I'm not the ideal girl for you. Ideal girl: appearance, behavior and self-sufficiency. Vital Selection

You've probably thought at least once: “Is there an ideal girl in the world?” I’m ready to answer your question, if it’s more correctly formulated: “What should a girl be like to seem ideal for you?” Although there are some criteria common to most Russian men. I will try to tell you everything about this in this article.

Naturally, as many men as there are, so many opinions. This is especially true for appearance: for example, some choose only blondes, while others like brown-haired or brunettes. Some prefer model figures, while others, on the contrary, are attracted to women with bodies. So how then can you decide on the criteria by which you can determine that a girl is ideal?
In general, I think that you are hardly looking for the best one for yourself, but you really want to understand which girl suits you best, and with whom everything will be great. I also think that the ideal girl is the one who suits you so much that you are even ready to close your eyes to some of her shortcomings. That’s why she doesn’t have to be Miss Universe at all, although it’s unlikely that any man would refuse such a thing. There is one rather interesting theory about how to find your ideal girl.
In the life of every man, there are several roles (needs) for which he needs a woman. Therefore, what a girl should be like in order for you to like her as much as possible depends on how successful she is in these roles. Theory, of course, is theory, but it is also confirmed by practice. Not everything is as smooth as it sounds, but there is a meaning in it, and that’s why I’ll take my time to tell it to you.
I’ll say right away that all the qualities (roles) in one woman are extremely rare, but if there are at least three or four of them, then you can consider yourself very lucky. The ideal, of course, is to have them all, but then you will have to date several girls at once. If your morals allow you to do this, and they are happy with everything, then why not. But, alas, this rarely happens, and what your ideal girl should be like, you will have to choose from what is available.
Good girl– the one that meets your personal requirements. Let's figure it out, what are the signs of a good girl?

7 faces of the ideal girl

Below I give you several girl roles and relationship models associated with them:
  • Woman as a partner. As a rule, these include business women who have achieved success in life, but they don’t just need a man for sex. They choose a self-confident person, a professional in some industry, thereby using not only his masculine qualities, but also his business ones. It turns out to be a kind of symbiosis. And such relationships, built not only on attraction to each other, but also on mutual benefit, are very strong. A striking example of such relationships can be clanism in the modern Russian elite - a deputy has a businesswoman’s wife, the head of the administration has a judge, and so on.
  • A woman as a friend doesn’t seem to fit the image very well ideal girl, but if you also have great sex, then you will definitely be inseparable. In fact, every man sometimes, and often quite often, needs support, needs someone who can safely speak out or just chat after a difficult time. working day. And if there is a person nearby who is ready to listen and even help good advice, then it’s not valuable to her.
  • A woman in the role of a subordinate. Someone immediately thinks of a film where main character tortures his companion for pleasure, but I’m not talking about that, or rather, not only about that. A real man– this is a male, and the desire to dominate is already in his blood. Doing this all the time, everywhere and in relation to everyone is difficult, and sometimes even not safe. Therefore, if he has a partner next to him, who is ready to endure his dominance all the time, this is the very outlet for replenishing his natural need to be cool. The main thing is that she also likes it, which means it’s important not to go too far and give something in return.

  • Many adult men, when asked what an ideal woman should be, will confidently answer that it should be a woman with a family. This is the girl with whom you will feel comfortable not only spending time, having sex, but also living together. She will keep your home cozy and raise your children. If you find one, you will understand that they love you not for money or for external attributes, but because you suit each other perfectly. Yes, this happens.
  • A woman who will support your ego. How to find the perfect girl? There are some men who prefer their partner to literally look at their mouth, and not only fulfill all their desires, but also constantly dismantle her adoration and admiration for the man’s virtues. I’ll say right away that many cheats take advantage of this male weakness for flattery and twist their man as they want.
  • A woman who will inspire or a woman-muse. But you don’t have to be a poet to fall in love with someone like this. She is the perfect girl, as she should be, because she makes you act. You strive to become better and prove it to her, move mountains for her. Moreover, she feels it perfectly, knows what and when to say or do. Yes, she manipulates you too, but you enjoy it.
  • Well, in last place for me is woman sex. Although, of course, sex is very important for every man. Moreover, it is important that it is of high quality and regular, and sometimes even wild. And therefore, if a girl is ready to give it to him, then she has already half won him.

