Cascade hairstyle with technique and step-by-step photos. Cascade haircut for short hair at home Cascade styling at home

K askad – universal and beautiful haircut. Its variations are suitable for almost all representatives of the fair sex. Until recently, it was believed that it should not be done for beauties with too curly and thick hair, but new approaches to creating hairstyles prove that even for them it is possible to choose an option. But, one of the most important points, in any case, will be the correct installation of your cascade. After all, it is she who will additionally help emphasize the advantages and hide some of the imperfections of the face.

Why can't you dry the cascade upside down?

Daily styling involves actions in two main directions: volume at the roots of the hair and curling the ends. Of course, many girls who absolutely do not have enough time to get ready in the morning simply try to dry their hair upside down, hoping in this way to add volume to their hair. But this is precisely what often leads the hairstyle into a state of complete chaos. If this kind of “grunge” suits you, that’s good. But still, it’s better to have a neater look when going to the office. And round brushes and skeletal brushes will help us with this. You will also need a regular hairdryer. Brushings come in different diameters.

They are selected according to the length of your cascade and the final result that you need to obtain: slight effect or a more sophisticated version. Typically, medium-diameter brushes are chosen that do not create curls, but directly structure the ends.

How to properly and quickly style a cascade haircut?

Worth remembering:

Styling always begins with drying and processing longer strands. To do this, short strands are pinned, and long strands are first run through with a hairdryer to remove excess moisture, and only then curled using brushing.

The last thing we process is the strands on the top of the head. Please note that the strand must also cool down a little so that the volume and styling are preserved. If you unwind the brush while the hair is still hot, everything will most likely fall apart and the necessary volume will be lost.

Too hot air from a hair dryer, of course, speeds up the process, but seriously injures the hair. In addition, when overheated, the curls do not always actually dry out completely. It often happens that after such drying they feel hot, but after a minute they turn out to be wet and lose their shape.

You can curl your hair either inward or outward. It all depends on your desire, mood and, of course, face shape. Girls with wide face in the cheekbone area, outward twisting is not very suitable, because it further emphasizes the peculiarity of the appearance.

A more neutral option may be an elongated version, when the top of the head is curled inward and the ends of the longest strands are curled outward. This gives girls of any face shape the opportunity to experiment.

Of course, we style our everyday cascade with a minimum amount of styling products. An exception may be girls whose hair is very curly. They will just need to straighten and sort out their hair a little, focusing on individual strands. And it will be simply impossible to do this without mousses or gels. By the way, twisting upwards is also not recommended for them.

Easy styling with a flat iron

But if beauties with curly hair, sometimes suffer from their “excessive curling”, the rest of the fair sex choose waves as a festive cascade styling. The iron allows you not only to create beautiful strands, but to make them more shiny, and also to immediately separate strands from strands, adding volume. You can wind the entire strand onto the iron. However, current trend 2017 is an option when the waves start from the middle of the hair length. To do this, first dry the hair and add volume to it using a round brush, and only then create waves.

Cascading haircuts have enjoyed constant success for many years. And this is not surprising, because this haircut looks impressive on any hair. And besides, based on a cascade haircut, you can make many that They won’t take much time, but they will allow you to change your image every day. And one more thing - a cascade haircut, unlike other haircuts, can be easily done by yourself.

What is needed for a women's hairstyle cascade

A cascade haircut has many advantages. The most important thing is that the cascade can be done on any hair - long, medium, short, thin, thick and not very thick. For thin hair, the cascade will add the missing volume, and thick hair It will become easier due to thinning. A properly done haircut does not require additional styling - the hair itself will lie beautifully and naturally. The only limitation is that the cascade effect will not be visible on very curly hair.

I wonder what cascade suits any face shape, you just need to place the accents correctly.

All in all, the cascade can be transformed at will in a wide variety of hairstyles. Conventionally, this haircut can be classified into several main models:

  • Frozen cascade– when the cut steps are located at the bottom of the hair.
  • Double cascade– when the steps are cut all over the head, including the crown, and each layer is subject to thinning.
  • Graduated cascade– a universal haircut, when the cut ends are located on top of each other.
  • Ragged cascade– when the steps are cut asymmetrically and of different thicknesses.
  • Cascade with bangs. It is with the help of bangs that you can balance out any shortcomings. The bangs can be straight, oblique, long, graduated, thinned.

And what’s more important, such a fashionable hairstyle can be done with my own hands, But only for long or medium hair. Cascade on short hair It’s problematic to do, it’s better to turn to a professional. And there are simply countless hairstyles for a cascade haircut - you just need to apply a little imagination and patience.

How to make a cascade hairstyle with your own hands - step-by-step guide with photos

Cascade for medium and long hair at home

A cascade haircut has a rare advantage - you can do it yourself. Moreover, for this you only need good scissors, a hair tie, professional thinning scissors and a comb.

Haircut cascade algorithm for medium or long hair with your own hands:

Wash your hair or just wet it and comb it. Bend over, gather your hair into a ponytail and tie it with an elastic band. The higher the ponytail is on the top, the higher the stepped strands will begin. Pinch the hair to the desired length with your fingers and cut evenly. Now you can use thinning scissors, thinning the ends a little. Remove the elastic band and style your hair with a hair dryer.

