How to get into a girl for the first time. The best positions to get an orgasm for girls. OK! What should you do?

First sex is always intriguing, alluring and very responsible, both for girls and guys. Young people are afraid of appearing stupid and inexperienced to their partner, and, accordingly, of embarrassing themselves. Therefore, we will focus on a few points that will help guys feel confident during their first sex.

Where to insert a girl's penis

You will find useful recommendations that will make your first sexual intercourse as comfortable and painless as possible in our article. Here we will talk about how to find the treasured “hole” without making a mistake and at the same time giving pleasure to your partner.

The simplest, most effective and effective method- these are long and frank foreplay. Oral caresses will allow you to most accurately and quickly find the place where the girl’s penis should be inserted. In addition, caresses with your hands will also allow you to find the entrance to the vagina and at the same time also prepare the girl for penetration. They are especially important if your partner, like you, is still a virgin. You will learn more about how to properly take virginity from the article.

The best position for proper penis insertion is missionary. In this case, the girl lies on her back, her legs are either bent at the knees or placed on the shoulders of her partner. In this case, the man can clearly see where exactly the penis needs to be inserted. For precise and accurate insertion, it is necessary for the guy to guide the penis with one hand.

The knee-elbow pose is also good option. In this case, the guy will clearly see where exactly he needs to point his penis.

But we shouldn’t forget that it’s important not just to insert a penis into the vagina, it’s also important to make sure that partners don’t experience discomfort during frictions, especially in the first minutes.

How to avoid unpleasant feelings

Sometimes defloration and the subsequent several sexual acts are accompanied by unpleasant and even painful sensations, both for boys and girls. But they can easily be avoided: all that is needed for this is relaxation, trust of partners in each other and, most importantly, tenderness and lack of haste. It is advisable to use a special lubricant. All movements should be leisurely, careful, and the partners themselves should listen carefully to each other.

Meeting a virgin is great luck. Don't scare her away, because there are so few of them left! It’s unlikely that you know how to handle it correctly, so read our instructions.

Ilya Kirdanov

Attitudes towards virginity in different times Different peoples had very... Guess which one? That's right, different. If Christians have been looking at virginity with reverence for two thousand years and surrounding it with all sorts of mystical speculations, then the Muslim East treats maiden virginity the same way you treat the packaging on a magazine. Whole? So no one read it, cool. But in many other cultures - among the Australian aborigines, for example, or among a considerable number of tribes in Central Africa - virginity is not respected. There it is believed that this is an annoying nuisance, which it is desirable to get rid of as quickly as possible, for which they use stone phalluses, walrus tusks, or specially hired priests who, for a reasonable fee, take on this thankless task.

Why do women need virginity?

From greed and the desire to show off, naturally. No one has it - not bunnies, not dogs, not cats, but Mashenka has it... No, in fact, all great primates have it - gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans, and for some reason also donkeys*. But the question is actually muddy. The functions of the hymen - the hymen - are generally clear: it protects the developing female body from infection from the outside. It is assumed that in wild times, when the young lady sat bare-tailed on an unhygienic branch all day long, such a cover helped her a lot. But why only a few species on the planet have it is unclear. Academician Mechnikov, however, at one time expressed a completely wild hypothesis that primitive people began sex life at 5–7 years old and, they say, the hymen was necessary so that the five-year-old lover did not fall out every now and then. And when the couple in love grew up, then they said “arivederchi” to the hymen. But it seems that here the respected academician still overdid it. Nature, of course, is a known pedophile, but still...

*- Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik: « What about our women? What happens then - they have been deceiving me all my life, or what?! »

Blood and pain

An interesting phenomenon is observed in modern domestic gynecology. Namely: more and more girls show in surveys and questionnaires that the first time they had sex they did not experience pain and bloody discharge They didn’t see it either. According to various sources, this is stated by 60% to 80% of women surveyed. This percentage is significantly higher than the global average: on average, only 15% of girls are born without a hymen. And why such strange imbalances occur on the territory of the European part of the former USSR remains to be clarified. Some doctors are inclined to blame the physical education school program for girls for this: goat jumping and the “birch tree” exercise. There is a version that in adolescence these exercises can lead to spontaneous rupture of the hymen, and adolescents take painful sensations and the appearance of blood during unscheduled menstruation, which at this age in girls very often occurs without any schedule at all. Second possible reason– after all, the widespread use of tampons. Of course, if you use them correctly, they are absolutely safe for a girl’s honor, but if you use them in a hurry and ineptly, then the girl may well lose her virginity, and even not notice it.

