Eight cool ideas for those who don’t yet know where and how to celebrate the New Year. Ideas for a budget holiday: where you can celebrate the New Year inexpensively or without any money Where you can celebrate New Year

Anton Smekhov

Reading time: 4 minutes


After a hot summer and rainy autumn, winter comes, accompanied by New Year's fireworks and holiday lights. This means it’s time to think about where to celebrate the New Year in a fun and original way, so that the holiday is interesting and fun.

Every person strives to have a stunning New Year's holiday. Not only the size of the festive table, the number of New Year's gifts and menus are important, but also the place in which the company is located during the chiming clock.

You probably yourself understand that New Year can be found in the family circle, in any city in the country and even abroad. I will talk about this in detail, share my experience, which will be useful to you.

5 best options for celebrating the New Year

New Year's holidays are accompanied by exciting expectations, pleasant chores and the preparation of entertainment programs.

I will share my thoughts on this matter. Every year, celebrating your favorite day of the year risks becoming a dull time spent at the table, which can turn into banal drinking of alcoholic beverages. But the New Year should be a noisy and cheerful celebration, accompanied by loud firecrackers and outdoor games.

To understand where it’s best to spend the New Year holidays, let’s consider several options.

  1. Family circle. Many people celebrate the New Year at home. They sit in front of the TV, watch New Year's TV shows, admire the Christmas tree decorated with New Year's toys, listen to congratulations and raise their glasses during the chiming clock. This is what people do who do not like long night wakefulness and noisy companies.
  2. Restaurant or nightclub. By going to one of these establishments on New Year's Eve, you will find yourself participating in a fun and interesting entertainment program. This option is perfect for couples in love and lovers of noisy companies.
  3. Renting a house or apartment. This option is popular among people who have a small “gold reserve”. More often it is the house that is rented, because in addition to the feast, it will offer billiards, sauna and other entertainment.
  4. Walk around the city. The presented option is the most economical. With a noisy group, you can travel through the streets of your hometown, stopping near the city’s Christmas trees. If you bring New Year's costumes, you'll get a real carnival.
  5. Extreme and exotic. They celebrate the New Year in unusual places. Some climb to the top of the mountain, others dive under the water. Some go to an exotic country or to an ordinary lost village. Depends on your imagination.

I shared my opinion. You may have your own view on this situation. In any case, the New Year is approaching every day, and it’s time to start thinking about the meeting place now.

Celebrating New Year abroad

I don’t know about you, but I’m preparing for the New Year in advance. Some people celebrate New Year's holidays with their family without leaving their apartment. Some people like to spend them in a restaurant with friends. I constantly want unforgettable memories and wonderful experiences. Only foreign countries will give them.

Travel companies offer an excellent selection of New Year's tours. There are so many of them that it makes your eyes wide open. You can spend New Year's holidays anywhere in the world. Let's talk about celebrating the New Year abroad. This will help you decide on the location of the celebration.

I will share my impressions of the countries I was able to visit. Let's start with Europe.

  • Czech . If you are tired of the bustle of the city, you can take a break from it in Prague, the capital of this wonderful country. Prague is full of ancient castles and low, attractive houses. I can say with confidence that the New Year’s trip to Prague is a real fairy tale.
  • Finland. Helsinki is a wonderful place for winter tourists. By going on an excursion, you can appreciate the most interesting places in a short period of time. Finland does not boast many architectural monuments, however, the country's cities make up for this deficiency through museums, holidays and festivals.
  • Sweden. Some travelers see similarities in Stockholm with St. Petersburg. But this city is unique. Stockholm is a collection of city and village neighborhoods from different eras. In my opinion, the capital of Sweden is a kind of museum, the main exhibit of which is the royal palace, distinguished by its grace and luxury. As part of your visit to this place, you can look into the armory and a real treasury. In general, Sweden is perfect for a family New Year's trip.
  • France. If you decide to go to France, I can immediately say that you will spend the New Year holidays in a cheerful and pleasant atmosphere. The streets of French cities will delight you with garlands and illuminations, friendly people and ubiquitous fun. In addition to attractions, France offers wonderful cuisine. Don't forget about the Christmas sales, which start after the New Year and last until February. If you want to combine holidays with shopping jewelry, perfumes or clothes, it is worth going to Paris.
  • Germany. New Year is a special celebration in Germany. Local residents have preserved various customs and rituals that are necessarily observed. The day before New Year's holidays Germans decorate their houses with wreaths of pine branches, and after sunset they light garlands and lights. Festive table Traditionally it is decorated with goose fried with apples.
  • Egypt. If you don't want to celebrate the New Year in a cold atmosphere, go to Egypt. Warm sun, yellow sand, and excellent service await you here. And although Egypt is an Islamic state, tourists are allowed to celebrate in their own way.
  • Sea cruises. Travel agencies offer travel along the Scandinavian coast. As part of this New Year's trip, you can visit Finland, Sweden and the Baltic countries.
  • Islands and exotic countries. Such a New Year's holiday is an expensive pleasure. If money allows, you can go to China, Vietnam or Thailand, or visit the Maldives or Sri Lanka.

