Presentation on social studies, marriage and family. Legal foundations of family and marriage. Types of families: by composition

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Lesson plan 1. Family and marriage. 2. Procedure and conditions for marriage. 3. Personal and property rights and obligations of spouses. 4. Marriage contract. 5. Divorce. 6. Rights and responsibilities of parents and children. 7. Consolidation of the material covered. 8. Summing up. Homework

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Epigraph to the lesson: “Getting married means halving your rights and doubling your responsibilities.” (A. Schopenhauer)

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What is family? In ancient times, the word family meant household members, servants, not necessarily related by family ties. Moreover, this word was used to designate not even a clan, but a certain territorial community of people. Family - small group people, based on consanguinity and bound by a common life, mutual rights and obligations.

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What is marriage? The word “marriage” was formed from the Old Russian “brachiti” - to select the good and reject the bad. Marriage is a free, voluntary, equal union of a man and a woman formalized in law for the purpose of creating a family, giving rise to new rights and responsibilities.

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The procedure and conditions for marriage. The procedure for concluding a marriage: - is carried out in any of the civil registry offices on the territory of the Russian Federation; - in the personal presence of persons entering into marriage; - after one month from the date of filing the joint application; - in a formal setting (optional); - at the choice of the spouses, their new common surname or premarital surnames of each are recorded in the civil status record; - a marriage certificate is issued. (Article 11 of the RF IC)

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Rights and obligations of spouses under the legislation of the Russian Federation The rights and obligations of spouses arise from the date of state registration of marriage in the registry office (clause 2 of article 10 of the RF IC). Legal relations of spouses are divided into personal non-property and property.

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Personal non-property rights of spouses 1. The right to free choice of profession, occupation, place of stay and residence. 2. The right to choose a surname upon marriage and divorce. 3. The right to jointly resolve issues of motherhood, paternity, upbringing and education of children.

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Property rights of spouses The law includes the property rights of spouses: 1. The right to personal property. 2. Right to joint property Property legal relations: 1. Legal regime. 2. Contractual regime.

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What is a marriage contract The first marriage contracts began to be concluded in England in the 17th century in order to protect the rights married woman and her blood relatives on the family property. A prenuptial agreement is a legal agreement between persons entering into marriage that defines the property rights and responsibilities of the spouses during the marriage and (or) in the event of its dissolution.

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Test your knowledge: 1. A voluntary union between a man and a woman, with the goal of creating a family and giving rise to mutual rights and obligations between spouses, is called ... a) prenuptial agreement b) engagement c) marriage 2. Which of the following actions violates the norms family law: a) the wife filed for divorce without the husband’s consent b) the husband did not allow the wife to discuss family budget issues c) the husband changed his surname to his wife’s surname upon marriage

Family is:
important needs
Saving method and
transmission of cultural
reproduction of the species
Small social
Family is
social community,
whose members
related by marriage
ties of family
relationships, common
everyday life, mutual

Family is a union of people
mutual assistance
caring friend
about a friend

Stages of formation of marriage and family relations (according to L. Morgan):

primitive state
(disordered sexual
consanguineous family
(marital relations
were excluded only between
ancestors and descendants,
parents and children);
paired (monogamous) family
democratic steam room,
patriarchal or

Family functions

This is a family activity
having certain
social consequences.


associated with
om members


New Generation,
the old one should
master social
roles, baggage claim
accumulated knowledge,
experience, moral and
other values


economy and family
organization of family
domestic work;
support and care
the elderly and
disabled people.


family helps a person
find peace and
creates a feeling
security and
comfort, comfort
support and preservation
general life


includes in
yourself spiritually aesthetic
moments in that
number and
carrying out

Social status

family provides
to its members
social status,
contributing to those
the most
structures of society


economic and
protection of members

Types of families

By number of children:
small children (1-2 children),
medium-sized (3-4 children)
large families (5 or more children).

Types of families: by composition

Monogamous marriage
represents the marriage of one
men with one woman:
Nuclear (spouses with children)
Extended (spouses, children,
Reproductive (parents and
minor children)
Orientation (parents;
adult children separated and
have their own families

Types of families: by composition

matrimony - marriage
one spouse with
several persons
the opposite
polygyny - marriage
one man with
polyandry - marriage
one woman with
several men

Types of families: by lineage

In patrilineal families

by father,
in matrilineal families -
inheritance of surname, property
and social status is carried out
by mother;

Types of families: by headship

In patriarchal families
the head is the father,
in matriarchal families -
highest authority and
The mother has influence.

