Hair mask egg sour cream oil. Sour cream masks for hair: benefits, how to use. Sour cream for oily hair

Sour cream is the most delicious and useful product to date. It is widely used in cooking and more. Many women have long used sour cream as a natural cosmetic product. Let's talk about how to properly make a hair mask from sour cream, and also understand a little about its properties.

Preparing a mask is not difficult, the main thing is to use folk recipe, purchase high-quality sour cream and other necessary ingredients, and also reserve a little time.

Useful properties and composition of sour cream

Due to its composition, sour cream has a positive effect on hair follicles. So, let's look at the composition:

  • Vitamin A - improves redox processes in the scalp. This improves the production of collagen and keratin. It also prevents skin cells from aging quickly, thereby improving the nutrition and growth of the hair follicle.
  • B vitamins improve the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Vitamin C improves fatty acid metabolism. Improves blood circulation, thereby providing better nutrition to the hair follicle. Improves the absorption of vitamin B6 and Fe.
  • PP (nicotinic acid).
  • Vitamin E - restores cell membranes.
  • Various microelements: calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, copper, zinc, etc.

From all of the above, it becomes clear why sour cream is so valued in folk cosmetology. You can always use hair masks with sour cream at home. They not only improve appearance curls, but also have a beneficial effect on the skin.

Indications and contraindications

You can use a hair mask with sour cream and honey in the following cases:

  • constant loss of hair follicles;
  • when dandruff appears (to combat this problem, we recommend using homemade anti-dandruff masks);
  • if the hair has acquired a dull and lifeless color;
  • for various irritations of the scalp;
  • if your curls are very oily, or vice versa, very dry.

In order to improve the structure, it is recommended to use a sour cream hair mask at home for 30 days. Only in this case can the effect be noticed.

This composition has no contraindications as such, except for the manifestation of an allergic reaction. Before you start applying the mixture to your curls, be sure to check how your body reacts to the composition. To do this, apply a thin layer of the composition to the most delicate area of ​​the skin (elbow crease) and leave for 5 minutes.

If during this time no redness, itching or rashes of various kinds appear in this area, then you can start using it. Otherwise, using the mask is impossible.

Recipes for masks with sour cream for hair

There are many options for formulations to strengthen and prevent hair loss. We bring to your attention the most effective and easily accessible recipes for hair masks with sour cream, which can easily be prepared and used at home.

    Sour cream anti-dandruff hair mask with burdock root. Sour cream and burdock not only have a nourishing and strengthening effect, but also help cure dandruff:
    burdock root (powder) - 20 g;
    boiling water - 1 cup;
    homemade sour cream - 150 g.

    Pour burdock root into a thermos, pour liquid into it and close it. Leave for 2 hours, then strain through a sieve. Pour the finished broth into a small bowl, add sour cream and mix.

    Apply the composition to clean hair, keep for 30 minutes under a disposable cap. Wash off with the addition of natural shampoo.

    Hair mask with sour cream for nutrition. It is not necessary to mix sour cream with other ingredients; you can use it in its pure form, slightly diluting it with any fermented milk drink without flavorings or various additives. Apply as usual, leave on for 40 minutes and rinse off.

    Hair mask with sour cream and carrots for hair loss. The following composition will help get rid of hair loss:
    homemade sour cream - 40 g;
    fresh peeled carrots - 2 pcs.

    Grind the root vegetable finely, you can use a grater or blender, put it in a small container and combine with sour cream. Stir and massage into hair follicles. We take the curls into a bun and wrap them under a warm towel. After use, rinse under cool running water with the addition of natural shampoo. This procedure must be carried out no more than twice every 7 days.

    Hair mask with egg and sour cream for growth. If your hair type is oily, then it is better to buy low-fat sour cream (10%), but the egg comes from domestic chickens, since they contain more useful substances and do not contain any harmful ones, as is sometimes the case in eggs sold in stores. Only yolks will be used to prepare the product.

    Now let’s decide how many of them we need to take. If your curls are short - 2 pieces, medium - 3 pieces, and for very long ones - from 4 or more, depending on the length. We also use sour cream depending on the length of the curls.

    In a separate container, combine sour cream and yolks, beat. First of all, rub the mixture into the hair follicles, giving a light scalp massage. Then we distribute it over the entire length, not forgetting the ends. We take the hair and put on a disposable cap, keep the composition on the hair for 30 minutes, then remove it warm water. This composition helps improve hair growth and heal the scalp.

