Breast massage during feeding: performance features. Increasing the amount of breast milk produced Breast massage to bring milk

In the first days, the woman in labor actively produces and receives milk. The chest increases, hardens, fills, becomes hot. The baby at this time sleeps a lot and eats little. This is an extremely difficult period, which can be dealt with by pumping. Experienced midwives advise breast massage when breastfeeding. By massaging the breasts, softening and developing the nipples a little, the newly-made mother will be able to clear out for the first time and feel better.

When is breast massage needed?

If mommy started breastfeeding, this does not mean that you need to urgently learn how to massage the breasts and intensively knead the mammary glands. Breastfeeding experts recommend doing it in such cases:

  1. Pumping. When a lot of milk is produced, lactation has not yet been established, and the baby drinks a tiny portion, the mother may be threatened with milk stagnation or even mastitis. Then use the manual pumping method or breast pump. Before the procedure, a breast massage is mandatory. You also need to express when treating your mother with antibiotics, the appearance of cracks in the nipples, with a mixed diet, if you need to make a supply breast milk, or according to the testimony of doctors, when the child was born prematurely. Soft, light touches on the glands stimulate the production of oxytocin. This hormone is responsible for lactation and the breast gives milk faster.
  2. Stimulation of lactation. With the help of massage, the blood supply to the mammary glands increases, and the milk begins to arrive in a larger volume. Before manipulation, it is advisable to drink warm tea, lie down and relax - ways to enhance lactation.
  3. Stagnation or lactostasis. The bad side of breastfeeding. If it is not formed correctly, the baby clumsily takes the nipple, the milk arrives, but it is not sucked out, the mother may be threatened with stagnation with engorgement and redness of the glands. In severe cases, inflammation causes fever, weakness, headache. You can avoid lactostasis by frequent attachments and feeding the baby on demand. Before feeding, breast massage is done, softening the nodes and contributing to their complete devastation.
  4. bust shape. Breastfeeding a baby is a great happiness for a woman. But the beauty of your body should not be forgotten. Breastfeeding consultants reassure young mothers who have given birth for the first time that the breasts after breastfeeding return to their former forms. But this applies only to primiparas. The rest of the women will have to work hard. You can avoid stretch marks, sagging breasts, make the skin more elastic, strengthen muscles using certain massage techniques.

By regularly performing a gentle massage of the mammary glands, a nursing woman will avoid many problems associated with breastfeeding. She will be able to maintain skin tone, ensure the outflow and inflow of milk, and avoid lactostasis. Feeling the chest with the fingertips, you can detect seals in time. A warm jet of water, a special position when feeding a baby, will help regulate lactation and free the ducts from stagnation.

Rules for breast massage during breastfeeding

To qualitatively make a breast massage, it is not necessary to contact specialists. You can master a simple technique at home, following the general rules:

  1. Before the procedure, you need to wash your hands, dry them with a towel so that the skin of the hands is not wet and cold. You can smear your palms with olive or castor oil. The main thing is that it does not get on the nipples and areolas.
  2. Breasts can be washed with soap and water no more than once a day. Detergents overdry the skin (especially tender nipples). As a result, they are easily injured either by the child or by the mother herself. Unjustified struggle for breast cleanliness leads to the washing away of protective bacteria, which leaves the skin open and defenseless to infectious agents.
  3. It is necessary to choose a comfortable position (15 positions for feeding). Place a pillow or cushion under your back. It is better to massage in front of a mirror. If mommy loves music, turn on your favorite tune.
  4. It is possible to contribute to the return of milk during feeding, if the child sucks unproductively and does not eat up. After taking a short break in the process of feeding, mommy can run her hand around the breast several times. So the ducts will relax more and allow the milk to stand out more intensively.
  5. Before pumping, it is advisable to massage in the shower, directing a jet of warm water to the chest, and then make light stroking movements.

Important! Whatever the massage for GV - preventive or therapeutic, there should be no pain in the chest. Otherwise, the opposite effect will occur, and it will not be possible to achieve the desired emptying of the ducts. All movements are done smoothly, carefully, gently. Timed massage on each breast should not take more than 5 minutes.

