Cosmetic oils for face and body. Which oils are most beneficial for facial skin? The most useful oils for the face

Market cosmetics provides women with a huge selection of products to care for the skin of the face and the whole body. They often turn out to be expensive and ineffective. If you compare the compositions of many of these products, you will find that manufacturers indicate as the main components various oils for skin.

Oils are natural sources of vitamins A and E, as well as fatty acids, which are often insufficient in a normal diet. Ancient women knew about miraculous properties essential oils and they were used intensively to maintain a beautiful and healthy appearance. So why not now return to the original sources of beauty?

Special facial skin care

Women claim that this product is a lifesaver during the cold season, when lips are especially sensitive to frost and wind and react to environmental influences with cracks and peeling. Lightly rub peach oil on your lips before going outside, then no bad weather will affect your attractive appearance. appearance.

Olive oil

Surprising but true: healthy oils It is also used on the skin during cooking. These include fruit oil olive tree. It contains a huge amount of natural antioxidants, which helps maintain healthy Olive oil should be used as a base for a cleansing scrub and for everyday washing. It moisturizes even the driest skin without clogging pores.

Olive oil contains vitamins of almost all vital groups - A, E, B, K and D. It is used externally for the skin of the face and body, as well as for healthy hair. This product can also help cope with deep facial skin contamination and remove waterproof makeup. When applying oil to the skin around the eyes, you can even do without rinsing - until the morning this area will be fully saturated with useful microelements.

Oily and porous skin: oil-based recipes

Girls with oily epidermis should select oils for their skin with caution. For some, they can cause irritation, redness, or even burns. Therefore, it is especially important to maintain a balance of base and essential oils as a skincare product. For cleaning oily skin You can try a mask of steamed oatmeal with the addition of bergamot oil and a few drops of freshly squeezed grapefruit.

For acne on oily skin types, experts recommend using fennel, lemon balm, juniper and citrus oils. Add a couple of drops to cosmetic products several times a week, and the pores will be cleansed of harmful impurities.

If a girl with oily skin also suffers from enlarged pores, then you should pay attention to soothing products. Chamomile, mint, eucalyptus or lemon oils are perfect. The vitamins contained in them block inflammation and tighten pores.

Dry skin care

The best oils for skin that needs softening and moisturizing, should be in every girl's medicine cabinet. There are many optimal options for these purposes - lavender, geranium, jojoba, patchouli and Damask rose oil. Any of these products is quickly absorbed without leaving a greasy residue, thanks to its satin structure. Before using skincare cosmetics, you can add a few drops of any oil of your choice to moisturize the skin and make it more elastic. For example, 3 drops of Damask rose oil are enough for 10 ml of cream.

Experts advise those with dry skin to occasionally add a few drops of sandalwood or rosewood oil. During this procedure, the pores expand, which will provide the fastest possible effect. Medicinal properties essential oils will make themselves known immediately after the procedure.

As a facial skin care product, many girls who want to prolong their skin as long as possible natural beauty and youth, use mud masks with the addition of essential components. When mixing medicinal mud with chamomile infusion and a teaspoon of oil, a creamy mass should be obtained. It should be evenly distributed over the skin of the face and neck, except for the area around the eyes. After the mask has dried, rinse it off with warm running water.

Combination skin type

There are also universal oils for skin care. They can be used by both girls with combination and any other skin type. As a cleanser, it is recommended to make a mask based on honey. For 1 teaspoon there is 1 drop each of lavender and jasmine oils. Mix the mixture thoroughly and apply to the face, tapping with your fingertips. After 5 minutes, you can remove the residue using a cotton pad soaked in warm water. To soften after the procedure, you can apply ordinary baby cream.

The effect of the night cream will increase several times if you add 2 drops of sandalwood and orange oils to it. It is better to use this recipe before 22 hours. Excess cream should be blotted with a dry cloth. In the morning you will see well-groomed and velvety skin in the mirror.

Anti-aging recipe

Women of Balzac age need oils for their skin even more. At home, you can prepare an effective anti-aging cream based on them. In a glass container, mix 20 ml of cocoa butter and 10 ml of grape seed oil and beeswax. The mass must be heated in a water bath. You need to add to the resulting liquid cream mineral water without gas and beat with a mixer for 10 minutes. Cool and add 10 grams of hazelnut oil and 5 grams of evening primrose. This recipe for natural beauty will help you maintain your health and impeccable appearance for a long time.

