Women's stories about the first betrayal. Women's stories about betrayal. He says he loves two people

Yes, dear girls, what doesn’t happen to us beautiful and charming ones away from home. Both good and, of course, bad. Which category should I belong to? a holiday romance, it’s up to everyone to decide for themselves; for some, a fleeting impulse of feelings is beneficial, but for others it makes them suffer for many months, and sometimes even years. I would like to tell you, my dears, a story from my life, which changed quite a lot in it. It would seem like a chance meeting, but this very meeting inspired me and gave me new strength and desire for life. So, let's begin.

I think, to clarify the picture, I should tell you a little about myself, I’m 26 years old, a seasoned lady, I’ve been married for 7 years. My family life in some places it’s not very prosperous, but on the whole, my husband and I give the impression of being quite happy couple. Friends are jealous, relatives are calm, and we ourselves don’t seem to be at war with our husband, but we don’t feel the same feelings for each other anymore. We live as friends more than as lovers, or to be more precise, we lived before my vacation trip.

Trip to the resort

This happened two years ago, I, being very tired from work and family troubles, decided to give myself a gift - a trip to a resort, to Egypt or Turkey, in general, where it’s warm. I didn’t want to go alone, and my husband didn’t really share my initiative, he said that if you want to go, go, I’m not holding you back, but I won’t go myself, I’ve got enough to do. Of course, it was awkward for me to go like that, to leave him at home alone, and all sorts of suspicions began to torment me, but, nevertheless, I decided that we were both adults and were fully capable of making decisions ourselves. I decided. I'm going. All that remains is to choose with whom. My friends unanimously referred to work, my sister that there was no one to leave the child with, candidates for a joint vacation were melting before our eyes and I was upset, but then a wonderful idea came to my mind, I think I know a person who will definitely will not refuse me. Well, of course! Why didn't I think of this before? Mother! She will definitely come with me.

Hooray! We go! Finally! My happiness knew no bounds. The four-hour flight passed unnoticed and, now, Sharm El-Sheikh airport is already greeting us with its warm embrace. Stunning weather, warm sea and excellent hotel, everything was at the highest level. There were still two weeks ahead unforgettable impressions. My mother and I decided to spend this vacation calmly and relax as much as possible, because at home there was only routine. My mother of the old school, although still young, nevertheless recommended that I do without adventures and be extremely attentive and not enter into any contacts. By the way, I didn’t even think that this was possible. It seems that I am still young, but I have already begun to doubt that I can like someone. My husband never indulged me in compliments; my work colleagues also valued me exclusively as a specialist. They only said that my eyes were beautiful, deep, and you could look into them. But I don’t need it, eyes are like eyes, everyone seems to have them like that...z

In the evening to the restaurant

And so, one evening, my mother and I were sitting in a restaurant, slowly sipping one of the local cocktails, and enjoying the view of the setting sun. At that moment, it seemed to me, I was happy, I was able to forget about household chores, I thought only about how I would lie on the beach tomorrow, or maybe book an excursion, or go diving. I had a bunch of plans, but they all collapsed when I heard the phrase behind my back: “Girls, will you mind if I keep you company, so to speak?” I, immersed in my dreams, did not consider it necessary to answer the question posed, I just pulled my glasses over my eyes. This was still not enough, what impudence, we don’t need company! But mom decided otherwise. She agreed and now that the stranger sat down at the table, I could see him clearly.

He was handsome, about 35 years old, polished, well-groomed, quite large, with purely masculine facial features and an unusual profile that for some reason reminded me of an eagle. I couldn’t say that he was handsome, but there was something completely incomprehensible about him that attracted me. He was interesting, kept us busy with conversations all evening, and my mother was interested in him. I didn’t pay any attention to him, which seemed to make him a little angry. I answered his questions with short and caustic phrases, after which he was a little lost. To be honest, at that moment, I was waiting for the evening to end and for us to go our separate ways. I’ll tell you straight - at first glance I didn’t like him, he was too boring or something...

When it was time to say goodbye, he decided to walk us to our room and, oh, horror, as it turned out, we were also neighbors. He was overly happy about this and did not hide his pleasure. Saying goodbye, he told us that we should definitely see each other tomorrow. Mom didn’t mind and sincerely didn’t understand my negative mood. I didn’t want anyone else to interfere with our vacation. No, I wasn't jealous, I just wanted a break from people. I fell asleep thinking about how to quickly get rid of our new friend.

He came early in the morning

The next morning I was awakened by a sharp knock on the door. It’s strange, usually the room is not cleaned this early... Who could it be... Mom was still sleeping, so putting on a robe, I trudged to the door. Our stranger from yesterday stood on the threshold, holding a towel and mask in his hands.

