A message on the topic of what kind of friend I am. Class hour “What kind of friend am I?” Hello guys! My name is Elena Vyacheslavovna! I am a primary school teacher at the Pushchino gymnasium.

I have a friend. His name is Lyosha. He studies with me in the same class. After school we go for a walk. Sometimes we play in my yard, we have sports equipment there. We also love to play football. There is a good football field not far from my friend's house. There's even a net on the gate. We play there several times a week.

In the summer, Lesha and I see each other in August, because the other months summer holidays my friend is spending in the village. He is very good friend. I know that he will never betray me. Lyosha a true friend.

Essay Description of a friend 6th grade, 7th grade

I have best friend. His name is Mikhail. He and I study in the same class. Misha lives on the next block. He has younger brother. Misha and I sometimes take him for a walk. Misha and I go out together on the weekends. Can also go for a walk during the week after homework is done. Misha and I love to play together computer games. We do this online, each from our own home.

Sometimes we go to a cinema or an entertainment center. We really like watching 5D, 7D, 11D films. When you watch such a movie, it seems that you are present in the film itself.

I recently attended Mikhail's birthday party. His grandparents came to congratulate him, as well as God-parents and several friends from school. We started our birthday party at the entertainment center. The animators gave us a real quest. After the entertainment, we went to Mikhail's house, where delicious treats awaited us.
I gave it to Mikhail board game, book and construction set. Misha was pleased with the gift. When we can't cope with our lessons, we help each other. I can help Misha if I understand the material better, and he can help if he understands something better than me.

It's good when you have loyal and beloved friends with whom you can have fun spending your leisure time.

Option for 5th grade

Today I want to talk about my friend. This is very good man and his name is Ivan. He is 10 years old, like me. We are in third grade.

Vanya and I have known each other for three years. Firstly, we live in the same yard. Secondly, our mothers also communicate. Thirdly, he and I go to the same class and to the same training session. We are close all the time. We also go to and from schools together.

Ivan is like a brother to me. And this is very good. After all, I have a younger sister, but no brother. Besides, he is six months older than me. You can talk to Vanya, spend your time free time. We get angry with him, sometimes we fight. But this happens very rarely. The reasons for our quarrels are a slight misunderstanding of each other. That's all.

Vanya and I met on my birthday. Then I turned seven years old and my mother invited many of my friends. There were girls from kindergarten, a boy from the yard, a little baby who was someone's brother. I don't remember anymore. Vanya and his mother were among the guests. He came because our mothers were friends. That's how we met. That day I really liked Vanya. I wanted to make friends with him. In ordinary life, it’s not so easy for me to meet someone. And this boy was calm, didn’t show off, gave me a cool construction set and shook my hand. He sat next to me at festive table. He wasn't shy at all strangers, was positive and active.

Then the time came when we went to school together and ended up in the same class.

My friend deserves the title of friend for many reasons. He never offended me in any way, just as I never offended him. He never betrayed or deceived me. Vanya always answers the phone when I call him. Sometimes I need his help regarding homework and homework. Sometimes we just chat for hours about computer games and classmates. My friend is not jealous of me and does not want to offend me. We don't compete with each other. We promised that we would try to be friends all our lives, no matter what.

I understand that friendship is great gift, which should be treasured.

4th grade, 6th, 7th grade.

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The most important conditions for friendship are trust and respect. These feelings arise gradually and grow stronger over the years of honest relationships. People become friends based on common interests, but not every friendly acquaintance turns into a warm and bright relationship.

Friends in a person's life

It's nice to have a person in your life who will always support and help. A friend is someone whose authority becomes equal to his own. In other words, relationships between people are based on complete trust and the perception of essentially a stranger, becoming respectful as oneself. Such harmony is achieved only many years later after testing for responsiveness and assistance in certain situations.

Loneliness in modern world does not bring positive results. A person without friends becomes a hermit and finds it difficult to take his place in a developed society. Even the most reserved introvert will find it unbearable if there is no one to have a heart-to-heart talk with, explain himself and hear banal words of support and understanding from the outside.