Types of families: by status

in homogeneous families, spouses are
come from the same social stratum,
in heterogeneous they come from different
social groups, castes, classes;
in gamogamous families, nationality,

in heterogamous families, nationality,
profession, age, education of family members

Types of families: according to the distribution of household responsibilities

Affiliate (egalitarian): equal
distribution of responsibilities, joint
family management
Exploitative: woman involved
in social work, domestic
responsibilities also belong to the woman
Traditional: clear distribution
men's and women's responsibilities,
dependence of a woman on a man

Types of families: by type of upbringing

Authoritarian: based on
authority of the head of the family and
unconditional implementation
Liberal: interests of the individual
above all, do not depend on traditions
Democratic: cooperation
children and parents

Complete and single-parent families

Families where for some reason
one of the parents is missing or
the parent generation, and the children
live with grandparents).

Reasons for the increase in single-parent families

change in moral standards in the area
gender relations;
spread of premarital relations,
change in traditional roles
(family) men and women;
family's loss of their productive
unpreparedness of young people for marriage;
excessive demands in relation to
marriage partner;
alcoholism and drug addiction.

Tasks for consolidation:

L.'s family consists of six
person: father, mother, four
children. There is no clear line in the family
division of responsibilities
gender based. If the husband
comes home before his wife,
then he cooks dinner, feeds
children, puts them to bed.

Problems of a modern family

Class assignment:
Modern scientists
talk about crisis
family relationships.
What do you think

Family crisis manifests itself:

in the increase in the number of divorces;
in increasing the number of premarital
and illegitimate children;
in mutual alienation of members
in weakening educational
influence of parents on children;
in increasing the number single-parent families.


voluntary union between a man and
women to start a family

Types of marriage


Parenting styles


Parenting styles

Diktat in the family is characterized by:
the desire of elders to subordinate to their own as much as possible
influence of juniors.
Children's initiatives are suppressed in every possible way.
Parents strictly enforce their
requirements, trying to fully control
behavior, interests and even desires of children.
But demands that are not justified pedagogically and
morally, cause children to become alienated from
elders, hostility towards others,
protest and aggression, often together with apathy and

Parenting styles

Family care is a system
relationships in which:
parents providing satisfaction
needs, needs
protect him from all worries, efforts and difficulties,
taking them upon yourself.
parents create “greenhouse” rooms for their children
conditions, blocking Negative influence non-family
environment and at the same time preventing children from preparing for
real life beyond the threshold of your home.
It is these children who turn out to be the least
adapted to life in a team

Parenting styles

Non-intervention - system
interpersonal relationships in the family,
being built on:
recognition of the possibility and even
feasibility of independent
existence of adults and children.
It is assumed that in the family
two worlds coexist: adults and children, and
neither one nor the other should be crossed
the line thus drawn

Parenting styles

Cooperation is characterized by:
the desire of elders to establish warm relations with
younger ones
involve them in solving problems, encourage
initiative and independence.
The elders, setting the rules and more or less
firmly implementing them, they do not consider themselves
infallible and explain their motives
requirements, encourage their discussion by juniors;
in younger ones both obedience and
This style promotes education
independence, responsibility, activity,
friendliness, tolerance.

Questions for consolidation:

Explain the idea
L.N. Tolstoy that everything
happy families are alike
at each other, and each
unhappy family
unhappy in her own way.

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Slide captions:

Family and marriage Yulia Viktorovna Fomenko Teacher of history and social studies MKOU Tundutovskaya secondary school Family is the crystal of society (V. Hugo)

Lesson plan The concept of family and marriage Conditions for marriage Rights and responsibilities of spouses Marriage agreement Rights and responsibilities of parents and children Divorce

Family A union of persons based on marriage, kinship, adoption of children, who are connected by a common life and mutual support. A circle of persons interconnected by rights and obligations arising from a registered marriage and from kinship.

Signs of a family An association of persons related by marriage or kinship. An association of persons associated with material and moral support. Association of persons bound by common rights and obligations

Family functions economic biological social reproductive psychological

Marriage The basic premise of the family. A legally formalized, voluntary and free union of a man and a woman, with the purpose of creating a family and giving rise to mutual rights and obligations.

