Speech therapy games and tasks. Homework Homework from a speech therapist at home

N. E. Teremkova This manual is intended for children 5-7 years old with GSD (general speech underdevelopment). In it you will find homework assignments for various lexical topics. The tasks are aimed at increasing vocabulary, development of skills of coherent speech, attention, memory, thinking.

  1. Fruits
  2. Vegetables
  3. Garden Garden
  4. Trees
  5. Berries
  6. Mushrooms
  7. Autumn
  8. Human
  9. Toys
  10. Dishes

Examples of tasks

Game "Greedy": Imagine these are your fruits. Answer the questions: Whose orange is this? (My orange.) Etc.

Exercise “Tell me!”: Write a story about fruits according to the proposed visual plan (Color - shape - taste)

Exercise “Which from what?”: Circle the dotted lines and say what fruits mom made and what they made. What kind of juice is this (jam, pie, compote)? (Apple pie, pear juice)

Exercise "Cook": Tell me what you need to do to prepare the soup? (Vegetables are washed, peeled, cut, boiled.) Juice? Puree?

Exercise “Guess the riddles, draw the answers.”

Exercise “Help Dunno”: Correct Dunno's mistakes.

Exercise “Listen, remember and name”: Listen to the poem. Remember and name what vegetables grew in the garden.

Exercise “Complete the sentences with the correct words”.

Exercise “Say the opposite”.

Exercise “Which tree is the leaf or twig from?”: Color the leaves and twigs above. Draw a line from each of them to the corresponding tree. Name what kind of leaves and twigs these are.

Interaction between a teacher - speech therapist, educator and parents on the development of phonemic processes in older preschoolers

Every parent dreams of his child doing well at school.
How to properly prepare a child for school?

This question worries many parents of future first-graders, as well as preschool teachers. educational institutions. Often adults believe that the most important thing is to teach a child to read, write, and count before entering school. But this does not guarantee successful learning. It happens that a child who reads, counts and writes, starting to learn, gradually reduces his success.

Most parents believe that it is enough to teach their child the letters, and he will begin to read and write correctly. However, as practice shows, knowledge of letters does not exclude serious difficulties for preschoolers in learning to read and write. The reasons for the difficulties include the child’s microsocial and pedagogical neglect, lack of desire or habit of studying, lack of perseverance, decreased attention, memory, and behavioral difficulties.
But the main reasons for this phenomenon are a violation of phonemic perception, pronunciation defects, as well as undeveloped skills of sound analysis and synthesis.

In order to write correctly, a child needs to imagine that sentences consist of words, words of syllables and sounds, and the sounds in a word are arranged in a certain sequence. The child’s reading skill is formed only after mastering the merging of speech sounds into syllables and words. K.D. Ushinsky noted that “only those who understand the sound-syllable structure of a word can read and write consciously.” It is important to form in a child the concepts of “sound” and “letter” in time, to teach them to isolate them from the composition of a word, to distinguish between vowels and consonants, voiced and voiceless sounds, hard and soft consonants, and to select words to match given sound patterns.

That is, if we want a child to master written language (reading and writing) quickly, easily, and also avoid many mistakes, we should teach him sound analysis and synthesis. In turn, sound analysis and synthesis should be based on a stable phonemic perception of each sound of the native language.

Early diagnosis shows that many children have disorders in speech development, including phonemic processes. This problem can only be solved in close cooperation between the educator, teacher-speech therapist and parents.

Our teaching team has built a certain algorithm for the interaction of all subjects of the pedagogical process:

  1. Parents' meeting (at the beginning of the year)
  2. Advisory hours (teachers - speech therapist with educators, with parents)
  3. Usage didactic games(in GCD, OD, at home with parents)
  4. ICT (presentations on the development of phonemic hearing in educational institutions, educational institutions, at home with parents)
  5. The use of individual speech therapy notebooks.

Currently, there is a lot of different literature for preschoolers, teachers and parents. In kindergarten we organize thematic exhibitions of literature, we offer to take the necessary books for individual lessons Houses. (parents copy books, study individually and bring them back, buy the same one). The slide presents an exhibition of books that can be used to teach children literacy and the development of phonemic processes.

