Psychologist's corner in the preparatory group of kindergarten. Corners of psychological relief. Psycho-gymnastics for teachers

Organization of psychological corners in a kindergarten group

In our turbulent times of crises and social changes, more and more children are appearing in need of psychological support. These are children with behavioral disorders and various neurological abnormalities.

We all know that correcting problems and treating neurological disorders is very difficult, sometimes it takes years, or even a lifetime. Therefore, in our work we pay great attention to the prevention of psychological disorders.

In practice, all psychologists are faced with the fact that their efforts, no matter how diligent they may be, without the support of educators and, first of all, parents, unfortunately, do not achieve a positive result. Therefore, we pay great attention to improving the psychological literacy of parents and educators.

For parents, in addition to traditional visual information, various presentations at parent meetings, numerous individual consultations, we conduct joint child-parent trainings, where parents learn to communicate with their children and not just communicate, but to better understand and love them and themselves.

To expand the possibility of preventive work with children, we decided to organize psychological corners in each age group. The psychological corner is a real tool in the hands of the teacher for effective psychological support for children during the day.

When selecting material for psychological corners, we took into account the needs of children. Someone wants to take a break from the children's group, think about their mother, sit in silence, someone needs psycho-emotional relief, some child is aggressive and needs help to throw out aggression so as not to harm other children and not to keep it inside. After all, restraining aggression and emotional stress leads to various central nervous system disorders. Therefore, we were faced with the task of teaching children acceptable forms of expressing aggression and creating all the conditions for this. Thus, in the corner there was an area for relaxation and self-regulation, which included the following materials:

Privacy corner

Drop chair or upholstered furniture. Photo albums with group and family photographs;

Telephone “Call Mom.” The child can “call mom” and talk to her;

Punching bag, bats, foam pads. When a child fights, we explain to him that hitting children is bad, it hurts and hurts them, but hitting a punching bag or pillow is very possible;

Targets, bags of cereal for throwing, which is one of the methods of expressing aggression;

A set of tearing paper;

Rug of anger. Our children know that if they are angry, they need to stomp on the rug and the anger will go away;

Scream cups. If a child is angry or offended by someone, he can express his resentment in a glass and he will feel better;

The thinking chair is used so that, sitting on it for no more than 5 minutes, the child can remember the rules of behavior he has forgotten. For example, that we do not take away toys, but wait for another child to put them back after playing, etc. The most important thing is that a chair should not be a punishment for children;

Magic plasticine. Children roll, pinch, and crush plasticine, which also helps to calm down;

Bolik balls will help children practice regulating their breathing. Holding the balls in our palms, we breathe on them, warming them with our warm breath;

Didactic game “Collect beads”;

Colored balls of yarn of different sizes. By unwinding and unwinding balls, children master the technique of self-regulation;

Hedgehog massage balls. We teach children in different ways rolling balls in the palms, on the outside and inside hands This game with a “hedgehog” helps the child relieve muscle tension and calm down;

Bags of moods. If the child Bad mood, he can “put” it in the “sad” bag, and “take” it from the “cheerful” bag good mood. And with the help of self-massage techniques - rubbing with the palm of your hand chest the child improves his mood.

In every group there are children with low self-esteem. That’s why we have boxes of good deeds in our corners, where children put “seeds of goodness” received from the teacher for a good deed, be it bringing a chair to a girl or helping a friend get dressed and other good deeds. At the end of the week, teachers and children sum up the results, and photographs of the children who have the most “grains of goodness” end up on the “Tree of Goodness” - a kind of honor board. This helps to increase the level of self-esteem in children who lack self-confidence and fosters such moral qualities as mutual assistance, kindness, and responsiveness.

The problem of children’s communication is very important, their ability to understand each other, distinguish the mood of their friend, come to the rescue, etc. Therefore, in the zone communicative development We have games aimed at developing communication and interaction skills, as well as emotional development:

The games “Emotional Flower” and “Mood Cube” teach children to recognize their emotional condition and reflect it in facial expressions and gestures;

- “Friendship Rug” and “Reconciliation Box” help quarreling children make peace with each other in a fun way, and after such reconciliation, children quarrel much less often;

Stand "My mood". In the morning and throughout the day, the child can use emotional pictures to show his mood. Thanks to this, it is easier for the teacher to find an approach to a sad, upset child and provide him with support;

Paired stickers will help children split into pairs if this is a problem.