Blood and pain – 2

Can a man determine his partner's virginity? The answer is no. Unless he is a professional gynecologist with a full set of equipment at hand. It is quite possible to experience a feeling of difficulty upon entry with the mother-heroine if she is nervous and cannot sufficiently relax the vaginal muscles. No clicks, pops or “bingo!!!” You won't even hear it. There may be a lot of blood (about half a glass) or there may be no blood at all - for example, pale pink discharge, which can appear during sexual intercourse even in an experienced partner. The only one sure sign whether the young lady has virginity - these are the words of the girl herself.

Blood and Pain – 3

How does “classic deflowering” happen? And this practically never happens. And the reason is this. The hymen itself - a bridge, a fold similar to a thin membrane with one or several holes - breaks quite easily. True, there are dense hymens with high elasticity or a wide opening, but they either quickly tear or stretch quite painlessly, allowing sexual intercourse - in this case, the final removal of the hymen usually occurs only with the first birth. There are minimal nerve endings in that region, and the pain from the rupture is not much stronger than the sensation from a ripped sore. Sometimes scraps of hymen bleed (sometimes the bleeding can last a whole week), but, as already written, often no blood appears at all.

Why is sex with a virgin almost always such a dramatic bullfight? The reason for this, according to gynecologist, Doctor of Sciences G.M. Avarziya, is the psychological state of the woman and the general elasticity of the muscles of the walls of her vagina. “The myth that after a long absence of sex a woman’s hymen can recover did not arise out of nowhere. With regular sex, the walls become more relaxed, abundant lubrication is released, the muscles do not tense, the woman automatically accepts correct posture, she is not nervous, does not feel tense - she does not have any manifestations of vaginismus (painful spasms of the vaginal muscles). During the first time, a nervous girl without any experience, expecting that it will now be “terribly painful,” instinctively clamps down, does not cooperate with her partner and, as a result, often really experiences pain. Firstly, at the subconscious level it causes it. Secondly, with such tightness and awkwardness, sex very often leads to the appearance of microcracks in the mucous membrane, tissue ruptures, which have nothing to do with the hymen.”

OK! What should you do?

Well, first of all, don’t panic under any circumstances. Secondly, buy a bucket of lubricants and slip it under the bed - so that you always have it at hand, in your hand and on your arm: dryness is what you both need the least right now. Now remember the following difficult situations that you may encounter.

You've hit something hard and can't break through. You're probably not a man.

Despite the fact that nature is always not averse to playing tricks on us, it still does not sculpt a spit out of a diamond. Most likely, this is the perineum, just below the required entrance. Or a girl's thigh. Or something else just as fundamentally wrong. Check with your fingers where you are rushing so furiously.

You checked, you are where you need to be, but still – it won’t let you in!

Your penis may be pressing against your pubic bone from the inside. Usually this didn't happen to you with ladies because they didn't like it and made themselves more comfortable, giving you a friendly welcome. But your current partner may well believe that this is the way it should be. Try to turn around, slightly change the position of your and her body.

No, he won't let me in! And she screams that she is in pain. And for some reason you too felt pain.

We've finished the game. Scientifically this is called vaginismus. The girl squeezed herself to the last degree, but is still able to control what is happening. This happened because you overdid it with foreplay. And then they decided to enter “quietly.” And experts recommend not prolonging the deflowering procedure. The slower you crawl, the more your partner tightens, and the more her muscles cramp, the more pain she experiences, the more the most tender places rub and swell, and the less you both like it all.

Now you can’t move yourself! It feels like all the most valuable things have fallen into a trap, into a terrible toothed trap that is squeezing its steel hooks and...

Take a deep breath and never read again the tabloid press, which so loves to savor cases of severe vaginismus. They also write about how one cow gave birth to a calf with three heads. You and the cow have about the same chance of getting on the Speed ​​Express. The vaginal muscles, no matter how tense they are, are physically unable to hold the penis of a struggling man. This is a myth that, in matriarchy, disobedient husbands were frightened by stern wives. This can only happen with a rare pathology of the female cervix - this organ has powerful enough muscles to require medical intervention. But here you can try to do it on your own: the famous sexologist V.I. Zdravomyslov advises inserting a finger into the woman’s anus and sharply pulling it back, in which case the contracted muscles should relax.

Probably all this is because she is no longer sixteen, but twenty. It is known that with age the hymen thickens and by the age of thirty it becomes completely impenetrable.

Bullshit. The condition of the hymen does not change with age; it is always the same.

So how do we deal with this problem?