Technique of preventive massage during breastfeeding:

  • the palm lubricated with baby cream or oil is placed slightly below the collarbone. The second palm is placed under the chest;
  • make smooth circular movements, gradually descending to the nipple;
  • perform simple strokes along the neckline from top to bottom;
  • shake the chest in a slightly tilted down position. This will increase the outflow of milk;
  • you can carry out a slight pull, rotation, squeezing the nipples with your fingers as a warm-up. This will help to avoid cracks and wounds;
  • all movements are carried out to the nipple from the base of the mammary glands

After the procedure, the flow will increase: the baby can be applied to the chest or start pumping. Not only massage of the mammary glands will help to improve pumping, but also massage of the back and cervical region. To do this, you can use the help of loved ones. It is important that the massage is carried out not on the stomach, but while sitting. Squeezing while breastfeeding is unacceptable. If a nursing mother wants to get a back massage from a specialist, it is necessary to express both breasts before the session in order to avoid leakage of milk.

Massage for milk stasis

Medical procedures should not be done without the testimony of a doctor. It is better to consult before doing a massage yourself. Inept handling of problematic breasts, in which lactostasis has formed, can lead to unpleasant complications.

Usually massage with stagnation of milk is carried out according to the following scheme:

  • perform the usual stroking of the chest with the palms (palms should be warm and dry);
  • with moderate pressure on the chest descend in spiral movements from the collarbone to the nipple. Don't be afraid to put in the effort. With stagnation of milk, pressure, light tapping will not hurt. The main thing is that you do not feel pain. Thick milk can stand out from the breast - this means that the milk plug has come off and the duct has been released. If this does not happen, you do not need to be upset. When feeding, a baby can draw out stagnant fluid;
  • the nipple is massaged, but not squeezed;
  • vigorously knead the inflamed nodes. The main thing is not to squeeze milk out of them, but to soften the fabric so that when sucking or expressing milk can be expelled without difficulty.

After the massage, take a warm shower, directing a jet of water onto the chest. A little pumping after a feed will clear clogged passages and reduce the size of the nodules. But you don’t need to get carried away, otherwise the milk will arrive in excess. Expression is allowed in daytime and only a few days to correct the unsteady feeding system.

The main rule of breastfeeding, which helps to avoid lactostasis, is the frequent application of the child to the problem breast and a comfortable bra with wide straps that does not squeeze the body.

When is massage not allowed?

If breastfeeding is established, the baby sucks the breast well, gains weight and has enough milk, there is no need to massage. It will provoke an extra influx, which can threaten milk stagnation.

If during the massage even light touches bring discomfort and pain, it is better to stop the procedure and try again after a while.

Gymnastics to maintain the shape of the chest

Breast massage is a responsible manipulation, which is not recommended for everyone. But daily gymnastics is useful for every nursing woman. It will improve blood circulation, strengthen the muscles and skin of the chest. You can start practicing from 8-9 months of pregnancy, preparing the glands for a sharp stretch and an increase of at least two sizes.

  1. Sitting on a chair or on the floor, the palms are folded one to one, and the elbows are pushed apart at chest level. By pressing on the lower part of the palms, the woman strains the muscles of the chest. This simple exercise is performed 7-10 times. It will quickly strengthen the muscles that support the chest.
  2. In a standing position, the outstretched arms are raised above the head. Interlace the fingers of the left and right hands. The lower parts of the palms are strained, sipping the muscles of the arms and chest. This exercise tones the chest, preventing it from sagging.

Breathing exercises help:

  • sitting on the floor in the lotus position, mommy puts her hands on her knees, keeps her back straight. Inhaling as much as possible through the nose, it expands the chest, slightly pushing the mammary glands forward. The spine should be tense and elongated. You need to inhale as long as possible, slowly and deeply;
  • on exhalation, maximum relaxation;
  • repeat the exercise 20 times.

In addition to strengthening the chest muscles, this exercise will saturate the body with oxygen, calm the nervous system, and stimulate lactation.

In order for the feeding process to bring only joy, to pass fully and painlessly, experts recommend a number of breast massage techniques during breastfeeding.

When is a massage necessary?

Even if lactation is going well, a woman has enough milk, and she does not feel discomfort either before feeding or after, massage will be useful for the glands. Although it is not required. Consultants recommend performing massage in such cases:

  • When expressing milk. If a mother is forced to stop breastfeeding (for example, if she drinks medications that are incompatible with breastfeeding), she expresses milk to maintain lactation and prevent stagnation. Massaging will help stimulate the production of oxytocin and sufficient nutrition for the baby.
  • To enhance lactation. Massage helps to increase blood circulation, activate the glands, therefore milk production is accelerated.
  • To improve tissue tone. During breastfeeding, the shape of the breast changes in almost all women. To avoid deformation of the ligaments and muscles, toning techniques are performed.
  • With stagnation of milk. With such a problem, it is recommended to apply the baby to the breast as often as possible, gently massaging the seals.

