Lessons in valeology in the senior group. Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, developments. Topic: "The road to good health"

Class in valeology in senior group on the topic:

"Magical Country - Health"

Program content:

To give children a general idea of ​​health as a value that needs to be constantly taken care of.

Continue to developemotional sphere of children, cognitive interest, mental activity;as well as imagination and the ability to display your idea in a drawing.

Exercise in establishing cause-and-effect relationships; develop children's coherent speech.

Cultivate a desire to be healthy, be attentive to yourself and others,takes care of his health.

Methodical techniques: conversation, game moment,artistic word,questions, use visual material, wellness moment,appeal to children's life experiences.

Material:Pictures depicting 2 gnomes: one gnome is cheerful, healthy, the second gnome is sad, sloppy; For each child, a landscape sheet and pencils.

Vocabulary work: clarify and consolidate the words: health, healthy man, rarely sick.

Preliminary work: instilling hygiene skills in children, talking with children about health and the benefits of exercise, reading fiction and educational literature on the topic,telling riddles,looking at illustrations,children's encyclopedias.

Progress of the lesson

Children enter the group and make a semicircle on the carpet.

Educator:We love it when guests come to us.Let's say hello to them.You know, we didn’t just say hello, we gave each other and everyone in the group a piece of health, because we said “Hello!” This means I wish you good health.

"A Minute of Friendship"

- Now let’s form a circle. (children stand in a circle, holding hands)

- One palm, two palms.

Be friends with me a little.

We are friendly guys

Friendly, obedient. ( Children pronounce words together with the teacher)

Educator:Guys! Today I wanted to talk to you about a very important topic - about health.What word is the word “health” similar to? That's right, the word health is similar to the word hello. When we say hello, we wish each other health.

Today I want to tell you an old legend.

“Once upon a time, the gods lived on Mount Olympus. They became bored, and they decided to create man and populate planet Earth. They began to decide what a person should be like.

One of the gods said: “A person must be strong.” Another said: “A person must be smart.” A third said: “A person must be healthy.” But one god said this: “If a person has all this, he will be like us.” And they decided to hide the main thing that a person has - health. They began to think - decide - where to hide it? Some suggested hiding health deep in the blue sea, others - in high mountains. And one of the gods suggested: “Health must be hidden in the person himself.”

This is how people have lived since ancient times, trying to find their health. But not everyone can find and preserve the priceless gift of the gods!”

This means that health, it turns out, is hidden in me, and in you, and in each of you... Guys, do you feel healthy?What do you think health is?What does it mean to be healthy?(children's judgments). Yes, children, you understand what health is, but not everyone knows what to do in order to be healthy. Today in class my two new friends will help me tell you about the magical land of health. They came to us from the wonderful land of fairy tales. These are gnomes. One is called Big Man, and the other is called Clumsy.Look. Which one do you think is the Big Guy and which one is the Clunker?(Children's answers)

Why did you decide that? Who will share their opinion?(children's judgments)

Yes, I agree with you. Strong, strong children who rarely get sick are called Healthy Children. Look at the complexion of our Big Man. He has rosy cheeks, a strong slim figure, I think he plays sports, walks a lot fresh air, knows the rules of personal hygiene, observes the rules of behavior on the street,eats vitaminsdoes not eat unwashed fruits and vegetables and does not forget to do exercises. And he certainly knows what is healthy and what is harmful to health. Do you agree with me?

Dwarf Clutzer:Guys, I came to you for help. I’m completely exhausted, it seems to me that I’ve lost my health and don’t know where to find it. Will you help me?

Educator:What do you think, does Clutzer lead the same lifestyle or not? Why? That's right, it's clear from him that he's a Clutzer. Let's help him become like Big Man. So we begin to help Clutzer, but first of all we must set an example for him ourselves. Offers to spend a healing moment.

Phys. "Ladybug" minute.

Spun around yourself

And they turned into ladybugs. (spinning)

Ladybugs, show your heads,

Noses, mouths, wings - arms, legs, tummies.(show named body parts)

Ladybugs, turn your heads to the right,

Ladybugs, turn your heads to the left.(turn head right, left)

Stomp your feet, flap your wings.(stomping feet, clapping hands)

Turned to each other

And they smiled sweetly and sweetly.(turn, smile, sit down).

Well done guys. Now let's teach Clutzer the rules healthy image life through games.

Game "Right, right, absolutely right."

I will tell you little poems, if they say what is right, then you all say it together"Right, right, absolutely right" and if the poem talks about what not to do, then you remain silent.

1. To grow and harden -

You need to play sports.

2. May you not be too lazy

Brush your teeth 2 times a day.

3. To prevent teeth from hurting -

Eat caramel candies.

4. If you go out for a walk in winter

You should leave your hat and scarf at home.

5. Fruits and vegetables before meals

Carefully, very carefully mine.

6. Go to bed on time, get up -

Follow your daily routine.

7. Here’s another simple tip -

Wash your hands before eating.

8. Run away from your mother quickly -

Don't let her cut your nails.

9. Handkerchief and comb must be your own -

Remember this and don’t use other people’s.

10. If there is a puddle or mud on the street -

You definitely need to fall there.

Game "Finish the sentence"

Charging needs to be done to...
You need to wash your hands because...
You need to breathe through your nose to...
People brush their teeth to...
Fruits are good for humans because...