Don’t rush to bring your battering weapon onto the stage. First - handmade. Thickly lubricate your palms with lubricant, at least with your own saliva or olive oil. But it’s better to use a reliable, sterile lubricant. Now apply all this to your penis, and then gently massage your partner’s intimate areas with your fingers. The greasy and wetter it all feels to the touch, the better. While massaging, add new portions of lubricant. Mutter all sorts of schizophrenic sweet nonsense. Make her look away and laugh. And then - unexpectedly lie down on her and enter her with a sliding, quick movement. The hymen is located only a couple of centimeters at the entrance and breaks easily. A well-erect penis is designed to tear hymens. It’s no more difficult for him than for you to tear through a plastic bag wrapped around your finger with your fingernail. Try to go all the way down. Stop. Kiss the girl. Explain to her that it's over. No, one hundred percent. And it’s not surprising that it didn’t hurt – it shouldn’t hurt. No, of course, if you throw hysterics, curl up into a ball and courageously prepare for torment, as befits a True Virgin, then you can experience the whole gamut of “due” suffering. But, alas, you did without it.

Is there an easier way? Can she do it herself somehow?

Maybe. For example, by going to the doctor. The operation to remove virginity, as well as to slightly stretch the vaginal muscles, is carried out quickly and painlessly. But it’s not a fact that the girl will like your willingness to hand her over to the hands of professionals: after all, young ladies from the seventh grade dream of a romantic first night, and here instead of roses, champagne and persuasion - a number in the dressing room and tests. However, if a girl is determined to break all barriers on the way to an adult life full of sex, you can trust her to do everything herself and without white people in good robes. Your task is to lie on your back, gently hold the lady's hips and provide her with a penis, preferably with a good erection. And let her carefully, controlling the dive herself, sit on it - without fear or doubt. In the end, it was created specifically for her pleasure - the main thing is to be able to convey this important idea to the girl.

Well, everything seems to be over with virginity. It’s probably better not to continue the act itself, let’s postpone it until another time - after all, we achieved the most important thing.

It’s not a fact that the second and third time will seem easier. The issue here, as already mentioned, is not the hymen, but the lack of training of the vaginal muscles. So it is better to leave the stretching mechanism inside longer. It is important that from now on the girl associates sex not only with tension and fears, but also with pleasant and even wonderful sensations. And here everything is in your power. Just now
a) move more gently and more carefully than with an experienced partner;
b) do not change your position;
c) avoid pulling the penis out too far (otherwise later you may have difficulty entering again) and
d) don’t forget to show that you are incredibly happy. Women, you know, are great altruists, although they usually hide it carefully.

Well, at least you can’t get pregnant for the first time!

As much as possible! But a condom for the first time is really not the best help: it is much rougher than the skin on your penis, which is not at all good for this situation - and there is such a high risk that everything will rub and become inflamed. The best thing is to use spermicidal creams such as Pharmatex or Patentex oval for the first time. They will provide additional ease of passage, and will protect against pregnancy almost as reliably as a condom. True, if you are not sure about your health, it is better to use a condom - every girl wants to remember the first night for the rest of her life, but it is desirable that dermatovenerologists, trichopolum and other inappropriate objects do not appear in these memories.

Everything was wonderful, but there was still a lot of blood. And she also complained for a couple of days about nagging pain in her back and that she was still bleeding. I'm afraid we did something to her.

Everything is fine. Depending on the individual characteristics female body bleeding may continue for up to a week after the first time. Some gynecologists advise avoiding sex at this time, others, on the contrary, recommend not ending the relationship - specialists do not agree on this issue. So do what you want.

It seems that we didn’t completely destroy this unfortunate virginity. Two years have already passed since our first night, and every now and then the girl begins to bleed.

The hymen can be torn not completely - and rarely, but it happens that when the act is repeated, blood appears again. Well, with the third one this could still happen – theoretically. But humans have very few genes in common with lizards, and the vast majority of our organs do not regenerate. For example, hymen. If bleeding continues after several weeks, you need to take the beauty to the doctor: the likely cause is infection or erosion of the cervix.

It's all over, she lies and looks at me with wet eyes. So what's now?

Prepare for a long relationship. Virgins are like this: one-time meetings are not counted here. You don’t want, having become her first, to immediately turn into the very last?

Situations in life are different. Sometimes during sex the partner is hesitant or shy. In this case, you need to act on your own. TOPBEAUTY will advise you on how to insert your penis correctly and not scare your beloved man.

There are often cases when everything in your life with your loved one is just wonderful, but it either didn’t make it to bed, or in this area everything somehow doesn’t go well. It’s too early to despair, you just need to take the initiative into your own hands.

With your girlfriends you can only gossip about other people's boyfriends. You need to help your beloved man with all your might, give him self-confidence and convince him that he is the most beautiful and sexy.

First sex

If you and your partner are about to make love for the first time, then his fears are quite understandable. What to do, how will she react, how to make it unforgettable? And if your partner is a virgin, then you can’t even imagine how worried he is. Therefore, try to help him and in no case blame him for his inexperience.