I offered several ideas for celebrating the New Year abroad. There are many options. It all depends on preferences and wallet size. If you're tired of monotony, choose one of the available options and go there. Believe me, you won't regret it.

4 original places to celebrate the New Year in Russia

In Russia, it is customary to celebrate the New Year with family or friends. There are many people who do it this way. But there are also Russians who want to change the situation, jumping beyond the boundaries of tradition. At the same time, they do not want to travel far and spend a lot.

In this case The best decision cozy restaurant. The atmosphere here is festive, the program is interesting, and the New Year’s cake is delicious. As an alternative, a recreation center located in the vicinity of the city or not far from it is suitable. But sometimes this is not enough.

Celebrating the New Year includes elements of fairy tales, adventure and mystery.

  1. Ski resort. If you like active recreation and are waiting for a miracle, buy a ticket to a domestic ski resort.
  2. A trip to the sea. In the vicinity of Sochi there is a wonderful resort called Krasnaya Polyana. By going here, you will breathe clean air and celebrate the New Year in a wonderful atmosphere.
  3. Homeland of Santa Claus. If you want the New Year holidays to be interesting for all family members, visit the city of Veliky Ustyug, which is considered the birthplace of Father Frost. In addition to picturesque landscapes and a wonderful atmosphere, it will offer accommodation in a village hut and relaxation in a bathhouse.
  4. Golden ring. By visiting one of the cities of the Golden Ring, you will celebrate the New Year in a wonderful place. It doesn't matter whether you're with family, friends or your significant other. Each of the settlements, including Murom, Yaroslavl and Kostroma, will allow you to admire the beauty of our country’s nature, get acquainted with the history of the country, and have a wonderful rest.

Let me add that in our country it is customary to celebrate the New Year twice. According to the old style, this event falls on January 7th. If you are on vacation at this time, go to St. Petersburg.

In this case, you won’t have to deal with decorating the house, but free time can be spent on a hotel stay and city tours, during which you will visit the Peter and Paul Fortress, the Hermitage and the Kazan Cathedral.

New Year 2017

New Year - beloved, cheerful and bright holiday. There are many wonderful places on the planet that you really want to visit.

  • You can celebrate New Year at a ski resort. For example, there are many of them in Europe. Of course, not everyone can afford a trip to Austria or Switzerland. But, you can go to Romania or Slovakia. There are high mountains here and white snow.
  • If the first option is not suitable, go to a recreation center. This is how you will celebrate the New Year sitting on the sofa in a cozy house, drinking chilled champagne and eating a delicious biscuit. Many of the bases will offer to take part in a real New Year's procession, which will delight you with wonderful emotions.
  • And this is not yours? In this case, go to one of the European capitals. Such a trip will allow you to spend the New Year holidays away from home in a noisy multinational company. I can say with confidence that you will be amazed by the Viennese balls, Prague landscapes or the Brandenburg Gate.

If you don’t like the options listed, just stay at home, decorate your home, cover New Year's table and spend the holidays in a warm and friendly family circle.

Only you can choose the place. The main thing is that it is fun, noisy and interesting. I want to say that when choosing a certain option, you need to be guided by your desires. In this case, the holiday will be a success.

When the chimes start striking, take a glass, drink some champagne, be sure to make a wish and wait for the pleasant gift that Grandfather Frost will give you.

