World Kiss Day. World Kissing Day: a useful holiday History and traditions

World Kissing Day is celebrated on July 6th. This holiday is relatively young, but has already gained popularity in many countries around the world.

One of the most romantic holidays is usually celebrated brightly and cheerfully. The main tradition of this day is, of course, a kiss.

In the central squares of many cities around the world, massive flash mobs and competitions for the longest kiss are held. On this holiday, millions of lovers unite in a passionate kiss to sometimes remind each other of the importance of feelings, sincere emotions and intimacy not only of body, music and soul.

Kissing Day first began to be celebrated in Great Britain at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1985, UN members decided to include it in the list of holidays for all mankind. Since then, Kissing Day has become worldwide.

A person learns what it is from infancy. Even as a baby, his parents kiss him everywhere they can and everywhere they can’t. A child receives his first kisses from his peers at the age of 1.5-2 years (one might even say as soon as he begins to walk). The activities of children, up to a maximum of 10 years, are copies of the lifestyle of adults and parents.

Why do people kiss?

Firstly, because it is instilled in culture. Almost all over the world, when people find themselves in a romantic situation, they feel an unconscious need to kiss. It seems that representatives of the opposite sex are programmed to kiss and are just waiting for this.

If you understand this, you will receive more kisses and more pleasure from them. This program works day after day.

People see actors kissing on TV, in movies and in advertising, they are told that their friends are kissing so-and-so, they see people kissing on the street. As a result, in certain situations, a kiss is perceived as an obligatory component. Therefore, in a romantic situation, a subconscious stereotype comes into force, and people feel an almost irresistible desire to kiss, regardless of whether they really want it or not.

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On World Kissing Day on July 6, we need to remember the origins of this sacrament - the kiss, its purpose and meaning.

According to legend, the kiss was invented by ancient people. In old times our ancestors believed that breath is the soul. Therefore, by connecting lips with a loved one, a man and a woman united their souls.

Unfortunately, in the modern world, many people have simply devalued the kiss as a sacrament, as a ritual. Initially, a kiss is an action that should be performed only with a very close and beloved person, since with a kiss people give each other a piece of their soul.

Scientists claim that During a kiss, happiness hormones are produced in the human body. It is believed that kissers suffer less from stress and illness.

Kissing helps you lose weight. It has been found that during a passionate kiss that lasts at least 20 seconds, calories are quickly burned and metabolism improves.

39 muscles are involved in a kiss. When these muscles become active, the blood supply to facial skin cells improves, which allows it to remain youthful longer.
A kiss has a beneficial effect on the entire body. It strengthens the immune system, prolongs life and gives a good mood.

The record holder for the number of kisses is Wolfram, a resident of Minnesota (USA). In 8 hours, he managed to kiss 8,001 people. It happened on Kissing Day in 1990.

Kiss - interesting and useful facts

According to psychologists, calms the nervous system and prevents stress. Those who like to kiss are more likely to show themselves as optimists, they are confident in their abilities, and are more likely to achieve professional and personal success.

A kiss is a whole “bouquet” of complex chemical reactions. During a kiss, partners exchange 7 mg of fat, 0.7 mg of protein, 0.45 mg of various salts. In addition, word of mouth kiss passes about 200 streptococci, staphylococci and numerous bacteria, 95% of them are harmless.

Each kiss - lips to lips - involves up to 34 different muscles. It is clear that this also consumes calories. A three-minute kiss - and 12 calories, no matter what.

During kissing, the pulse accelerates (up to 150). Moreover, the frequency of blows with particularly strong excitation can double. The pressure is off the charts. Lips become swollen. They become tender and pink. That is why brightly painted lips are an erotic symbol.

There is an opinion that a kiss is “infectious” and dangerous. Not really! Don't be afraid of the infection that is supposedly transmitted by kisses. Among the 13 tested, only one became infected from his partner with a cold. With every kiss, millions of bacteria are transferred to your “possession.” But this does not mean mortal danger at all.

The saliva of every person contains enzymes and antibodies that can resist any infection. In addition, saliva contains androsterone, a substance that excites sexual desires.