Signs of marriage Union of a man and a woman Monogamous contract Free union Equal union Union registered in the registry office

Conditions for marriage Mutual voluntary consent of the persons entering into marriage Achievement of marriageable age Absence of circumstances preventing marriage Presence of another registered marriage Presence of a close relationship Incapacity of one of the spouses

Rights and obligations of spouses Personal rights and obligations Equality of spouses in the family the right to choose a surname, occupation, place of residence Divorce of marriage Art. 31, 32 of the RF IC Property rights and obligations Pre-marital property Joint property Art. 33-36 RF IC

Marriage contract Article 42 of the Family Code of the Russian Federation 1. By means of a marriage contract, spouses have the right to change the regime of joint ownership established by law (Article 34 of this Code), establish a regime of joint, shared or separate ownership of all property of the spouses, of its individual types or of the property of each spouse. A marriage contract can be concluded both in relation to the existing and in relation to the future property of the spouses. Spouses have the right to determine in a marriage contract their rights and obligations regarding mutual maintenance, ways of participating in each other’s income, and the procedure for each of them to bear family expenses; determine the property that will be transferred to each spouse in the event of divorce, and also include in the marriage contract any other provisions relating to the property relations of the spouses. 2. The rights and obligations provided for in a marriage contract may be limited to certain periods or made dependent on the occurrence or non-occurrence of certain conditions. 3. A marriage contract cannot limit the legal capacity or capacity of the spouses, their right to go to court to protect their rights; regulate personal non-property relations between spouses, the rights and obligations of spouses in relation to children; provide for provisions limiting the right of a disabled, needy spouse to receive maintenance; contain other conditions that place one of the spouses in an extremely unfavorable position or contradict the basic principles of family law.

Rights and responsibilities of parents Parents have equal rights and responsibilities in relation to their children. Parents have the right and responsibility to raise their children. They are responsible for the upbringing and development of their children. They are obliged to take care of health, physical, mental, moral and spiritual development their children. It is the responsibility of parents to ensure that their children receive a general education. Protection of the rights and interests of children rests with parents.

Rights and responsibilities of children The right to life The right to a first name, surname, patronymic The right to live and be raised in a family The right to communicate with relatives The right to receive an education The right to protection Art. 54-60 RF IC

Divorce of marriage In the registry office In court If there are no minor children, with mutual consent. At the request of one of the spouses, if the other spouse: - is declared missing; - declared incompetent by the court in the presence of common minor children in property disputes Art. 21-23 RF IC Art. 18 IC RF

Consolidating what has been learned Solving situational problems 1. The young spouses Svetlana and Igor, upon getting married, swore fidelity to each other for life. They recorded their commitment to never dissolve their marriage and to accompany each other for life on paper and, with signatures, put it in a box with family valuables. A year later, Igor, returning from a vacation he spent at sea, admitted that he fell in love with another woman. Svetlana said that she would have agreed to the divorce if they had not made an agreement to never dissolve the marriage. Allow me this situation. 2. Nikolaev, whose wife died, and Koreshkova, who divorced her husband, decided to get married. After this, they mutually adopted the children that belonged to each of them before marriage. They had no children together. Koreshkova’s growing daughter and Nikolaev’s son fell in love with each other and, when she turned 18 and he turned 19, they submitted an application to the registry office. Can they register their marriage?

Consolidation of what has been learned 1. A sailor, who was on a 9-month voyage, learned from a telegram from his beloved that they would have a child. At the same time, she asked to answer whether he agreed to the marriage. He replied by telegram that he agreed. Having collected the necessary documents and attaching a telegram certified by the captain of the ship, the expectant mother came to the registry office and, explaining the situation, asked to register the marriage. She was denied her request. Did the civil registry office employees act correctly? 2. A graduate of the Faculty of Sociology of Moscow State University, who graduated with honors, and who demonstrated himself in scientific work, by decision of the academic council, was sent for an internship in the USA for 2 years. His young wife objected, saying that his departure for an internship would mean the breakup of the family. Is she right? Can she stop her husband from going to the USA? In the event of a divorce, can she indicate her husband’s trip to the USA as the reason for the breakup of the family?

Homework: Let's try to draw a model of an ideal family. What do you think is necessary for a family to become a source of happiness? Write a short essay about this.

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Family and marriage are among those phenomena in which interest is always stable and widespread. The family is a very complex, multi-layered social formation that permeates all aspects of the social structure of society. Therefore, whichever side social life We did not touch upon society (the sociology of upbringing, education, politics, law), we necessarily touch upon the interests of the family. Without analyzing the institution of the family, we will not be able to conduct any fundamental sociological research in the field of social control and social disorganization, social mobility and demographic changes.