In the article we discuss cosmetic oils. We talk about their benefits and effectiveness. By following our tips, you will learn which oils are best to use for your face, hair and body.

Cosmetic oil is a product of oil consistency intended for the care of the skin of the face, body and hair. It lacks an aqueous phase, thanks to which the product turns into a cream or emulsion.

Oils can be:

  • mineral and plant;
  • partially synthesized and natural;
  • enriched with esters or other ingredients.

They are produced by cold pressing the plant, which preserves all the beneficial substances and increases the shelf life of the product.

Each cosmetic oil is unique in its composition and effect on the body.

But in general, oils accelerate cellular metabolism, stimulate the synthesis of fibrinogen and collagen, moisturize the epidermis, and stabilize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.

Benefits and effectiveness of oils

The beneficial properties of cosmetic oils for the skin include:

  • hydration;
  • rejuvenation;
  • Possibility of use for any type;
  • softening;
  • prevention of early aging;
  • nutrition;
  • increasing tone, elasticity, firmness.

The products are recommended to be used during massage, as they increase the effectiveness of the procedure, provide preventive and therapeutic effect. They also have a beneficial effect on the skin, improving its structure, accelerating the recovery process, and stabilizing lipid metabolism.

Oils are used for daily care and cleansing of the skin, added to cosmetics, and used to protect against sun rays.

Typically, oils are applied to the face and body in the evening for the purpose of rejuvenation. In autumn and winter, the products can be used instead of day cream.

The effectiveness of cosmetic oils lies in their natural composition, which is close to the composition of human sebum. Most cosmetic oils are hypoallergenic, so they can be used even for sensitive skin types.

How do cosmetic oils differ from essential oils?

Cosmetic and essential oils are often confused, considering them identical in composition, action and effectiveness. But there are differences between these means.

Cosmetic oil is a ready-to-use independent product that has a complex biochemical composition and several components. They include basic vegetable oils, extracts, pure esters.

Typically, cosmetic oils are the basic vegetable oil extracts obtained by squeezing, pressing, extracting from various parts plants, in pure form or with the addition of esters. You can make these oils yourself or buy them at a pharmacy. Vegetable oils are the basis for essential oils.

Essential oil is a composition with a high concentration of mixtures of volatile and odorous substances, prepared from various parts of a plant using high technology. It instantly dissolves in the air, leaving no greasy residue. To be used in cosmetology, they require a fatty carrier, which most often includes salts, basic vegetable oils, and food products. Ready-made care and cosmetic products in the form of creams, lotions, and shampoos are also great.

The difference between essential oils and cosmetic oils is that the latter can be used independently, without requiring carriers or dilution, while esters must be included in cosmetics and basic cosmetics in a small dosage.

Review of essential cosmetic oils

The table below provides an overview of the main cosmetic oils.