Child development occurs through activity. The main activity is play. Over the past two decades, kindergarten has gradually lost its developmental specificity in working with preschoolers. From kindergarten Play activities have been almost completely replaced, and pre-school preparation has taken first place. Substitution of the presenter play activity had a negative impact on the child’s speech development. But still, the game is an effective means of developing children’s vocabulary, sound pronunciation, the formation of phonemic processes, sound analysis and synthesis.

Memo For will give birth oil.

We designate

Vowel sounds (A. O. U. I, Y, E)

Vowel letters (I, E, E, Yu) - consist of two sounds




Soft: (B.V, G, D, Z.K, L.M.NYL)

Ch.Shch - always soft

Voiced sounds (B V. G. D. M. N L. R. Z. F)

Dull sounds (K.P.S.T.F.Sh.H.Ts.Ch.Sch.)


Sounds: VOWELS - in red



Word ___________

Syllables __ __


Proposal analysis:

For example: “Golden autumn has come.

__________________________ .

_____________- ______________ __________ .

The topic of producing sounds in five-year-old children, which worries many parents and is far from the simplest in itself, requires careful consideration. Very little attention is often paid to speech therapy classes for children, and completely in vain. Adults brush it off, saying that it will go away on its own with age, but it may not go away. Often, the “clumsy” speech of an adult takes its origins from these children’s “dropouts.”

Incorrect unclean speech creates, first for the child, and then for the adult, a lot of complexes. He becomes withdrawn and uncommunicative. Hurry to correct the shortcomings now to help your baby avoid similar problems in the future. You can do this at home too. The home environment liberates the child, and it is easier for him to study freely. We bring to your attention a number of useful and interesting games, which you can organize yourself.

The development of speech in a child should begin with preschool age

Types of defects

Let us first turn to the main types of speech disorders. There are a huge number of them, but each one ultimately becomes unique, as it belongs to a specific child:

  • Stuttering (we recommend reading:). This phenomenon occurs most often. You can notice it closer to the age of three, when the child begins to form his first large sentences. To correct the defect, it is better to immediately contact a specialist. It is also important to monitor your progress and not give up playing exercises, because there are cases when the “disease” has returned again.
  • Dislalia (we recommend reading:). This tricky word means nothing more than confusion in the pronunciation of individual consonant sounds. Most often this phenomenon covers the sounds “r”, “l” and “sh”.
  • Nasality. This phenomenon also occurs among defects, but most likely the problem lies precisely in the incorrect structure of the speech apparatus, then mom and dad have a direct path to an ENT specialist, who will try to solve it and correct it as much as possible.
  • General underdevelopment of speech or. Often this phenomenon is deeply connected with the wrong approach in communicating with the child. In a family with a baby, they often babbled and distorted words and endings. All this created enormous confusion in the child’s head and now he himself constantly confuses prepositions, endings, etc. Hurry up to fix it, because school is just around the corner!
  • Congenital diseases of neurological origin. In this case, consultation and treatment with a neurologist is strictly necessary.
  • Delay speech development or ZRR. This disease can manifest itself closer to the age of three. The average child usually speaks a lot and incessantly at this age, but if there is a clear paucity of speech, it is worth visiting a specialist for consultation.

Stay alert at all times. No flaws should escape your close attention. If you notice something is wrong, do not delay treatment, but contact experienced doctors as soon as possible.

If the poverty of a preschooler’s speech is noticeable, you need to consult with an experienced speech therapist - it is possible that certain deviations will be identified

Help from a speech therapist: when is it time?

We must sadly admit that modern means of communication, such as television and computers, have abruptly and thoroughly replaced communication from life. Reading books has been reduced to a minimum, but watching TV shows and cartoons takes almost half a day. Children communicate too little both with their parents and with each other. TV offers a wide range of everything interesting and exciting, which means there is no point in looking for other ways to obtain information.

This is where problems with sound pronunciation arise. They occur more and more often, and the problem sometimes gets worse quickly. Behind the TV and monitor, a parent may not notice that the child needs help, but it should be provided the sooner, the better. Any problem, in particular speech therapy, cannot be delayed, then the opportunity to correct what is wrong and deliver correct speech increases significantly.