What is a true friend?

According to modern psychologists, the strongest friendships begin in childhood and adolescence. But as a person grows up, he loses hope that he can trust someone other than himself, and in some cases, himself. Most often, such speculation arises after betrayal by a friend. Good people there are still some left, and if one betrayed you, it doesn’t mean that the other will betray you.

After disappointment, it becomes difficult to understand who can be called a true friend. Now people are accustomed to communicating remotely, without opening up to people and keeping all their most secret things to themselves. Such relationships are more like friendships, partnerships, or in the spirit of acquaintances, neighbors, and colleagues. For some, this style makes life easier, for others it complicates it. Remember that some friends or colleagues may become best friends, it's just a matter of time.

How to become a friend?

There are no barriers to true friendship. Those people who know who a friend is confirm this expression with sparkling eyes. It is not easy to become such a person; this will only happen if a person begins to experience sincere good feelings and sympathy. Friends should think for two, worry, sympathize and help in any situation.

Considering all the subtleties and understanding what qualities a friend should have, you should not forget about the other side of the coin. Close people are not only help in a difficult situation, but also sincere joy for a friend when he is successful. As many scientists say, it is much easier to survive grief and support in trouble than not to envy your friend in moments of true happiness.

10 qualities of a friend

It is not so easy to overcome the long journey of life alone. Even the strongest and most confident people definitely need support. Those who claim that they live well and without friends are deeply mistaken, because perhaps they have not yet felt that true and faithful friendship. Psychologists say that there are qualities of a true friend by which one can guess a person’s true intentions.

Negative qualities of a friend

The most terrible quality in friendship is envy. It is with her that a person will never be able to understand who a friend is. Such people only love to sympathize and empathize, but they will not be able to rejoice sincerely. Bad qualities a friend is also arrogance and temper, selfishness and hypocrisy, and most importantly, cruelty, cowardice and indifference.

How to be a good friend?

Quality friendship does not require any great knowledge. Sincerity and support at any time are the most best qualities in life. Take care of strong friendships from your youth, because time-tested people are practically incapable of betrayal. Understand for yourself who a best friend is, and then you won’t have to make mistakes in people. The main thing, remember, in friendship you need not only to receive, but also to give.

The most beautiful gift given to people after wisdom is friendship.

What, in the minds of a modern schoolchild, should a true friend be? What character traits should I have and what qualities should I have? Everyone will give their own answers to these questions. After all, we are all different.

Everyone has their own views on life and relationships. Everyone has it different needs and desires. And that's okay, that's right.

Let us first think about what friendship is. Undoubtedly, this is a close and trusting relationship between people that brings joy, pleasure, pleasure and happiness. These relationships are based on mutual trust, acceptance, understanding, affection, as well as common interests, needs and views. This is sincere mutual assistance, dedication, trust between people. After all, every person needs to be understood and accepted, to be trusted and valued.

We all need kindness

As well as attention, responsiveness and selflessness.

What is a true friend like for me, an ordinary modern school student? This is, first of all, a positive and friendly person, with a sense of humor. He is undoubtedly responsive, gentle, polite and friendly. My friend must also be a man of his word; if he said or promised something, then he definitely did it. It is desirable that my friend behave in society politely and with dignity, know the rules of behavior, and respect other human individuals. It is also important for me that the person close to me is always sincere and remains himself in different situations, was real. He was also condescending and fair to other people, as well as to their actions.

For me, one of the main criteria for friendship is mutual interests, common hobbies, perhaps the same hobbies. The time that friends spend together should be interesting and productive. Communication should bring pleasure, inspiration and positive emotions to people who are friends.

A true friend will never leave you in trouble and will always be ready to help. He will be able to listen, if necessary he will give useful advice, and if necessary, just remain silent. A friend will always tell you the truth, even if it’s unpleasant and bitter. He won't flatter you, but he won't criticize you harshly either. A friend will consciously and adequately express his opinion and, if necessary, point out mistakes. He must advise, he must provide all possible help. And I believe that this is exactly how loyal and true friends behave. At least, as a friend, I try to adhere to such rules and principles in life.

