The hair sticks together. How to comb very tangled hair? The secret to using sulfate-free shampoos correctly

The delight over a skillfully done evening hairstyle can be compared in strength of emotion only to the horror that will overwhelm you the next day, before the combing procedure. The whole arsenal cosmetics and professional techniques of stylists, in this case, will turn against your passionate desire to find peace and bliss for your exhausted hair. And even the advice and recommendations of friends for some reason, in your case, do not give the expected effect.

Causes of hair tangling
The culprits of this tragedy may be your habit of walking with your hair down in the rain and wind, and laziness, which did not allow you to comb your hair well before washing, or dry it completely before tying it in a knot. Another reason may be repeated blunting of hair for new hairstyle without preliminary thorough combing. Be prepared for your mane to get tangled if it's curly and you don't braid it before bed. There are, of course, objective reasons for hair matting, due to prolonged stay in bed of a seriously ill person, or a unique reaction of the hair structure to unusual water hardness or dye composition. In general, the question is how to comb hard tangled hair, at least once, but stood in front of every woman, unless, of course, she had an ultra short haircut.

Ways to solve this problem
There are five of them:

  • aggressive dry combing;
  • combing with cosmetics;
  • combing under a strong stream of water;
  • combing with oils;
  • radical - cutting out the tangle (a lump of hair tightly bunched and stuck together from the accumulated fat of the sebaceous glands, dirt and dust).
What can give the desired result?
If tangled hair is not a common occurrence, and you have lived with it for no more than a day, then with patience, you can cope with this problem with conditioner, balm or hair mask. You just need to fulfill the following conditions:
  • to begin with, take a comb with sparse and wide teeth;
  • moisten hair with leave-in balm;
  • Start combing strands at a time, from the tip, gradually moving towards the roots;
  • comb the strands thus disassembled with a massage brush to remove any remaining torn hair from them.
You cannot immediately expose tangled hair under running water, without treating it with conditioner or balm. The hair will absorb moisture and become heavy and less elastic, making it more difficult to comb through.

Folk recipes suggest using air conditioner instead of Burr oil, which is also beneficial for the hair structure. The effect of any result is laid down at the prevention stage.

What do you need to know and do to prevent your hair from getting tangled?

  1. Brush them along their entire length several times every day. By the way, Tyrolean women ran a stiff bristle brush through their hair 100 times every night, improving blood circulation at the roots of the hair and distributing the secretion of the sebaceous glands along the entire length of the strands.
  2. Cover your hair with a hat from exposure to the sun and bad weather. Most often, thin and dry hair gets tangled.
  3. Finish washing your hair with conditioner or hair balm. But don’t forget to wash off these products. Be sure to comb your hair immediately after washing.
  4. For the night long hair braid or tie in a ponytail.
  5. Pin up your hair when doing housework.
  6. Do not use mousses, varnishes, sprays constantly.
Hair is undoubtedly a woman’s natural adornment. They emphasize her attractiveness and create a charming effect for the opposite sex. Their beauty is natural and healthy, and the sophistication of the most skillful stylist cannot compare with it.

Any owner of more or less long hair has encountered the problem of tangled strands at least once in her life. Some simply forgot to comb their hair, some suffered from a complex hairstyle, and others were helped by a strong wind. Having failed to curb the huge tangle, many begin to look towards scissors, one of the radical measures. Dear girls, take your time! Learn how to detangle very tangled hair while maintaining its health and length.

Instructions for detangling hair

Step 1. Wash your hair with shampoo without combing the strands. Detangling dry hair is strictly prohibited! You will only uproot them and confuse them even more.

Step 2. Apply balm or mask to them. Let the product stand for 20 minutes.

Step 3. Using gentle movements, we begin to separate the wet strands. This can be done with a wide-toothed comb or even with your hands. Don't scratch wet hair too long - warm water makes them vulnerable to mechanical stress. You need to start the process from the ends, gradually rising to the root part. Experts insist on the importance of posture:

  • Lie on the sofa with your head hanging down;
  • Sit on a chair with your head between your knees;
  • Remain in a standing position, but also tilt your head.

Step 4. Having untangled all the knots and tangles, lubricate the strands with the mask again and wait another 15 minutes.

Step 5. Rinse the strands clean water and wring it out with a towel.