- What, did you wake me up? “Come on, stop lying around, pick up mom and let’s go for a swim,” he said in a cheerful voice.

To say that I was angry with him would be an understatement. Not only did he wake me up, but he didn’t even apologize. Ham! Muttering something dissatisfied under my breath, I promised him that we would come soon, which was completely unexpected for me. Closing the door, I thought about what a fool I was... why did I agree? Sitting down on the bed, I looked at the clock - 6 am... What a nightmare. I failed to wake up my mother; she stubbornly refused to go to the beach so early, tearfully asking for another hour of sleep. Well, fun, now I have to entertain our friend myself. Putting on a swimsuit and taking a towel, I leisurely went out and headed towards the beach. Not even halfway there, I heard a familiar voice.

-Have you come yet? “I thought I couldn’t wait…” he said with undisguised regret.

“It would be better not to wait,” I sarcastically again.

He realized that I was out of sorts again and we walked in silence the rest of the way. He still bothered me with his presence, but less so. This made me a little happy. I think I'm getting used to it. And so, I even dared to break the silence.

- And what are you doing? – I asked surprisingly timidly.

And then it began, he, inspired by my interest, began to animatedly tell me about everything, about nuclear physics, about computers, architecture, military aviation. He spoke so much and in such vivid colors that my unpleasant feelings towards him went away on their own. As it turned out, he is a designer, working on a new project, and would like to display in it some, at first glance, completely incoherent things. I listened to him and was delighted, but he really seems to have talent. I felt calm with him, calm and interesting, in the evenings I sat with him for a long time at a table near the pool and listened to his stories over a glass of something strong. Then I told him myself and, surprisingly, he listened to me, listened with genuine interest and a charming smile. He gave me various advice and, sometimes, I got the impression that I was talking to my older brother or dad. He understood me.

It was amazing

We went swimming together, fooled around, visited excursions and shops. He was the first person who could for such a short time to become almost like family to me. I went to visit him, we could lie on the bed for hours and watch movies, I was glad that he did not pester me, did not seduce me. I thought it might continue to be like this. But I was wrong. One evening, he timidly knocked on our room and said that he was badly burned and needed help. Without any second thoughts, I put on a robe and went to his room, grabbing several burn creams.

I vaguely remember everything that happened next, I remember my hands on his hot back, then his hands on the belt of my robe, then his lips whispering something in my ear. We were covered with wild passion, I couldn’t resist, I was drawn to him. I could not even imagine that this could happen to me, to a girl who was faithful by nature, for whom family was her true value... With him, I forgot about everything. Every morning he brought me flowers and we went to breakfast together. He picked me up and carried me in his arms when I complained that the sand was hot. He took care of me and looked after me in every possible way. I was pleasantly pleased by his attention. But I knew for sure that this would not last long. I enjoyed every day with him, but I knew that I would not leave him any contact. We became even closer when we had a heart-to-heart talk with him, and as it turned out, he was also married. We were very similar to him, but, at the same time, completely different.

The time of my departure was approaching inexorably, I decided to spend my last evening with him. He was gentle and rude, very sensual and touching. We sat on his balcony almost until morning. They talked about everything, about their difficulties, sorrows and thoughts. He told me that there are no unsolvable situations and in everything that happens you need to see only positive side. We said goodbye to him warmly and wished each other good luck and success. In parting, he fatherly kissed me on the forehead and said: “Take care of yourself, girl, you are the best,” and for some reason tears welled up in his eyes.

Sitting on the plane, I replayed everything that happened over and over again. I asked myself the questions “why?”, “why me and him? “, but I still couldn’t find an answer. The only thing I know for sure, and for which I am grateful to him, is that he taught me to rejoice, taught me to find a drop of positivity in a sea of ​​misunderstanding and unhappiness. He revived my heart and he, he was the one who made me feel special. I am very grateful to him for this.

At home, I began to treat my husband differently, more reverently and with greater understanding, surprisingly, and he treated me too. We began to speak the same language, and he began to give compliments. I began to enjoy every day that I spend with him and his every success. It was as if our feelings had flared up again. I didn’t tell him about my betrayal, and I never will. And even if he ever cheated on me, I wouldn’t want to know about it either. Although, now I have begun to view adultery a little differently. This may be a terrible thing for some, but it helped me save my marriage. I'm still not a fan of constantly walking to the left and I still believe that family comes first, but if that's the case... why not?

The heroines of our article today, when they found out that their beloved man was cheating on them, decided to take revenge.

Revenge for betrayal is not always the worst choice. Often it is after revenge that a person is able to think soberly. And in this case, he probably will not break up the family. Moreover, he will not feel humiliated, and to some extent he will feel better. Therefore, sometimes, revenge after betrayal is not bad, says psychologist Valentina Berzinskaya.

