Natural ways to lighten tanned skin at home. How to whiten dark skin and after sunbathing? How to become white in a week

Despite the fact that tanning is now very fashionable in the beauty industry, the porcelain whiteness of the dermis looks much more aristocratic and neat. We suggest you consider how to whiten your skin at home, how you can quickly influence the dark dermis, as well as healthy recipes beauty products to relieve redness after sunbathing.

How to whiten facial skin

At home, ancient recipes are often used, because folk remedies You can very quickly and effectively influence any dermis, regardless of its color.

Video: whitening facial skin from age spots

Whitening hands and feet

If achieving aristocratic whiteness on the face is not as difficult as it seems, then whitening inflamed skin on the elbows, knees, or even more so, heels, is very difficult. We need to act more comprehensively and more harshly.

  • Make a paste by mixing mashed banana, warm liquid flower honey, lemon juice and margarine. Apply the mixture and cover them with a breathable natural fabric bandage, say cotton, bandage or gauze. When using on the palms and feet, you can wear cotton work gloves or socks. In the morning, remove the compress, remove the remaining mass with a paper napkin.
  • Korean women to whiten their heels after leather shoes Cabbage decoction is often used. According to reviews, the active elements of this vegetable have a very positive effect on rough skin. The layer of dead cells is removed, the upper part of the epidermis is softened. You will need from 5 to 10 leaves per liter of water, steam for about 20 minutes. You can repeat every day, if desired, add citrus juice to the solution, which contains acid that can whiten any rough areas.
  • Blackened skin on your knees can be quickly whitened and exfoliated by rubbing mango and potato puree over the area. Potatoes contain starch, which is known for its bleaching and astringent properties. Grind one fruit and half a vegetable, mix, if desired, you can add a spoonful of milk. Apply a thick layer overnight and leave until morning.
  • To remove chafed, brown skin on your heels, elbows, or palms, mix two tablespoons of sugar. lemon juice And olive oil. The result will be an oily abrasive mixture. Rub intensively over problem areas, then leave the mixture for another 20 minutes.

Photo - Hand whitening before and after

Body and armpit whitening

In order to whiten the skin in intimate places and not only (armpits, bikini, abdomen) from unnatural color after sunbathing, various improvised products are used at home that contain mild acids that act directly on the middle layers of the epidermis.

  1. You can whiten darkened skin with simple Vaseline. It adheres well to the dermis, is inexpensive and is known for its high effectiveness. But this option is not suitable for girls with oily skin, because... the substance clogs pores and prevents the sebaceous glands from working normally. Repeat no more than 2-3 times a month.
  2. To get rid of pigmentation on the body, you need to regularly perform procedures that scrub the dermis. The product made from corn flour has proven itself well. Mix corn flour with egg white, apply to the décolleté, thighs, abdomen, buttocks. After an hour, the mixture will completely harden and a dense layer will form, which will help you get rid of scars, wrinkles, moles, and acne. Use no more than once a week.
  3. An excellent cream that whitens the skin on the entire body, even from self-tanning, can be prepared using lemon juice, baby moisturizer, glycerin and sugar. Dilute 1 spoon of sugar in lemon juice, stir until dissolved, then mix with three spoons of cream and an ampoule of glycerin (5 grams). Apply to the entire body after a shower, do not rinse. This product will soothe the sensitive dermis, help the dry skin to be saturated with moisture, and remove dark spots.

Photo - Lightening armpits

To lighten the body in certain areas, you can use citric acid. For a spoonful of powder we will need half a spoon mineral water, stir. The result is a very acidic solution, which is what we call dark spots. This method is not suitable for dry skin, but it will be a real boon for combination skin.

How to bleach between legs

The skin whitening agent for the inner thighs should be very gentle, but effective. Hydrogen peroxide helps a lot. You need to dilute a spoonful of the drug with camphor oil, apply with a cotton swab, and leave for 40 minutes.

If you suffer from pimples on the buttocks, then you can use a small amount of syntomycin acid, it is known for its ability to remove red spots after acne on the neck, face, thighs, and chest. This method can also effectively get rid of facial wrinkles under the eyes, in the eyelids and mouth.

Photo - Light body skin

Many people recommend rubbing pigmented skin on the thighs with honey and warm milk. In a glass of milk, dilute two tablespoons of honey, dilute it, wipe the desired areas twice a day. You can repeat it every day.

In order to wipe your dignity, it is recommended to use fatty kefir. This solution not only has a great effect on female microflora, it also dries and brightens the skin. You can also add essential oils of orange, grapefruit, lemon or thyme to it, provided there are no allergies.