Educator:Children, if a person is sick or unwell, what does he look like? You guys are so great! What should Clutzer do to be beautiful, strong, smart, healthy?(Children's answers).

So, now the gnome and we know that health is strength and intelligence. What is health? fairyland, this is beauty, this is something that should always be protected, this is the greatest wealth of every person. Health is when you are cheerful, when everything works out for you, when you don’t have a fever and you can go to kindergarten, walk in the fresh air, go downhill, when nothing hurts. Everyone needs health - children, adults, and even animals. Do you agree with me? I'm sure that you and I helped Clutzer. But I really wouldn’t want him to have such an ugly name. Let's come up with a new name for him, but also appearance he needs to change too. Is it true?

Now each of you will come up with a new gnome, your own. It can be a gnome - a boy or a gnome - a girl. There is a gnome on each of your tables. You need to decorate it and come up with a new, beautiful name for it yourself.

Independent activity children to calm music.

Analysis of the lesson and drawings.

List of sources used:


!!! http://www.ivalex.vistcom.ru/helth13.htm


Didactic game "What is good and what is bad"

Children look at pictures and name the images with the words “good or bad.” The pictures are put into two boxes: green, red.

- The morning begins

Everyone smiles.


Crying is...BAD.

Fighting is also very...BAD.

Be good, kind, friendly,

This is very good.

Keep exercising

And you won't get sick.

You'll get sick...BAD.

Being healthy…GOOD.


Being dirty...is BAD.

If it's cold and windy,

The rain pours into puddles,

Everyone knows this...BAD.

We can't go outside.

– Remember, Ninochka, always:

In a red box, you can’t do that.

You better look into the green one,

Remember everything there

And come to us.

Game "Exactly True"

1. If you want to be slim,

You have to love sweets.

Eat candy, chew toffee,

Become built like a cypress.(children are silent)

2. To eat right,

You will remember the advice:

Eat fruits, porridge with butter,

Fish, honey and vinaigrette.(children answer)

3. Don't forget before lunch

Have a pie.

Eat a lot to get more

Load your stomach. (children are silent)

4. No healthier products

Delicious vegetables and fruits.

And Seryozha and Irina -

Everyone benefits from vitamins.(children answer)

5. Our Lyuba ate rolls

And she got terribly fat.

He wants to come visit us,

Yes, he can’t crawl through the door.(children are silent)

6. If you want to be healthy,

Eat right

Eat more vitamins

Don't know about diseases!(children answer)

Valueological education is an important element of health-saving technologies practiced in the educational process of kindergarten. The mission of this area of ​​work with children is realized through the organization of direct educational activities, that is, classes, as well as entertainment. Let us pay attention to the methodology for implementing valueological education within the framework of lessons in this area in the senior group (children 5–6 years old) of preschool educational institution(DOW).

Why are valeological classes conducted for children aged 5–6 years?

For the older group, the mission of lessons designed to maintain health with early age, is:

The tasks of organizing valeology classes, as in other groups, for children 5–6 years old, are grouped by areas of valeology knowledge.

Table: objectives of valeological lessons in the senior group according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Field of valeological theoryTasks
  • introduce the basics of anatomical knowledge, namely: the location of internal organs;
  • identify the roles of men and women in the birth of children;
  • continue to work on the prevention of diseases of the eyes and hearing organs.
Emotional state
  • develop the ability to verbally explain your emotions;
  • explain options for getting rid of negative experiences (for example, by switching to some kind of interesting activity: drawing, conducting experiments, etc.).
Basics of safe living
  • systematize the rules of safe behavior in the house without adults (do not take household chemicals, medicines, sharp objects, do not go near open windows);
  • summarize the rules of safe behavior in nature.

In the older group, the task of valeological education is to provide children with knowledge about healthy products

Methodology for behavior of valeology classes in the senior group

As in any form educational activities In valeology lessons, the teacher combines the techniques of four methods.

Speech methods

The word plays a significant role in revealing the essence of the areas of valeological knowledge.


This technique fits especially well at the beginning of the main stage of the lesson, when the teacher needs to convey to children the essence of general categories and classes of objects.

For example, in my practice, during a lesson on the topic “Vitamins for the health of the body,” I explain the concept of “vitamin” to the children as follows: “In order for our body to be in shape, it requires the support of vitamins. These substances themselves are not produced in the human body; we get them from food. But if some vitamins are still lacking and a person feels unwell, then the doctor prescribes these beneficial substances in large quantities in the form of tablets.”

Traditionally, the explanation is supported by clarity


Accompanies the interaction between children and adults in any methods and techniques. Having a question-and-answer structure, the conversation helps children analyze and draw conclusions based on personal experience, that is, it fosters a personality quality that is very important for older preschool children: independence. In the senior group, issues of valeological education are raised in cognitive and ethical conversations. For example, I structure an educational conversation within the framework of the topic “What helps a person to be healthy” like this:

  • I invite the children to remember proverbs and sayings about health;
  • list the health promotion measures that are practiced in families of children;
  • I lead the children to summarize what has been said and compile a list of “true friends of health” (fresh air, cleanliness, sports).

A file of conversations on topics of valeological content can be found in the article “Valeological conversations in preschool educational institutions”.

This is interesting. In classes in the senior group, as in the middle group, conversations are practiced with representatives of professions directly related to the preservation of human health (doctor, fireman, policeman, etc.).

