play it all for you together.

We have the tools. Are we getting started?

Mary Poppins:Good morning1 The magical clock of childhood will count down the minutes to the music of Haydn.

Orchestra. Children perform "The Hours" by Haydn.

Miss Andrew:- Well, you don’t need a lot of intelligence to play like that. I don’t understand what is in these children’s heads, what they are thinking about.

Three girls and a boy come out.


- Three girls under the window
We daydreamed in the evening.
The first sister says:

Girl 1:

- It seems like a cute nose,
I would do a decent workout
Then I would say boldly -
I wanted to become a manager.

Girl 2:

- I wish I could become an actress,
That's right on our city
I would give a concert right away.

Girl 3:- If only I were a singer...

Boy:- Her sister says...

Girl 3:

- I wish I could sing great
Like Larisa Dolina.


- We are from our pop stars
We are not lagging behind one step,
We are without any soundtrack
We’d rather sing to the Valley.
Since we have a cool choir,
The performance is simply class.

Children sing the song “We’re Just Little Stars.”

Miss Andrew:- Nightmare! This is a complete disgrace! Yes, everything is clear to me. These children are not ready for school. Another year under my strict guidance, and they will be trained like soldiers! I believe that the issue with my employment has been resolved? (Addresses the manager.)

Manager:- No, Miss Andrew, you are not suitable for us.

Miss Andrew:- How? This is outrageous! I will complain to higher authorities. I'm leaving! You will still remember me!

Miss Andrew leaves.

Presenter:- Well, it immediately became lighter and the weather improved.

Mary Poppins:-Yes, it seems the wind is changing. Dear guys, excuse me, but I have to go. Other children may need my help. Goodbye! I hope that we will meet again.

"Wind of Change" sounds. Mary Poppins opens her umbrella and pretends to fly away.

Presenter:- Shall we look at the next page of our website? (Surprised.) What is it? I don't understand! There is no next page on the site. She disappeared.

Child:- We forgot about protection. A virus has entered our computer!

The Virus enters to the music.


- Is this a kindergarten?
Is this where academics are raised?


- Yes, this is a kindergarten.
Who are you? Why did you come to us?


- You don’t go to a fortune teller,
There is a big flaw in your network,
You forgot about protection -
The evil “Trojan” made its way to you.
- I, Virus-Compirus, the evil TROJAN HORSE!
I love to spoil and delete everything!
I hastened to look at you,
To look at the schoolchildren.
Oh, what's going on in the world!
Children go to school.
You are at the graduation party
The whole family gathered here,
Dads and moms are watching now and trying to understand:
Have your worries ended or are they just beginning?!
Do you know what awaits you at school?

They show the skit “The Best Student”.

Presenter:- There are all sorts of stories in life.
We will show you one of them now.
We all came up with this scene together,
Well, now we ask you to clap.

Dad reads, mom is on the phone, older brother is at the computer, grandma is doing laundry.

Mother:- Hello! Girlfriend, how are you doing?
The 103rd episode has already passed.
I watch “Daddy’s Daughters” every day,
And I’m not too lazy to continue watching.

The youngest son is pulling a heavy backpack:- Hello, mommy, you asked so much,
That I can’t move my backpack from the threshold.
Help me do my homework.

Mother:Take better care of your health.
Sorry, son, important conversation,
Eat and go for a walk in the yard.

Son (to dad):Dad, can you hear me, help me solve this problem.
Because the lessons almost make me cry...

Dad:You know, son, there is a hurricane in Europe,
Finally reached our countries.
Such an interesting article
It was not for nothing that I brought the newspaper home.
Then I’ll run to watch football
I can't help you, son.

Son (to older brother):- Brother, don’t leave me in trouble.

Brother:Don't distract me with any nonsense.
A neighbor gave me a new CD to listen to,
Then I need to get on the Internet.
In short, I'm busy with important things,
Your grandmother will help you.

Son (to grandmother):Grandma, you have to save me.
I'm so tired and want to go to bed.

Grandmother:Go, grandson, I will complete the tasks,
Granny still has some knowledge left. (He goes out the door.)

Son (after him):Thank you, grandma. Oh! I completely forgot:
We need to take waste paper to school
And bring skis to physical education.
Today we are taking cross-country skiing.

Grandmother (comes out with a backpack over her shoulders, in skis and with waste paper in her hands):- I wish you, grandson, had already grown up.

Grandson:- They gave me a medal, and you a diary.
Let's see who is the best student?

They open the diary: “Grandma is 10.”

Virus:- Well, do you want to go to school?

Children:- …

Game with ratings.

Game with balls.

