Do-it-yourself seasonal decoration of a group in kindergarten. New Year's decoration of a group in a kindergarten with your own hands from paper step by step with photos How to decorate a group for winter in a preschool

Galina Fundurak

Registration of the group in kindergarten As a rule, it falls on our shoulders, as educators.

In order for children to feel comfortable, it is necessary to ensure that the environment in groups was close to home. Moreover, it is beautiful and tasteful group formed has aesthetic and developmental significance for children. The main thing is to approach the matter creatively. I brought all this to the attention of my parents. Some people draw beautifully, others sew. And this is what happened.

Our the group is called"Fireflies". Login the group is designed this way. I glued an applique of self-adhesive paper to the ceiling tile door.

And that's how I am issued reception room based on the fairy tale "Kolobok". Working together with parents.

This is our Miracle Tree for children's creative work. My work.

Reception wall issued application of ceiling tiles and self-adhesive paper. Also the work of my hands.

So I decorated a corner"Lost." A basket of flowers, a sewn cover, letters and a crow made of felt. I tried to.

stand for crafts made of plasticine. A shoe box covered with self-adhesive paper and decorative felt work. Beauty!

IN I decorated the wall in the group room with applique, continuation of the fairy tale "Kolobok". The bunny is made of fabric, and everything else is made of self-adhesive paper.

A corner of nature is not only decoration groups, but also a place for self-education. I decided to make flower stands from stumps and decorate with felt work. Fabulous forest inhabitants live in a corner of nature. Fedor and Fenya. They are also made from stumps.

And this is our Masha. Mummers corner. The idea was mine, but my parents brought it to life.

These paintings are made from felt by me hands, they decorate group.

Both me and my kids feel comfortable here group!

Publications on the topic:

Summer decoration of the site with your own hands in kindergarten.

Layout for story game in kindergarten "Farm" with your own hands. Play is the leading activity of a preschooler, which affects all aspects of him.

The middle group of our kindergarten is called "Smeshariki". All information for parents and children is made in the same style, with images of characters.

Hello, Dear colleagues and friends! I bring to your attention the design for the corners of art, mathematics, literacy. These are funny.

Each group in our kindergarten has its own name. Our group is called "Little Red Riding Hood." This is how I designed the information stand for.


Winter is the coldest time of the year, the time of bitter frosts and snowstorms. But for many children, winter is their favorite time of year. Expectation New Year's holidays, gifts, long-awaited winter holidays. The opportunity to have fun with friends, wallow in snowdrifts, play snowballs, make snowmen, skate, ski, sled, snowboard. And in order to feel the holiday, every year we prepare in advance for its meeting. And the workshop of Santa Claus helps us, which begins its work in our group back in November. This year the theme of the competition is group decoration I was in kindergarten Beauty of Winter". So we started making DIY decorations. We made different garlands (from mittens, snowmen, trees, fir trees and snowballs)

done volumetric snowflakes and they made curtains for all 3 windows! Decorated the middle window is an openwork snow-white tree made of snowflakes that the children cut out themselves.

We made Santa Claus mail for a role-playing game, wrote letters and sent them to Santa Claus

decorated the Christmas tree

decorated locker room with works by "Winter Forest"

made snowflakes out of pasta and horns, painted them and decorated them them twigs that painted with white gouache

decorated the window

and a wall with the symbol of the year, a mischievous monkey on a palm tree (and on it, instead of bananas, there are snowmen with the faces of the children they made at home

made candlesticks as gifts for parents

This is what we got beautiful snow-white group!

Publications on the topic:

Good day, dear colleagues! Creativity, as we know, has healing power. When you make something, you relax, reflect,...

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On New Year's Eve in kindergartens everyone is busy preparing for the holiday: writing a script for New Year's party, learning with children.

In our kindergarten there was an exhibition “The beauty of the folk felt boots”. Many parents and children took part in the exhibition. Folk felt boots.

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The material may be useful to teachers of older children preschool age, parents. For this we need: - 2 white circles.

Olga Latifova

Group registration in kindergarten is part of the pedagogical process. Decorating group by season, we introduce children to the seasons, enrich knowledge about the environment, develop aesthetic perception surrounding space, which affects the all-round development of the child. Beautiful design group The rooms are conducive to the favorable psychophysiological state of children. After all, kindergarten is the place where children spend a lot of time.

Spectacular group decoration for winter, should reflect seasonal changes in the nature of this period, attract attention and appeal to children. And elegant and beautifully decorated group, sets the child up for the most anticipated event in the life of children - these are the New Year holidays. Kids find themselves in a world of magic and fairy tales.

We tried very hard to make the celebration memorable for a long time, and the upcoming holiday was a success.

Put on your mask quickly!

Run quickly into a fairy tale!

In our fairy tale

In our fairy tale

In the middle of a merry dance

Painted, magical snow

Falls on everyone!

General form groups:

decorative feeder with birds:

central wall:

Herself beauty winter:

Corner of sensory and fine motor skills:

and other walls groups:

Thanks for watching, good luck.

