Means for cleansing the skin. Laser face cleaning. Cosmetological methods of deep skin cleansing

Various inflammatory processes often occur on the skin of the face. It can be black dots, pimples, allergic rashes, irritations. In this case, you need a deep cleansing of the pores of the face. You can clean the epidermis in a salon, or on your own. Let us consider in more detail the methods offered by salons, and effective home procedures.

Basic cleansing techniques to do at home

If skin problems require cleansing the pores on the face, then you need to tune in to regular procedures. One-time sessions will not bring the expected result.

The number of cleansing measures depends on the type of skin. Before you clean the pores on the face at home, it is recommended to adhere to the following points:

  • for a normal type of epidermis, one procedure in two weeks is enough;
  • very oily skin needs deep cleaning every week;
  • dry skin, susceptible to mechanical influences, needs procedures once a month.

The main cosmetic measures for cleansing pores on the face at home include the following procedures:

  • steaming the face over herbal decoctions;
  • procedures that help remove dead cells of the surface layer of the epidermis;
  • application of nourishing and moisturizing agents;
  • cleansing procedures with homemade masks.

The deep cleansing of the face at home is completed with a cosmetic measure that helps to narrow the enlarged pores.

Before starting home procedures, it is necessary to develop a comprehensive program on how to clean the pores on the face, and follow each item step by step.
Next, we will discuss how to clean the pores of the face at home, according to the main methods carried out independently.


Steam baths for cleansing the pores on the face are best done after removing makeup, in the evening.

You can do steam baths using ordinary hot water. It is enough to sit for 10 minutes over a container of hot, boiled water, covered with a towel.

But, a better result can be achieved by using herbal infusions for steaming. For the preparation of decoctions, you can use such pharmaceutical, dry plants as chamomile, calendula, mint, linden, nettle, parsley, string. Choose a plant that will solve problems with a particular type of skin.

Try a chamomile steam facial cleansing with these tips:

  1. you will need dry chamomile (10 g), water (700 ml), sea salt (20 g);
  2. boil water, add flowers. Close the container with a lid and leave for a couple of minutes;
  3. strain the finished broth;
  4. add salt and mix well.

Cover your head with a towel and lean over the container of herbal tea. You need to sit for 7 minutes, and then proceed to the next procedure.

Home remedies for cleansing

After steaming, it is necessary to apply means for deep cleansing of the pores of the face. These include self-prepared scrubs, or ready-made formulations that help get rid of dead skin particles.

A means for cleansing the pores on the face in the form of a scrub, selected according to the type of skin. For a susceptible, dry epidermis, sparing, gentle formulations are needed. For oily skin with enlarged pores, coarser scrubs (based on coffee grounds, sugar or pomegranate seeds) are suitable.

For oily skin you can use a scrub of soda with salt. A cotton pad dipped in foam for washing is dipped in mixed salt and soda. Massaging movements are scrubbing the face.

Gentle scrubs can be prepared on the basis of oatmeal with the addition of honey and vegetable oil. When cleansing the pores with a cleanser for the face with dry skin, you need to perform very gentle, leisurely massage movements so as not to cause injury to the face. For dry skin, it is better to apply the product with your fingers, so the pressing force will be felt.

Consult with a beautician before cleaning deep pores on the face with scrubs so as not to harm the skin.

homemade masks

Any home masks that help cleanse the epidermis are aged for 20 minutes. The main component for the preparation of homemade composition is cosmetic clay. But, the composition of the mask for cleansing the pores of the face should be selected according to the type of epidermis.

When applying a pore-cleansing face mask, do not overdo it. If you withstand the composition for more than 20 minutes, then the skin will receive small but noticeable injuries.

Homemade masks based on oatmeal are considered a wonderful tool for deep cleaning of the epidermis. Use the following recipe for a pore-clearing hercules face mask:

  1. you will need ground oatmeal flakes (1 tbsp), chicken egg white, lemon juice (6 drops);
  2. the protein is pre-whipped into foam;
  3. the components are mixed and aged for 20 minutes.

Wash off the remains of the composition warm water. You can rinse your face with herbal decoction.

Another recipe for an oatmeal cleansing mask that is suitable for any type of skin:

  1. to prepare the composition, you can grind the hercules into flour, or take whole flakes;
  2. if the skin is oily, then the flakes are filled with water, with dry epidermis - with milk. If the skin is too sensitive, then linden infusion is used for brewing;
  3. brewed hercules should be infused for 10 minutes.

