Class hour "day of knowledge". Class hour for the Day of Knowledge “Our cool class Class hour for the Day of Knowledge in elementary school



State budgetary professional educational institution

Rostov region

"Novoshakhtinsky Industrial and Technological College"



Developed by: master p/o Vedeneeva L.A.


Class hour"Day of Knowledge, Day of Peace"

Goal: to orient the younger generation to the values ​​of national culture, to form in students a sense of compassion and aversion to cruelty.

Objectives: To form a value-based attitude towards the Motherland, its cultural and historical past; instill in students a sense of pride in their country, instill in them respect for folk traditions, history, culture, nature of your country; form an active civil position and self-awareness of a citizen of the Russian Federation.

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(Music - Fanfare)

On the first day of autumn, educational institutions open their doors to millions of pupils and students. This is not just the day the holidays end, but a real holiday called the Day of Knowledge. Why do students in Russia and other countries go to school on this day? Why does the school year begin on September 1 and the Day of Knowledge is celebrated?

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- Scientists believe that the origins of the holiday go back centuries. You know that Christianity came to us from Byzantium in 988, and Byzantine theologians assumed that God began to create the world on September 1.

In ancient times, Slavic farmers celebrated the New Year at this time, and it is no coincidence, because the field harvest ends in the fall.

But in 1700, Peter the Great issued a decree according to which New Year was postponed to January 1st. For some time, September 1 was forgotten.

All the first schools were attached to churches, so education in them began with the church new year - on September 1. Here's the explanation. The exact date of origin of the tradition start studying on September 1 unknown.

Single beginning school year was introduced into the USSR in 1935.

And in 1984, a decree was issued, according to which September 1 officially became a holiday - the Day of Knowledge.

3 slide Now September 1 is a holiday for all teachers, schoolchildren, students and their parents. And I congratulate you on this wonderful day.

Knowledge is necessary in our time. They say: “Teaching is light, not teaching darkness“... At the technical school you will not only study, gain knowledge, acquire the skills and abilities of your chosen profession, professional competencies, but at the same time you will learn to live. Without knowledge, it is impossible to build a house or cure a patient, it is impossible to operate transport or complex equipment. Knowledge gives us the opportunity to live our lives wisely and correctly, acquiring everything we need. And although we, as a rule, study in educational institutions without much enthusiasm, a little later we remember this happy time with joy in our souls.

4 slide September 1 is not only the Day of Knowledge. This is also the day of Peace. On the same day, the Second World War began. The Second World War This is a war between two world military-political coalitions, which has become the largest armed conflict in human history. 62 states out of 73 existing at that time (80% of the world's population) participated in it. The fighting took place on the territory of three continents and in waters of four oceans.

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According to sociological data, over the past 70 years, our planet has been peaceful for only 1 month. Therefore, now we are increasingly talking about the need for disarmament and maintaining peace on Earth. That is why today all educational institutions in Russia conduct Peace lessons.

Peace Day should contribute to a ceasefire throughout the world - all countries and peoples stop fighting on this day, all people observe a minute of silence at noon local time... The purpose of this day is to strengthen peace both within the country and between nations. International Day of Peace. This day was established by a decision of the UN General Assembly.

The International Day of Peace was established to become a day of global ceasefire. All states of the world, at least on this day, must observe the rule: “A day without a shot on Earth.”

6 slide - In June 1954, Japan presented the Peace Bell to the UN as a gift. It was cast from coins that were collected by children from 60 countries.

The UN headquarters, located in New York, also has a similar bell. There is a tradition of ringing it twice a year: at the very beginning of spring - on the day of the vernal equinox, and on the day when Peace Day is celebrated. This bell has an inscription … (Long live universal peace throughout the world).

The inscription proclaims the idea of ​​world peace. Long live universal peace throughout the world.

The rulers of different countries must listen to the opinions of their people and must take care to make life in their states safer. All people should have the same rights and freedoms.

- Why do you think they hold a minute of silence?

It is intended to honor the memory of the victims.

- Another, and probably the most famous symbol of the world, I think you all know it,

7 slide - This is the Dove of Peace. (On the screen)

This expression and symbol began to enjoy great popularity after the end of the Second World War. Today this symbol is known to everyone and is used quite widely throughout the world.