Yulia, 33 years old

When I found out that my husband was cheating on me, of course, I experienced a real shock. The first desire was to kick him out of the house and start new life.

But I decided to cool down. When the emotions subsided, I realized that I also needed betrayal. Otherwise, I will feel like a doormat at the front door of my apartment for a long time. At that time, my husband and I temporarily separated to give each other the opportunity to think.

After I slept with another man, I realized that I was ready to save my family. And it was after this step that I stopped feeling disgusted to look at my husband. Because we both stumbled.

Although my husband doesn't know that I cheated on him. But the main thing is that I know.

If, after cheating, a girl feels that she cannot put up with the current state of affairs, but is not ready to break off the relationship, it makes sense to take a break from each other. And even, sometimes, start a new relationship. This helps to understand how much she needs a family,” says Valentina Berzinskaya.

Valya, 35 years old

Having learned about the betrayal, I was wildly furious for a long time. I simply could not believe that my loved one was capable of betraying me in this way.

I began to take revenge in a state where my emotions had not subsided. No, I didn’t go looking for a new man - I decided that I would ruin the life of his mistress. It turned out that she was also married.

As a result of my actions, all the love correspondence of the “doves” ended up with her husband. Naturally, there was a scandal and a debriefing. I feel better.

But I didn’t stay with my husband. She took revenge and threw him out of life.

When you want to take revenge, it is wrong to do it towards your mistress. She did not make promises of fidelity and love to anyone. The husband is to blame for the betrayal. You need to come to terms with this, and if you take revenge, then only to him. Although, it’s much better to just let go right away,” the psychologist is sure.

Tanya, 29 years old

I always knew that if they cheated on me, I would take revenge. Until I feel that I can let go of the situation in order to move on with my life.

A banal story happened to us: a daughter was born, and my husband began to go for walks. And I, as often happens, saw his correspondence and found out about everything.

Since the child was very small, and I had no savings, a scandal would not have been a solution.

I continued to live with him as if nothing had happened. And when my daughter grew up a little and I went to work, other men began to appear in my life. Since then, I have allowed myself to fall in love and enjoy these relationships.

My husband and I did not divorce. But there is no trust between us either. Also, since then I began to spend a lot of his money on myself. As a compensation.

If we remove moral principles, then for many couples the solution is to simply let each other go and allow romances on the side. It keeps you on your toes, it helps you feel needed, and it strengthens relationships. Another question is that Tanya has not forgiven her husband. And this is a problem that will make itself felt in the future,” the specialist shares his opinion.

Spicy stories about infidelity, their reasons and the subsequent actions of deceived wives and husbands. Can sex on the side always be considered betrayal? What is the difference between a wife cheating and a husband cheating?

If you also have something to tell about this topic, you can do it absolutely free right now, and also support with your advice other authors who find themselves in similar difficult life situations.

I am 19 years old. I've been dating a guy for about 5 years. At the beginning of the relationship there were betrayals on his part, although I can’t say anything about the bed, but there were definitely kisses, and for me this was also betrayal. The attitude towards me is disgusting, but I turned a blind eye to all this.

Before me, he was, roughly speaking, a womanizer. I dated two, three at once, I could kiss whoever I wanted, but that didn’t stop me from starting a relationship with him. After a year of our relationship, he changed, stopped communicating with any of the girls, began to respect, appreciate me, and devote more time to me. And so it is still. But I lost my feelings for him for about a year. I don't know why we haven't broken up yet. He doesn’t seem to be holding on, but he can’t let go either; I live by some kind of habits. The habit of calling in the morning and wishing Have a good day, the habit of reporting where I’m going and with whom, the habit of saying how much I love him, although this is no longer the case.

I’ll share my story, maybe it will make me feel better. We met, one might say, as children - he was 16, I was 20 years old. There was crazy youthful love. We dreamed of our own family, wanted a child, and our desire came true after a year and a half of our romance. He was still afraid that I would leave him, but I had no intention, I loved him very much. Of course, I gained confidence in him as a husband and father, he vividly described how everything would be. But it turned out completely differently.

I became pregnant and his attitude towards me changed dramatically. I couldn't understand why. Immediately I pictured his parties with friends, girlfriends and so on. I worked until the last minute so as not to be a burden on my parents. As a result, I gave birth at 7 months and was taken away from work to give birth. My beloved didn’t worry about finances at all. I was in the hospital for a month with the child, and all this time he celebrated with friends.