Conversations between children and specialists are effective way summarize the knowledge gained on the topic

Rhyming lines

Traditionally, these techniques are used to motivate children, to get them into a working mood and, by updating basic knowledge, to introduce them to the topic of the lesson. In the senior group, during valeology lessons, poems can also be used to summarize the study of a thematic block. Thus, completing work on the topic “Heart of the Family”, dedicated to fostering respect for family values, relationships in the family, the children and I sum up the lesson with rhyming:

  • There is always a place for love in a family!
    It will never be crowded with her!
    Love connects people
    Gently hugs with his hands
    Both young and old.
    Gives shelter to everyone on earth.

Riddles are convenient to use when referring to the experience of children before starting a review new topic. For example, before talking about the medicinal properties of plants, kids guess the names of herbs:

  • A thin stem near the path, At the end of it there are catkins, On the ground lie leaves - Small burdocks. How is he to us? good friend Treats wounds of legs and arms. (Plantain);
  • The sisters are standing in the field, their yellow eyes are looking at the sun, each sister has white eyelashes. (Chamomile).

Pictures can be clues for solving riddles

Fairy tales

This technique can be used in two ways: as a design for the structure of a lesson (for example, when kids “get” into fairytale city“Dobrozdoroveno”, where together with the “mayor” of the city they find out the rules of life for the residents) or as a way to update or generalize the knowledge of children. The second method is implemented through fairy tale therapy - the use of fairy tales to illuminate a specific aspect of the topic. For example, when considering issues of healthy balanced nutrition for children, I offer the guys a story about Vasya Zaboleikin (he is played by a large doll). “Once upon a time there was a boy Vasya Zaboleykin. Most of all he loved chocolate, lemonade and chips. He ate them all the time, and always left cereals, soups, fruits and vegetables untouched on the plate. And then one day, when Petya was bragging to his friends that tomorrow in kindergarten he won’t go because his stomach hurts, and the guys, not listening to Petya, began to discuss the games that they would be able to play tomorrow at the “Health Day” holiday. Petya thought: if he gets sick, he will miss such fun, and he no longer wanted to be sick. But it would be nice to eat and take a walk. Only now the boy is dizzy, nauseous and weak. And the guys-friends told him: “If you eat tasty and healthy, then no weakness is scary.” Petya asked his mother to wash vegetables and fruits for him, ate them and ran off to play with the children with renewed vigor.”

Nothing attracts children's attention like fairy tales


The teacher reads literary works on the topic, formulating questions for discussion based on the plot. For example, after reading the fairy tale “Moidodyr” by K. Chukovsky, the questions could be:

  • "What happened to the boy?";
  • “Who explained to the hero why all the things ran away from him?”;
  • “Why do you think it’s bad to be dirty?”

This is interesting. With older children preschool age The emphasis in the discussion is on problematic issues that help develop critical thinking children, and also develop the ability to analyze and draw conclusions.

In the older group, reading by the children themselves is used fragmentarily as the children master the skill of reading. For example, kids can read out short information about the benefits/harms of certain products or rules of conduct in the forest, on the water, or at home in the absence of adults.

Reading can be used to familiarize children with the conditions of play

Audiovisual method

Visibility accompanies any type of activity of preschoolers. In the context of valeological studies, this method is presented:

  • pictures illustrating the lesson material (for example, vegetables and fruits containing vitamins important for health);
  • mock-ups (for example, street intersections) for practical testing of the learned rules;
  • demonstration, that is, a demonstration of actions by the teacher (usually in this case we are talking about the order of performing a creative task, movements in a game, manipulations when performing self-massage, etc.);
  • showing - presentation of material using a video, for example, the topic about the rules for using household appliances at home can be illustrated with a series of cartoons about the Fixies “Microwave”, which the guys watch and discuss, systematizing what can and cannot be done with a microwave;
  • observation - active perception of reality in a period of time to formulate a topic and subsequent generalization of the material.

Video: an example of using the display technique - the cartoon “Fixies. Microwave"

Table: card index of valeological observations in the senior group

Observation (coincides with the topic on valeology)GoalsThe essence
Traffic light monitoringSystematize knowledge of traffic lights.The teacher leads the children to the intersection, shows the traffic light and draws the kids’ attention to what it is large number cars and public transport do not interfere with each other. This is because they follow strict rules that are governed by three traffic lights.
At the end of the observation, the teacher asks what the traffic light is for and how it works.
Observations of special transport (ambulance, police car, fire truck, postal vehicle, etc.)
  • consolidate the ability to identify the desired machine from a description;
  • expand children's understanding of the role of the driver in the operation of special transport.
The teacher takes the kids to the roadway and asks them to determine the purpose of the cars passing by. Then he asks riddles, the answers to which are the names of special vehicles:
  • The car speeds through a red light, - I’m taking a sick person for treatment! And I will quickly deliver everyone who calls me to the doctors! (Ambulance);
  • He blinks his blue eye and immediately takes off in pursuit. (Police car);
  • Envelopes are sleeping in bags - these are travel greetings. (Mail car);
  • The house is on fire. Nightmare! She will tame the fire. (Fire engine).

The observation ends with a discussion of the purpose of special machines and the role of the driver in their work.

Monitoring changing weather conditionsLearn to choose clothes according to the weather outside.Children watch the weather outside the window, noting cloudiness, the presence or absence of precipitation (looking at it against the background of the walls of neighboring buildings), and wind (noting the vibrations of tree branches). Based on observations, children draw conclusions about clothes suitable for going outside.