Oil Compound Properties What is it used for?
Argan Unsaturated and fatty acids, vitamin E, phytosterols, squalene, polyphenols, high molecular weight proteins, natural fungicides Treatment of skin diseases, rejuvenation, increased elasticity and firmness of the epidermis, saturation of tissues with vitamins and minerals, prevention of stretch marks, cellular hydration and complex nutrition hair, improvement of hair condition, cuticle, nail plate To restore dry, weakened hair, restore damaged skin, improve the condition of nails, treat skin diseases
Vaseline Compounds of liquid and solid carbohydrates, ceresin, paraffin Eliminate acne, nourish and moisturize the skin For baby skin care, female breasts during lactation, hair restoration, softening and moisturizing the skin on the face, lips, elbows, feet, treatment of injuries, growth and strengthening of eyelashes and eyebrows
Vinogradnoye B vitamins, vitamins A, C, E, phytoncides, flavonoids Maintaining optimal moisture levels in skin cells, stimulating skin regeneration To normalize sebum secretions, collagen production, soften the skin, eliminate inflammatory processes and gently disinfect the skin, improve skin tone
Camphornoye Camphor, cineole, safrole, pinene Nutrition, cleansing, elimination of skin inflammation, rejuvenation, wound healing, regulation of sebum production, lightening of skin pigmentation For the treatment of acne, smoothing wrinkles, eliminating scars, adding to the base of creams for oily skin types, stimulating the growth of eyelashes and hair
Castor Acids: ricinoleic, palmitic, stearic, oleic, linoleic, vitamin E Skin softening, pain relief, nutrition, hydration, wound healing, rejuvenation To strengthen hair and eyelashes, eliminate seborrhea and dandruff, pigmentation, makeup remover, remove blackheads, wrinkles, swelling around the eyes
Kedrovoe Vitamins E, F, group B, vegetable fats and proteins, phosphorus, magnesium, copper, iodine, zinc, manganese Nourishes the cells of the epidermis and maintains the required level of moisture in them, eliminates flaking and roughening of the facial skin, increases the firmness and elasticity of the skin, prevents the formation of wrinkles, eliminates itching and irritation on the epidermis, protects against UV rays To restore damaged skin, improve the condition of dull hair and brittle nails, accelerate hair growth, get rid of dandruff and seborrhea, prevent hair loss, eliminate increased oiliness on the face and acne, increase skin elasticity, improve complexion, make-up remover
Coconut Vitamins A, B, C, acids: lauric, myristic, stearic, palmitic, oleic, capronic, linoleic, capric, caprylic, Rejuvenation, nutrition, moisturizing the epidermis, eliminating acne, treating cracked heels, moisturizing the skin on the elbows, knees, wound healing For nourishing weakened, dull, split ends, dry hair, getting rid of prickly heat, irritation and diathesis rashes, healing dry eczema
Sesame Magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, acids: stearic, palmitic, myristic, arachidic, oleic, linoleic, hexadecenic Nutrition, hydration and softening of the epidermis, rejuvenation, protection from harmful environmental influences, activation of regenerative processes, skin cleansing, natural collagen production Basic basis for the preparation of creams, lotions, masks, sunscreen cosmetics, for weakened, dull, hair damaged by coloring, massage, elimination age-related changes, redness and irritation, treatment of skin diseases, getting rid of severe peeling of the skin,
Acids: linoleic, linolenic, oleic, vitamins E, F, A, K, group B, folic acid, Omega-3, phylloquinone Wound healing, stimulation of tissue regeneration, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory, rejuvenation, antioxidant effects, strengthening hair follicles, eliminating dandruff, moisturizing and nourishing sensitive scalp To eliminate wrinkles, dryness, peeling, inflammation of the skin, age-related pigmentation, uneven complexion, increase skin tone, normalize metabolic processes in the body, strengthen eyelashes, improve hair condition
Cocoa Acids: oleic, stearic, lauric, palmitic, linoleic, arachidic, tannin, caffeine, methylxanthine Rejuvenation, increasing skin elasticity, eliminating pigmentation and inflammation on the face, retaining moisture in epidermal cells, increasing lipid metabolism of skin cells, protection from negative environmental influences To moisturize dry and aging skin, eliminate small scars and acne, wrinkles, soften the skin, restore cell structure, increase the elasticity of the skin on the face and body, massage, prevent the formation of stretch marks
tea tree Terpinene, pinene, cymene, viridiflorene, terpineol, alligexanoate Elimination of fungal, viral infections, unpleasant odor from the mouth, oily shine on the face, wound healing, even out complexion, getting rid of acne, seborrhea, dandruff To eliminate irritation, swelling, itching and redness of the skin, acne, pustular diseases of the skin, treatment of wounds, cuts, burns, fungal diseases of the skin and nails, dandruff
