Scrub for normal facial skin at home. How to prepare a facial scrub at home - the most effective recipes with photos. For normal skin

The skin must be cleansed, then it will remain healthy and beautiful for a long time. It is known that it constantly absorbs dust and dirt, which contributes to the appearance of sebaceous secretions. The pores become clogged and the skin stops breathing fully. And then the first signs of withering and wrinkles begin to appear on the face, and the skin color becomes dull.

The effectiveness of a homemade scrub

A scrub is a cosmetic product that has an exfoliating effect. With its help, you can easily cleanse the skin of various impurities, eliminate oily shine and remove blackheads. At the same time, metabolic processes are activated and skin peeling is eliminated. Without this product it is almost impossible to achieve beautiful and well-groomed facial skin.

The difference between store-bought products and homemade ones is great. It's all about the composition of the scrub, because cosmetics manufacturers do not add natural ingredients to their products. On the contrary, such compositions contain too many substances that can cause allergies and only worsen the situation. While at home you can make an absolutely natural and healthy scrub.

Benefits of the skin cleanser:

  • thanks to solid particles, the skin is cleansed, as they remove dirt and dead cells;
  • homemade scrub nourishes the skin, saturating it with vitamins and microelements;
  • Using a massage while applying the scrub improves blood circulation in the epidermis.

It is necessary to use the scrub carefully, as frequent use can harm the skin. If the skin is dry, it is necessary to clean it in this way no more than once every 2 weeks. Those with sensitive skin should do this procedure only after consulting a cosmetologist. Normal skin can be cleansed 1-2 times a week, and oily skin only once.

It is best to use a cleansing scrub in the evening, when all makeup has been removed from the skin. If desired, you can wipe your face with a herbal decoction. Long hair should be put in the tail so as not to interfere. In order for the procedure to help cleanse the pores as much as possible, you must first steam your face. This can be done quickly by soaking in hot water a towel and pressing it to your face several times. But if your skin is sensitive, it is better not to do this.

Before applying the scrub to your face, it should be slightly damp so that the particles of the product do not injure the top layer of skin. The skin should be massaged carefully along the massage lines. Under no circumstances should you apply the scrub to your eyelids. But the area of ​​the cheeks, chin and forehead needs to be massaged properly. This is where most dead cells accumulate and need to be removed. The neck and décolleté area should also be cleansed from time to time.

After gently wiping your face with the scrub, you should leave the composition on the skin. 5 minutes are enough for the beneficial substances of the scrub to nourish the skin. Then you need to wash your face and apply moisturizer to your face. The effect of the procedure is that overnight the epidermis will be able to fully recover, and the cells will be saturated with oxygen.


Cosmetologists recommend cleansing the skin from time to time using scrubbing products. But there are a number of serious contraindications that prevent the use of the scrub. The fact is that it contains abrasive particles, so you cannot use this cleaning method if:

  • the skin is very thin and sensitive;
  • there is an allergy to the components included in the product;
  • capillaries are located too close to the surface of the skin;
  • there are wounds and inflammations on the skin.

Scrub for normal skin

For normal skin, you can use almost any scrub. But it is important to understand that this skin type can also be sensitive. In addition, normal skin, unlike oily skin, does not produce a large amount of sebaceous secretions. Therefore, she does not need strong remedies.

In order to quickly make a facial scrub, you need to mix 1 tbsp. l. sour cream and 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal Stir and add 1 tsp. olive or vegetable oil and salt on the tip of the knife. After stirring the composition, apply it to the face and massage the skin a little. Then wash off.

The following scrub is also suitable for normal skin. Grate the juicy apple, then add 1 tsp to the pulp. vegetable oil and 2 tbsp. l. linden honey. Before applying to the skin, the liquid should be squeezed out. It is very useful to make a scrub from strawberries. It is enough to take a few ripe berries, mash them thoroughly and add a tablespoon of any butter or sour cream. Then gently cleanse your face with this mixture. It is recommended to leave the scrub for 20 minutes, and only then rinse thoroughly.

