Savva name meaning. Savva: the meaning of the full name. Personal life and marriage

According to Higir

The name Savva is of Hebrew origin. Means: bondage, captivity.

Little Savvushka usually grows up strong, neither his health nor his behavior cause any problems for his parents: he is a cheerful, kind and calm child.

The name Savva is warm, soft, and its owner is also generous with warmth, which he gives to family, friends, and simply strangers who need this warmth.

Savva is, first of all, an integral nature, a spiritually pure person. He is alien to pettiness, intrigue and squabbles. He is drawn to knowledge, early on he shows interest in literature, but not in action films and cheap detective stories, but in the one that gives food to his mind. He maintains his integrity in marriage, without wasting time on fleeting affairs. Savva's sons inherit the character of their father. The uncompromising nature of these men and their loyalty to principles often turn out to their detriment - their careers never move along the well-worn road. Where it would not hurt to bend down so that the thunderstorm passes by, Savva will stand at his full height.

Savva has one more feature that sets him apart from others - a craving for loneliness. This is not a “choir” person. In a large noisy company, secluded in a corner with his transistor, he may seem somewhat colorless. In fact, his inner world is rich and colorful.

Savva receives a good education, but cannot fully realize his abilities.

Among men with this name you can find doctors, architects, translators, and actors.

These are harmonious people who live in harmony with the world around them.

By D. and N. Winter

Meaning and origin of the name: "Elder" (Aramaic)

Energy of the name and character: The energy of the name Savva is distinguished by independence, determination and strength. Despite its balanced hardness, it is nevertheless capable of endowing its wearer with sufficient impulsiveness. It will not be surprising if Savva’s character has some eccentricity and explosiveness. Outwardly, he may give the impression of a fairly balanced person who knows how to control himself, but behind this calm mask, strong emotions are often hidden.

In general, Savva is very characterized by colossal self-confidence, in which one can often detect a hint of consciousness of one’s own superiority. He is very proud, but hardly feels too much of a need for self-affirmation, at least not main reason His eccentricity is not so much pride as passion of character and desire for leadership.

In communication, Savva is usually quite open and, alas, does not always try to restrain his emotions. In some cases, he can really control himself, but sometimes he is ready to succumb to the first blissful idea that comes to mind. Often this can seriously complicate his life, sometimes Savva is capable of suddenly being rude to someone for no reason or simply making a person laugh, without really thinking about the consequences, but he is usually saved by the fact that he rarely shows persistence in a conflict . It seems that, having released his emotions from the bottle, he immediately loses interest in them and is even ready to go to peace. His sense of humor also helps.

It happens, however, that life treats Savva quite harshly, and more than once, having been burned by his eccentricity, he loses his inherent self-confidence and, on the contrary, begins to be overly cautious, but this does not happen very often. In general, he has a good chance of achieving success in life, including in independent business, and, perhaps, the only thing he can wish for is to be more attentive to others and especially to his loved ones. A little more warmth and care will not harm either them or Savva himself.

Secrets of communication: When communicating with Savva, it is advisable not to forget about his unpredictability; sometimes he himself does not know where he will be taken next. However, you can avoid conflict with him by simply trying to show restraint and not lose your balance yourself. Typically, what Savva values ​​most in people is independence, sobriety, accuracy, and a sense of humor.

The name's trace in history:

Savva Mamontov

They say that the rich have their own quirks. Undoubtedly, the most encouraged fad of the rich is patronage of the arts, a symbol of which, in turn, was once the main shareholder of the railway and the owner of several factories, Savva Mamontov (1841–1918).

On his Abramtsevo estate, Mamontov created a “pleasant type of life”, surrounding himself with the best artists who did not feel like “wedding generals” visiting a fastidious barchuk - on the contrary, everyone recognized Mamontov’s exceptional intelligence, his sincerity and unostentatious generosity. In Abramtsevo, artists “found it easier to breathe and create more freely”: for example, it was there that Vrubel painted the famous painting “The Demon”, and Vasnetsov almost finished “Three Heroes”.

Mamontov's inquisitive nature was attracted by everything beautiful and harmonious - fine art, music, literature, but he assigned himself a very modest role in this as a generous rich man. Nevertheless, Mamontov’s creativity was obvious to everyone except himself, and it was not for nothing that many considered him their teacher. Among these people was Stanislavsky, who readily admitted that in directing he was a follower of Savva Mamontov.

Howpatronymic is formed from the names Nikita,Ilya, Thomas, Luka, Kuzma and Savva?