The most comfortable position for him: you lie on your back, and he is on top or kneeling in front of you. The partner should hold his erect penis with one hand, and with the other gently feel the place where to insert it. Continuing to hold the penis in your hand, with your other hand you need to gently slightly spread your partner’s vagina and enter her.

With the wrong technique, your loved one can even hurt you. He may point the penis in the desired direction, but lean forward too quickly in the hope that the penis will slip inside. But this won't happen. Most likely, you will just get hurt. Therefore, try to guide him so that your loved one does everything gently and smoothly. In addition, you can use artificial lubricant if the natural one is not released enough.

There is also another way to insert a penis correctly: try to hint to him so that, first of all, he won’t rush to get down to business right away, but first he will caress you with his fingers. Firstly, it will give him more confidence. When a guy sees how you moan and how good you feel, it will invigorate and excite him. Secondly, by probing this area with his fingers, he will become familiar with the vagina, and it will be easier for him to start having sex.

Stress and nerves

It happens that due to nerves and overstrain in men, the penis loses its excitement. This has nothing to do with the presence or absence of sexual experience. Such an opportunity can happen even to the most daring seducer. Often nervous overexcitation or problems that do not allow you to relax result in a similar reaction of the body.

In this case, you need to join the game. If your penis is drooping, start arousing your partner. Effective method- . Oral sex always works flawlessly.

Take the initiative smoothly and quietly. There is no need for sudden movements, do not throw the man on the bed and do not hurt him. He's already a little on edge right now. How come he disgraced himself in front of the woman he loves! Therefore, just carefully put him on his back, because it’s more convenient to give a blowjob, and then move on to even more decisive actions. When a man gets excited, don’t even give him the opportunity to think about how to insert his penis - do it for him. Take a cowgirl position and finish what you started.

You don’t need to be the leader in sex all the time, a few times are enough. Your partner must also learn to interact with your body, so you should give him this opportunity.

If you are still a virgin - in the sense that you have never deflowered anyone - then this article will help you become a man.

At different times, different peoples had very different attitudes towards virginity... Guess what? That's right, different. If Christians have been looking at virginity with reverence for two thousand years and surrounding it with all sorts of mystical speculations, then the Muslim East treats maiden virginity the same way you treat the packaging on a magazine. Whole? So no one read it, cool. But in many other cultures - among the Australian aborigines, for example, or among a considerable number of tribes in Central Africa - virginity is not respected. There it is believed that this is an annoying nuisance, which it is desirable to get rid of as quickly as possible, for which they use stone phalluses, walrus tusks, or specially hired priests who, for a reasonable fee, take on this thankless task.

Why do women need virginity?

From greed and the desire to show off, naturally. No one has it - not bunnies, not dogs, not cats, but Mashenka has it... No, in fact, all great primates have it - gorillas, chimpanzees and orangutans, and for some reason also donkeys*. But the question is actually muddy. The functions of the hymen - the hymen - are generally clear: it protects the developing female body from infection from the outside. It is assumed that in wild times, when the young lady sat bare-tailed on an unhygienic branch all day long, such a cover helped her a lot. But why only a few species on the planet have it is unclear. Academician Mechnikov, however, at one time expressed a completely wild hypothesis that primitive people began sexual activity at the age of 5-7 and, they say, a hymen was necessary so that the five-year-old lover did not fall out every now and then. And when the couple in love grew up, then they said “arivederchi” to the hymen. But it seems that here the respected academician still overdid it. Nature, of course, is a known pedophile, but still...

*- Note Phacochoerus "a Funtik:
« What about our women? What happens then - they have been deceiving me all my life, or what?!»

Blood and pain

An interesting phenomenon is observed in modern domestic gynecology. Namely: more and more girls show in surveys and questionnaires that for the first time during sex they did not experience pain and they did not experience any bleeding either. According to various sources, this is stated by 60% to 80% of women surveyed. This percentage is significantly higher than the global average: on average, only 15% of girls are born without a hymen. And why such strange imbalances occur on the territory of the European part of the former USSR remains to be clarified. Some doctors are inclined to blame the physical education school program for girls for this: goat jumping and the “birch tree” exercise. There is a version that in adolescence, these exercises can lead to spontaneous rupture of the hymen, and adolescents mistake painful sensations and the appearance of blood for unscheduled menstruation, which at this age in girls often occurs without any schedule at all. The second possible reason is the widespread use of tampons. Of course, if you use them correctly, they are absolutely safe for a girl’s honor, but if you use them in a hurry and ineptly, then the girl may well lose her virginity, and even not notice it.