Virus:- I see that you are all ready, both children and parents! So be it, I won’t spoil the program for you!

The virus is going away.

Presenter:- Here our site is turned on and the next page -"Growing up."

Child:Our beloved, our beautiful

Our wonderful kindergarten!

Are you on your way today happy

You see off preschool children.

Child:Goodbye to our fairy tales,

Our merry round dance,

Our games, songs, dances!

Goodbye! School is waiting!

Child:Our favorite kindergarten

You will be remembered forever!

We will send you from school from excellent students...


Children performsong "First-graders"

Presenter:- Today there is only one page left on our website -"Farewell"

Children stand in pairs in a checkerboard pattern.

Presenter:- What adults you have become, friends!
There is no need to be sad today.
And no matter how many years pass, it’s still the same
You won't forget our kindergarten.

I wish you a good summer:
Play, sunbathe and swim.
After all, childhood passes so quickly, but it’s a pity...
Everyone wants to stay there longer!

1 child:

- Goodbye, cozy kindergarten!
Here for so many years.
You gave us your warmth
And an unquenchable light.

2nd child:

- It’s a bit of a pity that we’ve already
We will only be guests here.
But you are always in our soul,
And we are with you with all our hearts.

3rd child:

- Let's give each other our word,
That in a year we will gather here again
And we will not betray our friendship,
Even if it's just for a day, we'll be back again.

4th child:

- Let's come back to stroke the fat pillow,
To the crib, which is already a bit cramped,
Hug the teachers, our nanny
And everyone, all the employees, right, guys?

5th child:

- Thanks to everyone who taught us,
Who fed us and who treated us,
And to those who simply loved us!

All:- We say: “THANK YOU!”

Presenting flowers to staff.

6th child:- You revealed our talents,
We are singers and musicians,
We are artists, dancers
And a little bit of actors.
Thank you for your efforts,
For your patience and attention.

Presenter:What a pity, the moment of parting

Getting closer, closer every day.

We don't really want to say goodbye

And we will be a little sad!

7th child:Yes, we are just a little sad!

But time cannot be turned back!

And it's time for us! It's time to hit the road!

All:Farewell, beloved kindergarten!

Song “Kindergarten” by A. Ermolov

Presenter:Our prom has come to an end.

What should I say to you goodbye at this touching hour?

To make your wishes come true

And your dreams came true.

Dance "Give a smile to the world"

A word of congratulations to the manager. Children are given gifts. Parents' response.

The meaning of holidays and entertainment. Requirements for their organization

Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten are an important part of the pedagogical process, one of the stages of raising children, which carries a serious aesthetic and moral load. This is a celebration that unites people through a common experience, an emotional mood, and creates that special feeling that we call festive.

Holidays and entertainment held in kindergarten shape the taste of children. Artistic th musical and literary material, colorful decoration of the room, costumes, contributes to the development of a sense of beauty in preschoolers.

Preparation and holding of holidays and entertainment serve moral education children: they unite common experiences, they are taught the basics of collectivism; works of folklore, songs and poems about the Motherland, about native nature, work form patriotic feelings; Participation in holidays and entertainment develops discipline and a culture of behavior in preschoolers. By learning songs, poems, and dances, children learn a lot about their country, nature, and people of different nationalities. This broadens their horizons, develops memory, speech, imagination, and promotes mental development. Children's participation in singing, games, round dances, and dancing strengthens and develops the child's body and improves coordination of movements.

One of the main goals festive events at the preschool educational institution - creating a joyful mood in the child, creating a positive emotional uplift and developing a festive culture. Therefore, it is important to avoid formalism and monotony when holding them; it is necessary to think through the artistic elements of the holiday and carefully select songs, poems, music, games, and dances.

At the heart of every holiday and entertainment is a certain idea that should be conveyed to every child. For example, September 1 is the Day of Knowledge, May 9 is Victory Day, etc. This idea should run through the entire content of the festive event. Songs, poems, music, dances, round dances, dramatizations, and decoration serve to reveal it.

Holidays and entertainment in kindergarten allow the child to discover new abilities and talents and develop existing skills. At these events, children show their achievements, and, in addition, holidays and entertainment are a source of new impressions for the child, a stimulus for his further development.

Children are especially happy when their family and friends take part in the holiday with them. Their eyes sparkle in a very special way when mom and dad or grandparents are nearby. And therefore, another goal of preschool teachers is to involve parents in both organizing and holding the holiday, and their active participation in it. This allows children to expand their communication with adults, which is so necessary for the overall development of preschoolers. Involving parents in cultural and leisure activities – good shape work of a kindergarten with a family.