10 interesting options for where to go for New Year 2018 in Russia. Where to celebrate and celebrate the New Year in Russia and how to spend it New Year holidays.

Where to go for New Year in Russia?

If it is not possible to “overwinter” in hot countries, during the cold season we are warmed only by the thought of the most magical holiday - New Year. And although the New Year holidays are an ideal time to travel to a foreign coast, most of us still prefer to celebrate at home, in snowy Russia, so that there is a Christmas tree, friendly passers-by in red hats and a toy beard of Santa Claus, ice slides and sleighs. My opinion is that it is possible to make New Year’s Eve special and unusual in our area. For example, it is now fashionable to live in ski resorts. I bring to your attention a selection of the most suitable places to celebrate the New Year in Russia, where to go inexpensively.

Where to celebrate and celebrate the 2018 New Year in Russia?

If you suddenly decide to go on vacation in Russia on a package tour, then look at the prices below to determine the duration of the trip.

New Year in Moscow

© deensel / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

I decided to start from Moscow, because... Every year, tens of thousands of our compatriots flock here not to miss the lighting of the lanterns and the red star on the main Christmas tree, to attend a festive concert on the main square and to take photographs at artfully decorated store windows. Festive fireworks are already a tradition, and here they amaze with their magnificence. Moscow is one of best places, where you can celebrate the New Year in Russia.

Another famous place where famous architectural structures and the main attractions of the city are located is the exhibition center of the Ostankino district of VDNKh, namely Poklonnaya Gora. Fashionable restaurants and family cafes are concentrated here. A panoramic view of Moscow will help create a romantic, magical atmosphere on a festive night. This has a super effect on any tourist.

You can welcome 2018 in such an unusual way as riding a river boat. The Moscow River is no worse than the St. Petersburg Neva. Especially at night.

New Year's Peter

© ninara / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Another beautiful place where you can celebrate the New Year in Russia is St. Petersburg. You can talk endlessly about the most visited places and main attractions of St. Petersburg. The cultural capital of Russia in winter resembles pictures from films and TV series about Russian emperors and palace coups. It’s not for nothing that travel agencies offer a great variety of tours to the city on the Neva for the New Year.

The luxurious squares of St. Petersburg with majestic palaces are probably still the most affordable option to celebrate the main holiday of the year. As in Moscow, every year a tall Christmas tree is installed on Palace Square, garlands are lit and a magnificent concert is organized.

St. Petersburg opens the doors of the most worthy establishments for guests to celebrate a holiday on the main square or Nevsky Prospekt. Here are my 3 favorite restaurants: “Terrassa”, “Nebar”, “Che-Dor”.

New Year's Eve in the resort city of Sochi

© infanticida / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

I think Russian people will like Sochi at any time of the year. During the New Year holidays, the city becomes a kind of “piece of summer” in winter. Krasnaya Polyana, for example, attracts tourists with its “cool” skiing. The New Year is celebrated here on a grand scale, and therefore Sochi is another option where to go for the New Year holidays in Russia.

Sochi residents also hold festive concerts and celebrate January 1st with the chimes on the city square - the Southern Pier. By the way, not far from the Southern Pier there is a large number of cafes/bars where all year round There is a vacation atmosphere.

Be sure to visit the Olympic Park, which recently became the most attractive place for Sochi guests. There is also “Fisht”, the “Iceberg” winter sports palace, and a curling center.

Baikal for the New Year

© marcofieber / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Where you should go in Russia for the New Year holidays is Baikal. I remember this place very fondly. I remember how my heart sank when I first saw the beauty of Lake Baikal - the “pearl of Siberia.” In winter it is no less picturesque here.

On New Year's Eve, you can organize real winter adventures here: ice sled racing, fishing, creating ice figures and much more. I assure you that here you will meet many compatriots with different areas- from Moscow to Vladivostok. Local residents have long been accustomed to such a “party”, so the conditions here are the most suitable for an active and unforgettable holiday. In the vicinity of Lake Baikal there are many hotels and ski resorts where you can stay by pre-booking a room.