The mask is applied to the face in two stages. First, a small amount of the product is applied, with gentle massaging movements and immediately washed off. Apply the mask a second time and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with cool water.

Treatments to help shrink pores

If the pores on the face are constantly enlarged, this can cause various inflammations. In addition, the surface of the skin looks uneven and untidy. Cleansing and narrowing the pores on the face are mandatory procedures included in the complex of measures for skin care. There are several ways to help narrow enlarged pores:

  • decoctions of herbs;
  • clay masks;
  • vegetable and fruit masks;
  • oil masks;
  • use of ice.

Let us consider in more detail each option, how to clean and narrow the pores on the face.

Herbal decoctions

To narrow the pores, you need to wash your face with herbal decoctions, or wipe your face with infusions after each wash. For this purpose, such pharmaceutical herbs as chamomile, calendula, parsley, mint, linden, nettle, plantain are used.

A decoction of any plant is prepared very simply. It is necessary to brew a teaspoon of a dry plant in a glass of boiling water, and let it brew for 20 minutes. The broth must be filtered.

clay masks

Remarkably narrow the enlarged pores of the mask with blue clay. Preparing the composition is simple:

  1. blue clay is diluted with water and mixed to a homogeneous consistency;
  2. instead of water, you can use cooled boiled milk.

The mask is kept for 20 minutes and washed off with warm water.

If the skin is characterized by high fat content, then a couple of drops are added to the composition lemon juice or tinctures of calendula in alcohol.

Masks with vegetables and fruits

Try making a pore-shrinking mask with parsley. To prepare the composition, finely chop the parsley and mix with yogurt, kefir or lemon juice. The ratio of components for the mask is 1:1.

The next mask is made from cream and lemon juice. The components are mixed in equal proportions and kept on the face for 20 minutes.

Oil formulations

To prepare for problematic skin, use grape seed oil or almond oil (you need to mix 1 tbsp each). Add a drop of mint or tea tree oil to the composition. Hold the mass for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water. To achieve narrowing of the pores, you need to do a course for a week.


To narrow the pores, you can wipe problem areas with ice cubes. For cooking cosmetic ice use herbal decoctions (parsley, calendula) or juice of cucumber, lemon, grapefruit.

Wipe your face with ice after washing your face in the morning. When the skin dries naturally, apply moisturizer.

Fast cleansing of clogged pores

You can clear the skin of clogged pores with a charcoal mask:

  1. take 2 crushed charcoal tablets;
  2. add a spoonful of gelatin and coal to milk heated to 40 degrees;
  3. mix thoroughly and apply with a brush on the face.

Hold the mask until it hardens. The mask is not washed off, but removed with gentle movements. After the procedure, wipe your face with ice and wash with cold water. Then apply a nourishing cream.

Another option, how to clear clogged pores on the face, is to prepare a composition of clay and honey. A spoonful of clay is diluted in mineral water or infused tea, then honey is added. With the help of such a mask, you can solve the problem of how to quickly clean the pores on the face.

As a quick procedure for cleansing the pores of the skin of the face, scrubbing with soda is suitable. soda mixed with sea ​​salt in equal proportions, and the foam for washing is added. This scrub is used no more than once a week.

Clogged pores not only look unaesthetic and make the complexion dull, but are also the main factor provoking the development of inflammation. Available funds for cleansing pores, regularly used in home facial care, will effectively eliminate black spots, prevent the appearance of acne and restore cleanliness, freshness and radiance to the skin.


Effective pore cleansing at home

The main condition for the proper functioning of cells, their regeneration and the absence of peeling and irritation is their saturation with oxygen, these processes are fully ensured by regular cleansing of the skin. Enlarged pores most often bother owners of oily skin, and the main reason for their appearance is improperly selected or not regularly used cosmetics.

To effectively clean the pores on the face at home, it is important to correctly draw up a skin care program, because using only a soap solution and an alcohol-containing tonic is not enough. Basic facial care should include four stages: cleansing, toning, moisturizing, nourishing and protecting. Deep cleansing and narrowing of pores can be achieved using special masks preceded by steaming procedures.