Cascade-waterfall hairstyle

A cascade hairstyle for long or medium hair in the “waterfall” style, as in the photo, is an evening styling option. It looks incredibly attractive, truly resembling a waterfall. This installation will take time, but the result is worth it.

  • Curl the entire volume of hair with curling irons. Make a side parting and comb the hair on the crown. Comb the top layer of hair above the backcomb and secure with pins at the back of the head.

  • Divide the hair from the parting side into upper and lower strands, bring the combed strand to the back of the head and also attach with pins behind the already secured upper strand. On the other side, do the same, attaching the strand with bobby pins.

  • Bring the hair diagonally above the place of fixation, attaching it with hairpins, and securing it underneath with bobby pins.

  • Distribute the remaining hair in front from the parting side over the top of the head and secure it under the already secured strands with hairpins.

  • Attach the remaining hair on the other side with a straight strip on the top of the head with an invisible one, and comb the strand from the ear upward.

  • Secure with a pin. Then pull a strand of hair from the crown, comb it into a straight strip and twist it in the shape of a six, securing it once again with a hairpin. Spray your hair with hairspray.

Buffon - short cascade hairstyle

Divide your hair into 3 parts. Curl curls on both sides using a curling iron. Comb the central part of the hair, carefully lifting it. The closer the combed strands are to the face, the more magnificent the styling will be. Secure the ends of the central strands at the back with a hairpin or bobby pins. Treat with varnish.

A hairstyle for short hair with side curls, as in the photo, is based on a cascade haircut. An excellent option for the evening - a harmonious combination of severity and romance.

Make a clear side parting. Separate the top layer of hair from the larger side of the parting and, dividing it into strands, curl the curls from the middle of the length with a curling iron. Pull the remaining hair into a ponytail with an elastic band and twist it into a knot - you can use a thick elastic band or a special bagel for volume. Divide the curls with your fingers into wide strands. Fix with varnish.

A bob-cascade hairstyle is a harmoniously connected bob haircut with a graduated cascade, when the straight line of a regular bob is replaced by a stepped one. Kare-cascade with effect wet hair It looks very piquant, and making such a hairstyle will not be difficult even for the laziest.

You need to apply gel or wax to your hair, especially moisturizing the ends. You can dry your hair with a hairdryer using a special diffuser attachment or squeeze the strands with your palms. If you want more volume, you can pre-comb your hair on the top of your head. After complete drying, it is recommended to use varnish.

Cascade hairstyle for medium hair

Bell hairstyle for a cascading haircut

The bell hairstyle for a short and medium cascade is gentle and easy to do.

Wedding hairstyle based on a cascade

Chic for long hair, made into a cascade haircut. The desired effect is achieved precisely because of the presence of graduated strands.

Collection of photos with cascade hairstyles

The video shows a collection of photos with everyday and evening hairstyles for a short cascade and medium length.

Cascade is a spectacular haircut that is very popular among girls. The peculiarity of the hairstyle is that it is performed on hair of different structures and lengths. But it is not possible to maintain the effect that was obtained after the hairdresser for a long time. But you shouldn’t be upset, since every girl can style her hair cut using the cascade technique on her own at home.

Visually, the Cascade creates the impression of airy, light and weightless styling.

Since there are no uniform cuts, the image becomes natural, simple, spontaneous, and unnecessary severity is eliminated.

Laying options

Let's look at the main types of styling this hairstyle.

With a bang

The easiest and fastest way to style a Cascade with bangs involves using a hair dryer and a round comb. In the process of creating a hairstyle, it is necessary to curl the milled ends and give

So, to create a styling you need the following tools and means:

  • massage comb;
  • hair dryer equipped with a crevice nozzle;
  • round brush;
  • styling mousse.


  1. Wash your hair, comb thoroughly with a massage comb and treat the roots and ends with mousse or gel.
  2. Using a round brush, lift the hair on the crown and back of the head, and use a hairdryer with a crevice attachment to go through these areas. The flow of warm air should be on one strand for 1 minute. The air temperature should be high at first, and then replace the hot air with cold air.
  3. Use a round brush to reach the very ends, while simultaneously applying air flow to the entire strand.
  4. This drying has a positive effect on the strands, creates a spectacular root volume, and emphasizes the evenness of the straight ends, which are slightly directed inward.
  5. The bangs, no matter what type they are - straight or oblique, are dried in the same way without emphasis on the roots.

This type of styling is very simple, requires little time and gives the girl confidence in her beauty.

Without bangs

If the cascade involves the absence of bangs, then you can create a stylish styling using an iron. Using this method, the hairstyle turns out shiny and perfectly smooth. And although there is no root volume, each layer of the haircut and individual strands are emphasized, and this looks especially interesting on hair dyed in several colors.

To create a styling you need the following tools:

  • iron;
  • fine-toothed comb;
  • fixative varnish.


  1. Dry clean, damp strands with a hair dryer.
  2. Distribute a thermal agent over the entire length of the hair to protect it from the influence of high temperature. This is very important point, especially when it comes to curls that have a fairly porous structure. The thermal product will perfectly protect your hair from drying out and...
  3. Having set the iron to a certain temperature depending on the type of hair, carefully and slowly walk through each strand from roots to ends. You can turn the ends a little inward to get a perfectly smooth and straight strand.
  4. Finally, go through with a fine-toothed comb and seal the result with varnish.