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50 types of kisses

A regular kiss on the lips, accompanied by slight pressure on them

A regular kiss on the lips accompanied by stronger pressure

“Love Bite” When a kiss is intensified by sensual excitement, it turns into a love bite. “Kama Sutra” recommends biting the same places on the body where they kiss, with the exception of the upper lip, tongue and eyes. In other words, the most suitable places to bite are the forehead , lower lip, cheeks, chest, arms and navel

“Deep kiss”, or “Maraichinage”, which the French call “the kiss of the soul”, and we call it “the French kiss”

Kiss on the eyes with very light pressure on them

A kiss on the neck, considered especially pleasant for women

Long kiss The lovers’ lips seem unable to tear themselves away from each other The kiss is accompanied by either strong or weaker pressure on the lips

Kiss on the corner of the mouth Kiss on one or the other corner of the mouth

Pulsating kiss Lips and nose are pressed to the girl’s cheek, lightly vibrating and rubbing against the cheek

Many small kisses on the inside of the arm, rising from the wrist to the armpit. Such kisses can awaken love.

Kiss on the cheek: The most common and natural one. However, much greater pleasure can be obtained from light, very, very quick kisses on various points of the face, excluding the lips. Speed ​​is especially important here.

You can add a lot of variety by kissing your partner on the lips while slightly puffing up your own.

The previous option can be slightly modified if the person being kissed pouts his lips

You can create extremely pleasant sensations by kissing your loved one's earlobe or near it. Men especially love to be kissed this way.

A variation of the previous method could be to lightly suck on the earlobes instead of kissing them.

A rain of kisses covering the neck and chest, descending lower and lower at different speeds. Some kisses may be shorter, others longer.

The inner thigh is especially responsive to kissing

Many romantic writers sang the praises of shoulder kisses. Men don't really like kisses like this, but they love kissing women's shoulders themselves.

A wonderful preliminary stage before kissing on the lips - kissing the fingertips

A common modification to kissing on the lips is to lightly suck on the lips instead of pressing on them and you can limit yourself to sucking only one lip, Upper or Lower.

You can continue to add variety to the methods already described by sucking the upper and lower lips in turn. Don't do it too hard. Tenderness and attentiveness have a place in passion

Stroking kiss: Lightly touch your lips to your forehead on one side, gently move them across your entire forehead and kiss on the other side.

Exactly the same stroking kiss can be kissed on the lips. Touching the corner of your mouth with your lips, run them along your lips and gently kiss the other corner.

A light kiss on the tip of the nose can be a great prelude to more intense forms of kissing.

A man can insert the tip of his tongue between the lips of his beloved, moving from left to right, then from right to left. This can go on for quite some time. And there's no reason why a girl can't do the same.

You can touch your lips and cheek with your teeth, but be careful not to hurt each other.

You can also “bite” your partner’s lips with your lips alone so that your teeth do not participate in the kiss

The gentle contact of the tips of the tongues

The previous kiss can be varied by alternately touching the tips of the tongues and withdrawing them

Suction during a kiss gives lovers great pleasure. Such kisses are used actively and accepted calmly and patiently. Sometimes one partner kisses, sometimes the other, but you can, for variety, kiss at the same time

Many people are especially sensitive to kisses in the area where the neck meets the shoulders. Both front and back

When it comes to kissing other parts of the body, most men and women have a back that is unusually sensitive to caresses, especially the lower part at the base and along the spine. The thighs are also very sensitive and form a weak erogenous zone

Kiss with mutual gentle stroking of erogenous zones

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You can kiss right under the chin, while the kisser's head is raised up

The throat area is very sensitive to kisses, so kissing the lower part of the neck is extremely pleasant

A variation of the usual kiss on the lips is to kiss just above the center of the upper lip, under the tip of the nose.

If his mustache gets in the way, leave a kiss right under the center of the lower lip

A quick “licking” kiss with the tip of your tongue into the auricle

“Profile Kiss”: A series of kisses along the line of symmetry of the face, starting from the middle of the forehead, then moving down along the nose to the center point of the mouth and ending at the middle of the chin. You can finish with a kiss on the lips

Kisses on the girl's upper chest. Nipple kissing

The back of the head and the back of the neck are an erogenous zone for most people, so lightly stroking this area with your lips up and down causes a very pleasant sensation.

"Spine Kiss": This is a series of small kisses along the spine, starting near the neck and ending at the lowest point of the spine.