If you get tired of admiring the icy Baikal, go to the Small Sea (one of the most tourist-visited parts of Lake Baikal). The Small Sea is separated by the mysterious island of Olkhon. There are generally many small rocky islands on Baikal, but Olkhon is the largest. The island has its own legend about shamanic gods and evil spirits.

For example, it was interesting for me to look at the monument to Admiral Kolchak in Irkutsk, because... this is my favorite historical character. And the most fun and large-scale New Year's programs are organized on the territory of the Taltsy Museum - a complex of architectural exhibition structures.

You need to know that if you want to get to Baikal, you will need to get to Irkutsk. It is from here that the most convenient routes to any point of Lake Baikal are available.

New Year in Crimea

© rtgreen_p / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

In 2018, no one in our country can be surprised by a sudden trip to Crimea. Even in winter, even on New Year's. Here you feel at home, but there is an atmosphere of relaxation all around, hotels, hostels, cafes/restaurants and night parties are filled with hundreds of vacationers.

On the coast of Yalta, real fun unfolds on New Year's Eve: mass celebrations, fairs, dancing, fireworks and fireworks.

By staying longer in Crimea, you can see a bunch of amazing places, as part of an excursion, for example. Have you ever been to the Crimean caves? Or maybe we had lunch in the mountains? Have you dived into the Black Sea with a bottle of good wine? In general, here they will tell you how to spend New Year's Eve in an unusual way. Well, where else can you go for the New Year holidays in Russia?

New Year's Vladivostok

© amanderson / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Far away, you say? In fact, the region, which is now actively under construction and developing, has begun to attract more and more foreign tourists, including. Asians come here and stay in the Primorsky capital not only as a “transit”. Just imagine how beautiful it is around - the sea, modern high-rise buildings and 19th century architecture. In winter it is even warmer here than in many Russian cities where you can relax on New Year's Eve.

On the night of December 31st. as of 1 Jan. on the main city square - pl. There is no crowd of fighters for the power of the Soviets, where the White House is located. Loud music, fireworks, Santa Clauses with Snow Maidens, performances of city talent, etc.

In Vladivostok and its surroundings there are many comfortable and inexpensive camp sites overlooking the sea bay. Especially extreme Primorye residents like to organize trips to the taiga during the New Year holidays (some for hunting, some for fishing, and some just to take a good breath of the forest air and warm up by the fire while playing a guitar).

Friendly Karelia

© david_e_smith / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Frost-resistant travelers will enjoy spending New Year and Christmas in the Republic of Karelia. The best place to stay is in Petrozavodsk - here are the most fun places and the best vacation rentals at very affordable prices.

If you took your small children to Karelia, then at some children's party meet Pakkaine - Santa Claus (Karelian). By the way, Pakkaine has his own house and you can visit it with your child. The main city event on New Year's Eve takes place in the central square of the capital of Karelia.

To get to know Karelia better, I advise you to take a tour of historical places and look into the marble quarry in Ruskeala Park (a cultural heritage site).

Travel to Altai for the New Year

© meribel_tourisme / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

Another snowy option for where to go for New Year's Eve in Russia, which will certainly interest fans winter species sports Altai region is a land of majestic mountains. Here are the most elite ski resorts and sanatoriums. You can kill two birds with one stone - run in the ski slopes and improve your health. In addition, sanatorium establishments also host excellent matinees.

For example, the resort town of Belokurikha is in demand among tourists, leaving only positive reviews. Take a swim in the hot springs of nitrogen-radon waters (this business card resort). Belokurikha itself cannot boast of numerous attractions, so you need to go here specifically for a “mountain skiing”. Fans of trekking (hiking in the mountains) will appreciate the mountainous terrain of Tserkovka.

For the New Year, you can stay somewhere in the Katun sanatorium (you can think of the entertainment yourself). Take your children to the Belovodye water park - you can spend the whole day here!

Sheregesh, Kemerovo region

© mmmaleksei / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

The Sheregesh ski resort, located in the small town of the same name in Siberia, is an excellent place where you can spend the New Year holidays in Russia. It is called the “native Courchevel”. It is here that over a million active and more or less wealthy tourists come. Weather? This is where there will always be snow on New Year's Eve!