The composition of the cleanser for daily use should include components that provide an additional drying and astringent effect. Such components can be aloe, chamomile extract or lemon. Washing with this remedy is necessary twice a day. The final step in facial cleansing is toning. As part of tonics for oily and problematic skin a component such as zinc oxide must be present. Then, after all the manipulations, a moisturizer is applied that matches the skin type.

For deep cleansing of pores, it is good to choose for yourself home mask and do it twice a week. The “correct” mask will free the pores from dirt (black dots), toxins and accumulation of sebaceous secretion, narrow them, improving appearance. Additional ingredients of the mask will saturate the skin with the necessary trace elements and improve blood flow.

Once every 10 days, the skin of the face must be freed from keratinized particles, for which exfoliating procedures should be carried out. It can be both professional and home peels.

The main stages of pore cleansing

To achieve a positive effect, pore cleansing must be done in a certain sequence:

1. Steaming the face.

After removing makeup, it is necessary to soften the skin of the face and open the pores, this will help hot herbal compresses or steam baths. In a hot decoction of herbs, moisten a terry towel, squeeze lightly and apply to the face. Moisten the towel again as it cools. Leave for a total of 5 minutes, for dry skin 3 minutes is enough. Or breathe over the hot steam of herbal infusion or decoction (chamomile, calendula, sage, St. John's wort). In the infusion, you can add 2 drops of your favorite essential oil. This procedure is contraindicated in spider veins (rosacea), any skin diseases and high sensitivity of the skin of the face.

2. Removal of contaminants.

For this, masks or homemade scrubs are suitable. They should be done twice a week for oily and combination skin and once a week for dry and normal skin. It is recommended to wash your face after the procedure with cool water, blot your face with a towel with gentle movements.

Ready-made factory formulations can also be used as scrubs, but do not forget to select them according to your skin type. For the dry type, soft-based products are suitable that do not injure and do not overdry it even more. For oily skin, you can take compositions with harder abrasive particles.

3. Narrowing of the pores.

Weak solution of hydrogen peroxide, aloe juice or lemon juice, green tea good to use instead of a pore-tightening tonic. A good effect is also given by narrowing the pores of the mask.

4. Hydration.

The final step is intensive moisturizing of the face. It is not recommended to use fatty oils or creams with a high nutritional effect in order to avoid blockage of enlarged pores.

Before using any composition, it is necessary to test the skin for the presence of intolerance and allergic reactions.

Video: We clean the pores on our own and get rid of black dots.

Homemade Deep Cleansing Recipes

Salt scrub for deep cleansing of pores.

Salt (you can sugar, ground coffee) - 1 tsp.
Milk for make-up remover and anti-pollution (or heavy cream) - 1 tsp.

Add salt to the milk and mix thoroughly. Take the resulting product and apply with light massaging movements to a pre-steamed and moistened face, avoiding the area around the eyes and lips. During application, special attention should be paid to the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin). Leave this scrub on your face for another minute and rinse with water at room temperature. In order to avoid trauma to the skin and the spread of infection, the product should not be used if there are acne and other inflammatory phenomena on the face.

Milk mask with gelatin for deep cleansing of pores.

Gelatin - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Mix the ingredients in a ceramic bowl and put in the microwave at maximum mode for 10 seconds. Allow the finished mixture to cool slightly to a warm state, and then apply the mass with an unnecessary makeup brush to a pre-cleaned and steamed face, paying special attention to gnawed pores in the T-zone. Keep it on your face for 15 minutes. During this time, it will harden and turn into a dense film. It is necessary to remove it, starting from the wings of the nose. All existing pollution, even deep plugs and black dots, will remain on it. A mask with gelatin can be made differently by adding protein. Heat the milk-gelatin mixture in a water bath until the gelatin is completely dissolved. Add egg white to warm mixture and stir well. The application process is the same.

Oatmeal mask for deep cleansing of pores.

Oatmeal - 1 tbsp. l.
Milk for dry or warm water for oily skin - 2 tbsp. l.

Pour the flakes with a liquid suitable for the type of facial skin and wait until they swell. Apply the mass with light massaging movements on a clean face, leave for five minutes and rinse with warm water. In addition to effective cleansing of pores, the mask nourishes and softens the skin, improves complexion.

Cucumber-oil mask for cleansing pores.

Fresh cucumber - ½ vegetable.
Olive oil - 1 tbsp. l.
Sour milk - 1 tbsp. l.