So, in the psychological corner there are three zones:

Self-regulation and relaxation;

To increase self-esteem;

Development of communication skills and emotional sphere.

And in order to interest educators, the administration and I decided to hold a review competition of psychological corners and stimulate it not only with thanks, but also financially.

The regulations of the review-competition were developed with the conditions for its holding specified in it, the members of the jury and the criteria by which the corners would be evaluated were indicated. The following criteria are highlighted:

Availability of material by zone;

Aesthetics and originality of design;

Feasibility of use;

I would like to note that this idea attracted the attention of the teachers and everyone took an active part.

The jury included: the head, a teacher-psychologist, a senior teacher and two teachers.

During the organization of the competition, we encountered a number of problems. Firstly, where to get a place for this corner. How to position it. We decided individually for each group.

The teachers showed their creativity and were understanding. In some groups, corners were placed in the bedroom, in one group they made a folding corner, in others the zones were moved to different places.

Secondly, where to get funds? The teachers did a lot themselves. My parents provided a lot of help. They did some things with their own hands, and brought some things from home.

During the competition, the most difficult task for the jury was to determine the winners. Each group had its own peculiarity. Therefore, there was one first place, and two second and third places.

The winners were awarded a cash prize and certificates. We noted all the other participants in the competition by name with certificates of gratitude, emphasizing the individuality of each corner.

Only a few months have passed since our psychological corners started working, but the positive result is obvious. Now children have the opportunity, as necessary, to relieve an aggressive state, psycho-emotional stress, fatigue, calm down, and improve their mood. In addition, games from the psychological corner help children recognize their emotional state and analyze it. Children learn self-regulation techniques, acceptable forms of expressing aggression, and communication skills.

Many children have increased self-esteem, decreased aggressiveness and irritability. They have become more friendly and help each other.

And educators now have the opportunity to competently and timely help children and provide an alternative to “bad behavior.”" width="229" height="304 src=">" width="236" height="292">



Education - higher, experience - 4 years

Krasnoyarsk State Pedagogical University named after. V.P. Astafieva,

direction/specialty "pedagogy", specialization "psychological education"

"That child teacher is bad,

who doesn't remember his childhood."

Ebner-Eschenbach M .

Z Why do you need a teacher-psychologist in kindergarten?

Many people are perplexed, mistakenly believing that this kind of specialist is needed only where mental disorders are involved. And at the same time, his work is in preschool institution plenty.

A teacher-psychologist in a kindergarten helps children quickly adapt to the team, identify any developmental features, and helps eliminate psychological problems.

Also, a teacher-psychologist in a preschool institution conducts individual and scheduled consultations with parents of students. The child’s parents get the opportunity to objectively assess the development and behavior of their baby, understand what is normal for this age and what may indicate deviation, receive advice from a psychologist regarding competent upbringing and how to minimal costs strength and nerves to survive another age crisis child.

A teacher-psychologist conducts a psychological and pedagogical examination of each child (at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year, as well as during training) with the consent of the parents, and participates in the preparation of individual correctional programs for the child’s development.

The main functions of a teacher-psychologist in kindergarten: creating conditions conducive to the protection of physical and mental health children, ensuring emotional well-being, free and effective development of the abilities of each child.

The work of a kindergarten teacher-psychologist is carried out in several areas:


Corrective and developmental work

Methodical work

The main method of work of a teacher-psychologist is to monitor the development of the child at all age stages, tracking the dynamics of the development of the cognitive, emotional-volitional, and personal spheres of the child.

If necessary, a teacher-psychologist conducts individual or group lessons with children with a developmental focus. All classes are conducted in a playful manner; fairy tales, psycho-gymnastic studies, kinesiological exercises, and elements of art therapy are often used in the work ( creative activity), sand therapy.Also, when working with children, sensory equipment is used.

Center for Non-Directive Therapy (Relaxation)

The center is located near the window, it has a relaxing effect painting "Waterfall" with sound effect and flickering “falling water”.