  • If you have chosen a scenario for holding a holiday, then discuss it with your colleagues at the pedagogical council. Make adjustments based on specific conditions of preschool educational institution, age group. It is important that the organization of the holiday meets the interests of the children, and that every child enjoys participating in it.
  • The entire teaching staff takes part in preparing the holiday, but a special role is given to the music director. The music teacher must create conditions for the gradual preparation of the repertoire included in the holiday script in order to avoid unnecessary haste and tedious unscheduled lessons. The repertoire proposed in the scenarios can be used in whole or in part, at the discretion of the music director.
  • Dramatizations, dances, plays for children's ensembles and orchestra musical instruments can be learned individually or with a small subgroup. It is better to conduct such activities with children in the afternoon, lasting 7-10 minutes.
  • Particular attention should be paid to the choice of presenter. In addition to a good knowledge of the sequence of the program, he must be able to communicate freely with children and guests of the holiday, show resourcefulness and the ability to adequately respond to unforeseen situations during the holiday. In this regard, the role of the presenter is given to a teacher who has musicality, artistry, stage presence, resourcefulness, and sociability.
  • Distribute tasks among kindergarten employees in advance and determine deadlines for their completion. This will help better organize the work of decorating the hall, preparing costumes for children and adults, surprise moments, etc.
  • It is very important that the music director, presenter and his assistants are fluent in the knowledge of the holiday program, the success of which largely depends on the quality of interaction between all organizers children's party.
  • The direct responsibility of the music director should be to ensure the full sound of musical works and their artistic performance. A music teacher should pay special attention to the musical introduction to song and dance, setting up children for expressive performance.
  • The holiday program should not be familiar to children in full.
  • It is necessary to exclude general rehearsal classes in which children repeat their roles many times. This will help maintain the freshness of the holiday perception.
  • Holidays can be held both in the morning and in the afternoon, but their duration should be from 20 minutes to an hour, depending on the age of the children.
  • It’s good if after the holiday the decorations and attributes for games remain in the hall for some time. Children can happily repeat their favorite songs and dances. Round dances, games, thereby once again enjoying the performance and feeling confident in your abilities.
  • After holding a children's party, adults need to analyze it, find out the reasons for the negative aspects and note successful pedagogical discoveries.
  1. It is necessary to carefully consider the equipment of the holiday and the decoration of the hall.
  2. We cannot ignore the selection of musical works and musical accompaniment.
  3. You should take the selection of a presenter seriously and thoughtfully.
  4. None of the children should be left out of the holiday. And in order for all the guys to feel comfortable, it is necessary to take into account the capabilities of this group.
  5. It is necessary to take into account the musical perception of the children, their musical stability.
  6. It is better to include in the script not only new material, but also already known musical experience accumulated in game improvisations. This will create a relaxed holiday atmosphere.
  7. It is necessary to think about the pace and dynamics of entertainment. Therefore, one cannot do without imaginary playback of the scenario. This kind of playback will allow you to avoid unpleasant surprises and all kinds of surprises.
  8. The scenario is finally finalized after discussing it with teachers working with this age group, with a deputy head - methodologist. A joint discussion with colleagues about the general direction and details of the holiday will improve the quality of the script and enrich the material with new ideas.
  9. When the script is written and corrected, the stage begins preparatory work. Here you cannot do without daily recording of what has been done, planning for the near future (the next day, next week).
  10. In order not to unnecessarily tire children and not reduce interest in the holiday, dress rehearsals and general run-throughs of the performance should not be practiced. It should be noted that children’s improvisation of holiday material is almost always worthy of attention and most often requires modification of the script. It can be recommended to highlight individual fragments, and then involve children in playing them and creatively playing music. At this time, it is advisable to work more often with subgroups of children and with each child individually, rather than with the entire group at the same time. This work will help avoid the monotony of rehearsals.

The matinee should be carried out at a good pace. The protracted nature of the performances, too many of them, unjustified pauses - all this tires, discourages the guys, and disrupts the unified line of emotional and physiological stress.

Duration of the matinee

senior groups - 45-50 minutes

junior groups 35-40 minutes

It makes no sense to exceed it: at the 12-14th minute, babies and at the 25-30th minute, older children begin to show signs of fatigue. The timing of the program shows the sufficiency of the following number of works:

Junior group:

2 general dances;

1 game general; attractions;

2 individual poems.

Middle group:

2 songs shared

1 ensemble;

2 general dances

1 dance for girls;

1 game; attractions;

4 individual poems.

Senior group:

  • songs: 1 general at the beginning of the matinee, 1 general in the middle + 1 ensemble or solo;
  • dances: 1 round dance + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 individual;
  • Musical game; attractions;
  • 6 individual poems.