Preventive techniques relax the muscles and ducts, maintain the level of milk production. They will help maintain the elasticity of the breast after feeding, prevent stretch marks, cracks and mastitis.

For the arrival of milk

After childbirth, special massage is not necessary. The chest during this period is very sensitive and vulnerable. It is important to attach the baby to the breast in the delivery room, and then to attach the newborn to the breast as often as possible. This stimulation will be quite enough for the arrival of milk. In the first days, the baby is well fed with colostrum, transitional milk will appear in 3-7 days.

Before feeding to enhance lactation

Breast massage for milk will be useful if lactation is not very active, and the secreted milk is not nutritious enough for the baby. This can be judged by weight gain. Additionally, the consultant can recommend vitamins or dietary adjustments.

Before a breast massage to increase lactation, a little preparation is needed:

  • rinse nipples and breasts, wash hands with soap without aromatic additives;
  • hands should be warm;
  • lubricate the chest and palms with a small amount of oil, avoiding the nipple and areola area;
  • put one hand under the chest, holding it, the second on top - it will be working;
  • after the massage, rinse the chest warm water under the shower, moving in a circular motion from the base to the nipples.

The movements that must be performed with the working hand depend on the massage technique. Among the oils, you can choose special massage without odors or vegetable: olive, sea buckthorn, jojoba, peach.

It is important that they do not cause individual intolerance and do not get on the nipples and areolas! To test tolerance, you need to drop a drop of oil on the crook of your elbow and monitor the condition of the skin for several hours.

The most comfortable position for massaging before feeding is sitting or reclining with a pillow or roller under your back.

How to massage and knead the chest to improve lactation:

  • starting at the top, pressing the base with the palm of your hand chest, move the fingers of the working hand in a circular motion in one place for a few seconds;
  • move your fingers to another area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe chest - in a spiral towards the areola;
  • lightly stroke from the top of the chest to the nipples to stimulate muscle tissue;
  • gently shake your breasts by leaning forward while holding them - this will cause the milk to flow closer to the nipples under the influence of gravity;
  • fingering, move, tapping, from the periphery to the nipples.

After the procedure, rinse the chest with warm water under a scattered stream in the shower.

With lactostasis

Massage during milk stagnation will help normalize the passage through the milk ducts, stimulate the glands and avoid compaction of soft tissues. Symptoms such as pain in the chest and armpits, soreness when touched, and a decrease in milk volume testify to this.

The first aid is a child. Applications on demand help to cope with congestion. Massage is only an aid.

Breast massage during feeding for the treatment of lactostasis:

  • stroke the breast from the base to the nipples;
  • stroke with the whole palm in a spiral in the same direction, slightly increasing the pressure;
  • massage the nipple, gently twisting;
  • smooth with the palm of your hand from above to the areolas, increasing the pressure;
  • gently knead the inflamed areas, avoiding sharp pain;
  • stroke down again and take a warm shower.

The procedure should not take more than 7-8 minutes. Just before feeding, you can lightly massage the nipple, with exceptionally clean hands. Correctly performed technique eliminates stagnation, softens tissues and reduces pain.

After completion of breastfeeding for chest pain

Soreness after the end of lactation suggests that mammary glands are inflamed or the hormonal background has not yet recovered - oxytocin continues to flow, stimulating the work of the organ. Before practicing self-massage, you need to consult a doctor.

The result of regular fluid stagnation or anatomical features of the glands can be cysts in the ducts. Only a mammologist is engaged in their diagnosis. With cysts, self-massage is prohibited!

If the soreness is not caused by cystic formations, but by swelling, the traditional massage technique shown below is shown.

Types and techniques

For self-massage with breastfeeding, consultants recommend several techniques, depending on the localization of discomfort or the problem found. Using traditional and point techniques, it is important to do the massage correctly, as suggested in the technique. These techniques affect areas of muscle tissue and glands, unlike nipple massage, and therefore require accuracy.