Valeological newspapers

In classes on the “theory of health”, valeological newspapers are also actively involved in the work - wall newspapers that examine a narrow aspect of the topic. For example, on the topic “Outdoor games to improve health.” The difference between a wall newspaper and a drawing is not only in size - the first is usually created in A1 format, but also in the way the materials are used. Thus, a wall newspaper can be an additional source of information: children read and remember information. In addition, the drawings are completed immediately after the end of the lesson, and the wall newspaper requires many hours of preparation and is designed with the help of parents.

This is interesting. Since information blocks can be included in a wall newspaper, working with this visualization technique is possible if children can read.

Photo gallery: examples of valeological newspapers in the senior group

A fairy-tale character can be introduced into the composition of a wall newspaper, traveling from one information block to another. Typically, a wall newspaper is produced with the help of parents. A wall newspaper can be made up of sets of pictures-symbols

Practical method

Any knowledge is better absorbed if it is of an applied nature. Typically, the practical method refers to such methods of mastering the material as:

  • drawings (for example, prohibiting signs for walking in the forest);
  • applications (creating collages with samples of useful products);
  • crafts (children can make models for work together with their parents).

These creative tasks are part of the stage of generalizing the lesson material: children draw (sculpt, create) images related to valeology (drawings of a family, healthy lifestyle products, etc.).


Another important trick practical method self-massage is used in valeology classes.

At home, parents should also organize self-massage for their children.

Hand massage

  1. We find the skin between the thumb and index finger.
  2. Let's pinch it.

This is interesting. This kind of hand massage is very important: it helps to develop a skill useful for mastering writing.

Massage of the nose and ears

  1. Children, following the teacher, find a bump on the bridge of their nose, an area near the wings.
  2. Press these points with your fingers.
  3. Using pinching movements from bottom to top, massage the edges of the auricle.

This is interesting. Elements of self-massage are part of the physical education break in class.

Valeological experiments

Another practical technique actively used in valeology classes is experiments.

In valeology classes, kids learn to take care of themselves

Table: card index of experiments in valeology lessons for children of the senior group

The nature of experience (topic in valeology)GoalsThe essence
Skin sensitivity experienceLearn to compare the temperature of water in different containers.The teacher invites the kids to determine the temperature of the water with their finger and arrange the containers from the coldest to the warmest.
Experience on the importance of smell in human lifeLearn to identify foods by smell.Blindfolded children identify food products by smell: orange, garlic, onion, banana, apple.
Note: This activity should be used with caution in children with allergies.
Experience to establish the need for saliva to establish the taste characteristics of foodMake sure that the “dry” tongue does not feel the taste.Children dry their tongue with a napkin and try different products(cheese, apple, banana) and make sure that without saliva it is impossible to feel the taste.
Experience to determine the ability of the stomach to process foodShow the process of processing substances by gastric juice.The teacher shows the kids a jar of water and asks them to imagine that this is our stomach. Children throw sugar and salt into a jar - the products are mixed and dissolved in water. They add a piece of bread - it becomes soggy. Then the adult puts it on a plate paper napkin and pours a little water - the liquid is absorbed. The teacher leads the kids to the conclusion that this is how the walls of our stomach dissolve and absorb what we eat.

Game method

The techniques of this group are presented:

  • educational games;
  • mobile;
  • theatrical games.

In valueology classes, the teacher, as a rule, uses the “2 out of 3” rule: two types of games out of three are included in the lesson notes.

Outdoor games, which are held in and outside of class, are dedicated to fostering respect for a healthy lifestyle.

Table: examples of value games for the older group

NameGoalsProgress of the game
Didactic games
“Who do I look like?”
  • develop the ability to see yourself from the outside;
  • learn to compare your external data with other people, find similarities and differences.
Children bring family photographs from home and look for common features with their parents and other relatives.
“Who was born how” (lotto)Systematize children's knowledge about how living beings are born.In front of the child are three pictures depicting an egg, an egg, a bottle with a pacifier, and a set of small pictures depicting insects, mammals, amphibians, etc., upside down. The baby takes the small picture and combines it with the big one, determining how this creature was born.
Outdoor games
"Name the sport"
  • develop the skill of imitation;
  • encourage initiative;
  • repeat the names of popular sports.
Kids play in pairs. One takes a picture and with movements and facial expressions shows the sport that is depicted on it. The second one guesses. Then the partners change.
"Don't mix it up"
  • repeat the names of body parts;
  • develop attentiveness and reaction speed.
Children stand in a circle. The teacher, standing in the center, names a part of the body, while touching another. The kids must touch the part that the teacher named.
Theatrical games
  • systematize the algorithm of action when calling the assistance service;
  • develop artistic abilities and the ability to improvise.
The kid calls an ambulance for an injured toy.
"Police"Children “come” to the toy when called. The toy “explains” how this happened.
The game can be complicated by an “investigative experiment” or “interrogation” of witnesses.

Observations are supported by viewing posters on the topic

Planning GCD for valeology

Classes on mastering the theory of health in the senior group are held once a week, and the goal is set for the whole month. In this case, integrated (!) lessons are usually conducted, that is, those in which the topic is revealed in the process of involving children in different types activities. This principle of lesson design is reflected in long-term plan, which is compiled by the teacher for the academic year.