    Hair nourishing mask with sour cream and honey:
    sour cream - 80 g;
    liquid honey - 80 ml.

    Combine sour cream and honey, stir. We rub it into the head using massage movements, and then distribute it evenly over all curls. We collect it on the top of the head into a small cone and wrap it under a warm towel. Leave for about an hour and then rinse with warm water and a little natural shampoo.

    Banana hair mask with sour cream. For dry and lifeless curls, it is recommended to use this recipe, which is an excellent moisturizer:
    honey (liquid) - 20 g;
    homemade sour cream - 20 g;
    banana - 1/2 part;
    yolk - 1 pc.

    Remove the skin from the fruit, mash with a fork, turning it into a puree. Then add honey, sour cream and yolk and mix with whisking movements. Rub it into the hair follicles and distribute it over the entire length, not forgetting to pay special attention to the ends. Wrap your head under warm clothes and keep it there for an hour. Then rinse with water, adding a little natural shampoo if desired.

    Recipe with sour cream and butter for moisturizing:
    sour cream 25% - 1 glass;
    jojoba ether - 14 drops.

    Place the sour cream in a small bowl, add the essential oil and mix with whisking movements. Distribute over the entire length of the hair and roots, wrap them under a towel and leave for 35 minutes. Remove under running water with the addition of natural shampoo.

    Sour cream hair mask for dry hair will help bring them back to life, nourishing and restoring:
    homemade sour cream - 40 g;
    olive oil - 20 ml;
    avocado - 1 pc.

    Rinse the fruit under water, peel and remove the pit. Place the pulp in a small container and grind it with a blender. Then add the remaining ingredients and mix everything. Apply the finished mixture to the curls with lightly rubbing movements. You need to apply the mask to damp hair, take it into the bump on the top of your head, put on a disposable cap, keep it on for 35 minutes, and rinse your hair.

    Sour cream mask for hair growth with mustard will accelerate hair growth:
    dry mustard - 10 g;
    sour cream 25% - 20 g;
    sunflower oil - 3 ml;
    lemon juice - 3 ml;
    natural honey- 5 g;
    oatmeal - 20 g.

    In a separate container, mix all the above components, stirring thoroughly. By massaging, apply first to the scalp, and then to the entire length of the curls, create a greenhouse effect for your hair and keep the mixture on your head for at least half an hour. Then rinse under water using a small amount of natural shampoo. To achieve the effect, it is necessary to carry out a course of 1 month.

All dairy products are used effectively in the hair care industry, sour cream is no exception. With its help, you can prepare masks that eliminate various hair problems. Among the most common indications for use are dryness, hair loss, fat content, splitting, dullness, etc. To better understand how sour cream works, let's look at its benefits and application options.

The benefits of sour cream for hair

Sour cream accumulates many valuable substances, which have an extremely beneficial effect on the condition of the hair.

  1. Thus, the product is rich in phosphorus, calcium, sodium and protein. In combination, all of the above elements are necessary to build the correct hair structure, secure the hair follicles in their places, eliminate fungus and prevent it.
  2. It cannot do without the participation of ascorbic acid, retinol, vitamin PP, vitamins from group B. These substances are responsible for the elasticity and strength of hair, nourishing its structure, and smoothing scales.
  3. Sour cream has a wide range of uses. It is used equally effectively to improve the condition oily hair, and dry. In the first case, the production of sebum is normalized, in the second - complete hydration from roots to ends.
  4. Sour cream is good because it has the ability to cover hair scales. This quality makes the fermented milk product indispensable for restoring natural pigmentation, as well as prolonging the effect and maintaining shine after coloring.
  5. It will be useful for ladies with naturally thin hair and a “liquid” hairstyle to know that with the systematic use of sour cream, an invisible protective film is formed on the hairs. It doesn’t weigh it down, but adds volume to the roots and makes the hair look fuller. Visually the hair appears thicker.
  6. If your hair is often exposed to devices that operate on... high temperature, sour cream masks must be included in systematic care. Due to the same invisible film, the mop is protected from overdrying.
  7. Girls who regularly dye and curl their hair also cannot do without masks with sour cream. You can apply the fermented milk product on its own; the benefits of such actions will not be diminished.
  8. Sour cream penetrates deep into the follicles, activating them and awakening them from sleep. Against this background, hair growth increases and hair loss stops. Home remedies using fermented milk products are suitable for men suffering from alopecia and girls experiencing severe hair loss after childbirth.
  9. The value of sour cream is hidden in its ability to eliminate dandruff, dry and oily seborrhea. If you encounter similar problems, it is better to use a fermented milk product in the form of a scrub in combination with granulated sugar. The effect will be noticeable almost immediately.