Are you unsure how to correctly write on the Birth Certificate: Nikitich or Nikitovich, Savvich or Savvovich? We immediately inform you of the correct answers - Nikitich and Savvich (and if you have a girl, then Nikitichna and Savvichna). Get acquainted with the main patterns by which surnames and patronymics are formed from Russian personal names, and see for yourself:

Table 1

Formation of surnames and patronymics from Russian personal names.Basic templates.




Colloquial patronymic

















c) Nikita Nikitin Nikitich Nikitich
Ilya Ilyin Ilyich Ilyich
Thomas Fomin Fomich Fomich
Luke Lukin Lukic Lukic









As can be seen from Table 1, in the Russian language there is a harmonious, logical and rigid system for the formation of patronymics. And this system categorically does not allow the use of the middle name “Nikitovich” on behalf of Nikita and the middle name “Fomovich” on behalf of Foma! The only possible ones are “Nikitich” and “Fomich”. The situation is absolutely the same with the names Ilya, Luka, Kuzma, Savva.

For male names ending in -a or -ya,

patronymics are formedaccording to the same model:

table 2


Forms that contradict the Russian literary norm


Nikitich, Nikitichna

Nikitovich, Nikitovna


Savvich, Savvichna

Savvovich, Savvovna

And she

Ionic, Ionic

Ionovich, Ionovna


Ilyich, Ilyinichna

Ilyevich, Ilyevna


Kuzmich, Kuzminichna

Kuzmovich, Kuzmovna


Lukich, Lukinichna

Lukovich, Lukovna


Silich, Silichna

Silovich, Silovna


Fokic, Fokichna

Fokovich, Fokovna


Fomich, Fominichna

Fomovich, Fomovna

(The endings -ovich, -ovna in patronymics from the names Nikita, Savva, Kuzma, Luka, Fomainherent Ukrainian language: Mick and Tovych, Mykytivna. And in the Belarusian language the same picture: Mikitavich, Mikitaina. More about this see below in table 3).

Of the nine names listed, the name Nikita appears most often (and much more) than others. Therefore, it is not surprising that the largest number of questions, errors and misunderstandings are associated precisely with the formation of a patronymic in this name.If you want to better understand the topic and learn more than others know about it, spend five to seven minutes of your precious time reading this article.

To begin with, we will give examples of the “correct” formation of a patronymic.Here are several famous personalities whose patronymics are derived from the name Nikita:

Tikhon Nikitich Streshnev (1644-1719) - boyar, first Moscow governor, his name is immortalized in the name of the Moscow region Pokrovskoye-Streshnevo;

Alexandra Nikitichna Annenskaya (1840-1915) - children's writer, teacher, she made brilliant translations into Russian of the books "Robinson Crusoe" and "Uncle Tom's Cabin"; born in Pskov province;

Yuri Nikitich Belenkov (1948) - cardiologist, academician of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vice-rector of Moscow State University; born in Leningrad;

Tatyana Nikitichna Tolstaya (1951) - granddaughter of the writer Alexei Nikolaevich Tolstoy, writer, journalist and TV presenter; born in Leningrad;

Marina Nikitichna Vlasova (1954) - Candidate of Philological Sciences, senior researcher at the Institute of Russian Literature of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Pushkin House) in St. Petersburg; born in Leningrad;

Anna Nikitichna (pseudonym Fyokla) Tolstaya (1971) - great-great-granddaughter of Leo Tolstoy, journalist, radio and TV presenter, director; born in Moscow;

Stepan Nikitich (1966), Anna Nikitichna (1974), Artyom Nikitich (1975), Nadezhda Nikitichna (1986) - children of actor and film director Nikita Mikhalkov; were born in Moscow;.

Rada Nikitichna (1929) and Sergei Nikitich (1935) - children of Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev (Leonid Nikitovich Khrushchev, born in 1917, will be discussed below); since 1929 N.S. Khrushchev studies and then works in Moscow;

- the older generation, of course, remembers Veronica Mavrikievna and Avdotya Nikitichna - the famous pop duo of actors Vadim Tonkov and Boris Vladimirov (performed in 1971-1982).

In central Russia, the Urals and Siberia, the patronymic name Nikitich was considered the only correct one at all times. Take the Russian industrialists Demidovs (XVII-XIX centuries), who owned factories in Tula and the Urals. There were several Nikitichs in their family - Akinfiy, Grigory, Nikolai, and there was also Nikita Nikitich. The famous writer Mamin-Sibiryak, who was well versed in Russian onomastics, never used the middle names Nikitovich and Nikitovna in his works written in 1876-1912 (and this is as many as 12 volumes). In his books you will find only Nikitich and Nikitichna (Daria Nikitichna, Avdey Nikitich, Stepan Nikitich, Miron Nikitich, Terenty Nikitich, etc.).