If you only dream of becoming a professional skier, here you will have a great opportunity to learn for yourself and your children. There are advanced and training trails. In our country, these are almost the highest ski hills - the total height is more than 35 thousand meters. There are a lot of hotels and cottages on the territory of the resort to accommodate guests. Colorful festivals are held here throughout the year. I think New Year's Eve will be no less fun.

New Year in European style in Kaliningrad

© mario_storch / flickr.com / CC BY 2.0

When you get to Kaliningrad, you find yourself in Europe. In Russia... It seems to me that this is the most unusual city in our country. Kaliningrad still harbors an atmosphere of something “foreign”: buildings, clean streets, signs and inscriptions in German.

By the way, it is unlikely that you will be able to celebrate the New Year with the chimes on the main city square. Well, they even came up with their own traditions here! Townspeople usually celebrate the Old New Year and spend New Year's Eve in a narrow family circle - at home. But on January 1, music and fireworks can be heard all day on Victory Square, and festive concerts and fairs are held.

During this period, it is not too frosty in Kaliningrad (compared to 5+ here in late March-April). It's not snowfall here, but rather torrential rain with strong winds.

I would like to summarize. Wherever you go to celebrate the New Year 2018, in Russia you will feel the special Russian New Year’s atmosphere: champagne, a Christmas tree, Olivier salad, “black bread, herring” and smiling passers-by as never before. Let's go to hot countries for the New Year holidays!

Introductory image source: © archer10 / flickr.com / Licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0.

New Year is a wonderful holiday when real miracles happen and the wishes we make come true. This means you shouldn’t sit at home on this day.

You need to celebrate the holiday in an interesting and fun way, for example, with a loved one or in a noisy company, going to a nightclub, cafe or restaurant.

Or you can spend time on the streets or in the parks of the city, where many events will also take place. Here you will hear cheerful music, you can visit fairs, take part in fun games, competitions, etc. We will talk about celebrating the 2020 New Year on the streets of Moscow.

At the end of December - beginning of January, folk craft fairs will be organized in all districts of the city, the largest of which will be held on Manezhnaya Square. Here you can buy New Year and Christmas souvenirs, Christmas decorations, ride the carousel. Guests will be entertained by jugglers and buffoons.

Where in Moscow to celebrate New Year 2020 on the street? At the end of December, pedestrian zones in the city center will be prepared for the New Year holidays, throughout which theatrical, circus and musical performances will take place.

There will be dynamic light compositions, giant figures of Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, figures of snowmen, various animals, lighting structures in the form of snowflakes, candles, etc. Many beautiful ancient buildings can be seen in Kitay-Gorod - on Nikolskaya Street, Ilyinka and Varvarka.

Where to spend New Year's Eve 2020 on the streets of Moscow?

Festive festivities will take place in all areas of the city. Many people will traditionally gather on Red Square to celebrate the holiday while the chimes strike.

At the main Kremlin Christmas tree there will be a theatrical performance with Father Frost and the Snow Maiden, and a masquerade will be held, where everyone can come in original costumes. The main holiday program here starts at 22:00, but to get to Red Square, you will need to plan your trip in advance.

Also, festivities will take place on Tverskaya Street, Chistoprudny Boulevard, at VDNKh, in the park named after. Gorky, Kolomna, on Poklonnaya Hill and other sites. Here you can congratulate passers-by on the holiday and drink a glass of champagne in a cheerful company, so you will certainly remember the street festivities in Moscow.

For those who feel chilled while celebrating the New Year outdoors, there will be heated pavilions where you can sit and warm up completely free of charge. During the daytime, animators will also work there and look after children for free.

Concerts of Russian pop stars will be held at several venues in the city center, where everyone can attend. However, keep in mind that a lot of people gather here, and you need to reserve a seat in advance. Getting here on New Year's Eve will not be easy due to the fact that traffic on many streets in the city center will be blocked.

One of the favorite places for Muscovites to hang out is Poklonnaya Hill, which offers a beautiful panorama of the city. A large Christmas tree will be erected here, and entertainment activities for children and adults. We recommend celebrating a holiday here for families with children. They will appreciate the opportunity to participate in interesting games and competitions and even ride a reindeer sled.

Which park to go to in Moscow for New Year 2020?