School preparatory group:

  • songs: songs - 1 total at the beginning + 1 total in the middle + 1 total at the end +1 solo or ensemble;
  • dances – 1-2 general + 1 for girls + 1 for boys + 1 for gifted or weak;
  • music games- 2; attractions;
  • individual poems - 8.

It is impossible to imagine being in kindergarten without joyful holidays, touching matinees, friendly tea parties and fun starts. Events organized by the teacher as part of leisure activities give preschoolers vivid impressions that will last a lifetime. And at the same time, in a fun way, the children gain new knowledge and discover creativity, become more proactive and independent.

The importance of organizing leisure activities in kindergarten

Leisure activity is a complex social area in which a person restores his psychological state through rest, fulfills the need for physical activity, communicates and self-develops. An adult independently plans what to do free time, the child needs to be helped in this, to guide his activities. Since leisure is a synthesis of entertaining activities and cognition, it is organized by teachers within the framework of a social order - the comprehensive development of the child’s personality.

Leisure is a synthesis of different activities, for example, physical, musical, entertainment and educational

The purpose and principles of organizing leisure time in preschool educational institutions

Leisure activities in preschool educational institutions are aimed at the formation of a healthy, active, harmoniously developed creative personality.

The purpose of organizing leisure and entertainment for preschoolers is to instill in children moral and aesthetic values, a love of traditions and a desire for cultural recreation. This is a special area of ​​the educational process in kindergarten, in which the needs and interests of children are taken into account. Using various shapes and methods of organization and taking into account the individual characteristics of students, teachers imbue cultural and leisure activities with moral content while observing the principles:

  • positive tension: creating a friendly atmosphere, positive emotions, receiving joy from communication and collective activities;
  • independence: creating conditions for self-development and unleashing the creative potential of each student;
  • complexity: taking into account all components healthy image life;
  • integrity: developing children's self-awareness.

Having fun, children get involved in folk traditions and history of the country

Areas of activity

Activities within the framework of cultural and leisure activities can be divided into thematic blocks:

  • Sports:
  • Musical:
  • Literary:
  • Theatrical:
  • Art:
  • Intellectual: conducting quizzes, games of wits and didactic games(brain ring, KVN, “I want to know everything”, “Field of Miracles”).

    Participation in intellectual games develops intelligence and the spirit of healthy competition

  • Ecological:
    • formation of environmental consciousness in children,
    • nurturing love for nature and native land,
    • conducting excursions to a park, agricultural town, farm,
    • participation in environmental actions.

Activities can integrate various areas of children's activity, for example, physical and speech

Table: tasks of cultural and leisure activities in kindergarten

  • Joining various types arts: music, dance, theater, painting, etc.
  • Creating positive motivation for active knowledge of the surrounding reality.
  • Involving children in preparing events.
  • Involving preschoolers in participation in dramatization games, sports and intellectual competitions.
  • Formation of the need for creativity (singing, dancing, visual arts).
  • Creating a favorable emotional atmosphere in the group, a sense of security for each student.
  • Developing skills teamwork, attentive attitude towards each other, mutual assistance.
  • Education of patriotic feelings.

Types of leisure and entertainment in preschool educational institutions

Work within the framework of cultural and leisure activities is carried out daily. The teacher organizes it independently, with the involvement of a music director or physical education teacher, and establishes interaction with parents. Free time should not be filled exclusively with rehearsals for children's matinees; there are various types leisure activities for preschoolers.

  • Rest. After strong mental stress, the child needs to restore balance of strength and rest. The ability of self-regulation (determining the need to relax, change the type of activity) is formed by older people preschool age. Prevention of fatigue in pupils of the junior and middle groups is organized by the teacher. Rest can be carried out in a passive form: children look at pictures in books, have calm conversations, play quiet games, listen to the teacher read a book. If a child is unable to relax using traditional methods, it is possible to provide psychological support (for example, play with the child in the “Magic Room” or in the “Water and Sand Center”). Active leisure involves physical activity: participation in outdoor games, gymnastics, riding a bicycle, scooter, sled, etc.

    Children can relax independently, using the resources of the subject-spatial environment in the group.

    Active recreation involves relieving stress through physical activity.

  • Entertainment. This type of cultural and leisure activity compensates for routine and unemotional moments in everyday life. Entertainment evokes a feeling of joy in children and genuine interest. At the same time, there is an incentive to obtain new information, and if the child is a participant in an entertaining activity, the practical skills acquired during classes are improved and consolidated. In kindergarten, preschoolers can only be spectators (watching a play, a science show, a musician's performance). Parents of students are invited to participate in the entertainment (conducting creative master classes, musical and literary leisure, educational and sports quests for family teams). Entertainment varies by theme:
  • Holidays. Carrying out events dedicated to public holidays and important events in the life of the kindergarten: the Autumn holiday, matinees in honor of Mother’s Day, New Year, International women's day, Defender of the Fatherland Day, festive concerts for Cosmonautics Day, Victory Day, graduation. In this cultural and leisure activity, preschoolers are active participants, demonstrate their talents, and also help as much as possible in preparing and decorating the premises.