Subtleties of using sour cream masks

  1. If possible, use homemade sour cream, it has a much more effective effect on your hair and will lead you to results faster. In the case of a purchased product, give preference to sour cream with a fat content of 15-25%.
  2. Choose a fat content based on your hair type. If your strands are dry and lifeless, you need a product with maximum rating. For oily strands the opposite is true.
  3. Before applying a mask with additional components, make sure that you do not have allergies. Apply the product to the crook of your elbow, leave for half an hour and remove with water. If there is no burning sensation, proceed with the procedure.
  4. The mask with sour cream must be applied to dry, clean hair. This way the nutrients will penetrate the core faster and begin to act. Finally, you need to wrap your head with film and a scarf.
  5. The duration of exposure of the product depends on the condition of the hair. The drier they are, the longer you will need to leave the mask on. For oily and normal strands, half an hour is enough.
  6. You should not use sour cream masks too often; you will not achieve greater results. Apply the product 2 times a week for 1.5 months, then take a break.

Directional masks should be made for men and women who suffer from various types of alopecia.

Burdock and kefir
Prepare a decoction of burdock, let it sit, then filter and measure 100 ml. Mix 20 gr. gelatin, leave to swell for half an hour. Melt in the microwave until a liquid mass is obtained, add 60 g. sour cream.

Apply the mask to clean hair and scalp. Give a short massage to the root section to further warm up the dermis. Warm yourself with film, wash off after an hour (you can leave it overnight).

Sour cream with egg
It is most effective to use quail eggs, but if you don’t have them, chicken eggs will do. Cool them, separate the whites, they are not needed. Beat 3 yolks until foamy and add 70 g. sour cream.

Distribute the product evenly throughout the hair, simultaneously massaging the root part. Wrap yourself in film, build a cap from a towel on top, wait 1 hour.

Sour cream for hair growth

Mustard and yolk
To make your hair thicker and increase hair growth, you need to use a simple mask. The product is prepared from 35 gr. homemade sour cream, 30 gr. mustard and 2 egg yolks. Mix the products until smooth.

For convenience, you can use a whisk. Divide your hair into strands and treat each with the finished mask. Build an insulating cap, wait 1 hour. Rinse off the composition in the classic way.

Cucumber juice and sour cream
The product is aimed at combating weakened hair and baldness. Mix 12 gr. dry mustard, 35 gr. sour cream, egg yolk and 20 ml. fresh cucumber juice. Stir the product until smooth.

Beat the mask with a mixer or other in an accessible way. Apply the product to the hair roots with massaging movements. Stretch the rest to the ends. Put a cosmetic cap on your head and wait 50 minutes. Rinse off the product.

  1. Parsley and sour cream. Wash a bunch of parsley and chop finely. Combine greens with 90 gr. sour cream. Rub the product into the scalp and stretch along the entire length. Wrap your hair in film and go to rest. Wash off the product in the morning after waking up. The mask strengthens and nourishes hair with essential microelements.
  2. Avocado olive oil. To moisturize and strengthen your hair, you can use a mask based on half an avocado, 30 g. sour cream and 20 ml. olive oil. Pass the ingredients through a blender. Apply generously to hair strands and roots. Warm yourself in the classic way. Wait 1 hour, wash your hair thoroughly.

Sour cream for hair lightening

Ginger and lemon
The product allows you to lighten your curls by 2 tones. To prepare the composition you will need 20 grams. ginger root pulp, 20 ml. lemon juice, 80 gr. sour cream and 0.5 l. purified water.

Pour boiling water over the ginger pulp and citrus zest. Infuse the components for 4 hours. Strain the infusion, combine 100 g. finished product with the remaining ingredients.

Apply the mask in an even layer along the entire length of the curls. Wrap your head in cling film and a terry towel. Wait 2 hours, rinse with chamomile infusion. Dry your hair naturally.