Black cumin Phospholipids, arginine, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, manganese, iron, calcium, nickel, selenium, zinc, copper, phytosterols, tannins, flavonoids, alkaloids, polysaccharides, essential oils, monosaccharides, enzymes, saponins, triterpene saponins, carotenoids, vitamins groups B, E, C, D, omega-6, omega-9, acids: palmitic, stearic, myristic, arachidic, linolenic Wound healing, collagen production, treatment of acne and skin lesions due to fungal infections, softening, nutrition, hydration, skin tightening, rejuvenation For the treatment of acne, psoriasis, eczema, dermatitis, protecting the skin from drying out and peeling, softening and toning the skin, eliminating wrinkles, increasing the elasticity and firmness of the skin, eliminating stretch marks, cleansing from impurities, normalizing sebum production, preventing the occurrence of cellulite, improve the condition of hair and scalp, prevent hair loss
Shi Acids: oleic, stearic, palmitic, linoleic, linolenic, terpene alcohols Softening dry and rough areas of the skin, rejuvenation, influence on the synthesis of collagen and elastin, increasing skin firmness and elasticity, improving skin turgor, eliminating stretch marks, protection from UV rays and harmful environmental influences, moisturizing and nourishing hair and skin, wound healing To prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, increase skin elasticity and firmness, nourish, moisturize the skin of the face and area around the eyes, cracked and dry skin of the lips, neck and décolleté, eliminate wrinkles, improve the condition of hair and split ends, nourish hair
Almond Acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, phytosterol, tocosterol, amygdalin, vitamins B2, A, E, mineral salts Slowing down the natural aging of cells, protecting against UV rays, normalizing the functioning of the sebaceous glands, giving the skin firmness and elasticity, strengthening hair, treating skin diseases and herpes, rejuvenation, moisturizing, regeneration of epidermal cells For rapid hair growth, eliminating unpleasant odor in the area intimate area, wound healing, prevention of stretch marks during pregnancy, skin diseases, baby skin care,
Mineral Zinc oxide, titanium oxide Drying and moisturizing the skin, smoothing folds on the face, preventing excessive secretion of sebaceous glands, protection from external environmental factors, nourishing dry and damaged hair, skin cleansing For makeup removal, improving the condition of hair and skin
Sea buckthorn A mixture of carotene and carotenoids, tocopherol, sterol, phospholipids, vitamin K, acids: linoleic, oleic, palmitoleic, stearic, palmitic Rejuvenation, protection of cell membranes from damage, wound healing To restore the elasticity of the skin, smooth out shallow wrinkles, moisturize and nourish the epidermis, eliminate brittle nails, restore and improve hair structure
Olive Acids: oleic, linoleic, palmitic, terpene alcohols, tocopherols, vitamins A, E, D, K, polyphenols, phenols, phenolic acids Rejuvenation, improvement of hair and nail growth, wound healing, prevention of cellulite, normalization of lipid metabolism in the skin, softening and preserving moisture in epidermal cells, eliminating dead cells on the scalp, preventing hair loss, eliminating dandruff, moisturizing dry hair To eliminate wrinkles, prevent cell aging, increase skin elasticity, massage, improve hair condition
Palm Acids: lauric, palmitic, myristic, oleic, stearic, linoleic, vitamins E, K, carotenoids, phosphorus, iron Wound healing, preventing skin inflammation, strengthening hair follicles, nutrition, softening and moisturizing the skin To moisturize the skin, prevent early aging, eliminate wrinkles and pigmentation, care for dry, aging, rough and flaky skin, prevent brittleness and splitting of nails, improve hair growth and condition
Peach Vitamins A, C, E, P, group B, calcium, potassium, iron, phosphorus, acids: oleic, linoleic, stearic, palmitic Moisturizing and toning the skin, eliminating inflammation, softening and restoring the skin, rejuvenation To nourish and moisturize the epidermis, get rid of wrinkles and cellulite, eliminate dryness and flaking, increase skin elasticity, cleanse and tighten pores, eliminate acne, soften and nourish the skin of the lips, nourish and stimulate eyelash growth, nourish and moisturize dry hair, strengthen the nail plate
Sunflower Acids: stearic, arachidic, palmitic, myristic, linoleic, oleic, linolenic, vitamin E Regeneration of skin cells, rejuvenation, nutrition of the skin on the face and body, softening of rough epidermis, combating stretch marks during pregnancy, treating burns, eliminating inflammation and itching To protect the skin from the negative effects of the environment, remove makeup, eliminate wrinkles, bruises, split ends of hair
Burdock Vitamins A, B, C, E, tannins, proteins, polysaccharides, nicotinic acid, iron, manganese, iodine, flavonoids, beta-carotene, stearic and palmitic acids Elimination of uneven facial skin, moisturizing dry epidermis, rejuvenation, getting rid of acne, stimulating the growth of eyebrows and eyelashes, smoothing facial wrinkles, wound healing, cleansing pores, strengthening hair and nails To cleanse the skin, normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands, eliminate oily shine, wrinkles, acne marks, restore epidermal cells, soften rough areas of the skin, cleanse and nourish the scalp, eliminate split ends, accelerate the growth of eyelashes, strengthen the structure of nails and preventing their delamination