And, please note, the full name of the Russian hero is Dobrynya Nikitich, not Nikitovich.

V.M. Vasnetsov, “Bogatyrs”, 1898

But what about, you ask, Kozhedub and other well-known Nikitovichs? - If you clarify the place of birth of each of them, everything will fall into place - they all had Little Russian (Ukrainian) or Southern Russian origin:

Army General Galitsky Kuzma Nikitovich (1897-1973), place of birth Taganrog, Don Army region;

Air Marshal Kozhedub Ivan Nikitovich (1920-1991), born in the village of Obrazhievka, Glukhov district, Chernigov province (today the village is part of the Sumy region of Ukraine);

Air Marshal Volkov Alexander Nikitovich (1929-2005), from the town of Valuyki, which at one time was part of the Kyiv province;

Maslachenko Vladimir Nikitovich (1936-2010) - famous Soviet football player (played for Lokomotiv and Spartak, was a member of the USSR national team), later the most prominent sports commentator in the USSR and Russia; his place of birth was the Ukrainian village of Vasilkovka (in the Dnepropetrovsk region); as people who knew him say, V.N. Maslachenko insisted that he should be called “Nikitovich”;

One of the sons of N.S. Khrushchev - military pilot Leonid Nikitovich Khrushchev (1917-1943), born in Yuzovka (today the city of Donetsk), where Nikita Sergeevich began his working career; later children of N.S. Khrushchev were already Nikitich / Nikitichny.

That's all the explanation: patronymic Nikitovich (Nikitovna) is an old South Russian and modern Ukrainian norm!(look at the Ukrainian section of Wikipedia, and in the article Khrushchev Mikita Sergiyovich you will see the names of his children - Leonid Mikitovich, Sergiy Mikitovich, Rada Mikitivna).However, “thanks to” newspapers, magazines, radio, and later television, the names of famous people such as Kozhedub, Galitsky, Volkov were constantly “on the lips” (especially the name of the three-time Hero of the Soviet Union pilot Kozhedub, who shot down 64 German planes), and many people throughout the country it might seem that the spelling Nikitovich is generally accepted and the only possible...

The famous Slavic linguist B. Unbegaun (1898-1973) expressed himself quite clearly on this matter: " ... the form Nikitovich in Russian has a vulgar connotation, but it is normal for Ukrainian and Belarusian..."(see "Russian Surnames", 1989, pp. 327-328).

The word “vulgar” (vulgaris, from the Latin vulgus - people) in this case should be understood as “uncultured”, “common”, “satisfying the tastes of the lower strata of society”.

It is interesting to note that the granddaughter of Ivan Nikitovich Kozhedub is called correctly: Anna Nikitichna. Anna Kozhedub was born in 1982 in Leningrad, now lives in Moscow. Her father is Nikita Ivanovich Kozhedub (1952-2002), submariner, captain 1st rank, served in the Northern Fleet, buried next to Anna’s distinguished grandfather at the Novodevichy Cemetery.

The Russian Language Institute named after V.V. drew a line under this issue. Vinogradov at the Russian Academy of Sciences (IRYa RAS). Many years ago he made a special clarification: “the correct spelling is Nikitich, Nikitichna, and the variant Nikitovich, Nikitovna contradicts the modern Russian literary norm.”// see Russian Grammar, Moscow, Nauka Publishing House, 1980, paragraphs § 336, § 386; information can also be obtained on the Gramota.Ru portal, see “Help”, or by contacting the IRL RAS, see “Russian Language Help Service”.

How is it these days? Here are the figures from modern statistics: among applicants to Moscow State University and St. Petersburg State University who entered undergraduate and graduate programs in the summer of 2015 (young people born in 1994-1999), 15 boys and girls had patronymics Nikitich and Nikitichna, and 4 Nikitovich and Nikitovna. in the same year at MSTU. Bauman (for bachelor's and master's degrees) there were five Nikitichs, two Nikitichnys and two Nikitovichs. // Complete lists were posted on the websites of admissions committees //

The overall count is as follows: among applicants to three universities, 22 people have the patronymic name Nikitich (Nikitichna), and only 6 people have the patronymic name Nikitovich (Nikitovna).It is possible to understand the parents of these six young people, as well as the employees of the civil registry offices who issued the Birth Certificates - in 1994-1999 no one had the Internet to understand the issue. Today everyone has the Internet. And in 2017, writing down the middle name Nikitovich or Nikitovna on a child’s Birth Certificate means deliberately making a mistake.