Possible difficulties

There are no particular difficulties when creating styling on hair cut using the cascade technique. Of course, it is much easier to do this when the strands are not too long. And if we are talking about, then before starting to create a hairstyle, it is advisable to straighten them first, and this is a waste of extra time and effort. But without styling, the Cascade looks completely unattractive, so you will have to put up with these minor difficulties and create spectacular and beautiful images.

Is there a difference in laying different lengths of the Cascade?

Of course, there is a difference whether the Cascade is performed on long or short hair. Firstly, short hair is much easier to style, and secondly, there are not many options for short hair. Most often, they do not create a styling, the essence of which is to create a tousled effect. To do this, you need to apply a little foam to damp curls, paying special attention to the root zone.

But for long and medium hair there are many more styling options. Here are just a few of them:

  1. You can curl your hair from the roots using a curling iron. If you have bangs, you can curl or comb them to add volume. Perform curls in a spiral or in light waves. It all depends on the girl’s personal preferences.
  2. You can curl your hair using curlers. To do this, treat wet curls with foam, twist the strands in curlers, and dry your hair with a hairdryer. Carefully remove the curlers and create volume on the crown by backcombing. Curl your bangs with a hairdryer.

Cascade for short hair - best friend girls who want to give their strands volume, lightness and airiness. The hairstyle does not require special care and allows the owner to regularly change her looks.

The haircut gained popularity in the 80s of the last century. But even today it remains relevant due to its win-win nature. Sexy, playful appearance will definitely not go unnoticed. See photos of fashionable images.

How is hair cut when performing a cascade? Characterized by a smooth transition in length from the crown to the tips. Stylists distinguish the following types of hairstyles:

  • classic cascade. Has a smooth transition. Suitable for ladies even of advanced age;
  • with torn strands. There are uneven curls along the entire length. It is chosen by women who want to stand out;
  • frozen. The hair is approximately the same size, with ragged ends.

The main feature of the short cascade is its versatility. The option is selected for any type of face, eyes, figure.

Lady coloring gracefully
stars for everyone
choose blonde fashionable
oval slim

Hair steps can be straight or wavy. The temple and back of the head are decorated with feathers and stepped tips.

By thinning the strands, the hairstyle becomes lighter. Experienced craftsmen file the ends with a sharp razor.

The haircut got its name due to its shape. The strands fall freely down in a cascade or are curled, depending on the thickness and length of the hair. Another common name is ladder.

Pros of a haircut

Many people think that short hair is boring. Not at all:

  • short strands are easy to care for. Thin hair gain volume, and curly ones become obedient and neat. Result: on daily styling minimum time is spent;
  • cascading haircuts refresh and add sexuality;
  • Suitable for ladies of all ages, in any situation. A teenage girl looks good or businesswoman middle aged. Old ladies use a cascade to shed their age, and bangs hide wrinkles on the forehead;
  • Women's haircut looks beautiful on hair of any color. Suitable for blondes, brunettes, fair-haired, redheads. Highlighted strands shimmer advantageously in the light;
  • For rectangular face the cascade is irreplaceable, as it smoothes out sharp features. Choose an option with bangs, for example, a straight cut thick ladder starting from the middle of the cheeks. Curl the ends inward.

Execution technique

When creating a cascade, the entire hair is cut: on the back of the head, crown, temples. The length is guided by the control strand. This allows you to get the effect of lightness.

If a girl has thick hair, the haircut is styled in such a way as not to look shapeless.

To complete this you will need:

  • straight scissors;
  • clamps;
  • thinning scissors;
  • comb;
  • spray.

Creation technique step by step:

  1. Divide your hair into zones with two partings. The first is through the crown from ear to ear; the second - strictly in the middle from the forehead to the back of the head.
  2. Separate a triangular strand from the top with a diagonal parting - take hair from each sector to end up with a diamond shape. Pull it perpendicularly, at a right angle and cut it so that the length is 10-12 cm. This is the control strand.
  3. Start cutting from the back of the head, securing unnecessary hair with clips.
  4. Diagonally select strands 1.5 cm wide and cut them, focusing on the reference length.
  5. Check the result. Comb your hair and put it in a ponytail to check. If the haircut is done successfully, all strands will be the same length.
  6. Profile the ends, edge the bangs and strands near the face.

This is a universal scheme for creating a hairstyle, the result is as in the photo. But the parietal zone can be cut in different ways.

After creating a control strand, you can move to the crown, straightening the hairstyle. At the same time, orient each next one not to the control test, but to the previous one. The result will be a multi-level ladder.

It takes 30-40 minutes to create a hairstyle.

What does it look like

A short cascade makes the look natural. Unlike a bob, the cutting area of ​​the strands is stepped and not even. The contour is smooth, without the loss of individual curls.

The secrets of stylists will help you do your hair correctly:

  • The starting point for cutting is the length of the control strand. It is done on the top of the head and oriented to suit the shape and type of face. For a narrow, angular look, choose a chin length. This will make the image soft and harmonious. For round hair – cut to the temple;
  • the volume of the cascade is formed by steps or waves of arbitrary shape. Make your choice depending on the length and thickness of your hair;
  • While creating, pull back the strands and trim the ends at an angle or with feathers. This will give your hair extra volume. Thin hair will become structured and voluminous, and heavy hair will become light and manageable;
  • the ends are processed with thinning scissors. Experienced hairdressers use a sharp razor for this. But it is not recommended for beginners to do this. At thick hair the entire length is milled; for thin ones, the ends;
  • Don’t forget about an important element of your hairstyle – bangs. Excellent stepped haircuts are combined with asymmetrical, long bangs that cover the eyebrows and forehead.