I am a teacher, I was married for 5 years. This was my first early marriage (at age 19). There is a son from his first marriage. The husband was good, there is nothing to say here, they just got divorced due to stupidity in their youth. For the last year I was not very interested in him, I have a higher education, he does not, and even though I worked and earned money, everything was calm and peaceful with us, but I didn’t have enough communication with him. And so, eight years, and this is the last year of our life together, I, being in maternity leave so as not to forget your profile, foreign languages, I registered on a website for pen pals, I wanted to find a girlfriend so as not to embarrass my husband again, and not to forget the language, but ten guys answered. I couldn’t pass by one letter, the grammar was perfect, the interests were the same as mine, I really liked the letter, and I decided to answer. And then something happened that prompted us to start communicating, people from different worlds. In one minute and in one second we, he added that since we have the same interests, we will always have something to talk about. At the same moment we saw a coincidence in time, we communicated through the site, it became interesting, because it was truly incredible.

We met at work. The first time I encountered him was when he called me about work issues, although he was my boss, not my immediate boss, but the head of a department, so I never saw him.

I still remember how his voice gave me goosebumps, only a year later I saw him for the first time, then we met again at a meeting, but only six months later, after this meeting, he found me on social media. networks and we started communicating as friends. At that time I had been married for 18 years, I had two children - 15 and 17 years old. He was married for 12 years and had two children, ages 10 and 6. Our online communication lasted 3 months, after which we met, and...

I have one, with whom we have known each other since university, we hung out together in our distant youth, and now we are family friends. When I got married, my chosen one quickly got used to the women's team and often spent time with us. Later, Yulia’s husband Vitalik also joined our company very well, and over the years he became not only a close friend, but also the godfather of my child. He wonderful person and an ideal family man.

After maternity leave, I helped my friend get a job at a large telecommunications company, where I myself had worked for several years. It didn't cost me special effort, because the accounting department always needed fresh blood - my colleagues and I often joked. And although we gathered cleanly women's team, our chief accountant created an extremely healthy atmosphere in the office. A young, but at the same time very educated man, with whose appearance one could confidently walk along the catwalk, and not sit in the accounting department. Alexander Sergeevich skillfully managed a large department. And I always respected him for his fairness and integrity. And although at first there was competition in the office for the boss’s heart, it later turned out that he has a little daughter.

It all started with a banal acquaintance. I returned from the army, went to school and successfully got a job, in general, I started a hectic activity and tried to live like everyone else. I first met my future wife through mutual friends. At first they didn’t catch each other and didn’t even notice. Too different. I am a simple and open kind guy, and she is a reserved gray mouse, all in her books about philosophy and in her work. After that evening, we met several more times and also with the same mutual friends, but on one business issue. After the last meeting, she has already sunk deep into my heart and memory. I don’t know, probably it was the long absence of a relationship that took its toll, and she may just be a gray mouse, but very sweet, charming and feminine.

Time from dating to cohabitation I had an offer for about six months. Next, family life. Almost 5 years of idyll and real paradise in everything. There was love, romance, intimacy, and then a turning point occurred. I developed my business, she worked in a large company in an average position, they lived on my money, but I don’t mind, because I also loved the standard program that a man should provide for the woman he loves and their family with children. In general, everything is like everyone else. Then they experience disruptions at work, two companies are merged, the vector of development and profile are changed, and the company begins to go up. At some point, my wife begins to climb the career ladder at great speed.

Our parents introduced us. A few days later he wrote to me that he wanted to meet. This is how our dates began. No flowers or gifts. Sometimes he helped with something in the apartment. I can’t say that I was immediately in love with him. Little by little he won me over with something small. I can’t say about myself that I’m a beauty, but he was very gentle. He waited for me to pass my exams so that I could move in with him, and he suggested that I transfer to study in his city. To be honest, I doubted it for a long time. I passed the exams, went to my parents for a couple of weeks, during this time he moved all my things from my rented apartment to him, and returned from my parents straight away to him.

It so happened that upon returning I realized that I had been pregnant for several weeks. I was incredibly happy and told him. He was happy too. Happy as a phlegmatic person, without any special manifestations of feelings. And by the way, he never told me that he loved me, I reassured myself that some men love not with words, but with actions. We have known him for a year and a half, of which we lived together in the same apartment for three months. Then he began to linger somewhere often. I didn’t sleep at home for a couple of nights. She suffered and worried.

Six years ago I lived an ordinary life, wife, daughter, work, everything like everyone else. I was in good standing at work and was offered a position, but I had no education; my bosses suggested that I graduate from some technical school. I didn’t really strive, since at the same time I was starting my own business, and yet I thought and decided to go to study, I entered and waited for the call to the session.

Once I gave a lift to one woman, who turned out to be a teacher from another technical school, we got into a conversation with her, she offered to study with them, I refused, what difference does it make where to study, literally a week later I met her again, and she again offered to go study with them , said it was fate. I told my wife, my wife told me to transfer, especially since he was literally nearby in the neighboring village. I also offered to go study with my wife, but she refused.