Correct execution:

  • With light circular motions, swipe over the surface of each mammary gland;
  • move from the collarbone to the nipple, moving in a spiral;
  • stroke in the same direction, but with direct movements;
  • Gently knead the nipple with two fingers;
  • lean forward, stroking the surface of the chest;
  • return to the starting position and repeat the first step.

At the end, rinse the chest with warm water and gently dry with a terry towel without pressing. If during the massage acute pain and discomfort are felt, you need to stop the procedure and consult a doctor!

Nipple massage

In the first days of lactation, as well as with hormonal fluctuations, the areolas become rough, do not soften after feeding. It is difficult for a child to grab a nipple and get milk, which is also bad for stimulating lactation - the less outflow, the more stagnation. This technique relieves swelling and engorgement of the areola, improves the outflow of milk for feeding.


  • connect the ring, middle and index fingers on both hands;
  • bend them a little and put them on the chest so that the nipple is placed in the resulting window;
  • pull the areola up a little and hold for up to 15 seconds;
  • move your hands in a circle around the nipple and tighten the areola on each side;
  • do one set for each breast.

As a result, the nipple is stretched, and the area around it softens - it is easier for the baby to attach and receive milk.


The point technique is indicated when separate zones of engorgement appear on the chest. Start by stroking from the base to the areolas. Then, when the skin is warm, put your fingers together and lightly press on the lump in a circular motion.

Control the force of pressure and your feelings. If the process is accompanied by severe pain, shooting, then you should stop the procedure and consult a doctor.

With a warm shower

Warm water, combined with the vibrations that diffuse jets cause, can stimulate lactation, reduce swelling and relax muscles. Water should be at a comfortable temperature - you can’t overheat the mammary glands!

Adjust the shower so that the jets are with a slight pressure - they should pleasantly touch the chest, but not painfully. Move from the base, from above, to the nipples. In parallel, stroke the chest with the palm of your hand after jets in the same direction.

Then direct the water under the breasts, performing side-to-side “boat” movements under the areola. Repeat the same movements over the arela. For each breast, massaging for 1-2 minutes is enough.

Massage techniques for breastfeeding will help a young mother keep her breasts in shape, avoid stagnation, mastitis and swelling. So breastfeeding will be painless. At the end of lactation, there will be fewer stretch marks, as the mammary gland will be enlarged evenly.

The lactation period is different for every woman. Some have a lot of milk, others may have very little. One of effective ways to solve the problem of milk deficiency and breastfeeding is a massage of the mammary glands. It significantly increases blood circulation, strengthens the mammary glands. If you do it every day, stagnation of milk in the chest does not threaten, and you can get rid of dense lumps in a week. It is not difficult to do massage, besides, it helps to improve overall well-being, relieve anxiety and relax.

What happens in the mammary glands after childbirth

During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the breasts increase significantly in size. It also changes appearance: the size of the nipple and areola increases, they become dark in color. The skin becomes thinner, slightly bluish, blood vessels are visible. Stretch marks may appear, which will initially be pink in color, and then turn white and may last for a lifetime.

The younger the girl, the more elastic the tissues of her mammary glands. If, after childbirth, due attention is paid to the breast, then at the end of the lactation period, the breast will quickly restore its previous shape.

To avoid such a phenomenon as lactostasis (stagnation of milk in the mammary glands), it is very important to empty the breast in a timely manner, and the main assistant in this is the child himself. With untimely emptying, the chest becomes large and dense, even painful. In some cases, the body temperature rises, the general condition worsens. It is for this reason that it is so important to develop the chest and establish breastfeeding as quickly as possible.


The main advantage of breast massage to increase lactation is that it can be used by all women who feed the baby, without exception. And here are the various medicinal herbs, even the most effective, not all can use.

Massage is not only effective remedy for breastfeeding, but also an excellent prevention. During the massage, it is recommended to use special oils that reduce the risk of stretch marks, which look rather unaesthetic.

Depending on what goal is set, each woman chooses for herself the appropriate option for breast massage: preventive and therapeutic.

Massage technique

It is very important that the movements are as light as possible, rough movements and strong pressure are unacceptable. This can lead to the fact that the breast will not give milk. Massage should bring only pleasant sensations, relax. You need to do it before you start feeding the baby: this will significantly improve the outflow of breast milk.