Table: long-term plan for valeology in the senior group (fragment)

MonthGoalsActivities with goals
  1. To acquaint children with the external structure of the body, with the capabilities of the body and organism:
  2. “I can jump, sing, watch, listen, eat, breathe, think...”
  3. To cultivate a sense of pride that I am a human being.
  4. Arouse interest in further knowledge.
Didactic game: “I can - I can’t”, like “Edible - inedible”.
Goal: to maintain in children a joyful mood and a sense of wonder and pride in their almost limitless abilities.
Drawing on the topic: “What am I made of?”
Goal: to find out how children imagine their self, their body, their organs.
Reading fiction about cleanliness: K. Chukovsky “Moidodyr”, Agnia and Pavel Barto “The Grimy Girl”.
Goal: to consolidate cultural and hygienic skills with children.
  1. To give children the idea that skin is the covering of the human body; it is gradually renewed and also performs many functions. The main thing is protection, high sensitivity.
  2. Cultivate a caring attitude towards your skin and a desire to be clean.
Conversation with a doctor about diseases dirty hands and skin diseases, preventive measures.
Goal: to bring children to an understanding of the direct relationship between cleanliness and health.
Art activities on the topic of read works.
Exhibition of drawings.
Goal: to express your attitude towards dirty people, both indirectly and verbally.
Labor assignments to maintain cleanliness in the group.
Goal: to cultivate hard work, a negative attitude towards disorder and dirt in the room.
Leisure time on the topic: “Skin is a helper.”
Goal: consolidate, deepen acquired knowledge, develop logical thinking.
  1. To arouse in children a desire to improve physical development.
  2. Maintain interest in classes physical exercise, sports.
Lesson "Skeleton and muscles".
Goal: to give children an idea that every person has bones inside that make up a movable structure - the skeleton of our body.
Didactic game: “Dangerous - not dangerous.”
Goal: develop protective self-awareness, anticipate possible consequences of your actions.
Reading fiction: A. Barto “I am growing”, S. Marshak “The Giant”.
Goal: to cultivate a sense of compassion for the misfortune of one’s neighbor, a desire to help, and to bring joy.
Design and modeling from the book by G. Yudin “The Main Wonder of the World”.
  • consolidate acquired knowledge and ideas about the human skeleton;
  • develop the ability to analyze and generalize.

The long-term plan stipulates different types of work on specific topics in valeology

How to write a lesson summary

The valeology lesson follows the same plan as other types of GCD:

  • duration for the senior group - 25 minutes;
  • the structure consists of three stages.

Table: time plan for valeology classes in the senior group with an example

Table: Kharitonova S.A. lesson notes on the topic: “We breathe, therefore we live” in the senior group (fragments)

Introductory- Guys, you and I do various things during the day. What are we doing?
(We play, walk, eat, drink, exercise).
- That's right, we do a lot of different things. Can we, for example, play and draw all the time? (No, you can’t do it for long, you’ll get tired and bored).
- I agree, you can get tired of everything. For example, in order to live a person needs to eat, drink, and do something. Does he do this all the time? (No, you can’t eat all the time).
Basic<… Миша, лёжа на печи
I ate cakes and rolls.
And during a break
I ate dumplings and crumpets.
Soon the entire village of Mishu
I got it through the roof.
- This is what can happen if you eat all the time. But once, I know, people found themselves without food and water for a long time, but then they were rescued and they all remained alive. Have you ever gone without eating for a long time? (Children's answers from personal experience).
- And now this is what we will do. Let's close our mouth tightly and pinch our nose with our fingers, and sit like this, who can take the longest?
- Why did you open your mouth and nose?
(Choked, not enough air, it’s hard).
- So what is it that a person cannot live without for even a few minutes?
(Without air, he cannot help but breathe, he may suffocate)…>
<… Опыт: - Мы делаем с вами вдох и выдох. При вдохе воздух попадает к нам в организм, а при выдохе, - выходит из него. Положите руку к себе на грудь и сделайте глубокий вдох. Что произошло?
(Children's answers).
- Generalization: the chest rises, it becomes larger.
- Now take a deep breath and exhale again. What happened?
(The chest has dropped.)
- Guys, where does the air go when you inhale?
(There are lungs there)…>
Fixing the material<… - Да, воздух загрязняется от выхлопов машин, когда из труб идёт дым, когда много курят. Как же мы будем дышать таким воздухом, чтобы было легче?
(Through the nose, attaching a handkerchief).
- Why do you need to breathe through your nose?
(To avoid getting sick when it's cold).
- What happens to the air when it passes through the nose?
(It warms up in the nose, there are also hairs there, dust and germs remain on them)…>
Final stage<…Педагог благодарит детей за работу.

The final moment may include a surprise, that is, encouraging participants in the lesson, for example, candy, toys, etc.

Video: valeological lesson on the topic “Why do we need a nose?” in the senior group

Methodology for developing an open valeological lesson in the senior group

Demonstration lessons are designed not only to demonstrate the level of achievements of children, but also to show the degree of methodological knowledge of the teacher in choosing combinations of methods and techniques for interacting with children. At the same time, both the structure and timing remain unchanged. The main difference is in the design of the content: for an open lesson, the teacher usually uses a plot basis.