Home Remedies for Detangling Hair

A homemade detangler has many advantages over a store-bought product. This is a natural base, and absolute safety, and the absence of preservatives, and relatively low prices.

And it’s very easy to prepare such a spray:

  1. Mix unscented conditioner base and warm water in a bowl.
  2. Stir the liquid with a wooden spoon or glass rod.
  3. Let the mixture cool.
  4. Pour in a few drops of any essential oil and apricot kernel oil.
  5. Pour the spray into Plastic container with sprayer.
  6. Use to detangle strands.

Which comb should you use to untangle a tangle?

When it comes to untangling tangles, a comb plays an important role. As a rule, most women use brushes made of metal or plastic, although experts insist on using combs made of natural materials - bone, bristles and wood. Unlike plastic and metal, they do not accumulate static and do not lead to the appearance of knots at the ends of the strands.

Pay attention to very important nuances:

  • A wide-toothed brush is suitable for combing tangled curls;
  • It is easier and safer to remove tangles with a comb with processed tooth edges;
  • The bristles on the brushes should be long and hard;
  • Choose medium-hard bristles. If it loses its shape, it can be returned with a weak solution of alum.

By the way, do you know how to choose a comb?

Preventing hair tangling

To prevent your luxurious mane from turning into one ugly tangle, follow our useful tips:

Tip 1. It is better to wash your hair in the shower, without tilting it over a basin or bathtub.

Tip 2. Make sure that the water hits the top of your head and flows down the back of your head and back. Of course, if you only need to wash your hair and not your whole body, this method is not very convenient. But beauty requires sacrifice, and this is not the greatest of them.

Tip 3. Be sure to use conditioners, balms and masks. They make the hair structure heavier, making it tangle much less.

Tip 4. Do not wrap your head in a towel or rub your strands. A fluffy fabric will only make the problem worse. Better to gently blot away excess moisture and push your mane back.

Beautiful and smooth hair

Tip 5. Do not comb wet hair, especially if it is thin and of decent length.

Tip 6. Refuse the hair dryer in favor of natural drying.

Tip 7. If your hair gets tangled all the time, buy a special detangler (usually for children), an express conditioner or a spray. They are biphasic and herbal and often contain beneficial cosmetic oil. Using these products is very easy - just sprinkle them on your strands after drying, wait a couple of minutes and go through the strands with a comb.

Tip 8. Comb your hair from the ends, gradually moving upward. The brush or comb should glide very gently, so do not make hasty or sudden movements. Severely tangled hair should be sorted out by hand.

Tip 9. Don't sleep with your hair down, put it in a loose braid or bun, otherwise you simply won't be able to do anything in the morning. This rule also applies to performing various household tasks. We also note that this hairstyle should not be tight, otherwise the strands will also begin to fall out.

Tip 10. Remember to brush not only in the morning and before bed, but also throughout the day.

Tip 11. Thin and dry strands are prone to tangling. To avoid these problems, do not forget about panama hats, hats and sunscreen. They will protect your head from bad weather and sun.

Tip 12. Do not constantly use mousses, varnishes, foams and sprays, or wash them off every day.

Combing very tangled hair is not so easy, but following some basic rules will allow you to quickly solve this problem.

If the very next day after washing your hair, your hair becomes greasy, shiny and sticky, then you have oily hair. It happens that hair becomes greasy just a few hours after it is washed. Dust, dirt and other particles stick to such hair very easily, and often greasy dandruff appears. All this makes the hair unattractive and unruly, the styling immediately falls under the weight of greasy icicles, and you just can’t achieve at least a normal look for your head.

Why does hair get oily?

In general, sebum production is an absolutely normal physiological process. Another thing is how active this production is. Oily hair at the roots not only looks unsightly, but can also cause hair loss. This is because sebum clogs the pores of the scalp, preventing skin cells from breathing. As a result, microcirculation becomes difficult and the nutrition of the hair follicles deteriorates. As a result, they weaken, hair becomes thinner and falls out.

Interesting fact: The maximum lifespan of a hair is only 5 years. Therefore, losing up to 100 hairs per day is not considered critical.