Preventive massage is performed as follows:

  1. 1. Put the palm on the upper chest so that it is slightly below the collarbone.
  2. 2. Make circular stroking movements, gradually moving in the direction from the base of the breast to the nipple.
  3. 3. During the massage, the chest should be periodically washed with warm water.

Cold chest during lactation - what is dangerous and how to treat?


This option is used if a woman has any problems during breastfeeding. Thanks to therapeutic massage, pumping will become much easier, blood flow in the tissues will improve, their tone will increase, lactostasis will resolve much faster.

Therapeutic massage includes the following:

  1. 1. Each breast should be lightly stroked with the palm of your hand. At the base of the gland (under the collarbones), press, and as you approach the nipple, reduce the pressure. The movement must be in a spiral.
  2. 2. Make a straight line with your fingers from the base of the gland to the nipple. Repeat the same movements from different points of the base of the gland to the nipple.
  3. 3. Take the nipple with the index and thumb, begin to gently massage it.
  4. 4. Standing, bend forward and shake your chest, but only very carefully.
  5. 5. In the shower, massage the mammary glands by directing a jet of warm water at them, making rotating movements. Gently pat your chest dry with a soft towel.

With lactostasis, stagnant areas of the mammary glands should be given special attention. Each seal needs to be massaged with light movements for a longer time. Circular movements for a few minutes will be very effective.

If there are no problems with lactation, you should not unnecessarily do therapeutic massage. The preventive technique will be more correct and effective.

Massage rules

The basic rules that will allow you to do breast massage correctly:

  1. 1. It is important to understand that manipulation of the mammary glands increases oxytocin and milk flow, and this causes discomfort in the chest and can lead to stagnant processes.
  2. 2. Hygiene procedures are required before the massage. Hands should be washed with soap and rinsed with warm water. It is not recommended to use alcohol solutions. If there is no access to water, alcohol-free baby wipes can be used.
  3. 3. Light massage movements directly during the feeding of the baby make it possible to make the return of milk more intense. To do this, you need to interrupt feeding for a couple of minutes (you can give the baby a nipple for now) and lightly massage around the gland. This will relax the milk ducts, respectively, milk will be more actively secreted. Such self-massage is especially recommended if there is a feeling that the baby does not empty the chest completely.
  4. 4. Breast massage for lactation should take no more than 5 minutes.
  5. 5. In most cases, after warming up the mammary glands, a rush of milk will be felt, so you need to feed the baby or express milk.
  6. 6. Overcrowding of the mammary glands for a long time should not be allowed.

The effectiveness of breast massage for lactation is difficult to overestimate. This will help a young mother to solve many breast problems during breastfeeding and after its completion.

Knowing the physiology of lactation and feeding positions is sometimes not enough for successful breastfeeding. On the way, even an experienced nursing mother encounters difficulties: stagnation of milk, engorgement of the mammary glands. In most cases, a woman can cope with these problems on her own. Breast massage with lactostasis will help eliminate the problem in its initial stage.

This article describes the rules of self-massage of the mammary glands: in what cases it is required, the types of manipulations that contribute to the resorption of stagnation of the milk ducts.

The task of breast massage is to facilitate the release of milk from a full breast. This is achieved by releasing oxytocin and relaxing the milk ducts.

When used correctly, the procedure helps to achieve the following effects:

  • improve the outflow of milk;
  • "break" stagnation with lactostasis;
  • move the milk closer to the nipple and areola;
  • cope with engorgement in the first days of the arrival of milk;
  • facilitate pumping;
  • keep the shape of the breast.

Massage rules

In order for the procedure to have a maximum positive effect and a minimum of negative consequences, it is important to remember some massage rules during lactation.

With lactostasis, in addition to breast massage, it makes sense to take care of the normalization of the microflora of the mammary glands to maintain healthy breastfeeding. Lactanza is the first probiotic for the mammary gland. Lactobacillus Lc40, which is part of it, is safe for mother and child. Lactanse regulates the number of pathogens in the gland and reduces pain and inflammation. Due to the normalization of the microbial composition of milk in a baby, the risk of intestinal infections and problems with the tummy is reduced. The remedy is recommended to be taken at the first symptoms of lactostasis.