Spelling of patronymics in Ukrainian

(spelling of names according to Father's in Ukrainian language)

Table 3


(i m’ya)

Male middle names

(human names according to father's)

Female middle names

(women's names after father's)

Russian equivalent

Ukrainian name

Mick and that

Mick and Tovic

Mick and Tivna

Nick and that

F oh ka

F o kovic

F about Kivna

F oh ka

WITH and la

WITH and Lovich

WITH and Livna

WITH and la

Y she

Y oh newbie

Y about nivna

AND she

І she

І oh newbie

І about nivna

AND she

Ill I

Ill i h

Ill i vna

Il I

Double options (“doublet forms”)

WITH and va

WITH and Vovich and Savich (less often)

WITH and Vivna

WITH and vva

Kuzm A

TO in Zmovich and Kuzmi (less often)

TO at Zmivna and Kuzm i vna (less often)

Kuzm A

Hom A

X O Movich and Khomich (less often)

X about Mivna and Hom i vna (less often)

Fom A

Onion A

Onion and ch and Lukovich (less often)

Onion i vna and l at Kivna (less often)

Onion A

Emphasis is indicated by underlining.

You can read more about the formation of patronymics in the Ukrainian language here: Vlasni names of people. Dictionary-dovidnik, in Ukrainian (authors L.G. Skrypnyk and N.P. Dzyatkivska, Kyiv: Naukova Dumka (National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Institute of Mental Science named after O.O. Potebni), 2005, 334 pp., ISBN: 966-00-0550-4

Nowadays, ancient names that were practically forgotten during the years of Soviet power are gaining more and more popularity. Even at the beginning of the 20th century, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers of the times of Tsarist Russia often called boys like the name Savva.

Today these beautiful, melodious names are acquiring a new sound and new strength V modern world. It has now become fashionable to give children old names. However, many parents mistake the full form of one name for the short form of another. Very often, therefore, the complete male name Saveliy and Savva. Unknowingly believing that these are one and the same thing, new parents are very surprised when they come to the registry office to register their child.

So let’s dot all the i’s, and, of course, find out why the name Savva is one thing, and Savely is something completely different.

So let's get started...

Meaning of the name Savva:

  • According to one version, the name is of Aramaic origin, translated as “sage, elder.”
  • According to the second, it is a derivative of the word “sabbathios”, which means “Saturday”.
  • The third option is of Jewish origin, and in this case it is translated as “sagittarius.”

And here’s what Savely means:

  • According to the Hebrew version of its origin, this name means “hard work.”
  • According to the second option, Savely comes from the Latin root of the word sabellus, which can be translated as “simple, unpretentious.”

As you can see, the origin and meaning of the name Savely does not at all coincide with what the name Savva means. Consequently, Savely’s character will have significant differences. The diminutive forms of both names are really similar: Sava, Savushka, Savka, Savelka, Savko, Savvushka.

Character traits

Now let’s look in more detail at what the name Savva means, what clues and keys to understanding a person it conceals.

The boy Savvushka is strong and calm. His behavior will not cause any special problems to his parents. His character is, as they say, “golden”; he is attentive and honest towards his family. And one can only envy the sincerity and gentleness of this child.

From a young age, Savvushka is an integral and correct nature; deception, hysterics and hatred are alien to him.. He will never ignore someone's grief, be it a kitten getting wet in the rain, or a chick falling out of the nest. A sick grandmother or an upset dad will also receive a positive charge of warmth and kindness. Such is the character of little Savvushka, he is attentive and responsive, strives to help everyone around him.

As Savva gets older, he would rather prefer the company of books, to which he has become attached since childhood, than a large noisy company. You can say this guy knows exactly why he needs to study. Perhaps he is one of those people who consciously receives higher education.

In the eyes of others, this young man will be a dreamy connoisseur of personal space. Outwardly, he may even seem somewhat insecure and withdrawn, but this is not so. Savva’s inner world is developed, varied and harmonious thanks to his love for serious literary works. As a rule, he has few friends. But those that exist are real and last a lifetime.

An adult man named Savva is a balanced person, confident in his abilities and knowledge.. His character transforms the creativity and dreaminess of youth into the ability to “predict” the future, and Savva’s wonderful intuition also helps in this. He can unmistakably choose the business that will bring him success and moral satisfaction. He feels people well and is able to realistically assess the capabilities of each of them if he had to work in a team.