Large entertainment program prepared capital parks: park named after. Gorky, Sokolniki Park, Kolomenskoye, Babushkinsky Garden, Park named after. Bauman, Fili Park, Hermitage Garden, Tagansky Park and others.

Celebrations will take place here and attractions will operate. Many bright performances await children who can spend the New Year with their favorite characters from fairy tales, films and cartoons - Harry Potter, Kai and Gerda, Baby and Carlson, etc.

Those interested can take part in quests and workshops on making Christmas decorations, various items of holiday decor, artistic painting on icicles, preparing delicious New Year's dishes and drinks, etc.

Where can you go ice skating for New Year 2020 in Moscow?

During the holiday, about one and a half thousand skating rinks will open in the capital, where you can have an interesting time with friends. The skating rink on Red Square will begin operating at the end of November and close at the beginning of March. It will be open to outdoor enthusiasts daily from 10am. There are both paid and free hours for skating.

You can also visit the large skating rinks in the park named after. Gorky or at VDNKh. Wide ice paths, beautiful lighting, convenient infrastructure with spacious locker rooms and skate rentals - all this will appeal to fans of winter entertainment.

Among the outdoor skating rinks, one can also highlight “Avangard” on Entuziastov Highway. This is 10000 square meters high-quality ice surface, where not only amateur skaters, but also professionals can skate.

Skating rinks in Sokolniki, Kolomenskoye, Ostankino parks, the Hermitage Garden, Patriarch's Ponds, Northern Tushino, Catherine Park, etc. are also popular among Muscovites and city guests.

Ski slopes will also be laid here and ice towns will be built. Choose what you like best, go to Fresh air and be charged with optimism and good mood for the whole next year!

Where to watch fireworks for the New Year 2020 in Moscow?

The festive program will end with a grand fireworks display that will paint the night sky with all the colors of the rainbow. The main fireworks display with a laser show will be launched in the area of ​​Red Square and Vasilievsky Spusk.

There will also be fireworks in Friendship Park, the Park of the 850th Anniversary of Moscow, on Festivalnaya Street, in Maryino, Izmailovo, Lianozovo, Yuzhny Butovo, on Vologodsky Proezd, in the park named after. 850th anniversary of Moscow. Light shows can be seen at the Tverskaya and Lubyanka festival venues.

Those who want to set off fireworks on their own on New Year's Eve in the center of Moscow can go to Bolotnaya Square. Special sites will also be allocated for this in other districts of the capital. Their lists can be seen on the official website of the Russian Ministry of Emergency Situations.

IN holidays you can also go on city tours “Encyclopedia of Old Moscow”, “Secrets of Zamoskvoretsky Courtyards”, “Night Capital”, “Bulgakov’s Moscow”, “Anomalous Moscow, or in the footsteps of Moscow ghosts”, etc. And after January 1 you can visit the capital’s museums and historical estates, some of which will be open to visitors free of charge.

A weekend in Turkey, in hot countries or a tour of Europe? Before the New Year, travel agencies are ready to satisfy the most demanding clients. Go to the Czech Republic for the holidays - the holiday atmosphere in this country fills literally all the streets and houses. You won’t forget this New Year and Christmas for a long time! Or maybe you'd prefer to celebrate New Year on the beach? And it's possible!

Suitable for: for those who love to travel and are ready to celebrate the New Year without the chimes and the film “The Irony of Fate.”

How to prepare: book and buy a New Year's tour in advance, this will allow you to save on your trip. You can also travel to Europe on your own - then it’s better to buy tickets as early as possible.

2. Celebrate outside

Celebrate New Year's Eve outside? This option has many advantages, and it is not so important where exactly to celebrate: near your cottage, in the park, in the forest or in the courtyard of your house. Here you can relax with your children, arrange active entertainment, set off fireworks, fry sausages on the grill, ride down the slide and enjoy the sparklers. The main thing is to remember to dress warmly.

Suitable for: companies with children, young guys.

How to prepare: Think through the entertainment program in advance and buy everything you need: fireworks, sparklers, a bagel that will fit several people.

3. Gathering with a large family at home

A holiday at home is for those who honor traditions. The whole family at a huge table - here it is, the perfect New Year! You can discreetly put a gift under the Christmas tree or order congratulations from the Snow Maiden and Father Frost to your home - the children will be delighted!