Blood and pain – 2

Can a man determine his partner's virginity? The answer is no. Unless he is a professional gynecologist with a full set of equipment at hand. It is quite possible to experience a feeling of difficulty upon entry with the mother-heroine if she is nervous and cannot sufficiently relax the vaginal muscles. No clicks, pops or “bingo!!!” You won't even hear it. There may be a lot of blood (about half a glass) or there may be no blood at all - for example, pale pink discharge, which can appear during sexual intercourse even in an experienced partner. The only sure sign that a young lady has virginity is the words of the girl herself.

Blood and Pain – 3

How does “classic deflowering” happen? And this practically never happens. And the reason is this. The hymen itself - a bridge, a fold similar to a thin membrane with one or several holes - breaks quite easily. True, there are dense hymens with high elasticity or a wide opening, but they either quickly tear or stretch quite painlessly, allowing sexual intercourse - in this case, the final removal of the hymen usually occurs only with the first birth. There are minimal nerve endings in that region, and the pain from the rupture is not much stronger than the sensation from a ripped sore. Sometimes scraps of hymen bleed (sometimes the bleeding can last a whole week), but, as already written, often no blood appears at all.

Why is sex with a virgin almost always such a dramatic bullfight? The reason for this, according to gynecologist, Doctor of Sciences G.M. Avarziya, is the psychological state of the woman and the general elasticity of the muscles of the walls of her vagina. “The myth that after a long absence of sex a woman’s hymen can recover did not arise out of nowhere. With regular sex, the walls become more relaxed, abundant lubrication is released, the muscles do not tense, the woman automatically takes the correct position, she does not get nervous, does not become tense - she does not have any manifestations of vaginismus (painful spasms of the vaginal muscles). During the first time, a nervous girl without any experience, expecting that it will now be “terribly painful,” instinctively clamps down, does not cooperate with her partner and, as a result, often really experiences pain. Firstly, at the subconscious level it causes it. Secondly, with such tightness and awkwardness, sex very often leads to the appearance of microcracks in the mucous membrane, tissue ruptures, which have nothing to do with the hymen.”

OK! What should you do?

Well, first of all, don’t panic under any circumstances. Secondly, buy a bucket of lubricants and slip it under the bed - so that you always have it at hand, in your hand and on your arm: dryness is what you both need the least right now. Now remember the following difficult situations that you may encounter.

You've hit something hard and can't break through. You're probably not a man.

Despite the fact that nature is always not averse to playing tricks on us, it still does not sculpt a spit out of a diamond. Most likely, this is the perineum, just below the required entrance. Or a girl's thigh. Or something else just as fundamentally wrong. Check with your fingers where you are rushing so furiously.

You checked, you are where you need to be, but still – it won’t let you in!

Your penis may be pressing against your pubic bone from the inside. Usually this didn't happen to you with ladies because they didn't like it and made themselves more comfortable, giving you a friendly welcome. But your current partner may well believe that this is the way it should be. Try to turn around, slightly change the position of your and her body.

No, he won't let me in! And she screams that she is in pain. And for some reason you too felt pain.

We've finished the game. Scientifically this is called vaginismus. The girl squeezed herself to the last degree, but is still able to control what is happening. This happened because you overdid it with foreplay. And then they decided to enter “quietly.” And experts recommend not prolonging the deflowering procedure. The slower you crawl, the more your partner tightens, and the more her muscles cramp, the more pain she experiences, the more the most tender places rub and swell, and the less you both like it all.

Now you can’t move yourself! It feels like all the most valuable things have fallen into a trap, into a terrible toothed trap that is squeezing its steel hooks and...

Take a deep breath and never read again the tabloid press, which so loves to savor cases of severe vaginismus. They also write about how one cow gave birth to a calf with three heads. You and the cow have about the same chance of getting on the Speed ​​Express. The vaginal muscles, no matter how tense they are, are physically unable to hold the penis of a struggling man. This is a myth that, in matriarchy, disobedient husbands were frightened by stern wives. This can only happen with a rare pathology of the female cervix - this organ has powerful enough muscles to require medical intervention. But here you can try to do it on your own: the famous sexologist V.I. Zdravomyslov advises inserting a finger into the woman’s anus and sharply pulling it back, in which case the contracted muscles should relax.

Probably all this is because she is no longer sixteen, but twenty. It is known that with age the hymen thickens and by the age of thirty it becomes completely impenetrable.

Bullshit. The condition of the hymen does not change with age; it is always the same.

So how do we deal with this problem?