What oils are best to use

In order to achieve the maximum effect from the use of cosmetic oils, you need to know which ones are best suited for certain areas of the skin. Below is a complete description of cosmetic oils for the face, hair and body.

  • sea ​​buckthorn;
  • grape;
  • cocoa.
  • For the body

    The best oils for body skin care:

    • almond;
    • sesame;
    • grape;
    • olive;
    • sea ​​buckthorn

    Contraindications to the use of oils

    It is unacceptable to use oil products if you are allergic to the components included in their composition.

    To find out if you are allergic to natural product or not, apply a little on the crook of your elbow. After a quarter of an hour, pay attention to whether redness or rash appears in this area of ​​the skin. If it is not there, there is no allergy and the oil can be used.

    What to remember

    1. Cosmetic and essential oil are different products.
    2. The effect of oils will be noticeable only with regular use.
    3. The effectiveness of cosmetic oils lies in their natural composition.
    4. The use of cosmetic oils is prohibited if you are allergic to the components included in the product.

    The wonderful nutritional and rejuvenating properties of natural oils have been known for a long time. Today these unique means They are widely used in cosmetology to care for facial skin and hair. Cosmetic oils are several times more effective than many expensive skin care products.

    Cosmetic oil is obtained by cold pressing of plant raw materials (kernels, seeds and fruits) and high-quality filtration without exposure high temperature, which helps preserve the unique natural properties inherent in the plants from which it is made, as well as increasing shelf life. Each oil is unique in its own way and has unsurpassed cosmetic effectiveness, superior to all known caring serums. They contain phospholipids, vitamins, micro- and macroelements, phytosterols and some other biologically active substances. Our body perceives them with ease, because they are part of metabolism. Oils help accelerate cellular metabolism, increase the level of skin moisture, activate the processes of collagen and fibrinogen synthesis, and also improve blood circulation, lymph flow and restore skin turgor. In addition, their use regulates the functioning of the sebaceous glands. The action of natural oils is aimed at moisturizing, nourishing, softening the skin, increasing tone, firmness and elasticity, as well as rejuvenating it and preventing aging. These oils can be used for any skin type, including oily and problem skin, since many of them have an anti-inflammatory effect. However, in this case, oils must be used with caution so as not to clog pores or provoke excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. The use of oils is especially recommended for dry, aging skin, as well as for dehydrated skin around the eyes.

    Natural oils can be used for skin massage, as they increase the effectiveness of massage, providing therapeutic and preventive effects (anti-cellulite, tonic, anti-stress and relaxing). In addition, the components included in their composition have a beneficial effect on the skin, improve the structure, help accelerate recovery processes, and also normalize lipid metabolism. Oils are also used in daily skin care to cleanse, nourish and moisturize, in hair and nail care, as an integral component in homemade face masks for any skin type, and can be added to day and night creams, products for the skin around the eyes and other caring cosmetics, in the form of base oils in aromatherapy. Additionally, most natural oils have a natural sun protection factor, so they can be used before and after tanning.

    Most often, cosmetic oils are used in the evening as a rejuvenating agent for the skin of the face and body. During cold periods of the year they can be applied instead of regular day cream. The oil is applied to previously cleansed skin, left for several hours, after which the residue is removed by blotting. paper napkin. Oils are absorbed into the skin very quickly, reaching its deepest layers within a few minutes.

    What's the secret?
    The effectiveness of oils is due, first of all, to their absolutely natural composition. In addition, the composition of natural oils is as close as possible to the composition of human sebum, due to which the components are perfectly perceived by the skin. In addition, natural oils in exceptional cases can cause allergic reaction, so they can be used by owners of even the most sensitive skin.

    Natural oils for bath and shower.
    Before using the oil, it is important to thoroughly cleanse the skin of the body from sebaceous secretions of the skin and the stratum corneum. This will ensure unhindered penetration of the oil components into the skin. When using shower gel, the foam should be rinsed off thoroughly, otherwise the oil will not be absorbed into the skin.

    There are a few more to note important points. When taking a shower, the water should be warm, since hot water activates sweating and stimulates the removal of accumulated waste and toxins in the skin. Under such conditions, the oil will be ineffective. But warm water leads to the expansion of pores and blood vessels, which makes the process of oil absorption easier. The oil should be applied to the entire body, for which you can use a sponge, but you can also just use your hands. Wait a few minutes, during which do a light massage. Then get into the shower and rinse your body with the stream warm water. If someone does not like the feeling of the film formed on the skin, then the oil can be added to a warm bath and soaked in it for half an hour. After you have taken a bath or shower with natural oil, there is no need to wipe your skin dry, just lightly blot the drops of water with a towel, but it is better to let the skin dry naturally. There is no point in using additional skin care products, since skin saturated with oil will not absorb creams and lotions, and besides, it is already perfectly moisturized with oil.

    In addition to nutritional and moisturizing components, the oil contains essential oils that have a healing effect. In particular, it relieves swelling, pine oils have tonic and antiseptic properties, eucalyptus helps strengthen the immune system, chamomile perfectly soothes the skin and relieves irritation.