Everyone knows this image of a white dove holding an olive branch in its beak. - Who knows the famous author of this drawing?

There is also a tradition of releasing white doves as a symbol of peaceful intentions.

World peace is the ideal of the modern world, to which all peoples should strive.

Conversation about the situation in eastern Ukraine

You will decide the topic of our further conversation after you hear the following poem:

Parents, don't cry... Mom... Dad...
I feel good here on the clouds.
I am now your eternal Angel.
In the Ukrainian land are my ashes.

It's quiet, good, calm here...
Large wings on the back.
I feel good, it doesn't hurt at all anymore
I love you very, very much, with all my soul...

I'm floating over my home,
Floating over the forest and hill...
I only miss my mother's affection
And I miss a bedtime story...

There are quite a few of us Angels,
Everyone came to heaven in their own way.
Trouble again - again there are more of us,
Some died from shells, some from bullets.

And on our native land people are still dying.
I have already forgiven my murderers.
We are Angels, we are not judges of murderers.
To murderers - God is the judge!

I ASK you, parents, DON'T CRY!
Light a candle for my repose.
On my native land, my brother remains,
Beloved, my dear brother...

Tell him about me,
Soon he will be very big.
You love him as much as we love both of us...
Tell me, is he now being kept by his sister...

Bring flowers to the grave,
Let's talk about this and that...
Plant a birch or rowan,
So that it rustles during the day in the wind.

I felt good and simple with you.
On a cloud, I'm almost not sad...
I love you more than I loved you
I’ll ask God for your happiness.

- What is this poem dedicated to?(events in Ukraine)

What do you know about the situation in eastern Ukraine?

When did hostilities begin on the territory of the Donetsk and Lugansk regions of Ukraine? How do they develop?

How do the United States and a number of other European countries view Russia’s participation in the conflict?

How do you look at this situation?

Children are dying from shrapnel and bullet wounds in eastern Ukraine. (Video Ukraine).

Humanity must stop repeating the evil of children's lives being sacrificed and astronomical amounts of money being spent for the sake of war. The time has come when all countries of the world must use all their capabilities and set out on a campaign to establish peace. Peace on our planet depends on our efforts.

8 slide

We need peace to build cities
Plant trees and work in the fields.
All people of good will want it.
We need peace forever! Forever!

Slide 9

The word PEACE has several meanings:

WORLD – Universe, planet, globe, as well as population, people globe.
PEACE – friendly ties, agreement between someone, absence of war;
silence, peace; agreement to end the war.

Peace is difficult to build, but even more difficult to preserve. The world is very fragile.

Peace for us- everyday reality. Our streets are calm, children go to school. Where the foundations of society are strong, the priceless gift of peace may not be particularly noticed by anyone. But do all children on Earth live well and joyfully? For many people in modern world a quiet life is nothing more than a fairytale dream, many guys suffer, they have no family and a lot of sadness. It is for them that the Day of Peace exists.

The first International Day of Peace was held in September 1982. And since 2002, the International Day of Peace has been celebrated on September 21 as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence. This day encourages people not only to think about peace, but also to do something for it.

One of the most famous symbols of peace is the dove. E that symbol arose after the Second World War.

In ancient times, the dove was a symbol of peace and fertility. Thus, according to the Biblical legend, the appearance of a dove with an olive branch in its beak over Noah’s Ark indicated that the water had disappeared from the surface of the earth - this was a sign of the onset of peace and renewal of life. In the traditions of some peoples, the olive is the tree of life. The olive branch is a symbol of peace and truce.

Peace must be preserved.

Peace needs to be strengthened.

Not all countries live together. It happens that one state starts a war against others and seizes other people's lands. Already in ancient times, the rich Slavic lands were repeatedly attacked by enemies. The Slavs bravely defended their native land, uniting to resist numerous and dangerous enemies. Over the course of its history, Russia has participated in wars of liberation many times and fought against enemies who encroached on its freedom and independence.

We live in a wonderful country at a wonderful time. The sky over our country is peaceful. And this is happiness, because there is nothing worse than war in the world!

Our duty is to remember that millions of people demonstrated incredible fortitude, courage and bravery, courage and desperate bravery, they went to their death so that you and I could live in peace.