Don’t rush to bring your battering weapon onto the stage. First - handmade. Thickly lubricate your palms with lubricant, or in extreme cases, your own saliva or olive oil. But it’s better to use a reliable, sterile lubricant. Now apply all this to your penis, and then gently massage your partner’s intimate areas with your fingers. The greasy and wetter it all feels to the touch, the better. While massaging, add new portions of lubricant. Mutter all sorts of schizophrenic sweet nonsense. Make her look away and laugh. And then - unexpectedly lie down on her and enter her with a sliding, quick movement. The hymen is located only a couple of centimeters at the entrance and breaks easily. A well-erect penis is designed to tear hymens. It’s no more difficult for him than for you to tear through a plastic bag wrapped around your finger with your fingernail. Try to go all the way down. Stop. Kiss the girl. Explain to her that it's over. No, one hundred percent. And it’s not surprising that it didn’t hurt – it shouldn’t hurt. No, of course, if you throw hysterics, curl up into a ball and courageously prepare for torment, as befits a True Virgin, then you can experience the whole gamut of “due” suffering. But, alas, you did without it.

Is there an easier way? Can she do it herself somehow?

Maybe. For example, by going to the doctor. The operation to remove virginity, as well as to slightly stretch the vaginal muscles, is carried out quickly and painlessly. But it’s not a fact that the girl will like your willingness to hand her over to the hands of professionals: after all, young ladies from the seventh grade dream of a romantic first night, and here instead of roses, champagne and persuasion - a number in the dressing room and tests. However, if a girl is determined to break all barriers on the way to an adult life full of sex, you can trust her to do everything herself and without white people in good robes. Your task is to lie on your back, gently hold the lady's hips and provide her with a penis, preferably with a good erection. And let her carefully, controlling the dive herself, sit on it - without fear or doubt. In the end, it was created specifically for her pleasure - the main thing is to be able to convey this important idea to the girl.

Well, everything seems to be over with virginity. It’s probably better not to continue the act itself, let’s postpone it until another time - after all, we achieved the most important thing.

It’s not a fact that the second and third time will seem easier. The issue here, as already mentioned, is not the hymen, but the lack of training of the vaginal muscles. So it is better to leave the stretching mechanism inside longer. It is important that from now on the girl associates sex not only with tension and fears, but also with pleasant and even wonderful sensations. And here everything is in your power. Just now
a) move more gently and more carefully than with an experienced partner;
b) do not change your position;
c) avoid pulling the penis out too far (otherwise later you may have difficulty entering again) and
d) don’t forget to show that you are incredibly happy. Women, you know, are great altruists, although they usually hide it carefully.

Well, at least you can’t get pregnant for the first time!

As much as possible! But a condom for the first time is really not the best help: it is much rougher than the skin on your penis, which is not at all good for this situation - and there is such a high risk that everything will rub and become inflamed. The best thing is to use spermicidal creams such as Pharmatex or Patentex oval for the first time. They will provide additional ease of passage, and will protect against pregnancy almost as reliably as a condom. True, if you are not sure about your health, it is better to use a condom - every girl wants to remember the first night for the rest of her life, but it is desirable that dermatovenerologists, trichopolum and other inappropriate objects do not appear in these memories.

Everything was wonderful, but there was still a lot of blood. And she also complained for a couple of days about nagging pain in her back and that she was still bleeding. I'm afraid we did something to her.

Everything is fine. Depending on the individual characteristics of the female body, bleeding can continue up to a week after the first time. Some gynecologists advise avoiding sex at this time, others, on the contrary, recommend not ending the relationship - specialists do not agree on this issue. So do what you want.

It seems that we didn’t completely destroy this unfortunate virginity. Two years have already passed since our first night, and every now and then the girl begins to bleed.

The hymen can be torn not completely - and rarely, but it happens that when the act is repeated, blood appears again. Well, with the third one this could still happen – theoretically. But humans have very few genes in common with lizards, and the vast majority of our organs do not regenerate. For example, hymen. If bleeding continues after several weeks, you need to take the beauty to the doctor: the likely cause is infection or erosion of the cervix.

It's all over, she lies and looks at me with wet eyes. So what's now?

Prepare for a long relationship. Virgins are like this: one-time meetings are not counted here. You don’t want, having become her first, to immediately turn into the very last?

Losing your virginity may seem like a scary process, and many of the myths surrounding this topic are not at all encouraging. Although most women experience severe pain during their first sex, this is not necessarily the case for you. Having an open conversation with your partner and knowing what's going on during intercourse will help you feel more relaxed beforehand. Try different methods to create the right mood, and your first sexual experience will be not only positive, but also pleasant.


Part 1

How to create good mood

    . It's quite normal to be nervous and worried before your first sex. But if you constantly feel a lot of tension when you think about sex or when you're "fooling around" with your guy, you should probably wait. If you begin sexual activity without being mentally prepared for sex, it will not bring you the desired pleasure, but will only stress you out more.

    Talk to the guy. Talking to your partner will help build trust between you and help you feel more confident before sex. Good guy should be attentive to your feelings, he should be ready to help you cope with your insecurities. If your boyfriend puts too much pressure on you or makes you feel uncomfortable, reconsider having sex with him.