How to find your ideal girl?

First you need to decide on your preferences. Take paper and pen and write down everything that you find attractive in girls. Remember your past relationships: who you chose, brunettes or blondes, fat or thin, smart or stupid. All this is important to understand what kind of girl should be in order to just like you. You can meet a girl in a store, in a library, at a university - the main thing is to already have a ready-made image of her in your head.
And finally, a few words about stereotypes. It just so happens that in our country, and not only in ours, many men prefer not a certain type of girl, but certain qualities that they often look for in their partner. Read my article "What good qualities do girls have?" , it will be useful to you.

So, The ideal girl does not always have to be beautiful to attract a man, but she must be well-groomed. She should have a healthy appearance - smooth and shiny hair, clean skin, healthy teeth, a pleasant smell, as well as a beautiful open smile. In addition, the ideal woman should be feminine - this is what many modern ladies lack, and that’s why real men miss it.
Women are so eager to prove their equality that they forget that they simply cease to be sexually attracted to the opposite sex. And they create their own “sects”. But in fact, no one wants to oppress them in their rights - they want to carry them in their arms. The ideal girl should understand this.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

Each person, regardless of gender, has his own ideal and there is no consensus on this matter. Moreover, the concept of ideality, as such, is not, everything is relative.

Men and women look at these concepts differently, and it is simply impossible to identify exact criteria. However, there are average characteristics accepted in social society, indicating certain properties of character, behavior, appearance, and so on, which an ideal girl should have.

So, what kind of girl do you need to be to get an “ideal” grade? Let's try to consider this issue in more detail and consider it from all sides in order.

Features and signs of female ideality in the eyes of men

Different males have different ideas about the ideality of women. You can only create an approximate collective image that will appeal to most men. Let's highlight the most important points of this image of ideality.


What is so important about the appearance of a girl or woman for her to be considered the most ideal girl? Some will say height, others body composition. Some may think it’s the color of the eyes or hair, or maybe body weight. However, this is not all that. In fact, the named characteristics are significant strictly in individual preferences. We can’t say that only plump people or only skinny people are considered ideal?

In fact, it is important that a woman is well-groomed and takes care of herself in everything. She was in good physical shape, had a healthy complexion and elastic skin. After all, what is the point of girls exhausting themselves and deliberately starving in order to be skinny.

The result will be disastrous, the body will lose weight, but the skin will be flabby and lacking energy. It's better to have a couple extra pounds, but at the same time have an elastic, toned body, rather than be afraid to undress on the beach, bashfully hiding your skinny forms and saggy skin.

The ideal girl is in terms of appearance, first of all healthy appearance. This is smooth radiant skin, an attractive smile, smooth beautiful hair. This is what really attracts representatives of the male half of humanity in a woman. This is what makes them go crazy and lose their heads.

Behavior and emphasis on femininity

If the first point is met correctly, then you will notice that a well-groomed woman always knows how to correctly emphasize her individuality and femininity. It is beneficial to present your appearance, choose the style of clothing and shoes in order to look sexy and attractive, but at the same time not seem vulgar in the eyes of a man.

Moreover, it is important not to overdo it with the length of the dress or skirt, or with the heels of shoes, or with jewelry and cosmetics. This is the only way to achieve an important point - femininity.

However, a well-groomed appearance alone is not enough if behavior does not have the necessary moral boundaries. All ideal girls are characterized by moral stability. They will not show their disdain for anyone, jealousy, dissatisfaction or any other negative emotions in public. They know how to control themselves.