  1. The duration of the breast massage is about 5 minutes. The procedure should be carried out before feeding or pumping.
  2. During the manipulation, the woman does not experience pain or discomfort. Pain stops the production of oxytocin and the outflow of milk is difficult.
  3. You can not break the stagnation by force with lactostasis and engorgement. This can lead to mastitis.
  4. Lymphatic drainage massage is prohibited with GV. This procedure enhances the release of toxins that enter the mother's lymphatic system, and then through the blood to the child.
  5. In the presence of inflammation, acne or pimples in the décolleté area, massage should not be done. Stimulation of blood circulation can cause bacteria to enter the bloodstream.
  6. Breast massage is prohibited with mastitis.
  7. If the stagnation of milk is not eliminated by massage for 2-3 days, and the mother keeps fever body, you should consult a doctor. Lactostasis can develop into mastitis.

Experts do not recommend trusting massage during breastfeeding to anyone. Only the woman herself during the procedure controls the force of pressing and kneading. It is difficult for another person, even if he is a professional, to feel this.

The structure of the mammary gland. Effect of oxytocin on milk flow.


Massage is carried out in a relaxed state. Sit in a comfortable chair or in the shower. Hands must be warm. You can use cosmetic oil so that the hands slide over the skin. Grape seed oil or almond oil will do. At the same time, make sure that the oil does not get on the area of ​​the areola and nipple.

Breast massage can be started when the body and mind are relaxed. Then the milk will come out of the breast gently and easily. You can ask your husband to massage your neck and shoulders. It relaxes and relieves tension. Well relaxing warm shower before the procedure.

Breast massage technique for lactostasis and engorgement

In the case of lactostasis or breast engorgement in the first days after childbirth, the milk ducts spasm, milk cannot leave the breast. Stagnation of milk is formed in the alveoli, a milk plug. Light massaging movements, like regular touches, stimulate the release of oxytocin into the blood. Under the action of this hormone, the muscle fibers surrounding the alveoli relax, the ducts expand, and milk moves towards the nipple.

The breast massage technique for lactostasis includes several types of manipulations:

  1. strokes
    Place the palm of your right hand under the collarbone. The palm of the left hand is under the chest. Right hand move down with stroking movements, and move up with your left. Move your palms in a circle and thus stroke the entire mammary gland.
  2. Spiral movements
    Place your index, middle, and ring fingers together. Perform spiral rubbing of the breast in the direction from the periphery to the nipple. From the collarbone, armpit, chest we move to the nipple. Thus, we work out each milk duct.
  3. Finger tapping
    Using your fingers, quickly go over the entire surface of the breast in the direction from the periphery to the nipple.
  4. shaking
    Lean forward and shake your chest in a free relaxed rhythm. Milk under the force of gravity will rush down.
  5. Massage the area with gentle circular motions. At the same time, carefully control the strength of your movements. You shouldn't feel pain or discomfort.
  6. After the massage, attach the baby to the breast or express milk until the endowment. You can apply cold to the place of stagnation for 10 minutes.

Massage for lactostasis.

"IMPORTANT! During breast massage with lactostasis and engorgement, it is not the intensity of kneading movements that is important, but the duration of exposure.

Areola Softening Technique

In the first days of the arrival of milk, the breast tissue swells, especially the areola - the areola. It is difficult for the baby to latch onto the nipple and suck out milk effectively. To help an inexperienced baby deal with breastfeeding, breastfeeding consultants suggest using the areola softening technique.

The procedure is performed in this way:

  1. Connect the index, middle and ring fingers on both hands.
  2. Bend your middle fingers slightly.
  3. Place your folded fingers on your chest so that the nipple peeks through the resulting window.
  4. Pull the halo up and hold in this position for 10 seconds.
  5. Move your hands in this position along the chest and work out the areola from all sides.
  6. Do several approaches. Enough for 1 minute for each breast.

Areola Softening Technique by Jean Cotterman.

During the stretching of the areola, the tissue edema shifts to the base of the breast and the peripapillary region softens, the nipple is pulled out. It is easier for the baby to attach to the breast.

Knowing the techniques of breast massage for lactostasis, a nursing mother can cope with the problems of engorgement and stagnation of milk without outside help. In addition, this kind of stimulation of the milk ducts contributes to the establishment of lactation.

Various massage techniques have been used since ancient times for the treatment and prevention of a huge list of diseases. There are both therapeutic and relaxing types of procedures. This amazing treatment came from Asia.

Do not neglect this technique future and nursing mothers. After childbirth, you need to massage your breasts during lactation to increase the secretion of the mammary gland, eliminate the risk of stagnation or vice versa, excess milk, as well as rid the body of toxins. Such a procedure will be useful, even if you have no problems with feeding the baby.