Strictly speaking, “oily hair” is a misnomer. Only the scalp can be oily, and the roots become dirty from it. There can be many reasons for active sebum production. Let's name the most common ones:

  • Hormonal imbalance
  • Poor nutrition
  • Improper hair care

The solution to this problem depends on the degree of its severity. If your hair becomes untidy already in the middle of the day, you cannot do without consulting a specialist.

Wash your hair correctly

The most important thing in caring for oily hair- learn to wash your hair correctly. There is a common belief that the more often you wash your hair, the faster it gets used to it and begins to get oily, so oily hair should not be washed often. But it is not so. Trichologists convince: oily hair (just like any other) needs to be washed as it gets dirty. However, you should adhere to some rules:

  • Water for oily hair should certainly be warm, perhaps even slightly cool. Hot water stimulates the sebaceous glands, and with oily hair this is already a problem.
  • Rinsing your hair will have a good effect cold water- it tightens pores and prevents the secretion of oil.
  • If you use shampoo labeled “for the whole family” or “for all hair types,” or even don’t think at all about what you wash your hair with, this needs to be corrected. There should be shampoo for oily hair on your shelf.
  • If you try to fix your oily hair problem by washing it frequently, you're actually making the problem worse. The fact is that the skin simply needs sebum in a reasonable amount. It nourishes and protects, forming a thin film. If you wash it off with constant washing, then this will be a sign for the glands to work more actively. Try washing your hair a little less often. Yes, at first it will be very inconvenient and unsightly, but after a couple of weeks you will see that you can wash your hair less often.
  • If your hair gets oily very quickly, you can try not applying shampoo to the roots of your hair until your hair starts to get oily at least a little less often. But you should never rub shampoo into your scalp.
Cosmetics for oily hair

First of all, this is shampoo. The shampoo must certainly be special - for oily hair, especially if the hair has already stuck together into oily strands. It contains special substances that reduce sebum production. We recommend using:

Shampoo for oily hair Mon Platin Professional Classic- shampoo for oily scalp and hair, stabilizing the acid-base balance. Helps cleanse the scalp and hair of excess oily secretions. Contains very mild skin cleansing ingredients that do not cause dry hair. After using shampoo, hair takes on a healthy appearance; shampoo eliminates the feeling of oiliness and makes hair soft; contains filters that protect against the harmful effects of the environment and the sun. It is used quite often depending on the degree of oiliness of the hair.

Balancing shampoo for oily hair with black caviar extract Mon Platin Professional. Oily hair and oily skin– this is a consequence of the unbalanced function of the sebaceous glands. The shampoo effectively removes excess oil from the hair and scalp. Enriched with black caviar extract and antioxidants (pomegranate and tea tree extracts) to help maintain shine and tone of hair color. The pH level corresponds to the natural acidity of the scalp, which ensures a balance of metabolic processes in the scalp, giving hair softness and a feeling of freshness - within 48 hours after use.

But if you wash your hair every day, then it is better to use a mild shampoo for daily use - it does not harm the hair and scalp. Ideal for this case: Unique salt-free hair shampoo Mon Platin Professional. Designed for hair that has undergone chemical treatment (straightening, keratin treatment, coloring, bleaching, etc.)
Compound: made on the basis of silk proteins and enriched with black caviar, as well as plant extracts-antioxidants of pomegranate and green tea, helping to preserve hair texture and also protect against weather conditions that have a negative effect on hair.
Action: protects hair, does not contain salts and does not counteract chemical procedures, normalizes PH, gives hair shine, elasticity, softness and vitality. Recommendations for use: apply a small amount of shampoo to damp hair, spread with massaging movements over the entire surface of the head and wash with it. If necessary, repeat the procedure again.

You can’t change shampoos often: today for oily hair, and tomorrow for normal hair. This is unnecessary stress for your hair. To be more confident in the effectiveness of the products, it is better to buy them in professional stores. But in any case, you need to choose exactly the one that suits you. Using samples is a good idea.

Shampoos with extracts of nettle, horsetail, coltsfoot, calamus, sage, seaweed, with proteins, vitamins, and zinc are well suited for oily hair. Regarding styling products - all kinds of mousses, gels, sprays, foams and other things - it is better to refuse them. All these products contribute to rapid hair contamination.