Home speech therapy classes

Most often, speech therapy specialists are visited by parents with children after the age of four. This is the age when children can already master the pronunciation of complex consonant sounds, and also know how to construct logically complete sentences. At the age of six, a child can easily construct a story - for example, from a picture. Is this task too much for your child? This is a reason to worry and ask for help from a specialist.

Getting a diagnosis from a speech therapist or other specialist will involve attending classes, usually several times a week. It is imperative to follow the schedule, otherwise achieving sustainable results will be quite difficult.

Perseverance and perseverance will certainly bear their worthy and pleasant fruits in the form of pure speech. It is advisable to play games at home in good mood and do not force the baby to study against his will. We will bring to your attention interesting and useful exercises, which can be carried out at home, starting from the existing problem.

Parents can also study with their child at home, using educational materials.

For pronunciation of sounds

Most often, the sounds L, R and Sh fall into the field of activity of a speech therapist. They are the most insidious. The baby may at first simply miss them in words and not say them. This is a variant of the norm; over time, the baby will master these sounds, but the situation becomes more complicated when the child chooses easier sounds to replace them and replaces them with difficult ones to pronounce.

Sound R

It is important to stretch the entire articulatory apparatus before games. Everything should work for children - the tongue, the lips, and the palate. Let's start with the sound R. The following exercises will be good helpers:

  • You should open your mouth wide and smile in this position. The lower jaw remains motionless. The tip of the tongue makes stroking movements along the upper palate back and forth. Practice yourself so that you can later explain this to your child more clearly and understandably.
  • The tip of the tongue makes cleaning movements of the tooth with them inside. The mouth is open wide. A correct explanation will help any 5-year-old to cope with this exercise.
  • A good exercise would be this developmental option. A small ball with a hole should be placed on a stick. We ask the little one to open his mouth and say: “DDRR”. At this moment, you need to move the ball under the tongue. Movements must be fast.
  • The child is given the task to say the word “yes”. The tip of the tongue rests against the upper teeth. Then the sound “Dy”, now the tongue rests on the upper palate.

The training video that you will see below will help you to correctly place the articulation to pronounce the sound “r”. Let's move on to the next difficult sound.

Sound L

We pronounce the sound “L”:

  • The mouth is wide open and the tongue rests on the lower lip. Helping yourself with your hand, supporting your chin, pronounce the syllables “la”, “lo”, “li”, “lu”.
  • Make coloring movements with your tongue across the surface of the palate.
  • Invite your baby to reach the tip of his nose with his tongue.
  • We lick our lips as if there was jam left there.

Sound Sh

Let's move on to the complex sound "SH":

  • Place the very tip of the tongue under the upper lip. Now a sharp jerk downward, you should get a loud click.
  • Pull the sponges forward with a tube and freeze in this position for about 7 seconds.
  • Place a small piece of cotton wool on the baby's nose and offer to blow it off. The baby's task is to lift the fleece up. This exercise is very fun and your baby will surely enjoy it.

These were exercises on articulation and correct production of sounds. Below we will look interesting options exercises for daily developmental activities.

Classes for clear speech

Five-year-old children are already very smart and are excellent at repeating after adults and reproducing even very complex actions. Indeed, articulation tasks can sometimes be quite difficult. We have excluded all the most difficult ones and left only those exercises that are easy to perform and at the same time very effective. They will be an excellent workout for children with special needs.

Articulation gymnastics

  • Smile widely, showing everyone your teeth. Then we pull the lips forward with a tube.
  • Tighten your lip muscles as much as possible, then smoothly relax.
  • Lightly bite the lower and upper lips alternately.
  • We use our tongue to depict the clatter of hooves. All kids love to do this.

Warm-up time will take no more than 15 minutes. All exercises will be useful not only for children, but also for adults who have some problems with diction.

We will also offer fun and effective speech games for children 5-6 years old for correct sound pronunciation:

  • Play the baby's cry: "Wa-wa!"
  • We squeal like mice: “Peep-pee-pee.”
  • We scream as if we were lost in the forest: “Ay! Aw!”
  • We hum like the wind in the mountains: “Uuuuu!”
  • We combine vowels and consonants. We scream like animals: “Meow”, “Woof”, “Kwa-kwa”, “Ga-ha-ga”.
  • We growl like bears: “Rrrrr!”
  • We sing a song: “La-la-la, la-la-la.”