Preventive massage for nursing mothers will benefit in the form of comprehensive breast care.

Before proceeding to the study of massage techniques, it is necessary to understand how the process of lactation occurs in the body.

The mammary gland is a paired organ. It is present in all mammals, performs the function of feeding. The chest is different different women in shape and volume, but this does not affect the quality of lactation. Those. if a woman has magnificent forms, this does not mean that there will be more milk secretion for feeding than a girl with more modest volumes.

The mammary gland itself is located at the level of the 3rd-7th ribs and is connected to the pectoralis major muscle. There is no muscle tissue in the gland itself. Therefore, it is not possible to increase the breasts with the help of weight gain in combination with physical exercises.

Milk in the breast of a girl is formed during pregnancy. Hormones are responsible for secretion. The process of lactation can last from a couple of weeks to several years in each female body individually. female body It is designed so that the more often a child is breastfed, the more milk the mammary gland will produce. Accordingly, when the child's sucking reflex disappears (or the mother independently weaned him from breastfeeding), the body will limit the production of a secret, and therefore there will be no milk for the breast.

Indications for the use of breast massage for lactation

They can be different, ranging from medical to preventive. Of these, one can distinguish such as:

  • pain and discomfort;
  • development of mastitis;
  • the problem of lack of milk;
  • excess milk production;
  • prevention of breast stretch marks;
  • the appearance of cracks.

And this is only part of the list of indications. I would like to emphasize that massage during breastfeeding cannot exclude the occurrence of breast problems during feeding or during pregnancy. However, massage can prevent a number of unpleasant complications.


Simply put, stagnation of milk in the breast. This disease usually affects primiparous women. The reasons can be both excessive secretion of milk secretion, and a failure in the feeding mode of the baby.

Doctors of the maternity hospital tell girls about preventive breast massage in order to avoid this disease. This procedure can be carried out independently at home.


Lack of milk in a woman, the case when the movement of inflow is limited. This complication occurs in the postpartum period. The disease requires treatment, because. due to the lack of milk for feeding, the baby will not receive the right amount of nutrients, which will negatively affect his health. In this case, treatment will be prescribed only after establishing the cause of the disease. But almost all methods include breast massage manipulations.

Stretch marks and cracks

Such injuries on the chest can appear due to the fact that the baby does not suckle the breast correctly, and injuries can also occur due to a lack of vitamins in the body of a young mother.

It is impossible to eliminate them with massage, but it will be possible to prevent the risk of occurrence.

How to do breast massage

It is necessary to perform breast massage during feeding to improve lactation daily. Thus, you will facilitate the process of feeding itself, and will not encounter problems that may accompany the lactation period. The main rule of the procedure should be remembered: it is impossible to act with sharp and intense movements.

The chest must be massaged gently, without applying excessive force.

Preparing for a massage

Massage events are held about half an hour before the start of feeding the baby. Before starting the massage, be careful about the hygiene of the chest and hands to avoid the risk of infection. It is also necessary to express milk before the procedure. This can be done both by hand and using a special device - a breast pump.

Having chosen and studied the massage technique for your specific case, you can proceed with the procedure with clean hands.

First, lubricate the skin with a few drops of oil. Oils must be used natural and non-perfumed (sea buckthorn, olive, etc.), goat milk cosmetics are also suitable. After that, having taken a comfortable position, place one hand under the chest, as if supporting it, and make the impact with the other. It is necessary to allocate about ten minutes for the session, i.e. five minutes on each breast. After the procedure, you need to take a warm shower.

Mastering the massage technique itself during lactation is not at all difficult. Even a busy young mother, who devotes all her free time to a newborn baby, has a few minutes a day to spend a relaxing massage procedure for herself. Thanks to it, you can minimize the number of problems that arise during lactation.

Let us pay attention to the fact that manipulations are carried out not only for direct feeding of the baby. Breast massage for pumping is also important.

Stages of breast massage to improve lactation

Massage is one of the most accessible and gentle ways to have a positive impact on health. With such an ailment as a lack of milk secretion, it is necessary to conduct a therapeutic massage. The technique is quite simple, and can be used both by a doctor in the clinic and at home on their own. Let's give an example of how to do breast massage while feeding in several stages.