And then the first day of the session arrived, they gathered us in the audience, and there I saw her, a girl, looking at whom, I got the impression that I had known her all my life, although I was seeing her for the first time. To be honest, it even scared me, since she wasn’t even my type, I didn’t understand that I was drawn to her, my wife is a million times more beautiful, and a girl like my wife is rare now. In addition, she was also married.

I am 22 years old. A year ago I met my boyfriend. None of us will experience such love even once in our lives. We were at a distance for six months, lived together for 5 months. I moved to another city to live with him. Before that I had one serious relationship, which lasted almost five years. and, unfortunately, I didn’t have time to say this myself while I was trying to figure out what was happening to me. A mutual friend said. Breaking up with my last boyfriend was like a breath fresh air, I suddenly realized that I was not loved and did not love myself. I don’t think my action was right, but it helped me a lot.

My current boyfriend was aware of everything that happened in my life. He didn't approve, but he understood. In the summer, while we were still at a distance, I met someone with whom. We had not communicated before, we met for 10 minutes (I was not the initiator of the meeting), we talked about nothing, I was convinced that I was madly in love with my current boyfriend. After I told him everything, he took it as a betrayal, but was sure that our crazy and unconditional love would forever help him accept and forget it.

No matter what challenges life throws at us, the main thing is not to lose faith in yourself.

The train was jerked violently once more and finally stopped. Lena looked out the window; the early chilly morning was enlivened only by people bustling around on the platform. She took Vasilisa’s hand, lifted a rather heavy suitcase with her other hand and slowly moved towards the exit.

Sorry, I'm late! - Already on the platform, Lena turned around at a familiar voice. Vitya stood with a huge bouquet of her favorite white roses. After kissing his wife and daughter, he took the suitcase, and they all walked together to the taxi.

I didn't think you'd come, we could have taken a taxi ourselves!

Well, what are you saying... What was not enough was that you were trying to catch a car with a small child and a heavy suitcase. Besides, I’m pleased to meet you, we haven’t seen each other for so long,” Vitya smiled.

Lena was surprised by her husband’s increased attention. Of course they had a good relationship. But before, in order to persuade her husband to meet her at the station or somewhere else, she had to make a lot of effort. And here he is, with flowers? Maybe I really missed you...

Cheating on your husband - a real life story

  • Bitter truth

Home Sweet Home! - Lena deeply inhaled the aroma of her home. It felt like she was leaving not for two weeks, but for a whole year. It seemed that everything was the same, but at the same time somehow different. Some new smells and things out of place, her things.

Did you do the cleaning?

Well, just a little,” Vitya helped Vasilisa undress. After putting their daughter to rest from the road, the couple sat down in the kitchen to drink coffee and sandwiches. Lena enthusiastically talked about their trip to her grandmother.

What were you doing here without us? - She looked at her husband with interest.

Yes, so... nothing, he worked,” Vitya spoke vaguely, slowly and somehow slightly distantly. The always talkative husband was silent and scared. And he wasn’t like that even when he proposed his hand and heart to her.

Memories of this always made Lena smile. Vitya, while still a student at the agricultural university, came to her to meet his parents. Naturally, on this occasion, a gala dinner was held, at which Vitya decided to propose to Lena and ask for the blessing of her parents. It was so unexpected that it shocked everyone.

Therefore, Lena had to give signals to her dad so that he agreed to give his only daughter in marriage. She pushed him under the table with her foot and quietly hissed: “Say yes.” The wedding was celebrated magnificently. And a year later the Basilisk was born.

For another three years, the young people exchanged one rented apartment for another. Due to constant travel, the child was often sick, and her daughter even ended up in the hospital several times, so Lena had to give up the thought of work and devote herself to home. Two years later, the family took out a loan for an apartment in a new building, Lena sent Vasilisa to kindergarten and got a job in one of the regional veterinary clinics. The salary was small, but stable.

Because of the mortgage loan that hung over the family, I had to deny myself a lot of things. They bought clothes only when necessary, and Lena didn’t think about things like a beauty salon or vacation abroad. But she encouraged herself with the thought that now they had their own place to live.

Okay, I’ll go and sort out my things,” Lena kissed her husband on his unshaven cheek.

The room was perfectly clean. Opening the closet and starting to hang up her clothes, her gaze settled on her husband's new shirt. Maybe other wives would not have noticed this, but Lena always participated in choosing clothes for her husband. And this process was not easy, since Vitya was very particular about his wardrobe: a certain color scheme, only natural fabrics. Lena took the new thing off the hanger.