    Natural hair oils.
    Many vegetable oils are also used in hair care. They have a beneficial effect on the hair structure, the hair follicle, prevent fragility and split ends, and heal the hair, restoring its natural shine. Recommended to do oil masks for hair no more than twice a week. Daily use of oils in hair care is not recommended.

    Natural oils for nails.
    Oils perfectly nourish the nail plate and soften the cuticle, greatly facilitating further hand care. Thanks to the valuable nutrients they contain, they strengthen nails and prevent their splitting. In addition, regular hand massage with the use of oils gives the skin a well-groomed appearance.

    As a means of preventing nail splitting, it is recommended to rub natural oil (a drop) into the cleaned nail plate and cuticle once or twice a week. The best option There will be daily use of oil. If your nails are varnished, apply oil only to the base of the nail. Of course, in this case the effectiveness will be somewhat reduced, but the components will still be effective.

    It should be noted that daily use of oil will reduce the “service life” of the varnish and make the manicure less durable, since the nail plate saturated with fats will repel the varnish. However, two days after stopping the use of oil, this drawback will disappear, but the nails will retain a well-groomed and healthy appearance for a very long time.

    Below are the most common natural oils for facial skin care, which can be used either in their pure form or added to ready-made cosmetics and homemade masks. Any of these oils can be purchased in pharmacies, specialized cosmetics stores, and online stores.

    Natural oils for the face.

    Castor oil.
    This oil is widely used in hair and eyelash care. It is rubbed into the hair roots two to three times a week. Regular treatments with castor oil strengthen hair, accelerate its growth, and make eyelashes long and fluffy. It can also be used to care for facial skin. Castor oil has a nourishing and softening effect, smoothes out shallow wrinkles in the area around the eyes and on the forehead. In addition, this oil is believed to have whitening properties, eliminating age spots and freckles.

    Sea buckthorn oil.
    This oil is widely used as a softening, brightening and rejuvenating agent for facial skin. In addition, it is effective in case of various skin injuries and diseases.

    Coconut oil.
    Coconut oil is widely used in cosmetology and is recommended for dry, sensitive skin with signs of wilting. It instantly nourishes, softens and rejuvenates the skin.

    Almond oil.
    Gives excellent results in caring for the skin around the eyes: wrinkles are smoothed out and the skin becomes hydrated. Using facial oil helps nourish the skin and smooth out wrinkles. Suitable for any skin type. It is especially recommended for those with dry and tired skin.

    Avocado oil.
    This oil is obtained from pre-dried avocado fruits. It has a positive effect on skin of any type: moisturizes, heals the skin, fights dryness, flaking, sagging and decreased elasticity. In addition, this oil serves as an excellent remedy that soothes the skin and relieves redness and inflammation, and also activates the regeneration process of damaged skin cells. Recommended for dry and aging skin.

    Peach oil.
    This oil perfectly eliminates the problem of peeling skin. Particularly effective for dry, aging and overly sensitive facial skin. Peach oil rejuvenates, nourishes the skin, making it firm and elastic, therefore giving good results in caring for the skin around the eyes, lips, eyelashes and eyebrows. It also accelerates the processes of restoration of damaged skin and mucous membranes. It is often added to ointments, care creams, shampoos, baby oils, and added to masks for sensitive skin. Peach oil effectively removes makeup. It is recommended to be taken orally spring periods time as vitamin complex, and also apply externally.

    Apricot oil.
    It is widely used in cosmetics and dermatology and is used as the basis for moisturizing and nourishing compositions. When using this oil, a high positive effect is observed. The condition of skin that suffers from a lack of vitamins, dehydration, and dryness improves significantly. Besides, apricot oil restores the epidermal barrier, softens rough skin and eliminates signs of aging. It can be used in the care of those with sensitive and problem skin, and also as a preventative against wrinkles around the eyes. It is recommended for use on children's skin; it has an anti-inflammatory, tonic effect, restores skin firmness and elasticity and improves complexion. There is also a positive effect on cellulite and rough skin.

    Grapeseed oil.
    This oil is recommended for owners of any skin type, including oily and problem skin. Its use has an anti-inflammatory effect, regulates sebum secretion, tightens pores, moisturizes and mattifies the skin, restores its elasticity and firmness. It contains a natural antioxidant - procyanide. Grape seed oil has a regenerating, antioxidant, vitaminizing and moisturizing effect. It can be used effectively to maintain skin elasticity when losing weight, as well as during pregnancy. Perfect for use as a lip balm. Good for use as a lip balm.