To prepare this skin cleanser, you need to grind 1 tbsp in a blender or coffee grinder. l. oatmeal and almonds. Add tsp. aloe juice, honey and water (boiled). Then apply the composition to the skin and rub for several minutes. You can make a scrub from the seeds. For this, 2 tbsp. l. peeled seeds should be mixed with any berry or fruit juice. It is advisable to leave the product for half an hour after the massage.

Scrub for dry skin

When cleansing this type of skin, it is necessary that the product contains nourishing components. Do not use scrubs with ingredients that dry out the skin. A good scrub can be prepared by mixing crushed eggshells, egg yolk and 1 tsp. sour cream or heavy cream. Mix everything thoroughly, massage the scrub into the skin, wait 10 minutes and rinse.

For very dry skin, you can use ordinary coffee grounds as a scrub, but only if you add fatty cottage cheese or sour cream to it. This product should also be left on the face after the procedure so that the ingredients nourish it. Instead of coffee and cream, you can use sugar and olive oil. It is better to grind the sugar before use, and lightly heat the olive oil in a water bath.

For this product you will need dry orange or lemon peel. It must first be crushed to make flour. To 1 tbsp. l. chopped peel you need to add 3 tsp. oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. fat sour cream or cream. You can also make a scrub using daytime face cream. It must be carefully mixed with 1-2 tsp. semolina and use as a scrub.

To make a nutritious cosmetic product, you need to melt 2 tbsp in a water bath. l. butter. Then add a few teaspoons of walnut flour and yolk to it. This scrub not only cleanses pores well, but also moisturizes the skin.

You should take one small apple and grate it. Then add banana puree to the gruel, 1 tsp each. honey, cream and oatmeal. Leave on skin until dry.

Scrub for problem skin

To the owners oily skin prone to inflammation and rashes, you must be extremely careful when using a scrub. The product should not only remove all contaminants, but also have an antibacterial effect. To prepare an effective scrub, you need to heat 1-2 tbsp in a water bath. spoons of flower honey and mix it with 2 tbsp. l. bran. Mix and add 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice.

Another cleanser is made from fine sea salt. To prepare, mix in equal quantities sea ​​salt and lemon juice. If the salt is too coarse, it must be crushed using a blender. The scrub should not be applied to the skin immediately; it is better to check whether an allergic reaction occurs.

This scrub has beneficial properties, as it contains vitamins. You will need the following ingredients - lemon juice, dry yeast, natural yogurt and carrot juice. It is enough to mix 1 tsp. each component.

A simple but very useful scrub for oily skin, made from oatmeal, rice and kefir. Grind the oatmeal and rice (1 tbsp is enough) and add a little kefir. You should get a non-liquid paste.

The scrub cannot be used for inflammation, but it cleanses the pores very well. For cooking you should take 2-3 tbsp. l. regular table salt and pour milk over it. Then apply soap foam to the skin. You can use laundry or baby soap for this. After this, gently massage the skin with a salt scrub, leave the mixture for a few minutes and wash.

Scrub for sensitive skin

This type of leather needs to be cleaned very carefully. Do not use products based on coffee, sugar or salt for sensitive skin, as this may cause allergies, rashes or peeling. It is better to use potato starch as a gentle scrub. It needs to be wrapped in a gauze swab, after slightly wetting it. This compress cleanses the skin.

The best scrub base for sensitive skin is regular oatmeal. The simplest recipe for such a remedy is as follows - 2 tbsp. l. The flakes must be ground in a coffee grinder. Then grate the fresh cucumber on a fine grater and mix with the flakes. Leave the mixture for 10 minutes, then cleanse the skin with it.

Oatmeal can also be mixed with cream or sour cream. This product gently cleanses the skin and does not harm it. The next scrub is made with raspberries. 1–2 tbsp. spoons of raspberries should be mashed, and then add one drop each of mint and orange essential oils. Apply to the face, gently massage the skin and forget about it for 20 minutes.

In order for the use of a scrub to be effective, you must first determine your skin type. First, it is better to use gentle products so that the skin begins to get used to such cleansing. There is also no need to scrub too often, because the skin needs time to recover. And don’t forget about moisturizing cream after the procedure.