By the way, singing is very useful for learning correct speech. Any favorite song will come in handy. Many children really love songs like “There was a birch tree in the field” or “Two cheerful geese lived with grandma.” They will be excellent helpers, because there is a smooth stretching of sounds, and this is a great thing for correcting pronunciation. It is not for nothing that in kindergartens the educational program necessarily includes music classes, although they do not exclude the activities of a speech therapist, who is also present there.

Singing, even amateur, helps a child quickly develop correct speech skills

Activities in kindergarten

In kindergartens, as a rule, speech therapy games are held, which are divided into 2 main types:

  • Individual. When a certain child has a problem that needs to be solved.
  • Group. Classes are held simultaneously with several children who have similar speech defects.

Such classes are necessary in every preschool institution, but the truth is not everywhere. Closer to school age Speech therapy classes become mandatory as preparations for school are underway. Chanting will be a great workout. They seem to be songs, but not simple ones. Sound pronunciation occurs along with the performance of certain actions.

Good game "Flying Plane". The kids imitate the sound of a flying airplane in unison: “Uuuuuu!” At the same time, to be convincing, you should spread your wings. We command:

  • The plane flies closer (the hum becomes louder), the plane flies away (the sound becomes quieter).
  • Breaking! Simultaneously with the humming, babies hit themselves on the chest with their palms.
  • We're about to land! Continuing to hum: “Uuuuu!” The airplanes land and sit on their seats.

Practice with a microphone. Try showing your children how the volume of sound changes when we move the microphone closer or further away.

Remember that most problems can be solved. The main thing is not to neglect or leave everything to chance, but to study and develop, then even diagnoses like mental retardation or mental retardation will not seem so scary.

Working with a microphone allows you to develop a child’s artistry, and gives him the opportunity to hear his speech from the outside

When the doctor diagnosed “ZPR”

In addition to parents who are ready to independently find a lot of shortcomings in their little one, there are also those who, on the contrary, do not notice the obvious. At five years old, a child should be able to express his thoughts freely and coherently. Confusing syllables in words at this age is unacceptable.

Here are a number of diagnoses, the formulation of which often frightens parents:

  • ZRR. With this diagnosis, only the pronunciation side lags behind in its development. Mental functions are not impaired. Early diagnosis will help prevent development of RRD into ZPRD.
  • ZPRD - delayed psycho-speech development (we recommend reading:). In this case, not only speech suffers, but also the psyche, and with it mental abilities.
  • ZPR - delay mental development. An extensive diagnosis that, among other areas, also affects the child’s pronunciation skills.

When making one of the diagnoses, you should seek help from specialists as soon as possible, because the sooner the treatment process begins, the faster and more effective the rehabilitation will be. Neglect can occur in any type of disease, so do not delay starting therapy.

Loving parents should first of all create a positive and calm external environment for the child, and also start looking for smart doctors. Here, most likely, you will need a speech therapist and a neurologist. Below we provide a small list of didactic literature that can be very useful during corrective exercises with a child.


When someone in the family has speech defects, didactic thematic books must be at hand and on the shelves. Competent authors offer sets of lessons for speech therapy games that will be very useful.

  • “Speech therapy homework for children 5-7 years old with OHP”, author Teremkova N.E. This is the first of four albums. Each album is dedicated to specific lexical topics.
  • “Speech therapy group: play sessions with children 5-7 years old”, author Derbina A.I. The best way to teach a child something is through play. A playful form of presenting material would be appropriate for preschool children. This book is suitable for parents of children with complex speech defects.
  • “Speech therapist lessons. Games for speech development”, author Kosinova E.M. This book also offers a playful form of presenting the material, and another big plus is that it can be used with children absolutely of different ages: from 6 months to 6 years! The book contains tasks for finger and for articulatory gymnastics(we recommend reading: ).
  • “Encrypted tongue twisters. Sweetie”, author Kodolbenko E.A. Many interesting proverbs like “There is grass in the yard, there is firewood on the grass” will definitely be appreciated by your child.
  • “Merry Logorhythmics”, author Zheleznova E. The audio guide is aimed at game form develop the child’s correct sound pronunciation, as well as fine and gross motor skills.