In 2015, our people celebrated the 70th anniversary of the great Victory. Today we will mentally return to the past of our country.

Morning of June 22, 1941. The terrible news spread from the loudspeaker that German troops had treacherously violated the State Border of the USSR without declaring war. The war has begun. (Beginning of the 1941 war).

The entire people rose to defend the Motherland. The image of the Motherland is embodied in the image of a woman-mother who calls on her sons and daughters to stand up for her.

The Great Patriotic War went on for four long years, and the battle against German fascism continued for 1,418 days and nights. There was a mortal battle not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth. But even in the days of difficult trials - in the battles near Moscow, on the Volga, near Kursk and on the Dnieper - Soviet soldiers believed that the hour of reckoning with the hated enemy would come.

The war is called the Great Patriotic War because the entire nation took part in it: soldiers at the front, partisans behind enemy lines, workers in factories, collective farmers in the fields, and even children.

Spring 1945. The Victory Banner hoisted over the Reichstag. And at midnight fireworks went off in Moscow. 30 salvos from 1000 guns announced to the world that the bloodiest and most brutal war in the world was over. More than 20 million Soviet people died during the Great Patriotic War. We will never forget those who defended our Motherland in these terrible days. (song - Let's bow to the Great Ones of those years).

70 years have passed since then. There are few people left who fought, who lived and worked in the rear. These are our veterans. It is to them that we owe the fact that we live peacefully and happily in such a beautiful country. They won us a peaceful sky.

And you and I must strive to maintain peace, to resist terrorism, which is now being repeated in different countries. Syria, Ukraine, Türkiye...

10 slide

Peace in every home, in every country!
Peace is life on the planet!
Peace is the sun on our Earth!
Peace is needed by adults and children!

Video clip children's song about Peace.

Day of Knowledge

for students11-16 years old.

Target: increasing group cohesion, developing communication skills;
creating an emotional mood for studying,

The school ship song is playing

The group is decorated with balloons, autumn leaves,

A greeting card is prepared in advance

Teacher: Hello guys! Today is our holiday! Which? (children's answers) Correct! Day of Knowledge!

Misha. (reads a quatrain)

Knowledge Day is a holiday of books,

Flowers, friends, smiles, light!

Study approximately, student, -

This is the most important thing today!

Teacher: Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year! YOU all had a rest over the summer. Do you miss school? You go to school again to replenish your knowledge, to learn more new things, to learn good things. And today we will hold the game “Day of Knowledge”. But the first thing we start with is a greeting. We will greet you as follows.

Teacher: I suggest you write your greetings on pieces of paper and put them in the box. And now I will mix them up, and you will receive a different greeting, which you will read to the group and keep for yourself as a souvenir of our meeting today.

  • "Welcome letter"

Teacher: There is so much positive in your letters, it is very nice to hear such warm and friendly greetings and wishes.

How are you feeling?

(children's answers)

Teacher: Well, now let's smile and have a little fun! Our game will consist of 5 rounds.

The guys are divided into two teams. Come up with a name, motto and emblem for the theme: “Day of Knowledge. September 1".

1st round"Comic rituals."

Teacher: Guys, let's start our game with an unusual ritual. Each team is given a piece of chalk. Your task is to grind the chalk into powder; you can run the chalk over the palm of each person, and then grind the stuck powder. The one who rubs it more thoroughly will study harder.

Whose team turns out to be the friendliest and most emotional wins the point.


Teacher: So, the first round - the warm-up - is over. Now let's begin

2 roundQuiz - savvy."Ready?

Teacher: You will be asked joke questions, whose team is the first to raise their hand and answer gets a point! We remember that you cannot shout out from your seat - a penalty point, try not to think for a long time, remember that these are comic questions! So let's begin!

Which hand is best to stir tea? (Better with a spoon).

What belongs to you, and is more often used by others? (Name).

The electric train ran from north to south, the wind blew from south to north; Which direction was the smoke coming from the train? (An electric train cannot have smoke.)

How to throw an object in a straight line so that it returns to the same point on its own? (You have to throw it up).

How to jump from a 10-meter ladder without hurting yourself? (You have to jump from the bottom step).

What gets bigger when you put it upside down? (Number 6).

In which country are hooligans not “banned”? (In Australia, because the “bullies” are birds.)