    • Talk about safety precautions before you approach the topic of sex. For example, you could say: “Listen, I'm drinking birth control pills, but you’re still going to use a condom, right?”
    • Tell your partner about your fears and expectations, talk about how you feel. For example, you could say, “I'm very worried that first sex can be very painful.”
    • Tell your partner about the things you'd like to try, as well as the things you're not interested in yet. For example, you can say: “I’m not against oral sex, but I’m not ready for anal sex yet.”
    • If you're nervous or afraid, talk about it. If your partner does not pay any attention to your feelings, perhaps this indicates that the partner simply does not take you seriously.
  1. Find a trusted adult to discuss this topic with. You may feel awkward discussing sex with an adult, but you just need to choose the right person to ask for help. This could be your parent, doctor, nurse, school counselor, or even an older sibling. Adults can give you useful tips, will answer your questions and offer methods of protection and protection. Even if you plan to discuss this issue with more than just them, you will likely be able to turn to these people in case of an emergency.

    • If you feel like your boyfriend is pressuring you to have sex, talk to an adult. Remember that you don't have to have sex if you don't want to. Don't let anyone force you to do anything you don't want to do.

Part 2

Explore your body
  1. Try to understand what physiological processes occur during sex. Understanding your own body anatomy will help you feel more confident, especially if your partner is also a virgin. It is important to know what processes can occur during sex, which of them are normal, and which are better not to be ignored. There are some electronic resources where you can find enough information on this topic: and

    • Masturbation will also help you figure out what you like when it comes to sex. Before you have sex with your partner, try experimenting with yourself.
  2. Examine your hymen. The hymen is a thin membrane that partially covers the vaginal opening. Over time due to various activities(playing sports, using tampons, menstruation) it begins to wear out. Many people believe that virgins experience pain during sex because their hymen is torn, but this is not necessary.

    • If you're a teenager, there's a chance that only a portion of your hymen remains. This is quite normal, especially since you have already started your period. If you want to check this, you can examine your hymen using a mirror and a flashlight.
    • You may bleed a little for a few hours after having sex for the first time. Some girls are lucky and do not bleed. If you do bleed, it will be very little. In any case, if you bleed, it will be much less than during menstruation.
    • Tearing the hymen should not be too painful. Pain during sex is mostly caused by friction. This happens when you have too little lubrication and are not aroused enough.
    • In some cases hymen It may not break at all. It might just stretch out. Also, the hymen may not rupture during sex if it is anatomically too large.
  3. Understand the angle of the vagina. If you help your partner “enter” you at the right angle, you can avoid painful penetration. In most cases, the vagina is tilted slightly forward (towards the stomach). That is, if you stand up, the vagina will be located at an angle of 45 degrees to the floor.

    • If you use tampons, pay attention to how you insert the tampon and at what angle. Try to maintain the same angle during sex.
    • If you don't use tampons, simply insert your finger into your vagina while you're in the shower. Aim for your lower back; if you feel uncomfortable, move forward a little until you find a comfortable spot.
  4. Find the clitoris. Women rarely experience orgasm from penetration alone. But caress and stimulation of the clitoris almost always cause orgasm. Oral sex or clitoral stimulation before penetration (that is, classic sex) will help you relax.

    • Before you become sexually active, get to know your clitoris. It can be found using a mirror and a flashlight or through masturbation. This way, you can guide your partner during sex. This is especially important if your partner is also a virgin.
    • In fact, having an orgasm before penetration will help reduce pain during sex. Try performing oral sex before penetration (as foreplay). Your partner can also stimulate the clitoris with their fingers or a toy.

Part 3

  1. Choose a quiet place for your first sex. If you constantly worry about being interrupted, you won't be able to relax. Make it easier on yourself and your partner by choosing a suitable time and place where you will not be disturbed.

    • Find a place where you can be alone. There must be a bed or other comfortable furniture to sit on. Choose a time when neither of you is in a hurry.
    • Think about whether it would be comfortable for you to have sex in this place.
    • If you live in a dorm or rent an apartment with friends, ask your roommate to go somewhere this evening and leave you and your boyfriend alone.
  2. Try to create a light, relaxed mood. The room should have a calm atmosphere. Clean up the mess, turn off your phone, and remove all things that bother you or prevent you from focusing on your boyfriend.

    • Dim lighting, soft music and a comfortable room temperature will help you feel safe.
    • Consider taking a shower and getting yourself ready beforehand so that you can feel relaxed and confident at the most important moment.
  3. Talk to the guy. It's important that you both talk openly and agree about sex. If you don't know how your partner feels about this, get their opinion before moving forward. Just because your partner hasn't told you "no" doesn't mean he definitely agrees. Your partner must answer you with absolute confidence: “yes.”