The reverse version of the previous one is also a whole rain of kisses, but in front

"Stroking kiss" along the eyebrows

It's possible to suck eyebrows instead of kissing them

Quite intimate kisses in the area where the hips meet the body are very exciting and awaken desire. Men for the most part prefer to be active participants, and women prefer to accept kisses

It is also possible to kiss down from the navel to the point where the thigh meets the body. The lips should be relaxed to glide over the skin easily.

The kiss of young people, when they kiss the tip of their finger and then press it to the lips of their beloved for a moment. This is also a kiss, but such that clumsy words after it are sometimes unnecessary

A kiss has always been considered a symbol of love and passion. Such epithets as “seal of love”, “nectar of breath” were applied to it. There is even a special day dedicated to him. “When is Kissing Day?” - you ask. The solemn date is celebrated on July 6. At first this holiday existed only in Great Britain, but now it has become worldwide thanks to

Kissing records

On this special day, world “kissing” records are remembered. For example, it lasted almost 18 days. The longest kissing underwater lasted 2 minutes 18 seconds - the record of young people from Japan has not yet been broken. When Kissing Day appeared on the calendar of many countries, people remembered the achievement of a man with the last name Wolfram: in 8 hours he kissed more than eight thousand people. He was even nicknamed “the master of kissing.” In films, the kissing of the heroes of the film “Gone with the Wind” is recognized as the most impressive. How did the kiss even come about?

Origin of the kiss

Kissing Day holiday: how to celebrate

On July 6, you need to kiss all your family and friends: not necessarily on the lips, but on the cheek. You need to kiss your loved one as often as possible, because such actions only bring benefits:

  • lungs develop;
  • blood circulation and metabolism improve;
  • an increased content of saliva is formed, which helps fight caries;
  • wrinkles are prevented;
  • calories are lost (in 1 minute - 12 kcal);
  • adrenaline is released into the blood, which tones the body and energizes it;
  • There is a release of happiness hormones - endorphins - into the blood.

Kissing Day in Russia

If you are wondering when is Kissing Day in our country, then know that it is celebrated on the same day as the whole world - July 6th. What do we do on this special day? In Russia they organize various competitions and Interesting games. For example, “Kiss me here.” This game invites participants to kiss the doll on the lips, ears, nose and other parts of the body. After everyone has kissed the doll, the presenter announces that now you need to kiss the neighbor on the left (right) in the place where you did it with the doll.

If there are couples at the party, you can arrange a kissing lottery. The idea is that couples choose cards that say what kind of kiss they should portray (loud, hot, friendly, long). If the task is completed, the presenter gives a prize.

When Kissing Day is in full swing, you can invite girls to draw portraits with painted lips. To do this, you need to take care in advance of numerous tubes of multi-colored The best pattern is chosen by men.

For creating festive mood It is recommended to invent dishes original titles: “Dragon’s Kiss” (spicy meat), “Butterfly’s Kiss” (light salad), “French Kiss” (Olivier salad). The names of the drinks can also be changed.

Don't forget, July 6th is Kissing Day. The date is official and has been celebrated for more than one year. In some cities they take place entertainment activities in central squares, in others - romantic evenings with kisses on ancient bridges. The main thing is to love, kiss and be loved not only on this day, but always!

Good afternoon, Mikrushanochki! Did you know that July 6th is World Kissing Day? The holiday is not official and relatively young; it has been celebrated only for the last 20 years.

Kissing is good for your health

The holiday is popular for a reason, because kissing uses 25 facial muscles, improves blood circulation, and slows down aging. Kisses also increase a person’s pulse and increase the level of hormones in the blood, and also add a few minutes to life. A passionate and hot kiss can even burn dozens of calories. How useful!

Since ancient times, people believed that the soul lives in a person’s breath, and a kiss means the union of souls. Kisses are different and can mean a huge number of emotions: a friendly kiss, a passionate kiss, an expression of love, a wish for good luck, a greeting kiss, a kiss for good luck and others.

The story of a kiss

It is difficult to truly say where the kiss came from, but it is absolutely clear that kisses originate with the birth of a person, because every loving mother kisses her baby, showing love and care.

There is a version that kissing was invented by dentists, who believed that if a person kisses, he will have to monitor his health and the condition of his oral cavity, which means he will be healthier.