Publications on the topic:

Stopped making noise autumn holidays, while we admired the Golden Autumn in lush decoration, we celebrated Mother's Day, decorated with beautiful portraits.

2016 is coming to an end, taking with it the hassle of preparing for its meeting. But it comes New Year, and requires no less attention to it.

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Master class on airspace design "Zimushka-winter" Goal: to involve parents in joint activities with kids. Tasks: - form.

Good afternoon, my dear colleagues! I congratulate you on the beginning of the school year, I wish you academic year nerves of steel and family warmth.

"Planting a palm tree" Educational activities to familiarize children 3-4 years old with the outside world. What a beautiful plant

Winter is coming again. It's time again to design a winter-themed group. We don't have much space; we use all the available space.

A beautifully designed group in a kindergarten will allow children to feel comfortable, show greater interest in the world around them, and look forward to visiting kindergarten. Correct and beautiful seasonal decoration of a group in kindergarten or decorating a group for the holidays brings children a lot of joy, especially if they take part in making decorations. Today there are many ways to do it yourself, for example, decorating a group based on its name. If the name of the group is “Stars” or “Rainbow”, you can draw posters with images of stars, come up with emblems, pictures for cabinets or beds, make stickers for towels, etc. In a word, design the group in a single style based on the theme of the name.

Autumn group decoration in kindergarten

In the fall, many children come to kindergarten for the first time, so that their adaptation can be faster and easier. register a group in kindergarten in the fall bright crafts and drawings.

  • For example, you can hang dried tree leaves from the ceiling, or cut them out of multi-colored paper; you can also cut out mushrooms, apples, and viburnum. Involve the children in this or ask them to draw pictures about autumn, how they walk with their mother in the park, they will be interested in helping you and such joint design of a group in kindergarten with their own hands will bring even more benefits.
  • Hang autumn garlands of leaves, pumpkin-shaped lanterns or fly agarics on cabinets or cornices.
  • Make little men out of acorns, matches and plasticine and build a real “City of Acorns”.
  • On the walls you can hang frames made in orange tones with birthdays of September, October and November.
  • In the corner of the room you can put a large basket with “gifts of autumn”, place pumpkin, viburnum, rowan, sunflower, apples, grapes, nuts, chestnuts, acorns there.

But don’t forget - the design of a group in a kindergarten should be done in the same style, clearly reflect the purpose of the design, so that the child does not develop an aesthetic imbalance. To solve this problem, among other things, you can use templates for decorating a group in a kindergarten.

Winter group decoration in kindergarten

Winter decoration preschool institutions always the most festive and elegant, because in winter there are so many favorite children's holidays. To decorate a group in winter, you can choose a specific theme, for example, decorate the group in the style of the fairy tale “The Snow Queen”, “Snow Maiden”, “Twelve Months” or “Frost”. To do this you need to cut it out of white paper fairy-tale heroes and stick them on the windows, hang them from the ceiling or hang pictures on the walls. Garlands of snowflakes, lanterns, angels, snowmen, and bells, hung above windows, on cabinets or walls, look great.

When decorating a group in kindergarten for the New Year, add bright rain, Christmas decorations, figures of Father Frost and Snow Maiden. You can paint the windows with special white paints, which are then easily washed off, and instead of Christmas tree figures, a Christmas tree made of green helium balloons decorated with garlands is perfect. Do big Christmas tree from paper or from cut out children's palms and write down on it the wishes of each child for the New Year.

Spring group decoration in kindergarten

Bring in as many bright colors as possible spring group decoration in kindergarten, so that the children feel how nature awakens, how buds appear on the trees, and from them leaves, how the bright sun warms, and blue clouds float across the sky.

  • Cut out the word “Hello, spring!” in large letters and hang it on the wall, immediately attach a bright rainbow.
  • Make pictures of the spring months (you can find and download pictures for group design on our website), where you will record the spring holidays or children’s birthdays. Complete the month of March in blue tones, draw a tree covered with snow, April - in green and a tree with flowers, May - in yellow and a tree with leaves.
  • You can hang carved figures of the sun, clouds, bees, birds, and flowers under the ceiling.
  • Let the kids make crafts of tulips and snowdrops from colored paper and you arrange them in vases.
  • You can attach butterflies and ladybugs from colored paper to the curtains.

Formation of a group in a kindergarten in the spring must be carried out so that there is as much as possible bright details, as an option, you can decorate glass bottles or jars and make flowerpots out of them, replacing plain flowerpots for indoor flowers with multi-colored bright flowerpots.

Summer group design in kindergarten

Group registration in kindergarten in summer should be even brighter and more colorful than spring.

  • You can make garlands of butterflies, flowers, fish and hang them from the ceiling, on the cornices.
  • Make a train out of several carriages and write down the name of the birthday boy in each carriage in order of turn. Children will look forward to the next birthday when one carriage has already rushed ahead.
  • The design of a group in a kindergarten in the summer will look original in the form of a city waking up after a long winter. Big city From bright colored paper you can place it on the wall, making houses (police station, hospital, school), trees, clearings, river. Ask each child and their parents to make one part of the city (for example, cut out a store or a zoo from colored paper).