    For festive events in kindergarten, pupils prepare creative performances, and also participate in the creation of decorations and props

Leisure and entertainment in preschool educational institutions

The teacher should remember that leisure is a compensatory type of children's activity; entertainment and cultural recreation are opposed to routine activities. Therefore, free time activities have a strong emotional focus; children should be in a good mood.

Discussion of heroes and plots of Russian folk tales stimulates children's interest in creative activities

Motivating start to a lesson on cultural and leisure activities

Classes within the framework of cultural and leisure activities contain a mandatory structural component - a motivating beginning. To attract children's interest in the upcoming event and activate their curiosity, various motivation techniques are used:

  • studying visual material:
    • viewing thematic posters,
    • pictures,
    • reproductions,
    • illustrations in books,
    • layouts,
    • mini-exhibitions in the corner of knowledge;
  • conducting cognitive and heuristic conversations;
  • creating surprise moments;
  • conducting didactic and outdoor games, inclusion in a game situation:
    • visiting a group by a fairy-tale character,
    • an imaginary journey to a fantasy land,
    • transfer to a fairy tale (for the performance of a dramatization game);
  • reading poems, stories, small folklore forms (ditties, jokes, riddles, proverbs and sayings);
  • use of ICT: viewing presentations with photos and videos, music.

Since the leading activity of preschoolers is play, children are happy to participate in game situations and participate in a variety of activities.

Table: examples of motivating beginnings of classes for different topics

Lesson topicOption for a motivating start
“Journey to the Land of Fairy Tales” (leisure-entertainment)
  1. Creating a surprise moment.
    A dove brings a letter to the group from magical land, in it Vasilisa the Wise says that she was kidnapped by Koschey the Immortal and kept in custody in a high tower. Vasilisa asks the guys for help and encloses a map of the Far Away Kingdom with the letter.
  2. Inclusion in a game situation.
    The guys agree to help Vasilisa. The teacher asks the students to hold hands, stand in a round dance and cast a spell with him that will take everyone to the Far Far Away Kingdom. So the guys find themselves in a fabulous dense forest, where they have to complete many exciting tasks for dexterity and ingenuity from magical characters.
“Visiting a Russian folk tale” (theatrical leisure)
  1. Studying visual material.
    The teacher shows the children in the library corner a large beautiful book - a collection of Russian folk tales. The children are invited to look at the colorful cover of the book:
    • Which fairy-tale heroes did you find out?
    • What fairy tales are they from?
    • What did the illustrator depict in the dense forest? (A hut on chicken legs, a house of three bears, a mansion, a stream with living water, etc.)
    • What magical objects did you notice on the cover? (Baba Yaga’s stupa, egg with Kashchey’s death, rejuvenating apples, frog skin.)
  2. Creating a problematic situation.
    The teacher asks what fairy tale the children would like to listen to. Having received the answer, he opens the book, the guys see that all the pages of the collection are empty. Between the pages, the children find a note from Miracle Yuda: it stole all the fairy tales, in order to return them to the book, they need to complete a task - to show that fairy tales are not forgotten, but are alive and loved by the children. Pupils are invited to participate in a dramatization game based on a fairy tale plot.
"Australia! Australia! Beautiful continent" (sports leisure)Studying visual material and conducting an educational conversation.
The children are invited to study a map of Australia, which shows representatives of flora and fauna, and answer the questions:
  • What surrounds Australia? (Water, ocean).
  • How do you imagine the Australian climate? (Sunny, hot).
  • What animals did you see on the map that live in Australia? (Koala, kangaroo, wild dog dingo, kiwi bird, ostrich, wombat, echidna, possum).
  • Can you tell us about the characteristics of some Australian animals? (Kangaroos have strong legs and tail, they are jumping, they carry their young in a pouch on their stomach. Koalas look like teddy bears, they have long sharp claws for climbing trees, they feed on eucalyptus leaves, they carry their young on their back. The ostrich is the largest bird, it cannot fly, hides his head in the sand when danger threatens, runs fast, people raise ostriches on farms).

The teacher offers to get to know the features of the mainland and its inhabitants better by participating in themed outdoor games.