The Japanese used this recipe differently. To whiten your skin as effectively as possible, you need to add rice, rice extract or rice milk to the milk. Apply, do not rinse. According to representatives traditional medicine, this method will help not only lighten special areas, but also normalize the condition of combination skin, eliminate the causes of acne and pimples.

Special Recipes

To cleanse your face of age spots and freckles, you can use a decoction of bay leaves. Take 10 leaves per 200 grams. For paleness, you need to wash your face with the decoction 2 times a day. The product can be used even during pregnancy.

It will take a lot of time and patience to whiten yellowed nail plates from nicotine. It is best to use salicylic acid. If your nails are brittle, you can buy ointment. Apply the selected product to the yellow side.

Zinc ointment will help whiten the skin around the nails from nicotine stains; it acts as if from the inside on the cells, displacing the resins from them. Lubricate your fingers once a day. Many advice from cosmetologists regarding whitening the dermis after smoking are based on this drug.

Regular parsley will help get rid of burn marks. Grind one bunch into puree. Apply to the damaged area, leave for 30 minutes, repeat every day. This mask will also get rid of red skin on the eyes, blackheads and acne on the lips.

Photo - Whitening against age spots

Many whitening products contain hydroquinone, which is extracted from pink salmon. This composition will be harmful for girls who are allergic to fish, so be careful. To prepare an ointment after injuries, mix pink salmon meat, honey and milk. Spread the paste on your teeth and nails, leave for 20 minutes, use small doses (2-3 grams). It will not only get rid of the unsightly color of the yellowed dermis, but will also speed up the healing process.

Photo - Lemon for lightening

To whiten problematic facial skin, a dissolved solution is often used. Apple vinegar. For a glass of mineral water you will need two tablespoons of vinegar. Wash your face with this solution once a day for oily skin, once every three days for dry skin. If this method is not suitable due to personal intolerance, you can wipe the face with currants or radish juice.

You can use improvised means to whiten your skin after an allergy at any age, for example, lemon. You will need sour cream, lemon and cosmetic essential oils (the forum claims that it is best to use almond or lemon). Mix everything in equal parts, leave for 20 minutes, repeat every three days.

Chamomile flowers have proven themselves well; they whiten not only the skin, but also the hair. Make a decoction: a glass of water + three tablespoons of dried flowers. To enhance the result, add blue clay into solution. For one spoon of liquid, two spoons of mineral. Leave until dry.

Professional products

If the natural options do not suit you, then doctors can effectively whiten problematic skin using iontophoresis. This is a little expensive (in Cheboksary up to 500 rubles per session, and in Moscow - up to 700), but there is a guarantee for a long-lasting effect. Validity period is about a month. Ask cosmetologists in your city how much this procedure costs in their salon. When rinsing off, avoid intense friction; it is better to wet the clay with a washcloth, and then carefully remove the remaining mask.

Often pigment spots are removed using laser peeling, but here a lot depends on the reason for their appearance. Similarly you can use chemical peeling fruit acids.

It will also help you whiten your face. professional cosmetics. Brands Mary Kay, CS2, Negru produce entire lines for lightening the epidermis. But, of course, the required action can be carried out in the shortest possible time only if an integrated approach is used.

You can whiten your skin at home using chemicals, or you can also use natural ones, which we’ll talk about today. Unlike their artificial counterparts, they are safe and easier to use. Of course, the result will have to wait a little, but you will be sure of it.

What exactly can we achieve using the products discussed below? Whiten freckles and age spots, even out complexion, especially after sunbathing. By the way, in the summer you need to be careful: exposure to the sun and exposure to ultraviolet rays can not only interfere with the whitening process, but also create unnecessary problems. Therefore, either we don’t get carried away, trying to become white-white, or we don’t go out during the day.

What happens to the skin during whitening? A kind of peeling: dead skin cells are exfoliated and the level of melanin produced is reduced.

Whitening masks contain foods rich in vitamin C - mainly vegetables and fruits. Among them are cucumbers, lemons, strawberries, raspberries, currants, and parsley. Based on existing mask recipes, you can come up with your own: whoever has what at home, and what your skin likes best. Masks need to be done often, but be sure to alternate them with nourishing and regenerating ones. An alternative or addition to masks are lotions and herbal decoctions for washing. So, let's look at the list of products and get to work!


Cucumber mask is the most common “brightener”. Available, cheap, effective. Grate the cucumber, add a spoonful of sour cream or nourishing cream to the pulp and apply to the face. Leave for 15 minutes, rinse with water. If you have oily skin, then replace the cream with a couple of drops of vodka.