Video: folk recipes for natural scrubs for face and body

  • Rules of application
  • Rating of the best scrubs: TOP-7
  • Precautionary measures

Key benefits of facial scrubs

Exfoliation, or exfoliation, is one of the important stages of skin care, cosmetologists are sure. Getting rid of dead skin cells brings many benefits:

    improves complexion and texture;

    helps to better absorb beneficial substances from creams;

    starts recovery and update processes.

You will need a facial scrub 1-2 times a week, depending on your skin type. © site

Scrubs differ from other exfoliants in their mechanical principle of action: they work due to abrasive particles that cleanse the upper layer of the epidermis. These particles can be of natural or synthetic origin.

  1. 1

    The first include scorlumine (from eggshells), bran, crushed coconut shells, almonds, apricot kernels, pine nuts, etc.

  2. 2

    The second includes polymer particles (made of polyethylene, cellulose, nylon, etc.).

The smaller, softer and more evenly shaped the particles, the more gentle the exfoliation.

The benefits of cleansing with a scrub


    The particles themselves are neutral in relation to the epidermis. This is important if you have sensitive and reactive facial skin, which can be sensitive to chemical exfoliants: fruit acids, retinol.


    For oily and problem skin Larger natural particles are suitable: they better cleanse pores of sebum that clogs them. For dry, thin and sensitive skin, choose synthetic granules. They will provide gentler exfoliation without damaging the epidermis.

    Complex impact

    Modern products increasingly include anti-inflammatory, moisturizing, and nutritional substances. Hence the effectiveness, including in the fight against comedones (blackheads), open and closed.

    Accompanying facial massage

    Light circular movements when applying the scrub improve blood circulation, which means improve skin nutrition.

    Ease of use

    Scrubs are easy to apply and wash off, have a pleasant aroma, and leave a feeling of freshness.

Modern products are not exactly scrubs in their classical sense. Increasingly, abrasive particles are included in compositions that also contain hydroacids. That is, the products provide mechanical and chemical peeling.

Rules of application

Apply the facial scrub using circular massage movements. © site

When using scrubs, follow a few rules:

  1. 1

    Apply to damp, cleansed facial skin using light circular and rolling movements.

  2. 2

    Avoid the area around the eyes.

  3. 3

    Unless the instructions indicate otherwise, you can let the product dry slightly on your face and then rinse with cool water.

  4. 4

    You can distribute the product over your face using your fingertips or a damp sponge. The latter will enhance the effect of the massage and increase the depth of exfoliation.

How often you use the scrub depends on the specific product and your skin type. As a rule, for dry skin the limit is once every two weeks, for normal and oily skin - one to three times a week.

Rating of the best scrubs: TOP-7

    © Garnier

    Exfoliating scrub against acne and blackheads “Clean Skin Active”, Garnier, pale blue color with black splashes designed for oily problem skin. Thanks to salicylic acid and charcoal particles in the composition, it effectively and gently cleanses pores of excess sebum, minimizes blackheads and pimples. Blueberry extract moisturizes the skin. Use 3 times a week.

    © L'Oreal Paris

    Facial scrub “Pure Zone” Deep cleansing 7-in-1”, L’Oréal Paris- a composition rich in active ingredients with small synthetic particles makes this product universal. Salicylic acid cleanses the skin and shrinks pores, relieves inflammation. Zinc gluconate fights excess oil, glycerin moisturizes, and menthol refreshes. Bonus - creamy consistency and fruity aroma.

    © La Roche-Posay

    Due to glycerin and microparticles of diatomaceous earth, it cleanses very carefully, so it is suitable even for sensitive skin. Does not contain soap, alcohol, dyes.

    © Lancôme

    Exfoliates the skin and fights imperfections such as clogged pores, blackheads and pimples. Thanks to extracts of cranberry, ginseng and lemon balm, it eliminates signs of fatigue and gives the skin radiance. Apply with dry fingers to cleansed skin, rinse after 3 minutes. warm water.

    © Biotherm

    Exfoliating and cleansing gel for daily use Biosource Daily Exfoliating Gelée, Biotherm, Gently cleanses and smoothes skin with proprietary algae extracts and tiny particles of volcanic minerals. Suitable for sensitive skin care.