Grind the cucumber on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. Add oil and milk to the resulting cucumber mass. Apply the mask on a clean face and leave for 20 minutes. Rinse off with cool water is best.

Protein-lemon mask for cleansing pores.

Fresh chicken egg white - 1 pc.
Lemon juice - 2 tbsp. l.
Tea tree oil - 2-3 drops.

Beat the protein thoroughly until foam is formed, and then add the lemon juice and the essential component. Stir the mixture thoroughly and apply on a clean face, paying attention to clogged pores in the area of ​​the nose, forehead and chin. After 15 minutes, wash off the mask with cool water, wipe with anti-inflammatory lotion.

Yeast mask for narrowing the pores on the face.

Raw yeast - 1 tsp
Hydrogen peroxide (3%) - 1 tsp.
Milk -1 tsp

Mix the ingredients until the yeast is completely dissolved. Apply the composition immediately after cleaning with a mask and hold for 15 minutes, then wash with water at room temperature.

How to save the result

  1. Avoid cosmetics that contain mineral oil, as it clogs pores and provokes their pollution.
  2. Limit the use of creams on a greasy, heavy basis, it is better to give preference to intensive moisturizers.
  3. Instead of the usual foundation take fluid on a light basis.

Following all the recommendations, your face will acquire a healthy appearance, and the pores will become perfectly clean. If, within a month of regular care and the use of deep cleansing masks, your pores are still clogged, contact a beautician. You may need the help of other specialists, since cosmetic imperfections on the face can be one of the consequences of malfunctioning of the endocrine glands and many other disorders in the body.

  • Cosmetics Review

What is a deep cleansing of the face?

The skin sensitively reacts not only to our condition, whether it be lack of sleep, stress or banal malaise, but also to temperature fluctuations.

    in winter it releases less fat, which can cause dryness, peeling, and hence a dull complexion.

    In summer the skin changes its status to "slightly oily" due to the active secretion of sebum. Possible result - black dots, inflammation, acne.

Deep cleansing of the face helps to get rid of impurities and open clogged pores. Reducing the layers of dead cells, the procedure improves the metabolic processes in the skin and helps to restore it.

What is the difference between deep cleansing and superficial cleansing?

That even healthy normal skin daily cleansing is necessary, everyone knows. And they use makeup removers, gels, foams, micellar water for this.

But if the skin has become dull, black dots have increased, and the relief seems uneven, the need for deep cleansing is clearly ripe. This method allows you to get rid of pollution at a deeper level, and its main goal is to free the pores from sebaceous plugs.

To achieve the result, the procedure is carried out on previously opened pores.

Deep cleansing is needed if the skin has become dull and uneven, blackheads have appeared © iStock

The main stages of deep cleansing of the skin

Ideally, this procedure should be carried out in the cosmetologist's office. But when there is no time to visit a doctor, you can do it yourself at home.


A classic of the genre: we decided to clean the skin deeply - first get rid of superficial impurities.

    Remove makeup with milk, lotion or micellar water.

    Wash off with a gel or foam.


Beauticians at this stage use special devices, while at home it is enough to take a shower. Steam from warm water will help open the pores, and further manipulations will be much easier.


Peeling, deep pore cleansing gel, delicate scrub - these products will help get rid of impurities and prepare the skin for the subsequent stages of the procedure.

Apply the exfoliant to the steamed skin in a circular motion, rinse and pat your face dry with a towel.

Deep cleansing

Here, the main role is a clay-based mask. It cleanses pores well, eliminates comedones, rids the skin of dead cells, improves complexion.

  1. 1

    Apply mask on the face, except for the area around the eyes.

  2. 2

    Keep 15-20 minutes but don't let it dry completely. To do this, either use a mask in the shower, or periodically irrigate your face with tonic or thermal water.

  3. 3

    Delete product with a damp sponge or cotton pad.


The final stages are the application of tonic, and then moisturizing serum and cream.

Cosmetological methods of deep skin cleansing

In salons and clinics, several methods are used for deep cleansing of the face.

Chemical peel

Surface peels with fruit acids are safe for all skin types:

    for oily suitable peeling with salicylic acid;

    for sensitive- with almond;

    for dehydrated- with dairy.

The goal is to remove excess horny cells, even out the relief and skin tone.