Lamp - fountain creates an atmosphere of mysterious, changing light effect. Another means of increasing the efficiency of the relaxation sector is to use musical means rehabilitation. Sound environment - calm music has a calming and relaxing effect on a person. Sound effects attract and maintain attention. Available audio library with recordings of bird voices and natural phenomena, as well as classical music.

Calm wall tones, unobtrusive artificial lighting, upholstered furniture, lots of pillows, soft panels(for lying) with a pleasant “Chamomile Glade” pattern helps improve relaxation. Soft acupressure creates artificial rain. A soft environment provides coziness, comfort, and safety.

Dry ball pool with soft walls, filled with plastic balls. Can be used for both relaxation and active games.

Lying in the pool, the child can take the individual position that corresponds to the state of muscle tone of the torso and limbs of this child and relax.

At the same time, constant contact of the entire surface of the body with the balls filling it makes it possible to better feel your body and creates a soft massage effect,

providing deep muscle relaxation. The body in the pool has safe support at all times.

In the pool you can move, change position - this develops and strengthens the musculoskeletal system.

Moving in moving balls creates excellent conditions for developing coordination of movements.

Movement and play in a dry pool are emotionally charged; The child first spends energy, and then, leaning back, can relax and calm down.

The educational center

This part of the office is intended for conducting examinations. All necessary materials for work are systematized and placed in the closet and on shelves.

This center is equipped with children's chairs and tables for children's activities and a magnetic board.

Center for the Development of the Emotional Sphere

Equipped with:

  • mirror;
  • a picture of basic emotions;
  • panel “Kaleidoscope of Positive Emotions”.

Sensorimotor center

Stimulates children's activity. It contains games: for the development of mental processes, development fine motor skills and sensory

board and educational games, lacing games.

Game center

Equipped with a carpet, shelves with toys: pyramids, nesting dolls, educational games, construction sets, cubes, puzzles.

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

Slide description:

Equipment for corners is selected taking into account their main purpose, namely: for psychological relief of preschoolers: teaching aggressive children how to express anger in an acceptable form; teaching preschoolers the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques; teaching children conflict-free communication through emotional and educational games; increasing self-esteem for anxious, insecure children; teaching students the skills of cooperation and coordinated actions in a team. Objectives: To create maximum conditions in kindergarten groups to preserve the psychological health of each child. To intensify the activities of the teaching staff in the design and competent use of materials from corners of psychological relief for the full psychophysical development of preschool children

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Slide description:

According to psychologists, a corner of solitude should most closely resemble a mink. It should preferably be semi-dark, cramped and soft. This is a place for fantasies, not for expanded ones role playing games: I lay down, sat down, calmed down - you can get out and join the general bustle again. Purpose Materials Area for psychological relief Corner for privacy (tent, tent, etc.), upholstered furniture, photo albums with group and family photographs, Stuffed Toys

3 slide

Slide description:

Purpose Materials Teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques Audio, video recordings (sound of the sea, sounds of the forest, music for relaxation, relaxation), colored balls, magic objects (hat, cloak, wand, shoes, etc.) , candles, fountains, games with sand, water, cereals, buttons, “Bags of Moods”, “Boxes of Good Deeds”

4 slide

Slide description:

Variants of names and design of mood calendars. When determining the name, one of the main definitions must be present - “mood” or “emotions” Mood calendar Emotional comb Mood clock Calendar of emotions (emotional calendar) Emotional basket, etc. cheerful rug made from leftover yarn Hugging pillow Purpose Materials Teaching children conflict-free communication with the help of emotional and educational games “ABC of Moods”, “Friendship Rug”, board games, didactic games: "What is good? What is bad?" etc., a box with little people, “Reconciliation Pillow”, “Reconciliation Box”, “Mood Board”

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Slide description:

Purpose Materials Increasing the self-esteem of anxious, insecure children Podium, medals, “sleepy toys”, different types theaters, soft toys, masks, medals

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Slide description:

"CATERPILLAR". All participants line up like a train and, holding each other by the waist, squat down. The presenter announces that they are portraying a caterpillar and must show how the caterpillar sleeps, stretches, gets up, washes itself, does exercises, and dances. In this case, the tail specifically prevents the head from doing its business. Purpose Materials Teaching children cooperation skills and coordinated actions in a team “Twister”, “Caterpillar”, “Fun Rug”

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Slide description:

A tent made of multi-colored satin ribbons mounted on a suspended horizontal platform. The ribbons flow down like streams of water; they are pleasant to touch, run through in your hands, pass through them, touching your face. Multi-colored jets stimulate tactile sensations and help perceive space and your body in this space. (can be on the door to the bedroom) Purpose Materials Stress relief Satin ribbons different color

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Slide description:

OBJECTIVES of the competition To create conditions for preserving the psychological health of each child; To intensify the activities of the teaching staff in the design and competent use of materials from psychological corners for the full psychophysical development of preschool children; Involve parents in providing comprehensive assistance to groups in conducting the review competition. Evaluation CRITERIA (approximate) Availability of a zone for psychological relief in the group; Material for teaching aggressive children how to express anger in an acceptable form; Material for teaching children the ability to control themselves in various situations, self-regulation techniques; to increase self-esteem for anxious, insecure children; Emotional and educational games aimed at teaching children conflict-free communication; Material for teaching children cooperation skills and coordinated actions; Aesthetic design of the psychological corner; Creativity, fantasy, originality; Appropriate use of materials from the psychological corner; Presentation of the psychological corner by group educators.

Venera Shaimardanova

In kindergarten there is always a question of how to decorate stands beautifully and colorfully.

Nowadays it is very important to decorate corridors, classrooms and groups of kindergartens with different corners, so that the stands are not similar to others and are distinguished by their zest.

I, as a psychologist working in a kindergarten, also faced the same problem of how to beautifully and clearly design a stand in my office, and most importantly, not spend a lot of time and money on it, so that parents and teachers who come for consultation would pay attention to the stand and could learn a lot of useful and interesting things for themselves.

In my work, I used ordinary ceiling tiles, along the edges of the slats, painted with ordinary gouache or color mixed with white acrylic paint. For the pockets, thick files were used, covered with self-adhesive tape around the edges. The letters are made from ordinary colored cardboard.

In general, I think the stand turned out to be very colorful and visual, and most importantly, the information can be changed very quickly and if necessary.

I created the same stand for children, which is called "Games for children"- where are they located? various tasks and games for the development of all cognitive processes.

Available in the office stand - pockets for brochures for parents, which contains all the necessary information.

Also, another stand is located in the corridor of the kindergarten called "Advice from a psychologist", anyone can read the psychological information.

There are also very useful folders with interesting information in the office. for parents- a collection of tips, it’s interesting - for teachers, for children- educational games.

At the end of the article, I would like to note that if psychological information is located in a convenient place and presented colorfully, then it looks very interesting and visual, the text is read very quickly and immediately interests the reader.

Publications on the topic:

NEW Year is the most amazing and long-awaited holiday! Of course, the entire team takes an active part in preparing for the holiday.

Last year I discovered a wonderful material for creativity - foam rubber (or foamiran! Now to design my own.

Decoration of stairs in kindergarten. The design of our kindergarten is carried out under the motto “To make children feel comfortable!” So that the children are happy.

Beauty and comfort in kindergarten are the main requirement. We want our children to feel at home. This is how we decided to arrange it.

Often in our groups we are faced with the problem of lack of space when designing thematic themes necessary for the full development of children.

Good afternoon I bring to your attention the design of a site in a kindergarten. Our site has a large asphalt area attached to it.

I invite you on a tour to the kindergarten, I love to draw and decorate. I would like to present my work! music corner in preparatory group.

Psychologist's page

The material was prepared by a teacher-psychologist from the MDOU "Luchik"

I.A. Samoilenko

Psychologist in kindergarten- is, first of all, knowledgeable
and a person who deeply understands the child, who understands not only general
patterns and in age characteristics mental development children, but
also in individual variations of these features.
Basic functions psychologist in preschool
institutions are related to the protection of the physical and mental health of children, with
creating conditions that promote their emotional well-being and
ensure the free and effective development of the abilities of each child.