    © Kiehl's

    Contains papaya and pineapple extracts, and soft and gentle exfoliation of the skin is provided by exfoliating particles from apricot kernel powder. Sesame seed oil, rich in fatty acids, nourishes. Apply for 2 minutes, rinse with warm water.

    © Helena Rubinstein

    When in contact with water, the gel with exfoliating particles, black and white rice extracts and glycolic acid turns into an emulsion. Restores skin, smoothes wrinkles, evens out complexion. Suitable for everyday use.

Precautionary measures

When choosing a product, consider your skin type and its problems. Formulas with natural particles (harder, larger and uneven) can be harsh on dry, sensitive skin.

You should not use a scrub:

    at damage skin (scratches, abrasions);

    inflammatory skin diseases;

    exacerbations acne;

    expressed rosacea.

Svetlana Markova

Beauty - how gem: the simpler it is, the more precious it is!


To properly care for your skin, give it a healthy appearance and exfoliate dead cells, you must periodically use a natural facial scrub at home. A pleasant procedure can restore youth, smoothness, and radiance to the epithelium. To achieve a good effect, you need to select a recipe that matches your skin type.

What is a facial scrub

The facial scrub procedure is carried out to cleanse, even out tone, and tone the skin. Since the impact can be aggressive, you need to carefully select the ingredients and use such homemade cosmetics no more than once a week. The difference between a scrub and a peeling procedure is the content of special particles that help remove dead cells and impurities.


Regular facial care using natural cosmetics helps improve the condition, appearance skin, saturating it with vitamins. Scrubs are an indispensable tool for these purposes. Such cosmetic procedures have several useful actions:

  • help deeply cleanse the skin;
  • normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands;
  • participate in rejuvenation;
  • give a fresh look, exfoliate dead cells, make the epidermis soft and smooth;
  • help fight scars and scars;
  • help improve the relief of the skin.

What ingredients do face scrubs contain?

Translated from English, the name of the cosmetic product means “scrape.” To prepare scrubs, a softening base and synthetic or natural abrasive particles are used. Often used products of natural origin are crushed apricot kernels or nut shells, salt, coffee, and crushed oatmeal. Cream, yogurt, honey, and cosmetic clay can serve as a nutritional component. The choice of ingredients depends on your skin type.

Rules of application

A homemade face scrub made from natural ingredients helps renew your skin, making it smooth and beautiful. In order not to harm the epidermis, it is necessary to apply the exfoliating agent correctly, following simple recommendations:

  • The scrub should be applied to damp skin, so first wash with warm water. For the best effect, it is recommended to steam your face.
  • If there is inflammation or damage to the skin, it is better not to carry out the procedure.
  • It is important to choose a product that suits your skin type. If homemade cosmetics cause burning, itching or other discomfort, its use should be stopped.
  • A facial scrub at home is applied in a circular motion, avoiding the area around the lips and eyes. Then the mixture is gently massaged into the skin for several minutes.
  • At the end of use, homemade cosmetics must be removed with a sponge or gently rinsed with warm water.
  • After the procedure, you need to apply a nourishing or moisturizing cream. If your skin is oily or problematic, you should first wipe it with citrus juice.
  • It is recommended to use facial scrub at home in the evening, since after using it you should not go outside for about 2 hours.

Homemade facial scrub recipes

You can prepare cleansing cosmetics at home from simple products that have valuable properties. To choose the right recipe, you need to know about the characteristics of your epidermis. Scrubbing with cosmetics made from natural ingredients yourself will help keep your skin healthy, beautiful and elastic without causing harm.

Homemade scrub for sensitive skin

A feature of this type of epidermis scrubs is the very small size of abrasive particles and the exclusion of the addition of aggressive substances. To improve the condition of the face, cosmetologists recommend adding vitamins (A, E) in liquid form. The following formulations are suitable for sensitive skin:

  • Milk and cornmeal. The ingredients must be thoroughly mixed until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The density of the substance should be medium. It is recommended to pre-sieve the flour and bring the milk to room temperature. The mixture is applied with gentle circular movements. Rinse it off home remedy for the face with cool water.