Scratch as little as possible

During combing, the scalp is massaged, including the sebaceous glands, and this stimulates their work and increases the production of secretion. Therefore, it is advisable not to comb oily hair at all. But since this is unlikely for women, try to comb them as little as possible. Choose combs with large, wide teeth.

Perfect hairstyle

Those with oily hair know how difficult it is to achieve a human-like look on your head. Oily shine is especially noticeable on long hair. Styling long hair is much more troublesome, and such hair doesn’t look very good, to put it mildly. That's why the best solution for oily hair there will be a short haircut - long oily curls are very difficult to care for. Besides short hair They dry quickly, and this will allow you not to use a hair dryer, which is only a plus for any hair. Can be done perm. The procedure itself will slightly “dry out” the fatty glands. And the curls will add volume to the hairstyle, and will also rise a little from the base of the head and will absorb less fat. Hair dye can dry out your scalp. You don't have to change the color of your hair - you can choose a dye to match. But first, consult with a specialist - hair coloring may not be a suitable solution for everyone. And you should not choose shades in the blond range - they are not suitable for oily hair, it is better to do highlights.

Adjust your diet

Since all external manifestations always have a connection with internal organs and processes, pay attention to your diet. Oily hair does not like fatty, sweet, smoked, coffee, alcohol, canned food, pickles, spices and seasonings - try to exclude or at least limit their consumption. But oatmeal and lactic acid products, on the contrary, will be useful. Eat more fruits and vegetables (especially beets and cabbage). Food should be freshly prepared, rich in proteins and minerals. Nutrition must certainly be balanced, since one of the reasons for increased greasiness in hair is precisely a deficiency of vitamins and microelements. Take care of sufficient intake of iron, sulfur, vitamins A, B1, B2 and C - they contribute to the beauty and health of hair.

Don't be idle! The main thing is not to start the problem. Many people think that they are doomed with oily hair, and that no matter what you do, there is nothing you can do to help. But that's not true. You can help if you follow all the recommendations described. Constantly clogged sebaceous glands and a dirty head are an excellent breeding ground for pathogenic bacteria. And this can lead to much more serious consequences, including baldness. So don’t be lazy, take care of your hair correctly, and it will thank you for it with a healthier and more beautiful appearance. And if you can’t cope on your own, then seek advice from a specialist - a trichologist. And your hair will shine with a different - healthy shine!

Greetings, dear readers.
Many girls suffer from the problem of hair bunching into separate strands. Is this normal and what should we do about it? We’ll figure it out right now.

  • If your hair becomes stranded in the wind or after removing outerwear – this is absolutely normal.
Thin Slavic hair has the property of “clinging” to each other, forming these same strands.
What to do in this case?
Brush your hair more often. All. This is a structure and cannot be changed, so all that remains is to accept it and love it.
I, for one, love the way it looks.

Advice: Give preference to care products with the lightest textures. Dense and very thick butter-like masks in this case can aggravate the situation, so it is better to use products with light yoghurt-like (thindy) consistency. According to my observations, such products are always more conducive to hair friability than thick products.
  • Another type of hair tangling is damage.
This may be a consequence of a change in the structure of the hair due to lightening, chemicals, or a regular section.

In this case, with a lack of care, the cuticle scales are not smoothed enough and cling to each other, causing the ends to tangle into strands.
The first option differs from the second precisely by this criterion. If your ends are where the strands are going astray, the problem is in the section. In this case, it can be removed by cutting with flagella or intensively masking it with the help of silicone products, which temporarily glue the split hair in two.

As an example, my photo after bleaching my hair. Here my care stopped working and until I picked up a new one, due to lack of conditioning and lack of smoothness, the acquired porosity simply caused my hair to tangle in strands throughout its entire length.

We looked at 2 options when the hair clumps into strands “on its own,” so to speak.

But also one significant reason that can contribute to this hair behavior is over-drinking.

What is hair repereting?

Re-perish hair– this is “overnutrition” with care. This is difficult to explain in words, because many people are still surprised by this word, so I will try to explain as clearly as possible what it is.
We have all encountered overdrinking at least once in everyday life. When you gobble up something so delicious, like a cake, that you can’t stop. You eat it dry and then feel thirsty and urgently want to wash it down. This is overload when there is not enough lightness. The same thing happens with hair.
  • Why does overshoot occur?
From oversaturation of care. Many people say that oils over-hydrate the hair, but I have never encountered this. No, of course, there were a couple of times when I didn’t wash off the oil well enough, it stayed on my hair and then it looked something like this.