Such girls do not throw hysterics and never sort things out in the presence of other people. And they certainly won’t make the details of their personal lives public. Such a girl will not discuss her partner with other girls or strangers. The ideal girl is more likely to treat her partner with respect, both alone and in the company of friends.

Self-sufficiency and the ability to give in

In the eyes of a man, ideal girls should be able to give in in a relationship with a partner. Be flexible, be able to put yourself in your man’s place. In other words, a girl should always be perfect. Try to achieve maximum mutual understanding not only with your environment, but also with the partner himself. It is precisely these highly moral qualities that representatives of the male half of humanity in the weaker sex value.

Among other things, many guys want to see in their chosen one not just a woman, wife and future mother of their children, but also an integral, self-sufficient person. That is, a girl should have specific goals in life, profession, passion or hobby.

Yes, of course, the first impression of a woman is formed by her appearance, grooming, and demeanor. However, the next step to sympathy and closer relationships is laid based on how conscientious the lady is. From the chosen one’s intelligence, sense of humor, flexibility of thinking, and so on. If, despite the external gloss, there is a complete lack of intelligence, then what kind of ideal and strong long-term union can we talk about?

Recent social surveys of men indicate that a girl who can be called ideal should also be soft, like a kitten, harmonious in everything. After all, harsh manners, an overly firm attitude and character are more likely to repel a man than to attract him.

Moreover, those representatives of the fairer sex who, at any opportunity, seek to humiliate their partner and thus assert themselves at his expense, are not only not attractive to guys, they cause real disgust in them.

To prevent this from happening, a girl should under no circumstances become a “saw” for her chosen one, a critic and a creative sculptor who constantly wants to change something in a man.

These are the main criteria by which most men evaluate the ideality of their future chosen one and life partner. However, there are other requirements for women, which can also play a significant role in choosing her as an ideal for life. We'll talk about them next.

Vital Selection

When choosing an ideal life partner, a man, in addition to the criteria already mentioned, wants to see a “mother” in his companion. So what is the ideal girl in this case?

This already touches on the everyday side of the issue, which will become important when the partners co-exist under one roof. And it may well become a stumbling block that will not only not contribute to some ideal relationship, but will completely destroy it. This, of course, is the comfort and thriftiness of a companion.

Yeah, well, someone might say. Can't be. However, this is so, judge for yourself, if a lady of the heart does not know how to cook, at least at the most primitive level, does not know and does not know how to create a cozy atmosphere in the house, how to improve the interior and restore order, then no matter how beautiful and well-groomed, intellectually developed no matter what it was, there would be no harmony. Therefore, this component is very important for any woman.

Ideal and bad habits

You can’t call a girl an ideal if she spends all her evenings in nightclubs and parties. If a lady is overly interested in guys and alcohol, she smokes. All these points will only push the representative of the stronger half of humanity away from the woman and completely discourage interest in her.

Therefore, in order to at least get closer to the ideal parameters that men want to see in a girl, a woman should get rid of such habits without hesitation, if she has them. It’s not even the guys themselves who need this anymore, but she herself. After all, she still becomes a mother, raises children, and sets an example for her own continuation of the family. What kind of example can we talk about if all the addictions are present?!

What does it mean to be a perfectly beautiful girl?

We have already told everything about the beauty of the soul and important qualities, but it’s still worth telling about the real beauty in a woman that attracts men. What does the concept of beauty consist of, and how do men evaluate it? We will now try to answer this and other questions as fully as possible.
Signs by which beauties are distinguished:

Face and external aspects of female attractiveness

According to most men, an ideal woman should have the correct facial features. Have high cheekbones and snow-white skin. An attractive smile can only be achieved if you have straight, healthy teeth and slightly plump lips.

However, every man has his own so-called nuances that attract them to a woman and it is impossible to calculate them in advance. This could be a slightly upturned snub nose of a companion, scanty freckles, and so on. Therefore, it is important to strive to be ideal, and not to be it. As you know, there are no completely ideal people.