  • Banana-nut facial scrub-mask at home. To prepare the product you will need 2-3 walnut kernels, crushed in a coffee grinder, and half a fruit. The banana must be mashed with a fork. Mix the resulting puree with pieces of nuts. Apply, rubbing lightly, then rinse with warm water.

For oily skin

Oily skin especially needs a scrubbing procedure. It must be thoroughly cleaned so that the face has a beautiful and healthy appearance. Provide proper care The following recipes will help:

  • Combine wheat flour in a container - 1 tbsp. l., the same amount of any berries, having previously crushed them. Add a teaspoon of yogurt, chopped walnuts or dried orange zest to the mixture. Mix everything thoroughly and gently rub into the skin. Remove homemade vitamin scrub with warm water.
  • Take a fresh cucumber, grate it on a coarse grater, drain the juice. Add 1 tsp to the puree. sea ​​salt and sugar. Mix all ingredients. Sugar scrubs should be used immediately after preparation. Leave the cosmetic product on your face for 15 minutes and rinse off.

For dry skin

Dry epidermis needs additional nutrition, so it is necessary to include oils and other fatty components in home cosmetics. To cleanse such skin and provide it with moisture, use the following recipes for making a facial scrub:

  • You will need: cottage cheese – 50 g, fat sour cream– 1 tbsp. l., buckwheat (pre-grind in a coffee grinder to a powder) – 50 g. All ingredients must be thoroughly mixed. Apply the product prepared at home using smooth massaging movements. Complete cleansing of the skin by washing.
  • Inside a deep container, pour a handful of oatmeal and 2 tbsp. l. powdered milk. Mix dry ingredients. Dilute the raw material with warm milk (50 ml) until you obtain a mass that has the consistency of a paste. Apply ready-made homemade cosmetics to your face, massage lightly, leave for 5 minutes, remove with water.

Honey scrub

Among healthy recipes for cosmetics for dry skin, DIY honey facial scrub is very popular. It not only helps exfoliate dead cells and cleanse pores, but also nourishes the epidermis. You can do it at home in several ways:

  • Grind and grind half a glass of ripe strawberries in a blender, add 2 teaspoons of liquid honey, mix the ingredients. Apply the resulting paste onto your face with gentle movements and rinse with water. This composition can be used at home as a mask, leaving it on for a few minutes.
  • Take 1 teaspoon of cinnamon powder and 2 times more honey. Mix both ingredients so that the spice does not form lumps. Add a few drops of juniper and orange oil. Distribute the resulting viscous mass onto your face, carefully moving in the direction of the massage lines. Leave the mask on for a few minutes, then remove with water or warm milk.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. lemon juice, olive oil and honey. Add 1 tsp. coffee grounds. Lightly massage the resulting mixture onto damp facial skin. Rinse off the coffee scrub with honey with warm water.

For acne

Acne often forms on problematic, oily and sensitive skin. Homemade scrubs are effective way combat these negative manifestations. Cosmetical tools are prepared from components that cleanse the skin, exfoliate and remove oiliness. You can use the following recipes:

  • To prepare a salt scrub, take egg white, oatmeal - 2 tbsp. l., sea salt - 1 tbsp. l., olive oil – 1 tsp. You need to mix the ingredients well. If the mixture comes out too dense, dilute with a small amount of warm liquid. Rub the resulting mixture onto your face and neck for about 3 minutes. At the end of the procedure, wash everything off.
  • Make a mixture of a teaspoon of salt, the same amount of soda and 2 tablespoons of sour cream. Apply the resulting substance to your face in an even layer, massage for about a minute. Leave the mixture for 2 minutes, then remove. This scrub should not be used more than once a week or if you have open acne.

For normal skin

Cleansing procedures are also required for normal skin types. Use a facial scrub at home with caution to avoid causing damage. The following recipes will help give your face a radiant look:

  • Grind 50 g of coffee and rice beans separately. Mix 1 tsp. each ingredient, add a little milk. Massage the resulting mixture onto your face for several minutes and rinse. According to reviews, this scrub makes the skin smooth and gives radiance.
  • Mix 1 tbsp. l. sour cream with the same amount of chopped coconut, add 1 tsp. granulated sugar. Immediately apply the scrub to your face, gently rub in circular motions, and rinse.