Table: Atamanenko O. summary of an open lesson on valeology on the topic “Cleanliness is the key to health” in the senior group (fragments)

IntroductoryEducator: - Children, listen to what happened to me this morning. I’m going to kindergarten, and a little boy runs towards me, dirty, unwashed, unkempt, without outerwear and crying. I stopped him and asked: “What happened? Why are you crying? Then he told me that all his things were missing and no one wanted to play with him. I calmed him down, said that I would take him with me to kindergarten, tell his story to the children in the group and they, that is, you, would definitely help him. Why do you think this story happened to the boy? Why are his things missing and no one wants to play with him? It seems to me that we have already heard such a story somewhere. In what story did a similar story happen to a boy?
(Children’s answers.)…>
<… - Правильно, об этом мы читали в произведении «Мойдодыр». А как вы думаете, кто такой Мойдодыр? (это хозяин чистоты и порядка). Так как же можно помочь мальчику, что мы ему можем посоветовать? (ответы детей).
Educator: - Guys, let's tell our guest what needs to be done so that this doesn't happen to him again. We already know that clean water has healing properties. Today we will learn how to use water to clean your body and how to properly care for it. Do you remember what proper care of your body is called? (children answer). Well done, remember: proper body care is called hygiene...>
Basic<… Грязнулькин: - Я очень хочу научиться ухаживать за своим телом. Мне больше не хочется ходить грязным.
Educator. - Then let's start our lesson, and let's start it with how to properly care for your teeth...>
<… Ребёнок, показывает на плакате и рассказывает, как нужно чистить зубы. (Нужно намочить щетинки водой, выдавить на них из тюбика пасту, аккуратно вставить щётку в рот, щетинками с пастой к зубам, и начать медленно чистить зубы, двигая щётку вверх и вниз, влево и вправо…>
<… В. – А сейчас мы будем учиться правильно мыть руки.
The child recites the poem: “Washing my little hands”:
To wash your hands first
Let's roll up our sleeves...>
<…В. Вот мы и вспомнили наше первое правило защиты от микробов. Ты запомнил.
G. - Yes! Washing hands with soap.
V. - That's right!
From plain water and soap
Microbes are losing their power...>
Fixing the material<… Проводится игра «Апчхи»: дети делятся на две команды («Чихающие» и «Заражающиеся») которые расходятся на расстояние 5 метров друг от друга. Команда «Чихающие», произносят «Апчхи!», и кидают в противоположную команду теннисные шарики. Дети из команды «Заражающиеся» должны увернуться. Тот в кого попал шарик, выходит из игры и начинает «чихать»…>
Final stage<…Грязнулькин: – Спасибо вам ребята… Как чисто у вас в группе стало. И я тоже теперь всегда буду ходить чистым и аккуратным.
I'm very happy today!
That I have been with you,
Healthy friends.
Now I'll tell everyone
About how you live.
- Now I’ll run home to quickly restore order there before my mother returns from work.
V. – Well done today guys, you both remembered and told others how to protect themselves from insidious microbes.

Conducting experiments develops independence in children

Analysis of a lesson in valeology

Monitoring of work on valeological education is carried out in two formats:

  • self-analysis (to identify shortcomings of the organization stage, for example, due to the vastness of valeological issues, the introductory stage may be too drawn out, then the main one is most often crumpled);
  • analysis of an open lesson by the guests present - senior teacher, methodologist, manager, colleagues (to determine the level of development of children in the context of valeological knowledge, for example, the ability to maintain cleanliness, awareness of the importance of professions related to saving lives, etc. - and the degree of methodological training of the teacher) .

You can familiarize yourself with the lesson analysis diagram, as well as an example of self-analysis.

Analysis makes it possible to study the effectiveness of the techniques used in the lesson.

Leisure activities on valeology in the senior group

In addition to educational activities, the implementation of the goals and objectives of valeology education in the senior group is carried out through the preparation and conduct of leisure activities, which are held 1–2 times a month. They are usually timed to coincide with holidays (for example, Defender of the Fatherland Day) or the completion of studying a block of topics (for example, about the structure of the human body). The structure of entertainment differs from a regular activity in that the consolidation stage fits organically into the main one. In addition, the timing of the event increases by 5–10 minutes, that is, up to 35–40 minutes.

Among the forms of valeological entertainment practiced in kindergarten, the older group has an advantage for:

  • quests;
  • KVNami;
  • travel;
  • fairy tales

Table: Mizdrenko T.V. script for a valeological leisure event on the topic “Travel to health cities” for the senior group

IntroductoryChildren line up in a circle.
Speech exercise:
- Hello, girls!
- Hello!
- Hello, boys!
- Hello!
- Hello, guests!
- Hello!
- Sunny, hello! (we raise our hands up)
Hello! Hello! (we wave our hands above our heads)
We are growing well under the sun (hands up, stretching on tiptoes)
We are becoming healthier every day! (hands to shoulders, to the sides, down)
BasicEducator: - Guys, I want to invite you and our guests to the mysterious land of Health. Our journey will be interesting and unusual; there will be many obstacles and obstacles along the way. This requires endurance, skills, dexterity and mutual assistance. We're leaving. (Music plays, children walk in a circle)
(Children approach the first table)
The Queen of Glazograd meets the children near the first table:
- Hello, children! How were you able to overcome such difficult obstacles? Well done! To find out the name of my city, you must first guess the riddle:
Two brothers live across the road,
But they don’t see each other. (Eyes)…>
<… Царица Глазограда: - Как хорошо, что мы можем видеть, давайте поэкспериментируем, что же могут наши глаза?
  • Shows 2 toys at different distances. Children determine with their eye that the distance to one toy is closer than to another. What can be concluded? (You can judge the distance with your eyes.)
  • Shows a large doll and a small cube. Children determine the size. It is concluded that the eyes can determine the size...>