“A friend will not leave you in trouble, he will not ask too much...” I believe that the words of the famous children's song perfectly reflect the most important and basic criteria of friendship. Be friends, try to become a worthy and true friend! This will make your life happy, joyful, multifaceted and varied. You will never feel alone. Friendship is a wonderful gift to humanity!

Essays on topics:

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  2. A person lives in society. Here he is with early years is brought up and learns. He meets many people in his life...

Topic: Class hour “What a friend I am.”


  1. Identifying the qualities necessary for friendship.

  2. Group work to unite children to work on one common topic.

  3. Conducting games to unite children into one team: “Find out”, “Cobweb”, “One built his own house”.

Progress of the lesson

  1. Greeting, introduction.


- Hello guys! My name is Elena Vyacheslavovna! I am a primary school teacher at the Pushchino gymnasium.

- Why do you think I’m teaching you a lesson today, and not Natalya Viktorovna?

- I'll tell you a secret. You and I, both you and I, are participating in the competition: “Teacher of the Year 2014.” Therefore, today there are many guests and a competition jury in the class. You can smile at your guests.

You and I are participants in the competition, we will find something to do, but what will the respected jury do? (Children's answers).

- I am very glad to be with you. I also studied at this school when I was just like you and worked as a teacher in my favorite school. I have many friends here. Do you have friends? (Children's answers).

2. Determining the purpose of the lesson.


Can you tell me what we will do? (Children's answers).

- Now there will be a little hint for you. I'll play a song and we'll do a little warm-up to it. And the song will suggest the topic of our lesson.

- Even if you are not familiar with this song, still sing along, the words in the song are repeated.

(A song plays. Children and their teacher do physical education.)

If your friend doesn't laugh, turn on the sun for him.

If a friend doesn't laugh,
Turn on the sun for him
Turn on the stars for him
It's simple.
You correct the mistake
Turning into a smile
All the sadness and tears,
It's simple.

Sunday, Saturday,
Friendship is not work.
Friendship is not work.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.

If happiness falls,
Divide it into parts

And give it to all your friends,
It's simple.
And when necessary,
All friends will be there
To turn on the sun or stars for you.

Sunday, Saturday,
Friendship is not work.
Friendship is not work.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.

If everyone is a friend in a circle
He will extend his hand to a friend,
That will be visible through the porthole
Friendship is the equator.
If everyone is a friend of the planet
Waving a daisy to a friend,
It will become clear
Friendship is the planet of daisies.

Sunday, Saturday,
Friendship is not work.
Friendship is not work.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.
There are friends, and for them,
Friends don't have days off.

What are we going to talk about? (Children’s answers).

- I will clarify the topic of our lesson: “What kind of friend I am.”

3. Conversation.


Guys, recently a new girl came to our class. We often began to have conflicts, even fights, although this had never happened before. When we asked her why she behaved this way, she replied that no one was friends with her. But it was not so. The guys showed her a lot of attention. What was the matter? (Children's answers).

- There are many such situations, to learn to understand them you need to visit city ​​of Friendship.

Have you ever been to the city of Friendship? (No)

Then let's go.

What usually happens in the city?

- A city ​​of friendship unusual city. There are no buildings here. You need to build them yourself.

Let's roll up our sleeves and become builders.

The chalkboard will become our construction site. Our site is clean. For the city of friendship, the construction site can be sand, a sheet of paper, a clean White snow, misted glass.

What is usually built in cities? (At home).

Let's build the first house and call it House of Friendship.

Where does the construction of a house begin? (From the foundation).

Two “bricks” with the words “home” and “friendship” are attached to the board with magnets.



- The foundation is the foundation of the house, it must be strong, otherwise the house will not stand. Now we will take a short training course for builders.

Physical exercise: “One built his house on the sand.”