  1. The ideal kiss, according to scientists, lasts 3 minutes.
  2. Kissing is good for you. During a kiss, people exchange saliva, which contains various substances: fats, mineral salts, proteins, the exchange of which increases the production of antibodies that fight antigens associated with all kinds of diseases.
  3. Our lips are 200 times more sensitive than our fingers.
  4. 50% of all people don't like kissing at all.
  5. 66% of people kiss eyes closed, the rest enjoy watching the emotions on the faces of their loved ones.
  6. 65% of people tilt their heads to the right when kissing.
  7. In countries such as Japan, Taiwan, China and Korea, public kissing is frowned upon.
  8. The average person kisses 20,160 minutes (two weeks) over the course of a lifetime.
  9. A simple smack-smack kiss burns 5 calories. And if you increase the intensity of kissing, you can even lose up to 30 calories per kiss. But a minute of brisk walking burns only 4-5 calories.
  10. In 2013, the world record for the longest kiss was set, it lasted 58 hours, 35 minutes and 58 seconds. It was recorded in Thailand. During this long kiss, the lovers had to eat through straws, give up sleep and go to the toilet together. For their long kiss, they received a reward of $3,000 and two diamond rings.
  11. In Russia, they also set records for kissing; in 2005, Arkady Stepanov kissed a Porsche for 58 hours and 42 minutes. As a result, Arkady received that same Porsche.
  12. The scientific process of kissing is called philematology.
  13. Animals kiss too! And a chimpanzee's kiss is most similar to a human's. Dogs, horses and Canadian porcupines also kiss on the lips.
  14. In ancient Rome, people kissed each other on the eyes as a sign of greeting. But in Rus' it’s the other way around Bad sign- to parting.
  15. It is known that men who kiss their wives every day before leaving for work are more successful than those who do not.

Girls resort to various tricks to give their lips a beautiful and well-groomed look: lip scrubs, delicious balms and long-lasting lipsticks that do not leave marks on their loved one.

And a couple more tips from Mikrusha to have a nice celebration:

Lip scrub from LUSH

Sweet sugar scrubs from a famous brand are not only incredibly tasty, they also give your lips amazing softness. No dryness or flaking. Only tender lips, ready to kiss your loved ones!

New long-lasting lipstick from Mary Kay

To be more precise, At Play lip varnish - this new product will not leave lovers of makeup and kisses indifferent. Because the lipstick stays on the lips and doesn’t slip a bit when kissing. Durability is excellent.

Kiss for good health!

World Kissing Day is celebrated on July 6, 2019. The holiday is dedicated to touching someone with your lips, with the help of which you can show feelings - to express childhood innocence, motherly love, the passion of lovers, strong friendship. Its purpose is to remind people of the simple joy that a kiss brings. In modern society, touching lips has become a social formality or part and prelude to other activities. People have already forgotten the pleasure associated with a kiss for its own sake.

History and traditions

The event originated in Great Britain at the end of the 19th century. At the end of the 20th century, the UN gave Kiss Day the status of an international holiday.

On this day, contests and competitions are held in different cities around the world for the longest, most passionate, tender, romantic, beautiful, and unusual kiss.

Philematology is the science of kisses.

The human body produces the same hormones when kissing and shooting a firearm.

It is more difficult to catch a cold through a kiss than through a handshake.

In some countries it is not customary to kiss. Papuans, Balinese, and Eskimos express emotions by touching their noses.

In Africa, there is a belief that through a kiss there is a threat to breathe into yourself the soul of another person. Therefore, in some nations it is prohibited.

When you kiss, your pulse and heart rate almost double.

World Kissing Day is celebrated around the world on July 6th. This unusual holiday has its birthplace in Great Britain, because it was the English authorities who proposed to the whole world to make this day an official holiday.

World Kiss Day is an unofficial international holiday celebrated by enthusiasts in more than 60 countries every year on July 6th.

Homeland world day kissing is considered Great Britain. It was on the shores of Foggy Albion at the end of the 19th century that a kiss was considered worthy of having its own holiday as one of the manifestations of love.

On July 6, in a number of cities around the planet, World Kissing Day is marked by festive events, contests and competitions, one way or another related to philematology. Prizes are often drawn among the participants of the events (“For the longest kiss”, “For the longest beautiful kiss", "For the most unusual kiss").