How can a thrown egg fly 3 meters without breaking? (You need to throw it 4 meters, and then it will fly 3 meters intact).

How to sit in galoshes? (You need to take the shape of a felt boot).

Why do guys have red hair in Paris? (On the ground).

Whoever doesn’t have it, doesn’t want to have it; whoever has it, can’t give it away? (Bald head).

At the beginning and at the end it is cold, and in the middle it is warm. What is this? (Calendar year).

Which city is baked from dough? (Kalach).

Which river is the scariest? (Tiger).

He rides on someone else's back, but carries the load on his own. What is this? (Saddle).

What should a referee check when he enters the field to conduct a match? (Whistle).

Why did the boy make a hole in his umbrella? (To better see when the rain will stop).

What bird does not lay eggs, but hatches from them? (Rooster).

How many peas can fit into a glass? (Not a single one - peas don’t go).

What is the shortest month? (May).

Which bird is named after the dance? (Tap dance).

What can you cook but can't eat? (Lessons).

Teacher: So what about difficult tasks? What did you think! It's hard to learn, but it's easy to fight.

Summarizing! The points are entered into the summary sheet!

So, two rounds are already behind us.

3 round“Name a proverb.”

Teacher: Educator: Each team in turn needs to name proverbs related to the word study: (Learning and work will grind everything. Learning is beauty, ignorance is dryness.

Learning is light and ignorance is darkness. Repetition is the mother of learning. Science is to a fool what fire is to a child. They fight not by force, but by skill. Without studying you can't weave bast shoes. A smart person loves to learn, and a fool loves to teach.)

Teacher: Guys, there are so many proverbs about studying, how great we are for remembering them. Let's move on to the penultimate round. How are you feeling? Aren't you tired???

4th round"True Balls"..

Educator: Guys, look how many balls we have, but these are not ordinary balls; each of them has a surprise. I have cards with questions for you, but you will get the answers from the balls! I ask a question, the players of the team that is asked the question take the ball, pop it and read out the answer! So take turns, first one team, then the next.

Questions for cards.

Are you a well-mannered and patient person?

Are you capable of noble deeds?

Do you criticize your teachers?

Are you tired of schoolwork?

Do you believe in love at first sight?

Do you want to go abroad?

Do you like to spend money on trifles?

Do you like fooling around?

Do you like to eat delicious food?

Are you sometimes obnoxious to others?

Do you quarrel with your friends?

Do you step on people's feet?

Do you dream of having a car?

Are you afraid of dangerous adventures?

When do you have to smile?

Answers for cards.

Let's talk about this without witnesses.

You shouldn’t ask such questions, knowing my character.

I have nothing to answer you for this.

And I won’t say it under torture.

This topic is unpleasant to me.

This is my secret, I don’t want others to know about it.

I allow myself this pleasure once a week.

Only when I have Bad mood.

Of course, otherwise I would be bored with life.

Not without it.

Only in my thoughts.

This has never happened and never will happen.

This is the greatest pleasure for me.

Something happened.

Only awake.

The trick of this game is that any question has any answer. There are no winners or losers here.

Teacher: Well, here we come to the final round!

5th round"Forty seconds."

Teacher: This task involves 3 people from each team.

Your Task: within 40 seconds, complete all the tasks that are written on the piece of paper. You just need to remember that you only have 40 seconds left!

Here is what is written on the participants' sheets:

Sit down 2 times.

Jump on your left leg 5 times.

Raise your hands up 2 times.

Read all assignments carefully.

Shout your name loudly.

Meow loudly twice.

Kiss any two people.

Turn around yourself three times.

Laugh at yourself.

Shake hands with three friends.

Jump on your right leg 5 times.

After you have read all the tasks, complete only 13 and 14.

Squat down.

Place the piece of paper in front of you.

After completing the task, all participants explain that if you carefully read and complete task No. 4,

you only have to complete No. 13 and No. 14.

Teacher: So our lesson has come to an end, while I count the points. You are given the task to make Collage "Friendship"

I give you a sheet of Whatman paper, glue, felt-tip pens, a pack of magazines, brochures, postcards (suitable for the topic). Guys, from what you have you need to make a collage on the theme of friendship.