One built his house on the sand,

And it started to rain.

And it started to rain

And the water poured out.

And it started to rain

And the water flowed

And the house fell.

Another built his house on the rock.

And it started to rain.

And it started to rain

And the water poured out.

And it started to rain

And the water poured out.

And the house stood.

One built (we depict the work of hammers, we beat our fists against each other)

your home (with our hands we depict a roof over our heads)

on the sand (we depict waves with our hands - loose sand),

One built his house on the sand,

And it began to rain (we depict streams of water with our hands - from top to bottom).

And it started to rain

And the water poured out (we depict waves with our hands - streams of water).

And it started to rain

And the water flowed

And the house fell (we depict a lopsided roof).

Another built his house on the rock.

Another built his house on the rock.

And it started to rain.

And it started to rain

And the water poured out.

And it started to rain

And the water poured out.

And the house stood (we depict a roof over our heads with our hands, we stand at attention).

The foundation has been built. Let's move on to building a house. We will work in teams – as a group. You can choose a foreman - the eldest among you.

Stand up, brigadiers. We'll get to know you.

Now in groups you will choose “quality bricks” that will be used to build our house. Check what is required.

4. Work in groups.

Select qualities from the table. (Each group has a sign)




























- House is built.

- Is a city beautiful if it only has houses? (Not really).

- Our city of Pushchino grew up on a bare mountain, where did the vegetation come from? (All trees were planted by city residents: builders and scientists, students and schoolchildren, old and young. The seedlings were brought from the Moscow Botanical Garden).

- What does our city lack? (Trees, plants).

- We will need a landscape gardener.

One student is invited to the board. A teacher and a student draw a tree trunk with branches without leaves.

What does the tree lack? (The tree lacks crown and leaves).

The trees in the city of friendship are also special. They need to be raised. Their crown and leaves are special. The golden rules of friendship are written on the leaves.

The inscription “ Golden Rule friendship."




Each group receives stencils of 1 green and 1 yellow leaf.


Write your rule of friendship on each piece of paper. Don't forget to consult with each other.

Independent work children in groups.


We listen to your rules and attach leaves to the tree.

Children read the rules and attach leaves to trees with magnets.


Do you know any proverbs about friendship? (Children's answers).

Let's check. I'll start, you continue.

WITH The old friend is better than the new two.

- A tree is held together by its roots, and a person is held together by its friends.

- If you don’t have a friend, look for him, but if you find him, take care of him.

- There is no better friend than your own mother.

- One for all and all for one.

- Friend is known in trouble.

- Life is hard without a friend.

- A friend will teach, and a foe will teach you a lesson.

- If you look for friends without flaws, you will be left without friends.

- The kind of friendship you make is the kind of life you will live.

- The road to a friend’s house is never long.


“We’ve worked hard, it’s time to rest.”

Interactive physical education session.


And now we have to plant another tree - "character tree"

Now our gardener and I will designate a place for another tree and plant it.

Each group member receives a leaf stencil or 2 stencils: red, yellow, green, orange.


Write down what character qualities you want to see in your friends (one quality per piece of paper).

Independent work of children.


We listen to your rules and attach leaves to the tree. (Friend – kind, smart, reliable, handsome).

And now you will have secret mission: write on a piece of paper - what quality

Hide the leaf in your palm.

May your friends never have these qualities.

What to do? Crumple and throw away, bury in the ground, burn.


So we built ours city ​​of friendship. You like?

But that's what happens sometimes. People get into city ​​of Friendship, but they can’t find friends.

What would you advise them to do? (Make friends with someone, get acquainted).

Missing notice board.

What kind of ad can be placed there?

- “I’m looking for a friend who doesn’t like candy.” Doctor Bezzubov.

- “There is no more pleasant activity than picking your nose. I'm looking for people who love this activity." Club of fans of Grigory Oster.

- “The stick will make friends with Gingerbread.” Whip.

5. Homework.

- Write an ad on the “Bulletin Board”.