Wheat germ and lemon juice
To lighten the mop and make it smoother and shiny, you need to prepare a mask of 15 grams. wheat germ oil, 30 ml. lemon juice and 55 gr. fermented milk product.

Achieve a homogeneous mass. Thoroughly treat your hair with the prepared mixture and massage your scalp. Warm yourself in the classic way. After 40 minutes, remove the product.

Sour cream and banana
Systematic use of raw materials improves the activity of the sebaceous glands and eliminates increased fat production. Combine the pulp of half a banana and 60 g in a cup. sour cream. Turn the ingredients into a smooth paste using a blender. Rub the mask into your scalp. Wait 1 hour, rinse off with shampoo.

Honey and calendula
The plant copes well with increased production of lard. In addition, the product acts on the skin as an antiseptic and anti-inflammatory agent. As a result, hair is less susceptible to various diseases.

Mix 50 g in a container. low-fat sour cream, 60 ml. calendula decoction and 15 gr. honey. Then proceed as usual. Remove the product after 30 minutes. It is recommended to apply the mask twice a month.

Sour cream against dry hair

Castor oil and egg
The active components carefully care for the hair, giving it pristine shine and proper moisture. To prepare the mask, you need to mix a chicken egg, 50 g. liquid honey, 60 gr. fermented milk product, 50 ml. castor oil.

Whisk all ingredients until smooth. Treat the entire length of your hair with the treatment. Wrap your head using the classic technology and wait about 1 hour. Rinse off the product as usual.

Cocoa butter and sour cream
To fully moisturize your hair and give it additional volume, you need to mix 150 grams. sour cream and 15 ml. cocoa butter Achieve a uniform consistency from the components. Apply the mixture generously to each strand. Put on a cosmetic cap and warm yourself. After 1 hour, remove the product.

Sour cream is rightfully considered a universal product. The composition has found application in various fields. By using natural product You can achieve good results in treating hair and eliminating most problems. Use masks regularly to achieve the desired result.

Video: recipes for hair masks made from sour cream

Sour cream mask for hair - affordable home remedy, allowing you to restore the beauty and health of your hair without the use of expensive chemicals. It is easy to make and use. Such a cosmetic product has a multifaceted effect: it all depends on its composition.

Sour cream for hair - benefits

This product has a rich composition. It contains minerals, fats, proteins, vitamins and other elements that strands need so much. Hair sour cream has the following effects:

  1. Thanks to the retinol present in it, it retains moisture in the rods, restores their structure and slows down aging.
  2. normalizes microcirculation and removes toxins.
  3. Ascorbic acid accelerates the growth of strands.
  4. Iron protects hair from early graying.
  5. Tocopherol provides strands with vitality and gives them elasticity.
  6. Potassium moisturizes curls.

Recipes with sour cream for hair

To enhance the effectiveness of a cosmetic product, it is important to consider the following recommendations:

  1. For dry hair types, a sour cream hair mask should be prepared from a homemade product with high fat content. You can use heavy cream.
  2. Sour sour cream for hair is good for oily hair types. This product normalizes the functioning of the sebaceous glands. It also strengthens the follicles, so a sour cream mask for hair loss is recommended.
  3. This product is not allergenic. However, if cosmetic product contains other ingredients, for example, this is a hair mask made from sour cream and cocoa, a test must be carried out before using it. If there is no itching or redness, you can safely use it.
  4. A hair mask made from sour cream and other mixtures containing fermented milk products should be whipped with a blender. This will help create a homogeneous emulsion and ensure equal penetration of valuable substances to all strands.
  5. A sour cream hair mask at home opens up much better when exposed to heat. For this reason, after applying it, you need to cover your head with polyethylene and wrap it in a hand towel.
  6. It is advisable to wash off the life-giving composition with warm water and shampoo.
  7. You should do healing procedures 2-3 times a week.

Mask with sour cream for oily hair

It is advisable to use a product with low fat content to prepare such a product. However, you should not use store-bought, as it contains stabilizers, preservatives and other harmful components. A sour cream mask prepared from such a product best case scenario won't do any good. To enhance the effect of a cosmetic product, additional ingredients are added to its composition, for example, raw potatoes.