Vit, did you buy yourself a new shirt? - She continued to examine the thing.

Yes, why?

Lena touched the fabric again - low-grade synthetics. My husband would never buy one for himself.

Don't lie, where is she from? - Entering the kitchen, Lena was confused.

They gave it to me! - Vitya tried not to look at his wife, who, on the contrary, tried to meet his gaze.

Who? There were no holidays, your birthday is in the spring, and your dog walkers usually bring a bottle! - Lena understood that the truth that she was so eager to find out could be too painful and unpleasant, but she could no longer retreat.

She was given by... - Vitya took a minute pause, which seemed like an eternity to Lena, - the woman I love! - And his face suddenly broke into a happy smile. It seemed like he had been waiting for the opportunity to say this from the very beginning. Lena was silent. Not that she was sure that in the eight years of their marriage her husband had not had affairs, but this frank confession in love with another woman...

It wasn't painful, it was disgusting. She felt betrayed and helpless. Lena grabbed the shirt and began to tear it, the fabric did not give in well, so she took a knife and began to chop the hated thing.

What a bastard you are, how could you do this to me? — Her husband’s betrayal threw her off track.

Do you think I did it on purpose? I just fell in love like a boy! - Vitya didn’t even try to make excuses.

Who is she? - Lena looked around the kitchen, strewn with scraps of green fabric.

Verochka, get off work! - The husband looked with the look of a beaten dog. - Listen, it happened, but I won’t leave you. Vaska is still little, but you know how much I love her...

After the words about the child, Lena felt how tears began to choke her. She felt sorry for her daughter, what would happen to her now? Lena began to sob from insult and humiliation.

Well, that's enough, wake up the baby! - Vitya came close to his wife.

Did you think about her when you were having fun with that one of yours... - Lena paused. - Did you need your daughter then? - She pushed her husband away from her, how disgusted he was with her.

“I fell in love like a boy” - this phrase could not leave Lena’s head, and she lit a cigarette. How useful were the cigarettes hidden a year ago? In a fit of anger, I wanted to collect my husband’s things, although no, not even collect them, but simply pull everything out of the closet, chop it up finely and throw it out of the balcony, and him after them.

Or leave, take your daughter and leave. But where? To parents? Of course it is possible. But what about the apartment, the loan in which she had already invested a lot of earned money. And how much she denied herself for the sake of this home, for the sake of their happy future...

And the child, who will need to somehow explain the separation of mom and dad... But the most burning desire was to come to Vita’s work, find this Verochka and tear out all her hair. Lena was frightened by her own thoughts, it seemed to her that she was going crazy. How else could a calm, balanced person think something like this? She always despised women who arrange showdowns with their husbands' mistresses. Now I felt like one of them - betrayed, trampled, humiliated.

  • Life hasn't stopped

Vitya slept on the sofa in the living room; Lena simply could not lie next to him in the same bed. Fortunately, the apartment had three rooms. Vasilisa, observing the relationship between her parents, only constantly asked whether mom and dad had quarreled. Naturally, no one began to tell the child the truth.

Lena said that dad was just sick and that’s why he was sleeping on the sofa. Vitya spent a lot of time with his daughter, sometimes it even seemed that through her he was trying to atone for his guilt. He literally filled the child with new hairpins, rubber bands, bows and dolls and brought something sweet almost every evening.

For as long as possible, do you want your child to have caries? - Lena was shaking with irritation when she saw her husband with more cakes in his hands.

Well, that's enough, don't be angry, I brought something for you too! - Vitya handed his wife the flowers hidden behind his back, a bouquet of three small yellow tulips.

Give it to your lady. I think she has as bad taste in flowers as she does in things! - Lena practically hissed.

And by the way, at 7 o’clock I will lock the door, so if you come later, you will go to spend the night where you came from.

Lena went into the bedroom, defiantly slamming the door. But she never managed to fall asleep, so she was not at all surprised that the next day, leaving work, she discovered that she had forgotten her keys at home.

“I’ll come see you in twenty minutes,” Lena said into the phone without greeting. - For what? I miss you! Yes, I forgot my keys at home, my keys!

Entering the veterinary clinic where her husband worked, Lena felt very uncomfortable. It seemed to her that even the walls here knew that her husband was cheating on her. Cheating on your husband is a shame! She carefully peered into the faces of the people meeting in the corridor, and then her gaze somehow mechanically stopped at a tall blonde of about 25 years old in a white robe.

Oh, Verochka, it's you! - Lena literally sang, intuitively figuring out her rival.

The young nurse was taken aback by such an unexpected meeting.

He will leave you, dear, very, very soon! - Lena grinned. Vera was silent. No, apparently, she was not ashamed, she was just afraid for her job!

He loves me, but only tolerates you!