Wash hands and chest well warm water. Lubricate the chest with natural oil, avoiding the nipple area.

With the palm of your hand, without intense and sharp impact, draw several times over the chest in the direction from the base of the mammary glands to the nipple. In the direction of the spiral, hold the palm from the collarbone to the nipple. Here, stronger pressure is allowed with the palm of your hand. If you feel pain, then try to reduce the intensity of pressure, increasing it gradually.


The next step is the decanting procedure. Stroke the breast from its base in a straight line to the nipple, increasing the force of pressure. This must be done, starting from different points of the chest, in a circle.

Kneading seals

If there are seals on the chest, pay special attention to them. They need to be kneaded more thoroughly. You should not feel pain during the massage, because seals are congestions that are not part of the body, and therefore cannot hurt on their own. Combine massage of the breast itself and kneading the seals in it. When acting on the seal, it is necessary to slightly increase the pressure.

After the massage

At the end of the manipulations, you need to take a warm shower, relax. In the shower, you can also perform a final hydromassage using a shower head. Make circular movements with your fingers in the direction of the spiral from the base of the breast to the nipple.

After completing the massage activities, you should start feeding the baby, and then express the rest of the milk. Clogged passages are cleared and inflammation is reduced.

Massage for lactostasis

Breast massage to increase lactation, like any other manipulation on the body, requires careful preparation and adherence to some recommendations. Every nursing mother should get to know them.

Some doctors claim that massage cannot increase the amount of milk produced by the body. This is true, massage does not increase secretion production, but with the help of such manipulations it will be possible to get rid of congestion that can interfere with normal feeding. Perhaps the milk simply does not come out of the gland in the proper amount. In such cases, massage will be effective.


Obligatory observance of hygiene during the massage. Cleanliness is extremely important for breastfeeding mothers. Otherwise, you can get an infection both yourself and harm the health of the child. Wash your hands with soap before handling. But it is recommended to simply rinse the chest with warm water, because. Soap can dry out the skin, resulting in cracks.

The duration of manipulations should not last more than five minutes.

Breast massage to improve lactation should be done daily - no need to overdo it. It does not make sense to create an excessive effect on the mammary gland.

Pay attention to how you feel during the procedure. Massage should not cause pain, but rather will bring pleasant sensations that help to relax. If you feel pain, first try to reduce the intensity of pressure, if this does not help, then the massage should be stopped and contact your doctor.

When is the best time to massage

Apart from medicinal properties, the procedure is relaxing, so the massage should be carried out only in a calm environment. Before manipulation, create conditions around you in which you will feel as comfortable as possible, without being distracted by external stimuli. It will be quite easy to do this - it takes very little time for a massage, and the benefits will be enormous.

It is important to massage the breast before feeding the baby, because. the newborn is involved in the final stage of the procedure. Thanks to the movements with which the child sucks the breast, the remnants of congestion can be softened and completely eliminated.


Despite all the benefits of massage, which is carried out after childbirth for a nursing mother, this procedure has some contraindications. You need to pay attention to them in order to avoid harm to your health.

The list is as follows:

  • Diseases of a chronic and infectious nature.
  • Benign and malignant neoplasms.
  • Skin diseases, wounds and cuts.

It is necessary to consult with a doctor, only the effectiveness and possibility of conducting massage activities will depend on his decision. Also, the doctor needs to know about all the symptoms that bother you while breastfeeding.

Massage is not recommended for these pathologies. Exposure to areas affected by tumors can provoke their growth and lead to disastrous consequences. When pressing on the damaged epidermis, there is a risk of infection, which is categorically contraindicated for a young mother and child.

Let us draw your attention to the fact that the main reason for performing breast massage manipulations during lactation should be the consultation of your doctor.

You should not make decisions about treatments on your own. There are a great many massage techniques, and depending on your specific problem, the doctor will select the most effective one for you. Be sure to tell him about the presence of any pathologies or chronic diseases.

The benefits of massage

Breast massage during breastfeeding will only be useful if the nursing mother follows all the recommendations and correctly performs the technique. A positive result can only be achieved through a regular procedure. Devoting 5-10 minutes a day to her health every day, a woman takes care not only of herself, but also of her baby.

Mother's milk is natural product, which is simply necessary for a newborn in the first stages of growth. It is imperative to monitor the condition of the mammary glands in order to detect in time the reasons that may become an obstacle to the natural feeding of the baby.