But subsequent washing with regular shampoo solved this problem.
For all the time I have been using oils 2 times a week on an ongoing basis, I have never experienced any real overdrinking.

Therefore, I associate the phenomenon of overdrinking specifically with the effect of silicones in cosmetic products. Silicones build up and over time begin to overload the hair, thereby causing the same overheating. Also, overfeeding depends on the structure of the hair, because thin hair with little care needs will be many times more prone to overfeeding than damaged, porous hair that is “greedy” for care.

How can you tell if your hair is over-nourished?

  • Hair loses its friability and lightness. If your hair used to flow, but suddenly stopped doing so.
  • They begin to bunch up into separate strands, if they haven’t done so before. They form so-called “icicles” instead of tips.
  • They become dull.
  1. If your hair has suddenly lost its shine and become matte, has begun to form icicles and looks dirty after washing, having lost its former freshness and friability, it’s overdone.
  2. Also, if you observe one of the signs listed above, this is also overdose.

What to do about it?

You need to use shampoo to deep clean your hair.

Deep cleaning shampoo from Belita– my absolute favorite. It is very inexpensive and at the same time extremely effective. It perfectly cleanses the hair, washing away everything unnecessary from it - silicones, traces of styling products, making it crumbly and soft. It is very important to me that it does not dry out my hair. For damaged hair it is very important.

It is best to wash your hair with it and then apply the strongest mask on it, or use an ampoule treatment.

This will “renew” your hair’s ability to take care, erasing all signs of over-conditioning and returning it to its former freshness and lightness.

Is over-drinking harmful?

Yes. The main damage is caused by the layering of silicones, which leads to hair fragility.
Dull hair, losing its usual elastic properties, becomes vulnerable to damage and extremely prone to breakage.

How to prevent overdrinking?

If you use silicone products in your care, and also if your hair is very thin and easily catches too much, even if there are no silicones in your care, you need to use deep cleansing shampoo on a regular basis.
The frequency of use is selected individually and is 1-3 uses per month.

If your hair gets into strands not from over-feeding, but from the structure, I can advise you one life hack, which I actually use - this is to curl your hair.
I have already written about a safe way to get beautiful curls.

But an even less time-consuming way is to twist your hair into braids. Thus, thin hair immediately gains volume with friability and stops tangling into strands. This hairstyle is my must have.

Also in this case, give preference to nutritional products with lighter textures and containing a couple of oils, rather than their extensive presence in the composition. Focus on hydration, but don't forget that hair also needs nutrition (and in case of damage, restoration).

List of assets to look for in cosmetics:


Propylene glycol
Aloe vera
Algae extracts
Hyaluronic acid
Liquid silk

If your hair is hopelessly tangled, try using a deep conditioner or moisturizing oil before you tackle the problem with a haircut. Leave this product on your hair for an hour or even overnight, and tangled strands will be much easier to untangle. It may still be difficult to comb your hair, but at least it will be less painful and more effective than without conditioner or oil.


Part 1

Hair products

    Choose a hair product. It's worth trying a regular conditioner first if you haven't already. However, if your hair is too tangled, you will have to look for other methods. The deep conditioner perfectly replenishes the lack of moisture in the hair and makes combing easier, while the detangling conditioner makes the hair especially smooth. Instead of these products, you can use coconut, olive or argan oil, especially if you have small curls. If you don't like the feeling of oil on your hair, you can try a detangling spray.

    • Some people use mayonnaise for this purpose, but it often causes unpleasant odor and in itself is much less effective than other means.
  1. Lightly dampen your hair. Wet your hair with water from a spray bottle or place your head under a shower or low-flow faucet for a second. Most hair products need to be applied to damp hair, but you should not get your hair too wet as this will make it brittle.

    Rub the product into your hair. Pour your chosen product into your palm. If your hair is below your shoulders, use up to two handfuls. Apply the product along the entire length of your hair, including the ends. Rub it into each strand separately, and not over the entire surface of the head at once, otherwise the hair will become even more tangled.