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FAMILY is a community of people based on a single social activity, connected by the ties of marriage, parenthood, kinship, carrying out the reproduction of generations and their continuity, as well as the socialization of children and support of family members.

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SOCIAL INSTITUTE is a relatively stable form of organization of social life, ensuring the stability of connections and relationships within society.

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The main functions that a social institution performs: 1) creates the opportunity for members of this society to satisfy their needs and interests; 2) regulates the actions of members of society within the framework of social relations; 3) ensures the sustainability of public life; 4) ensures the integration of aspirations, actions and interests of individuals; 5) exercises social control.

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SMALL GROUP - a social group with a small number of members, whose members are united by common activities and are in direct personal communication with each other.

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MARRIAGE is a historically determined, sanctioned and socially regulated form of relationship between a man and a woman, establishing their rights and responsibilities towards each other, towards children and society.

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In other words, marriage is a contract that is concluded by three parties - a man, a woman and the state. Unlike all other formal contracts existing in society, it stipulates only one date - the date of conclusion of the marriage agreement, but does not indicate the end date of the contract. This implies that marriage bonds bind people together until the end of their lives.

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If marriage extends to the relationship of the spouses, then the family covers marital and parental relationships.

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In many societies, the state takes upon itself not only the registration of marriage, but its consecration is carried out by the church. Spouses take an oath of fidelity to each other and undertake the responsibility of social, economic and physical mutual guardianship. The consecration of marriage in front of the church altar is considered the most powerful form of strengthening marriage.

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KINSHIP is a collection of people related by common ancestors. Along with consanguinity, there is the social institution of “adoptive kinship” associated with adoption.

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In traditional society, kinship is the main form of social organization. In modern society, it has ceased to be such, and the family has not only separated from the kinship system, but is also increasingly isolated from it. Majority modern people do not know the names of their distant relatives (second cousins, aunts, etc.).

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Kinship structure is usually depicted as a “family tree.” There can be only seven immediate relatives: mother, father, brother, sister, spouse, daughter, son. Distant relatives are divided into first cousins ​​and second cousins. There can be no more than 33 cousins. They are ranked according to the degree of relationship, starting from mother-in-law and ending with nephew.

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Unlike family, kinship is not a real social community, i.e. a collection of individuals living together and leading a joint household.

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The early stages of social development were characterized by promiscuity (promiscuity). With the advent of childbirth, group marriage arose, which regulated these relationships.

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It is believed that due to the instability of marriage ties at that time and the difficulty of establishing paternity, the most widespread account of kinship along the maternal line (maternal lineage) was initially most widespread, which was later replaced by patrilineal kinship (patrilineal lineage).

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All nations passed through HETERISM (gynecocracy) - relationships based on the high position of women in society - in the direction of individual marriage and family. The children were in the women's group, and only when they grew older did they move to the men's group.

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Initially, ENDOGAMY dominated - free connections within the clan. Then, as a result of the emergence of social “taboos,” EXOGAMY is a ban on marriage within the clan. INCEST taboo - a ban on incest.

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Along with the emergence of clan organization in primitive society, marriage and family arose - special social institutions designed to regulate relations between the sexes, between parents and children, etc.

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Depending on the size and structure of the marriage group, they distinguish: MONOGAMY (marriage union of one man and one woman) lifelong monogamy; monogamy, allowing divorce (easily divorced marriage); couple family. POLYGAMY (marriage of more than two partners). POLYGYNY (polygamy), POLYANDRY (polyandry), as well as various groups group marriage.

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Depending on the place of residence of the spouses, a marriage is distinguished: PATRILOKAL (spouses live with the husband’s parents), MATRILOCAL (spouses live with the wife’s parents), DISLOCAL (spouses live apart, each with their own blood relatives) UNILOCAL (spouses live together, separately from relatives).

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Depending on the degree of relationship, a family is distinguished between consanguineous and matrimonial. Depending on the number of generations in the family, a family is distinguished between NUCLEAR (includes only two generations - Parent-spouses and their children) and EXTENDED. According to the number of parents - FULL and PART-TIME. According to the number of children - CHILDRENLESS, ONE CHILDREN, MANY CHILDREN).

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The relationship between parents and children has also transformed throughout history.