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Scrub “Pistachio Mafia” from Organic Kitchen The consistency resembles a cream with fairly large particles - crushed pistachios. The product gently cleanses, leaving no feeling of tightness after use. And the best part is that the scrub has a delicious aroma of natural pistachio ice cream! For thorough peeling, the brand has a dry scrub “Tsarevna-Smile” with salt and plant particles, which dries out inflammation and deeply cleanses pores. However, it is better for those with sensitive skin to avoid it - irritation may occur!

Price: 60 rub.

In fragrant gommage from the brand Organic Shop fairly large exfoliating particles - crushed coffee beans. The cream scrub only seems harsh - in fact it is soft, but effective: the skin is smooth, no discomfort or irritation! By the way, the product has a slight warming effect, so it opens the pores and prepares the skin for applying a mask or cream.

Price: 70 rub.

Gel scrub from Floresan ideal for caring for problematic and oily facial skin: large particles of activated carbon literally pull out impurities from the pores. The product perfectly mattifies the skin, and with regular use, the pores noticeably narrow, the complexion evens out and inflammation is much less common. One scrub will not be a panacea for blackheads, so we recommend using it along with appropriate care.

Price: 98 rub.

After the scrub-mask from "Clean Line" The feeling is exactly like after a real bath: the skin becomes elastic and smooth. The product with a light berry-herbal aroma can be massaged and left on the face for 10 minutes to deeply cleanse the pores, or can be used as a warming scrub, and then apply your favorite mask or serum. The beneficial components of care products penetrate better into open pores, so even the usual cream will be surprised by its effectiveness after using this product.

Price: 99 rub.

Delicate apple scrub from the brand "One Hundred Beauty Recipes" Suitable for daily use and ideal for sensitive skin. The product has a light creamy texture, soft scrubbing particles and a simply dizzying aroma of fresh country apples! Nourishing almond oil and cream soften, apricot kernels gently polish, and natural apple juice lightens small pigment spots and evens out skin tone.

Price: 125 rub.

It's worth opening a jar of chamomile scrub from "Agafya's Baths", as the entire bathroom is filled with the summer aroma of meadow herbs. A thick product with a natural composition intensively cleanses and eliminates flaking. Chamomile powder has an antiseptic effect, accelerates the healing of wounds and inflammation, and also significantly tightens pores and improves complexion. The composition also contains salt, which can cause burning and redness, so we recommend that those with sensitive skin use the scrub with caution.

Price: 216 rub.

Despite the label “For oily and combination skin”, the exfoliating scrub from Natura Siberica Great for dry and sensitive skin. Thanks to a large number small exfoliating particles (crushed apricot kernels), the cream product delicately polishes the skin without damaging it. The composition of the scrub is also excellent: extracts of Japanese sophora, raspberry, rowan, juniper and derivatives of Siberian cedar oil effectively soften and tone.

Price: 249 rub.

In the scrub “Pine nuts and Ussuri hops” from the brand GreenMama the same small particles as in the previous product, but crushed pumice acts as abrasives. A hard scrub with an unobtrusive pine aroma significantly tightens pores without scratching the skin. Thanks to wheat germ and sesame oil, the product does not leave behind a feeling of tightness, but essential oils lavender and cedar even out skin tone and fight inflammation.

Price: 298 rub.

Soft Ayurvedic scrub from HimalayaHerbals Gently cleanses, so even sensitive skin will be happy with such a gentle peeling. Apple extract tones and improves complexion, while wheat germ oil and vitamin E provide light nutrition and hydration. Thanks to its thick consistency, one tube is enough for a couple of months of daily use - very economical!

Price: 342 rub.

Polishing scrub from a domestic pharmacy brand KORA is a gentle analogue of acid peeling. Silicon dioxide microcrystals and jojoba fruit granules provide mechanical cleansing, removing dead cells. Succinic and lactic acids additionally exfoliate and also tighten pores, give the skin elasticity, and with regular use, noticeably lighten age spots and even make acne scars less noticeable!