The cascade is universal, but it needs care. Once a month, trim the ends, making sure that the curls do not split.

Graduated cascade

Graduation is a good choice for thin short hair. An experienced hairdresser will select the length of the haircut and the type of haircut to fully match the thickness of the hair and create a sophisticated look.

The main highlight of a graduated hairstyle is a smooth transition, which gives neatness.

To add volume to your hair, trim your ends frequently. A fresh cut creates the illusion of thickness. This simple technique makes styling easier and allows it to last a long time.

A graduated cascade on thin curls will protect the ends from splitting and fragility. The haircut looks decent and neat.

The haircut is excellent
preservation coloring
gracefully stars for everyone

Cascade on a leg

It assumes an original design of hair in the back of the head, while maintaining all the subtleties of the classic style. Suitable for those with any type of hair, even the most complex curly hair. Looks perfect.

The main advantage of a cascade on a leg is its beautifully designed volume and unusual, stylish cut line. The creation technique adds volume to the crown, cheekbones and back of the head. The exact selection of silhouette depends on facial features and appearance.

A cascade bob looks very beautiful if you shave the hair at the bottom of the head. This emphasizes the graceful line of the neck. The length of the side strands and the pattern of the bottom cut vary individually.

Young people carve in shaved areas. See photos from front and back.

Short crown

Such haircuts are combined with long strands. Ideal for a triangular-shaped face, as it will visually elongate it with the help of a gradual transition from short to long hair.

A fluffy, shortened crown is chosen for a square face. Softens sharp corners and adds volume to a flat nape.
This option fits full for women, as it will hide the cheeks and make the face not so round. It is better if the parting is not straight, but side parting. Asymmetry is welcome.

Acceptable Face Types

A short cascade haircut suits any look. You can do it with or without bangs. Girls with thin, sparse hair should take a closer look at it.

The hairstyle looks beautiful on children, however, they prefer to call their version a ladder.

A cascade with bangs is the best solution. It is difficult to imagine a more harmonious combination. But be careful when choosing:

  • a long one will balance the oval, make the nose smaller and add mystery to the image. It looks very bold;
  • oblique will soften heavy brow ridges and will make the forehead symmetrical;
  • torn will hide minor imperfections and give the owner a perky and daring look;
  • arched beautifully frames the face, adds sophistication and elegance;
  • The French straight contrasts with stepped strands, hides a high forehead and emphasizes the eyebrow line.

Matching Hair Colors

With a short cascade, natural shades of hair look beautiful: from light brown to dark chestnut. It is noteworthy that than lighter hair, the brighter and more noticeable the transition between haircut levels.

Highlight individual strands using highlighting, coloring, and ombre techniques. These artistic techniques will add playfulness and splendor to the image.

How to style

You can lay the cascade in different ways:

  • evening option: dry your curls with a hairdryer and straighten with an iron. Don’t forget about a heat protectant and hairspray to hold your hair in place;
  • For a romantic walk, create perky feminine curls. Use a curling iron or straightener, first applying foam to the ends;
  • a short cascade combines with the effect of wet hair. Use a special gel and style the strands with a texturizer using your hands.

Types of hairstyles

The technique of creating short cascade hairstyles is very popular. Any haircut can be used as a basis, for example, bob, bob, pixie, even a cap. The main thing is to have long strands on the crown and back of the head. They are in harmony with the multi-layered design.

The result will be unique. You will receive an individual silhouette that will literally transform your boring hairstyle. And the master will be able to use his imagination to work with volume.

Thinning and grading will make the ends beautiful. The techniques are also used for bangs, temporal, and occipital areas. The volume on the crown and cheekbones looks impeccable and allows you to correct the oval of your face.

Cascading bobs or bobs are ideal for those who want to grow out their curls. They do not need to be adjusted frequently, and many styles can be created.

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Cascade is a universal and practical hairstyle. It will suit almost every girl, regardless of appearance and face type.

The haircut will perfectly highlight any look and add zest to the style of the fair sex. The cascade will always be popular without going out of fashion.

After all, it never hurts to trim and revitalize thinning hairs. This article will carefully show you how to style a cascade on medium hair.

It would seem that this hairstyle is practical, without a special technological approach. But it's not that diverse. The cascade is divided into several options, namely:

The double cascade differs from the usual one in the structure of the hair layering. More precisely, this is a technology in which each strand is milled separately. The hairstyle starts from the top of the head, smoothly moving to the ends. As a result, the hair will be voluminous and will add volume to even thin, thinning hairs.

To correctly perform this technology, you must adhere to some rules. For example, when cutting off a layer, it is not advisable to leave protruding, short hairs on the top of the head. After all, then the bottom layer will be very liquid, difficult to style. And the view will not be aesthetic. The cheek area needs to be trimmed, starting from ear level.

The graduated type is different level cut ends. It will look great with bangs. Not suitable for girls with sparse curls, as the hairstyle will make them even sparser.

The “torn” version has many attractions. Suitable for both voluminous and thinning strands. This multi-step method will allow you to cut hair of different thicknesses.