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There are 6 types of attitudes towards children: INFANTICIDAL – infanticide, violence (from antiquity to the 4th century AD); Abandoned - children are given to a wet nurse, to someone else's family, to a monastery (IV - XVII centuries); AMBIVALENT - children are not considered full members of the family, they are denied independence and individuality, they are “molded” in “images and likeness”, and in case of resistance they are severely punished (XIV – XVII centuries); OBSESSIVE – the child becomes closer to his parents, his behavior is strictly regulated, his inner world is controlled (XVIII century); SOCIALIZING – children’s efforts are aimed at preparing for independent life, character formation, the child is an object of education and training for them (19th – early 20th centuries); HELPING – parents strive to provide individual development the child, taking into account his inclinations and abilities, to establish emotional contact (mid-twentieth century - present).

The concept of marriage Marriage is a pair relationship, a historically changing form of relationship between a man and a woman, through which society orders and sanctions them sex life and determines the status of children Marriage is a pair relationship, a historically changing form of relationship between a man and a woman, through which society regulates and sanctions their sex life and determines the status of children

History of Marriage Historically, the first form of marriage was group marriage - promiscuity (sexual intercourse of everyone with everyone). Historically, the first form of marriage was group marriage - promiscuity (sexual intercourse of everyone with everyone). Then there was a transition to pair marriage - one man and one woman, when the man did not leave his woman after she became pregnant (punalual family). Then there was a transition to pair marriage - one man and one woman, when the man did not leave his woman after she became pregnant (punalual family).

Then a maternal family arises - a group of female relatives with offspring in 4-5 generations, numbering approximately 200 or 300 people. Then a maternal family arises - a group of female relatives with offspring in 4-5 generations, numbering approximately 200 or 300 people. And only with the development of private property relations does monogamy arise as a long-term union, sanctified by religion and protecting the rights of the owner. And only with the development of private property relations does monogamy arise as a long-term union, sanctified by religion and protecting the rights of the owner.

The emergence of the family as a social institution Protecting one's property rights, raising children, raising the level of morality - all this contributed to the emergence of marriage law and served as the basis for the emergence of the family as an independent social institution. Protection of one's property rights, raising children, raising the level of morality - all this contributed to the emergence of marriage law and served as the basis for the emergence of the family as an independent social institution.

The functions of marriage are satisfying the sexual needs of the individual, satisfying the sexual needs of the individual, satisfying his intimate (moral, spiritual, emotional) needs - for mutual fidelity, mutual support, belonging, love, understanding; satisfaction of his intimate (moral, spiritual, emotional) needs - for mutual fidelity, mutual support, belonging, love, understanding;

Needs for one’s own reproduction and inheritance of family traditions; the need for one's own reproduction and inheritance of family traditions; needs for legal support marital relations; needs for legal confirmation of marriage relations; needs for material and economic support and social care; needs for material and economic support and social care; the need to obtain and maintain one’s marital status – higher than non-marital status. the need to obtain and maintain one’s marital status – higher than non-marital status.

Types of marriage Monogamy and polygamy Monogamy and polygamy Exogamy as a prohibition on marriage within one's own clan Exogamy as a prohibition on marriage within one's clan Endogamy as an order to marry within one's tribe Endogamy as an order to marry within one's tribe First marriage and remarriage as concluded after divorce or after the death of a partner First marriage and remarriage as entered into after a divorce or after the death of a partner

Official or unofficial (cohabitation of partners) marriage Official or unofficial (cohabitation of partners) marriage Concubinage as an unofficial, actual and parallel marriage with an existing one (the so-called second family for a man) Concubinage as an unofficial, actual and parallel marriage with an existing one (the so-called second family man's family)

Classification of modern marriage (R. Mazur, USA, 70s of the twentieth century) Traditional monogamy Traditional monogamy Childless marriage Childless marriage Single motherhood Single motherhood Bachelorhood Bachelorhood Communes Communes Cohabitation Cohabitation Secondary marriage Secondary marriage

Group sex (change of marriage partners by couples) Group sex (change of marriage partners by couples) Extended family (married couples voluntarily live together) Extended family (married couples voluntarily live together) Group marriage (polygamy - polygamy, polyandry, harems) Group marriage (polygamy - polygamy, polyandry, harems) Open marriage (game of love between partners, where the main feature is the realization of sexual instinct) Open marriage (game of love between partners, where the main feature is the realization of sexual instinct)