This means that a woman at least needs to take care of herself. Take care of your skin so that it is smooth, does not have obvious inflammation on its surface, and does not peel off. Monitor the health of your teeth, hair, nails and perform all manipulations in a timely manner to maintain all this in the right condition.

Plump or wasp waist

From the covers of glossy magazines, the faces of fashion models often look at us, who, in our opinion, have ideal shapes. But is this so and is everything really so perfect?

But no, glossy magazines Most of them present us with professional photoshop. Where all problem areas of the skin, figure, and so on are cropped in the photo by masters of the photo industry. If you look at these models up close and without makeup, you can sometimes even get shocked at how terrible the condition is.

No super thin model can be an ideally healthy woman; according to statistics, most models suffer from anorexia and there is clearly nothing to envy here. And the notorious parameters 90x60x90 are already moving away from established fashion criteria. So it's better to be a little plump with elastic skin than a dried-out anorexic woman who looks like magazine pictures.

Moreover, it is worth noting that not all men love thin and slender ladies. An impressive portion of guys prefer plump and short girls. Therefore, it will not be possible to become some kind of ideal physically if you do not know the preferences of a man.

In this case, women can only be advised one thing, to maintain their body by regular exercise of any sport and eat right so that the body is in good shape. And the man himself will find you if you fit his ideal ideas about his companion.

Does beauty depend on clothes?

This is the most ridiculous and widespread myth in the world. Of course not, if the clothes are chosen in size, are not vulgar and are clean and ironed.

Think for yourself, if you follow everything blindly fashion trends and completely ignore the advantages and disadvantages of your body, then even in the most trendy things that do not suit you at all, you can look like a complete stuffed animal.

For a woman, what is important is not the price of clothes and its brand, but how the item will fit exactly on her figure, regardless of size. It is important to be able to emphasize the advantages and hide the flaws of the figure, to be able to properly hide the shortcomings of your body.

For example, if you have wide shoulders, then clothes with additional foam inner hangers are clearly not for you. Because they will make your shoulders look even larger by a couple of sizes.

If you have small breasts, then a dress or blouse that is too tight will not be appropriate. If you have a wide, fluffy skirt, your breasts will simply disappear against the background of such a wardrobe altogether. And there are a lot of such nuances. All of them need to be taken into account based on your specific figure type, height, and size of your feminine charms.

You can dress modestly, but tastefully, emphasizing all your advantages. The same goes for jewelry. They may just be inexpensive jewelry, but they look very impressive.

Now you know what an ideal girl is in the eyes of most men!

The fair sex is difficult to understand. Some girls hide their feelings under a mask of indifference, while others confess their love because of commercialism, although they do not feel anything. Secret signs that a girl really loves you.

Everyone wants to find love, but how to recognize it and will it be real? Modest girls love to be mysterious and hide their love from a man, although they have already fallen in love for a long time. And mercantile girls admit their feelings, although they do not love, but are simply looking for a profitable match. How to understand whether a girl truly loves you or not?

1. A girl loves if there are no secrets for her

The girl asks a lot of questions and wants to know absolutely everything. What is your favorite band, the amount of sugar in coffee, what was your name as a child, what are you doing tomorrow and do you like fishing? If a girl is interested in all this, then you are the most important part in her life. The girl also tells everything about herself. All women's secrets, dreams, doubts and emotions. It's like love.

2. A girl loves it if she clings to you

The girl cannot resist receiving a bit of tenderness from you and giving hers in return. Girlfriend loves to walk hand in hand, hug, kiss, fool around and touch 1000 different ways. She happily jumps into the bed and takes off her panties as soon as you call, and does not try to sell sex in exchange for goodies.

3. A girl loves if she is jealous

When some woman appears next to her man, the girl begins to be jealous. This does not mean that she rushes to pull out her hair by the roots. The girl is rather a little agitated and dissatisfied. Jealous means he loves.