A torn cascade allows you to hide some facial imperfections. With the right approach to working technology, you can hide a long nose or reduce your chin. Although there will be some inconveniences with installation.

A cascade with bangs will add aesthetics to any look. The bangs can be cut in any variety and shape. Namely oblique, straight, graduated, thin, thick. Here the master will fulfill any whim of the client.

Some advice can be given. For example, an oval face will suit a thick long bangs, girls with a high forehead will look beautiful with a graduated shape; oblique bangs will hide some of the nuances of a square face. A hairstyle without bangs will perfectly hide the imperfections of a long neck, covering minor facial defects.

How to style medium length hair yourself

Many girls do not know how to style a cascade on medium hair so that the curls are chic and lie beautifully on the head. There are many types of styling.

And so, to give your strands a well-groomed look, you first need to wash them well with a softening shampoo. It in itself will already impart incredible shine to your hair. Then pat it dry with a towel without applying any force.

Separating curl by curl, gently dry with a hairdryer. No fixation needed. If you have extra time for a more outstanding hairstyle, you can give easy hair twisted. To do this, you need clean, slightly damp hair, lightly lubricated with mousse.

Then a curling iron will help. Wind a thin strand onto a hot rod and unwind after 20 seconds. And so on throughout the entire volume. The next option will be the simplest. Wet, combed hair should simply be dried with a hairdryer in a chaotic manner. Splendor is guaranteed.

Who is it suitable for?

As mentioned above, the cascade is suitable for almost all owners of medium length. You just need to take into account some body and shape parameters fair half population.

  • For curly and straight hair;
  • Women of any age;
  • Chubby with a short neck;
  • Perfectly covers the defect of protruding ears;
  • An elongated and oval face shape will allow the haircut to sparkle in a new way.

Most girls, before going to the hairdresser, think for a long time about whether it is worth doing. And there should be no doubt. After all, the cascade will allow you to hide any imperfections, giving a new chic look.


The cascade is easy to cut. The master separates the strands into parts. Select the main strand (to which subsequent ones will be aligned) and, combing it, cut it to the selected length. Each transition line must be clearly defined.

Watch the video:

Following the individual wishes of the client, it corrects and evens out the angle of the curl. The key to success is accuracy and precision. After all, the cut lines near the cheeks may differ significantly, which will affect the expected effect. The final stage will be thinning the ends with special scissors.

How to style a cascade haircut on medium hair

For styling you will need: a comb, a hairdryer, mousse or foam. Thanks to the multi-layer structure of the cascade, it can be turned into a beautiful well-groomed women's hairstyle.

The first option will allow you to produce neat curls with curled ends. Separate one medium-sized strand, wrap it around a comb and direct a stream of warm air from a hairdryer onto it. Approaching the ends, roll the curl down, as if twisting it. Do this with each hair. Then comb your hair carefully, straightening your hair.

The second option is the simplest. You need to use a hair dryer with a round comb attachment, which simultaneously dries and curls your hair. As a result, the beauty can be strengthened with a low-hold varnish.

You can also do this type of styling. Apply foam to damp hair. Comb them, tucking them outward. Then let it dry on its own. Then comb and straighten each tip.


It is worth remembering that all haircuts and styling are performed only on cleanly washed hair, which will allow any work on it to be done efficiently.

Cascade will be the ideal solution. With it, your hair will acquire a unique volume, richness and revitalization of each hair.

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Cascade haircut styling options with photo examples and descriptions

Volumetric cascading haircuts are becoming increasingly popular among girls and women different ages. When styled correctly, curls cut in layers look chic and impressive. Such hairstyles suit almost everyone, beautifully framing the face with curled torn feathers. The cascade haircut looks best on medium hair, but also looks no less elegant on long or short strands. This type of haircut adds volume and texture to your locks, especially when paired with side-swept or asymmetrical bangs.

Choosing the right cascading haircut

To make a voluminous cascade haircut look sophisticated and impressive, you should take into account the type and shape of your face when choosing it. There are several rules, following which you can hide minor imperfections and draw attention to beautiful cheekbones or eyes. A hairstyle done for medium hair is considered the most versatile and easiest to care for. Long strands need to be healthy and bouncy so that the layers stand out from the sleek ends.

Basic rules for selecting the length of the strands:

  • At round face a torn cascade with oblique bangs will hide overly plump cheeks and a short neck. The ladder should be made for medium or long hair, retreating 15 centimeters from the crown.
  • If you have an oval face, it is better not to have long bangs. It will disrupt the harmony of proportions. Experts recommend that girls with an oval or elongated face type choose torn bangs, making a parting on the side, in the middle of the head. If your hair is thick, you need to ask your hairdresser to make a more noticeable thinning with a sharp transition of layers at the ends of long strands.
  • For creating romantic image you need to do a strong thinning, achieving a pronounced transition of layers with noticeable volume. The ends of medium-length curls will have to be curled with a curling iron and curled with a hair dryer.
  • A rectangular face with a heavy chin will be softened by a cascade with wavy locks, made for medium hair. The bangs should be made oblique or asymmetrical, achieving a soft frame for the curly curls at the temples.
  • An asymmetrical cascade will suit girls with short strands. It is not necessary to choose an extravagant haircut, just leave a few strands on the side different lengths.
  • With soft elastic curls, the length of the haircut can be any. If the strands are brittle and dry, it is better to choose a shortened version.