Everything else was like a cheap soap opera: Lena grabbed the hair of her husband’s mistress, who tried to push her away. At this time, Vitya came out of the office and immediately rushed to take the women away.

Are you disgracing me here? Is this what you came here for? - he shouted, pushing his wife into his office. Lena couldn't calm down. She was literally shaking.

Aren't you disgracing me by sleeping with her? - the woman sat down on the couch, covered her face with her hands and began to cry. “I can’t live like this anymore, you know?” I feel like I'm slowly starting to go crazy. That’s it, I’m taking the child and going to my parents, I’ll pay my share of the loan, and when we’ve paid everything off, we’ll exchange the apartment!

Have you thought about Vaska? Your proposal is selfish towards the child! - Vitya was noticeably nervous and lightly tapped his fingers on the table.

Lena felt her hands involuntarily clenching into fists.

If I stay, I'll just kill you! - she said and left the office.

Living with her parents was, of course, not a panacea, but Lena simply did not have the opportunity to solve the housing problem any other way. Her parents had a very specific character, perhaps that is why she got married so early. Vasilisa asked every day when they would return home. And every time Lena didn’t know what to answer.

It hurt her to watch her daughter miss home and her dad, who, by the way, had only seen the child once in several months. Lena was filled with contempt and disgust for her husband, she felt broken, but despite this, she still wore the ring on her ring finger.

Perhaps, somewhere in the depths of her soul, she still hoped that her husband would return, fall to his knees and beg for her forgiveness and her husband’s betrayal would turn into horrible dream, she would forgive. This thought was absurd, humiliating and naive, but she so wanted her life with her daughter to be the same as before.

  • Everything is new!

Lena was invited to new job- sales representative in a Swiss pharmaceutical company. It all happened completely by accident. A friend, whose husband worked in this very company, advised Lena to send her resume there, since a vacancy had opened there. A couple of weeks later she was invited for an interview; the employers' requirements were simple - knowledge of English and medical education. But Lena did not immediately agree to the new position; it seemed to her that too many changes were happening in her life. In addition, apathy simply did not leave any strength for a new project. A phone call changed everything.

Hello, do you have a minute? - goosebumps ran through Lena’s body, her husband’s voice sounded in the receiver. “Maybe he’s calling to apologize...” flashed through my head.

Yes, I'm listening to you.

I want to get a divorce! - Vitya spoke calmly and a little guiltily.

You decided so, and Vasilisa? - it seemed to her that she might not be able to stand it and sob straight into the phone.

We want to get married! - the husband said almost in a whisper. Lena felt a tear running down her cheek. This was the end, there was no point in hoping anymore.

Okay, I'll give you a divorce.

They met in the court hall. Vitya came not alone, but together with this new love of his. The reason for their imminent divorce was visible to the naked eye - Vera was pregnant. But Lena was no longer surprised by anything...

They were quickly separated. The woman returned home and practically did not get out of bed for a week, all she had the strength to do was cry. She finally took off the ring. It became easier. After a week, she realized that just a little more and she would go crazy. She forced herself to get up, called and agreed to work as a sales representative, then went to the nearest hairdresser and turned from a long-haired brunette (which she had been all her life) into a short-haired platinum blonde.

And on the way back she accidentally ran into Verochka.

Now it's yours! - Lena smiled, looking into the woman’s smug eyes.

He's been mine for a long time! - came the answer. Lena did not answer. This, indeed, was no longer her man. He is the father of her child, and this is the only thing that connects them now. She almost resigned herself...

A year later the loan was repaid. The apartment was sold. Vitya and his new wife bought a one-room apartment in a good area. Lena and her daughter also got their own home, because they didn’t want to stay with their parents. And a month later she was offered to transfer to the same position, but to the company’s central office in Stockholm. Lena agreed without hesitation; now, more than ever, she was ready for change and a new life.

  • Cheating on your husband - Expert comments

Cheating and divorce are not a death sentence or the end of life. Unfortunately, not every marriage can survive the difficulties associated with the birth and illness of a child, moving, troubles and financial difficulties. Most often, it is about everyday problems that it breaks down family happiness. And then, for many, new relationships seem to be the way out. And sometimes the feelings of two people simply pass, and then it is important to maintain friendly relations for the sake of the child and start a new life, no matter how painful it is because of your spouse’s betrayal. After all, as they say, you can’t order your heart.

In this story, some features of the relationship immediately catch the eye, for example, the fact that the spouses are not on vacation together and the husband never met his wife at the station, despite the fact that she was with a small child and was very surprised by his attention and flowers. This is a bit strange. As if the spouses had long ago had their own personal, separate life.