4. A girl loves if she gives all her time

The girl wants to date as often as possible, and does not have one or two regular dates a week. She rearranges her schedule and is freed from work if a man invites her to go for a walk. In her organizer, you are a priority.

5. A girl loves it if she is attentive to details

A friend gives cards, sends ridiculous messages, arranges surprises, sings songs to you, writes notes, helps you with various matters and cares. A girl truly loves if she is attentive to the little things.

6. A girl loves it if she gives compliments

Does the girl praise and compliment you with enviable regularity? She really likes you, and she is your biggest fan. That's why she likes your new jacket, your ability to play the guitar, your hairstyle and everything else.

7. A girl loves if she “sees” only you

You can be in a crowd, but be just the two of you. A girl loves it if she focuses all her attention on you, and does not wander her eyes out of boredom or curiosity.

8. A girl loves it if she wants to get to know your surroundings

The girl wants to get to know your immediate circle: friends and relatives. She makes an effort to please and seeks approval. Besides, she introduced you to her friends, and maybe even her family.

9. A girl loves it if her body says so.

Body language is very difficult to hide and difficult to control. The girl shows with her whole body that she adores and loves you. She runs to the meeting as soon as she sees you. Her eyes are burning, her face is shining, and the smile does not leave her face. When a girl loves, she shines when her man is nearby.

10. A girl loves it if she says it spontaneously

A loving person cannot hold back words of love in some pleasant moments and surges of tenderness. The girl confesses her love spontaneously, confused in her words and worried. This is definitely love.

Do these 10 signs match yours? The girl definitely loves you...

Each of us has a desire for ideal in our blood, and we strive to achieve it in everything: in our personal lives, in the sphere. Also, when choosing ours, we look for the ideal. It seems to everyone that having found the highest goal in their life, it will become easier and simpler. But no one asked the question about

Probably every representative of the fair sex from the very beginning early childhood We strive to be perfect. And most often this is done only to please a member of the opposite sex. But everyone knows that there is no universal criterion of ideality. How many people - so many opinions. If for one guy this is the height of perfection, then in the eyes of another it will not be such. From this we can conclude that the concept of “Ideal girl” is very subjective. If one guy likes a thin, slender brunette, then his friend, quite likely, has a desire to quickly feed her so that she gets better. In this world everything is relative. Also, do not forget about how old your betrothed is, where he studied, was born, and was raised. After all, this is why they say: “What is good for a German is death for a Russian...”. But still, what is the ideal girl like in the minds of a modern guy?

Criteria for choosing the ideal girl

1 criterion. Age. Most likely, this female representative has already graduated from university, and she is approximately 23-27. It is believed that at this age a girl is already independent and ready to make a thoughtful and important decision. Of course, relationships with younger girls are also possible, but most often they do not promise marriage, since such a girl has not yet lost the desire to “hang out”; she can easily be carried away by a new company or party. In addition, if she has not yet turned 18, then it is quite possible that she will be charged with “corruption of minors.” And this is definitely not the limit of dreams.

2 criterion. Education. In the guys' understanding, she should have a higher education. But, unfortunately, in our modern society, this is not available to everyone. In addition, you can be intellectual and educated without the treasured “red crust”. In this case, the most important thing is how you use your knowledge and your abilities. But we should not forget that men are of the opinion that a woman should not be smarter than themselves. From here we can conclude: the ideal girl for a guy is not just smart and educated, but also wise.

3 criterion. Appearance. Well, that goes without saying. An ideal girl simply must be beautiful, but her beauty must be natural. “War paint” does not attract a man, but rather scares him. After all, high-quality and correctly done makeup can completely change your face. Back in ancient times in Rus', people chose their betrothed near the bathhouse, because only there you can see the real face of a woman - without makeup. Also, one of the main conditions for a man is to look stronger than his chosen one. Therefore, beauties should not abuse heels. There are no problems with hair color either. Do men like blondes? Yes Easy. I went to the store and took the paint I needed.