Naturally curly locks, cut with an elegant ladder, will always look impeccable. Smooth strands should be left long, making a noticeable transition of layers and an acute graduation angle. The more different the length of the strands, the more volume you can achieve when styling with a hairdryer.

Cascade laying options

An easy-to-style cascade does not require much time and effort to create an elegant hairstyle. The main thing is that your hair is clean, healthy and shiny. To create different options for everyday and holiday hairstyles at home, you should have the following tools:

  • hair dryer with brushing;
  • foam or hair gel with medium hold;
  • round brush with a regular comb;
  • an iron or curling iron for curling ends.

The most popular hairstyle options based on cascading haircuts:

1. Adding volume to the roots. To do this, you need to wash your hair and lightly dry the strands with a towel. After this, you need to stand up, tilting your torso forward so that the middle curls hang down. We dry our hair in this way, running it through our fingers or brushing. Comb the strands with a brush, applying a little styling product to the ends. If desired, curl the ends inward with a brush to make the hairstyle look more formal.

2. Creating a fashionable, slightly tousled effect. Apply a little foam to damp curls, paying attention to the root zone. For medium strands you will need a ball of foam the size of a walnut. We dry the strands with a hairdryer, tucking the longest ends inward. Then we twist the shorter strands outward and fix them with varnish. You can backcomb the curls a little at the roots to give them more fullness.

3. Hairstyle with parting. Depending on your preferences and face shape, we make a straight or side parting, distributing the curls into two halves with a thin comb. You can part it on the side of your head if you don't have bangs. We curl the ends inward, ensuring they curl evenly.

4. Straightening with an iron. To get a smooth cascade, you need to dry your strands with a hair dryer, distributing a suitable heat protectant over them. Then you need to straighten the curls with a hot iron, achieving the strict image of a serious lady. Hair for this hairstyle should be longer than your shoulder blades.

5. Curling with curlers. Distribute foam or wax over damp curls and roll them in rollers of suitable volume. Dry your hair with warm air from a hairdryer. Carefully remove the curlers and create fullness on the crown using backcombing. We curl the bangs with a hairdryer or curling iron.

6. Create a playful look. We comb the strands at the roots, pulling them out a little with a thin comb. Dry the damp ends with a hairdryer, curling them outwards around the entire circumference of the head using a brush. If desired, complement the hairstyle with a parting or a wide hoop.

7. Curling curls with a curling iron. You can make several hairstyle options, curling the curls from the roots, mid-length or just the ends. The bangs also need to be curled or combed for fullness. Curls are done in a spiral or in light waves, depending on preference.

Smooth transitions of layers allow you to get a haircut not too often, but you shouldn’t delay going to the hairdresser. Even at home, you can create beautiful looks with a variety of styling options using a minimum of tools and styling products.

Stylish cascade hair styling

Laying a cascade on hair, no matter whether it is long, medium or short, largely depends on experience.

Cascade haircuts have been incredibly popular for several decades. This is no coincidence - they suit women of all ages and any face shape.

But there is one small problem: when a hairdresser does haircuts and styling, the hairstyles look great, but at home it’s a completely different matter.

Immediately after washing, hair cut in a cascade looks disheveled and is completely different from the photo from the magazine that you liked so much when you were choosing your haircut.

The cascade needs careful styling like no other haircut.

If you get the hang of it, laying the cascade takes a little time. To create a hairstyle, you will need a hairdryer, a medium-diameter round brush, a curling iron and any styling product (foam, varnish, mousse, gel with a modeling effect, wax).

Styling a short haircut "Cascade"

Cascade-shaped haircuts made for short hair can be styled in the following ways:

  • make it in the shape of a fluffy hat;
  • lay smoothly and elegantly;
  • make short tousled strands;
  • in the form of a romantic styling;
  • slightly curling the short strands with a curling iron;
  • with backcombing at the roots.

  1. wash your hair, pat dry with a towel;
  2. air dry the strands a little;
  3. apply styling product to the roots of one strand;
  4. dry the strand with a hairdryer, twisting it inward with a round brush;
  5. repeat the third and fourth steps with the remaining strands;
  6. Apply the gel to your bangs and divide the hairs into thin strands.

The styling is voluminous, hides the chubby face and masks the insufficient volume of your own hair.

Elegant smoothness. This option looks strict and is suitable for a business meeting.

Looks very interesting on highlighted hair:

  • Wash your hair, dry it slightly with a towel;
  • Apply mousse to hair roots;
  • Dry with a hairdryer, smoothing along the entire length with a comb;
  • Comb from the crown without parting;
  • Apply a little wax to your palms and work it through each strand from crown to tip.

Playful carelessness. Suitable for vacation, in an informal setting. If the strands are not too short, this hairstyle looks chaotic and funny. They do it like this.

We wash and dry the hair. Tilt your head down and blow-dry, apply foam from roots to ends and run through each strand with your fingers until they are all dry.

We take a little gel with our fingers and arrange the strands the way we like: a crew cut, a mohawk, or something else - as your imagination and mood dictate.

It is important that there is just a little gel, otherwise even short hair will become heavy and you will have to wash your hair again.

Angelic appearance. Suitable for tall, slender blondes with a cute face and delicate features.