Sour cream and honey mask for hair


  • white of 1 chicken egg;
  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • honey – 1.5 tablespoons;
  • ripe banana – 1 pc.

Preparation, use

  1. The peeled exotic fruit is crushed into a paste in a blender.
  2. Add honey and sour cream to it.
  3. Lightly beat the egg whites and add them to the mixture.
  4. The components are mixed and the mass is distributed evenly over the entire surface of the wet strands.
  5. Keep the mixture for about an hour, and then wash off with lukewarm water. Using hot is unacceptable, as the protein will curdle!

Sour cream for dry hair

This product has an amazing effect on curls. For example, a hair mask made from sour cream and salt helps get rid of dandruff, which is often observed in those with dry hair. In addition, the fermented milk product eliminates itching and nourishes the strands. Although the main ingredient is sour cream, the hair mask is prepared using other ingredients. Most often these are oils, yolks, cocoa.

Hair mask made from sour cream and eggs


  • the yolk of one chicken or three quail eggs;
  • sour cream – 1.5 tablespoons.

Preparation, use

  1. The composition is mixed with a blender.
  2. Distribute the mass along the entire length of clean, damp curls.
  3. After half an hour, the paste is washed off.

Sour cream mask for hair growth

Such a cosmetic product necessarily contains additional ingredients, for example, mustard powder, onion gruel, crushed hot pepper. This sour cream hair mask helps to achieve amazing results: it helps awaken “dormant” follicles, after which the curls begin to grow intensively. However, this composition should not be applied if there is damage to the scalp.

Hair mask made from sour cream and mustard


  • yolk of 1 chicken egg;
  • sour cream – 70 ml;
  • mustard powder – 1 tablespoon;
  • almond oil – 1 teaspoon;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon.

Preparation, use

  1. A thoroughly mixed mass is applied to the root system and strands.
  2. After 45 minutes, wash off.

Sour cream mask for hair lightening

This effect is achieved thanks to the organic acids present in this fermented milk product. More often, sour cream for lightening hair is used in tandem with other ingredients. However, it is important to follow the following rules:

  1. Do not overuse treatments for dry hair types.
  2. Do not lighten colored strands.

Sour cream and lemon mask


  • one chicken egg;
  • sour cream – 50 ml;
  • shampoo – 10 ml;
  • juice of one lemon;
  • vodka – 30 ml.

Preparation, use

  1. The ingredients are mixed with a blender.
  2. Apply “paint” to moistened curls.
  3. Keep for at least 8 hours.

A mask with sour cream allows you to strengthen your hair thanks to the following in its composition:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • nicotinic acid;
  • vitamin E.

Retinol or vitamin A refers to biologically active substances that normalize redox processes in the scalp. This happens as a result of activation of the synthesis of collagen, creatine and melanin.

Nicotinic acid is responsible for metabolism
. When exposed to it, blood circulation processes in the vessels are regulated and their lumen changes.

Ascorbic acid helps maintain metabolic lipid processes in tissues. When exposed to hair follicles, blood circulation and gas exchange are normalized. In addition, thanks to this substance, iron and folic acid are absorbed.

Vitamin E restores the structure of cell membranes
. Sour cream also contains various vitamins and minerals, organic acids.

Sour cream has its positive effect due to its composition:

  • damaged strands are restored;
  • water balance is maintained;
  • hair becomes more hydrated;
  • dead epidermal cells are removed;
  • blood circulation in the scalp improves;
  • The protective film is restored, giving the curls elasticity and shine.

The egg in the mask acts as an additional nutritional element. Thanks to the substances in its composition, it additionally strengthens the hair.

When combined, these products complement each other and allow you to:

  • increase hair thickness and volume;
  • activate their growth;
  • relieve dryness;
  • eliminate dandruff and itching.

Important: Masks with sour cream are often used to remove color after unsuccessful dyeing.

Who are these masks suitable for?

Mask with sour cream and egg is suitable for all hair types, because it is not excessively oily, but also does not dry out the scalp.

It is best used to nourish curls that have been damaged as a result of dyeing, drying with a hot hairdryer, or after frequent styling.

Also, sour cream and egg mixture is often used to lighten hair by 1-2 tones or wash off the result of unsuccessful dyeing. To use the product on oily hair, You can't really choose a product full fat sour cream- up to 15%, and vice versa, for dry and weakened strands the fat content should be from 25%.