“Joyful colors of winter” (musical leisure)
  1. Creating a problematic situation.
    The guys find a letter from the Snow Queen in the music room, the teacher reads it out: the mistress of the snowy kingdom complains that her domain is joyless and boring, in winter everything is white and cold, but she wants fun. The teacher invites the children to cheer up the Snow Queen and show that winter can also be joyful.
  2. Listening to the song “It’s winter, it’s white all around.”
  3. Conducting a conversation.
    • Guys, what about winter fun was this song? (About sledding down the mountain).
    • What else can you do outside in winter? (Skating and skiing, playing snowballs, making snowmen, building a snow fortress).
    • What holiday fun do you know in winter? (New Year and Christmas festivities, round dances and carousels, caroling, launching fireworks).

Event Planning

Free time is allocated for conducting classes as part of cultural and leisure activities. educational process in the morning and evening. Leisure activities should be systematic and thoughtful, carried out according to calendar and thematic planning. In classes, the principle of frequent change of types of children's activities is observed (observation, conversation, physical education, creative, speech, motor activity).

The frequency of cultural and leisure activities is determined by the age and individual characteristics of the students, the scope of the assigned tasks and the breadth of the content of the holiday or fun. Sports and creative leisure activities are held 1–2 times a month, physical education, musical, literary, theatrical events and concerts - 2–3 times a year.

A special place in planning leisure and entertainment in kindergarten is occupied by folk and church holidays, street celebrations and rituals associated with folk calendar: harvest festival, Christmas Eve, Christmas festivities, Maslenitsa fun, farewell to winter, Palm Sunday and Easter, Honey and Apple Savior. Getting to know traditions and ancient customs introduces children to the culture of their native country and fosters a reverent attitude towards preserving history.

Introduction to folk traditions is an important component of the educational process in preschool educational institutions.

Long-term planning involves holding events together with the music director, teacher physical culture, teachers of additional education (leaders of theater and fine arts clubs, dance studios, sports sections). For academic year consultations are held for parents, at which the tasks of organizing leisure and entertainment in kindergarten are indicated, a plan for future cultural events is outlined, the initiative of parents in preparing and participating in events is encouraged, a list of recommendations is given for organizing home leisure (reading, drawing, experimenting, educational walks) . Thus, parents are given the opportunity to collaborate with the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution and become equal participants in the educational process.

Entertainment in which children participate with their mothers and fathers has a therapeutic effect on family relationships

Table: card index of topics of cultural events

Thematic focus of cultural and leisure activitiesLeisureHolidays
  • Activities in the group:
    • "How many ball games do you know?"
    • "Sport in a person's life"
    • "Olympic Games".
  • Leisure activities on walks:
    • "Slide downhill"
    • "Games with jump rope"
    • "Tournament for playing small towns."
  • "World Gymnastics Day"
  • "Athletes' Day"
  • "Taking the Snow Fortress"
  • “Mom, dad, I am a sports family.”
Creative (musical, theatrical)
  • Leisure activities:
    • "Day of Surprises"
    • "Beauty Day"
    • "Journey to the Far Far Away Kingdom"
    • "Colors of Music"
    • "Let's draw autumn"
    • "Visiting a fairy tale"
    • "Shadow Theater"
  • Dramatization games:
    • "Teremok"
    • "The Three Little Pigs"
    • "Gray neck"
    • "Visiting a fairy tale."
  • "Day of Music"
  • "Big Concert"
  • "The Star Factory of Our Kindergarten"
  • "Ecological fairy tale".
  • Leisure activities dedicated to the creativity of writers:
    • A. S. Pushkina,
    • A. Barto,
    • N. Nosova,
    • G.-H. Andersen,
    • Brothers Grimm and others
  • Poetry reading evenings:
    • "We are not cold in winter"
    • "Toys on display"
    • “Spring, spring is outside!”
  • Literary and musical concerts:
    • "Tales of Pushkin"
    • "Yesenin's Russia".
  • Dramatization of literary plots:
    • "Krylov's Fables"
    • "Fedorino grief"
    • "Chuk and Gek."
  • Didactic games:
    • "Land of Knowledge"
    • "The World of Vitamins"
  • Quizzes:
    • "Vegetables",
    • "Furniture",
    • "Human",
    • "Trees",
    • "Fruits".
  • Thematic leisure activities:
    • "Tea traditions in the world"
    • “What kind of bread is there?”
  • Educational and entertaining quests:
    • "Primitive People"
    • "World of Space"
    • "Mysteries of Planet Earth."
  • Competitions for ingenuity:
    • "Merry KVN"
    • "Field of Miracles".
  • Activities in the group:
    • "Friendship",
    • "Birthday",
    • "Child's rights"
    • "In the family circle."
  • Visiting city sites and exhibitions:
    • "Safety Week"
    • "Autotown"
    • "Let's keep the planet clean."
  • "Day of Knowledge"
  • "Old Person's Day"
  • "Mother's Day"
  • "Day of National Unity"
  • "Children's Day"
  • "Police Day"
  • "Women's Day"
  • "Russian Independence Day"
  • "Victory Day".
Folk, Christian
  • Thematic leisure activities in the group:
    • "Halloween"
    • "Folk signs"
    • "Easter table"
    • "Customs of our country"
    • "Trinity Day"
    • "Honey Spas"
  • Leisure activities while walking:
    • "Winter farewell"
    • "Wish Tree"
    • "Vesnyanki"
    • "Games for Ivan Kupala."
  • “Folklore holiday” (for small genres of UNT),
  • "The carol has arrived"
  • "Fun Fair"
  • "Celebration of Russian folk games."