I would like to dispel the common "myth" about psychologists
in a preschool institution. Most parents believe that the word
“psychologist” is formed from the word “psycho”. What are they made from next?
incorrect conclusion that if a psychologist works with their child in the kindergarten,
then their son or daughter is mentally abnormal. I assure you this is not so.
A teacher-psychologist in a kindergarten works with normal children and their individual features, not deviations.

There is another misconception that: psychologist, psychoneurologist, neuropathologist, defectologist and neuropsychologist are everything is the same.
That is, doctors who work with mental disorders, with its
defects. Based on this, parents demand from the psychologist
impossible. Pay attention to the combination of words: educational psychologist. IN
first of all a teacher. This tells moms and dads that this
a specialist is not a doctor. The kindergarten psychologist has information
relating mainly not to the physical, but to the mental state of the child.
He can only suggest a diagnosis and refer the child to
to the appropriate specialist. Make a diagnosis and especially work with
he cannot and has no right to do so.

The purpose of the work of a teacher-psychologist
- make a child's life conditions of the preschool educational institution convenient, comfortable, before
everything from the point of view of the child’s psyche, general and individual
features of its development.

Psychologist reveals
hidden reasons for some children's failures, actions, developmental disorders
mental processes, emotional sphere and behavioral characteristics. For
in order to help, together with parents and other preschool specialists
the child can cope with them even before school.

To solve the assigned problems, the educational psychologist plans his work in several areas:

First direction - This consultations . They come in two types: those that are planned by the psychologist himself, and at the “request of the parents.” ». First - psychologist
spends a year on topics that he believes are relevant to
kindergarten, age group and contingent of parents. Consultations
"By request»
- any problems that concern the baby’s loved ones. And it's not necessary
questions related to the baby’s development or behavior. Whether it's mom
or dad, grandma or grandpa, you can and should contact
to a psychologist when you think something is wrong with your child.

Second direction - This diagnostics .
Throughout the academic year, psychological and pedagogical
diagnostics. It includes control over the acquisition of knowledge, skills and
children have different skills age groups in accordance with the program, according to
which kindergarten operates, If the results show that the baby “does not
copes", behaves poorly, does not have self-care skills in
according to age, additional research is being conducted on
maturity of basic mental processes. And if at this level
problems are identified, the psychologist together with the teacher and parents
tries to solve them.

Psychological support for children during the adaptation period, also during
year studying relationships in children's team, leaders are identified, and those
with whom “no one is friends”, together with the teacher it is planned to work on
improving relationships between children.

Besides routine diagnostics, which was discussed are also carried out “case studies” .
For example, the adaptation process was delayed, the child developed fears,
Using special tests and techniques, the cause is identified. And it is carried out
correctional work.

Later, in preparatory groups, a separate type of diagnosis is carried out - this comprehensive assessment of a child’s readiness for school . If your child is not quite ready for school, the psychologist will tell you what exactly you need to pay attention to.

Also carried out correctional work.
Children are all different. One child develops faster, the other slower.
Mental processes are also formed spasmodically. And sometimes it happens that
the development of some mental function needs to be pushed a little,
so that normal learning or behavior can be established. To this end
Corrective work is planned and carried out with the child. Previously
having received your consent.

Developmental work .
In every new academic year the direction in which
will be the main focus throughout the year. For example, the topic of formation
interpersonal relationships in the children's team and communication skills in
preschoolers. Based on the chosen topic, development work is planned. IN
during which children learn to communicate, play together, resolve conflicts,
avoid quarrels.

And of course, it will be carried out in the same way individual work.

Parents themselves can come to an appointment with a psychologist if they are interested in:

Adaptation of a child to kindergarten

Level of development of mental processes

Baby's emotional state

His self-esteem

The position he occupies in a group among his peers (why, for example, everyone wants to be friends with him, or vice versa)

Child's attitude towards teachers

His level of anxiety or aggression...

If you have
a problem has appeared, and you are ready to formulate it, teacher - psychologist
will try to help identify the causes of its occurrence. With the help of reliable and
using proven methods, tests and questionnaires, he will develop recommendations,