During the procedure, special salts are used. In combination with galvanic current, alkali is formed, which helps to deeply cleanse pores, improve microcirculation, and even out skin tone.

Desincrustation is indicated for oily skin and skin with hyperkeratosis, that is, a thickened stratum corneum that makes the skin rough and dull.

ultrasonic cleaning

Under the action of ultrasound, the bonds between cells are weakened, the skin gets rid of excess dead skin particles, and the pores - from sebaceous plugs. The procedure is effective for the correction and prevention of comedones.

Benefits of Deep Cleansing and Precautions

The effect of deep cleansing is immediately visible: the skin looks clean, healthy, radiant. But it is not superfluous to warn that in aged skin, after deep peeling, dryness may worsen as a result of the removal of the protective lipid film. Therefore, it is important to moisturize it immediately after the procedure.

Cosmetics Review

Skin deep cleansing products

Tool type Composition and features Application rules
Daily deep cleansing gel Normaderm, Vichy Contains Vichy Spa thermal water and acids, intensively cleanses pores, eliminates oily sheen and prevents the appearance of imperfections. Foam a small amount of gel in the palms and apply with massaging movements on the skin of the face and neck, paying special attention to the forehead, nose and chin. Avoid the eye contour area. Wash off with water.
Deep cleansing gel for mature skin Blemish & Age Cleansing Gel, SkinCeuticals Thanks to the acids in the composition, it effectively cleanses the skin. Foam a small amount of funds. Apply to the face with circular massage movements, rinse with water. Use morning and evening.
Cleansing Foaming Gel for Oily Acne-Prone Skin, Effaclar Gel, La Roche-Posay

The formula with glycosil and zinc pidolate, which are known for their antibacterial action, cleanses the pores, removes excess sebum.

Lather in the palms of your hands with a small amount of water and apply to the skin with massaging movements, avoiding the eye contour. Rinse thoroughly with water, then apply tonic and basic care.
Papaya Pineapple Facial Scrub, Kiehl's Pineapple and papaya extracts, apricot kernel powder gently exfoliate the skin, leaving it soft and smooth. Apply a small amount of the product to previously cleansed damp skin, avoiding the area around the eyes. Gently massage in circular motions, paying special attention to the T-zone (nose, forehead, chin). Leave the product for 2 minutes, remove with a damp sponge or rinse thoroughly with warm water.
Intensive cleansing face mask based on green clay énergie De Vie, Lancôme The mask based on green clay, extracts of lemon balm, ginseng and cranberry has a creamy texture and gently cleanses the skin of impurities and excess sebum. Helps reduce enlarged pores and unevenness. Apply the mask on cleansed skin and leave for 5 minutes. Massage your face, then rinse off. Apply 2 times a week.
Exfoliating cleansing gel Biosource Daily Exfoliating Gelée, Biotherm Gently exfoliates dead skin cells. Use morning and evening to cleanse the skin, avoiding the eye area.

As you know, the skin is an excretory organ, and harmful substances occupy its surface. Moreover, this happens around the clock, which means that it is necessary to resort to the help of cleansers at least twice a day. Yes, yes, at night metabolic processes are accelerated, so in the morning a simple rinsing with cool water will not be enough. By the end of the day, the task becomes more complicated: it is important to eliminate pollution not only of internal, but also of external origin. This must be done in three stages: first remove decorative cosmetics- This is make-up removal. Then proceed to detoxification, that is, remove fats, silicones, dust. Finally, toning. If the first two stages can be combined, then the last one will always be independent, although for some reason many are still convinced that the tonic is a cleansing product. And this is not the only misconception.

All cleansing products can be divided into two groups: basic (they should be used daily) and additional (they will only be needed a couple of times a week).

Funds for every day

Mousse (foam)

Helena Rubinstein Pure Ritual Care-in-Foam

pros: pleasant tactile sensations and economical consumption.

Minus: a limited number of active components are placed in such a texture, so do not expect super results.

Designed for: girls with sensitive skin.


Biphasic liquid

Divage, Make Up Remover 2 in 1

Plus: Ideal for removing waterproof cosmetics.

Minus: Do not use every day, otherwise slight redness may appear around the eyes.

Designed for: those with dry skin, because the formula of the product is based on oils.

Micellar water

Garnier micellar water

Plus: universal and most gentle product, can be used instead of tonic.