Often Savva is a leader; he can take the helm of his business or become the director of a large enterprise. A phenomenal instinct, backed by a considerable amount of knowledge, will always tell him whether it is worth starting a large-scale project or whether it is time to wait a little, not make large investments and accumulate strength.

Good professions for Savva would be engineering, industry and manufacturing. If this person’s soul has a great inclination towards creativity, then perhaps Savva will become a journalist, writer or director.

Love and family relationships. Name day

The owner of this name falls in love once and for life. He loves passionately, surrenders to this wonderful feeling with all his soul. We can say that love changes his character beyond recognition. With his beloved, he is gentle and even romantic at times, as much as possible for him.

Savva most often marries once - to the one who won his heart. Family relationships- this is his outlet, the opportunity to put the case of restraint and seriousness in the corner. Savva carefully and tenderly takes care of his household, providing his wife and children with a decent and comfortable life in every sense.

Savva is one of those men who are ready to build a house, plant a tree and raise a son. He will do everything necessary to create a harmonious space of love and simple family values. He often tries to imbue some of his own qualities into the character of children - a love of reading, for example. However, he knows that the wishes of children must also be heard and understood, and he never spares time and effort for them.

Savva will be able to fully realize himself in family terms if fate brings him together with Alla and Rose. But the relationship with Sabina may not work out.

For Savva it is indicated in the calendar a large number of days when he can celebrate his name day: January 25, February 1, April 12, April 28, May 7, June 26, August 9, September 10, November 14, December 18. But, despite this, Sava is sometimes baptized with the name Saveliy, if the day of a saint with that name turned out to be closer to the day designated for the name Sava.

However, it is worth remembering that Savely and Savva are different names! As a result, you will only be able to officially choose one of these names for your boy. Author: Anastasia Alyokhina

Names of ancient origin are popular these days. Just fifty years ago, Soviet people could not even think of naming a child Mark, Timur or Arthur. With the advent of new times, beautiful old names were gradually replaced by foreign ones. But fashion quickly passes, and in 2016-2018 people again began to be interested in old names. These include Savva, a name that has begun to gain momentum in high society families in recent years.

Origin of the name

The name Savva is very often confused with Savely, but this is absolutely different names. Savely is a male Hebrew name that appeared with the advent of Christianity from Byzantium. It is believed that it was formed from the Hebrew name Saul and translated means “requested” (from the Almighty). The similarity with the name Savva is that the shortened version of Savely is Sava. But the letter “v” fundamentally plays a big role, radically changing these names. Savely's name day is celebrated on June 30. According to sources, the name Savely ceased to be used after 1988.

Before naming your child the name Savva, you should familiarize yourself with its origin and meaning. After all, some believe that whatever you name a child, he will receive such qualities of his name.

There are many versions of the origin of the name. There is a version that Savva is an ancient Hebrew name, which in translation means “old man” or “sage”, and from Aramaic means “wine” or “captivity”. In any version, the name sounds very gentle and soft. Some languages ​​have analogues for this name. For example, in Georgian it is Saba, and in Greek it is Sabbas (Sabbation). In Russian there are several forms of a male name:

  • Savushka, Savchik, Savochka;
  • Savko, Savka;
  • Savik;
  • Savery;
  • Saverian;
  • Savvaty.

It is not excluded female forms, such as Savvatia, Varsava or Savella. On English language the name translates as Savva. Translation into other languages:

  • in Belarusian - Sava;
  • in Spanish - Sabas;
  • in Hebrew - סַבָא‎;
  • in Hungarian - Sába;
  • in Polish - Saba;
  • in Czech - Sáva;
  • in Serbian - Sava;
  • in Portuguese - Sabas.

All there is to know about the name is that it is ancient and quite rare. Any baby who receives it will become special. The meaning of the name Savva, character and fate depend on the country in which its owner lives. By the way, Savva is a full male name that has no other form. Even at baptism the child is given church name- Savva.

Characteristics of Savva

Parents are often interested in what the name Savva means for a boy. A child with such a rare and incredibly beautiful name grows up obedient. He's different cheerfulness, optimism, curiosity, kindness and often talent.

Most likely, he is not the life of the party, but a lover of solitude and tranquility. Therefore, it may seem that the baby is not interested in his peers and is growing up as a downtrodden child. But this is a mistaken opinion, since the boy does not avoid communication, but simply limits it.