Collage "Friendship"


Tell us a little about what you did? How great you did it! Guys, we will hang your work in our playroom, and every time we look at it, we will remember today’s lesson .

Summing up the game!

Teacher: We played, joked, and now listen to some wise sayings.

Neither art nor wisdom can be achieved unless it is learned.


...The purpose of learning is to achieve the greatest satisfaction in acquiring knowledge.

He who does not ask anything will learn nothing.

Thomas Fuller

Study everything not out of vanity, but for practical benefit.

Georg Christoph Lichtenberg

Anyone who does not want to learn will never become a real person.

Jose Julian Marti

No matter what difficulties you encounter along the way,

I wish you not to be afraid of them.

If only we could overcome all these difficulties

And without losses we could achieve our cherished goal!

I wish you: “No fluff, no feather!”

Exercise: "Salute"

- Now I’ll ask everyone to stand up! And let’s clap for each other, starting from bottom to top and so on three times!

_Thank you all for good game! Goodbye!

Hello guys, I’m very glad to see you here rested and tanned. And allow me to congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year

Handsome September is with us,
We are committed to him again.
Knowledge Day is not an exam,
But only the first step towards it.
It contains funny pages of books,
Notebooks, pens, diaries,
And your joyful faces -
The eyes of surprised springs!
And in the turmoil of sonorous everyday life,
Let's forget all flattery.
After all, we know that there will be a miracle,
When do such children exist!
With love I wish you all:
Health, happiness, bright days!
Good luck in your endeavors,
And good teachers to you!

Classroom teacher: - Well, these funny questions will help me check how well you are ready to study. Listen carefully to the questions and give the correct answer: either “yes” or “no”.

Will we enter class with dirty shoes? (No.)

Shall we wipe our hands on the curtains? (No.)

Can't you write directly on the walls? (No.)

Do you need to wear replacement shoes? (Yes.)

Need to fight during recess? (No.)

Won't we be late for class? (No.)

Let's try to study well? (Yes.)

Classroom teacher: Well, now it’s time to refresh our memory of everything we know about school.

1. There is a house, hundreds of children in it. Those who constantly visit it acquire knowledge over the years.

2. In the black sky, a white hare jumped, ran, and made loops. The trail behind him was also white. Who is this hare?

3. I have a magic wand, friends. With this stick I can build a Tower, a house, and an airplane, And a huge steamship!

4. If you give her a job, the pencil was in vain.

5. On black and white They write every now and then. Rub with a rag - The page is clean.

6. There is, friends, such a bird: If it lands on the page, I am very happy, and the whole family is with me.
7. There is a completely different bird: If it sits on the page, Then with a bowed head I return home.

8. Multi-colored pages Bored without water. Uncle is long and thin. He carries water with his beard.

9. I know everything, I teach everyone, But I myself am always silent. In the classroom I am your assistant, Be careful with me.

10. Kulik is not great, he orders a hundred children: Either sit down and study, then get up and disperse.
Voice... Look... Clothes... Gait... Forehead... Hairstyle... His... wit drives everyone crazy. The life of a class is not a cabbage pie. He is...a friend. Let our... hearts and... congratulations be an expression of love for him. Let us wish our class... health,... joy,... days of success and... unity! Long live our... class!

Classroom teacher: - Well done, you answered all the questions correctly, and now it’s time to take the oath of a real sixth-grader. I ask you to stand up and be faithful to this oath throughout your years of study.

Always come to class for the first lesson

Even before the bell rings. (Children in chorus - We swear!)

Be active and relevant in class,

Remember and learn everything you need. (We swear!)

To become literate and smart,

Textbooks, books, pencil cases and notebooks

Become good friends, become faithful,

Help each other in everything and always. (We swear!)

And laziness, untidiness, tips, lies

We will never take you to class, under no circumstances. (We swear!)

to be faithful to this oath all the years of study.

And on this serious note, we will continue the class hour.

Guys, tell me, do you know that Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree according to which 2014 is declared the year of culture in the Russian Federation?

Tell me, what is culture?

Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerich (Roerich) - Russian artist, writer, traveler, archaeologist, public figure

A common culture is what allows a person to feel with all his soul solidarity with others in time and space - both with people of his own generation, and with past generations and with future generations.”

Where can you and I really experience the culture of past generations?