<… Делается вывод: Разноцветный мир мы видим разноцветными глазами. Итак, наши глаза могут определить цвет, форму, расстояние и размер предметов…>

<… Гимнастика для глаз:
  • Blink quickly, close your eyes and sit quietly for 5 seconds.
  • Close your eyes tightly for a few seconds, open them and look into the distance...>
<… Правила гигиены и безопасности:
You need to read and draw only in good lighting. In this case, it is necessary that the distance from the table to the eyes is at least 30 cm.
After prolonged eye strain, it is recommended to raise your head and look into the distance...
<… Дети продолжают путешествие в Ухограде и Зубограде…>
FinalA teacher-doctor gives toothbrushes to children.
Educator: - So you're back in kindergarten, I'm glad you're back. Did you enjoy the trip?
The teacher asks questions about the topic of travel and offers to teach their relatives how to do eye exercises, massage the ears and take care of their teeth.

The main form of creating a script for a leisure activity for middle and older age is theatricalization.

A special place in the educational process of preschool educational institutions is given to the implementation of the tasks of health-saving technologies. One of the forms of their implementation is conducting valeological lessons and leisure activities. In the senior group, these forms of educational activities are aimed at systematizing what has already been learned, as well as building up new knowledge on the existing base.

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Topic: “Zdravik’s Lessons”

second junior group

Educational area:


Integration with educational areas “Safety”, “Cognition”, “Work”, “Music”, “Reading fiction”, “Physical education”, “Communication”, “Socialization”.

Educational area "Health"

Tasks: identify children’s understanding of the importance of taking care of their own health and how to preserve it, knowledge of the rules of personal hygiene.

Educational area "Safety"

Tasks: identify children’s knowledge about the objective world accessible to the child and the purpose of objects, about the rules for their safe use.

Educational area "Cognition"

Tasks: identify children’s ideas about the diversity of properties of objects in the surrounding world.

Educational area "Reading fiction"

Tasks: to determine whether children have the ability to receive joy and pleasure from poetic rhyme, the desire to remember and use it in their speech, and to think logically.

Educational area "Communication"

Tasks: identify children’s abilities to enter into verbal contacts with adults and peers, and participate in a general conversation.

Educational area "Socialization"

Tasks: identify children's ideas about the ability to establish good relationships between children.

Educational area "Music"

Tasks: determine whether children have the ability to motor improvise to music.

Educational area "Physical culture"

Tasks: identify children’s ability to act together with others, at a common pace for everyone, during the physical warm-up process.

Educational area "Work"

Tasks: determine in children whether they have a respectful attitude towards the work of adults and a desire to provide them with all possible assistance.

Material and equipment:


· Large circles of three colors - red, green, yellow

· Wonderful pouch

· Personal hygiene items: mirror, soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, toothpaste, brush

· Food: Coca-Cola, chips, lollipop, fruits, vegetables, sugar, salt, bread, ice cream, cakes, etc.

· Illustration “Safe Home”


· Washing algorithm

· Algorithm of operating moments

· Vitamins - ascorbic acid


1. Tape recorder

2. Audio recording of melodies for a wellness moment

3. Snort Toy

4. Kitten toy

Methodical techniques and tasks:

1. Organizational moment - reading the poem “Sun”

2. Circle of health

3. Educational story - dialogue

4. Game moment - the appearance of the hero Firka

5. Health traffic light - a game with objects

6. Algorithm of the daily routine in kindergarten

7. Wellness moment - self-massage “Help yourself”

8. Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

9. Asking riddles

10. Educational conversation about water

11. Washing algorithm

12. Problem situation

13. Examination of the illustration “Safe Home” - conversation on questions

14. Round dance game “The children played”

15. Creating a situation of success: who will help put things in order after the event

16. The hero Snort sums it up.

Progress of the event:

Organizational moment of the poem “Sun”:

The sun came out from behind a cloud

We will stretch out our arms to the sun,

Hands to the sides

then we'll spread it wider.

And let's smile!

Look, guys, we have guests today, what should we do?

(say hello) Children say hello.

When we say hello, it means we wish everyone health, today we will talk about health.

Who wants to be healthy?

How do you understand what health is?

(health is strength, beauty, when the mood is good and everything works out).

Game situation - appearance of Firka:

Hello guys, I'm so glad to see you again, they say that your kindergarten has the smartest and most inquisitive kids.

Yes, what are you doing again, have you forgotten something?

Do you really want to know how to be healthy?

Guys, can we help Snort remember our lessons? (Yes)

In order to be healthy you need what? (eat right)

And now we will show you which foods are healthy and which are not.

Game "Traffic Light of Health" - children need to arrange foods according to their benefits, on the table with a red circle are harmful ones, on a yellow circle are things that need to be treated with caution, and on a green circle are healthy foods.

What a great fellow you are, and what else is needed for health? (nutrition, hardening, exercise, daily routine)

But now we will check whether the children know the daily routine in kindergarten - the children lay out the routine algorithm on the floor.

Physical education minute - play self-massage “Help yourself”

They stomped their feet on the porch,

They patted their cheeks with their hands.

They covered their eyes with their palms.

And the fingers spread and opened.

We sat down together,

We looked through our fingers.

We clench our fingers into a fist,

We're getting air.

We unclench our fingers,

We exhale the air.