Speech therapist homework

It is known that time correctional and developmental classes of a speech therapist limited: each lesson is 15-30 minutes. Very often, a beginning speech therapist spends his free time to fill out notebooks ( homework recording ) for his students or, worse, writes down the assignment during class. The question arises: how to reduce the time it takes to fill out homework notebooks for a speech therapist?

It's very simple. To do this, it is enough to spend a little time developing the catalog « Homework» at first school year. Also, the child’s parents should be asked to provide not a notebook, but an A4 folder and several attached files into which you will insert sheets of assignments.

In my practice, I have gone from writing homework in a notebook and pasting in pre-prepared assignments to sheets with a developed exercise algorithm.

I present to your attention articulatory gymnastics tasks for setting the sound L (L’) and to automate it in speech.

Due to the fact that the complex contains the entire set of exercises, the task number is indicated by a square, in which, if necessary, a symbol is placed. Thus, when designating a particular task with a symbol, parents know which task they need to complete.

For example:

As soon as the child develops the necessary movements of the tongue, lips, etc., the sheets with tasks are changed to others, where you also mark the exercises that need to be completed.

I have prepared similar sheets with tasks for the sections “Sound Automation”, “Phonemic Perception”, “Language Analysis and Synthesis”, “Development of the Lexico-Grammatical Structure of Speech”, as well as “Group Lesson Tasks” and much more.

Speech therapist, Anna Kulikova.


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How to help a child become attentive?

Attention is not a quality given once and for all. Attention can and should be developed! Of course, at school there are tasks for attention in almost all lessons. But it should be noted that no matter how hard teachers try to use these tasks in their teaching activities, they can only maintain the level of attention development that students have at this stage. There are certain reasons for this: firstly, the volume of educational material is quite large; secondly, there must be a certain system of tasks and work, as a rule, must be individual, which is difficult to do in the classroom.

However, the student needs to be helped to learn how to manage his attention. It is still difficult for the youngest schoolchild to do this. And the child’s main assistant can be his parents.

To help a child, we must know what to do and how.

What is attention? Attention is a person’s ability to focus on certain objects and phenomena. From the surrounding world we are simultaneously influenced a large number of sources of information. It is impossible to absorb all the incoming information, and it is not necessary. But it is absolutely necessary to isolate from it what is useful, significant at the moment, and important for making the right decisions. This function of mental activity is performed by attention.

When a teacher talks about lack of attention at all, this is very general. Attention has such basic properties as concentration, volume, stability, distribution and switching. And a child may have well developed one of the named properties of attention and completely lack another, which is precisely what requires correction.

Therefore, before starting classes on developing attention, you need to know which properties are poorly developed in your child, because each property is very important for successful educational activities.

Concentration of attention- the ability to focus on the desired object, its parts, the ability to understand the task. A child with good concentration is characterized by good observation and organization. And vice versa, someone who has not developed this property is absent-minded and uncollected.

Attention span- this is the number of objects simultaneously perceived and held in consciousness. For 7-year-old children, the number of such objects ranges from 3 to 5. With a good amount of attention, it is easier for a child to perform operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, and classification. The ability to perform these operations indicates the development of logical thinking.

Sustainability of attention- this is the ability to concentrate on the same object for a long time. A child with stable attention can work for a long time without being distracted; he likes long, hard work (interest in tasks of increased difficulty).

Distribution of attention- this is simultaneous attention to two or more objects while simultaneously performing actions with them. The characteristics of the distribution of attention are judged by whether it is easy or difficult for the child to do several things at the same time: do work and observe the environment (whether additional explanations and cursory comments from the teacher are easily perceived).

Switching attention- this is the movement of attention from one object to another or from one activity to another in connection with the formulation of a new task.

About individual characteristics switching attention can be judged by how quickly a child moves from one activity to another, whether he easily starts a new task, whether he can quickly finish an activity or constantly returns to it in his thoughts and actions (continue to decide when everyone is finished; everyone They count orally, and some try to write down at this time what they did not have time to do before).

When you study your child’s attention and determine which property is the least developed, you can begin classes.

To the number effective means development of attention include games and play exercises that can be included in any, even very serious, activity.

Examples of games and game exercises

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