This year, one of the largest museums in the world - the St. Petersburg State The Hermitage Museum turns 250 years old.

Methodological development of the class hour “Forward, scholars!”

Olga Sergeevna Klimova, teacher of mathematics and computer science, Kulebaki Metallurgical College, Kulebaki, Nizhny Novgorod Region

Explanatory note.

The development of society places new demands on education. On the one hand, its content changes, on the other, there is a need for qualitatively new teaching methods that would make it possible to link the diversity of all educational information and concepts into a single system of knowledge. Information (computer) technologies, being a modern means of education, open up endless possibilities for solving a wide range of problems. The use of a computer in the educational process changes the relationship between methods, forms, teaching aids, and methodological apparatus. The use of multimedia technologies can significantly increase interest in learning, and, consequently, improve the quality of knowledge.
Currently, in education, an important role is given to activities in the form of games - a modern and recognized method of teaching and upbringing, which has educational, developmental and nurturing functions that operate in organic unity.
This methodological development fully satisfies all these requirements. The competition is held in the form of a game and is accompanied by a multimedia presentation.

The methodological development covers course issues in mathematics, physics, chemistry, biology, geography, astronomy and computer science.
This competition increases students’ interest in the disciplines of natural science and mathematics, and can be used to deepen students’ knowledge and develop their logical thinking, spatial imagination, ingenuity, development of correct scientific speech, to provide students with useful information from the history of sciences. The questions of the competition activate the mental activity of students, develop attention, observation, memory, speech, and speed of reaction.
Answers to questions are shown on the screen in the form of illustrations.

This development can be used to hold a competition for high school students and first-year students of secondary vocational education institutions.
Objectives of the event:
-development cognitive interest to natural science and mathematics subjects;
-expanding the horizons of students in the disciplines of natural science and mathematics.
-development of creative abilities of students;
-development of intellectual skills to analyze material, choose the main thing;
- ability to apply acquired knowledge in the game.
- fostering initiative and activity;
- fostering perseverance and perseverance in achieving goals.
Equipment: computer, multimedia projector; tokens.

Good afternoon, participants, dear jury, guests!
September 1 is an exciting and memorable day, which is sometimes remembered for a lifetime. This is a celebration of knowledge that is always with us and helps us all move through life.
Only one holiday is called “Day of Knowledge”
And I know almost for sure
What among all the warm memories
The sounds of the first bell are the brightest.
And those of us who have completed our studies,
And who hasn't started it yet,
They won’t be able to meet autumn without a smile,
And those sounds of the first bell.

Today we are holding our first class hour. The class hour will be held in the form of an intellectual competition. Our competition is called “Forward, scholars!” For each correct answer, the participant will receive a token. The winner of the competition will be the student who scores greatest number tokens.
So, we are starting our competition.
You see 25 questions on the screen. I will choose the first question for you, and then each subsequent question will be chosen by the participant who correctly answered the previous question.

To argue the right thing,
So as not to know failures in life,
We go on a hike boldly
Into the world of mysteries and complex tasks.
It doesn't matter that it's not easy to walk,
We are not afraid that the path will be difficult.
Achievements for “big” people
It was never easy.

1. There are three of us in any triangle.
Preferring golden mean,
We meet the center of gravity on the way,
Leading straight from the top.
What do they call us? (medians)
2. If we are given a triangle,
And with a right angle,
That is the square of the hypotenuse
We will always find it easily.
We square the legs,
We find the sum of powers.
And in such a simple way
We will come to the result.
What are the poems about? (Pythagorean theorem)
3. Find the error:
5(x-4)=9(x-4) : (x-4)
5=9 (division by 0 occurred)
4. Her acquaintance with mathematics occurred at the age of 8, because the walls of her room were covered with sheets of notes from lectures on mathematics by Professor Ostrovsky. Who is she? (S.V. Kovalevskaya)

Computer science.
1. When was the first modern computer created? What was it called? (1946, "Eniak")
2. This is a differential analytical machine. Built in 1820 – 1821.
Charles Babbage. The daughter of the great poet Byron worked with him. Who is she? (Augusta Ada Lovelace. One of the programming languages ​​is named Ada in her honor)
3. Which computer device was erected a monument in Yekaterinburg on the embankment of the Iset River? (keyboard)
4. At the beginning of the 21st century, the Eskimos became acquainted with an invention that was translated into their language as “ikiaqqivik” - “travel through layers.” What kind of invention is this? (Internet)