Minus: does not wash off sebum well, so the feeling of 100% cleanliness is not guaranteed.

Designed for: Those who try to avoid contact with tap water and wear contact lenses.

Emulsion (fluid)

Pharmatheiss Skin in Balance Pure Skin Cleansing Fluid

pros: gentle cleansing and many ways to use: can be applied both directly on the face and on a cotton pad; it is allowed both to wash off the remains with water, and not to touch them.

Minus: not the best option if you have oily skin.

Designed for: dry to normal skin.

Milk (cream)

Oriflame Love Nature 2-in-1 Cleanser

pros: delicate effect, does not require rinsing.

Minus: if you do not use a tonic after it, you will get clogged pores, and the cream applied at night will remain a dead weight.

Created for: sensitive skin.


Yves Rocher Sebo Végétal Cleansing Gel

Plus: Strongest daily product ever, cleans almost squeaky.

Minus: not suitable for the area around the eyes and sensitive type of epidermis.

Designed for: All skin types except dry skin.


Decleor, Aroma Cleanse Fresh Matifying Lotion

pros: Restores pH balance, eliminates cleanser residue and acts as a conduit for creams.

Minus: alcohol is sometimes found among the components, and it dries the skin and causes irritation.

Designed for: High achievers who never miss a step of grooming.


Clarins Lotion Tonique Camomille

Plus: express cleanser and toner at the same time.

Minus: it is better not to get carried away with it, otherwise the skin will lose its fresh and healthy look.

Designed for: those who go on a short trip and do not want to pay for excess baggage.

Hydrophilic oil

Bobbi Brown Soothing Cleansing Oil

Plus: removes even stage make-up and thick waterproof make-up.

Minus: the product has a specific texture, which, if you are not used to it, may seem greasy and not the most pleasant.

Designed for: Fans of bold, layered makeup.

Means of additional purpose

Purifying mask

GlamGlow Powermud Dualcleanse Treatment

pros: opens pores and draws out impurities, exfoliates the upper stratum corneum.

Minus: girls with rosacea are better to forget about versions with a warming effect.

Created for: those who do not have enough time for a beautician once a month.


Lumene Cleanser & Scrub Clear It Up! 2 in 1 Deep Purifying Daily Scrub & Wash

pros: accelerates cellular regeneration, evens out color and intensively cleanses.

Minus: If natural ingredients are used as abrasive particles, there is a risk of scratching. Choose a product with synthetic granules.

Designed for: normal, combination and oily skin types.


Ahava Time To Clear Facial Mud Exfoliator

pros: the face does not need to be rubbed, acids or plant enzymes break the bonds between the cells, after which the keratinized particles themselves leave their homes.

Minus: if used thoughtlessly and too often, you can get age spots.

Designed for: All skin types, especially dry skin.


Guinot Gommage Eclat Parfait

Plus: this closest relative of the scrub works very delicately, because there are less abrasive particles in it. Easy to use: apply, let dry and roll up.

Minus: provides only superficial cleansing.

Designed for: absolutely all girls.

Technical means

Do you want more? Then gadgets and other innovative care items will help you.

Mesh for whipping foam

Arsoa Face Care Foaming Net

This know-how turns soap into thick foam. It is understood that then you will apply the mass on your face and wait a couple of minutes. The result is a gentle yet deep cleansing.

Felt mittens (or loofah sponges)

The Body Shop Loofah Pad

Replace scrub. They are not used dry: either wet the face with water or apply a foaming product.

Brush with rubber bristles

Avon Cleansing Brush

"Sweeps" impurities from the pores and gives a soft scrubbing effect. Works in tandem with the gel: just drop the product onto the brush.

Device for daily facial cleansing based on ultrasonic technology

Before the procedure, wash your face so that the wave produced by the device breaks the liquid into hundreds of drops. They, moving at great speed, will remove dead cells and cleanse the pores.

Vaporizer (steam generator)

Hot steam expands the pores, preparing them for cleansing. Handle the device with great care if you have rosacea, acne, heart problems, pressure. It is recommended to resort to his help no more than twice a month, and the first time this should be done, armed with the advice of a beautician. At the end, do not forget to apply a product that narrows the pores: cream, lotion or tonic.