As a child, didn’t you dream that Santa Claus would fulfill all your wishes on New Year’s Eve?

Suitable for: families with small children.

How to prepare: hire actors, it is advisable to agree in advance (good actors have New Year's Eve planned long before December) and carefully try to find out what your child wants to get for the holiday.

4. Have a romantic evening together

What could be better than celebrating the New Year in the arms of a loved one? Order delicious food, wrap yourself in a blanket near a real fragrant Christmas tree, watch your favorite New Year's films and drink champagne. You have each other, what else is needed for happiness?

Suitable for: young couples, families without children, newlyweds.

How to prepare: order food in advance (make an order for a specific time). By ordering at the current time, you risk waiting for the courier until next year.

5. Let's go to a restaurant

What could be cooler than New Year's Eve in a chic restaurant with an exciting show program, beautiful music, delicious food and drinks? The obvious advantages of such a holiday: no cleaning or cooking, a variety of dishes, and you definitely won’t be bored.

Usually, city restaurants try to come up with the most interesting and unusual holiday program. Christmas mood guaranteed!

Suitable for: large family with children; for those who consider the New Year a special holiday; for those who decided to celebrate with their parents and want to surprise them.

How to prepare: book a table in advance or buy a ticket to the show program, preferably early, otherwise the most interesting options will sell out.

6. Having fun at the club

If you want to relax with a luxurious program, but the atmosphere of the restaurant is not congenial, go celebrate the New Year in a club or bar. Here you can not only eat and drink deliciously, but also dance until the morning, without being distracted by neighbors and other circumstances of everyday life.

Who is it suitable for?: for those who want to celebrate the New Year in a noisy company.

How to prepare: These events often sell tickets that include free drinks and snacks. Make arrangements in advance, especially if you want to grab a VIP table.

7. Let's go to nature!

How about getting away from the bustle of the city on New Year's Eve and enjoying nature? It is not at all necessary to build a hut in the forest for this. It is enough to rent a cottage or hotel room at a camp site.

And there you can grill, sled, spend active and fun time in the company of friends.

They say that waiting is tedious and exciting. Especially when you are looking forward to the approach of the kindest holiday of the year - New Year. But if thoughts are clouded by a lack of funds, the approach of any event becomes torture. Leave the gloomy thoughts behind. After all, it is quite possible to celebrate the New Year inexpensively.

Where to celebrate the New Year cheaply: choosing a direction

After all, often a pretentious gala banquet in a prestigious restaurant on New Year's Eve turns out to be a boring dinner with memorized toasts, from which you just want to escape.

And a party with friends in the hostel on New Year's Eve leaves an indelible impression. Agree, good mood and the impressions do not depend at all on the high cost of the interior and the variety of snacks.

But everyone perceives the question of where to spend the New Year inexpensively in their own way, depending on the goals of the celebration and financial capabilities. Someone just wants to save money on a holiday and chooses where to relax for the New Year inexpensively abroad or on exotic islands. And you can find an unlimited number of such offers on the Internet.

But some people really have a limited budget, every penny counts, and the question of where to celebrate the New Year inexpensively is critical.

Don’t give up on the holiday because of a complete lack of finances or a limited budget.

Therefore, we suggest considering where to spend the New Year on a budget without any investment or with minimal spending.

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget: the most low-budget ideas

Many, after celebrating the New Year in the warmth of a rich table, go to the city square to continue the celebration.

We suggest not to wait, but to dress warmly and go outside before midnight. Believe me, there will be plenty of people who want to celebrate the New Year in the open air. And the gathering place is designated - the city square.

You don't have to stock up on snacks and champagne. Moreover, it is better not to drink alcohol in the cold.

It will be enough to take a thermos with coffee or hot tea with you. Here you can find new friends and like-minded people.

Accept congratulations and congratulate strangers yourself. Folk festivals, dances, songs, fireworks - what else is needed for a fun holiday.

If you don’t like noisy companies, choose uncrowded places. In the city there are any Beautiful places, where crowds do not gather on New Year's Eve.