Physics and astronomy.
1. You probably know the expression “A fur coat keeps you warm.” Does a fur coat actually keep you warm? (No, it helps keep heat around our body.)
2. What is inaccurate in the expression “a stone falls to the ground because it attracts it”? (Stone and earth mutually attract each other.)
3. In what place on Earth will the magnetic needle always point south? (at the pole)
4. It spins around, but no one notices. What is this? (Earth).
5. Name two constellations that are shaped like a bucket. (Ursa Major and Ursa Minor).

1. How to remove iron objects from household waste? (using a magnet)
2. There are famous maps. They do not depict kings and queens, but some kind of icons. One scientist chemist carried them with him for a long time and, at every opportunity, played “solitaire” with them. And one day this “solitaire” game went brilliantly wrong... in a dream. Now answer the questions. Who is this scientist?
What is written on the cards instead of kings and queens? What did “solitaire” decompose into? (D.I. Mendeleev, periodic table of chemical elements)
3. It is a mixture of various gases, most of all it contains nitrogen and oxygen. What is this?
4. Who is the author of the words “Chemistry spreads its hands wide into human affairs”? (M.V. Lomonosov).

1. Around noon on May 29, 1953, two climbers, New Zealander Edmund Hillary and Nepalese Tenzing Norgay, were the first to reach the summit and spent 15 minutes there. They went to the assault as ordinary people, and returned as heroes. Name the conquered peak. (Chomolungma)
2. Seeing this island for the first time, the Normans in the 9th century called it “the green country,” although, as it later turned out, more than 1.8 million km2 is covered with ice. What kind of island is this? (Greenland)
3. Many people believe that Niagara Falls is the largest in the world. But that's not true. 2 waterfalls in Africa and 2 waterfalls in South America are larger than Niagara. Name at least one. (Augrabis and Victoria in Africa, Angel and Iguazu in South America)
4. The Celts nicknamed this European capital “the fortress on the swamp.” What kind of capital is this? (London)

1. They are distributed throughout the New World from Alaska to Tierra del Fuego. They are called “living semi-precious stones”. Their weight is 2-3 grams. Who is this? (hummingbird)
2. Seeing this animal, you can’t help but think that someone deliberately stained its shiny thick white fur with different colors. I drew dark brown along the back, black on the paws, dark red rings on the tail, and “dark glasses” around the eyes. This coloring helps it hide in bamboo thickets. Who is this animal? (this is a panda or bamboo bear).
3. This plant blooms amazingly. The colors contain the blue of the sky, the white of snow, and the gold of the sun's rays. Poets devote reverent poems to her, and artists create patterns from the lace of her flowers and decorate umbrellas, fans, and kimono fabrics with them. Tourists always take pictures against its background. What kind of plant is this? (sakura)
4. Which curly dog ​​is named after an Italian city? (Bologna, Bologna)

Today you and I have worked hard: we learned new things and remembered what we already knew, answered questions and listened to poems.
A man is born
To create, to dare - and nothing else,
To leave a good mark in life
And solve all the difficult problems.
Now let’s find out who won our competition.
September 1 is a holiday of the beginning of a new academic year, primarily for students and teachers. We congratulate you on this wonderful day!

How the presentation works:
The third slide shows the numbers of questions that the competition participants choose. The question number contains a hyperlink to the presentation slide with the question. A question appears on the slide. After the contest participant answers the question, they return to the slide with questions (the “return” button is located in the lower right corner of the slide). If there is also the letter “K” in the lower right corner of the slide, then you need to click LMB and the answer to the question will be demonstrated. Then there is a return to the slide with questions. After all the questions have been played out, clicking the left mouse button takes you to the next slide. At this time - summing up. Then the button labeled “exit” takes you to the last slide.

Attention! The site administration is not responsible for the content methodological developments, as well as for compliance with the development of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Class hour on the topic: Knowledge Day in 8th grade.

Target: contribute to the formation of students' motivation to study in the new school year.


  • to positively motivate students to study in the new school year;
  • develop in students the desire and desire to learn and know more;
  • create a favorable atmosphere in the classroom.