Children are endowed with special intelligence, prudence and excessive modesty, so parents must help them adapt to society and in life. Due to extreme curiosity, Savva can get into trouble, but this happens extremely rarely. In this case, scolding is pointless and inhumane, so you need to pay attention to conversations and explanations.

But among the bearers of this name there are also open people who are popular and become leaders in any company. Thanks to books and a special mindset, they achieve their goals and find prestigious jobs.

People with this name rarely get sick, because their health is very good. They prefer to take care of themselves and play sports. As for the weekend, they will prefer to relax in nature.

But there are also bad sides - arrogance and ambition. Because of his leadership streak and the fact that society likes him, Savva often becomes arrogant. But at the same time, he is absolutely non-conflict, so he keeps his arrogance to himself, believing that others are unworthy of his opinion.

Choice of profession

Savva is growing up as a fairly educated person, so he has no doubts about his choice of profession and is doomed to success.

He often holds high positions in enterprises. Knows how to organize and distribute responsibilities, where necessary - shout and put in place. Endowed with a sense of humor and thanks to it he can get out of any uncomfortable situation, and also knows how to admit his mistakes. It is not important for him to apologize when he is really wrong.

True, not all people with this name can work as commanders in chief. Because of their modesty and desire to sit in the corner, they make good performers. They are very disciplined and know how to obey. Professions such as architect, designer, doctor, journalist, engineer, writer, director and many others may be suitable for them. Most often these are non-team professions.

Personal life and marriage

In Savva’s personal life, everything is quite stable. He is a faithful family man who is incapable of cheating. He does not like secrets, so his partner can be sure of the sincerity of his feelings. If a relationship becomes a burden to him, he immediately breaks it off. But most often Savva is monogamous.

Since people with this name are a little secretive and shy, they do not show any initiative in bed, because they are afraid of being rejected or are simply afraid of harming their chosen one.

The people named by this name are impeccable fathers. They adore their children and raise them to be real and honest people. The character of fathers is often noticed in their children as they adore their parents and adopt certain traits from them.

For owners of the name, support from their loved one is very important. In any endeavor, a sound assessment of their significant other is important to them, and then they are able to move mountains.

Ideal for a long married life Savva a girl will do with the name Alla, Diana, Evgeniya, Marina, Anastasia or Snezhana. But girls with, Eva or Yulia are better not to be considered for later life. Compatibility with them is almost zero.

Formation of surname and patronymic

Savva doesn't have much of a story. The surname was formed from a male Hebrew name. In Orthodoxy, this name was derived from the holy martyr, who was Swedish by origin and lived in the 4th century. At that time, it was believed that if a surname was formed from the baptismal name of a saint, then the spirits of these saints would protect the entire family from adversity. The antiquity of the origin of the surname is evidenced by the absence of the usual suffix, which is typical for the formation of surnames at the very beginning of their appearance.

From this name only two forms of patronymic are formed: for a boy, Savvich, and for a girl, Savvichna. The patronymic, like the surname, does not contain modern auxiliary suffixes, which means that it, like the name itself, is ancient.

The days named after Savva are celebrated almost all year round. In January - 14, 25 and 27; February 1 and 21; March 5 and 15; in April - 2, 7, 10, 12, 15, 24; May 7 and 19; June 26 and 30; 21 July; August 2 and 23; in September - 9, 10, 20; in October - 1, 14, 23; November 13 and 14; in December - 5, 10 and 16. There are many more versions of name days and different dates, but in order for people not to get confused, the Orthodox decided to celebrate only June 30.

Astrological features

The zodiac sign of this name is Capricorn. Thanks to the influence of this sign, a person’s character contains persistence and an excessive desire to push ahead. A child named by this name walks all his life under the auspices of the planet Saturn. The color of the name is ash-gray, so in the character of its owners there is a certain secrecy inherent in the color gray.

The stone that serves as a talisman is granite, the plant is hornbeam or eldeuwess. The totem animal is the squirrel.

Savva’s name was given to such outstanding personalities as Dangulov (writer), Mamontov (entrepreneur), Kulish (film director, cameraman), Morozov (philanthropist), Brodsky (poet, sculptor and artist), Dimitrov (music teacher and clarinetist), Mavrin (governor Vyatka Governorate), Yakovlev (entrepreneur) and many others. The name was especially common among saints: Savva the Sanctified, Saint Savva, Savva of Storozhevsky.

It's a shame that they're like this beautiful names, having ancient roots, began to be forgotten. The characteristics of the name are very impressive, so we can safely call the successor a kind of Savva.