Another popular product. You can finely chop parsley into a mask and make a lotion out of it. To do this, pour boiling water over the parsley and wipe your face twice a day when the mixture has infused.


Why not? Dandelion leaves make age spots and freckles lighter. We make strong tea from them and leave it overnight. You should wipe your face in the same way as with parsley tincture. We blotted the cotton swab, wiped our face, waited until it dried, and rinsed clean water. For experimenters - dandelion ointment. To make it, cut fresh leaves and add castor oil. The mixture will be ready in two weeks: filter and use.

Oatmeal + tomato

We strive so hard to tan, but sometimes the tan we get is not what we wanted. Or at the end of summer it begins to “peel off” and the complexion “gets dirty”. A mixture of oatmeal and tomato juice will correct the situation. Ideally, the juice will be freshly squeezed (or the more natural, the better). Mix it with oatmeal and apply the mixture to your face. When it dries, wash it off warm water. In addition, we know that oatmeal cleanses pores well, so this mask performs several useful functions at once.

Lemon + honey

They say that if you sprinkle your hair with lemon juice before going outside, it will lighten your hair. This is a kind of natural highlighting. Lemon whitens the skin just as well. But it may feel a little harsh, especially if you have dry skin. Therefore, the most successful use of lemon is in combination with honey. Mix lemon juice with honey and apply to those areas of the skin that you want to whiten. First check if you are allergic to lemon - to do this, apply a drop of juice to your hand. You can add milk powder or egg white to this mask.


Do you like berries? Rub strawberry juice on your face morning and evening, and your freckles and age spots will become lighter. A mask of strawberries, honey and lemon juice has the same whitening effect. Moreover, you can get rid of irritation and acne. Strawberries are good for oily skin– it noticeably tightens the pores.

An attractive tan always attracts attention. But what to do if the tanning is unsuccessful? What if your skin is stained or burnt?

The face deserves special attention in this matter, because the skin on it is delicate and often sensitive to even slight exposure to the sun.

It just so happens that we pay attention to this when the skin is already burnt and there is a question of its restoration.

In today's article, the Beauty Pantry decided to tell you if the issue of protecting facial skin is already overdue.

How to whiten your face from tanning? Basic Rules

If the skin is still burnt, you should not try to literally “rip” it off your face at once. This will only make the situation worse, causing both pain and possible irritation.

It is better to tackle the matter wisely, and to effectively and safely whiten your skin, be patient for a few days.

By the way, ordinary washing helps remove tan, and thereby lighten the skin.

The main thing is not to try to “erase” the tan along with the skin during this procedure.

In general, treat the problem with understanding and due attention, and then in a few days you will probably be able to noticeably lighten your skin tone. And our recipes will help with this.

How to whiten your face from tanning at home

Washing with herbal decoction

As already mentioned, it helps to whiten the face. You can enhance the effect by using a decoction of chamomile or linden blossom.

To do this, pour boiling water over a few tablespoons of inflorescences and boil for several minutes over low heat. The finished decoction is infused and filtered before use. Apply to wipe the skin 3-4 times a day.

Whitening milk mask

A classic whitening mask made from dairy products is a proven skin lightening product.

You can use milk, cream or even yogurt in this recipe. Enough milk product Apply a thick layer to the skin, leaving for 15-20 minutes.

It can be applied in its pure form, but it is recommended to mix milk or yogurt, as liquid products, with a few tablespoons of flour or ground oatmeal. Apply daily for 5-7 days. The mask is recommended for dry, normal skin.

Lemon juice for skin whitening

Lemon juice - effective product for face whitening, which has earned people's love.

But the fact is that in its pure form, lemon juice can cause allergies, especially on sensitive, tanned skin. That's why in beauty recipes for whitening the face from sunburn, it is mixed with egg white (which, by the way, also has whitening properties).

Add 2 tablespoons of fresh juice to the whipped egg white, apply the stirred mask in an even thick layer to the face and leave for 8-12 minutes.

Wash off the dried mask using a cotton pad moistened with water or chamomile decoction. The mask is recommended for oily, combination skin and can be used daily or every other day for 5-7 days.

Cosmetic clay also helps brighten skin

To prepare the mask, a tablespoon of white cosmetic clay is diluted with a small amount of milk. Apply the mask evenly to the skin, leaving for 8-10 minutes. Wash off with cool water.

Cabbage mask perfectly whitens skin

This mask is easy to prepare and no less effective.