Table: example of a summary of cultural and leisure activities in the preparatory group

AuthorZhilina E. V., MDOU D/s “Vasilyok” r. Mullovka village, Ulyanovsk region.
Name"Journey Through Fairy Tales"
Program content
  • Improve children's ability to recognize fairy tales from literary and illustrations, and key words.
  • Develop children's artistic abilities through theatrical activities.
  • Form emotional responsiveness, empathize with the state and mood of the characters.
  • Activate the names of fairy tales and the names of fairy-tale characters in children’s speech.
  • Cultivate an active interest in fairy tales.
Preliminary work
  • Reading fairy tales,
  • looking at illustrations,
  • acting out fragments of fairy tales.
  • Musical accompaniment,
  • illustrations for fairy tales,
  • flower petals of different colors.
Progress of the lessonThe melody “Come to visit us” from the fairy tale “There, on unknown paths” sounds.
Presenter: Today, guys, I want to invite you to travel to the amazing land of fairy tales. It is generously inhabited by various good and evil heroes: gnomes and trolls, sorcerers and goblins, Baba Yaga and Kashchei the Immortal, Ivan Tsarevich and Helen the Beautiful. Getting there is not difficult, you just need to close your eyes for a few moments and imagine that we are flying on a magic carpet, across seas and oceans, forests and steppes. Here it goes lower and lower, and before us is the first fabulous stop.
Here is someone's letter, and you will find out who sent it by guessing the riddle.
  • He wears it instead of a hat
    Fun cap.
    And he's only tall
    With a child's shoe.
    With a flashlight and a song
    Walking in the forest at night.
    You can't go wrong if
    You will say: - This is... (Dwarf).

Right. Now let’s find out what the gnome wants. (Reads the task: guess fairy tales from illustrations). You have to learn fairy tales. I will show you illustrations for famous fairy tales, and you must accurately say the name of the fairy tale and its main characters. (Shows 6–7 illustrations.)
Well done! Complete the task and receive a magic petal. (Gives the children a red petal).
Well, let's fly on. The journey continues. (Music sounds).
Here comes the next stop. Guess who it is:

  • The grandmother loved the girl very much,
    I gave her a red cap.
    The girl forgot her name.
    Well, tell me, what was her name? (Little Red Riding Hood).

The station is called “Guess” from Little Red Riding Hood. I will read you excerpts from fairy tales you know, and you must guess their names.

  • He hit the copper basin
    And he cried out: “Kara-baras!”
    And now brushes, brushes
    They crackled like rattles,
    And let's rub me
    "My, my chimney sweep
    Clean, clean, clean, clean!
    There will be, there will be a chimney sweep
    Clean, clean, clean! (“Moidodyr”).
  • Ku-ka-re-ku! I'm walking on my heels
    I carry the scythe on my shoulders,
    I want to whip the fox
    Get off the stove, fox,
    Get out, fox! (“Zayushkina’s hut”).
  • -Are you warm, girl?
    - Warm, Morozushko, warm, father. (“Morozko”).
  • And then the herons called:
    - Please send drops:
    We've eaten too much frogs today,
    And our stomachs hurt! ("Telephone").
  • Then the corners of the hut cracked, the roof shook, the wall flew out, and the stove itself went down the street, along the road, straight to the king. (“At the command of the pike”).

The presenter praises the children and gives them another petal. The journey continues. (Music sounds).
Presenter: And here is the next station: tricky riddles. Guess it and answer quickly!

  • Who turned Vasilisa the Wise into a frog?
  • Who did Kolobok leave from?
  • What was the name of the little girl?
  • What were the names of the bears from the fairy tale “The Three Bears”?
  • Which girl lost her shoe at the ball?
  • What did the fox feed the crane?
  • What words usually begin Russian fairy tales? (Gives a petal.)