Attention, TODAY only!

Human character and its study is an endless topic. The peculiarities of the influence of a name on the formation of character make it possible to reveal the individuality of each of us. The meaning of the ancient name Savva is ambiguous; experts describe its origin differently, but they all agree that its owner is a creative and purposeful person, a born leader.

Savva represents a strong and integral nature. Nowadays, parents rarely choose this name for their baby.


There are several popular theories about the origin of the name:

  1. One of them indicates its ancient Aramaic origin. Translated from this language, Savva means “sage, old man.”
  2. According to the second theory, Savva is a shortened form of the name Sabbatios (Savvaty), which came to us from the Jewish people and means “Saturday”.
  3. Scientists also talk about the Hebrew roots of the name, where it meant “sagittarius.”


In Orthodoxy, this name is associated with the Christian great martyr Savva Stratilates, who, despite all the trials, did not renounce his faith.

Name options

It is believed that Savva is a diminutive term for a person named Savely. However, the meaning of these two names is completely different, as is the origin. This means that it is worth choosing one of them for a boy. A person with this name can be called Savvushka, Savvka, Savvelko.

Angel Day and Patron Saints

For this man, many dates are allocated throughout the year to celebrate his name day. This is one of the few names that suggest that its owner has several guardian angels. For each date of Angel Day it is different:

  • January 25 – Savva (hereinafter S.) Sinaisky;
  • February 1 – Hegumen Zvenigorsky;
  • April 12 – S. Vinefalsky;
  • April 28 – S. Moskovsky;
  • May 6 – Venerable Pskov;
  • June 25 – Hegumen of Mutalask;
  • August 19 – Hieromonk New;
  • September 10 – Confessor of Ohrid;
  • October 14 – martyr Stratilates;
  • December 19 – S. Krypetsky.

The most successful combinations for Savva

In the life of every person, symbolism plays an important role, which can influence character and destiny. Each name has its own.

PlanetSaturnRepresents constancy in life position. Rules and laws are highly respected. They remain absolutely faithful, you can always rely on them.
ElementWaterWater people are outwardly changeable, but at the same time they combine constancy and impressionability. Very talented.
Zodiac signCapricornStable, focused people are moderately principled, silent and ambitious.
ColorAsh grayCharacterizes the serious and thorough character of its owner
MetalPlatinumA confident man who does not give in to his principles. Doesn't mince words.
StoneGraniteRewards the owner with positive energy, protects him from external negative influence.
Number8 Number eight people do not like anything superficial; they prefer order and material security. Goals are achieved persistently.

Characteristics of a boy

Savva combines all the traits of a wonderful child. The boy is characterized by a childish charm that undoubtedly endears him to those around him. He retains this trait even as an adult. In character traits he is similar to his father, but throughout his life he remains committed to his mother. Shows respect towards parents.

During school years, a little lazy, lacking the desire to perform homework

As a teenager, the guy finds hobbies. During this period, his worldview in relation to his studies changes radically. He will do his favorite thing with great desire. If a hobby appears, it comes to the fore. Yesterday's poor students excel in their studies. They can successfully enter higher educational institutions for leading specialties. The choice of profession is made thoughtfully and carefully.

Adult Savva

Adult Savva has slightly different character traits. This is due to a change in their worldview and prioritization.

Character type

The character of the owner of this name is quite changeable, but he carries within himself a creative beginning and leadership skills. It indicates that its owner often tends to work for the public and strives to appear better than he really is, since in order to form self-esteem it is important for him to see approval and veneration in the eyes of others.

Savva knows how to set goals for himself specific goals and, using your potential, achieve them

But he can cross out everything if his inner instinct tells him that the results will not be emotionally satisfying for him. Its owners know how to make independent decisions, they are strong and self-confident people, they are active in financial matters and know how to be practical when solving difficult problems.

Men are not confrontational, although they are capable of showing force in defending their position. But their behavior is always correct, their arguments are weighty, which earns respect from others.


Thanks to his good and stable character and human qualities, his life is going well. Fate is preparing great advances for him both in his career and in his personal life. He has many real friends. They achieve great success in natural sciences and humanities.

In most cases, Savvas become managers of large enterprises, financially secure

Choice of profession

In his professional activities, Savva is serious, pays great attention to detail and loves to teach his colleagues. It is preferable for a man to choose a direction where he can communicate more with people, develop his intellect, and constantly improve. If, nevertheless, the soul has a great creative inclination, then it is worth devoting oneself to art. Can become an excellent journalist, writer, artist. Many of the men with this name succeed in military affairs; they make good engineers and designers.