Several cabbage leaves are thoroughly crushed to form a paste, and 2-3 tablespoons of kefir are added to the resulting mass. In the usual way, the mask is applied to the skin and left for 10-15 minutes.

Just like a mask with cosmetic clay, the cabbage mask can be used 3-4 times a week until the appearance of the skin improves.

Skin whitening scrubs

This is another way to speed up the process of whitening your face from tanning.

Both store-bought and homemade products are suitable. they should be used carefully without causing discomfort.

Makeup to disguise a bad tan

Skillful makeup in the first days will be a real salvation if an important meeting or business negotiations are at stake.

A suitable tone of foundation, as well as powder, will not be able to disguise an unsuccessful tan, albeit for a short time, giving the face the coveted whiteness and even tone.

Complexion is very important for the overall impression of well-groomed and light appearance, but it can be so difficult to achieve. Bad habits make it yellow, diseases internal organs- gray, excessive tan - red-chocolate, problems with blood vessels - spotted.

Therefore, at a certain moment, the problem arises of how to whiten the skin of the face so that it acquires an even, healthy, beautiful color. It turns out that this can be easily done even at home.

The reasons for the deterioration of complexion can be different - at what point should you sound the alarm, how can you whiten your facial skin quickly and effectively? You should think about lightening your face if:

  • the number of age spots (freckles, chloasma, lentigo) is too large and spoils appearance;
  • it so happened that you did not calculate the time of your exposure to the sun and the tan turned out to be too dark, even painfully beautiful, as if the skin was scalded;
  • the skin is very dark, as if you had just arrived from the South;
  • if your complexion has become gray or yellow;
  • if after some certain cosmetic procedures(not necessarily even salon ones) marks do not go away for a long time: they can be small purple scars, reddish nodular formations.

All this greatly spoils the appearance of the face and makes one seriously think about how to whiten the skin and make it look more presentable and well-groomed. Before rushing to the beauty salon, you can start by using home remedies and methods.

Recently, our editors have increasingly received letters with questions about how to choose safe washing cosmetics. It is no longer a secret for many that 95% of shampoos contain very harmful components, such as sodium lauryl sulfate, parabens, silicones, hydrogenated oils, etc.

Many articles have been devoted to the harm they cause. The molecules of these substances are able to penetrate the scalp, thereby entering the blood and depositing in the organs. This entails the development of various diseases, skin and hair problems. With all the many brands, it is very difficult to find high-quality cosmetics.

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That is why the shelf life of the products (10 months) was significantly lower than that of other manufacturers. For those who contacted us with questions, we recommend the Mulsan Cosmetic brand. Official online store

Home remedies to lighten facial skin

To whiten your skin at home, you will need herbs (both fresh and dried), essential oils and regular food items. There are a number of time-tested remedies and methods to tidy up your complexion and make it light, even and beautiful. You can try different ways and settle on the one that will have the most satisfying effect for you.

  • 1. Compresses

A whitening compress is a gauze cloth soaked generously in the active ingredient (yogurt, herbal infusion, lemon juice, etc.), applied to the face for 10–15 minutes. Compresses can be done 2 times a week.

  • 2. Herbal lotions

Do you want to know what you can use to whiten your skin specifically? Make infusions from herbs such as yarrow, licorice, dandelion, parsley or bearberry, wipe your face with them twice a day - the result will not be long in coming.

  • 3. Lotions

From the same herbs that were indicated for preparing infusions, but always fresh ones, as well as some products, you can make very effective lotions if you need to whiten a specific area of ​​the face (for example, forehead or post-acne). They can be used every other day.

  • 4. Brightening masks

If you don't know how to quickly whiten your skin in record time short time, it’s time to seek help from homemade masks that effectively solve this problem. They are easy to prepare, have almost instantaneous action and amazing results.

  • 5. Essential oils

You can add 3-4 drops of anti-pigment agents to whitening products. essential oils: birch, oregano, turmeric, mint, patchouli, black pepper, rosemary, sandalwood or eucalyptus.

Choose those methods that you can use regularly, which will be available to you at any time, to refresh your skin, tone it and get rid of brown spots, which often become a terrible complex.

The best facial whitening recipes

Sometimes there are situations when you urgently need to get yourself in order, but there is not enough information and knowledge on how to whiten your facial skin quickly at home. Now you won’t have such a problem: study recipes for lightening agents, memorize them, try them and enjoy the achieved effect.

  • 1. Berry compress

Squeeze juice from viburnum berries or currants (red or black), soak gauze in it, and apply for 15 minutes.

  • 2. Berry-honey mask

Mix red currant pulp (2 tablespoons) with honey (teaspoon).