    • If your partner doesn't want sex, don't insist. If you don't want sex, the guy will have to wait until you say no.
    • Moreover, consent does not mean that you can do things that your partner is not happy with.
  4. Use condoms . Condoms not only protect against pregnancy, but also against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). The added protection will help you relax if you're worried about an unwanted pregnancy or infection. Remember that other methods of birth control do not protect you from STIs, but a condom provides an extra layer of protection. If your partner refuses to use a condom, reconsider whether you want to have sex with him.

    • There are both male and female condoms.
    • The most important thing about condoms is how they fit. It's best to buy several different types condoms. Try each one and see what works best for you. If your partner has a latex allergy, latex-free condoms are a great alternative.
    • You should put on a condom before sex and remove it only after the end of sexual intercourse. This will increase your level of protection against STIs and pregnancy.
  5. Use lubricant. Lubrication will reduce friction, thereby relieving pain and discomfort. In addition, it prevents the condom from breaking during sex. Before penetration, apply lubricant to your partner's penis (directly on the condom) or to a sex toy.

    • If you use latex condoms, do not use oil-based lubricant. It seems to weaken the structure of the latex and can contribute to the rupture of the condom. Instead, try using a silicone or water-based lubricant. You can use lubricant with a polyurethane condom or a latex-free condom.
  6. Take your time. Try to enjoy the moment, don't rush to the finish line! Spend time together and discuss what you and your partner like. Start with kissing and gradually move on. Stick to the pace that is most comfortable for you.

    • Foreplay will help you relax and increase your excitement. In addition, thanks to foreplay, you will develop more natural lubrication, which is why the guy will be able to calmly “enter” you.
    • Remember that you can end intimacy at any time. Consent is valid as long as you are comfortable. You have the right to change your mind and refuse intimacy at any time.
  7. Listen to your needs. Don't be afraid to say what you need at the moment. If you liked something and you feel great, tell your partner about it. If something is causing you pain or discomfort, it's worth saying that too. Your boyfriend should be willing to help you and do whatever it takes to make you feel pleasure rather than pain.

    • If you feel pain, try slowing down a little, ask your partner to move a little softer and more gently, apply more lube. For example, if you feel pain, you could say, “Do you mind if we slow down a little? I'm in a little pain right now."
    • You can invite your partner to try a different position if the one you are in is uncomfortable for you. For example, if you are on top, you will be able to better control the angle of penetration and pace.
  8. Take care of yourself after your first sex. If you start bleeding or have severe pain, you need to take immediate action. For example, you can buy painkillers, put on clean underwear and put on a thin pad for several hours. If you're in really bad pain, it's best to talk to a trusted adult or see a doctor.

  • If you experience excruciating pain or heavy bleeding, see your doctor as soon as possible.
  • If you feel like it's not time yet, don't hesitate to tell your partner that you'd like to wait a little longer. A guy who really cares about you will appreciate that you respect yourself and take care of yourself. If you change your mind, it's okay to say so!
  • During sex, you may feel the urge to go to the toilet. This is fine. This feeling can be relieved if you go to the toilet before sex. If you still experience this feeling (despite an empty bladder), you will most likely be able to experience a squirting orgasm.
  • You should always go to the toilet after sex to prevent developing a bladder infection.
  • Make an appointment with your gynecologist before you become sexually active. The gynecologist will not only examine you, but will also offer different methods of contraception, tell you about sexually transmitted infections and even give you condoms.
  • Always use a water-based lubricant rather than petroleum jelly, oil, moisturizer or other greasy products. Oily lubricants can damage latex-based condoms and cause pain and irritation, as well as vaginal yeast infections.
  • Almost no one's first sex is perfect, so leave your expectations and illusions behind. It's normal if your first sex goes much worse than you planned.
  • Use a condom even if you are already taking birth control pills. Hormonal oral contraceptives (the pill) prevent unwanted pregnancy but do not prevent STIs. Even the first time you have sex, there is a chance of contracting an STI.


  • Don't give in to pressure from your boyfriend. This should be your decision, not someone else's.
  • Don't drink alcohol or take any substances or pills for fear of pain. Believe me, this can only make the situation worse.
  • You have a chance of getting pregnant even the first time you have sex. Condoms are quite effective protection when used correctly, but if possible, it is better to use another type of contraceptive along with a condom.
  • If you know that your boyfriend has already had several sexual partners before you, ask him to get tested for STIs. STIs are transmitted through vaginal, oral and anal sex. People can carry an STI without showing any symptoms. You will reduce your chance of contracting an STI if you use condoms and other barrier methods.
  • If you take birth control pills and other medications (such as antibiotics), the combination of the two may affect the effectiveness of your contraceptives. Before starting any medications, check with your doctor to find out if there are any negative interactions with birth control pills.