    Jojoba oil.
    This oil is recommended for use in mixture with other lighter oils. Its composition includes a complex of softening and moisturizing properties; it is widely used in the production of cosmetics in the form of a lipid material. Recommended for caring for the skin around the eyes, as well as for aging, dehydrated, problematic and sensitive facial skin.

    Wheat germ oil.
    This oil is also recommended for use in combination with other vegetable oils. Wheat germ oil has great penetrating ability, normalizes blood circulation and helps the process of removing waste and toxins from the body. It copes well with skin unevenness and is highly effective when used as an anti-cellulite product. Recommended for use in daily skin care of the face, neck, chest, and hands. It has a beneficial effect on both dry and oily skin types. In addition, wheat germ oil can be used to prevent stretch marks during pregnancy, as well as during weight loss. The oil has regenerating, softening, nourishing and anti-inflammatory properties, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin. This oil is an excellent means of skin rejuvenation; it smoothes out nasolabial folds, wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. In addition, it is recommended for various skin lesions and inflammations.

    Linseed oil.
    It is the most nutritious product. It is widely used, including cosmetology. Flaxseed oil wonderfully combats dryness and flaking of the skin, eliminates dullness and sagging skin, smoothes out wrinkles and fine lines. It has an anti-inflammatory effect, relieving skin irritations, helping with various types of skin diseases.

    Rosehip oil.
    It is a source of vitamins and nutrients. Perfectly tones and moisturizes tired, aging and dehydrated facial skin, smoothes out the first wrinkles around the eyes. It has a restorative effect on damaged skin, preventing scarring. Recommended for use in aromatic mixtures. Rosehip oil serves as an excellent protection against sunburn. Not suitable for people with oily skin types or those with acne, since the oil can contribute to the appearance of a “new wave” of acne.

    Sesame oil.
    This oil not only nourishes and moisturizes the skin, but also promotes its rejuvenation. Like a natural antioxidant, sesame oil prevents the signs of premature skin aging. In addition, this oil protects the skin from the negative effects of ultraviolet radiation, so it is often included in sunscreens, smoothes, relaxes, soothes and relieves irritation and inflammation of the skin. It can be used in skin care around the eyes. When caring for facial skin, it is recommended to mix sesame oil with essential oils. It normalizes the functions of the sebaceous glands, tightens pores and reduces their size, and relieves inflammation. Suitable for caring for any skin type, especially useful for dry, aging skin.

    Amaranth oil.
    This oil has truly valuable properties. It contains an important component for the skin of our body - squalene. It prevents the development of cancer cells, maintains skin moisture at an optimal level, preventing premature aging of the body, thanks to the presence of vitamin E. It is an excellent care product for normal, dry and aging facial skin.

    Shea butter (karite).
    This oil, due to its unique properties, is highly valued in the cosmetic industry. Unsaponifiable fats (squalene, carotene, tocopherols, triterpene alcohols, phytosterols and xanthophyll), which are quite abundant in shea butter, have regenerating properties and influence the production of collagen. In addition, this oil protects the skin from ultraviolet radiation and the negative effects of environmental factors, softens and moisturizes the skin, slowing down the aging process. Shea butter is especially recommended for caring for dry and rough areas of the skin, as well as for restoring firmness and elasticity to the skin.

    Macadamia oil.
    This oil is obtained from macadamia nuts. Recommended as a product for nourishing, softening and rejuvenating the skin. Its constant use normalizes the water-fat balance of the skin, increases its level of moisture, tone and elasticity, and also prevents skin aging. Macadamia oil is recommended for facial skin care, including the area around the eyes, neck, and body. It is especially effective to use this oil in winter, when stress, dryness and frostbite are frequent companions of the skin.

    Calendula oil.
    Suitable for all skin types, especially recommended for oily, sensitive and problematic skin prone to inflammation. For short time the oil will relieve irritation and acne, normalize the function of the sebaceous glands, and also significantly narrow the pores. In addition, it effectively helps with various injuries and damage to the skin, and also protects the skin from negative ultraviolet radiation. Its use will help get rid of spider veins on the face (rosacea).

    Hazelnut (hazelnut) oil.
    This oil is intended for the care of the skin of the face and body, including the skin of the lips and around the eyes. Regular use of this oil helps cleanse the skin, narrow pores, normalize the water-oil barrier, eliminate dryness and acne, relieve inflammation, redness and irritation of the skin. Also, this oil, thanks to its rejuvenating and regenerating properties, visibly smooths out wrinkles, smoothes wrinkles, tones and tightens the skin, increasing its firmness and elasticity, and evens out the complexion. Recommended for those with oily, combination and problem skin. This oil is ideal as an after-sun product that will soften and soothe the skin.