Creativity and hobbies

Considering Savva’s diversified intellect, he has the ability to study and become passionate about almost any activity. Activities that entail receiving awards and titles bring him particular satisfaction.

Shows interest in literary publications, painting, foreign languages


Since childhood, Savva has been growing up as a strong child. From a medical point of view, he is in excellent health and rarely causes his parents problems associated with going to the hospital. At an older age, he complains of occasional deterioration of his condition (but the body quickly copes with it). Rarely goes to doctors.


A man with this type of character gets involved early in the joys of life, without, however, allowing himself to be drawn into undesirable situations. He gets real pleasure from sex, but always remains tactful.

This is a man who manages to easily win the trust and love of women. He is faithful, reliable, capable of strong love

Marriage and compatibility

When flirting, he knows how to be subtle and gentle, but if he gives his heart to someone, he becomes a monogamist. If the relationship does not work out, they can become truly unhappy, but will still remain faithful to their chosen one.

At the same time, in love they can be oppressed by monotony and require constant novelty and originality. A woman who will like Savva must be constantly on the alert, surprise and intrigue to attract his attention - only in this case his feelings will not fade away.

Savva most often marries once in her entire life. He provides a carefree life for his family

He loves to devote a lot of time to children, investing some of his qualities in them. One of them is the love of reading.

Successfully realizes oneself in family life with women named Alla, Evgenia, Diana, Marina, Pelageya, Irina, . But relations with Ivanna, Nadezhda, Varvara, and Tatyana will not work out from the very beginning. It is possible to fall in love with Sabrina, Victoria, but, as a rule, it does not mean anything serious.

Famous and successful men with this name

Quite a big list successful people with this rare name. Most of them are unparalleled industry leaders and creative individuals. The most famous:

Savva Vishersky (died 1460)

- is the founder of the Savvo-Vishera Monastery, became famous for his pillars, and was canonized as a saint.

Savva Brodsky (1924-1982)

Savva Novgorodets

- became famous thanks to the Battle of the Neva, which took place in 1240. He rode on horseback to the tent of the Swedish leader and cut it off, thereby depriving the governor of the opportunity to control his army. Victory was for the Russians.

How does the zodiac sign influence Savva’s character?

Savva’s character is undoubtedly under a certain influence of the zodiac sign. Rarely given name reflects the transitional nature between two neighboring zodiac signs, but if this happens, astrologers talk about a mixture of psychotypes of both signs.

Zodiac signCharacteristics of a person

Sanguine. He prefers to communicate in a neutral tone, which does not at all prevent him from attracting people to him. Able to analyze situations for a long time. Active, assertive, purposeful.

A friendly and peace-loving man. He has a multifaceted nature, while being a choleric person. Always evaluates situations fairly.

Has a catchy character. Introvert. He lives an extremely rich inner life and has a wild imagination. Travels a lot. Capable of sacrifice, but a little proud.

Deep within himself, he runs away from reality, hiding in the sands of his subconscious. Has a vivid imagination. They often try to justify their actions and actions in advance, especially when they are afraid of condemnation.

This man's behavior always remains a mystery. Combines confidence and activity. Makes an excellent commander or boss. Always takes part in public affairs.

He always prefers to avoid difficulties. Attached to home environment. Extrovert. Has a rich inner world. Decent in his words and actions.

Movable, never sits still. His mood can constantly change throughout the day - sometimes he’s happy, sometimes he’s sad. Most of the time he is immersed in his inner world.

This is an unexpected person. It is never known in what form he will appear. Objective, self-confident. Uninfluenced. It looks timid, but this is only an appearance.

It is difficult to piss him off, but if this happens, they become dangerous and difficult to control. He's a comedian at heart. He needs love and understanding. Smart, reasonable.

Quite a secretive person. At the same time, he demands that everyone take him into account. His behavior lacks courage and confidence. Objectively assesses the situation.

He has an energetic and nasty character. Stands out a lot developed intuition. Shows selectivity in interests, goes into detail very much. Quickly adapts to life situations.

The man is always calm and balanced. Never in a hurry. In any situation, the smile does not disappear from his face. There is always something to talk about with him. Smart. Friendly.

A new person who has just entered the world of people receives, as a rule, one name for the rest of his life. And the task of adults is to choose the most “correct” name, which means to attract the light energies of the Universe to the baby. By choosing Savva, parents will focus on the boy’s confidence and self-sufficiency, providing him with a good future.