  • 3. Parsley mask

If you don’t know how to whiten your skin from a tan that is uneven and spoils the appearance of your face, use this wonderful mask. Chop the parsley and mix (2 tablespoons) with natural honey(a tablespoon) and lemon juice (a teaspoon).

  • 4. Masks made from dairy products

Kefir and sour cream have the ability to lighten the skin, from which you can make excellent masks. For 2 tablespoons of product you will need a tablespoon of lemon pulp.

  • 5. Cucumber mask

Grate the cucumber, mix (2 tablespoons) with the same amount of chopped parsley, sour cream (tablespoon), add lemon juice (teaspoon).

  • 6. Lotions

Squeeze the juice from the horseradish, dilute with cold water in a 1:1 ratio. In the same way, you can lighten the skin with hydrogen peroxide (3%) or lemon, from which you need to squeeze the juice. Such lotions are contraindicated for sensitive and dry skin.

  • 7. Multi-ingredient lotion

Mix lemon juice (a tablespoon) with milk (half a glass), vodka (2 tablespoons) and sugar (a teaspoon).

  • 8. Lemon-vinegar lotions

Another recipe that will tell you how to whiten your skin after sunbathing in just 20 minutes. Squeeze the juice from the lemon, mix with table vinegar and glycerin in equal quantities.

  • 9. Soda lotions

Food baking soda also brightens the skin as part of lotions: dissolve a pinch of soda in 4-5 tablespoons of water, soak a cotton swab in the solution and apply to the problem area.

  • 10. Wine lotions

Mix the wine vinegar solution (a tablespoon) with yogurt (2 tablespoons) and wheat flour (a teaspoon).

Now you know how to whiten your facial skin quickly, even at home, from pigmentation, unhealthy color, and uneven or unsuccessful tanning. After using effective lightening products, your skin will glow with porcelain whiteness, which, by the way, is always in fashion.

Well-groomed and healthy skin is the secret of beauty and attractiveness of any woman. Particular attention should be paid to the color; the whiter it is, the younger its owner looks. There are many known ways to help make a surface

White skin is afraid of the sun, so when going outside you need to wear a hat that will create a slight shadow on the face.

Addiction to bad habits also has a significant impact on skin color. Alcohol and nicotine entering the body make it yellow or gray. Therefore, giving them up should be one of the first steps to snow-white skin.

You will also have to review and change your diet, eliminating colored foods as much as possible and increasing your vitamin C intake.

Special creams, scrubs, and masks will help to significantly lighten the surface of the face. You can also go to beauty salons, where they will offer various peelings and other lightening procedures.

Traditional methods are also considered effective:

  1. A popular mask is made from lemon and cucumber juice with the addition of tomatoes. Apply it before bed for 30 minutes. With regular use, white facial skin will be almost guaranteed.
  2. The use of parsley gives good results. First, you need to grind it (you can use a meat grinder) and apply it to the surface of your face for 20 minutes. You can also wipe the skin 2 times a day
  3. A curd mask will not only make your skin lighter, but will also significantly moisturize it. To do this, connect 2 tbsp. spoons of low-fat cottage cheese and 1 teaspoon of honey. Apply to the face before bed 3 times a week for half an hour.
  4. The following remedy is considered nourishing and whitening: 2 tbsp. spoons of corn or oatmeal are mixed with chicken protein whipped into a thick foam, after applying to the skin, wait 15 minutes and rinse thoroughly with water.
  5. Combine 1 tbsp in a glass bowl. a spoonful of honey, the pulp of one whole apple and 20 grams of milk powder, apply to the skin of the face for 25 minutes, then rinse with water. This product gives quick results.

White skin care includes the following procedures:

  1. Cleansing. It is better to wash your face with boiled water, so the white skin will be less injured. More if necessary deep cleansing You can use scrubs and peelings.
  2. Toning will calm the surface of the face and relieve irritation. It can be used as a whitening tonic. Its use will result in white skin not only on the face, but also on the entire body. At the same stage, you can use a white clay mask, which will also help get rid of freckles and other spots on the surface of the skin.
  3. Nutrition and hydration. White skin needs special nutrition; this can be achieved with the help of a carefully selected cream or mask prepared at home. A good remedy is or black currant. The berries are ground in a bowl and applied to the face for half an hour.
  4. Protection. As cosmetic product, which can protect fair skin during the day, it is better to use sunscreen.

Finally, it is worth noting that summer time is not the best time for whitening, as pigment spots may form on the skin due to increased sensitivity to ultraviolet radiation.