Wash and comb your hair. Dry your hair slightly with a hairdryer, bending downwards. Apply foam to still damp strands and continue drying with a hairdryer.

Straighten and dry your hair, twisting the ends with a round comb - each strand in different directions. Fix the styling with varnish or wax.

Laying the cascade in waves. With the help of this styling they create a gentle romantic image.

In addition to a hairdryer, you will need a curling iron to create your hairstyle:

  • Wet the hair along the entire length with mousse;
  • Dry with a hairdryer;
  • We curl the curls with a curling iron, curl the bangs;
  • Lightly beat the hair at the roots with your fingers, without destroying the curls;
  • Fix with varnish.

If your hair is naturally curly, simply direct the strands in the desired direction with your fingers soaked in the gel.

Laying a cascade using fleece. Suitable if hair is thin. Moisten the roots with foam. Lift the strands and comb them, fix them with varnish.

By styling a cascade of hair using the above methods, ladies can enjoy a variety of hairstyles, change their look if necessary, look beautiful, original and feminine, always corresponding to the occasion and situation.

Medium length hair styling

Styling a cascade haircut on medium-length strands does not require any special equipment.

To style, all you need is a hairdryer and a brush (round brush), sometimes you may need a curling iron. You will also need the most common styling products: foam, varnish.

Medium hair, unlike short hair, can be styled using elastic bands, hairpins, and headbands. Medium hair can be collected in a ponytail, bun, or roller.

A cascade on medium hair looks best with bangs; in this version it fits any face shape.

Here are some of the most simple ways styling with bangs, photos and videos are shown for clarity.

The styling looks original and unusual when the hair of the bottom layer is twisted inward with a curling iron, and the top is left untouched.

You can simply straighten the strands with an iron - straight, smooth hair is now in trend.

Curl the strands with a curling iron reverse side. This method of curling allows you to get perfect curls with clear transitions between the strands. The styling is suitable for those with a massive chin.

Curl some of the curls inward, some outward. This version of a “chaotic” hairstyle will help you create a bright, memorable image.

Use a hairdryer and brush to style your bangs without curling the ends; twist the remaining strands into tight curls. This hairstyle looks light, beautiful and romantic.

Change the location of the parting. Experiment in this direction - you can take several photos with partings in the center, left, right - and choose the most successful option.

When styling a cascade haircut on medium hair, you can adhere to the following rule: chubby girls curl the strands around their faces inward - thanks to this, their face visually approaches an oval.

Girls with a triangular face shape should curl the middle strands (lying below the cheekbones) outward - this way the proportions become more correct.

Cascade styling on long hair

Long hair is not at all the same as medium hair: the methods of styling long hair cut in a cascade are limited only by the imagination and skill of its owner.

In addition to the methods listed above, here comes the opportunity to weave braids. If your hair is long, it is better to replace the brusher and hair dryer with curlers and curling irons so that your hair does not get tangled during the curling process.

Loose long strands are curled with the ends inward or outward. It is best to do this with curlers - this method is more gentle compared to electric curling irons.

The strands are moistened with foam, mousse or water with a strong hold varnish added to it.

Neat, clear curls look feminine and smooth out the sharp oval of the face. Outwardly curled strands optically widen a narrow face.

Straight long hair cut in a cascade looks no less impressive than curled hair. For perfect evenness, they are “ironed” with an iron. Long hair can be braided in openwork and french braid, make African braids.

Corrugation is a spectacular hairstyle with which you can make an impression at a party, prom, meeting on a solemn occasion.

Take a look at the photo below: elegant small waves look very attractive and always attract the attention of others.

Crimped long hair suits everyone, regardless of face type, age, hair color and quality. For this type of curl you will need a special iron or curling iron.

The asymmetrical version of the holiday hairstyle, which has come down to us from the eighties, looks very feminine: all the ends are curled into curls, and the longest strands are laid on one side, secured with bobby pins.

You should first apply a modeling gel. Suitable for young girls.

Hairstyles and haircuts, no less than clothes, help to change the image and emphasize individuality.

Cascade haircut, according to many experts, is the most profitable in this regard. It looks good on straight and wavy strands, and fits equally gracefully on long, medium and short hair.

In addition, it is easy to care for and can be laid in a thousand and one ways. You learned about some of them from this article and its accompanying training videos, but this is far from the limit.

Do-it-yourself cascade hair styling

Well, who doesn’t know about such a haircut as a ladder. If you have never come across this name or its analogue - cascade, this does not mean that among your circle there will not be a girl who wears this hairstyle. And if you yourself are one of its carriers, then you probably wondered - how to style it at home? In fact, the ladder is very versatile, and you can do anything with it: curling, straightening, and it doesn’t matter at all whether it’s long, medium or short strands.

Preparing hair before styling

Of course, before styling, it is very important to prepare your hair. This is done simply, and everyone knows that there is no way to do without it. However, let us remind you that the roots of the head must be clean, otherwise the styling will not last long, and you will simply look untidy.

So, first of all, wash your hair with shampoo. Yes, it is important. You should choose a shampoo that is suitable specifically for your hair type. If they get dirty quickly, then it is against fat content. If split ends (short or long doesn’t matter) – restorative. If they don’t hold volume well, use volume shampoo, etc. In the case when several problems haunt you at the same time, you can use a remedy against all the ailments.