Form of organization of activity: conversation, games.

Class progress

1. Opening speech by the class teacher

Good afternoon, my favorite class. I am glad to see all of you cheerful, rested, happy and gained strength. I hope the smiles on your faces shine not only from meeting friends and classmates, but also from the anticipation of meeting new knowledge.

But maybe I’m wrong, and you dream of endless vacations and relaxation. How pleasant it was to communicate with friends all summer, watch your favorite TV series and sit in front of a computer monitor until late at night. Would anyone refuse to carry out free time the way you want.

2. Discussion

Let's dream! Imagine that you are participants in the talk show “To study or not to study - that is the question.” You support different views on the role of education in our lives. Try to justify your position with evidence. Study or relax? School or permanent vacation? What will you choose?

(The class teacher gives students 3-5 minutes to think about their answers.)

Now let's discuss the pros and cons of education.

(Target class teacher- after listening to all the answers, lead students to the correct conclusion about the need to learn, develop, gain knowledge.)

3. Mini-lecture “What does knowledge give to a person?”

Without knowledge you will not achieve in life
Everything you want to have.
And at school you will stock up on experience,
So that I can look into the future with confidence.

Indeed, it is impossible to imagine our life without knowledge, especially in the modern world. Why does a person need knowledge, what is its role in a person’s life? It seems like simple questions, but sometimes you need to answer such simple questions in order to better understand some things.

Knowledge plays a huge role in our lives! Without them, it is impossible to build a house, cure a person, play the piano - nothing can be done without a certain amount of knowledge in your head! One can only exist as an undeveloped animal.

Even for the simplest reasonable actions you need to have at least some knowledge, not to mention more serious things!

From birth, a child begins to learn. First, he learns to roll over on his own, sit, crawl, walk, eat, smile, pronounce the first words... Attention, thinking, memory develop, the child learns about the world around him. As a schoolboy, he continues to study. And the knowledge acquired at school prepares him for his future life path. And one of the most important things in a person’s life is choosing a profession, because everyone dreams of getting a job in which they would be interested. After all, you will most likely need to spend your whole life there. Every profession needs one or another school subject. This means that while studying at school, we must think seriously about the future and not waste precious time. Now your main work is study; one might say, this is your profession. To master this profession, you need to show diligence, develop willpower, and perseverance.

4. Congratulations on the beginning of the new school year!

Now, I hope you have no doubt about the teaching. And I can congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year!

Every year the call is funny
Brings us together.
Hello, autumn! Hello school!
Hello, our favorite class.
Let us feel a little sorry for summer -
We will not be sad in vain.
Hello, the road to knowledge!
Hello, September holiday!

I congratulate you on the beginning of the new school year!

5. Game “Ending the Proverb”

Let's rest a little and play. Who doesn’t know the proverb “Learning is light, but ignorance is darkness?” Of course, everyone knows this. Now try to continue the following proverbs:

It's never too late to learn.

They are greeted by their clothes - (they are seen off by their intelligence.)

Live and learn.)

The world is illuminated by the sun, (and man is illuminated by knowledge.)

Learn to read and write (always useful.)

It's not a shame not to know, (it's a shame not to learn.)

He who loves science (does not know boredom.)

Learn from a young age - (useful in old age.)

Repetition - (mother of learning.)

He who wants to know a lot (needs little sleep.)

Knowledge in youth is (wisdom in old age.)

If you haven’t learned anything in a day, (you’ve lived the day in vain.)

6. Game “World of Professions”

The years will fly by unnoticed, and you will choose a profession. Now we will check how many professions you know. Let's play the game "World of Professions." The game involves 3 teams (according to the number of rows).

(Children take turns naming professions, the losers drop out and sit back. The one who named more professions wins)

7. Wishes

September 1 is the first day of the new year, the New School Year. Consequently, on this day you can wish something for yourself for the future. Moreover, we will do this all together. Take a piece of paper and, after thinking, write 1-2 wishes that can only relate to the educational process. Now let's put them in the box, and at the end of the school year we'll check whether our wishes have come true. And so they began...

8. Summary

Now the time has come for us to say goodbye. I wish everyone a fruitful academic year and may your dreams come true. See you.