    Mango butter.
    This oil is a unique natural skin moisturizer. Its regular use helps maintain an optimal balance of skin moisture, protects the skin from dryness and dehydration, as well as aggressive environmental factors. In addition, this oil perfectly softens and smoothes the skin, restoring its elasticity, and lightens age spots.

    And finally, I would like to say separately about olive oil. Although it is not classified as cosmetic, it is an indispensable and equally effective remedy for the care of dry, sensitive, mature and aging skin.

    Natural vegetable oils can be a worthy alternative to ready-made skin care products. Their efficiency is even higher, and the costs are significantly lower.

    The advantages of natural skin oil in comparison with industrially produced cosmetics are obvious: no preservatives, no thickeners, no emulsifiers, no additional ingredients: only nature, only 100% natural.

    And in cosmetology, skin care began with the use of oils.

    Of course, we do not urge you to get rid of your favorite jars of creams and serums; they are effective in their own way and are often capable of more thanks to innovative technologies and super formulas. But add “oil” ones to your usual rituals - and you will notice how grateful your skin is to you!

    Natural oils are an inexhaustible source of vitamins and beneficial acids that nourish and heal the skin. In fact, they often don't even have to be applied to the skin to get the effect; because some oils work better when you add them to a bath or hot water and make a steam compress.


    Let's see what they can do!

    1. Coconut oil

    The words “Heavenly delight” are associated with coconut for a reason. Coconut oil can be used as a makeup remover, antibacterial care for problem skin, antimicrobial and antifungal agent (lauric acid in the oil provides a disinfecting effect), nourishing mask for nails... And it also removes static electricity from hair, helps defeat dandruff and restore depleted hair after numerous dyes.

    2. Tea tree oil

    Natural tea tree oil is the most effective remedy in the fight against acne and irritation on the facial skin. Kills bacteria, relieves inflammation, reduces redness and swelling of affected areas, has no contraindications or side effects. The only thing you need to be careful with is the dosage. With an oil concentration of more than 5%, there is a risk of drying out the skin, so if dehydration and flaking are your old friends, read the label carefully.

    3. Jojoba oil

    A real vitamin cocktail for the skin and a pleasant refreshing effect: this oil can give your skin a healthy and radiant look that you could not achieve even with the best decorative products. Apply the oil to cleansed skin as a day cream or at night, avoiding the eye area, and your skin will be transformed!

    4. Hemp oil

    If you use too much decorative cosmetics and want to find an effective, easy-to-use and skin-safe cleanser, you've found it. Hemp oil perfectly removes even stubborn makeup without damaging or dehydrating the skin, and is suitable for treating acne, as well as reducing any redness and blemishes left behind by pimples. Hemp oil should be stored in the refrigerator, otherwise it will quickly lose its functions.

    5. Macadamia oil

    The ideal natural oil for body skin! He is called "Guardian Angel for girls from Big City": macadamia oil protects the skin from the effects of car exhaust, smog, unfavorable ecology and industrial emissions into the atmosphere - inevitable companions of metropolis life. Macadamia oil contains calcium, zinc, phosphorus and potassium, which are necessary for the skin to protect against external aggression, and also perfectly heals cuts and abrasions, soothes the skin after shaving or hair removal and prevents flaking.

    6. Hazelnut oil

    A gift for those with oily, shiny skin. Hazelnut oil tightens pores and regulates the activity of the sebaceous glands, without leaving a sticky film on the face. After wiping your skin with a cotton pad soaked in hazelnut oil, you can immediately begin applying makeup.

    7. Castor oil

    Everyone knows the effect of taking castor oil internally, but few people know that castor oil accelerates the growth of hair and eyelashes by stimulating hair follicles, especially if it is applied to the skin with massaging movements and left to act for several hours.

    8. Avocado oil

    Stimulates the production of collagen and elastin, accelerates oxygen exchange, penetrates into the deeper layers of the skin and supports the creation of new collagen and elastin fibers, which will allow you to look rested and energetic. If you don’t like a rather dense texture, you can add avocado oil to your usual cream or lotion; it is ideally combined with any cosmetic ingredients.

    If you feel like your daily moisturizer already has too much oil in it, you can mix it with your night cream or face mask.