Let's knock on the chest with our palms,

Let's pet and be silent for a while.

You know, guys, today Moidodyr came to our group. He really wanted to see you. It’s such a pity that Moidodyr didn’t wait for you, because he has so many worries in the morning! But he left you this little bag.

Didactic game “Wonderful bag”

Children guess personal hygiene items by touch (soap, comb, handkerchief, towel, mirror, toothpaste and brush, clothes brush) and tell what they are for and how to use them. Then the teacher reads the riddles and offers to find the answer among the objects that the children took out of the wonderful bag.

Guessing riddles.

Smooth and fragrant, I saw my portrait,

It washes very clean. He walked away - there was no portrait.

(Soap) (Mirror)

Plastic back, fits in your pocket and on guard

Stiff bristles, Roaring, crybaby and dirty.

He's friends with toothpaste, and he's inundated with tears in the morning.

Serves us diligently. I won't forget about the nose.

(Toothbrush) (Handkerchief)

I wipe it, I try, We use it often

After the boy's bath. Even though she has teeth like a wolf.

Everything is wet, everything is wrinkled - She doesn’t want to bite,

There is no dry corner. She would like to scratch her teeth.

(Towel) (Comb)

Now I’ll tell you another riddle:

If your hands are waxed,

If there are blots on your nose.

Who is our first friend then?

Will it remove dirt from your face and hands?

What mom can't live without

No cooking, no washing,

Without which we will say frankly,

Should a person die?

For the rain to fall from the sky,

So that the ears of bread grow,

For ships to sail -

We cannot live without... (water)

Why do we need water? (bathing, cooking, washing, washing hands).

And now we will show our guests how to wash their hands correctly - drawing up a hand washing algorithm.

You are so great! You know everything and do it.

A kitten's plaintive squeak is heard, the children find it and see its bandaged paw, what happened?

Kitten: - I was playing with a ball and pricked myself on a needle, now my paw hurts a lot.

Educator: - Guys, is it possible to play with needles? (children's answers)

What else can’t be taken into the house without adult permission? (look at the picture “Safe House”)

Round dance game "The children played..."

The children played

The toys were all removed.

It's time to breathe air,

Let's all go for a walk together.

Fyrka: You guys are so great, you answered so well today, so Zdravik gave you vitamins for rapid growth and so that you are always healthy.

Unlike medicine, the focus of which is, first of all, on a sick person and methods of treating him, in the field of interest of valeology - a healthy person who wants to maintain his vigorous and cheerful state. To teach children to take care of their health, to be conscious about nutrition and physical activity - this is the main meaning of all classes, the outlines of which are presented in this thematic section.

Look how your colleagues tried to interest their students in the values ​​of a healthy lifestyle and instill in them the basics of health conservation.

Encyclopedia of classes on the basics of valeological culture

Contained in sections:
By groups:

Showing publications 1-10 of 1116.
All sections | Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, developments

Using modern technologies in valeology in working with preschoolers Unfortunately, today there is a very low level of motivation to maintain and strengthen individual health. You can increasingly hear about the lack of a health culture in Russia. A person does not seek to take responsibility for his health. Indeed, worldwide...

Developed by a teacher : Simonenko Elena Viktorovna Participants: preparatory group children Number children: 10 Educational region: physical development, cognitive development Target: to form children’s ideas about health as one of the main values ​​of human...

Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, developments - GCD notes on valeology “Purification of the soul” for senior preschool age in fairy tale therapy techniques

Publication “Summary of GCD on valeology “Purification of the soul” for senior preschool...”“Cleansing the soul” Goal: To form in children a conscious desire to be healthy. Objectives: To teach acceptable ways of expressing the removal of negative feelings and emotions. Removing negative moods, restoring strength, developing the ability to cooperate, understand the feelings of others, provide...

Image library "MAAM-pictures"

Lesson notes on valeology Summary of a lesson on valeology Program content: - Inform children with basic information about the internal organs (heart. - Form basic concepts about the appearance, functions and role of the heart for the health of children. - Teach children to protect their health, learn the rules of caring for...

Summary of a game situation on valeology in the first junior group “Doll Katya visiting the guys” Goal: Formation of children's ideas about cleanliness of hands. Objectives: - Teach children to take care of their health, keep their hands clean, enrich their vocabulary, activate words in children’s speech: water, soap, towel, words denoting action. - Develop attention...

Summary of educational activities for the development of speech and valeology in the senior group “Our senses” Abstract of GCD on the development of speech and valeology in the senior group Topic. OUR SENSE ORGANS. Goal: to consolidate children's knowledge about the human senses (vision, hearing, taste, touch, smell, as our assistants in understanding the world around us. Objectives: Educational: to consolidate knowledge about...

Valeology. Lesson notes, GCD, developments - Valeological musical greetings for preschoolers

METHODOLOGICAL DEVELOPMENT. VALEOLOGICAL MUSICAL GREETINGS FOR PRESCHOOL CHILDREN Prepared by: music director Medvedeva Marina Borisovna MKDOU kindergarten in the village of Lokhovo, Cheremkhovo district, Irkutsk region Valeological songs - greetings all begin with them...

Abstract of OOD in the preparatory group on valeology. Topic: “Straight back - for all times.” Prepared and conducted by a teacher of the highest category, Popova Larisa Aleksandrovna. Goal: to introduce children to the concept of “correct posture” and measures to prevent its violation. Tasks:...