So that the procedure gives desired result, you should use the mixture in a course.

Sour cream masks are good at restoring curls after traveling at sea, when the salty air causes the strands to dry out and become brittle and dull.

Step by step recipe

Preparing a mask from sour cream and eggs is quite simple, since the set of products required for this is minimal. This:

  • homemade sour cream;
  • egg.
  1. For one teaspoon of sour cream you will need to take one egg or even one yolk.
  2. If desired, the mixture can be supplemented with the juice of one lemon. But in this case, it can give a slight lightening effect and it will not be possible to use it on colored hair without washing out the color.
  3. All components are mixed in plastic dishes until smooth, after which they are applied to the entire length. The volume of the mask can be varied depending on the length of the hair. For long strands you will need to double or even triple the volume of components.

Important: In addition to lemon juice, a mask with egg and sour cream can be supplemented with honey, potato juice, vegetable and essential oils.

How to use it correctly?

A hair mask based on sour cream and eggs requires special preparation.
to get the maximum effect from the procedures. For preparation, use only homemade village sour cream or sour cream prepared independently. Store-bought analogues contain preservatives that reduce the effectiveness of the composition. The percentage of fat content should be chosen based on the degree of oiliness of the scalp. The higher it is, the lower the fat concentration in the product should be.

Masks with sour cream and eggs should not be washed off hot water, because when the temperature rises, the egg in their composition coagulates and removing it from your hair is problematic.


  • There is no sour cream and egg composition special contraindications for use. The only exception is allergic reaction on the components of the mixture, so before applying the mask it must be tested for individual tolerance.
  • The composition can be used on hair of all types, including dyed hair, however, in this case, the brightness of the color will be lost, since the acid contained in sour cream will wash out the coloring pigment.
  • For very oily hair, you can make a mask, but be extremely careful and select sour cream with a low fat content, since the problem in this case can be aggravated.

Important: Sour cream masks help well with heavy hair loss in the autumn-winter period.

Useful video

by watching the video, you will learn how to make a simple but effective mask for hair from sour cream, eggs and honey:


Masks based on natural ingredients have always been popular. Sour cream is useful not only as a food product, but also as an ingredient for homemade cosmetic preparations. By supplementing it with an egg or just its yolk, you can get a product that will affect the strands no worse than the salon ones.

IN modern world hair suffers from the environment and harmful influences in the form of hair dryers, curling irons, flat irons and chemical dyes. Restoring the beauty of your hair is not so difficult; it is enough to take care of it regularly. To make your curls strong, healthy and thick, you can use natural cosmetics, the ingredients of which are in every refrigerator. The most popular hair products include sour cream, which can transform your hair and also save you from many problems.

The benefits of sour cream for hair

Sour cream is a fairly fatty and nutritious product. That is why sour cream can actively saturate the hair structure with vitamins and microelements from the inside.

  • Vitamin A, which sour cream is rich in, activates keratin, and it, in turn, makes hair straight and elastic.
  • Retinol takes care of the condition of the scalp, activating blood circulation, thereby stimulating active growth hair.
  • Sour cream also contains ascorbic acid, which regulates follicle metabolism and saturates hair with oxygen.
  • Vitamin E restores lifeless hair, makes them strong, resilient and elastic.
  • Sour cream also contains enough potassium, which is actively involved in maintaining the water balance of hair follicles.

How to make masks from sour cream

To prepare the correct and effective cosmetic product, you need to take homemade sour cream. Typically, factory-made analogues lack natural nutritional properties, so you may not get the expected effect. It is best to buy sour cream from village grandmothers or prepare the product yourself.

If you have oily skin with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, it is better to take sour cream with minimal fat content. If your hair is dry, brittle and lifeless, in this case you need to use rich sour cream. Sour cream applies very well to hair, applying a sour cream mask is a pleasure.

Mask for brittle and dry hair


  • sour cream – 1 tablespoon;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • 1 potato;
  • egg yolk.

Cooking method:

  • Peel and grate medium-sized raw potatoes. Squeeze out the juice.
  • Beat the yolk.
  • Heat honey in a water bath.
  • Mix potato juice with honey, sour cream and yolk.