I will also suggest that the heroine got married in order to get away from her parents. But 8 years of marriage is a long time, and perhaps the spouses were tired of each other, which is why the husband’s betrayal happened. It was very important to work on relationships, talk, relax together, and have common interests.

Perhaps if the heroine had reacted to this story less emotionally and tried to understand her husband, and not push her away, everything could have been different. But it so happened that for the husband the affair became true love, and nothing could be done about it.

Fortunately, the heroine was still able to find the strength in herself and start a new life. And now she has a chance to build a relationship in which she may be happier.

Cheating on your husband - a real life story

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Treason is something from which no person is immune. In everyone’s life, a situation can happen when a loved one, from whom you don’t even expect anything bad, can ruin everything at one moment by showing infidelity towards his other half.

Real stories Cheating can sometimes make you wonder if your loved one is cheating on you. In addition, many will decide what they need to fix in order to prevent cheating in the relationship.

The story of an unfaithful wife

Reviewing the real stories of his wife’s betrayal, you can pay attention to the story of one man who shared his misfortune. Like all lovers, the man and his beloved woman got married and began to live together. At the time the relationship began, the husband was quite rich, had his own small business, and there was enough money for everything that his other half could wish for.

Several years passed, things were not going well for the man. in the best possible way, the business practically stopped generating income, my wife had to go look for work. It would seem that there is nothing unusual, because everyone has problems and we need to fight them together. However, less than two months had passed when the man began to notice that his wife began to stay late at work too often, and at home she behaved very unusually. Sometimes a woman came with some new things that her friends gave her, if we rely on her words.

Soon the husband decided to have a serious conversation with his soulmate, because such a relationship would lead nowhere. After some conversation, the wife herself admitted that she met a new man at a new work place, who seemed more successful and attractive to her. This was followed by a divorce, the property was divided between a man and a woman.

If we talk about why the wife cheated on her husband, the real story suggests that the reason was the woman’s dissatisfaction. Can you blame her? Probably yes, because when the marriage took place, words about remaining faithful both in sorrow and in joy were probably heard. To prevent a similar situation from arising in your relationship, always try to find a common language and get out of difficult situations together, making joint efforts.

Real life stories about your wife’s betrayal will help you avoid the mistakes that other people made.

The story of a husband who left his wife

Real stories about betrayal can sometimes amaze with their unusual turns of events. Just recently appeared on the Internet interesting story, the main characters of which were a husband, a wife and a pregnant mistress.

The relationship between husband and wife was quite mutual, they loved each other. However, the man, not finding what he was missing in his soulmate, decided to find himself a mistress for a while. Everything dragged on and it turned out that the man unexpectedly became a future dad. And the whole trouble is that it was not his wife who became pregnant, but his mistress, apparently due to negligence in sexual relations. It all ended with the man, seeing no other way out of the situation, leaving for the pregnant woman so that the child could grow up in a full-fledged family.

Such a story about betrayal from real life gives men a reason to think about whether it is worth having mistresses, breaking the hearts of their loved ones. It is important to remember that even if you got married, you should keep it until the bitter end. You should not look for someone who seems better to you; you should bring existing relationships to perfection.

A story about the betrayal of loving wives

Sometimes it happens that a person manages to fall in love with two people at once. This happened in the next story about the wife. Initially, the relationship developed just fine, the marriage was already 6 years old, and a wonderful son appeared. The man was in 7th heaven with happiness with his beloved, but grief was very close.

The wife soon confessed to her beloved husband that she loved two people at once: him and another man. The whole point is that the woman thought that everything would pass and only one single love would resume - love for her husband. It didn’t happen that way and the desire to be with two people at once never faded away. After the cheater confessed everything, the man left her, not wanting to be around her.

Real stories of wife cheating

Such real stories of a wife's betrayal, stories once again confirm that there is no point in cheating if you want to maintain a relationship. In any case, there is a risk that you will have to part with your loved one, no matter how much you want to. It is simply indecent to be offended in such situations, because the one who cheated is to blame, nothing more.

Telling real stories about cheating wives , You can give another story as an example (names, as in all stories, are not voiced). It all started with the fact that husband and wife lived together in perfect harmony. There were no quarrels, no insults. If they swore, it was only over trifles. But one day the wife was invited to a corporate party, where she inadvertently cheated on her husband.

The story lasted a long time, because for a long time the woman could not admit everything. The day came when she was able to tell everything to her beloved. The man, being reasonable, understood the full value of relationships. Because of this, he was able to forgive his soulmate. After this, a long, happy and happy life awaited them. living together. Such betrayal of a wife is a real life story.

It is worth remembering that if people love each other, it makes sense to forgive in order to build only warm relationships in the future. Even betrayal can be forgiven, the main thing is that both people want to restore everything.