For privacy, the shore of a lake or river, or a gazebo in a snow-covered park are suitable. To visit such places you don’t need money at all. And what to take with you, choose at your own discretion.

Even a few tangerines, chocolate and mulled wine will create a festive atmosphere.

But you can skip snacks altogether. Spend time playing snowballs, sliding down slides, throwing snowballs. Children will especially like this idea.

Family New Year in the nearest park will be remembered for a long time. Is there a park or forest nearby? Just go out into the yard. Even if there are no like-minded people here at midnight, immediately after the chimes there will be a lot of people wanting to have fun in the open air.

Where to celebrate the New Year on a budget and in an unusual way?

Do city New Year's festivities seem boring and ordinary? Are you looking for options where to celebrate the New Year inexpensively but unusually?

Climb to the roof of a multi-story building. Throwing a party on the roof is not a new idea, but few people decide to celebrate the New Year this way. But it’s so interesting to watch the festive city from above, when the whole world is right at your feet on New Year’s Eve.

Just don't forget about the safety rules. And you shouldn't climb onto the roof with small children.

It would be a good idea to take blankets and warm mulled wine in a thermos with you.

Or go underground, where you can spend the New Year cheaply right in a subway car. Right at midnight, those who are in a hurry and those who are late find themselves here.

And they will be happy to join your idea of ​​congratulating strangers on their holiday in an unusual place. All costs for such a holiday will consist of the cost of tokens, champagne and disposable cups.

Where to inexpensively celebrate New Year with friends

The easiest way to organize an inexpensive holiday is to set the table by sharing. This prototype of a “student” style is popular not only among youth groups, but also among married couples.

Divide the costs of purchasing groceries and fireworks among all participants of the holiday.

You will have to first draw up, draw up a script and calculate the cost of everything necessary for the holiday. You can distribute not only monetary costs, but also responsibilities.

Let someone take charge of preparing and conducting the holiday program, another is responsible for decorating the tree and the room, and several people prepare the year and.

Another option for sharing costs is to invite everyone to bring something tasty or.

A youth group, for which the question of where to celebrate the New Year cheaply is more critical, can rent an apartment. But it’s better to find a suitable room and make an advance payment in advance.

Or go outdoors with the whole group. More expensive options are to rent a country house or cottage, or relax in a boarding house. But it’s better to just find a house in the village that is rented out by local residents, or a hunting lodge. It’s even better if someone in the company has their own country house.

Where to celebrate the New Year cheap and fun?

We invite you to go on a little New Year's trip. But not by foreign countries, but by guests.

Put on a Santa Claus or Snow Maiden costume and go visit your family, acquaintances, and friends.

Believe me, on New Year's Eve any doors will open for you.

And for the funny and good congratulations and they will pour you a glass of champagne and feed you salad.

Just don’t forget that you came to visit to congratulate and cheer up the owners of the house, and not to eat to your heart’s content. In order not to look like an uninvited guest, do not stay for long, but head to the next point of your New Year's trip.

Where and how to cheaply relax for the New Year?

It’s better to look for options where you can relax inexpensively on New Year’s Eve either long before the holiday, or in the last days of the year.

In the first case, you can save on the cost of the flight, the trip itself, by booking or prepaying.

Moreover, tour operators offer to break down payment for a vacation into several stages, which will not be so expensive for the family budget.

When buying trips at the last minute, you can find interesting options for “last minute trips” that allow you to relax on New Year’s Eve in interesting places for mere pennies.

But keep in mind that there is always a risk of not buying a ticket at all. Therefore, think about alternative options for where to relax on a budget for the New Year.

You can also save on paperwork for your trip. It is better to choose countries where a visa is not required or go on a tour of your home country.

If your priority is not celebrating the New Year abroad, but relaxing during the New Year holidays, choose tours with arrivals and departures that do not coincide with the celebration dates. Such trips will be much cheaper.

For lovers of European shopping, it is better to go on a trip in early January - this is when sales begin.

Plan your expenses, choose budget and interesting offers. Lack of money or a limited budget is not a reason to refuse to celebrate the New Year. You can always find options for an inexpensive holiday for the New Year that you will like.

Video: where to have a cheap holiday for the New Year without a visa

We invite you to get acquainted with the options for inexpensive holidays in the video.