4 criterion. Behavior. It has long been no longer a secret that absolutely every man wants his chosen one to treat him with respect, understand him, and admire him. And a man just needs to feel significant. He should take part in absolutely all issues related to everyday life, family, and your relationships. The ideal girl should understand all this, and under no circumstances hurt her betrothed. Also, alcohol, cigarettes and nightclubs do not fit into the concept of ideal.

5 criterion. Femininity. Every man wants the girl next to him to be well-groomed, neat, gentle and feminine. After all, he is looking for his beloved, and not a friend with whom he can drink beer in the evening. It is important to maintain femininity in any situation.

And the most important and basic criterion is Love. If a guy loves you, then you are beautiful to him with all the disadvantages and shortcomings. And if you are loved, that means you are ideal, and you should move through life with your head held high. It is about you that your loved one should say: “I feel good with her and I’m happy with her!”

1. Since you met, you haven’t thought any worse about yourself.

2. If she answers that everything is fine, you can believe it, and not wait for passive-aggressive attacks and hysterics out of the blue.

3. She knows how to sleep with just half a blanket. And if he doesn’t know how, he goes and buys a second one without unnecessary reflection.

4. She doesn’t say that she’s bored (from female to human this translates as “urgently get your ass off the couch and figure out how to entertain me!”), but enrolls in a combat hopak club, goes to study the 12th in a row foreign language or develops a plan for your trip to the hills of Manchuria.

5. Doctors shrug their shoulders in bewilderment, but she is allergic to fur, diamonds and tropical climate.

6. She is able to say: “Well, to hell with it!” if it suddenly turns out that you forgot to buy milk and half a black one / didn’t get a promotion / threw it in washing machine, where she already had her white cashmere sweater, her formal red socks and turned on the “super turbo” mode.

7. She cooks in such a way that her cooking does not cause heartburn in you or your friends.

8. She always has a stash. And, having found the shoes of your dreams in the store, she doesn’t call you with a pitiful: “Puuuusik, they’re so luxurious…”, but simply takes them and buys them. And then in the evening, in order to restore the balance of justice, he says: “Listen, since we don’t have enough for plasma anyway, let’s at least buy you a Play Station.”

9. She loves and.

10. She actually thinks that if you're drunk, you're funny and charming. And he knows the recipe for the right hangover soup.

11. She doesn't get fat from birth control pills and sincerely does not understand why.

12. At her mother’s dacha, the roof never leaks and the septic tank never breaks down.

13. Her exes are not registered on any social network.

14. She was herself beautiful girl in 11th grade and can still squeeze into her prom dress.

15. She is not irritated by the smell of fumes and the sound of snoring.

16. If necessary, she can carry on a conversation about football, carburetors and securities transactions. Or maybe keep quiet.

17. She knows how to negotiate with traffic cops, plumbers and a violent neighbor from the 3rd floor.

18. She is interested in your mother’s opinion and recipe for kulebyaki dough not out of politeness, but because she really believes that your parent is wise and a good cook.

19. She doesn’t tell her mom and friends anything incriminating about you.

20. You only find out that her relatives from Sakhalin came to the city when you open the refrigerator and find a jar of red caviar there. Because she herself meets them at the airport, checks them into a hotel, and takes them on an excursion to Red Square and Starbucks.

21. You have no idea if she is on a diet.

22. She respects your collection of beer glasses, comic books and bladed weapons from the Renaissance.

23. She doesn’t see a problem in giving herself a manicure, pedicure, hair removal, styling and pumping her butt to YouTube videos.

24. Not only she herself, but you also think that she is a virtuoso.

25. She has never brought you to such a point of despair that you decided to write in the “For advice” section.

By the way: in the comments you can and should brag about how many points your friend scored.