Presenter: I see, you really know a lot about fairy tales. Well done! Now let's go to the next station. (Music sounds).
Competition “Say the Word.”
Presenter: Many fairy tale heroes have unusual and very interesting names, let's remember them. I tell you the beginning of the name, and you will try to continue it. Two teams participate in this competition at once; the one who answers faster wins this competition. Let's begin!

  • Tom Thumb).
  • Nightingale... (Robber).
  • Sister... (Alyonushka).
  • Fox... (Patrikeevna).
  • Scarlet... (Flower).
  • Geese... (swans).
  • Tiny... (Khavroshechka).
  • Brother... (Ivanushka).
  • Baba... (Yaga).
  • Sivka... (Burka).
  • Red... (Cap).
  • Sleeping Beauty).
  • Zayushkina... (Hut).
  • Winnie... (Pooh).

Presenter: We completed the task, let's move on. (Music sounds). And here a magic chest awaits us, let's see what's in it. (In the chest there are masks for playing out the fairy tale “Teremok”).
Now let's say the magic words:

  • Clap twice
    Stomp three times
    Turn around yourself
    And you'll end up in kindergarten!

(The song “Fairy tales walk around the world” by M. Plyatskovsky is played).
Presenter: Here we are again in our kindergarten. And from the petals we got a magical flower. Our journey is over. Did you like it? Was it interesting? Funny? (Children's answers).

Temporary lesson plan for cultural and leisure activities

The duration of leisure and entertainment depends on age and individual characteristics preschoolers.

Leisure duration:

  • in junior and middle groups- 25–30 minutes;
  • in senior and preparatory groups - 45–50 minutes.

Duration of holidays:

The duration of the festive event depends on the age and individual characteristics of the pupils

Duration of street fun and folk festivals:

  • in junior and middle groups - no more than 1 hour;
  • in senior and preparatory groups - up to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Let's consider the approximate duration of the structural components of specific cultural and leisure activities.

Folklore and physical education “Time for business, time for fun” in the senior group

  1. Organizational moment - 2 minutes.
  2. Surprise moment - 5 minutes.
  3. Outdoor game “Horse” - 7 minutes.
  4. Game exercises “Guess it” - 10 minutes.
  5. Outdoor game “Cat and Birds” - 6 minutes.
  6. Round dance “Sun” - 4 minutes.
  7. Sports game “Catch the ball” - 8 minutes.
  8. Summing up your leisure time - 3 minutes.

Musical celebration for Defender of the Fatherland Day in the preparatory group

  1. Greeting guests of the holiday - 2 minutes.
  2. Performance of the song “Defenders of the Fatherland” - 3 minutes.
  3. Performance of the song “We will serve in the army” - 3 minutes.
  4. Intellectual warm-up for the boys' team and the dads' team - 8 minutes.
  5. Dance “Sailors and Sailors” - 4 minutes.
  6. Competition for adults and children “Strong Men” - 6 minutes.
  7. Reading poems - 5 minutes.
  8. Performance of the song “Our Dads” - 3 minutes.
  9. Game for children and guests “Sandwiches” - 7 minutes.
  10. Poetic congratulations to the boys from the girls of the group - 5 minutes.
  11. Game "Obstacle" - 7 minutes.
  12. Musical game “Girls hee hee, boys ha ha” - 7 minutes.
  13. Dance "Stars" -3 minutes.
  14. Congratulatory words from the host of the holiday, presentation of cards and gifts - 7 minutes.

Leisure activities with the participation of parents “Maslenitsa” in the middle group

  1. Organizational moment - 3 minutes.
  2. Excursion into the past (use of ICT: educational slide show) - 10 minutes.
  3. “Know-It-All” competition - 5 minutes.
  4. Competition "Guess it" - 5 minutes.
  5. Competition "Folk Games" - 5 minutes.
  6. Steeplechase competition - 4 minutes.
  7. Competition "Fist Fights" - 4 minutes.
  8. Music competition - 8 minutes.
  9. Summing up the results of the competition, invitation to tea with pancakes - 4 minutes.

Examples of organizing leisure and entertainment in kindergarten

Video: music day in kindergarten

Video: literary festival “Days Fly”

Preparing and conducting collective leisure activities in kindergarten creates a sense of group cohesion. By decorating the decorations for the holiday, distributing roles in a dramatization game, mastering the skill of choral singing, participating in team competitions and quizzes, preschoolers interact positively with each other. IN joint activities group traditions are born, the emotional atmosphere improves. Participation in collective events fosters an active and morally oriented personality in every child.

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