    Wait until the product is absorbed into the hair. Regular conditioner will moisturize your hair in a few minutes. For maximum effect, coconut or other oil should be left on the hair for at least 30 minutes, but no more than 2 hours. If you are using a deep conditioner, follow the instructions on the package as it will different means The duration of action may vary, but usually they are left on the hair for at least an hour, and in especially difficult cases - even overnight.

    • To keep your hair neat and out of your eyes, put on a shower cap or plastic bag and tie it with an elastic band. If desired, you can wear a tight-fitting hat over the polyethylene to speed up the process.
  2. Use your fingers to untangle the simplest knots in your hair. After keeping the product on your hair for as long as necessary, try to carefully sort out the tangled strands. Knots or tangles can sometimes be separated into smaller tangled strands by working from the roots of the hair.

    • Don't expect to completely detangle your hair at this stage. If they don't budge, try doing this with another tangled strand.

    Part 2

    1. Use a wide-tooth comb. To deal with severely tangled hair, you need a comb with large, sparse teeth. Fine-toothed brushes and combs will get stuck in your hair, leaving you either pulling your hair out or giving up and unable to comb it out.

      • However, the teeth on the comb should not be too sparse, otherwise small knots will slip between them.
    2. Comb starting from the ends. Always start combing tangled hair from the ends. Step back a few centimeters from the ends of the tangled hair and run the comb downwards. Repeat the procedure until you have freed all tangles from this part of the hair, then move the comb a little higher. Continue until you have combed the entire length of your hair. If long or Thick hair, this may take an hour or even longer.

      Elevate your hair to reduce pain. If you have sensitive skin head, hold a strand of hair in your hands while combing. Take a strand about the thickness of a marker or glue stick between your fingers and bend it so as not to pull the hair from the scalp with the comb. Comb this section of hair, and when you have untangled all the knots on it, move higher.

      Apply more conditioner or oil if necessary. Add a little conditioner or oil to those stubborn tangles and rub it in with your finger. The product will act as a lubricant: the hair will become more slippery and easier to unravel.

      Use scissors to thin out stubborn tangles. If a strand of hair refuses to untangle despite your best efforts, you may need to thin it out. Take the scissors in one hand and open them, while holding the hair tightly with the other. Run the bottom blade of the scissors along the bottom of the tangled strand, then gently pull the hair to remove the loose strands.

      • If for some reason you haven't brushed your hair in weeks or even months, cutting off the tangles is probably the best solution, as you could spend hours trying to untangle them to no avail.
    3. Finish the procedure using a fine-tooth comb or brush. Use a wide-tooth comb until you have untangled all the tangles and tangles. Then take a fine-tooth comb or brush and untangle any small knots if there are any left.

      Rinse your hair. Once you have detangled your hair, rinse off the product you applied to it. If you have small, tight curls that you can separate into strands after detangling, pin each strand and rinse them one at a time.

    Part 3


      Use leave-in conditioner. Leave-in conditioner, as its name suggests, will stay on your hair for many hours. It moisturizes hair and smoothes out unruly and frizzy strands after drying.

      Comb your hair while it is still damp, but not wet. Dry hair is very difficult to comb. At the same time, hair that is too wet is weaker and easily pulled out. Find a happy medium and use a comb or brush to comb your hair after showering, when it is still damp but not wet.

      Before going to bed, braid your hair in a loose braid. If you wake up with tangled hair, braid it before bed to prevent it from tangling as much. Alternatively, you can put your hair in a bun.

      If your hair gets tangled easily, separate it into sections before washing. If you have curly, frizzy, or other hair types that are prone to tangling, divide your hair into several sections and pin each one individually before you wash your hair. Remove the bobby pins from each section at a time as you wash your hair, and then secure them with bobby pins again before undoing each section. This reduces the chance of severe tangling.

    • Oils and oil-based products help moisturize your hair strands and make them easier to detangle. If, on the contrary, you want to use a product against excessive oily hair, then first detangle your hair, and only then use such a product.
    • A good way to untangle tangled hair is to find a central tangle and gradually untangle smaller strands from it until it becomes smaller and smaller. However, this option requires patience and will take a long time.
    • You should not leave your hair for weeks or months without combing or other care (for example, braided), as this contributes to tangling.
    • Use hair oil every two weeks to prevent tangles.