"A Kiss for Dessert"
A kiss for dessert -
What could be more beautiful?
There's nothing better than a kiss
But no, believe me, it’s more dangerous,

After all, you give a kiss -
Will you suddenly fall in love?
So it's better not to spoil,
May you dream of love!

“Kiss me quickly!”
Kiss me soon -
This is what I dream about
Hug me quickly -
Here it is, my dream.

People, be around more often!
With a kiss on a bright day!
Forget about all the bad things
There is happiness in the kiss, in it!

“The day of the kiss has come!”
The day of the kiss has come!
This holiday is merry and bright
Everyone is definitely worthy of praise,
And also the best gifts!

I want to wish with all my heart
There are a lot of kisses on this day!
And let everything be fine
To make life amazing!

Congratulations on World Kiss Day: a kiss is the merging of the souls of two halves

A kiss is one of the most striking manifestations of love and sympathy. With a kiss you can say something that cannot be expressed in words. The fusion of lips from century to century conveys many feelings: love, sympathy, attraction, affection and much more. Moreover, this intimate gesture carries with it a whole cultural heritage that should not be underestimated. Since ancient times, it has been accepted in high society: if you kiss a girl, marry her. IN modern world the situation, of course, was abolished. Now a kiss does not oblige you to tie the knot, it conveys only pleasant emotions and sensations that tickle the nerve endings, but, nevertheless, it can become a serious reason for jealousy and even divorce

There are many interesting facts the physical side of a kiss. For example, when you put your lips together, for some reason your eyes close on their own. Or in the heat of a romantic situation, people intuitively, on a subconscious level, have a desire and need for a kiss. Of course, scientists find an explanation for everything, but the human mind in love is reluctant to accept them, trusting more to the legend that during a kiss the souls of two halves merge.

This day is unusual, cheerful,
Kiss serenely and sweetly!
A kiss heals pain -
So kiss, don't hesitate.
Let him bear, instead of quarrels and mistakes,
Kiss you fun and joy,
So that from laughter and kind smiles
There is no trace left of the trouble!

Smack, smack, smack you, girlfriend,

In the lips, nose, cheeks, ear!

I don't like you,

Congratulations on the kiss!

Be loved, be beautiful,

Definitely happy!

And kiss from the heart

Let your dreams come true!

On the Kissing Day holiday,

Touch with your lips sensitively.

To your native cheek and sweet lips,

Find a rare moment.

And you will see how quickly

Good joy will come upon you.

And this strong kiss,

It will bring you great sweetness.

Happy World Kiss Day,
The two of you snuggle tenderly.
Whisper pleasant words
And seal it with a kiss.
Let him be gentle and long,
For the place of quarrels and other squabbles.
Let it bring warmth
And leaves kindness.

Remember our first kiss,

Alluring with its breath,

Like a dandelion in the wind

Soaring like a transparent cloud!

When I touch your lips,

I'll freeze with admiration.

I won't give it away on Kiss Day

You, beloved, no one!

Congratulations on World Kiss Day: a great reason to arrange a romantic evening for your soulmate

At the end of the twentieth century, because of the love of kissing, the holiday was approved by the United Nations and received international status. In Russia, Kissing Day is a very young holiday. Despite this, it has already won the recognition of many residents of our country, but we celebrate it not quite the same as everywhere else.

International Kissing Day is another great occasion to celebrate romantic evening to your soulmate. This day gained worldwide popularity thanks to the global Internet.

The best part is that a kiss is also a beneficial action. When you kiss, endorphin is released - the hormone of pleasure, which even allows you to drown out the pain a little. In addition, passionate kissing helps burn calories and smooth out wrinkles.

I love your kisses
They contain a strong sweetness of love,
Without them I feel sad and sad,
I dream about them at night!

Happy Kiss Day!
I want to tell you now:
With you I feel happiness
I want to experience love with you!

Kiss me tenderly, mysteriously,
Swirl around in the arms of sleep.
Let love be a simple truth,
We have one for both of us.
Call me your pussy
Dance with me by candlelight.
Lights up the city lights
Kiss me tenderly, passionately.
Petals of ruby ​​roses
Cover our house.
You are not a guest in my heart,
You are the master in it.
Be sincere with me
What's worrying you?
Let the simple truth
It will remain in you too.