Immediately after your head has been thoroughly cleansed with shampoo, you should apply a mask to your haircut. You can choose one that comes with shampoo, a mask from another manufacturer, or make a homemade mask with your own hands. There are plenty of recipes for such products, they are very simple to make, and it won’t take you much time or effort. It is important to simply apply it after washing your hair, keep it for the time specified by the manufacturer or in the recipe, then rinse with cool water.

The next stage is air conditioning. It is used immediately before styling, when the strands are slightly dried with a towel. Along with it or instead of it, you can use a styling product, for example, mousse. There are also various sprays that will protect curls from high temperatures.

After you have applied everything necessary funds onto your hair, it will become very damp, but there is no need to dry it. To remove excess moisture from the strands, just do the following: lightly dry the strands with a warm stream of air from a hairdryer, but so that they still remain damp. Dry hair deteriorates much more when styled than wet hair.

Ways to tidy up your staircase

Now that your hair is ready to be styled, it's time to start creating a masterpiece on your head with your own hands. It is only at first glance that it seems that mastering the technique of professionals in styling curls is difficult, but in fact this is far from the case. You will be able to create excellent hairstyles on your head just by strictly following our tips and trying your best. The styling options are numerous. It doesn’t matter at all whether you did it with or without bangs. short haircut or left long strands. You can do whatever your heart desires: curling, straightening, just beautifully styled curls.

First of all, prepare a hairdryer. It is important that it has a comfortable extended nozzle so that it can interact with the comb. By the way, about her. You can use two brushes - one massage brush to dry your hair before you start styling, and another round brush to directly style your hair. You may also need a curling iron or straightening iron. In any case, be prepared that your hair will not approve of such heat treatment if you do not use the required products to maintain its health.

Regular hair styling

It doesn’t matter whether your curls are long, medium or short – the principle of basic styling is the same for everyone. There are, of course, many various types other styling for each length individually, but at the moment we are talking about universal. And you can do it yourself if you follow all the advice. Also, this installation is the basis for all subsequent ones.

  1. Comb the strands thoroughly so that no small knots remain. It is best to first use a massage brush, and then a thin straight brush with frequent teeth.
  2. For convenience, you can secure the top layers of the haircut with crabs. If you think you can cope without it, then there is no need. We recommend that you first pin up your hair, leaving only the bottom layer.
  3. Take a round comb and twist some of the strands around it. Our task at this stage is to add volume, so you yourself understand in which direction you can twist the comb when applying air flow from the hair dryer. First, twist the brush to lift the strands at the roots, and then pull them out, holding them tightly between the dryer nozzle and the comb to straighten the curls.
  4. Unpin the next layer and repeat the same steps. It is very important to do everything as quickly as possible and not to hold the hair dryer so close to your hair for a long time, otherwise your hair may suffer greatly from such actions.
  5. You need to do the same with the remaining layers. Don't forget about speed, but it all depends on the length of the strands.
  6. When, finally, all the hair is dry, you need to perform the same steps again, but not with hot, but with cold air. Thus, the hair retains its shape and volume, and the hairstyle will not deteriorate after half an hour.

If you have a cascade with bangs, then you will have to work on it separately. It doesn’t matter whether it is oblique, straight, whether the strands are long, medium or short. You just need to stretch it out without adding too much volume. It is believed that with very voluminous bangs you can give yourself a stupid expression, but if this does not work in your case, then you can do what you like best.

Creating Wavy Curls

With your own hands you can create incredible beautiful hairstyle with a minimum of effort. A cascade haircut can be styled in different ways, and it will all be equally beautiful, regardless of whether you have long, medium or short curls, with or without bangs. One of the most important decorations of a cascade haircut is the curling of the strands. This will give you special femininity and sophistication.

The curling is done as follows:

  1. Dried and styled hair should be combed first with a massage brush, and then with a thin brush with frequent teeth.
  2. Tackle your bangs first, if you have them. It doesn’t matter what shape it is, but when the hair is permed, this part of the curls should lie to one side. Straight bangs can be slightly curled and divided into two parts with a side parting.
  3. Secure the top layers, leaving only the bottom. Visually divide this layer into strands.
  4. Pointing the curling iron in one direction, curl all the strands. Repeat the same with the remaining layers.
  5. Before you finish, secure easy hairstyle varnish.

If your hair is short, you need to curl the entire strand from the roots (be careful not to burn yourself) to the ends. If your hair is medium or long, then the curling extends only to the ends.

Straightening strands

There are various options on how to improve a cascade haircut. For example, create the effect of perfectly straight strands. It looks best on a torn cascading haircut with bangs. This procedure is performed almost like a perm, only now you need to create not beautiful curls, but clearly even strands. This hairstyle will look a little informal, but it is very refreshing and youthful.

  1. Comb your hair with a fine, fine-toothed comb. Be careful if the hairs immediately become electrified, and use a massage brush in this case.
  2. Separate the bottom layer and secure the rest with bobby pins.
  3. Hold the strand with a thin comb and straighten it with an iron. If it doesn't straighten well enough, repeat.
  4. Do the same with the remaining strands, and then with the remaining layers.
  5. Comb your hair thoroughly with a comb that does not electrify your hair.
  6. Cover the strands with light varnish to secure the result obtained from the cascade haircut.