6. Fireworks in honor of the new city.

7. History as a gift.


- As a gift to you, a story of friendship between a person and an animal (a disabled person and a cat hit by a car).

8. Game "Cobweb".

- We pass a ball of thread to each other and say compliments (pleasant, truthful words) while passing the ball. It turns out to be a web of friendship.

9. Results of the lesson.

It is human nature to desire communication and friendship. Throughout life, everyone meets many people, and everyone will agree that going through life is easier with someone.

You can know many people, but only some of them can be called a true friend. With such a person it is easy and reliable. You can share sorrow and joy with a friend. Over time, the understanding may come that this person is getting closer every day. When talking about friendship, the image of the present often comes to mind. true friend. Let's talk about friendship and friend on English language.

Asked to write an essay about a friend in English? Download finished essay for only 50 rubles!

  • Introduction

You can start your story about your friend with the story of your acquaintance:

I met my friend Andrew in kindergarten. Even though we were in different groups, we often played together during walks outdoors. He always shared his toys with me, and so did I. It turned out that we lived near each other. After kindergarten we went to study at the same school.

I met my friend Andrey in kindergarten. Although we were in different groups, we often played together while walking fresh air. He always shared his toys with me, and I with him. It turned out that we live not far from each other. After kindergarten we went to study at the same school.

You can start your story with an expressive or interesting statement about a friend, and also try to explain their meaning:

According to Aristotle, friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. Indeed, a man shares his life with another person and they walk together through life side by side.

According to Aristotle, a friend is one soul that lives in two bodies. Indeed, a person shares his life with another person, and together they live one life, walking along the path of life side by side.

  • Main part

In the main part you need to dwell in more detail on your friend. Here you can talk about how you met (if this is not where the story began), describe the appearance and character of your friend. Here you can talk about everything that comes to mind, but try to highlight the most important thing.

My best friend's name is Andrew. We've been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school but in different classes. Andrew has got blue eyes and blond hair. He is taller than me. He is cheerful and he is slow to take offence. Andrew doesn’t allow anyone to insult other people. We have a great deal in common, we listen almost to the same music and we regularly play table tennis after school. Andrew is a sociable, kind and modest person. Sometimes he is witty, but his jokes are never wicked. We always find interesting topics to discuss. Very often we visit each other at home. We always can help each other with homework, and we usually play computer and video games together.

My best friend's name is Andrey. We've been friends since kindergarten. He is 15 years old and we study at the same school, but in different classes. At Andrey's Blue eyes And blonde hair. He's taller than me. He is cheerful and difficult to offend. Andrey will not offend anyone. We have many common interests, we listen to almost the same music, we go to table tennis together after school. Andrey is sociable, kind and modest. He is often witty, but his jokes are never mean. We can always find interesting topics for communication. Very often we go to visit each other. We can always help each other with homework, and we often play computer games and consoles together.

You can also tell in more detail about the human traits that make friendship real and indestructible, talk about what you like most about a friend.

I can safely say that Andrew is my best friend. He has an amazing sense of humor and he can easily make me laugh even when I have a bad day. He is as good as his word. Andrew is also good at keeping secrets. I like that he is a reliable person and he always supports me. We try to help each other. Of course we sometimes can argue or quarrel, but not for too long. We try to forgive each other.

I can say with confidence that Andrey is my best friend. He knows how to joke well and make me laugh when I have Bad mood. He always keeps his words. Andrey also knows how to keep secrets. I like that he is reliable and always supports me. We always try to help each other. Sometimes, of course, we can argue or quarrel, but not for long. We try to forgive each other.

  • Conclusion

In conclusion, you can summarize what life has become since the arrival of a friend, highlighting the most valuable and dear qualities of a friend.

I cannot imagine my life without Andrew. I appreciate our friendship and the fact that we are trying to help each other, and that we can talk about everything. Our friendship makes me happy.

I can't imagine my life without Andrey. I value our friendship and the fact that we try to help each other, we can talk about everything in the world. Our friendship makes me happy.