Device for microdermabrasion

Rubica, apparatus for diamond microdermabrasion Diamond Microdermabrasion System Classic Line

The action of this device is comparable to the effect of a scrub, that is, it cleans purely mechanically. Pour abrasive powder on the brush (it comes with the kit) and massage your face with it. This option is much more aggressive than ultrasound and is recommended for aging skin, fighting pigmentation and post-acne.

Salon techniques

ultrasonic cleaning

The operation scheme is the same as that of a similar home device, only the salon unit uses different frequencies and gives a better effect. The apparatus operates at the level of the upper layers of the epidermis, so the method is considered very gentle.

Mechanical (manual) cleaning

The beautician wields his hands, then a spatula. The procedure is painful, but copes with the task with a bang. Immediately after the face does not look the best, but after a day or two the redness goes away. An unconditional contraindication is rosacea.

Superficial peeling

The main active elements are acids in a small concentration, which penetrate only into two or three upper layers of the epidermis. The method is atraumatic and involves a short rehabilitation period.

Median peeling

The substance "eats" the entire stratum corneum, leaving intact living cells. The method is indicated for aging skin, and is also suitable for girls with acne marks and age spots.

Deep peeling

It removes everything superfluous to the level of the basement membrane, that is, blood dew, as cosmetologists say. It gives a powerful rejuvenating effect, but due to trauma, it is used less and less.

vacuum cleaning

Acts like a vacuum cleaner: a special tube draws out impurities, and at the same time provides lymphatic drainage massage. The main plus is painlessness, the minus is the lack of effectiveness in case of strong comedones.

If a stain on a seat or door upholstery can still somehow be tolerated, then a sticky steering wheel can drive you crazy in a matter of minutes. Lovers of chewing on the go know this especially well: when your hand keeps reaching into a bag of chips, it is difficult for the steering wheel to remain unstained. And if you were fumbling under the hood without gloves, the chances of keeping the steering wheel clean are almost zero.

The usual wet cleaning here, unfortunately, "does not roll." No skin - from natural to leatherette - does not like water. If you want, for example, to spoil brand new gloves - play snowballs in them or roll up a snowman. It’s not worth the risk, especially since there are a lot of special cleaning compounds. For our test, we selected eight, including napkins for 25 rubles. The most expensive tool at the same time cost 390 rubles.

After treatment, the surface becomes slightly sticky, and this applies to all preparations without exception. Not a single one worked perfectly, - however, there are no frankly failed ones either. As for the podium, we divided all the participants into three conditional groups. The first included those who managed to remove all the pollution, the second coped only with the job easier, the third turned out to be others. Of course, the talents of the proven tools are not limited to the steering wheel: they are suitable for both leather upholstery and, say, for ladies' handbags.


6th–8th place

Skin cleaner

390 rubles, 500 g

The foam composition is slow. We'll have to wait until it flares up and begins to act. It copes with light dirt, but not with old ones. The expiration date and release date are indicated on the package. The tool is unreasonably expensive.

6th–8th place

Tanner's Preserve,

USA leather cleaner

Tanner's Preserve

220 rub., 221 ml The leather cleaner removes fresh light dirt, and gives in to old ones. Note the pungent odor that provokes sneezing. There is no instruction in Russian. Expiration date and release date not specified.

6th–8th place

Tanner's Preserve,

USA leather conditioning cream

Tanner's Preserve

220 rub., 221 ml Cream-conditioner in its capabilities resembles a cleaner of the same company, differing in a less pungent odor. Removes fresh dirt, old ones are worse. There is no release date or expiration date. There is also no instruction in Russian.

3rd–5th placeGermany Skin care product

360 rubles, 250 ml It rubs well and does not leave streaks. It cleans light dirt, but it does not cope with old, stubborn dirt. Nice scent, easy to apply. Instructions are too small. According to the labeling, it is not clear when the composition was made.

3rd–5th place

Turtle Wax,

USA, UK Leather cleaner and conditioner

260 rubles, 500 ml Easy to apply. The smell is neutral. The tool copes well with fresh light dirt, which cannot be said about old, stubborn ones. Before rubbing, you need to wait a long time, it takes a lot of effort. The expiration date and release date are indicated on the package.

3rd–5th placeRussia Leather cleaner with conditioner

390 rubles, 500 g The foam composition is slow. We'll have to wait until it flares up and begins to act. It copes with light dirt, but not with old ones. The expiration date and release date are indicated on the package. The tool is unreasonably expensive.