The design of a street area in summer is no less important.

  • In summer you can draw daisies, butterflies, birds on the asphalt, make animal figures from car tires, mushrooms from old bowls, bees from plastic bottles.
  • Each stump on the territory of the kindergarten can be decorated and made into a cute face of a bear, pig or cat.

Ideas for decorating a kindergarten group can be very different. With a little imagination, each group can be made a source of pride for teachers and parents, and children will go to such a group with great pleasure.

The best DIY New Year's decoration for a group in kindergarten - video

Project “New Year, at the Gates”. New Year's decoration of the group at the preschool educational institution.

Winter has brightened up...
Winter has brightened up:
The headdress has fringe
From transparent ice floes,
Snowflake stars.

All covered in diamonds, pearls,
In colorful lights,
The radiance is pouring around,
Whispers a spell:

Lie down, soft snows,
To the forests and meadows,
Cover the paths
Leave the branches down!

On the windows, Santa Claus,
Scatter crystal roses
Light visions
Tricky gossip.

You, blizzard, are a miracle,
Round dances of the backwaters,
Take off like a white whirlwind
Turning gray in the field!

Sleep, my land, sleep,
Keep your magical dreams:
Wait, she’s dressed in brocade,

New dawn!
M. Pozharov

Every year, on the eve of the New Year holidays, our group’s premises are dressed up in festive decorations. In December 2015, with the help of our parents, we decorated the windows with carved paper snowflakes and protrusions. Ideas and templates were drawn from Internet resources. There seemed to be an atmosphere in the group New Year's fairy tale. Everyone gave us rave reviews and took pictures in front of the group's windows.

However, as teachers, we did not receive complete satisfaction from the work done. After all, all this beauty was made by the hands of adults, and we would like every child to be able to take part in the fabulous decoration of the group. We understood that children of 5 years of age would not be able to cut out beautiful, carved snowflakes; their mastery of the cutting technique was far from perfect. It was then that the idea was born - next year, let the children do what they can do, and our task is to combine the result of child labor into a common composition.
A year has passed. In December 2016 in preparatory group The project "New Year at the Gates" was launched. In a conversation with the children, we remembered how wonderful the children used to decorate cards for their grandmothers with palms cut out of colored paper. What if you cut out palms from white paper and use them as window decorations? Everyone liked this idea. We stocked up on white paper, hard work and patience, and together with the children we got down to business. Our preparations were outlined with a simple pencil their palms and diligently cut them out with scissors.

And then, together with the teachers, they glued them onto cardboard templates.

We fantasized a little, and as a result we got a snowman, a Christmas tree, and bunnies.

We decorated the figures on both sides so that our winter's tale was visible not only from the group, but also from the street.

We placed a snowman, a Christmas tree and two bunnies on the windows in the bedroom. The children, going to bed, listened to tales about New Year's miracles and looked at the hand-made paintings on the windows. Each child understood that this was the result of common work, and he was also involved in it. You won’t believe it, but the children even remembered where and whose palms were.

Our parents did not remain indifferent and kept bringing us openwork snowflakes. Well, what's the New Year without Father Frost and Snow Maiden? Here we have, in the group room, on the windows, Grandfather Frost and Snow Maiden, in fur coats made of openwork snowflakes.

I’ll tell you a little secret, Grandfather Frost’s face was printed out, painted, the outline of a fur coat was drawn on the window (by hand, without templates), and then all the details of the figure were attached to the window with tape. I keep asking myself: how did we manage to live and work before the invention of scotch tape?

And here comes the Snow Maiden

The Snow Maiden's braid was drawn and attached separately.
The fur coats of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden were also decorated with an edging of palms cut out by children.

We live in Russia, our children should know and love their country. Therefore, it was decided to decorate the central window of the group with the symbol of the Russian New Year - the Chimes on the Spasskaya Tower of the Kremlin. And also, the symbols of Russian winter - red-breasted bullfinches.
We found a template for the Kremlin Tower on the Internet, modified it a little, made a stencil, transferred the outline to the window, and painted it in our own way.

We painted the pictures on the windows with white water-based paint using red and orange gouache. The frames were painted on all the windows with the same white paint; in our opinion, this made it possible to combine all the windows of the group into a composition in the same style.

The final point in the New Year's decoration of the windows was an openwork curtain made from snowflakes cut out by parents a single template.

Admire our windows.

On New Year’s Day it is customary to give gifts; such a gift to all employees, children and parents of the “Gifting” kindergarten was made by the hands of teachers Antonova T.G., Amirova G.R. and Chapurina N.A., fireplace from cardboard boxes. We installed a fireplace in the hallway of the group; everyone can come up to the fireplace to admire and take New Year’s photos.