The mask can be applied to both dry and wet hair. Wrap with a bag and then with a towel. Keep for 20-30 minutes, then rinse your hair with shampoo. This product nourishes and moisturizes hair, eliminates dandruff, and eliminates dryness and brittle ends. After several uses, the hair becomes healthy and elastic.

Mask for weakened and thin hair


  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • avocado – 1 piece;
  • a tablespoon of olive oil.

Cooking method:

  • Grind the avocado using a blender.
  • Mix oil with avocado and sour cream.

Video recipe for the occasion:

This product restores damaged hair, makes them strong and thick. This mask is especially effective in autumn and spring, when hair suffers from vitamin deficiency, frost and wind. Apply the mask to clean, damp hair and leave for at least 30 minutes.

Sour cream for oily hair


  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • banana;
  • yogurt – 2 tablespoons.

Cooking method:

  • Take low fat sour cream.
  • Mash the banana to a paste.
  • Mix banana with sour cream and yogurt.

The good thing about this mask is that it is not only effective, but also has a pleasant smell. After such a mask, hair becomes silky and smooth. This product regulates the production of sebaceous fat, and the hair stops getting dirty quickly. When completing the full course (10 applications), the hair is completely transformed, becoming beautiful and well-groomed. After complete recovery, it is enough to apply a similar mask every week for prevention.

Sour cream mask for enhanced hair growth


  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • burdock or castor oil – 2 teaspoons;
  • medium sized onion.

Cooking method:

  • Turn the onion into a pulp using a blender, squeeze out the juice.
  • Mix onion juice with butter and sour cream.

The mask is very effective and efficient. Onions have a powerful stimulating property to influence the growth of hair follicles. After the first use, the hair becomes thicker and new young hairs appear.

Night mask against hair loss


  • sour cream - half a glass (the amount depends on the length and thickness of the hair);
  • burdock leaves;
  • medicinal herbs.

Cooking method:

  • Prepare a rich decoction from any medicinal herbs and burdock leaves. To do this, pour boiling water over a glass of chopped greens and place in a water bath. After 15 minutes, remove, close the lid and leave until completely cool. After this, strain and get a healthy rich decoction.
  • Mix the broth with sour cream and apply to dry hair.

The mask should not be applied too thickly. It is enough to rub the product into the roots, distribute it over the entire length, wrap it in cellophane and put on a light cap. For best effect, the product should be left overnight. In the morning, wash off the mask using shampoo. This mask will relieve hair loss after just a few uses.

Sour cream mask for hair shine


  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • vegetable oil – 1 tablespoon (you can use olive or sunflower);
  • lemon.

Cooking method:

  • Heat the oil in a water bath.
  • Squeeze the juice from half a lemon.
  • Mix lemon juice with butter and sour cream. Bring to a homogeneous mass.

This product saturates the hair with oxygen, lemon gives it shine, and oil and sour cream perfectly nourish the hair structure with vitamins and organic acids. It is enough to do this mask once a week for the effect to last forever.

Mask for restoring damaged hair


  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • cognac – 1 tablespoon;
  • castor oil – 1 tablespoon;
  • honey – 1 tablespoon;
  • yolk.

Cooking method:

  • Beat the yolk.
  • Mix the yolk with cognac and castor oil.
  • Add heated honey and sour cream to the mixture.

This product is used in cases where the hair has been exposed to negative effects - sunburn, prolonged exposure to frost, and also after chemical lightening. This product brings your hair back to life, you won’t need to cut it off, the mask will cure it completely. The cognac in the composition can be replaced with vodka.

Mask against split ends


  • sour cream – 2 tablespoons;
  • peach;
  • kefir - half a glass.

Cooking method:

  • Peel the peach and mash until smooth.
  • Mix peach with kefir and sour cream.

This mask should mainly be applied to the ends. However, there will be no harm if the remnants of the mask are distributed over the entire length of the hair and rubbed into the roots. Peach is considered one of the most nutritious fruits; it contains a lot of glucose and carbohydrates, thanks to which the hair structure is saturated from the inside.

Homemade masks do not have to be done every day, but regular care should be maintained. Sour cream masks usually work within 10 minutes after application, so half an hour is enough time after which the mask can be washed off. Sour cream is not an allergenic product, but other components can cause a reaction, so before applying, do not forget to test the mask by dropping it on the inside of your elbow. If there is no irritation or redness, you can safely apply a sour cream mask to your face.